#thank u to all the submitters for their posts as well!
hiiii congrats on ur story being accepted to a lit journal!! ur writing is rlly gorgeous and hope more good things come to you 💌🫀!!
+ i guess i did have a question lol (and feel free to ignore or not answer!!) how did u find lit journals to submit to i guess? like what was your criteria for looking / how did u know how to go about looking lol. again! if you don’t want to answer totally fine :))) hope u have a great day !!
thank you so much love! And I'm happy to answer your questions!
one of my biggest pieces of advice is to look at small journals! I know personally it'd be nice to be able to get into a big journal on the first try but sadly for many (or at least myself lol) that usually isn't the case. My acceptance was from a very small run journal with a following of only about 100-130. It isn't to say that you don't have the talent to get into bigger literary journals- but there going to be much more competitive because they'll most likely have a lot more submissions to go through as well.
there are lots of small-run journals I've found through looking on instagram and twitter: often times when you find one you like their following list will be similarly themed/subject literary journals of the same vein or will have posts recommending fellow journals that you'll also find as good fits for your work!
Use submittable! It's a wonderful website that lets you filter through calls for submissions for art, essays, poetry, short stories, and media pieces of the like for contests and journals around the world for free as a writer/artist. It also allows you to keep track of your submissions and withdraw them easier than just doing so through plain email. (screenshot of website featured below)
Don't feel any pressure to submit to journals that require a submission fee- there are plenty of amazing journals both big and small that you can submit to for free
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Now I will say that some literary journals you may find won't use submittable (because a subscription to it as a literary journal is quite expensive) which is also fine! That just means you'll have to be more content with checking your email more often for responses
I know personally I had to look for journals that allowed more "outside of the box" writing/subject matter simply because my story featured cannibalism quite heavily and things like that can be a big no-no for other journals because it may not fit the general theme of their issue/clash with the stories they had already accepted for that time slot. So look for ones that best fit to your style! My professor had told me it's best to look for literary journals that don't worry about genre but it can be hard if you write for genres that are often hard sells (ie horror) for others.
i'd say the biggest thing personally was submitting to a lot of places. Many journals allow simultaneous submissions (submitting one story to multiple journals at once) but it's best to let them know initially and then withdraw as soon as you get accepted somewhere else. Sometimes it really is a numbers game of "if i submit this story to five places I'm more likely to get an acceptance from at least one of them" but keep in mind that 1. Not all journals allow simultaneous submissions and 2. If there's one journal in particular that you really really want to be featured in I'd recommend submitting your piece to only that one so you don't get jinxed and get accepted somewhere else before they have a chance to respond.
I know it may sound moot but keep an ongoing list of the journals you like and plan to submit to!! If you aren't using submittable, it can be very easy to lose track of the journals you want to submit to without anyway of definitely remembering them so I've started by making a google docs full of journals I come across that I want to one day be accepted in + their next submission deadline because once you look at so many its definitely easy for the titles and dates to slip your mind without thinking
And finally my biggest piece of advice is to be patient and take rejections with grace. Coming from somebody who has had her stories rejected multiple times and is currently on staff for a literary journal: rejections don't mean your story is bad. It can mean they already accepted too many of the same theme/subject, the story doesn't match the theme of their current issue or many other topics. You're a talented writer and you can't let rejections pull you away from submitting! As frustrating as it is, publication for a lot of us is a small group of fish in a very big pond of rejections, as is the way of writing!
Anyways- be patient, be confident, and have fun!
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These posts are all great, and so are you!
Aw, thank you! I’m glad you’re liking the blog (ノ ‘ ヮ’ )ノ*:✧・゚
- mod quark
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chucktaylorupset · 2 years
I'm late but do u have any other unhinged (or hinged, I'm desperate) essay writing methods you've heard of? Please and thank you
Based on the word desperate I am going to act while assuming the worst.  So if there is indeed a deadline stalking you like a predator animal through the bush while you are an innocent three legged and zero word count gazelle, you will be as quickly and well armed as you can to meet the challenge. 
This is the quick version, the meandering funny version can come later, either I'll reblog this or put it in a new post.
Here is what you do.  Get a speech to text app or failing that a voice memo.  You can default to whatever is preinstalled in your phone, especially if you have very little time. 
Start a new file.  Say words in order into the microphone about what you plan to write about.  Summarize your general intro and thesis, explain your body paragraphs, bullshit like you have a conclusion.  If you do not have body paragraphs and this is a research essay, summarize each of your sources in turn.  Then try to say how at least two relate to each other, but ideally you do this for as many sub groupings as possible.  When you are done, make sure to save.
If you have a voice memo, you will need to play back and transcribe this.  When you're done, you should have a bunch of raw words. 
Ideally you do as many steps as you have time for, but if it's real bad and you are out of time, you can turn this in right now.  You should probably follow this up as soon as possible with an email to the teacher/professor.  This can be scary, so I will give you a form.
I hope this message finds you well.  Regrettably, I do not have a final draft for [ASSIGNMENT REMEMBER TO CHANGE THIS PART TOO].  I'm sorry this is last minute and I know your late policy is [YOU KNOW THE DRILL] but I was wondering if there was anyway to get an extension.  I know that this is not my best effort, and if at all possible I want to do better.
Thank you for your time,
If looking up the late policy stresses you out, delete that section of the sentence.  Make sure the email has sent.
You then should get yourself a glass of your preferred beverage and maybe a snack and then go to sleep or nap, depending on your deadline time.  School is stressful.  Writing deadlines are stressful.  You are expending a lot of energy working very hard and being very brave and this should be rewarded.
These next steps can be taken immediately, if you have enough time, or after an answer on the potential extension, if you did not.
It is editing time.  Take those bunch of raw word vomit and pretty it up a bit. If speech to text then you need to fix all the words that the program transcribed wrong.  Sometimes there's the rare app that will leave you with both the audio and the transcript and you can reference the former to fix the latter.  Make sure to check for homophones, machines are still learning the difference between "write" and "right."  In the machines defense, writing is very difficult.
Put in evidence and quotations that are much harder to verbalize on the fly.  Maybe in your summarization you have already marked where this evidence should go.  Reword sentences to make them appropriate to written format instead of voice. Feel free to expand your ideas.
You now have a bunch of words that you can turn in.  Congratulations!  Do that, check to make sure you have a receipt of your submittal as I have fucked myself that way many a time.  Revisit the step of hydrate/refuel/hibernate.  Rejoice.
Remind yourself that you have done some very hard important work.  Hopefully this method has made that easier.  If it has not, I hope it at least has not made it worse, especially if you are already stumped.  From reading your ask, I'm not certain that's the situation at all but I'm playing it safe.
Do not feel bad if this method did not work.  I myself benefit from it by being a very particular person.
Mileage varies.  This method gave me a 1,200 rough draft after speaking into a microphone for eight minutes and forty-one seconds.  Which made me very, very angry, particularly at my mother, but that is a story for another day.
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secretshinigami · 5 years
Masterlist of Spring Roulette 2020
Thank you everyone for giving this a go. It was a fun round and all gifts are now posted. We will return to our regular method of matching in our next exchange and we look forward to your participation.
Here is a compiled list of everyone’s prompts from this round – thank you for letting us post them, and we hope you guys enjoy them! If you use a prompt, please let us know and we’ll reblog your piece!
Prompts are organized by their submitter, so feel free to ctrl+f to find character-specific prompts.
Girls’ night with Sachiko and Sayu
Five times Beyond Birthday lost to A, and one time he came out on top
Office AU
A date with Naomi and Raye
What L sees in the dark
L as an actual frog, Light as whatever animal you prefer
Naomi Misora and BB have a fun time looking for clues for the LABB murders, with cheeky banter and Naomi getting a little attached to Beyond
L wins AU, where Light never recovers his memories, but Misa did (following canon). explore how L, knowing that Light is Kira but being unable to either prove it without making Light a criminal, deals with the whole "Light is Kira but he doesn't remember it" situation
Mello is a witch and Near is a vampire he's been hunting for a long time - maybe to discover that he was chasing the wrong target all along
Mello and Near hugging, if possible in casual clothes
Light's mind-shelter, the place in his head he retreats to when the pressure of being Kira becomes too much and he starts to doubt (extremely early in the manga or post L's death)
Naomi Misora and L wearing traditional japanese yukatas at a summer festival
Beyond Birthday going a blind date with A
L meeting Beyond Birthday for the first time
Misa and L have a sleepover party
A switched roles with Beyond Birthday
Sayu is Kira
Mello meeting Beyond Birthday in prison
DN cast goes to college together, has some unfortunate roommate matches, hijinx ensue
The Kira case from Sayu or Sachiko's POV 
AU where Soichiro actually dies from the heart attack he had in the first arc and Light is accused of murdering his dad.
Lowlightprimed AU: The fight between B and L at Wammy's house at the end of the first arc (BBAL) 
Lidner and Misora go on an undercover mission on Halloween
Near in harajuku fashion(s), creatively dyed hair is a plus
Beyond Birthday dressed as Winnie the Pooh and eating jam out of a honey-pot.
Mourning the death of various DN characters (Who gets large crowds? Who gets one or two heartfelt mourners? Who gets mourned by no one at all?)  
Fake dating sim screenshot featuring character of your choice   
Wammy House-era Near, Mello, and Matt trying to give L something for Valentine's Day.
The origin of the "Dear Mello" photograph.
Mikami being catfished by Beyond Birthday.
Anything involving Mello, Matt, and Near hanging out (as friends, romantically, or with one of them third-wheeling is fine).
Sayu giving Light his obligatory Valentine's chocolate at his grave.
Light surrounded by chibi versions of the other Kiras, who are clambering over one another to try and be the first to give him their chocolate.
(Anyone!) Person A comes home during a blizzard covered in snow and all grumpy. Person B warms them up with their pj’s and cuddles
Matt/Mello: They get into a heated argument over something trivial in canon. They say some pretty harsh stuff to each other, but make up later
Wammy’s Kids: In which they all sneak out one night to go to the drug store. Upon discovering they’ve forgotten their money they decide to shoplift, using B as their distraction.
B and Matt as best friends post-timeskip
L hardcore crushing on Misa, and she lowkey liking him back (canon)
Makeshift boyband in someone’s garage. Löded Diper vibes. B’s lead singer
mello & matt but they have magical powers au 
fem!light and takada but one of them borrows a book and doesn't return it so they have to find each other au
canon-compliant character study on sayu, post-canon (when Light dies); pre-canon L first getting into the kira case
au where Light and L become accidental roommates because SOMEONE forgot to pay rent 
canon-compliant Mello and Matt find each other between the explosion and the ending
Light and L in some ugly fashion, like dads-on-vacation-in-Florida fashion
Naomi Misora with lots of tattoos!
Rem and Ryuk in human form, with some punk fashion
Light and Sayu bake a cake for a birthday surprise party for either parent (Soichiro or Sachiko) of your choice. A lot of family silliness and sibling bickering.
Light and Misa's first official romantic date was a disaster. While it does not shake Misa's devotion, her feelings are hurt.
Death Note is a reality TV show. Yes, there's still a Kira to be caught, but cameras are now involved! The more dramatic, the better!
Mikami and Takada walking side by side out in the winter.
L meeting Wedy and Aiber for the first time.
Demegawa being pampered like the king he believes he is.
Reverse!Noel AU (Noel by TzviaAriella): Light won, and threw Near in the cage meant for himself. It's been three years since his victory, and he's starting to get lonely; he goes down to taunt Near. (NOT SHIPPY. Disgusting rivals only, thank u).
Terrace House AU (or 'we all are strangers and have to live together' reality show AU) with the Death Note cast.
Pirate!AU. L is the captain of the ship, and Light is his first mate and plotting a mutiny with his most 'trusted' crew:  Takada and Mikami. It's all going well until Misa hears about the plot and wants in...
Light/Near dating sim CG.
Beach Episode feat. Light and Mikami getting iced drinks under an umbrella.
Kiyomi Takada and/or Teru Mikami in a kimono, having tea alone or with one another.
A holiday at Wammy's House (could be Christmas, Halloween, Valentine's day, etc)
Raye and Naomi's first date
LABB beach episode
Older Light braiding Near's very long hair
Naomi and cats
Spider-Man meme but it's L (from the anime/manga) and L (from the 2015 tv drama)
In a no!kira world, both fem!L and fem!light have a crush on misa. how do they try to impress her?
Beyond Birthday “accidentally” (its totally on purpose, he just doesn’t want to admit it) gets involved with the Kira case, and he and Misa become friends while they both annoy light.
Light Yagami wakes up in his teenage bedroom after he died at the Yellow Box warehouse. He still has all his memories, and it’s exactly one day before he originally found the death note.  
The Kira case ended years ago, the Wammy’s House is shut down. Only very few of the original Wammy’s kids are still in touch with each other. Linda hasn’t talked to anyone from Wammy’s in years. One day, Near knocks on the front door of her atelier in LA.
Light Yagami is for whatever reason a Wammy’s kid. (Pre-canon, so not even LABB has happened yet, and we’re ignoring the timeline, so L, Light, Beyond, and the other Wammy’s kids (Near, mello, matt, linda) are all the same age.) Chaos ensues.
Fantasy!AU. The noble knight Light Yagami was tasked with slaying the “evil” monster Ryuk. On his journey through a fantasy land while trying to find and defeat the beast he meets many people, like the cutesy goth witch Misa Amane, the baker’s son L Lawliet (Watari’s the baker) and his twin Beyond Birthday, or the group of 4 students from a wealthy orphanage (Wammy’s House is the orphanage, Linda, Matt, Mello, and Near are the students).
Misa posing, while Linda is painting her.  
Misa, L, and Light in modern fashion (Misa as an egirl, what fashion L & light wear is ur choice!!)
Misa’s reaction after she used the death note for the first time, viewed through the shinigami eyes. (Maybe she’d also have some blood on her clothes)  
An interaction of Mello and Near pre-canon when they were still in Wammy’s House.
A drawing of the characters mentioned the fantasy!au fanfic prompt, goofing off. (doesn’t have to be all characters, just choose the ones you wanna draw!!)  
Misa Amane sitting in a Wammy’s House foyer with the Wammy’s kids (Near, Mello, Matt, Linda). They’re all the same age, Misa’s also a Wammy’s kid.
Several years post-canon, Near decides to (or has to because circumstances) tell Sachiko and Sayu the truth about Light.
Pre-canon Light and Yamamoto hanging out at an arcade, being early 2000s teens in peace.
Actor AU. Light is a young Japanese actor getting his first Hollywood role under L, a notoriously difficult director who never shows his face. (Not Lawlight, other ships welcome.)
Near and Light playing a piano duet.
Naomi kicking ass in her wedding dress in a Kill Bill-esque fashion.
Ryuk trying to play Switch and struggling to use the Joycons with his huge hands, to Light's amusement.
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ambitionsource · 5 years
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AMBITION Season 1 ♫ “Extra, Extra” [ 1.05 ]
CREATED BY Esther (rapunzles) & Maggie (quincywillows)
HEADLINERS – Isadora’s world crumbles when AAA Confessions shares a major secret. Lucas’s temper flares out of control. Rumors swirl around Charlie and his relationship with Riley.
43 Minutes (6.5K words) || No warnings apply.
[ ← Special Snowflakes ] [ S1 Synopsis ] [ Stripped → ]
( Follow along with the music on Spotify here! )
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Rumour Has It” as performed by Adele || Performed by Maya Hart (feat. Chai Fresco, Sarah Carlson, and Darby Winters)
The episode kicks off with a broody and ballsy rendition of this flagship Adele track, MAYA HART leading while CHAI FRESCO, SARAH CARLSON, and DARBY WINTERS back her. Everything about the performance emanates trouble ahead – the shadowy lighting, the song choice, the urgency of the vocals. Yes, we’re back from winter break, and that warm and fuzzy holiday spirit isn’t going to survive long.
As the song unfolds, we get glimpses of everyone getting ready for school much like in the pilot. But our focus narrows in on a couple of students in particular.
At the Matthews apartment, Cory and Topanga’s arguing is growing more difficult to ignore, Riley electing to climb out the bay window rather than pass them to the front door.
ISADORA DE LA CRUZ is getting ready for the day, just pulling her hair back out of her face. Her phone lights up with a text message, seemingly from Asher. The message is simple: “did you see the confessions page??”
Isadora frowns, obviously having no clue what he’s talking about. Even as she’s trying to open the Instagram app and search it, another message comes in at the top of her screen. This one is from Dylan (“Dyl Pickle,” as he’s known in all the techies’ phones): “omg y didn’t u tell us?????”
Now Isadora is nervous. She waits impatiently for the page to load, scrolling past the latest post – one featuring Riley and Charlie – to find what they could possibly be talking about. When she sees it, her eyes widen and she reacts as though she’s been burned. She gasps, dropping her phone. Another message comes in, from Asher: “Isa???????”
It’s evident that whatever is on that page, it’s mortifying to her. She can’t even bring herself to pick up her phone.
As people filter into the school building, students of all ages and stature are checking out the latest Instagram updates.
The post in question for Isadora features selfies of her and a rather glamorous woman, enjoying the Los Angeles sunshine in the midst of winter. This is VALERIE DE LA CRUZ (40s), one of the biggest pop singers out there right now. And as the posts from her Instagram suggest – taken and reposted on the AAA Confessions page – Isadora is her daughter. Isa is famous blood, the rogue talentless daughter of one of the greatest performers of a generation, and none of them even knew it. What a plot twist…
The other post featured that morning is a photo of Riley and Charlie, the submitter having captured the moment they hugged after their performance at the winter showcase. The caption essentially implies that the two might be forming much more than a musical partnership.
Isadora makes her way into the school, and already all eyes are on her. Whispering, passing judgment, trying to put the pieces together. How is that the daughter of one of their idols? She tries to avoid the stares, but it quickly becomes too much. She goes to hide in the girls bathroom.
The moment she steps inside, she snaps at the two freshmen in there to get out. They listen, wise enough not to mess with her. Isadora fights a panic attack as Maya’s vocals come to a climax, Isadora ducking into the farthest bathroom stall. She can’t bring herself to calm down. She never wanted this to happen. No one was ever supposed to know.
Frustrated, she throws her phone at the wall. It shatters and slams to the floor, yanking us out of the number.
Cue title sequence.
The techies are assembled sans Isadora, frantically discussing the latest AAAC update. This is the first time a techie has been featured, so they’re all freaking out. ASHER GARCIA claims he tried to text Isadora to see if she was okay, but she didn’t answer.
LUCAS FRIAR emerges from the technician’s booth, all of them immediately jumping him with questions. Has he talked to Isadora? Has he seen the Instagram? What are they supposed to do? Lucas is like it’s way too fucking early for this, slow down, what’s going on? DAVE WILLIAMS pipes up first.
Dave: Well, for starters, the AAAC posted a very interesting bulletin that Prince Charming Charlie Gardner may have finally found his chosen princess in one Miss Riley Matthews.
Lucas: [ impossible to read ] … I see. And why do I care?
Dave: I mean, it’s just interesting. Especially considering –
Jeff: You spend way too much time following this thing.
Dave: ESPECIALLY CONSIDERING, their more recent posts about Charlie have sort of suggested an opposing narrative –
Lucas asks Dave if he can see his phone. Dave happily obliges. Lucas swipes to the Instagram app and holds it down until the “x” pops up, deleting it from his phone. Then he hands it back, giving him a smile. Dave takes it back with a frown.
Dave: Hey. :(
Asher and DYLAN ORLANDO redirect, claiming that’s not what they wanted to tell him. They simply mention Isadora, and immediately Lucas is in danger mode. He’s like what the hell are you talking about, and they hand him Dylan’s phone with the posts already open.
Lucas: [ dead serious ] Shit.
Dylan and Asher call after him, but he’s already outta there. The techies exchange worried looks, not sure what the hell is going to happen next.
Lucas darts into the halls, a man on a mission. He starts sprinting in one direction and accidentally runs right into RILEY MATTHEWS, who was incidentally heading towards the auditorium to find him.
Riley: Have you seen – ?
He doesn’t even bother to comment on the post, instead insisting that they have to find Dora. Now. Riley is on the same page, nodding and taking off down the hall with him. They go around checking all of the girls bathrooms, Riley darting inside and Lucas impatiently waiting for her to emerge and confirm or deny. No show after no show.
When they get close to the one where she actually is, they can already hear her from outside. Lucas doesn’t wait for Riley this time, darting in without delay despite the gender norms. Riley hesitates on this, then dashes in after him.
Lucas has already found Isadora when Riley steps in, approaching them crouched in the corner stall. He’s kneeling down next to her, talking her down and demonstrating that he knows well enough how to interact with Isadora when she’s in a state like this. It’s also a completely different persona on display than we’re used to. More authentic? Hard to say.
Lucas: Okay, look at me. Dora. Listen to what I’m saying. Follow my voice, not your thoughts. What are five things that you can see?
Lucas continues doing this specific routine with her – five things you can see, four you can hear, three you can touch, two you can smell, and one you can taste. Isa’s answers aren’t the most optimistic (“I can smell sweaty performer stink”), but it’s getting her out of her panic.
Riley watches, uncertain how to help but also feeling as though she shouldn’t interrupt. It’s clear that she’s impressed (and maybe, potentially, attracted) by how effortlessly Lucas is handling the situation, but also that she is no longer sure what the dynamic between him and Isadora actually is. She always assumed friends, but now it’s hard to tell.
Searching for some other way to help, she goes and picks up Isadora’s phone off the ground. The screen is totally shattered, making for a careful task to hold. Yikes.
Class has assembled, but all anyone is talking about are the Instagram posts. Trying to determine whether it’s true, if it could be faked, working out their reactions to it. How could they have the descendant of a famous person in their class and not even know it?
Darby: My mom is part of the team developing a cure for lung cancer in pets.
Haley: Okay, Darbs, we meant someone famous that we care about.
People are also a bit confused about the name business of it. They’ve known Isadora as “Smackle” for as long as they’ve been at school together, and never really questioned it.
Dave: How did we not know? I thought her last name was Smackle.
Asher: It’s De La Cruz.
Nate: Yeah, you could’ve checked the yearbook.
CHARLIE GARDNER states that out of respect for Isadora, they should stop perpetuating the drama and discussing it so much. Everyone is like okay Prince Charming, blah blah blah, rolling their eyes. NIGEL CHEY points out another facet to the exchange.
Nigel: You were featured this morning, too, your highness. Don’t you care about that?
Charlie: [ with a nonchalant shrug ] Can’t control rumors.
It’s… honestly weird that Charlie doesn’t seem at all phased by this considering the earlier posts featuring him seemed to rattle him so much. But ANGELA MOORE disrupts before anyone can comment further, gathering their attention. She knows there is drama afoot, and she doesn’t have the time or patience for it. She claims they’ve got rehearsing to do, so best get to it. When she tells the techies to set up, they’re uncertain.
Dave: But Lucas and Isa aren’t here yet.
Angela: … and?
The message is clear. The theatre waits for no one. Get to work!
Riley and Lucas drop off Isadora at ERIC MATTHEWS’ office, who thanks them for their help and for looking out for their friend. JACK HUNTER is present as well, checking in with Isadora after catching wind of the reveal. She doesn’t have much to say at the moment. Jack turns to Lucas and Riley, thanking them as well before dismissing them.
Lucas starts to argue, wanting to stay with Isadora, but Jack gives him a warning look. If he’s going to pick any time not to be difficult, it should be now. Jack tells Eric he’ll leave them alone, escorting Riley and Lucas out.
As Jack shuts the door to Eric’s office behind him, he turns to Lucas and Riley and asks them what they know about the purported “AAA Confessions” page. But he’s talking to the new kid and the guy who never checks social media, so they’re not much help.
Jack instructs them to return to class, leaving them alone in the hall. But Lucas is bristling, evidently in no mood to be going and watching his stupid classmates sing as if that’s the only thing on Earth that matters. Riley tries to guide him in the right direction but he storms the other way. It’s clear he’s not going to the auditorium.
Riley is like well, shit. She glances back towards the auditorium, before making a decision and going after Lucas instead of heading to class. As the opening drum riff bleeds in…
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Nicest Kids In Town” as performed by Hairspray Original Movie Cast || Performed by AAA Sophomore Performers
The sophomore class runs through an energized yet somewhat ironic performance. They’re singing about how they’re the nicest kids in town, but considering everything that’s going on at the moment that seems far from the truth. Still, it’s boppy! FARKLE MINKUS takes the Corny Collins lead vocal, and Charlie of course is their Link Larkin.
Lucas pushes through the doors out into the exterior lunch courtyard, typically abandoned this time of year considering the weather. It’s cold enough to see their breath and lightly snowing, but it’s the only place with fresh air and that’s what he really needs at that second.
He stands there for a moment, letting his brain catch up to what’s actually happening. He lets out a frustrated “fuck!” and kicks at the legs of one of the tables, allowing Riley the chance to catch up to him. She steps out into the courtyard and immediately hesitates because of the chill, uncertain whether she should join him or not.
Ultimately, she opts to stay. She steps out into the courtyard, trying to calm him down. She states that Isadora is in good hands with Eric, that her uncle is the best at comforting people, but Lucas claims she doesn’t get it. She doesn’t understand the gravity of the situation.
Lucas: Dora never wanted people to know about her mom. It was this whole thing. We did so much so that people wouldn’t ever…
[ He curses again, lightly kicking at the table again. ]
Riley: [ out of the loop as always ] So, Valerie… is famous? People like her?
Lucas: People without taste.
Lucas deflates, crashing into one of the benches at the table he keeps kicking. Riley slowly approaches and sits down next to him, taking a moment of silence.
Riley ventures another thought, commending him for how well he handled the situation with Isadora. He claims it wasn’t a big deal, that’s the kind of stuff you’re supposed to know when you’re friends. It’s also not the first time she’s had a panic attack while at school, but the cause has never been this huge.
They exchange a few more words on it, before settling into the cold and the quiet. After a couple more moments, Lucas speaks.
Lucas: Sorry you’re missing class. Didn’t mean to turn you into a truant.
Riley: Don’t flatter yourself. I’m a big girl, I can make my own decisions about being a truant.
[ Lucas scoffs at this, but it does seem to ease some of tension. Riley watches him for a moment, then shrugs. ]
Riley: So far, it’s not so bad.
Lucas glances at her, the two of them making eye contact. Then he looks away, rubbing his hands together. They sit there for a moment longer, hanging on the temporary peace…
SHAWN HUNTER has joined Angela to tidy up after the class is dismissed for lunch, the students chattering as they make their way out. Angela hangs back to help him rearrange things, and he has a snarky comment or two about how wow, suddenly she is helping him clean up. Was it her that had the change of holiday heart instead? Angela smacks him on the arm.
The two of them do get to talking, discussing Isadora and the revelation that one of their students has a famous mom. Well, Angela is surprised, as Shawn already knew and was entrusted with helping keep the secret. Hence, why they called her Smackle from day one and then just let everyone else run with it.
Angela: You didn’t tell me?
Shawn: Well, I’m loyal to my crew. Someone has to be.
Angela is touched by this, once again noting how much Shawn cares about his students, if nothing else. Before she heads out, Shawn takes a moment to thank her for the holiday stunt she pulled. Their shared gaze hangs just a little too long. As Shawn walks away, Angela is like… is this really happening again. Am I really feeling things for this mess again? Oh, no.
Eric and Isadora finish their conversation, trying to decide what to do next. It’s evident that Isadora has been crying, but Eric doesn’t make a big deal out of it. He’s trying to assess what’s going on in her head, make her as prepared as possible for how the rest of the day might proceed. She’s nervous, fretting over what people are going to think of her now and things are inevitably going to change. If there’s anything to know about Isadora, it’s that she hates change.
Eric assures her that she has options, and he’ll support whatever she feels would be the least stressful avenue forward. He’s genuinely sorry this happened, but he’s not sure that continuing to hide from it will help.
Eric: I totally understand if you don’t want to have lunch in the cafeteria today. But you know, it’ll only get harder to go back tomorrow, and the day after that. The anxiety will only increase, and we don’t wanna let that happen.
Isadora nods. She knows he’s right. But it’s still a daunting task.
Riley is wandering sort of aimlessly towards the lunch room, accidentally bumping into Charlie. He’s happy to see her, pleasant and charming as always. He asks if she’s caught up on all the drama of the day, which reminds Riley of the fact that she too was featured this morning before it all got lost in the shuffle of Lucas and Isadora. She takes Charlie’s arm and pulls him aside, darting into an empty classroom so they can speak more privately.
The moment they’re alone, Riley breaches the question of… well, if he… likes her, or what. Because of the Instagram post, and just some of his behavior since she came to the school. Charlie doesn’t get the implication at first, but as Riley becomes more explicit in her questioning he gets what she’s trying to say.
Charlie laughs nervously, removing his arm from Riley’s hold and clarifying that he doesn’t see her that way. They’re just friends, no worries, and rumors are just rumors. Although this reassurance is a relief, it’s hard to tell if it’s genuine or not. Riley points out that he doesn’t seem very upset about the post or the rumors. Charlie shrugs, basically stating his stance that as long as a rumor isn’t problematic, isn’t going to cause unwanted trouble, it’s not really worth stressing over. Is it?
Charlie: [ lowering his voice ] I mean, if it were true… you and me. Would that be the worst thing in the world?
[ Another weird, potentially flirtatious moment that contradicts what he stated earlier. Riley blinks, obviously not sure how to react. ]
Riley: I… um. I have to go.
Charlie watches Riley go, maintaining his pleasant smile until she’s out of sight. Then his facade drops a bit. It’s so difficult to tell what is real with him and what isn’t. He seems genuine about seeing Riley as just a friend, but doesn’t mind perpetuating the rumors that they might be an item. So what gives?
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Dirty Little Secret” as performed by All-American Rejects || Performed by Charlie Gardner
Charlie starts this anthem to avoiding the truth, kicking it off in the empty classroom before taking his self-expression out into the halls.
Charlie parades around the halls, belting the rocker and dancing with an unusual amount of frantic energy. It’s somewhat confusing, but again, a really good performance. He carries us right up until the lunch bell, the students assembling to break their daily bread.
Lunch is here, the first true communal gathering of all the students since the morning news broke. There’s a strange energy to the room, an ominous sort of sense that almost crackles like electricity. Nothing has happened since the drop, but everyone is waiting for it. Like an aftershock after a major earthquake.
It doesn’t help that everyone is continuing to talk it up. Farkle is seated off to the side of some of his performer classmates, and he tries to get them to shut up about it. He’s both tired of the discourse interrupting rehearsals, but he’s also perhaps aware of how negatively the gossip might be impacting some of their classmates.
Farkle: Ms. Moore told us to drop it, so just stuff it and eat your processed chicken nuggets. Please and thank you.
Not the nicest way to go about it, but the sentiment is there, and from an unlikely ally at that.
Riley is at another table at the other end of the cafeteria, attempting to explain what she knows about the situation to ZAY BABINEAUX, YINDRA AMINO, and Charlie. But she’s also trying to maintain Isadora’s privacy, so what she has to offer isn’t exactly groundbreaking intel.
As if on cue, as she mentions them, Lucas and Isadora enter the lunchroom together. The room somehow simultaneously gets quieter and more chattery, and as the two of them attempt to make their way across the room to the techie table in the back corner it’s impossible not to avoid some choice commentary.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Tremble For My Beloved” as performed by Collective Soul || Instrumental
None more vocal than our table of gossips. Maya watches as they approach, Darby, Chai, WYATT LIVINGSTON, and Sarah all having something to say. The rest assembled at their table watch, amused and curious as to what might happen next. Maya seems apprehensive.
Darby: Smackle, I can’t believe you didn’t tell us your mom was Valerie De La Cruz.
Chai: Wait, can we even call her Smackle anymore? If that is your real name?
Maya: Would you all leave her alone?
Maya’s statement goes unnoticed – one of the few times she’s lost her power since she stepped up to the plate when she arrived at AAA. But there’s more interesting fish to fry today. Lucas looks more aggravated than Isadora, ready to do something about it.
Isadora: [ to Lucas ] Just ignore them. It’s not worth it.
Sarah: I can’t believe she’s your mom. I guess the talent gene skipped a generation.
[ Most of the table laughs at this. Lucas starts to do something but Isadora pulls him back, nudging him forward to keep walking towards their table. They’re almost there. Just have to get to the table. ]
Wyatt: Yeah, she got the retarded gene instead.
YIKES! There’s no way that’s going to be spoken without consequence. There’s a moment where it seems like maybe they’ll be able to move past it, Isadora stunned but obviously not looking for a fight. She grabs Lucas’s arm and gives him a look, already sensing trouble. Warning him not to.
But there are tears pricking at her eyes and she’s biting down on her cheeks to stop her lips from trembling. Lucas gives her a thin smile, nodding like, no, yeah, totally. No trouble here.
Then Lucas whips around, marching back over to Wyatt and clocking him clean across the face.
In an instant, the cafeteria erupts into a full on war-zone. People swarm as they always do, trying to get a good look at the fray. Wyatt has friends at the table who jump to his defense, expanding the fight.
Dylan and Asher see the chaos from across the cafeteria, immediately rushing through the crowd and jumping into the scrap to defend Lucas. RIDE. OR. DIES.
Riley exclaims an “oh my God, oh my God,” before scrambling to her feet, she and Zay launching into action and trying to do damage control as the rest of the school swarms to get a good view. Charlie and Yindra attempt to stem the flow of traffic, guiding students in the other direction.
Farkle attempts to step in and stop the fight, but he gets caught in the middle of it instead. A stray punch lands on him and he goes down, hitting the ground. Riley tears her gaze away and takes off, running to get more help.
Maya, startled, jumps around the commotion and tries to get to Isadora. She’s standing in the midst of the fight, watching it unfold in front of her but totally frozen. She can’t move, she can’t react. Maya – well-intentioned but not prepared for this kind of situation – roughly grabs Isadora and drags her out of there.
Janitor HARLEY KEINER (50s) is the first adult to arrive on the scene, breaking through the crowd and attempting to pull Lucas off of Wyatt. But he’s basically rabid, and it’s going to take more than one person to get him out of there. The beat down is relentless. Good luck, Wyatt.
Riley returns with Shawn, the latter dashing into the fray without hesitation. Together he and Harley are able to peel Lucas back, restraining him as they work to get him out of the cafeteria. He’s bruised and bloody, but he’s nothing compared to Wyatt.
Lucas: [ as Shawn and Harley drag him out ] I’m gonna kill him! I’m gonna kill him!
As more faculty arrives, the other fighters are escorted out, Asher and Dylan included and both with scrapes on their faces. Zay kneels down and tries to help Farkle, who is still stunned by the fact that he literally got punched in the face. It would be funny, if the situation weren’t so overwhelming.
Riley tries to comprehend what the hell just happened. She looks to Zay, who locks eyes with her and shakes his head in bewilderment. Welcome to Adams? Riley exhales, dumbstruck.
Maya leads Isadora into the girls dressing room, her usual safe haven and go-to recluse. She immediately starts checking Isadora for any accidental injury, talking her down from the situation but more so keeping herself calm. Isadora is in complete shutdown and totally out of it, so it’s mostly Maya talking for the sake of talking.
Maya: Forget what Wyatt said. He’s an idiot. Most of them are.
Maya handles Isadora with the utmost care, going on to explain that she understands how terrible other kids can be. She herself isn’t all that great, sometimes. It’s evident that she’s speaking from experience, ruminating on how hard she works to keep her financial status under wraps because of exactly this sort of behavior.
It’s the softest side to Maya we’ve seen extended to another classmate yet. Maybe she’s got more of her mother’s nature in her than she thought.
Riley, Zay, and Charlie are helping clean up in the aftermath of the fight. Janitor Harley gives them instructions before heading out to give his testimony as to what he saw happen. There’s blood smeared on the floor, and Riley can’t look away from it. It seems impossible, surreal.
Zay claims that Wyatt got what he deserved, as he’s always saying rude shit like that and this was one step too far. Charlie agrees to a certain extent, but he argues that there’s no way Lucas isn’t going to get the axe for this. Like, speaking of one bridge too far. This is enough to pull Riley out of her fugue, asking Charlie what the hell he means. She gets all fired up on Lucas’s behalf, stating that there’s no way they can expel him. She storms out, obviously on the warpath.
Zay and Charlie watch her go, both skeptical that her quest is going to hold any water. Now alone, Zay takes the initiative to question Charlie on his seemingly calm nature in regards to all the rumors going around about him. Charlie remains nonchalant, but Zay is clearly suspicious about how chill he seems about the whole thing. It just doesn’t feel… believable. Or human.
Charlie grows more and more nervous at the way Zay seems to see right through him. He suggests they focus on the cleaning, avoiding any further interrogation.
Speaking of clean-up, Shawn is back in the auditorium attempting to patch up a couple of scrapes he got from pulling Lucas off of Wyatt. He winces as he does so, evidently not able to stretch the way he needs to in order to bandage himself up effectively. Angela enters, watching for a moment in amusement before sauntering her way over.
Angela: You always were fiercely independent. Even in licking your wounds.
She steps up and holds her hands out, waiting for him to relinquish control of the bandages and allow her to help. She starts to patch him up. Shawn jokes about how he will defend Lucas to the death, but God if the kid isn’t like a feral cat half the time.
Angela points out that whatever is going on with the culture of their students, the rivalry they’ve been perpetuating between the two of them definitely isn’t helping matters. Shawn agrees, and the two of them effectively decide to try and work more in one another’s corners rather than against one another. Let the past be the past, and focus on right now.
There’s a moment of tension as they realize how close they’re standing and how quietly they’re speaking. When Angela finishes patching him up, she lifts her gaze to meet his. All those old feelings have definitely shaken loose… they’ve got this magnetic drift towards one another…
Shawn backs off before the moment can develop. He thanks Angela for her help, before excusing himself to go check on his students.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Never Can Say Goodbye” as performed by Glee Cast || Performed by Angela Moore (feat. Maya Hart, Chai Fresco, and Darby Winters)
Angela is left reeling, wondering if she really is destined to fall back into the same traps with Shawn Hunter as she did all those years ago. She takes this song out into the halls of AAA.
As she’s wandering her way through the halls, her backup singers make the trek with her. She ends outside teacher’s lounge, walking away just as Eric comes down the hall with Isadora. He’s walking her protectively, making a march towards the lounge.
Eric steps in, telling the couple of loitering teachers present to get the hell out. They do, knowing that if Eric is snapping at them – usually jolly and cheerful Eric Matthews – then something must be seriously wrong. He goes to set Isadora up on the couch, doing everything he can to make her more comfortable.
It’s evident that he’s prepared for these kind of situations, taking his role as a counselor to an autistic student quite seriously. Once he’s gotten her all situated, he offers to stay with her. The two of them settle into the quiet, Isadora lightly fiddling with a string on the edge of the weighted blanket she’s been given. As we’re settling into the quiet…
BAM! Jack slams his planner down on the desk, launching into an intense scene between him and a bloodied up Lucas. It seems as though Lucas hasn’t even been to the nurse, he was carted and dumped straight into Jack’s office. Without the chaos of the fight to blur it, his injuries are more glaring up close.
The two of them debate what the hell happened. Lucas is aloof and defensive to start.
Jack: Well, you tell me what the hell you think I’m supposed to do. What am I supposed to say when a student is carted out of the cafeteria shouting…
[ He reads from a testimonial on his desk. ]
Jack, deadpan: “I’m going to kill him, I’m going to kill him?”
Lucas: Sounds like hearsay. Kind of a big problem at this school…
Jack, louder: [ Slamming his hands down on the desk. ] Is this a joke to you? You’re lucky they’re not PRESSING CHARGES!
Lucas: What, was I supposed to just do nothing? With the shit he was saying –
Jack: Whatever it was, it doesn’t give you the right to –
Lucas: He called Dora a… a retard, I’m not just gonna stand there and let that happen!
Jack: … what?
He hadn’t heard that part of the witness reports, at least not yet. Lucas gives him the full spiel, a bit hard to understand through how he’s gritting his teeth. Jack is more sympathetic upon learning the full context. But it still doesn’t give Lucas a free pass.
Jack: I’m sorry to hear that. It’s disappointing, and unacceptable that he said those things. [ off Lucas’s disdain ] But the way you reacted isn’t appropriate either. And I can’t just do nothing.
Lucas: So? What?
Jack: Dylan, Asher, Sarah, and the others will be receiving a day’s suspension and one Saturday detention.
Lucas: Don’t punish Asher and Dylan, they were just –
Jack: Wyatt will be given a week-long suspension, especially given the full context of what may have provoked the fight in the first place.
[ There’s a pause. Lucas locks eyes with him, waiting. ]
Lucas: [ practically daring him to say it ] And?
Jack: Ten days. Effective immediately. Go get your things.
Jack is done with the conversation. Lucas isn’t, not expecting the dismissal to be so sudden. He hesitates, changing his tune. He pleads for one last visit to Isadora. It’s the first soft moment he’s shown the entire conversation, obviously sincere.
Lucas: Can I see her? I just want to make sure she’s okay.
[ Jack hesitates. Lucas meets his gaze. ]
Lucas: Please.
Jack: … five minutes. That’s all I can give you.
Riley marches into Eric’s office. She launches into an impassioned speech about why they can’t expel Lucas. She explains all that she knows about the situation and what may have provoked the attack, as well what she’s been able to glean about Lucas as a person so far. She specifically references the way he handled Isadora this morning, and how he was obviously, clearly acting in her defense. They can’t expel him. They can’t!
Eric, patiently: Lucas isn’t being expelled.
Riley: WELL – Oh! Oh. Well, good. Good. Um, what?
Eric gestures for Riley to sit, which she does obediently. He then proceeds to give her the full explanation.
Eric: I’m sure you, like everyone else, have been questioning why Lucas at triple A.
Riley: Well, I wouldn’t… he’s a good technician…
Eric: I don’t dispute that. But it’s pretty clear being here doesn’t seem like his top choice. And that’s because it isn’t.
Eric explains, for the first time, the true reason Lucas is at Adams. His enrollment is a personal favor to an old friend of Jack’s, who happened to be best friends with Grace Friar in college. She specifically requested that Lucas get a spot at the school after a particularly disastrous freshman year at the local public school.
To put it lightly, Kenneth Friar isn’t… the most charming of men. It’s best to keep Lucas away from him as often as possible. So why this school? The local public school that Lucas would go to isn’t all that bad… except that it employs Kenneth as a coach and part-time administrator. If Lucas attended that school, he’d be in the grip of his father basically full-time, which wouldn’t be good for anybody involved. In fact, they know this for a fact, as Lucas skipped so much school the first time he went to ninth grade that he had to repeat it upon transferring to Adams.
So given the circumstances, it’s pretty unlikely – barring serious, serious crime – that Lucas will be expelled any time soon.
Riley is completely floored. She mutters an “oh my God” and hides her head in her hands, trying to wrap her brain around it. First Isadora’s famous mother, now this. But at least she’s getting a fuller picture, if there’s a bright side to be found.
Riley: Is… is anybody here fine? Is anybody actually happy?
Eric: [ with a sympathetic shrug and half a smile ] We try our best.
Well, seems like their best isn’t good enough. Riley gets to her feet, still somewhat dazed.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Fake Happy” as performed by Paramore || Performed by Riley Matthews (feat. AAA Sophomores)
As Riley emerges back into the sea of students, she launches into this sardonic and cynical Paramore tune. Other performers trickle in throughout, until they’re a full parade of dazed and somewhat depressed students marching through the hall.
They finish the number on the stage, Riley front and center with the rest of the main cast behind her. As Riley finishes the song, she tries to catch her breath. It’s been a crazy day.
Angela, Shawn, and Eric have assembled in the principal’s office to discuss the confessions page. Jack has reported it, but that’s not guaranteed to dispose of it or keep it gone for good. He instructs all of them to be vigilant, keep an eye out for odd behavior, because it’s time they started figuring out where the hell this page is operating from.
They all agree, finally on the same page and working towards a united cause.
Isadora is starting to come out of her shutdown, more restless and uncertain what’s going on than anything else. She’s still obsessively picking at threads from her blanket, unable to sit still.  Thusly, it’s relief when Lucas comes by to visit – that is, until she sees his condition. She questions what the hell he was thinking as he sits down next to her, telling him that he shouldn’t have started the fight. He claims he had to, but she disagrees. It was too dangerous, and not worth whatever consequences he might face because of it. Because when he’s not there, when she has to face all this alone, she’s in just as bad a shape. She can’t deal with this hellhole without him.
Lucas opts not to tell her about his suspension. Instead, he assures her that it’s all going to work out, checking to see if she needs anything and expressing gratitude that she’s okay. They quickly get back to their usual banter, showing just how easy and comfortable their relationship is.
Farkle is in the dressing with Yogi, Charlie, and Nigel, attempting to cover up his developing bruise with stage makeup before rehearsal. He’s on a dramatic tangent, forlornly lamenting how his perfect face is marred. And for what? Nigel and Yogi exchange a look, the former rolling his eyes. Maya enters, startling the boys.
Yogi: You can’t be in here!
Maya: Unclench, Yogles, and scram. I need to have words with Minkus.
Farkle glares at her, potentially a little scared. Nigel and Yogi sense the seriousness of her statement, leading the way out with Charlie following behind. Within moments, the two of them are alone. He continues his soliloquy in lieu of not knowing what else to say as she’s approaching.
Farkle: It’s a true shame. With a face this damaged, I’ll probably never work in this town again.
Maya: [ with an eye roll ] Alright, Rocky, calm down. Let me see that. Come on.
Maya takes the makeup from his hands, leaning closer and beginning to apply foundation to the bruise. Farkle is hesitant, but lets her help. The two of them stand in silence for a few moments, Maya much more skilled with the makeup than he was.
Not able to hold it in any longer, Farkle questions why she’s helping him at all. They’re not exactly… well, they’ve never been friends. Maya admits that she doesn’t know, really. But something about the way he jumped into the fray to try and stop it this afternoon impressed her. Showed he had an actual heart in there somewhere beneath all the self-righteousness and entitlement. Digs aside, there’s an actual potential for future friendship between them.
Maya finishes with the cover up, directing him out with her towards the stage for their final number. Farkle asks if they’re still doing it with everything that happened, to which Maya simply shrugs.
Maya: Show must go on.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Titanium” as performed by David Guetta (feat. Sia) || Performed by AAA Sophomores
The sophomore class wraps the episode with this impassioned performance. It’s a bit odd, some students missing and everyone a bit out of step. But the sentiment rings true.
Isadora is gearing up to head out of school, but not before taking back control of the narrative. As she heads through the halls, she turns on her cracked phone and goes to Instagram. She prepares to submit a post of her own to AAAC, scouring through a folder in her photos application simply labelled “Valerie.” She picks a photo of the two of them.
For the caption, she puts a simple statement: “I’m Valerie De La Cruz’s daughter. My surname is De La Cruz, not Smackle. So now you know. Now fuck off, and leave me alone.”
Then, she blocks the account. As the song comes to an end, she walks past the crowd of students staring at her and pushes through the doors like a boss. Leaving the drama behind…
In theory.
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Happy AMA day, everyone! Three years ago today on August 24th 2016, we kickstarted the official /r/Politics Ask Me Anything program with a very... special... AMA.​A few AMAs had ever occurred on /r/politics before that (13 of them in about 4.5 years), but it was in August 2016 that we decided to make a concerted effort to build a thriving AMA program in this community. I'd say that we've been wildly successful! On June 11th we hosted the 300th official event of the AMA series, a Q&A with Jonathan Capehart, an editorial board member of The Washington Post.​Every single one of those 300+ AMAs can be viewed here, along with the bonus 13 from before the program actually started. There's a lot to peruse! We've hosted senators, governors, cartoonists, leftists and rightists, lawyers, mayors, some communists, some anti-communists, and a whole lot more. We have built wonderful lasting relationships with organizations such as Advance Local, the ACLU, and The Washington Post.​We have come a really long way in these three years, and we're so proud of what we've built with all your help. The AMA program is a labor of love that takes a long time. I reach out to folks that I or other mods think of, or you suggest (did you know I've contacted over 750 people and organizations about AMAs?), as well as have them reach out to us, or be referred to us by /u/Chtorrr and our other friends on the Reddit admin team. I send several emails every single day, and even make the occasional phone call to organize AMAs and educate their hosts. Our calendar is meticulously updated, the AMA list kept fresh, and flairs are handed out to every verified submitter. Lately we've begun using our Twitter to keep you in the loop, because nobody should ever miss an AMA they're excited about.​We want to take this post to celebrate, to thank all our wonderful guests for their time, to thank you, the participants for asking so many thoughtful questions, to reminisce about the times we've had, and to brainstorm together about where we'd like to go in the future.​Let me know what your favorite AMA has been, and let me know who you'd like to see in the time to come. Let me know what you like as-is, and what you'd like to see tweaked.​And, of course - Ask Me Anything. via /r/politics
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