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I’ll make actual scans later instead of just taking pics with my phone but YOOOOOOOO HOLY MAMI IN THE MANGA
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Mami looking cute (and silly ) in V7!! (She's in more pages but ill let you look through )
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She smiled, enjoying it.
Alternate Side (DID) open starter
The despair was too great for Mami, causing something big to happen to her. She was crying before she passed out from crying and hyperventilating a lot. 
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She doesn't really noticed, humming. "Hiii." She giggled, feeling playful.
Alternate Side (DID) open starter
The despair was too great for Mami, causing something big to happen to her. She was crying before she passed out from crying and hyperventilating a lot. 
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Mami soon woken up. Or.. was it Mami? "Huh? Where am I? Whoooooa..." her eyes lit up in awe. Cake.
Alternate Side (DID) open starter
The despair was too great for Mami, causing something big to happen to her. She was crying before she passed out from crying and hyperventilating a lot. 
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Babby Candeloro and the prospect of her barrier from Madoka Magica: the different story
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may i present you
penguin pingu classics
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Send me 💧 to turn my muse into a slime person/creature for a thread.
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Send ‘useless powers’ for your muse to somehow seal my muse’s powers, and then fuck my muse into submission!
The method of how the powers are sealed will be up to the mun, if not specified.
Freely give specifics about the scenario.
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"What can I do?..."
Mental Breakdown and Goddess Mode ((open starter))
Even though the rumor was removed, a piece lingered in her. It hasn't spread until she faced frequent nightmares and stressful moments. Her grades were starting to drop as her witch hunting skills were getting worse each day (to the point where her friends had to save her so she didn't die). After a while, she mainly went after minor witches or stayed at home. She was suffering, close to the point where an old side of her can return.
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A portal opens and a man in blue robes emerges. Immediately he senses magic in the world, he was curiosu
A girl was fighting a monster, a witch. She was firing guns.
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Goosebumps Inspired Magic Anons
(Can also be used for general rp starters should the mun be more inclined to do that than magic anons)
Stay Out of The Basement: Muse is now some kind of plant creature (dryad, treant, treefolk, etc)
Monster Blood: My muse has suddenly grown into a giant, about two stories high.
Let’s Get Invisible!: My muse has become invisible.
Night of The Living Dummy: My muse is now a living doll
The Ghost Next Door: My muse has become a ghost
The Haunted Mask: My muse is now wearing a mask they can’t take off. It’s also slowly controlling their mind, making them meaner and nastier.
The Werewolf of Fever Swamp: My muse has become a werewolf.
Deep Trouble: My muse has become a mermaid.
My Hairiest Adventure: My muse is now starting to rapidly grow hair. Can be just the hair on their head, or the hair on their body, or both.
Cuckoo Clock of Doom: My muse has transformed into a child. If they’re already a child, they transform into a baby.
Bad Hare Day: My muse has been transformed into a rabbit.
Vampire Breath: My muse has become a vampire.
How I Learned to Fly: My muse now has the ability to fly. If they already could fly, they now lose their ability to fly.
Don’t Go To Sleep: My muse cannot fall sleep, as every time they do, they experience constant nightmares.
The Blob That Ate Everyone: My muse has become a slime/goo creature.
The Haunted School: My muse has become completely monochrome, and can only see in blacks, whites, and grays.
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how to wash your witch: a step by step guide
step 1: identify your witch's type
this is relatively easy. witches fall into a number of different types, but there are a few things to watch out for.
the most important is open flame. in many cases, if a witch has an open flame, it's important to maintain it, so you can't, for example, submerge her.
witches with electricity are similarly dangerous around water, and generally have to be washed either alone or alongside other electric witches.
also important are witches with multiple bodies - sometimes you need special methods if she either has multiple forms (in the case of charlotte) or multiple connected bodies (in the case of ophelia)
step 2: identify your witch's size
witches come in a number of size categories. there are four primary size categories to work with.
first, the smallest size category, these are the witches that are roughly smaller than a person, for example Charlotte in her doll form, or candeloro.
second, and next largest, are the witches that are roughly person sized.
third, another size up, are the witches substantially larger than a person, roughly the size of a house. oktavia von seckendorff is a good example.
and finally, the largest category, are the excessively large witches, that could be described as mountainous.
step 3: select your cleaner
different witches require different cleaning fluids. for most witches, clean water and plain hand soap will work fine. witches with hard carapaces or thick hides might need stronger soaps, while particularly thin or fragile witches might need gentler soaps. of particular note, witches with particularly cloth-like bodies will need very gentle soap.
as mentioned earlier, witch types incompatible with water will need alternative cleansers. sand is an excellent alternative, especially for the electrical witches. fire extinguisher foam works wonders, but that's for the very narrow category of witches that can't be cleaned with water and don't have an open flame to contend with.
step 4: set up a schedule
witches are creatures of habit. when you want to clean your witch, make sure you and she agree on a consistent schedule for the cleaning. for some witches, a daily bath is the best, while for others, particularly the larger ones, the cleanings need to be spread out further. in any case, make sure you stick to the schedule. a missed bathtime can upset a witch greatly.
step 5: tools of the trade
while discussing the schedule with your witch, you should bring up the tools you want to use. your witch needs to agree with the tools you want to use, while you need to make clear that if she wants a very small tool, that she can't leave the bath until you're finished cleaning her.
for especially small witches, a toothbrush or natural sponge is incredible. for slightly larger witches, a loofah works great.
for large witches, a queen- or king-sized mattress works surprisingly well as a makeshift sponge.
for especially large witches, you just have to put the time in.
step 6: washing your witch
this is the part you've been waiting for. using everything you've learned and gathered, carefully and gently wash your witch. get her into a designated washing area - a sink, a bathtub, a pool, a backyard, wherever you think best. just ensure you wash in the same place every time you can, so don't go renting a public pool for yourself if you can't afford it consistently.
step 7: cleanup
often overlooked, but extremely important. dispose of the waste water safely, dry or brush your witch, and clean your tools thoroughly. ensure that next time, everything will go smoothly, especially if things weren't perfectly smooth this time. then begin preparations for the next washing well before it's scheduled.
and that's how you clean your witches!
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She smiled. She felt like a new person
(( @firstsacrifixed-magicgirl ))
She heard of a strange rumor about a witch?? Or a something??? Either way, she would enter it.
As she went inside, she could see not a witch, but a Naga at the front desk. They looked to be other people here: guests and staff. Maybe one of them was a witch?
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She got out of bed to look for someone. She felt someone was there.
Nsft open rp
She was the perfect girl for a certain role as a queen and mother for something. Or maybe a daughter. She woken up in a strange room while wearing a revealing princess dress. What was going on? Why was she here?
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"Where is he?"
Mami visited Mainland to celebrate Liam's Birthday
She was heading that way, eager.
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She nodded. "They... They will either not be able to clean their gems... Or they fall into despair..."
Mental Breakdown and Goddess Mode ((open starter))
Even though the rumor was removed, a piece lingered in her. It hasn't spread until she faced frequent nightmares and stressful moments. Her grades were starting to drop as her witch hunting skills were getting worse each day (to the point where her friends had to save her so she didn't die). After a while, she mainly went after minor witches or stayed at home. She was suffering, close to the point where an old side of her can return.
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