#thank you Bat for sending me a screenshot so I can make a post about it!!
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"this ship is illegal because-" shut up. shut up. shut up. shut. UP
shut up
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willowsallen · 2 years ago
im so sorry this is going on with you and other indigenous people but i did notice you said you werent going to copy what you said in discord becaues it was so long but would it help to just post a screen shot? simply because it may diminish the proving anon you got for any future miscommunication again sorry this has happened and i stand with you all
hi! i was actually thinking about including the screenshot in my original post, but i just wanted to get it out there and didn't have time to go back and forth if it was really necessary! but with the anon i got asking about my wording, it may just be better to put my full reply out! and thank you so much<3 it's greatly appreciated. below the cut is the last interaction i had with her (maybe forever). i also posted the direct text because sometimes it's hard to read a screenshot!
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Natalie — Yesterday at 3:33 PM: i've deactivated my blog for my mental health, left indigenousrph before doing so so hopefully that doesn't disappear, but you and ari (who i will be letting know) will have full control on what you want to do about it. i will probably be taking a break from discord as well, if i ever even decide to re-join discord. deactivating is something i've been thinking of since yesterday, and it is fully my choice i went with. i am sorry. (edited)
missing proxyrarbg — Yesterday at 4:52 PM: Hey bear w me im 20 mins from home
missing proxyrarbg — Yesterday at 5:27 PM: hi! firstly i want to at least thank you for keeping me updated - i guess i wanted to start this off by saying i'm confused why we didn't talk until i reached out and even then, it was limited. i'm not asking for an explanation, just explaining my mind. we've been friends for years. you were the first native person i met in the rpc, we used to be really close too - i would come to you with issues, we would talk about pretendians, we would help write guides, or answer questions. granted, recently we haven't been talking (somewhat due to me not being very active, especially in regards to the indigenous server or anything indigenous in general) but i still thought we were friends. i've said since the beginning, i'm confused and don't know what to think and you have whatever you need to believe in your indigineity. my confusion only comes when you didn't reach out to me, nor did you give me anything to go off of. you don't have to post anything publicly (what that blog did was more than enough) but even sending me some specifics from your life, something, anything and i could've had your back. i was inclined to side with you from the very jump! why would you have any reason to lie? and still, as i write this, i'm just as confused as when this all started. so i can only assume how caught off guard you were. but i guess i'm just looking for some reason? not that i'll get it, i'm not forcing or demanding. but why didn't you come to me, at the very least to explain until well into the ordeal? or give me some more information that i would've 100% gone to bat for you with, without exposing anything personal. i think this is all to say i just wanted to make my peace. i told you that only you know if you are indigenous and maybe to help us (indigenous community) help you. we all had your back until everything was piling up and we had nothing to go off of. i wish you well! and hope you get the healing you need. i think that's all i have to say about that. (edited)
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daikushiji · 4 years ago
hellooo can i request hcs of oikawa , suna and iwa s/o posting a video on their tiktok of both of them doing something cute tgt with the caption “i’m gonna marry this man someday” . and it went viral but the boys didn’t know the s/o posted it and they found out through their fyp or their friends etc . can i have their reactions to it ?💕
"I'm gonna marry this man"
pairings: oikawa x reader, suna x reader, iwaizumi x reader
a/n: hiii omg thanks for the request bb, i love this idea aaahh it’s so cute!! hope you like it <33
[part 2 and part 3 here!]
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Oikawa Tōru
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scrolling through your gallery, you spent the night watching some videos you took of oikawa and his nephew takeru
your favourite was the one where your boyfriend taught him how to serve
placing his little hands and feet in the right position, oikawa held the ball to show him where to hit it
every time takeru did a good serve, oikawa ruffled his hair praising him
all fun and games till they started bickering about who was the best volleyball player
with his tongue stuck out, oikawa’s face contorted into a grimace
while his nephew just looked at him with a stoic expression and his arms crossed 
out of nowhere, oikawa pulled takeru over his shoulders, saying that he had to admit that his uncle was the best or he would have dropped him
poor takeru was clinging to oikawa’s head for dear life
“put me down!”
”you have to say it first”
”yeah! you’re the best!”
but before takeru’s feet touched the ground again, oikawa was nuzzling his face into his nephew's cheek
you posted the video on father’s day as a joke, saying that your future husband was going to be the best dad ever
little did you know he would see it on his fyp the next morning 
”darling, you know you have to propose to me first right?”
he teased you the whole day, calling you his future spouse and telling you about your family together
”how many kids do you want? six are enough for our personal volleyball team, you know. and a puppy! oh yeah, we should adopt a dog for the kids to play with”
”i changed my mind, i don’t want to marry you anymore”
”what are you talking about? we already have so many kids and even a dog to take care of, you can’t back off now”
”takeru’s right, you’re so lame” 
Suna Rintarō 
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when you posted the video your boyfriend sent you, you didn’t give much importance to the thing
suna sent you stuff like that all the time
videos with him in the background saying ‘it made me think of you’
cute photos of plants and animals, even songs
(but honestly he really enjoyed sending you weird buzzfeed quizzes and memes)
in the video you posted, suna was saying that he had to film the sunset because he knew you would have loved it
and ofc your followers went feral
when atsumu saw the video on his fyp, he showed it to the entire team calling him a simp
suna barely lifted his gaze from the phone when the devilish twins started to stare at him
they both had an annoying grin on their faces
”so? when it’s the wedding?”
”hey ‘tsumu leave him alone, maybe he’s sending a video to y/n even now”
together they really were insufferable
after they showed him the video you posted, those two expected suna to become a blushing mess
surprise surprise, he didn’t bat an eye
”suna you’re no fun”
but when he sent you the screenshot of the tiktok, you knew what was going to happen next
“i want WAP as our wedding song and we absolutely need a theme, let me think about what costumes we could wear”
he spent the rest of the day telling you about the worst wedding ideas ever
”oh and can the miyas be our flower boys?”
Iwaizumi Hajime
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everybody knew he wasn't really the type to show PDA
but whenever he saw you, iwa was quick to drop everything to greet you with a hug
one time he literally dropped the volleyball net on his teammates when you entered the gym
was he carrying some heavy books when you called his name? ops not anymore
he would have shoved them into oikawa’s arms to come and say hi to you
so after filming him for a couple of weeks, you made a compilation of him hugging you and posted it on tiktok
as soon as oikawa saw his best friend on his fyp, he couldn't control himself
”iwachan! why don’t you ever greet me like this?”
”you’re lucky if i say hi to you”
”mean! i don’t understand why y/n want to marry you”
and then he noticed the caption
when you met up with him that day, his cheeks were flushed
engulfing you into a warm hug as usual, he immediately buried his face in your hair
you squeezed the back of his neck, softly giggling in his ear
”hey love, what’s wrong?”
”i saw the tiktok you posted”
”oh! i’m sorry if it made you uncomfortable, i can delete it right now”
”it’s not that...”
he started to mumble something under his breath
so you gently tilted his head back to make him face you
leaning against your palm, he finally found the courage to meet your eyes
”I just can’t stop thinking about the day i’m gonna marry you”
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jimines · 3 years ago
Whats actually happened between you and taemaknae? I read about it on the tea blog and still confused
This is an insanely long story so I'm going to put it below the cut so for anyone interested in this absolute shit show, continue on.
Essentially, I posted these headers about a month ago:
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It was a set of like 8 colours and it was the first time I had ever posted any headers or anything. The issue nic had with these, was the ripped paper bottom. Because apparently you can trademark that. I had asked a (now ex) “friend” of mine if she knew where I could find the ripped paper effect because I had seen the effect on the header of her network blog and I had been trying to find a similar thing for months and google images never gave me anything good. She ended up referring me to google images anyways and after like an hour of dedicated searching, I found this ripped paper effect and used it. This ex “friend” went on to tell another friend of mine that I had "asked where nicole gets her resources for her headers" and then screenshotted my dm as "proof", which still confuses me because I never mentioned nicole there lmao. I've seen the screenshot.
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Tell me where I said nicole. It was literally just a question born from seeing the header they had on their network lmao. I feel it’s important to mention I didn’t know this person ran said network at that time, which is why i said “these people”.
This other friend then came to me and just said my headers "may be seen as similar to nic's” and said she noticed it on her own and never mentioned my other “friend” approaching her. I was confused because other than that ripped paper effect that I know many people on tumblr use, I saw no similarities. Nic's headers are usually more complex and more than just a coloured background with a little effect in it. I just wanted to make some simple headers for fun because I was bored. But, regardless, I messaged nic about it to make sure she didn't feel the same way. I told her a friend of mine was worried nic might think my headers are similar to her's and I assured her that if she found them similar I would take them down, no questions asked. Nic told me she was surprised this friend brought it up and told me that it was entirely up to me if I found the headers similar. She never once told me she felt they were the same, never mentioned anything about them, she insisted it was up to me to do as I pleased. So, since I genuinely found no similarities, I left them up.
About a week went by and things between nic and I were fine, or so I thought, based off the fact that she was interacting with my posts, sending me cute asks and replying to a lot of my comments and stuff being kind and whatnot. Then, I decided to post a small list of my creations and the series I had running at the time. 
After that, all of a sudden I got an influx of rude hate anons:
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To anyone I mentioned the anons to, they agreed with me, you cannot trademark circular icons. This anon also accused me saying “just the fact that you had an anxiety attack about it proves you copied them” Like no sweetie, it’s called three strangers walked into my house and I got anxious.
Despite me not seeing the issue, I messaged nic, assuming she wouldn't care about the icons (it wasn't like I was taking her exact work and copying and pasting them as my own) and that made her very upset. When she responded to me, she was incredibly heated and gave off the vibe she was waiting for me to message her about it. 
She said things like "this has actually been bothering me for a while", "i expected you to be able to read between the lines and delete the headers", "i don't know who that anon was but clearly they recognize my style". For starters, she never told me that she was annoyed with me, she was being very kind to me publicly. And I have no idea how I was meant to “read between the lines” of what she said especially considering how kind she was to me the following days. I also never accused her of knowing this anon, she just insisted it wasn't her and she didn't know them right off the bat. She also insinuated that I copied my gifs from others as well, which ticked me off because I made my 100+ layer psd myself thank you very much. But I kept my cool, and I told her I had no idea she felt the way she did, and I told her I would delete the headers (which i did as the conversation was going on), and that I would stop posting my icons and bringing attention to them because no one ever paid it any mind before that point. And I asked her “please tell me straight up the next time you have an issue with me because I am generally pretty dumb with social cues”, I have my adhd to thank for that. And instead of replying, she just blocked me. And conveniently, the hate anons stopped dead right after we blocked each other and I haven't received any since.
Also, these are the kinds of icons I posted:
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Looks pretty generic and idk, universal, right?
Then, as I've recently found out today, she was in an "anti-loverjimin" groupchat with at least 2 other bloggers. 
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Which explains why this all went and fell into place. I know who the two other bloggers are because of what happened two days later but I won't name them just yet, but these two people had been "friends" with me for several months. So, a day or two after nic blocked me, all of a sudden some good friends of mine were blocking me and not talking to me when I asked what was going on. I found out soon after it was because nicole and those two now ex “friends” of mine had taken old dms I sent them and were showing them to people. And I will go into detail about them but I won't name the people they are about for privacy reasons.
Before I move on, to clarify some lies nic has been spreading about me, I never once shit talked nicole to my friends. One of these ex friends also said I was trying to get people on my side. I would have reacted to this all very very differently if that were the case. I would be dragging everyone through the fucking dirt but I don't get off on drama or micromanaging what my mutuals do. My issues are with these people, if you're still friends with them that's your decision i could not care less. So, back to it, the only thing I said about nic was that she and I had a stupid small fight over icons and that she was spreading lies about me, based off of what nic said to jordan.
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That exact message, or slight variations of it, was sent to anyone I interacted with because I didn't know if nic was going to stop at jordan or try and get to everyone I fucking knew lmao. Some of the people I messaged this to told ME nic had done this kind of thing before, that she has sent hate anons, launched hate campaigns, cancelled people, etc. Over stupid shit like icons lmao.
Here are some responses I received after I mentioned nicole:
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And nic or one of her friends also took it upon themselves to send anons to that tea blog to blow shit up and named everyone and made it an even bigger mess when they saw no one was actively trying to fight me after the dms got out. 
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I also love that in this following ask, they named my two “friends” that were behind the whole dm drama and backstabbed me, as well as two other people I never badmouthed, that story was twisted. But we’ll get into those details shortly.
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And she also told people I clout chased big blogs and only cared about notes. At one point, yes, I did care a lot about my statistics. However, never once did I think clout chasing was worth my fucking time or energy, Nic is the biggest clout chaser on this damn site and there are receipts of that, ask jordan lmao. And I couldn’t give two shits about my statistics anymore lmao, much less anxiety that way. Do I still crave validation sometimes? Sure. But it's not a driving force of my tumblr experience like it used to be.
But, moving on to the dms, the first one was sent when I first came back to tumblr full-time and didn't understand why people self reblogged things, I found the pretence of self reblogging annoying and greedy and I complained about it and it was a comment fuelled by two bloggers that i would see sr a lot on my dash. But I never thought THEY were annoying, as these people are saying I did, it was self reblogging I found annoying and as you can see I have come to understand why people sr and I do it myself too. I didn't even know these two bloggers at this time either. That dm was cropped to hide the fact that this "friend" agreed with me and hid the date as well so it seemed recent, and was sent to one of the bloggers I mentioned as an example, someone I had since become good friends with. 
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I didn’t befriend one of the people I mentioned there until mid to late June. That friendship is now over thanks to this drama and all the lies. The second friend of mine they went after was never spoken about in dms, they went and turned her against me through lies and manipulation so that friendship has ended too. And while those two were doing that, nic went off to try and turn jordan against me.
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There was a particular user on here that I did say some nasty things about but we weren't friends, as many people have been made to believe. I was particularly mad at this person in those dms and was hurtful, I admit, and I have since apologized and owned up to all of it to these people. I did call them fake and/or two-faced. 
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And what in the gassing me up bullshit was their response though lmao. I also sent this following dm before I even talked about the issue with this person. They urged me to continue and to name drop the person, and I stupidly thought they were trustworthy.
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My reasoning for what I said wasn't unwarranted though, I don't make a habit of going around shit-talking people, unless they do something to me first. I vent when I am upset and this person had sent me a passive aggressive ask and then denied sending it when I asked and I thought that was just very fake, especially since she was so kind to me in dms before the ask came in. But all of these dms were cropped too to hide timestamps and responses, and in most cases, like those screenshots prove, these "friends" either gassed me up or egged me on to continue ranting or to name the people i was mad at and they had agreed with me on several, several occasions. Turns out they were trying to get dirt on me to use in their cancel campaign. But the point is, nic has made me out to be this horrible person that befriends "big blogs" (an overrated statement) and then shit talks them behind their back without remorse. Yet it was one person I said rude things about and I, again, owned up to it all and apologized to them the first day. I would've done it sooner had I a) remembered feeling the way I did all those months ago or remembered the dms themselves or b) felt that way still after meeting them. But neither is the case.
I find it really amusing though that these people wanted things to be kept quiet and didn’t want anyone they spoke to to talk to me about it because I was going to “out them on my blog” and “make a big scene”, then they three went and made it a big fucking scene and ruined my friendships. I’m familiar with this pattern of manipulation as it has happened to me in real life before and it’s the most childish bullshit to witness.
Before this callout day for nic, I had never once been directly rude to or about her, same goes for those ex “friends” that betrayed my trust and friendship. The fact that they plotted against me in a group chat while still actively talking to me and being all buddy buddy is just disgusting. Both of them were talking to me that day at the same time they were sharing the dms and shit-talking me to my friends. But yeah, that's my side, the untwisted side, of the whole story. I tried to be mature and talk to nic and when I didn't do what she wanted me to do, she blocked me and launched the hate campaign with dms and the power of photoshop. I’ve been hesitant to make any of this public because it was meant to be a silent ordeal but I’ve grown tired of her constantly publicizing everything without consequence while I remain silent like I promised.
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neosimi · 4 years ago
Personal Mod List
I was asked by anon if I could post my personal mod list too and well, apart from my must haves these are the mods I currently have in my downloads folder. I am always searching for new mods to test and hopefully incorporate into my gameplay, yes looking @ you Story Progression! So of course, this list is ever changing. Credits to all mod creators listed below! ♡
Anywho, thanks for requesting this anon! /ᐠ ̥  ̮  �� ᐟ\ฅ
Note: Asterisks (*) before the name means the mod has also been added to my must haves list. You can check it out here.
Autonomy Control -- Restrain the townies who oft drop by. Inhibit the playables with homes of their own. Bridle the Students who refuse to die. The Choice of Autonomy is now yours alone.
*Soft Shadows --  Turns the blobby outdoor shadows into soft ones, like in the family portrait and indoors. Great for screenshots.
No Kicking Trash -- For the life of me, I couldn't find the exact mod I have but I found Squinge's mod as an alternative.
Torment Enabled -- Allows children to torment anyone. 
Toddlers Eat Flowers -- All toddlers can increase their hunger level through eating flowers, not just plantsims.
Reservable Crib -- Allows you to reserve a crib for an individual baby or toddler. 
Realistic Sized Muffin -- Fixes the size of the muffin from the toy oven.
Baby Gate -- Fully functional baby gate based on the Kinder Keep Away baby gate from TS3 Store World, Aurora Skies.
Play Group Service -- When you use the phone service a Playgroup van is dispatched immediately, if your toddlers are already at playgroup then it will return them, otherwise it'll come and pick them up.
Kids Camp -- Send children and teens to camp for the weekend. The phone call is only available Friday afternoons (until 10:00pm) and Saturday mornings (from 8:00am) arriving home Sunday (at 5:00pm). Fee is $40.00 per child.
Relationship Panel Remover --  Allows you to remove unwanted sims from the relationship panel screen.
Senior Center -- Elder sims can leave the lot for awhile to the Senior Center. Gain fun and social motives, a chance chard of learning a new skill, crafting a hobby item, or meeting another elder sim.
Ask about Family -- A simple 'Ask.../About Family' sim menu plugin.
Kids Pick Flowers for Mom - self-explanatory. so cuteee!
Orphan Display Cot -- I like to use this in my adoption center lots so I can go and adopt a random baby if i'd like to.
Strays Always Accept Adoption -- self-explanatory bc why wouldn't they want a home :(
Nap More Energy -- Sims get a little more energy from napping.
Fun Gain on Phone -- Sims have more fun on the phone.
No Autonomous Swing Child -- Curbs autonomous behavior of adult sims swings children around. I find this annoying in my gameplay along with playing the piano and the read to interaction. 
Cops Can Fight Burglars -- Allows sims in the cop career track OR who used to be a cop NPC to fight burglars and regain your stuff.
There Can Be Only One Professor -- Game will generate one rather than two professors for each major. Gender will be random.
Copy of Diploma -- Give your sims a copy of their diploma if they lost it or need to hand one out after upgrading them with the bat box.
Hide Mascot Clothes -- Hides fugly mascot clothes from CAS menu.
*Deadly Werewolves -- Werewolves can maim and ravage sims with the chance of killing them.
*Vampires Can Drink Blood and Turn Sims into Ghouls -- self-explanatory. 
Beg for Money -- Sims are able to panhandle whenever.
*Hidden Interactions -- This is a set of three global mods that unlock hidden interactions that are normally only performed autonomously. Also a part two!
No Life Skills -- Disables wants for learning life skills like lifelong happiness, fire prevention, couple's counseling, etc.
*Simnopke's Sliders -- 24 face sliders available in CAS, plastic surgery machine, and Bodyshop.
*Better Butler Meals -- Butlers will stop slacking off by cooking crap like ramen and TV dinners.
*No Whining at Missing Objects -- self-explanatory lol.
Low Food Warning -- notifies you when stock in fridge is low.
Polygamous Marriage -- The base game wedding arch now has the option for a marriage of convenience/polygamous marriage. The social from Marhis’ arch has been modified and included as well to work with maxis arches by midgethetree. Pretty sure i have ask to leave partner from here too.
*Chat in Pool - Sims can now chat while swimming!
*No Bathroom Dishes -- Dishes will not be washed in the bathroom. Affects all sinks by placement, not by type of sink. Truly, it is More Awesome Than You.
*Lockable Garage Doors -- Allows garage doors to be locked like other doors.
Outdoor Lights -- Outdoor lights will stay on until 7 am rather than 2 am.
Baby Control --  Adds the "Make Selectable" option for babies. I like to use it to cheat the babies needs if I had to.
Doorbell Quieter -- the doorbell is more quiet lol.
*Front Door Hack -- Sims won't go to your garage door or back door to ring the doorbell.
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gelo-p · 4 years ago
It may be a long request, but what memorable moments (scenes) for each characters from OddTaxi caught your eyes the most ? (included images as well) It will be interesting to hear it from you, as someone who reviewed each episode of this series.(and was fun to read) I can wait if this take some time to answer back, no need to rush(> ◡ 0) Honestly ,this show is so unique & such an underrated gem!! It's like you said: "DAMN. ODDTAXI WHY YOU SO GOOD"
LOL thanks, I’m flattered that you found my weekly ramblings fun to read ^^; I didn’t intend to review the series though. I was planning to just make a series of minor complaints about an otherwise good story, but... well. It was clear by episode 5 that the writing was deeper than I thought.
Having said that, here are my favorite moments for each characters anyway!
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Episode 8.
Suddenly acting all cutesy and embarrassed ^^;
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Episode 1.
I was just surprised to find that he’s in the first 5 minutes of episode 1.
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Episode 9.
Maaaaybe focus on catching Dobu? Also what the hell, 10k yen to assist on catching Dobu???
Slow clap. Brilliant, mate.
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Episode 9.
I did feel bad for him though. In his pursuit of fame, he’s bitten more than he could chew. This scene stood out to me for a different reason though:
Who apologizes in less than a minute???
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Episode 6.
It didn’t initially carry much weight, but once you realize he did this to try and remain relevant in the entertainment world, it’s kinda sad. Especially with Baba getting all the attention recently.
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Episode 6, ending credits.
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Episode 6, ending credits.
Contrast to Shibagaki, Baba is experiencing one hell of a high in his career. Can’t entirely blame him for not focusing too much attention on the N-1 contest anymore. This entire exchange with Shibagaki was so memorable because... it just shows how different their careers have become.
Also, just right before this scene, it was shown that
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Episode 3.
This scene where Kakihana thought Kuroda was talking to him was just hilarious. Not to mention once you hear him speak, you realize...
He’s voiced by this guy.
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Episode 1.
This annoyed the hell out of me. I thought this was one of those typical Japanese TV commentary panels. When I wondered if “Don-chan” might be Donraku, I thought of this scene and concluded “Nah, can’t be him. Would you act all calm - let alone appear on TV like that - if your daughter was missing? Nah.”
How wrong I was of course, but this scene has always stuck in my head.
Of course, the president of the agency being in the shot was probably meant as a clue of some sort... But we didn’t know that yet, did we?
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Episode 11.
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Episode 5.
This was just so awkward to watch. 🤦‍♂️
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Episode 9.
I still feel bad for him at the end of it all, of course. He just wants to move on and throws the ring away... but he realizes how much it cost. ^^;
(Finally, of course there’s also that scene with Kuroda from earlier)
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Episode 4.
This scene. I’ve ranted about it before already :v
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Episode 9.
Does this count? Of course we now know that this was actually Little Daimon, but at the time, I was so annoyed at how overpowered Tanaka was made to be.
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Episode 8.
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Episode 11.
Imai’s love for Mystery Kiss (well, Nikaido) is probably greater than all our love for ODDTAXI combined.
A true man of culture.
Big Daimon
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Episode 1.
Little Daimon
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Episode 7.
This was the moment I started considering that Odokawa really has nothing to hide in his closet. It would have been extremely risky for him, considering how straight of a cop (albeit a little naive) Little Daimon is.
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Episode 12.
This was a genuinely sad moment for me. Your brother, who you decided to punish evil with, was part of the evil you’ve been trying to punish all along. That’s gotta hurt, man.
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Episode 9.
Dobu’s actually quite a nice guy, huh? I mean, yeah, not really, but come on. He did let Kabasawa off with a life lesson instead of a more serious beating.
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Episode 10.
Really? :))
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Episode 12.
Also, I kinda refuse to believe Dobu would use his silhouette for the game. We couldn’t even tell who the hell ditch-11 was but suddenly *poof* it’s Dobu’s silhouette!
I would have preferred if Tanaka’s story of sending a message was true. It would be much more believable. Then Tanaka sends another message to ditch-11 then and there...
And then Dobu’s phone rings. Surprised pikachu face.
Also, Dobu quit playing some time ago but was still Rank 1??? What the hell?
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Episode 7.
When Yano was introduced, I was amazed that they actually made him rhyme all his lines (or at least introduce some rhythm). Even the translation was keeping up!
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Episode 8.
He’s an asshole, but he makes funny faces.
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Episode 12.
Funny faces :))
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Episode 10.
Sekiguchi provides a very good example of how bad guys can use your social media data. This is practically a PSA.
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Episode 11.
I still need an explanation why Nikaido had to do the lifting WHEN SEKIGUCHI, A LITERAL HUGE THUG, IS RIGHT THERE. It’s not like he doesn’t want to get his hands dirty, he’s already filthy AF at the 2nd pic!!
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Episode 12.
About to be “arrested”, still worried about Yano’s rhyming. ^^;
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Episode 2.
Right off the bat, we immediately know that he... has his own share of secrets.
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Episode 5.
...But that he also genuinely cares for the girls.
...To some extent, as shown in that entire taxi ride :))
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Episode 3.
“Oh no.”
Obviously, anybody who shows interest in you, Kakihana, after you misrepresent your salary... probably should be red-flagged. Of course, we the viewers immediately know that she’s being tailed by her manager, so we have an idea that she’s being roped into it.
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Episode 8.
I can’t even-
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Episode 2.
This Nikaido - she’s seen some things.
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Episode 7.
Damn, probably done some things as well! D:
Also, that entire thing where Sekiguchi refused to carry Mitsuya’s body?
Nikaido is strong!!!
Idols are scary, man.
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Episode 11.
It’s saddening because Mitsuya genuinely wanted to support Nikaido. Had she not gone to the office that night, things would have been much different for all of us.
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Episode 5.
“Why is she helping Tanaka???” Of course, I thought she was Mitsuya at this point.
Also, she really loves karaage, huh. I wondered if that was a clue, but I guess not. ^^
...It’s not, right..?
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Episode 13.
Need I say more about this scene?
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Episode 1.
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Episode 1.
Also, that entire exchange about cassette tapes and Bruce Springsteen ^^;
“Damn these guys are old” LOL
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Episode 1.
I like how... rude he is :))
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Episode 3.
And so done with bullshit :))
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Episode 8.
I do remember when he sneezed while taking the photo, in order to hide the shutter sound. Smart :^)
Odokawa’s in a weird position because even though he’s the main character, I remember him more for moving the story rather than being a character, if that makes sense. Sorry! >_<
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Episode 13.
Of course, there’s the entire sequence of him flying his taxi... But again, that’s more of a nod to the story, not him. If it counts as “memorable scene involving Odokawa”, then there you go! That final sequence was just beautiful to watch. ^^
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Episode 2.
Shirakawa’s just a straight-up lovable character. I love that Odokawa can’t handle her XD That entire taxi ride scene was just brilliant.
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Episode 2.
And then she tops it all off with that power move with the front camera.
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Episode 3.
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Episode 10.
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Episode 13.
Where do I sign up for the Church of Shirakawa???
Shirakawa’s just too damn memorable for me. ^^;
Goddamn that was the longest ask I’ve ever answered. I hope my answers were at least satisfactory XD
(I didn’t realize answering this kind of question would be hard work :’D Compiling screenshots to make a somewhat objective point is surprisingly easier, huh)
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dysfunctionaltrolls · 5 years ago
i feel bad for making this but i feel like i have to
baby’s first call out post
anyway,, i have some things id like to say. i have proof of all of this and it will all be under the cut. this is gonna be really long and im really sorry but its going to be the whole story so stick with me
content warning: being weird towards minors, general nsfw elements, general creepiness, weed (mentions of being high).
everyone involved except for myself and, obviously, them, will have their names blocked out for privacy reasons.
thank you for reading this in advance, i just really need to get this out.
the blog in question is @ask-crappy-fantrolls
in advance
please do not send this person hate. please. i dont care whos wrong or right, hate anons arent necessary.
lets get down to business
point one of ??: ships
im going to say right off the bat, i agreed to some of these. some of these i liked. a lot i agreed to because i was afraid to say no because i didnt want to upset them. some were forced on me. some were made without my knowledge. i will not go into specifics on which ships belong in which categories unless its necessary because this post would be extremely long, but please keep this in mind if you see me reacting positively in screenshots.
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this screenshot shows me trying to break off all of our ships the first time. i say right down there at the bottom that i want all of them gone. i thought i was being pretty clear.
one of my trolls (kaivin) has a moirail to whom he is extremely attached. this isnt a secret. he is so attached, in fact, that the two share most quads. so anyone kaivin would get into a relationship with, his moirail would as well. ive posted about this many times and i believe its on his bio but dont quote me on that.
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this is me trying to cut the ship off again. i really hate being mean and hurting peoples feelings so i was trying stay polite and let them know gently that hey, i dont want this. keep in mind, this took place after me attempting to cut all of our ships off.
i could put more here but im tired and itd make the post longer than it needs to be. bottom line, i got messaged about ships a lot even though i had cut them all off and literally started shipping with other people by that point. it wasnt a secret, i was posting about new ships.
small tidbit thats very nsfw: one of our ships that we had was purely for their kink, apparently.
for context: axel is my human disguised as a troll who lives on alternia.
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literally if you look at cimefas bio, his whole character is just that hes kinky. thats it.
point two of ??: infantalizing me
if you dont know already; hi im joey, im 19, and im a trans man. i am an adult. a grown ass man, if you will. i do not tolerate being spoken to like a dog or a child.
with that being said, here i am being spoken to like someone would a dog or a child:
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oh also theres the time they sent me an ask calling me a lesbian HDSFJKSDHF
heres that
i know it was them because they messaged me the same day, claiming not to have known, but we’d already been talking for months and i never went by she/her while having this blog. he/him is all over my blog.
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anyway heres a tidbit thats not big enough for its own point but needs to be said: the flirting.
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^i just wanted to show them my new shirt :/
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anyway next
point three of ??: being weird with minors
okay this bit is very gross but stay with me
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right there, no minors. clearly stated. thats fine! thats whatever!! heres what i have the issue with. theyre currently waiting for a few of my friends who are minors to turn 18. no, this is not a speculation. they stated this.
i am keeping minors names blocked out, they dont need to be involved in this.
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(quad blocked out so the minor cant be pinpointed)
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(different minor, quad blocked again)
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(the minor in question is the one from the first two screenshots about “waiting for them to turn 18″)
for context, this was after i reblogged a post about people waiting for minors to turn 18 being gross. yes it was a vague, no i do not care. i didnt say anything to them, they came to me about this unprompted and on their own accord. if the shoe fits, i suppose.
point four of ??: copying
theres been a few instances of this, but heres the main one
i run a cool blog over at @broadcastappear​. i got with a friend of mine and they made theirs one day, i made mine the next. of course, i was excited about this! i wanted to tell everyone about my cool new blog, so i started messaging people! them included!
before i get into the screenshots, here is the premise of both of our broadcast blogs:
slightly odd radio host trolls who talk to each other over the radio waves. my friends troll for their blog is crazy and stuck in the desert, mine is slightly less crazy and stuck in an apartment. shenanigans and extremely cryptic flirting ensue.
so i messaged them with a link to my blog after i made it.
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take a closer look at that time stamp! 
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keep this in mind
i get sent a link
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its a cryptic radio blog. same concept, formatting, plot, everything.
and would you look at that
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same day. it was an hour later, actually.
they were confronted about this and denied that their blog had anything to do with ours, even though it was a clear rip off. their blog has since been deleted, i believe. 
anyway, in conclusion, i just really wanted this off my chest.
do with this information what you will. i dont care if i get hate for this, the people who know my situation know how badly this has been on me mentally. ive been archiving things in a server for months while ive been trying to cut them off and im just... fed up. i cant do it anymore. i feel gross. i am the main hub that this is circling around and no one can say thing about it but me. theres a lot more to this that im not adding, mostly because theres less proof but i still know it to be true.
im tired of adults being weird and nasty in this community. i know im an adult too but at least im not gross.
anyway, call out post over. rb or smthn i dont care.
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not-a-perfect-metaphor · 6 years ago
Well, I deleted this original answer (and then deleted it again as a post...and then deleted it one more time after that), so here it is for a fourth time with a screenshot of the original ask, and LET US HOPE that I can manage to see it through to completion.
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This ask has taken me quite a bit of time and thought, because what I’m hoping to give you is a summary that helps you to better understand without being too overwhelming/containing way too much information.
First, thank you so much for reaching out, and I’m really glad you did! The point you’re at right now (or the point you were at when you sent this anyway) is where every single one of us started, and it’s an amazing journey from here if you find yourself wanting to take it! Seeking out resources from others is absolutely the way to go about it, and I hope that you always feel free to ask me (and other tinhats) for any info/thoughts/anything you need in the future! I can’t seem to include links in-post, but I’m going to message you a link to Speak the Truth, a site documenting J2 ‘happenings’ so to speak from a tinhat’s perspective through the year 2011. And, basically, whether someone’s been a tinhat from day one or for one day, we all have different pieces of the puzzle, and that’s really why it’s so important for us to connect with each other and work together as a whole.
So, let me try to figure out where to begin.
I, like quite a few other tinhats I’ve spoken with over the years actually, didn’t put much stock into any of this when it first started to emerge. People fantasizing about two celebrities having a romantic relationship (especially two leads in a movie or a TV show and especially when those leads are of the same sex) is far from a new thing and has been going on forever, and naturally I assumed in the beginning that J2 tinhats were no different. Had I not actually looked into all of it further and eventually then started really paying attention to the comings and goings of Jared & Jensen/watching all the footage I could find/reading the interviews/seeking out candid photos etc., I might not have ever changed my views, and it still took me quite a while to fully come around to where I am now even with all that.
What caused me to start looking more deeply in the first place was the simple fact that Jared & Jensen, even during the still-fledgling days of their relationship (however you happen to define that relationship), had a very unique and pretty immediate closeness that separated them distinctly from everyone else.
***As an aside, like I always bring up, most Wincest shippers were born from that intense J2 chemistry that bled into the characters of Sam & Dean.
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The Js had clearly connected on a deep level that they not only spoke about openly from the beginning but that was also more than evident in the ways they interacted with each other, looked at each other, talked to each other, and even just existed in each other’s spaces (they even shared and share clothing and have freely admitted that).
Jared: “It didn’t feel like a blind date. It felt like we were continuing a relationship. There’s no rhyme or reason to what happened.”
They’ve also frequently phrased things like that *points up,* using very couple-y terminology.
(note: speaking of couple-y terminology, they’ve been heard calling each other “babe” and “baby” on several different occasions)
They’ve always had the kind of body language with each other that you really don’t see often in non-platonic relationships and that you especially don’t see often between two actors who’s paths have crossed initially in a purely work-related setting, and it was that special intimacy between them that first sparked my curiosity.
Let’s take a very brief look at just a few of those examples (a mix of the early years and beyond):
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And below I’m including an example of the clothes-sharing I mentioned:
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My curiosity expanded VERY rapidly (almost explosively) from that point onward as I began to dive more heavily into ‘J2-research.’
Like I said above, I’m not going to overload this post with specifics (although I’m happy to send specifics to you by the boatload if you’re interested), but I will just wrap up this first part of my answer by saying that it was the candid J2 moments I came across that really started to sell me on the possibility of a non-platonic J2 dynamic, the pictures and footage where they didn’t know they were being recorded or photographed, largely during the earlier years when they weren’t as cautious, but certainly not limited to those years, pictures/footage in which they interacted with each other in ways that I certainly would not interact with someone I wasn’t romantically involved with or at least romantically interested in).
Here are a couple of well-known examples. Less intense than some choice video clips (that I’ll have to find a way to post in the future) but still beautiful and intimate. I actually just posted that first one a few hours ago!
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-which ‘arguably’ could depict the body language of two very close platonic friends (more so than the first photo, above it, anyway), but...look more closely at the giddy, love-struck expression on Jensen’s face as he watches Jared:
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It’s kinda a bit harder to call it platonic when you really see it like that....
And...gosh, I poured over so many of these moments, just...so, so many.
Even then, though, I wasn’t necessarily convinced of the fact that the two were together in any kind of serious way. I, like this blog’s first owner, co-owner (who became a tinhat almost right alongside me, actually, time-wise) felt that the Js were certainly at least not strictly straight, quite possibly that they weren’t at all straight, and that they were definitely attracted to each other, an attraction that had likely yielded physical results, but I had no reason to think at that point that they would go to the great lengths (and put themselves through the unimaginable hardships) of leading such intricately and immensely false lives, at great personal expense, if they were actually in a serious, romantic relationship with each other that they both felt would be long-term.
Not when it was almost 2008 (at the time) and being a gay celebrity wasn’t anything to even bat an eye at anymore...right?
But I still had a lot to learn back then.
The next ‘milestone’ for me, upon looking even more closely (and not just at the Js anymore but at those around them/in their circle/etc., not to mention the Js lives pre-meeting each other, just all kinds of stuff) came the discovery(discoveries) of the many inconsistencies, which I’ll explain further, that were ultimately at the heart of my transition from on-the-fence to full tinhat.
A good example to use, because most people have at least some knowledge of this, centers around the period of time that the Js publicly lived together and the many...many different stories that were told explaining their living arrangement. I actually posted a pretty humorous account detailing some of it, and I can link you to it if you’d like. That’s just one example of many, but perhaps it’s the example with the most number of slip-ups/cases of the Js forgetting the details of the lie/etc.
To briefly cover one of those “living together” slip-ups, at separate meet-and-greets, Jensen once told people that he had moved out of Jared’s house while Jared said that Jensen was very much still living with him. And that’s probably the least suspicious but the easiest to quickly explain of the slips.
Another example, from later on (that I’m using because, again, it’s one that people are generally aware of) is when Jared told a story about being out to dinner in Italy with his wife and accidentally flipping off the waiter and then Jensen retold the exact same story at another con, only that time, he was the one who’d been with Jared.
Once I knew to look for them, I was blown away by how often these kinds of inconsistencies had already occurred and continued to occur, things being covered-up or overly-explained, stories changing sometimes three or more times in ways too significant to be excused away as memory lapses, even attempts at erasing things altogether...which doesn’t work very well in the age of the interwebz.
And why...why would these cover-ups and excuses and erasures exist if there was nothing to hide?
Retracing my steps for a moment to talk a little about the Js lives prior to meeting each other, which was one of the other things I’d started looking into by this point and definitely played an important part in confirming my tinhat beliefs.
The first example that comes to mind is Jensen’s ex-roommate (and just ex, period, at least that’s what I personally think), Ty Vaughn, the one underneath Jensen in this photo:
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And I’ve spent a good 24 hours trying to track down footage I once had of Chad Michael Murray teasing young Jared about flirting with him (to Jared’s extreme embarrassment), but I cannot find it ANYWHERE. If anyone reading this can help me out, I would be forever in your debt.
Other noteworthy things (just a few): An ex-girlfriend of Jensen’s has admitted that she used to beard for someone, and her only celebrity ex is Jensen, and a few of Jared’s teachers from high school have expressed surprise that he’s married now to a woman...so, make of that what you will!
Okay, back to the inconsistencies!Another big one for me has always been the Js saying “we” or “us” (and meaning each other) when, according to public knowledge, it should have been “I” or “me.”
(as well as other synonyms of the above like “our”)
“We got to spend some time with our family yesterday.”
“They were knocking on our trailer.”
etc. etc.
And on the exact opposite end of the spectrum...also ironically what continues to fuel my certainty that the Js are together even more than the “we”-and-“us”-isms: the separation-of-the-Js tactic (varying in severity/frequency), sometimes for an evening or even a single event, sometimes for lonnng stretches of time, but always very suspicious, because, like I’ve been saying for this entire time, everyone knows that Jensen and Jared are extremely close, even those who believe that their closeness isn’t sexual or romantic. What I’m referencing with ‘separation of the Js,’ by the way, is what many tinhats believe to be the PR tactic used to paint pictures of the Js as being much less involved in each other’s lives to (in theory) control rumors. But the Js’ are and always have been intrinsically interconnected, so the reason that J2 separate narratives feel so forced and unnatural, often cringingly so, is because they kinda directly violate who Jensen and Jared are as people with each other, and if anything, that’s likely caused some new tinhats to come aboard, but it certainly hasn’t succeeded in convincing anyone who’s already a believer that they must have just been mistaken all along.
And I should definitely mention the suuuper-duper weirdness surrounding Jensen and Jared’s respective engagements and then weddings, as well as the information, or lack of information in Jared and Genevieve’s case, that was presented to the public about both ‘courtships,’ because almost every single aspect of all of that was drenched in tinhatty suspiciousness right from the start and all the way through. Again, I can link you to posts that detail the topic thoroughly, but to summarize very generally: Jared and Jensen, in leu of increasing rumors about the nature of their relationship, even more so in recent months than had previously been the case, were most likely counseled to straight-en up their images drastically, and fast...the only real way people can do that, by marrying members of the opposite sex (pretty much simultaneously, by the way, & much to the startled disbelief of many, including a very-public-about-his-skepticism Ted Casablanca).
Ted: “Jensen and Jared would sooner marry each other than who they’re currently rumored to be getting hitched to.”
Alright. Yikes. I’m really slipping here with my “not too many details” plan. I’ll start reigning it in again, I promise.
So, around the same same time as the weddings was when I started researching the practice of bearding (fauxmances) in the entertainment business in general, although not as heavily as I’ve researched the topic in recent years, and what I discovered and continue to discover was and is both eye-opening and heart-breaking. I actually just posted about this a couple of days ago, so instead of rambling on about it again, I’ll refer you to that (under the tag ‘toxic industry stuff’ for anyone reading this in the future). A quick summary: the reality that Jensen & Jared face every day and the decisions they’ve made to enter into false marriages are tragically common in the industry....yes, even and especially in today’s age, and for many gay actors and actresses specifically, the choice can really come down to either living honestly or protecting their careers/livelihoods/even their true relationships should they have them.
Since then, I’ve come across a lot of information as well about personal reasons, alongside industry reasons, that might have played a role in the decision to go the route of bearding for Jensen and Jared, like family history, their relationships with/views on/obstacles surmounted to succeed in (etc.) acting as a career, past experiences that have been hinted at, parental influence and sacrifice, not to mention the significant detail of who they happen to play on SPN...brothers (far too many ignorant people out there wouldn’t be able to move past the incest connotation, if a romantic relationship between the Js had been revealed).
By about midway through 2009, I was 100% convinced of the fact that Jared and Jensen were absolutely in a long term relationship that I would guess began around season two of Supernatural but had been on its way since the end of season one and during the hiatus between seasons one and two (want to know why I think that? I’ll do a separate post on it), and that the relationship was, of course, being hidden from the public.
The things that ultimately convinced me as they kept adding up are what continue to convince people today, the same things I’ve been going over at length (too much length) in this answer: intimacy between Jared & Jensen that extends beyond friendship-
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-inconsistency in the information presented to the public that revolves around J2 and their time together/circumstances relating to both of them/etc., Jared and Jensen’s respective pasts before meeting each other, and even what some people believe to be hints dropped by Jared and Jensen themselves about their true relationship.
A well-known example (again, among many) that I’ve talked about pretty extensively is Jensen posting a photo in front of a mural that reads “love is love,” a well-known LGBT slogan, and then Jared posting a photo of himself in front of a mural that reads “love will win” on the very same day and captioning it “every time.”
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This did turn out to be pretty overwhelming *sighs* but I hope at the very least I’ve succeeded in giving you a somewhat clearer idea of why us tinhats feel the way we do about Jared and Jensen, and I want to encourage you again to reach out whenever you like about anything you’d like to know!
There’s no such thing as a dumb question, and there’s no such thing as too many questions.
Just remember that! ❤️
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irwinkitten · 6 years ago
hair dye adventures | a.i
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pairing: bi!reader x ashton notes: so this is part three of the bi reader series! a big thank u to @burncrashbromance who not only helped with the creation of the bi series from one small request but also for dealing with me when my writers block was a menace. love u jill. warnings: none word count: 1.9k
Y/N wasn’t any stranger to having impromptu hair dying sessions. If anything, she was so used to them over the years, especially when her closest friends were on tour and she’d have a text asking if she could fly out to deal with Michael’s hair.
So when she woke up to the text from Ashton, asking for her to drop by a bit earlier than planned, she found herself trying to work out what could’ve set her boyfriend to ask her that. She briefly wondered if he’d planned a surprise, but there was nothing big happening, no announcements to make.
Her stomach dropped for a second as she wondered if he’d seen the tweets that she’d seen, fans having dug through her accounts and found old photos of her with ex girlfriends. She hadn’t discussed with Ashton her sexuality and she could feel the fear bubble in her stomach as she got ready to go.
So when she turned up to his home, wrapped up in one of his hoodies that he’d lost to her long ago she couldn’t help but giggle at the excited hug she was swept up in, her nerves settling at the positive reaction from him.
“You saw me two days ago.” She deadpanned him and he shrugged, peppering her face in kisses until he heard the giggle he adored.
“Two days too long. Your job sucks for sending you on that trip, especially when you’ve got such big plans.”
“And real bad thoughts.” She couldn’t help herself, and his responding grin always made it worth it in her eyes.
His lips met hers briefly, not long enough to set them on a different path, but enough to remind her that she was loved. It was a kiss that she loved because as he pulled away, she found herself leaning towards him, a pout on her lips.
He grinned, meeting her lips once more before pulling away and lacing her hand with his.
“C’mon beautiful. We’ve got a date in the bathroom.” Immediately she could feel the heat in her cheeks and thanked her lucky stars he wasn’t paying attention. “I decided I wanted to change things up a bit.”
Her mind was running away with all sorts of scenarios and she knew that whatever he had in mind would be something different, but just the thoughts that appeared sent her body feeling the butterflies.
As he pulled her into the bathroom, she found herself mildly disappointed when she spotted the hair dye boxes before excitement flooded her for a different reason.
“You’re finally letting me dye your hair?” She knew it was obvious, but she just wanted to confirm the image that she was actually seeing. For years she had pleaded to put some colour in his curls, even though she adored his honey blonde locks.
His answering grin caused her to throw her arms around his neck as she laughed.
“About fucking time! Right, shirt off, park your ass and I’m going to grab my kit I’ve kept here.” She kissed his cheek briefly, disappearing from the bathroom and rushing down the stairs, leaving a very confused boyfriend in her wake.
When she returned with a small bowl, dye brush and black latex gloves, he could only raise an eyebrow as he pulled his shirt off, rolling his eyes at her beaming smile.
“Are you my professional hairdresser now?” He teased her and she shrugged, meeting his lips with hers once more before she began to mix up the red, making sure that it was the right consistency before she turned to Ashton and made him sit on the edge of the tub, his feet resting in the tub so she could start from the back.
They didn’t need to talk as she began to put the colour in, using the brush with ease before tapping his shoulder, a silent request for him to spin around so she could do the front parts of his hair.
Even though he could see the concentration on her face, Ashton could also see the underlying worry on his girlfriends features. His own worry seemed to bubble in the pit of his stomach.
“What’s going on in that pretty mind of yours, sweetheart?” She could see his eyes studying her and she figured now would be the best time to talk about it, before one of two things happened. Him seeing it or one of the boys seeing it and passing it onto him
“Fans have been tagging you in screenshots recently.” Her hesitation stopped him from making any kind of silly comment. He could see that she was struggling with her words, so his hand reached out, resting on her hip; his thumb finding its way under her shirt and rubbing soft circles into her skin.
He could see her shoulders relax slightly.
“So I’m being tagged in screenshots?” He prompted and she let out a breath of air.
“Screenshots of some of my previous relationships.”
“To make me jealous?” His tone was curious. He knew that she’d had previous relationships that ended on good terms, that she still talked to some of her exes now and then. At first he’d been worried until she had explained to him that she wasn’t likely to fall in love with anyone else considering she was in love with him.
That had been their first ‘I love you’s’.
“Previous relationships with girls.” She finally added on and he didn’t freeze up, or feel any kind of worry in his chest. His thumb continued the circular motions as she finished off his hair quietly and set the timer for forty five minutes.
They moved from the bathroom to the kitchen, his hand refusing to let go of hers.
“Why were you so worked up sweetheart?” His question was soft and he watched as tears began to roll down her cheeks.
Immediately he pulled her closer so that she was in front of him, his free hand coming up to wipe the tears away.
“I was just so worried about how you’d react. I’m used to harsh comments, to nasty remarks. But they were so determined to out me to you before I was even comfortable telling you myself.” And he could see how it was hurting her.
“Sweet girl. C’mere.” He murmured, pulling her closer and resting his chin against the top of her head, his lips pressing briefly into her hair. “I’m sorry you felt like you needed to hide that side of you from me. And I’m sorry that you felt pressured to tell me before I found out from some shitty fans.”
Her tears were slowing down, her grip around his waist tightening marginally.
“I’ve never known when the right time to tell partners that I’m bisexual. If I told straight off the bat, they’d ghost me. If it was so far into a relationship, they’d resent me and say I was cheating on them and giving them a valid reason to dump me.” She whispered and his own arms tightened around her.
Pulling back slightly, he moved a hand to under her chin, coaxing her to look up. When his eyes met hers, he could see the worry, the fear in her eyes and so instead of words, he leaned down and kissed her.
It was soft, slow at first, his tongue tracing her bottom lip. They parted under his touch and his tongue brushed against hers. There was no heat, no rush. Just soft and slow as he held her that little bit tighter. When he pulled pulled away, his forehead resting against hers, she let out a shaky breath of air.
“I’m none of them, I love you no matter what. I’ll support you regardless, even if you’re in a straight passing relationship.” And if her heart wasn’t bursting before, she knew it was now as she tried to wipe the tears.
“How the fuck did I get so lucky with you, Ash?” He found himself grinning as he brushed his nose against hers.
“The universe decided to give you someone who would actually be a decent human being?” This made her giggle as the timer went off on her phone and she absolutely beamed up at him.
“Time to wash the dye out, handsome.”
He grinned before using his grip around her, lifting her up, making her shriek in laughter, her arms automatically wrapping around his neck, trying to be careful of the hair dye as she wrapped her legs around his waist.
It took him a second, bouncing her up slightly so that his hands could shift from her waist to her thighs and he kissed her briefly before making his way up to the bathroom.
“You’re joining me in the shower, princess. No arguments.” He grinned and her cheeks warmed up as he finally dropped her onto her feet, his lips on her cheek before she pulled away, a grin on her lips.
“Let me wash the hair dye out first.”
Once they were finished up in the shower, taking far too long with Ashton’s distracting lips as she tried to wash the dye from his hair, they’d migrated to the couch, his body lay on hers, head resting on her stomach as they watched a TV show.
Unable to help herself, she snapped a photo, his head turning towards her only seconds after and he smiled, making her snap another one.
“I think the red really suits you.” She murmured softly, her fingers running through his hair. His eyes closed momentarily at her motions, a soft hum escaping him before asking to see the photos.
“Can I post them?” Her question was quiet and he smiled.
“Of course.”
So she went to Instagram, typing the caption before clicking ‘share’ and putting her phone to the floor, enjoying the moment with Ashton as they shut off from everyone else.
It was hours later when they were stood in the kitchen, wine glasses in hand whilst she attempted to cook, did he bother to check his social media. And he soon saw what she meant. There were accounts that were repeatedly sending him the same screenshots of photos of her with another girl. It was the comments of ‘aren’t you worried?’ that got to him though.
“I’m gonna settle the dust because apparently people are more fussed about your sexuality than they are about my new hair colour.” This made her snort.
“I’m more interesting than Ashton Irwin? I’m flattered!” He stared at her for a full second before they both started laughing, her body hunched over the pan as she tried to keep herself upright, placing the wine glass on the side.
Ashton couldn’t help himself as he snapped a photo of her and took to Twitter.
‘I see y’all trying to out my girlfriend, sucks to be you. I know and still love her, every part of her. Catch me and my bi badass girlfriend at the next pride parade xoxo’ He attached the photo before sending the tweet.
Once they were finished eating, he told her what he’d done. He didn’t expect her to straddle across his lap and kiss him, but he certainly couldn’t complain.
“You’re the fucking best. I love you so much.”
“I love you too, princess.”
tag list: @cals-babylons , @glitterprincelu , @calumspeachy , @wrappedaroundcal , @cosmocalum , @monsteramongmikey , @talkfastfletcher , @hereforlukescruff , @astroashtonio , @catchinqcalum , @roselukes , @5saucewho, @babylon-uncrowned , @dontstopisagoodsongchangemymind , @therainydays4 , @asht0ns-world , @silverchainbee , @hidd3nfangirl , @doodleasouarus , @empathycth , @mylovehes , @songforhema , @kinglyhood , @youngblood199456 , @makecoffeenotwars , @5squash , @negative-love , @softboycal , @kinglycalum , @you-of-ghost , @meetyoutheremgc , @lmao5sosimagines , @lietoash , @aw-hawkeye , @calntynes , @drummerboy794 , @itjustkindahappenedreally, @mycollectionofnuts , @abitloudforanaccousticset , @boytoynamedcalum , @teampreator , @dukehoods , @dweebluke , @calumhampton , @lashtoncurls , @toofadedtofight , @gigglyirwin , @blue-skies-are-alright , @hearts-to-the-sky , @tiddlerrr , @all-i-want-is2b-loved-by-you , @thesensationalcalum , @ashtxns-hxe , @cakeassx-blog , @dancingonanemptywallet , @rotten-kandy , @vipclifford , @musiclover1263 , @rosecoloredash , @jpgluke , @cathartichaoss , @5secondssofssummer , @cozyfivesos , @balsamichood , @cliffordstxngue , @lukesbellas , @myloverboyash , @cxddlyash  , @gabiatthedisco , @rosesfromcth , @gorgeouslygrace , @calumsssparkle , @valentinelrh , @meetashthere , @softforcal , @notoriouslyhood , @hotmessmichael , @fangirlforever0704 , @caswinchester2000 , @long-termplanwithshort-termfixes , @josierosie , 
if you want to be added to my taglist, drop me a message!
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llzehs · 6 years ago
Be aware of jon-heel-moxley, a hate blog in the name of being a Dean fan
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Since I got mostly psychos blocked on tumblr, I myself missed this. A follower brought my attention to it and usually I ignore pathetic creeps with no real life who spent all their time obsessing over others on internet (and with not more than 7 or 8 followers in total LOL) but I’m particularly addressing this cuz ever since I made an anon tumblr account to use on my phone (where no one is blocked), I have been seeing this one nutcase constantly polluting Dean tags with their never ending negativity, whining and bitching and I’m always like, ‘no fucking wonder Dean hates some of his fans.’
Surprise! That’s the same nutcase who’s screenshots are these from. 😂😂😂 I also realized this is the person who was sending me all that anon hate. And warning for you Ambrollins shippers/writers, if you are getting anon hate, this might be the creep sending you that.
Anyways, I was tempted to drag this nutcase for being such a whiner and always posting screenshots and name dropping blogs and writers and shippers behind their backs despite the fact that they themselves have a whole damn blog dedicated to being a creepily obsessive shipper. But I never did so, cuz I try my best to avoid getting into any kind of drama that doesn’t involve me directly. 
jon-heel-moxley, you are a goddamn psycho who is obsessed with negativity and think you are some kind of a moral compass or police around here. When you are nothing but a pathetic miserable loser who needs to find a real life and stop being such an obsessive creep spreading hate all the time bout everything and nothing. You bitch and whine and moan bout people who don’t even acknowledge your existence. Instead of blocking content that isn’t your cup of tea you sit on your computer and spend your whole day obsessing over shit that shouldn’t affect your life so much. And if it does, you honestly need to ask yourself what is your mental state. I honestly feel sad at how royally pathetic one person can be. How this is all your online life exist of. You can easily focus on being a Dean fan and celebrating him, but all you do is bitch bout other fans and shippers. The only thing that can help the kinds of you is to GO GET A LIFE.
People like you give Dean fans a bad name. I dunno why someone need to be so obsessed with a celebrity to a point where they act like everyone need their permission to be fan of that certain person. And the saddest thing is the most annoying and unlikable people are usually the ones acting like this lmao. Hell I’m sure if Dean ever encounters you in real life, you’ll make him so uncomfortable he’ll run a mile from you. At least shippers respect someone’s personal boundaries, and can differentiate between character and the real person. Acting like a brat over opinions and fake ships and stuff that is clearly fiction doesn’t make you look like a cool fan, it makes you look like a creepy nutjob.
Your only problem was I raised some legit points bout the toxicity of Deanee stans who continue to disrespect Dean’s basic wish of privacy (which you felt personally since you are one of those creepy obsessive stans that I hate so much), and that you religiously hate Ambrollins and everyone who ships it. Even if they are careful shippers like me who acknowledge and avoid the toxic aspects of this ship. I was able to get a following here cuz of my well based opinions, and when idiots like you realize you can’t counter them (since you don’t have any brains), you do the shittest shit a person can do. But at least in your case, your reputation speaks for you. 
Renee is a performer, who I was a fan of. I have a right to criticize her like you all criticize every public figure. Like Renee herself criticizes others on her podcast. But creepy Deanee shippers who live so far up Renee’s ass just cuz she’s married to their fav wrestler, what can one expect from you anyways? You have no life of your own and hence think everyone should be a blind brainless idiot like you. You cannot comprehend simple things like some people are just not likable and 2 people are not linked with each other about everything just cuz they are married or dating. You are the same invasive idiot who claimed on Dean’s behalf how he loves Renee so much and would never leave her like you know him in real life and how his marriage works on daily basis and what’s in store of his and Renee’s future 😂 Dean, your fav wrestler, the most private person on earth, yeah go on claim quotes on his behalf and it doesn’t make you look like a psycho. (Mind you, I’m not saying Dean doesn’t love her and would ever leave her, that’s his wife who he married for a reason. I’m only saying if antis are psychos, so are creepy shippers like these who claim things like they are a part of these celebrities real lives and know bout future and what Dean’s feeling and wanting when Dean himself is extremely private and rarely expresses anything bout his personal life.)
People have been calling Seth a slut puppy and princess for years, but no one bats an eye. Dare anyone call Dean something in the shipping content when its clearly the trend around here, jump on them cuz your loser asses cannot use the brains you were given and all you can do in your life is throw bitchfits like the bitches that you are.
People have been writing bout Dean’s injury and death experience left and right, and it was also used to gain sympathy and tension on-screen, but yeah, come at my fics and writing. That makes you look really legit 😂 My fics probably make you cry thousand tears a day cuz its a ship you hate. You are the kind who’ll be kissing ass of a writer doing the same thing if they were doing it with your OTP, Thank goodness you attacked someone like me who’s fully confident and aware of psychos like you and can see right through your bullshit. 
Fiction, ships, everything fake, and that’s what pisses you off all the time? Really shows your skull is pretty empty. You know what’s whack whack whack? Your utter blind stupidity. You know who needs to stop and fuck off? Your psychotic ass. Learn to mind your own damn business or shut the fuck up. Like your pathetic loser ass is allowed to pollute Dean tags and tumblr with your constant whining and childish bullshit, every shipper and fan is allowed to spent their time on tumblr however they want. If you were even decent enough, I would actually sit back and think bout upsetting someone with my content. But your blog content is good enough reason to roll on the floor, drag your ass and go back to being what I am, and that’s a blog people actually enjoy. A blog that’s not filled with hatred and constant negativity.
Seriously, some of ya all need to take a look at your life and ask yourself what are you doing with your lives if bitching bout others is your daily main activity. You are one sad depressing human. I pity you.
Oh, and by the way, slutbrose rules 😎 I’m gonna go write down another Ambrollins fic using Dean’s injury as an angst plot 😎 Seth’s also Dean’s Daddy 😎 Renee is unfit for the commentary job 😎 I’ll continue to embarrass your pathetic loser bitter asses cuz your tears and obsession is hilarious to me 😎
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punkpuns · 7 years ago
Answering Asks Again
Hi there, I’ve built up a bit of a backlog on asks so here are a whole bunch of them answered.
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Friend I’m sorry I got to you late - but maybe that’ll help, at school you should have a selection of thrift shops around where other students have been donating stuff as they’ve moved off campus and that’s a goldmine. I’d say hit the thrift shops, find some stuff you think looks good and is comfortable, and shop only on half-off days. If there’s nothing that quite looks like you want it to, mod it.
And look, tossing out everything you’ve got and starting fresh is pretty wasteful - maybe see if there’s someone in your dorm who would be down to trade? Maybe you could set up a facebook clothing swap event for people on campus? Use it as an excuse to get to know people. Or mod the clothes you’ve got - khakis and a polo can be turned into cutoffs and a tanktop pretty easily, and a stencil plus some acrylic paint from the art supply section of the campus bookstore can make you some pretty awesome custom stuff, you can dye even the most pastel of sundresses black.
Experiment, figure out what you like. Start slow and add one piece at a time - maybe stovepipe jeans aren’t your thing so buying four pairs would be a mistake. Maybe you only want to wear yoga pants and I salute you, but that’s up to you to figure out.
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This feels a little bit trollish because I’m having trouble envisioning an adult who works in a law office and in local politics but hasn’t figured out how to dress in a way they want to or hasn’t figured out whether or not they should.
I’m going to assume you’re young in which case I’m going to actually recommend that you don’t bring much of your style to work for one reason: optics are important.
If you’re involved in local government, work at a law office, and are a punk it stands to reason that you’re pretty politically active and motivated to make changes in the world, and it sounds like you’re uniquely positioned to do so! But here’s the thing: the last time I went to talk to the city council and a group of us showed up in black the local paper called us “kids” and “extras from a Depeche Mode video.” I now own a mousey brown skirt suit and a wig to go talk to the city council.
It’s great to express yourself, it’s less great if expressing yourself prevents you from achieving your goals or making the changes you want to see in the world. It’s really easy to pigeonhole punks as slacktivist poseurs who masturbate to Richard Spencer punching remixes and never vote and that’s because a lot of punks live up to that image.
So I guess what my real advice is is feel out your office, maybe you can get away with skull earrings or a grommeted wristband for your watch but keep your hair to neutral colors if it’s going to get you fired. Activists need attorneys and paralegals and local city councils on our side so there’s value in sucking it up and dealing with the system until you’ve got uplifted enough voices to change it.
Unless you work at, like, the Exxon law offices or with a prosecutor or something. In which case ? why? would you be here? of all places?
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Okay the true punk answer is wear whatever you’re comfortable in. Nobody should care what you’re wearing and if they do they’re an asshole.
That said I understand why it can be uncomfortable to stand out in a crowd - a dark pair of pants, a tee shirt, and a hoodie (if it’s cold enough for one) should be physically comfortable and won’t make you stand out like a sore thumb. Wear comfortable shoes that are thick enough to protect your feet in case you get stepped on, make sure your jeans have enough pockets that you don’t have to carry a purse.
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ALWAYS. If you want in on this donate $10 to the ACLU, RAICES, a local abortion fund, Planned Parenthood, or the United Way Flint Water Fund. Any of these groups will email you a receipt for your donation. Screenshot that receipt and send it to me through tumblr messenger along with a picture of whoever you want illustrated, if you want to see them as a punk, goth, or metalhead, and the names of their 3 favorite bands and I will get an illustration back to you (1 figure only, waist up, grays, no background).
If you donate more I’ll do a more detailed illustration. Here’s an example of one that I did for one of my college professors:
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She donated $100. I’ve got limited time to draw so if you want a drawing like that one ^^^ message me first and make sure I’ve got my schedule clear enough for it.
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Boy howdy do I ever:
As to whether I’ve got any comics in particular about race in the goth/punk/metal scene, I’ve touched on it here and there and discussed why racism doesn’t belong in the scene but I’ve never gone in depth about the people of color who have been erased from the history, but I would very much like to and I have some notes that I’m collecting to do so.
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ikonislife · 8 years ago
No Matter What.
-Donghyuk x Reader
-Fluff, Romance, Vampire au, Vampire!Donghyuk
-Donghyuk prepares himself to reveal his most well kept secret to the love of his life but how will the conversation goes…
-Here’s a drabble nobody asked for while I delay the 10 posts everyone wants me to finish (:  I was inspired by a post I saw, which I will post a screenshot of at the end of the post. Read it before if you want to follow my train of thought or after if you’re curious. Or not at all, I don’t care (:
Also it’s not yet been proofread so I apologize any mistake.
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“Y-You’re a what now?” A shiver shoots down your spine and you could feel the last drop of your blood curdle in fear. Instinctively, you back away from the man you had called yours for the good part of a year and a half. A sharp stab tears your heart watching the hurt in his eyes radiate from your reaction to him simply reaching out for your hands, something he always did not matter time of day.
“Please, love. I don’t mean you any harm.” Donghyuk whimpers out and you want nothing more to run over and encase him in your arms but your coward human nature wouldn’t let you.
“Say it again. I thought I heard you sa-” you bit your lips to stop the preposterous sentence from ending. “What?!”
“Baby, please…” He begs and with all his might hope to god you’d just forget the bomb he just dropped on you and go back to the nice dinner you were both having.
“NO! SAY IT!” You hadn’t intended to be so loud but somewhere in between convincing yourself you had heard wrong and the guilt of reacting in such horrid manner when he entrust you with his deepest secret, if what he said was true.
“I’m a vampire.” There he said it again, this time without the nervous wavering in his voice but rather calm and collect.
“You’re really not fucking with me… You’re completely serious.” You stammer, dinner push aside as you feel the souring of acid reflux traveling upward inside. You stand up, not wanting your body natural reaction to anxiety of vomiting everywhere to send the man of your heart the wrong message. At least you attempted to stand up until the blurring of the world and blanking of your own mind sending you tumbling in your spot, grasping blindly at the chair that had been supporting your weight for balance. Even before your synapses could even begin to release the neuron in your brain to make sense of what was happening, those comforting arms, that familiar scent were already catching you in his hold. Donghyuk whispers small reassuring words as he pulls you close into his chest, holding on tight because if he didn’t, he was sure you’ll pull away from him forever. You clutch onto his waist and it makes him smile to see you weren’t scare of him nor were you disgust at what he is. Your desperate touch remains the same as they were despite flinching away just a few moments ago.
“Let’s go lay down, hmm? Rest a bit. I swear I don’t even need to lay with you or, or be in the same room. Just let me wait in the living room so I know you’re okay.” His hands rubbing your shoulder gently, making you feel so small in his embrace, even more now that you had a small taste of his … power. Such a weird thing to say, your boyfriend has powers.
“I just stood up too fast, Donghyuk. I’m fine. You worry too much.” You grumble but that does nothing against your ever attentive man. Donghyuk would’ve carry you into the bedroom if he had his way but right now, he doesn’t want to scare you. He needs for you to know he’s the same as ever.  Tucking you in, he pulls the soft grey cashmere blanket over your body before hesitantly pressing a kiss onto your forehead. Normally, this would be when he crawls in right next to you but instead, with a sadden gaze he turns away and begin for the living room. For a split second you let him walk away before deciding against it reaching out to his hand. Donghyuk gasps when he felt your small hand in his, grasping on so tightly he nearly cry that you still wants him close. Happily obliging to his princess request, he peels back the cover and let himself sinks into the softness of the satin sheet and your warmth. He wraps his arm around your waist, face nuzzling deep in the crook of your neck. He loves cuddling with you, it’s the one thing he would never be busy for as you both snuggle close to each other in complete silent but today, today if he doesn’t say anything in the next second it’d be too late.
“Are you mad, baby?” Donghyuk tests the water, wondering if you’re just letting him close by fear or by love. 
“No, I’m not.” You reply curtly, pulling his arm tighter around your body.
“Are you scare?”
“No, I’m not… Just confuse.” You sigh, unsure of how to begin the process of understanding it all. A day ago if someone had told you your dear boyfriend is some immortal force of the supernatural world, you’d laugh until you pass out. Now, judging by the way he got from one side of the table to catching you neatly in his arms almost instantaneous, he’s a force to be reckon with. 
“I’m sorry I lied to you for so long… I just couldn’t bring myself to tell you because i know, I know once you learned the truth, there would be nothing to stop you from leaving me. I’ve never love another woman like you before, from the first moment I set eyes on you till now, all I want was to be near you and to know you want that to. Right now it’s not time for me to be selfish anymore and I’d understand if you feel betrayed, if you want to leave me…” Donghyuk tries his best to keep his emotion under wrap but how could he when matters of heart are at hands. He didn’t want him crying to affect your decision, to cloud your judgement but alas the tiny kitten liked sniffle couldn’t be stop. You push his arm off your body and he could feel his heart fragmenting. Yet against all his prediction, you roll around to face him with your hands around his cheeks.
“Kim Donghyuk, I’ve never once said I would leave you. So stop being so stupid and say stupid things. I told you I’m not mad nor am I scare. Look me in the eyes right now and tell me, use those bat instinct of yours and tell me… Am I afraid?” He couldn’t help but chuckle at your strange reference to bat because quite honestly he hadn’t seen one since he was a child exploring caves for fun so many moons ago. You feel your bang being brush away from your forehead delicately before those beautiful eyes stare straight at yours without any hesitation.
“No” He smiles at his own answer.
“What do you see then…” You ask again, wanting nothing more to reassure him that there is no doubt within you.
“Love.” He presses a soft kiss on your lips before whispering softly again. “I love you so much.” 
“I love you, Donghyuk. I just have a lot of questions. I mean one second you’re just some rich dude I tried to con for a good life…” You pinch his cheeks and watch his eyes widen at the thought you can still joke at this second.
“Yah! How can you say you love me and something that crazy in one sentence.” He retorts, fighting off your teasing hands. You giggle, crawling closer in his embrace. “In all seriousness though, I- thank you, baby.”
“For what? I haven’t done anything.”
“For not turning away, for being with me.” 
He kisses you and it felt like the first time you kissed. There was a mixture of nervousness mix in with that gut churning, stomach full of butterflies feeling of being so close to someone you love. There was always something there that hold him back. You had thought it was because the different walks of life that you belong to, he a man of intellectual while you grew up on hard work. You had met when he was guest lecturing at a seminar you attended for work. From the first moment his piercing gaze met yours, your heart melted. It didn’t take long for you to fully submit to his love and by the 3rd month of being together, you both had said many “I love you”.
“I have so many questions.” 
“Ask away, baby. Anything you want.” He strokes your cheek, eyes so focus it seems they’re relearning your features in a different light.
“I don’t even know where to begin… Uhm, we took so many pictures together. I thought vampires aren’t suppose to show up in pictures?” You felt a bit stupid asking but Donghyuk goes against everything you’ve read about what vampires are suppose to be like. 
“It’s not that camera can’t capture us. If you simply look through the lense, of course we appear. Back in the day, when we develop photos, they use a process that involves silver thus eliminating us vamps out of photos.” A small kiss finds itself on your nose as he admires the way you’re listening so intently, so eager to learn. “Before you ask, same with mirror. Back then mirrors were made with silver, now they’re made with aluminum backing.”
“So silver still hurt you then?” You speak up suddenly, almost scaring the poor man.
“Yes, it does. However the sun doesn’t as I suspect that will be your next question. The original vampires were somewhat allergic to the sun but evolution process and what not, we can still have beach day whenever you want.” He answers then smiles bright when you mumble “mental note to throw all my silver jewelry away.” You shy away in embarrassment when you meet his eyes but your curiosity got the better of you.
“What about garlic. I love garlic and you always make me garlic steak. So it’s not poison to you then.”  
“That, back when we were still being hunted, our ancestors and yours made a peace treaty between our kinds. To convince the human of letting us assimilate, the ancestors agreed on a white lie, a sort of insurance policy to assure that there was nothing to worry about. So they told everyone garlic would hurt us as not everyone could afford to keep silver to protect themselves. It was a mean to ease in the treaty but somehow it took on a crazy life of its own. Honestly, my father told me they’d just pretend to faint or cry in pain whenever a human try to use garlic on him and his friends.” 
“But wouldn’t that bite them in the ass if there was evil vampires? Are there evil vampires?” You postulate, so excited in all the new information that you sit up, hands clasp together in anticipation.
“I never said it was smart. Of course there’s evil just as there’re criminals amongst normal human. We did have incidents of course, there was outrage but it died quick after the elders set up a knight force for lacks of a better term that keeps the rogue ones in check.” Donghyuk had also slowly rising from his spot, pulling you into his laps as you leans into his chest. “Anything else, love?”
“Oh my God. Do you go out each night when I fall asleep and like steal blood?” You yelp out loudly, this whole time, you bonded with Donghyuk over the amazing food he cooked and the food adventures you both take. Early on in the relationship, he had suggested twice a month, you both would go on a food date to a completely random restaurant, something out of both your comfort zones. Never once did you have someone to love food as much as you do, perhaps even more that was willingly open to try absolutely everything and anything. Donghyuk silenced for a second then burst out in laughter that rumbles your body.
“What do you think I am, love? I’m a vampire, not some sort of blood thief. Yes, I don’t sleep at night but I still stay next to you or do work in the office. Your imagination is too wild, little lady.” You could feel your cheeks burst out with heat and steam puffing out of your ears from embarrassment. You hadn’t exactly intended for those thought to come to light, let alone have Donghyuk heard it. “Modern vampires still rely on blood but not in the same manner old vampires did. We have big tech labs and corporations that manufacture blood that serve the same function without us having to kill poor animals. Of course there was a big uproar and a small faction of vampires that went rogue but the elders took care of it fast.” Sensing your mortification creeping up still, Donghyuk does what he does best and pressing kisses all along your cheek to sooth your heart. “Trust me when I say our food adventures and all the time we cooked and ate together, it was all real. I can still taste just as human do, enjoy the food you made me just as you enjoy mine. But survival wise, I still have to get nutrient from blood.” As if reading your mind, Donghyuk ended your worries even before you could voice it. You whisper a soft understanding “ah” before settling in, tearing your brain apart for any other queries. 
“So that time…” You muse suddenly and watch as Donghyuk bites his lips in a strange expression you couldn’t decipher. 
“I- About that. I did use my power to push you out of the way of that oncoming motorcycle. I couldn’t let you get hurt and honestly it didn’t hurt me that bad, or at all actually…” Donghyuk hesitantly recalling the event that if he had to pin point a place and time he had solidified your relationship, it was then. You had just gotten out on lunch break while he was already sipping an espresso from the cafe across the street. He knew exactly when and where you’d appear from so he waited, and waited until he saw you skipped your way down the cobblestone sidewalk. You were just in uniform, black slack and white blouse just as every other girl in the company but there’s something so lovely, so graceful about you. You were swaying gently side to side waiting for the green blinking man to appear when his eyes met yours and felt a gush of wind knocking him off his feet when you cracked a bright smile. You waved, then proceed to step onto the empty street as the blinking man signaled it was your turn except… Donghyuk could hear it. 
The revving of engine, screeching of rubber against the hot asphalt intensifying with every second. You couldn’t of course and it made sense now when you think about it with his power granting him extraordinary hearing. Before you could make sense of the situation, your body already hit the ground yet it was Donghyuk that took most of the impact as his body flung forward. You clambered off of the hot floor as you watch the motorcycle tear off into the distant without a second thought for the lifeless Donghyuk laying just a few feet away. You screamed, you didn’t know how long you screamed for but you just wanted for the man who just saved your life to open his eyes. His forehead bloody, clothes tattered but he still mumbled making sure you were alright. You blanked as he motioned to the cellphone in his pocket. You pulled him into your embrace before dialing the name he sluggishly pointed at. Not even five minutes later, a black car with a strange plate and near black tinted window pulled up and whisked you both away to a hospital you’ve never heard of. They took him away for how long you didn’t know but when the gentle nurse shook you awake, Donghyuk was already in his private room resting. You settled in, watching as the spikes of his EKG run across the screen. He slept for the rest of the night and when you awaken, a blanket draped over your curled up body in the chair right next to his bed, Donghyuk pressing a kiss to your forehead. He jerked away in fear and embarrassment. He was so adorable, to a point where you couldn’t help but giggled before grasping onto his hand. The rest of the week was spent that way. Despite being the one in the hospital bed, he was more concerned about the scratches on your arms and legs.
“So, you weren’t hurt?” 
“I-I was originally but we healed fast. I was already healed by that morning when i stole that kiss from you.” He sighed, fearful that the most wonderful week that helped bloom your mere crush into a full blown bloom of love was all a lie. “Please don’t be mad. I had no choice, I couldn’t let you know that I healed at a rate 100 times faster than human does. That and…” His voice trailed off, making you shift in your seat in anticipation.
“And I really wanted you for myself. I watched you for so long through all the speech I made, the classes I taught and I just want a chance to be close to you. I wanted to be selfish even if it was just a lie. I wanted, needed the attention you gave me. Please don’t be mad.” He turns you around gently with both hands on your shoulders, he peers into your eyes, trying to figure out if there was any sign of regret but instead, you smile to ease his worries.
“I love you, Donghyuk. It still doesn’t change the fact that you saved my life. You got hurt trying to protect me. I don’t care if you heal in a second or a year, I would’ve taken care of you just the same.” You dive into his arms to reassure him nothing had change, nothing will change.
“Any more questions?”
“How old are you?” You ask and hear a small knowing sigh.
“I knew that was coming. In term of vampire age, I’m still young, I guess I’d be consider the same as my human age. In term of human years, I’m somewhere in the 400.” He sighs once again as you eyes widen in shock, a small gasp escapes your lips simultaneously as the poking and prodding of your finger on his face begins.
“Woah, you’re like super old. I can’t believe it… I’m into old rich dude. Don’t worry, you’re still handsome. Hold up!”
“What, what is it?” Donghyuk had gotten into the rhythm of your conversation by now to suspect your sudden halt is anything bad.
“How many girls have you been with… and is that why you’re so good in the bedding department.” You wink teasingly, dragging your index lazily from his chest down his abs before getting caught squarely in his hand. 
“Okay missy, that’s good enough questions for tonight. Yes, I’ve dated many women but not in that way. Out of everyone, only a few ever really accepted me as I am. Back then, even with the integration of our species, love between the two kinds weren’t exactly welcome so for the good of the people I love, I gave up. I hurt a lot of people I cared for and it had been over a hundred years since I fell so deeply in love with anyone. Had it not been for that accident, I-”
“You would’ve never made a move on me…” You sigh onto his lips, head falling onto his shoulder almost dejectedly at the thought of a life without Donghyuk. The delight in learning about a whole new world suddenly being purged from your mind as the gut wrenching thought of the most wonderful man in the world sitting alone in this house with no one to share even just a simple meal with but the ghost of his past loves. 
“Baby… Believe me when I say this. I do not regret anything that had happened between us. I wanted to so many time to tell you but I didn’t want to hurt you. All my past relationship had either ended in heartbreak or something even worse that I couldn’t imagine putting you through the same thing. Even if it’s the modern day, even if half human half vampire baby aren’t anything new. I just couldn’t risk putting you through so much pain.” He lifts your chin up to view the face of the person he holds dear in his heart, the most important person in his life. A frown breaks on his soft lips as he realize the twinkles in your eyes weren’t the usual kind but tears. 
“I love you, Donghyuk. If you’d let me, I want to be with you till the day I die… When I, how would that work? I, I don’t want you to be alone again…” Panic stricken your mind as the thought of you aging while your ever ethereal boyfriend remains the same. The thought of him having to watch you die, bury you, going back to that life of having no one to love, it kills you.
“I’m not immortal, baby, my lifespan is just longer. Don’t worry about that part for now, okay? We’ll cross that bridge when we get there.”
“How could I not. I don’t care if I die but I don’t want you to watch me die. I don’t want to leave you, all alone in this giant cold place…” A sob passes your lips and Donghyuk shushes you with soft stroke to your hair. 
“If you must know, my mother is human. My father is well over, God, I don’t even know how old he is anymore. they’re still living well and healthy into their 10 billionth year of marriage now. We have ways, but that’s story for another day. For now, just let the new information sink in.” Donghyuk pets your cheeks as he would always when you’re upset, a little trick he discovered early on that could still your nervous heart. His lips latch onto yours needfully as you cling onto his body, never wanting to let go. You both lay down, bodies flushing tight together letting the gentle pitter patter of fresh rain outside lull you both to sleep.
“Promise me there’s a way because I think I want to be with you for all eternity. Promise me, Donghyuk.” 
“I promise.” Donghyuk could feel his heart erratic from the thought that he too might be able to find forever love and happiness just as his parents did, still do. He didn’t think it was possible but the past two years of knowing you alone made the hundred years of loneliness before then so worth the wait. Watching the smile blooming so brightly on your sleepy features from his promise eases his weary mind as he laid there holding you in his arms, pressing soft kisses on your face just as he would every night when you sleep. For now, just knowing you want him just as much as he does you, willing to let him cuddle you tight even with the revelation of his hidden self awakening, pushing your relationship into a new light is good enough. Whatever happens now, Donghyuk trust you’ll always be in his corner, no more will he be lonely.
So I saw this post on facebook and I thought, why not? Let’s write something about this.
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ampersandbastille · 7 years ago
∆ one of the best days of my entire life...again ∆
Alright. So. This time, my story comes in two parts, from two Bastille gigs. The first show (and part) Sunday September 10th, 2017 in Norfolk, VA has been commemorated in this video. It is very long, but there is a table of contents of sorts in the description, if you’d like to skip around. But here is the second piece of it, in its entirety in post form: On Thursday September 14th, 2017 in Philadelphia, PA, I saw my favorite band, Bastille, for the fourth time. And by the same, or another all-powerful grace of a god in the sky or the universe, I got to meet them again. (the first post of meeting them can be found here). Here is the story:
So again, if you’ll remember, I was not supposed to go to that Charlotte show when I then, somehow formally met them. Well this story starts very similarly. I had bought my ticket for this Philly show last minute upon deciding I could swing it as far as getting there and such goes. I had just enough money as well. I was lucky enough to buy a ticket at face value from a lovely mutual on twitter (i’m @bastilleaud there, by the way). A week prior to the show, this same mutual had also informed me that Radio 104.5 Philly was doing a contest called Beer Garden, which is a contest with the radio station where the band hangs out and plays in a small diner/bar an acoustic set, and following, there’s a meet and greet. I really wanted to try for it, just because it was not only a 21+ event, meaning less competition as far as other listeners playing goes, but I mean. A chance to meet my favorite band again? I HAVE to try. So all week, every day, I listened to the specified hours on the radio station. Four times a day, they read out a keyword and such and there would be a winner each hour. I failed miserably. I had given up hope after all of my attempts, but my mutual contacted me the day before, September 13th, and said they were giving ONE LAST CHANCE. So I thought meh, I won’t get it but I might as well try. I had work though, but this time they had people tweet them screenshots listening to their station at 1 pm, which was easy enough. I remember sending my tweet in and seeing there were already 78 replies.  I thought yeah no...no way that’s happening.
Then the craziest stroke of luck comes out of nowhere, again. Like an omen from above. Just insanity. I get a notification to my phone from a random person I don’t know, who had replied to a tweet, saying “Will there be any more chances?” I was confused. I scrolled up to see a tweet from radio 104.5, mentioning myself and like 5 or 6 others saying we had won. I was at work, children were about to come back into the classroom, and I was SHAKING. Basically, trying to hold in my emotions for the rest of the day. I still have no understanding as to how this craziness could happen to me, but here we are.
So the day comes. Literally, the next day. I drive up to Philly, somehow magically find a good parking space (after driving around aimlessly for a half an hour) next to the diner. Steph, who was my plus one, arrived. We waited outside of the diner to await the radio station and such. Before then, a different van arrives. Down the sidewalk and walking into the diner, waltz Charlie Barnes, Kyle Simmons, and Dan Smith (in that order I believe). What. We’re all just standing there like uhhh whoa? Okay? So the radio station arrives shortly after, and more people who had won the contest over the span of a week and a half or so.
So we get our wristbands outside and wait for probably ten or so minutes before we are allowed inside the bar/stage part of the diner. It felt like an eternity. We get inside and unfortunately from here on out, we were not allowed to take photo and video of the event. I lived in the moment, which was nice. The radio station has now posted the photos of it and our meet and greet photos, and I’ll add them here when I receive them. So we are all huddled around the stage, and Steph and I somehow got right up front, and I was standing about two feet from the stage. Like, I could see every detail on Dan’s face close. It was...whoa.
So to back track a little, before they come out, I saw the one, the only, Dick Meredith from across the room. And after we had become bffs in Norfolk and I told him I’d see him in Philly, he was like “OH hello! How are you, Audrey? Nice to see you!” Like. I love him. So I told him I was great, but very nervous, but he was like “Why? You aren’t the one performing!” and he laughed. “They’re just normal guys, love. I promise.” And honestly he was calming me down quite a bit, which is hilarious to me. Such a dad move. BUT he was busy so I let him do his job. He was looking at me from across the other side of the stage while they were performing by the way and just smiling at me, who was probably looking the happiest I’ve ever been like, ever.
So anyway. They come out. Dan’s keyboard is literally right in front of me, and I was towards the right side so Will was back behind on our side. But just as a reminder, this “stage” was TINY, so even though I wasn’t on Kyle’s side, he was still RIGHT THERE. Charlie was behind him, and Woody was sat in the middle. So they’re all setting up and we weren’t cheering for them to come out anymore, so it was kind of quiet. Dan did his usual “hello how ya doin” to fill in the silence and there were some random woos. But in my mind I’m like, uh they’re right there, just setting up, why can’t I just speak to them? So I blurt out “Dan, how’s your voice after Norfolk?” (he had lost his voice towards the end and was struggling throughout the show) and he looks at me so intently, just wow. He smiles and grits his teeth a little and replies, “Uhhh...we’ll see!” and everyone laughs. He was just so? A stupid amount of adorable, I don’t even know. And he was so beardy, which isn’t always like him to be. Seeing it up close was angelic. It’s lighter brown, almost ginger colored, and it seemed a bit too grown out for his comfort, as he was scrunching and furrowing his nose a little, maybe trying to itch his face a bit. Although I won’t describe each one of them too much to save y’all time, they all looked ANGELIC and just beautiful at that Beer Garden show. Just. Ahhh. Woody looked like a perfect well-rested angel, Will seemed genuinely excited while he was playing to us, Kyle...just. KYLE. And sir Charlie Barnes looking dapper as always.
In this order, they performed Send Them Off!, Blame, The Currents, and Good Grief. All acoustically. They were almost carbon copies of their bunker sessions versions of these songs, which just?!? WOW, were already my favorites like ever. But hearing them live. Whew. (and I know The Currents doesn’t have a bunker session, but it was basically what you would expect the bunker session of it to be). All just completely glorious masterpieces. After STO!, they all looked to each other and realized oh, what song are we doing next what the hell, like they weren’t super prepared or something? But it was pretty adorable. After Blame, there was some equipment readjustments and such, so there was some more quietness. I took another moment. “Kyle, I love your nail polish, it’s beautiful.” I HAD TO Y’ALL, I HAD TO. I needed him to know I love it, we love it, it’s just pretty okay. He looks to me, gets this huge freakin smile on his face, teeth and all, and waves his black-polished fingers up showing them off, and batting his eyelashes. Dan immediately busts into laughter, and Kyle just blurts out “Thank you!” to me before they begin The Currents. I still don’t know why other people weren’t just being chill and feeling comfortable enough to speak to them but hey, I couldn’t help myself.
So they finish up the entire performance, and again it was incredible and I was in shock that I had even witnessed it. One of the radio djs comes on stage and explains that we all have to move back towards the other end of the bar to make a line to meet them when they come back out. So being towards the stage, we ended up being one of the first in line. Standing, in order, were Woody, Dan, Kyle, and Will. Again, I had wished Charlie would join them for meet and greet, but yaknow. So they put us into groups of four and five to save time, and in my group, I was the first to walk through. I surprisingly was still able to kinda take my time to speak with them all.
So Woody was first, and AGH I cannot say this enough, he is such an angel. He said “Hello, how are you?!” before I could even say hi, with a beautiful grin on his face, and once again, he’s such a cuddly hugger. Just, makes you feel safe and at home? Ouch, my heart. I quickly said “You were wonderful today!” And he smiled and said “Aww thank you so much!” and then I saw an antsy bouncing Dan out of the corner of my eye, waiting for me. So I immediately reach my arms out and he says “Helloooo!” excitedly. “How are you?” AGH. And after our hug (which once again, was so glorious and he smells heavenly), I made it a point to say something important to him. Of course there are a billion things I could say, but I wanted to make sure he knew these things specifically, whether they came from me or not. As he is looking intently and eagerly into my eyes, I’m almost shaking because he’s like, piercing my soul? Wow. I wrote down everything that happened afterwards so I could remember, and I’m so glad I did. Anyway, so i said “I love you Dan, but please take care of yourself, okay? I was there at Norfolk and heard you struggling. Give yourself and your voice a break when you can, alright?” And he just. He basically melted. As I spoke, it appeared as if he was tearing up, which was startling. But like, if heart eyes were in real life, they would’ve been his. And he smiled so big. “Awww man, it’s so hard to take a break while on constant tour!” and he giggled, and grabbed my arm, but then genuinely and more seriously said “Thank you SO much.” And I just blurted out before I KNEW I would get pushed through, “If you need another three years to get another album done and take an actual break, I will wait, we will wait!” And he just balls his hand into a fist over his chest cutely and goes “Awwww, babe!” And I just. Agh. I nearly melted into the floor.
Next up. Kyle Simmons. My dearest and most cherished angel on earth. Whew. So I had already noticed while waiting in line he had looked at me, looked away, but then looked back as if he had recognized me? I wasn’t sure. But I was nervous to say the least. He smiles familiarly when he sees me and says “HellOOO” rather than just “Hello!” like I DON’T KNOW. So I go in. To hug him. He has his arms reached out, his long noodley arms. A MAN. AND HE JUST. He leans into my face before he does my body for a hug. And he kisses my cheek. Like. Just goes and smooches me. Right above my lips, by my nose too. So I could feel his damn facial hair on my lips and just. I was so caught off guard, y’all. And so we hug and I hold on probably a bit longer than security wanted me to at this point (they were already side eyeing me) and I say “Hey so, we’ve met, do you remember me at all?” and he just looks into my damn eyes and says “Yeah, yeah, we met earlier this year right?” Which yes. We did. So I go, “Yeah um, I was that embarrassing girl who asked to touch your facial hair?” and he laughed and said “I remember! Yeah, yeah, yeah!” And so I say, “Sorry about that, yikes.” And he was like “No no don’t be!” and giggled. I wanted to ask him about the tweet about me asking him on a date that he replied to but security literally was like “KEEP IT MOVING.” I had more interaction with him just before we were pushed out of the diner as well.
So then William Farquarson. A damn man if I ever saw one. I had just met him a few nights ago and no joke, he was one of the first people to wish me a happy birthday when I met him outside the buses (I was the only one who got to meet Will that night oops, he swerved everybody else). And he hugged me and we chatted and it was just glorious. So I said “Hello again, Will!” and he smiled shyly and said “Hello, nice to see you again!” And I immediately just kinda blurted, “You look great today, and you sounded amazing on Blame!” which, he really DID. And he smiled and said “Thank you!” and his voice got kinda high when he said you, like he was excited to get a compliment, aw aw aw. So then I hear the radio people be like GET IN FOR THE PHOTO PEOPLE GEEZUS. So I immediately cuddle into Kyle and stand between him and Will. And Stephannie was in between Dan and Kyle, I was so happy that we each got to be between two members. We were lucky. So here comes the interesting part.
Before we are all pushed away, Dan taps me on my arm and kinda tugs my shirt and I’m like WHA. And he says “Hey, thank you so much for saying that, don’t worry about me okay? I’m great!” And smiled so genuinely. My actual heart. Ouch. Now, there was one more interaction I had with Kyle as well before we were pushed away, but I’m going to keep that to myself (please don’t hate me) only because it’s kinda personal and also I’d like to keep that lil bit of the day for myself.
Stephannie and I get outside and just. On the sidewalk, I just sit down and I’m like “WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!!??” And Steph is like “Girl what happened?!!” So we just sat there and told each other everything that happened and freaked out as calmly as we could on a public sidewalk. So we’re out there, and Dick comes out. And he sees me kinda sprawled out on the sidewalk like a weirdo. So I of course have to go chat with my bff again. Ha. Steph and I also wanted to give him a flamingo necklace too just as our long running joke, and he just immediately lets me “knight” him with it. But anyway, when I first saw him I’m like “Hey! AHH!” and he just laughs and is like “How was it?!” and I fangirl as calmly as possible to him and he’s just going “Awwww” and “Awww, love.” the whole time. And I hug him and I’m just like “Thank you so much for everything you do, I know I keep saying it but I really mean it.” and he melts much like Dan did aw aw and just grabs me into a huge hug and kisses the top of my head and holds me so kindly just. And he says “Love you, darling.” Like okay, sorry, but Dick Meredith and I are best freaking friends now and I don’t care what you SAY.
So the guys start coming back out to file into the van and Charlie just jumps on in right in front of me and I was like “Bye Charlie!” and one of the tour crew members was helping him in and he was laughing at Dick and I. And so I just go “Sorry, I’m Dick Meredith’s biggest fan, ya know?” And Dick laughs and just says “Hey, you should be his fan too!” and I was like I AM I AM and I hug the guy haha and I just kinda blurt out without thinking “Okay real talk, you all have one of the most attractive tour crews I’ve ever seen, it’s ridiculous.” and the tour guy BLUSHES SO HARD and is like “I’m so flattered! Thank you!” And Dick is just laughing at himself. And me. I don’t even know. But we continue chatting and the rest of Bas file into the van in front of the one Charlie got into, and I just wave hopelessly and say bye and they smile and wave and say see you later. And Dick was like “I know I’ll run into you again a bunch later, bye love!” and he hops in.
We have a few hours before the show, so Steph and I take an Uber to the venue to wait. We knew we weren’t getting barricade or anything which was fine, so we hopped in the line where it was, which wasn’t too bad. We were probably 6 or so rows from the barricade when we got inside. Once doors open, we file in and get our spots. Frenship eventually comes on, and I was so excited to see them perform again. They put on an incredible show once again, and since it was their last show opening for Bastille, that damn triangle band (minus will and charlie) came out and joined them for their last song, 1000 Nights (which is my favorite of theirs at the moment). Kyle came out on Woody’s shoulder’s in a Frenship tee, and Dan came out in their sweatshirt (which I now own, and I am totally obsessed with, it’s so comfy). Dan played drums behind Celeste, and was just laughing from afar at the craziness of Kyle and Woody. Kyle eventually got off of his shoulders and was playing the banana shaker and Woody played a drum. I tweeted out some video of it here: https://twitter.com/bastilleaud/status/908493772320919552
Then of course Bastille come out and commence their show, which happens as per usual and by its usual schedule and setlist of this tour. Just a couple exciting moments I’ll hit on: Towards the beginning, I yelled out for Kyle, “HI KYLE!” and he looks out, sees me almost immediately, mouths “You!” and points to me. I just blow kisses at him like a crazy person, and he does it back so cutely oh my, and everyone around me was like who even is this girl. And he does a silly finger point at me before he starts playing the next song. Another time, I just yell “WOOO!” I don’t even remember what it was at to be honest, and I look to Kyle and he’s pointing at me again. Like. WHY. After Dan had asked Julia about the story of her sign (about how she had totaled her car on her way to philly, poor bby), he asked if anyone else had any stories and I just raise my hand immediately I DON’T EVEN KNOW and Dan just, out of everyone there yelling at him, somehow sees me and points “You! You have one?” And is smiling like? Did he recognize me? I don't know. But I yell out, “I WAS JUST AT YOUR SHOW IN NORFOLK AND IT WAS MY BIRTHDAY, MY FRIENDS HELD UP THOSE EMBARRASSING SIGNS!” and he laughed, and then goes “Wait, this is probably SO interesting to everyone else here.” And laughs at himself. Like hey Daniel, maybe everyone DID want to hear my story (no they definitely didn’t but it’s fine hahaha). I could feel Kyle staring at me and I caught him right before he looked away and that noodle winked at me like, excuse you. Kyle was looking at me quite a few times I noticed throughout the show, which I was surprised by because I was farther back this time but I wasn’t complaining, believe me.
So I won’t detail every single bit of the show because y’all know how their shows go typically. And they were amazing, as usual. I will say though, Dan sang “he” and “Won’t Trump stop firing up the crazies?” during The Currents and I was SO DAMN EXCITED about that, lemme tell ya. Also during Flaws, it was funny because the entire time I was like hey I wanna say hi to Dick again rather than freak out over Dan this time. Dick basically had to keep Dan from jumping off the damn balcony during Two Evils, I was nervous, to be honest. Bless Dick Meredith and his difficult job.
Afterwards, Stephannie and I wanted to go get Frenship merch, and the table was just completely surrounded for Bastille merch. James and Brett came through one of the sets of double doors just casually and Steph and I flagged James down and we were like “Uh hey, where’s your guys’ merch?!” because we couldn’t see it hanging on the wall at all. And he seemed so genuinely surprised and excited we wanted merch. He was like “I���m not sure, but hey you really want some merch?!”...I was like YES BABE WE LOVE YOU DUH. So he literally leads us over to the way other side and gets behind the counter, and was asking the merch guys to come help us, and they were being major asses to him (and us). So Steph and I are like, it’s fine, we’ll wait over here on the other side of the table. And James was like “I would give you some for free, but I keep getting in trouble for that!” Like what a cutie. So we’re waiting waiting waiting and this older man from the other part behind the table was looking to us and was like “Are you guys waiting for Frenship merch?” and we were wondering why he was asking, and figured he was waiting too. And we’re like “yeah, we’re just waiting!” and he looked bothered by that. But James was chatting with us again while we were waiting so it was all good, like a whole manner of things, I can’t remember it all. But he was so friendly just like asking us about what we do and everything. He keeps being asked for photos though so we let him go. So finally this older gentleman again asks, “What merch do you guys want?” when he was up at the front of the one line. And Steph and I were again confused, but we were like “We wanted the sweatshirts!” and he goes “What sizes?” No joke y’all. This man bought us our merch and we were like “Wait no no sir we cannot possibly accept that!” and he just has this huge smile on his face and points to James (who’s talking to some fans still) and says “Please let me, I’m his dad.” So. James’ freaking dad bought us our Frenship sweatshirts. I honestly melted. We hugged him and thanked him a billion times and I felt so bad. I asked James if I could give him anything and he was like “No no no!” and I was like honestly your dad is the cutest human being wow?!??? And he was like I KNOW.
Then we decide to wait outside for the guys again, just because. Dan came over and said hi twice, took a big group photo, but they were all super drunk so they filtered them onto the buses and left. Stephannie and I drove back to her hotel when I noticed Dick freaking legend himself Meredith had followed me on Instagram. Just. Yes. BEST FRIENDS FOR LIFE I SWEAR TO YOU. I didn’t say this on Twitter, but we actually have chatted through Insta DMs a few times but I don’t want to divulge everything we talked about, just because I would feel bad after gaining his trust doing that. But basically we were just casually chatting and he wanted to make sure I was safe and got home alright. He asked if I was going to the Atlanta show and he was sad when I told him I couldn’t, and he wanted to help me get there, what a sweetie. But again, AGH I wish I could say everything. I don’t know. Please don’t hate me. Just know he is so genuine and kind and wanted to make sure I was alright and such.
Does this end my story? I believe so. If I remember other things, I’ll have to edit and add later. I’ll add the photos as soon as I have them! Otherwise, thank you for reading. I am so blessed, truly. ∆
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gillianfoster · 7 years ago
hey nerd pt. 2
who ya gonna call?
richie: hey how’d sleep go?
eddie: i mean. it could have been worse
richie: meaning?
eddie: meaning the dream was. different. it wasn’t as bad.
richie: you wanna talk about it?
eddie: i don’t know i mean it’s kind of dumb it just
eddie: like the bad part was still there it was just everyone like all the other losers were there too. and you guys saved me. like it went from that. thing the scary thing into this weird fucking clown and then we all beat it up
richie: that sounds sick except i fucking hate clowns
eddie: it was pretty awesome. you hit it with a baseball bat
richie: wow yeah i would absolutely beat the shit out of a clown with a baseball bat, especially if it said that shit to you
eddie: wow my hero
richie: i’m only doing my job sir
eddie: you’re the worst. i’ve gotta go i’m gonna be late for class
richie: talk to you later
The Losers Squad™
richie: do you guys think you could bribe eddie into sending me a voice message
bill: you know he’ll see this later, right?
richie: well yeah but he’s in class. even if he does scroll up it’ll be too late
mike: why do you wanna bribe him why don’t you just ask him
richie: i mean i did once. it’s been a while i guess
ben: i’d love to know what all you guys sound like! i mean richie i know what you sound like from your videos and voices and stuff but i don’t know what the rest of you sound like!
richie: are we all gonna send voice messages that would actually be sick
mike: sure i’ll do it
bill: do we have to
bev: do you not want to bill?
bill: i mean. not really
ben: why not?
bill: i just don’t really want you guys to hear me, there’s a reason i don’t do stuff like that. and why i just play music when i draw.
richie: oh. yeah, dude, you don’t have to.
bill: thanks richie
bill: i’d still like to hear you guys though? i think people should if they’re comfortable sharing.
richie: i mean i’ll fucking do it
richie: [0:32] Okay actually this is really fucking awkward I have no idea what to say. I don’t think I’ve ever talked in my own normal voice to you guys for this long. Or. You know where you guys could hear it. Maybe once to Eddie, but that’s. Y’know. Okay this is fucking weird I’m done now, bye.
ben: oh richie you’re right i’m not sure i’ve ever heard you not doing a voice before!
richie: this is weirder than i thought it would be i’m never talking again
stan: Well that would be a miracle
ben: oh hi stan!
stan: I’m in for the voice message thing if you guys want
stan: [0:28] For once I have to say, Richie is right. This is very strange. But hi, everyone. I hope you’re all doing well. I hope classes are good. Actually Richie may have downplayed just how weird this is, this is weird shit, I’m gonna go ahead and stop now.
mike: i mean i don’t think it’d be this weird if we all did it more often you know, but since this is the first time
mike: [0:48] Hey, guys! So - sorry ignore the chickens in the background, I’m outside working. So I guess you can sort of get a feel for what it’s actually like where I live! It sounds like this basically all the time. I mean, less so in the house, but once you’re anywhere near the chickens. I’m talking about the chickens too much, aren’t I? We have other animals, too. Not that I’m just gonna talk about animals. Uh. I love you guys. Hope you’re good. I really think we should do this more often, just. As a way to talk and stuff? It’s kind of cool.
ben: so i can’t actually send one right now because i’m on the quiet floor in the library, but i will later!
bev: i can do one now
bev: [0:24] Hey, losers. I have to agree with Mike that this is kind of neat. It’d be nice to get across tone sometimes, y’know? And it’s easier to tell stories this way, like if I had a big thing I wanted to tell you guys, something that happened in a class or something that I didn’t wanna post on tumblr where it might get like a thousand notes out of nowhere. Just my two cents.
ben: bev you have such a good voice!
bev: aw thanks ben <3
bill: it’s really nice to hear all you guys. and i’m excited to hear yours, too, ben.
bev: bill do you wanna say why you don’t wanna do one?
bill: not right now
eddie: boy you go to one class and you miss fucking everything, huh. don’t you guys have class?
richie: not this early spaghetti man, you’re the only one that hates yourself that much
eddie: rich oh my god please
eddie: also oh my god that was like a hundred years ago you asked me for a voice message i’d send you one now
eddie: i just. sort of hate my voice.
richie: what why??????
ben: eddie :(
eddie: it’s just like. really kind of. high pitched. i don’t know i don’t like it
bill: eddie would you feel better if i did one
eddie: oh bill you don’t have to
bill: i will if you will
eddie: you wanna tell us why first?
bill: yeah i guess i should, before i do.
bill: i just have a stutter. i have since i was a kid. i’ve done some speech therapy so it’s not as bad as it used to be. just. i kind of like that it doesn’t come across online
bev: bill i’m sure you still sound great
bill: i just didn’t want you guys to think of me like that
mike: it won’t change anything bill. you’re still everyone’s favorite
richie: i abstain from picking favorites
mike: you’re everyone but richie’s favorite, but don’t take that personally, we all know who his favorite is
richie: you don’t have to call me out like this mike
eddie: what who’s richie’s favorite?
bev: oh my god you’re all useless. except bill, bill you’re not useless and please feel free to send us a message at any time and put us all out of our misery
bill: [0:53] S-s-sorry I have to talk sort of. Slow. It helps with the... stutter. When I slow down. Like Mike said I hope you’re all having a good day. Eddie I hope this makes you feel better about sharing. I guess I w-wouldn’t mind doing this more now that we’ve done it. I’m not s-sure. I’m not sure what else to say either, though. I love you guys. I know if we’d met and you’d heard me we’d still be friends anyways, I just. You know it was nice to know you didn’t know and you c-c-couldn’t change your mind based on that. Oh. And G-georgie says hi to everyone.
eddie: god i guess that means it’s my turn
eddie: [0:34] Okay, hi. Hi, everyone. I think I’m just sort of self-conscious because people have like said stuff to me before about how gay I sound, which. Obviously that shouldn’t bother me, I am gay, but it’s also more than a little annoying, I don’t know. I’m sure you guys get it, you always get it. Um. Hi, Richie. God this is weird to know this is the first time you’re hearing me talk if you hate my voice don’t say anything. I’m gonna stop talking now.
richie: eddie oh my god
eddie: oh god i mean it don’t say anything
richie: i love your voice and i will fight anyone who’s ever said anything to you
eddie: oh
ben: everyone sounds great, i love you guys!
bill: yeah i have to say i love you guys, too
stan: Ditto
richie: I Love Everyone In This Chat
eddie: love you guys
mike: oh man i love you guys too
bev: this is so sweet, i feel the power of gay friendship in this chili’s tonight
bev: i’m screenshotting that
bev: ben don’t forget to send your voice message when you can!
ben: yeah i’m leaving the library now!
ben: [0:42] Gosh, okay, hey guys! It feels like there’s so much pressure now that I’m last that’s so weird. Um. So I was just in the library, like I said, and I was on the silent floor, and this guy at the next table just had like a bunch of hard-boiled eggs with him? I guess it was a snack or something but it was one of the weirdest things I’ve ever seen in the library. He was also clearly not a student, so that was interesting. Overall pretty weird. Just thought I’d take the chance to share.
richie: ben holy shit
bill: oh wow thank you for that ben
ben: i really don’t think i could have made that up if i tried
stan: Tag yourself i’m the egg guy
richie: stan you would be the fucking egg guy
mike: stan aren’t you vegan?
stan: That’s the joke, Michael
richie: lksjdflkjasldfkjlkjas fuck
eddie: richie you’re such a dumbass
richie: yeah fine but i’m your dumbass
eddie: literally in what sense are you my dumbass, i am not responsible for you
richie: okay well you got me there
bev: bill does it ever get any less painful you’ve known them the longest
bill: no not really
richie: what the fuck are you guys talking about?
eddie: seriously
bev: nothing
who ya gonna call?
richie: can you send me another voice message. but like here? so it’s just. here?
eddie: why?
richie: i kind of just want one. is that okay?
eddie: yeah okay, i guess that’s only fair after all the ones you’ve sent me
eddie: [2:03] Hey. Okay. So. Hi, Richie. This is. Still kind of weird? I guess it’s less weird now that I know you know what I sound like. That’s. Actually kind of nice that you know and you’re not laughing at me secretly. I think I’d know if you were. God, how long have we known each other? It’s like. Multiple years now isn’t it? That’s fucking crazy, Rich. I just can’t believe you live in California, it’s so far. I’d have to fly, and it’s expensive, it - not. Not saying you’d want me to visit. I mean, okay, I guess we have kind of established it would be nice to meet, right? So that’s not weird for me to say. I don’t know. Do you ever... Do you ever think about... I don’t know how to put this. Just sometimes I think about the people who like go to your college that see you every day and don’t. Appreciate that. I know you have people you talk to at school, you’ve told me about some of them, but I still feel like they don’t know how lucky they are that they actually get to know you. God okay, that actually is weird to say, isn’t it? And this is kind of getting long, this is way longer than anything anyone sent to the group chat today, and now I’m sort of rambling, I’m sorry. I kind of like talking at you, I think. Maybe we should. Do this more. And you should definitely send me messages not in a voice more. You have a good voice you know? Like it’d be a good radio voice. Not that people listen to the radio. But maybe like a good podcast voice. Okay, god, I’m done now. Sorry.
richie: oh wow
eddie: i’m sorry that was weird wasn’t it
richie: eds no it’s fine
eddie: okay. if you say so
richie: should i send you one?
eddie: yeah. please. if you want to
richie: [3:11] Okay. God this is really weird like having no intention of doing a voice at you and just. sending you this. I mean I’ve sent you dumb jokes but I really don’t know that I’ve even sent you a full length message like this like. As me. Still, I’m gonna. I’m gonna talk about the stuff you talked about and maybe then you’ll feel less weird. So. It’s not weird that you wanna fly here. If I had the money I’d be at your school like literally every weekend, Eds. You’re my best friend. You’d  pretty much never get rid of me. But I don’t have any fucking money so we’re just kind of stuck like this, which is dumb. Someday one of us’ll have money, though. And I... I actually think about that. All the fucking time. I mean the shit you said about... about how people that get to see you every day are so fucking lucky and they have no idea? Just. I think about that all the time. And especially today when you said people talk shit about your voice, your voice is perfect, Eds. It’s. It sounds just like. You. Like it sounds like you. It’s not how I pictured you sounding because I didn’t know how to imagine your voice, you know? But now that I’ve heard it, that’s your voice. You know? See now I make even less sense than you, does that make you feel better? Fuck. Uh. What else did you say? I guess that’s sort of it, huh? So now it’s time for me to pull some dumb shit or come up with a story to tell you so you can forget all the other shit I just said. So. Oh! Yeah I’ve got one. Okay so the other day I was at the arcade - it’s actually a barcade because nobody has fucking arcades anymore which is the bane of my existence, but they don’t card on like early weekday nights so if I go on Monday or Tuesday and get there early enough I can go downstairs and play arcade games, so. I was down there, and I spent most of my money fucking around on Street Fighter like I always do, but then I was running low on tokens, and I decided I’d play some skeeball, which seemed like. Complete boring and normal, especially since I was totally sober, but I guess my hands were like sweaty from all the Street Fighter or something, and when I went to throw the first ball, I just fucking chucked it, and it bounced off the machine and cracked the plastic thing at the top, and then when it came back it like hit me directly in the face. Not my nose or anything, so nothing was broken but. Let me tell you, skeeballs are not soft. In any capacity. Just if you ever wondered. If you wanted to know. Anyways, you don’t have to be worried I’m not really hurt, so hopefully it’s just funny and now you’ll just forget literally everything else that I’ve said. Oh God this one is longer than yours now. Like by a lot. Shit. Uh. Right I’m gonna stop recording now and shut up, so. I hope this is good enough.
eddie: thanks rich
richie: for what?
eddie: i don’t know, i mean. all of it mostly
richie: yeah, alright you sap
eddie: don’t ruin it fuckface
richie: now who’s ruining it?
eddie: i’m glad that you said that stuff about us hanging out though because i might have. figured something out the other day
eddie: i’m not saying anything yet because there’s absolutely nothing solid happening but. i had an idea
richie: so you’re not sharing the idea you’re just gonna leave me here to suffer
eddie: yep
richie: that’s just mean eds
eddie: that’s possible
eddie: i’m actually surprisingly tired tonight i think i’m gonna go to bed
richie: you sure? i can stay up for a bit with you if you need me to
eddie: no i think i’ll be okay, but thank you
richie: yeah of course
eddie: love you rich <3 talk to you tomorrow
richie: love you too. talk to you tomorrow eds
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overratedjoe-blog · 8 years ago
Updates: Undying Wish's Act II release date & revision of Falling Apart
Hello, people! One of the reasons for me to create a Tumblr was for me to give updates on how my fics are going more easily. Before this, all relevant updates I had were given as author notes in AO3 and ff.net, and those were less than ideal ways for me to communicate to you guys. This post will probably be just one of many. You better sit and grab a snack, because oh boy, this is gonna be loooooong.
So, first of all, I'm happy to say that the development of Undying Wish's Act II is coming swiftly. Sure, I rewrote some sections entirely and had classic writer block, but compared to Phantom Memories this is being a dream. 
Under normal circumstances, I'd say Act II would be released by the end of February/beginning of March with quite some confidence. However, I've been rethinking on my schedule, and this may not be the case anymore.
What could delay Undying Wish's final part release is something I've been thinking of doing for some time now: a complete revision of Falling Apart. Originally, I planned on doing that only AFTER I completed the series, but I think it would be more beneficial if I actually did that BEFORE. I'll explain this later on this post.
But first things first: why make a revision of Falling Apart, the first installment of the Sometimes series?
There are two main reasons for that: one more personal, and one more practical. 
Falling Apart was not the first fanfiction I've written – it happened to be the first I actually had the courage to publish, though. However, when I began writing it, it had been quite some time since I had written any form of fiction, so – and probably it's not that hard to notice – I was a little rusty. You can see that by comparing any paragraph from the very first chapter of Falling Apart with any paragraph from the last chapter from Undying Wish's Act I. Looking back to the first entry of the series, I notice the sentences in there are too short, the pacing is weird, and the ideas sometimes are presented in a disconnected way. I don't mean to say my writing is now free from its problems, but I can safely affirm I've improved since then. 
However, the structure of my writing is just part of the problem. After re-reading Falling Apart's first two chapters, I realized my initial grasp on Frisk's character is simply terrible – it's inconsistent with the rest of the series; heck, it's inconsistent with the rest of Falling Apart itself.
You see, in chapter one of Falling Apart, I present Frisk as this angry, edgy, angsty teenager who is sarcastic and cynical for no good reason. Sure, he's had a rough past, and suffers with guilt due to his journey on the Underground, but that's no excuse for him to say things like (about the orphanage he lives in):
“Yeah, you are totally right. Let’s just take a bunch of kids in, give them a bit of food so they don’t starve, let them figure out life in this hell, and then send them away with nothing when time comes.”
When I wrote this, I wanted to make Frisk sound angry and rebellious because I thought it was kinda cool. But now, reading this made me cringe. Seriously. That's not being cool; that's being edgy for the sake of being edgy, and that's bad for a fanfic that wants to take itself seriously.
Weirdly enough, Frisk gets a lot more tame after chapter three, and I think it's because I got a better grasp on him when I made him interact with other known characters from Undertale, like Sans, Papyrus and MK.
So – structure problems and Frisk's characterization are the first, more personal reason I have to be wanting to make a revision on Falling Apart.
The second reason actually ties in with the first one. To explain it, I'll post here a screenshot of Sometimes' traffic stats on ff.net on January 2017 (soon after it was updated with Undying Wish's Act I). 
Tumblr media
Let's take a look at these numbers and figure out what they mean.
Apparently, 46 people, give or take, clicked on the Sometimes fic, and were lead, obviously, to the first chapter (which is Falling Apart's first chapter, of course). That's not a bad number considering I don't update the story regularly, and ff.net system favors those who do just that.
But then, we look at the following chapter's stat, and notice there is a massive drop on clicks – just 20. That means that I lose half of my potential readers right off the bat, and that's not good.
After chapter three, the views stabilize around 10 per chapter. The conclusion – from all the people who click my fic, about 75% go away right in the first three chapters. As I'm able to retain people after that, I'm certain the problem is with the first three chapters of Falling Apart (specially the first two due to the characterization issues I explained above).
The fic would benefit immensely from a revision on Falling Apart. By fixing the structure and the pacing, and getting a better grasp on Frisk's character, not only will I be making the introduction to the series more consistent with the rest, I'll also increase my chances of retaining readers.
Don't get me wrong – I don't live just to see my fanfiction get views, kudos and comments. In fact, I consider myself to be very lucky to have some very faithful readers, who comment, bookmark, favorite, and/or leave kudos on every entry. And for that I'm really, really grateful.
However, the reason I decided to post the Sometimes series online was because I wanted to share it with other people – other people who played Undertale, who loved the characters, who wanted to see them going through all the possibilities the game presented us, who wanted more from this amazing title. It's no wonder the Undertale's fanbase make such high ammounts of fanworks.
Of course, if even after making the changes these numbers I showed you above keep about the same, you won't see me complaining about it. As I stated before, one of the primary reasons for me doing this is purely personal. Above all – above keeping readers, above all stats – I want to write a good, consistent story. Falling Apart's revision would be part of that.
Now, what would exactly be the changes made is a matter of discussion for another post, as this one is already long enough the way it is.
And this leads us to the beginning of the post – the release date for Undying Wish's Act II.
See, the reason I want to "fix" Falling Apart before posting the final part of the story is related to the new readers I'll be able to keep if I do that. When I post the final part of the series, it'll go to the front page both on AO3 and ff.net. If I've already made the changes I wanted to do in Falling Apart by then, chances of the new readers becoming invested on the story will be higher.
That means that, while I had planned to release Act II by the end of February, if I'm going to do a proper revision of Falling Apart, it could take at least another month, if not more. Of course, I would try to make up for the delay by keeping you updated on the status of it – and even posting a preview when the time comes.
Well, that's quite a long first post, huh? I think that's about it for now. Thank you for reading and see you next time!
P.S.: Forgot to mention in the core text of the post: if we look at the traffic stats above, we notice that the last chapter has about the same number of views than the first one. I don't know why that happens; do people in ff.net just check the first and the last chapters and then leave? o.O
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achrisstevenson · 6 years ago
Reviewers—Our Lifeblood.
 After having sent out and received (cold) over 1,370 personalized review requests, I think I’m qualified to depart a little information on the topic of Book Review Requests. I’ll start the salvo off with a personal letter from a reviewer who happened to discuss some problem areas wherein authors were disrespectful and/or intimidating. I have her permission to post this material. Below her letter is my reaction and thoughts.
 So nice to hear from you again! I read the blurb at Amazon, and this one sounds much more to my liking. Go ahead and send the MOBI whenever you like. My reading schedule is pretty busy until the 15th, but I'll see what I can do.
 Surprisingly, about reviewing, it can be trickier than you think! Previous to 2019, I had been a casual reviewer. Voracious reader but only reviewed books now and again if I felt strongly about them (one way or the other). My new year's resolution this year was to read 200 books and review each one of them. After some bad reverses at work, reviewing became a bit of an obsession. I have started to question my sanity about reading so many books, but I do love to read as it provides refuge.
 What makes it tricky is that sometimes authors can do bad things to reviewers, either publically or privately. If I give what an author perceives as a bad review, I often get long diatribes about why I was wrong. A few authors have even commented (or had friends comment) on my reviews at Goodreads, saying that I misunderstood something or other; my favorite was when an author stated I should have inferred X about the book from its blurb (if you want me to know something... tell me... don't expect me to have to figure out your meaning if you're not clear). I don't like the private notes, but the public calling outs are uncalled for. In two days in mid July, I was targeted by two different authors, one publically and one privately. The private one was a "publisher" asking me to take down a review at my site because they hadn't given me permission to post it! Seriously! He used all sorts of legalistic language and was mildly threatening. The other author took my public review on Goodreads, made a screenshot that included my name, and posted it on her blog (which she broadcasts all over her social media channels), where she shredded my review and me. Over the course of a week or so, she continued to make defamatory remarks. I continue to get harassing emails from her friends; I received another just today. Sigh.
 All this over book reviewing!
 I joined a FB group for book bloggers just share my tales of woe and get feedback, and it was amazing how many came back with similar stories. Some have actually gone so far to never accept private requests for reviews because they don't want the potential to be harassed by an author who knows their email address.
 How sad that it has come to that. I think that's why your lovely little line resonated with me. Balm for my wounded reviewer soul!
 (My Response) Hi, Jamie.
 Soulful words indeed. I've have seen instances of a total lack of respect for the reviewers, comments and emails comprised of hate speech, claims of stupidity and demands. I've been at this for the last 15 years straight (29 total), and I've mellowed with just about all literary pursuits. Everyone has to understand that this is all a collaborative effort and there are HUMAN beings with lives on the other end of these emails, especially reviewers. In my view, reviewers perform an impossible task by reading books from cover to cover and then writing about them and then linking them to all their social media sites. FOR FREE. For the enjoyment of it. I could Never do such a thing! The workload would topple me, frustrate me, hurt my feelings and take up enormous amounts of time. And even yet, reviewer's mission statement are filled with enthusiasm and gratitude for the opportunity of reading someone else's book. They are honored. Astonishing.
 I've written articles on the proper way to query for reviews--this involved all aspects. I have a powerful writer website, and I'm about to really nail this subject again. I've enlightened every one of my publisher's authors (with little comments) to abide by these tasks and pass them on. Read the policies through and through. Then read the bios and see who this person is and if you can click with anything of interest with them. Yes, it's time consuming. But look at the time they take with you. And any author who sends a cold copy of a book to a reviewer should be automatically scratched. It's discourteous. If they want one off the bat, they ask for it.
 Sorry, but this advanced age publishing glut has hobbled the entire industry. Supply has eclipsed demand. Reviewers are overworked to the breaking point. How can they sift through trash without finding the true gems? I’m not talking about the majority of indies who are really setting the industry afire with true talent. I also believe that small and large press editors should redouble their efforts and weed out those mistakes in format, grammar, structure and all else
 Nice conversing with you. You have confirmed my feelings. I promise to blast a message about this subject. I want you to know that you are valued as a pro reader and a person, and that you are real to me.
 Let’s lay down some simple ground rules: read their bios and policy/guidelines. You’ll know exactly what to expect from every individual human reviewer. You can even read some of their reviews to check out their style and voice. You can tell a lot about a person from their background; job occupation, loves, hates, hobbies and wishes—and just look at all the baby, children and animal photos and references! You’re digging. This brings you close. It’s intimate, and it should be. Granted that most of your request package will be a cut and paste, but it is subject to change with every reviewer, and none of them are specifically the same. Give them, honor them with the first paragraph of your opening letter. You don’t have to pander. Politely disagree with them on a point or topic if you feel the need. Just communicate in real time.
 Some reviewers will ask for a cover photo, a certain subject line heading, the best way to contact them; form or email. Some want paperbacks only, with many specifying their e-copy formats. Address them by name—if it isn’t listed go find it in their social media contacts. Don’t judge them by the number of their blog followers—this is a level playing field.
 Find out what their policy is for DNF (did not finish) or low 1 and 2-star rankings. Many will give you the option of not publishing a very low rank. If you don’t want that low score, ask to opt out of the review. (This just happened to me with a paid review and I had no option to opt out. It shredded me. More about paid reviews later, or what they disguise as “marketing and social media expenses.”)
 Target their genre. What’s their top pick? What are their secondary choices? What are their marginal genres? If you have a YA fantasy with a lot of violence and death in it, the reviewer might say they love YA fantasy, but say they can’t stomach horror in any fashion. That leaves you out, if that’s what you have. Don’t try to get by as an exception unless they ask you to explain those types of contents. If you have trigger warnings, spell them out up front. (I’ve made some mistakes with this).
 If you don’t have a new release, don’t tell them you do. Generally, a new release can be less than a year old, but more commonly, three monts. If you are weeks within a release, state that up front and politely ask for an ASAP review. I’m over three months old with my release but I’m not asking for a quick review. I’ll take my place in line with the rest of them. In my mind, the reviewer is the pilot/captain—I’m the passenger with seat belt on and the tray in the upright. I’m not running this show. The reviewer is not your employee. They are an advocate for your product—not theirs—yours.
 As an aside, I’ll pay for a cup of coffee as a donation, but I’m refusing to pay for any low-cost reviews. You can find out if they list services other than free reviews that might cost you, but those are generally legitimate services that involve extensive social media promotion campaigns. Just feel comfortable about what you’re getting into.
 I could go on forever about this topic and I’ve left so much out that it will require another long blog post. For now, I’ll show you my request package. It’s a disorganized mess, but it’s working like a charm. Only because it covers just about everything they ask for. BUT remember your opening hello letter at the top.
 I’ll red-shift outta her. Thanks for reading—Christy J. Breedlove and Chris H. Stevenson.
 ETA: I doff my fedora to all the reviewers I’ve had contact with. So many of you are now my friends and subscriber buddies. You are the treasures in our industry.
  I know you must be swamped, and I’d like to just take the time to thank you for your unselfish service and dedication to us writers. The TBR piles are higher than K-2 out there. I don’t know if you are up for a review right at this time, but I thought I’d ask first. I abide by and honor your review policy. (A review on Amazon would be fabulous, but not a requirement).
 Well, what makes this tome stand out? I think my book Screamcatcher: Web World is unique in that I have never seen a dream catcher used as a prop or device in the plot or theme of a book on the Internet. I had to create the inside reality of a web world. My book has shades of Indian lore in it, and I think the characters are diverse and well-drawn. It has a slow-burn sweet romance. I see this as a mash-up between Jumanji and The Hunger Games. I've included the cover blurb in this email for your perusal. For a deeper probe, you can click on Christy's Amazon page. I hope you like this idea.
 Most Kindly Yours,
 Christy Breedlove (pen name)
 AMAZON SCREAM PAGE: https://www.amazon.com/Screamcatcher-World-Christy-J-Breedlove-ebook/dp/B07QDK5M75/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Screamcatcher+Web+World&qid=1555016089&s=books&sr=1-1-spell
Amazon.com: Screamcatcher: Web World eBook: Christy J.  Breedlove: Kindle Store
Screamcatcher: Web World - Kindle edition by Christy J.  Breedlove. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or  tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while  reading Screamcatcher: Web World.
The pub date was officially 4-23-2019, so it’s a recent book. You can get to it whenever you please—I have no priorities or demands. The publisher is Melange Books, Fire & Ice. Age range: Upper YA 15—19. Pages: 218, Words: 67,000. Formats: PDF, Kindle/Mobi, E-Pub.
 When seventeen-year-old Jory Pike cannot shake the hellish nightmares of her parent’s deaths, she turns to an old family heirloom, a dream catcher. Even though she’s half blood Chippewa, Jory thinks old Native American lore is so yesterday, but she’s willing to give it a try. However, the dream catcher has had its fill of nightmares from an ancient and violent past. After a sleepover party, and during one of Jory’s most horrific dream episodes, the dream catcher implodes, sucking Jory and her three friends into its own world of trapped nightmares. They’re in an alternate universe—locked inside of an insane web world filled with murders, beasts and thieves. How can they find the center of the web where all good things are allowed to pass? Where is the light of salvation? Are they in hell?
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