#thank goodness Raph wasn’t effected by the curse
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fabuloustrash05 · 1 year ago
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tmntxthings · 2 years ago
Okay okay okay that love potion Leo you just wrote. I’m screaming could you maybe do one with Donnie but instead of him pretending it’s still in effect the reader at one point saying something like “ I know you hate being touched but this has been kinda nice” and when it wears off he remembers that and he starts being slightly more affectionate and or tells reader he likes them too??
Started with a Spark
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author’s note: thank u for the request anon c: i’d like the dedicate this one to @maximuslyqueer & @cochineal-tanto for leaving me motivating comments <3 that rlly helps me write more than you know, so thank you and I hope everyone enjoys~~~
warnings: slight angst, abundance of fluff, maybe some cursing
> leo’s < > raph’s < > mikey’s < > casey’s <
“Leo before you do possibly drink poison, let me run it past my far superior senses,” Donnie said grabbing the glass that contained the pink, bubbly substance. Leo rolled his eyes, “I know for a fact without you looking and sniffing at it that it’s not poison,” Leo claimed.
“And what brings you to that conclusion?” Donnie asked as he brought down his goggles to run a scan, seeing that it had a bunch of mystic ingredients that Donnie was unfamiliar with. “It’s pink and we’re at Hueso’s restaurant! Ya think he just lets people serve poison as a beverage?” Leo said as if it was obvious.
Donnie used his free hand to push back his goggles so they rested on top of his head. He brought the drink closer to his face, intending to smell it to see if it had any poisonous aromas. Donnie didn’t notice the smirk that spread on Leo’s face but you did. You narrowed your eyes wondering what the blue twin was about to pull.
Everyone had thought it was high time for you to try some of the best mystic pizza around. So they had dragged you to their spot at Hueso’s. Raph sat on the end of the booth then Mikey and you. Across from you sat Donnie and Leo to his left.
When the glass was close enough, Leo reached out quickly tipping the glass and the drink spilt all over his brother. It went down Donnie’s nose and some of it into his mouth as he sputtered and choked. “What the fuck Leo?!” Donnie managed to gasp out. You shot Leo a glare as you reached across the table with a napkin to help Donnie. Leo and Mikey were snickering as Raph shook his head, covering his mouth to hide a smile. “Told ya it wasn’t poison!” Leo said triumphantly.
Donnie’s eyes were squeezed shut, still trying to regain composure, more than slightly embarrassed. “Thanks Y/n” Donnie mumbled, blinking a couple of times as he reached for the napkin you had been trying to hand him. When your fingers brushed his it was like electricity passed between the two of you!
Both of you recoiled in surprise and Donnie looked at you finally, “Are-“ he had been going to ask if you were okay. But as soon as his eyes focused in on your figure it was like something happened. You looked so luminescent, he had always secretly admired you but what he was seeing now was otherworldly. “Donnie?” You questioned, looking at how his expression had changed from concern to something like adoration. Your voice gave him chills, he closed his eyes at the sound. Everything about you was just perfect. “Oh my Galileo~!” Donnie breathed out in wonder.
Everyone at the table was looking at Donnie with worry. “Uh Donnie” Leo said tapping on his brother’s shoulder, wondering whether the drink really had been poison?! “HAS ANYONE SEEN A PINK DRINK???” Hueso shouted as he came out of the kitchen. The whole restaurant quieted as Raph groaned. “Yeah over here!” Mikey said waving his hand high for Hueso to come over. The bone man came running, grimacing as he noticed it was the turtles. He just knew this wouldn’t be good. “Dónde está?” he asked looking all over the table and noticing that only one glass happened to be empty. Leo was sweating bullets, “Señor Hueso, please tell me that drink wasn’t poisonous!”
“Eh? No no it wasn’t poison but it was a potion!” He reassured the blue turtle. Leo let out a sigh of relief but Raph glared at his brother shaking his head, “What kind of potion???” Raph said hesitantly. “A love potion,” and everyone’s gaze went back to Donnie. He had been ignoring anything and everything that wasn’t you. He had this dreamy sort of look about him as he stared at you. “It’ll wear off,” Hueso mumbled, upset that the drink had been wasted. He left the table going back to the kitchen. “Well at least it’s not poison right!” Leo chirped like the whole thing wasn’t his fault.
You didn’t really know what to do. No one did. Hueso said it would wear off so the answer was to just wait. The pizza came and the whole thing was kind of brushed to the side. Donnie was usually quiet so it wasn’t a big deal. But no one else knew how his feet had inched closer and closer to yours until they were resting side by side. Your eyes had widened in surprise at the feeling, and even more when you looked up from your plate to see him not flustered but smirking. His smug expression stayed there as he leaned his shell back into the booth and his foot went up to your calf, going up and down gently.
Your face heated up immediately and before you could stop yourself you kicked him. He winced under his breath, causing Leo to give his brother a side glance before he went back to eating and talking to Mikey about new skateboard tricks. “Get it together Don,” you whispered as you took another bite of pizza. “Get what together?” He asked leaning forward on his elbows, ignoring the food. “I mean, I know you might not realize but this love potion has definitely messed with your mind!” you kept your voice quiet as you explained.
“I don’t know, I think that drink just opened my eyes to how absolutely adorable you are~” Donnie said following your lead and keeping his voice on the quiet side. You blushed at that shaking your head, “Donnie you’d never say anything like that in a million years! Much less voluntarily touch me!” you tried to reason with him. “But I like how you feel,” he said reaching out with his hand to grab yours. Now that had everyone else’s attention. His three brother’s raising their eyebrows in surprise. “Guess it really does work!” Mikey said in amazement. Raph frowned, “Y/n just let me know if this is making you uncomfortable.”
Your gaze tore from where Donnie’s hand had held yours. “Hmm? Oh yeah I will don’t worry, I doubt it’ll get worse than this though,” you joked. Leo laughed and Raph nodded, they all knew Donnie wasn’t touchy. But that had Donnie narrowing his eyes, at your comment and how Raph made it sound like he had done something so horrible. He squeezed your hand, wanting your attention back on him instead of his brothers. You obliged without realizing his intentions, just noticing how his grip had tightened. You rubbed your thumb on Donnie’s skin and his breathing stopped. Sensations like this were heightened to him when it came to you (and because of the potion).
He had to hold his breath until you stopped seconds later, not wanting to make a scene aka turn into a churring mess in front of his brothers. Donnie held your hand the whole way back to the lair. And when you were standing around in the living area with Donnie glued to your side, feeling awkward about what to do now, he just pulled you with him to his lab. “Guess I’ll see you guys later!” You hollered over your shoulder to the rest of the brothers. “Donnie’s totally gonna flip when that thing wears off” Leo said to no one in particular.
“Soo what do you wanna do?” You asked once in the lab. You’d been in here multiple times before. Usually whenever you were bored you would come and listen to Donnie talk about his latest and greatest inventions or builds. He’d go on long tangents and you would smile listening and looking intently at whatever blueprints or finished products he would show you. “Hmmm let’s dance!” Donnie said enthusiastically, as he typed something into his wrist tech and music surrounded them.
“Dance?!” You said incredulously. You were surprised as he pulled you closer. He nodded, “I love dancing,” he smiled down at you, starting to move to the music and you followed his lead despite your reservations. “Really? How come I’ve never seen you dance?” You asked curiously. He shrugged, not explaining any further as the two of you twirled around the lab. He was a great lead, and you could tell he was enjoying this. His hands moved from yours down to your hips as a slower song came on next. “I’ve always wanted to do this,” he whispered into your ear as he leaned his head closer to yours.
You smiled, “we’ll have to dance again then once the potion wears off!” You wondered if Donnie would remember any of this, if he would want to dance once the potion faded. You had a crush on the purple clad turtle since who knew when! It had crept up on you one day and ever since you couldn’t help but stare whenever he would enter the room. But you hadn’t felt confident enough to confess, plus you were a really clingy type of lover. If you did start actually flirting you probably wouldn’t be able to keep your hands off of him, which obviously was a no go. So you kept your feelings to yourself waiting for them to just silently fade. And yet here you were in Donnie’s arms.
You just knew you’d be thinking of these moments long after the potion wore off. It hurt your heart to think that way but you needed to come to the realization that maybe you and Donnie weren’t meant to be. You weren’t a selfish person, you wouldn’t force him to be someone he wasn’t, do something he wouldn’t want to do like hug or hold hands. So this love potion thing was like a living fantasy something that had happened only in your dreams.
“You promise?” Donnie’s voice brought you out of your thoughts. “Hm?” You questioned. “Do you promise that we’ll dance again?” The look on his face was so loving, “of course!” you promised, even if he didn’t remember, you’d say anything to make him happy in this moment. “I know you hate being touched..” as if to prove you wrong he nuzzled his face into your neck. You giggled, “but this has been really nice,” you sighed and you swore you felt his lips kiss at your neck.
[One week later]
Donnie woke up with a start. He sat up in bed heaving, looking around as if he had just ran a marathon instead of just waking up from a dream. A pretty damn life-like dream. It involved you, every second had been with you, dancing in his lab, following you around, napping together, limbs twisted over and under each other, holding your hand, tears in your eyes as you hugged him tightly, whispering something to him. He strained to remember what you had said. “Ugh!” Donnie laid back in bed.
He was up after a few seconds, it had just been a dream.. right? He walked out of his room heading to the kitchen, stretching as he made his way there. “Oho! Look who it is~~” Leo called out as Donnie passed his twins room. “Sooo how ya feeling??” Leo said catching up to Donnie and walking alongside him leisurely. “Tired.” The purple turtle said giving his brother a side glance. “Remember anything ya did last week?” Leo said smugly getting right to the thick of things.
Donnie scrunched up his face thinking… but all he could remember was bits and pieces of the dream. The dream! He looked at his brother in shock, “what happened??” Donnie asked not even understanding why everything was so fuzzy to begin with. “Leo dumped a love potion on you and you and Y/n were inseparable for a week until last night!” Mikey said in passing like it was old news.
“YOU DID WHAT?” Donnie yelled into Leo’s face who blinked and gave a sheepish smile, “right I forgot how that had all started, heh!” His brother turned back to escape into his room. “We’re not done here Leonardo, I was under a love potion for a week?!” Donnie followed after his blue brother not letting him get away that easily. “Yeah yeah, shouldn’t you be heading to Y/n’s and talking about how you couldn’t keep your hands off of them??” It was a distraction tactic but it worked. Every single moment of contact rushed into Donnie’s mind, replaying. It hadn’t been a dream, he had held you in his hands, put his on your hips and twirled you around, hugged you, kissed you!
He whipped out his phone. Turning away from Leo who readily used that moment to escape from Donnie’s wrath. Text or call, Donnie questioned. No none of that, he had to see you, now. The tears, what had you been trying to tell him?? None of it made any sense and he had a sinking feeling he was forgetting something important. But he was blinded by all of his unusual behavior, mostly the fact that he had felt comfortable enough to be glued to your side for a week straight. He knew he had a crush on you but did his feelings run that deep? He needed to see you!
Three knocks could be heard from your bedroom window and you rolled out of bed. Wondering which of the turtles it could be cause none of your human friends used anything but the front door. “Donnie?” you gasped as you pulled back your curtains. You opened up your window and Donnie hastily climbed inside your room. “Apologies for the intrusion I just-“ he fumbled with the right words, “this past week” and you looked at him hopeful, but as he looked at you helplessly, not knowing what to say, you nodded. “It’s okay, I know you were just under the influence of the potion..” you said but you had been telling yourself that for a week now and you still couldn’t seem to make your heart agree with your mind. You turned away from him, “no y/n,” he reached for you like it was second nature. When his hand met your arm he stilled.
“Please, just explain what happened, my mind is so foggy,” he said as he let his hand fall away from your arm as you turned to face him. You could tell he was confused with his body as he stared down at his hand in shock. But as you explained from the very beginning he looked up and listened to every word. You were blushing and he was blushing it was a whole blush fest when you recounted the way he flirted. “I can’t believe I did that!” Donnie would say, hands coming up to his face to cover it embarrassed by his love-potion self’s actions. “Well..” you had started to say but you swallowed, realizing if you said what you had been thinking Donnie would definitely know your secret. Your undeniable crush on him.
When you didn’t continue Donnie moved his hands away from his face, “Yes?” He asked wanting you to continue and you shook your head nervously. “Oh c’mon Y/n, now I’m curious!” He called after you as you went back to your bed. “Trust me you’ll only be burdened once you do know,” you said with contempt for yourself. Donnie sat next to you, again shocking himself as he reached for your hand. But this time he didn’t pull away, “I doubt that” he said smiling softly at you. “…I enjoyed it.. all of last week” you breathed out hastily, squeezing his hand. Donnie’s eyes widened, “r-really??” and you nodded.
“I’ve had the biggest crush on you for some time now Don,” you admitted, if you were gonna confess you might as well lay it all out on the table so he could reject you properly. Donnie’s heart stuttered, then kicked into high gear. “That makes two of us,” he whispered. Your mouth dropped open and then you hastily closed it, “are you sure? don’t you think it’s the side effect of the potion somehow?” you sighed thinking the worst before letting your hopes get too high. “I’m one hundred percent positive, because I liked you before the potion Y/n,”
You jumped up to your feet suddenly. Running over to your record player. “What’re you doing?” Donnie laughed, watching you flit around the room as you dimmed the lights. “Setting the mood!” You turned and winked at him seductively and his mind went blank. It must’ve shown on his face because you giggled and came back to him, reaching for his hands hesitantly, “I made a promise, would you like to dance?”
Donnie met your hands, your fingers intertwining with his. He rose to his feet, the music started playing and the volume climbed until it was all he could hear. It was like a movie, he was in a romcom, and he was enjoying it. He smiled, “I love dancing” he said as the two of swayed to the beat. You smiled up at him, a twinkle in your eyes as if you knew something he didn’t, “we’ll just have to do this again sometime then!”
It was like he was experiencing deja vu and he connected the dots. Finally it was like his mind cleared and he could remember everything clearly without having to be told. He knew what to say next as he smirked, “you promise?” and you laughed seeing the recognition in Donnie’s face. “Of course! I can’t imagine dancing with anyone else,” and the two of you moved closer together, enjoying the moment, feeling more than giddy. “I like you,” Donnie said kissing your temple, you flushed, tilting your head upwards, “I like you too so so much!” You gushed and surged forward capturing his lips. His hands moved up to your face, cradling it carefully, he was so gentle, so loving. It was everything you had dreamed of and more~~~
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soradragon · 5 years ago
Sugary Comfort
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Art’s not mine I found it and credit goes to the wonderful owners of this master piece of a drawing!
First Mikey x reader! I am proud and content with this one!
Thank you my sweet new beta reader for helping me edit this fic I love u and your amazing! <3
Warnings: sensory overstimulation in the beginning, lots of fluff, one pun
Mikey x f! reader
Check out my main masterlist if you liked what you read and wanna read more!
If you want to be tagged in the upcoming fics don’t be afraid to ask me! ^^
Anyway, enjoy^^
You gazed at the reflection of a girl. She looked utterly exhausted; bags under her eyes like she hasn't slept in ages. 
Her lips were tilted up in a sneer; it was evident that she was repressing the urge to scream. But instead of giving in to the voice begging her to do just that, she drove her foot through the water's surface. Not only disfiguring the reflection of the girl, but also dirtying the dress you nitpickingly chose to wear this day. At the time you felt beautiful wearing it. Proud that you chose the right clothes to fit with the dress, completing the look you wanted.
Now, you just didn't care.
You didn't feel pretty nor proud.
You choked out a sob, rubbing the back of your hand against your face harshly.
You wanted all the white noise to stop, wanted the crying to stop, wanted the searing headache to stop. Why couldn't time freeze? Then, maybe the chaos in your head would finally end.
You had tried everything you knew that normally should have worked. Out of all of the times for those methods not to work, why did it precisely choose now when it actually matters?
You followed all the steps. You even rehearsed the steps as you did them.
Step one: When you feel an episode coming, go to a quiet place with dull, even colours. 
You had almost dropped your project when you felt everything becoming overwhelming, muttering an explanation to your teacher before almost booking out of the school building, to the most calming place you could recall; the park.
Step two: Once you have found a quiet place, go sit down and use your headphones to block out all of the sounds.
The headphones did not work.
Your never-ending trains of thoughts took the place of the noise and multiplied it by two. 
Images that flashed before your eyes every time you closed them were too bright. You were unable to figure out the meanings behind the words your mind screamed at you. 
All of it only worsened the already painful headache.
After only a moment you tore the headphones from your head.
Step three: Try even your breathing, and count to ten to ground yourself.
This was the only step that worked. You managed to calm yourself and stop your ragged breathing but it took effort. It took two attempts of counting to ten before it succeeded.
This whole fiasco petered you out mentally and physically. You just wanted this unnecessary sensory to decrease and quiet down to at least a tolerable level. But alas, the world did not want to cooperate this time.
You sighed, casting your gaze to the heavens. 
The sky was beautiful this evening - painted in orange and pink - and you would have taken the time to admire it, had it been in a different situation.
After hearing a familiar yet obnoxious 'ping' coming from within your bag, you cursed under your breath. You snatched your bag from behind you crudely, zipping it open with a huff. As you turned it on, you flinched at the bright light of your screen.
One unread message from 'Mom.'
She was worried sick no doubt. You felt guilty for worrying her, and wanted to reassure her that yes, you were safe, but felt like trash and were in the middle of an episode that wouldn't stop. No matter how hard you tried, all the obnoxious and illogical sensory your brain's been picking up did not stop. Though, on the other hand, you just wanted to ignore the message and skip the whole situation of explaining everything altogether and just turn off the screen and put notifications on mute. You sent a quick 'k' to whatever she had messaged you and moved on to the mute button.
Your finger hovered above it when a notification popped up, causing you to hesitate.
One new message from 'The great Mikester dude!'
Without thinking, you pressed on the notification, staring with big eyes at the message he had sent you: Guess who and where dudette. :P
"Mikey." You gasped out, manoeuvring your head in all kinds of directions, eyes skimming all over the park, trying to find the one in question. You felt the tingling and buzzing feeling of hope and glee pool in your body, replacing the sadness and anger.
All problems were forgotten or pushed to the back of your mind.
The white noise died down suddenly when you heard a low thud and the slight rustling of leaves. 
There was no other explanation; they were here...You were sure of it. 
Only they could stop the chaos when everything else failed, though you didn't know how, nor the logic in it. 
You guessed it had something to do with their ninja nature or something. (Even though Donnie told you multiple times that it might have been because of the aura they carried with, them, being half turtle and all that jazz had its side effects on some humans, like how a pet could soothe its owner simply by being near them. You still blamed it on them being ninjas.)
With your mind settled down, you could think clearly again. 
You briefly acknowledged the fact that you most certainly were a dishevelled mess. Puffy eyes from crying, clothes covered in mud, and hair all over the place, considering that you've pulled and tangled your hair in frustration. Despite all of this, you didn't care.
You were too busy thinking of a plan to lure them - you guessed it was all of them, though it could be only Mikey - out of their hiding place.
You accidentally placed your hand on your phone, making it vibrate, and your hand shot back as if it had burned you. A few seconds after, a song piped up.  A lot of curses could be heard from the tree where the music came from, the leaves rustled like no tomorrow. Mikey fell out of said tree not long after, hitting the ground with an 'oof' followed by a groan. You stared at Mikey for a couple of seconds before doubling over in laughter as the realisation hit you:
You had accidentally called Mikey!
Well, it sure helped you find him!
You counted that as a win on your part. And it seemed that Mikey was on his own, for normally one of the brothers, cough Raph cough would have jumped out from their hiding place and scolded Mikey.
He rolled into a sitting position, giggling with you.
"Yo, dudette! Fancy seeing you here. Don't mind me dropping in," he said, peering at you with an expecting smile, seeming to wait for a reaction. 
It took you a hot second or two for you to catch on, eventually groaning at the pun and face-palming yourself for your delayed comprehension. He did jazz hands and everything.
The great ninja Michelangelo just punned...
You wanted to kick yourself, you completely forgot that April had warned you about Mikey using puns. She had messaged you not too long ago about how it was a "Big" (with capital B) mistake of Casey to teach Mikey "The Art of puns." For Mikey had become obsessed with them. - Throughout the whole exchange, Casey had managed to steal April’s phone a few times and messaged you some words. Three guesses which one was Casey’s input on the matter. - 
You had no clue what they meant with "mistake" throughout that whole exchange. 
You appreciated a good pun.
This was not a good pun. 
You could just imagine the brothers’ reactions to Mikey's newfound fixation: Raph screaming desperately for Mikey to shut up. Donnie being hella annoyed with something pressed against his (ears?) to drown Mikey out. Leo would definitely try to ignore him, probably without success, because you knew...oh, you knew Mikey would take every chance he got to make a pun.
Your heart went out for them. Needing to go through such torture was horrid, yet it was a funny sight to be completely honest. Not that you would ever tell them, heavens no.
You were not going to poke three bears with a stick - in this case, mutant turtles. You were not ready to die three separate times.
"Dude, that was so bad,” you said, making a face as if you had just been forced to smell Raph's feet. You still regret going through with that bet.
Mikey frowned, throwing his hands in the air. You knew he wasn't really offended, just a bit pouty.
"It's the truth, dude," you retorted absentmindedly, casting your gaze from left to the right before it rested on your bag. Smiling slightly, you snatched it, hauling it over your back before turning back to Mikey who sat contently against the tree. 
"But," you emphasised the word by pointing your index finger in the air, "you can get better,” your grin widened as you spoke.
 “And I, Y/N, know how it's really done."
Mikey's pout vanished and a wide, child-like grin overtook his face. You had his full attention, as he observed you expectantly from his cross-legged position. 
The long uncut grass rippled towards and caressed Mikey, the blades of green curling slightly forward and creating an image of what looked like nature sheltering Mikey from the harsh reality outside of this garden of paradise. 
The green-filled branches of the tree hovered above him, leaves gliding down every now and again, covering Mikey in small dapples of shadow.
Dusk's hew engulfed the image before you in a soft purple radiance. Mikey's skin practically glowed, making him look like a forest fairy.
It was a captivating sight. 
You could mistake it for a painted fairy tale that had come to life. Whoever the painter was had made sure that each tiny detail captured the magic and beauty of the image before you.
A magic-filled world coexisting in the harsh one you stood in... what you wouldn't give to cast all worries aside and join that world.
You were so lost in the moment that you almost forgot to continue.
Shaking yourself free from the enchanting sight, you carried on, albeit flustered, "a-and I could, um, teach you a thing or two. If...If you want me to, that is."
Mikey almost jumped right in your face before the words had completely left your mouth. There were practically stars in his eyes! He actually looked really adorable.
"Really!? You would!? Y/N, you are the best!!"
Mikey engulfed you into a hug, his body nearly covering your entire body from the world.
You gave a chuckle as he kept his arms circled around you, letting you sit in his lap. You didn't mind at all, feeling cosy in his arms.
"Of course I would Mikester. It would be my pleasure!"
You raised your hands to Mikey's cheeks, giving them a couple of pats before you continued.
"That way, you have a reason to end patrol earlier so we can spend more time together," and it would give the others a break from the barrage of bad puns, but you didn't voice that out loud. 
Mikey seemed to agree. He didn't waste any time to establish when and where this 'class-session', as he called it, would be taking place. He wanted it to become, without a shadow of a doubt, a weekly thing, like movie night at the turtles’ place with everyone.
Mentioning movie night brought up some nasty memories of last time -the movie night itself wasn’t bad, just one of your episodes got out of hand -  and Mikey changed the subject promptly after seeing you wince slightly. 
He told you about all kinds of new skateboard tricks he mastered and invented.
After a little while - when everything had been said about skateboarding - Mikey started to eagerly talk about random topics, bringing up stuff like how his training went this morning or what he encountered on patrol. Just little things to draw more time spending in this position. You kept in mind that this peaceful moment couldn't last forever, for both of you would have to separate sooner rather than later. 
You needed to go home to your no doubt worried sick parents, before they would start search parties. And Mikey...had to wait till the next time you two could hang out. (Which wasn't as often as both of you desired)
You listened to his voice silently, only humming a reply whenever Mikey asked for your opinion, snuggling deeper into his embrace as you lost track of time. Drowsiness tugged at your consciousness, beckoning you to close your eyes and let sleep take over. The way Mikey held you close to him made you feel loved and safe, with you resting your head against his chest to hear his heartbeat. He rubbed soothing circles on your left shoulder with one hand, making it impossible to resist the urge to let sleep take you away to dreamland. 
You vaguely heard Mikey's voice murmur in your ear, "Sweet dreams, sugar muffin..." You felt soft lips brush against your forehead before sleep took you over.
Michelangelo stayed seated for a little while longer, looking at your sleeping form with loving eyes. If the world would have let him, he would have stayed like this forever. Alas, the moment was broken when your mobile pinged inside your bag, vibrating like crazy.
Mikey panicked. Jumping to his feet (surprisingly without stirring you) without thinking. He opened your bag in such haste he had almost dropped you trying to grab the vibrating phone before it would wake you.
He sighed in relief when the phone stopped its obnoxious buzzing after he managed to keep you from falling. He shifted you gently onto one arm to hold you delicately, yet tightly to his chest, as if he was protecting you from the world around you.
Once he made sure you were nestled comfortably in his hold,  he glanced towards the device lying in his palm. Mikey held it at an arm's length.
One question drifted inside his mind: Who in their right mind would call you this late in the evening?
It was a question where he could get an answer, but Mikey didn't want to pry into your private life without your permission.
But the curiosity gnawed at him like he would do with pizza.
He shook his head and chastised himself for goggling the device longingly. "No, bad Mikey...Be the better man, you can do this," he muttered, moving to put the phone in your bag until your phone buzzed again, displaying the number of notifications on the lit-up screen.
It made him halt in his tracks. 
Mikey knew you were having a bad day today. After all, he saw you crying by the pond in the centre of the park. It was a mere coincidence, patrolling around the park at the time. He had seen you crying and decided right then and there that he would cheer you up. But he had no idea you had that kind of bad day. 
There were seven unread messages and three missed calls from your mother. All of them showed how worried she was about you, asking where you were and if you had one of your sensory overstimulation episodes.
Without really thinking about it, he typed a reply to your mother: Batteries died, was with a friend. Coming home through the fire escape forgot keys.
It wasn’t a  grammatically correct message, he knew. It was the best he could do with one hand and one thick tumb.
Mikey glanced towards you with gentle eyes and a soft smile after sending the message and put your phone back in your bag.
He moved you gently, holding you with both arms again and cradling you against his chest.
You, in turn, stirred and snuggled deeper into Mikey's chest, making his heart soar.
"Time to get you home, sugar muffins..." he whispered softly, brushing a couple of stray hairs out of your face.
Mikey moved swiftly yet precisely, ensuring you did not wake or feel uncomfortable during roof-top-hopping. You needed all the rest you could get; the bags under your eyes made him even more certain of the fact.
Your home came into Mikey's field of vision far too soon. Opening the window and laying you softly onto your bed felt too fast for his taste.
Mikey took extra care to tuck you in. He even attached a little note to your bag for you to find when you would wake up. 
He really wanted to stay longer, but the sound of your parents coming up the stairs told him it was time to go. He opened the door of your room slightly so your parents would know you were home. Michelangelo climbed through the window before your parents could see him.
He watched your parents turn on the light from a rooftop across your window. Your dad gave you an extra blanket before the two of them turned off the light and left your room.
Mikey stayed there on the rooftop for a little while longer before leaving, looking over his shoulder one last time and then he sprinted over the rooftops towards home.
You found the note the next day. You smiled brightly at the words hastily scribbled on the pape. You texted Mikey a reply before you went to look out your window. Your eyes draw towards the morning sky, which was painted in a soft orange hue.  
You repeated the words inside your head, making you excited for the next time you would see your turtle in orange...
Yoo, dudette! Can't wait for the pun-session upcoming Friday! 
I'll pick you up at ten alright? It's a date! ;) <3
Thank you for reading, and keep soaring high!^^
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aros001 · 3 years ago
Read through light novel vol. 15. Random thoughts.
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Well, I just found one of my favorite volumes of this series. For all the right and wrong reasons.
There is a certain trope or term I've heard of for comedy. Where a joke or skit can be really funny but can also go a little too far with the performance to where it can be a little annoying. But there are also plenty of times where the joke/skit takes it even FURTHER than that and it circles back around to being funny again. Naofumi with Raph-chan is a little like that. His love for the little furball was cute and funny at first, then it became a little odd and maybe a little cringey, and now it's gone to such an extreme that it's circled back to funny again, with the Shield hero now commanding a legion of Raph-chans. Also, Naofumi and Ruft bonding over Raph-chan is genuinely really sweet. Between that, how much he clings to Naofumi (or Raph-chan) when he's scared, and just the liking he's taken to the kid, I think Naofumi has definitely found his son figure. Honestly their relationship feels a little more parent and child than even Naofumi and child Raphtalia's was and it took me a bit before I figured out why that was, at least for me.
Naofumi was very parental to Raphtalia and does still somewhat think of her as his daughter. However, when they first met it was also a situation where Raphtalia had to grow up very quickly, and not just physically through leveling. She was bought as a slave and didn't want to go back to the trader. She wanted to fight back against the things that took her family and village from her. She wanted to be Naofumi's sword. She was the sole reason he could gain any significant experience and level up into the Shield Hero he needed to be. The romantic feelings she gained for him were almost certainly a factor but overall, for her sake and his, staying a child, staying as someone's daughter, was not an option. What Naofumi needed wasn't a daughter but a partner. Someone he could lean on and trust.
With Ruft, there is no need for him to grow up quite yet. Yes, Naofumi took him to the village so he could get some experience with the real world and he does plan on toughening him up, but Naofumi is not dependent on Ruft like he was Raphtalia. There's no pressure for Ruft to grow up because Naofumi and everyone else will be fine regardless, so he has more freedom to be a kid. And unlike Filo and the village kids, he doesn't have the added complication of also being Naofumi's slave. Naofumi can treat him and care for him like a kid.
Side note, but is it weird that, even though I know he's related to Raphtalia, before I finally was given an image of him I kept on imagining Ruft looking like Gohan from the very beginning of Dragon Ball Z? Chinese Emperor clothes and all. It feels a little unintentionally racist of me given that Q'ten Lo is meant to resemble isolationist period Japan.
“The Bow Hero mentioned that he has a skill which allows him to scout out the surrounding area from a higher vantage point,” Raphtalia recalled. Itsuki said that? I mean, he was the Bow Hero. It wouldn’t be strange for him to have a skill that allowed him to search for distant targets. That sounded like quite a convenient skill too.
I'm glad about this little detail. I was just saying in the last volume that it felt like the other three heroes didn't seem to have any abilities that weren't directly attack-based. And then later with the hero conference we get even more added to their arsenals beyond just "attack, big attack, and bigger attack" like they'd been showing up until now. Before it felt like the other three could be a bit interchangeable in battle with Naofumi, as it's three attackers and one defender, with range being the only difference. But now, between the four of them, it's a good mix of attack, defense, support, healing, and debuffs. The Four Holy Heroes actually work as a party together.
“R-Raphtalia. Brother. I just want to go and see Master Naofumi! Move aside,” Atla stated.
“No,” Raphtalia replied.
“Never,” replied her brother.
“Raph!” barked a horde of Raphs.
I can hear the freaking echo! I'm dying!
“To be more accurate, they are filolials who act like mountain bandits, attacking wagons carrying off goods and stuff like that,” Melty continued.
“Hold on a moment. What the hell is going on then? And—” I finished my thought in my head. If this was the issue that Fitoria wanted help with, then . . . “You’re telling me filolials fight over wagons?”
“Yes. That’s what I’ve been told,” Melty confirmed. Uwah! So she wanted me to resolve some kind of turf war? If these were wild filolials, they weren’t going to go down without a fight.
“The loser has to give their wagon to the winner,” Melty explained. “Also, if it’s the season of love, they can only find love by defeating their opponent.” What were they, hermit crabs?
This is going exactly where I think it's going, isn't it?
[Two chapters later]
“It’s been a while, father-in-law. It’s me, I say, Motoyasu the street racer!”
I get Motoyasu is under the effect of his curse series but...it's just so hard to like this guy. It was even before Witch betrayed him and his curse activated. Especially when he uses his Temptation ability to "show Filo his love", basically trying to force her into loving him. Thank goodness it didn't work and that Raph-chan can clear away the effects it did have. Naofumi could stand to be more considerate of Raphtalia when it comes to the Raphs but Motoyasu has been straight up harassing Filo. He tried to keep her trapped in her "angel" form when rescuing her from Naofumi's "brainwashing" and probably was going to keep her that way forever if Witch didn't have her "accidentally" killed along with Melty when removing the brainwashing. I'm pretty sure she was the main person he wanted to peep on in the baths at Cal Mira. He stole her favorite wagon and transformed it into...that. And then there's the shape of...
I'd heard a rumor but...
I thought it was a web novel thing!
Or...god, what if it's not a dildo?!
“I’m taking your daughter. Using my Lust Envy Spear IV,” Motoyasu exclaimed. God. This was all depressing me intently.
“Filo-tan! I will stop you and take your purity!” Motoyasu thrust his spear at Filo.
“Boo!” She wasn’t interested. Then I noticed what he was pointing at. Below the waist, shall we say.
....................Kill him. Kill him. F**king kill him. I don't care about the consequences to the world. Kill him. Kill him now. Have Aura and Mare come over from Overlord and Iris come over from Konosuba. They'll all team up with Filo so that the lolis he loves so much can snap his f**king neck.
I get he's under the effects of a curse (two curses even; lust and envy) but he's almost everything he and Witch accused Naofumi of being. He's brainwashing people and an attempted rapist. All he's missing is abusing his slaves and kidnapping Melty.
...F**k. Okay, back to reality.
So Quirks exist in Itsuki's universe? Last volume I made a comparison between Motoyasu #2 and Bakugo from My Hero Academia because they fit similar tropes for me, but in terms of actual backstory and character, Itsuki is definitely the better comparison. Thought he was special in elementary school because of his powers but got slapped with a bit of reality upon entering the special school for powers. For both of them, this fed into an inferiority complex. It does also add more to Itsuki's hero complex. Bakugo's Quirk and natural talents had him overpraised from youth, leading him to fear the failure of living up to expectations of him. For Itsuki, it goes a little the other way, where his expectations for himself were high, got shattered because the powers above his level were much greater and thus nothing was expected to become of him in comparison, and so he fell into console games where he could be important and the main character for once.
None of this forgives how he treated Rishia but I'd still rather have this understanding and explanation of his character than not. He and Trash have a slightly similar problem for me, and it's not the story's fault. Itsuki's curse has left him pretty fried and emotionless, though it's slowly coming back to him. He hasn't really had a chance to redeem himself. He's working to better himself, yes, but he's also in a state where he'll do everything he's told. He had a nice, split-second apology to Rishia he managed to get out but that's about it. Similarly with Trash, he and Itsuki have sympathetic backstories but he is so lost in his hatred the Shield Hero, Siltvelt, and a few other things that he has not taken responsibility or shown remorse for any of the things that had happened because of him, including his youngest daughter nearly being killed multiple times. Before he was half-crazy and now after meeting Alta and Fohl he just seems withered away and beaten. Trash and Itsuki's situations are sympathetic but they've yet to do anything that puts me on their side beyond basic human empathy and pity.
Compare that to Ren, whom I'm glad I quite like now. He never did anything as bad as Trash or Itsuki, nor does he have as tragic a backstory as either (that's been told to us yet anyway), but he still felt remorse for the bad things he did do and has actively worked to try and make up for them or make certain they don't happen again, because he knows he screwed up. I'm not just supposed to pity him. Like with Naofumi, I'm supposed to see him rise and he does, at several points in this volume being very helpful to very heroic. And I like how he and Naofumi contrast with each other without completely butting heads like stubborn bulls, like over the bandits for justice. They're both heroes but Ren is working hard to be a real hero to make up for the lack of one he was before, while Naofumi outright sees himself as a bad person, that all his good deeds are for selfish motivations and that he's not deserving of being hailed as a hero to begin with.
Well, I think that was all I was going to talk about. Yes sir.
..............................Alta on the cover. Alta on the inner art and quote page. Most of this book being about Fohl's fear over Alta's safety. There were so many red flags you'd think the Phoenix's explosion broke the fourth wall and set fire to the pages themselves.
Yeah, this death was better than Ost's. Ost's death still worked despite her short time with Naofumi's party because there was still emotion during that time and she still is often referenced, remembered, and mourned for even in volumes well after her death, so it feels less cheap and manipulative and more like it actually meant something. With Alta though, it's not just better just because we knew her longer (though that's certainly a factor) but because of the effect on the main characters, especially Naofumi. The raw pain, the denial, the begging, the self-blame, the sheer seething anger, the emptiness. Even the way it's written when she first jumps in the way and after the attack finally ends, it feels like the aftermath of a grenade. Everything is blurred and shaky, everything is silenced except for the ringing in his ears and its not entirely clear what's going on, only that something bad just happened. Naofumi runs through every emotion you'd want from someone like him and it has an even more personal meaning than that. Alta sacrificing herself for him gave Naofumi a bit of a hard slap in the face as to what everyone he cares about would feel if he sacrificed himself for them, which he's tried doing a few time already. It was a very good send-off for Alta.
This was also both the best and worst time for Naofumi to finally be told outright that Raphtalia loves him. Looking forward to either loving or being very frustrated with where this goes. Though regardless, that final art of them just hugging and crying it out is going to hold a special place in my heart.
Trash was apparently the Seven Star Staff Hero. I’d never seen him holding the staff and honestly wondered if the original king was dead and this was just a doppelganger.
Just where was he hiding the Seven Star Staff?
After the dildo spear, please don't ask me to imagine where Trash hides his staff.
Original Reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/shieldbro/comments/fndipx/read_through_light_novel_vol_15_random_thoughts/
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wumpusandzandii · 6 years ago
Science and Progress: Chapter One
TMNT Human!AU Storyline for Donatello x Lily
Chapter One
Being part of a large family was a blessing and a curse. Everyone seems to fill a roll, and the family rolls on like a machine, sometimes well-oiled, sometimes like a train wreck, depending on the day. When that roll is the one that has family members asking for help, whether it be answering questions or fixing things, the feeling is amplified. There is a sense of validation with being able to help, to sometimes have answers to problems before they even became an issue. On the flip side of that coin, it can mean that simple problems easily solved by common sense or a quick Google search are often presented, and pile up over time.
Such was Donatello’s day, and it wasn’t even noon yet. Their morning training had been over for a while, but there were still hours to go before their afternoon classes. Splinter had left on one of his walks, and the home situation had devolved quickly thereafter. All he wanted to do was sit at his computers and get some research done on possible upgrades to his holo, but it was nearly impossible with his brothers in the same space. Leo and Raph were arguing, which was not at all a shocking surprise, but certainly a weary annoyance. Mikey had taken the opportunity to play his video games at full volume without his headphones on so he “could still talk to everyone,” which, with the other two bickering, meant talking to *him*. He tried keeping his headphones on to tune it all out, but Mikey had started throwing things when he didn’t answer, so the headphones only caused more trouble than they were worth.
“You’re missing the entire point, we need you here more,” Leo tried to reason, his voice as strained as his patience.
“Jesus Christ, Leo, I’m a phone call away. I have my gear, it’s not that far,” Raph snapped back loudly. “I’m not a fuckin’ kid.”
“I’m not saying you are! I’m saying we need you here, ready to go, just in case. It made sense while Stacey was healing up, but she’s in her new place and Donnie has it all set up. It’s been months. It’s time to get back to normal,” Leo argued, and Donnie winced to himself. He’d been waiting for that bomb to drop their entire argument, and there it was. If there was one surefire way to set Raph off ever, it was to bring her up in any kind of negative aspect. Surely Leo knew that, had to have known it wouldn’t gain him any ground, so he wasn’t sure why he took that route.
“Maybe it is my new normal,” Raph hissed, his voice lowering to dangerous levels.
“Hey Donnie,” Mikey piped up over the loud crashing and sound effects of his game. “Do you know if there are any new texture packs or skins I can add to this? Like, it’d be totally awesome if I could put a different skin over the boss, make killing him funny. Like a Kardashian, boom, the lips explode or something.”
Pinching the bridge of his nose and resting his elbows against the desk, Donnie sighed heavily. “I don’t know, Mikey,” he said in a long suffering tone. “Why don’t you look it up?”
“Because you’re right therrrre,” he begged, looking over the back of the couch with a pout and batting his eyes. “Hey, maybe you could show me how to do it? Then we could make a Shredder skin or something, crush his helmet against his crotch.”
Donnie couldn’t think of much else he’d have less patience for right at that moment, than trying to teach Mikey how to code, let alone create skins. “It’s not quite that simple-”
“I’m gonna spend as much time as I damn well please with her, and there ain’t a damn thing you can do about it! You ain’t the boss of my life!”
“No, but I am the leader of this time, and not having you available puts everyone else at increased risk and responsibility, just so can go sleep with-”
“Don’t you dare fuckin’ finish that sentence, Leo, or I’m gonna finish it for you.”
“If it’s not that simple, maybe you could just do it for me? I could totally write a list of people or characters that it would be cool to have skins of, and then you could just bleep bloop do your thing, no trouble!”
“Mikey, I have more important things to do-”
“Is that a threat?” Leo snarled.
“If it needs to be.”
“What could be more important than creating a Kraang mega boss that I could shoot to pieces? I mean, just think about the glory and beauty of it!”
“Fucking Merlin’s beard!” Donnie cursed, shoving his rolling chair back away from his desk and lurching up onto his feet. “What the hell is wrong with all of you? Can’t you just be normal or at the very least *quiet* for five damn minutes? I understand the hashi now, and why dad leaves to go walk by himself. I used to think it was for reflection and meditation, but it’s gotta be to GET AWAY FROM YOU!”
Storming into his room, he grabbed up his messenger bag, stuffed his laptop into it angrily. Pulling on the first hoodie he found, he slung the bag on and marched out of his room, straight towards the door. The room had fallen silent, he noted with sardonic irony.
“Hey, where are you going?” Mikey asked, sounding a little hurt.
“To the library, where they *force* people to be quiet!” he snapped, slamming the door behind him.
Forgoing any public form of transportation, Donnie decided to walk to the library. It was a decent distance away, but not so much to be excessive. In any case, he figured giving himself time to cool off before he got there was probably a good idea. It was difficult to focus when he was that agitated, and it would simply ruin the entire reason he was leaving in the first place. In further thought, he figured it was probably a good thing to get out, it might give him a different perspective on ideas than usual. The fresh air certainly didn’t hurt anything, either.
Upon arriving, he skipped up the steps, feeling lighter already than he had upon leaving. It had been far too long since he’d been in the library, perused the shelves, let the scent of the pages and old leather bindings suffuse his senses. Walking a little taller as he pushed through the front doors, instantly feeling the atmosphere change for the better. He couldn’t help but smile to himself, taking a deep relieving breath and wandering off to check the shelves.
Time could either stand still in the library or pass by a shooting star, quickly disappearing if oblivious to the large grandfather clock at the top of the stairs. Nearly using all of her spare time to be there, it was slowly becoming a second home, along with the lecture halls and computer labs at the university. Her own bed now a little foreign as she rarely had time to spare even on sleeping. Surrounded by folders and books, countless scrap pieces of paper and notebooks, Lily busied herself away with her coursework. Chasing the always just out of reach dream to be a veterinarian, she found herself chasing her tail to catch up, especially after joining the semester late due to moving. New York was the city of dreams, or so she was told, and moving there had been a huge decision. One she was hoping she wouldn’t regret. Finding her groove that day while listening to music quietly in her headphones, her focus solely on her work, she happily bobbed away in her seat. Her bright red hair bounced against her shoulders, loosely sectioned into pigtails with ribbon that matched her pale grey cardigan. It wasn’t a cold day, but the large hall had a chill running through it, meaning wearing just a dress was a poor idea and needed something across her shoulders to keep the chill off her pale skin. Being a frequent visitor as of late, Lily could happily leave her stuff unattended on the table knowing the staff flitting around amongst the endless rows of bookshelves would keep an eye on it for her.
Tapping her pen against her hand, she pulled the cap off the end and clicked it back on, doing so in time with the beat before sitting back. Adjusting her glasses with a gentle push of her fingertips, she nodded to herself, happy with what she had just written before moving to stand up. Thankful her mother was a seamstress, she plopped her phone into her skirt pocket, neatening the frills before pushing her chair in, careful not to make any noise since she couldn’t fully hear herself with headphones on. Checking her notes again quickly, she tottered off into the maze of shelves, beginning her hunt for a specific unit in the science section. Luckily she knew the cover of the book well, but that didn’t stop it being a grande task, especially at her height. Even the slight heel on her shoes didn’t give her much advantage. Pouting she regretted putting the book away earlier, knowing it was likely put back on a higher shelf, making it even harder for her to find.
As Donnie perused for books, a few texts already beneath his arm, he found himself with company in the next aisle. Well over a foot shorter than himself, especially once he noted the high heels that were lifted off the floor as she ran a finger over bindings well over her head, he could tell she was having some difficulty. He walked up slowly, just in case she didn’t notice him with her headphones in. Her red hair bobbed against her shoulders as she dropped back down onto her heels, hands on her hips as she sighed heavily. A bright, open, kind face greeted him as she started to look around, and he gave her a little finger wave before pointing up at the shelves above her hesitantly.
Tugging out her earbuds, she fussed with stuffing them into a skirt pocket before looking back up at him shyly. “I’m so sorry to bother you, but would you mind helping me get a book?”
“Not at all,” he responded kindly, smiling softly. She was adorable, like a little pixie wandering the science shelves. It sounded like the beginning of a fantasy novel. “Which one are you looking for?”
“Oh thank you,” she sighed in relief, her nose crinkling her freckles as she thought. “It was ‘Germ-free Life and Gnotobiology.’ I’m so sorry to ask, you probably get that a lot, being so tall.”
“Oh, I don’t mind,” he admitted, for the first time that day feeling genuinely helpful and not simply convenient. Scanning the bindings, he quickly found it, scanning the cover before passing it down to her. “Are you doing research for laboratory work?”
“Oh no,” she answered, taking the book gently and hugging it against her chest. “I mean, thank you. But no, it’s a research paper for veterinary class. It’s looking over the way gnotobiotes are born, raised and taken care of in laboratory settings. Um, specifically how their immune systems are poor if they stay there, but some animals like pigs have better immune systems if they’re born in the germ-free environment and introduced to the outside environments. But oh my gosh. I’m so sorry, you probably didn’t need that much information just for pulling a book down. I get carried away.”
Chuckling a little, he couldn’t help but relate with her, and felt bad that she was apologizing for something he did himself on the daily. At the same time, the way she blushed made her even more cute. “I do that sometimes, too. Please don’t apologize, I actually find the topic very interesting. I’ve done some research on it myself.”
“Really?” she asked, her bright eyes going wide and seeming to light up. “What for?”
Realizing he hadn’t thought it through entirely, Donnie struggled with wondering if it would seem pretentious to admit ‘just because.’ Rubbing the back of his neck, he shrugged slightly, answering, “Personal research? I found another text that went into great detail, and wait, you know what? It was published more recently than that one, and it might have more relevant information for you.”
Hastily, he scanned the shelves, trying to remember where he had found it. “Ah!” he proclaimed, plucking off the shelf victoriously, bringing it back to her. “Gnotobiotics. They go into greater detail about inflammatory bowel diseases and intestinal immunity.”
“I didn’t know about this one, thank you,” she murmured, looking over it carefully, seemingly dwarfed by the two textbooks.
“If it’s useful! I’m not sure. I just remembered it,” Donnie stammered, suddenly feeling self-conscious. “If not, I can just stick it back up for you.”
Getting caught in trying to memorize the name of the author, she turned back up to him with wide eyes before hugging the book to herself. “Oh no no! I’ll definitely look at it too! Just so many names and words to remember now...” she chirped, adjusting the rather large books in her delicate hands. “The more the merrier I guess!” she added, swaying a little as she did, trying not to seem awkward but making herself look even more so by doing so. Catching the way he looked down at her, an endearing smile on his lips, she looked down at her feet. “Thank you. Sorry again for distracting you from your browsing.” Knowing her pale skin was igniting into a deep blush, she wanted to just hide away in her coursework again but couldn’t move her feet that were now cemented to the floor. “It’s really no trouble, honest, I haven’t even gotten an idea as to what I’m looking for myself yet.”
Not knowing how to excuse herself without seeming rude or just plain weird, she stammered, trying to think of something. As much as running out of any form of social interaction was her usual, keeping occupied with research and studying, something about the kindness and warmth in his eyes made her want to try. Maybe actually talking to someone and making friends wouldn’t be so bad. It’d be a welcome distraction. Maybe he could even help her. “Uhm... are you a student too?” Glancing at his bag and noticing he had some books in his hands, Lily couldn’t help but wonder now his reasoning for being there, if he had said he hadn’t an idea for something to read. Maybe it was just for personal enjoyment, maybe he was studying something similar to her. The thought of having someone to study with brought a smile to her lips again, her cheeks a rosy red that nearly matched her hair as she politely awaited his answer.
“No, not exactly,” he answered with a nervous chuckle. Looking at the books around him, he wondered if maybe he had found what he needed to after all. Talking to someone outside of his family, actually face to face couldn’t hurt anything. After all, he’d already done a decent amount of research on the topic she was studying, maybe he could help out, or at least give her someone to bounce ideas off of. If that was even something she was looking for, and not just a way out of an awkward conversation. “I do a lot of freelance work, for various people and companies. It never hurts to keep up to date on research and well… I guess it kinda makes me sound like a horrible nerd, but I actually enjoy it.”
Smiling up at him through her eyelashes, she shook her head. “No, I don’t think that makes you a horrible nerd at all!” she assured him, rocking back on her heels. “Maybe just a very good one?”
Laughing, he ran a hand through his hair, gesturing back at the books in her arms. “Well, I already did a fair amount of that research, maybe I could save you some time? If you want. If you prefer to do your studying in private, I completely understand that.”
“I would *love* some help,” she answered, her shoulders sagging a little with visible relief. “I’ve just been swamped with this course load. I feel like I’m always playing catch up, you know?”
“I think that’s the nature of research, to be frank. Do you already have your stuff set up, or should we find somewhere suitable?”
“Just over here, I left my things. Thank you so much for offering to help… I’m so sorry, I think I forgot to get your name?”
Holding out his hand, he grasped hers in a delicate handshake, surprised at just how tiny it was against his own. “Donatello,” he offered, tipping his head down towards her in a semi-bow, for some reason feeling it was the thing to do. “And to whom do I have the pleasure of meeting?”
“Lilian, but please call me Lily, I don’t like my grandma sounding name.” Giggling as she attempted to give his hand a firm squeeze, she managed to give him eye contact for more than just a few seconds this time.
Tilting her head at him once she took back her hand, needing it to support the large books against her chest, she hummed in thought, narrowing her eyes a little. “Donatello? Like after the Italian artist? Well, of course...I mean there aren’t many Donatello’s..” Giggling again to herself, she grinned up at him, delighted by the sound of him giggling with her. “Well, you’re not wrong. Yes, I am named after him, shame I don’t have the artist talent to go with it.”
Unable to stop herself from smiling up at him, she was losing track of time, forgetting almost about the books she held in her dainty arms or why she was even in the science section anymore. “We can’t have it all, I’m sure you’re talented with something else instead, maybe you’re a master at chess? Who knows!”
Hearing him snort as he laughed was the highlight of her day, her week, her entire year. Her own laugh went higher, joining him until he had to push up his glasses on to his nose. If it wasn’t for the sharp ‘shh’ that came from behind her, Lily would have worked on another way to make him laugh, entirely enamoured with his smile and the light flush of pink across his cheeks and nose.
Jolting a little, she spun around to see the head Librarian, an elderly lady sat at the front desk, scowling at her. “Lilian, this is the first time I’ve ever had to ask you this, but please be quiet. Take your friend and giggle somewhere else.” Lowering her head a little in shame, she mouthed a sorry silently at the lady. Luckily she didn’t take it to heart, smiling and shaking her head at the two of them before waving them off.
Getting to know Lily since she visited so often, the Librarian learnt that she must have not had many friends, or any given the amount of times she saw her reading and working alone. It brought warmth to her heart seeing her with someone, especially a boy similar to her age and clearly with similar interests. Chuckling softly to herself, she made sure to keep an eye on the two of them, curious to see if anything developed of it.
Motioning for Donnie to follow her, she lead him back over to her spot at the large oak tables, gesturing for him to sit at the head just across from her. Careful not to let the books drop heavily against the tabletop, she winced as she sat down, neatening her skirt out before looking over to him like a scolded puppy. “I’m so sorry about that, I’m so embarrassed...such a bad first impression….I promise I’m not a troublemaker..” she whispered, leaning in as she spoke so she was sure he could hear her.
Sitting down after she had seated herself, he waved her off with a smile, swinging his bag into the chair on the other side of himself. She was such a genuine breath of fresh air after his brothers, and their genuine trouble making. It was hard to believe she was genuinely as adorable and sweet as she was, especially in a city like New York that seemed to churn out hard people, people born in trenches and always ready for a fight. “Don’t be embarrassed, it’s been a long time since I got clucked at by a librarian, usually for arguing out loud with a book.”
Covering her mouth as she giggled, he felt himself beaming. Talking with people in general had never been his forte, let alone women, but something about her made it easy. He felt like an entirely different person sitting there with her, and yet more himself than he could remember feeling in a long time. Even with his family, he always felt like the odd man out, his sense of humor awkward and often not understood or appreciated by his brothers.
Quietly, she angled her syllabus towards him along with her notes, written neatly in small, precise cursive. She explained the current assignment requirements, occasionally smoothing her skirt as she talked. Her organization skills were impressive, and she clearly had a solid grasp on the work. To be honest, he sincerely doubted she honestly needed the help, and was likely more of an overachiever like himself, never content with “good enough” and wanting to put forth the best quality possible. He went through it with her, making sure to point out that she had much of the important information already, and flipping through the texts to show her what she still needed. She had few questions, following along readily, and the questions that she did have were clever and insightful.
“I think you’re going to be an incredible veterinarian,” he admitted once they had gotten through a large section of her work. He wasn’t even sure how much time had passed, and for once, he had no inclination to check. “You seem very empathic and you understand the work well. Are you from around here? I can’t say you’re like any native New Yorker I’ve ever met.”
Smiling sweetly at his compliment, Lily looked down at her notepad, bashfully tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear as she did. “Thank you, that means a lot…” Still adorning a rosy complexion due to his presence and encouraging nature, she felt that maybe he’d just assume she was always that pink in the cheek, given she hadn’t stopped blushing the entire time she had met him. Maybe it was just the colour of her hair making it stand out more. At his question of her origin, she rose her head and grinned happily. Shaking her head, she tamed a giggle, still aware of how much noise she was making. “No, actually, I recently moved here a few months ago from Canada. I used to live in Denmark, when I was young - my family is from there. Hence the uhm….red hair…” Rocking side to side, making her hair bounce on her shoulders a little, she mimicked his amused grin.
“My dad works for a company that’s very demanding, moves us around a lot. I had to hold off university for a while because of it, so as always, I’m playing catch up. It’s probably why I don’t have many friends either..” Laughing awkwardly, trailing it off to try and stop her smile fading but failed when she added, “..or any friends for that matter. I keep to myself a lot.” Tapping her pen against her papers, she shook her head a little after a short pause before looking up at him, forcing back on her smile. “How about you? Hailing from Italy?” Giggling, she gently poked at his arm with the capped end, hoping she hadn’t dropped the mood.
Looking down at the pen she had poked him with, he considered what she had said. How many times had his family harassed him for not having enough friends, not getting out enough? Not that he minded keeping to himself, but he just couldn’t imagine someone as bright and cheerful as herself, alone. “I’m not nearly as interesting,” he chuckled with a shrug. “New York, born and raised… raised by my adoptive father, though. My biological parents died in a car accident while I was still in utero, and he was to have been my godfather.”
“Oh my gosh,” she gasped, putting a dainty hand over her mouth in shock. She looked genuinely upset about it, and he had a brief moment of regret of being so upfront about it. He simply viewed it as a fact, having come to terms with it when he was quite young and insisted his father tell him. It hadn’t taken long for him to understand that he and his brothers, especially Raph and Mikey, were not biologically related. “I’m so sorry.”
“Please, don’t be sorry, it’s entirely okay. I was raised in a loving, nurturing environment,” he explained, pushing up his glasses. “I have three brothers, they’re all adopted as well. It’s chaotic sometimes, but that’s family, right?”
“I guess so,” she agreed, her cheeks continuing to be as pink as ever as she shuffled papers around nervously. “I think you’re probably a lot more interesting than you think you are.”
It was his turn to blush again, running his hands through his hair. He was so used to people telling him to shorten whatever he had to say, to make it “English” or simply ignoring that he even existed that the thought was foreign. It was so rarely that he genuinely connected with people, and when he did, it always seemed to be a professor or scientist across the country or even out of the country, their conversations strictly through the digital realm.
“Well,” he said slowly, leaning forward against the table. “I can’t imagine you being a loner or keeping to yourself.”
Slowly packing away her papers, tucking them neatly inside her notepad and marking pages with sticky notes in her newly acquired research books, Lily listened to him intently. Glancing over at him, she smiled, although it’s cheerful glow had faded a little.
“Unfortunately, it’s the truth. I don’t get out much, because of work but...mostly I just choose not to..” she started quietly, not so much from needing to be but more she felt a little down about it, realising how sad it must sound. “I’m not one for going out, drinking or otherwise, the only place other than here or my dorm room is a Starbucks, maybe.”
Closing up her last book after putting her pens away into her bag with the rest of her equipment, she sat neatly up right, perking up again with a bright smile. “Heh, speaking of ...let me buy you a coffee or something? As a thank you for helping me and putting up with me nattering at you for so long...and as a sorry for getting us hushed at.” Shuffling her seat backwards, she stood up, making sure all of her skirt was down and not tucked up in anyway. Shouldering her satchel, brushing her hair away from the strap before taking the full weight of it, wincing a little even when she prepared herself for it. Her mother had always told her if her hair was any longer, she’d fall over, too frail and delicate to carry her own weight sometimes. It didn’t help that Donnie dwarfed her even more.
“Oh, no no, there’s no need for that. I appreciate the offer but-...”
“Actually! I changed my mind. I’m buying you a coffee and you can’t say no.” Once he was stood up, she made sure to give him the most stern look she could, but stuck her tongue out when he looked a little taken back by her order. As his lips curved into a smile, chuckling a little, she had to drop her eyes, looking down at her feet bashfully. “I-I mean...that’s if you’re not….uhm….busy...or want to, that is…”
The sudden surge of confidence she had to tell him what she wanted to do disappeared as quickly as it appeared. He simultaneously gave her confidence and took her breath away, unable to think of a coherent sentence while also giving her all the words under the sun to speak with.
“I’d love to,” he admitted earnestly, hopelessly smiling at how incredibly adorable she was. There wasn’t a fiber in his being that would’ve been able to say no to her, even if he had wanted to. He almost felt grateful for his brothers being so annoying that they drove him from his normally hermit-like behaviors to get out of the house. “But just because I’m enjoying your company, not because I agree that you owe me any kind of thanks or apologies, because you most certainly do not.”
Nodding, she smiled up at him while she fidgeted with the strap of her bag. He wished he was quicker, more smooth like his brothers with social behaviors, especially with women, and would’ve offered to take the bag that must’ve been heavy on her tiny frame. At the same time, he didn’t want to insult her by having her take it off to hand to him, just in case. “I suppose that’s fair enough,” she answered, leading the way out of the library. “Is there a particular place you enjoy?”
Laughing as he held the front door open for her, he shook his head, squinting at the bright sunlight after the muted tones of the library. “My brothers say I’d hook myself up to an IV drip of coffee if I had my way,” he answered, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his hoodie. “And they’re probably right. I pretty much live on the stuff, I don’t tend to be very picky about where it originates.”
“I’d probably hover off the ground if I had that much,” she giggled. He found himself enamored with the way her bright, doe-like eyes sparkled in the sunshine. “There’s a nice little shop just a couple of blocks down though, they have a lovely tea selection, too.”
“I will absolutely defer to your more refined judgement, then.” He listened carefully as she explained her favorite kinds of tea for different occasions or situations as they walked, cataloging the information in his mind for later use. If there was a later use, he reminded himself, keenly aware that he ventures into being social usually didn’t last, especially not when it was women. Still, he found himself hopeful with her, she was different in so many ways, and conversation with her was surprisingly easy. Not once had he noticed her eyes glazing over with boredom or confusion, or had she expressed any desire to end the conversation as quickly as possible to “get away.”
“Here we are!” she chirped, gesturing to the cozy little shop, and he took one long stride to move ahead of her just enough to get the door, gesturing for her to walk through. She giggled, giving him a little curtsy before leading the way in, the rich aroma of coffee swirling out into the air of sidewalk after her.
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