#thank you again for this ask
maivalkov · 9 days
I apologize beforehand if this comes out as vulgar, but is Abel's "special package" the way it is only in Zoute Drop or is it an overall in your fanfics?
Anon, dearest anon. I need you to know that this is one of, if not the greatest fic-related ask I have ever received. Great subject, very polite - I can't ask for much more than that.
To answer your question: yes, it's consistent.
What sets it apart in ZD, however, is the fact that our poor, ever-suffering protagonist hasn't had the best luck while 'shopping', shall we say. As such, when faced with a decent human being who also happens to come with good assets, João can't resist pointing it out. In fact he does this several times in one chapter alone.
Legends also claim that the author became so engrossed in the telling of smut that she forgot just how many times she praised Abel's package. One can only wonder if this is true. It is.
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llynwen · 3 months
hi you're European right? I'm curious to know your thoughts about how the American south is portrayed in true detective bc I've been there and yes it's exactly like that but even moreso. Haunted ass beautiful country
Thank You So Much for such an interesting ask!
In the case of many europeans who were born before the Internet was such a big thing, we mostly learned about the us from films and shows. my childhood experience was watching reruns of spaghetti westerns and early 2000s rom coms, family comedies and kids movies, and feeling that the technicolor reality of america was somehow so much better than the Gray of eastern europe. the discrepancy isn't as noticeable now as it used to be when i was a kid, but you could Smell the post-sovietness some days. the life i saw in the movies was anything But the bleak, overwhelming reality of the early 2000s in my country that just made you feel nauseous and gave you a migraine. like i remember being Shocked at the technology of CDs and MP3 players. it was 2007.
the consensus was always that america was somewhere where everything was better. bigger. brighter. america was where you went to be happy. where you could breathe.
then, as i grew up, i obviously realized that this was a load of bullshit. i don't remember when the shift took place, but sometime in my teenage years, i suppose. by that time, my english has gotten good enough to actually participate in social media (that are predominantly american, like tumblr for example. i've been here for a decade) and actually engage in discourse. to learn about the Real america and what life looked like for the average person. and it wasn't great. guns, systemic oppression, privatized healthcare, the capitalist rot. none of that was present in the movies of my childhood.
now, in true detective, the south reminds me so much of how eastern europe felt in my childhood. it's nowhere near similar to it visually, the nature and architecture and people are all different, but it is Stifling, Suffocating, like the sky is gonna come down on your head. the ash and aluminum line actually describes it so good. what i was most surprised by, though, was the people. starting from marty (let's not focus on rusty here as we can all agree he doesn't really belong with the rest of the characters), he is a perfect example of the average family man. i love his character Because he's a shit and a cringeass loser, but in the scenes of him interacting with his daughters in '02, the feeling that he evokes in me is Disgust. and i feel like that's a common archetype of the father-provider that thinks his role in the house ends with making money. he sits in his chair, makes everybody miserable with his very presence, and expects the food to be brought to him. that man has never scrubbed a toilet in his life. i know men like him. i've met them, talked to them. i'm related to them. they're everywhere. that disgust feels intimate. now, the other characters that surprised me were the side characters, the people rust and marty go to question. tyrone's mother, the prostitutes, dora's friend at the scrap yard - they remind me of my people. now, i really don't want to come off as classist or some shit like that - but in both the show And my reality, the divide between the working class and the educated crowd is Stark. that is not to say that one is better than the other (i firmly believe that a lack of education can make you happier, if you think about it. content with a simple life, happy to work in a mine your whole life, live in a wielka płyta apartment and go to the sea once a year. if that. this is very specific to my region, sorry). the way those side characters talk, behave, even look - that is Nothing like the movies. they're not the flashy main characters, they're imperfect in every sense - they Look like people, have flaws, crooked teeth, they don't dress like supermodels, they can be stupid, they drink and smoke and cheat and lie. they're Human, not movie protagonists. and i love that reality in the show. makes it feel that much more authentic.
i don't know how specific that is to the south; are the people like that in other places? are the fishermen in luisiana the same as in minessota? is the suffocating feeling specific to the iberia parish, or is that just how it is in small town america? i dont know. the problem is, i wanna find out.
see, i never lost that childhood wonder. call me naive, but i still wanna Go. i still want to see the american dream with my own two eyes, even if it means i'm gonna watch it shatter in real time. i graduate college in a little over a year with a masters degree, and for right now my plan is to find a way to go work at a ranch in montana or wyoming. that's all i want. my favorite thing about america is not the culture, not the people, not the Possibility, but the Space. ironically, the stolen land is what compels me most. i want to experience that open space, to Breathe, and for the first time in my life feel my lungs filling up fully. i will be disappointed, full stop, but i want to have that experience.
the american south is a fascinating place to me, always has. the specific mix of cultures, the tradition and lack of it, even the bigotry and hate, it's all endlessly interesting. as you said, haunted but oh so beautiful. it scares the shit out of me. i need to go and feel it bite me.
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m34gs · 7 months
Saw AU ask time!
There has to be a time, right? Everyone is stuck in the planning stage of a trap when suddenly their phone rings. It's Yuu. They sound a little worn down and before they can ask what's wrong they say, "Can I come over? I need to talk to someone." Naturally, they freeze and before they can come up with some excuse everyone finds themselves agreeing to having Yuu come over.
Please tell me:
What were they in the middle of planning?
How do they hide/cover it up? How much chaos erupts?
How long does it take Yuu to come over?
Hello friend! Thank you for this ask, I am definitely looking forward to answering!!! I love adding to our Saw AU. I will be grouping the answers by dorm for ease.
There's nothing really gory or gruesome in the responses, but I'm putting it under a cut because of length!
What were they in the middle of planning? They were working on some mechanical aspect of the trap; probably a prototype for something like restraining a trap victim or a new type of locking mechanism or something. Deuce is doing most of the mechanical work (I love how he's good with working with his hands) while Riddle supervises; Cater is on supplies run and Ace is watching from the couch as he eats some new dessert Trey made or something...lol. There's screws, nuts, bolts, and all manner of metal scraps all over the floor, and a large box of tools. Blueprints are spread on the table and Riddle also has web pages pulled up for trouble-shooting.
How do they hide/cover it up? How much chaos erupts? The instant Riddle agrees for Yuu to come over, he turns around and orders Ace and Deuce to help clean up. Unfortunately, knowing those two, at least one of them knocks something over (probably the toolbox) and all the little pieces go flying everywhere. This adds at least twenty minutes to their clean up time as they scramble to find every last piece. They don't have much time, so everything is grabbed and - much to Riddle's inner dismay - shoved in a closet. Let's be real, as much as Riddle tries to pretend otherwise, Heartslaybul is Chaos Central. (it's definitely because of Ace and Deuce)
How long does it take Yuu to come over? I think, in an attempt to buy time, Riddle would ask Cater or Trey to pick Yuu up. This doubles their time for cleaning, since they will have to travel twice the distance, but Yuu is still there in less than an hour.
What were they in the middle of planning? They were in the middle of designing and drawing up ideas for the trap. There's scattered pages of notes and quickly sketched diagrams all over the table and about half of the floor. A manilla folder has photos of the target spilling out of it. John gave them a couple three-dimensional models of different tools/trap items they could use, and those are all scattered about the place.
How do they hide/cover it up? How much chaos erupts? Ruggie answers the phone, but Leona probably takes it over. Just grabs it right out of Ruggie's hands. He agrees to his herbivore coming over, and Ruggie immediately starts scrambling to cover shit up. Jack is helping him. Leona is still on the phone and every few seconds he chucks a model or crumpled up note at Ruggie to dispose of/hide. Moderately Severe level of chaos.
How long does it take Yuu to come over? Leona wants Yuu over as soon as possible. They arrive in about twenty minutes. Ruggie is huffing and out of breath, so he mutters some excuse about having just tried going for a run with Jack and drags Jack upstairs to "shower".
What were they in the middle of planning? Azul is also in the planning and gathering info stages. He has an entire journal filled with notes on the target. There are different blueprints for various traps scattered in front of him, as he hasn't decided what would be most relevant to the individual yet. He has up photos pinned on the walls of the different possible locations they could use. He has a list of criteria from John regarding the trap and victim. Jade and Floyd were tailing the target and they come back with a folder full of more notes and photos. The computer has up several different webpages for various mechanical parts Azul may need to purchase (using a fake identity and a bank account set up specifically for this purpose). He's also checking their supply of cleaning supplies (he's set it up like an inventory list because that's how his brain works).
How do they hide/cover it up? How much chaos erupts? The instant Floyd hears Shrimpy is coming over, he is ecstatic. He throws the folder in the air in celebration, and all the carefully sorted notes and photos Jade and he took are now scattered and floating to the ground. There's definitely a scuffle as Floyd tries to run out to see his Shrimpy right away, and Jade is NOT about to let that fly, so he grabs him by the collar to drag him back to work. Azul is shouting. Pages are still raining down from the air. Floyd would like to just shove everything together and dump it in a closet. Jade wants to organize it so they don't have even more work later. Azul is shouting at them to PICK A METHOD AND JUST DO IT THEY ARE GOING TO BE HERE RIGHT AWAY. Floyd-level chaos.
How long does it take Yuu to come over? Yuu's there within an hour. (if it took any longer, Floyd would probably run out to get them himself) Azul has managed to get all his things for planning scooped up and into a private office room in their home, where he can quickly sort things while the twins distract Yuu. Jade is making food, probably some sort of mushroom dish, so that he can ask Yuu's opinion and keep them distracted from looking to say hello to Azul until everything is sorted and cleanly put away. Floyd sees a few slips of paper that escaped and landed under the couch. He just kicks them further under the couch.
What were they in the middle of planning? Jamil is in the middle of persuading John over the phone that he and Kalim should have access to a specific abandoned warehouse, rather than Azul. He's very persuasive. Kalim is the one who takes Yuu's call and immediately agrees to Yuu coming over.
How do they hide/cover it up? How much chaos erupts? Not much to cover up this time! Jamil finishes the conversation and jots a quick note about the location and details in a planner, which gets tucked away in a drawer. He knows Yuu would never snoop. Kalim is busy arranging the place to receive guests (he has taken on more of that role since Jamil's overblot and he likes helping). No chaos at all!
How long does it take Yuu to come over? Yuu is over within half an hour, and Jamil is already working away on some delicious food to eat together. Kalim keeps Yuu's attention entirely for the duration of the cooking, and Yuu is none the wiser.
What were they in the middle of planning? Vil was in the middle of putting together a potion. An old recipe tome for poisons sits on the table, with notes scrawled in the margin. Ingredients, both dry and wet, are scattered about the table, and he is in full protective equipment for brewing potions.
How do they hide/cover it up? How much chaos erupts? The instant Vil's phone rings, he would consider not answering; after all it would not exactly follow lab safety. But, when he sees Yuu's name on the screen, he can't resist. He answers with a "Hello, Yuu", with slight emphasis on their name. That's what triggers Rook to spring into action. Before Vil even starts the next sentence, his vice Housewarden is clearing the table and putting away all the ingredients. Epel can only watch in awe (and a little bit of fear). Chaos is minimal for this power couple.
How long does it take Yuu to come over? Yuu is over within the hour. They don't suspect a single thing. There may be an herb or two that fell from the table as Rook was cleaning, but since Vil is so big on skin care and health, it wouldn't be surprising to Yuu if he was experimenting with some ingredients to create a new product to add to his collection.
What were they in the middle of planning? Idia and Ortho are cyberstalking their target when Yuu calls. Social Security Number, all their social media, tracking their typing/writing patterns to different anonymous forums online, hacking their emails and work computer/cell phone; if it's online, they've got it. Ortho answers before Idia can, and of course he agrees for Yuu to come over.
How do they hide/cover it up? How much chaos erupts? Idia luckily can download and/or screenshot the information he needs and then shut all the internet pages relatively quickly. You would think this means "no chaos", but the chaos comes less from hiding their efforts, and more from rushing to try and make their home tidy enough to host a guest. Idia also has to send Ortho on a food run because all he has are snacks and energy drinks. Ortho is pleased to have a chance to buy vegetables for Idia. Moderate level of chaos.
How long does it take Yuu to come over? I think Ortho would take into account the time they'd need to prepare, and would suggest Yuu come over in about an hour for supper. Yuu is right on time.
What were they in the middle of planning? Malleus had the trap drawn up and planned out, now they were assigning roles and testing different mechanical parts before putting it all together. I imagine it can be quite the discussion. As we've established, Fae are able to beat the traps more easily than humans...usually by breaking the trap. So, Silver has to do a lot of the work and testing things out to make sure they work - within reason; Malleus would never ask him to hurt himself. Even so, there's probably still a bit of risk involved. I imagine it makes Lilia's paternal instincts go a little haywire, so he is probably hiding up in his room until this part is over. Sebek also doesn't like that Silver has to take on so much danger, though he's more likely to frame it as "I'm stronger so why should the weak human do this?" I imagine this makes their testing and setting up stages take far longer than other groups (though overall they are still fast because the Fae powers let them speed through the other stages).
How do they hide/cover it up? How much chaos erupts? So, how they cover up is determined by what exactly they are assigning and testing out. The thing is, Malleus wants Yuu over asap. So, it they're just testing out the mechanics of different trap parts, he snaps his fingers and teleports it all to the room he knows Yuu wouldn't end up in; Lilia's room. Minimal chaos for Malleus, Maximum chaos for Lilia as all the notes, blueprints, and trap parts are suddenly crashing down in his bedroom with no explanation.
How long does it take Yuu to come over? Malleus teleports to get them and escort them over. They arrive instantly.
There you go! I hope you enjoyed these answers; I had so much fun answering the questions! Let me know what you think!!! 💜💜💜
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effen-draws · 1 year
your fix is makign me flop around like a fish and making noises i didn't even know i was capable of makign. swap kim is so vile in a sexy way and i mentally cheer for him when he passes his checks like i did when playing de💔💔💔💔💔💔💔 dear lord. he should be placed in the glue trap
PFFT-- god. I finally have time now to respond to fic stuff. So I open up my inbox and I’m floored again by this ask. I laughed just as much as I did the first time I read it a few days ago. You’re a true poet. Your wit amazes me. I’m so glad that the fic activated fish mode in you and that you’re enjoying my interpretation of swap Kim:-D 
So go on, put him in the glue trap, anon</3
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theuwuafterhours · 1 year
I hope you find the genuine people you need
Thank youuu~<3 Luckily I do have some genuine people in my life especially since my friend circle is quite smol, it’s more so people that do want to connect with me, specifically from tumblr which I worry about.
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hanaflowersofficial · 2 years
For the anon ask, how did Tillo and Jhett meet? And who is Jhett? Also I really love your art style!!
thanks so much for this ask!!! i'm excited that i finally have time to answer it :3
i'll put this under a read-more because i'm sure i'll get wordy, plus there's a couple lil drawings, and there's gonna be brief mention of oviposition and i know that's not everyone's cup of tea hahah (sweats)
all right, so to give some background here, Tillo was a royal guard, specifically he was the queen's closest guard. Tillo was in love with her for yearrrrrs and years, never once made a move because that's how loyal and by-the-books he used to be.
but the queen liked to play games with him, and one time King Vegeta caught them when she was too close for comfort. King Vegeta was gonna have Tillo executed, but the queen felt guilty and talked him down to exile, so Tillo was shipped off-planet. a year later, planet Vegeta is destroyed by Freeza.
all of that sets Tillo on a downward spiral. he's severed from his people, his queen, everything that made him proud to be Him. so he slowly begins to self destruct and ruin himself now that he believes his life serves no purpose.
he drinks, gets into dangerous situations, gets himself hurt, beat up, worse. he takes increasingly hazardous jobs for increasingly seedy individuals. he steals, he betrays, maims, he kills. if the money's good he really doesn't care what the job is.
enter Jhet.
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Jhet's species is called a Quall. Qualls are very lawful and generally peaceful, they have rules and regulations and red tape and forms for every little thing. Jhet's 140 years old but he's still considered "young" by his people (about mid-30s in our years), and even though he's a younger Quall he runs a very successful import/export business and is super wealthy. i can't decide if he has a fiance in the story...if he does, it makes a lot of things a lot messier (and thus harder to plot haha)
so Tillo gets hired to kill him. by who? haven't decided yet. he gets into Jhet's mansion at night, intent on taking him out in his sleep (Qualls are peaceful, but they're generally bigger and stronger). he ends up interrupting Jhet in the middle of some tryst.
see, Qualls are egg-layers, and generally they need another (warmer) species to lay their eggs in. of course there are specific species that are legally acceptable, and both parties have to undergo rigorous health screenings and there's tons of shit to sign, it's a whole process.
so Tillo interrupts Jhet and this dude right before the deed would've been done, and the dude just bolts. now Jhet's in a bind because the physical process of laying the eggs is like...ready to happen. and there's no time for any of the legal stuff.
and so Jhet, in his desperation, pleads for his life by offering Tillo like ten times what he was paid for the hit, plus of course food and lodging while the eggs are growing. he can't have Tillo speed off into space with his precious eggs.
Tillo accepts, and i'll spare everyone the details, but he basically spends the next month or so living it up in luxury in Jhet's mansion. and it turns out that eating, bathing, and sleeping regularly have profound impacts on one's mental health, and Tillo starts to feel...good. and it doesn't hurt that Jhet dotes on him constantly and treats him kindly.
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my thought is that they end up in this arrangement year after year after year, Tillo living his typical life for 11 months and then spending one with Jhet. of course over time they both realize they love each other. :') or, well, Jhet figures out his own feelings pretty early on. Tillo takes a lot longer, poor damaged thing.
okay my god.... i'm so sorry for that novel but i just love these guys so much. if anyone has read all of this, i'm giving you one digital candy of your choice and my eternal thanks.
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sensitiveheartless · 10 months
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(The rest is under the readmore!)
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(Next part) ->
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Congrats you got another haiku bot post
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(Original post)
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stevebabey · 1 year
part one here. ze part two to touch-starved stevie that absolutely no one requested hehe <3 but i gots to let my boys have a wee kiss :")
So, hugs with Eddie become… well, a thing.
Not a thing. They’re not a thing, Steve and Eddie. It’s totally the same as when he gets hugs from Robin. Eddie’s doing him a favour as a friend. It’s got the 100% platonic energy of getting a hug from a friend — a hug that usually melts into some form of a cuddle, limbs all tangled together until they can’t tell whose are whose.
Except, Steve doesn’t really do that second part with Robin. Like he hasn’t done it ever with Robin.
So, it’s an Eddie thing.
But they’re not a thing. Not matter how much Steve would actually very much like for that happen. Okay, maybe Steve’s overthinking the whole thing a bit, but he just can’t tell.
Where’s the line? It’s infuriating not being able to discern between platonic and more, just because Steve wasn’t held enough as a fucking baby. Out of all the things he resents his parents for, Steve’s surprised that this is so near the top.
Because, sure, Steve’s had more than his fair share of hookups. He knows that sort of touch. He knows the shape of lust; the scrapes of fingernails down backs, the tight grips over skin, the push and pull of the heat of the moment.
And this thing with Eddie… is not that.
So, really, Steve knows that it’s all friendly. Eddie is just being nice. He’s being a decent dude and helping his friend out — by catapulting himself into Steve’s arms at every opportune moment.
(Steve’s only dropped 3 mugs of coffee because of this so far. It’s only because Eddie says good catch, big boy with a devilish grin every time that Steve manages to catch Eddie that Steve hasn’t completely told him to knock it off. Just yet, at least.)
And he’s different in other areas. He’ll always seem to choose the seat next to Steve on movie-nights now, content to snuggle right up to him. They get thigh to thigh, arm to arm — and Eddie only needs to get about 20 minutes in for him to do a big sigh, like an old dog, and slump over, resting his head on Steve’s shoulder.
Steve notices though. He always notices.
It’s impossible not to— the skin, even if there’s 3 layers between them, burns blazing warm. Eddie’s hair drapes over his arm, a curl inevitably tickling along Steve’s collar. He can feel the rise and fall of Eddie’s breathing, the little shake of when he laughs.
It drives Steve a little insane— insane in the way that makes him think about burying his fingers in those curls again, about pressing his lips against Eddie’s pretty mouth just to feel the smile against his skin, about digging into his chest so he can climb into his chest and live there.
Yeah, it’s— well, it’s safe to say that the effect of Eddie’s touchiness has sent what was once a fleeting thought of a crush into mind-melting levels of affection.
But he can’t fucking tell.
To Steve’s credit, neither can Eddie.
Which is not surprisingly considering sometimes he catches himself wondering how the hell he ended up here; in a close-knit friendship with band-geek Robin Buckley, princess Nancy Wheeler, and King Steve Harrington.
Okay, the Robin one sort of makes sense. He thinks that if no matter when their paths crossed, he and Robin would’ve always even some sort of strange friends - her snark complimenting his bitchiness. Also, the whole super queer thing helps too. Even the friendship with Nancy works, in its own weird way.
Steve though? He’s the fucking curve ball.
It works though, the two of them. Surprisingly well, actually — the two of them get on like a house on fire, bitchy quips back and forth. Even better, is the quiet that they can share. Steve loves to come around and do… nothing. Do nothing with Eddie, though.
So, even though Eddie had noticed the tension in Steve with touch, little moments where he turned rigid when Eddie’s usual wandering hands got too comfortable — Eddie chalked it up to the usual. Guys bring too uncomfortable with him, too weird about another guy being touchy. It didn’t matter than Eddie wasn’t even out to Steve yet, he was still might be that type of guy.
Well, Eddie had certainly thought so. Sure, Steve might not be one of those jocks who smacked around boys who looked too long in the locker room, but if he knew a smidge of the truth, who really knows. It would explain the tenseness at least.
But then— ‘Can I… have a hug?’ There had been a dozen things Eddie was thinking that Steve could’ve asked for but that? Wasn’t even in the ballpark. It was so left-field it left Eddie speechless for a whole moment. And Steve had been staring at the ceiling, his hands curled up tight again like- like he thought Eddie might say no.
A ridiculous thought, honestly. Anyone who knew Eddie well enough knew he was touchy; loved giving it, loved getting it. Like an overly affectionate cat, Wayne had once called him, just 11 years old, because Eddie’s need for affection seem to never be sated.
After that night, Steve’s lack of touch became far more obvious. It’s always hair ruffles or high-fives, yet never hugs. Normally, Eddie would keep to that boundary; some people are less touchy other than others, he knows that.
But… “Sometimes I realise it’s been awhile, since I’ve had some touch.” That’s what Steve had said, his words. Eddie doesn’t even think he meant to say something so heartbreaking. In fact, the guy seemed embarrassed.
It had thrown Eddie for a loop— because Steve gets around. He’s nearly notorious for one-night stands and failed flings, as Robin loves to drone on about considering she’s subjected to all the flirting. What had originally been a point of envy for Eddie, just saturates the bleakness of Steve’s words. Sex but without a moment of intimacy.
So, while Eddie is miles away from being the person who gets into Steve’s pants — not for lack of want, mind you — he does try hike up the touchiness. Little things. Lingering when he taps him on the arm, hooking his chin over Steve’s shoulder to peer over it, leaning up against him when they’re side by side watching a film.
It’s good. It helps Eddie release the pressure of his stupid monumental god-awful crush he has. Yeah, yeah, it’s laughable, even to Eddie. It’s like Gay 101; don’t get crush on straight dudes, especially the ones you’re friends with. And yet…
Steve lets him. He lets Eddie give him touch, more than he lets anyone else. He still tenses; there’s still always a moment before he can remember to relax, like he’s trying to shake off bad thoughts but then he melts. He always melts into Eddie’s touch eventually — in a way Eddie knows Steve actually loves it, drinks it up as much as he can.
And maybe, Eddie is the biggest fool to grace the Earth to let that fact give him some hope. Sue his gooey heart, he’s a romantic. It’s a quiet hope but, it’s there.
Tonight, it seems relaxing for Steve is been harder than usual— several times has Eddie traced a quite long along Steve’s arms, a subtle point that they were far too tense for someone who was wrapped up in cuddles on the couch. ‘Cos that’s 100% what they are now. Eddie will still call them hugs, but usually, when it’s just the two of them, it becomes this.
Steve, tucked up into the corner of the couch, one leg flush along the back of the couch and one hanging off the edge. It’s the prime position for Eddie to crawl up, wind his arms around Steve’s middle and give him a good squeeze and then settle there. Head on Steve’s chest, lying in the cradle of his hips. Safe. Warm.
It makes him warm, oh very warm to know that he gets this. That Steve doesn’t give this amount of trust to many, if any, other people but Eddie — he trusts Eddie.
“Y’know,” Eddie says, cheeks smushed against the plain of Steve’s pec. It feels deliciously warm and Eddie’s fairly sure he can feel how toned it is just through his cheek. Hot bastard. “I’m actually real glad you asked for that hug all those weeks ago.”
He leaves it there ‘cos he knows Steve will ask. Eddie’s eyes stay on the buzzing tv-screen even as Steve’s head shifts, turning to peer down at the boy slumped on his chest. Eddie’s pretty sure he can see Steve’s mouth twitch up into a smile.
“Oh yeah,” Eddie affirms, giving a nod and his eyes flick up to meet Steve’s for just a moment. “Think I’ve had some of the best hugs in the world.”
Okay, that was maybe more honest and sappy than Eddie was going for. He is just letting Steve know he isn’t just doing it for Steve — that he enjoys these moments just as much. He lays it on thick, tries for a smarmy angle.
“Swept up in these pillowy arms?” He croons, giving Steve’s bicep a quick squeeze, making the other chuckle softly. “Who wouldn’t think so? I’m a lucky guy.”
Despite the joking tone, there’s no quick comeback from Steve. That’s alright. Eddie’s quite happy if this is one of the times Steve just takes the compliment; let’s the word sink in and hopefully, believes them, even if it’s just a little bit. He watches the film and doesn’t read into the silence.
Not even when Steve says, “Eddie?” all soft. Nearly shy sounding. It doesn’t quite register to Eddie’s ears.
“Eddie.” Steve says again, a little firmer and that catches Eddie’s attention. He turns his head and rests his chin on Steve’s chest, his brows drawn together in silent question.
But the moment he makes eye contact, Steve’s doing that scrunched up face again. Is studying the ceiling instead of facing Eddie. And just like all those weeks ago, his hands clench up tight. Twists up the fabric of Eddie’s sweater in between his fingers and uses it to ground himself.
Last time, he asked for a hug. Considering he’s currently just about squishing Steve beneath his body weight, Eddie can’t fathom what he might be worked up to ask for. Unless he was going to ask for something more than a hug— which, well, just wasn’t going to happen, even if Eddie really wanted it to.
“Can I-” Steve starts. He sucks in a breath, almost like he’s gathering courage. But he’s not, because he’s not about to ask for what Eddie hopes for, he’s not, he’s—
“Can I… have a kiss?” Steve asks, barely audible. The sentence is murmured, soft words that hit Eddie like a gentle kiss in itself — imprinting right onto his heart. Steve Harrington wants a kiss — from him!
“Oh.” Eddie says, in a breathy delightful way. He’s fairly certain the little monkey in his brain is clapping its cymbals at double-speed as the words process; or maybe it’s his heart, which feels like it’s leapt up his throat.
“Oh?” Steve echoes, a smile already playing at the edges of his mouth, because he can see Eddie’s want. Because he knows him.
“Yes.” Eddie says suddenly, with a frantic nod, pushing up closer so their faces are aligned. “Yes, absolutely, you can.” He affirms.
Steve huffs a quiet laugh at the eagerness and then his arm that had been slung around Eddie shifts. It moves up til his hand caresses along the line of Eddie’s jaw, tilting him just how he likes.
Eddie holds his breath. Counts the freckles he can see this close. Tries to feel Steve’s heartbeat through where they’re pressed so closely together; can Steve feel his? Thundering and hurried, beating so hard Eddie thinks he might bruise the inside of his ribs.
Then Steve kisses him. And shit, Steve’s lip are better by ten-fold than every daydream Eddie’s ever had about them. They’re warm and so soft — plush and pressing against his own and Eddie is freezing. Fuck, wait, how does this go again? Right, Eddie’s never… well, kissed anybody before.
Steve pulls back and Eddie screws his eyes up — not ready in the slightest for the disappointment of his own shoddy kissing skills. Fuck, did he really just freeze? Steve — Steve Harrington — asks for a kiss and Eddie decides to stab himself in the back by not figuring out how to fuck to kiss back.
“You call that a kiss?” Steve teases and Eddie’s well aware of the parallel — of the irony of Steve repeating his own words back at him. But he can’t make himself laugh even though it’s funny. Instead, a little groan wiggles out his throat.
“I’m sorry,” Eddie says, earnest. He forces his eyes opens — he needs to see what’s Steve’s thinking. Where he’s expecting disappointment or perhaps regret, is only patience. Maybe a touch of concern. Eddie continues, despite the humiliation that makes his throat sticky.
“I haven’t- I don’t do this often.” He coughs awkwardly clearing his throat and hoping it hides the next word. “Ever.”
There’s a jump in Steve’s eyebrows, a moment of surprise in his eyes that lets him know he did, indeed, hear that final word. It makes Eddie feel… well, it’s nice that Steve had expected him to have been kissed by now. Even if he hasn’t. He tries to take it as a compliment.
“That’s okay,” Steve assures. Absentmindedly, his thumb rubs soothing along Eddie’s jaw. It makes Eddie shiver, some outrageous amount of joy clawing into every nerve. Steve likes Eddie. He wants to kiss Eddie.
“Do you want to try again?”
Eddie nods before the questions even out of his mouth. Steve smiles, all sunshine. This time when he draws Eddie in, he notices the way Eddie holds his breath — the rigidness in his body.
Steve kisses him again, another short and soft one and then whispers against his lips, “Relax.”
‘Cos isn’t tonight just full of the parallels, Eddie thinks. He listens, tries to focus on how sweet Steve’s kiss is than his panicky heart, forcing out a breath between the kisses. His hands along Steve’s sides find a grip, grounding and good, and by the fourth kiss, he begins to feel a bit melty.
It’s good. It’s really good. Kissing Steve is top 5– nay, the top moment of his life so far. Somehow, it’s made all that much better knowing the build-up behind it. Knowing that Steve knows he isn’t just kissing him for a heat of the moment — that Eddie wants kisses here, kisses before bed, in the morning, on dates. Eddie wants Steve.
And with the way he kisses, Eddie’s pretty sure Steve wants him just as bad.
It doesn’t take long for Steve to reach what Eddie decides is an ultra pretty fuckin’ state; lips swollen from kisses, cheeks flushed, hair a little mussed up. He bets he looks no better. The thought makes him grin, enough they have to break the kiss ‘cos Eddie can’t stop his stupid happy grin ‘cos shit— he actually gets to have this Steve.
“What?” Steve asks, somehow half heart-eyed and half suspicious at the mischief in Eddie’s eyes.
“Can I... have a hickie?”
now with a part three !
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choccy-milky · 1 month
Pls I beg Clora wearing only Seb’s shirt
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she just can't wear it if she plans on getting anything done😇
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loves2spwge · 16 days
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they just want to be one...
commissions @jolyonvane did for me where i asked if he could please please please make stan look as desperate and exhausted as he usually does but is being kept together by all his love for his sbf kyle
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doctorsiren · 7 days
I loved your headcannons about inukawa, reigen and reigens sister and I would really like to see what you think would happen if mob and reigens sister met and I was wondering if you could possibly draw them :D
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hello yes I accidentally made a comic after seeing this ask yesterday 😁 bro psychoanalyzed her 😨
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thebaratie · 9 months
I was just mindlessly scrolling, but I followed you purely because that one Luffy post had so much chaotic good energy that I had to follow you for more content of the silly little guy.
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TYSM! here's a little captain for your passage!
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shepscapades · 7 months
me seeing xisuma scared and going um! think I just discovered something new about myself uh oh
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Edit: here’s the post this ask is referencing DGBJDFGNK
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originalartblog · 9 months
Question, is there tiny soukoku corruption??????
With big Chuuya around I don't think Tiny would ever need to use Corruption. His tiny gravity manipulation isn't as strong.
But you got it in my head so let's picture it: there is this 3cm-tall dude that faintly glows red and throws deadly baseballs around. He's fast, dangerous, and, again, 3cm tall. Good luck catching, or even spotting him.
It's Chuuya who ends up having to catch him and throw him at Dazai like a ping pong ball so Dazai can nullify him. Or maybe throw Tinyzai at him. Your pick.
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and then Tiny rolls over and starts snoring the hurt away because he's Chuuya and he's just built different.
tiny snore
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butraura · 3 months
It’s the way that when Buck told Eddie that he and Natalia broke up, Eddie said, “welcome back to the world of the living, Buck; you were missed.” It’s the way that at the graveyard, Eddie said, “to be honest, you haven’t been the same since [the lightning strike] happened… but how could you be?” It’s the way that, to Eddie, Buck died for 3 minutes and 17 seconds, but he never came back to life. It’s the way that when Buck said he broke up with Natalia because all she wanted to talk about was death, Eddie saw the light in Buck that he hadn’t seen since before he was struck. It’s the way he missed the Buck he was before he died, but didn’t push him. The way he said, “you don’t have to be anything for anybody,” when Buck said he felt that he had to try to be the “same old” guy he was before the lightning. The way that even though Eddie did miss the old Buck, and he did want to be there for him, he gave him the space he needed to heal, even if it meant healing with Natalia. It’s the way that, when Buck told him that he broke up with Natalia, he raised an eyebrow and immediately welcomed him back. In that moment, Buck was alive again and Eddie had him back. It's the way he loved Buck back to life. It’s the way Eddie loves him to his core.
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