#thank u for this blessing op
babieken · 10 months
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Vixx leo - 231121
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saintshigaraki · 2 years
heyy jsyk im p sure you mistagged that last text post 🧡
OH MY GOD.........................
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
So.... Hello! I'm not Very good at english since it's not my language but here we Go. I wanna to say i really love your art (from fanarts to your write style) and i Hope you have a good day today. Anyway i don't know If your ask are ope but How the Monsters trio Will react with they being your First in everthing! (Like First Kiss, First love, First s*x, etc) you can do nsfw-ish If you wanted
aww thank u!:) I am not going to go into grave detail because I am already doing a “First time” series with them but i like this request💓imma do it moreso where you’re THEIRS if thats alright
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Being the Monster Trio’s First (NSFW-ish)
Black Fem Reader in Mind
CW: Mentions of sex
I am half sleep and typing this all in one go so mb for my spelling errors im just making up for lost time not posting consistently because school and coms☹️
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Being Luffy’s First:
Crush: Being his crush is no different from being his best friend, he isn’t a very romantic guy if he likes you he will just tell you, “Y/N I think about you a lot, and I also think you may have a Lust DF power because when I think of you i get hard.” Bless him he is very blunt. BUT he does mean what he says so..be nice?
Kiss: Probably the most anticlimactic thing ever. Luffy already licks your face, hugs, and touches you a lot so when he starts running at you after a fight to see if you’re okay BAM. His lips smack into yours like a bowling ball and honestly. It’s cute. Completely uncoordinated, damn near sucked your bottom lip off, but…there was just something so addictive and attractive to his kiss that made you want more
Love: Very odd in his case. He just thought he liked you a lot. The signs were evident though, when you tell him he doesn’t deny it persay he moreso brushes it off because being in love is so new to him. However being his first love is something you can’t forget. He reminds you everyday why you’re important. Why he loves you. And why he fell in love with you.
Sexual Encounter: It was fun! You both were inexperienced. He didn’t know what hole to enter, you were shocked by how long he can stretch his dick. You both even spent the night laughing more than actually having sex, but once it came down to business it was a learning experience for you both. He was so attentive to make sure you were okay you felt yourself crying a little afterwards at how gentle he was with you.
Being Zoro’s First:
crush: He’s actually more of an asshole to you Not even on purpose he just doesn’t want to admit his feelings towards you. You’re beautiful, sweet, and charming and dammit he hates that he has feelings and how you always mess them up when you’re around him! He feels so powerless so please be gentle with him…or put him on blast. It maybe attractive to the mf.
Kiss: Awkward, awkward, awkward. He isn’t the rizzmaster okay. Yes he is pretty and he knows it but he is crap to flirting. absolutely crap. He was so hot in the face when you did the first move and kissed him he was a stuttering mess and pulled you back in for another kiss to prevent you from laughing at him. His kisses wasn’t BAD but …just practice with him. Yeah it was awkward but seeing your face so close and personal, smelling your scent. He couldn’t get enough.
Love: DENIAL IS A RIVER IN EGYPT Absolutely ridiculous how in denial he was. Everytime someone even said the word love he’d get so mad because that word applied to you in so many ways. He fell for you and he couldn’t do anything about it. You were the one opponent he could not beat and honestly, he didn’t want to. He fell for you and he fell so hard that it actually makes him nervous to be around you. He doesn’t know whether he loves you or hates you now for being so irresistible to him. Eventually he comes to terms with it and once it does and you feel the same way. Good luck getting rid of him.
Sexual Encounter: You taught him everything. He didn’t know his way from the clit to your ass. It took a lot of trial and error, sex wasn’t really NEW to him. He has seen porn but it’s completely different from films and pictures so sometimes he would back down when making out got too far, eventually he needed that release one late night while cuddling you and even though he could have went to the bathroom you stopped him and …helped him out. Let’s just say Zoro is so grateful he didn’t pussy out this go round!
Being Sanji’s First:
Crush: Sanji is an interesting guy because any woman that knows Sanji knows he is a mixture of a flirt and just having amazing manners for women. You however was just above the usual women he served to. Being his crush was an experience because you seen a side to Sanji most women don’t get to see. You seen him stand up straighter, sly comments that made your heart melt, and even kept his cool…too cool in fact. He really was Mr. Prince for you.
Kiss: The first kiss he planned it out. He knew his feelings about you and that you felt the same so he needed to plan it just right not just for him, but for you as well. The kiss was so soft and delicate you almost didn’t feel it. And that was because he shy’ed away for a moment, scared his sudden bold move would have you smack him, Luckily, he didn’t have to worry feeling your hands cup his cheek to kiss him back. He still touches his lips when he thinks about that time you kissed him.
Love: I mean man…you really are a blessed woman because out of all of the others he has seen and been with he chose you and only you. it’s insane really. He tries in his entire will to not mess this opportunity to find true love up. You being his first love he watches his mouth and actions around you more, He tries his hardest not to ruin the view you have of him and it shows. If you can just reassure him you love him for him and not who he thinks he needs to be. Sanji needs the confirmation that you love him almost as much as he loves you.
Sexual Encounter: LORD—- okay. okay. Just like Zoro trial and error HOWEVER. Much longer and worse. He really is still a pervert no matter how much in love he is with you so you have to take it very slow. Once you both are okay to be naked in front of each other he is back to being a shy boy so you constantly kiss and praise him, telling him how good he is for you, how well he is doing for his first time. You were so kind and patient with him, it never fails to leave a chill down his spine (in a good way) when he remembers that night of love making with you, and now that he has more experience he does nothing but reciprocate the same feelings back to you in bed.
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onnoffwrites · 1 year
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I have been losing my shit over this damn panel for the past THREE DAYS (more or less) and I need to yell somewhere so it's gonna go here.
It all began when I was writing my fic (I think this was for My Immortal), and I needed to recap significant hakukai moments. And I remembered "hey, I should include this one thing saguru said during sunset manor that was stupidly super gay for no fucking reason" bc like, yea hakukai not canon, but if canon was gonna give me a whole ass confession then I might as well use it. So, like always, I head to mangadex to look for this panel... Except... It's not there... The line... The line's not there... But I remember... I remember something about "the only one to disrupt/disturb my thinking/mind"... Where... I didn't imagine that right? I mean I read a lot of google translated Chinese fanfics but... I REMEMBERED reading that line... In a manga... In English... ON mangadex...
This is where I should mentioned, that if you weren't around for the Great Collapse of Mangadex. Then... Well, so there was this period of time where mangadex just DIDNT EXIST. Bc there was some cyber?? Attack??? On the site??? I can't fully remember. But it like wiped out most of the site. The mangas r just, gone. So mangadex fixed it. It took a while bc they figured "might as well revamp our site and system". And they did. And it's great. And it looks beautiful now, even more than before.
But see. The line I remembered? Yea... Yea that was from before The Collapse. And mangadex let multiple translation groups submit their translations. So u can read diff translations of diff group, see how things are interpreted differently... And... I remembered this one, that I posted here up top, but I remembered there was another. One that had The Line.
And it was driving crazy so, like usual, I asked my cn friend. But my cn friend (why am I still saying that, it's @beingvv , that's the friend) has A Life, and isn't always online, and we love that for ppl. So. I'm still crazy. I can't trust my own damn mind and memory bc why tf do I remember something that isn't there (happened before btw, but that has nothing to do with this).
Luckily, I have a friend who knows jp. UNLUCKILY, I don't have the jp raws and it's from chapter 300 and we are in the thousands. So, I went back to losing my mind. Until I found it again, and realized. Heyyyyyyy there's a whole ass ANIME. So like the baggage my dear friend had the misfortune to be saddled with, I went to find the ep, timestamped it, yelled begged them for help.
This is where I lose my damn mind the first time in the recent weeks.
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(thank you my dear piglet, u don't even go here but u tolerate my insanity)
So, I feel a little more sane (bc my mind didn't fabricate a memory again) and also A LOT more insane bc WHY WOULD U SAY THAT, HAKUBA SAGURU 😭😭😭 WHY WOULD U SAY IT LIKE THAT 😭😭😭
In any case I feel validated. Told beingvv about my discoveries (for whenever they come back) not that they need it cn fandom already got the correct translation. And finished writing my fic.
And then Saguru's comeback was announced.
So I've been losing my shit for 3 days on twitter, looking at all my fave KR and JP accounts and the things they say.
And then someone dug up and old tweet thread that talked about this panel. Specifically, op talked about the nuance in the word choice used.
Here's the og thread if anyone wants to read or Google translate it urself.
(mkppyong my love, bless you)
Bc mkppyong talked to a jp acquaintance about ??? Uh I dunno just language I guess. POINT IS. They pointed out that gosho used specific words/phrases that really wasn't needed if all he wanted to say was "the only one who drives me crazy/mad." But he did used them. It's specifically "his thoughts/mind" that's being driven crazy. And that if he wants to just talk about Saguru's mind being disrupted/confused, then there's rly no need to use the words "go crazy"
And then they wrote out a whole symbolism about clocks and saguru and being broken down/disrupted and I lost my shit over the clock symbolism, sue me 😭😭😭
I don't think I'm making sense anymore bUT WAIT, THERES MORE, THE FINAL BLOW
This is where I expose myself more than I ever want to, but here's a fact. I'm thai
Here's a second fact. I'm SHIT at Thai. I've been bad at this language before I got good at English. My Thais as good as an elementary student. Every time I understand difficult words I get confused bc where did I know THAT from???
In any case, point is, I saw that tweet, read the text, immediately understood it and began losing my shit all over again... And then I doubted... Bc like, I'm not good with this lang anymore... Maybe im understanding it wrong? So I look up Google.
Google: คลุ้มคลั่ง just means go crazy
So I was like, damn guess I'm wrong, read too much into this. BUT SEE BC I LIVE HERE I HAVE FRIENDS WHO ARENT A DISGRACE. And so my friend said:
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So. Here we are. At the end. I have no idea how tf I'm supposed to end this post. I'VE been obsessed for 3 days straight. I don't have a lot of braincell left in me (there weren't any to begin with). I don't have a statement to wrap this post up in a nice little bow. Go make ur own conclusion I dunno.
But I would not have been losing my shit over this stupid panel for a month if it wasn't for the fact that eng translation was missing a pretty crutial thing in what Saguru said. I don't know if this was a mistranslation or a misunderstanding or something, but the English translation was lacking. And I love and have always been thankful and grateful to the ppl who worked hard to translate mangas in their free time, and do it all for free, bc I haven't had any real way to rent/borrow mangas from renting shops/libraries in years. So this was one of the only ways I can read mangas. But, even as I checked the raw panel with Google lens just now, even google translate it as "the only one to make my thoughts go round." No where was there any mention of "case" and "solving." So that's just, multiple accounts of ppl who knows jp, including native jp speakers, all saying that this panel is Saguru saying "the only one to drive me crazy". And man I rly hope this doesn't make me come off as ungrateful or like shitting on the translation team, I'm rly not. But yea. Uh. The translation was wrong. And I remembered that there used to be a diff eng translation. And it led me to go to all this trouble and journey to find out what was actually said. And here we are, at the end.
The only one who could disrupt Saguru's thinking.
The only one who could disturb Saguru's mind.
The one whose sole existence drives him mad.
The only one to make his mind obsess over till he's driven to madness.
Or to use the symbolism mkppyong wrote: the only one to break down the clock, the precise and accurate mechanism, that is Hakuba Saguru.
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supermaks · 6 months
$145/$900 already raised 💗💗💗 for my shoulders outpatient rehab + medical debt + college debt + helping my wife stay healthy and able to provide wid 2 jobs thru good meals of vegetables and fruit + chicas second dose of antibiotics + specific treatment + follow up vet consultations + some goes to my mom for housing her kid post op, broken cat and my wife for free ((mrs kats parents were not so kind, refuse to acknowledge that we’re engaged at all lmfao, almost let 2 disabled queer ppl be homeless for 2 days.))
Yall . anything helps. Anything . We lost our lil apartment. I dropped out of school. We have nothing else to give the gov. We already raised $145 just today, and it’s going directly for physio and medicine. Right now the goal is $900 just to make sure we me and kitty c the end of April
P/aypal is: [email protected]
Feel free to mute or ask more questions dm for proof bro idk. But im so tired . Thank you. God bless u
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tothepointofinsanity · 8 months
Out of curiousity wut is op's thoughts on Kyoko considering u love Sayaka so much? (Also i love ur art its a visual blessing everytime good lord)
Today, I can finally give a proper answer on my thoughts about Kyoko. Someone had a similar ask back then, and I felt as though I answered that half-assed, missing a lot of integral parts of her character, but overtime I actually got very attached to her and came to be fond of her. There are many things to like about Kyoko.
She is very cool. I like that she always walks with a certain confidence and has plenty of skills and experience to back up her casual attitude. Her weapon is unique and I remember it caught me off guard when I first watched the show because what is That. Her character design while at first did not stand out to me then actually appeals to my senses now. I like the flow of her long hair and dress being juxtaposed by the solid clunkiness of what she wields.
Secondly, her character is interesting as she was written to directly click with Sayaka despite being opposites. It’s true that she’s very combative and often has outrageous ideas, but it’s just her exercising her freedom so that she won’t have to disappoint herself by being entangled in others’ affairs. She cares for other magical girls in her own way, and isn’t an unreasonable person, just a realistic one. The way she reverts back to having hope for Sayaka instead of directly driving herself to despair in the face of a new reality [that Witches are born from magical girls] also demonstrates the strength of her will, refusing to succumb to simply accepting things the way they are if they get in the way of her beliefs. <- Infected by Sayakaschisms. Instead of just sitting there and hoping things get better, she takes on the challenge to try and change the situation herself even if the odds were not in her favour. She and Sayaka essentially switch places in terms of how they act at the premier of Oktavia.
To be honest Kyoko is just like me fr. She liked Sayaka so much that her own witch was named Ophelia just to symbolise the Shakespearean tragedy of a relationship that she had with the former. Kyoko balances Sayaka’s impulsive tendencies and Sayaka gives Kyoko hope. That aside, Kyoko herself even in general is very cute, but is one of the more underrated characters. Always happy to hear her name mentioned in my inboxes.
My only problem is that I don’t draw her along with Sayaka all that much u_u
Thank you for the ask and kind words 🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️!!
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voiceofsword · 2 years
every1 that voted rinne as worst husband is so wrong... its literally canon that he cares SO much and fakes his insane persona hes just awkward and embarassed when he gets noticed
i have so many things i can say about this but im really bad at words but theyre stewing around in my brain explodes
what were your thoughts?
i do agree with the ones that mention niki haha those are true rinne is absolutely smitten but the ones that say its like. because hes rinne amagi. and others thay were probably filtered out by the OP... people that either didnt read the main story or just dont want to look further lmao
(cracking my fingers) okay. this may or may not be long. i fear you have struck a bit of a nerve with this (NOT YOU but just as like. a general statement. i feel like u dont know what ur asking. but that is ok)
this whole thing might seem really aggressive at times bc this situation did get me a little heated... plz keep that in mind going in! AGAIN IM NOT ANGRY AT YOU ANON ILY AND THANK YOU FOR ASKING you just happened to ask abt smth i feel very sourly about – not the poll itself but the answers to it – but i tried to be as. tactful as i possibly can while talking abt this
overall im very disappointed in a lot of the answers given for the voting so ive stayed off twitter almost all day today and yesterday. i fear like with stuff like this a very silent population of eng side shines through, the one that specifically Doesnt actually engage with the story and goes off fanon interpretation. look, im not saying its necessarily a bad thing. but when it comes to stuff like this, where people grossly mischaracterize a grand majority of charas or narrow them down to be the butt of a joke, or use it as an excuse to be plain racist/ableist, i feel like people really need to reassess where all of this is coming from. like. not rinne, but KANAME couldnt even be included because the answers used for his votes were, in their majority, apparently ableist, and op (definitely in the right, i think this was the right choice to make) chose not to post at all because they feared the qrts would be just as bad. because for some reason people seem to think that because they're fictional characters that being ableist is somehow ok, that saying they would "pull the plug" on charas like him and eichi is fine because theyre not real people – as if there werent disabled or chronically ill people in this fandom, in every fandom, or hell, around you?
and lets not mention tatsumi and people blatantly misinterpreting his christianity as something he would force upon others – first of all, western christianity does not apply to tatsumi. at all. i understand that people might find it easy to just associate him with that and make "haha, he would make me convert" or "haha he would be a homophobe" quips, and obviously its not necessary to have extensive knowledge on kirishitan history in japan and how they are, to this day, a minority that was persecuted for a lot of japan's modern history. LIKE, EVEN FROM HIS DIALOGUE IN ANY STORY.. when has he given off that impression? cite your sources, he's literally one of the most inclusive and accepting charas in the whole cast! not a prejudiced white christian middle aged mom...
i think that if you absolutely must reduce a character to tasteless jokes, stereotypes that arent even funny to begin with, and you refuse to even read the source content at all to correct yourself, you really need to think about how you engage with any media, not just enstars. if you want to look at the pretty characters just say that! but dont be like this, and don’t speak on things you don’t fully understand as if you did just to make a point or be funny! 
OKAY RINNE SORRY LOL i hate it. i hated all of it and judging by the ratio many people seemed to dislike it as well (god bless!). if you havent seen it i wont link it bc tbf i dont feel like looking at it again (peace and love) but the answers summed up are like "oh he would steal my money" "hes selfish and would take stuff from me and not gaf about my wellbeing" "hes married to niki already" the last one being the only one i agree with. and it makes me think about a lot of issues with how a good portion of the fandom sees rinne. ive seen a lot of people read rinne in bad faith, regardless of whether theyve read main story, hot limit or any story rinne is in. and i dont get it, genuinely. YES he can be upsetting! he can be an asshole, he can be rude, he DOES steal money from niki! but these people neglect to see or mention that he gives it back and then some. they fail to talk about how he spends a lot of his time trying to make niki see his self worth!! since hiiro was BORN he's been trying to get him to understand that he's deserving of love!! that YES he can be a dick but ultimately treats crazy:b and his friends with love and wants what's best for them! these are the same ppl that think he's abusive or something idk i can only assume. like yeah rinne has a carefully crafted persona where hes a complete dickhead and ig some players cant really bother to see past that act
unfortunately rinne himself is built on a few harmful stereotypes of ainu culture irt the drinking, being portrayed or viewed as more 'uncouth' by other characters, etc which is why the initial more explicit ties to ainu culture were removed altogether from his and hiiros design and background. it is understandable, which is for example why it's not really my place to say whether he can be interpreted as ainu or not, and even so, i try not to rely on those aspects of him because it still veers into sensitive territory. and its an unfortunate part of his character, but undeniably, rinne amagi DOES drink, (he's one of the only characters in main cast of drinking age anyway) does partake in harmful behaviors, but fsr suddenly that means hes nothing but a drunkard, to a lot of people. when reading rinne you really have to take these things and ofc, consider that theyre relevant to his character, but it's not all there is...? in the slightest..? there used to be a tweet thread explaining this link further but it's either been taken down or the account has been locked. either way, just a bit of googling goes a long way. i'd rather not go into too much detail here because i don't feel informed enough beyond pointing these issues out, and i personally feel like it's not really my place. if anybody wants to add onto this post to cite more specific sources please feel free
he's such a fun loving, cunning, caring guy who helps people get jobs (dance of the white tiger), who volunteers to play with kids at a daycare (asobi), and wishes so badly to become an idol and grant everyone the same opportunities if theyd like to be, as well (main story, sudden death SUDDEN DEATH IS MY FAV STORY AFTER HL BUT THE TL IS DOWN....SORRY. but i really really think it's one of the most important ones when it comes to rinne's character and motivations. also if u can read it in app it's even better bc it's voiced and theres a line where he's like "oh this guy's [niki] is engaged to me" when talking to kohaku's sister AND HE SOUNDS FULLY SERIOUS TOO....)
don't get me started on people who dumb him down as if he wasn't one of the most clever characters in the game. and unknowingly, people that continue to make rinne's character out to simply be a gambling flirty drunkard who doesn't know how to control himself, as if there weren't other facets of him – they lean into stereotypes, bordering on racism, even if its not malicious or theyre not aware. and it makes me so sad. a lot of the time these interpretations are spread around and then liking characters like him becomes some sort of moral debate, esp in current fandom (which is one of the reasons i think this stereotyping? happens? b/c ive found that fandom sometimes has the tendency of grabbing characters and mischaracterizing them so BADLY that liking them makes you a bad person..? not necessarily villains either! i promise it's okay to just dislike characters without making stuff up!)
that aside also suggesting he'd be an awful, neglectful spouse is simply incorrect. i very firmly believe that if rinne is devoted, he will drop every vice, every pretense, to make the other person happy. he's Like That in the story and towards niki because they keep tiptoeing around the subject but the second he gets an inner monologue, or is truly being genuine, you can tell he would do anything for him, if niki would just let him. to say that rinne isn't capable of being a good partner because he'll treat you badly or not care about you just proves to me that you're not reading any scene he is actually in. if rinne loves you, romantic or not, he will go big or go home. read hot limit btw
im not about to pull the story caps out no wait yes i am lol rinniki4ever ✌️
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these arent in order bc i had to scroll up like 2k pictures because i take caps of this game every time i blink. i was considering adding hiiro caps, to show his dedication to him as well, but given that this is for like a marriage poll id rather not. either way he cares about his family and loved ones a lot. read chapter 155 if you want to know the exact scene i was thinking about/referring to while typing this
um ok (breathes out) im fine now. theres things i didnt address because it's 1 am and i want to go to sleep. congrats kuro on getting #1 most marriageable tho u deserve it KURO NUMERO 1 CAMPEAO DO MUNDO 💯💯💯🔥
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silversatin2105 · 5 months
May I get one please 😻😻😻
Name : Mai
Cisgender female , straight!
Personality : entp-F
I LOVE talking to people , socializing is one of my biggest qualities if I may say . Even though I love talking to ppl it doesn’t mean that I tolerate any kind of disrespect toward anyone. I’ll gladly and openly shut down someone if they say anything rude !
I have Adhd , the hyperactive-can’t seems to focus one 🙂‍↕️ mhhh also I’m a big cat person , I love playing volleyball and music!
(I play as a libero/outside hitter (depending on the op team) in my vb team and I’m then main singer of my school’s band🤯)
Hobbies : DONT GET ME STARTED OMG I have so many hobbies
In sports it’s obviously , my one and only VOLLEYBALL the way I couldn’t go through college without vb is crazy
I love singing and playing the electric guitar !!! As well as drawing and I’m staring to get into painting and writing 🧏‍♀️🧏‍♀️
I have many hobbies but i spend most of my time in the gym or at vb practice !
Style :
Well I have broad shoulders from spiking so I’m trying to grow my hair out🫣
My hair are lower shoulder-length , I have lotss of layers ! I had my Korean mom’s blessing since I have red-ish reflect on my black hair 🤭
Im average height (160-ish) but Im pretty muscular if I may say (I’m also bold asl 🤫)
My style would most definitely be streetwear !! My go to outfit is those tight jersey w baggy pants nd oversized zip-up
I have pretty round feature , so I follow the Korean makeup style (pink-ish and light)
Likes : SWEETSSS AND PASTRIES the way I could binge eat a whole bakery if I could.
I love musics ,food , family nd friends time , ACADEMIC VALIDATION🗣️ , vb obviously , late night music session , skateboarding , dim lights (dim light>bright light) , manga , anime , manhwa, kdrama, thrift shopping , shopping , Jeju Island (South Korea) and Paris , learning new languages , HUMAN MIND AND HOW IT WORKS. Any berries , lychee , dragons fruit , mango.
(Can you tell that I’m a nerd?)
Dislike : mint. I despise mint (if not in chewing gum) , coconut. Soja mooncakes, jajangmyeon (Korean traditional dish) (pretty controversial ik)
Rude ppl
Thank u
Yeah I can do you a match up, I was in three minds when it came to your match up but after discussing it with a fellow TR blogger I came to my ultimate conclusion for you match up and without much grandstanding lets get into it
Your Match is
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Hanemiya Kazutora
He loves that your talkative and would spend nights awake speaking to you on the phone about multiple subjects ( I HC that Kazutora is a night owl).
Like you he loves cats and I could imagine you both visiting Baji just to pet Excalibur (Aka Peke-J), it wouldn’t be like “Hi how are you doing Baji” it would be a “Hey Baji where’s the cat?”
You both have a zero tolerance policy to bullshit, if he saw you being disrespected you know this man is going full tiger and ripping the person who dissed you a new one both metaphorically and literally and whilst he was in jail you’d not take well to anyone slandering him.
Like you I could imagine him having similar taste in music and I could imagine him giving you advice on your music, I could imagine his favourite piece of your music being his ringtone.
You and him would definitely have the perfect outfit combos with one another, i could imagine on dates you both co-ordinating with each other.
He might not get the whole Academic success thing but seeing you dedicating yourself to your studies impresses him.
I could imagine him taking you to a skate park to burn of energy when your both ticked off.
Like before you’ve both got a zero tolerance for bullshit, I could imagine you both saying something if someone was being rude to a retailer.
In summary:
I have paired you with Kazutora, sure his home life may be different to yours but you and him make it work as you both are willing to call each other out on the others BS, your musical talents are one of the things he treasures and stakeboarding with you is his favourite thing in the world, He doesn’t fully get the studying thing but he’s impressed that you show grit and determination.
 I hope this result is to your liking.
Toman Inquisitorial division member Silver
Please do not remove original tags in Re-blogs, don’t re-post anywhere else or alter the original work.
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tetsuskei · 6 months
Risuuuuuuu I’m in my one piece era rn and I know you love ace, but what other op characters are dear to you? :3
*stacks sheets like i’m getting ready for a powerpoint presentation*
thank u for asking nana, i will gladly share my other faves with you ! :3
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obviously we have supreme pookie, just felt like putting him here bc he’s so pretty <3
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smoker is second, i loved him from the moment he appeared on screen and i miss him sm bc he hasn’t been present lately
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zoro is more than likely third, i always love the fact that our bdays are two days apart heehee and i adore him to pieces
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mrs all wednesday aka robin is next, her arc water 7 + enies lobby is my fave arc and her backstory is too !
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next is my man katakuri ! he is sooo insanely cool and im ngl the mouth and sharp teeth make me 💗 idk why but he gives me major iwa vibes
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mister trafalgar law is another i loved form the beginning, and the timeskip is a blessing bc there’s sm of him !
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gonna get dragged for this but uhhh idk if you met him yet but he’s in water 7 ,,, his name is lucci heehee and something abt his aura has my hair twirling
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lastly sabo ! i love love him sm and his personality ! i cannot say much abt him bc you have not met him yet but he’s so precious !
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foosybit · 1 year
Mayoi in PriPara Outfits Part 1
this is a suuuuuper long post cuz i did 2 drawings for about 20 outfits????? so here's the best ones so u dont miss anything by not actually going thru them all o7
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but woooo !!! basically i've been on a long journey rewatching pripara very slowly so it's kinda seeping into my brain so i wanted to mess around with what outfits mayoi would go for if he went 2 pripara !! if u want a teal eyed version that also isnt split into parts, heres my pixiv post
last few things to say b4 i start, hello 3 pripara fans on my account, no boypara outfits cuz i didnt grow up with that (the last op i remember is the 6th one and i dont think im anywhere near that yet in my rewatch), honestly i have no clue if there's even proper boypara outfits??? i just know it exists idk anything about it, and if u see placeholders thats cuz i wanna keep the 3 image layout, thats the only reason why lol. and outfit descriptions will go below the art of the outfit. ok time 2 start !!!!!!
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Petit Devi from Holic Trick Classic !! this was the first one I did back on.... Janurary 2nd lol. I have yet to see Mayoi in a bright pink but u know what, my executive decision says he deserves it. hi 3 pripara fans on my account again, i should also say most of these (like this one) will be from the arcade stuff cuz i just picked stuff i liked from the wiki's coord list
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Sexy Girl from Holic Trick cuz Mayoi's the sexiest girl i know !! from now on all the coords will be from Holic Trick (an in-show brand) cuz 2bh w y'all i mostly just browsed Holic Trick for this whole series of drawings cuz im not going thru all those dam coords. although i've done 2 short skirts so far i do think mayoi'd like longer skirts more, but pripara likes short skirts more so so be it o7
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Gothic Check !! the grey shirt and black jacket is kinda giving fs2 4star vibes so this would be the fs2 4star if enstars were cool (wore pripara outfits)
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Modern Coffee Maid !! I was thinking of maybe changing the color but i liked the way the orange contrasts with the purple making it look kinda halloweeny :] I also have a personal bias towards brown i luv that color !! but ya if i had 2 say, he'd probably be a 3star if this were a set, kinda vaguely fits him but not enough to be under the spotlight imo
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Classic Trump !! Sophy actually wears this in the show and i think it's so cute i wonder how the other alka members would style the vest in their own way (im 2 lazy 2 do that myself yawwnnn) in fact mayoi himself would probably prefer longer sleeves but u kno, stayed tru 2 the original n stuff, anyway say hello to bright pink again mayochan
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Sparkling Jellyfish Sophy !! hi kanata hi fish wife hi nata hello nata hi nata whats up nata i love u nata
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Nin'Nin Among the Water from Baby Monster !! when i saw this outfit i was chained to my tablet the demons were holding me hostage i had to make the ninja association wear it or i'd suffer a public execution
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My Design Holic Trick !! back to holic trick for the rest again :] this is the one i posted on its own hehehehe it's still the one i put THE most effort into (which is why it's the only one i bothered to sign, still dont repost the rest tho please and thank u im just lazy) cuz man its a vibe its so good its one of my favs still i love stupid shorts and the puffy sleeves with the cropped vest and black and purple and the heart and bows and keys which are kinda all reasons i also like mayoi (heart in mayois vibe comes from his big heart muah) bless u mayoi i luv u
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Night Navy !! mayoi loves to kill artists in cold blood with random intricate patterns (or maybe thats just an enstars thing in general) so i knew i had to give him this dress. gave him an undershirt cuz what if he gets cold :[
And that's it for this post !! I've now reached the image limit, so see ya in the next post !! (sorry foosybit followers for triple posting i didnt realize i drew so much)
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analogwriting · 7 months
HAHAHAHAHA *insert a laugh somewhat similar to doffy's laugh* becauseeeeee, I was so so sad at first coz I got to miss a few updates on new chapters for the mafia au fic for Corazon, since it was hectic at school + examinations 😬 but I am laughing coz then I got to read 4 chapters in one sitting 😎 quite a treat eyyyy. Waiting for moreeeeeee 🥰
And here I thought I was never gonna fall inlove with Cora, but with the way you write him in this fic ahhhhhhhh I am head over heels!!! 🤭♥️
I hope they'll be okay soon, a little love quarrel is normal in cou--- HAHA I still have a love-hate relationship with your slowburns and cliffhangers, Ambrose! Can I call you that? Hehee. But I do love everything about the way you write so pls bless us with more chapters soon. Lots of lovee!! 🤗
*gets the baseball bat* DOFFY YOU'LL PAY FOR YOUR CRIMES- oh wait. it's fine. it's you. *tosses the bat out of frame*
hey man, missing updates just means you can binge it 😈 a little treat for working so hard!! excellent planning tbh 💅
thank you!! i just write him as cringefail bc thats that he is to me and it seems to be the general census. (but love him for it🥰) sometimes i get real worried but y'all always give me my confidence back i swearrr
things always work out in the end 💅 wait, right? 🤨😏
and ofc u can call me that! 🥰 also it's okay, I also have a love-hate relationship with my own slowburns and cliffhangers 💀 i be writing them and im like "damn you're mean smh" but i also live for torture ope 🤷 🤭
thank you so much for your compliments frfr. i love reading everything everyone says bc everyone so nice???? keeps me motivated ongg
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@kanamesengoku i literally have no words to describe how lucky i am to have you. we've already been best friends for many years, then one piece brought us even closer than that. thanking oda everyday bc of this. (and u know who else LMFAO) every single day i wake up looking forward to talking with you. the way u just instantly brighten up my day... AAAAA
also i gotta say, you're just soooo creative!! i LOVE your graphics and your gifs and your fanfics. so blessed to be the first person to read them. i enjoy them so much!! i just love how you portray all the op characters so well!! especially your luffy! so... SO CUTE... I KNOW WHAT UR THINKING I SWEAR IM NOT BIASED!!!
i love you so much my moon!!! my soulmate!!!
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thief-of-eggs · 10 months
Just wanted to drop in and say that every time you post an update or new fic, I feel so blessed to read your writing. From the bottom of my heart, thank u for writing snowxsenjanus 🥰🫡
hi op i am literally gonna cry. like WHO GAVE YOU THE RIGHT🫵🏻😭 (thank you so so much, you literally don’t know how much that means to me🥹🫶🏻)
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gramarye · 7 months
One of the most annoying things about the harem genre is that you'll get people recommending harem series if you ask for poly stuff. (Or when googleing recommendations...) And people telling you something that's clearly 98% harem is a great polyamory portrayal. Looking at you 100 girlfriends! If one more person recommends it to me as a good poly series I'll go insane
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noooo I CAN ONLY IMAGINE THE DISAPPOINTMENT. NOT THE SAME THING!! obviously the word has its own meaning in arabic which i am not getting into i am not qualified for that but speaking from like, western and specifically fandom usage of the term its like...ouuugh.. its usually this wish fulfillment power fantasy type thing or at the very least there is a very specific dynamic in play which does not appeal to me (quanxi you can stay tho. women can do it i think.)
that said that manga sounds super cute i am reading it tomorrow....thank you...... love lesbians. may u be blessed with more good poly manga OP
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chupicabri · 8 months
op i just wanna say Thank You for that good sessrin animation. i am having a good evening now. bless u. stay safe and stay healthy! 🎉
Thank you for the kind words and motivation! 😭 I'm currently learning animation and that was one of the first few that I've made ... I hope you too stay safe and get lots of good rest :)
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nahalism · 11 months
Bonjour!about the anger//don’t animals simply fight physically when they are angry as a part of their adulting? Idrk if we should look at them for examples. In civilization are we not striving to go around what’s in our nature so exactly to: avoid having to fight, kill, harm others when we are not in the best mood, when we want something they have i could go on and on. Maybe pushing against the animalistic side of us in order to hold up our relatively organized world is what creates all those weird ways of behaviors that we call ”traumatized” now? Only speculation. Just not sure if we were meant to be simpler and more ”cruel” and actively going against it is causing what we observe now oooor is there an adult version of a human, admittedly rare in the world as we see it now right, that was supposed to rise above all of it - and like you said - leave those ways (2 sides of pendulum) of behavior in childhood when they served us during a time when we were not as developed) and move on to a more sophisticated tools and states
stay blessed <3 :]
coucouuu, çava? <3
i agree! suppression of our animalistic nature leads to perversion of it and is directly stopping human evolution into maturity. for example, in our society 'a civilised child doesnt throw tantrums'. but a child feels what it feels and has only one language to express it. so if a child has a tantrum (natural) but the adult raising it hasnt learned to teach and speak to a child (unnatural), it will silence instead of teach the child. now the child acts 'civilised' and does what its told, but isnt civilised at all, it is actually just repressed, and instead of learning how to maturely regulate and deal with emotional turmoil, has to find covert ways of meeting its needs. worse than that it has no one to blame or be mad at, cause its just inheriting the sins of the past
& as for animals, nah they dont actually. animals are quite very intelligent and quite sensible (much more than we give them credit for). if you look to nature you'll see they usually only exert force when its warranted, when their hungry, or when they're frightened. and im not just referring to domesticated animals. where im from in nigeria, the tribe my grandmothers from has a 'symbiotic relationship' for lack of a better word with the snakes and crocodiles at the river. the snakes do not attack the humans, the humans dont attack the snakes (they actually rever them). same with the crocs. they have a mutual understanding and unless one crosses a boundary things remain that way.
to my mind the highest form of civilisation is to honour nature and its laws because that is truth and cannot be destroyed. what humans have created currently emulates and is built using the truth, but can be destroyed, so is not truth itself. only study and understanding of nature, which comes from closeness to it, leads humanity to wisdom and self knowledge. as above, so below, as within, is without. & so i believe the reason were so backward is because we forgot these philosophies or we know them and are too fearful to change. were so stuck in our ego and this false world weve created (which we call civilisation) that we forgot how to start humble. how to learn about the earth and the stars before we learn about popularity, working and money. nature was the original teacher of math science and the original source of materials for the arts. etc. so yeah. its just a reflection of our societies priorities. — that said, i also think theres nothing to worry about, every generation is divided amongst the fools and wisemen. we need the contrast to evolve and know the difference. the wisemen pave a path for the youth, and the fools (there r two kinds) help the wisemen. so really everything is as its meant to be, and its possible all of this is happening to propel humanity and the world toward evolution, growth and having more experience (knowledge & wisdom).
this was acc rly interesting so thanks for sending. i love hearing u alls opinions <3 sending my love
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