#thanatar siege-automata
titanomancy · 4 months
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The new Mechanicum Battle Group looks legitimately fantastic, featuring plastics for some desperately needed Martian infantry like the Tech-thralls and Thallax.
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I'm thrilled to see the Triaros Armoured Conveyer getting plasticized as well. It doesn't appear to be quite 1:1 with some changes to superficial details, but nothing appears so offensively off-model as to render the legacy resin kit unplayable.
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Ditto the Castellax Battle Automata, and the fact that they come as a pair has me hopeful that their standalone kit is similarly packaged - and, therefore, a savings over the $83.00 solos from Forge World.
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Like the Solar Auxilia and Legiones Astartes Battle Groups, the HQ is sold separately so none of the sticker price is being diluted with duplicative commanders - but the commander that they have coming out with the standalone kits does look pretty sharp.
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The real star of the show, however, is the standalone plastic Thanatar Siege-Automata. The resin version is an old kit and the quality of the casting is highly dependent on the condition of the mold at the time it's poured. You're likely to spend a lot of time digging out recesses where resin has globbed because the last guy to order one got a piece of the mold with it.
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I certainly won't miss pinning all those plasma flasks in place.
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What are, in your opinion, the top five or ten coolest minis out right now? Any price range, any game.
I cannot possibly give a totally cohesive answer to that, because minis I like the most shift in and out of any sort of top five I might have randomly. I also like a lot of minis that our DnD group uses... for DnD. They aren't explicitly for that, but it's muddy, so... ANYWAY.
My current 5 favourite minis, in no particular order;
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The Leviathan Dreadnought by Games Workshop/Forge World. Aesthetically, my favourite dread mini. Chunky, unsubtle and surprisingly customisable.
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Lord Azriel, from Bestiarium Miniatures. The thing I like as much as cool robots is dark fantasy, and Bestiarium minis have absolutely ludicrous amounts of detail. He also comes with a pet cat option.
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Next, the Thanatar Siege Automata by Forge World/Games Workshop. Again, big chunky robot, but also very pleasingly detailed sporting a fuckhuge cannon. Excellent boy.
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The Necromancer Dragon from Creature Caster. He is fuckin' huge. 370mm of incredibly detailed and imposing resin. OUGH.
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Last, but certainly not least is the Wolf of Calden, again, by Bestiarium Miniatures. He ALSO comes with a pet cat option. Just look at him. You plonk that on a DnD table and the players will in fact pee a little.
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skitariiposting · 1 year
Dear friend Jerry,
While i do enjoy skitarii, and im hoping to see more in 10th edition, I'm also really hoping some of the battle automata from 30k shows up soon. Have you seen the Thanatar Siege-Automata on forgeworld? That thing looks so cool with the plasma mortor, and i want something like that in our mechanicus.
Hi Cu! This one is kinda hard to answer this question in character, so J's here instead!
10th edition's prospects are bittersweet for me. On one hand, my brother plays tyranids, so I'm very happy he's getting the update he's been waiting on for so long. On the other hand, I'm grappling with the potential disappointment I might encounter if Admech gets skipped over when they start releasing the other faction's new units. Nothing would make me happier than seeing more automata and units flood the battlefields. I'd also love to see servitors get some more love or perhaps some more units entirely! But do I expect it to happen? Mmmmmmmmm... I'm trying not to get my hopes up :(
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grimdarktales · 5 years
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Another walker joins the ranks of Watch Company Tertius! The model is a Thanatar Siege Automata from Forge World, but I want to run it as an incredibly ancient and repurposed “dreadnought” brought to the Watch Fortress by the Minotaurs Space Marines. It’s old mechanicus markings have been chiseled off its frame, and it’s covered in purity seals as it was resanctified by the chapter techmarines. As the Minotaurs have access to a great deal of old and forgotten battle tech, I liked the idea that they found this old machine and repurposed it for themselves, telling outsiders that it is indeed a dreadnought, of an ancient design. I will probably run it as a redemptor dred based on its stature and armament! https://www.instagram.com/p/ByY7tDjn-k9/?igshid=13y0cc5j0v4sv
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asktheadeptus · 7 years
Thanatar-class Siege Automata
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The Thanatar-class Siege Automata is a heavy class Imperial robot utilized by the Legio Cybernetica during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy eras of the late-30th and early 31st Millennia. Designed as a mobile artillery platform rather than a general battle unit, it is armed with a Hellex Pattern Plasma Mortar. This is a terrifying weapon able to launch dense spheres of blazing plasma on arcing trajectories over defensive barriers and into the heart of enemy fortifications, incinerating anything in their blast radius with a liquid tide of sun-hot fire. The Thanatar 's frame, built to accommodate the huge weapon and the power systems and fuel reserves required to supply it, is considerably larger than even the hulking Castellax-class Battle Automata. Its frame is also heavily reinforced, both to withstand the stresses of firing its principal weapon and to protect it from incoming attacks. This factor, alongside the use of an Atomantic Shield array, make Thanatars notoriously durable. Such is their resilience that Thanatars are beyond the ability of most small arms, no matter how advanced, to harm. It is not known if this particular class of heavy-siege automata is still utilised by the mysterious Legio Cybernetica in the late 41st Millennium.
Unlike many of the Battle Automata produced to enhance the Mechanicum's military power during the Great Crusade, the origins and lineage of the Thanatar pattern remain uncertain, save perhaps for the fact that its armament was known to be the product of the Forge World of Ryza. Ryza remained the only locale where the Hellax Pattern weaponry utilized by the Thanatar was produced during the time of the Great Crusade.
Notable Variants
Thanatar-Calix class Siege-automata - The Thanatar-Calix Class Siege-Automata is a potent war machine and a wonder of the Mechanicum's craft. Combining arcane and secret technologies, it carries a twin-linked Mauler Bolt Cannon alongside a rare Solex pattern Heavy Lascannon, whose beams of coherent light can reach far across a battlefield to lethal effect. The Thanatar-Calix's most destructive armament though is the Graviton Ram, a weapon whose origins are lost in the Dark Age of Technology. The ram's crushing waves of gravitational force can pulverise infantry and vehicles alike, and it can be utterly devastating at both range and close quarters. The Thanatar frame, designed as a heavy weapons platform, is well armoured and further protected by Atomantic Shield Generators, making it nearly impervious to all but the heaviest of weapons fire. Whilst it is slow to advance, the Thanatar-Calix's durability allows it to close steadily on its target, moving ever nearer until its formidable weaponry can be brought into range.
Unit Composition
1 to 5 Thanatar-class Siege Automata (comprising a Maniple)
Hellex Pattern Plasma Mortar - Shunning the crude shells favoured by most siege guns, the Hellex Plasma Mortar fired high-density charges of burning plasma in programmed trajectory arcs timed to detonate over their targets. These airbursts created rolling waves of incinerating energy which engulfed the surrounding area, burning through anything they encountered.
Twin-Linked Mauler Bolt Cannon - The Mechanicum utilised a variety of Bolter weaponry which, while operating on similar principles to the standardised weapons of the Legiones Astartes, were often more sophisticated and difficult to maintain. Such weapons include the Mauler Pattern Bolt Cannon, a fearsomely-baroque and bulky automatic cannon using substantially larger and denser shells than a standard Heavy Bolter.
Infravisor - This simple visor allows its user to see across a wide range of the electromagnetic spectrum. So equipped, they can see better in low-light conditions than a normal human could see in optimal daylight.
Atomantic Shielding - Certain Battle-automata featured particularly powerful Atomantic Reactor cores designed to energise defensive field generators built into the Battle-automata's exterior armour plating, as well as power its combat systems.
Optional Wargear
Enhanced Targeting Array
Source: http://warhammer40k.wikia.com
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radicalcommissar · 7 years
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Demountable mechanicum thanatar siege-automata #model #miniatures #adeptusmechanicus #warhammer30k
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cursed-40k-thoughts · 5 years
Man, imagine factory price Warhammer stuff. Everyone could join the Titan Owners' Club!
Hell with Titans. Knights look cooler anyway
I want a posse of Thanatar Siege Automata
Also Serapteks
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