#thank u uvu
dreamingpartone · 2 years
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It’s like a dream, or is it a dream?
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amevello-blue · 8 months
Hey!! If you don't like a certain topic or ship or whatever, block it! Block the creators that make it! Block the tag! Stop talking about the thing!
DO NOT go into creator's DMs being like "hey what are your thoughts on this thing?" !! That's SO rude! You're shoving a topic in their face that they might not even want to hear about! They might have it blocked entirely because it makes them uncomfortable! Or it might be triggering!
YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN ONLINE SPACE! Do not go into other people's spaces and demand their thoughts on sensitive topics! If they reblog stuff or make stuff that you don't agree with, BLOCK THEM!! It's that easy!!!
DO NOT spend your precious time on this earth trying to hunt down and vilify everyone who makes that content! You're just making your own hell! You are actively seeking out the thing that you don't like!
Just stop talking about it!! Block! It's so easy!!!!
And DO NOT message me saying "hey your friend isn't actively hunting down and vilifying every single person who makes this content that both of you have been clear on the fact you don't enjoy"!!! That's super childish and extremely inappropriate! Don't bring up sensitive topics to people you don't know! Don't harass creators!
Anyway the rest of you have a wonderful great day and I love you very much.
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old-ai · 1 year
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Insufficient Memory.
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spectrayus · 6 months
Well! I come back from my family vacation!!
I share a selfie of me! :D
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airxn · 1 year
Has airin ever had a papas party
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fetusmeme · 1 year
I’m getting into welcome home I love it!!!!!!!!!!! do you have any more head cannons?!
I like to think having a staring contest with wally is like giving him a hug or something idk i’m just being gay
Frank has a FANTASTIC singing voice and Julie always wants to sing duets with him
Poppy and Julie hang out quite frequently and I liked to think they bake and have sleepovers on occasion
Eddie for some reason i can see as poly uvu
I hc the entire cast of Welcome Home sings like the cast of Avenue Q, specifically the song For Now
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byanyan · 2 months
"One." She counted, tugging gently on their index finger. Lena hummed gently, watching the upset team with caring eyes, before moving to their middle finger. "Two." She continued the process, letting them process as loudly or painfully as they needed, working her way down each finger until she got to their thumb. "Twenty."
ㅤit wasn't often that they let themself cry in front of lena.
it was even less often that they let themself completely break down in front of her.
the week had been a long one, full of awful surprise on top of awful surprise, from hearing word that they'd officially be removed from the group home at the end of the school year regardless of whether they found themself someplace new to live or not, to crossing paths with an old, abusive foster mother who somehow managed to be worse to them than ever despite them being long out of her care. they hadn't been able to catch a break, old traumas and miserable memories forcibly dredged up against their will in moments they least expected it... and it had all come to a head tonight, when they'd shown up to lena's place seeking refuge from the world only to be jumped by a deeply buried memory when faced with a simple bowl of mac 'n cheese.
it had taken them back to being five years old again, unwanted and alone and all too aware of both of those facts, left to wonder what was wrong with them, what it was that they'd done that was so wrong as to not be allowed to go home.
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lena's presence in front of them didn't register until about the time she was counting to four with a gentle pull on their little finger. they were too busy curling in on themself, trying to hide their pain (or perhaps it was a weak attempt to hide from it) despite the way their unwilling sobs wracked their entire form.
five, she said, and they felt her fingers on their thumb as they shoved their face deeper into the crook of their elbow like they might just be able to disappear if they tried hard enough.
six. byan shuffled, battling against the urge to lash out like a cornered animal, despising this feeling of vulnerability despite knowing that lena wouldn't take advantage of it. it was too much like being a child again, so full of all those intense emotions that they didn't know where to put or what to do with, bottling it all up until it came out in an uncontrollable fit of rage and misunderstood violence.
seven. a shout tore from their throat, sharp and raw and full of agony. no words to it, just pure emotion being expelled because it had to come out somewhere. this was better than accidentally hurting lena, if also more embarrassing.
eight. another yell, this one sounding vaguely like a question, almost like a pained why? it broke off into another stream of noisy sobs and sniffling, and they could feel their tears now soaking through the thick fabric of their hoodie's sleeve.
by the time lena reached twelve, the teen had quietened down considerably. tears still stung their eyes and soaked their sweater, and their breathing would break off into stilted hiccoughs and sniffles every now and then, but the very worst of it seemed to have passed, at least for now.
ㅤㅤ" 'm sorry, "ㅤthey mumbled somewhere around sixteen, voice quiet and hoarse and uncharacteristically timid. sorry for what, they didn't clarify; for not being able to contain themself, maybe. for being a burden, almost certainly. out of habit for those occasions, which were much rarer in these last few years, where they'd feel guilt for emotional outbursts that they couldn't control getting the better of them in front of another... perhaps.
lena would surely tell them not to worry about it, but it still felt unfair to put it all on her like this, to ruin her night over their own bullshit without even explaining what the problem was. it still felt pathetic to break down over fucking macaroni and cheese.
nineteen came and went without another word, but a deep breath was drawn in sometime after it, held for four seconds before being released. byan's face was still hidden behind their arm and beneath messy bangs which had grown much too long, and a quiet tremble still shook their body, still caused the air to waver as it left their lungs, but they seemed a bit more calm now. unsteady, yes; still teetering on that edge of breaking back down into tears, absolutely; but calmer nonetheless.
ㅤㅤ" 'm sorry. "ㅤthe apology was spoken again, just as muffled as before yet somehow meeker. what else was their to say? another slow breath, in and out, and lena murmured twenty with a soft tug on their thumb.ㅤ" 'm sorry, i shouldn't've... i mean, i shoulda— "ㅤwords were cut short abruptly and a hand clenched tight for a moment, almost as if in hesitation, before reaching out blindly in search of lena's sleeve, or even her arm or hand. just... something to hold on to. something to keep them grounded.
ㅤㅤ" —'m sorry. "
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despairforme · 6 months
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One MILLION dollars? Nnoitra wasn't one to care too much about money, since he wasn't a materialistic guy. However, when someone was basically telling him he'd won the fucking lottery, he wasn't going to turn that shit down. In any case, for some reason, people had gotten it into their head that he was sexist. Just because he knew that men and women were different. Weird ass people. He didn't think saying something nice about women without mentioning sex or how they looked would be all that difficult. But - saying something that people didn't consider sexist? That was a whole other matter. These days, people were so fucking fragile that they got offended by literally everything.
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❝ Hmm... ❞ His surprised expression had turned to one of ( thought? ). It probably looked like it hurt. If he was going to win that one million, he better say something that was fool-proof ( it was april fool's, but no pun intended ). Something that there was NO WAY anyone could find offensive. It wasn't as if women didn't have qualities that were good, that men lacked. There were more negative things about them. Like they cried way too easily, most of them had annoyingly high-pitched voices, and they always wanted to make a fuss over everything--- HELLO. He was supposed to be thinking about GOOD things. Alright, alright...
❝ Maybe--- ❞ He hesitated, wondering if what he was about to say WOULD be considered offensive anyway. ❝ That they're kinda patient. ❞ He was thinking about his own friends, who were ( you'd be surprised ) - mostly women. They were all VERY patient with him. No matter how much of a dumbass he was, they still put up with him. That was a nice thing, right? Or did this just count as him indirectly saying women were pushovers?
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redscaled · 8 months
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alienssstufff · 1 year
cant wait for your gegg design
,,,yeah uh wtf ?
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saturdays--sun · 10 months
hi again koda !! inspired by ur last post , what r ur thoughts on each of inigo's feh units , art wise? id love to hear !! @catake
hi again clara!! :]
i !! love all of them !! they're all so so cute and he looks so pretty in all of them, i just wanna [grabs his face n kisses him so sweetly] <3
but!! just going down the line—
dancing duelist / laslow
i know it's literally just his fates design, but i really like it!! he looks very soft in it, in a way; something about it makes me want to squish his face and give him a little kiss on the nose. <3
i also love the little references that are in this one!! the dancing rings are a part of his regular fates design, too, but it's nice to be able to actually see them since you can't really in the regular game. less so about the art / design, but i just think it's super sweet that he wears such an obvious memento of olivia and then passes another onto soleil
my ABSOLUTE favorite detail of it is his sword, though. specifically in his low health sprite because—
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it reads like a reference to his A support with owain in awakening and it KILLS me. they really gave him the "200 Girls' Names Carved Into The Metal" sword. he's such a loser, i love him
festival flower
[through tears] HE'S BUNNY,,,,
out of all of them, his bunny / spring alt is definitely my favorite, he's just!! SO cute!! and i really like the art style of this one, he looks very pretty in it <3
he wears the tall / thigh high boots in just about every outfit he's been put in, but i just. really like the boots they put him in for this alt. also the gloves. and the bunny ears <3
his entire outfit looks super good, though!! the colors are really soft and go well together; i think it suits him, especially with all the flowers they stuck on him. it's probably also really stereotypical of me to say, but i also just... think he looks very nice in a suit. or, something suit-adjacent. u///u
ALSO !!!!!!
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HE BLEP !!!!!!!
indigo dancer
oh, i have So Many feelings about this one.
Lore Wise, it just. makes me so happy, y'know? because he's finally a dancer!! just like his mom!! just like he's always wanted to be!!
design wise, i think this one really suits him, too! there's something about it that just kinda feels natural, in a way; like, even though he's only ever dressed as your typical mercenary before, the dancer outfit doesn't look weird on him at all.
speaking of— i love that his dancer outfit is very reminiscent of olivia's while also feeling very Inigo. the white / dark blue / black color scheme looks really good on him! and so does the turtleneck part of his top, too. that. also looks very good on him. >///>
not only that, but also.
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a,, arms,,,,
at the risk of sounding like a Touch Starved Victorian Maiden, i also just. really like seeing his arms. i think he should pick me up. or something. m-maybe.
in conclusion: each one is a 10/10 and i love them all very very much <3 i'm also begging on my hands and knees hoping for another inigo alt soon orz
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mikoriin · 1 year
you should doodle u and ur bf as your favorite anime love interests! if u feel like it of course ^.^
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me and my honey bear cosplaying syaosaku!
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affinitystoryblog · 1 year
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ive had these ocs a WHILE, affinity was first thought of in 2015. i was 17! sinie, csilla, and urania are definitely the oldest of the whole cast, while heather, elise and daren were made in 2017 to flesh out sinie more but i ended up liking them so much as a whole and everyones dynamic as a unit that i made the "friends" main characters! agitha and everett were added later in the reboot in 2020.
as for if theyre like how i originally imagined them, sinie is relatively the same. ive always had a specific idea for her but the only difference is shes more of a jock these days than originally intended lol csilla ended up being more shy and introverted than i originally intended, but the way ive built up her life and her personality in the rewrite which gave her protagonist status with sinie, she was bound to change.
elise, heather, and daren are all relatively the same as i originally imagined. elise is just southern now haha. agitha is exactly how i pictured originally and im very happy with her. everett is still a bit of a mystery to me, im still getting to know him so to speak. hes a very complex character!
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archaictold · 1 year
1, 4, 13, 18, 21
⧼ 🌱 ⧽ ┊        ❛ MUNDAY MEME.
— when did you start writing on tumblr? oh gosh.. i think, 2015? 2014? i got a late start on it, that's for sure. i actually rp'd on private forums with friends before i moved to tumblr, and i didn't fully transition to tumblr until everyone i knew did. when i did finally move to tumblr, though, i bounced from primarily rping ocs to full time rping canons. now i've come full circle! — favorite thing about roleplaying? OH MAN.. i have a few… i really love seeing the life that everyone brings to their characters. i love seeing each unique take or perspective on a character, or how passionate they are about them. it makes me passionate, too! i also love creating with other people. there is no greater joy than seeing something develop that you wrote! with! another person! it's wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. i can't get enough. — what's one random headcanon about your muse that people might not know? zhilan can whistle! he can do one of those really loud "get your attention" ones, but he can also softly carry a tune. if he's doing a tedious task that doesn't require a lot of thinking (say, cleaning) he'll whistle. — are there any AU’s you’d like to explore but haven’t had the chance to yet? i think wuxia would be fun to explore... i've had one of those sittin in my brain for a hot minute (like i have a whole plotline and everything it's very embarrassing FGDJFGD) BUT! even tho isn't au, surprisingly i want to do more with his canon setting! because he's been in mfrp wherever i've had him. — are there certain characters that you gravitate towards? i tend to like nice characters.. because i'm not very good at being mean LOL. i don't think it gets any more peak diz character than ashton anchors tho. kind? comic relief? skittish? trauma? that's my favorite flavor. BUT zhilan's pretty up there. he's kind, he's introspective, he's contemplative. these are also diz flavors. i like an assortment of seasonings, but 'kind' characters tend to be where i'm drawn to.. like a fly to one of those zapper lamps.
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byanyan · 7 months
it's been a while since i've talked about how important byan's hair is to them... how, after 10+ years of having little say in it, foster parents and caretakers always insisting it be kept shorter in boyish styles, it eventually became one of the first aspects of their appearance that they had any control over... one of the first ways they were able to express themself and their gender the way they wanted to... how excited they were the first time it was long enough that they were able to pull it back into pigtails and ponytails and how much they love playing with it and decorating it with cute little clips and scrunchies and ribbons... how they've bitten at least one hairdresser who tried taking scissors to it and how they hate having to cover it with a beanie during winter... how they consider it such a significant part of their look and style and how they take very good care of it because they do take so much pride in it... it's something i have a lot of feelings about, i really should talk about it more
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minarcana · 1 year
@milesducemdominus asked:
He's exhausted, as are most; body riddled with aches, injuries of old rebelling from stresses and strains but little could be done. Instead, Aymeric moves to sit beside company in silence and simply offers the small comfort of a cup of freshly brewed tea;
"Here-" He whispered; "-something to pick you up a smite."
Urianger sits slouched, leaning over the hands he's kept clasped over his knees. There is always too much to consider and too much risk for anything to be particularly easy no matter the date or locale. Lost in thought, as he often is, until the sound of footsteps approaching gets close enough for him to realize it's him being approached.
He watches Aymeric move with a careful eye. He's seen that kind of movement, done as the body complains. Funny; while he knew that Aymeric did his time in Ishgard's army, some part of him always imagined Aymeric's physical form was just as well put together and functional as his mind and attitude. Which, once Urianger realizes he'd been thinking that, is objectively ridiculous.
"Thank thee," he replies softly, taking the cup in hand largely to feel the warmth of it. Urianger looks past it for a few moments, thinking, before abruptly: "art thou well?"
After saying it, it feels too intrusive, impolite, probably overstepping something he isn't aware of. But Aymeric has not before seemed one for whispering. A belated verbal scramble to justify. "It seemed as though thou didst have some resistance to easy movement, and thy speech is dampened. I hath practice as a healer, mayhaps I can be of aid as thou hath already shown such hospitality...." Though he holds little pretention to Aymeric not having dealt with a fair few chirurgeons, of whose membership Urianger is not included by any means. But he has his own methods, and it simply seems callous not to speak.
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