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imjustalazycat · 11 months ago
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commission for the lovely @zebrafalter <33
thank you so much for this fun commission ;;
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ladycibia · 7 months ago
🤣 the gwent post kills me because its so true. Glad to see im not the only one.
I'm glad you enjoyed it! ;w; I love joking around the game mechanics and the idea of Geralt being obsessed with gwent amuses me XD
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original post
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littletroggo · 2 months ago
thank you for 200 202 followers!!
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so the big two hunge huh...
i've been busy getting back into the flow with school that i didn't notice... but there are 200 of you now. it was 181 less than a week ago! i just WHAT???
i started posting more last may because i thought "eh why not." i absolutely did not expect this. seriously! most of you know my art for the cute or silly clone sketches, but that came about because i wanted to draw faster and didn't feel like drawing every little detail on tech's armor (yes it was specifically tech)
i've had a long and complicated relationship with my art, and to think it'd be noticed by even one person, surprises me. i said it in my last ramble, but i'm so used to fangirling over all my favorite artists. i know the squealing, the excitement. which is why i still can't comprehend that that's how some of you feel. there are some of you who SAVE MY ART. there are some of you who LOOK FORWARD TO IT. there are some of you who USE MY ART! that's wild to me! seriously, all of you are so kind. i'm not kidding when i say i hoard the sweet and funny comments like a dragon. it never fails to make melt whenever i see something about how my art makes you happy or brightens your day. same goes for the jokes! i've laughed until my ribs hurt from so many of them. it's really hard for the inner demons (self doubt) to have a say when there's all this support
man, there's so much i wanna put to words, but i don't know how. like all my emotions are bubbling over, and i'm scrambling to scoop them up into something discernible. saying thank you just doesn't feel like enough considering how often i respond with it. but what else could i say?
genuinely, whether you've been lurking or responding to almost everything, thank you. i respond with it so often because i mean it. i'll never be able to fully put to words how much it means to me <3
(p.s. the celebration event will go up tomorrow because i thought i'd have more time to solidify it)
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frostbitepandaaaaa · 5 months ago
😭 A fic that ripped your heart out (but it hurt so good)
i just answered this one but i'll rec another that meets this criteria.
We've Been Here Before by angel_deux
snippet (fyi this seems like a spoiler but it's not):
“I can’t save you,” she says to him, wrapping her arms around him as he’s dying. The sobs are trapped in her throat. She’s too tired even to cry. “I just need more time. I just need…”
“We’ve been here before,” Cassian whispers, and she freezes, her arms tight around him, her eyes forward, facing the explosion. For the first time in thirty-seven runs, she feels a smile lighting on her face. “We’ve done this before.”
She pulls back to see him, and he’s wearing an expression that looks like a revelation.
“We have,” she whispers. And his eyes, dimming, light fading, meet hers for the last time, and he surges forward with his last strength, and he kisses her.
“And last time, we did this,” he says into her ear, and she can’t tell if it’s sobs or laughter that escape her as the light reaches them.
send me an ask and i rec a fic!
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leprosycock · 3 months ago
Do you have a Pinterest we can follow? Love the aesthetic for your ships
it’s not particularly robust and i have to rebuild most of my boards after my last account was suspended (no i don’t know why they did it, it might’ve literally just been because of my pictures of anime girls cutting themselves) but you can check it out if you wish :v
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the-videodame · 4 months ago
favorite for yvette!
SORRY this took so long. i was waiting until after class to answer but i. ended up napping. for 5 hours WHOOPS
favorite: Does your OC have a favorite article of clothing or accessory? What is it? What's the meaning behind it? Do they wear it all the time or do they wear it sparingly to keep it safe?
Yv'ette has taken to keeping hold of Komira's Locket after she's gifted it, especially after what happens in Act II. She's incredibly protective over the tiefling refugees, being a tiefling herself, and that goes doubly so for the tiefling children. She pretty much considers Mol and Arabella her own kids by Act III, and keeping the locket Komira gifts her for saving her daughter is like telling her that she'll make sure to keep Arabella safe. She doesn't even need it for the dancing lights spell, it's purely for sentimentality.
She doesn't wear it all the time (shes afraid of it getting lost, stolen, or broken), but she tries to wear it for formal events post-game. Otherwise, it's kept safely locked away somewhere within her room - one day she'll gift it to Arabella, once her grieving is fully over.
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kylos-starlight · 5 months ago
👀 — 🐀
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First up it was WAS HARD to pick only ONE photo to gush about.
I really really love this image of my husband though! Like he is completely surrounded and still he lifts his light saber and is basically like "Well lets go!"
I have a thing(TM) with disheveled K.y.lo >///> His hair is all messy and he's all sweaty and dirty/roughed up, his eyes are cautious and and the boy is down right pissed off this entire scene just ..... hhhhh... [Kaden's legs have stopped working and their brain has shut off]
I don't know if I want to be afraid for him or turned on
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absoleyes · 2 years ago
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Commission for @astrangeghost of their lovely Zinna!
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horsegirlwarcrimes · 8 months ago
I've been reading your fanfic for quite a while now, and I kind of don't want it to end. so many things have ended for me, and most of them are fics. ꉂ(ˊᗜˋ*)〣
The story made me really happy, and it's so bakes me happy to this day. It's I've actually had brain rot over this exact fic and only that, and I just need more.
But all good things must come to an end eventually.
o(TヘTo) くぅ
thank you so much! this is such a lovely message to receive, it is super meaningful to me that my writing can bring you joy!
much like in the recent fic chapters, I've found a lot of things are changing or coming to an end in my own life at the moment, including this fic. it makes me both sad to see it go and so happy to get to go on this journey with both myself and everyone reading
i very much hope you enjoy the ending (ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ)♡
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apricior · 1 year ago
Hi hi hi!
(end of year asks) 1 and 25!
hi!! :D
1. Song of the year?
it would be a lie to say anything else other than the song with five names by will wood and the tapeworms. it was my most listened song this year for a reason (it slaps really hard)
25. Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one
i did!! i created my monster ocs, but i'm going to talk specifically about my girl noor cause i'm insane about him. she's a trans guy and a trans girl and nonbinary and none of those things and all of them at the same time. he's a werewolf. ze even has two partners! i hold her very close to my heart cause he's so so sweet and caring and also because eir gender kicks ass
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yang-innie · 2 years ago
15 questions, 15 mutuals
tagged by my beeloved @changbeens 💖💖💖 Thank you so much!!!
1. are you named after anyone? a great aunt from my dad's side
2. when was the last time you cried? a couple of days ago.
3. do you have kids? I do!! I have 3. They are 10, 13, and 16
4. do you use sarcasm a lot? it's my first language
5. what sports do you play/have you played? I played soccer when I was young and am a 2 time regional kenpo champion before I messed up my left knee and ankle. 😅
6. what’s the first thing you notice about people? my hair! I have tons of it and it is more than half way down my back
7. what’s your eye colour? green
8. scary movies or happy endings? neither! I prefer bittersweet endings. akdjakd
9. any special talents? I have many things that I am slightly above average at HAHA. 👍
10. where were you born? California
11. what are your hobbies? I mean obviously the kpop stuff, but I sometimes create mediocre drawings, read, I cook A TON, and recently I've been into plant care lol.
12. do you have pets? Two doggies!! Look at them. They're cute.
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13. how tall are you? 5'3
14. favourite subject in school? science <3
15. dream job? right now I am just vibing teaching 4th grade but I am going back for to get my masters in mathematical leadership to hopefully be able to develop and improve math curriculum and support fellow teachers. 💖💖💖 I'm going to tag @yonjunz @yongbonk @get-lit @chanrizard and @strayklds @minzbins @chanstopher @snug-gyu and @agibbangs.
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feykiller · 3 months ago
13 and 73!
13 has been answered so I'll go with the next song in the list!
14. Spiracle- Flower Face
73. Introspection - Anna Murphy
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frostbitepandaaaaa · 4 months ago
Hi frost! 📚 and 💕 for Rebelcaptain please *mwah*
ebby!! thank you!! <333
📚 A fic you wish you could display on your bookshelf
hmmm... there's so many honestly. but for rebelcaptain it'd probably be angel_deux's Won't You Let Us Wander series. firstly, it would take up multiple volumes which is just so cool! and secondly, though i do love the progression of the relationship and the momentum from there, each story is so lovely and self-contained that i feel like i could just take any single book out and have a great time. also, although cassian and jyn are the main focus of this series, of course, i also feel like they're novelazations of movies that were never made... so it makes them feel particularly suitable to printing and binding? i dunno it's just so cool. anyway.
💞 A fic that led to you making friends with the author
i already answered this, here!
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archonfurina · 10 months ago
4, 22, 27, + 33 for the ask game! 🌞
4. What is your favorite book?
Currently it's The Expedition: A Love Story by Bea Uusma. I was totally obsessed and finished it in one day. I've read it twice now and it's still just as interesting.
22. What is your most prized possession?
Okay this is silly since I don't really have one but if I had to say something I value the most it's my gaming pc. It was also really, really expensive.
27. Are you an early bird or a night owl?
Early bird I guess! I work the best in the morning, and if I've had a good night's sleep I love being awake when almost no one is.
33. What’s a pet peeve you have?
On tumblr it's if people don't tag their posts. That means I can't blacklist/hide certain things I don't want to see. It's so easy and takes only a second to type the thing the post is about, and it helps your blog stay organized and you can search to find the post again.
[question game]
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floweroflaurelin · 4 months ago
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Hey Scar’s new skin is looking pretty cool 👀
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vartouhix · 1 year ago
💝 Does my muse like Valentine’s Day?
sex+romance headcanons
Actually? No. Lmao. She doesn't like all the effort of getting giri choco (obligation chocolate) to give to all the men in her life. If she was allowed to give just honmei choco (true feeling chocolate) to the men who are important to her, she would like it much better, because she doesn't mind making chocolates for people she cares about.
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