#thank u immensely for the cat picture
chiisana-lion · 1 year
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🐈🐈good morning duck
good morning ‼‼ and good morning to lulu you wonderful creature <33333
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chanquokka · 8 months
Here's A Little Get-To-Know-You Tag Game!
Tagged by: de wonderfulest ppl @noonaracha @straykidsgallery and @itsstraykids thank you sm!!! (go appreciate their cool point stories!)
Name(s): juni! is what i decided. some friends on this hellsite also call me solar so wtv u prefer. atp i just have a bunch of nicknames bcs i also have a Weird Name, A Weirder (Family) Nickname in real life
Pronouns: he/she/they/it<3 when i say feel free. pls and thank u
Star Sign: libra, right when it starts (and just a day after seungmin's!)
#of Siblings And Fun Facts About Them(if u have any): one (1) younger gremlin brother, and the funnest fact abt them is that he has been a walking directory of telephone no's since he was 4 and now can be relied upon to calculate large numbers inside his head in point seconds. Still hates physics(and most things theory)> by which, he also stores insane and inane amount of stats info (abt all types of things, but mostly sports) inside his head ready to be flourished at a moments notice, which is mildly impressive when ur 6 and debating with college students the scores of a game that happened 15yrs before u were born but not now when ur 17 and ppl are more focused on your test scores rather than ones u know, so</3 also has his birthday on changbin's but he doesnt know abt that
#of Pets: there's a history there. with fishes that my ma deceived me with on my 12th birthday(when i asked for a pet, i imagined smth i could hold) and then liked too much herself that we had them for 5yrs. three times; birds, but my brother kind of freed them while singing a lullaby with only me as an unbelieving witness. a dog (belovedest of em all) my dad picked from street as a puppy and who, then, had to be given away after 3yrs bcs of Stupid Reasons im still mad abt. now i just have street cats showing up at my front door to safekeep their babies on my staircase's isolated nooks till they grow up and vanish and street dogs who believe i have endless supplies of treats and show me sad faces when i dont. i really want a pet</3 but for now im contending with pictures of kitties whose moms operate on strict 'see-dont-touch' policies and sweet sweet strays who like to befriend u too easy.
Fandoms: many, but rn im active mostly in skz and mxtx. id love to be in other stuff i read and watch but since Capitalism hates me dearly,,,
Favorite Color: darker shades of all and any colors(esp blue green and red)!!! can be relied upon immensely to look warm and pretty always
Favorite Song: picking favorites for anything is out of my capabilities. also am just listening to my favorite bollywood playlist a lot these days.
Favorite Author: have a working list of favorite poets that does not end at 1. have not read a book seriously in four years of exam/prep-locking. but even if i did, idt ill be able to pick any favorite bcs, yk. good things in many things. (tldr; its roald dahl) (and ruskin bond who i read when i was 5 and still read when im so tired bcs his stories inspire me to write always)
Hobbies: I dance(perform) sometimes? I write??(←derogatory, dubious) make stuff, mostly poems and stories and tinker with free things i can do, both online or craft. analysis of things with friends is a beloved activity. i liek yoga and stretching (rn in an ongoing war with 3° winter mornings to drag myself out of bed and go to class at 6) cooking when i have time but mostly, always, reading (or! watching) stories, poems and learning abt cool nonfiction things (does crying abt fiction count)
Favorite Holiday: none of the above its the trips and getaways u make for yourself. all my beloved memories are always mostly from when our family makes a trip to someplace my mom insists or there's a non-worrying emergency to go somewhere. just family getting together under some pretense, even tho it is stressful as fuck.
Do You Have Any Partner(s): persuading my best friend atm but sadly she's straight</3(no lmao)
Fun facts about you/anything extra you wanna share!: since im having it rn- coffee doesnt keep me up or sometimes even makes me nod off, a fact i discovered after my 14yr old brain had the brilliant idea to try out the cool, forbidden drink after dinner knowing i wasnt allowed to. this is not fun to my ma but growing up in a sort of restrictive household, im also just weirdly good at sneaking and doing stuff im not supposed to without getting caught. i also do not know how to talk in lesser words. this is an absolute curse, yes i have tried. beware</3
this^ is a mess but thank u i had fun!! lemme tag: @winterfloral @syannie @hyunhomoons @quokki @chogiwow @agibbangs @rainknow @lixence @hyunebear @straykidsgallery @jerirose @ambivartence @hongjoongpresent + anyone who wishes to! apologies if tagged already!
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mangoamango · 2 years
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hello my hand computer pals. If you follow me u probably know I volunteer in my neighborhood helping stray/feral cats and kittens.
Recently I've been helping a contact who had 19 cats in their one bedroom apt. These cats were in.....not great shape, health wise, and animal healthcare in this godforsaken country is expensive as fuck. The caretaker lives paycheck to paycheck, so me + a few other volunteers have been paying for well. Everything. Food, litter, vet bills, various medications etc.
if anyone has a couple bucks to spare to toss towards this truly just. agonizing and sad thing I would be so so SO deeply grateful. Reblogs also are great if you can't do anything else.
I want to offer something in exchange or as a thank u for anyone who donates--I have Immense Photoshop skills and can draw memes or what have you. I can post pictures of kittens??? I can. Make you a logo (day job is graphic design)????? examples below the cut + some more details abt the situation
most of the money is going towards the vet costs, but the rest is going to be for getting this person set up back up in their apt with some new stuff after a thorough deep cleaning, if anyone is curious.
here are some things i can create for u, if you wish:
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photoshopped pet portraits, if anyone would like that
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i've also made a bunch of these mountain goats lyrics poster (in the style of @mountainqoats)
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stupid memes i have made for my friends* (*tumblr user misterhaderach)
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cat tax. i have....so many pictures of kittens (most of them do NOT have my face in them)
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if u donate and would like any one of these creations, please just dm me with a screenshot and we'll work it out. thanks for reading. i love u all my hand computer friends
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thesorcerersapprentice · 10 months
Cucufate is Altaluna's (the protagonist) main ally in The Sorcerer’s Apprentice. Under the cut, you’ll find his complete profile! *I'll update this page as I come up with new details.
TAG LIST: (ask to be + or - ) @the-finch-address @achilleanmafia @fearofahumanplanet @winterninja-fr@avrablake​ @iced-ginger-tea​ @wildswrites​​ @tate-lin​ @outpost51 @d3mon-ology @hippiewrites @threeking @lexiklecksi
✦  Full Name: Cucufate or Cucuphas (I borrowed the name from the patron saint of petty thieves and kyphosis). Pronounced: "cook - ooo (as in "goo") - fa (as in "fa-la-la-la-la") - te (as in "telephone"). ✦  Age: Unknown ✦  Sex & Gender: Irrelevant, but I'm thinking male? ✦  Physical Description: Cucufate is a culpeo, a South American canid otherwise known as a Paramo Wolf or Andean Fox (although it bears a striking resemblance to the red fox, it's actually more closely related to wolves and coyotes). ✦ Occupation: One of Valeriano's Abandoned Projects.
✦ Socrates & Bartleby: (*I'm in the process of rewriting this section, as it isn't very clear. Thanks for your patience!) Cucufate is based on two figures: the ancient philosopher Socrates and Bartleby from the short story Bartleby, The Scrivener by Herman Melville. What I wanted to do with Cucufate was find a way to have an animal speak without necessarily resorting to a 'human' voice (a voice that furthers our aims, mimics and thus elevates our culture, clarifies and informs etc.). This is where Socrates and Bartleby enter the picture. They both provide a language model that subverts standard communication. For instance, despite being the primary character in Plato's Dialogues and one of the most famous philosophers of all time, Socrates makes no positive or prescriptive claims (thou shalt not blah, this is that etc.). Instead, he talks in (flattery &) questions, undermining any certainty his interlocutors might feel by prodding and probing their knowledge of x, y & z until they are forced to reveal their ignorance (this is known as Socratic irony). Socrates' speech is thus a kind of anti-speech. If it spotlights a topic, it does so only to reveal the immensity of the darkness that sustains it, its lack of substance. Indeed, whenever Socrates opens his mouth, he widens the abyss that will eventually swallow his interlocutor's thoughts and beliefs whole, and terminate the discussion (silence). Hence, Socratic dialogue successfully humiliates and confuses us. It strips us of that very human arrogance, our intellectual bravado, so that we too can become wise: so that we too can share in the wisdom of knowing that we don't know. Doesn't the natural world do the same? Isn't that precisely the horror of climate change? Bartleby, on the other hand, taps into the ambiguity of certain language formulas. His signature phrase "I would prefer not to," which he repeats whenever he's asked to do his job, expresses a hypothetical that... never seems to go anywhere? It's the Schrodinger's Cat of phrases, simultaneously dead and alive; he'd prefer not to, but... will he or won't he? Yes. The ambiguity, the inaction of it, dumfounds and incapacitates his employer. Bartleby's speech thus provides an example of a language that resists, confounds rather than clarifies, and complicates rather than simplifies. Like Socratic irony, Bartleby's masterful use of the conditional and modal auxiliary verb "would," disrupts the status quo. Because Cucufate's speech pattern draws from both of them, he becomes an effective helper to Altaluna; by engaging with her, he counteracts the temptation to think along the lines of a simplistic, "heroic" fascism (good vs. evil, light vs. darkness, us vs. them), and forces her instead to adopt a more nuanced stance, capable of aptly handing contradiction and ambiguity. (*Appropriated from this post).
✦ Cunning Intelligence in Greek Culture and Society by Marcel Detienne & Jean-Pierre Vernant: "When Oppian describes the cunning of the fishing frog squatting in the mud, motionless and invisible, he compares it to the fox: ‘The scheming fox (agkulómetis kerdō) devises a similar trick; as soon as it spots a flock of wild birds it lies down on its side, stretches out its agile limbs, closes its eyelids and shuts its mouth. To see it you would think that it was enjoying a deep sleep or even that it was really dead, so well does it hold its breath as it lies stretched out there, all the while turning over treacherous plots (aióla bouleúousa) in its mind. No sooner do the birds notice it than they swoop down on it in a flock and, as if in mockery, tear at its coat with their claws, but as soon as they are within reach of its teeth the fox reveals its cunning (dólos) and seizes them unexpectedly. The fox is a trap; when the right moment comes the dead creature becomes more alive than the living. [….] If the metis of the fox is immediately detectable in its skill at playing dead, it is dazzlingly apparent in this sudden reversal. In effect, the fox holds the secret of reversal which is the last word in craftiness." (pp. 35-36)
© 2023 The Sorcerer’s Apprentice. All rights reserved.
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strawberryicebreakers · 6 months
HELLO i hope this ask finds u well :]
so not to be annoying or anything but out of curiosity (and immense unending passion for the topic and also your fanfic) is there a chance the uhf fic will finish? not like, right now or in a month, but just in general :)) sorry ive read the draft like 10 times by now and yknow lol :)) have a lovely day from the weird al fans of tumblr!!
hello!!! your ask finds me in one of my labs, hunkered down between classes.
it's completely alright to ask! there's always a chance I'll go back to any of my drafts [including anything I've posted to ao3 and unfortunately abandoned over the years], but I'm still working on my longer ted lasso fic [which is now at 123k! very weird to know I wrote that much] and I'm a bit worried that trying to revisit an older draft might knock me out of my groove before I finish it.
that being said! I still do incredibly appreciate all the love you + others have given the draft so far; it's so sweet to see people so passionate about something I'm playing around with [and I think of the one comic that was drawn nearly every day]. there's a scene or two that're further down the plot of the story than I wrote in the draft [ergo, doesn't take place right where the draft stops] but I'd still love to share it as a thank-you. as always, it's very unedited, very rough, but hopefully something to y'all will enjoy. :) have a nice day as well!
Sinatra wasn’t the worst to listen to, but when it seemed as though all the radio stations in Oklahoma could loop through were the man’s Christmas albums, Robert could understand why some people would have a grudge against the guy. It’d been an hour and a half of Sinatra, Sinatra, and even more Sinatra, slowly driving a wedge into whatever Christmas spirit he still had at the ripe-old age of twenty-five. 
Teri’s parents lived all the way in the suburbs of Oklahoma City, a far cry away from his and George’s apartment in Tulsa. Usually, the traffic would make him wish for a day where faster-than-light travel was the norm, but at two in the morning on Christmas Day, I-44 had been all but deserted.
Even with the lights strung ‘round each house, little reindeer pulling plastic sleighs that gleamed back under his headlights, Robert had to turn his brights on to see the house numbers. His car slowed to a crawl, creeping through the picture of perfect suburbia. 
Each house was perfect in its own right; a blanket of snow on each lawn, a wreath on each door, a brand new car or two in each driveway. He’d bet his life savings that all (save one or two) of the houses had perfect families, too. A husband and his wife, their two kids, an overexcited dog or a temperamental cat. 
It used to nauseate him, seeing places like this, knowing this would be his life. That he’d be the father waking up on Christmas to a wife wrapped around him, that he’d have to -, do things with her that he didn’t want to think about doing. 
He shuddered, chilled despite his heater working overtime and then some. Usually, his car was on the colder side ‘cause Robert ran hot, but George was more delicate than he was. He hadn’t grown up in Oklahoma, wasn’t used to how cold the winters got. If George had it his way, they’d live in a damn blast furnace from the second the temperature began to drop. 
He parked, an inch from the curb of the nicest house he’d ever seen, staring at a mailbox that someone’d painted “The Cambells” on in curly, vintage font. 
With a pre-emptive cringe, he honked his horn, quick as he could. It was what he’d told George he’d do when he got here, letting him know he was good to run out. 
Robert stared at the door, waiting to see the familiar head of curls he’d grown fond of. He didn’t know what to expect, not after getting a frantic phone call at half-past midnight, begging for him to pick him up. 
There was a joke somewhere in there, that George got lucky that Robert’s a night owl, but before he could hoot down the phone, he’d realized George was serious. It wasn’t some midnight worry, not a kid asking his mom to pick him up ‘cause he can’t sleep without a certain blanket. 
George knew how far the drive was, how miserable it’d be to drive in the middle of the night. He knew how bad it’d be for him and Teri if he disappeared without goodbye.
And yet, he called.
Robert didn’t think there’d ever be a time in his life where he wouldn’t answer.
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lotties-ashwagandha · 2 years
omg i read narcissa fics and i hopped straight to it!!!
could you do like a narcissa x reader, where the reader is employed at malfoy manner to keep the garden tidy (so like a gardener?). the reader lives there, its contracted, and narcissa and the reader grow closer? until maybe one night the reader gets all stressed, and worked up and narcissa is there to comfort her?
idk if this is okay! but i hope it is!
pairing: narcissa malfoy x reader
word count: 1332
notes and warnings: what is up w the lack of narcissa gifs omg?? anyway thank u for the request <333 this is inspired by “runaway” by aurora ,, also au where lucius is dead or some shit idk he’s just not at malfoy manor anymore he’s not in the picture. i modified the request just a little bit i hope it’s alright ! this is not proofread.
taglist: @cordeliass @paulsonsratched @thedeconstructionist @mayfair-fleur @goodeday2u @traumatisedfangirl
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It is not the spirit of love that seeks to destroy us, but the spirit of manipulation.
Aphrodite’s call is not to death, not without provocation. She seeks not to kill, but to bless in the name of the sun and the moon.
The sun was setting before you as you stood in the garden, sharpening the hedge trimmers. Your motions had become rhythmic, and your mind began to wander as the blades slid in your hands.
You began to contemplate everything you had to do that night: you had to tend to your own garden, harvest the basil that you had neglected yesterday, and your cat needed his litter changed. The next day you would have to go to the store, you were sure, to pick up some–
You jumped, freezing.
Though your hand was searing, you refused to glance down.
The setting sun was rose gold before you. The clouds were dancing across it in hues of burgundy and lilac, painting a moment more beautiful than the artists of even the Renaissance could never portray.
You could hear the blood dripping onto the garden path.
Finally, you looked down. You had been extremely lucky – part of your forearm had been sliced deep, and the pouring blood had you almost fainting, but in comparison to losing your hand, you counted yourself rather lucky.
For a moment you panicked – you needed to stop the bleeding, you needed to get home, blood was getting all over the garden path, and there was no chance you would leave it for tomorrow.
The longer you took to attempt to calm yourself, the more blood kept pouring into the garden, and eventually it was not the pain of your injury that made you distraught but the mess it was causing.
You shrugged off your flannel, burying your arm into it.
Taking a shaky breath, you realized that you had used floo powder to arrive at Malfoy Manor, and that you would have to use it to get back… and to do so, you would have to go into the house and risk covering the place in blood. The mere prospect of it almost had you in tears.
Never before had you wished so dearly to simply disappear, to sink underneath the concrete of the garden path and be trapped there forever.
Ignoring the searing in your arm and the way you were becoming lightheaded, you quickly developed a plan – you would sneak quietly into the house, letting no one know of your presence or your departure.
You eyed the manor in front of you. How intimidating it was, judging you in every way. You hardly ever spoke to Narcissa or Draco, the mansion’s sole inhabitants, and whenever you did speak to Narcissa your conversations were awkward and short, neither of you ever quite sure what to say to the other. It was not that you disliked her — no, it was quite the opposite. You enjoyed her company immensely, her very presence enough to give you joy beyond comprehension, beyond expression.
Perhaps you enjoyed her company too much — that, above all, was what frightened you. Unrequited had been every sense of love you’d possessed, a curse of Aphrodite. You’d decided against getting too close to anyone anymore. The ache in your soul never died.
It was this prayer for isolation that led you silently to the doorway, permitting yourself no sound, no distraction.
You snuck through the house, carrying your shoes. Every so often you would pause, listening for footsteps or chatter that might throw you off course.
In a way, you felt like a criminal, though you knew perfectly well that you were doing absolutely nothing wrong. The cold walls of the mansion were glaring and unwelcoming.
You paused upon hearing footsteps — it occurred to you that you had never really decided what you would do or say if you ran into someone, only that you had every intention to avoid anyone you possibly could.
The footsteps stopped.
You were in the parlor, you realized, and looked to the doorway.
There she stood, in all of her incessant allure, watching you from the doorway. Narcissa’s expression was unreadable as she eyed your hand. “Are you getting blood on the floor?”
You were taken aback for a moment, glancing from her to your arm and back again before shaking your head. “No, I don’t think so.”
“Wait here.”
And she disappeared.
Briefly you remembered the bloodied concrete outside — did that count as flooring? Really, it was ground, not floor, and anyway it was outside… but still, it was part of a pathway…
Should you change your answer?
No, no, you decided to simply wait.
You focused on the rhythm of the clock ticking at the other end of the room.
Narcissa was back again, and you were snapped out of your haze.
It wasn’t until she motioned for you to sit on the sofa with her that you noticed the first aid kit she carried with her.
“Really, I’m fine,” you lied, your hand still aching.
She ignored you. “Come sit with me.”
You could not see her face from where she sat on the sofa, but her tone was warm, and it touched a part of you that had not been seen in years. She had hardly spoken, yet she had enveloped you completely in her spirit.
You sat beside her on the sofa, resisting a laugh when you saw the towel that had been placed down to prevent any blood from spilling onto the furniture.
It felt strange to you to be sitting on her sofa, in her house — the two of you had never really sat down together, and you had only been employed to handle the gardens for little more than a year, yet she was always in your thoughts.
There was great distance between the two of you, yet there was none at all.
She took your hand in her own, unwrapping the cloth you had tied around it, unbothered by the blood that now stained her hands.
You watched her expression carefully — though she seemed the slightest bit on edge, she radiated a sense of peace, the very love that you had always felt blessed to be in the presence of.
Her touch reminded you that you were alive.
“Relax,” she said with a soft smile, noticing how tense you had become.
You took a centering breath, attempting to clear your mind of the thousands of thoughts bouncing off of each other relentlessly.
In the silence, you relaxed into the gentleness of her touch, the way her eyes were filled with a loving focus.
It had been so long since you had been filled with such a sense of home.
Narcissa began to wrap your arm, and though the wrapping was a bit too tight, you would never tell her, and you would cherish every token you could obtain from this moment — every reminder that she was real, this deity gracing you with her gaze.
You became exceedingly aware, once again, that her touch connected the two of you.
“Is that alright?” She asked, gesturing to the bandage, and you nodded. “Really, you should be more careful.”
You suppressed a laugh. “Just be glad there’s no blood on the furniture.”
She returned your smile, taking your hand once more, though this time she entwined your fingers with hers.
You gazed down to where your hands were connected.
Aphrodite’s curse was broken in every way.
You were leaning closer to her, and all at once your lips met, and never before had you felt so much love.
It is not the spirit of love that seeks to destroy us, but the spirit of manipulation.
Aphrodite’s call is not to death, not without provocation. She seeks not to kill, but to bless in the name of the sun and the moon.
And though the sun had set and the light of the moon began to fill the parlor, you had finally found home.
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sailorhyunjinz · 4 years
~ Heated ~
Warnings: Hybrid!au, bunny!fem!reader x wolf!dom!Bangchan x kitty!dom!Minho, threesome, consensual sex (YALL BE SAFE), penetrative sex (AGAIN, BE SAFE), reader goes into heat idfk?, jealousy (like a lot), nicknames (bunny, slut), sliiight dacryphilia, blowjobs, fingering, cum eating, creampie. 
Word Count: 2,556 words (YO CHILL)
Requested: YE thank u anon *tips fedora* 
Note: YALL this is the first time ive EVER written something like this and tbh i didn’t even know wtf hybrids did so i did my research lmao and if this sounds hella uneducated it’s because i am.... i studied biology in school but... not this 😳
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A bunny, a wolf and a cat in the same space was anything but calm. You knew because that’s how you lived. 
“Y/n! We’re leaving” exclaimed Bangchan from the hallway. They had some sort of meeting to attend which they told you about at dinner yesterday. You ran to the hallway in order to say farewell to your two loving boyfriends, that small tail of yours wiggling in the air. 
Being much smaller than they were you jumped a tiny bit to reach their lips, kissing them goodbye. 
“Be safe!” you yelled out the door as you saw their figures disappear.
“We will!” they yelled back in unison before the three of you giggled. 
You were hit by the cold breeze from outside as you closed the heavy front door. Already missing them you sat down on the grey couch, throwing a blanket over yourself and putting on some TV show. 
Hours later you heard a distinct chatter getting closer. It was Bangchan and Minho! The door handle of the front door rustled and your ears jerked to the location from where the sound was coming from. The two boys walked into the shared apartment giggling and chatting but something wasn’t right. Your scent never deceived you and in that moment you could have sweared that the smell of another female hybrid was lurking around them. You walked up to them and hugged both the boys, not wanting to make a scene just as they entered. Minho patted you on the head and ears and as you stood closer to the duo there was no doubt in your mind that they had been around another female in her heat since the pheromones change during that time. 
“Had fun?” you asked them while they took of their shoes. 
“It was alright” Minho said plainly. You were confused by the lack of emotions on his face. He walked straight by you, tail just as emotionless as his face. Bangchan pecked your forehead as your eyes were still glued to Minhos figure. 
“What’s with him?” you asked the bigger boy.
“I..I don’t know y/n”. His voice sounded unsure and that only added to your suspicion. The smell of a female hybrid was still hitting your nose and so without thinking you blurted out to Bangchan;
“Were you near other girls?”
He was caught off guard by your brash question. His shaking pupils and flattened ears gave you an answer which made your blood boil.
“I can smell it on you Bangchan, don’t lie” you said with a stern voice while you looked up intensely at the boy. 
He was frozen in place and couldn’t form a sentence before you slammed him towards the wall. Maybe slammed is a overexaggeration, more like pushed because he was double your size.  
“Ok y/n! We might have...hugged a female and then realized she was going through her heat but we didn’t mean it!” he blurted out, scared of the fact that your ears were now tight against your head. 
Now you understood why Minho had run off in such a hurry. When another female was in her heat it could trigger other hybrids as well and you felt the effects right away. Not only were you aggravated but helplessly rubbing your thighs together. 
You stepped aside letting Bangchan go to which he did the same thing as Minho and hurried out of your sight. You stood there dumbfounded and horny. They had caused a problem and now they were going to have to fix it. Stomping, you made your way to the room from where you heard anxious chatter which was the bedroom. 
“BANGCHAN AND MINHO!” you flung the bedroom door open and the chatter died down. You were met with two pairs of freightened eyes staring at you from the bedroom floor. 
“Uhm...y-y/n... are you sure that you aren’t going through your heat right now?” Minho said hesitantly not wanting to annoy you even more. 
You bolted to the cat-like boy and with a handful of this t-shirt you threw him against the wall, nearly knocking down a picture frame. Yet again, ‘threw’ being an overexaggeration but what wasn’t an overexaggeration was your temper. 
Minho’s breath hitched as his back hit the wall Bangchan was still glued to the floor, not moving in fear of pissing you off even more. You looked Minho dead into the eyes but you were immedietly flustered as he smirked, responding to your eye contact with his slightly yellow cat eyes. The smirk turned into a insulting laughter as he licked his lips. His shadow was cast on you which made you appear small in comparison. The catboy approached you slowly, his fluffy tail standing up and wagging from side to side. Your ears got low as you backed away from him, still looking into his yellow marbled eyes. Bangchan’s gaze moved along your movements and stopped when you were blocked by the bed and couldn’t move away any longer. You sat down on the bed making you even smaller as Minho towered over you. His soft tail brushed against your arm sending a shiver down your spine. His ears twitched once before he bent down, feeling his warm breath against your cheek as he looked you into those innocent bunny eyes.
“Good bunnies don’t act like that, isn’t that right Bangchan?” 
Your eyes shifted towards the wolf-like boy that had now stood up and was getting closer to you. You clenched your thighs together as you felt bare under Minhos intense gaze.
“Look at our little bunny, feeling desperate?” Bangchan cooed as he spread your legs with his foot, leaning towards you just like Minho. 
“It’s n-not fair!” you proclaimed, leaning back on your hands against the bed and gripping the bedsheets, squeezing the fabric tightly.
“What’s not fair? It’s not our fault our little bunny is such a slut and heats so easily” he purred towards you. He wasn’t wrong.
Bangchan sat down beside you, feeling the weight of the bed shift. He snaked his big hands up your thigh eventually reaching your sopping cunt. You grinded against his hand and tried to gain some sort of friction between his warm hand and your clothed pussy. Minho grinned before he crashed his lips onto yours and once again his smugness shoked you. The kiss was wet and sloppy in contrast to his teeth that were sharp. You moaned in the kiss as Bangchan had slipped his hand underneath your panties and was now feeling your wet folds.
“We’ve barely done anything bunny” he growled against your ear as his canines poked out of his mouth. You shuddered, not only from Bangchans voice but how his two digits entered into your aching cunt at the same time Minho was swirling his tongue around yours. 
Bangchan took off his clothes and then yours while the kiss advanced. Minho tilted his head and cupped your face into his hands as he rubbed his thumbs across your cheeks. You broke the kiss to catch a breath of air but before you knew it Bangchan layed you down on the bed, hovering above your naked figure. In the corner of your eye you saw Minho slowly undressing, his hardening member springing out of his underwear. 
Bangchan attached his plump lips on yours that were slightly swollen from the intense kiss earlier. His hands roamed free on your body and kneaded your breasts firmly. The small whimpers that came out of your mouth only teased Bangchan more, now sucking purple marks onto your neck and boobs. Eventually he reached down to your throbbing cunt, kissing it a couple times before flattening his tongue against your folds. Moaning, you grabbed a fistful of his thick hair, pressing his face nearer. His tongue worked like magic as it twirled around your enlarged clit, feeling his sharp teeth from time to time when he softly nibbled on it. His tongue jabbed at you needy hole, making wet sounds everytime he did that. The pleasure was immense which was seen by the way your legs shaked. Bangchan saw the pained expression on your face as you were struggeling to part your legs and decided to give you a helping hand by pinning you things down to the bed, slowly tracing his fingers up and down them. Just as you arched your back Minho appeared and tapped Bangchan on the shoulder as a sign to move away. Bangchan nodded and sat further down the bed, pumping his raging erection as his eyes watched how Minho’s face got closer to yours. Those vertical slits in Minho’s eyes never failed to make you scared. His soft fingertips traced downwards as he stared at you and as his fingers reached your cunt that was sucked dry moments earlier he inserted two fingers without any precautions making your ears lurch up. 
Your brows furrowed as you looked at him with a pleasurable expression on your face but he just smirked that teasing smirk yet again. His fingers pumped in and out of you at the same pace that Bangchan was pumping himself. His tip was coated with a drop of precum and his girth made your mouth water. When Minho’s fingers started reaching your g-spot you tightly shut your eyes as moans spilled out of you like liquid. He kissed you on your forehead before pulling out his fingers, leaving you empty. You groaned at the loss of contact but was quickly filled up again when Bangchan alined his member with your hole before sliding into you with ease. His tail brushed again your leg as he started pounding into you, not giving you any time to adjust. Minho couldn’t just sit there and jerk off, he needed to get into the action as well and so he yanked you by the hair, almost gripping your ears and rested his dick on your swollen lips. You looked up towards his cat-like face and hesitated because Bangchans was already sending you into overdrive. Minho saw the hesitation in your eyes before scoffing and saying;
“you wanted this slut” 
He was right. You mouth was longing for his length. All hesitation washed away as you started sucking him off. First licking the tip before sinking down on his shaft, feeling him twitch inside your wet mouth. You were trying your best, bobbing your head up and down with speed but as Bangchan thursted into you harder and harder you couldn’t help but to occasionally let out a broken moan against Minho’s hard dick. This pissed him off. He pulled your hair, moving your face closer to abdomen as you choked on his dick.
“Suck it properly” he hummed before letting you go harshly. You coughed and moaned at the same time, all kind of sounds dribbling between your red lips. 
Bangchan was close and you knew by the way his thrusts were getting more aggressive but just as a scream of pleasure was on it’s way out of you he pulled out. White ropes of cum covered your stomach and hipbone as Bangchan milked himself out of every drop, groaning and biting his lip while doing so. Minho pulled you up by your arm and harsly flipped you around on all fours. Now it was his time to have fun. His rock hard member entered your fuck out hole making you grip the sheets firmly, knuckles turning white. Even if he was smaller than Bangchan his dick sure wasn’t as it filled you up to the brim, the sensation of being stuffed coaxing a few whines from you. Minho held you by your hips and thrusted into you at an animalistic speed, the sound of skin slapping against each other filling the room. Your moans sharpened Bangchan’s ears and before he knew it his limp dick was hard yet again. Your head hanged down as you tightly shut your eyes, trying not to scream whilst gripping the sheets but you felt Bangchan’s hand cup your chin, lifting it up to face him. Looking up you saw his broad figure, his member right infront of your face. The look in his eyes was endearing, being a wolf hybrid he is often misinterpreted for being evil but you knew the love he had for both you and Minho. He stroked your cheek with the back of his hand before sliding two fingers across your lips. Without command you started sucking on them, earning a smirk from the wolf-like boy. Upon removing them a loud pop was heard and he instead replace them with his dick. Minho’s thrusts made you jerk forward, Bangchan’s dick hitting the back of your throat and accidentally choking you. Tears burned in the corners of your eyes but you kept looking at Bangchan through those tear stained eyes because his eyes were filled with love, reassuring you. The difference in pace and attitude almost broke you. Minho’s dick twitched inside of your cunt, his member fitting perfectly between your velvety walls while Bangchan was taking his time, gently moaning and looking at you, stroking your ears backwards as he admired how pretty you looked with his dick stuffed in your mouth with drool spilling from the corners of those petal-like lips. 
Minho was going even faster, your boobs bounced with his movements and made you choke even more on Bangchan’s dick. He glared at Minho with narrowed eyes, angry that he made you uncomfortable and such a mess beneath him.  Minho being the smug cat that he is didn’t care. He wanted to see you even more wrecked and so his last couple of thrusts were hard, pounding into you almost like a piston. Minho was getting more vocal, letting out groans and breathy moans. As you looked at Bangchan with a fucked out expression with his dick in your mouth Minho came inside of you. The white liquid coated your insides and make a squelching sound as Minho rode out his orgasm with small nudges into your pussy. Minho’s length was pulled out of you, his cum leaking in drops down your thighs. Bangchan’s head rolled back as his girthy dick twitched in your mouth once before his cum spewed down your throat. His canines poked out once again signaling pleasure as he patted you on the head. With a loving expression you looked him straight in those narrow eyes and swallowed, your adams apple bobbing from the action. He smiled down at you and pulled you up for a kiss as Minho’s cum was still dripping down your leg.
Bangchan pulled away from the kiss and layed down on the bed panting. Minho stepped inside the bedroom with a towel in his hand which he threw at you. 
“You did well” he said shallowly before he muttered something under his breath. “Didn’t deserve it”.
Bangchan frowned towards the boy. “y/n always deserves it, shes our bunny after all” he said while wiping you down as you giggled when the touched your sensitive parts.
“Yeah but if you try to dominate me once more you won’t be able to walk” Minho said as he layed down onto the bed, pulling you closer to his slightly sweaty body. 
“I-.. I won’t” you murmured but the three of you knew it was a lie. 
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bubmyg · 3 years
Cat pictures are never annoying- they bring immense joy to me 🥰 plus it’s your blog and screw what people think of what you post!
thank u sm the belle pics will continue on immediately look at her
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twisted-imagines · 4 years
Sup! Can you write headcannons about silver and a s/o with insomnia if you’re not busy?
Yay! First requests! Hehe I'm happy~
A small scenario and general headcanons are coming your way, precisely because I have a lot of free time right now~ There's not much information on Silver right now, but I tried my best. Thank you veeery much for requesting, I hope I was able to write this piece to your liking. Please enjoy!❤ (You can also send me anonymous asks now, in case any of you feel more comfortable that way.)
Silver and a s/o with insomnia
There it was again. Your mind was buzzing with thoughts like a beehive again, despite your body being near it's limits after the long day. Even though your eyes were hurting as if they were thrown at least a kilo of sand at, you still couldn't close them and rest. Instead you were looking at the face of your dear boyfriend, quietly sleeping beside you. You spent your free day together, mindlessly walking through the college grounds, eating at cafeteria, watching birds at the square, listening their joyous songs and just enjoying each other's company. It was a perfect date, you couldn't help but smile a little remembering it and how Silver almost fell asleep several times. You used to be offended, it made you question whether you were that boring, but with time you learned that there was nothing malicious behind it and started to admire this trait of his.
Maybe you were even a tad bit jealous of it, as you lay in the bed in his room, where he invited you to absentmindedly at the end of the day. He didn't lie, about how he wouldn't attempt anything, falling asleep as soon as his head hit the pillows, which left only you wide awake and unable to sleep.
Silver was very pretty like that, you had to note: his chest was rising in steady rhythm; soft lips, you kissed them today plenty of times, permitted only the quietest of snores out; his face completely relaxed. If you didn't know better you would think a silverhaired angel was sleeping near you. Your restless mind grew quiet just a bit observing Silver, but that wasn't satisfying at all, not if you wanted to get up to your classes tomorrow. You signed crestfallen, and shifted for ninth time that night to try and find a better pose, that would hopefully allow you to sleep.
Maybe it was the sound of your distress, the movements on the bed or his own intuition, but Silver woke up from his dreams to see you frowning and fidgeting, clearly not sleeping at all.
"Hey, [Name], are you asleep? "
His voice was nothing more than a whisper, but your eyes snapped open instantly, and that's when he knew something was wrong. Still groggy from waking up at the middle of the night, the boy moved closer to you, his hands slowly hugging you to his chest. You felt a warm peck on your forehead.
"Why 'r u 'wake? Nightmare?"
His words were slurred, said in a sigh, but they held comfort and care like none other.
"Can't fall asleep. I have nights like that often."
Your own words sounded harshly to your ears, not like your boyfriend's feather light questions, who grunted in response to let you know that he heard what you said. For a few moments there was a complete silence, and you, somewhat sadly, thought that he had fallen asleep once again, but instead Silver rose up together with you. You could see how he was struggling to chase away the sleep and it definitely didn't sit right with you.
"What are you doing?! If you wake up right now, you may not fall asleep later!"
You whisper scolded him, since it was not in your plans to make one more person suffer from lack of sleep that night.
"Heh, believe me, that's the least likely to happen with me of all people. "
With you in his firm, but gentle grip, Silver sat on the bed and looked curiously at the clock on his nightstand.
"Wow, it's already so late... Early? If you hadn't fallen asleep by now, remaining in the bed won't help. Let's go~"
The boy yawned before getting up and taking his coat from the chair. To your unvoiced question "Where to?" he replied:
"Outside. I remember reading it from somewhere, that a walk and fresh air can help sometimes. Come on, give me your hand."
The warmth of his hand encompassing yours, and his caring worlds nearly made you, so tired and frustrated, cry, but you followed his lead out of the room and to the hallway.
It was considerably colder there; not enough to make you freeze, just to freshen up a little, not to mention the cozy coat that Silver has thrown on your shoulders when you exited his room. The Diasomnia dorm was a different sight at night, still as solemn and majestic, with mysterious atmosphere, but the magic curling at the empty corridors, crawling on the floors, slipping around the corners, evading the green light of magical lanterns was almost palpable. Were you alone, you would scramble back to the room, the oppressing aura of the dorm was too much for you, and that meant something coming from the person, who lived in the infamous Ramshackle dorm. But with Silver at your side, your hand in his, you felt more at peace, not as fearful of descending further into the darkness of Diasomnia hallways.
When the boy stopped walking and moved to open the window, you understood where you had been led to it. It was a spacious balcony in one of the towers. It had a spectacular view, allowing you to take in the image of dorm grounds at night.
You could never imagine it to be so grandiose under the moonlight. The scenery looked straight out of a fairy tale. You neared the window in awe, your tiredness and bad mood were taken away with the heavy blow of wind. You shivered a little, but soon felt warm hands embrace you from behind. Silver's torso was against your back, and his chin was resting on your shoulder. He didn't say a word, most likely slowly falling asleep, just like he always did when he peacefully held you in his arms. You were his haven, a person who brought peace to his heart no matter what, with whom he could always feel himself comfortable and relaxed and he genuinely wanted for you to experience it too.
"Does it happen very often?"
His question was nearly carried away with the wind, before you heard it thought the state of serenity you were currently in. A deep sigh escaped you.
"Almost every night. Even if I fall asleep fast, I wake up at night and just wait for the morning, it's impossible to return to sleep. It's very tiring..."
It pained him to no end to see you so distressed, he couldn't bear to see his loved one hurt. He asked you a few other questions, determined to pry more details.
He made a resolution to learn more about the ways he could help you, maybe about remedies not traditional to you, especially in the field of magic. If he, a wizard from the Diasomnia, couldn't help you, surely an immense mistake was made in the dormitory's description, and it didn't hold the most proficient at magic personalities. Silver hugged you even closer placing a kiss to your temple. His voice was like a lullaby in your ear.
"When you're in pain, or struggling with something, I want to know about it. So, please, from now on, tell me about it, okay? I want to help you in any way I can. I'm your boyfriend after all."
His last replica embarrassed you to no end, even more than the following kiss to your cheek. So cheesy, yet so sweet, you didn't manage to keep yourself from laughing out loud. Compared to how nonchalant he sounded before, you could hear how bashful Silver became right away. You wanted to see his face so bad at the moment, but he prevented you from turning around, tightening his grip even more.
"Suddenly laughing like that...Was it so funny to you? Geez..."
A thud at your shoulder inspired an even funnier picture in your mind of a white cat burying it's head in it's paws. Nobody said anything anymore, relishing in the presence of the other. Calming melody of the wind and Silver's warmth started to lull you bit by bit. Your eyelids became just a bit heavier, mind pleasantly silent for a change.
"Think you can rest now? Not like you have left a lot of time, but it's better than nothing."
You heard Silver's voice and nodded. One way or another, tomorrow will be a hard day for you, but this impromptu walk improved your mood quite a bit.
"Sure. Let's head back. But before that-"
Silver, who was half-asleep at that point could only smile at the feeling of your lips on his.
"Thank you, Silver."
The boy in question only grumbled, before his weight started to slowly slide down on you.
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• No need to mention, how exhausted you were, after Silver refused to wake up at any cost and you had to drag him back to his bed. You fell asleep from the complete lack of energy that night, and while it was not what Silver intended, you were able to survive at least to the end of morning classes.
• The boy himself was present at his own classes only on physical level, though nobody was surprised enough by that sight to question what he was doing at night. Gladly, he recovered enough energy to spend it on something he swore to do last night - learn more about your insomnia.
• He browses through books, internet resources and goes as far as asking Malleus and Lilia about the ways he can help you.
• While he does gain a lot of useful(and a few misleading ones from Lilia) advices, he still integrates some classic habits to his routine with you: he prepares beverages like hot cocoa or milk for you, cuddles and massages you when you stay at his room.
• He doesn't mind you shifting in bed or causing some noise when you sleep together, but he's also not best at keeping you company at night time, even if he sincerely wants to sometimes.
•He tries to help you with your studies as much as he can, searching for his old notes or revising the material together with you. Though it sometimes leads to you reading and explaining your exam themes to a completely clocked out Silver... You don't hold it against him.
• While he's your complete opposite in sleeping routine, he's very sympathetic and worries about you. Silver is completely understanding of how you may not have energy for anything at times, your health takes priority to him.
• If he notices your insomnia getting worse he won't shy away from using the spells Malleus shared with him. As long as it's of any benefit to you, he's not going to withhold it. But those are still drastic measures, and he discusses it with you prior.
• Being the one awake most of the time, you help him to stay conscious at crucial moments, and search for him, when you suspect that he has fallen asleep somewhere he shouldn't and he's thankful for that.
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #736: Tea Time (Persona 5)
6:45 p.m. at Leblanc Café.......
Sae: (Takes a Sip of her Cup of Tea Before Putting it Down) So, Haru-chan, is it true that you and Morgana see each other as mother and son?
Haru: (Happily Nodded While Morgana is Sitting on her Lap) Oh absolutely!~ It all started when he first called me "mom". It put a big smile on my face and everything.
Morgana: (Chuckles Awkwardly While Blushing a Little and Rubbing the Back of his Head Back and Forth) I-It was all kinda accidental, if you ask me.....
Haru: (Hugs Morgana from Behind) It still makes me happy though.
Morgana: (Sighs as He Place his Paws Down on Top of Haru's Hands) Yeah. I know it does.
Futuba: (Puts on a Teasing Smirk on her Face) A year and a half of bonding later and that kitty became a Certified Momma's Boy ever since.
Lavenza: (Smiles Brightly) Which is a term for someone who has a close, somewhat reliant bond with their mothers. (Sips on her Cup of Tea)
Morgana: (Starts Rolling his Eyes) Really didn't have to blurt the definition, Lavvy-chan, but yeah. I'm proud to being Haru's son. Even if I am a cat.....
Haru: (Heart Begins to Melt in Pure Happiness) And I'm proud to be your mother, my sweet, little ray of sunshine. (Kiss the top of Morgana's Head)
Sae: (Giggles Softly While Whispering to Futuba) You were right, Futuba. Those two really does look like a cute family together.
Futuba: (Giggles Softly as Well) Right? They've been hanging out with one another way before any of us even knew who Haru was at the time?
Lavenza: I'm glad they have great relationship with one another. (Giggles Softly) Their interaction with one another always seems to put a smile on my face each time I've witnessed it full hand.
Haru: Niijima-Senpai!
Sae: (Immediately Turns Back to Haru Along with Futuba and Lavenza) Oh! U-Um...('Clears Throat') Yes, Haru?
Haru: (Smiles Softly) I've been wanting to ask you this for some time now, but how are things with you and Makoto as of late?
Sae: (Smiles Back)Things have been going pretty well for the most. We stayed up and tried to binge watch the Adventures of Bunchimaru-Kun together last night.
Lavenza: (Raised an Eyebrow in a Bit of Confusion) Pardon the intrusion, but who exactly is this Bunchimaru-Kun character?
Sae: (Turns to Lavenza) He's a well known panda mascot my little sister has been a fan of ever since we were both children. He's also an officer. (Shows Lavenza a Picture of Bunchimaru-Kun)
Lavenza: (Eyes Widened a Bit in Genuine Interest of the Mascot) Oh my.....He does seems to be fascinatingly cute indeed. But I still think Mona-Chan is a lot more adorable in comparison.
Morgana: (Immediately Starts Blushing Again) Y-Y-You really think I'm more cuter than Bunchimaru-Kun?
Lavenza: (Smiles Brightly at Morgana) Why of course. You are a the most precious feline I have pleasure of meeting after all.
Haru: (Happily Nodded in Agreement) I wholeheartedly agree to this fact!
Morgana: I-I don't really think I'm that precious or anything, but thanks anyways!
Futuba: (Went Back to Smirking Teasingly at Morgana) Look at you, lighting up like a Christmas tree. I think you're a lot more cuter than you ever give yourself credit for~
Morgana: (Glares at Futuba) S-Shut up, Futuba!
Futuba: Make me, cutie pie.
Haru: (Immediately Puts on her Signature Motherly Glare) Now, children, there will be no fighting in our tea time. If you don't want me to take your video game privileges for the week, I suggest two calm yourselves down right now.
Futuba/Morgana: ('Sighs in Defeat') Yes, ma'am......
Sae: (Huh. It seems Futuba wasn't kidding when she said that Haru-chan was one of the moms of their little group of misfits. I wonder who's the other mother figure is......)
Haru: (Turns Back to Sae with the Same Soft Smile on her Face) Going back on topic, I'm really glad you and Makoto are spending more time together, Niijima-Senpai
Sae: I'm glad we are too, Haru. I think it's helps our relationship as sister, grow a lot more stronger than it ever was before. (Frowns a Little) Especially after the cold reception I've given her in the past.......
Lavenza: (Starts Frowning in a bit of Worry) Whatever do you mean, Niijima-Senpai? Did something happen between you two beforehand?
Sae: Somewhat, yes. I've.....said some things to her that I deeply regretted to this day.
Morgana: What did you said to her exactly?
Sae: Well........
Sae: (Glares at Makoto) Right now, you are useless to me. All you do is eat away at life!
Makoto: (Eyes at Widened in Horror at the Words Her Own Sister Said to her) .............................
End of Flashback
Haru: (Eyes Widened While Covering her Mouth in Surprise) Oh my!.......
Futuba: Yeesh......
Morgana: Not gonna lie.....That was harsh.
Lavenza: Very much so........
Sae: Yes......I know........ B-But that's exactly why I want to better myself as her older sister. As a better person even. She's the only family I have now and....(Takes a Deep Breath Before Speaking Again) The last I ever want right now is to lose her......
Futuba: (Place her Hand onto Sae's Shoulder with a Reassuring Smile on her Face) Hey, it's like what I said back at your apartment, Makoto still loves you a lot, despite everything.
Haru: (Simply Nodded in Agreement with a Reassuring Smile on her Face) Futuba right. As long as you making amends with your sister, we're positive that your relationship with one another will grow immensely stronger.
Lavenza: (Puts on a Reassuring Smile as Well) It's best not to let the past get the better of you right now. Especially when you are making incredibly good process.
Morgana: (Happily Nodded in Agreement) That's right. Everything is gonna be okay, Ms. Niijima.
Sae: (Giggles Softly) Please, Mona-Chan. Ms. Niijima was my mother's name. Calling me Sae or senpai is fine enough by me.
Morgana: Oh. Uh...Sure thing, Sae-senpai. Are you feeling better now?
Sae: (Smiles Softly) Very much so. All thanks to everyone of you, of course.
Haru: (Smiles Brightly) There's no need for you to thank us. We're friends, aren't we?
Lavenza: (Smiles Brightly as Well) It's cruial for friends like ourselves, to be there for one another in the time of need.
Sae: (Let Lavenza and Haru's Words Sink in for a Brief Second Before Happily Nodded in Agreement) Right.
Futuba: ('Sighs in a bit of Relief') Now with all of that over with......(Excitedly Slams a Game Board Down on the Table) WHO'S UP FOR SOME DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS TONIGHT!?
Haru: (Excitedly Raises her Hand Up) Ooh! Ooh! Can I play as a Berserker?
Sae: (Raised an Eyebrow at Haru) You....want to play the role of a Powerful, Deadly Berserker?
Haru: (Happily Nodded) Mmhmm!~ I want to be a beautiful one as well!
Lavenza: She could be very intriguing asset to our guild.
Morgana: (Smiles Brightly) I agree. Her beauty and motherly care aspect mix with a deadly side that can only be shown when provoked, would make us a force to be reckon with.
Sae: (Looks Back and Forth at a Smiling Haru and a Picture of a Giant Like Berserker) I...see......
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kazuwhora · 3 years
Hi! I love your blog!! May I request a matchup? I'm not sure what to say lol but I'm 5'0 tall. I'm an infj and my sun is in cancer and moon is in taurus. I love caring for plants, journaling, and I'm a mom to 3 adorable cats. I'm a social introvert and is pretty bad at making friends. I like don't talk when I meet new people. I kinda get scared?? But when I meet people that are easy to talk to and are outgoing, I open up easily.:) I spend most of my free time studying (final year of college!!), writing letters to penpals, or watching anime/reading manga or YA novels. I love summer and fall, and also really like thrifting too! I guess my aesthetic is comfy basics?lol I love oversized clothing and wearing neutral colors. i also like going to cute cafes or anywhere that has some aesthetically pleasing interior design because i just love studying at cute places?? it puts me in a good mood and makes me more productive! lol thank you!!<3
eep you're such a cancer sun/taurus moon vibe I LOVE
I think you're a perfect match for our boy kazutora
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so here's the thing. kaz has trauma. like trauma trauma. we know this much. the poor boy can't catch a break and he just needs that tlc of a cancer sun/taurus moon to take care of him emotionally. cancer and taurus are known as the mother and father of the zodiac. does that say enough about what you provide for him on an emotional level? to some degree, you're the family he never had. your existence nurtures his inner child to a place where even he believes he might be able to heal.
if you can get past his old ways and the things he's done, kaz will place you on the highest of pedestals in his world. there is no one better than you. everything in his life he does for you, and not a day goes by where he doesn't think about how undeserving he feels to have you in his life, because how could someone so kind, and so generous love someone like him?
he's broken for sure, but you're that one person he can see a little bit of himself in, and seeing that brings him an immense amount of comfort he isn't able to describe.
PLEASE bring him on a study date to a cute cafe. he'll be like "omg do u want me to take pictures of you??? because I will" and "you look so cute right now please let me take a picture of you please" and then he'll get embarrassed about how soft he is for you. he has pictures of you as his lock screen, his home screen, and he even downloaded widgets to his home screen so he could have pictures the two of you have taken together.
omg ok so he's definitely the type to see someone post about a sunflower patch they had taken pictures at and he just screenshots it and texts it to you (even tho ur right beside him) and hes like babe?? please??? can we go I wanna see you next to all the pretty sunflowers and then he'll give you the biggest puppy dog eyes that you can't say no to.
im not gonna lie. I love soft! kazutora, but if he gets set off or if something triggers a resurfacing of his trauma (jealousy is gonna be a huge one) your fights wont end well. he'll isolate himself from you, ridden with guilt. he will pull the victim card. it can be hard on you, and you might feel responsible for having to pull him out of the rut once again. but with the nature of your sun/moon combo, all it will take is a little boundary setting and some stubbornness on your end to remind him of what he wants and who he wants to be in life. then he's like a sad puppy that just wants to make it up to you.
poor baby will do whatever it takes to be a better person to make you happy.
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kagomiko · 4 years
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real name : higurashi kagome  /  日暮ひぐらし かごめ . single or taken : timeline dependent , single  /  married . abilities or powers : her most noteworthy ability is her immense spiritual power , which she inherited from kikyo . kagome can also perform spiritual energy projection , which has said spiritual energy concentrated in the palms of her hand & ultimately released for offensive purposes . kagome is also capable of spiritual reflection , wherein her opponents spiritual energy is thrown back at them . another key skill is kagome’s innate spiritual awareness , which allows her to perceive or sense unwordly things such as ghosts , spirits or demonic auras . illusion & demonic immunity is another natural ability ; she upholds it effortlessly due to her aforementioned immense spiritual power , in addition to her usually being free of negative emotions . purification is one of her more developed skills ; kagome is able to purify malevolent forces , such as demonic energy or miasma . she does this by releasing pure spiritual energy , which she constantly releases unconsciously , however its far more powerful when concentrated through tools like her arrows . infamously known for her miraculous ability to time travel , kagome is able to travel between modern day & feudal japan . additionally , she is immune to any time-stopping spells , as she has a flow of time unique to her . last but not least , archery . kagome’s extensive travels throughout a warrning country helped shaped her into a fair marksman & archer . eye colour : brown . hair colour : black . family members : mother anka higurashi , younger brother sota higurashi , grandfather , husband inuyasha , daughter moroha , brother-in-law sesshomaru , sister-in-law moe , nieces setsuna  /  towa  /  mei . pets : her family cats name is buyo . she’s a female calico . the name buyo seems to be from the japanese onomatopoeia of a squishing noise which can also mean flabby or squishy .
something they don’t like : injustice , discrimination , rainy days , artificial flowers , white feminism , math , hypocritical behaviour , breaking in shoes , bad hygiene . hobbies/activities : writing ❪ in her journal most actively , but also poetry , short stories & novels ❫ , calligraphy , ikebana , herbalism , cooking , skating , bicycling , archery , swimming , & embroidery  /  sewing  /  knitting  /  stitching  . ever hurt anyone before : by nature , kagome is a kindhearted , compassionate & benevolent individual . that said , she does have a strong sense of justice & never hesitates to rise against those oppose her beliefs . she chooses her battles , but fights hard , especially when she’s fighting someone whose hurt her friends or family . prior to falling in love with inuyasha , she had little to no genuine moments of selfishness or greed . it wasn’t until she wanted him so strongly that we begin to see more relatable behaviour from kagome , especially in regards to her complicated relationship with kikyo . additionally , one could argue that her repeated indifference has hurt hojo on more than one occasion . animal that represents them : butterly . the butterfly is one of the most emblematic totem animals , symbolizing powerful  /  personal transformation , metamorphosis in your life , renewal  /  rebirth , lightness of being , playfulness , elevation from earthly matters , tuning into emotional or spiritual energy , & the world of the soul . worst habits : overworking , not getting enough sleep , having a huge to-do list , daydreaming , extensive inner-monologues , & exclusively in regards to her respective relationships with inuyasha & sota , losing her temper .
role models : first & foremost , her mother . they’ve always had a very healthy , respectful & loving relationship . when kagome’s father died , her mother was still pregnant with sota . being thrust into a such harsh reality was horrific for all those involved , but nevertheless , her mother , anka , continuously put her best foot forward & solidified herself with breathtaking resolve . kagome saw firsthand how her mother held things together for their family , built a new life for them , & continued to be a beacon of unconditional love & support throughout the entirety of her life . another significant role model for kagome is aung san suu kyi , who campaigned for democracy in burma . she became the first state counsellor of myanmar & was awarded a nobel peace prize for her non-violent struggels for democracy & human rights . kagome also admires audrey hepburn , a beloved actress who is revered not only for her acting skills but also her philanthropic work as a unicef ambassador . she led a life devoted to kindness & compassion while being a phenomenal mother , wife & humanitarian . sexual orientation : undetermined , potentially pansexual . thoughts on marriage/kids : kagome has always been a lover of love . growing up she never particularly ached or yearned for a significant other , nor does she feel the need to define herself by her romantic affairs , but she still finds love in all of its forms to be a beautiful , magical thing . she has no opposition for marriage , but carries a multitude of ambitions for her future & never held marriage as a significant priority when picturing her life . on the subject of children , kagome adores them ! she has very strong , innate maternal instincts , & can definitely finds a sense of fulfillment in nurturing the spiritual growth of children . she does want to be a mother , but it is one of many wishes for her future , & again , not a main priority . to be happy , healthy & able to give  /  receive love is what she thinks is most important .
style preferences : kagome has long since held a considerably girly fashion sense , while regularly teetering between a modest & more playful style . her wardrobe primarily consists of dresses & skirts . kagome has a particular fascination for snug sweaters & bulky cardigans that envelop her whole . she loves all colours but typically wears pastels , pinks & blues in her day-to-day . she also often wears wedge heels , moccasins or loafers . approach to friendships : notwithstanding her personal experiences with bullying when she was younger , kagome maintained a levelheaded demeanour in life , with school being no exception . she treats all with fairness & respect . kagome will normally stay to her usual group of friends , but will never hesitate to branch out to someone , should the situation call for it .even if she doesn't say a word , her feelings are known to be easy to read due to her honest expressions , which generally cause those around her to soften in tough situations & consequently be honest in return .
thoughts on pie : loves pie , especially homemade . can bake it herself but prefers her mothers . favourite drink : ice water & green tea ❪ jasmine , sencha , matcha , genmaicha & hojicha are a few favourites ❫ . favourite place to spend time at : kagome is a firm believer of the  ❛  it’s not about the place , it’s about the company  ❜  way of seeing things . however , she does have a fondness for the sacred tree  /  the forest of inuyasha . also, while she doesn’t actually go back to visit , she does have a special place in her heart for her old family home from before they moved to the shrine , as she has many memories of time there with her father .
swim in the lake or in the ocean : the ocean . their type : kagome has never found herself drawn to a particular type , at least not in regards to appearances . what is essential to her in a significant other , is a good heart . it’s not required that she agrees with them on every matter , but she needs to be able to accept & respect their point of view . if she can’t , if their heart  /  beliefs  /  values oppose her defined sense of justice in any way , she won’t overlook it . while that is most important , she may also be interested in adventurers ; people with great ambition & drive , people who are wanting to better themselves &  /  or better the world . camping or indoors : so , whilst traversing between modern day & sengoku jidai , she did unearth a newfound love & appreciation for the beauty of nature . however , as she often spent extensive periods of time outdoors , it also made her appreciate the everyday indulgences one can access through means such as indoor plumbing , electricity , hot water , etc . of course as said before , so long as the company is good , she will make the most of whatever situation she’s in , but in this instance she sees the value in either choice . everything in moderation , really .
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𝘁𝗮𝗴𝗴𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆 : @7theaven​ ! thank u sm sweetheart i loved this . 𝘁𝗮𝗴𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗴 : @senpujin​ , @slaheir​ , @devilreno​ , @ofmsfortune​ , @warriorhe​ , @balynce​ , @ymagishi​ , @bkugs​ , @innosen​ , @drakenskies​ , @tofiorire​ , @crimsonacrosstime​ , @puppet-slayer​ , @daikusedai​ , @conflictedhanyou​ & whoever else is interested !
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sleepymouses · 5 years
tagged by @littlepetbee, thank uuuu <3 i spent way too long thinking about htis lol,
Rules: pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions, tag a bunch o ppls to do it too (if y’all want to, supes no pressure or anything!)
Natsume yuujinchou  (a teenage orphan who sees spirits/monsters sets out to free the spirits who were bound in magical contract by his grandmother after he inherits a powerful book, aided primarily by a spirit who appears as an exasperated fat cat (who is just as fun as he sounds). Titular character is like my Fave boy in the whole world, he’s so kind and soft despite all the hardships he’s faced, the series has very gentle pacing/character development, and each episode is a carefully crafted lil story that have often moved me to tears, chuckles, or outright chinhands of fondness as u watch natsume slowly find a home in the world and amongst the humans &spirits around him. big focus on friendships, there’s like no romance with any of the main characters, lots of cool different creatures (most of whom arent all that scary once u get to know them), its just literally everything i could ever dream for in a show and it exists! <3)
Leverage (team of modern day robin hoods ruin rich peoples’ lives via  delightfully crafted spy cons to give back to the regular folks the rich people hurt. Extremely good, strong found family vibes, and v cathartic)
Brooklyn 99 (follows diverse cast of character who make up a NY precinct. Hilarious, immensely wholesome & groundbreaking, & probs the most lighthearted crime show besides like psych tbh)
Blackspot/Zone Blanche (spoopy french/belgium crime series set in a small village way out in the mountains surrounded by misty, mysterious and murdery woods. eerie and atmospheric, but also like one of my fave characters (everyone calls him teddy bear) keeps a pet guinea pig at work, so it’s not entirely grim and bleak)
Longmire (a modern western crime drama centering around the titular sheriff and others in their small town wyoming county, well written and lot of chracter development revealed alongside some really good case mysteries bc i love trying to figure out whodunits apparently based on a book series well adored by dads btw)
who is your favorite character in 2? (leverage) ahhh,,, this is hard... Eliot maybe? like Hardison is baby ofc, but i relate to elliot a ton (i think if i was on a team i would want to be the hitter tbh?) and love the subversion of so many action hero tropes that he is, also endlessly amused by how very put upon he is despite all his rad/random skills
who is your least favorite character in 1? (natsume yuujinchou) oh seiji matoba for sure, he can go eat a mouldy tree stump. absolutely evil nasty dude
what is your favorite episode of 4? (blackspot) the end of the road. great opening, didnt end up too devastating unlike a lot of the cases, Hermann was gr8, cool twist i hadnt super expected in the plot which was neat.
what is your favorite season of 5? (longmire) probs 1, walter reeally started to piss me off being Such A Man in later seasons, also me being extremely anxious about Henry and his life choices later, that creepy stalker storyline starting up with Someone and when Someone else in the main cast got died really suddenly and upsettingly later on as well, also when a weird relationship started between some of the characters that i really aint feeling so. before all that happened was nice (also sorry if this is super vague, im trying to avoid spoilers)
who is your favorite couple in 3? (B99) Besides Jake/Amy and Holt/Kevin (bc oviously theyre gr8) uh.. i know it was a long time ago and didnt last very long, but i thought rosa and marcus were really sweet? it brought another layer out to her character, even when they broke up that helped rosa starting to show emotional vulnerability and all, even tho it ended it was still just, idk, i liked them.
who is your favorite couple in 2? (leverage) Does trio count, cos Parker/Eliot/Harding 4 life yo
what is your favorite episode of 1? (natsume yujinchou) i have sooo many faves ahhh!!! i dont think i could pick just one on pain of death, every episode is acrefully cosntructed gem all on its own and i have too many that i love and adore to pick jsut one :((
what is your favorite episode of 5? (longmire) Dog soldier!! ive rewatched that one a ton, so so many good bits, really satisfying resolution of the case despite the shitty system that was revealed, and i rmr getting chills by the end the first time i saw it.
what is your favorite season of 2? (leverage) i guess season 1? just, idk, everything being set up and watching all these grumpies/less grumpies who have no plans to stay together start working together as a baby team, and just the joy of seeing their first heist together with the first plot twist, just.. such a delight, but all seasons that ive seen so far were all excellent, it’s a stellar show
how long have you watched 1? (natsume yujinchou) oh idk exactly, like years and years man... defs the longest out of all on this list
how did you become interested in 3? (b99) i think it was just on netflix way back in season 1 and i started watching it, loved it and never stopped? i think that might have even been before it got rlly popular lol
who is your favorite actor in 4? (blackspot) i dont rlly know any of these french peeps? but teddybear’s one of my fave characters, so hopefully the person who plays him is also cool, in which case hubert delattre (if not, Suliane Brahim does a v good job as the lead)
which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5? (natsume yujinchou, leverage or longmire) um... real torn between natsume and leverage here, they’re both such lovely gems that do found family so, so well.. leverage is a team of modern robin hood-esque spies with brilliant writing and exciting heists and multiple delightful plot twists every episode and great character building and so much catharticism in ruining evil rich peoples lives.
but natsume’s title character is one of my very favorite characters ever, hes been through so much but he becomes the most kindest and thoughtful boy ever, and its so, so soft and gentle in its development of characters and their slow build of getting to know each other and becoming friends, and the interactions with the paranormal world are very rarely entirely malicious/scary, and there’s pretty well no romance, at least like no romance for plot/with the main characters anyways, and there’s lots of female characters who have important roles but arent sexualized/killed off for man feels/exist for romo (which sadly cannot be said about a lot of media, especially manga/anime tbh, even leverage does not win entirely on that front).. its defintiely my favorite anime ever (i dont watch loads, but literally no other one can ever come close to topping its perfection),
i guess tho, leverage is over, and natsume is still technically ongoing, so i guess for that then i have to go with natsume?
which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3? (natsume yuujinchou or b99) Natsume for sure, they’re so short its easy to power thru like half a season in an afternoon
if you could be anyone from 4, who would you be? (blackspot) i would probably want to be someone who didnt live in villefranche actually haha uh, it’s a pretty spoopity place.. even some of the characters i do like make some Bad decisions that are v bothersome. Dr. Leila barami seems to have a good head on her shoulders tho, so if i Must be a character here then let’s go with her
would a crossover between 3 and 4 work? (b99 or blackspot) oh god... the cheery upbeat department at the 99 meet up with a grim, misty tiny mountain forest village with bleak day to day life, solving crimes amidst small town paranoia and weird maybe cult-related conspiracies and honestbhly something/s paranormal and menacing going on in the woods?? i just... cant see any of the characters even interacting lol, im just picturing jake’s confused befuddled face when he hears something weird but like x 10000
pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple? (natsume yujinchou) hm... i mean, one of the things i love about Natsume is that there arent really any romo relationships tbh? at least not with any of the main characters in the main storyline (so far), just like the odd one-off of minor characters (and takashi’s adopted parents ofc, but that’s different). so, yeah, i cant really think of one (although i think the big fandom fave ship of takashi and his worst enemy is rlly.. nope, and i dont know what’s going on there? takashi and tanama however, that would make sense, tho it is not unlikely so i cant answer this question with them)
overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5? (b99 or longmire) b99! cos ya know my annoyances with some of the stuff happening later on in longmire lol, b99 just got better n better as it went along, and it’s still going :’)
which has the better theme music, 2 or 4? (leverage or blackspot) blackspot has a real good eerie atmospheric theme which is gr8 and i love it <3 (leverage’s tune is like, elevator music/cheesy jazzy spy tune, which does suit it tho lol)
and idk, anyone bored and stuck at home who wants to do this? no pressure if ur like nah but if u wanna go ahead.... @creepy-friend-of-darkness @anna-wa @rhinky-thingz @rexbasileus @aeolian-harp @warrenkoles @softbrobarnes @damnitttana @cluelesswolf @moondoggiestyle @blloodorangeisthenewblack @my-nail-beds-suck @frankiecolours @savvylikeyeahhh @lake-effectkidx @justhugharry @casualmisandry @j4ya @galaxygalpals @thesecondwarm @dealwright @knipperdollin @curlycombover @kaspbrakeddie (and if i didnt tag u and u still wanna do this, consider yeself tagged)
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faunusrights · 4 years
“So it’s true,” she wheezed between grit fangs—“that bitch really does have you on a leash.”
me: okay lemme refresh on what happened last chapter-- me: /remembers me: oh yeah! yeah that SUCKED,
lets us continue on the journey of deep and immense sadness with glynda ‘clown shoes’ goodwitch!!!!!!!! here we go here we go
It took a while to pry back the jaws of her soul and wrench herself out of them.
ooh i rly like the context change here. before glynda was kinda falling back into her soul as a way of just Getting On With Shit or protecting herself, but now it’s framed in a fun new way of please can i get out of here now. good job glynda. look at u GROUNDING YRSELF like a CHAMP who should have been in a TKO LIKE FIVE ROUNDS AGO--
What did that mean? Had she asked Cinder about Ochre? Glynda struggled to recall, but the memories swirled like clouded ink in her skull.
i still love the continuation of glynda’s Mysterious Messages To Herself. she leads such a thrilling life of ‘did i write that’ and ‘did i do that’ and ‘what does any of this mean’
Hating herself, Glynda found she couldn’t remember.
and also a less thrilling life of the squeaky clown shoes variety. glynda PLEASE
She had to know: was anything Cinder had given her real?
the YOU and the US,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, the DESTINY. dw babe im sure cinder Has Never Told A Lie, Even Once In Her Life, On Account Of Being A Very Open And Honest Person,
Had she been abandoned? Cinder had been unhappy when she left. Angry, maybe. Angry enough to take her leave for good? Or had she always planned to?
i love watching glynda slowly become kind of,,,,,,,,,,,, more aware of herself in relation to other people? sometimes she still Moves or Does w/o rly thinking it thru, but we’ve got quite a change from, like, early chapters of glynda where she was barrelling along with VERY little disregard for both actions AND consequences,,, but look at her now!!!!!!! using her whole ass BRAIN. im proud of her. 
When she tried to dismiss this first fear, another one was waiting underneath: had something happened to Cinder?
In her attempts to keep Glynda’s soul from smothering them both, Cinder had been quite willing to converse over the phone with her—even if her texts were short and snippy, she usually at least responded, to avoid backlash. Did she not care anymore? Or—
Or was she unable to?
/leans in, like, uncomfortably close to the microphone
glynda darling i do Not mean 2 worry u but yr (future) gf is currently grieving, pissed beyond belief, and also
/checks notes
failing her way into becoming strawberry jam
But, surprisingly, there was another half to Glynda now: one that worried, despite facts, that Cinder was in danger. That Cinder might need her.
GO AND GET THE GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The light caught in every golden thread of her crown emblem, embroidered with diligent precision. But something else caught her eye: the midnight black surrounding it had a sheen to it. Subtle red ducked through the fabric, glittering like burnished stars in a distant night sky: fire Dust.
The flash of a memory: Cinder’s face when Glynda had complained that her last cape had been burned.
This cape would not burn.
okay so no lie i cant read this bit without my eyes starting to water abt just how GOOD this section is and i have cried TOO MANY TIMES over this fic ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T H A N K Y O U F O R T H E F O O D !
Glynda didn’t know what to do.
Glynda dialed Winter.
and i am INSTANTLY launched back into the comedy that is glynda goodwitch’s life at large THANKS FOR THE WHIPLASH
“No, I mean… I was awful to you the last time we spoke. I know I was. I keep thinking about it. I’m so sorry, I just… Don’t have anyone else to go to right now. I don’t know who else I’d call.” It was horrible to admit. Loneliness had never shamed her before because her soul had held it at bay. Now it made her sick. “I’m safe. If you don’t want to talk to me…”
“I lashed out at you, Professor Goodwitch. That wasn’t right of me. I should have known that you weren’t truly to blame for what you said. I know Cinder. She’s manipulative. She twists the world and makes you think she’s a different person than who she really is. I blamed you in the moment, but Cinder Fall is truly the person at fault for making you believe that I would try to hurt you. I shouldn’t have raised my voice or said the things I did.”
/rubs face
like winter needs to be in this fic and og was bereft not having her actually take up 30% of the space as she DESERVES, but god i forgot that shes a whole Thing and winter please just. shush. for a moment. for a second. ilusm. but please shut up.
Glynda was pacing, her Scroll levitating near her.
side note but casual uses of glyndas semblance is one of my fav things i love seeing it. glynda ‘look mom no hands’ goodwitch out here,
Glynda closed her eyes. The tactile recollection of cats arching, bristling, and spitting. Backed into corners. “Maybe she was panicking. I don’t know.”
i dont rly have much to say here other than continuing to enjoy Cinder As Cat, the ongoing metaphor. glyndas just gonna pick her up the scruff of the neck eventually and we will ALL b thankful.
ughghghgb im not gonna copy paste this whole convo w/ winter because this is a liveblog not a shitty projection of the fic on the side wall of a bowling alley, BUT GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD glynda is so WORRIED,,,,,,,,,,, past glynda is befuddled. bemused. why does future glynda Feel so much. but future glynda is FEELING and i love her. das yr gf yr worried abt. DAS HER,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and also yr other gf winter too but like that’s a long-con sort of egg to hatch,
While it had been some time now since Glynda had been in a proper fight, she expected no trouble. This wasn’t Cinder—ergo: this wasn’t a real threat to her. Still, she would bide her time and hold her silence, if only for the chance of getting a hint of what was going on.
This wasn’t Cinder—ergo: this wasn’t a real threat to her.
LADS,,,, LADIES,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, BEANS,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, IS IT GAY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, TO SEE YR RIVAL AS YR ONLY REAL THREAT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
The group crossed the room as one unit, guns aloft and eyes peeled, determined to not be ambushed.
Glynda intended to ambush them regardless.
i dont like 2 say when an au gets a character so right that all other interpretations aren’t valid, but.......................... offal hunt gets glynda so right that all other interpretations aren’t valid, and thats that, on that,
One left. Glynda didn’t hesitate. She had been built to fight Grimm; far stronger, far quicker, far more bestial foes than these. She was herself a blade, sharpened far too fine for these intruders.
sounds hot
“Are they...alive?”
Glynda didn’t pause to check.
“Professor? Are they alive?”
glynda: fuck them kids
“How will you get to her?” Winter asked.
“I always find her in the end,” Glynda answered.
hrm,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i wonder if that’s foreshadowing something
Her soul was churning inside her, longing for solace, for Cinder. She could picture the way like a burning trail in her mind’s eye; that bright-yellow tether between herself and Cinder, that pathway between their souls that she had tread so many times before. It always led her to Cinder.
HRM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I WONDER,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
“Good luck, Glynda.”
“Thank you,” she said again, pausing under the streetlights. “But I won’t need luck. I’ll find her.”
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peechi · 5 years
one of my absolute pet peeves is just. people whether on purpose or unintentionally not respecting/considering animation as a medium. like animation isnt good enough, so animated properties have to be made into live action to be properly respected (or reach a bigger audience and hopefully be more mainstream) like with netflix announcing the atla and cowboy bebop series, and i recognize that those also play into the current trend of remaking older properties and playing into nostalgia. But not every story is suited for live action and it results in all these movies being made that are atleast half animated under the guise of looking realistic, like every single high budget blockbuster movie relies so much on it, mcu, jurassic park, the disney remakes, the fucking cats movie. There is such an effort made to make things realistic that often times they end up looking fake, the effects dont hold up. Where just using animation, you can do whatever u want, and for less. Like please think of any fight in your current standard action anime compared to alot of stuff especially recent stuff from the mcu. 
Like there is a live action adaptation of mob pyscho 100 and its existance haunts me, from a capitalist perspective i understand why but from a creative one, it keeps me up at night. Mob psycho 100 is one of the best wrtiten and creative shows to have come out in recent years, it is some of the best 2d animation to date. Its utterly stunning, and just nothing about the story lends it self to live action, there character designs are so strong it just feels like something is lost if that were to be translated to live action. As well as just to do a decent adaptation you would need such an immense budget just to try and make it work. its just like seeing the amazing work done by the animators and someone went, thats? not? good ? enough? like have u seen the openings? you cant do that in live action u just cant
anyways spiderverse should of won best picture, thank you for coming to my ted talk
edit: i meant to mention this orginally but forgot, i do recognize that part of this stems from some people having a more difficult time connecting to non-human faces. but also id be lying if the disregard for animation stems from the influence of companies like disney traditionally appealing to all ages(so content that chidren could enjoy) and hanna-barbera starting out doing the same (and then also going and producing childrens content.)
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tsukkeirock · 6 years
30 questions challenge
Rules: Tag the person who tagged you, answer the questions, tag 20 people
Thank u @hystericalroger for tagging me!! 💕💕💕
1. How tall are you?: 5'2-5'4 I'm not sure haha but it's in that range
2. What color and style is your hair?: I have really dark hair, shoulder length and i have bangs that are growing out hehe i look cuter with bangs so yea
3. What color are your eyes?: A dark brown, nearly black i guess but there's a bit of brown
4. Do you wear glasses?: Yep! I have astigmatism basically :> I'm not really blind but things get a little blurry if i don't wear them
5. Do you wear braces?: Yes!!! And I am in immense pain right now because i got my wires again yesterday and found out that I'm really gonna have my 2nd or 3rd molars removed by surgery this summer so yay :') send help pls huhuhuhu
6. What is your fashion style?: 80s-90s Art hoe ish. Basically just mom jeans, striped shirts, ribbed tops,mens sweaters, sometimes art socks and vans or converse :> but i mostly wear shorts right now because it's really hot in where i live
7. Full name: I'm not gonna put my full name here but my second name is Martha and that's kinda where i got my online name which is mat hehe
8. When were you born?: July 20 '01 :> i nearly have the same bday as brian uwuwuwu oh yah guess who's gonna be legal this year yeet
9. Where are you from and where do you live now?: I'm from the Philippines and i live somewhere in manila ahahaha
10. What school do you go to?: I'm not gonna say what school specifically bc there's multiple branches of this school so Im studying in St Paul University so im a paulinian basically :'))
11. What kind of student are you?: I'm a really quiet one ahaha like i don't really recite and i have average grades and of course i procrastinate alot but I try not to and I'm described as 'masipag' I don't know how to translate this but it's something like productive in a way?? idk my filo mutuals would get it so ahaha sorry but I always try my best in school :))
12. Do you like school?: It's okay i guess hahaha there's just some subjects I don't like hahaha oral communication I'm looking at you
13. What are your favorite school subjects?: So I just finished 1st sem and honestly i don't really have a favorite but i like science, personal development, mandarin even tho it's just a club activity and literature haven't had the subject yet but I already like it hahaah
14. Favorite TV shows: Game of Thrones, Doctor Who, , NCIS, Brooklyn 99,Big Bang Theory, Orange is the new black, Hannibal
15. Favorite movies: I have a lot of faves ahaha but I'll list a few that I really like
Call Me by Your Name, Kimi no nawa, The Hobbit and LOTR series, Les Miserables, American Psycho, Studio Ghibli Movies, The Breakfast Club, Marvel movies and of course Bohemian Rhapsody
16. Favorite books?: I have some classics that are my faves like The Great Gatsby, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and Half Blood Prince, The Hobbit, The Picture of Dorian Gray and Ryunosuke Akutagawa short stories and Shakespeare's A midsummer nights dream and Sherlock Holmes stories and i have some modern faves like Lang Leav and Michael Faudet's works, To all the Boys I loved before series it's really good omffjkd, Percy Jackson and Magnus Chase series, Fangirl and Eleanor and Park
17. Favorite pastime: Sleeping lmao, playing the uke guitar and piano, reading actual books and fanfics, hanging out with fam and friends, eating and baking
18. Do you have any regrets?: Yes, a lot of regrets but hey that's alright
19. Dream job: I don't really know im still trying to figure that out but probably somewhere in psych, law or crime related careers
20. Would you like to get married someday?: Marriage is cool but i don't know yet but maybe, I'm still young and I barely date but thinking about marriage makes me anxious somehow?? idk
21. Would you like to have kids someday?: I don't know man, I like kids but having kids of your own takes full responsibility and commitment and I don't know if im ever ready for that so I'd rather be an aunt even tho im already one and have nephews and nieces ahaha
22: How many?: well if i were ever planning to have kids, maybe 2
I'd rather have cats and puppies as my children cough
23: Do you like shopping?: I guess?? I window shop most of the time and i buy food, books and stationary most of the time but right now I'm saving ahahaha
24: What countries have you visited?: I went outside the country twice and the countries I visited is Singapore and Hong Kong
25. What’s the scariest nightmare you’ve ever had?: I had very few nightmares and most of them happen when I have sleep paralysis and I'm not really scared of them about but I had a dream where it kinda made me anxious and I woke up sweating and i couldn't breathe properly so yah I don't remember much of the dream but it did made me freak out when I woke up 
26. Do you have any enemies?: idk?? There's people who thinks I'm annoying but they're not really threatening like heck we fucking spilled tea we had a freaking tea party with some friends so none i guess
27. Do you have a s/o?: nope! lmaaoo I wish but hey self love comes first ;) but srsly tho im so lonely date me pls
28. Do you believe in miracles?: uuuhhh not really I'm a bit of an atheist so no
imma tag @whoevenisgalileoos @heyyyydee @queenrogerina @doing-allright @sneakydeakyy @drowsyroger @bensroger-tay @ben-hard-on @marshzzellow @moonvinyls @dancing-deacon @ddeaky I don't really know who to tag so hahaha just want to get to know u guys a little better ahahha yall don't have to do this btw hehe
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