#thank god with two dogs they just chase each other around the yard until they tucker each other out
clamorybus · 2 years
i love both my dogs but maya is such a good girl
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my-emotional-self · 3 years
Pairings: Chris Evans x Reader
Warnings: pure fluff
Request: Dodgers Vet was the cutest story!!!  I do have a request.  Can you do a fluffy store where Chris surprises the reader with a new rescue dog he got for their anniversary or the readers birthday so Dodger could have a sibling?
Requested By: Anonymous
“What about him?” you showed Chris the picture of the adorable Border Collie on your phone.  
“Awww,” Chris cooed as he took in the picture.  “He’s adorable!”  
The two of you had been talking about maybe getting another dog as a sibling for Dodger; but neither of you had jumped the gun yet.  Naturally, you and Chris were looking at rescues around town, knowing that adopting a dog was more important than buying a puppy from a breeder.  
Between all the dogs you had seen on all the rescue websites, you both decided that a medium sized dog would be the smallest you would get.  Dodger was a playful dog, loving to play tug of war and a smaller dog wouldn’t be able to handle that.  
There were so may dogs that needed a loving home and you wished nothing more than to adopt them all; but that just couldn’t happen with your work schedules.  
“Oh my god!” you squealed in delight, shooting up off the bed as you saw the next dog up for adoption.
“What?  What is it?” Chris asked with concern, thinking something was seriously wrong.  
You turned your phone over to Chris, showing him the picture.  “I’m in love with this dog and he seems so perfect!”  You snuggled back down in bed with Chris as you began reading the details aloud.  “Meet Max. Max is an Australian Sheppard and is approximately two years old.  He was dropped off at our shelter because his owners couldn’t handle how much energy he has. Max is great with other dogs and loves to play fetch and tug of war.  He does have a lot of energy, so a fenced in backyard would be a perfect place for him to run around in.”
Your eyes began to water as you read how his owners surrendered him all because of his energy. It made you angry that someone would chose to get a dog, only to get rid of them because they don’t have the time to play with the dog or walk them.
Max was without a doubt a gorgeous dog.  His fur was a mixture of white, black and tan and was a little bit longer than Dodger’s. He sounded like a perfect companion.
“Hey,” Chris spoke softly, kissing your temple.  “Don’t cry. He’s only been there for one day. I’m sure he will get adopted by a wonderful family.”  Little did you know, that Chris had a plan forming in his mind.  “I’ll be right back.  Do you need anything from the kitchen?”
You shook your head, giving him a weak smile.  
Five days later, you came home from work utterly exhausted, but with a smile on your face.  It was your two year anniversary with Chris and you couldn’t be more excited to see him and spend the weekend with him.  The two of you agreed there was no need for presents this year, as Chris being home and able to spend time with you was gift enough.  
Dodger’s paws clacked on the tiled floor as you came into the house.  Bending down, you gripped his face in your hands as he gave you a bunch of kisses.  “It’s so good to see you too boy.  Have you been good for your daddy today while I was at work?  Huh?  Were you?” Dodger barked happily, his tail wagging back and forth as you spoke to him with a baby voice.  
Chris emerged from around the corner, a sly smile on his face.  Getting up onto your feet, you raced to him and lunged into his arms. “Happy two year anniversary baby,” Chris said as he claimed your lips with his in a delicious kiss.  
“Happy anniversary Chris.”
He set you down on the ground, pulling you gently to the patio doors.  “Are you ready for your present?”
Your brows wrinkled. “But I thought you said we weren’t doing any gifts this year.”
Chris shrugged, “Yeah but this is a little something extra special.”  His left hand was placed on your lower back; his right hand on the patio door as he opened it wide.  
Your mouth dropped as you saw none other than Max running wildly around the large backyard.  You knew it was Max immediately, not only from the coloring of his fur, but because of how much energy the dog had.  Over the last week you had insistently devoured as much information on Max as possible.  But two days ago your heart broke when you no longer saw his profile on the shelters website; someone had adopted him.  
“What?  When?  How?” was all you managed to say as you stumbled out the doors.  
“Baby I could tell how badly you wanted him.  I saw how heartbroken you were when you no longer saw his picture on the website and I knew I had made the right choice.”
“But when did you do adopt him?”
“That night you saw his picture, I ran downstairs and called the shelter, asking if they could hold onto him until the next day.  When you left for work, I went in and adopted him and dropped him off at my mother’s house for the rest of the week.”  He chuckled, remembering what his mother had told him.  “The site didn’t lie.  He is a handful of energy.  Ma had a difficult time keeping up with him on walks.”
Tears brimmed your eyes as your arms snaked around his neck. Your lips peppered him with kisses and small whispers of ‘thank you’s’ before running out to greet Max.  
You sat down on the grass in the middle of the yard, waiting for Max to come to you.  Once he saw you sitting there, he happily trotted over to you; tongue hanging out of his mouth.  Extending your hand, you let him sniff you to get to know your scent.  He then practically tackled your body, making you fall backwards onto your back as he gave you kisses, just as Dodger likes to do. “Oh you are a good boy aren’t you buddy?”
Dodger then came running out of the house; Chris coming to sit down next to you on the lawn. The two of you watched merrily as both dogs chased each other around and played together.  Dodger finally had a sibling and you were thrilled to know that another dog got adopted and that he was now in a safe and loving home.    
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sinner-as-saint · 5 years
All My Love.
Chubby! Bucky Barnes AU (One shot)
Run-through: As cliché as it sounds, you found love where it wasn’t supposed to be; in the middle of nowhere.
Themes: FLUFF, smut, Chubby! Bucky.
A/N: This is my first time writing Chubby! Bucky, and I’m nervous as fuck. I hope you like it, horny ballsacks, I love you!
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You sighed in frustration as you helplessly plopped down on the front stairs of the cabin you were staying at.
It was a cozy, decently spacious cabin in the woods, owned by your parents. And they happily gave you the keys after you said you needed to get away for a few days. You needed alone time because you had just gotten out of a 2-year relationship.
Long story short; you and your boyfriend could no longer do the long distance thing anymore. So you decided to go your separate ways. And you needed to heal, and rejuvenate – so you got away from the busy city and your job in the family business. And now you were here, in the middle of nowhere.
 You were frustrated because you couldn’t find your puppy. On your way here, you stopped at a gas station to get food and fill your tank, and right next to the gas station was a shabby pet store. You got curious and visited it.
Long story short again; you stepped out of the pet store with a puppy. It was a mutt, and it was alone – quite like you so you decided it was time to be a dog mom.
 And now, before you could even properly settle into your new, temporary home, your pup – Kenny ran away. The woods were safe, there were no wild animals or anything. And there were quite a lot of cabins not far from where you were but you were still a little worried.
The sun was setting, and the air just got colder and colder.
 “Kenny!” you shouted, obviously it was useless. You just got him, he wasn’t trained or anything and he obviously wouldn’t know that that’s his name.
 Your worry got the best of you, and your dog mom instincts took over; you refused to get back into the cabin without finding your precious fur baby.
You walked around and explored as you went. The area was beautiful, and serene. It was slightly cold, given the season was just beginning to shift from autumn to winter. The whole scene had a golden glow due to the sun which was getting lower and lower.
While admiring the wild flowers and weeds, and simultaneously looking for a little, black and white ball of fur; you heard a voice. One which sounded like it was not so close, but not too far either.
You followed it. It could just be someone who doesn’t live far from your cabin. That, or it could be a serial killer. Either way, you risked it to see if any of that would lead you to your dog. It was getting dark, and cold and you just needed to be inside.
 You walked further; following the voice. At first, you couldn’t make any sense of what the person was saying, but as you approached it you figured it was a male.
 You kept walking and soon found yourself approaching another cabin, a few yards away from your own. The lights were on and by now you were confident that the voice came from here. And you silently prayed that Kenny ran and hid under their porch or something. Else it would just be weird that you were this close to this person’s place with no reason.
Then you saw him.
The mischievous, little black and white brat.
He was running around and seemed like it was having a good time playing with a man. Your dog barked playfully and jumped around this man who had an axe in his hand.
You initial reaction was fear, then you saw the pile of logs around and you calmed yourself down. Poor guy wasn’t a serial killer, turns out he was just chopping wood.
 “Are you hungry, little buddy? You want some food, yeah? Such a good boy!” you watched how the man bent down and scratched your dog behind its ear, and talked to the latter with an adorable voice.
You cleared your throat and managed to get both their attention.
The man stood up straight and turned around to face you. And good God was he cute! Dark, long-ish hair tied up in a low man bun, a perfect amount of facial hair, blue eyes which glowed due to dusk, and the most sinfully pink lips you had ever seen. He wore a grey sweater and tight jeans which accentuated just how thick his thighs were. And he was quite tall too. 
You found yourself thinking about how adorable his chubby cheeks were. And he looked like he was soft around the middle. Just overall cute.
You had to peel your eyes off him before it seemed like you were being a creep.
 “Oh, hello. This dog yours?” the man asked, with a voice so smooth and velvety that it sounded like angels were singing each time a syllable rolled off his tongue.
Breathe Y/N, breathe.
 “Yeah, sorry to bother you. I- he just ran as soon as I put him down and I wasn’t fast enough to chase him. I’m sorry for the inconvenience,” you apologized and watched how Kenny sheepishly made his way over to where you stood. You bent down and picked him up.
 “I’m Y/N, by the way. I just got here and I guess I’ll be your neighbor for a week or two,” you spoke as you cuddled your dog and got lost in the stranger’s eyes.
He smiled and you immediately noticed the crinkles by his eyes. Damn, he was beautiful.
 “Oh no worries, I quite like dogs actually. And this one just ran up and started playing under the logs. I was worried he might hurt himself. He’s very cute, by the way. And I’m very pleased to be your neighbor, I’m Bucky,” he spoke in that spell bounding voice of his.
And sent another breathtaking smile your way.
 “Nice to meet you, Bucky. And thank you for saving this little brat. I should get going, it’s getting cold. See you around,” you started to leave, but he stopped you.
 “Y/N, would you like some wood? It looks like it’s gonna be a cold night. You might wanna keep you and that little cutie warm and cozy. Should I chop you some?” he offered.
Just the fact that he even bothered to care made your heart burst and made a million butterflies go crazy in your stomach.
 “Yeah, yes please,” you held on to your puppy and walked back to your house as Bucky followed you with his axe in his hand.
 At some point he was walking beside you and you were shamelessly checking him out. There was something about his gait, and how with each step his thick thighs flexed against the material of his pant, which made you wanna ride his thigh all night until t-
 “Wow, the view of the lake from up there must be amazing,” he pointed to the balcony on the side of the house. The one which was right outside one if the rooms upstairs.
You smiled.
 “Sure is, only this little rascal didn’t even let me enjoy it. Oh and, the wood is right under the porch. Let me help you with-,”
 He stopped you.
“Oh no that’s alright, doll. Those are heavy. I’ll manage just fine, in fact, you should get this little guy inside. He looks like he’s cold,” Bucky spoke as he set his axe down and took a few steps towards you to pet Kenny’s head.
He was so close to you. And he tilted his head in adoration as your dog leaned into his touch.
 His eyes flicked to yours and you made solid eye contact for a few seconds. After which he smiled and walked over to the porch, and started pulling out the large pieces of wood.
You caught one last glimpse of him in action, then you walked the few steps and finally entered through your front door. Your luggage, Kenny’s bed, his cage, his bowls and food were all still to be unpacked, and they were all piled on in the middle of the living room.
 You took the bowls out, filled them each with dog food and water and set them by the stairs. While Kenny happily munched on his dinner, you peaked through the window of the living room.
Bucky was out there, chopping wood like it was nothing. With each sound of the dull thump of the axe against the sturdy wood, you were afraid he might catch you looking at him; yet you audaciously kept watching him.
You noticed the softness of his tummy each time he bent down. You noticed how his sweater would ride up each time he would strike the wood with the axe – causing his soft love handles to show. You saw the look of concentration on his pretty face as he put aside the small pieces of wood.
You smiled like an idiot as you let go of the curtain and stepped back.
 On your way out to the porch again, you made sure to close the dark, heavy wooden door behind you.
“Think that’ll be enough to keep you warm for a few days,” Bucky spoke, looking up at you with a thin layer of sweat on his forehead.
You noticed the dimples in his cheeks as he smiled up at you, knocking the air out of your lungs yet again.
 “Thank you, Bucky, thanks a lot. I’ll make dinner in a while, would you like to stay?” you asked, hoping he’d say yes.
Being alone wasn’t an issue, but having company would definitely be great.
 It seemed like he thought over it for a moment.
“I’m good doll, thanks. I feel I should let you get accustomed and get used to the area. Some other day, maybe, for sure,” his tone was soft and he placed the axe on his shoulder as he bade you good night and walked away.
You watched him walk away for a few seconds, then you walked back inside with some logs of wood and a pout on your lips.
Was it too much too soon? Did you sound desperate? Were you desperate?
No, you just wanted to invite your neighbor over for dinner since he saved your dog and chopped wood for your fire tonight.
 “God I should stop over thinking. Right, Kenny? Oh but he is so cute, isn’t he?” your dog just looked up at you with its tongue hanging out.
 You sighed walking towards the fireplace. Within the next few minutes, you had a nice fire going, and you placed your puppy’s bed at a safe distance from the fireplace and he immediately curled up in it. You smiled like a complete idiot as you watched him.
He reminded you of your adorable neighbor – so cute you just wanted to squish his cheeks and give him all the love and kissed in the world.
 After unpacking, you called it a night. You slept in the room with the balcony, and dreamt of deep blue eyes all night.
 The next day, you woke up late. The mornings here in the middle of the forest were cold, and despite waking up at around 8: 30, you stayed in bed for another two hours.
When the sun started warming the place, you got out of bed finally. You walked down the stairs and immediately fed your dog who inhaled his food in less than a minute.
You opened a few windows and walked up the stairs again, and got into the shower. A long, warm shower later, you stepped out in a light grey bathrobe and a towel wrapped around your head.
You walked down the stairs again, made yourself a cup of tea and walked back upstairs. This time, with Kenny in your arms. And you finally stepped onto the balcony to admire the view Bucky talked about.
 And he was damn right. The view of the somewhat still foggy lake was breathtaking. You drank in the view, along with your tea; calmly. But then, your puppy started barking at no one in particular.
It had been years since you had owned a dog, and you could really figure out what kind of a bark it was.
 “Kenny, you are not a guard dog. You’re just a small, little p- oh my God!” you exclaimed under your breath once you caught what your dog was barking at.
 It was him! It was Bucky, and he was walking towards your house. Making his way down the slightly twisted alley which connected your house to his. So, Kenny’s bark was a happy one. He was excited to see Bucky.
Oh shit!
You rushed back into your room and immediately paced around for a bit. Oh why couldn’t he be here like an hour later? That would give you time to at least look better than you did now and–
 Your racing thoughts were interrupted by the sound of someone knocking on your front door. Without even bothering to look at your appearance in the mirror, you rushed down the stairs with Kenny in your arms and immediately opened the wooden door.
On the other side stood a very happy Bucky, whose cheeks suddenly got pinkish. You didn’t understand why at first, then you followed his line of sight and it led straight to your semi exposed breasts. Turns out, in the process of picking Kenny up and running down the stairs, your robe loosened around your body and the swells of your breasts could partially be seen.
Not too much, just enough to keep him guessing.
 “Hey, Bucky! Good morning,” you spoke as you tried to subtly adjust your robe back again, and mentally smirked.
It took his a second to focus back on your face.
“Morning Y/N, I- uh I’m sorry I turned down your dinner offer last night. I just, I had a lot of stuff to do and I didn’t want to impose. So, I came to make amends. And I brought you apple pies, I hope you like it. I made them myself this morning,” he spoke, his cheeks still a little pink from earlier, as he handed you a warm container.
And his smile was to die for.
You had to fight back the urge to break into a smirk each time you found him struggling not to look down at your chest again.
Also, how thoughtful and kind of him!
 “Thank you so much, Bucky! I love apple pies. Oh and about dinner, it’s fine really. And thank you again for the wood, it really helped in keeping the house warm all night,” you smiled at him as you accepted the container.
 “And how’s this cutie?” he scratched Kenny’s head again, and the latter who was still in your arms was just as lovesick as you were.
Good Lord, you did not just say that!
 “He’s fine, he slept well. And something tells me he likes you better than he likes me,” you chuckled as your puppy leaned into Bucky’s touch again, with its tongue hanging out and its big black eyes staring loving at the man in front of you.
 Bucky laughed. And it was the most charming sound you had ever heard.
 “Nah I’m sure he loves you, you’re so cute and-,” he stopped himself abruptly and his entire face turned into this shade of pink you might never forget. Ever.
You smiled up at him, not even bothering to hide the fact that you were flattered. That’s one of the many things which amazed you; everything seemed to be so easy with him. You didn’t have to hide.
 “Well thank you Bucky, you are too,” you spoke and mindlessly bit your lip. It was a habit honestly, you did it whenever you were embarrassed or nervous or put in the spotlight. And here you were all of the above.
 Bucky’s eyes flicked to your lips for just a moment, then he looked into your eyes as he pulled back his hand from your puppy.
 “I, uh, I should head back. I’ve to, um, work on stuff. See you, Y/N.”
With that said, he turned his back on you and walked away again. A few steps further, and he turned back around and gave you a cheesy smile.
You felt a warmth wash over your face when he did. And he caught it.
 A couple of days passed and you enjoyed the bliss of being away from the busy city life. You made an effort to wake up every morning and enjoy the view of the lake. And somehow, it always reminded you of your neighbor.
He was infiltrating your thoughts more and more each day and you weren’t even complaining.
You knew you were the type who liked older guys, and he seemed slightly older than you. And you liked that.
 This was new to you, you had never been one to catch feelings so quickly. Yet, here you were – shamelessly falling for the cute neighbor before even knowing anything about him.
 Thanks to Kenny, you- wait. Where is Kenny?
You panicked. You were busy dreaming about the blue-eyed man that you forget to check up on your puppy.
 You hadn’t heard him bark or anything for a while. You rushed downstairs and called out for him, which he didn’t respond to, again.
Just then, you saw the little crack at the front door.
 Oh fuck, your dog had escaped again!
 You ran outside in fear, yet the sight in front of you calmed you down instantly.
Bucky was walking over to you, with your dog in his hands. And the latter was shivering.
 “Oh my God! What happened to him?” you rushed over to the two of them.
Your poor little fur baby was still shivering as you took him from Bucky’s arms and cradled him. You noticed the mud all over him.
 “Seems like he needed saving again. He was trapped among thorny bushes, and got all muddy. Found him while I was walking and checking the place out. You should really lock your front door, doll,” Bucky gave you a concerned look.
And you looked up at him sheepishly.
 “I’m so sorry, I just- I guess I forgot. Thank you Bucky, really,” you spoke and he mindlessly took a step closer.
 “Anytime, doll,” he whispered and looked down at your dog, and smiled.
You couldn’t get enough of the nickname, nor the smile. This man was doing things to you, not that you were complaining.
 “You’re gonna accept the dinner invite now? Come on, it’s the least I can do. You’re always saving my dog, plus I could use some company,” you gave him your best smile.
  And he finally gave in.
Of course he couldn’t resist anymore. In fact, he was smitten the moment he laid eyes on you. Totally whipped, and he first politely declined your offer because he was being a little, just a little insecure.
Then he saw you that day in your bathrobe, and the flirty smile you sent his way; and he was done for. He knew he couldn’t stay away for long.
But the thought that you might not see him in the same light bothered him. But that was until now.
He happily accepted. And you asked him to come over later that evening.
 As he turned his back and walked away, you had the goofiest smile on your face. You rushed inside and tended to Kenny. Luckily, he wasn’t hurt or bleeding. He was just scared. You cleaned him using a cloth and warm water, fed him, and put him in his cage – where he slept soundly while you got busy in the kitchen.
It was around 4:30 p.m. so you had plenty of time. You thanked God you had stopped at a grocery store and bought enough things to fill your fridge and pantry.
You decided on an easy dinner; stuffed chicken breasts, tomato soup and grilled cheese. Simple, but hopefully you manage to impress the cute guy.
 After cooking, you cleaned up everything and made sure the kitchen looked spotless; even though you hated cleaning after you cooked.
Then you rushed upstairs and hopped into the shower. Kenny had recently learnt how to go up and down the stairs so he followed up, after you let him out of the cage.
 After a long shower, you got dressed in something simple and got downstairs to double check everything.
You were nervous, of course. Who wouldn’t be?
 Right as you were setting the cozy dining area, the doorbell rang. And Kenny immediately got excited.
 “Okay, okay I know he’s here, calm down,” you picked him up as you opened the door.
 And there he was, just a handsome as ever. Bucky.
Black shirt and a cute sweater on, he looked great. And as you smiled and let him in, you couldn’t help but get a sneaky look at his thighs. Good God…
 Within the next minute, your dog jumped out of your arms and ran to him. He laughed and picked him up as you watched the two in awe.
“You know, I think you were right. He does love me a lot,” Bucky spoke, giving you a teasing smile and raising his eyebrows at you.  
You couldn’t help but smile so hard that your cheeks hurt. He was so wholesome, and adorable and cute and hot at the same time.
You noticed he tied his hair in a low bun today. Which also allowed you to make a very odd observation; of how perfect his nose was.
Jesus… I might be going crazy over this man.
Dinner went by just fine that night. Bucky wouldn’t stop complimenting you on how much of a good cook you were. And you wouldn’t stop blushing each time he did.
He spent some time with you and Kenny curled up in his lap by the fireplace. Over glasses of wine, you and Bucky shared reasons why you needed this getaway to the cabins.
You told him your story, and he told you his.
Turns out, you both had one thing in common – you had both just gotten out of quite long relationships. Bucky’s girlfriend of 5 years, Natasha, broke up with him over the phone after a trivial argument, and days later she dropped by his apartment to collect her things and gave him back the engagement ring.
After which, he couldn’t stay there. He needed to get away so now, here he was.
 “I’m sorry you had to go through that, 5 years… that’s- that’s a long time,” you didn’t know what else to say.
Bucky scoffed quietly.
“Yet, it seems like it went by in a blur. I don’t know, maybe I’m too old fashioned for this fast moving world but, I think when someone meets the one they’re meant to be with, things change. For the better.” His words intrigued you.
You looked at him and watched how the glow from the fireplace made him look even more handsome.
“What do you mean?” you urged him talk. Just hearing his voice was soothing.
 “I mean, if someone is meant for you then they should complete you. They’re that one missing piece you’ve always needed, right? I don’t know, I think I always thought that when I’ll meet the one it’ll feel like… I don’t know, like… I mean-,”
 “Like something fits,” you completed his sentence and he looked at you like you had all the answers he’s been searching for.
Seeing he was rambling, you cut him off and completed his sentence because you knew exactly what he meant. You felt the same way.
 “Yeah, like something fits. Like they belong there in your life. I sure loved her, but it never felt that way with her,” Bucky spoke as he took another sip of wine and lazily stroked Kenny’s soft fur.
 “It never felt that way with Steve either.” You stared into the fire burning in the fireplace as you realized finally what went wrong with you and Steve.
 After that night, meals at your place became a daily thing. And soon, a whole week had passed and Bucky could’ve sworn that he spent much more time in your house rather than his.
Each morning when he went for his walk/exploration, he’d stop by and take Kenny for a walk. And by the time they both returned, you had breakfast ready. Bucky would leave then, and Kenny would sulk even though you’d give him all the toys in the world.
You couldn’t help but notice how your dog would immediately light up each time Bucky walked into your living room, just in time for dinner.
Each night, for a few moments, you wondered what it would be like if this was your everyday life. Away from the rest of the world, just you and Bucky… and Kenny as well.
You were falling for him, undoubtedly, and you only hoped that he felt the same.
 Another week went on and unknown to Bucky, you asked your parents if you could stay for a while longer. Perks of being an only child; they agreed immediately.
Unknown to you, Bucky took some more time off work and decided that he wanted to spend some more time here, in the forest in the middle of nowhere.
 Almost each night was the same, Bucky would come by for dinner. Sometimes he even brought dessert and wine. You’d spent amazing moments together just talking and telling each other stories of your life. And yet each time he’d leave, you wished he’d stay for much longer.
Until one night, he did.
 The two of you were by the fireplace as usual, with glasses of wine in hand and talking about life in general.
 Somehow, the mood shifted. It was a pleasant shift.
“… and then my friend asked, ‘Why do you want to spend more time in that forest?’ and I said that I had found something worth staying back for a few more days for,” the tone he used made you blush and chuckle.
 “It’s my dog, isn’t it? You stayed back for Kenny, say it!” you spoke dramatically, and it sent him into a fit of laughter.
His laugh was something you’d remember for a long, long time.
 “I did. I stayed for him and, his beautiful mom,” he spoke, looking right at you with radiance in his eyes. The reflection of the fire made his eyes look even more enchanting than they already were.
 You blushed even more as his eyes wouldn’t leave yours.
A few seconds of looking into your eyes, and Bucky thought he was being foolish. He thought you didn’t like him like that, because you didn’t react or say anything immediately
But truth was, you were scared that you might stutter. Bucky’s words caught you off guard and you couldn’t talk because they left you breathless.
He thinks I’m beautiful… oh dear…
 “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. I just- I thought- never mind, I’ll go. I’ll just-,”
You leaned in abruptly and cut his rambling off with a kiss on the lips. It took him a few seconds to kiss you back, you believed he was just as shocked as you were.
Slowly, you placed the glass aside and climbed onto his lap. You smirked through the kiss as you finally sat on his thighs, the same ones you had been often dreaming about.
 Your mouth moved against his wonderfully as you straddled him and settled right over his crotch. You felt his smile through the kiss as he pulled you closer.
His hands slipped under your sweater and his fingers were slightly cold.
You shivered and giggled as he gently tickled your sides.
The two of you giggled and laughed so much while lazily making out that it woke Kenny up. And he barked, gaining both your attention.
 “Maybe we shouldn’t do this in front of him,” Bucky whispered in your ear and tugged on your ear lobe with his teeth.
You felt a tingle go down your spine as he did so. And you agreed.
  After putting Kenny back into his cage, and covering it up with his blanket, the two of you made your way upstairs like teenagers sneaking upstairs at a party. Giggling, and falling over on the stairs and holding on to each other for dear life.
 At some point, before even making it into your bedroom, Bucky pushed you against a wall and kissed you fervently.
You sensed the wine in his breath but that was fine. Everything was fine when you were with Bucky. Everything made sense.
 His hands on either side of you and his soft torso pressing against you, you smiled through the kiss again. Your hands found their way into his long hair and you messily undid his man bun.
“I’ve been wanting to kiss you since the day I first saw you, you know that?” he whispered softly along your skin as he kissed, and bit your neck and the side of your throat.
His beard scratched your skin and his hands found their way to your waist and he drew imaginary shapes on your skin. Just the way he held you made it hard for you to think straight.
 “Then why didn’t you?” you managed to whisper when he pulled away for a few seconds to look at the love bite he had just given you.
You were panting just at the sight of his lower lip in between his teeth.
He smirked, knowing the effect he had on you.
 “I don’t know. Maybe I thought that you were just out of my league,” he teased with a raised eyebrow and waited for your reaction.
 You grabbed him by the collar and pulled him forwards, lips just centimeters away from his soft ones.
“Oh shut up, and take me to bed Barnes. I want you, now,” and nothing more had to be said. He smirked and pulled you along as he rushed to the bedroom.
It was the only master bedroom so it was easy to find.
 Once past the doors, you giggled as your tugged on his sweater, urging him to take it off. And once he did, you went and took yours off too – leaving you in a nude bra. You noticed how his eyes lingered on you for a while; with his lower lip caught in between his teeth.
Somehow, you found the bed and pushed Bucky onto it and straddled him again once he laid flat on the bed; unbuttoning his shirt as fast as you could. All while kissing him senselessly.
He moaned quietly into your mouth while his hands rubbed your sides slowly.
Once all the buttons of his shirt were undone, he flipped the two of you around and hovered above you with a smirk on his face. You giggled as you wrapped your legs around his waist pulling him closer, and slid his unbuttoned shirt off his shoulders.
Bucky went on to take the shirt off completely and then bent down once again to reach around your torso to remove your bra.
You arched your back off the bed to ease the process, and you could tell even through the wine buzz that he was taking his time on you. He shamelessly allowed his eyes to roam all over you as he threw the bra somewhere around.
Once it was off, Bucky bent down to take one of your breasts into his mouth; licking and teasing the skin as he playfully bit your nipple.
Your hands gripped his hair as he sucked on your skin, while his hands worked rapidly in trying to get your skirt off. He pulled away for a second, and finally dragged your skirt down your legs before getting back to kissing his way up your body till he found your lips again.
You laid there under him in just your nude thong, and having his body press against yours was pure bliss. He made you giggled even more as he peppered your skin with kisses.
Meanwhile you desperately tried to unbuckle his pants.
 “You sure you want this, doll?” he asked in a whisper right in your ear.
You grabbed his neck and gently guided his face above yours so you looked into his eyes.
 “I do. I want this, and I want you,” you spoke, looking into his eyes and he cracked a little smile. You leaned in and kissed him again, pushing him onto his back as you straddled one of his thighs.
You had fantasized about riding his thigh way too many times now, and you weren’t gonna pass this opportunity.
Bucky leaned on his elbows as he watched you get comfortable on his thigh; placing your dripping, hot clothed core right onto his skin.
The moment your thong’s flimsy fabric touched his skin, you let out a moan and it caught Bucky’s undivided attention. He felt your wet warmth against his skin, and he loved it.
 “You wanna ride my thigh, huh? I can feel you’re wet already. Go on, doll,” one of his hand reached out to cup your cheek as he spoke.
His thumb gently tugged on your lower lip as he felt a certain wetness creating a damp patch on his thigh. And he loved every second of it.
 Shy at first, you moaned quietly as you slowly moved your heat against his skin and immediately felt a sweet pressure forming in between your hips. Your throbbing clit rubbed against his skin through the thin fabric and it drove you insane.
As you kept moving against him, you unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned his pants and lowered the waistband of his underwear just enough to let his erected cock out.
Thick and smooth, your mouth watered just at the sight of it. You gently wrapped your hand around his cock while your other hand laid flat on his soft belly to steady yourself.
You started out by gently pumping his cock each time you rubbed your sensitive clit against his skin. Then you got more and more aroused at the feel of his smooth skin against your core as well as the palm of your hand.
Bucky moaned as you slowly rubbed the slit on the tip of his cock with your thumb, gathering the pre cum which leaked from his tip. You smeared it around his length and pumped him slightly harder as you quickened the motion of your hips as well.
Bucky watched you in awe. He watched how a spot on your underwear got more and more damp each time you rubbed against him. He watched how you threw your head back and moaned as your hands gently moved up and down his cock, and he had trouble keeping his voice down.
He watched you in pure adoration how you quickened your pace and moved against him more rapidly, chasing your orgasm as you humped his thigh. You pumped him quicker as well.
Yet, right as he started gently thrusting his hips into your hand, you let go of his cock with a smirk on your face. You bit your lip and waited for his reaction as you kept rubbing yourself against his thick thigh.
 “Such a tease,” he commented and proceeded to trace your lips with his thumb, until he finally pushed it past your lips. You let him.
Slowly, you twirled your tongue around his thumb as you quickened your pace at rubbing against him; your arousal smearing all over his bare thigh. And the look on his face told you that he loved every second of it.
The pressure at your base grew even more as you rocked against his skin. You felt a tingle go down your spine the moment he lifted his leg just the slightest bit and bumped his thigh gently against your wet heat. You let out an involuntary moan.
“You’re such a beautiful mess, doll,” he spoke in a haze, removing his finger from your mouth, smearing your drool over your lips; all while loving how feral you could get.
He kept lifting his thigh gently to meet your movements and soon, you came undone against him; rubbing yourself rapidly on his thigh while moaning his name.
When you stopped to catch your breath, he grabbed you by the waist and pinned you down on the bed. He looked into your eyes as he lowered your underwear down your legs. You let him do whatever he wanted.
He got rid of his pants and underwear and climbed into bed again; hovering above you with a sly smile on.
 Your hand reached out to tuck his long hair behind his ear as you looked into his dreamy blue eyes. He stared back into your eyes and simply leaned down to kiss you on the nose.
You giggled as he was probably a little tipsy too from all that wine earlier.
 Bucky kissed your skin; from your mouth to your neck as he carefully slid into you. Your walls welcomed him perfectly and he moaned under his breath as he filled you up entirely, inch by inch.
Your legs wrapped around him immediately, pushing him more into you as your back arched off the bed once he was fully buried in you.
And he wasted no time and started rocking into you. His hunger could be seen in his rapid movements, his messy kisses and the occasional moans which would escape his lips.
He laced your fingers together and pinned both your hands above your head as he pounded into you. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head once he started rocking in and out of you.
You felt his chubby cheeks, which you loved so much, press against your own as he muttered your name under his breath while he fucked you relentlessly.
His hips rolled against your body perfectly, and his body weight pressing down on you was comforting. His grip around your hand tightened each time you’d moan his name out loud; something told you he liked it.
 He rammed into you incessantly, and the moment you felt the pressure becoming too much to handle; he pulled out and watched you squirm and whine under him.
“Bucky!” you dragged his name out sinfully, and opened your eyes to see him smirking.
 He sat up and pulled you along with him. You knelt in front of him on the bed and watched him with puppy dog eyes; desperate to have him back in you.
His wild blue eyes bore into your eyes and you caught the hint of mischief in them. His hand reached out and he gripped your jaw in his palm, inching your face closer to his.
Your lips parted as you were almost breathless; panting and trying your hardest to catch your breath. He leaned in and kissed your open mouth, his tongue stroked the top of your mouth slowly and you found yourself on the verge of going absolutely crazy.
When his tongue was done roaming your mouth, he pulled away; biting and tugging on your lower lip. You moaned in a haze as he did.
 “Such a pretty baby, want you to ride me. Think you can do that, doll?” he asked, making himself comfortable against the headboard and pulling you onto his lap.
You nodded frantically. You would’ve said yes to anything in that moment. You didn’t care, you just wanted him. You wanted him bad.
 You lifted your hips above him, and gently slid down on his erected, throbbing cock. The two of you moaned out loud as your walls slowly invited him in.
Bucky hands held you lazily, his hands around your hips as his cock buried deep within you. You lowered your eyes to look at where your body connected with his, and the mere sight of his cock being buried deep within you was enough to make your arousal flow out of you even more.
 Bucky cupped your face again, his thumb tugging on your lower lip.
“Go on, baby.” He urged you to move.
 His cock made you feel so full that you wished you could stay in that moment forever. Yet the moment you rocked your body against his, you could no longer form a proper thought.
You felt all of him; each inch of his skin, each vein on his cock against your walls as you lifted your hips and sunk down on him repeatedly.
He lifted his hips to meet you halfway each time, and the sounds which escaped your lips only fueled the lust and the passion he felt in the moment.
And he went wild.
His hand found your jaw again, and he forced you to look into his eyes as you rode his cock like your life depended on it; your walls stretching each time he filled you up entirely.
You moaned as you looked into his eyes; his stare was intense. His lips were parted as he looked at you like you were a goddess.
Messy hair, a thin layer of sweat covering both your bodies, swollen lips and marks of his adoration all over your neck and chest; you were indeed the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
You felt his cock hit all the right spots each time you bounced on his length, and his own lips parted and he groaned the moment your walls started clenching around him.
Bucky knew he wouldn’t last very long the moment his name left your lips; sinful and hot.
As you felt the pressure building again, you leaned in and kissed him. A drunk, messy kiss of passion was all it took for the two of you to get completely wild.
He grabbed your hips harshly and kept you in place as he pounded into you from beneath you, his cock slipping in and out of you with ease. Your body moved against his like a rag doll, as he sped up into you with each thrust.
Soon, the sounds of your skin slapping against one another furiously was all you could hear, along with your moans.
 Bucky watched in awe how you slowly reached your orgasm, and he believed it was the hottest thing he had ever seen.
With a few more rapid strokes of his cock, you came undone; gushing out all over him. You came around his cock with a loud moan as you could no longer control the movement of your hips; grinding against him hungrily while he growled against your lips.
 “Oh… fuck!” he grunted as he came right after you. You felt his thick, warm load shoot inside you and against your walls and you smiled in delight while riding the waves of euphoria.
Bucky watched what a beautiful mess you were, whimpering and moaning as he gently lifted you up to remove himself from you.
You collapsed onto his chest right after; face into the crook of his neck, hands on his soft chest, body pressed against him while he wrapped his arms around you.
You felt his beard tickle your skin as he kissed your forehead and covered your tangled bodies with the soft blanket.
You sighed in his arms.
 “You’re so warm,” you whispered, against his damp neck and he chuckled. You could feel his cum trickling out of your folds and smearing all over his thigh, but neither of you cared in that moment.
“It’s late baby, go to sleep,” he mumbled under his breath and that was the last thing you heard before drifting off to sleep.
You woke up to cold air hitting your skin, making you shiver slightly. 
Weird, usually you close all the windows before going to bed.
 And the moment you opened your eyes, memories of the previous night washed over you. And you found yourself smiling before you had even properly woken up yet.
Speaking of waking up, you rubbed your eyes open and saw that it was still very dark in the room. You looked over at the clock on the bedside and it read 4:03 a.m.
You looked around, disoriented and saw that the balcony door was open. Which would explain the cold air. And in the dark, you could make out a figure leaning over the rails.
 You sat up quietly, wrapped the blanket around you and walked over to him; on your quest to find out why he was out of bed so early in the morning.
As you approached him, he wasn’t aware of your presence as he was looking over at the lake which was glimmering in the dark hour. He wore just his pants. And you wondered why he wasn’t cold.
 You smiled and walked closer to him very carefully and wrapped your arms and along with the blanket around him from behind.
He sighed the moment your arms wrapped around his torso. His hands found yours and you placed a soft kiss on the back of his neck.
 “Hi,” you spoke quietly, not wanting to break the soothing silence of the early morning.
 “Hi,” he replied, lowering his head to kiss your interlaced hands on his chest.
 “It’s cold out here, Buck. Come back to bed,” you murmured against his skin and pretended as though you did not feel the goose bumps which erupted on his skin the moment your hot breath hit his skin.
“Yeah, sorry I woke you up. I needed to step out for a little bit,” he sounded apologetic as he spoke, gripping your hand tighter in his.
You placed soft kisses all over his skin, from his shoulder to his soft cheek as he spoke.
 “What’s there to think about at 4 a.m.? Care to share?” you asked, tightening your arms around him and gently swaying the two of you.
 Bucky sighed again.
“Just… I don’t know. You don’t regret last night, right? I mean, you deserve someone who’s so much better than me and-,”
 You cut him off with a sharp tone.
“You better be very careful about what you say next, mister. I like you, okay? I like you a lot. I’ve liked you since day one, when I saw you chopping wood for me. I thought you were the cutest, most adorable lumberjack I have ever seen.”
You finished and Bucky grabbed your arm and pulled you in front of him, placing you between his shirtless body and the wooden rail of the balcony.
He placed his forehead to yours and you placed your arms around his shoulders; still wrapping the blanket around him as well.
He pressed your naked body to his soft torso and you let him. Somehow, his body heat made you feel warmer than any blanket ever could. 9
“We don’t have to rush into things. But I want you to know that I have a lot of love to give you. Buck, everything feels like it’s where it should be when I’m with you. Everything fits, and you make me happy. And I want you here, with me, for as long as possible.” You finished and removed your forehead from his to look up at him.
He smiled down at you, softly. Even in the dark, his eyes twinkled.
 “Where have you been all my life?” he asked and pressed his lips to your forehead, kissing you gently.
You giggled.
 “I’ve been looking for you too, you know? Didn’t know you’d be out here, hiding in a damn forest in the middle of nowhere,” he chuckled at your response and wrapped his arms around your bare body.
His lips found yours in no time, and he gave you the gentlest kiss ever. You kissed him back immediately, trying you convey all your love for him through that one kiss.
You pulled away giggling as his fingers tickled your sides gently.
“Can we go back to bed now? It’s cold out here,” you asked and he pecked your lips again.
 “Sure, and could you give me some of that love you mentioned?” he teased as he walked the two of you back inside, closing the door behind him.
 You chuckled and pulled in into bed and under the covers as quickly as possible, attaching your lips to his again as you straddled his thighs. He smiled through the kiss as he wrapped his arms around you.
Bucky made love to you until the sun came up. He had you moaning and screaming his name until the sky turned blue. And as you laid in bed after, gazing into each other’s eyes; neither of you knew.
Neither of you knew that it wasn’t simply a coincidence that you met that first day. It wasn’t a coincidence that he saved Kenny multiple times, or that he happened to be at the right place at the right time.
Bucky and you were meant to be; you were meant to find each other in this lifetime. You were connected through the red thread of fate; your story was written in the stars.
@christinafaucher​ @zeilenkrieg​ @iluvsumbucky​
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hookedonapirate · 4 years
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Happy Birthday @nikkiemms​!!!
I saw it was your birthday today and wanted to write a little something for you. You are always one of the first people to comment/like/reblog my stories and I wanted to thank you and let you know how much I appreciate you! I hope you are having a wonderful birthday and are able to do something fun today. Lots of love! 🎉🧁❤
This one-shot was inspired by a children's birthday party I went to a few weeks ago when a man dressed in uniform caused a freak-out among all the adults. Thank you @onceuponaprincessworld​ for encouraging me to write it when I wasn't sure what to write, and for looking it over!
Hope you enjoy @nikkiemms​!
You Can Put Out My Fire Anytime
Rated: Teens and up
Also available on: AO3 I FF.N
Emma wanted her son’s seventh birthday party to be perfect. Which is exactly why she’d asked her sister-in-law to help her out. Mary Margaret is great with kids; she’s an elementary school teacher, so she has to be great with kids for the sake of her sanity. And If the peals of laughter from the kids are any indication, they'd pulled it off. 
  Now they can sit back in their lawn chairs on the back porch, sipping punch, chatting with the other moms and relaxing for a minute as the little ones make use of the jungle gym, and David and Robin grill up some hot dogs and hamburgers. The other food has already been prepared and set on the table, protected in food storage containers with lids, except for Henry’s birthday cake, which is in the house for later.
  “I’m surprised Lily and Liam aren’t here. Didn’t you invite them?” Mary Margaret asks Emma.
  Emma scans the children playing on the jungle gym, squinting her eyes. “You’re right. They’re not here. I’m pretty sure they were on the list.”
  Mary Margaret laughs. “If Henry had anything to do with the invitations, Lily was definitely on the list.”
  Emma arches a brow. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
  Mary Margaret shakes her head, waving off Emma’s question. “Oh nothing, forget I said anything.”
  Emma crosses her arms over her chest, eyes shooting daggers at her sister-in-law. “What aren’t you telling me?”
  Mary Margaret sighs in defeat and puts up her hands. “Okay, I could be wrong, but I think Henry has a little crush on Lily. You did not hear that from me. I made a pinky swear not to tell anyone.”
  Emma furrows her brows. “If you made a pinky swear then he must have told you.”
  Mary Margaret makes a motion with her fingers to zip her lips. “Sorry, I can’t say anymore.”
  “So Henry likes a girl? But he’s only seven.”
  “Oh please, you’re never too young to have a crush. How old were you when you started chasing boys?”
  “I never chased boys,” Emma says defensively. 
  Mary Margaret eyes her skittishly. “Sure, Emma, sure,” she smiles knowingly. 
  “Okay maybe one or two,” Emma admits with a coy smile and a sigh. 
  Thankfully, her sister-in-law drops the subject and heads inside the house to use the bathroom.
  “Liam! Lily!” Henry shouts and races across the yard as two other kids, a boy and a girl, run to meet him. The boy is carrying a gift bag that’s almost as big as he is and Henry takes it, dropping it off at the gift table before the three of them run off toward the jungle gym.
  “I guess their parents were too busy to join us?” Emma remarks to no one in particular.
  “Parent,” Regina corrects. “Their mother left when they were young. So now it’s just them and their father.”
  “Really?” Emma asks, her heart cracking for the two kids as she watches them play with Henry and the others. 
  Lily is a beautiful young girl with long, shimmering black hair and blue eyes, and Liam shares similar physical traits. In fact, they even look similar in age. “They look the same age. Are they twins?”
  “Yes, they are.”
  “Um… are we missing anyone?” Ashley asks, her voice edged with panic as she points at each child, counting them under her breath.
  Fear rises in Emma’s chest as she shoots up from her chair and scans the children, making sure everyone is there who’s supposed to be there. But no one appears to be missing. “Why do you say that?”
  “Oh, perhaps because of the policeman who just entered the backyard, carrying a children’s baseball cap,” Regina answers.
  Her statement sends the mothers into a fit of panic, all of them darting their eyes in search of the aforementioned cop.
  Emma takes one look at him as David and Robin head over to chat with him. Even the fathers are freaked out about having a cop in the backyard.
  Emma's heart stutters when she sees him.
  He’s wearing a badge and a uniform, but this is no ordinary cop. This man is freaking gorgeous. He’s tall and muscular with dark hair, his skin is moistened with sweat and bronzed from the sun. He’s so perfect he looks straight from a magazine. Do they have porn featuring men in uniforms because if not they really should. This man looks way too good to be real. 
  Emma’s been to jail before, taking the fall for her ex's crime, and she's never wished to go back, but right now she's wishing this man would take her away in handcuffs.
  When the policeman is laughing with the fathers and Emma realizes there is no present danger or missing kid, she is curious why he is here and wonders what her sister-in-law is up to. As soon as Mary Margaret returns to the porch, Emma narrows her eyes suspiciously. “Did you hire a stripper for a children’s party?”
  Mary Margaret wrinkles her brows in confusion. “Of course not. Why would you think that?”
  Emma nods her head toward the gorgeous policeman. “What does he look like to you?”
  “Who?” Mary Margaret looks over Emma’s shoulder, her eyes lighting up with recognition. “Oh, you mean the firefighter? That’s Liam and Lily’s father.” She shoots up her hand and waves as she heads down the porch steps. “Hello, Killian!”
  “That’s Lily and Liam’s father?” Emma repeats to herself, staring at him with her mouth agape. 
  "You forgot your lucky hat," Killian calls to his son, holding up the baseball cap. 
  Holy Hell. He has an accent too? 
  Liam rushes over for the hat and a hug from his father, and Killian ruffles Liam’s hair before the small boy rushes away, putting the hat on his head. Lily runs over to say goodbye to her father, and after he scoops her up in his arms and plants a kiss on the crown of her head, she gives him a kiss on the cheek. Emma’s heart melts as she watches him interact with his daughter. “Have fun, princess,” he says sweetly and watches her run off to play with her friends. 
  “He can put out my fire with his big hose anytime,” one lady snickers, apparently reading Emma’s thoughts. 
  When Killian turns around, his eyes find Emma’s from across the lawn. And she can't breathe or even move her head to look away. Nor does she want to. 
  “Emma, come here,” Mary Margaret waves her over, and Emma reluctantly complies.
  She thought he looked good from afar, but boy, he looks so much better up close. His smoldering blue eyes and heartwarming smile as he regards her with intrigue take her breath away. 
  Now that she's much closer, she can see that the badge he wears is of a fireman emblem. 
  “Killian, this is Henry’s mother, Emma,” Mary Margaret introduces them.
  Just as he slips his hand in hers, she starts to shake it before realizing he has another idea in mind. 
  “Hello, love, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you,” he says in a deep, husky voice as he lifts her hand to his luscious looking lips and kisses the back of her hand, his eyes still locked with her bewildered ones. 
  Oh, the pleasure is all mine, Emma is tempted to say, but bites her tongue to stop herself. Besides, she doesn’t know if she could speak, even if she had something appropriate to say, because her mouth goes completely dry. She tries to say something, anything, but nothing comes out. Apparently she forgot how to speak.
  This gorgeous firefighter is kissing her. Okay, he’s only kissing her hand but, holy hell Emma’s never been so turned on in her entire life, let alone from an innocent hand kiss. Then again, an innocent hand kiss has never seared her skin.
  “It’s nice to meet you too,” Emma rasps, somehow finding the words on her tongue.
  “Emma thought I hired you as a stripper,” Mary Margaret chortles, breaking their trance.
  Oh, God.  
  Emma peels her eyes away from the ridiculously handsome fireman to glare at her sister-in-law. Really, Mary Margaret?!
  Killian’s eyes are glinting with amusement as he finally removes his damn, surprisingly soft lips from her skin, a big grin spreading across his face. “Is that so?” 
  She hasn’t failed to notice he’s still holding her hand. Not that she’s complaining. His hand is so warm and strong and she’s dreaming up all the things he could do to her with that hand. With both hands.
  “Yes. Can you believe she thought I would hire a stripper at a children’s party?” she asks her husband.
  David shrugs. “You are best friends with Ruby.”
  That earns him a playful swat on the arm.
  “It was a joke,” Emma states defensively and offers Killian an apologetic smile, bashfully moving her eyes away. “Sorry.”
  He finally releases her hand to wave off her words, and she shivers from the loss, even under the blazing heat of the sun. “Please, don’t be. I’ve been called worse.” He leans in until he’s so close she can feel his breath on her skin as he murmurs in her ear. “Though if you wanted a lap dance, all you had to do was ask.”
  Emma’s breath hitches, her cheeks flushed with red. She doesn’t even know how to respond to that. “I’ll um... I’ll keep that in mind.”
  She looks over at Henry, trying to ignore how fast her heart is beating. When she sees Lily chasing him around the yard, both of them giggling cheerfully, she laughs. 
  Killian turns around to see what Emma’s laughing at. “Looks like my daughter has a crush,” he chuckles.
  “I think it’s mutual… well according to Mary Margaret.” Lily’s not the only person in this backyard with a crush. Definitely not. She turns to face Killian again. “I’m sorry again for the stripper joke.”
  He scratches behind his ear, his cheeks tinged with blush. “Like I said. I’ve been called worse. But if you feel the need to make it up to me, I wouldn’t argue,” he says, a slight smile tugging at his lips. 
  Emma crosses her arms over her chest and arches a brow, “And what would you suggest?”
  “You could go out to dinner with me?”
  Emma studies him for a moment, considering his proposition. It’s not like she’s opposed to having dinner with him, but she has other ideas in mind as to how she could make it up to him. Ones that involve a bedroom and maybe that lap dance he spoke of. She quickly shakes her thoughts away. “I suppose asking you to stay and offering you a hamburger and hotdog doesn’t count as dinner, does it?”
  He smiles. “It’s a start.”
  She sighs dramatically and shrugs. “And here I was hoping you’d say no. Oh, well.” She walks away from him and goes to the grill where David and Robin are plating the meat. 
  After helping her son get a plate of food, she gets a hamburger for herself and goes to the food table for a bun and condiments. She scoops some pasta salad and chips on her plate before joining the adults at the picnic table while Henry sits with the other children at the kiddy table. When Killian sits next to her, she's surprised he hasn’t brought a plate of food with him. He’d only helped his daughter fill her plate.
  “Not hungry?” Emma asks suspiciously.
  He leans in and murmurs, “I changed my mind. I’d rather take you out to dinner.”
  Damn her cheeks for warming with blush again as she gives into a slight smile. She scoots her plate in Killian’s direction. “Here, take this.” She gets up from her seat to make another plate so he can have hers. 
  “So does this mean I can’t take you out?” he asks, his eyes clouded with disappointment as he looks up at her. 
  “Oh, you can still take me out to dinner.” She leans in and whispers in his ear so no one else can hear, “But this way, you owe me a lap dance.” She walks away with a smirk on her face, knowing she left him just as flustered as she is right now.
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jadekitty777 · 4 years
Puppy Love
Bit of a weird entry and a challenge to write - but it only seemed right with a prompt like this, to write from the perspective of one of Tai and Qrow's "children".
Day 4: As Parents @taiqrowweek
Rating: T
Words: 5,300
Summary: Every dog in the shelter dreams of the day they'll be set free of their metal prisons to join a pack all their own. Despite being so  inadequate he wasn't even honored a name, he dreams just as hard; though, with each adoption, that place he wishes to be seems to be getting further and further away.
And then, one word changes everything.
Ao3 Link: Puppy Love
The best day of his life happened exactly eight weeks and four days after he was born.
It had started out as usual. He woke up to the sound of the rest of the kennel-bound dogs starting up a ruckus as the keepers of their metal prisons walked down the line, cleaning cages and checking water and food bowls. After that, the big dogs were let out in small packs so they could play in the field. He never got to go; he was too small. Instead, he stuck his tiny head between the bars and said hello as they passed.
Most of them paid him little mind. Hades and Zeus, the Doberman twins, jeered his way. Roxie stuck up her nose, sassy as ever. She told him once her poodle pedigree made it impossible for her to converse with peasants. Whatever that meant. He made sure to duck his head back in if Captain was with them – the coonhound liked to snap at him.
Still, there were a select few that always took the time to say hello. Like old Benji, always limping over to give him a sniff. Or the energetic husky, Skystorm, hunkering down on his forepaws as if they might actually get a chance to play. Or the motherly Lady Lucy, who would fuss over him like he was one of her long-gone pups. She never tired of telling him how much he reminded her of her ‘clever little Dodger’.  
“Why he could even get cats to work for him!” She told him today as she passed. “Cats, can you imagine?”
Polite as always, he said, “No ma’am. It sounds incredible though.”
“You’re gonna fill his head full of air with stories like that Lucy.” Benji laughed.
“Nonsense! Stories build character. Who will he ever know who to aspire to be like otherwise?”
The dog in the lead of their pack growled out, “You wasting your breath on that orphan.”
“Hunter, don’t be so rude. He’s just a pup!” Lady Lucy cried.
“Oh sorry, am I not coddling him enough?” Hunter swung his head around. He only had one eye, the other lost in a fight, but the single red orb seemed to freeze him in place. “You’ll have to get used to it, brat. No human’s gonna take a stubby runt like you.”
“You’re just nasty because no one’ll ever adopt you.” Skystorm barely dodged fast enough to avoid the rather vicious bite the alpha tried to deliver.
He heard the argument continue well down the hall until he could no longer make out the words. Not that he wanted to anymore. He pulled his head back in, walking to the back of his cage and laying on his bed of rags, intending on settling in for his after-breakfast nap. But he couldn’t get Hunter’s words out of his head.
As young as he was, even he had heard the talk about how great a home was. Some of the dogs here even came from one themselves – and those who hadn’t had tales from something they’d heard. A motley mesh of things like ‘leftovers’ given underneath the dinner table that left everyone slobbering just thinking about it. Of playtime chasing all sorts of fun toys. Of walks to the beach where he could dig to his heart’s content. Of endless belly scratches and ear rubs.
He’d dreamed of it all at least a dozen times. Imagined how soft his own bed would be or how large a yard he’d have to run in. But most of all, dreamed of the family that would take him in and never let go. He wanted it more than anything!
But, was Hunter right? He had never been treated like the other dogs here. They all had names and skills. He wasn’t a working dog. He couldn’t retrieve and he couldn’t herd. He wasn’t a fancy one either, like Roxy, who was convinced she’d have a life again as a show dog. He didn’t have a Doberman’s ferocity or a husky’s vigor or a pit bull’s strength. If he couldn’t provide for his pack in any way… then why would they want him at all?
He buried his nose into his paws, but it was a long time before he fell asleep.
When humans came, it was time to perform.
A lot of dogs barked and yowled and produced up a racket for attention, but his voice wasn’t powerful enough. So, instead, he stuck his head between the bars and let his tongue loll out, entire body shaking as he wagged as hard and excited as he could whenever the people passed on by. It often earned him a pet.
Today it was a big family of seven, and the nice, stout woman who had long nails gave him such a good scratch behind his ears, it left his hind leg shaking.
“Oh aren’t you precious?” She cooed. “You would look just great in my purse.”
“Gale, we’re not here for a lap dog.” One of the men of her pack chastised.
“It doesn’t hurt to look!”
His ears fell flat as she breezed on by.
They were there for some time, looking from cage to cage. They even had the caretakers take a few out, to do a “walk test”. Roxy was prim as ever, trotting like she was putting on a show. Skystorm raced them. Zeus kept trying to bump Hades aside. No one came back to his cage.
And, worse yet, they chose the best of them all.
He couldn’t help but whine as Lady Lucy was led out with her papers all signed. The setter’s long ears raised up, looking to him. “Now none of that. You keep that tail up little one! I’m certain you’ll find your way soon.”
He tried to find strength in that encouragement, but all he discovered was the breaking of his heart as the door down the way slammed closed. He turned away, padding back to his rags and flopping over.
This day couldn’t possibly get any worse.
He lifted his head, looking back.
Standing there, in a bright, pleated dress, was one of the smallest humans he’d ever seen. Even when he stood up and walked towards her, she didn’t tower over him like most humans did. She was his size.
Her eyes went wide, a huge grin spreading on her face. “Hi puppy!” She giggled and, when he came close enough, she didn’t even wait for his trick, instead sticking her hand through the bars. She gave him a few uncoordinated, slightly rough, pats to his head. “Good boy!”
“Ruby!” A shout echoed down the hall as a man sprinted into view. He was overly tall, with legs that were spindly like a bird’s. He snatched the girl up into his arms, lifting her well out of reach. “What did I say about running off like that, pipsqueak?”
The newcomer was almost immediately joined by two more.
“You found her? Oh thank gods!” The other male of the pack said. He was almost as tall as the first, but wider built all around. It was like looking at a Labrador standing next to a greyhound. Alongside him, being held by her hand, was another young girl with wild hair. It reminded him of Benji – the briard’s fur was always in his eyes too.
“Daddy, lookie!” It was hard to tell who Ruby was speaking to, as both the men looked down at him at the same time.
It was the bigger one’s whose eyes lit up. “Oh, what a precious little guy!” He knelt down, clicking his tongue, holding his fingers out. “Come here Yang, just like this.”
The other little girl, bold as can be, pressed her fist against the bars.
Right. Tail up. Time to act.
He bounded forward, wiggled low and stuck his head right through, lifting it upwards until he could feel their fingers against his snout.
Yang giggled immediately, rubbing her knuckles along his skull. “He’s funny!”
“He sure is. Be gentle now.”
“No. No way.”  The bird man groaned. “We agreed on a dog. And we don’t even know how big this one is gonna get.”
The other man got that spot behind his ear. Oh yeah, that was the stuff. “He’s a corgi. They’re about the same size as a beagle, only chubbier.”
“Yeah well, he’s still a puppy. You really want to deal with pee puddles all over the house?” He asked as he set Ruby down.
The littlest one stomped her foot. “But I like this one!”
“But Rubes, they’re a lot of work and I’m sure there’s a lot of – now don’t give me those doe eyes kiddo. Tai, help me out here!”
Tai, in all his wisdom, turned to his pup and said, “Want to pet him Ruby?”
“Yeah!” She toddled on over, where he showed her how to do the really good scratches.
This was the life.
Leaving the girls to it, Tai rose to his full height, winding an arm around the bird man’s shoulders and tucking him against his side. “It’ll be fine Qrow.”
“You’re such a traitor.” Qrow grumbled.
“I know, I’m the worst.” He conceded, pressing his lips against his temple.  
There was a long, slow sigh. “I guess then we’re getting-” He squinted at the paperwork that hung from his cage. “Puppy Two? What kind of name is that?”
“Maybe he goes number 2 a lot!” The older of the girls said.
Ruby’s nose wrinkled up. “Eeeew Yang!”
“You know,” Tai started thoughtfully, “If there’s a puppy one we could get him a friend and- mghpfa!”
Qrow cut him off by shoving his hand in his face. “Just go sign the paperwork already!”
Even when the door came open, and he was lifted up out of the cage, he wasn’t quite sure it was real until he was being taken out of the facility altogether and the big, wide world was in his eyes. Then it was speeding past his eyes, as the large machine he had been placed in moved at speeds he couldn’t comprehend.
“Oh wow! What was that? Oh, and that! Did you see that?” He asks the girls as he hopped between their laps, trying to look out the window.
“Yang, try to keep hold of him!” Tai called from the front seat of the contraption. “He’ll get hurt if he falls.”
Suddenly, a grip stronger than a choke chain was around his middle and he found himself firmly pinned down. He wiggled about, but there was no give.
Ruby pat his backside. “He’s got a funny butt.”
Well now, that was just rude.
There was a guffaw from Qrow. “Speaking of Mr. Funny Butt, s’pose we better name him.”
His ears perked. A name? Just like the other dogs had? He wouldn’t have to be known as mutt or pup or orphan anymore? He wagged his clipped tail excitedly.
“Oh, oh! I was thinking Cerberus.” Tai offered. “Doesn’t that sound intimidating?”
“Dad, that sounds dumb.” Yang was wiggling her fingers along his side, prompting him to roll over and – oh, tummy rubs really were everything the other dogs said they were.
“Ouch. Well little missy, you got a suggestion?”
From his upside-down position, he saw the way the man looked back, then to the bird man sitting beside him.
Qrow glanced up from the lit-up square he was holding. “Don’t look at me! I’m not the one teaching her.”
“I wanna name him Strawberry!” Ruby cut in. She had grabbed hold of one of his paws and was squishing down the pads. It felt kind of weird.
Tai turned back to the window. “That’s a good one. We’ll think about that one sweetheart.”
Yang started to flap his ears around, which made it a little hard to hear Qrow when he spoke up again. “How about Dos?”
“Dos?” Tai echoed. “Like dose of medicine?”
He stuck out his tongue. Most of the choices had gone right over his head. But he did know what medicine was. The sickly dogs told him to beware if a human ever used that term, because that meant they were going to force feed him something gross.
“No. D-O-S. It’s an old Valian language. It means two.”
“Alright well, uncle Qrow has decided to be unhelpful, so keep ‘em coming girls.”
Similar to the way the anticipation would overwhelm the shelter whenever a human walked in, his new pack seemed to have the same habit of yapping over one another.
“Blackie!” Ruby called.
Then, Qrow. “Don’t like that one? How about Ni?”
Tai, snipping back, “We are not naming him knee!”
“At least call him roundhouse.” Yang’s voice was getting a little shrill.
“No! No martial arts moves!”
Ruby, again: “Palm strike!”
“Yeah sis!” The slap of the girls’ hands made him jump a little.
“Okay you two are banned too. We’re naming him Cerberus.”
Oh, he knew this cry! He pulled his head back, howling with them.
In the wake of the noise, silence followed, all eyes on him. He looked around, confused. Why had they stopped?
Then, all at once, the four of them started to laugh. He knew it was the human’s way of wagging their tails, since they lacked them and all. So, he wiggled and yipped, feeling more like he belonged then he ever thought possible.
Eventually, Qrow’s game won out. The name, his name, was chosen just as the contraption rolled to a stop.
“Hey, how about this one? Zwei.”
Tai drummed his fingers along the circle he was holding onto, looking up with a frown. “I hate how much I like that.”
“Hah! See, and you were making fun of me.” He twisted around, looking back at them. “What do you think rugrats? Is Zwei a keeper?”
“Yes!” Ruby chimed in.
Yang gave it more thought. “Zwei as in…” She smooshed his face, tapping their noses together, “Zwei’re you so cute?”
“…I regret everything.” Qrow looked like someone just stole his nest. Beside him, Tai doubled over, barking with more laughter.
From that day on, he was part of the pack.
Four months and eight days after his adoption, any lingering doubts he had left about his place among his newfound pack were completely abolished.
“Come on Zwei,” Ruby whispered to him as she opened up the back door, giggling behind her hand. He’d come to learn that was a sign that they were going out to play.
So he rushed around her feet and into the backyard, paws immediately sinking into the muddy trail that had been caused by a passing storm. It was still rather dreary overhead and he could scent the petrichor coming from the surrounding flora. His packmate ran past him, heading around the shed with the same sense of purpose she got when she was stealing treats out of the cupboard for the two of them. Were there some back there too?
“Wait for me!” He called, bounding after her in excitement. As he came around the back, he found what had captured Ruby’s attention so. Behind the shed was a lake-sized puddle, caused by the way the land dipped ever so slightly. She was already ankle deep in the water, gathering up globs of mud and setting it on the grass in a pile.
When he approached, she told him, “I’m making mud pies!”
Oh, that was a type of food! Tai had made it before. It had been something really sweet smelling that he wasn’t allowed to have.
He hears Ruby’s giggles when he practically sticks his nose right in, taking a deep breath. Just as quickly, he pulls away with a huff of displeasure. Definitely not for eating.
“Mud Pie Zwei!”
He perked up at his name, only to hunker down as the next handful of mud is deposited on his back. When Ruby dips her hands back in, he hurries away before she can load on more. He could feel the thick of it weighing down his fur and the wet of it sliding down his haunches. It wasn’t pleasant at all, so he shook himself to fling most of it off.
“That was gross!” He barks, which only seemed to increase her laughter.
Well. Two can play it that game.
He leaps with as much distance his little legs can provide, landing in the puddle with a big splash.
“Zwei!” Ruby shrieks, her dress now covered in wet spots and mud.
He wades towards her, taunting back, “What are you gonna do now?”
If he didn’t know better, he would have thought she truly understood him what with the way she responded by scooping her hands in the water and throwing it at him. In retaliation, he races around her, little waves kicking up in his wake. At the edge he pauses, lowering down on his forepaws until his chin brushes the water, waiting to see what his packmate would do next.
“Oh, it is ON!” She hollers, charging for him.
“Bring it!” He challenged right back, darting to the side and ducking around her when she tries to make a grab for him.
It begins a game of chase; one he’d already grown quite familiar with and one he was certain to lose. Ruby was bigger and faster than him, spirited like Skystorm had been. The rest of their pack didn’t appreciate that level of liveliness like he could. He was always happy to engage her, finding new, creative ways to escape her clutches before she ultimately snatched him up. Today he was trying to zig-zag the same way he saw that little black snake move in the garden; until his pack alpha crushed it into black smoke under his boot, that is.
It seemed his new trick was his best yet, because Ruby was having to scramble after him. “Hah, can’t catch me!” He called back at her, dashing for the tree line.
“Zwei don’t go in the – ah!”
He heard a yelp and the feet coming after him abruptly stopped.
Then, a more terrifying noise boomed over his senses, “Zwei! Come!”
He slid to a stop so fast, he somersaulted over his paws, landing on his back hard enough to make the air in his lungs whoosh out. He tilted his head back, looking at the upside-down view of his secondary alpha, his near permanent frown more pronounced than usual. He hadn’t even heard him approach! What kind of hunting skill was that?
“What were you thinking?” Qrow demanded of the young pup he had under his arm. “I’ve told you a thousand times not to go into the forest!”
Ruby wiggled valiantly in his grasp to no avail. “We weren’t gonna!”
“Ain’t gonna believe that when you already broke the ‘no going outside today’ rule.” He looked up, then pointed down aggressively. “Zwei, I said come!”
Obediently, he rolled over, slinking forward with a pitiful whine that sometimes got him out of trouble. “We were just having fun, honest.”
Qrow had never been quite as movable as his other alpha though, only scooping him up under his other arm and storming back for the house. “Gods you’re both a mess. I’m throwing you in the tub.”
“Nooooo!” He howled with Ruby.
Beyond a gripe about ‘thinking more before they go running into mud’, the alpha largely ignored them, hauling them upstairs. He paused only long enough to peek into one of the bedrooms. A little lump of blankets on one of the beds trembled every now and again and a loud hacking started up.
Some of the tension on his scary face finally melted, his voice a gentle timbre when he speaks, “How you doing firecracker?”
“M’okay.” She snuffled back from her hiding place.
“Okay. I got to get these escape artists into the bath – but holler if you need anything alright?”
“I will.”
Zwei’s ears dropped when her hacking started up anew. It had been just a small thing this morning, but now she sounded worse than some of the dogs back at the shelter when they got plagued by kennel cough.
He didn’t have long to dwell on it, as Qrow continued on his way, kicking the bathroom door shut with his foot before setting them on the bathroom rug. “Alright, clothes off.”
Rather than listen, Ruby crossed her arms and sat down stubbornly. He walked the few steps it took to join her, plopping down as well.
Their alpha sighed, stepping over them to get the water started. “Kiddo, work with me here.”
An agitated hand ruffled through his hair until it seemed more like a puffed-up cat tail. “How about for a scoop of strawberry ice cream?” Rather than answer, she held up two fingers. “…Who taught you this level of swindling? Fine! Two it is. But no telling your dad.”
“Deal!” She hopped up, throwing off one of her layers and dropping it with a wet plop on the ground.
“Hey wait!” Zwei stomped over to Qrow. “What do I get?”
Apparently it was to be picked up and dropped into the tub. The water was just enough to cover his paws. He scrambled for the edge of the basin, too small to actually make it over. He wasn’t left alone for long, Ruby eventually climbing in beside him, all her normal, colorful furs gone. The water eventually rose up until it touched his chin, and he had to paddle a bit to get around – not that there was anywhere to go.
Zwei didn’t really like baths. The water was warm, but the ground underneath his feet was hard to stand on, causing him to slip and sometimes water would go up his nose when that happened. Then there was the shampoo. It was some really awful smelling, awful tasting stuff that would get lathered into his fur. The stink of it would overwhelm him, his own, better scent being cancelled out by the gunk. Even when he rolled it out into the grass, it persistently clung to him for days.
So no, he didn’t like baths. He especially didn’t like Qrow’s version. He was too rough. His fingers would score through his fur like he was trying to rip it away and he’d push the undercoat in all the wrong ways until it left everything kind of hurting. Today was no different.
“Ow, ow, ow!” He wailed. “That’s too hard!”
The scrubbing, if possible, got worse. “Quit bellyaching, we’re almost done.”
“He’s kind of a baby, isn’t he?”  Ruby asked from her side of the tub, trying to turn her bubbly head fur into sticks just like a porcupine.
“I am not a baby!”
“Oi, don’t jump Zwei!”
“You know, this is a lot of racket for a bath.” The final voice was new, but familiar.
His tail started to wag immediately, slipping out of Qrow’s grip so he could hop and get a look at his other alpha. “Welcome home! I missed you!”
“Hi daddy!” Ruby greeted.
“Hey there.” Tai said, stepping into the bathroom. He peered down at his mate inquisitively. “Need help?”
The response was a jovial laugh as the man rolled up his sleeves and settled down beside him. Zwei felt a little jealous when he attended to Ruby. “Were you causing trouble for your uncle?”
“Nuh-huh. I behaved!”
Qrow snorted, resuming his torture. Ignoring Zwei’s calls of displeasure, he instead spoke to his mate. “You find the medicine?”
“Yeah. Gave it to Yang before coming in here. Tip your head back honey.” Tai poured a small pitcher full of water down Ruby’s head, using his hand as a shield to keep any from falling into her eyes. As he scooped up more of the bathwater to douse her again, he continued, “We’ll have to keep an eye on her fever. We might want to let her sleep with us tonight.”
“No fair! I wanna sleep with you guys!”
As his chin was lifted up, Zwei huffed out, “Me too.”
“Tell you what Rubes,” Qrow said as he took the pitcher that was handed over to him, going through the motions with him now. “Why don’t you and I have a little sleepover of our own? We can set up a fort in the guest room and everything.”
Her face lit up. “Really?”
Zwei’s ears fell. Of course the alpha would do that – Ruby was so obviously his favorite pup. Looks like he was stuck downstairs. Alone. Again.
“Yeah. We can even bring the little scamp here.”
He blinked back as Qrow looked down at him. Wait… did he mean…?
“Just don’t have an accident and make me regret it, you got that mutt?”
He did. He did! His whole body practically vibrated with the force of his excitement, jumping out of his grasp so he could lick his hand. “I’ll be good, I promise!”
Qrow drew his hand back immediately. “Ack gross!”
Tai’s boisterous laughter echoed, before he reached out for his pup. “Come on Ruby. You’re done.” He lifted her up and out of the tub, wrapping her up in a towel and walking out of the room. “You want me to help you pick out an outfit?”
“I want my combat skirt!”
“Alright, alright…”
It wasn’t long before Zwei followed her out, draped in a towel of his own and brought downstairs. A fire was made in the hearth to combat the chill settling in as the day waned on. Eventually, that’s where he found himself stretched out in front of for his midday-play nap, stirring only when his pack moved about.
Nothing managed to rouse him completely until a commotion started up in the next room and he awoke to a day much darker than before. Ruby and Yang were on the couch, the latter curled up in a miserable ball as they watched their colorful moving pictures on the television.
He got to his feet, stretching out with a long yawn, before he trotted over to the kitchen. His alpha pair were both there. Qrow was sitting on the counter by the sink, sipping an amber liquid in a short glass and watching his mate as he fussed about the stove. Whatever Tai was making smelt absolutely delicious, like chicken and rice kibble but more refined and fresher. Mouth watering, Zwei slunk underneath the dining table chairs and emerged just into their sight. He sat himself down at the edge of the rug, making sure not even a claw touched into the ‘Never Ever Cross While Alpha is Cooking’ section of the kitchen.
“Can I have some?” He beseeched lowly.
Tai looked over his shoulder, smiling brightly. “There’s my good boy! Up!”
He sat up on his hind legs, snatching the morsel that was tossed to him in his jaws. He savored the scrap of chicken slowly, licking his chops once he’d swallowed it.
“Good catch!” His alpha praised him, before turning back to his work. When Qrow started to shift off the counter, he pointed a knife towards him. “And where are you going? We weren’t done.”
It seemed his mate thought they were, with the way he scoffed. “Look, if you want to ground her so bad, you do it.”
Zwei had come to realize that breeding pairs were very strange. Or perhaps maybe just his were; he certainly couldn’t make heads or tails of their lack of pheromonal compatibility. More critically was in how little they ran the pack like a unit. It made for a rather confusing predicament when Tai would let him nestle on the armchair – but Qrow would absolutely not tolerate it. He had to wonder if his other packmates ever felt the same.
Tai’s sigh was tinged with a rarely heard frustration. “It’s not about the punishment, it’s about who’s giving it. I can’t keep punishing the girls for rules you lay down.”
“Why not? You’re the dad here.”
“You really think Ruby hasn’t figured out that when you’re the only one home, she can get away with whatever she wants?”
Qrow snorted, downing his drink and setting it on the counter he’d vacated. “She’s six Tai. Not exactly in her prime to be a master manipulator.”
“No.” He set down the knife, turning to him fully. “But that doesn’t mean she’s dumb.”
Coming to the conclusion no other treats were coming his way, Zwei laid down on the rug, head between his paws, mostly tuning them out as they carried on. Maybe he should just take his post-nap nap. He was just starting to drift, when one particularly loud shout had him jolting out of his daze.
“Oh so I just don’t care, is that it?”
“I didn’t say that! And keep your voice down.” Tai shushed. “I know you love them, Qrow. I just… don’t understand why you want to turn them against me.”
His mate jerked back a bit, as if struck. “What in Gods’ name are you talking about?”
“Can you really not see where this will eventually go?”
With a long exhale, Zwei settled again, listening to them with only half an ear. This wasn’t the first growling match they’d partaken in, but he wasn’t worried by it. For the outcome was as certain as the sun would be rising tomorrow.
“I don’t see what the big deal is.” Right on time, Qrow’s tone shifted as did his body. Away. Vulnerable. If he had a tail, he was positive it would be tucked between his legs. “It’s not like you have anything to lose.”
Tai tilted his head, as if trying to figure if the words truly came from him. “Okay, what are you talking about?”
“Nothing. It doesn’t matter.” He tried to retreat, only to be stalled by a hand suddenly on his shoulder.
“No. Come on don’t-” A sigh. “Do you really think the girls will just cast you aside just ‘cause you have to be tough on them sometimes?”
The answer was so soft, even Zwei had to strain to hear. “Been thrown out for less.”
“Oh Qrow.” Before the thinner man knew it, Tai was pulling him into what Zwei could only describe as a ‘standing snuggle’. It looked warm and inviting. “There is nothing in this world you could do to make us stop loving you.”
“You don’t know that.”
“I do know that.” And then Tai said something Zwei would never forget: “Family isn’t a competition where the prize is love. Love just is. You don’t earn it by performing your best, you’re just given it from being here and caring about us just as much as we care about you.”
There were a few more things that were spoken, but the fight was over for sure when the mating pair started licking each other’s mouths. Overzealously, as usual.
But the call for peace, joyful as it was, did not impact Zwei as much as his pack leader’s words. For they washed over him with a great ferocity, reaching in and cleansing him from the inside where Hunter’s dark words still resided in his heart. The fear that had footed there that he would not be wanted finally came loose, strand by strand, until it was hanging by nothing but a thread.
It wasn’t until that night, with Ruby’s head nestled into his back and his nose tucked against the welcome warmth of Qrow’s side, that the final root broke as the words finally hit home.
There may be a lot he lacked, but no amount of skills compared to the simple act of just being there. The one thing he knew with absolute certainty was that love was something he could give this family without end.
So no, he wasn’t fierce like a Doberman. Or noble like a shepherd. Or even charming like a poodle.
He was just Zwei. And that’s all he needed to be.
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harringrovehouse · 5 years
S2 AU where everything is EXACTLY the same except Billy and Max don’t roll into town with their parents but rather as a result of a letter, one hand delivered to Hopper by a stuffy man in a suit and tie.
The letter opens with ‘Dear Sarge’ and Hopper knows it’s one of his men. One of the men he commanded in Nam. He sits stiffly in his office and reads the letter. It’s from Taz, Neil Hargrove, one of the well most unstable men that Hopper had every comanded, his nickname had been ‘Taz the Tazmanian devil’ because of his quick uncontrollable outbursts. Taz writes that he’s dying, cancer, and that he’s got a kids, a boy who’s mother fucked off year ago and left them alone and a girl, the result of a second marriage, he wasn’t even sure she was his but he cared for her even after her mother died last year in a car crash. Taz asks Hopper to take his kids in, take them in and keep them alive until their 18 and Hopper can do whatever he wants with them.
‘They got no one but me Sarge. And I’m gonna be dead by November.’
Hopper sighs as he looks down at the letter, gut turning as he thinks about El. Thinks about how he’s just gotten her intergrated back into society, and bu society he’s told the kids she’s okay and she’s allowed to be at Joyce’s house every once in a while without him. Would this be too much for his girl? They still have power outbursts. Would it be okay to bring two stranger into this mix. Hopper takes a long lunch to decided. He shows Joyce the letter and waits for her opinion.
“You gotta take them in Jim!” She’s tearing up as she rereads the letter. “You can’t let them go into the system.” Hopper argues with her, he doesn’t have the space for two more kids. He certainly isn’t sure he has the patience! Joyce glares at him and then reads him the riot act.
So he does the only thing he can. He calls the number at the bottom of the letter, talks to Taz and agrees to take in his kids. He tells El they’re going to have guests and that she has to keep her powers to a minimum, even as they move from the cabin into a house on Old Cherry.
William and Maxine ride into Hawkins three days later, a UHaul driven by the same, now rumpled and angry, lawyer who delivered the letter. Hopper waves awkwardly from the stoop as El hovers at his side, eyes wide as she watched Maxine climb out of the back seat of the blue Camaro William is driving. El makes a weird noise and points at the skateboard Maxine is death gripping. Behind her William climbs out of the drivers seat, a hard angry look on his face as he slams the door. Hopper meets them half way up, he awkwardly sticks his hand out for them to shake. William takes it quickly, muttering out a quick ‘hello sir’ before swatting at his sister’s shoulder to get her to do the same. Maxine takes Hopper’s hand weakly and lets out a barely audible ‘hello sir’ before dropping her hand to her side and glaring at the sidewalk .
The next few days are a vivid rush. Maxine or Max as she prefers moves into the room next to El’s, gets to know her friends and somehow become her enemy all in a 48 hour period. Something to do with the boys having no idea what to do with this new female attention. It’s not made easier with the fact that El is not able to go to school yet. William, for his part, keeps his nose clean. He quickly wins over the multitude of girls at Hawkins High, and more than once had to be reminded that bringing anyone into their home isn’t allowed! William and Max fight like cats and dogs, they blame each other for the move and no matter how many times Hopper raises his voice over their bickering to remind them that it’s no one’s fault but thr US Government and their war, it never seems to work. It really only causes William to flinch each time Hopper do it, which starts to concerns him. At one point, in the dead center of Will Byer’s newest Upsidedown run in, Hopper has three very angry, very hostile with each other, teens on his hands and it all comes to a head one night when he has to rush off to Joyce’s and leaves William in charge.
“Just keep an eye on your sisters! Please.” Is the last thing he says before he’s racing out of the house to go help Joyce.
Hopper would find out later than El would sneak out to find Mike, and then Max to go with Lucas, who showed up to take her to a junk yard and then finally William would end up chasing both of them down in the middle of the night only to throw down with Steve Harrington in Joyce’s living room before El threw the dead body of a Demodog threw a window and stopped their fight.
By the time the sun rose above the clouds the next morning, Hopper would be pacing in his living room, covered in blood and Upsidedown goo having patched El back up after she closed the gate, and tapes but William’s lip and checked Max over for any type of damage she might have picked up between entering the Upsidedown hole and running away from a herd of Demodogs.
“Just-just promise me the three of you will at least talk to each other if,” oh god he hopes this never happens again. “If anything like this EVER happens again. Please.” He’s shaking slightly but waits as the three of them slowly turn to look at each other. First El to Max, then Max to William and then finally the three of them make eye contact with the others and begin to nod. “Thank god. That’s all your old dad needs.” They all freeze and Hopper covers his face with his hands. Suddenly warm and pink skin hidden behind the dirt and grim. “Go to bed. Uh all of you. It’s been a long night.”
It’s weird for the next few weeks. Especially when Hopper catches William going down on Steve Harrington, which, oh man is that a conversation for the book. Both boys leave the house mortified but Hopper’s confident that they’ve learned their lesson. They all still dance around each other but at some point El and Max move their beds into the bigger of the two rooms and sit huddles together most nights giggling about whatever teen magazine Joyce had given them that week. Everything starts to feel normal, and by the summer of 1985 Hopper’s never felt more at home.
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chickensarentcheap · 4 years
Best Part of Me - Chapter 4
Warnings: none
Tagging: @c-a-v-a-l-r-y​, @alievans007​, @thunderintheshadows​, @innerpaperexpertcloud​
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While it is a more peaceful existence, it is often a lonelier one. The safety and security of seclusion at times feeling like isolation. Their property…their home itself…is beautiful beyond anything she could have imagined; surrounded by the sights and sounds of nature, the dense and lush woodlands and the pristine beach and majesty of the ocean. Aside from the noise and activity of their own residence, they are very much shut off from the rest of the world; two hundred yards from their closest neighbour, tucked at the very end of a three kilometer stretch of recently paved road. Weeks can pass by before she even sees another human being, let alone speaks to them.  There’d been scares and complications during the last three months of her final pregnancy and she’d had to relegate herself to living the life of a ‘shut in’ for the sake of both her health and that of her unborn daughter; never leaving the property aside from specialist appointments. Addie had been an incredibly determined little girl; wanting to make her debut long before it was safe for her to do so. It had been nothing short of a miracle when the doctors had managed to tide things over until week thirty-four, and everyone that had been providing care had thought she’d been in the NICU for the long haul. Only for her to prove them all wrong; being released after only a week and a half.
 A fighter. All five pounds, ten ounces of her.
 Normally Esme would spend the first part of her morning -after the older kids had been shipped off to school-  on the beach; Addie in the carrier strapped to her body, Declan toddling along beside them, allowing him to stop every so often to splash and stomp in the water or play in the sand. Today they walk the road instead, Mac’s leash secured around her waist, one hand pushing the baby in her stroller, the other tightly gripping Declan by the wrist. He is quick and has no fear and won’t think twice about bolting into the woods or onto someone else’s property.
 The pavement is hot but comfortable against their bare feet. It was one of the things that she had found so unusual at about Australia at first; no one ever seemed to wear shoes unless going into businesses, and even then, occasionally footwear would be noticeably absent. It is one of the charming ‘quirks’, going hand in hand with their laid-back natures and accents and hilarious slang words. An entirely different way of life; a refreshing and welcoming change of pace. Everyone seeming much more relaxed and calmer.  Friendly. Always willing to help one another out, whether friends or strangers. And while Colorado had been lovely in its own right, it often felt too ‘fast.’ That life was constantly hectic, barely given you a chance to catch your breath, never mind admire your surroundings. Everything about Australia is incredible to her; the scenery, the people, the way you just take time to enjoy everyone and everything around you.
 But it is still lonely at times. Outside of her own family, she doesn’t really have a life; no relatives that can visit, no friends to talk to or hang out with. It has been that way for years; long before she’d ever met Tyler. Once her first marriage had disintegrated, she’d begun the long and arduous journey of ‘rediscovery;’ more than content with the job she had, jumping from place to place, and living out of suitcases, never forming bonds, or putting down roots. She’s older now though; almost thirty-six. And lately she’s found herself craving more.  She had thought that she was perfect content with just being a wife and a mother, but her heart has begun to yearn for something extra.  Mom friends that she can talk to whether it be face to face or through a text, other women she could have lunch dates and engage in ‘girl talk’ with. Needing to be more than that someone’s spouse. Someone’s mother. Needing…wanting… to exist outside of the comforts of those two realms.
 And she feels guilty for that. As if she’s taking every thing she already has for granted. That she is makes her selfish for wanting more and she should just be happy with the way her life already is. She has a lot more than a lot of women in the world:  a supportive, loving, and helpful husband, five beautiful and amazing kids. Shouldn’t that be enough?
 It is a beautiful morning. Brilliant sunshine, the sky a vivid shade of blue and cluttered with enormous, pure white clouds. The temperature is always cooler where they are; a few to several degrees lower thanks to the abundance of trees and the winds that roll in off the ocean. And she is comfortable in a pair of tattered and weather jean shorts and a hoodie over her t-shirt, one of her husband’s ball caps pulled low over her eyes. It’s become a habit that she wishes she could break herself of; a hat used more for disguise than a cute accessory or protection from the sun. That paranoia still lingers; that there could always be someone out there watching, hell bent on revenge and looking for the perfect opportunity to enforce it.
 The walk is slow going; Declan routinely stopping to investigate things, whether it be rocks and sticks he finds particularly interesting, or wildlife that lingers at the tree line that he wants to watch. He is infinitely curious about the world around him, noticing everything and anything, big or small. He hasn’t met and animal or person he hasn’t liked, and vice vera. Out of the five, he’s the ‘charming’ one; able to melt hearts with those striking blue eyes and mischievous smile. Extremely affectionate and loving to everyone he meets, even old ladies in the grocery store who always seem to be enamoured by the thick red hair and the outrageously long eyelashes. While Esme may be biased -as all mothers are- he is just damn cute. A sweet little personality to go along with an even sweeter face. And she can’t resist pausing to take pictures of him with her phone; so adorable in his backwards baseball hat, loose tendrils of hair sticking out at the ears.
 She sends one of the photos -of Declan holding a baby garter snake and flashing that trademark smile that crinkles the corners of his eyes (his father’s smile)- to her husband’s cell, along with a text that reads: see what cute babies you make?
 The house closest to them has been up for sale for three months; a one-story white stucco place with elaborate Japanese inspired front gardens and an interlocking brick driveway. The property itself is much smaller that what they own, but no less stunning. She notices that not only has the ‘for sale’ sign been taken down, but there’s a bright blue Suzuki hatch back in the driveway; tailgate up, surrounded by boxes being unloaded by the home’s new owner. A tall, statuesque blond with vibrant pink, purple, and aquamarine highlights in her shoulder length tresses. And she watches -albeit briefly- as the woman continues to remove items from the back of the car. The couple that had lived there before had been in their eighties and absolutely hated kids and would complain about Millie and the twins ‘running wild and unsupervised’ in the road despite the fact that their father would have been  less than ten feet away. Never directing the complaints to Tyler himself, but waiting until they’d see him leave and then knock on the door to confront her. So it’s nice to see someone younger. That hopefully won’t be such a miserable asshole.
 The front door of the house has been left open and a pug comes waddling out; immediately noticing them at the end of the driveway, which starts off a round of barking from both the smaller dog and Mac and absolute excitement from Declan who begins repeatedly shrieking ‘oggie!’ and tries to yank his wrist out of her grasp. He’s incredibly strong for a little guy; heavy, solid, and powerful. And Mac -still barking yet thankfully not bolting- parks himself right in front of the toddler to block his path.
 The woman in the driveway smiles and waves to them in greeting, and that’s when Esme makes the ultimate mistake; letting go of her son’s hand to wave back. He seizes the opportunity; taking off up the driveway the second he feels his mother’s grasp release.
 “Oh my god Declan! Get back here!” she bellows, and unleashes Mac from around her waist, allowing the dog to chase after him. At the most he’ll grab the toddler by the back of the shirt or knock him to the ground. He’s done it before with each one of the kids; showing an incredible instinct -and with no training- to protect the little humans. “Declan William!” she hollers as she hurries after him and the dog. The latter now making friends with the initially startled pug; the new homeowner scooping Declan up and settling him on her hip.
 “Well hey there cutie,” the blond gushes, gently taking hold of his hands as he tries to tear the unique and colourful glasses off her face. “Who are you?”
 “This is Declan,” Esme responds. “And he’s not usually this much of a shit head, I swear.”
 “You’re just a curious little man, aren’t you! You just wanted to come and meet Stan-Lee. Here, let me introduce you…” their new neighbour drops down to one knee and places Declan on her thigh, taking his hand in hers and then running it over the pug’s fur. The toddler giggling with the dog licks at his hand. “See that? He likes you already! He loves to meet new friends. Especially little ones.”
 “I am so sorry,” Esme can feel the blush in her cheeks. “I’m usually not that stupid. Letting him get away like that. Especially on the road. Although no one but us ever comes down this far. We used to get people that would speed down here and park on our property to get into the woods. But we own all that, so my husband went out and scared the crap out of them with a hunting rifle and they never came back. You must think I’m a shitty parent.”
 The blond waves off the mere suggestion. “Not at all. They get away sometimes. No matter how hard we try to stop them. Not to mention he’s crazy strong! Two? Two and a half?”
 “Seventeen months. I know. He’s absurdly tall. But so is his dad. I am sorry he ran over like that. Bothering you and your dog and…”
 “It’s no bother. Honest. I’m Salena,” she offers a hand, and Esme accepts it warmly.
 “I’m Esme. And that’s Mac,” she nods at the German Shepherd as he playfights with the pug. “It’s actually Macaroni. Don’t ask. My son named him. And this is Adeline,” she gestures to the stroller. “Be we call her Addie.”
 “Is this your little sister?” Salena speaks to Declan as she places him on the ground and takes him by the hand, leading him to the stroller. “How about you show me your little sister. I bet she’s a cutie, just like you. May I?” she asks Esme, taking hold of the corner of the blanket that covers the buggy.
 “Of course.”
 She peels the blanket back, then places a hand over her chest. “Oh my gracious! Look at you, pretty girl! Aren’t you just a darling! You’re just new.”
 “Very new,” Esme confirms. “Only two weeks.”
 “And you already look like that?”  Salena looks over the top rim of her glasses as she eyes Esme from head to toe.
 “Please! The clothes hide everything, trust me. I’m huge. And I feel gross.”
 “You’re crazy! You look amazing. Are these your only two?”
 “No. There’s three more,” she says, and the neighbour’s eyes widen. “Five-year-old twin boys and a soon to be six-year-old daughter. I know,’ she laughs. “I’m crazy.”
 “I just can’t believe that body’s had five kids. Five’s the limit?”
 “Four was the original limit but by husband wanted one more. I don’t know who is more insane. Me or him.”
 “Well if these two are as beautiful as they are, I can only imagine what the other three look like. The red hair comes from your husband?”
 “His mother. Declan’s the only one with it. The other three are blond. Or light brown. Whatever you want to call it. And the last one is all me. Which I feel I deserved after having four that look and act exactly like their father. All that work and getting fat and I don’t get one that looks like me? That is some bullshit.”
 “Would you like to come in?” Salena inquires, nodding towards the house. “I have a breakfast casserole in the oven, and it is way too much for just one person, even with leftovers.”
 “We shouldn’t. We were just on a walk before lunch and we don’t want to impose or…”
 “You won’t be imposing at all. We can sit out back and chat some more. You’re the first person I’ve met since moving to Cookstown. I was staying a hotel right in town while waiting for the house to close. It would be nice to have a friend that’s close by.”
 It’s tempting, and as much as she loves the idea of having a friend…especially a neighbour…she knows Tyler will be hesitant. He’s severely overprotective. Beginning after Dhaka and becoming increasingly worse over the years, hitting its peak after the McMann incident. In his mind, everyone is a possible threat. Including the neighbour with the funky glasses and the colorful hair.
 “Just stay for a little while,” the other woman urges. “Just for something to eat and a little chat. I don’t bite. I promise.”
 “It’s not that and it’s not you, believe me,” Esme attempts to explain. “This is going to sound really weird, but things went really bad before we moved here and I’m a little…apprehensive…when it comes to new people. It’s not personal. I swear. It’s all my own issues.”
 “I promise I am not a serial killer. Just come in and have some lunch and let me spend some more with this cutie pie,” she tickles Declan’s stomach until he’s giggling hysterically and beaming up at her with the utmost adoration. “Just an hour,” she says. “If I bore you or I annoy before then, you can leave. I won’t hold you hostage.”
 “Okay,” Esme finally agrees, as Salena scoops Declan up once more and leads the way towards the house.
He receives the text message just as he pulls his truck up in front of his father’s new place; a small, cottage style bungalow in a newly established retirement and nursing care community in Port Douglas. It had been bittersweet when he’d eventually found out that the old man had sold the family home. The years there hadn’t all been horrible; there’d been a handful of good memories made between those four walls. That house was the last physical tie that Tyler had had to his mother, and the new owners had bulldozed it with plans on custom build for the lot. The demolition had finally erased all the dark secrets that the place had once held. All the cruel words, all the tears, all the holes in the walls, all the beatings.
 Killing the engine, his pulls his cell from the side pocket of his cargos and checks the message. A slow smile spreading across his face when he sees the picture of his youngest son, and the words that his wife had sent afterwards. If there is one thing they excel at, it’s making beautiful children. And the activities that help with the actual creation of them. He texts her back, telling her that they’ve just reached his dad’s place and have two stops afterwards close to home. That he loves her and the kids and will see them soon.
 He begins to ask where she is but decides against it. It will only irritate her if she feels as if he’s keeping tabs on her and attempting to control her. She claims he’s overprotective to the point of suffocation, something that the therapist had said they’d touch on in the next session. Why he is the way he is and what he can do to either control it or stop it altogether. Tyler doesn’t necessarily want to be that way; he doesn’t want her to feel as if he’s locking her away in the house and controlling every move she makes. But he’s already come so close to losing her. Twice. And he doesn’t want to take the chance of there being a third time.
 So he doesn’t ask. Even though it gnaws at his stomach that she’s out there. Off the property. With two of his kids in tow. Instead he pockets his cell, pulls the keys from the ignition, and then finishes the coffee that sits in one of the cup holders between the front seats.
 “How are we going to explain me?” Ovi inquires. “Am I just going to be some guy that you hired or…?”
 “He already knows all about you.”
 “How much does he know? Or what does he know?”
 “Your folks were friends of mine and Esme’s, they died, left us you in their will. Nice and simple. It doesn’t need to be complicated.”
 The lying never stops. Not when it comes to the old life. To the old Tyler. But at this stage in the game -with his father not functioning properly in the first place- he doesn’t see the need to burden the old man with the truth. Chances are he’d be extremely pissed and/or disgusted and wouldn’t even remember what he’d been told the next day.
 “And you think he believes it?” Ovi asks.
 “Mate, I don’t even know if he knows who I am anymore. Chances are he doesn’t even remember I have a wife and kids. Or that I even told him about you already. But if he asks, that’s what we tell him. Got it?”
 Ovi nods.
 Tyler opens the compartment between their seats and fishes out the extra bottle of anti anxiety meds. It’s always smart to have them on hand; never knowing what situations or environments will bring on an attack. But he can already feel the heaviness in his chest and the dryness in his mouth, and he takes three of the pills and places them under his tongue, waiting for them to full dissolve before putting the bottle in his pocket.
 It’s a hell of a way to live. Having to dope yourself up just to be able to get out of the goddamn car.
 And he’s plain fucking sick of it.
 The personal support worker greets them at the front door; a short and stocky Aboriginal woman clad in brightly patterned scrubs and bearing a name tag that identifies her as Maggie. She as kind, almost sad eyes, and a soft, pleasant smile and her grip is deceptively strong when she shakes their hands.
 “You must be Trevor,” she addresses him.
 “Tyler,” he gently corrects, and removing his sunglasses, hangs them on the neck of his t-shirt.
 She offers an apologetic smile. “He told me he was expecting someone named Trevor.”
 “Trevor was his brother. My uncle. He died twenty years ago. But I’m Tyler. His son.”
 “This happens, you know,” she sighs. “Moment when they can’t remember the people in the present, but they remember the ones from the past. It isn’t personal. It’s just the disease. It’s a cruel thing; what it does to people.”
 He nods in agreement, trying to at least appear sympathetic. But he feels nothing. No empathy. No pity. No sorrow that his father is slipping away. No regrets that they’ve let the years go by without even attempting a reconciliation.
 “You just moved back, I hear,” Maggie comments, as she leads them from the front foyer and towards the back of the house. “Were you gone long?”
 “Five and a half years.”
 “That’s a long time to be away from home. What made you come back?”
 “I came into some money and I was able to retire early,” Tyler explains. It’s not a total lie; that part did happen. It just wasn’t as easy as he’s making it sound. “My wife and I decided this was the best place to raise our kids.”
 “Well I can’t argue with that. Is this them?”  Maggie pauses in the hall between the living room and kitchen, nodding at the frame photographs on the wall. “Your kids?”
 It’s their school pictures from last year when they’d still been in Telluride. Before they’d ever heard of Michael McMann. And one of Declan when he’d just been a baby; not even crawling or walking yet.
 Tyler nods. “They’re a year older now. And we added another. A little girl. Two weeks old.”
 Maggie arches an eyebrow. “You’re telling me you have five kids?”
 “Five kids,” she breathes and shakes her head. “Boy, you’re either both brave as hell or you’re both just plain crazy.”
 “Maybe both?” Ovi suggests, and then laughs when Tyler directs a playful elbow into his stomach.
 “I actually have six kids,” Tyler says. “If we count him,” he jerks a thumb over his shoulder. “When he’s not being a smart ass.”
 Maggie looks Ovi up and down. “You’re one of his…” she nods at Tyler. “…kids?”
 The young man nods.
 “And just how does that work? When you look like you do…” she looks at Tyler, then at Ovi. “…and you look like you do.”
 “They took me in,” Ovi explains. “Six years ago. After my parents died. It was in my mother’s will. That I was supposed to go to Tyler. So…. here I am.”
 “Here he is,” Tyler confirms, and tousles Ovi’s hair. “Congratulations. It’s a boy. All six foot one and two hundred pounds of him.”
 “He’s not my father, but he is my dad,” Ovi says. “And that’s good enough for me.”
 Maggie gives a slow nod of agreement, and then once again leads the way down the hall. “Your father insisted we put those pictures up as soon as he moved in. He’s extremely proud of his grandkids.”
 Tyler doubts it. On both counts.
 “He’s having one of his ‘okay’ days,” she says. “Woke up knowing what day is, what month, what year.”
 “But thinks his dead brother is going to show up,” Tyler tosses out. And again, nothing. Not even the slightest hint of sadness. The man doesn’t deserve any. Not after the life he’s lived. Not with all the things he’s said and all the things he’s done.
 “He may have just screwed the name up,” she suggests. “I mean, you’re his son. He obviously knows your name.”
 “I haven’t been his son in a long time,” Tyler says. It doesn’t hurt to admit. It just is what it is. In the same way that Ovi may still bear the Mahajan name, but his father had stopped being a part of his life a long time ago because of his own selfish and evil choices. Just as Tyler’s old man had destroyed their relationship with the use of a belt or a fist or whatever else his father could get his hands on.
 “You’ll always be his son,” Maggie’s tone has a scolding tone to it. “He helped give you life.”
 “That’s about all he did. He knocked my mum up. That’s it. I know you mean well, but you shouldn’t be lecturing about how things are between him and I. I lived with him. You didn’t. So how about we just cut the chit chat and you mind your own business.”
 She holds her hands up un surrender, then nods towards the sliding glass door that leads out onto a small patio. “He’s out there. Likes to sit in the sun and listen to the birds. He’s a very sweet man. Very gentle. Very good to us.”
 Tyler gives a derisive snort. It will be a cold day in hell before he acknowledges any of those traits. Because before the old man’s brain started going on him, he was a tyrant. Controlling and manipulative. Drinking far too much. Treating his mother like a slave and then degrading her and beating her if she dared stand up for herself. And when she’d died, all that cruelty and abuse had been turned onto his only child. He could forgive what his father had done to him, but there’s no goddamn way he’d ever forgive him for what he’d done to his mum.
 His father sits in an old porch swing; frail and sickly looking, a far cry from the man he’d been the last time Tyler had seen him six years ago. When he’d still carried himself with a hint of cockiness and superiority; shoulders still broad, eyes still icy and intimidating. He’s a shell of his former self, and Tyler almost hates himself for viewing this as a form of karma. That after years of treating people horribly, the old man has been reduced to needing help from complete strangers to perform even the smallest of tasks.
 “William, “ Maggie speaks from the doorway. “You have company. Your son and your...” she looks at Ovi for clarification as to just who he is.
 “Grandson,” Tyler finishes for her.
 “Your son and your grandson are here,” she continues. “They’ve come to visit.”
 Tyler gives her a small, appreciative smile and then waits until she steps back into the house and shuts the door before turning to Ovi. “Why don’t you go and find that list he supposedly made of the things we need to fix. Probably on the fridge or the kitchen table or...”
 “TV,” his father speaks up. “It’s by the TV.”
 Tyler smirks. “Go check there. See what you can do on your own. I’ll be in in a few.”
 Ovi nods, then gives a nervous smile and a small wave when he notices Tyler’s father watching him, a puzzled look on his face.
 “Go on,” Tyler encourages. “I need a few minutes here.”
 “Okay,” Ovi agrees, and slips back into the house.
 “Hey dad,” Tyler greets, as he grabs one of the patio chairs and places it facing the swing, sighing heavily as he sinks down into it. “You know who I am right?”
 His father nods, then leans forward and takes a hold of Tyler’s chin, turning his face to one side, then the other. “They let you keep that fur in the army?”
 “I’m not in the army anymore. I haven’t been in it for a long time.”
 “The war is over? They sent you home? From Afghanistan?”
 “I was in Afghanistan sixteen years ago. The war’s been over for a while. That one at least.”
 “So you’re home now?”
 Tyler nods.
 “I don’t know if I have enough room here for you. There’s not a lot of space. I had to get rid of the old place and downsize and...”
 “Dad, I have my own place to live. In Cookstown. With my wife and my kids.”
 He looks puzzled. “You have more than one now? When did that happen? Wasn’t Sarah just getting ready to have Austin?”
 Tyler sighs and runs a hand through his hair, then over his face. “Sarah and I haven’t been together in a long time. Since Austin died. That’s almost sixteen years ago now.”
 His father cocks his head to the side, confusion in his eyes and lining his face. “It is?”
 “I got married again. You were at the wedding. In Sydney. Same little place you and mum got married at. Near the opera house.”
 “Tiny little dark haired thing?”
 “Esme. You made a joke about her having a weird name.”
 “Esme...Esme...” his eyes squint as he tries to remember. “...cute wee thing. I like her. She’s a sweetheart. You’re still married to her?”
 “Six years and counting. She’s still putting up with me somehow. Do you remember meeting your granddaughter? Amelia? I brought her to the old house.”
 His father nods.
 “She’s going to be six in a couple months. I’ve also got twin boys that just turned five. Tyler and Tanner and another boy that’s seventeen months, Declan. And we just had another baby two weeks ago. A little girl. Adeline.”
 The old man smiles. “Your mother’s name.”
 “We call her Addie for short.”
 “That’s nice. Real nice. That you named her after your mother. She loved you so much, you know. Your mother. You were her pride and joy. The light of her life. I’d never seen her so as happy as she was the day you were born. She was a good mom to you. A real good mom.”
 “Yeah....” Tyler clears his throat noisily, trying to rid himself of the lump of emotion that sits squarely in his windpipe. “...she was.”
 “She’s a good mom? Your wife?”
 “She’s an incredible mom. I couldn’t have asked for a better mother for my kids. Or for a better woman to give me children.”
 “Six years?” his father asks. That you’ve been together?”
 “Six years and a couple of months,” Tyler confirms. “I haven’t screwed this one up. Not yet, anyway.”
 “Must be a good woman. A strong woman. To put up with the likes of you. You’ve always been a handful.”  It isn’t said with malice; there’s a soft smile curving the old man’s lips.
 “She keeps hanging in there. Keeps giving me another chance every time I screw up. Which has been a lot, unfortunately. But she never gives up on us. On me.”
 “Don’t let her get away. You’ll regret it if you do. And treat her right. Don’t make the same mistakes I did. You’re better than that. You always have been. You’re better than me. Thank Christ.”
 “Well I guess that’s one thing I do have to thank you for,” Tyler muses. “Showing me how not to be.”
 “And you’re back home? In Australia?”
 “We were in Colorado. We just move back six months ago. We should get you out to the house. You’d love it. It’s right on the beach. Awesome spot. And you’d get to see Amelia again. And meet your other grandkids.”
 His father smiles. “I’d like that.”
 “Maybe for Amelia’s birthday,” Tyler suggests, and then stares down at his hands; palms up, studying all the callouses and scars that years on the job have left behind.
 There’s so much he wants to say. Things that he needs to get off his chest in regard to the nightmare that he’d lived through growing up. He wants to punish his father; make him feel even the slightest bit of regret and remorse for all the things he’s said and done.
 But he doesn’t. Because whatever he says will never come close to the torment that’s always taking place in father’s broken mind.
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izzy-b-hands · 4 years
Dancer Chapter Six
Time for Eggsy to dance in more than one way, as the plot thickens and things go even more haywire. But our boy is up for it, or at least, he’d better be, for the sake of everyone he loves and the world. 
Anything less, and who can say what might happen?
A shorter chapter here, because the next one means even more action, and as such is probably going to be a bit long. Consider this a brief interlude of sorts, before we jump into the next pool! 
My love to all who read/like/reblog!
“Okay, let me talk before you start in on me,” Tilde’s voice was panicked. “And I don’t blame you, okay? I get it. But just, hear me out, I never-” 
“Tilde,” Eggsy tried to interrupt, gently.
“No! Okay, no, we do this every time we argue, we just talk over each other and never resolve anything and god that is just like my parents, and I hated hearing them argue like that,” Tilde continued. “I didn’t mean for it to be what it was, I had never even thought of girls that way, I mean, I did, but it wasn’t that it wasn’t allowed, my father just said we didn’t have time for certain things and I needed a prince, and god I do still love you, in my own way, but just...not like that, not like I thought I did, and that’s on me-” 
“Tilde!” Eggsy tried again, not shouting, but just a bit louder. 
“Yes!” Eggsy laughed. “Because we’re a fucking pair, I tell you what.” 
He could see Tilde’s frown at that, the way her forehead creased just a bit whenever she was confused. Roxy had always said she thought that was cute, and she was right, it was, and now that comment made so much more sense.
“It’s fine,” he continued. “What you and Roxy are doing. I mean, in any other case, it wouldn’t have been, because yeah, it’s cheating, but...his name is Ainsley. I was supposed to be stealing the formula from him, but...god, I have so much to tell you, whatever Merlin will let me, at least. It’s been wild. But long story short, I...” 
“You’re doing the face,” Tilde said. “The same one you did on our first proper date, I know it. You’re falling for him.” 
“Think I’ve already fallen,” Eggsy chuckled. “Like a rock dropped in water.” 
There was a beat of silence, then Tilde laughed. 
“There’s something online, isn’t there, about useless gays who don’t see what’s right in front of them, some joke? That’s us, isn’t it?” 
He nodded. “I think it is. She makes you happy, doesn’t she? I can tell.” 
“My father isn’t pleased,” Tilde replied, and he could see her grin, could hear it in her voice. “But he loves her all the same, and he’s said he’s willing to defend having two princesses, rather than a prince and princess. I mean, that’s looking awful far in the future, I know. Probably shouldn’t rush into that again, even if this does feel right.” 
“I hear that,” Eggsy said. “But I can see why you’d want to. She’s a great girl.” 
“She really is,” Tilde murmured dreamily. 
Eggsy giggled. “You’re adorable, look at you! You’re head over heels!” 
“And you aren’t?” Tilde laughed. “I can hear it in your voice, I know if I got you talking about him now, you’d never stop. But I’d do the same about her, so I get it.” 
“So...this is the end? Of us as...prince and princess.” 
“Yeah,” Tilde said. “But as friends...I could never stop loving you that way, Eggsy. And I still expect you to show up for movie nights, when you aren’t away on work. It’s your turn to provide the snacks, and you should bring your other ‘snack’ as well. I want to meet him and see just how pretty he is.” 
Eggsy couldn’t help it, he cackled. This was how it had been at the start, easy and happy and bright. They’d rushed into everything else, and they never should have, but at least they could have this again. “I think I can manage that. He is awfully pretty though, I must warn you.” 
“I’ll bring sunglasses for when he dazzles us,” Tilde giggled. “You know, I was so worried about this call-” 
“Me too!” 
“Yes! And now I don’t know why I was. It feels like a weight is off of me,” Tilde sighed happily.
“Same,” Eggsy agreed. “I can’t wait to get home. All four of us, movie night, plan for it.” 
“It’s on the calendar,” Tilde replied. “And Eggsy-” 
“I want to thank you,” Eggsy interrupted. He had to say it, before the tears, a mix of happy and sad, rolled. “For what we had. For loving me like that for the time you did. For loving me as you do now. For still being here for me. I’m glad we can still make each other happy.” 
“I need to thank you for that too,” Tilde replied softly. “I didn’t see things ending up this way, and it’s bittersweet in a way, because I just...never saw myself divorcing anyone, ever, but life doesn’t follow blueprints like that, does it? But we’ve both found happiness, and we can be happy in that together as friends. I know you’ll always be here for me, and I’ll always be here for you.” 
He could hear her sniffles, and knew they should end the call before they were both an absolute mess. “Well, your welcome, and thank you. I love you, Tilde.” 
“I love you too, Eggsy,” Tilde said. “Now, I should probably let you go. Merlin said..well, he couldn’t tell me much, but he alluded to there being a whole mess of work for you to do. Stay safe, whatever it all is, okay? I’m counting on you coming back in one piece.” 
“I will. I promise.” 
The call ended, and he let himself sit for a moment in it. 
She was right, it was bittersweet, even though it was ultimately a good thing. But if he could have pulled aside his younger self and told him this was where he’d end up, he’d never have believed it, for one reason or another. And someday, he’d have to finally get a therapist like Merlin had been hounding him to do, and properly go through this and everything else in his life. Closure, Merlin told him, was more important than most people thought. Ending one chapter, for good or for bad, so another could be started healthily. 
And the rest of his story was waiting in the living room, on the couch, probably a little bit wine drunk. 
He dried his tears as best he could, though he knew his eyes were still a red and puffy mess, and went back out to the living room. 
“Ainsley, it went so much better than expected. She’s so happy with Roxy, and I’m so happy for her, I can’t even say, and she’s happy for us, and I ju-” 
He stopped dead, and popped the ear piece into his ear properly as he took in the living room. 
Blood strewn across the couch, both wine glasses and the bottle broken, spilled wine drying into a crust on the light green velvet couch, and Ainsley nowhere in sight. 
“Merlin, we have a problem,” Eggsy said sharply. 
“What? Tilde just texted me and said it’s all gone very well, and she’s thrilled for you. I know it must have still been difficult, these sorts of things always are, but-” 
“No, Merlin, he’s gone,” Eggsy found himself breathing hard as he tried to carefully survey the apparent crime scene. A note, left on the tray where the wine bottle had been sitting read simply ‘Hide and Seek time! Ready to play? -Barrett’
“And I know who took him.” 
Merlin sighed. “I was afraid of this, but I thought we might have more time. You two really pissed him off today, apparently. This is a bold move, considering we haven’t even made our first yet. Stay put, I’m going to come to you, and then we’ll figure out our next move.” 
Eggsy frowned, and crawled along the floor, then stretched up to look to the ceiling. There, he found the thing he had been hoping he wouldn’t find. “Merlin, don’t come here. It’s bugged. I’ll meet you...I’ll call you, in a bit, to tell you where to meet me. I can’t say now; I don’t know who might be listening.” 
Merlin immediately ended the call, and he moved like a man on fire. 
He gathered his bag, making sure none of his things were left in the apartment, then pulled his Kingsman glasses from it. 
He used them to take pictures of the scene, everything, every bit of wine and glass, blood, and the note. And the painful lack of Ainsley. How had he not heard the apparent struggle, something? Sure, there was a decent amount of space between the bedroom and living room, and sure, he had the ear piece in his ear when he was talking Tilde, but-
No time for that. No time for panic, for fear, for tears or worrying. He had a job to do. 
He waited until he was well away from the apartment before calling Merlin again. “There’s a cafe I’m heading to. You should be able to track me, meet me there. I’m not saying more until I know that no one else is listening to us.” 
Merlin ended the call wordlessly, a sign that he would soon be on his way, and Eggsy tried to settle into the small cafe’s outdoor seating space. The cafe itself was closed, considering the time, but the outdoor area had been left open, apparently free to use. It would do, for now, until they could find a safer spot to meet at. Potentially, this could mean his and Evan’s apartments were bugged, and the club and Ainsley’s house near it certainly were as well. Who knew if anyone on the street was in on it as well? He hadn’t noticed anyone tailing him, but at the same time, he trusted no one who walked by. 
“Are you searching for something?” 
“Tony?” Eggsy asked. The shadows made it hard to make out the man in the distance, but it sure sounded like him.
Suddenly, the man bolted, and Eggsy gave chase. 
“Merlin, change of plans. Keep tracking me; I think I’ve got someone.” 
It was a harsh run, up and down narrow streets with occasional uneven paving, but at least he had left his Adidas in his work bag, just in case he might need them, because god did he ever now. Had he tried the run in platforms, he’d have two busted ankles and a broken nose from falling flat on his face, surely.
And the man wanted to tire him out, he could tell that, ducking and weaving and jumping over and around walls, through people’s small yards and through back alleys near the various shops they passed. But he wasn’t giving up now. Maybe Barrett had been right, he was an angry dog, but he was a well-trained one who wouldn’t let go of whatever he caught that he knew couldn’t be let to go free. 
Finally, they hit a dead end, and he crashed into the man, holding him against the brick wall. 
“Tony, what the fuck are you on about? Why did you run?” 
It was Tony, who looked as panicked as a rabbit caught by a hawk. 
“I-I can explain. Boniface, he asked me to follow you, to make sure you weren’t getting into any trouble, out here alone at night.” 
“Is that so? What was that comment then?” 
He bit back a gasp as cold metal pressed up against his stomach through the sweatshirt. 
“You couldn’t just leave well enough alone, could you?” Tony muttered. “Barrett thought something was fishy from the start, had never heard of the agency that had sent you. Of course, I couldn’t tell Boniface that, the stupid prick. Not like he’d listen to sense anyway. See what it’s gotten him? If you want to stay alive, you’ll be smarter than he is.” 
“You,” Eggsy breathed. “You’ve been reporting to Barrett before I even got here, got involved with all this. You bugged his apartment.” 
Tony shrugged. “I go where the money’s good. And bouncing at a strip club, even as head of security? Not great. But being the double agent for a man like Barrett? That pays much better.” 
“Is that all it ever was to you? Have you no loyalty at all?” 
“You didn’t listen to Barrett earlier, did you?” Tony scoffed. “Personal responsibility. I’m the only one who can make sure I’m doing well, and getting what I deserve from life. And unlike other people, I’m not afraid to get my hands dirty to do that.” 
“You’re a fucking sick bastard, just like Barrett,” Eggsy spat, and before Tony could react, he twisted away from Tony and wrenched his arm so the gun pointed out and up. 
Tony got a shot off before he could stop him, but it went only into the night sky. He struggled against Eggsy’s grip, but they were evenly matched. 
Until the cloth covered his mouth. 
He tried to fight it, to stay standing, but his vision faded, and he felt himself dropping to the ground. 
“Thank you. You didn’t do too much, did you? Barrett is going to want this one alive, after all. We’ve got to get him to Switzerland.” 
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pinkpuffballdude · 5 years
Who is Celestia sparrow and what happened with the wizard :0
OKAY. SO. I am HONESTLY not in the mindset to write this rn because some SHIT just went DOWN in our campaign but ALSO this is a great way to destress. Anyway if this comes off as uhhh real weird that’s why. Let’s go.
So to start: me and my friend, @clericjester, have been playing Pathfinder together with my brother and two of his friends for about eight years. Celestia is my character, and has been that entire time, and Thela is Sage’s character. Both of us are rouges, but I multiclassed as... multiple things now, but mostly a bard, so I’m the charismatic one of the party. We’re also the two hardcore RPers of the group, so we’ll go off and do side adventures sometimes, when they come over and were like “hey dad*. Pathfinder.”
*my dad is our DM. It’s very convenient. 
This was one of those times.
It started with an already canon event, where the party split up in a city to go off and find... something, it doesn’t really matter now, but Celestia and Thela went off together and ended up in a bar. Thela got approached by some random thug and offered a TON of money to go and rob a house. We, being a pair of greedy bastards, of course accepted, and hashed out a plan in which Thela would go do the actual breaking in, being the sneakier one, while Celestia stood outside and distracted the guards so they wouldn’t bother her. And that’s what happened! 
Except Mr Thug Man neglected to mention that it was a fucking powerful magic users house that we were stealing from, and so after we got away unscathed (okay that’s a lie, Thela broke into his writing desk and got some cool shit, but also set off some kind of alarm? maybe? and nearly got caught by a pair of GOLEMS) he CHASED US DOWN and has been sending us to this crazy bullshit dimension occasionally where everything explodes.
But first! We thought we’d gotten away! We ran away from the building, the guards didn’t catch us, we met back up with the group, it was all good! Until my DAD was like “okay so you’re on the road to where ever, here’s a map, arrange yourselves in this square” and we’re all like OH GOOD COMBAT and two GLASS GOLEMS you know, the two from the wizards house, came up the road and made a beeline for Thela (and Celestia got on her riding dog and RAN away because FUCK that, but they didn’t care about her cause she had no loot!) and Thela climbed straight in the air and the party almost left her to die, but defeated the golems instead and then turned to both of us and were like WHAT DID YOU DO and ever since we’ve been denying our wizard crimes.
Note: we don’t actually know if he’s a wizard! we don’t even know if he hates us! we just call him a wizard for ease of discussion. 
Later, we were all in a tower in a mad scientists castle, and us two were trying to figure out what the hell the stuff we stole actually did, by trial and error. We already knew that the rods we’d gotten were Immovable Rods, hence the climbing into mid air, and a couple other things, and had moved on to the fountain pen we’d stolen. We scribbled all over the walls of that tower, writing whatever we wanted to, trying to figure out what the hell it’s purpose was. “It’s just ink you can see with Detect Magic!” we said. “It doesn’t even do anything cool!” Okay, said my dad. So you can see it with Detect Magic. “Yeah!” So you can see any of it with Detect Magic. “Right!” From anywhere, he said, with great patience. We looked at each other. We looked at the walls, now absolutely covered in whatever random shit we could think of, in magical ink, visible from anywhere, written by a pen we stole from a wizard who was actively after us. “oh no,” we said, in unison, and immediately jumped into bed and pretended it never happened. Continue lying about our wizard crimes.
I think... after that he met us on a road somewhere, just. literally in the middle of the road, as we were travelling, whole parties there, and the BASTARD teleports us to aNOTHER DIMENSION, and LEAVES US THERE, and tells us that we should “hurry up, wink wink nudge nudge”, and gives us a timer, thing. We are in the middle of a jungle. long story short we make it to the check in point with minutes to spare, and as we leave the ENTIRE FUCKING PLANET EXPLODES. ALL THE OF THE TREES ARE EXPLODING, THERE’S A GIANT DUST CLOUD OF ALL THE DIRT GETTING KICKED UP, IF WE’D MISSED THE CHECK IN WE WOULD HAVE FOR CERTAIN DIED. Thankfully we get teleported out, and the Bastard confiscates all the cool samples we took from there and lets us go. And we go on our merry way! We’re miles from where we started! Stop being such a trickster god!
Later on we were staying at a hunting lodge, right, and there was some stuff that we still hadn’t figured out, like a silver bracelet that as far as we could tell didn’t do anything when you put it on. So we’re at this lodge, it specialises in werewolf hunters, right, so this lodge is FULL of werewolf hunting fanatics. This is important. There’s been a string of murders within the lodge, and no one can figure out who’s doing the killings and we’re going all detective on this shit, which means the party is split up. It’s fine, were safe, whatever, but this does mean that Thela and Celestia are alone and outside under what turns out to be a full moon (I bet you can see where this is going). We’re at a dead end, we can’t find anything, so THELA thinks it’s a GREAT IDEA to pull out the bracelet and just. put it on. We hadn’t actually put any of the items on, or used them that much, until we knew what they did, but no! she just. Pulled it out. And put it on. 
And immediately turned into a fucking black wolf, bit Celestia, and jumped over the twenty foot high wall (that’s about six meters for all you metric heathens out there). Sage was not in control. Thela woke up the next morning in their shared room! and they had one of the hunters track her trail from the yard all the way around to their room, which as soon as he got there they regretted because a fucking werewolf had gone into their room and Thela was now a werewolf who became an npc when she was a wolf oh my god what are we gonna do. The answer to that, of course, was keep it hidden until she fucking JUMPED UP INTO THE BOYS ROOM AND RAN THROUGH THE HALLS, AS A WOLF, TEARING SHIT UP, THROUGH THE WEREWOLF HUNTING LODGE, WOLF THELA NO. Anyway that’s one of the proudest moments of my life because Celestia was able to convince the most bloodthirsty of all the hunters that the boys were simply playing some sort of game, that for some reason involved running through the halls screaming WEREWOLF, THERE’S A WEREWOLF IN THE BUILDING. I peaked. So Thela ended up hiding in the shadows (and Celesia’s room) for the next three days until the full moon ended, by witch time we were able to talk the boys down and get on with our lives, and the adventure. Also the murderer was the soft drunk boy, as possessed by an angry murder werewolf ghost. That was a trip.
Fun fact about Thela’s lycanthropy: I don’t think it’s true lycanthropy, because 1) shes got a silvery tattoo that 2) tells her which animal she’s gonna become that 3) changes, depending on what turns out to be multiple factors. One of them is location, but right now she can always be a tiger because she’s wearing a tiger belt. 
The latest and greatest wizard shenanigans were when he showed up and teleported us and a monk named Balance (who was aptly balanced on a fucking chain when we met them), and who he for some reason wanted to stop guarding a randomass bridge, BACK to the exploding planet. This time, pre exploded! There was actually stuff to find there, and we got four exploding snails out of it*. AND a bunch of samples. The check point this time was a moving platform because this man only finds joy in our suffering, but he didn’t meet us when we got out, AND we’d gotten to our destination in three days instead of three weeks, so...
And Thela’s tattoo didn’t show anything while we were there? Like, either she couldn’t shift or if she did it would have been into the Void? We didn’t test this. 
*so they actually rapidly compress into spheres when threatened, creating a shockwave similar to a bomb. Reusable slug bombs!
And today after our Lovecraftian Experiance (which I can also talk about, if you’d like) the tattoo looks. Twisted. But only to Thela. I think hallucinations are in order. Also I want to peel off my skin, but that has nothing to do with Bastard Wizard.
So that’s the story of our wizard shenanigans, thanks for asking!
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a kaleidoscope of butterflies (pt 1)
title: a kaleidoscope of butterflies summary: Everyone knows that playing in the snow is just a good excuse for cuddling for warmth afterwards (or, two times Dan and Phil cuddled for warmth) words: 2.8k rating: t warnings: none part: 1/2 genre: fluff, 2009/2018 prompt: phandomficfest bingo: cuddling for warmth
a/n: thanks to @auroraphilealis for being my writing buddy tonight and taking a break from her own fic to edit for me xx
The snow is bitingly cold, and if Dan wasn’t so enamored with Phil, there is no way he would have agreed to filming a damn snow adventure today. Still, no amount of infatuation can stop him from being visibly disgruntled after falling face first into the snow for a second time.
“Phil,” Dan whines. His voice is high and he’s flashing Phil the best puppy dog eyes he can. “I’m fucking freezing and now I’m sopping wet. Can we please go inside now?”
“Bear,” Phil pleads back, almost whining himself. “We’ve just got a few scenes left.”
Phil’s looking at Dan with his own version of puppy dog eyes, and even though he hasn’t technically asked Dan for anything, Dan finds himself caving in. It’s only been two months since Dan meet Phil in real life, and he already knows he’s doomed to do anything Phil asks for or hints at or, hell, anything Dan even remotely thinks might make Phil smile.
So, really, it’s no surprise to Dan when he merely shoots Phil a glare, a fond smile threatening to ruin the effect, and mutters, “Fine.”
“Yay!” Phil cheers. He looks positively gleeful, and Dan’s happy for his decision, despite the fact that he’s losing feeling in his hands.
“You’re making me hot chocolate as soon as we’re done though,” Dan pouts, just for good measure. The bribe is hardly necessary, but Dan’s not above manipulating the situation so that he gets some coddling out of Phil after filming is said and done
“With extra marshmallows,” Phil promises, nodding with a serious look.
Dan smiles softly, finding it endearing how solemn and serious Phil is about marshmallows.
“Alright, let’s get on with it, then.” Dan steps closer to Phil, grabbing the damp list of scenes from Phil’s hand and scanning over it to see what’s left.
“Hey,” Phil whispers, before Dan can fully process the list. One hand catches under Dan’s chin, a gentle pressure encouraging Dan to look up. Dan lets Phil tip his head up, his eyes ripping away from the paper.
“Thanks, for doing this with me,” Phil murmurs, a soft, grateful grin visible for just a second before he’s closing the gap and kissing Dan.
It’s just a peck — or at least that’s what Phil was apparently intending. Dan is too caught up in how cute Phil is though, too intoxicated by his feelings for Phil, to let Phil go that easily. Dan chases after Phil’s lips, immediately pressing his lips to Phil’s again and again, until the chaste pecks turn into something more and they are languidly kissing in the middle of Phil’s snow-covered yard, the December air nipping at their exposed cheeks.
Phil’s lips are cold against Dan’s, but he doesn’t mind; Phil could be as cold as an icecube or as hot as the sun and Dan would still want to kiss him. Scratchy yarn rubs against Dan’s cheeks when Phil’s hands come up to cup his face and, again, Dan doesn’t mind. He’s just happy that Phil is touching him.
He leans into the warmth, leans into Phil, his arms wrapping around Phil’s waist and pulling him half a step closer. It’s broad daylight still, and Phil doesn’t exactly have a fence that affords them much privacy. Anyone who looked over would see them kissing — well, proper snogging now — and Dan doesn’t know what sort of people Phil’s neighbors are. He doesn’t know if they are like the persnickety woman that he lives next to in Wokingham, the one he heard very loudly telling her husband about how god condemns homosexuality. Phil doesn’t seem concerned though — quite the opposite really, given the way he’s licking at Dan’s bottom lip and gently encouraging him to open his mouth.
And, of course, Dan does. Because, again, there’s nothing Phil could ask for that Dan wouldn’t give, and Dan trusts Phil wholeheartedly. If Phil doesn’t have a problem with making out in the middle of the yard, Dan assumes that it must be fine.
Their slow, unhurried kisses turn into a bit more as their tongues dance together and they half-heartedly fight for dominance. Without meaning to, Dan lets out a quiet moan against Phil’s lips, his hands automatically pulling Phil closer and lightly grinding their hips together.
The noise must knock some sense into Phil, because he’s suddenly pulling back, his hips and his chest moving to a respectable distance, but his lips only a centimeter away.
“Let’s finish so we can get inside, yeah?” Phil suggests, a twinkle in his eye and a small smirk on his lips.
“Okay,” Dan mumbles back. He’s a bit struck dumb from their kiss.
Eventually, the newness of kissing Phil will probably wear off, and he’ll stop feeling so overwhelmed by the butterflies dancing in his stomach everytime that Phil is close. But right now, Dan wants to savor the feeling. He wants to let himself fall head over heels in love and enjoy every second of the honeymoon phase with the gorgeous man standing in front of him.
True to his word, Phil puts the kettle on as soon as they are back in the house. Dan tries to help, starts to make his way across the kitchen to fetch them two mugs, but Phil steps in his way and cuts off his path.
“Go sit in the lounge and I’ll be there in a minute with the hot chocolate,” Phil prompts, his hands on Dan’s shoulders, gently pushing him towards the door. “I promised you hot chocolate, so I’ll make it. Besides, you look cold.”
Dan pouts for no valid reason, but follows Phil’s directions all the same. Even to him, it seems a little clingy to not want to be away from Phil for the ten minutes it will take for the water to get hot.
So he settles on the sofa, immediately tugging the chunky knit blanket off the armrest and draping it across his lap. He’s still freezing, he realizes, and his damp sweater isn’t helping matters. With a shiver, he pulls the blanket all the way up to his chin and burrows a bit further down into the cushions.
Exhausted from running around and filming all day — especially after sleeping so little last night since it was his first night with his boyfriend in nearly three weeks — he finds his eyes drifting shut, his head lulling off to the side.
Before Dan can realize that any time has passed, a clumsy weight is crashing down next to him, and an overfilled mug of hot chocolate is being held in front of his face. Dan shuffles his hands free from the blanket and takes the mug. The ceramic is hot against his palms, the steam warming his nose as he holds it close.
“Thanks Phil,” he says, pressing a tender kiss into Phil’s shoulder.
He must have changed while the kettle was on, because he’s not wearing his damp jumper anymore, Dan realizes. Dan frowns, one hand tugging on the sleeve of Phil’s new, dry jumper. “You couldn’t have brought me something dry to wear?” Dan complains.
“Sorry,” Phil shrugs, only looking a little chagrined. Under the blanket, Phil tugs at the hem of Dan’s damp sweater. “You could always just take it off,” he proposes with a cheeky wink — well, more like an aggressive blink.
Over the brim of his mug, Dan shoots Phil an unamused look. “I think I’ll freeze even more if I’m topless, you idiot.”
“Mmmm,” Phil hums. “Not if I cuddle you to warm you up,” he says suggestively.
It’s a ridiculous idea, it really is. The house is hardly warm enough for Dan to not freeze his tits off, and Kath is puttering about upstairs somewhere, and yet Dan finds himself leaning forward to put his mug down on the coffee table all the same. He doesn’t think twice about pulling his sweater off; it’s so wet that it sticks to his skin and, okay, maybe it is a bit smarter of an idea than he originally thought.
Carelessly, Dan drops his top onto the floor and grabs his drink. He leans back into the sofa, shuffling a little closer to Phil this time, pulling the blanket back around their shoulders.
“Hug me, or else I’m making you go get me one of your hoodies,” Dan demands.
Phil chuckles, but doesn’t protest. He shifts his drink to the hand away from Dan, and wraps his arm around Dan’s bare shoulders. Dan falls into Phil’s embrace, tucking his shoulder into Phil’s side and resting his head on Phil’s chest. It’s not the easiest position to try to drink from, but he really doesn’t care, not when he gets to be this close to Phil.
There are a million and one things that they could talk about, but something about just relaxing into each other and embracing the silence is nice, too. Phil must think so as well, because he doesn’t make any effort to start a conversation, either. His fingers are caressing Dan’s bare arm, feather light touches stroking up and down his bicep.
Dan sips his hot chocolate, his mind wandering. This is nice, he thinks. It’s nice to be able to cuddle in peace with someone, no tv to distract them from each other, no pressure to maintain mundane conversation. This would have felt awkward with his ex-girlfriend; the silence would have felt oppressive instead of serene. But, Dan supposes, he never felt about her the way he feels about Phil. They got along (for the most part), and they usually had fun together. They didn’t get each other, though. She could never tell when Dan was deep in serious thought just by looking at him. And Dan could never tell what kind of a mood she was in unless she made it painfully clear.
Phil, though.
He and Phil get each other. Dan can feel Phil’s gaze on him, can tell that Phil is feeling just as contemplative and peaceful as he is. Phil seems to magically know that Dan doesn’t want a movie or music or idle chit chat. And Dan can tell that Phil doesn’t want that either.
Dan drains the last bit of hot chocolate from his mug, ready to curl into Phil without having to worry about spilling it. Eager to have his hands free, he nudges his empty mug into Phil’s stomach, trying to get him to take it. Phil’s only response, however, is to glance down at the mug and chuckle.
“Phillll,” Dan whines. “Can you put my mug on the table?”
Phil giggles and makes no move for the cup. “You’re a big boy, Dan. You can put your own mug on the table.”
Pouting, Dan tips his head back to glare at Phil. “I don't have a shirt on, though. I’ll freeze if I leave the blanket.”
It’s probably not true. Truth be told, he’s feeling a lot warmer now that he’s got the wet sweater off, now that he’s been curled into Phil’s warm body for a while, and now that he’s drank a full mug of hot chocolate. Phil doesn’t need to know that, though. Good boyfriends take care of their partners after all, and right now Dan is feeling far too lazy to move.
“It’ll be two seconds of cold, Dan. I think you’ll live.” Phil sounds amused, much to Dan’s distaste.
“I hate you,” he grumbles, his grip relaxing on the mug, his hand falling to Phil’s lap.
“Mmm,” Phil sighs. Dan can feel Phil nuzzle his nose into his hair — hair that has begun to curl. Hot lips, warm from hot chocolate, press into the crown of Dan’s head. “That’s too bad,” Phil mumbles. “Because I love you.”
For a second, Dan freezes. His whole body tenses up, the air knocked from his lungs and his mind going blank.
And then the full meaning of what Phil has said sinks in, and the butterflies from earlier are back in full force, and his heart is racing and all he can think is Phil, Phil, Phil.
The glare on Dan’s face melts. Phil’s looking down at him, his lip tight between his teeth. He looks nervous, but all Dan can feel is awe.
“Do you mean that?” Dan asks, breathless, hopeful.
Phil kisses Dan’s forehead, his lips lingering a beat longer than necessary. “Of course,” he mumbles against Dan’s skin. “You’re amazing.”
The overwhelming emotions that are coursing through Dan take charge, and suddenly Dan finds himself casting his mug aside, letting it fall to the sofa somewhere beside him. Being exposed to the cold air doesn’t matter anymore. All that matters is kissing Phil and showing him that Dan loves him, too, even though he’s too speechless to find the words to say it back right now.
The blanket falls from his shoulders as he springs into Phil’s lap, straddling his legs and leaning in close. They are pressed together from waist to chest, and Phil’s hands have automatically come to rest on Dan’s thighs.
Dan surges forward, capturing Phil’s lips in a fierce kiss. Beneath him, Phil is kissing back just as hungrily, his hands gliding up and down Dan’s thighs, his thumbs brushing over the waist of Dan’s jeans and petting his soft bare skin.
“I love you,” Dan whispers against Phil’s lips when he finally has enough sense to be able to talk. “I love you, I love you, I love you,” he repeats over and over, unable to stop saying it once he’s actually said the words out loud. The butterflies in his stomach are multiplying and multiplying, and there are so many that Dan is sure that he’s about to burst from them.
“I love you, too,” Phil mumbles back without breaking their kiss.
Even though Phil had already said it, the easy way that the declaration tumbles out of Phil’s mouth, and the amount of sincerity lacing the words, has Dan grinning so widely that he’s barely able to kiss Phil anymore. He doesn’t pull back though. He pushes through his beaming smile and keeps kissing Phil.
Melting further and further into the kiss, into Phil, Dan licks along Phil’s mouth. Phil’s lips part, and Dan slips his tongue inside, lightly caressing the roof of Phil’s mouth. On his bare back, Phil’s hands are mirroring the movements of Dan’s tongue, gently grazing from his hips to the bottom of his shoulder blades, over and over. Desperate to touch, to hold more of Phil, Dan’s hands wind their way up to Phil’s hair, knocking away the little coverage he still had from the blanket.
“Ahem,” a quiet voice says from the doorway.
Dan springs back, his eyes snapping up over the top of Phil’s head, only to meet Mrs. Lester’s gaze. Phil’s head whips around, and Dan just barely catches sight of the guilty look on his face.
“We were just cuddling,” Phil rushes to explain. The words come out high pitched and fast — he’s definitely a little panicked. “Trying to warm up from the cold.”
Mrs. Lester’s lips quirk up into a smile. She certainly doesn’t look like she’s about to reprimand them — not like how Dan’s mum would if she had found him making out with someone on the lounge sofa.
“Getting warm usually works better with clothes on,” she says. Dan can just barely pick up the teasing notes in her voice.
“His jumper was wet,” Phil blurts out hurriedly. His shoulders are tense, and Dan can see that the tips of his ears are bright red. On Dan’s hips, Phil’s fingers are digging in harshly, a small outlet for his distress. Phil keeps rambling on, nerves getting the best of him. “It was making him more cold. He was under the blanket until just a second ago. We haven’t — we weren’t — it’s not…” Phil trails off, apparently unable to find a suitable excuse.
Mrs. Lester just laughs, her eyes filled with mirth. “Do I need to remind you that you have a bedroom with a perfectly functional door?”
A hot blush spreads up Dan’s cheeks, reaching all the way to the tips of his ears. Dan buries his face into the crook of Phil’s shoulder, groaning loudly in embarrassment. He hears Mrs. Lester laugh again, the sound growing quieter as she presumably walks away.
Phil twists back around, but Dan stays hidden. He’s sure his face is bright red, and he’s not convinced he can look at Phil just yet.
“Oh god,” Phil groans. “I can’t believe my mum just walked in on us. And told us to get a room.”
“I know, that was horrifying,” Dan grumbles into Phil’s neck. “I can’t believe you convinced me to take my shirt off. You’re the worst.”
Phil giggles, his chest rumbling and jostling Dan. The warm laugh, the way they can recover from something so humiliating together, brings about another kaleidoscope of butterflies in Dan’s stomach. Phil’s arms wrap more tightly around Dan’s waist, squeezing tightly. “I love you, too, Bear.”
a/n: part 2 with 2018 will be up soon! part two is here!
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soul-music-is-life · 6 years
Prompt idea: Sam being one of the kids who gets excited when they get a banana for Christmas when they’re toddlers and maybe one of the other liars kids gives it to him as a joke to film him and he reacts positively? Maybe?
I’ve got a couple ofholiday themed prompts in my inbox, but this one actually kind of struck alittle chord in me because earlier this week I was having a conversation witha friend who has a new baby at home and we were talking about how it’s alwaysthe little things that matter around the holidays. We both grew up in poorhouseholds, so we were happy to get little things. And kids who get excited about the little things have a special place in my heart. I made this one insanely long for you guys (hence the “read more” cut). So, yeah, Happy Holidays!
Quick guide to “who that baby-daddy” PLL edition, because there’s a hella lot of kids running around…it’s your own fault for talking me into writing these families.
Fitz kids: Finn and AuroraRivers kid: CamiCavanaugh kids: Bailey and VioletDiLaurentis-Fields kids (like I have to tell you?): Grace, Lily, SamDiLaurentis (Jason and his wife Danielle) kids: Leo and Maddox
The DiLaurentis-Fields’ house was the most decked out houseon the street, inside and out. The flashing lights that made their place looklike a scene out of Chevy Chase’s ChristmasVacation drew in people driving by. They stopped to look at all thedecorations and the timed light show that Emily had set up this year.
Inside, the house smelled of everything Christmas-y. Pine,Cinnamon, Cocoa, peppermint, and the pure joy of children ripping open presents andsquealing in delight when they got something they’d been dreaming of all year.
No one got more excited about their gifts than the youngestmember of the family, three and a half year old Sam DiLaurentis-Fields. He had a slew of toys thathad been given to him by his moms’ closest friends, who had joinedthem for a Christmas dinner at their house.
The toddler had insisted that everyone else open up theirpresents first, so now that all of the kids had their new gadgets andplaythings he was the center of attention. He went through each one of his presentsslowly and meticulously, each one more exciting than the last. He was startingto get to an age where he could appreciate the joy of receiving gifts. He wassitting by the Christmas tree, his face illuminated by the lights. He was surrounded by everything he’d been given.
He’d gotten a train set from Finn and Aurora Fitz, Aria andEzra’s kids. Nine-year-old Finn had helped his new little sister pick it out.They had adopted her nearly a year ago. She had just turned five and it was her first bigChristmas with her new family. She’d taken an instant shine to Sam, because hewas close to her age and she liked his enthusiasm. He also had a very obvious crush on her.
Sam glanced at his new toys. He’d gotten a shark pillow and a set of Legos from CamiRivers, Caleb and Hanna’s thirteen-year-old daughter. Spencer and Toby’s youngerdaughter Violet, who had just turned twelve, had helped her pick out the newLego set for him. Their older daughter Bailey had gotten him a bubble machineand a bunch of candy.
His cousins, Leo and Maddox, along with their dad Jason, hadbuilt him a play set in the back yard. His twin sisters, Lily and Grace, whohad just passed their sixteenth birthday milestone had bought him a scooter anda drum set, something their mothers had advised them against…because they knewhe’d beat on it at all hours.
When he’d opened the drums the twins had grinnedat their moms. Alison had given them an “I’m going to kill you both in yoursleep” death glare, but Emily thought it was hilarious. She’d even called Sam “OurLittle Drummer Boy”.  
Now, there was only one present that remained. Cami was theone who leaned down and plucked it out from underneath the tree. She handed itto him and smiled.
“Now, this one is reallyspecial, Sam. All of us chipped in to get this just for you.”
The rest of the kids giggled. Bailey and Grace both pulledout their cell phones to record him. He stared at the poorly wrapped package,but the presentation of the gift didn’t matter to him. He looked up at the otherkids with a nervous smile on his little face, like he was afraid he wasn’tworthy of the gift, because wow, theyhad ALL gotten it for him. It had to be really cool.
“Go ahead, munchkin.” Lily encouraged him. “Open it.”
He carefully peeled away the paper, dropping it as he pickedthe thin material apart. After a few seconds he had it totally unwrapped.
More snickers from the kids. The adults just watched incuriosity.
“What’chu got there, Sammy?” Emily asked.
“I got a banana!!” He exclaimed. He looked up, the tornwrapping paper in his lap. He had an excited look on his face as he lookeddirectly into Grace’s camera phone. “It’s my favorite!”
“It is?” Grace laughed.
“Yeah!” His voice squeaked. He stood up, holding the bananalike it was the most precious thing in the world. “Mommies! Mommies, look it!”He ran over to Alison and Emily.
“We see, buddy.” Alison smiled, completely caught off-guardby his reaction.
His mouth was open wide and his eyes were sparkling withdelight. There was no faking his pure joy. He really actually loved it. Hewalked over to Cami and hugged her.
“Thank you,” he said softly.
All of the kids’ sniggers had turned into genuine “aws” ofaffection. Sam went around and hugged everyone in the room and thanked them,something he hadn’t done for any other of his gifts. After he hugged Aurora hesmiled at her.
“‘Rora!” He couldn’t say her name just right yet. “Look! Igot a banana!”
“I like it. It’s really cool. Can I see it?” She shylyreplied.
“Uh huh.” He handed it to her and she turned around andfaced her parents who were across the room.
“Can we get one, too?”
“I’ll check with Santa.” Ezra smiled at his daughter.
“I just bought some.” Aria whispered. “Remind me to put twoin her stocking tonight.”
“Two? Whoa there big spender.” Spencer pushed Aria with aplayful smile.
“Here you go, Sam.” Aurora gave him his present back. Sheleaned against her new brother with a smile and hugged him. “Finn, mom and dad said Santa is gonna bring us a banana, too.”
“I heard.” Finn nodded, hugging her back.
Sam leaned down next to his dog Buster’s bed, where the dogwas watching all of the action unfold.
“Look what I got, Buster!”
The dog lifted his head and sniffed the banana, then he laidback down with a yawn. Sam gripped his banana with both hands and turned aroundto see that he was still being recorded. He looked at Bailey’s camera.
“Are you gonna eat it?” Bailey asked.
“No!” Sam exclaimed with a little laugh. “I’mma save it. It’sspecial.” He crawled on the couch, mindlessly talking to himself as he oftendid when he was happy and excited.
It was the funniest thing in the world to everyone watchinghim, because he’d been eating bananas since he was a baby. He saw them everyday. Yet, for some reason, this one was special.
“Jason got him a jungle gym for the boys to play on and a banana is his favorite present?” Alisoncouldn’t believe it. She faced Emily. “I’m starting to wonder if he’s reallyours. Maybe he was switched at birth.”
“What? You wouldn’t have been happy with a banana?” Emilyknew the answer, but she poked her in the ribs with a teasing grin.
“Are you kidding? I would have screamed until I passed out.”
‘So, basically, every date night.” Emily winked, whisperingso only Alison could hear her, though Spencer was standing close enough to catchit.
Spencer snorted out a quiet laugh. Alison glared at her.
As the night wore on, everyone settled down. Toby, Caleb, Ezra,and Jason took the boys to go get ice cream. The girls were going to a movie. Samwas still traipsing through the house with his banana. He hadn’t put the thingdown since he’d gotten it. They could see where it was starting to bruise.
“He’s going to be devastated when he finds out the shelflife of a banana.” Alison grimaced.
“We’ll just keep replacing it like we did the girls’goldfish.” Emily shrugged.
“You what?” Grace’sjaw dropped open. “Not Laurence Goldfishburne!”
“Oh, come on Grace…how did you not notice?” Lily laughed. “He shrank two sizes overnight once.”
“I just thought he was on a diet.” She faced her motherswith a frown. “How much fish blood do you have on your hands? How many poorlittle goldfishes were flushed to keep up your lies?”
“I lost count after the twelfth one,” Alison said, almostuncaring. “Ridiculous having to pay for fish that lasted all of two weeks…” she muttered.
“So when he finally died for good…seven years later…we were burying a perfect stranger?” Grace asked.
“Tamp it down, kid. God, you are so dramatic.” Alison snorted.
“Wonder where she gets that from.” Hanna peered at Alisonover her wine glass.
“Didn’t your daughter get called into the office for back-talking a teacher right before the holiday?” Alison frowned, but her manner was that of someone who was joking.
“Only because the teacher can’t handle the same sass she gave our teachers all those years ago.” Hanna eyed Alison with a smirk.
“She started a fire in class, Hanna,” Alison replied dryly.
“Allegedly!” Cami exclaimed from the kitchen. 
The adults laughed.
“I wouldn’t have sent you to the office had you not made that remark about me living through the stone ages while we were reading 1984!”
Emily had to laugh. A fire was fine. But a shot at her age was where she drew the line?
“It was a protest! I was just expressing my thoughts about the book!” 
“And she’s still sassing me.” Alison shook her head.
“That’s my girl.” Hanna smiled.
“I can’t believe you lied to us about Laurence Goldfishburne.” Grace was still stuck on her long-dead fish. “My heart can’t process this. On Christmas, no-less,” Grace said with a fake whimper. “I’m going to need at least two…” She thought about it.“…maybe three hundred dollars cash and a new iPhone to process this grief.”
“Mmhmm. You’re getting the car for the night and enoughmoney to get you snacks at the movies with your friends.” Emily smiled.
“Well, it doesn’t bring him back. But it’s a start.”
Sam accidentally dropped the banana and then gasped andleaned down.
“I sorry, fwiend.” He picked the banana back up. “Are youokay?”
“That’s going to leave a mark.” Alison bit her lip.
“At least we won’t have to have a funeral for the fruit.”Emily pointed out.
“You two are terrible mothers.” Grace rolled her eyes.
“Yeah, yeah.” Alison messed with Grace’s hair. She handedLily the car keys. “Be home before curfew. And you girls drive safe and behave.”
“Yes, ma’am.” They replied at the same time.
“Sammy, bath time.” Emily walked towards the toddler.
Normally he fought bath time. He’d started rebelling againstit when he was two. But tonight was different, because he knew that tomorrowwas Christmas. He basically bolted up the stairs while stripping out of hisclothes.
Emily gave him his bath. Alison brought in his favorite “Grinch”pajamas and they dried him off and helped him get dressed.
He jetted towards his room, Emily and Alison following. Whenthey walked in they looked at his bed. There, settled among his plethora of stuffedanimals neatly aligned at the head of his bed was his beloved banana.
He pushedall but one stuffed animal and his banana off the bed and then climbed underthe covers. They squeezed in next to him in his big-boy racecar bed and readhim “The Night Before Christmas”.
“…and they heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight, MerryChristmas to all…”
“And to all a good night!” Sam interrupted Alison.
Emily and Alison both laughed at his enthusiasm. Alisonkissed his forehead. Then he turned towards Emily and she did the same.
“Love you, mommies,” he said, his voice sluggish and tired.
“You sleep well, Sammy.” Emily snuggled him. He gave her abig hug.
Alison and Emily both quietly slipped out of the bed. He wasalmost off in dreamland. He had a stuffed puppy under his arm and his banana snuggledup next to his face.
“You really like your banana, buddy?” Emily asked, pullingthe covers up over his body, tucking him in. She was unable to resist givinghim another goodnight kiss.
“I love my banana.” He nodded, trying to fight his sleep.
“Why?” Alison asked.
“Cuz…” He yawned. “I have to make sure my minions have a happy Christmas, too.”
“Your…minions?” Alison asked in surprise.
“Minions love bananas and I wanna be the best evil boss inthe whole wide world, just like Gru. I want my minions to have a family justlike you and Mama and Grace and Lily.”
Aww, if that wasn’t the sweetest…yet, most evil thing, he’dever said…
“And then me and my minions and ‘Rora and her minions aregonna take over the whole planet.”
“Love you, little minion.” Alison laughed and gave him another smooch.
“Mommy, you’re silly. I’mnot the minion. I’m their boss.”
“Of course. Of course you are, sweetie.” Alison stroked hishead.
He yawned again. And minutes later he was asleep. The excitementhad worn him out. They quietly tip-toed out of his room. They pulled his dooruntil it was nearly closed and then walked down the hallway, sharing smilingglances at one another.
“Minions?” Emily snorted as they walked into their room.
“I was wrong. He’s definitelyours.” Alison laughed. “Should we tell Aria her daughter is planning on worlddomination with our son?”
“No wonder Aurora wanted bananas, too.” Emily snickered.
“It’s funny. I always thought if any of our kids were going to turn out to be evil masterminds itwould be Spencer’s girls.”
“Or Grace.” Emily thought about it.
“That child has been a little deviant since birth. I betthat’s where Sam got it from.”
“So…next year we’re getting him a nuclear fusion reactor withlasers and a freeze ray, right?”
“Oh, definitely.” Alison nodded. “Our son is not taking overthe world unless he’s doing it in style.”
Even though their son had revealed himself as a super-villain,on Christmas Eve no-less, just the fact that he had his minions in mind andwanted them to have a Happy Christmas warmed their hearts. It made them want togo out and buy every banana on the shelf at their local grocery store. After all,what good was a super-villain and his minions without loving and supportiveparents?
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chrishansler · 6 years
This is my last night in this house. It is empty. It is quiet. And it has the same peace, the same sense of “home” it always has. We’ve lived in this house for 24 ½ years. Nine months after moving our young family back here from California, nine months into a new church plant, we bought this brand new home in “Orchard Park” at 24604 57th Ave. E. in Graham. Lisa and I were 30. Bobby was 5, Johnathan was 3 and Annie was 2. It was exciting. The paint was fresh, the front lawn was new and the yard was big! We had no plants, no trees, no back or side yards, no fence – just a nice patch of grass in the front of the house and a vision for what could be.
The yard was full of rocks like all of Graham soil, so we paid our kids 1 cent per rock if they picked them out of the back yard and piled them in the back. 😊 We didn’t have any money so I build a dirt sifter and I raked and sifted rocks out. Raking and sifting, raking and sifting. I was occasionally able to buy a truck load of sandy loam soil to spread in the back yard, and our friend and new church board member, Duane Nelson worked for Emerald Turf farms. So sometimes at the end of the work day he would take a pallet of sod that they were throwing out and bring it to me. So I would plant some seed, lay some sod and do what we had to do to create a back yard we would love. For a long time it wasn’t pretty. It was like a patchwork quilt of every shade of green and brown throughout the back yard. And we still didn’t have any trees. But that would soon change.
Mom and Dad were selling their house on Golden Given so I took their young Northern Spy apple tree. They had some wild evergreen starts growing in their back woods, so I took some 3’ Douglas fir, a couple of Cedar tree sprouts and a little pine tree. Working for Northwest Building services I had the opportunity to take a couple of beautiful Sunset Red maple trees out of a strip mall that was renovating and getting rid of them. It took a flatbed and six guys to move those trees. One went in the front yard, and one in the back corner on top of an area that had been raised by all the rocks we raked and moved. I took one of Debi’s rhododendrons that Mom Hansler had planted when she lived in that house. Eventually our yard began to take shape with vine maples from mom & dad’s new property, as well as a dark red ornamental hazelnut tree and a beautiful mountain ash that mom gave me. We built our cedar fence and we planted pear, apple, peach, cherry, and Asian pear trees.
I built a play house with an attached swing set for the kids. The neighbor boy Torsten peed in that play house. That will forever be his legacy in our minds. I put a little pond in the raised area in the back with little goldfish and koi. We had a little garden on the side of the house. It was the perfect yard for wiffle ball. We would have neighborhood home-run derbies with awards. We played volleyball, badminton and I hit plastic golf balls back there. One time Annie had a party and we played kickball with her friends but one of her big high school friends ran me over at home plate. We had so many great times around the fire out there, looking at the stars, roasting marshmallows, watching movies projected on the back of the house, and even having a live backyard barbecue concert by Rod Nash one time back there!
We had church gatherings in our home. In the early days of our church we had a “small group” at our house with 17 adults and 24 kids. It was nuts, but it was so beautiful and fun. We’d have friends over and play games into the late hours of the night. Our kids played hard – sometimes too hard, sliding down the stairs in sleeping bags and leaving dents in the front door that I can still see as a glance over there – happy little memory dents.
We had the perfect yard for dogs – large and fully fenced. But it wasn’t enough for Dottie, our first Springer Spaniel. She was fast, she could jump high, and she was naughty. She would jump the 4’ fence like it was nothing and she wasn’t always nice to the neighbors so I had to build her a dog house to try to contain her. It didn’t. She got out and had a one-night stand with a stray neighbor dog, horrifying all of the neighborhood children who witnessed it. Dottie went to live with a nice elderly couple who would let her live inside their house. So we got Jill. Jill was a good dog, but mom and dad needed a dog so Jill became dad’s dog. Jack was the first black lab I ever owned. He was also the first big dog I ever let live inside the house. Jack was a big, lumbering, always-panting friend to everyone. He was truly the “best dog of all the dogs.” He loved the back yard. And now, no dog has ever loved our yard like JJ loves our yard – chasing squirrels, driving out crows and catching frisbees. It is his domain.
But it wasn’t only dogs at this home. We had Misty – the beautiful, albeit sometimes cranky, cat. Skitty – a stray neighborhood cat that we sort of adopted. Furball was a great little gray cat. But he liked to be inside and outside. He always got excited when we came home, until that fateful day when I didn’t seem him as I pulled in the garage with all of the kids in the suburban. It was terrible to lose him. We buried him near Misty in the back yard. That loss resulted in getting two half-brothers, Shadow and Fuzzball – loving, independent cats. Fuzzball is sitting next to me on one side and JJ on the other on this last night in the house.  We have also had fish in the pond, and those fish attracted raccoons, a big grey heron and a bald eagle! And I have loved watching the countless chickadees, finches, pine-siskins, sparrows and swallows. John always had swallow babies in the birdhouse mounted next to his bedroom window.
And on Christmas our house stole the neighborhood show. The streaming lights down from the star, the driveway lights, the post lights, the light-post Christmas tree, the snowman, the outdoor music and the nativity from Pastor Gene. Sometimes God would even give us a little snow to make it really pop.
The kids grew up here. The house was literally their classroom for many years. They each had their own space and they made it their own. John with his video games, K’nex and candy; Bob with his music, maps and reading; and Annie with her entrepreneurial spirit – with ever changing wall colors, clothing designs and even selling candy out of her room to the boys for a profit one time. So much laughter rang through these walls.
When we bought the house Lisa and I thought it was significant that we were right in the center – perhaps to make a little difference in the neighbor’s lives around us. Lisa quickly made a best friend in Pam Davis, and our kids played together. We remember Blain & Cindy, Luke and the twins; Gary & Kim across the street, Jim & Sharon and Kelly & Iris. Kelly still lives here too, and I said goodbye to him today. I married Steve & Brenda in their home. We tried to show love to Jeff & crazy Wendy behind us – even paying for and building a fence for them with some church friends. I used to walk the neighborhood and pray with Len Phillips. Adam & Nikke, Chloe, Lila, Amelia and now Josiah  have been such great neighbors – taking care of our animals when we’re gone; sharing sugar, eggs, flour; letting each other in countless times when we locked ourselves out, and always shouting “hi” from wherever they were. We’re really going to miss them. Maybe we made a little difference here. I hope so.
I’ve prayed every day in this house. I’ve prayed for Lisa and each of our kids. I’ve drafted vision here for new adventures that have become reality. I’ve wept over heartache, disappointment and loss. I’ve sat by the pond and just listened so many times. I’ll miss walking my dog to Centennial, talking to God, listening to scripture as I go.
This year has been really, really tough. When dad died I came home and walked through these trees that grew in his yard originally, and they reminded me of his deep roots, his love for outdoors and beauty, and his quiet strength. Mom needs help – she needs to be with family. And this week, as we were preparing for our move, Bonnie died of cancer. Then, within the hour of Bonnie’s passing, Lisa received biopsy results confirming breast cancer. We haven’t really been able to savor these last days here because we are trying to survive some pretty devastating news. But we will miss it here. It has always been a place I couldn’t wait to get to. I’m so grateful for that.
Tomorrow we will begin new dreams in a new place. There will be new trees to plant, new fruit to harvest, new friends and new places to walk, run and ride our bikes to. Maybe this will be a place where our kids-in-law come and grandkids. That place will ring with love and laughter to. We will share life with mom there for a while. I will walk with Lisa as she beats cancer in a new neighborhood. She says that in that community it “always feels like a vacation.” That is my hope – that it will be a refuge for us, for our kids and family and for our friends.
Now I’m 55, Lisa is 54, Bobby is 29, John is 28 and Annie is 26. The house I sit in tonight is older, the carpets are worn, but the yard is mature and beautiful – full of life and growth. I hope the new owner loves it and enjoys it as much as I have. I hope they mow straight lines in the lawn and put up Christmas lights. I hope they sense the peace here. Thank you God for our home.
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Always Expect the Unexpected – Together
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When I woke up the morning after getting her back Nova was still sleeping on the end of the bed. It was unusual for her; the heat was always too much for her after a while. She loved curling up next to me or in front of the fire until she remembered she was a Husky and found the coolest spot she could. The tapping on my leg that had woken me up, happened again. Her back legs were kicking in her sleep. I reached down and rubbed her belly, giving her a little shake. She looked at me like I’d just pulled her out of a good dream, and she was not at all impressed.
I laughed and in seconds she was jumping around the bed and all over me. I just laughed as she jumped off of the bed and ran at top speed into the living room; followed by a loud crash. “Nova!” I called, she was always a little clumsy; she bolted back into the bedroom and jumped onto the bed, all four paws landing on my stomach at once, winding me for just a second. When I looked back, she was sat there all innocent, with the TV remote in her mouth.
“Nova.” I tried not to raise my voice because I knew exactly what was about to happen. I put on a friendly voice. “Drop it. Not a toy baby-girl.” I lunged for the thing when I thought she was distracted but she was gone. She bolted from the room and skidded on the wooden floor as she did and headed straight for the kitchen. I scrambled out of the bed and chased after her.
She slid again, on the kitchen tiles this time and bumped the back door, making the new dog door swing a little. “No! Drop it!” I was a little firmer this time, but she darted through it and out into the yard. “Shit!” I twisted the doorknob, but it was locked, and the key wasn’t on the hook. I always left it on the hook.
“Dammit, Brady!!” I growled and looked around until I found the key on the table and wrenched the door open. Nova was at the bottom of the garden chewing the remote with her paws wrapped around one end of it the way dogs do. “Nova!” I yelled now, and she ran away leaving the remote behind. I walked to the end of the yard barefoot and picked it up to examine it, as the dog ran laps around the garden.
“Fuck.” I huffed, the thing was intact, but a few buttons were missing and after a quick search of the grass, I was left with only one conclusion. I glanced at the dog’ she was licking her lips liked she’d just finished a treat. I headed back inside and grabbed my phone. I knew that there was a new vet in town, someone Doc Hill had picked to take over, so I knew he had to be good. I went to my room and grabbed my phone, hoping the number hadn’t changed.
It was answered pretty quickly, by a very peppy girl. After I explained the situation she hummed for a moment and I heard clicking like she was typing. “Okay you should bring her in, and we’ll squeeze you in between appointments.” That was when it clicked with me who she was.
“Jessica?” I pinched my brows together as I pulled on a paint-stained, but clean work shirt. It was pointless trying to replace things with my job, whatever didn’t wash out was just ignored.
“Yeah… Who’s this?” She asked.
“Collin Littlesea” I grabbed my car keys as I clipped on Nova’s lead and she started to pull me to the door, well… she tried to.
“Oh! Is it Mr Custard you’re bringing in?” I heard more clicking.
“No, it’s Nova. He’s on my Dad’s account. Her records will be under Josie’s name but she --- It’s a long story, can I tell you when I get there?”
“Sure. I’ll let the Doc know you’re coming.”
This wasn’t my first rodeo with Nova swallowing things she had no business swallowing. I shoved the chewed remote into my pocket as evidence. I opened the door to my truck, and she jumped in with one bound. She couldn’t walk on tiles, but she could leap into a truck with no hassle at all. I called #Brady on the way and told him I was going to be late for work. And headed to the vet clinic, I was very curious to meet the new guy.
‘Thank you, Dr. Jenkins.’ I smiled opening the door to my exam room, letting the woman out with her elderly lab.
��You’re most welcome, you are doing a great job. Let’s keep an eye on that hip and make sure she doesn’t jump up and down too often. It’s time for her to rest and take the strain off of it.” Smiling I lent down and patted the lab’s back gently.
I loved Labradors, they were such calm and joyful dogs. Which is why it was hard to see them in their older years suffer. Lab’s always have hip and joint issues when they got older unless the owner took extra care with them when they were younger. Added vitamins and a richer fish diet was something I’d tell anybody when they came in with a puppy lab. ‘Don’t let them jump around and climb too much while they were growing.’ Which I knew was hard when you had a bouncing puppy and all you wanted to do was to play with it.
Saying my goodbyes, I let the two of them leave, turning on the heels of my feet to face #Jessica. She was sat behind the reception desk and on the phone. But she held up a flask towards me. Pulling my brow together I reached over and took it from her with a questioning look. She scribbled something on a post it note and held it up for me. ‘Charlie said DRINK IT!’ and I laughed, nodding my head. #Charlie had said when he dropped me off that he’d drop by with ‘something’ for me on his way into work. I’d not expected it to be a flask let alone it being something I needed to drink.
Shaking the flask, I take out my phone and send #Charlie a message.
[ Hope you aren’t trying to kill me here. -Too Scared to Drink x ]
The reply was instant
[ CHUG IT -The Dreamboat x ]
Laughing as I walk into my office, looking at the flask I do as I was told. “God Help Me.” Flicking the lid back I down a large couple of gulps surprised that it didn’t taste too bad at all.
[Okay, I’m still alive, next time more poison -Never Going on a Cruise x]
The reply was instant
[ Noted – Bringing the Party boat to you x ]
Laughing again drinking it and looking over the messages. We really had to stop trying to outdo the other with our sign offs.
Finishing off what I think is a green juice with the after taste of protein powder, I heard the main door open and #Jessica talking with someone. She appaired at my door with a soft knock. ‘Sorry Doc. Mrs Blake is here with Pickles early. Also, I’ve had to add one more to your list for today between appointments too. It’s a puppy who’s eaten the T.V remote, but I’m not sure how much of it she managed to consume.’
#Jessica was starting to look and sound like herself once again. The scared young girl I’d spoken too this morning had seem to have vanished. Or she was getting better at hiding it as the day progressed.
Standing up, “That’s fine Jess, it’s a good thing Pickles came in early. I will keep us on schedule.” I leave my phone on my desk with the now empty flask and go to greet my next patient.
Nova was always at her calmest in the car, I liked to think it was because she was clever enough to know it wasn’t safe to jump around like a lunatic in a moving car. But realistically I figured it was because she thought she was going for a run.
I pulled up outside the clinic and grabbed hold of Nova’s leash before I dared open the door. “Let’s go.” I said like we were headed to get a treat. But she’d been here before… Socks… Lego pieces she found on Jo’s sister’s floor, coins and an incident involving unattended chicken bones. Those were just the ones I knew about, I had no idea what had gone on in the six months since I left. She wasn’t cooperating but she didn’t really have much choice.
Once she was out of the truck, I had to pick her up and carry her in, just to stop her giving out. She wasn’t exactly the kind of dog you expected to see carried. Once inside I spotted Jessica behind the reception desk and I set Nova down and held her leash tightly.
“Hey, Jess.” I smiled. “I didn’t know you were working here, now?” She was a lot younger than me, but we didn’t live far from each other when I lived at home, and she was #Seth’s cousin.
“Yeah, for a little while now. You said her records were in someone else’s name?”
“Yeah.” I pulled the signed paperwork from Jo out of my pocket and set them on the counter. “I have all her paperwork here. Is there any way we can change her records without getting in touch with her?”
Jess’s eyes narrowed. “Why did you steal her?” Then mine widened. “Kidding! It’s fine once the signatures match; it’s all good.” Jessica did what she had to do and took my new address and contact number. I really did think it was going to be harder than that. I could see she wanted to ask why I had her now, but I was thankful she didn’t.
“I told the doctor about your little troublemaker. Someone just went in, but you’ll be next. It won’t be long.”
“Brilliant.” I was meant to be at work about now, but I wasn’t in a rush, making sure she wasn’t sick was the main thing. “Is the new guy good?”
“Yeah.” Jess looked inexplicably irritated. “The new guy is great. Nova is in good hands.”
I walked over to the waiting area and took a seat, waiting to be called while Nova tried to chew on her leash. I distracted her by scratching the top of her head.
Mrs Blake had brought her two young daughters with their guinea pig Pickles. The girls were home schooled and with Pickles being pregnant she was helping to teach the girls about birth and life.
“Okay ladies, as you can see here.” I gently moved Pickles closer to them. The younger of the two girls stood on a step stool so she could see the top of the table. “Pickles has been scratching her fur and skin in this area. Can you guess why?” Of course, I wasn’t expecting a diagnosis from them. However, from what their mother had been telling me the girls were the once looking after the guinea pig (under her supervision).
‘Is it because she is bored?’ said the youngest of the two making me smile.
‘No silly, she could have a skin issue?’ said the ten-year-old. These girls were ahead for their age that was for sure.
“There are no silly answers, as a vet you have to think about all the things that have changed for the animal.” I said in a low calming voice.
‘Is it because she is having babies?’ asked the youngest now. and I nod my head “It could be.”
I show the girls how to clean the area and what to do to help Pickles not to scratch her skin. “Have you young ladies notice a change in Pickles eating? Or has anything else changed in or around her cage?” I asked.
The older girl opens the notebook she had been writing in and frowned. ‘Pickles is not eating her food as much. And the amount of water she is drinking has gone down too.’ Yes. I was impressed by these girls. I could see the older one as a doctor or a vet when she was older. She reminds me of me.
Looking at Mrs Blake, she had a smile on her lips, I could see she was proud of her girls too. “Okay that’s great information. Let’s make some small changes to her food. I’d like you both to add Blueberries, and fresh basil to her diet for the added vitamin C and A , Bok Choy, as well as a small number of beets too. Everything else is looking good, she should be ready to have her babies in the next week or so. You have to keep a close eye on her.”
Putting Pickles back in her carrier I walked the three Blake ladies out. Once we were in the waiting area I bent down on my knee. “Ladies, thank you so much for taking such good care of Miss Pickles. You really are doing a great job.” They both smiled at me so chuffed with themselves and so they should be. “Now why don’t you go and take Pickles to the seating area while I talk to your mom?”
Carefully they carry the small box and I stand to look at Ms. Blake, I keep smiling and keep my voice low so nobody else can hear. ‘Is everything okay Dr. Jenkins?’ she asked.
“Yes, but I need you to add those fruits and vegetables to Pickles diet as of today. She could give birth soon and with her not eating or drinking her water, she will be malnourished. It’s rare but guinea pigs can eat their young if they are unwell.” She looked shocked and I place a hand on her shoulder. “It’s going to be fine, keep your eyes on Pickle, you will hear her when it’s time. But today. Vitamin C is a must. Fresh fruits and vegetables. And Jessica will give you my cell number, any time day or night. Call if you need me.”
#Jessica nods her head when I looked at her, to say she understood. I pumped some hand sanitizer on my hands saying goodbye to the two girls. “Who is next Jess?” she hands me the tablet and points behind me.
‘We have Nova, A husky, she is 1 year and 2 months old, , and the puppy likes to eat things. She has been here before with Dr. Hill, we had everything from Lego to socks in her young age.’ I smiled which puppy didn’t like to eat things?
Turning to face the waiting room, I stepped forward seeing the beautiful black and white husky with her big brown eyes. “Well. You must be Nova? I’m Dr Harper Jenkins, it’s nice to Meet you.” Leaning down next to her I hold my hand out and she placed her paw in it and then licked my face, making me laugh. “Hey there baby-girl, aren’t you the cutest?” I always like to introduce myself to the animals, they were my true patients.
Looking up at the man sat with her lead in his hand, I smiled. “Hello, I’m Dr. Jenkins. Would you like to bring Nova into the exam room for me?”
Giving Nova a rub behind her ear I stood up to lead the way. Pushing the door open and waiting for the two to follow, this always gave me time to watch how the dog walked, a basic check to make sure there was nothing to worry about in the hips, legs or the body of the animal. But really it was also a test to see how the humans managed to deal with their pets.
I watched two kids come out of the exam room and sit one seat away from me. The taller kid was holding a box with a Guinea Pig sitting in it.
“Wow! That is the biggest hamster I have ever seen.” I teased them.
The little one sighed dramatically and glared at me. “It’s a Guinea Pig!” She corrected me with a click of her tongue that any reality TV diva would aspire to. And I heard Jessica giggle at her desk, and she glanced over at me.
“Can I pet your doggy?” She asked almost immediately after.
“Sure, you can.” I smiled. “But you have to clean your hands right after, because she was rolling around outside today.”
The girls rubbed Nova and she flipped onto her belly for a belly rub and the kids obliged. Jessica called the kids over when they were done and squeezed a little hand sanitizer onto their hands and then her own and showed them what to do. “Scrub, scrub, scrub!” She grinned at them. “Good girls.”
The girls retrieved their guinea pig and walked over to their Mom when she came out. Nova was pulling on her leash wanting more attention from the kids. I scratched her behind her ears, and she stopped. I heard Jess talking to the Vet, but I didn’t look up, I’d learned not to give away my wolf hearing a long time ago.
The moment I hear the vet’s voice I realise why Jess looked irked at me when I came in. I’d accidentally offended the female gender. My eyes shot to her when she called Nova baby-girl, weird coincidence. It all happened in a millisecond.
All the air was sucked out of my lungs and then came rushing back, sweeter than it was before. I felt like I was falling, my hands gripped the edge of the seat I was sitting in and my brain screamed at me ‘Breathe!’ but I was breathing… I think. My life flashed through the forefront of my mind and the memories pulled together in a jumble of thoughts and arranged themselves like a storyboard. A bit like the one on the back wall of my living room, where I had my story told in pictures. From the ones I was too young to take myself; even before I was born, up until now.
My parents' wedding, my mom when she was pregnant, the pictures they took after I was born; when I fit easily in my father’s cupped hands at less than two and a half pounds, my short childhood before I joined the pack and began to document my own journey. Each member of the pack, including Jacob’s, was represented, even Jo was in there. But right now, it was all history. The pictures slipped away as quickly as they had flashed up; all that was left was her. Her face had slipped into each and every one of those pictures. I was still falling. She was becoming the centre that my universe turned on, the reason the sun rose and the force that pulled in the tides.
‘Harper.’ Harper was all I heard, but she was still talking.
And walking away…. Why was she walking away? Something tugged at my hand where it was still gripping the chair and her leash. I stopped falling. Nova. Shit! The vets… the dog. She was waiting for us. Shit! Nova pulled wanting to follow her. ‘Get up!’ The wolf’s voice perked up. ‘Get up, you fool!’ I stood up too fast, and followed her, looking down briefly at my pup and back at her. Thinking ‘Please be good! Please be good.’ Fuck! I caught a glimpse of myself when I looked down, paint-stained work clothes, threadbare ripped jeans, scuffed steel-toed boots, at least those were clean because I wouldn’t trek that crap all over the floors I’d spent days restoring when I moved in.
I hadn’t even brushed my hair today… I hadn’t showered. Damn!
And she was… She was perfect.
Nova behaved and walked next to me with her nose down, having a good sniff around and looking up at me like I was crazy. I was crazy. I froze at the door, did I walk in ahead of her or wait and follow? She was beautiful; I’d never seen anything or anyone that came close. ‘Get a grip! It’s a door! Go!’ I smiled at her and stepped into the exam room. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
I could do this, I’d seen this. I’d relived this before, this was… This was nothing like anything I’d seen in the guy’s heads. Shit!
I was here for Nova; she swallowed the buttons from the TV remote. I repeated the information in my head that I knew I was going to be asked. Just a vet’s visit. That changed my entire life, gave me a whole new purpose, an entirely new calling. ‘Just a vet’s visit’ the wolf whispered sucking more sweet air into our lungs. I crouched down to pick Nova up and whispered, “Be good baby-girl.” as I lifted her onto the table. I took a deep steadying breath and tried to prepare myself for the moment I laid eyes on her again. ‘Don’t be an idiot.’
I stood there with the tablet in one hand and the other holding the door open. The man sat there looking at me as if he was lost and was unsure of what to do. My head fell to the side, the smile still on my lips gesturing towards the room with a small lift of my chin and then he stood up.
I turned to look over my shoulder at #Jessica who was also watching the man. And she gave me a shrug of the shoulder as to say, ‘He’s your problem Doc.’ Making me narrow my eyes at her. I knew some people didn’t do well with visits to any type of medical facility, so this behaviour could be chalked up to nerves maybe?
He was young, and I could see he was in his work clothes. It was clear that Nova had gotten herself into trouble without checking her dad’s work schedule. But it was a good sign that he was willing to drop it all to bring her in right away.
My glance fell to Nova, she walked well on the lead, no tugging or pulling, her back was straight and her legs in alinement. I smiled at the way she was inquisitive, again another good sign. And most of all she looked happy and her dad looked in control. However just how in control was yet to be seen. From the quick glance I had over the records the Husky had been in on average once a month with the same issue. Clearly some training was needed here.
But it wasn’t until I saw the husky turn on her side that my gaze fell on her tummy area. I narrowed my eyes bending my knees a little to get a better view as the two walked past me. “Jess, you said a year, right?” I asked her in a low voice as the man and Nova went into the exam room and #Jessica nods her head then points to my tablet. My eyebrows pinched together, and the smile faltered a little. That voice in my head shouting ‘What is wrong with people?’ and another voice saying, ‘don’t assume, check the puppy over first.’
Stepping into the exam room I closed the door behind me. My eyes went over the tablet to look over the history a little deeper, and I was really only looking for one thing and I couldn’t find it. “Okay, Miss Nova. Would you mind if I give you a belly rub and look over?” I try to keep myself light in the way I spoke, as I put the tablet down, I stood to the others side of the table in front to the man and Nova on top of the table. Giving the husky a rub behind her ear again which she liked by the way she was reacting.
“Miss Nova. Would you like to explain to me what happened today, or should I ask your dad?” Looking down to the tablet again. “Mr. Littlesea?” Turning my attention to him I found myself looking at him for the first time. Without meaning to my eyes connected with his, and a warm flush moved over my cheek. I couldn’t explain it but out of nowhere it felt like I knew this stranger. Like I really knew him. But I knew that wasn’t possible. I’d never set eyes on him before. ‘Maybe in passing?’ I asked myself and then shook it off, trying to work out why that feeling washed over me.
I pulled my eyes away from him and down to the tablet again, but this time looking at his information and his name. “Would you know Mr. Custard. I mean Kevin?” I was always better with the animals than the humans.
My hands started to move over Nova’s coat. Checking her back out of habit, I always liked to check the full body and not just what issues the pets came in to see me for. Something Dr. Harris had ingrained into me. Finally, my hands moved around to her tummy.
I heard her double-checking the details as I passed through the door. I figured it was because Nova was a little rounder than expected for a young husky. Most of them looked a little too skinny until they reached their full height and then they filled out; my girl still had a little more growing to do. She’d gotten chubby; Jo had a habit of giving in to the puppy eyes when she begged for table scraps, which was fine with me, depending on the food. As long as it wasn’t fried or fatty, I had no issues, but clearly, she’d gotten less strict. But A couple of weeks with me and she’d be fine. Not many humans could outrun a husky, but I could wear her out.
I couldn’t stop the smile when she spoke to Nova like she was expecting an answer from her and tried not to draw parallels between that and how I had my conversations with her, albeit one-sided… but still. A connection, something.
‘Don’t cling!’ The wolf whispered in my mind. She peered at Nova through the glasses perched on her nose and I did everything I could not to stare but, she was astounding. I knew even without… this I’d still be awkward as hell around her.
I snorted a laugh when she called me ‘Mr. Littlesea.’ My eyes met her briefly and my heart pounded. “Just Collin.” I pulled the remote with the four missing buttons from my back pocket.
“Apparently, I was too slow getting her breakfast ready, so she took matters into her own hands… paws… um…” I dropped my gaze.
Damn! That started out so clever! ‘Idiot!’ a chortle in the back of my mind. “I um… I didn’t feed her.” I remembered that from her first incident. “She hasn’t eaten since her dinner last night.”
She was intently examining Nova; her eyes were soft, and she had a kind smile that wasn’t at all forced; the look of someone that truly loved their job. Though something like this was more of a calling than a job, I’d always thought. I was stunned by the mention of my childhood pet and my father.
“Oh… eh… Yeah. My father.” I laughed a little. “Not Mr. Custard. Kevin… my dad. He’s Mr. Littlesea.”
I felt the wolf shut down in my head, too humiliated to watch the rest of this interaction unfold, he retreated with one last scowl of ‘Idiot’ and I repeated the sentiment in my head one more time. That was probably the stupidest thing I had ever said in my life. And it would forever be one of the first things I said to my imprint.
I smiled at him again. “Okay, Collin it is.” Turning my attention back to Nova. “Dad is a little late on breakfast and you go to find your own?” I laughed softly.
Looking back to Collin “May I ask why you haven’t had Nova spayed as of yet? She should have had that done about six months ago. Are you planning to have her become a breeder?” I prayed that the answer was no.
Too many people got these beautiful animals for the wrong reason. And knowing that this person was Kevin’s son made me give him the benefit of the doubt. I remember the look in Kevin’s eyes when he brought Mr. Custard in, and I knew too well that fear and worry only came from love. People who only wanted to make money from their pets didn’t have that look in their eyes.
I took a step back and leaned over the table to take a look at the remote, or at least what was left of it. “Doesn’t look as though she managed to get her hands (Yes I didn’t say paws ) on too much. I’m counting four missing buttons, unless you found them?”
My eyes glanced up at Nova’s dad when he spoke, that warmth filled me again and I felt a small shiver and my arms cover with Goosebumps. ‘This is silly. Stop it.’ I chastised myself. It was his eyes. They reminded me of his father. That was the reason behind my feeling of knowing him. It had to be.
“Not your first rodeo I can see from Nova’s records and the fact that you knew to keep her tummy empty.” I said once I pulled myself out of that place I was being pushed into, I noticed how he’d also gone so quiet on me. Raising my eyebrow, realising that he was uncomfortable, I try to make a joke, so he knew it was fine. I had gotten the joke he’d attempted to make.
“Oh, are you sure? I mean.” My eyes glanced up to him from where I’d been examining the remote. “You do have Mr. Custard’s eyes.” My lips curl up into a smile, glancing back to the husky who sat licking my cheek now that I was leaning back into her.
“Miss Nova, I can see eating things you shouldn’t runs in the family. I hope Mr. Custard hasn’t been eating anymore wedding rings or anything else he shouldn’t have in his mouth.” Most definitely training was needed for the humans of the Littlesea family.
Now knowing what Nova may have swallowed, I moved to examine her tummy again. “That’s a good girl.” I closed my eyes letting my fingers move into the husky’s tummy, pressing lightly but firm at the same time. Nova winced a little.
“I’m sorry baby-girl, it’s okay. I promise not to do that again.” She was tender and there were a mix of reasons behind it. My brows pulled together into a small frown, when I moved my fingers down her tummy and I could detect a thickening of the uterus and the presence of 'bumps' which indicated what I was hoping it wouldn’t.
I was a little lost in the way her hand moved over my dog, but my eye’s travelled up her arms and to her face again. Moving over each feature, her dark deep-set eyes that weren’t as hidden behind her glasses as – I think – she believed they were, her lips were full, and the butterflies in my stomach protested when I pulled my gaze away. They didn’t seem to care if I came across as a creep… But I sure as hell did.
My eyes shot wide open when she said she wasn’t spayed. “Wait… What? No, she should be?” My brows pinched together. I’d even paid for it. Jo was supposed to take her in… she had called to tell me about it because when I bought her the puppy I told her I’d pay for the big things; her chip, her license, puppy classes (that I was certain she didn’t actually go to, at least not all of them) and neutering. After that, she was supposed to be her responsibility. I was going to have to explain why I didn’t know this fact. I was going to have to give ‘the ex’ speech to my soul mate before she knew anything about me other than my name.
“She hasn’t lived with me for the last six months. But she was supposed to come in to be spayed. Are you sure she isn’t?” My focus was 100% on Nova now, ( okay… ninety at least.) Then I shook my head. “No. Just a pet, we… I… There were no plans about breeding her.”
I was glad she moved on to the current issue. “I searched the garden where she was chewing on it, but I couldn’t find anything.”
I couldn’t hold back a laugh when she said I had Custard’s eyes and I nodded. “I’ll take that as a compliment, he’s a handsome boy.”
I flinched when Nova did and moved my hands either side of her face, hearing Harper… Dr Jenkins… I shook my head again. Harper. Call her baby-girl again and I smiled and rubbed Nova’s face. “It’s okay; you’re such a good girl.” I kissed the top of the puppy’s head.
I saw a frown on the Vet’s face and worry coloured my expression, something was wrong. I knew one of these days she would eat something she shouldn’t, and it would be worse than the injection and projectile vomiting. “What’s wrong? She’ll be okay, won’t she? I just got her back.” I tried not to look panicked, but my eyes stung from not blinking and my jaw was tight. My hand moved to rub the back of Nova’s neck, but my eyes were on the woman in front of me. Still so stunning with her serious expression.
When I did look at the man from time to time, his expressions were not giving me the most comfortable feelings. Adding to that the way that something in me was pulling me forward when I wasn’t the kind of person to ever do such a thing. It was the way in which he was looking at me. The way his eyes moved over my face. The hair at the back of my neck were stood up and I tried to keep my full attention on Nova. Then it was hard to miss how much he cared and loved her. He jumped a little when she was hurting. He kept himself in close to her. He was attentive for her needs. ‘How could he be someone who couldn’t be trusted?’ I asked myself
“I agree. Mr. Custard is a handsome little Jack Russell.” Is all I could say, trying to keep my energy calm and easy.
The last thing I wanted right now was for Nova to pick up on anything that could turn this into a bad experience on our first meeting. I never liked the first meet with new pets to end in a way that they would be scared of seeing me again, but times like this it couldn’t be helped. I knew soon I would have to administer the Apomorphine to induce vomiting so that she could be rid of the buttons she’d eaten. But for now, it was about building her confidence and trust in me. As I moved my hands over her chest and kept touching her, so she knew I was here for her. To help her.
My eyebrow raising over my glasses when I heard him say; ‘We’ and he was questioning me about Nova’s spraying. But the distrust I had about him had disappeared now knowing and seeing the shock on his face at learning the information. “Sounds like your mom and dad have had a slight miscommunication at home Nova.” Moving my glance up to him and stepping back from the Husky who had forgiven me with another lick to my cheek. “I am positive—"
I was cut off by a soft knock on the door and #Jessica popped her head in. “Harps… Sorry I mean.. Doc I’ve readied the x-ray, would you like me to take Nova now?” She asked smiling and I shook my head, making her frown a little.
“Could you set up the ultrasound for me instead please Jess? We’ll be right there.” Turning my attention to him. I felt guilty now for ever thinking he could be one of those owners who only wanted to make money from his Husky. The worry and fear I could see in his eyes and his jaw was doing that clenching things some men did sometimes. He reminded me a little of #Seth in that moment.
I tilted my head a little to the side with that realisation, my eyes widening, and I really looked at him. ‘He reminds me of Seth.’ It made me relax a little. How had I not seen it before? It was his father’s eyes and the fact that he has the same build and calmness in his aura that Seth had too. That had to be the reason why I felt like I knew him when I in fact didn’t.
“Mr. Littlesea. I. uhm. I mean Collin, I need to confirm this, but congratulations may be in order. I hope you are ready to become a grandfather. I’m sure Kevin will be so happy to become a great grandfather.” I smiled, but there was worry there too. Nova was only a year and 2 months. She was a baby herself, she wasn’t fully grown and was still learning about life. For her to be pregnant at this age was going to test her and impact her body. And most of all it was going to test his commitment to her.
I was freaking her out. I could see it in the way her eyes flit from me to Nova. ‘Get a grip, it’s just a vet’s visit.’ I needed to get myself under control this was her job, I needed to give her the space to do it. Her words were cut off as she told me she was sure Nova wasn’t neutered. And then she asked for an ultrasound. I told myself I was sure she could see the buttons on that too. Then her next words took away my blissful, fleeting ignorance.
“Wait… no. She isn’t even fully grown?” I stammered, a rush of stress and a little panic swept in. I didn’t know how to look after a pregnant dog. I didn’t know how to look after new-born puppies. Puppies! My puppy was having puppies, and panic was swiftly replaced with anger. “I can’t believe she let this happen!” I muttered to myself. My wolf re-emerging from his hiding spot to remind me I said that out loud. I looked at Harper and softly said. “Sorry.” And looked back to Nova, running my hand over the side of her swollen tummy.
I cleared my throat and let all the rushing emotions fall to the back of my mind; to process later. Here were the facts. Nova wasn’t neutered, she was pregnant, and she has swallowed the remote-control buttons. Taking a breath I looked back at the woman. “Will she be okay? I read that husky should be two, at least, to be bred? Will this do… damage?”
I took another measured breath. “And what about the puppies? I mean they weren’t planned but still… they’re puppies. They’ll survive, won’t they?” Oh hell! What if they didn’t!? I heard of dogs getting depressed after losing litters, having phantom pregnancies, even after being neutered. ‘No!’ The wolf was firm. ‘Focus.’
With another intake of breath, I put all my attention on the situation, and a stab of guilt that Harper was supposed to be the centre of that now. Stop! “And what about the buttons can we still do the puke thing?” The wolf growled and retreated again, now ‘puke’ would forever be one of the second things I ever said to my soul mate.
This was not how I imagine meeting her… but still. It was perfect.
“The puke thing?” I asked with my brows arching over my glasses. I witness first-hand how much he was I want to say ‘traumatised’ by learning about the pregnancy. His features and demeanour had completely changed within a flash. Not that I could hold this against him.
He’d said, ‘I can’t believe she let this happen’ But how could he not have known? How could he and his wife/ girlfriend have forgotten one of the most important things for Nova at this age? But the thankful part of this, even with the concern and worry he was showing, was that he was asking all the right questions. He had done some research at least on his fur baby. Which brought me back to the same question again. ’How could they have let this happen?’
“Jess?” She was halfway out of the exam room. One thing that I liked about #Jessica in the five months she’d started to work with me, she’d learnt to read the room, the people. Sure, personal space when it came to me was still something we were working on. But the way she turned slowly to close the door and leave showed me the improvements in her.
‘Yes, Doctor Jenkins?’ She was trying to be professional which I appreciated at this time. Turning her body back into the room. I moved around the table to stand next to Collin and my attention back onto Nova, my voice still calm and easy, the husky knew something was wrong. Nova had turned her attention to Collin, moving into him her eyes searching his for a queue as to what was wrong. Her tail had moved between her legs and she was knocking him with her nose.
In my mind she was asking ‘What did the lady say dad? Are you okay? It’s okay I’m here with you.’ In my mind Nova had a soft voice which as she grew up would become formidable. I placed a hand on Collins upper arm to let him know that the panic he was feeling was okay, but not right now.
“Could you take Nova out to the back yard and let her empty her bladder,” I looked to Collin hoping he could see that Nova needed calm and not to feed off the energy of his fear right now. If she was anxious it would make this harder on her. “No treats please. Just a little walk and play with you?” Jess beamed; this was one of her favourite parts of the job, playing with the puppies.
“Miss Nova, would you like a Walkies?” The dog didn’t look away from Collin, she was worried about him. “Miss Nova?” My voice a little more excited and I clap my hand for her attention, and she was with me again. I lean down a little. “Come on. Let’s have some fun.” Helping her down from the table I gave Jess her lead. Still smiling. “Remember Jess, no treats.”
Once they were gone, I turned my attention to Collin, pushing my finger to the rim of my glasses to move them up. “You have to get better at not showing Nova your anxiety and fear. She feeds off it.”
Moving around the table again, it was like having a barrier between the two of us. A safe place if you may.
“Collin, I’m not going to sugar coat this, I’m not going to lie and say, ‘It’s all going to be fine.’” That anger I felt when I thought people weren’t taking their role as a protector of their pets seriously was dancing in my voice.
“I’m not sure how you and your wife/ girlfriend could let this happen. I know I still have to confirm it, but I am 89.8% sure that Nova is pregnant. And Yes, you are asking all the correct questions, I just wish you had been more attentive to her needs when Nova came into season.”
Placing my hands on the table flat I know I was being a little harsh here, but this was not a small matter.
“Different vets will say different ages. But I myself would be a lot happier if Nova was 3 years old before she was pregnant. This will impact her in so many ways. She hasn’t fully developed herself; she hasn’t learnt the need or the desire to be a mother. She won’t know or even understand what it is she needs to do to look after her babies. She is still a puppy herself and this will put strain on her small still growing body.”
My fingers playing now with the pen I hadn’t remember picking up and my voice was strong and annoyed. “I’m not saying it will happen, but I’ve seen it, this could impact Nova’s growth. She may stop now because her body will be tricked into believing this is it. She is a mother, so no further growth is needed.”
Now my eyes were on him again, up until now I was trying not to really look at him. “And all of that is if Nova manages to go to full term. If she…” I cleared my voice, because now looking in his eyes I could see the panic in them again. And I was being hard on him. “If she.. loses the puppies, there are other impacts to her, her body and mind.”
People who said that animals didn’t ‘understand’ or that animals didn’t really have ‘Intelligence or emotions’ I always had a major issue with. Any animal was no different to a human, they feel hurt and loss, they understand the emotions of their humans. And they felt their own too. If a dog lost her puppies, it was no different to a mother losing her baby.
“We can still administer the Apomorphine to induce vomiting to rid Nova of the buttons she has eaten.” I moved to stand up straight now, my annoyance I knew could be felt. “But. Mr. Littlesea” Yes I used his surname, so he knew I was not joking. “This will be the last time I am willing to do it. You must take the responsibility to train with Nova. She shouldn’t have to go through this every month or so. It’s not on her for doing it. It’s on us to teach her what is good for her and what is bad for her. Just as our parents had done for us.”
I couldn’t pull my eyes away from his, and once again I could see pain in those brown hues of his. I stepped around the table again, closing my eyes and taking a moment before placing a hand on his upper arm and then removing it, just a comforting moment for him to know what I was saying was out of my apprehension for Nova. This was not just a ‘job’ for me, and I know I got too attached to my patients. Something Dr. Harris had told me was a gift and a curse at the same time.
“No matter what happens. I am here for Nova. I will help and support her in anyway she needs me to. That is something I can promise you. But you need to meet me halfway here.”
Nova was nudging at my hands and chest with her snout, I was in shock. I couldn’t believe #Jo had not spayed her and then let her be around un-neutered males. That was ridiculous! I should have taken her in myself, but I knew #Jo never would have agreed to that, that was why I just sent the money to her bank account (Nova was the main reason I didn’t delete her information from my account after I moved out). I rubbed the top of her head and smiled at her. I knew that it was an empty gesture; she was reacting to more than my facial expression. I felt a hand on my arm and my heart rioted and melted at the same time.
When Harper suggested Jess take her, I knew it was a good idea. I rubbed her head again and animatedly said. “Good girl, Nova. Go play.” Before they lifted her down and #Jess took her, giving me a confident smile. It actually made me feel better, not as much as Harper’s hand on my arm had, but nothing was going to top that unless it came from her. Not anymore, not from anyone else. I nodded when she said I needed to be more careful and not freak Nova out. I knew she was right. I choked a little when she said wife and then girlfriend. This was a nightmare and a dream all at once.
“I know… I’m sorry. And it’s ex-girlfriend…. I left around the time Nova was supposed to be spayed. She was technically her dog. I only got her back last night. I thought she was… because I paid for it.” I sighed, I paid for something. I was a fool. “I thought I had the house ready for her but clearly I missed a few things. Her Mo—my ex tried to sell her, so I managed to get her back.”
I didn’t blame her for the tone in her voice. I’d feel the exact same way if I was hearing this news from #Josie. It was only now I realised I'd paid twice to buy the same dog; the money hadn't even been a consideration when I was trying to get her back.
I listened to everything she was saying. Nova was here every month? That was more than normal; not that I could say what was normal for Nova anymore. I’d not been there. I’d decided at that moment to take her back to the puppy classes myself, surely, she wasn’t the first dog to retake them. She wasn’t a bad dog. She was just excitable and too curious for her own good.
Harper’s eyes were lingering on mine and it was making my heart pound, I was trying so hard to focus on her words. Her hand was on my arm again and she sounded less annoyed now.
My mind was fixed on Nova when she stepped away. “Thank you.” I said softly, dropping my eyes. “So, this scan will tell us for sure?” I ran my hands over my face and got a grip of myself. “Okay, let’s do it.”
Taking a few more steps back, the sensation of a hot flush working over my cheeks, and then the tips of my ears started to burn listening to him. My eyes moved to my hands and then back up to him. Collin had stood there, listening to me berate him for not taking his responsibility for looking after Nova seriously. He just nodded his head and agreed with me. Only then to lay it on me in a much kinder way that Nova hadn’t even been living with him.
What was I meant to do here say ‘Oh I’m sorry your relationship didn’t work out, and sorry I was being so hard on you?’ Because that was such a professional thing for me to say and do?
“I’m sorry.” It’s all I could say. I wasn’t sure of it myself as to which part I was apologising for here. The fact that his Ex had kept custody of their pet, or the fact she wasn’t doing the best of jobs looking after Nova, or the fact that I’d just given him the righteous speech when none of this was done or happened on his watch?
But then I found my mind fixed on one of the things he’d just said. ‘My ex tried to sell her, so I managed to get her back.’ It was like a slap in the face, to hear. His Ex was going to sell Nova? As in she had a fur baby and she was going to not give her to a loving home, but was going to ‘Sell’ the husky?
Looking down to my hands again, I licked the corner of my lip. Trying to let the information sink in. Clearing my throat once he was ready to take the next steps.
“Yes, the ultrasound will give us a clear picture of the pregnancy, as well as a view on the buttons to confirm if Nova did swallow them. We wouldn’t want to make her ill if the buttons could be in your yard somewhere.” Moving back, I reached out and opened the exam room door. Motioning with my chin for him to follow me out.
“Okay, let’s go and see if your baby-girl is done with her little play time.” My glance moved over the waiting room and there was nobody here. I was glad as I needed Jess to take care of Nova until we had everything set up. Pushing open the side door to the larger exam room housing the x ray and the ultrasound, I stepped in leaving the door open for Collin to follow.
While I waited for Jess to bring Nova back, I went to work setting the room up. Turning on the ultrasound monitor and readying the table for nova.
‘Here we are.’ #Jessica’s chipper voice rang in the room as she and Nova came rushing into the room and Nova went straight to Collin.
“Thank you Jess, please let me know when the next patients are here.” Which was code for, ‘Please let them know I’m running a little late.’
Tapping the table and looking towards the Littlesea family, “Shall we?” I smile to the both of them.
I smiled at her when she said sorry; I could see my story made her awkward. There was nothing for her to be sorry about, but it was just something people said to sympathize with someone else’s experiences.
"Thanks. But it was still worth it. If I had to pay for her a third time; I would." Crap! Those words were not meant to leave my mouth. I cleared my throat; certain I’d just made myself sound like a gullible fool. Not that this was news to me, but I was really messing this up. followed her out of the room into a larger one; I'd been here before too. I watched Harper set up the machine until I heard Nova’s paws on the tiles, and I turned to see her coming right for me. I hunker down and rub her, letting her lick my face.
“Hey baby-girl, did you have fun?” I smiled and Nova seemed like herself again. A little quieter than normal, but it had already been a very busy day. “Was she good?” I looked up at #Jess, who just nodded with that smile of hers. But I had a feeling that even if Nova dragged her around, she’d have nodded too.
I smiled up at Harper from where I was squatting on the floor, I probably looked ridiculous, but Nova was happily rubbing herself against me like an overgrown cat. I laughed at her and wrapped my arms around Nova, Avoiding holding her around her swollen belly. I lifted her onto the table and lightly pressed on her back, right by her tail. “Lie down.” I rubbed Nova’s stomach and on cue, she flopped onto her side for a belly rub. I obliged until Harper was ready to do the scan.
I watched her get ready, and that flushed feeling washed over me again. I kept my hand running over Nova’s belly and tried not to let myself worry, while she licked my fingers. I looked over at Harper as she worked; there was something about her… it made me feel like no matter what, with her help Nova would get through this. I didn’t care what it cost or how many days work I’d need to miss. Nova would be fine. Together Harper and I would pull her through, even if she was unaware of the depth of it right now.
Part of my job was to watch, to listen and gather information on the dynamics of the pets and those they were living with. It helped me to understand the way in which the families work when they weren’t here in front of me. As I readied the equipment, my glance kept returning to Collin and Nova. #Jess stood by the door watching them too.
Once again, I found his voice ringing in my ears from before. ‘If I had to pay for her a third time, I would’. To most that may have sounded foolish. They may ask him how he could allow himself to be taken for a ride in such a way. Or even tell him ‘Just get another dog.’ But this, his actions. The fact that he was willing to go that extra mile. It told a story in itself to me. The man had a kind heart, and he truly loved Nova.
When I look back at them both on the floor and the way in which Nova was acting with him. I could understand how after been apart and only together one night, they were still this close. He’d clearly shown her true care and love when she was a new puppy to build such a bond with her.
I froze, my eyes darting over to Collin. My head fell to a side, hearing him call her ‘Baby-girl’. I shook my head and saw that #Jess was watching me with a questioning look. And again, I shook my head to tell her ‘it’s okay.’
“Jess, why don’t you pop your head out and if it’s all clear come and watch.” It was clear she didn’t want to go, and I was meant to be teaching her. Showing her the ultrasound would be something to put her ahead when she started school next year.
‘Really? I’ll be right back.’ And she ran out. For me calling after her. “No running Jessica Clearwater!” and laughing a little.
When she was gone, I turned my attention back to Nova and how she was laying down the moment Collin asked her. “She’s really well behaved, did you manage to get her to some training classes, or had you been going it alone while you were with her?” Rubbing her tummy, just to reconnect with her before doing anything. “I hope you don’t mind my asking Jess to observe, I promise she will not do anything, I’m just helping to give her some hands-on experience before she starts school.” It was only right of me to explain why #Jess would be watching.
‘It’s all clear Dr. Jenkins, and I’ve washed my hands like you showed me.’ She closed the door behind her and came to stand next to my side but giving me room and not making Nova feel over run.
“Okay, we are going to do an ultrasound to confirm the pregnancy.” Talking to all three of them as I got to work, picking up the transducer probe and adding the gel to it. “Miss Nova this will be a little cool, but it will not hurt.” Placing my hand low below her tummy and to the area of her bladder so she knew this is where I am working, I placed the transducer probe on it and then glanced at the monitor.
“You are doing so well Baby-girl.” I whispered my eyes moved over the screen as I pushed the transducer probe up and around her bladder and then.. “There we go.” I smiled; I couldn’t help it. Seeing the black 2 to 3-centimetre dot made my heart warm. “Congratulations Miss Nova.” I pointed to the first. “This is puppy one.” I pushed the capture button on the keyboard as I moved on to find.. “And here is number 2.” Again, repeating the process. Still moving the transducer probe around her tummy. “And we have number 3.” And again, I captured the image and kept looking for more.
‘Oh my god, those are the puppies? They are so small.’ #Jess was excited as she was witnessing this for the first time.
“Yes, there they are. 3 Puppies, about 3 weeks in, and—” I pushed a command moving the transducer probe back over them and the small mild beating of their hearts started to fill the room. “That’s your babies Miss Nova.”
Looking back to the screen “And Here we go, four remote buttons in her tummy.” I could see them right away with the fact that Collin hadn’t fed her this morning. I moved my glance over to Collin, to make sure he was okay.
The sound in the room changed a little, and it took me a while to figure out what it was. There so many sounded you learned to push back as a Spirit Warrior, heartbeats, breathing, the constant soft rustling of clothing and shuffling of feet. But it was Harper, she looked up and the rhythm of her heart changed a little. I looked up at her and smiled, she was incredible.
"She has her moments." I chuckled, scratching between her ears. "Until she gets something in her mouth she shouldn't have. Then all bets are off. She went to puppy classes... but I was working for some of them, so I honestly don’t know how many she made it to. I'll sign her back up; it couldn't hurt right?" I was genuinely asking. I wasn't sure if it was a good time, with the pregnancy. But part of me thought there was no better time... especially if it stopped her eating non-food items.
"No, I don't mind at all." I smiled warmly when she asked if it was okay for #Jess to watch. "I've known her my whole life... La Push is the epitome of a small town. We all know each other. She grew up down the street.” We hadn’t really run in the same circles, but we ended up at a lot of the same events and parties. I couldn’t help but laugh at how excited #Jessica was. I didn’t even know she still wanted to be a vet.
She said ‘baby-girl’ again and I looked up from Nova, wanting to meet her eyes, but she was focused. Beautiful. I expected my heart to pound again, but something about her kept me calm. I saw the shapes on the screen, and I was stunned! It did not look like a puppy, but it was obvious at the same time. Nova lifted her head as she moved the scanner over her tummy and I was glued to the screen, still rubbing Nova gently so she wouldn’t move. #Jess was glued to the screen too and had her hand resting gently on Nova’s shoulder as she got excited over the puppies.
Harper’s eyes found mine and I smiled as the new heartbeats ushered from the machine. I was nervous, I was a little afraid for Nova, but I had faith we could get her through this. “Beautiful.” I whispered, but damn! They must have heard. I cleared my throat, hoping she thought I was talking about the scan because this was not the time or place! “They’ll be okay.” I smiled with my eyes still on hers and then I looked at Nova. “You’ll all be okay. Right Baby-mama?” Nova cocked her head and made a happy little sound. “That’s my girl.”
Smirking at him saying La Push was the ‘epitome of a small town.’ Boy did I know it. I’d been in town for all of ten minutes on the first day when people started to address me as they knew me forever. There was no hiding in a place like this, but that was no different to Thompson Falls too. Everybody knew everybody’s business, but the upside was that everybody was there to help if you allowed them in.
“Puppy training can help no matter the age and as long as you are not doing the hard-core agility training there will be no impact to Nova’s pregnancy. We should always look to refresh ourselves and our babies. It’s not a ‘One and done’ deal. Also, sometimes when we have fur babies who have been neglected and not taken care of, I will have them train to learn sometimes for the first time how to follow basic commands such as Sit, Come or Stay. I think it will help to strengthen the bond you both have already. I believe it will help her see that you are her Dad, The Alpha of your pack and family. And she must do as she is asked.”
My gaze moved from Nova, to #Jessica and then finally to settle on Collin. He looked to be overwhelmed and nervous by what he was witnessing. And I knew from my experience that this was indeed going to be a testing time for this little family. They would need to find a way to learn and develop and he would need to really step up and look after Nova. But from what I saw with my own eyes here, that wasn’t going to be a problem.
I move the probe back over the puppies now that I knew we only had the three, I started to check on their size and dimensions. Looking over my shoulder to #Jessica and lifting my chin to the tablet, she knew I needed her to take notes.
“Puppies are at three weeks. Please insert today’s date and time. Puppy One is at 2.6 centimetres, Puppy Two is at 2.8 centimetres and puppy three is at 2.1 centimetres. All at a good size for the age and weight of the mother.”
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I couldn’t help but smile when I heard Collin whisper ‘Beautiful.’ #Jessica was smitten by that I could see. “Isn’t it just? Seeing the miracle of life and knowing your baby is going to be a mommy?” Another pang of guilt hit me at how I could have assumed that he wasn’t doing his best to look after Nova when I first saw her.
Nodding my head, a little “We will do everything to help make sure they are all going to be okay, and now that I know you and Jessica know each other, I’m sure she will help support you too.” I look to #Jessica who was nodding her head and giggling a little giddy still seeing the black dots on the screen.
I cleaned Nova’s tummy of the gel and gave her a rub. “Well done Miss Nova, and just like that you have gone from his ‘Baby-girl’ to become the ‘Baby-mama’.” I teased a little hearing him call her that.
Stepping back I pushed the rim of my glasses up my nose. “But now comes for the part where you may not like me anymore.” I lean in and give her ear a rub.
“Jessica please could you take care of cleaning up in here and looking after the Littleseas, I’ll be right back with the Apomorphine.”
This was the part of the job that was important, but I took no joy in doing. And yet it was the better of the two evils. Inducing vomiting for Nova was better than hoping the buttons would pass her system without causing blockage or damage.
Excusing myself I left the room to walk to the back of the practice towards the locked medicine cupboard to prepare and gather the injection.
I laughed when she said no hardcore agility training. But then I started envisioning Nova when we ran in the woods or chasing balls on the beach, the way she’d leap logs and driftwood; and skitter around like the lunatic she was. Hell, even this morning when she crashed into the living room.
I cringed when I thought of the crash she’d made when she disappeared into the living room before reappearing with the remote. I hadn’t even stopped to see what she’d knocked over in my hast to get her here. It was going to be hard trying to keep her calm. She was such a hyper dog.
The word neglectedmade me flinch too. I didn’t want to be harsh on #Jo but… Nova was a baby and she was pregnant. And all it would have taken to prevent that was a trip to the vet, that she didn’t even have to pay for! And monthly vet visits for swallowing things she shouldn’t? Was there another way to describe it?
“Sure… Alpha.” I joked, if only she knew. I couldn't think about that yet, about telling her everything. It wasn't like I could just blurt out everything right here. I needed to figure this out before I did anything. I heard her read out the sizes and #Jess started to mouth out the numbers as she tapped them into the tablet. I did notice that the size difference of the third puppy was a lot different, half a centimetre wasn’t a lot but it just seemed big in comparison to the other two. Harper didn’t seem concerned though, and that comforted me. These pups weren’t planned, but they were here now... those tiny fluttering hearts beating away. And all I wanted was for them to be okay, and Nova too. I heard #Jessica giggling, she sounded exactly like she did when she was a little kid. "She'll always be my baby-girl." I smiled at Harper. "Even when she's all grown up. She's not going anywhere now that she's back with me."
#Jo was going to find out what happened eventually but, there was nothing she could do about it now. I’d just need to buckle down and ride out the drama until she moved on to the next thing that took her fancy. Harper pushed her glasses higher on the bridge of her nose, I had to bite the insides of my cheeks to stop myself from smiling; it was probably the cutest thing I’d ever seen in my life.
#Jess started to put everything back into its place and I watched Harper leave the room.
‘She’s pretty, huh?’ Jessica sniggered, as she pushed the ultrasound machine back into a perfectly sized gap between the cupboards and machines lining the walls. I swung my head back to her as Nova realised, she wasn’t having her belly rubbed anymore and stood up on the table, shaking herself.
“What?” I stammered. “No… that’s not. Well, yeah… but I wasn’t…” I jerked my thumb back towards the door where Harper had disappeared.
“Wow!” #Jessica laughed. “You really suck at this!” She walked back over and tapped a few more things into the tablet before leaning over the table to pat Nova again.
‘It’s a good thing your Dad has you to attract all the girl’s attention… because he’s such a goof. Yes, it is!’ She switched to a baby talk voice at the end and my face flushed. She was definitely a Clearwater.
The vile of the drugs I needed, the syringe and wipes in a tray I carried them back into the room. The drug would make Nova sick, and the hope was that she would vomit out whatever she’d managed to eat.
Slipping back into the room with the others. “Who is a goof?”
I smiled pushing my glasses back up the bridge of my nose. Making a side note that I needed to go and get the arms of my glasses tighten when I had a moment spare.
Setting the things on the side table out of the way, my gaze moved to #Jessica who was looking at Collin and then she just smiled at me.
‘Nothing Doc, just saying how some people can be so goofy, cute and worried all at the same time.’ I stilled looking over to her, not the professionalism I was attempting to instil in her. But then again, I knew that in a small town there were going to be some lines blurred. And with the two of them having had history and living close by, it was most likely a private joke between the two.
Turning my attention to Nova who was now sitting up on the table, I rubbed her ear. “Collin, I know you most likely have work to get to, if you like you could leave Nova here with us, I’ll inject her now with you here to keep her calm, and then Jess and I can take care of her until you are done for the day? Not sure you’d want to leave her alone at home even after the drug has passed her system.”
Reaching out I took the tablet #Jess had placed to the side to double check Nova’s weight before stepping back from her to ready the syringe for her injection.
“Nova, I will ensure I am as gentle as I can be baby-girl, and I’m sorry.” Wiping her skin clean and keeping the syringe at a safe angle. I gave her another rub and injected her quickly and as smoothly as I could. Nova winched a little and she let out a small whimpering sound, and my heart stopped.
I wished this was something I could deal with in another way, but ever since Daisy there was something about a voiceless animal in pain that just made my heart stop and wish there was a better way to help them.
“I know baby-girl.” Putting the syringe back to the side and out the way, I engulfed her and gave her a rub before I stood back up. “You are so brave and so good. Well done.”
Glancing over to Collin I half smiled. “It’s a waiting game now. I’m sorry I had to hurt her.”
I gave #Jess a grateful smile when she covered for me and she gave me an entirely different, teasing grin. The sad part was… she was right. I was a goof. I had made an absolute joke of myself… this was not the first impression I’d imagined making on my imprint.
The messy, flustered, dorky, disorganised guy that can’t keep his dog from eating plastic; that wasn’t me… well, maybe I was always dorky and flustered around girls I liked, but today I just came across like a train wreck.
My eyes shot up to Harpers again behind her glasses. I hadn’t thought about what to do with her during work. She was not coming to the site until she learned not to eat things that weren’t food, and not while she was pregnant. I probably would have just dropped her at my parents, but I’d not thought that far ahead, I knew I had options and then… well, everything happened, and it went out of my head. All I could think about was Harper, Nova and new puppies. But this way I could see her again, I could talk to #Brady, maybe even #Sam and tell them what happened, regroup, get my head around it and maybe when I picked her up, I’d be a bit more composed, a bit more together.
“Actually, yeah that sounds like a better plan.” I smiled at Harper. I knew she’d be well looked after here with #Jess and Harper for company. I didn’t hold onto Nova any more than I was already when Harper approached with the syringe, not wanting the dog to anticipate it, the whine made me flinch and I cursed myself silently; until I heard Harper’s heart jump a few beats; a Vet that felt the pain every time she gave an animal a shot. I was beaming, she was something else. I gave Nova a hug and whispered. “Best girl, you’re so brave.” I chuckled. She was a big baby, but it was how I liked her.
And then something dawned on me. “Hey… Can I um… I keep this… photographic timeline, I guess, of my life. Could I get a photo of you two with Nova? I have a feeling this is going to be a big feature in the story.” My face was flushed, but I figured if I asked #Jess too it would be less creepy.
‘Are you still doing that?’ #Jess blurted out, but it validated my point for me. This wasn’t weird… it was something I always did. I shrugged and grinned. ‘You were so annoying with that camera!’ Jess rolled her eyes but in a playful way and glanced at Harper, waiting for her response.
Picking up the tablet I took the time to double check that #Jessica had correctly inputted the information she was tasked with, making a couple of corrections, but she’d done a good job. She was holding on to the knowledge I had given her.
Glancing up at the two of them over the top of my glasses as they shared a look. My eyes were really set on #Jessica now more than anything, this was the girl I was used to seeing, the happy, bubbly and carefree thing. The girl I’d been seeing of late wasn’t the same.
“Sorry?” I asked being taken off guard by the question, my gaze moving from #Jessica to Collin, and then back to #Jessica as she asks him if he was ‘still doing’ it. I replay the conversation in my mind, and it hit me what he’d asked. He wanted to take a picture of this moment. I looked down to Nova, who had turned to me and her nose was pushed into my hand resting on the table asking for attention. Which I’d happily give her. Setting the tablet down to the side again I give her a rub over her back and then her ear.
‘Collin takes photos of everything Doc, growing up I can’t remember a time I’ve not seen him taking a ‘record’ of his life.’ She was giggling again, and her eyes set on him.
Hearing this I moved and turned away from them, with a couple of tabs on the tablet I sent the scan of Nova’s puppies to the printer in the reception area.
“I mean.. Yes, I’m happy to if you are sure. Wouldn’t you prefer I take the picture for you with Nova?” I had to smile at such a request, he’d been the first person to ask me for such a thing.
‘Let’s do this.’ #Jessica came into the side and brushed her fingers over her face. ‘If I don’t look cute, you are taking another one Collin.’ She was joking and not so much all at the same time.
“Jess” I raised my eyebrow at her, “Collin has to get to work, and we have to look after Nova and the others coming in. He is not standing here to take pictures until you are happy with the outcome.” Giving Collin an apologetic look.
I watched the way Nova nuzzled at Harper’s hand for attention; even she knew this woman was something special. I smiled at #Jessica’s explanation and rolled my eyes a little. And when Harper spoke, I chuckled. “Well, it’s you two I’ll be coming to for help when I need advice about all of this.” I reached into my pocket for my phone, chosen purely for the potential of the camera. “So, I think it’s more fitting.”
I stepped back as #Jess fussed and gave her a pointed look, when she teased that the photo better be cute. “Sure, Jess.” I teased right back. I clicked the shutter before I continued “Let’s not pretend that I didn’t take half the pictures on your Tinder profile.” I waited the split second it took for her cheeks to flush and her smile to turn shy, then I clicked it again. Any party or event on the Rez; I was normally there with my camera, and the girls always asked me to send them any pictures I took. I turned to Harper as I lowered the phone.
“There’s no rush, my boss is cool, and he knows I’m here.” I didn’t need to wonder if #Brady told him or not. “I’m never late so I’ve earned a little leeway.” I shrugged and raised my phone a little. “Thanks.” I smiled again.
But #Jessica stepped around the table and held out her hand for my phone, no doubt to inspect the photo and make sure it was up to her standards. I opened it for her and showed her the pictures. Then she swatted my arm. “Since you’re not in a rush… You can get into a picture with her too.” She waved her hand at me to step around the table and stand next to Harper. I fought the urge to drop my eyes to what I was wearing but, my hand automatically ran through my messy hair. But if I refused it would make my request seem weird… right? “Um… Yeah sure, if that’s okay with you? If you don’t have people waiting.” I flashed Harper a smile, turning up one corner of my mouth.
“It’s what we are here for Collin, to make sure you have all the support you need with Nova.” But it was more than that for me. There was no way I could turn my back on someone who needed and asked for help. It wasn’t in me to be that person.
I smiled watching him take his phone out. #Jessica moved in close and half hugged me, and Nova and she made me smile. Nova set herself up as though she knew there was a camera set on her like a pro. And Collin set of with his phone.
I wasn’t sure what it was about watching the two of them but standing here listening to their exchange made me miss home a little. More the fact that I missed my gang. The people who knew me the way these two knew one another. The way they teased, and I knew it was no different to how #Damian or #Seth would be with #Kenz, #Jenna or me.
I cleared my throat and my eyebrow raised over the frame of my glasses at the mention of #Jessica’s Tinder profile. I mean I knew I shouldn’t be shocked by it; she was 18 or 19 years old; it was how people met now. Not that I could remember the last date I’d been on. And that voice in my mind whispered, ‘The night in Seattle?’, but that wasn’t a date. It was a night out with #Charlie and #Teddy. And the thought of the both of them made me smile. This was ‘home’ now, and I was slowly making friends. Which was something that took time.
As the two of them spoke and teased I stepped back giving them space, checking on Nova to make sure she was okay. The drugs would soon start to work, and the poor thing wouldn’t be this happy playful puppy for a little while. Leaning into her I whisper into her ear.
“I know you aren’t going to feel too well soon baby-girl, but I promise you. Once this is over, you will be as right as you can be.” Kissing the side of her head #Jessica hitting Collin on the arm brought both mine and Nova’s attention back across to them.
My eyes lifted and I couldn’t help but notice that lopsided smile of his, making me smile right back at him as he came to stand beside me now.
“Oh, Uhm... I don’t believe anybody has come in as of yet, we would have heard them.”
But before I could say anything more #Jessica rushed her head out the door and then came back ‘All clear. Now get in close you two. This is an important part of Nova’s journey here.’
Shifting a little on my feet I stepped closer to Nova, her face in my hand and I smiled. “Sit baby-girl, this is for you.” She did as she was told and once again, I could see she was a good girl, just with the need of a little more training.
‘Smile guys!’ #Jessica exclaimed and I did as she said. Moving in closer to Collin and Nova, I lent down and just then Nova turned and licked my cheek making me laugh out. “Nova!” But I didn’t mind it. Puppy kisses were the highlight of the day.
‘Wow Doc, you have a pretty smile, we should see it more.’ My gaze flickered to her and then to Collin and I stifle a groan. She really did say what was on her mind, with no filter. ‘Maybe Collin will take some photos of you for your Tinder profile. He’s really good—' This time I cut her off.
“Jess!” shaking my head. “Keep this up and I’ll make sure to tell #Seth not to send you those boots you wanted from Thompson!”
She’d fallen in love with a pair of my winter boots which were handmade back in Thompson. And I’d sent her details home for Seth to have a pair made for her, it was turning into a nice little bargaining chip when I needed her to rain her thoughts in.
‘Sorry Doc.’ She reached over to show the photos she’d taken and smiled. ‘But you both have cute smiles.’
Looking at the photo I moved my gaze to #Jessica. She had a point; Collin did look a little less worried now than when he first came in. “Thank you.” I replied and I felt my cheeks heating a little. Hoping they didn’t notice it.
“We should take Nova out to the built-up hanger out the back, with some hard toys to keep her mind off things. The nausea will soon kick in for her, the poor girl.”
I moved back a little seeing how close to Collin I was standing now. I was trying to teach #Jessica of personal space? Here I was all up in Collins.
I heard Harper’s whisper to Nova but again, I played it off like I hadn’t; I knew in that instant that leaving Nova here with her was the right choice, and not just so that I would get a chance to see Harper again and hopefully make a better impression. I smiled at the pair of them, as I took my place next to them and #Jessica told us to smile. I did, but I caught the little flick of Nova’s tail as she turned her head to lick Harper’s cheek.
Even I flushed a little on #Jessica’s behalf when she mentioned her bosses dating profile, sometimes that girl forgot that the real world had boundaries. Growing up in this fishbowl and knowing everyone, left a lot of room to forget those things. I took a look at the phone when she held it out. The candid smile on Harper’s face was perfect, but the picture just didn’t capture the purity of it completely. But still… perfect. “Thanks, Jess.” I smiled and tried not to chuckle when Harper used the boots as blackmail. By the look on her face, I could tell Jessica was one of those girls that put a much higher value on her shoes than what they cost.
I could see the flush of colour in Harper’s cheeks and I turned my gaze back to Nova, grateful that no one in this room could hear the skittering beat of my heart as it struggled to hold a rhythm. I tapped the toe of my boot into the floor and leaned over Nova. “I’ll see you in a few hours baby-girl.” I kissed the top of her head and gave her a rub. I felt bad that she had only been back with me a few hours really… and I was leaving her again. But I reminded myself that I would have left her with my mom today anyway, I didn’t want her home alone all day, especially the first day in her new house. This was no different, and she was with a vet, there was no better place for her today.
‘I’ll walk you out, and I just need your signature on a form for her stay today.’ #Jess moved towards the door and I took a few steps to follow her, and glance back at Nova and Harper.
“Thank you.” I said with a smile. “For everything… and seeing her so quickly.” I couldn’t think of any reason to prolong the conversation. I followed #Jessica to the reception desk, trying to swat down the guilt when I heard Nova give a little whine.
“Thanks Jess, and I’ll keep Nova in here, so she doesn’t pine after you Collin.” #Jessica was truly making me proud today.
Moving into Nova once Collin had stepped away, I rub her head. I could feel the small shakes in her body and knew from past experiences that things had started to work inside of her.
My glance moved up hearing Collins words, I thought he had gone, but he had held back in the room. Pushing my glasses up the bridge of my nose I smiled up at him.
“You are welcome, and we are happy to help really. Please don’t worry, your baby will be looked after.”
Watching this time as Collin followed #Jessica out of the exam room and into the main reception, the sound of Nova’s whine pulled me back into her. And I kissed her head. “Just a short visit with me today baby-girl and then dad will be back to pick you up. I promise.” Helping her down from the table but I didn’t take her out into the waiting room. Instead I got down on my knees with her and played a little to distract her.
She kept looking over her shoulder towards the door, and I knew if she could speak, she’d ask me where her dad had gone. “Don’t be upset baby-girl, your dad really does love and care so much for you. Did you see how worried he looked before? And I misunderstood him. That was bad of me.” I smiled and let her lick my cheek again. “He is going to go to work, and then Jess and I will play with you, and we will all have some fun. By the time you see him again, you will feel so much better Nova, I promise you.”
Once #Jessica was done outside with Collin she popped her head back into the room. ‘All clear Doc, would you like me to take her to the back.’ I shook my head.
“No, I’ll take her. But I’ll need you to keep a close eye on the cameras if you need to come into the main office. I don’t really want her to be left alone. In between appointments I’ll sit with her. She is a baby, and this is a lot for her to take on.”
The sound of the door opening outside made the both of us jump a little and laugh. Kissing Nova’s head, I stood up and took a hold of her lead. We all walked out to greet the next appointment, I moved to the back of the practice to settle Nova in, making sure she would be okay and comfortable with her stay.
I smiled when she told me not to worry. I couldn't lie I was worried for Nova, but it wasn't about leaving her here for the day. I was worried about the pregnancy and the puppies but leaving her with Harper wasn't something I needed to think about. I knew she couldn’t be in better hands.
“Should I settle the bill now or when I come back?” I asked and she glanced up.
‘You could pay for today when you come back, but with a pregnancy, a lot of people wait until the puppies are born. There can be a lot of visits involved.’ #Jess slid me a tablet and pointed to where I needed to sign. I scrawled out the closest thing to my signature as I could with my fingertip. It was clear this new vet had some eco-friendly policies.
‘Don’t worry too much about the cost. Dr Jenkins is very reasonable.’
It wasn’t something I was worried about, Nova’s health was priority number one, the bill I could handle, with that though I added buying pet insurance to my ‘to-do list’ for when I got Nova home. I knew from when we first bought her that breeding related charges weren’t covered but, she still needed it for everything else. #Jessica assured me again that Nova would be fine and would get lots of cuddles today.
“I have no doubts Jess.” I grinned at her and headed outside to my truck. Once I saw the girl disappear into the back, I finally let out a heavy, relieved breath and leaned back into the headrest, pressing my hands to my face. An ecstatic laugh bubbled up from my chest, muffled by my hands. I found her… and it was exactly like #Sam had said. ‘These things happen when you least expect them to.’ He had always told us.
“I found her.” I whispered; my eyes on the sliver of sky I could see above the roof of the clinic and where the roof of my truck cut off my line of sight. “Thank you.” The almost silent gratitude sent back through the generations before me. I whispered; as I pulled my hands away, triumphantly fist-pumping the air and accidentally punching the roof of the truck. There was a little gasp from next to me and I flinched. I had startled a middle-aged woman that was climbing out of the car next to me; I hadn’t even heard her pull up. But I wasn’t going to worry about that, I was entitled to be a little distracted right now. I pulled my window down. “Sorry.” I smiled at her. “I didn’t mean to startle you. I’m um… having puppies. My dog, I mean… obviously.” Dammit! What the hell was wrong with me!?
“Wow… Congratulations.” She was clearly mocking me a little (in a good-humoured way) but I didn’t care. She laughed and headed inside, and I pulled out of the parking space. I was tempted to call #Brady now and tell him everything but decided it was best to just get to work first and then fill him in. As I drove, I felt the pull in my chest, my heart and soul stretching back to her. The feeling was unbelievably physical, it wasn’t painful or distressing but it was undeniably real.
Nova whined a little when I settled her down into the hanger. She had room to walk about freely, without endangering herself. She was a puppy, and I could tell that the drugs had started to take a hold. When I watched Nova curl up into a ball to protect her tummy, my heart sank like a lead balloon. “I know Nova, I know baby-girl, I’m sorry.” Falling to the ground beside her, on my knees I gave her a few long slow strokes over her back.
‘Doc?’ #Jessica’s voice made me look up towards the door where she stood, her smile dropped seeing how I was hunched over Nova. ‘Is she okay?’ The girl asked taking a few steps into the hanger with us.
“She will be, but this is the hard part of it all. Did you need me Jess?” I asked as my hands checked Nova’s tummy as I spoke to her.
‘Oh, yes. Mrs Walker is here with Snowball, it’s her annual check-up and booster.’ #Jessica didn’t take her eyes off Nova and they were filled with worry.
“Right, right.” Glancing down to Nova who had placed her chin over my hand now. “If you could sit with Nova. And I’ll go see them. Any issues—” She cut me off.
‘I will rush to get you.’ #Jessica crossed the hanger to come join me and took over from where I had been with the puppy.
“Jess is going to be right with you Baby-girl, don’t worry not long to go now.” Pushing myself up off my knees I stood looking down. “Jess if Nova is sick, we need to watch for the buttons and whatever else comes with it.” Moving towards the door I stopped to look back again. “Also, if there is any blood in the vomit I need to know.” Nova’s brown eyes were following me and again it reminded me that this was the part of the job I disliked; however, it was important. “You’re a good girl Nova.” I whispered.
Leaving them both I smiled as #Jessica was baby talking with Nova when the door closed behind me. Someday I knew she would make for a good Vet; she had the same empathy for animals that I had in me. It’s why I found it so easy to give her all the time she needed.
“Hello Miss. Snowball” I called out stepping into the waiting room. The apricot coloured Miniature Poodle wagged her tail at me and looked up to her owner to ask if it was okay to go to me. Reaching out to the desk I took a pump of the hand sanitiser and rubbed it in. “I’m sorry for keeping you and your Mom waiting.” Smiling to Mrs. Walker now. “How are you Mrs. Walker?”
The middle-aged woman stood up as I opened the door to the exam room for them both to join me in there. ‘Oh, we are both really well thank you Doctor Jenkins. I hear there is good news?’ My eyebrows pulled together, and I adjusted the frames of my glasses. She must have seen the confusion on my face. And continued ‘There was a young man out front fist pumping the roof of his vehicle, excited for his dog becoming a mama?’
My eyes moved to the front of the practice and I smiled. So, the worry Collin had been experiencing had turned into excitement? My eyes were on the door, and right there in that moment that pull I felt before was back. My feet were trying to move me towards the door, I wanted to follow it to see where it led me. But that was not me, I didn’t just drop things and follow a whim. And this? Whatever this was. It was something I didn’t understand.
‘Doctor Jenkins?’ I shook my head free and followed Mrs. Walker and Snowball into the room.
“I’m sorry, yes it’s an exciting time for them.” Closing the exam room door behind me with one last glance to the main door telling myself to ‘stop it, this was ridiculous’.
The drive to work was a blur; it was probably a good thing that we’d been working on this job for a few weeks. The drive was so familiar that I was pulling up in front of the restaurant without even remembering to consciously make the necessary turns. I pulled my tool belt out of the back of the truck and made my way inside as I clipped it on.
I ran into #Lucas first and he asked how Nova’s first night was. “She’s kind of impossible not to fall in love with, and I only had her for about twenty minutes.” He said with a chuckle. “Even if she is a little hyper.”
#Brady walked in through the side door and laughed. “I’d be careful if I were you, Collin thinks that dog can do no wrong. Even after she ate the remote.” #Brady laughed. “Is she okay?”
“First of all, she’s not hyper, huskies just have a lot of energy, and yeah she’s okay. Well, once she pukes up the buttons she should be.”
I explained everything to them and then waited for #Lucas to go back to his job for the day. #Brady and I got to work on our plans for the stairs. I looked up from the workbench and smiled at him. “Hey.” I got his attention. “I imprinted on the Vet.” I blurted it out, and then there was a heat in my chest the spread up into my face.
“Wait… what? Are you serious?” He was stunned and grinning.
“Very serious. I thought the new vet was a guy… but nope. She’s so gorgeous and I’m pretty sure we're the same age more or less.”
“Of course, you think she’s gorgeous. That’s kind of how it works.” Brady chided.
“That’s not how it works!” I pulled out my phone to open the photo and slid it to him before I went back to marking the boards in front of me.
“Remember Jared and Kim?” He raised his brow as he reached out for the phone. We all knew the story, #Kim was crazy for him for years, but #Jared never really noticed her like that. Not until he saw her for the first time when he came back to school after his first phase and imprinted on her in class. “Dude what have I told you about the picture thing! It’s creepy when you’ve just met someone!” He took a second look. “Wow! Okay, she’s…” he stopped and looked at me, probably gauging how I might react to whatever he was going to say to me. “You’re not wrong.” He set the phone back down.
“Very diplomatic.” I teased him. But I got what he was doing; a lot of the guys could be touchy about others choosing the wrong words when they were talking about their imprints. I remember #Paul snapping at the ankles of a few guys that thought for a fleeting second that #Rachel was hot.
"Did you make a fool of yourself?" Brady asked, but he looked like he already knew the answer to that question.
"No!" I scoffed too vehemently, and then reluctantly admitted. "I was a little thrown. I wasn't exactly expecting to meet anyone, let alone have this happen. I mean it's been ages since the pack had a new imprint. Honestly, I didn't think any more of us would in this generation." There was the largest active pack than we'd ever known right now. Things were calm, and while we always kept our eyes and ears open for new threats. Saying that La Push was safe wasn't an understatement; our purpose now was to keep it that way and train to be ready if a new threat rose.
"What did you say to her?" Brady's brow furrowed.
"About the imprint? Everything." I smirked. "She was totally cool about it all." Brady glared and I just laughed. "Nothing, obviously! I just talked to her about Nova and the puppies; I'll see her when I pick Nova up… Maybe I’ll invite her to have a coffee or something. Is that too weird?" I lifted my hand to my chest ,the hot, pulling sensation was still there. I felt like if I were to follow it blindly; it would lead me right to her. But I knew that wasn't how it worked. If it did the guys wouldn’t freak out so much when the girls didn’t pick up their phones right away.
"Yes, it’s weird." Brady chuckled. "But whatever that is-" He pointed at my hand, still seated above my heart. "She is probably feeling it too, so it’s worth a shot. If she says yes…. just don't talk about Nova the whole time."
I was glad when I had the boards all measured and marked and it was time to fire up the table saw. It gave me time to think. We could easily hear each other over the sound of it, but if the other guys we worked with a walked in they'd have questions. Plus, even a Spirit Warrior couldn't regrow a thumb.
Over lunch I had a conversation with #Lucas, as we ate, he made the observation that #Jo hadn't once hinted at the possibility of Nova being pregnant and wondered if it had something to do with why she sold her. I couldn't help but wonder, was she the type of person that would hold back that kind of information when she knew it could have a negative impact on the dog's health?
"No." I shook my head. "I'd say she was just so much as a hint.
Before the days end the owner of the restaurant, we were refurbishing came in to see the progress, we had most of the staircase built. Brady and I were excited to talk to her about the design elements of the stairs. Both of our hearts dropped when she said she wanted the whole thing painted white. But she had been determined that she wanted a custom handcrafted job, so we tried to tell her that if she did that, she might as well save herself the cost and just buy factory machined parts. After a quick look through the book of the jobs we had done before and pointing out the natural colours and wood grains we had her convinced. The boss always told us we could sell snow to Eskimos and that we could make more money in real estate or selling cars.
But I knew that wasn't true, we loved what we did, and it was easy to make other people love what you were passionate about. Once she left Brady and I high fived, glancing down at the rough sketch we'd made of the different elements. I quick round of rock, paper, scissors and we divided up the tasks of finalising designs for the newels, the handrail and the balusters for the evening. Then we got back finishing up installing the steps of the stairs.
“I have to ask Mrs. Walker, why the name Snowball?” When I first saw the name, I’d expected to see a small white ball of fur waiting for me in the waiting room. But the fact that I was greeted by an apricot coloured miniature poodle.
My hands moved over Snowball’s back and then her legs. I was parting her mouth to check her teeth and gums as the middle-aged woman giggled and I could see was daydreaming.
‘We couldn’t find the right name for Snowball for the longest of times after she came home to us. Mark and I just couldn’t seen to agree on one. If I liked one, he found a reason not to and vice versa. That was until we caught the children from next door one day feeding her snowballs. We were lucky their mom is always on a health kick and only let them eat ones she makes at home with fresh fruit juices. But Snowball couldn’t get enough of them. She’d sit in the yard each day waiting for the children to return from school and they would share their snowballs with her. So, we named her Snowball.’
It felt like Snowball could tell we were talking about her and she moved closer to her mom and licked her hand just as she stopped talking.
“It’s why I love to ask about names. There is always a story to tell behind them. Well, mostly.” The small poodle nudged my hand with her nose, and I gave her, her treat. “Thank you for being so good sweetie, you really were so well behaved.”
Saying my goodbyes to Snowball and Mrs. Walker, I made my way back to the hanger to check on #Jessica and Nova in between seeing other patients coming into the practice. We could never tell from day to day how busy we would be, with walk-ins and emergency call outs. But I was thankful that #Jessica hadn’t really over booked us today.
Stood in the waiting room I stretched out my back and then took my glasses off. Rubbing the bridge of my nose before I placed them on again. Moving around to #Jessica’s desk, I checked on the tablet to see who else we had coming in and it wasn’t until now that I realised that the day had run away from us. My eyes moved to the screen with a view of the hanger and I rushed out to the back.
The moment I opened the door I could tell that Nova had been busy. #Jessica was over the husky and holding her back. “Jess don’t do that. Let her be free. If she gets dirty, we will clean her. But we don’t hold her back.”
#Jessica looked up at me apologetically and let Nova go, who was thankful for the space as she dropped her head and heaved and let go of a flurry of vomit. ‘I’m sorry Doc, she looked so helpless and I wasn’t sure how to help her.’ #Jessica’s eyes were teary, and I half hugged her.
“It’s okay Jess, you didn’t do anything wrong here. It’s not the same for Nova as it is for us. We don’t mind a friend holding our hair back, however Nova will want the space and the freedom. She will come to us when she is done and ready. We just have to watch her and make sure she isn’t in any danger.”
Nova let out another whine followed by another heave, and then she dropped to the ground her head slumped into the vomit. “Oh, Baby-girl!” We moved in close to her and I picked her up out of it. Looking into what had come out of her. “Jessica, where do we stand now?” I asked her.
‘She moved around Nova and me to look at the vomit and she covered her nose and mouth. I knew this was something #Jessica would still need to get used to. ‘There, that’s number four now and here.’ She pointed to another dark lump of plastic. ‘Think that is a part of the remote too?’ She asked.
“We will collect and wash it to check. Good job.” I kissed Nova’s head. She was spent and I could tell it had been hard on her. The trembling had stopped as had the pacing she was doing when she was trying to expel her vomit. “You did so well Baby-girl, I really am sorry.”
Once I saw #Jessica had cleaned up and collected the plastic from the vomit I asked her. “Could you go and fill the tub with warm water?” I didn’t need to explain why, she disappeared back into the practice where we have the deep tub sink for clean ups.
“Let’s get you cleaned up Nova, you will feel better if you can’t smell all this on you.” #Jessica returned to tell me the tub was ready and together we took Nova back in to give her a bath, to clean her mouth.
‘This is so hard.’ #Jessica stood with a dry towel held out to me for Nova and I took it. ‘To see them hurting and you just have to stand there, watch and wait.’
I spoke as I was drying Nova who still wasn’t back to her normal self. “It’s not easy Jess, sometimes the best thing we can do is give them space until we are needed. This is a good time for you to work out if this is something you can really do. It’s not all puppy kisses and cuddles, there are also hard choices and work to be done.”
Once Nova was dry, we tried to settler her down into a kennel with some blankets and water. “Only water for the first few hours until we know her stomach is settled.” I told #Jessica. “Miss. Nova you should sleep a little baby-girl, it’s been such a long day for you.” Rubbing her head, I moved back to close the door and she started to whine and cry. “It’s okay, we aren’t going to be far from you. And we will be back to check on you.” I smiled and pulled the blanket down in the hopes that the dark will help to settle her down.
When I stepped back into the waiting room and reception #Jessica had the screen changed to the kennels and she was watching Nova’s kennel, but the sounds of her crying were coming through the doors. “Jessica, we missed lunch, so if you want to leave early tonight you can.” I offered her a small smile rolling the sleeves of my coat down, noticing how wet it was I just took it off glad I always wore a white t shirt under it.
‘No, it’s okay, I’ll stay.’ She held out the tablet for me with the day’s notes, both of our heads turning to the door to the kennels at the same time, as Nova let out a howl and my heart sank again.
I closed my eyes and took a deep low sigh. “Do not tell anybody.” I muttered and I rushed back to Nova, with #Jessica on my heel. Lifting the blanket, I saw those beautiful brown eyes looking up at me. “It’s okay Nova, we are here.” Opening the kennel, I let her out, and gave her a hug when she stepped into my legs. Asking #Jessica to bring the Vet’s mat and blankets with her, I grabbed the bowl and we set Nova up in my office. “I could do with the company anyway, and we don’t have anybody one else coming in now.”
This was against all procedures, but after her being sick all day I couldn’t leave her crying. The moment I settled her down beside my desk and sat with my back against the wall, Nova curled up next to me and fell asleep.
#Jessica came back into my office and stopped seeing how Nova was curled up into me. Whispering as she handed me the tablet, a bottle of water and a plate with a sandwich on it. ‘Mom always makes me two, we can share.’ She sat down on the ground in front of me with her legs crossed under her.
“Thank you.” I whispered back, my stomach rumbling at the thought of food because neither of us had stopped to eat today.
‘It was lucky that Collin brought her in when he did?’ She asked taking a bite of her sandwich. And I nod my head.
“It’s never a good idea to wait too long when puppies eat something they shouldn’t.” I nod my head again as I spoke, then taking a bite from the sandwich.
‘He was so cute with her, the way he was worried.’ She was looking at her sandwich and moving the chicken in it around before taking another bite.
“Hmm.. He was I guess.” Raising my eyebrow, as I chewed another mouthful.
‘He has always been the kind one in the group of his friends, well. Not as kind as my cousin Seth, but kind.’ She was talking but it didn’t look to me that she was putting much thought into it.
“If you say so.” I replied but then that warm feeling was back again. This was the first time in the day that I wasn’t worried about Nova or moving between patients. The first time I had a moment to note the change in me and how just the mention of him had my heart speeding up a little. I scolded myself again at allowing myself to be so childish.
‘He’s one of the good guys’ #Jessica muttered with her mouthful, and I knew that had to be true. Just from how I witnessed him with Nova, he had to have a warm and kind heart.
Shaking those thoughts out of my head, I picked up the tablet and rested it on my lap, eating and getting to work on the days notes as I sat there on the floor of my office.
“No way, #Brady!” I repeated for the eight-time as we locked up the site and I dusted off my shirt and pants as best I could, kicking the grit and sawdust out the threads of my boots.
“I’ll have to meet her at some stage.” He was smirking.
“Meet who?” Boss came around from the back as we chained and padlocked the gates. The smell of the water from the marina filled my senses.
“Collin has a crush on the new Vet in town.” #Brady deliberately understated.
“I’m pretty sure she’s been here a few months.” I corrected him and he just rolled his eyes.
“You better get a move on kid. You know how the guys around here get with a new face in town” Boss smirked and clamped a hand on #Brady’s shoulder. “And Fuller… Go home! If she’s a Vet, this one doesn’t need a wingman. He’s practically a puppy that walks upright.”
Before I left, I tried to shake more dirt and dust off my clothes then I heard #Brady whistle; he was stood at the side of his van digging into a small backpack. He tossed me a t-shirt and a black bottle. It took me a second to realise the bottle was deodorant. I shook out the black tee to make sure it wasn’t one of the several shirts he owned that read things like, “F.B.I Female Body Inspector”. I was relieved when it was a plain black shirt.
“Never say I don’t have your back!” He grinned and climbed into the van. I didn’t need to ask why he had a change of clothes with him. In fact, it made me question why I didn’t have one in my truck. I shamelessly shrugged out of my dirty shirt and sprayed myself with the deodorant. “Text me when you flame out?” #Brady mocked as he pulled away. I pulled his shirt over my head and tugged it down.
“What are we, fourteen-year-old girls?” I teased right back before he was out of earshot, knowing that was exactly what I was going to do. When I got into the truck, I pulled my hair back into an elastic band at the nape of my neck just to look a bit tidier.
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I plugged my phone into the car stereo and scrolled through the artists, settling on Maroon 5 and hitting shuffle. They always lightened the mood, I grinned when the third song played. My fingers tapped along to the beat as I drove. My mind drifting from Nova to Harper every few seconds.
( Music: Feelings · Maroon 5 )
When I pulled up outside the clinic evening was descending and the car park was empty. I turned off the truck and looked at myself once more in the rear-view mirror and glanced down, I was still wearing the dusty work pants I had been this morning and my boots were a little dusty too. But it was fine… or so I kept telling myself. The pulling sensation that had stayed with me all day had eased with each turn I made getting here, now it was a low, lingering warmth.
I climbed out and made my way inside. There was nobody behind the reception desk, but I didn’t want to let myself into the back. I propped my elbows on the counter and called out.
Nova was shaking a little after she was sick again. #Jessica rushed up off her feet and ran to get me some cloths and some warm water for me to clean Nova’s mouth.
“It’s okay baby-girl, let it all out.” But when I looked to see what she’d expelled from her stomach it was nothing more than bile. “You poor thing.” Sitting there beside her, my hands moved over her head and her back. Soothing her and letting her know that she wasn’t in any trouble. That this was okay for her to do.
‘Harps will these do?’ #Jessica rushed in with the disinfectant spray, a roll of cleaning cloths and a bowl of water with a towel for me.
“Those are perfect.” Setting the bowl and the towel down beside me, she got to work on the floor, and I got to cleaning Nova up.
‘Should the vomiting not have stopped by now?’ #Jessica asked as the two of us set off doing what was needed.
“It has, this is just an after reaction. Her muscles are still reacting from all the heaving and the acids in her stomach will be unbalanced. It’s okay for her to do this, it’s why we have her here to watch.”
Nova whined and then lay back down curled up with her head in my lap this time. “It’s okay Nova, you will be okay sweet girl.” I whispered to her.
‘I’ll go and dispose of all of this and finish the filing and the letters at my desk.’ She gave Nova a soft rub on her head standing back up to leave.
“Jess please turn the lights out in here, and could you set aside 4 Omeprazoletablets for me and bring me the bottle of the Ranitidine Solution with a small mouth syringe too?” She gave me a nod as she rushed out of the office.
Nova’s eyes were heavy, and she drifted off to sleep the moment we were alone without the lights on. I knew that the dimness in the office would help her to relax and feel protected with the warmth of my body beside her. But because she was a husky, I also knew soon she’d shift away from me because she would become too hot.
“You will be as right as rain in the morning, I promise you.” My hand resting on her body I let my head fall back into the wall. Taking my glasses off I set them on the floor next to my outstretched legs. Rubbing the bridge of my nose, I closed my eyes. “It’s been a long day for us all sweet girl.” I whispered to her.
There was a sound from the main area, and I could hear the light mumbles of #Jessica’s voice speaking to somebody. ‘Come back this way, they are in the office’ I just made out and looked towards the door to my office that was ajar.
'Look who I found outside?' #Jess whispered as she pushed the door open and walked towards me with the small tray in her hand with the medication, I'd requested from her.
Setting it on top of my desk as she turned her head to the door and my eyes followed her gaze too.
#Jessica appeared from the back room and smiled up at me. She pulled open a drawer and rifled through it for a second, she clearly knew exactly what she was looking for. “Collin.” She beamed, happily and I couldn’t help but think it was the Clearwater genes. “Nova is fine, but she’s still not feeling very good.”
She dropped the things in her hands onto a small tray and nodded for me to follow her into the back. But she led me past the exam rooms this time. “Come back this way, they are in the office.” Jess said, her ever-present smile still plastered on her face. I didn’t think it was a normal thing for the dogs to be in the vet’s office, but honestly, I wouldn’t really know. “What did Nova do to get herself sent to the principal’s office?” I chuckled, mostly trying to convince myself that #Jess wasn’t just trying to make me feel calm when she told me Nova was okay.
“Nothing bad.” #Jessica gave a look that was a promise too. “She just needed a little company.”
Even through all the cleaning and animal smells, I recognised Harper's scent as #Jess pushed open the door to the dim office. I saw Harper sat on the floor next to a sleeping Nova. I froze in the doorway for a second and my heart started to thump, Jess fluttered her fingers to let me know it was ok to come in. I crouched next to the two of them and Nova looked up at me and licked my hand when I rubbed the top of her head. The fact that she wasn’t jumping all over me like her usual crazy self was concerning. “Hey, baby-girl.” I whispered and she laid her head onto Harper’s leg. I chuckled.
“Looks like someone found anew best friend.” I looked up at Harper, resting down on one knee next to them.
“Is she okay? I hope she wasn’t causing trouble; she can be a little destructive sometimes.” My hand ran over Nova's side, until I felt Harper's hand undermine, I froze for a second, my palm hummed with electricity. I didn't want to yank my hand away too fast; I cleared my throat and lifted my hand. "Sorry." I said with the hint of a smile. When I looked back up #Jessica was heading back out of the room saying something about being at her desk; but my focus was on Harper, Nova and the sounds their hearts were making, while mine threatened to break right through my chest.
When I saw Collin stood in the door, I gave him a smile showing him like #Jessica had that he was welcome to come on in. Reaching out I picked my glasses up and slipped them back on, brushing my hair out of my face.
Without thinking about it my eyes glanced over him as his look had changed since he was last here in the morning. His hair was pulled back, so this time I could see all of his face. His complexion so like that of #Seth, and the realisation of this once again made me smile thinking of my friend. I could swear that Collin had also changed his shirt from the one he wore this morning. His pants were covered in some sort of dust as were his boots. It was a dust I was used to seeing in my childhood and growing up.
The thought of my father made my heart jump and I looked away toward #Jessica holding my hand out for the tray which she lifted from my desk and gave to me.
He called her ‘Baby-girl’ again and it brought with it a warmth in me to hear it. “Nova is a gem, and she has been well behaved. We really didn’t give her the time to destroy anything here.”
I could see the concern in his eyes for his fur baby. “She wasn’t settling in the kennels, so I hope you don’t mind that I brought her in here with me to settle her down. She needed to sleep and not to stress.”
Looking down at Nova resting her head back into my lap I smiled my hand still in her fur giving her light touches and rubs. “You can never have too many friends, I’d be lucky to have this beautiful baby-girl as one.”
‘She’s such a good girl.’ #Jessica hugged herself as to emphasise the fact for Collin.
But then I noted how then her eyes moved down and widened, she had a big smile growing on her face. I’d been distracted to notice until I felt a jolt of something move over my skin and it occurred to me that Collin’s hand was over mine. I couldn’t pull mine away abruptly, so I pressed it into Nova’s fur a little more. He moved his hand and apologised, and I just shook my head as to say, ‘Not to worry.’ But the beating of my heart was saying something completely different. Making me scold myself once again.
#Jessica excused herself and left my office, and I turned my attention to Collin.
“I know it’s worrying to see her like this; however, it has been a long day for her, and she is tired.” Reaching out to the cupboard beside me I set the tray down and picked up the small specimen jar to show him.
“Nova did really well, here are the buttons and another bit of hard plastic. It’s all out of her, but as you can imagine being unwell, and vomiting has taken it out of her.”
Placing the jar on the ground, I reached out to pick up the small bottle of the Ranitidine Solution with the small mouth syringe. I filled it to the correct measurements to her body weight. “Okay Baby-girl, this will help you feel better.”
Nova opened her eyes and then turned her face away making me smile. I looked across to Collin and laughed softly. “I think she just told me to jog on.” I teased a little.
Bringing her face back to me and parting her upper flews. I found an opening between her teeth because she’d clenched her jaw closed knowing something was coming for her. I pushed the syringe to empty the liquid into her mouth. Nova shook her head and licked her flew. Making me smile and kiss her head.
“It is good for you. This will stop the bad feeling in your tummy and the heart burn from the acid imbalance.” Speaking to her but my eyes moved to Collin as this information was more for him. “I’m going to send you home with 4 Omeprazoletablets too, one each morning for the next two days to be taking before breakfast. And two extra just in case you aren’t back to your normal playful self by then.”
She moved her head into Collin now, “Guess we aren’t friend after that.” Again, I was teasing.
I tried my best not to let my expression change when I heard Harper’s heart skip; surely it wasn’t because of me. It couldn’t be, maybe it wasn’t professional to be caught sitting on your office floor with a sleeping patient.
Personally… I thought it was kind of adorable, like she was willing to do whatever it took to look after the animals in her care.
Her explanation of how she ended up in here made me smile. “I appreciate that… She can be a little diva sometimes. She’s not used to being on her own.” I scratched her between her ears. “I was thinking of adopting an adult dog for company… but I guess she’ll have plenty of that soon.”
I hadn’t really given it much thought during the day, but I suddenly realised that I had subconsciously decided I was keeping one of the puppies.
The thought brought another crooked smile to my face.
When #Jessica spoke, I didn’t even look up at her, there was too much for my eyes and mind to process with Nova and Harper right now. Then there was the way Harper’s heart thumped when I touched her. And I couldn’t rationalise this one away.
I rubbed the puppy’s side when I saw she was getting ready to give her some medicine. The puppy… I guess I couldn’t really call her that anymore, not now that she was having puppies of her own.
This little habit she had of speaking to the dogs when she was clearly meaning the information for me was fascinating. My wolf told me it was time to listen, not just admire. So, I listened to her explain the medicine and gave her a nod to show I understood.
“So, she can come home?” I asked, when I saw her like this, I wasn’t sure if she was well enough to come home. I figure the injection to make her throw up was tougher this time because of the puppies. I chuckled when Nova laid her head in my lap now and smiled at Harper.
“Trust me… It’s nothing a belly rub or two won’t fix. She loves everybody. Don’t you baby-girl?” I patted her head again flattening her ears. Of course, I didn’t look to Nova, waiting for an answer like I would at home.
I had to smile at the way he took care of her, but more so at the way he also spoke to her, just as I did.
“Are we speaking about the same puppy here? ‘little diva’? Nova? I just don’t see it.” Leaning forward I gave her tummy a rub. “It’s okay Nova, I won’t believe your dad.” Smiling I sat back in the wall again.
My eyes met his for a few moments before I pulled them away, putting the vile in my hand and the syringe away on the tray to my side. My hands stilled and then I turned my attention back to him.
“You are thinking about keeping the three puppies?” From the shock I had seen on Collin’s face before he left, I wasn’t sure what his plans would have been.
I didn’t ask because let’s face it he had just been given a lot of information. I’d had conjectured that he would need time to decide what action to take. But now with the time of the day passing, with the shock of it all sinking in?
Without thinking I licked the corner of my lips as the scenarios played in my mind.
1. We would need a safe pregnancy for Nova.
2. We would need the three puppies to grow at a good rate, even with one of them measuring smaller today, that wasn’t too much of a worry. She/ he could make up for that in time, it was still early.
3. We would need a safe delivery for Nova and the puppies
4. We would need Nova to nurse and look after the puppies. But if for any reason she couldn’t we could help her with it.
“Uhmm?” His question about taking Nova home pulled me out from the list of actions and timeline I’d been creating in my mind. “Oh, sorry, yes. If you are up to taking her home? I know you are working, so if it’s too much to keep an eye on her tonight and tomorrow I could keep her. It’s up to you.” Reaching out for the small box on the tray #Jessica had left for me.
“She needs rest, water, maybe some small amounts of very plain food tomorrow or later tonight if she asks for it. And one of these in the morning.” I held up the box with the 4 Omeprazole tablets in it.
It wasn’t the first time I’d spend the night in the practice, and I knew it wasn’t going to be the last. It was all about the animals and keeping them safe and healthy. And for me, no or little sleep for a night or two was a low price for me to pay for the pay-out of seeing them happy again.
I laughed a little when she disagreed with Nova being a diva. “Me either… But it seems to be the general consensus.” My eyes widened when she asked if I was thinking of keeping all the puppies and I chuckled. “All of them? No.” I shook my head. “Though if time, money and space weren’t any issues I might be tempted.” I gave a short laugh. “But one maybe… if everything goes well.” I looked up from Nova and found Harper’s eyes. “I need to think about it a bit more obviously before I make a decision. I hadn’t even really thought through adopting another one before all of this.” I rubbed Nova’s belly and grinned. “I guess… there are still no guarantees, but right now is not the time for a new dog. I know that much.” I looked back up to Harper again.
“I wasn’t even sure I’d ever get her back until last night. It’s not even been twenty-four hours.” I wasn’t really sure I wanted to tell Harper I had tricked my ex-girlfriend into selling the dog to me. Even though I still felt completely justified… I wasn’t sure how it would sound to someone that didn’t know the whole story. “It was a… complicated situation.”
I paused for a moment… had she just offered to stay the night at her job to look after my dog? But I didn’t want to be without her tonight. “I can take her home. I have someone that can watch her while I’m at work tomorrow.” I took the box from her and smiled gratefully. “I have a feeling she’ll look for something tonight… She eats everything.” I pointed to the specimen jar and chuckled. “There’s the proof.”
My eyes swept over her face again, and my heart thudded. I knew I had to get up and take Nova home. But just being this close to her was having an effect on me. It was new and strange, and overwhelmingly soothing. I just wanted to be near her. But that thought had the wolf stirring again, so before he could tell me I was being weird or clingy I made the choice that it was time to go.
I turn my attention back to Nova and gave her a gentle shake and rub all at once. “I think it’s time to get up baby-girl. Ready to go home?” She whined at me again and moved her head back to Harper’s lap. “See… You’re forgiven already.” I laughed and stood up hoping Nova might do the same if she thought I was leaving.
“Well, we disagree with the ‘consensus.’ As we know the truth of the matter is that Nova is a gem and a scholar.” Crossing my legs under me I shifted a little watching how Nova was at peace and settled with her head on Collin.
My gaze moved to catch Collin watching me and I gave a knowing smile, thankful that he wasn’t living in an unrealistic bubble when it came to the puppies and Nova. He knew it wouldn’t be as easy as saying ‘Yeah more puppies.’ There was so much more to it. Training, Insurance, grooming, check-ups and medication, food and toys and about a million other things too. “You are going about this the correct way. This is still all too fresh for you to know what would be right for you and Nova, it’s only day one of a long journey. You will get there I am sure of it. And if you like, I am happy to help with finding the puppies homes when and if you think that is the path you wish to take.”
My smile faltered just a little when Daisy and her puppies came to mind. #DrSteveHarris had let me help to find them all families and then the big brown eyes of #Private flashed into my mind. His brothers and he would be three years old now, and then of course #Kai was there in the background too. I knew that #Kai would have been taking great care of #Private wherever they were. Which helped to bring my smile back.
My hand was still on Nova’s shoulder giving her a rub when Collin stood to move, and I laughed softly at her staying in place. Leaning down I kissed the top of Nova’s head when she moved back to me. It made me smile.
My voice low as not to disturb her too much, “This is why I love animals, so innocent and forgiving. I caused her pain, and within moments she is showing me affection.”
I jolted out of myself, realising I had just been speaking aloud and not in my mind. My cheeks blushed red hot, and I pulled myself off the wall. Trying to remember what Collin had been saying to me.
“My evil plan is working; I won’t even have to kidnap you Baby-girl. You will just walk into my car for the ride home.” Kissing her head again, I whispered. “But dad just got you back, and I know he has missed you by the way he is looking at you. So, for now you should go home and look after him?” Nova’s head popped up off my lap and she shifted her head to the one side and then to the other, her beautiful brown eyes looking into mine and I could tell she understood me.
I pulled myself up onto my feet to stand and stumbled back a little. I caught my hand on the wall. Bending down to smack my thigh a couple of times. “Wow, dead leg.” I half laughed again feeling a little embarrassed at being caught off guard.
Nova wasn’t happy about me moving but she got up onto her paws and stretched herself out. A yawn and then she shook her head. “Let me walk you both out.” I said stepping around him and heading out of my office. I smiled when #Jessica looked up at me from behind her desk.
“Jess, there should be a scan printed out on the photo printer. Could you just take a—” She was reaching down to find it, turning back she held it up to show me that she had it. I watched her pull open a file on her desk taking a small card and clipped the scan into it. The top of the card reading.
˜”*°• ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕘𝕣𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝔸𝕣𝕖 𝔾𝕠𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕠 𝕓𝕖 𝕒 ℙ𝕒𝕨 𝔾𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕥 •°*”˜
‘Congratulations You Are Going to be a Paw Grandparent’
I gave her a look and she gave me that large ear to ear smile of hers. ‘I thought it was a nice touch.’ And she wasn’t wrong.
I was laughing softly, “I like it. Well done.”
She was really coming into her own here now. Turning to face Collin and Nova.
“I know you didn’t take this picture, however maybe it can become a part of Nova’s journey thing you are making?”
"She is." I mused quietly, stroking her fur again and lifting my gaze to the beautiful woman next to me. I listened to her; she was saying everything I was thinking.
"It’s not a spur of the moment decision. It’s a life you’re choosing to be responsible for... I guess that’s why it was so hard when I heard my ex was selling her." I sighed; I knew the ex-talk probably wasn't smooth. "But we made the choice together... she was mine too. Kind of. I love Nova as well, she should have -" I stopped, I was getting too deep. But we had done everything right. Even made a plan for her in case we broke up. We talked about it for a long time, planned her training and even to have her spayed, which clearly hadn’t been followed through. “I’m not too worried about finding homes… let’s just say Nova has a large extended family. One of the guys from work spent twenty minutes with her, fell in love and threw his name in the pot for a puppy already. But I told him not to set his heart on a new addition just yet. Not until we see how the pregnancy goes.”
But while I was a little lost in my past, so was she. Or so it seemed by the faraway look in her eyes. I laughed a little when she talked about the forgiving nature of animals. "Like you said… she is clever. She knows it's for her own good in the long run." I couldn't help the impulse to reach out for her when she staggered a little; but she caught herself on the wall and my wolf pulled my arm back be for I could, knowing it was far too soon for such a gesture.
I could see the hint of a blush in her cheeks and I smiled. "Happens to the best of us." I chuckled and followed her out, my heart thumping again when she came closer and walked past me, I was glad that human ears couldn’t tune into the sound like ours. I smiled widely when I saw the picture; something I always figured was reserved for babies.
I gave #Jessica a grin when I read the little card; there was no denying this girl was a Clearwater. “Thank you.” I looked from #Jess to Harper and smiled. “This will definitely make it into her story. Um…” I looked up at the two of them. “So, should I schedule her for a check-up on the puppies or anything? I don’t really know what way this works.” I asked Harper with a laugh rubbing the back of my neck, I guessed with her age and size it was best not to leave too long between visits.
I heard him talk about his ex-girlfriend and chose not to make any comments on the matter. This was something private for him to manage and deal with. However, I did find my heart drop into my stomach at the mention of his ex-girlfriend trying to sell Nova. How could somebody do such a thing? Nova had only spent a day with us in the practice and already #Jessica and I were in love with this brown eyed puppy who was going to become a mother for herself.
#Jessica leant forward asking Collin to step into the desk. ‘Before you go, I need you to autograph here on the screen, you can use your finger to do it. Also, I took the opportunity while you were busy to set up the rolling schedule of Nova’s check-ups and scans. All the appointments have been emailed to the address you gave me earlier today, and reminders will be texted to your phone a week before and then again two days before.’
I stood back, leaning on the side of #Jessica’s desk and watch the girl in the flow of her job. She was something to look at. Dropping my head and smiling to myself when I thought back to how #Anna, would never have thought so far ahead to do any of this in the time that I was talking with Collin. When I looked back up at her, she was pulling out some documents.
‘I have printed out some help and advice for you, and here.’ She was pointing to the folder with Nova’s name on it. ‘You can keep everything in this folder to keep it all save for your own records Collin, but if you do lose anything or miss place it, I’ll be happy to print it or email it out to you if you like.’ She was going 100 mph again, the girl never stopped for air and I was sure her lungs must have been screaming out for some.
The sound of the main door opening pulled my attention, as #Jessica had Collin busy. And I smiled from ear to ear. #Charlie stood in the door smiling back at me. ‘What no hug Doc?’ Dropping my head. Before looking over at him again I pushed off the desk and excused myself. Pushing the rim of my glasses up my nose as the two of us crossed the waiting room and he engulfed me into his arms lifting me off the floor. ‘Did you forget you were going to meet me for dinner woman? I don’t take being stood up lightly.’
“Put me down. Oh, no. Wait what time is it?” I asked him, I’d not even checked to see the clock or time.
‘It’s 45 mins past the time I should have a burger in my stomach, and we should be curled up watching Schitt’s Creek.’ #Charlie set me back down on my feet and I felt my cheeks going red.
“I’m sorry, work got busy. We had to look after this beautiful girl.” I turned to the side so he could see Nova.
#Charlie’s eyes moved to Nova, and then he waved to #Jessica. Stopping when he saw Collin. ‘Hey Littlesea, didn’t know I’d see you here.’ One of his hands on my back he stepped up to Collin holding his other hand out towards him.
My gaze drifted back to #Jessica when she slid me the tablet and I scrawled the closest thing possible to my signature with my fingertip. My eyes widen when she filled me in on everything. Damn… She must really like her job. “Seriously? “ I grinned at her; she was very dedicated for someone so prone to flights of fancy. The reminders weren’t necessary, I’m a pretty organised person but, I wasn’t going to point that out when she had been so diligent.
Then she handed me the folder of reading material. “Wow.” I opened it and flicked through a few pages. “Thank you so much. I really appreciate this Jess.” I gave her a genuinely if, a little sideways, smile. I turned to Harper and grinned “You should keep her.” I pointed to #Jess with the corner of the folder in my hand.
#Jess was still talking when Harper moved to the next customer… or patient? Client? Well… whatever it was. My eyes followed her as subtly as possible. #Jessica was on a roll and hardly noticed. I watched Harper get lifted off her feet by the guy that came in and my heart started to thump like a jackhammer in my chest.
‘No! No, no, no!’ My wolf was wide awake now and trying to tell me something but, all I could hear were the words coming out of this guy’s mouth and the rush of all the air in the room being sucked out. My boss’s words in my head replaying. ‘You better get a move on kid. You know how the guys around here get with a new face in town’
This… It… was fine.
I was okay…
This was okay.
I mean… Not all imprints start off like… Look at Claire and Quil.
It was fine.
I was fine.
I was breathing.
No, I wasn’t!
A snarl ripped through my mind reminding me to take a breath. There was a hand on my arm, and I realised I was leaned back against the reception desk. There was another hand pressed against my chest. I looked down, it was mine, the one on my arm was #Jess’s and then I heard my name. I looked up and actually saw the guy. I knew this guy. I shifted my weight back onto my own two feet.
‘Yes, you do!’ The wolf chimed in. ‘Think! You fool.’ What was his name? Dammit… I couldn’t think straight.
“Hey!” I said as casually as I could and took his hand. “Long time no see, man”
The bar! That was it. I sighed in relief; before I could say anything else #Jess asked; ‘Are you okay?’ Her brows pinched together in a picture of concern.
I cleared my throat. “Oh, yeah. Sorry, busy day is all.” And I got the same look I was so used to when I was a kid, that look you give a sickly child when you feel sorry for them. He gave it to me as well, but a lot more briefly than #Jess. ‘There’s no malice in it.’ My wolf reminded me.
#Charlie… His name came back to me. He had a boyfriend… or did at one stage at least. I didn’t know if he still had. But he was gay… Please! By the Spirits let him be gay!
It dawned on me all of a sudden that he would know all about why #Jo and I had broken up. After all, the bar she tried to cheat on me in, was where he worked. In fact… she probably did. I had no idea what happened that night after the other pups had left to get away from her drunken advances. I had no desire to; I had seen it all in the guys’ heads… Someone that determined to cheat would find a way; I wasn’t so naïve to think that not knowing meant it didn’t happen. But she wouldn’t ask him about me. Would she?
Did it matter if she did? I hadn’t done anything wrong and it was months ago. Maybe it was sooner than she would have heard the story but… I would have told her at some stage.
Seeing the way Collin had moved back into #Jessica’s desk I took a step forward, but I stopped the moment I saw #Jess move her hand onto his arm. ‘She has this.’ I told myself. There was a small pinch I felt from seeing her hand on his arm and I chastised myself. I had no right, what in the name of god was I even thinking? Pulling at the hem of my t-shirt. I bit my lip seeing the concern all over #Jessica’s face when she asked if he was okay. Making me look back towards him, noticing the hand he’d placed over his chest. I took another step forward, but #Charlies arm around me stopped and grounded me. ‘You don’t know him; he is a client. Be professional Harper Lee Jenkins.’ I chastised myself. But how can one stay ‘professional’ if another human was in discomfort? Allowing myself to glance at him a little closer this time. The colour in his face had drained slightly, and yet he looked okay, but had I missed something? When I allowed myself to pull my eyes from Collin, I saw something in #Jessica’s eyes, worry? Without thinking I looked up to #Charlie and there it was a flash in his expression too, however, it didn’t stay long before it was gone, and his crooked smile was back as he and Collin spoke.
‘Yeah, been too long man. So, the little troublemaker Jess was telling me about belongs to you huh?’ #Charlie mused dropping his hand to his side.
“She isn’t a troublemaker Char, just a puppy.” I snapped myself out of the worry that had been growing inside of me. I didn’t know why, but it was there. And there was some irritation at Nova being called a ‘troublemaker’ too. Then again, I knew I was the same with all my patients, in my eyes they weren’t the issue, 93% of the time it was the human’s they were surrounded by who caused the trouble.
‘Okay, okay, Jeez Harps it was a joke.’ #Charlie poked me in the side, this was a conversation the two of us had often and he knew I was super protective over the animals in my care.
I nudged him in the side, before pulling away to bend down to Nova and gave her a rub behind her ear. Whispering to her. “Don’t you listen to him or anybody else who say bad things. You are beautiful and have a heart of gold baby-girl.” Nova still wasn’t looking herself, yet she still licked me on my cheek.
‘Baby-girl? Harps Really?’ #Charlie joked again, making me reach out and smack him on his thigh.
“Keep it up Waterson, and I’ll ask Teddy to make you sleep on the couch for a week.”
‘Never going to happen, you see how fine my arse is woman.’ I cringed. This was so Not professional.
#Jessica giggles speaking in a stage whisper to Collin. ‘You should watch them fight over egg rolls. Hilarious!!’
I dropped my head and covered my face. Yeah, these were the people I was surrounded with. What must Collin be thinking right now?
Standing up I partly smiled. “Collin, let me walk you out, before these two really start to open up their comedy act. Trust me, we do not want to be in the middle of that.”
Taking a step towards the door, #Charlie shook Collin’s hand again. ‘Come by HWH, first beers on me. Just don’t tell the boss.’ He let go of Collins hand and jumped up on #Jess’s desk and engulfed her into a hug too.
“Oh boy.” I mouthed ‘I’m sorry’ to Collin, I wasn’t sure what part of all that I was really sorry about. These people all had known one another for all their lives, I was the knew face here. So, really this had to be the ‘Norm‘ for them? Maybe? Oh God.
I pulled the door open and held it for Nova and Collin to pass on by, the cold evening air blowing into me making me shiver a little. Only once I was outside did I turn to him and against my better judgment ask. “Are you okay?”
It took me a few seconds to comprehend the question #Charlie had asked. “Oh yeah. All mine.” I smiled, trying to fill my lungs with normal breaths but I hadn’t caught up yet. But saying those words about Nova was soothing. I was being a fool; I had no right to react like that… To feel like I had lost something, even for that fleeting moment. She was a whole person, not just what she meant to me and she had her own life before this morning… So, did I, only now it seemed it wasn’t a life at all. It was just waiting, for her, so my life could really begin.
Okay… So, this wasn’t her boyfriend. But she could have one, and I had to be okay with that. ‘Finally, some sense.’ The wolf sounded pacified in the back of my mind. Harper’s defensiveness over Nova made me smile again. I could tell she could see the sweet girl that was under the mischief everyone else saw, but everyone loved her anyway.
“It happens to be her favourite nickname.” I chuckled, watching Harper rub Nova’s head; I was starting to regain myself again and remembering I actually liked this guy… after the initial shock of his entry. They were clearly close, so I knew it was important not to let my stupidity and knee-jerk reactions colour my opinions.
I laughed at #Jessica’s comment and wondered if she meant Harper and #Charlie or Charlie and #Teddy, who I now had a vague vision of in my –still a little cloudy- mind. But despite my inability to think straight right now, I knew that I didn’t know him well enough to ask. I took his offered hand and smiled. “How can I refuse?” I chuckled. “It has been a while; I could use a night out. But it could be a while… this little thing is gonna need me at home for the next few weeks.”
I waved the folder towards #Jess again. “Thanks again, I owe you some new Tinder pics.” I teased her with a mocking wink, before turning back towards the door. I knew putting this together wasn’t exactly in her job description; recommending a book or a website, sure, but she put time and effort into this. “See you, Charlie.”
I smiled when she walked with me out the door. “I did tell you… you landed in the epitome of small towns when you ended up here.” What I didn’t say was that it was destiny; it was written in the stars that somehow, someway we’d cross paths. The fact that it was my beautiful baby-girl that led me to her was almost too perfect.
The cool air was exactly what I needed; I inhaled a deep breath of the settling evening air. I looked at the door. “Oh, that….” I shifted, digging my toes into the ground. “Yeah… sorry… I’m fine. “Nothing a decent dinner can’t fix.” I wasn’t oblivious to the little shiver, I knew I couldn’t do what I would with anyone else to warm them up so I just took a step towards her and reached down to pet Nova; so it didn’t seem like I was trying to get closer to her. I cleared my throat. “Um… I just want to say thank you. For taking such good care of her, I know you gave her the VIP treatment.” I smiled at her, and it was brighter and wider than I had intended. After a second, I dropped my eyes, scratching the back of my neck casually, or trying to be casual anyway.
“The epitome of small towns.”
Letting those words dance their way into my mind, I moved my glance out towards the street and found myself smiling. Just over three years had passed from the first time #Kenz, #Jenna and I had come across Forks and this small town. We hadn’t even planned to come here, it was #Jenna’s stupid idea for us to stop by and take a hike when she saw the cliffs and the beaches. The whole ‘Girls trip’ had been to bring the three of us back together after everything that had gone wrong in our friendship. And it had worked. ( even if #Kenz and I wanted to murder #Jenna that night. ) It was the night #Seth said he fell in love with #Kenz, it was the night that I was ready to kick him in his crown jewels, until he picked #Jenna up and carried her all the way back to the motel for us. The day we’d left after the hike, #Seth stood waving us off, and I never dreamt I would be here again. That I would walk these streets let alone call it home.
“We never know the impact a place truly has on our lives until we find ourselves in a moment of Deja’vu.” Shaking my mind free, the apples of my cheeks heated at the realisation the words had left my lips.
“I mean—” what had I meant? I knew I hadn’t meant to say those words out loud. I had to work on my internal voice not slipping out. “—It’s not that different from Thompson Falls, I know how people and lives can become interlaced. It’s been kind of nice really. Feeling not so different than home.”
Shifting, I hadn’t realised I had been rubbing my hands over my arms from the cold. My shoulders a little hunched over, I really shouldn’t have come out here in just a t shirt. ‘Change the subject, talk about the weather?’ I told myself. Before he thought I was irrational with my train of thought.
“But it’s a lot wetter here than home. We have snow and yes it’s cold, however with the sun and the blue skies it doesn’t feel as cold there.” I knew it had to be cold back home, but the sky was grey here and blue at Thompson. It did make a difference; I was sure of it.
He shifted to give Nova some attention and with that I felt a little warmer, I didn’t feel the need to rub my arms. Pushing the rim of my glasses up my nose I smiled looking down at the two of them together. He was apologising for not feeling too well. “Low blood sugar can be dangerous; you really should keep some candy bars or something with you if you suffer from it.” What was I his mom? Telling him to eat his meals? I could hear #Kenz and #Jenna in my head. ‘Stop Talking Nerd!’ and I did. “I mean, If you like I could pop inside and get you a cookie or something.” And again. ‘STOP!’ making me move my hand over my mouth and leaving it there. I had to stop. “I mean. Dinner. Yes. Good Idea.”
Thankfully Nova nudged my leg with her nose, and I bent down beside her. All other things forgotten in the moment her beautiful brown eyes were on me. “She’s a VIP for sure, I think Jess is in love.” I knew I was. I fell in love with my patients, it couldn’t be helped. They were so innocent and pure. “Remember Baby-girl, no more eating bad things.” Leaning in and whispering. “I know the human thinks he has to look after you, but we know the truth is the other way around.” Winking at her I kissed her forehead, pulling my gaze towards Collin. “If you have any issues, questions or problems. Please reach out.”
Standing up after giving Nova one last rub behind her ear. “It was nice to meet you both today.”
She was lost in thought and my eyes were glued to her, I let the way she made me feel wash over me and breathed in deep, the scent of her, the evening air and Nova felling my senses. Letting myself really see her, the new centre of my universe… My north star. She had no idea, how important she’d become to me, in an instant… I could not mess this up.
I couldn’t help but wonder what she meant by Déjà vu. I wanted to know everything; all the details that added up to Harper, everything that made her who she was, why she became a vet, why she came here. ‘Patience.’ The wolf whispered; he was channelling #Sam.
I had a feeling by the way she spoke that her hometown was the type of place most people never left, much like La Push. Yet somehow, she was here, this move was destined, but all that mattered was that I was wherever she was, from now on. I laughed when she mentioned the weather. “Yeah, the skies are a little dark here, but there are silver linings when you look hard enough. Trust me, they’ll show themselves soon enough.”
She was rambling… I smiled and my ears started to turn red. Was she nervous too? I took another step closer and listened for a change in her heartbeat. ‘That’s just what people do when they think someone isn’t well!’ My wolf goaded.
‘Yeah… people that care about the people around them. Even ones they just met.’ I threw the thought back at him silently and he quieted. He knew that was what we liked in people. I was so tempted to take her up on her offer. “Thanks, but you’ve had a long day with this one… and you have people waiting on you.” I laughed and nodded towards the bobbing heads in the windows they abruptly turned away, the pair were instantly deep in conversation; so obviously I was sure Harper’s human eyes had to have caught it too.
I’d give anything for five more minutes, but I needed to let her go… Just for now. ‘Just for now.’ The voice in my head agreed. And I repeated it back to him again. I watched her lean down and kiss Nova, the smile was immediate and wide, she was perfect.
I picked Nova up before I opened the car door because I knew she would hop right up into the front seat; I wasn’t sure that was the best move for her right now. I set her on the seat and tossed the folder and pills into the glove compartment. I buckled Nova into her harness and connected it to the seat belt. It was a fifteen-minute drive home, but still. I was glad at least that my truck was always clean, so if she noticed she wouldn’t think I was a total slob. After the state I showed up in this morning and even now… with a clean shirt, I was still a mess.
“It was really nice to meet you, Harper. I know it’s a little late… but welcome to La Push. And I guess I’ll see you soon for her next visit?” That wasn’t supposed to sound like a question. It was a chore to step away, around the front of the truck to the driver's side door.
My eyes moving up to the now dark sky. It had been light when #Charlie dropped me to work this morning after our workout. And now the day had run away from me. The skies had cleared because I could just start to make out the stars up there in the night. “Silver linings are always something to look forward to. I have patience, waiting has never been an issue.” Looking back to Collin I smiled.
Following his gaze to the large glass front of the practice I saw how #Jessica and #Charlie immediately pretend to turn their attention away from us. Had they been watching us? What was wrong with them both tonight?
“I have trouble waiting for me.” I joked and tugged on the hem of my t-shirt. Collin stepped away and with him I felt a rush of cold air engulfing me once again.
Curling my arms around my waist, not even sure why I was feeling this way. Something was clearly off with me. Making me believe he was right it had been such a long day today. And I’d missed dinner, it was all explainable. But this silliness, out of nowhere feeling uncertain of myself and my words. This was something I’d never done or felt before. I was always the one with the answers in our group, the one to pull the others along. I pushed it all away, now wasn’t the time to think of such things. And watching Collin lifting Nova into his truck made all my thoughts disappear in an instant.
“I will see you for Nova’s next check-up, and please remember one pill for two-days, first thing in the morning before breakfast” I reiterated the instructions taking a few steps back until I felt the door behind me. Smiling at Nova one last time, “Better late than never, or so they say.” I smiled at him now. “Thank you. Drive safe and good night Collin.”
I pushed the door open to the sound of #Jessica and #Charlie chatting away, but I could tell it was one of those false conversations you strike up when you want to hide what really had been happening. They reminded me so much of #Kenz and #Jenna. Except the fact that #Jenna would have been waiting at the door with her absurd theories and biting at my ankles by now.
- 𝘛𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘚𝘵��𝘳𝘺 -
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Autumn Cuddles
Okay @fyreball66 You asked for this and I’ve been holding onto it for you pretty girl I hope you like it 
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The day had practically flown by sort of like the last few they had been up there in the mountains without her ever realizing it but as fast as it had gone it had been an amazing day so far and was only getting better
They had all slept in for once since Master Splinter announcing the night before that the guys had the day off to rest since they had been training so hard waking up cozy and warm in her mates arms to the smell of food having a late breakfast thanks to Mikey and Raphael taking the liberty of cooking for the family
Something she never would have guessed of his biggest brother was he had a passion for cooking almost like his tendency to knit when he was in a mood if he wasn’t in the back working out
The woman had gone on a hike with the turtles in hopes of getting to know Donatello’s brothers a little better
For the most part if she wasn’t hanging out with the genius while he tinkered on small objects the guys had managed to break in the short time they had been there she was spending time with Splinter who had taken a liking to the new human woman his son seemed quiet fond of finding unlike every other time they had come up for a few weeks of relaxation that he had spent working he was actually spending more time with them never too far from the woman he had finally introduced them too
Each of his family member’s had taken to her almost immediately upon seeing their genius brother letting loose and enjoying the time they had more and more able to see just how smitten he was with the beauty who had him wrapped around her finger without ever fully realizing so.
Michelangelo had been the first next to the elder rat to make her feel welcome hugging her and showing her their home while the other’s finished the last minute preparations ecstatic to finally meet the woman Don had been going on about for a while making his brother blush in embarrassment as he either told her stories from when they were kids or made a point to ask when they were getting married
Leonardo had warmed up completely after finding she enjoyed the open spaces of nature as much as him getting her to join him in a relaxing meditation one morning in a spot he had shown her taking his place on the soft grass patting the one next to him grinning upon peaking over after an hour seeing she was trying even if she looked like she had dosed off once she got so relaxed but for the most part he had enjoyed her company finding she was a perfect match to his brother’s personality
Raphael wasn’t really the last but getting him to be around her for long was a little difficult since he seemed to disappear before she was even up showing up for training  then was gone again, it had been by accident but one day while she was exploring she had stumbled across him in the middle of the woods where a gorgeous clear water pond was, walking a little closer to see him kneeling down feeding a small fawn that had wondered up.
It was so shocking the woman had stopped to watch before he turned surprised to see her there having never heard her. For a turtle who acted tough and mean she got to see he had a softer much gentler side having to swear she would never tell his brothers upon threat of Donnie’s computers getting broken which for the most part she could tell he might have been joking - another part knowing she ever breathed a word of his little secret and it could happen
She found she loved to sit off to the side of the clearing in the center of the woods against a tree while reading and watching the guys during training for hours never having a boring moment; fascinated by all of their skill but quickly finding the sight of the lanky turtle so focused and serious while handling his Bo staff to be the most breathtaking view she had seen yet, her eyes drifting down his body as his muscles flexed under his skin fending off his brothers in the group spar sessions blindfolded by his turned mask grinning for the most part in catching Leo and Mikey at the same time upon extending his staff knocking them both on their butts blocking Raphael’s attacks easily before getting tackled by Mikey as she giggled seeing him getting dog piled once he was down as his brother’s cackled wildly laughing like kids until Master Splinter had called the evening to an end shaking his head at their antics
She was really getting to see them for who they really were
Leo could cut loose and actually be a ton of fun, Mikey had to be the realest person she had ever met and his art book where he was always sketching always brought a smile to her face upon seeing the detail in his art, Raphael was a kind soul with a big heart and abnormally a huge cuddly teddy bear when not under stress
She smirked at the memory enjoying the cool evening but as the sun sunk lower it had started to get colder, she had been sitting on the porch swing cheering on Raph and Leo as they sparred to work through an argument they had gotten into before the smallest turtle had bolted across the yard screaming dramatically as the ducks he had been messing with chased him getting several thunderous laughs from the brawling alphas having never seen Leonardo smile that widely until they were so tired from laughing at their baby brother they both went their own ways having forgotten what it was they had been fighting about still grinning as she giggled wildly on the swing tears rolling down her face
“This seat taking m'lady” she looked up a while later to see the genius turtle in a pair of baggy cargo pants over his boots and a hoodie made to fit around his shell that pulled over his head and velcroed under the bottom of his carapace eliminating the struggle of trying to get it over the edges, he had disappeared earlier not saying a word when he left and must have just returned holding two steaming cups and a thick blanket
“Yeah actually, my man should be coming to take it soon”
He leaned down pressing a kiss to her lips smirking as he chuckled at her sarcasm before he placed a steaming mug of hot chocolate in her hands settling down next to her leaning his shell on the arm rest putting one leg up to rest against the back and pulling her to lean on his plastron before wrapping a thick blanket over them as she rested on the turtle “This is all so beautiful… although it’s nothing compared to the true beauty I got to wake up next to this morning” she looked up finding those shimmering honey brown eyes on her as he placed his cup next to him on the table as they watched the sunset together the lights bringing out the depth in her man’s eyes behind his thick glasses and the soft features to his face as her leaned back sipping at his coffee
The sheer magnificence she was seeing as they gently rocked cuddling under the blanket together in the fading light as the autumn leaves drifted down onto the ground was almost like a painting come to life making her realize this had to be the most romantic place she had ever seen in her life and getting to witness it with Donatello was like the cherry on top of it all
His arm rested around her waist pulling her closer as the air grew cold keeping her cuddled against him for warmth before he was nuzzling into her neck once the sun was down pressing soft kisses to her skin quickly taking her half empty cup before she could drop it placing it on the ground as he pulled her face up kissing her deeply grinning when he broke the kiss “Told you – this is where I’d love to live one day with you and then we could end every day just like this” she grinned up at him as he kissed her once more sighing when he leaned his head on hers looking out over the yard
They sat in silence as the stars started to peak out more before he shifted a huge grin on his face looking down at her “I think you mentioned getting to look at the stars – want to see the best spot for that” her fast nod had him chuckling getting up stepping through the door grabbing her jacket bundling her up and wrapping her in the blanket before lifting her up into his arms grinning down at the fluffy bundle taking off fast heading to a spot up the hill, panting slightly as he finally stopped running ten minutes later setting her down after he had kissed her before slowly turning her to look out over the sky her mouth dropping with a stunned gasp just looking around her
“Oh my god – Donnie this is beautiful” she was so focused on the billions of stars she didn’t see him step back as he pulled a small box from his pocket his heart pounding wildly in his chest seeing just how breathtaking she was against that night sky “Donnie don’t you agree”
She looked over to where he had been standing only moments before at her side not seeing him before turning to find the turtle kneeling on one knee a small velvet box in his hand grinning up at her his brow lifted opening it to show her the ring he had gotten as he took his mates hand his honeyed brown eyes shining up at her
“Well – You said I would know your answer but I would love to hear it My Queen”
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avaalons · 7 years
Chris Evans Fic: The Hinting Game
Anonymous request coming to you all the way from Greece!
Have fun on vacay!!! Can you do a cute Chris Evans one of him hinting that hes ready for kids! Thanks 💙
In hindsight, you realised the hints had been coming for a while but it had just taken you some time to realise it. Thinking back, the first time, you were both at a Patriots game. Chris had dragged you to the merchandise shop at the stadium and while he spent the obligatory amount of time fawning over sweatshirts and deciding which one he should buy this time, his attention eventually turned to the kids section, his eye caught by an infant-sized romper type garment. ‘No. 2 Patriots Fan’ was in big writing taking up most of the space on the front but in brackets underneath: ’(but only because my dad is No. 1)’.
He held it up on its little hanger and looked at you which an open-mouthed expression of excited surprise.
‘Babe… how adorable and perfect is this?’
You just raised an eyebrow in a ‘my boyfriend’s such a dork’ kind of way and replied nonchalantly, ‘Yeah it’s cute. It’s a bit small for you though. Shame there’s no really little ones in our circle at the moment.’
The second time, you’d both been at a friends’ house, a couple that lived nearby. Well, they were Chris’ friends really, but you’d crossed over into mutual friend territory over the last couple of years: Chris had known the husband for years, since he first moved to LA and and you and his wife had become pretty close, bonding over basically being female and being in LA. And having dorks for other halves.
You were all in the back yard after dinner, nursing beers, chatting as the sun went down and watching their gorgeous four year old daughter running around with the family dog. Chris eventually got pulled into the ruckus and he spent a good half an hour playing frisbee, chasing, being chased, being a monster, being a prince.
When he lightly jogged back to his seat, worn out, he sank down next to you and pulled you close, whispering in your ear.
‘We need to get ourselves one of those.’
‘I’m not sure Dodger would take to another dog in the house, he’s too spoiled and used to being on his own now.’
He just chuckled lowly in your ear, planted a kiss against your temple and said, 'Yeah, you’re probably right.’
The third time, you’d been in Boston, visiting Chris’ mom and sisters. He was coming to the end of a filming stint and had been away from home for a while. The women in his family had invited you out to Boston for a girls’ weekend. It had been arranged that Carly would pick you up from the airport and take you to her house where Shanna and Lisa would be waiting. Carly’s husband was going to take the kids for the weekend while you went to the spa but you were all going to spend the afternoon at Carly’s until her husband was home from work.
Miles launched himself at you when you walked through the door and you scooped him up, whirling him around until he was giggling uncontrollably. Then you picked him up and settled him on your hip for a proper hello. He wrapped one little hand around the back of your neck while he told you excitedly about his new space theme bedroom that was in the process of being completed. He wriggled to get down so he could run upstairs to fetch his new night light to show you.
As his eager footsteps could be heard pounding up the stairs, you turned to find all three of Chris’ female family members looking at you with interest.
'What?! Have I got something on me?’ you looked down at your clothes quickly, trying to find something that would explain their attention.
'Nothing,’ Shanna told you with a smile, 'That just really suits you.’
You were just wearing a lightweight tshirt dress, close fitting but stretchy so it was comfortable for the plane journey. You didn’t think it was anything special but you thanked her just the same.
The fourth time, it was from Robert Downey Jr, of all people. So barely even a hint at all. It was at a Marvel thing, you were Chris’ plus one, as you always were when you were available, and Chris was networking for a moment. You weren’t exactly out of your depth: you knew a few people dotted about and Cobie Smulders was nice enough to keep you company with a long awaited catch up. Robert appeared at your elbow to say hello and greet you with a kiss on each cheek.
'Long time no see,’ he remarked after the initial greeting was over.
'I know, it has been far too long. Nice to see everyone.’
'Yeah, it’s not a bad bunch, is it?’ he looked around the room before turning his attention back to you, 'In fact, it’s been so long, I expected you two to be parents by now.’
You almost choked on your drink as you spluttered out a laugh, 'What?! Where would you get that idea?’
'Oh, don’t be bashful. We all know Evans is chomping at the bit to be a dad. He’s the last one standing out of us, he needs some responsibility in his life,’ there was a grin and a gentle clap on your shoulder before he moved away to talk with some other guests arriving and you were left frozen to the spot, feeling like you’d been floored by this new information. You looked over to where Chris stood in a group, laughing and chatting casually, one hand in his pocket.
God, you loved him. So much. But were you ready to have a child together? You weren’t married, or even engaged… but, you supposed, that didn’t matter much these days, and you did have a house together. You knew that kids were on the cards but you always thought it was a distant plan for the 'future’, whenever the future happened to roll around. Did he actually want to have a baby with you now? The idea planted, you suddenly felt excitement swell in your belly and you glanced down, imagining it swelling for real: a round, taut bump housing a growing infant that had Chris’ eyes and your smile.
You thought back over the last few months: Chris’ new found love of novelty baby clothes; playing with your friends’ daughter (so it wasn’t a new dog that he wanted to add to the family); Shanna’s comment about that 'suiting’ you, which you now realised was about you and Miles, not the plain t-shirt dress you were wearing. It all added up.
He really did want to be a dad now: he knew it, his family knew it, his friends and colleagues you knew it… he was just waiting on you.
He caught your eye across the room and smiled widely, ceasing to listen to whatever conversation was going on around him. You smiled back, wondering if he could tell what a huge revelation you’d just had in the middle of his work event.
You figured the ball was in your court and you knew just what to do.
'Hey sweetheart, I’m home!’ Chris always called out when he arrived, as if Dodger’s manic rattling of paws and claws on the hardwood flooring wasn’t enough to give it away. It was cute and you knew he revelled in the domesticity of it all.
You were in the study and quickly hid the items you’d been using to wrap his present back in the desk drawer where they belonged. You picked up the parcel and went out to greet him. He met you half way in the hall and swooped you in for a kiss before realising you had something in your hands.
'Hey hey, what’s this?’ he asked, eyeing the package wrapped in yellow and white striped paper.
'I got you something,’ you told him coyly.
'A present? For me? But why?’ he held his hand to his chest, indicating himself in surprise.
'Just a little something that I saw and made me think of you.’
You held it out and he took it from you, 'Can I open it now?’
'Of course!’
He ran a finger under the edge of the paper, curiosity written all of his face, pulling up the tape.
Inside was a cardboard box and he glanced at you with a half grin, clearly wondering what you’d been getting up to.
He set the box on the side table next to him in the hall and opened up the lid to find a lot of white tissue paper.
'Babe, what is going on here?’
'Just open it, you’ll see,’ you could barely contain your excitement.
He began the process of opening the layers of tissue until he got to the item at the bottom, pulling it out and holding it up in front on him to have a good look. He was extremely confused, you knew that much, but you gave him a second just to take it all in and read the note you’d attached to the material with a safety pin.
You kept your gaze on his face, letting out a laugh as you watched him shift from confusion to shock and joy. His eyes were wide, mouth in an O, and he turned his head slowly to look at you.
'Really?!’ was the only word he managed at first.
'Really,’ you nodded, laughing again, feeling tears (happy ones!) prick your eyes.
'Sweetheart… this is the best present I have ever had. Ever!’ he pulled you close, the present still bunched in one hand, leaning in to you to kiss you slowly, full of love.
'Can we start now?’ he grinned against your mouth.
'Well, I didn’t take my pill today…’ you almost whispered, your arms wrapped around his neck.
He whooped and laughed, 'Best get to practising then!’
He held up his present again, looking at it in joyful wonder. The tiny Patriots romper that he’d held up for you to see in the store, with a note attached in your best loopy handwriting.
I think it’s about time we made someone to wear this.
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captnbarnesrogers · 7 years
Get Your Feet Off My Dash
Pairing/Characters: Domestic!Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: Smut, swearing, sir!kink, daddy!kink, just heaps of fluff and smut reader beware lmaoooo
Summary: Reader doesn’t deal very well with long drives (or road trips as Steve calls them) and she starts to get really impatient. She’s so impatient she starts to fidget… a lot. Steve doesn’t mind, until she puts her feet on the dash of his brand new car. Word Count: 2.4k+ A/N: FILTH I AM FILTH BUT LIKE CUTE FILTH
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You and long drives had an extensive history. Not a good one, well, to you. You didn’t hate long drives, you just weren’t fond of them. The thought of being stuck in a car for mass number of hours, annoyed you. You put your seat belt on and sat in the car sulkily, crossing your arms like a child. Shortly after, Steve entered beside you with a chuckle.
“It’s going to be a short road trip, doll, put a smile on your pretty face for me.” He says, caressing your soft cheeks,
“It is not a short trip, Steven, it’s a five-hour drive! Couldn’t you just go by yourself?”
“But look at how good our car looks AND how great your boyfriend looks.” You gave in from your sulky face and laughed,
“Fine, but you have to get me food.”
“Anything for you, doll.” He gave you a kiss on the cheek and smiled before pulling out of the garage.
He drove into a drive thru and ordered some food. You fed him as he drove and your stuffed your face, his eyes gazing at you even as you ate. You don’t really know how all of this happened. If someone told you six years ago if you’d be living in a house with a boyfriend and his dog, you’d probably laugh in their face. You’d met Steve on enrolment day at your university, he was doing his final year in Historical Education, majoring in the World Wars and you just beginning your first year. It just happened. He helped you enrol into your course and then all so suddenly, he was all you could see around the campus. He final plucked up the courage to ask you out to dinner after three weeks of just looking at you with nervous eyes from across the campus yard. Four years later, he’d saved up enough money to get all three of you a house to live in and then another two years, you’d helped him buy the first car.
“What are you thinking about, doll? Your eyebrows are furrowed.” You bit your lip and gave out a small giggle,
“The day we met.”
“Ah… Enrolment day.” You hummed in agreeance, “You still look as beautiful as the first time I saw you.”
“And you are not as innocent as I thought you were.” He laughed,
“You love me.”
“I do, unfortunately.” You grabbed his hand and kissed it, “So much.”
Two hours had passed and you were starting to feel the querulous attitude crawl out of your skin. You tapped your feet together, laid your head on the window, clapped and spun your fingers around each other. You were starting to get impatient. You let out a big sigh and slapped your hand down on Steve’s lap, dramatically laying your head on his right shoulder. He let out a laugh.
“Steeeeeeeve!” You groaned, “Steven, Steve Grant Rogers, Steeeeve!” You cried out,
“Almost there, baby girl.”
“We still have,” You looked at the digital flashing clock, “two hours and a half! That’s so long!”
“That’s not too long, sweetheart.”
“Can we please take a break?” You looked at him with innocent eyes, “Please, sir?”
“Oh, Y/N.” He whispered, giving into your sweet voice, “Fine, we’re stopping for half an hour, we need to get there soon.” You clapped your hands as he parked into a diner just along the road. You both got out of the car and you jumped on his back, wrapping your arms around his neck as he caught you by your thighs. You leaned down and kissed his cheek and thanked him.  You sat down at one of the booths and sneaked peeks at him. Most people would think with all things considered, you shouldn’t have to do sneak peeks but after six years, you still blushed with him around. You liked catching him off guard, it made your heart beat so quickly, it was just another reminder of how much you loved him and how much you wanted to be with him.
“Y/N?” He called, waving his hand in front of your face, “Babe, are you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, sorry, I just zoned out.”
“Are you sure?” He rubbed your arm and looked at you concerningly,
“I zoned out because I was staring at you and it just reminded me how much I love you.” You rested your hand on his blushing cheek, he leaned into your hand,
“I love you too, Y/N.” You ordered some food and laughed away your half an hour. Steve’s need for punctuality dragged you back into the leather seat of his car, rolling your eyes and groaning.
You started making silly faces at him, causing him to laugh at you and reach his hand out to pinch your cheeks. You slapped his hand away and almost instantly grabbed it again, to place a kiss on it. You continued to remind him of the time he tripped in the campus yard, chasing after you because you’d left a pen on the bench. He laughed embarrassingly, his cheeks reddening and you losing breath. It started to quiet down so you started blowing out air from your mouth. Steve put his hand on your thigh and you looked at him, smiling. But, still, boredom was taking over so, you made yourself comfortable and sunk down in your chair, putting your shoe-covered feet on the dashboard. He turned to look at you questioningly.
“Uh, sweetheart, what are you doing?”
“What?” You replied,
“Your dirty shoes, they’re on my dash.”
“So?” You knew exactly what he wanted and so you smirked,
“So? Get them off my dash, doll.”
“What? I’m not doing anything!” You started moving your feet back and forth and side to side on the dashboard, laughing,
“What you gonna do about it, huh? Huh?” He smirked at you and looked around searching for something,
“You won’t speak unless you’re told to, will you, doll?” This was when the atmosphere completely changed, your voice became submissive and small and he became dominant, “Hm? I need to know.”
“I won’t speak unless spoken to, sir.”
“Good girl.” He praised, he turned into an isolated resting block and parked, “What’s your safe word?”
“Fuck.” You gave out a small giggle and he hissed,
“You’re testing my patience, Y/N.” He looked at you intently, “What is your safe word?”
“White Star.” You said,
“Get in the back, now. Not another word.” You crawled in the back and took off your panties from under your skirt, the door of the back seat opened and Steve climbed in, tapping on his leg,
“No! I was joking!” He shook his head,
“Are you disobeying me? I wouldn’t want to get into even more trouble than you are.”
“No, sir.”
“Get over my knee, now.” You whined and situated yourself when he wanted you to be, “Why are you being punished, Y/N?” You whimpered and wiggled on his knee, earning you a hard slap on your left ass cheek,
“For disobeying, sir.” You whispered, he spanked you again,
“For disobeying you, sir!”
“How many do you deserve?”
“As many as you see fit, sir.”
“Five on each cheek?”
“If you want that, sir.” He smirked, proudly wearing the grin,
“Count.” He began to spank you as you counted, his other hand resting just beside his thigh, where you could grip it tightly, holding onto your boyfriend for dear life. As you yelled out the last count, tears ran down your face and you looked up at his smug grinned face with innocent eyes and pouted lips. He bent down and placed a kiss on your lips before helping you sit up. You unzipped his pants and snaked your hand down his underwear, stroking his already hard cock, “Fuck, you’re such a good girl.”
He lifted his hips up and took off his pants and underwear, giving you full access to his cock. You bent down and took the hard tip into your mouth, twirling your tongue around it. He threw his head back and moaned as you took him down, causing him to buck his hips up. He grabbed your hair and round it up into a makeshift ponytail, twisting it in his hands.
“I’m gonna cum, you’re gonna need to stop, sweetheart.” You looked back at him again as he pulled you up. With his hand still tangled in your hair, he kissed your puffed lips roughly. He helped you take off your jumper after you straddled his thick thighs, feeling his hard shaft come in contact with your slick pussy, making you whimper.
“Fuck me with your big cock, daddy, please!” You cried,
“Do you deserve my cock, Y/N? You were being too disobedient.”
“I’m sorry, sir, daddy, I need to cu-“ With no warning, he shoved his cock inside you, making you cry out loudly and throw your head back, with your hands tightly gripped in between his golden locks, “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” You rode him hard and fast, ever so quickly sending you over the edge, “I’m-“
“No, baby girl, I t-tell you when.”
 “Steve!” He rested his forehead on your forehead, your eyes almost instantly finding each other, “I can’t!”
“Open your eyes and look at me, keep your eyes open.” You did what you were told and he fucked you faster and harder, your moans getting louder, “Cum for me, princess.” You cried out and clenched around him, making him cum following your hard-hitting orgasm. You both panted, chest heaving up and down. Steve caressed your cheek and smiled before kissing you. “I love you.” He whispers. You both got changed and sat back into your seats.
The drive became shorter than it was because you couldn’t stop staring at your boyfriend. God, you loved him so much. It wasn’t until he tapped your thigh did you realise you’d arrived. The sun had gone down and the lights from the cabin shone brightly, complementing the forestry surrounding it.
“Where are we?” You asked, taking his hand,
“The Point.”
“Like Adirondack Mountains?” He nodded and you smiled, “What are we doing here?”
“Well I booked us dinner and a couple of nights here, thought we might need it.”
“What for? Steve, this would’ve cost you a lot of money!”
“Come on, we’ll have dinner and then we’ll talk about it.” You agreed and he led you out back where a candle lit dinner was set up for you both. You gasped and covered your mouth in surprise. “Do you like it?”
“Steve… This is- Oh my god, amazing! It’s so beautiful.”
“I’m glad you like it.”
“I love it, baby.” You ran up to him and wrapped your hands around his neck, “It’s on the lake and the lights… It’s so gorgeous.” You bent over to look at the calm water running free, “Why are we-“ You turned back around to see your boyfriend, down on one knee and a red velvet box with a large rocked ring situated inside it, you felt your breath ripped away from you, “Steve?”
“I had a whole speech planned, I thought I was confident enough to do this,” He sniffled and wiped away the tear escaping his eye, “Y/N, I’m not perfect, sometimes I forget things but I will never forget that I love you and you a-are the only woman I want to wake up to and see before I go to sleep, I’m not perfect but you’re perfect to me. The last six years have been the most amazing yet most challenging time of my life, I love you so much, sweetheart, will you marry me?”
“Steve I- Oh, Steve… Yes! Of course, I’ll marry you!” You hand was shaking as he slipped the ring on your finger. He stood back up and captured you as you jumped on him, kissing his tear stained face, your own tears covering your face. He carried you into your shared room, lips connected all through the walk. He gently laid you down on the bed, moving the hair from your face and kissed you once again.
“I love you so goddamn much, Y/N.” He whispered, leaning down to kiss you,
“I love you too, Steve.” He kissed down your neck and warm, large hands wandered your figure, “Steve, please, I need you.”
“I can’t wait to share the rest of my life with you, doll.” He undressed you and then undressed himself, going back to kissing your body. His hard member teased your folds as you moaned loudly, “Are you ready, sweetheart?”
“Yes, Steve, p-please.” With your response, he entered your slick pussy and began to thrust slowly, “Oh god, fuck.” Your nails dug into his back as he moved within you. He buried his face in your neck, quietly moaning and cursing. You felt so close to your now fiancé and you didn’t want this love and this pleasure to end, you wanted him forever. His hand gently made its way upon your sensitive breasts. He played with your nipples, pulling on them, making you moan louder.
“You are so beautiful, I love you, I love you.” He chanted and then kissed down to capture your nipple into his mouth, then shortly giving the other nipple the same attention,
“Please make me cum, Steve! Oh fuck!” You cursed loudly, he complied with your need and slipped a hand between you both to rub your untouched and throbbing clit, “Oh god, oh god, oh god!”
“There you go, baby girl, I can feel you, you’re about to cum,” He rubbed faster and harder, making your legs shake from pleasure, “cum for daddy, sweetheart.”
“Oh fuck, Y/N!” His thrusts slowed down and he stilled as he orgasmed inside you, “I love you.”
“I love you too.” He rolled over beside you and kissed your cheek. You rolled over to face him, his arm splayed across you,
“We might need a bigger wedding dress by the way.” You said, your hand caressing his cheek,
“Why would that be?”
“I was a bit scared to tell you.” He sat up from under the covers,
“Y/N, what’s going on?”
“Steve, I’m pregnant.”
“What? Are you sure? You’re not joking?” You shook you head no and watched his eyes light up, “There’s a baby in there?” You nodded, “Y/N, we had really rough sex before, we could’ve hurt the baby!”
“It’s only the size of a corn kernel.” You laughed,
“This is perfect, Y/N, thank you.” He laid his head on you tummy, “Hey there little guy, this is your dad and I just love you so much.”
PERMANENT TAGLIST: @winchester-negan-one-shots @stevette60 @marvelous-fvcks @megandrawsspace @marvel-fanfiction @potterhead1265 @zoejohnson8 @frickin-bats @iamwarrenspeace @kenmen02 @captianwintersoldier @noelia8villa @bucky-bear-barnes @hollycornish @marvelbase001 @mullinhore
STEVE ROGERS/CHRIS EVANS TAGS: @always-an-evans-addict @kennadance14
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