#thanatos x brynhild
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“The music of this awe, Deep silence between the notes, Deafens me with endless love.”
- “Shudder Before the Beautiful”, Nightwish
I commissioned @jessicamarianadraws to draw our two mage babies, Brynhild Hawke and Thanatos Zinovia, dancing together at the Winter Palace. The final result took my breath away and its overall beauty could make me weep with joy. The shading and coloring techniques display in this commission display such talent and precision while breathing such life and realism into our characters. I am swooning with delight at the intricate details in the makes, their outfits, and that beautiful emerald broach pinned to Brynhild's dress. I could stare at this art for hours and fantasize about this lovely ship of ours! 😻😍💕💞
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jessicamariana · 4 years
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[  in a world of our own  ]
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Day One: Twice Blessed [Thanatos x Brynhild]
Here is my first ficlet/story for ockiss19! I meant to post this for Thursday night but it took me longer than expected to type this all out.
In this cute oneshot, we have @jessicamarianadraws‘s Inquisitor Thanatos with one of my Hawke OCs: Brynhild. Let’s just say they both are waiting impatiently for two new additions to their family to arrive. ;)
I hope you enjoy reading this, @jessicamarianadraws!
Despite living high in the mountains with a chilling draft that pervaded throughout most of Skyhold’s rooms and corridors, Brynhild’s chamber was so unbearably hot since this morning and the Champion of Kirkwall thought she was slowly being roasted alive. A fire had been stroked to life by one of the Inquisition’s volunteers first thing in the morning to keep her warm and all the windows were close to keep the cold air outside. She spent most of the day either walking around to stretch her legs (since sitting in certain angles proved uncomfortable) to hopefully provoke her labor to arrive sooner rather than later, or resting in the bed so she wouldn’t overexert herself. Thanatos was particularly keen on the latter option, for he worried too much activity or precarious incidents could prove harmful to him and the babies. After what betided to his first wife and child, Brynhild understood his underlying fear.
Carver and her mabari Conan were her only companions, for Thanatos was forced to leave her side when a vital, emergency meeting was called upon the council. “But send a messenger to me the moment your labor begins or if you need me for anything,” he had told her, glancing down to rub her swollen belly fondly. “I want to be there when our children are born. I have no wish to miss anything.”
Morning had slowly melted away into the afternoon like the snow on the ground and only then did Brynhild start to feel a repeated onset of contractions spasming across her torso, provoking her to pace around like a caged animal with hands on her pregnant stomach as she steadily counted the pause between each forceful motion insider her womb. Her mabari, Conan, cocked his head perplexingly as he watched her almost rhythmic movements, eyes wider than saucers as her faithful companion’s tongue lopped out of his jaw. Carver, on the hand, tore his focus away from the maps he was viewing to observe the change in her behavior. “Brynhild…?”
She held out one finger at him and he halted, eyes watching her intently as she continued to count and keep one hand on her belly. Finally, Brynhild turned to her brother, a nervous smile spreading across her light pink lips. “Carver, summon the healers. I think the babies are on their way.”
Thanatos would have done absolutely anything to get out of this meeting.
Josephine was assisting greatly in subduing the verbal infighting at a minimal while also assaying to distract him from the looming possibility Brynhild could give birth any day now. That made him more jittery and anxious than ever. He was suppose to be spending time with his lover and help her relax yet of course, there had to be an urgent squabble featuring uncovered religious artifacts that fell betwixt the border of Orlais and Ferelden. Leianna was more interested in the topic of the meeting than him and since she was the future Divine and all, that made sense. He was half tempted to excuse himself on a fake errance and let Leliana and Josephine to the rest of the petty bickering. Pinching the bridge of his nose, Thanatos was about to utter a biting remark when the door to the council room slammed open and in burst a ruddy, gasping messenger.
“Inquisitor!” he managed in-between breaths, grasping his knees as he hunched himself over to recover from his arduous sprint. “It’s Serah Hawke! She’s--”
Thanatos was already heading towards the exit, ignoring the baffled reactions  from the Orlesians and Fereldans alike while joy flickered across Leliana’s face and Josephine beamed broadly, for they both knew what the message was about. “Where is she? Is she in her room?”
The messenger bobbed his head vigorously. “Yes! And the healers are already with her. She wanted you to know she has already her labor has just begun.”
Thanatos barely acknowledged those remaining words as she he darted from the war room and swiftly maneuvered around everyone else to reach the nearest flight of stairs. He could only hope he would be there in time and when Brynhild needed him the most.  
The wet cloth being dabbed across her brow did little to cool her down, for she was glistening with perspiration everywhere and soaked her long shirt and the bedsheets underneath. Carver was doing his utmost best to help her through this herculean process and not once did he complain how hard she was squeezing his hand. All she needed was for Thanatos to be here, on her other side, and all would be well.
“Serah Hawke, you need to start pushing,” pleased one of the mages. “We don’t know how long it will take the Inquisitor to arrive and you can’t stall any longer.”
Brynhild was about to argue back when throes wracked her entire body, concentrating the most on her belly, and she gasped vociferously. Her breathing was now hitched and raspy until Carver awkwardly rubbed her back to calm her down. Unable to prevent the labor from commencing until Thanatos was present, she let out a string of curses and began pushing.
“That’s it!” cried out Mother Giselle. “We can see the head clearly now.”
Brynhild felt herself pushing again, eyes squeezed shut as she grunted, then screamed out in frustration, pain, and exhaustion, holding on to her brother’s hand more tautly than before. The door to her chambers shuddered open with a resounding bang, startling many of the healers. Brynhild did not need to open her eyes to know who came rushing in so brazenly and ignored Mother Giselle’s disapproving chiding. Her lover, her partner, was here at last.
“I’m sorry I’m late,” he panted, kneeling down beside her bed as her teal eyes started adoringly at him. “I want as fast as I could. This castle has too many damn stairs!”
If she had the energy, she would have chortled. Instead, she smiled wearily. “It’s all right, Thanatos. You’re just in time.”
“Push!” interjected Mother Giselle.
“What else do you think I’ve been doing? Taking a shit?” retorted Brynhild caustically. Yet she continued to push and push until something slightly large and solid slipped between and then passed her legs, followed by incessant, raucous wailing.
“It’s a girl!” announced Mother Giselle, beaming with pride as she handed the squalling, ruddy infant over to a mage for the girl to be cleaned, examined, and swaddled. There was a patch of black fuzz on her head and inconceivable rapture flooded through both Brynhild and Thanatos as they watched the mage count their baby daughter’s fingers and toes.
“We have a girl,” whispered Thanatos in amazement, his voice so low that only she heard him.
“And she’ll have a sister or brother very soon,” Brynhild answered, grimacing as discomfort wracked her belly again and here hands and toes clenched instinctively. Immediately, Mother Giselle sat back in front of her and much to the Champion of Kirkwall’s irritation, the coaching resumed.
“Keep pushing once more, Serah Hawke! The second baby hasn’t made his or her appearance just yet.”
“That’s what Father claimed happened to Bethany when Mother giving birth to us,” commented Carver lightheartedly, trying to distract his older sister from the pain and discomfort because he sensed (and rightfully so) she was about snap at Mother Giselle again. “She didn’t want to leave the warmth of Mother’s womb supposedly.”
“Well, just like with our sister, this child has to come out soon because I’m going to carry him or her around for the rest of my life,” grumbled Brynhild, squinting her eyes shut as she gave another push or two with all her might. She prayed to the Maker her second baby was positioned properly and there would be no complications. She might have been slightly nervous about giving birth to not one but two infants yet Thanatos was even more concerned about all the possible outcomes for both during and after labor. After everything they have been through, losing her now would absolutely devastate him. His fear was quite understandable, for she too would be utterly lost and bereft if death claimed him too soon. His grip around her right hand was reassuring though, to say the least.
Minutes dragged by, despite all the tension permeating the air and how much energy she exerted to push over and over again that made the moment seem to last as long as an hour or more, the second child finally relented and was born twenty minutes after their sister.
“Congratulations, Inquisitor and Serah Hawke! You have a boy!” Mother Giselle displayed and equally chubby, big, and cerise faced infant with fuzzy raven hair who squawked indignantly about being ripped away from his warm, hospitable shelter.
“A girl and a boy,” murmured Thanatos, his eyes never leaving their son even as another mage took him from Mother Giselle to clean and change him. “I cannot thank you enough for what you have accomplished--no, what you have gifted to us both, Brynhild. Those twins are our treasures I cannot believe they are finally here.” He leaned in to kiss her hot, sweaty forehead, wishing he could do more if she wasn’t so exhausted or if they were alone and not surrounded by the present company. So for now, he settled for also kidding her beckoning mouth as she Brynhild’s teal eyes laughed lovingly and sang with delight at his tenderness.
“Believe it, Thanatos,” she said, smiling at his soft, thankful kisses. “We’re a family now.”
Their two children were soon brought to them once the sheets to her bed were changed and Brynhild was compelled to dressin a fresh long, overgrown undershirt prior to being coaxed back to bed to rest. Once the baby girl was tucked in Thanatos’s arms and their baby boy snugly secured in hers, only then did everyone file out to grant the couple some privacy. Even Carver managed to drag Conan out with the excuse to take him out for a walk.
“We still need to find them names,” she reminded him after the silenced stretched onward as they were completely engrossed and spellbound by the preciousness of their newborns. “Or else our companions will do it for us. I saw the list Varric made and I don’t know whether to laugh or burn said list.”
“Can’t be any worse than the ones Cassandra has suggested. They’re so… Andrastian.”
They chuckled un unison and Brynhild gently touched her son’s soft, pudgy fist. “We still time to decide later.”
Thanatos nodded, his gaze continually glued to their daughter. “That we do. In the end, all that matters is they are here and healthy.”
Brynhild couldn’t concur more.
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I've seen your and that perfectlydrawnlines's ocs around a bit now and I have to say I wanna know about them!! Like from your point of view. You have any headcanons?
Daaaamn I can’t believe how long I let this wonderful ask in my dash. I’m sorry, nonnie! I’m certain you forgot you sent this to me ages ago (I have a lot of asks I need to complete or answer) but I’m still going to reply to this. Thank you so much for being interested in my OCs! 
So much as betided since @jessicamarianadraws‘s OCs and my OCs first started out together so I will try to think of any recent or lasting headcanons I have had for a bit. 
For Una, she still maintains knowledge of blood magic but only uses it for emergencies. Especially when she eventually become a mother, she knows there are risks of having children with noble blood, especially when their father is the King of Ferelden. And when she learned she was carrying Felix’s child, she wanted to learn more about the family she was taken away from when she was four years old by Templars. She recalls having a father but barely remembers if her mother was around or not. With help from Felix, Una tracks down her old village and learns from her old neighbor that her father, a woodcarver, was killed by the darkspawn, so he never had the chance to know how far his daughter had come. However, she was told her mother was a wandering apostate mage that use to travel with a Dalish clan before she settled down with Una’s father. However, after she gave birth to Una, she contracted childbed fever and begged her husband not to go find a Chantry sister or a Circle mage to help because she was afraid to be taken and locked away once her identity as a mage came into light. Despite using natural means to stave off the fever and listen to his wife’s wishes, Una’s father watched Una’s mother died few weeks after their baby daughter was born. 
Devastated that she lost the chance to reconnect with her parents, Una decided with a heavy heart to try to find her mother’s Dalish clan in hopes she would have some remaining family members left. Felix helped her investigate all possible leads but their search had to put on hold when Una needed to rest and get ready for the birth of their child. It was a year later after this is when Una uncovered Lavellan Clan and met her cousin, Sigrún Lavellan. Apparently, magic is strong in their lineage, which both thrills and worries Una because if her baby, a bastard of the King of Ferelden, turns out to be a mage, she would lose most opportunities to raise, love, and teach her child and probably see them oh so rarely. Thus, Sigrún offered to take Una’s baby in if that should happen so Una’s baby can grow up as a free mage, if possible. 
Felix shares her fears and concerns about losing their child to the Circle of Magic because thanks to his royal duties, he probably cannot spend as much time as he wants to playing with his little one and doesn’t want to lose even more time with them. Una lives close to the royal palace so they can spend time together with their baby while also keeping up the pretense that Una isn’t his mistress and didn’t just give birth to a royal bastard. She wishes she could be Felix’s wife in name as well and erase her child’s bastard stigma but Una can’t imagine her life without Felix or their newborn so those sacrifices don’t bother her as much as it once did in the past.  
For Brynhild and Thanatos, I headcanoned that as soon as Brynhild first encountered him, she had the “oh no he’s hot” musing flashing in her brain. She remained professional but that didn’t stop her from flirting or winking impishly at him that Varric knew what was on her mind and ended up causing some mischief of his own to see if something would betide between Brynhild and Inquisitor Thanatos. Let’s just say there was a whole lot of passion, some intellectual conversations later followed by ardent kissing and groping, and the rest is history. 
“Didn’t know you had a thing for older men, Hawke,” remarked Varric once, a grin dancing on his chiseled visage. 
Sardar and Kasaanda are a relative new OC pairings but I love these two and watching their love blossom. Sardar thinks he’s incredible lucky to be with “the most beautiful woman in all of Thedas” and he will fight you on that if you say he’s wrong and his girlfriend is a savage beast. He’s amazed every day how wondrous, striking, skilled, and astute Kasaanda is and how amazing she looks no matter what he wears. He admits he is dense about fashion so Kasaanda (and Vivienne) have to help teach him how to find styles and colors that best suite him. And to actually make him wear shoes or boots because one cannot stroll into Orlais without proper footwear. 
Another fun, cute headcanon: he knows how to braid hair so when they’re together and alone, Sardar will braid Kasaanda’s hair once he’s finished with his. 
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Day Five: A Scandal in an Orlesian Ballroom
So I just realized I switched up themes and orders for Day 4 and Day 5 so for this day on my OC Kiss Week, the theme is “Possession” and the ficlet stars my OC Brynhild Hawke and @perfectlydrawnlines‘s Thanatos Zinovia. Sorry about the mix-up, I was suppose to write these guys yesterday but screwed up on my order. I hope this ficlet makes for that and I did your Thanatos justice. He and Brynhild decided to be rather naughty in this. XD
Orlais wasn’t Brynhild’s favorite place to be but they did have scrumptious food, new books she hadn’t had the chance to read yet, different weapons and staffs she found herself being curious about their make, and there was never a dull moment among the nobles and their incessant need to play the Game. And while she wasn’t the type of woman who into the latest fashion, the dress she wore to the latest ball in the Inquisitor’s honor was beautiful and reminded her of the good ole days in Kirkwall, where there was time for her dress in these fine clothes and had the need for it. 
The hue of the gown was of a deep sapphire, complementing her wheaten tresses and teal eyes, and gold trimmings accented all over its bodice, neckline, sleeves, and skirt, bringing out the richness of the velvet outer layer and the silk inside layer. The bell sleeves split up from her hand up to past her elbow, granting her arms more freedom in case she needed cast a spell or wield a  staff in an emergency–Vivienne De Fer’s suggestion when the woman insisted on taking her dress shopping when it was discovered she didn’t have a suitable outfit to wear for such formal occasion packed with her effects. Brynhild also approved of her blue gown’s neckline: off the shoulder and revealing so much skin, mainly because it was distracting Thanatos as much as she wanted to. She could feel his eyes rake over her exposed throat, shoulders, and upper chest, even when he preoccupied with talking to Orlesian nobles about supporting the Inquisition, and when their gazes met, she knew he would like nothing better to do than drag her to a secluded corner and devour every inch of her neck and chest. 
Then again, she longed to do the same to him, covertly admiring how the burgundy, elegantly embroidered tunic was cut to show off her lover’s form, especially around the chest. The trousers were tailored specifically to hug his thighs and calves and she fondly remembered how powerful those legs of his can be in their bedchambers. Unfortunately, given to how rigorous negotiations could be and how this grand Orlesian ball would go into the wee hours of the morning, they would probably be too tired to eagerly peel off their opulent clothes from each other’s bodies and have sex. Brynhild foresaw herself just flopping on the bed to sleep off all the booze.  
“Serah Hawke, are the rumors try about you and Inquisitor Thanatos are in the middle of a dalliance?” asked the latest nosy noble, a man with mask that looked like it was carved out of solid gold and had diamonds sprinkled all over it, nearly blinding her at times. Swishing the drink her goblet, Brynhild surreptitiously peered over at Thanatos, who was busying charming a small group of young noble ladies fawning over him and laughing at whatever he was saying. But his scrutiny strayed and returned to her, and the Champion of Kirkwall found herself smiling a little. 
“Where’s the fun of me simply telling you the truth? Stick around long enough and perhaps by the end of this evening, you’ll have the answers you seek.” She set the goblet down, smoothing out her gown. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I do believe the Inquisitor owes me a dance.”  
The moment she left the table, Thanatos sensed her movement and went ahead to approach her, right after giving a nod and winsome half-smile at his current audience, who tittered in response. She inclined her head over at the dance floor, silently stating her question and he offered his hand in reply. As she slipped her hands over hers, the Inquisitor pulled her over to the other dancers, his grip on her firm and secure. Here they could converse in private.
“What possibly could Duke Mathys have to say to you that last for longer than ten minutes? I thought he was a shameless gossip.” Thanatos slid his hand down her back, resting his hand almost a hair breadth away from her. Already his first action was attracting a few scandalized looks. 
“He is. He managed to entertain with riveting scandals of other nobles here and was morbidly curious if I was involved in a relationship with you.” Brynhild replied, arching her back in rhythm of the music, taking dip her back even lower than necessary so her lover could get a nice glimpse of her cleavage. His hungry eyes noticed her deliberate attempt and he smirked, bringing her back into his arms nigh enough from him to spin her around so her back was facing him. Tantamount to magnets, their bodies molded perfectly together and unable to help himself, Thanatos ardently pressed his lips to Brynhild’s neck, his hands possessively caressing all over her torso prior to settling down to her hips, loving how her arse was grinding against his crouch. If they kept this up, the two of them would have leave this reverly sooner than they originally planned.
“Now why would he care about?” he whispered huskily, his breath fanning her skin. She shrugged nonchalantly. 
“I don’t know. Mayhap he was hoping I would be available for him to pursue?” A grin tugged on the corners of her lips, relishing the pleasure Thanatos gave her as his grip on her tightened a little and he kissed her throat again, deepening it while biting and suckling on the area. They were hardly dancing down, simply swaying to the music while many of the Orlesian nobles stood by and gawked openly. Several maidens fainted, others flapped their fans excessively, and a few of the older members uttered disapproving “tut-tuts” prior to glancing away. The rest were avariciously gobbling the rather indecent but tantalizing Brynhild and Thanatos were displaying and the two mages were reveling in it.
She moaned between clenched teeth as he nipped and sucked on the bite mark with increased vigor, snaking an arm around his neck to stake her own claim on him. His chest rumbled with a soft chuckle, his mouth moving down to her shoulder and judging by the astonished gasps and reactions by the Orlesians, Brynhild reckoned the bite Thanatos gifted her was raw, large, crimson and likely start bruising tomorrow morning. 
“Well, that duke will have to look somewhere else because as he can now see, you’re busy.” Thanatos caught sight of the said Duke Mathys and flashed him a dark smile, the scars on his visage causing him to appear even more fearsome than before. The duke hastily looked down at his glass and retreated, leaving the Inquisitor to ravish his dear lover more thoroughly. Brynhild was his and he was hers, and he loved showing or reminding people of that fact. 
Brynhild stroked his cheek, shaking her head amusedly. “Play nice, Thanatos. After all, you’re the Inquisitor.”  
“Right now, all I want to do is play with you and possess you fully without a gaggle of scandalized eyes watching us, hoping for encore.” 
Mischief danced in turquoise eyes of Kirkwall’s Champion and for good measure, she rubbed her backside against his stirring member. A hiss of delight escaped him, the pants were getting tighter. “If they desire an encore, perhaps you should take me here, right now, on the dance floor.” 
“If I did that, I think Cassandra and all my advisers would kill me. I doubt Orlais could handle such a display of passion.” he teased, chortling at the expressions the Orlesian nobles would have if he actually went through with Brynhild’s jape. Maybe they would vacate the manor and actually leave the two of them alone for once. “But we can always find an used chamber to retire to, if you want to continue what we started.” 
Smirking, Brynhild Hawke slowly disengaged herself from him, waggling her eyebrows suggestively at him as he grasped her wrist, his eyes smoky with arousal. She tugged him away from the dancers, wondering how many more love bites he’d place on her by the time the night was over. “No need to tell me twice, Thanatos. Let’s give these overly curious nobles something to gossip tomorrow.” 
Laughing, the Inquisitor and Champion of Kirkwall exited the main ball room, racing down the vacant, dimly lit halls to find a room suitable for their needs. They didn’t reappear to the ball until a few hours later, pretending their absence never betided, that their hair wasn’t slightly tousled, or there was not a few more pink bites along Brynhild’s neck, back, shoulders, and chest. The nobles played along with their charade, new questions forming in their minds, such as the sexual appetite of the Inquisitor and his lover, the famous Hawke mage from Kirkwall. Stealing a couple of hours in the company and arms of his lover was well worth the cost, Thanatos mused, even if Cassandra nearly banged down his door and demanded an explanation the following day.     
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Romance asks: Brynhild and Thanatos - 1, 4, 10, 17, 25. I'd like to hear Brynhild's side to these too :)
Oh why thank you! :D
1. What drew your character to their LI and vice versa?
His reputation proceeded him and Brynhild was simply fascinated by his character and the fact someone from Tevinter was leading the Inquisition (she loved the irony of the situation). Then it was his voice that drew her in because she almost felt mesmerized when he spoke.
4. Their favorite physical feature on each other?
Before she met Thanatos personally and got to know him better, she really loved his scars, thought they made he look fearsome and ruggedly handsome. Brynhild has a thing for scars. ;)
10. Do they have pet names for each other?
Brynhild leaves to nicknames and pet names to Varric, she never cared to use them or even think about using them. If someone wants her to use a shorter version of their name, she’ll address them as such but other that, she calls people by their first full name. She only does stupid nicknames when she’s fighting her enemies and using her humor to insult or humilate them.  
17. Their ways of expressing their love.
While Brynhild may tease, flirt a little, or be coy in public, she actually doesn’t mind keeping her emotions and affinity under wraps and let people wonder what’s going on her love life. However, there are times where she is feeling particularly frisky and is in the mood to cause a stir, thus she will kiss her lover openly and stroke his arms, face, or chest fondly while also maybe sneak in a butt grab (she has a bit of exhibitionist streak).
Besides that, she’ll craft a small magical talisman that symbolically is meant for protection or to create a shield because even though the charm probably won’t work and is there just as a formality, she knows Thanatos can hold is own and the talisman is there for him to remember her by, to remind him to keep going and she’s there beside him, whether physically or in spirit.  
25. Share any headcanons about their relationship.
Before Brynhild properly introduced to him by Varric to help them out with finding the Wardens, she originally just planned to maybe learn from cool new spells from him that might exclusive to Tevinter because her magical education was a mixture of self-taught and training from her father, a runaway mage. Hence, she always wondered if magic in different nations was slightly different as well--in terms of spells and their types. But when she took one look at Thanatos, I kid you not, her first thought was:
“Oh no he’s hot.”
Then Varric noticed how she stared at him and trying not to be obvious about it so he immediately began plotting a new story about his best friend and the new Inquisitor. Because he knew what would be coming later.  
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jessicamarianadraws replied to your post “Romance asks: Brynhild and Thanatos - 1, 4, 10, 17, 25. I'd like to...”
I can imagine one of their first times together naked, Brynhild tracing fingers over Thanatos' scars, wondering where they all came from and the stories behind them :O And now I'll have to design that talisman for him, and draw it whenever possible ^^
Oh yes, she would definitely do that and marvel at their beauty. And probably kiss those scars too. ;)
Hehe, yes! The talisman idea came out of nowhere for me but surprisingly worked. So ladies gives locks of hair or favors for their lover to remember them by, Brynhild just makes him a cool charm with magical properties that’s a big ole “Fuck you, demons, get away from my man.” XD
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jessicamarianadraws replied to your post “jessicamarianadraws replied to your post “Romance asks: Brynhild and...”
Except he would welcome demons to make a deal every here and there. I guess he'd sneak it off for the moment then.
Lol, true. It’s her of way of warning the demons not to try to posses her lover or mess with him because if they do, then they have her to contend with as well and Brynhild has quite the vicious side when it comes to protecting or avenging the people she loves or cares about. 
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jessicamariana · 4 years
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[  family picnic  ]
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jessicamariana · 4 years
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[ The Exalted Council ]
Felix & Una:   With his young daughter born to the unmarried love of his life, Felix leaves court for some time to take care of smaller diplomaticc meetings in the name of Ferelden, and only accidentally findsd himself with his family in Orlais during the Council. They decide to meet up with an old friend - the Divine herself.
Thanatos & Brynhild:   One less source of worry with a severed arm and the loss of the Anchor that began to plague him again after two years. As if things weren’t tough enough with a Qunari invasion on the horizon, the revolution of a former friend, and a highly pregnant significant other...
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jessicamariana · 4 years
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[ secret rendezvous ]
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Thanatos to Brynhild: ❥
❥  Running your hand over their arm and gently pulling them close.
“Mmmm…” Brynhild practically purred out, closing her eyes as her body gently bumped against Thanatos before his arms encircled her torso, locking her in a tender embrace. She caught a whiff of his scent and inhaled deeply, feeling herself instantly relax even as he continued to run his hand and up down her right arm before later switching to her left. Already she forgot what was troubling her and instead remained focus on his touch and his beard tickling her face. Whatever her previous issue was, it wasn’t vital now. 
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silvernugfoot · 7 years
Romance ask: Thanatos x Brynhild: 1, 4, 10, 17, and 25.
1: What drew your character to their LI and vice versa?Thanatos was first impressed by Brynhild’s reputation and powers, which almost matched his own, then her beauty, before he got to know her properly.
4: Their favorite physical feature on each other?The combination of all her little blemishes and perfections make her who she is, who Thanatos fell in love with. But most of all he loves the bold tattoos on her cheeks; they set her apart from all others.
10: Do they have pet names for each other?Thanatos dislikes calling anyone by a nickname, let alone a lover by a pet name. (Even when addressing someone in a conversation he won’t use their names or titles unless addressing them for the first time to know it’s them he’s talking to.)
17: Their ways of expressing their love.Thanatos is private with his affections unless prodded. He keeps a straight face in public. If it’s a special occasion, however, he won’t hold back as much: he’ll shoot knowing glances and mischievous smirks. He might send flowers and give a little gift as well. In private he’s very passionate. To quote Bull: “Love is all starlight and gentle blushes. Passion leaves your fingers sore from clawing the sheets.”
25: Share any headcanons about their relationship.It may be a long distance relationship with one traveling all over Ferelden and Orlais and the other being in the Free Marches, but I like to think Thanatos and Brynhild still get to see each other quite often after beginning their romance by setting up “important business meetings” and such, sometimes meeting halfway in a dingy inn :3c
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I've been going through Brynhild's tag and I've gotta say they have a lot in common, except that Thanatos is more of a stick in the mud, but he knows how to smile. I can see Brynhild gradually rubbing off on him. She and Thanatos would be a badass power-couple! (The same goes for you about learning more: just ask or check Thanatos' page and tag on @silvernugfoot :))
I thought I responded to this but either a) I did and forgot about it or b) I didn’t reply to this ask and commented to you about somewhere else. 
Regardless, this little ask made me smile because of all those memories with that little ship of ours. Good times, good times. I’ll be writing them again at some point. :D
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