#than maybe go someplace where you won't have these conversations
Thanks for proving that anyone who writes a RWBY "fix it" isn't remotely normal.
Your welcome ;)
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medig · 4 months
A Tale of Woe, Ep 33: The Magic Feather
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(Previous Episodes)
"Contemplate this feather, Misty. What do you think it means?"
"It means you're an asshole. Next question?"
"It means we've been doing some research into your family history, and pulled the medical records from some family members of yours.."
"That's illegal. You're not their doctor, this ain't their hospital. You hacked in there to stalk me. Hope you enjoy prison. For your sake I hope it's not as bad as the way you people treat us in here."
"Unfortunately, this facility is now owned by the same parent company as the General Practitioner that treats your sister Susan. So everything is all in one database, everything is searchable with no hacking required. And one thing we noticed, is that your sister has been repeatedly written up as a difficult patient"
"Yeah, well, Suzie's kind of a pain in the ass. Runs in my family I guess"
"But specifically, one of the troubles they have with her is she always reacts negatively to examinations of her feet. This got our interest, so we researched further, and learned something very interesting..."
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"Uhm.. where exactly are you going with this?"
"Your sister is extremely, pathologically ticklish. And since, as you say, many things run in your family, we expect that you may be as well. And we aim to find out."
"Oh... oh holy shit.. you cowardly sneaky.."
"This is what's going to happen next. My colleague and I are going to take that feather, and explore every inch of your body with it, and figure out exactly how ticklish you are and exactly where the most ticklish areas are."
"I... uh... no, I'm not ticklish. Very very not. Don't bother. Waste of your time.."
"We will be the judge of that, Misty"
"That, uh, that has no relation to my, uh, diagnosis. You already know I'm crazy! What does it matter if I'm also ticklish? Which I am not! This is malpractice! It's.."
"Misty, you know as well as I do that we can do whatever we want to you.”
"I'm outta here. I might not be able to run but I can hop.. You guys shoulda tied me up better than this!"
"You won't make it out of this room"
"Maybe not but I can still kick you in the nuts, wanna find out?"
"If you fight, you will lose, you will be sedated, and when you awake you will find yourself naked and tied spreadeagled to this exam table, with all of your most sensitive body parts exposed and ready for the feather"
"Is that different than what happens if I don't fight?"
"Not really, no"
"Look, uh, we can work this out! You know, all those things I do that you like? I can do more of that! I'll give you pain and pleasure like you've never felt before...
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..no? Well, ok, we can switch! Yeah, how about that? How'd you like that, Daddy? Please don't do this Daddy, take me away someplace safe.."
"Shut up! You can't bargain your way out of this. Your level of resistance to this has already demonstrated that proceeding with it will be more.. of interest.. than anything else you can offer"
"I'll remember this! I'll remember this, and on the day they finally let me outta here, I'm gonna.."
"No, you won't remember. The injection we gave you a few minutes ago is already working to make sure you will forget this conversation, and everything else that is about to happen for the next several hours. We don't want to spoil the surprise when we repeat this next week."
"W-w-what did I do to deserve this? I've been good. There's something I've done wrong, something I can change, please tell me."
"Stop interfering with Claire's treatment! You're turning her against me. Stay out of it!"
"Well, first of all, fuck you. Second of all, you're a bad liar and I don't believe for a minute that selling out Claire to you will help me at all. Why even bother to tell me that if I'm just gonna forget it anyway? And third of all, fuck you! Time to fight. Come and get your magic feather, do your worst.."
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headcanoncorp · 3 months
heartbreaking: girl who was making dinner was just told the rest of her family was eating out at a restaurant, without her, without even calling to let her know.
To let you know how fine I'm feeling about this here's some headcanons about the sephirot taking someone out to eat if they could (platonically mind since I cannot think of romance to save my life) (if this seems out of character it's because I'm coping very well right now I'm sure of it)
Her go to place would probably be an average restaurant chain.
The food isn't like the best you'll ever had but it isn't bad and tends to be consistent across all locations.
Because I am USamerican they've got chicken tenders there like pretty much every restaurant I've ever been to.
She's getting the chicken tenders and can point out some things she's pretty sure you won't like so you can avoid them
He doesn't really have a go to restaurant so he'll let you (me) pick.
Not a big fan of finger foods so take him someplace where there's plenty of utensil expectation, maybe somewhere fancy.
Wherever you take he'll probably pick out something without any sauce layering, so no pasta.
He'd probably spend most of the time people watching, not really talking all that much. he might not admit it right away but I think he'd enjoy the experience.
We're going to City Burger King!
It's not the best food, but it is comforting food and easy to get. also I personally really like the chicken fries
It's mostly just dining in with some burgers and taking some paper crowns.
She'd take you to some kind of Cafe or other establishment with mostly baked goods, not exactly great for dinner but she's trying and couldn't think of anywhere better.
She'd spend most of the "dinner" just making conversation, asking how your day went in between bites of her muffin
Maybe it's nicer for her than it would be for most people.
Gebura's taking all three of you out tonight, since the kids are a bit too young to pick a place on their own, they give her input on what they want though.
She knows A Place, and it's somehow the most suspicious and offputting place you'll ever visit that you can only feel confident inside because Gebura's there.
It somehow has the best tasting food though, only one menu item and it's just the best thing you'll ever taste.
The Tiphereths spend most of dinner talking to each other but other than that it's a quiet and interesting dinner
He also doesn't pick out a place that's a very good idea for dinner
Either a coffeeshop that only has cookies or doughnuts or whatever they sell there that's food. Or the fanciest place ever with just the smallest serving sizes.
He does at least visibly realize unlike Hod that maybe it wasn't the best pick. He at least hopes you'll like the coffee.
Another one who'll just let you pick.
He's fine with anything you could take him to Applebees and he wouldn't mind. (note, not a dig at Applebees I enjoyed the one time I went there).
I don't know what he'd talk about but it would be a very neutral experience as long as you can successfully provide input.
She's taking you to the strangest themed restaurant you've ever seen just to see your reaction.
She spends the whole dinner talking about the most inane stuff you could never even begin to comprehend while sipping on some tea. Her expression forever unchanging as she does until someone gets into a fight a table over.
It is very hard to tell if she has a good time herself or not but it's been going on weekly and there's an invite for next week as well.
She cannot leave the building
So she left some microwave ramen out with your name on it
I'd say sorry but this has been calming actually.
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adleryoung · 6 months
It looks like you've asked more questions:
Ever think you might owe Zandar an apology?
For what??? For giving her chance after chance, and treating her infinitely better than she deserves? I don't regret any of that. Perhaps I should, but it simply takes too much effort to harbor malice toward her.
You still haven't explained about the baby stew.
I'm getting to that! Fuma's sakes, you lowfolk are impatient! A good story, like a good stew, cannot be rushed. It must be slowly simmered, and then savored when it's cooked to perfection.
Are you still rich & single? Any allergies or weaknesses to poison?
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All right. Question time is over. Let's get back to the story.
I believe I left off just before our daughter was born. It went smoothly as far as I could tell, but Zandar was exhausted from her travail, and fell asleep. As I sat there thinking, I came to the conclusions I mentioned earlier, namely that neither of us were fit parents for a little elflet (Zandar least of all!) so I picked up the child and used a bit of Gramarye to make sure Zandar would stay asleep until I returned.
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I would have to hide the Princess someplace where Zandar would never find her, and I had an excellent idea where that would be. They were even expecting a baby right around this time! It would be perfect! I set out toward the O'Dor residence on a Top Secret mission, accompanied by only one Ixie.
"Continuing the old Changeling tradition then, sir?" she asked me.
"You know about that?"
"It's in the stories," she replied. "I wonder though, when they come of age, how do they know they're elves? Is it some sort of instinct?"
"No," I explained. "Someone is supposed to come and fetch them … or at the very least, tell them where they need to go. I'll be watching over my daughter from the shadows, to make sure she grows up safe and doesn't fall in with a bad crowd. It won't do to have the Princess of Faerie associating with riff-raff, writers, artists, musicians, and other worthless idlers."
"It will require constant vigilance," the Ixie observed.
As I approached the O'dor household in the middle of the night, I couldn't help but sigh as I thought of Vernier. "She ended up marrying another lowfolk," I muttered bitterly. "Even though she confessed that she had feelings for me."
"You mean old Mama Vernier?" the Ixie surmised. "Angela Weakflit told us that sad tale. The reason Vernier never yielded to your desire is because she knew about the curse that befalls all elves who fall in love with lowfolk."
"She did?" I demanded. "How did she find out? Why didn't she ever say anything?"
"It's in the old ballads," the Ixie shrugged. "She probably never said because she wanted to save your feelings, or maybe she knew you'd try to talk her out of it."
That seemed like Vernier. I mulled this over in silence as we walked toward the O'Dor residence. When we finally arrived, I was surprised to see the place still lit up despite the late hour. I could hear a man talking and a femme in obvious distress. I crept into the bushes beneath the window to listen to their conversation.
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"Again, Seamus?" Mrs. O'Dor sobbed. "How could it happen again? I was careful! I took no liquor, ate plenty o' potatoes, an' did no heavy liftin' but she came early anyway."
"Tis not your fault, Mary," Seamus O'Dor answered, clearly struggling to seem calm. "Sure an' ye did everything roight."
"Then why?" Mary wailed.
"Fuma's ways are mysterious," Seamus sighed. I was pleased to note that Mephitism had gained a strong foothold in this district, as opposed to the nonsensical cult that the rabbits of Bunkirk followed. "Mayhap it's the Lady's will that we not have children."
Ridiculous! I frowned. Childlessness was never Fuma's will! These lowfolk may have been nominally Mephitist but they obviously still had a lot to learn.
"Twice is enough, macushla," Seamus murmured soothingly over Mary's muffled sobbing. "We daren't try again. Doctor says it'll imperil your health, bedad."
At that moment I made a decision. These were the descendants of one of the only people who was ever genuinely kind to me, and I had the power to mitigate their misfortune. I magicked up a basket and put my precious daughter in it, and I wrote a note:
"I once knew a very kind but unlucky femme named Vernier. She did me a great service once and helped me when I had given up hope. I owe her a wish which she never claimed. Since Vernier now rests in her grave, the wish goes to her descendant. Tonight the debt is finally paid. I shall take away the burden of your sorrow, and leave my own precious daughter in exchange for the child you have lost. Treat her with love and kindness, as if she were your own, just like Vernier would have done. Signed, the King of the Elves."
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With a mix of emotions, I placed the basket on the doorstep. I knocked on the door and quickly pooked away into the darkness. I lingered long enough to observe that the note was read and the basket was taken into the house. Then I turned, and my Ixie and I headed for home.
Dropping off Changelings was strenuous work! I decided that when I returned to the palace, I would greet Zandar as she awoke with a fresh pot of delicious stew. That would surely soften the blow of informing her that I had traded our child for one that was already dead, essentially getting nothing at all out of the deal … but it had been the right thing to do!
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studywgabi · 7 months
The Reasons Why I am Starting College Having Never Been on a Date:
The painful fucking shyness, I mean, borderline agoraphobia. I won't settle for less than clicking "add to cart" on Mr. Right and having him delivered to my home, with free shipping.
a. Really, though, I've missed a lot of school. And work (and that's only once a week). I can barely make it to my real responsibilities (much less dates). I struggle with just getting out of bed sometimes, let alone leaving my house, and when I do, I'm usually too anxious to go without a parent, which severely decreases my chances of being approached. And if I never go anywhere, how can I expect to meet anyone?
b. It's just that I know I won't meet anyone, though. It's that when I manage to try, when I put my blood, sweat, and tears into making myself look somewhat presentable, when I go someplace people under 70 are, when I do everything Google said makes you approachable: bangs, wearing red, exposing the wrists, red nail polish, smiling, not being on your phone, being alone, and open body language, when I get my hopes up, it never works out. And that makes it even harder the next time. Excuses, excuses.
2. Self-fulfilling prophecy. I see myself as undateable and others just take that cue. Though, chicken and egg. A little girl doesn't suddenly decide she's horrifically ugly and no one will ever love her. It's proven to her, time and time again. Or rather, being seen as beautiful or even average and capable of being loved is not proven to her, and she draws the only logical conclusion. (This little girl is quite the pessimist.)
3. I've had somewhat of an unconventional high school experience. My freshman year was 2020-2021, and we were online until May. Sophomore year we were back in person, but socially distanced, and I left about a month before the end of the school year and took my finals remotely. Junior and Senior year, I've been going to Hometown Community College (HCC). I take some in-person classes and some online, so I'm only on campus for maybe 4 hours a week. Some of my classmates are adults with families and careers, but a lot of them are around my age.
4. It isn't love, it's only Hometown. Maybe I would be worshiped as a goddess in some other part of the world. Who knows? My city isn't that walkable and I'm a virgin who can't drive, so it is a bit difficult to meet people. There are a lot of Latinos here, and mixed girls like me, and it's a real let-your-freak-flag-fly-so-everyone-will-know-how-different-and-cool-you-are-unlike-the-sheep kind of place where everyone wears beanies, listens to Pearl Jam deep cuts, and, in their desperate attempt to be different, is exactly the same, so it's not like I stand out in any way. It certainly has its faults, but one thing I will say about Hometown is that you can walk down the street and see face tattoos, blue hair, and women with beards.
5. The other thing is of course the bloodhound sixth sense. Men can smell the eau de desperation and low self-esteem radiating off of me from a mile away. Half-off at Bath and Bodyworks. God, even when I like another girl as a friend, I smother her. When I like someone in any type of way, I ask a million questions, I want to know everything about them, spend every second with them. I expect an intimacy that would take years to build up to just happen over night.
6. I think it would be naive to say that looks weren't a part of it, a significant part, though certainly not all of it. I know everyone says personality is more important than appearance in the end, when you really love someone, and I agree, but it's so hard to even get to that place. It's difficult to make that initial connection if you're not really anyone's type. No guy has ever just walked up to me and "shot his shot" as they say. No one has tried to strike up a conversation or dared to ask for my number. Yes, I know it's nerve-wracking for men to just walk up to a stranger, especially an attractive one, and try to talk to her, and this doesn't happen to every woman, but it happens to some, and I wish I was one of them. Some men think some women are worth getting over the fear for, and I wish someone saw me that way. And no, I don't approach guys either, I'm nothing if not a hypocrite. I am paralyzed with fear about this because I'm worried about not being rejected. I'm worried the guy won't know I'm trying to flirt with him because I have no idea how, or that I won't know he's letting me down easy because it'll go over my head, or that he'll feel too sorry for me to reject me.
a. I'm high-maintenance while looking low-maintenance. I take hours to get ready in the morning and no matter how much I do and how much money I waste and what lengths I go to it never helps. Worse still than my grotesqueness, which a man could look past, is my insecurity. My constant, constant need for reassurance. He could swear over and over that he loves me as I am but I'll never believe it. To illustrate, you've just read several paragraphs of complaints about my appearance. If you were my man (Lord help you), I'd never shut up.
b. To summarize: annoying, inexperienced, and no oil painting. I think I could've said as much in one sentence.
c. This is how I register in men's heads: Maybe this is totally incorrect, but we women think of you as rather like robots, capable of an incredible compartmentalization that must make life so much simpler. I'm so messy. Men can just decide to not get attached, to not care, to focus on what's really important rather than distractions, and their hearts actually listen to them. And if not, you could've fooled me.
d. I think men sort of scan me. When they first see me, my statistics and vital signs pop up on their cybernetically enhanced vision. They make a crucial decision right then and there, write me off as uninteresting. Again, all speculation. You can't fault me for being a logic-oriented person. If this isn't how it happens, I want some hard proof (lawyer voice). You can't fault me for being a fanciful, gullible, self-absorbed and ridiculous little girl.
e. I'm a little overweight, but not playboy bunny curvaceous and feminine, nor supermodel thin. I'm wide and bulky and flat in the back and the front. I'm average height, not cute and short or old Hollywood statuesque. I have scars and stretch marks and acne and strawberry legs. Pale skin and chestnut hair with a few strands of red that couldn't decide if it wanted to be straight or curly so settled for a halfhearted wave. My haircut is what it is, a mistake that I'm growing out (excruciatingly slowly). Eyes so dark you can't distinguish the iris from the pupil. I wear contacts. Huge, blackheady nose and ultrathin pale, cracked lips. I care deeply about my appearance and I do the best I can to take care of myself. After school and work and work and school, eating healthy feels so impossible, but I try to be somewhat balanced at least. I don't exercise besides the erstwhile jog, but I walk around a lot on campus and I have a physical type of job. Everyone's always told me I look older (mid-twenties) than I am (newly 18). For most of the year, I wear pretty much the same thing everyday- The Gabi Uniform (TM). A knee-length skirt and a sweater. Inoffensive, not particularly alluring. f. The worst, though, is the severe hirsutism, my main PCOS symptom. How am I supposed to be confident when my body is a punchline in every movie you've ever seen? I just don't think confidence is meant for me. I'm not one of those take-off-her-glasses-and-she's-beautiful types. I've gotten better, certainly, I'm not waterboarding myself with sweat anymore by forcing myself to wear turtlenecks in the summer. I do my best to be an adult, to pick myself up and get on with it, put on a brave if ugly face and show myself as I am. But the truth is, being able to wear tanktops hasn't made me hate myself any less. I still can't say the "h" word out loud (or type it). I still can't shake the feeling of being dirty and sick, like I have bugs crawling all over my skin. And I could never, ever, show this body to anyone. One day, I'm going to fall head over heels in love, I know that already. Love isn't the issue. I will love someone so much he can't stand it, but I'll never be able to trust him enough.
6. I don't know. I really don't know. I've turned it over and over in my head for years, driven myself crazy trying to figure it out, connected all my features with push pins and red string to unveil the grand conspiracy. But every reason I can come up with isn't something unique to me, it's something that literally millions of other people experience, have, do, or are, and that hasn't been a barrier, or hasn't always been a barrier, for at least some of them to be in a relationship. I'm just stuck thinking, why wasn't what I did good enough? Why am I the exception? I followed the rules, I consulted the opinions of others around me, I did everything just like everyone else did. I don't know if other people see me this way, but I think of myself as a deeply average person- my personality, my looks, how I grew up. To be perfectly honest, it does surprise me a bit that my love life has been so atypical when every other part of my life has been so decidedly ordinary. There's nothing special about me. I'm not a good person, but I don't intentionally hurt others. I'll never be beautiful, pretty, or even average, but there's nothing shocking about the way I look, I'm just plain.
a. Lots of people are shy, especially teenagers. We're all self (conscious and absorbed), debilitating insecurity and a simultaneous God complex. Plenty of teenagers date, go to dances, go parking, share a milkshake with two straws...
b. Everyone has low self-esteem. Sure, some more so than others, but the vast majority of people struggle with confidence, even those other people think shouldn't. We're all oracles writing self-fulfilling prophecies all the time. If you had to be confident to get a date, the human race would have died out by now.
c. For fuck's sake, people got married during the pandemic. People fell in and out of and back in love, people lost their virginities, people cheated, people flirted, people joined dating apps and met on zoom, people took off their masks and kissed, people were irresponsible and reckless and human and attractive and attracted. We all lost the school year, but plenty of my classmates didn't lose the experiences.
e. Isn't everyone desperate for something? And hasn't that desperation made me work 10 times harder? It's ambition, it's led me to try nearly everything, and even if it's obvious, isn't a little desperation attractive? I don't know if it is to boys, but it is to me. I want someone to need me, to think about me all the time, to be crazy about me. Maybe I take that too far, but it's not as if I'm proposing on the first date or collecting your used tissues for my shrine. Yeah, I want it bad and I when I fall, I fall hard, but the last thing I want is to make someone uncomfortable. If he told me to slow down, I would.
f. But if all it took was a little makeup and some time at the gym, wouldn't I lose love as soon as I washed my face or gained a few pounds? My appearance is going to change drastically throughout my life, and I don't want love to end when it does. I want to believe that everyone is beautiful. It's important to me to believe that, and that means I have to begrudgingly accept that I'm beautiful, too. I'm worried it would become a slippery slope if I made an exception for myself. I guess I just figured everyone was someone's type. I might not be conventionally attractive, but I thought eventually I'd blindly stumble upon someone who was okay with the way I look. You know what they say about assuming. It makes a (flat) ass of you and me. Yeah, maybe there's a lid for every pot. But my lid will either be blind, an alcoholic with permanent beer goggles, or have some kind of rare fetish.
I am precisely the opposite of what men want. Clingy, needy, and desperate- and not attractive enough to justify my horrible personality. I'm not cool or fun or down-to-earth. I'm not drama-free or go-with-the-flow. I say I'm fine when I'm not because I expect you to read my mind. I'm ugly, uncommunicative, and crazy. I'm a pervert who's far too shy to ever take her clothes off. I'm immature and stubborn and stupid and as hard as I try not be, a hopeless romantic.
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choco-cherry-chunk · 3 years
I'm so glad, listen to my ramblings lol :D so 2/??? as to whether norman knows i think otto would have hidden it for as long as he could get away with, even when he starts to show. he's tall for a start, meaning he wouldn't show early, and the stabilising belt would conceal a lot until otto was forced to adjust it. it's entirely posible that while norman is aware something is wrong - he's not blind, he can see otto is unwell - he has no idea otto is pregnant (like in the previous ask where they end up arguing over it). maybe they've been getting snappy with each other in their own universe in the last few weeks, short tempered over the elephant in the room.
cutting back to the present, otto feels awful, is confused and pissed off (morning sickness can last a whole pregnancy, poor otto). to peter's questions he has no idea how he's here, just like last time he blinked and was somewhere else, though it was a lot more disorentating this time round, like you suggest. that could be because of the unstable nature of the spell crumbling ontop of otto's pregnancy sympotoms, in addition to a sudden resurgence of memories coming with rememering peter.
so peter's only suggestion is that they go to dr. strange. they may hide out someplace waiting for nightfall - as now half the city it looking for doc ock - to avoid the actuators freaking out again. secretly otto is glad to have the chance to sit and get his bearings. i also imagine peter v awkwardly trying to hold conversation. "...so, can i ask, who's the uh-" "no, you cannot" "right, yeah. ok"
nightfalls and they head to strange. he takes a lot of convincing to believe thier story. so he cast a spell, but that would was corrupted and nearly shattered thier universe as others from all across the multiverse got dumped here, all because they have a connection to spiderman? and then there was another spell, to make people forget spiderman was peter parker except that one might be unravelling because otto is here and was able to remember him? this makes them wonder if the others have come through as well, otto wondering if norman is here somewhere.
then peter blurts something revealing otto's pregnancy (much to otto's irritatio - is this boy going to tell everyone??) and strange looks worried. "wait, you're pregnant?" "...yes" "how far along are you? exactly?" otto getting worried now, wants to know why strange is asking. only for strange to reveal that dimension travel with the baby still developing might have... had an effect. on the baby.
otto looses his temper
(sorry this one is so long i didn't know where to wrap it up!!)
I'm going absolutely fucking feral. All of you are so unbelievably wonderful. This past week has been so stressful for me and, honestly, it isn't over yet, but these asks and messages and posts are making my life right now and I am just so goddamn tender. Thank you thank you thank you <3
I can so see Otto being sneaky with this, so worried about how significant a change this is to his and Norman's life that he just goes into denial mode. As you said, he's tall, and he's on the slightly heavier side, so for a while there's space for the baby to "hide". But eventually, he started to put on weight (or, if he isn't quite taking care of himself like he should, the baby feeds on what stores of fat he has and most of his weight centralizes at his middle), forcing him to find ways to secretly adjust his stabilizing belt to ensure it fits without anyone noticing. Norman can definitely see that something isn't right with Otto and is both hurt and angry that he won't talk to him about it. At first, Otto insists it's because he doesn't want him to worry, but as the pregnancy progresses and he's more anxious (along with feeling shittier), he begins to snap more and tell him it's none of his business. They're practically walked on eggshells around one another, barely saying more than "do you want some coffee?" and "I'll be back this evening" to one another out of concern that one of them will just blow up, when Otto (and potentially Norman) are thrown back into Peter 1's universe.
God, you're so right about the present. Otto would definitely be the type to have morning sickness through the whole pregnancy and while maybe it has lightened up some as he's moved into the second trimester, he is still spending most of his days just nauseous. He's sitting in the ruins of what his actuators have done, listening to a college student ask him endless questions as he begins to remember that this same college student is the reason he has control over his actuators in the first place. As you said, he tries to answer his questions, but the fact remains that he just doesn't know. One minute, he was at Oscorp, working on further fusion research, the next, he's being flung through some portal onto the streets of a New York that isn't his own.
Peter suggests his hideout plan, as you've said, and I don't know how, but I'm picturing them finding a way back to his apartment (as staying in the wreckage too long may lead to police coming through and given how people are searching for him, hiding out somewhere more private offers the possibility of the actuators remaining calm. When they manage to get back there (no idea how in a way that ensures the actuators don't freak out), it is definitely funny awkward. As you've said, Otto's thankful to have some time to calm himself and get as familiar as he can manage with this New York, but all the while, Peter is still Peter, and he tries to play a good host while also being a bit awkward. He offers to make him something - "You want some coffee? I can go out and get some. Or is tea better? Isn't coffee bad for babies?" "Water's fine." "Oh, cool. Great, I can definitely do that." - and HE ABSOLUTELY ASKS ABOUT THE BABY'S FATHER IN THE WAY YOU'VE DESCRIBED THAT IS SO UNBELIEVABLY PERFECT, AHHHH!! Otto would feel a little bad that he's being short with Peter, but he feels that he had a right to after everything that's happened. Plus it's none of his business, frankly. Peter, for his part, assumes that the father isn't in the picture and feels bad, like Otto is pulling the single parent thing on his own, so he definitely wants to support him however he can.
Once things are quiet enough outside, they venture to Dr. Strange , where he is surprised to remember Peter and Otto, and while it does take some explaining, the fact that he is remembering things that happen during NWH and prior clear up some of the confusion. Strange is definitely concerned about what this could mean for this universe and the multiverse at large, and who else may have come through to their universe. Otto isn't sure which would be worse: Norman being pulled through as well and having to figure out where the hell he is, or Norman being in their world, not knowing what happened to him.
I love the idea of Peter just blurting out this information in the dumbest of ways to like everybody. Like Strange is delving into the possibilities of other people coming through and needing to peer into other world to check on who else may have arrived, and that the two of them should stay there. And when he insists on that, Peter - all concerned - immediately agrees and saying that Otto should take a seat, that he shouldn't be on his feet for so long with the baby. Or Strange asks why it took so long for them to get to him for help, as he saw the news about Doc Ock returning that morning and he wanted to know what happened with that, and Peter assures him that nothing bad happened and that the actuators were just protecting the baby. Either option has Otto giving Peter a deathly scowl and the younger man immediately apologizing.
Strange doesn't seem startled by this, more concerned than anything else. They have the conversation you described, with Strange asking for as many details as possible until Otto gets annoyed with having to supply so many answers without being given any of his own. Strange explains the possibility of the dimension travels impacting the baby at this stage of his pregnancy, that moving between universes unexpectedly can ignite superhuman abilities in a still-developing child.
It's like Otto is seeing red. The actuators ramp up again, clicking and beeping to an extreme, igniting by his subconscious concern. He didn't ask to be brought here; things were... well, they were well enough in his world. Now he's in not-his-New-York with who knew who else from other worlds, plastered all over news sites, feelings like absolute crap, and has no idea where Norman is, how he'll get back to his world, and what the fuck is happening to his baby. Peter does his best to calm the actuators and Otto down, but I'd have to bet that one picks up some enormous piece of furniture to throw at Strange and the man just pops him back into one of those prison cells (he was never great with conflict, it seems). Otto explodes at that point, because dimension magic nonsense is what got him here in the first place and has potentially done something to his kid, and now it feels like there's no way out.
It takes a while for him to calm down again, but Peter is adamant about staying with him until he is so he can let him out. He wants to help him and the baby get home safe.
Also, slightly unrelated, but I can so picture Peter never even considering Norman to be the other father without being told, but if/when MJ and Ned remember Peter and reconnect with him in all this and they find out about the pregnancy, the first thing MJ asks is if Dr. Osborn is the baby's father, lol.
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invisibleraven · 3 years
Hi! 🥰How about Regal Jewelry (or any permutation of this pairing) + "So is this like, a thing now?"
It's not like Julie to be late for band practice, so when Luke starts freaking out about their missing vocalist, Reggie volunteers to scan through the school to see if she got caught up somewhere. She's not replying to texts so he heads for the detention room first, but even he finds it unlikely that Julie landed in there. When there's no sign of her, he heads off to see if Flynn knows where she is.
Flynn is blasting away on her trumpet, but confirms that Julie had headed off to the rehearsal room the boys were using. She's not overly worried though, figuring she got inspired with lyrics and had stopped to get them down and lost track of time. Reggie waves and heads slowly back towards the guys, figuring Julie would be there by now.
Yet as he walks, he hears Julie's voice from inside a classroom, and when he peers in, sees her and Carrie in a warm embrace, trading kisses. Reggie has to hold back a squeal, because he had freaking called it! Even since the two made up, he was sure it would only be a matter of time before Julie realized that Carrie's obsession with her meant more than keeping tabs on a rival. Julie looks up from Carrie and sees Reggie's smug smirk, and he waves, opening the door.
"Reggie! I-we-can explain!"
He waves his hand between the two of them. "So is this like a thing now? Because if so, Alex totally owes me ten bucks."
The girls exchange glances, and Carrie gives Julie a subtle nod. Julie sighs and looks at him. "It's not not a thing. We're-figuring things out. So your bet with Alex will have to wait until we're ready to tell people."
Reggie draws a little X over his heart and mimes zipping his mouth shut. "You know your secret is safe with me Jules." He then turns to Carrie, face serious. "If you hurt her, you have to deal with all three of us. Plus god knows what Flynn will do."
Carrie scoffs, but her smile betrays her. "Understood. Kayla already told Julie the same thing when she caught us."
"Maybe you two need to find someplace to make out where you won't get caught." Reggie says.
"What, like your place?" Carrie jokes.
"Not unless you plan on making out with me too," Reggie snarks back, but the flush to his cheek gives away how much he'd welcome kisses from either or both of them. The girls look at each other again, a silent conversation taking place and Reggie is about to tell them he was joking when Carrie looks at him with this hungry, predatory look in her eye. She walks over, grabs his chin, and pulls him down for a kiss.
Reggie stands there for a second, too shocked to react, but then startles into action, cupping her face and kissing back, just a sweet press of lips until Carrie lets go and steps back, fingers to her mouth, something unreadable in her eyes. Julie is right there next to her, and gives her a saucy wink. "Was he good?"
"Why don't you find out for yourself?" Carrie retorts, lips still tingling.
Julie comes up and throws her arms around Reggie's neck, and he's more prepared this time, leaning down and capturing her mouth, swiping across her lips with his tongue, giving it a quick flick in when she gasps. She gives a tiny bite to his lower lip as they part, and Reggie has to stop himself from groaning at the move.
"So my place then? After band rehearsal?" he proposes.
Carrie pulls him down for a harsher kiss before all but pushing him away. "See you then sugar." She gives Julie the same treatment, and shoves them out the door, flicking her hair over her shoulder as she walks in the other direction.
Reggie watches her walk away before Julie pulls him towards where the guys are still waiting, straightening them both up as they get closer. "Definitely a thing," she whispers to him with a squeeze to his hand as they enter the room.
"Finally!" Luke exclaims, "We wondered where you were. Thank goodness Reggie found you."
"Sorry, had to do some stuff with Carrie for Chemistry, and then Reggie came and helped us figure it out,"" Julie replied, sending a subtle wink to Reggie as she did.
Reggie flushed, and shouldered his bass, already counting the minutes until practice would be over, neither one of them noticing Alex's confused look and his muttering about how Reggie didn't even take Chemistry. And if Reggie found a ten dollar bill with a not so subtle note congratulating him for winning their bet from Alex in his bass case later, Reggie didn't say anything. He simply held the money up and offered to take his new girlfriends out for ice cream, his treat.
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Not Over You
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A/N: This gif isn't mine, so if you're the owner, let me know so I can give you the credits.
Pairing: Keanu Reeves X Reader
Word count: 2.8K
Summary: Months after Keanu puts an end to your relationship and disappears, you bump into him, reawakening intense feelings.
You never expected to be the only human being on Earth who would go through life without an episode of a heart break. It would happen sooner or later, and you, like everyone else, would get over it. Eventually.
But you could never guess the one to give you such a painful experience would be Keanu Reeves, the one and only.
You met Keanu by mistake. An accident. In a day where your whole life was coming undone, two years ago. You had just lost your job, your parents were giving you a hell of a hard time about it, and you, seeking comfort in your boyfriend, found him half-naked with another girl. That made you drive insanely fast, through busy streets, only to stop on this bridge outside of the town. You had no intention of jumping, you just needed time to think and the wind was strong and heavenly. Maybe it could wash it all away.
It didn't. But a man decided to stop, assuming the worst, and asked you not to do anything reckless. You assured him you wouldn't, and a small, heart to heart conversation started. It took several minutes for you to finally turn and look at the man, and that almost gave you a heart attack. You couldn't believe your eyes. And you couldn't believe him, of all men, would pause his whole life just because of some random girl by the bridge.
But that was only the first day. He invited you for a coffee, and it took only a few days for you to get to the man behind the worldwide famous actor. And you fell in love with him. For a while, you thought he had fallen for you too.
But the media was restless. People soon found out about the age difference and that made them go crazy. News channel, tabloids, magazines, internet blogs, everything, they were all about Keanu's younger girlfriend. It didn't bother you though. You couldn't care less about what people think or say. But one day, it got to him.
One day, he decided to have an honest conversation with you about it. Keanu told you he felt old, so out of your league. Him. Out of your league. You remember laughing at this statement. But he didn't. He was dead serious as he pointed out all the things you couldn't share. How you belonged to different generations and never seemed to get each other's references. How you were into different things. It soon became a fight when you realized what he was doing. The yelling started and soon the crying. Keanu apologized and ended things. He wished you the best. He wished you to find someone your age, someone better than him.
That happened six months ago. It feels like years though. Since that day, you can only see him on TV. No texts, no calls. Nothing. Like he hasn't been in your life at all.
“(Y/N).” Your friend calls you, dragging you away from your thoughts. That's when you realize what made you remember him. Two men on your left, a few tables away, are talking about motorcycles. “You ok?”
“Yeah.” Nodding, you look down at your cup of coffee, still untouched. Your friend made you come to this new coffee shop early in the morning, and you wish you could enjoy it. But now that Keanu is once again in your mind... You find it difficult to take in the beautiful vintage decoration. The pastel colors and all the happy people around you, chatting and smiling.
“Please tell me your not–”
“I'm not.” You cut her off, taking a deep breath. “I was just... Thinking about this office party next week. I can bring someone. Wanna come?” Lying is not your thing, but if you tell Laura you're thinking about Keanu again, she won't let it go easily.
“Sorry. Next week will be hectic, I don't think I can.” Feeling her eyes on you, you sigh. “But on the weekend we can do something nice like going to the–” She stops talking suddenly, eyes wide, staring at something behind you.
“Laura?” Raising your eyebrows, you wonder which one of her many ex-boyfriends is here. “Do you need me to go so you can talk to him?”
“No, no.” Running a hand through your hair, you notice this person approaching by how she moves in her seat. Still, you don't turn to check who it is. The only boyfriend she had that you liked had to move to someplace in Europe. The others are all idiots, so why bother to look?
“Just tell me what you want to do.” Muttering, you finally take a sip of your coffee before putting the cup down again. Too bitter for your taste. Or is it just you?
“(Y/N).” The mention of your name isn't what startles you. Or what makes your heart, ripped in half, skip a beat. It's the voice. You haven't heard it in a very long time, but you recognize it immediately. You crave for it. “Hi.”
“I'll leave you two.” Laura stands up, taking her bag, and giving you a stare. You don't know what it means though.
She doesn't even give you time to think. Perhaps you should leave as well. But you're frozen, not able to even look at him.
It takes a few seconds until he takes a seat before you, where Laura was. Seeing Keanu now is... What? Torture, certainly. Because you just realized you want to jump in his arms again, hug him, kiss him. Is painful because you know you can't do any of those things. And you shouldn't want to.
But there he is, looking as good as the day you first saw him. Dark hair hiding one of his eyes, the stubble that always looks so rough, but you know how soft it really is. He's right there, and you could just stretch your arm and touch him.
There are a lot of things you want to say, and the words fight for a chance to be spoken.
'What the hell do you want?'
'Where have you been all this time?'
'I still love you.'
'Why did you came to talk to me?'
'Do you still love me?'
“Hi.” It's stupid how this is what wins in the end.
“How are you? It's been a while.” He hesitates a little, those dark eyes never leaving you, burning. How much you missed those eyes looking at you...
“Just normal?”
“Just normal.” You should lie. Tell him you're absolutely fine. Happy as hell. Maybe you should even tell him you're going out with someone. But you just can't. You love him too much, and the time you had together was good. The very best. The way it ended doesn't change how amazing it was. So you just can't bring yourself to lie to him. But you don't tell the truth either. Keanu doesn't have to know how devastated you still are after he left. “You?”
“Guess I can say I'm normal too.” There are things left unsaid. From both of you. “Is it too bitter?”
“What?” You mumble, and he gestures at your coffee. He knows you. Too well perhaps. “Yeah. Why-why are you here, Ke?” When you notice how you just called him, it's too late. Cursing yourself, you bite your tongue. “Keanu.” Or should you say, Mr. Reeves? You don't know where you stand now. Friends? It can't be since he disappeared.
“I heard of this new coffee shop and decided to come and... When I saw you, I just had to come and talk.” He nods, maybe to himself. “But I can go if that's what you want.”
“No.” How could you want him to leave? “It's... It's good to see you again.” A smile finds its way to your lips. “After what? Three, four months?” You dissimulate, not wanting to just let it show how much you missed him.
“Seven months next week, I believe.” Is he counting? Why would he do that? “Too long.”
“Too long.” You're still speaking when a young couple stops by your table, excitedly talking to Keanu. You smile to see how he excuses himself, with an apologetic look, to give his fans attention. He's always kind to them, never being rude. When he stands up for a picture, you take the chance to leave, your heart sinking a little. After leaving the money on the table, you take your bag and walk away, doing your best to hold back the tears threatening to roll down.
You had imagined this moment a million times. Seeing him again. You thought you'd yell, curse him and bravely walk away. But this? You're walking away out of fear. You're running away from the feelings, too strong for you to handle. How is it possible to love someone so intensely after all this time?
“(Y/N)!” His voice comes with the familiar noise of his motorcycle. So you stop, breathing deeply, hoping the soft shadow of the three above you will hide your teary eyes. “I'm sorry about that, I–”
“You know I don't mind, Ke... Keanu.” Damn it.
“I... I want to talk to you. So maybe somewhere more private where we won't be interrupted?”
No. You don't want to talk to him. You don't want to pour salt on the wound. “Alright.” If only you were stronger.
Keanu gives you his helmet, and you put it on before climbing on the bike behind him. There's no choice but to hug his waist, so that's what you do, trying not to enjoy it so much. It's probably nothing. He probably just wants to apologize.
You can't help but notice he still keeps the same speed as before. Not as fast as he usually goes when he's alone. As much as this gesture warms your heart, you try to keep it distant. Try to keep it cold. Cold people don't get hurt.
You're not impressed when you stop at his place. Well, his house. One of them. He moved after breaking up with you. Keanu waits patiently for you to move to the ground. The bike is too high for you, so it's always a little complicated. Taking off the helmet, you hand it over to him, making your way to the front door. But halfway there you change your mind. Being inside his house is too much. It's too familiar, too... Too much. So you walk around it, straight to the backyard.
Sitting on the wooden table, you take in the view. The morning sun turns everything into a dream. You remember that the best pictures you have with Keanu were taken here after you either decided to crash here or passed out on his couch.
Memories. The damn memories never leave you alone.
“I forgive you.” You burst out when he comes to sit before you. “If you want to apologize for... I don't know, for anything. I forgive you.”
“I wasn't planning on this.” He starts hands together above the table. “But I saw you there and... I just had to.”
You don't know what to say, so you look down, unable to sustain eye contact anymore. What are you doing? What is he doing? “You disappeared.” It just comes out, suddenly, full of... Anger? Desperation? You don't know, but it's overflowing. “After everything we've been through, you broke up with and disappeared. Not a single call. Not even a text. Nothing!”
“I had to.”
“You had to?” A humorless laugh escapes your lips and you stand up, determined to leave. On foot, if that's what it takes.
“I had to because if not I'd come back to you.” He raises his voice a little, just enough to make you stop in your tracks, hands shaking a little. “I did what I did because of you.”
“No, you did it for yourself.” Turning around again, you sustain his stare. “I didn't want to end things. I love you!” It came out wrong. Didn't it? It was supposed to be in the past. “I loved you.” You correct yourself, a hand on your forehead. “I... I'm sorry. You think I'm too young for you and that's ok. You have the right to think that but don't put words in my mouth. I never cared about age.”
“Everything I wanted was you to have the chance of making a better choice. Someone your age who could keep up with all the pop culture things you're into.” He speaks slow, his voice soft and low again. Keanu never raises his voice at you. Well, he only does it get your attention when you're too mad to listen, but he never enjoys it.
“If I wanted someone my freaking age I'd be looking for him.” Stepping forward, you slam both your hands on the table. “When I fell for you, I wasn't paying attention to the numbers. I fell for you. You. Why can't you accept that?”
“The tabloids were saying that I was–”
“Taking advantage?” You finish it for him. “Yeah, they said a lot of mean stuff but I didn't give a damn. Our relationship was between you and me. The rest of the world didn't get a say in it.”
Keanu looks down, breathing deeply. You just stand there, waiting. Begging... Begging this means something. Something good.
“Say something, please.”
“I still love you.” The words hit you like a train, and you stand up straight, not strong enough to look away from him.
“Don't say that if you don't mean it.” You beg, your voice barely a whisper.
“I mean it.”
“Don't say that if you still think we can't be together because of this or that!” You gesture at nothing in particular, tears rolling down now, all the walls you put around yourself falling to the ground. “You broke my heart once, don't do that again.”
“I can't stop thinking about you.” Keanu stands up, walking around the table and stopping before you. “Every single day I had to fight the urge to call you. Visit you. To... Have you back, but I couldn't. That's why I moved away. And I only came back because I thought I got over you but... Clearly, I didn't.” When he takes your hand, you swear you feel the world slowing down. You have been dreaming of his touch for so long now that you just don't have to strength to push him away. You want him. And... If he wants you too...
“Ke, please don't–”
“When I saw you, it came back. Everything since that day on the bridge.” Pulling up your hand, he places a soft kiss on your knuckles. “Every hug, every kiss, every date. It reminded me of how much I missed you.”
It's useless to fight it. It's useless to put any effort into trying to step away now. Your arms move from his chest up to be around his neck as you end the small distance between your bodies. Keanu is quick to hug your waist and it feels like both your bodies move out of instinct. Like you missed each other in levels you can't even understand.
“What do you mean, Ke?” Your voice is weak, barely a whisper. Involuntary, you stand on your toes, needing, wanting to kiss him again.
“I don't care what they say. Tabloids, magazines, to hell with them. All I need, all I want is you and if you really don't mind having such an old man–”
“Everything about you draws me in. Inside and out.” Cutting him short, you caress his cheek, wondering if you should allow yourself to be happy. If this is really happening.
“I know, darling.” He takes a deep breath. “I know what I did hurt you very much but... If you're willing to try again...”
“If you ever break up with me again over this whole age shit or for anything someone who doesn't even know us says... I'll be the one to disappear this time.” You mutter with your eyes closed, using whatever is left of your strength to keep from kissing him. “Promise me.”
“The plans we had... About getting married, having kids... I want it all back. I want to get things where we left them.”
Biting back a smile, you nod, finally allowing your thirsty lips to meet his. And it feels like heaven, like getting a chance to breathe after being underwear for too long. He tastes just the same, like home. Some tears roll down, giving the kiss a salty taste, but you don't mind. They're tears of joy now.
When you pull away to breathe, he lifts you up, and you quickly wrap your legs around his waist. “You didn't get a chance to drink your coffee so let me make you breakfast.”
“Like before?”
“Yes. And if it's up to me, it'll be like that forever. For the rest of our lives or for as long as you want me.”
“Forever, then, Ke.” Smiling, you place a soft kiss on his lips. Yours now, once again. “Forever and always, babe.”
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drewsephrry · 4 years
Ok, im curious who you ship me with. I'm 5'3, with light brunette hair and green eyes. I'm Taurus and my HP house is Hufflepuff. I'm stubborn and really shy but I open up once I get to know you. I like going to parties and drinking, but I also love staying in and watch movies. I love music (mostly old, 80's 90's). I love spontaneous plans like let's go to the beach or to the park. I'm kind and loyal, but don't mess up with me because I won't think twice and I'll punch you. I probably say more stupid jokes than a normal person and laugh at them. I'm very affectionate to the people that I love.
By the way we should really become friends!! Because:
a) I'm 5'3 as well lol
b) I'm a virgo which is also in the earth signs and is very compatible with taurus
c) a fellow hufflepuff here
I ship you with....
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Let's start with how you two met
He saw you at a kegger, hanging out with his little sister (Sarah) and it was kind of like love at first sight
He approached you, as soon as Sarah left
"Oh hey Rafe!" "Hi Y/N"
You went for a hug whilst he went for a handshake and well he made you drop your drink on your white shirt. You looked down at the patch
"Fuck" you exclaimed as Rafe started apologizing to you
"Rafe it's okay. No worries. I'm just clumsy"
"I can let you borrow my jacket or a shirt of mine. I have one in my car" he pointed backwards and you smirked
"I bet that's how you get most girls. But yes, I would really love to get that shirt"
"No.. I.. I" he stuttered but you had started walking towards his car on the other side and he followed you
Yes girl
You made Rafe freaking Cameron stutter
Because he thinks (and you are)drop dead gorgeous
You change (without him looking, because he is respectful of you) and then it hit you
You were changing into Rafe Cameron's shirt
Rafe Cameron's
You're living the dream!
"Would you like to-?" "Do you wanna-?"
You both question at the same time
"You go!" Rafe says
"I was asking you if you'd mind leaving? Like going someplace else? Because this kegger is really boring" you exclaimed
"Yeah, I was about to ask you that!" he answered and you nodded smiling
"You sure were" you smirked and he chuckled as you got in his car, he got in too after some seconds
"Where do you wanna go?" he asked and you just smiled
"Do you wanna go to the lighthouse?" you ask
"What?" he chuckles
"You heard me, let's go to the lighthouse!" you said again and he just started his car
You went there and you told him how you used to come there as a child and he was realy paying attention
And you sat there with him, talking about everything
Telling jokes
And well it became a routine
Thursday nights spend on the lighthouse tlaking about your feelings and everything that was going on
And one day he just came and told you he had feelings for you
And you confessed as well
And that started youre relationship
After that, there were dates on the lighthouse
Like one time he put a table and candles and expensive food on it and you sat there in awe looking at the stars, drinking your wine
But there were also those nights, you were the one planning the date
Those nights were mostly spent at your house though, ordering pizzas and watching movies
Maybe some Netflix and Chill (if you know what i mean *wink*)
But he's dragging you to parties as well
"Come on babe, get up! We've been staying in for days!" "Rafe, I don't wanna!" you'd whine and he would just pull your hand
But if you were to go to a party, you'd dress up really good and he wouldn't be able to take his eyes off of you
Like you're talking to Kiara on the other side of the room and he just checks you out the whole time, as Topper is trying to have a conversation with him lol
"Dude, I'm talking to you!" Topper said as Kelce laughed
"Yes and I'm listening!" Rafe answered still looking at you
But yeah you would be a great couple!!
Hope you liked it!! Asks are open!! ❤️
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The Road So Far (pt. 3)
Sweet Pea x reader
Summary: You and your brothers train a group of gang members the best you can in a short amount of time. Will it pay off?
Riverdale + Supernatural Crossover
Word Count: 2482
Chapter 1 • Chapter 2
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After school you and your brothers waited in your motel for Sweet Pea to text you. "This is a bad idea." Dean stated.
"You don't know that." You argued.
"Oh, I do. We shouldn't involve other people in hunter's business."
"This isn't a normal town, Dean. This town is different."
"Different my ass. Don't get too attached. We'll be back on the road, heading to some other town that needs saving."
Your emotions got the better of you, and you opened your mouth to say something that you'd been keeping to yourself for a long time. "What's so wrong with being attached? What's so wrong with belonging to someplace? Why can't I belong anywhere?"
He fell silent. "I need some space." He mumbled before grabbing his keys and leaving.
You felt tears welling up. Emotions that you've been suppressing came bubbling to the surface. You turned to Sam. "I shouldn't have said that! I'm sorry. I shouldn't ha..." You trailed off, tears threatening to spill.
He pulled you in for a hug. "No, it's okay. You shouldn't have to apologize."
"Yes I do." You sniffed. "I'm a hunter. I shouldn't think like that."
"You don't have to be a hunter if you don't want to. We never gave you a choice."
"I do like being a hunter. I like being able to save people. But always being on the move. It's tiring, and I want someplace to get to always have. No matter what happens, I'll still have a home to go to. Like Bobby's, before everything happened."
"I get that." He offered you a smile. "I'll talk to Dean about it."
You shook your head. "I don't know Sam. Dean seems to shut down whatever I say."
Sam didn't know what to say. "You should take a quick shower. It'll make you feel better."
When you got out of the shower and dried your hair, you opened the bathroom door to see Dean. "Look kiddo, we need to talk–" he was cut off by the knocking on the door.
"I'll get it!" You said eagerly, not wanting to start that conversation.
It was Jughead and his dad. "Come with us." You all followed them to the Whyte Wyrm, where about thirty Serpents and Archie were inside. "These are who were open to the idea." Jughead explained.
You noticed that some of them were eyeing Archie. "You told gingy #1?"
"I can help." He said. "I want to help."
You shrugged. "Okay, I guess. Teens, you're with me. The rest of you are with Sam and Dean."
The ten teenagers followed you, while Sam and Dean split up the rest. You showed them how to load a gun, as well as turn the safety on and off. You then showed them how to fire, with targets being stapled to trees. "Okay guys, your turn. I'm trusting you with my guns, so don't be dumbasses. Please."
They were mostly bad. The best one was, surprisingly, Archie. Apparently this wasn't the first time he's dealt with a gun before. You looked back at Sweet Pea, who was barely hitting the target. You watched as he closed one eye and shot again.
"Y'know," you said as you walked up to him. "If you want to hit the target, you should try looking at it with both eyes. Maybe you'll see twice as good."
He looked at you, heat spreading across his face. You were smiling at him, not an amused smile but a gentle one. "It's not like it's just me."
"I know. The only one who seems decent is Archiekins."
Your smile faded as you saw the look of anger on his face. He looked down. "He's not as amazing as everybody makes him."
"Of course not." You brought your hand to his cheek so he could look at you. "He couldn't measure up to you, of course. He wouldn't tell it how it is. He wouldn't give me some of his stuff so that he would have to see me again. He wouldn't be so sweet even when I'm going to leave. You're my hero, remember?"
He looked at your lips before leaning towards you. Just before your lips were going to touch, Dean clasped both of your shoulders, slightly pushing you away. "You should move on teaching different weapons now."
Later on Sam and Dean were eating together while taking a break in teaching the others how to fight an army of werewolves. Dean looked over to you, who was eating and laughing together with Sweet Pea. "We need to break them apart." He stated.
"Dean, it's not like they're dating." Sam looked annoyed as he listened to his brother complain again about the two teenagers. "And either way she won't listen to you."
Dean thought for a moment. "No, but she might listen to someone else." He took out his phone and looked at a certain contact, sighing.
"Dean, no. There's no reason for Crowley to get into her business."
"It's for the case." Dean tried to urge.
He scoffed. "Yeah, if the case is killing Sweet Pea."
Dean ignored his brother and pressed the call button. Dean then proceeded to tell Crowley about the boy you were getting carelessly close to. After he was done talking, he heard silence. "Hello? Crowley, you there?"
"Hello boys." The brothers turned to see a familiar demon with a bag in his hand. "Where's the girl, I want to give her a gift."
"Damnit Crowley." Dean said. "How many times do I have have to tell you to stop spoiling her?"
"Oh, you big, lumbering piles of flannel, you need to learn that there's nothing wrong with a bit of pampering here and there." He then spotted you with Sweet Pea, Jughead and Archie. "Ah, here we are."
You were talking to your friends, but your voice died off as your attention was brought to the demon heading towards you. "Crowley?"
"Hello darling." You hopped off of the bench you were on with a big smile on your face. You gave him a hug, and he patted your head in response. "Here you are, love. Just a little something I feel you deserve."
It was a necklace with an expensive looking jewel attached to it. "I love it! So, how's hell?"
"The demons are dreadfully annoying, darling. I'm glad you gave me an excuse to get away from them for a bit."
"Demons?" Jughead said. "Are you a demon?"
Crowley rolled his eyes. "Not just any demon, the king! The king of hell!" He then took a step closer, showing his red eyes. "What's your name boy?"
"Crowley." You said in a warning tone.
Jughead backed up a bit, saying his name. He then looked at Archie. "And you?" Archie gave his name as well. Crowley then turned to the boy sitting next to you. "Ah, so you must be Sweet Pea."
"Crowley!" He snapped his head to you. "Stop. I don't know what Dean told you, but leave him alone." He continued to stare at you. "Please. For me. Your favorite human, remember?"
He looked back at Sweet Pea. "This isn't over."
He then walked away from a Sweet Pea was looked like he was two words away from shitting himself. "I'm so sorry, he shouldn't have done that to either one of you, and–"
"He won't kill us, right?" Jughead asked, still eyeing Crowley.
"No! I won't let him, I promise."
"What if he doesn't listen to you?" Sweet Pea quietly asked.
You reached out to hold his hand. "No, Sweets–"
Sweet Pea unconsciously backed up. He realized what he did from the hurt look on your face. "Y/n I'm sorry–"
"No, it's okay." You put on a weak smile. "I'm gonna go be alone for a bit." He tried to grab your wrist but you were quicker, and quickly walked away.
While Dean and Crowley were arguing with Sweet Pea, Jughead and Archie, blaming them for whatever reason you left, Sam slipped away to follow you. He found you sitting on a boulder by Sweet Water River, watching the rapid stream. "Hey tiny. You want to talk about it?"
"Why can't I be happy?" You quietly asked, eyes not leaving the river.
Sam hesitated. "You can–"
"No I can't. Dean shoots down anything related to stability, which is something that makes me feel at ease. I get scolded for making friends, who make me feel like I'm not some freak. Now the first outside person to accept all of me is getting threatened by the people in my life, even though he makes me happier than I've been in a long time. How come I don't deserve to be happy?"
This made Sam's chest tighten with sadness for you. They weren't giving you a choice, just like your dad did to them. They just wanted to be there to see you grow up, to protect you from the dangers of the world. Sam thought it would be better if he gave you more freedom, but that wasn't good enough.
He put an arm around your shoulder, and you rested your head on his chest, enjoying the peaceful silence. When you were ready to return you two found Sweet Pea running around, looking for you. He found you, and Sam decided to give you two some space.
"Y/n," he panted. "We need to talk. I'm so sorry–"
You shook your head and put your hands on his cheeks, silencing him. You then took off the dog tag you were wearing, bringing it out to him. "You shouldn't have to work so hard for someone like me. You deserve better than that."
He stared at the dog tag, and shook his head. "What if I want to work hard for someone like you? Maybe that's what you deserve."
He paused before taking the dog tag and putting it on. He then brought his pocket knife out and put it in your front flannel pocket. "Pea." You couldn't help the small smile forming.
"I really like that pocket knife, so I'll definitely be back for that." He smiled at you.
"Why me?"
"Because you've had it worse than any of us, but you still manage to show your pretty smile. You say what you think is important. With you, I'm not a person from the Southside. I'm just me." He then went down and kissed your cheek. "I want to take this slow to savor it. Is that okay with you?" Ghosting your hand over your cheek, you nodded, somewhat in a daze. He then took your hand, interlocking fingers. "You ready to go back?" You smiled and nodded.
Later on, people were relaxing at the Whyte Wyrm. You looked over to Crowley, who was talking to Jughead and Betty, answering their questions with annoyance. You then watched people play pool. You then turned to Sam. "Feel like making some money?"
"I bet I'll get more." He said, full of pep.
"You're on." You then saw someone finish up a game of pool, walking up to them. "Wow, that looks fun! I've never played before, but I bet I'd like it." You pretended to stumble a bit, fake giggling.
"I don't mind teaching ya, babe." This caught Sweet Pea's ear. He didn't see you drink anything, so why were you acting like this, as well as letting that man talk to you like that?
You bounced up and down, giggling. "Yay! You know what would make it even more fun? It we bet money on it! I get to learn how to play pool, and you could make some money!"
The man smirked you got yourself a deal. $80." He took out a stack of money, and you didn't too. Sweet Pea was caught off guard with that. How did you have so much money on you? You ended up winning fairly quickly.
"Yay! That was fun!" The man grumbled. "Aw, don't be like that. I bet it was beginners luck. How bout this, double or nothing?" So you played again and won. You put the money in your pocket, ignoring the man's curses. "Dude, a bet's a bet. I won, fair and square." You then went to Sam, confident. "$160. You?"
"Damn." The two of you laughed, and Sweet Pea watched in awe of you Winchesters that you were all able to make money so easily.
You then looked over to Dean, who was with a woman. He then mentioned having a motel room, and with that the two of them left. Sam sighed. "Dean."
"Gross." You grumbled. "Sleeping in Baby it is."
"You could sleep at my place." Sweet Pea offered. You two stared at him. "I have a bed sofa, and a chair couch. It'll be fine."
Sam nodded his head. "That's very nice of you. Let's go then."
As the three of you were driving to Sweet Pea's trailer, you look out a chest from under the seats, and opened it. It had photographs, as well as jewelery. You put Crowley's necklace in there with ease. "I didn't know you were into that stuff."
You shook your head. "I'm not, but it's nice have I'm even getting gifts. It's the thought that counts."
Sweet Pea offered the bed to you, while Sam slept on the couch bed and Sweet Pea slept on the couch chair. You only problem was your nightmares. They happened mainly when you were alone at night, or some bad memories were brought up to the surface.
You shot up from your very realistic evil dream. You quietly went out of the room, and was about to wake up Sam when you looked over at Sweet Pea. He looked so gently, not to mention uncomfortable, so you gently shook him. "Sweets." You whispered.
He gave out a groan. "What's wrong?" He asked, groggily.
"I had a nightmare. Could you lay back down with me?" He hesitated. "Please? I feel more calm with you."
He got up, and remembered that you were only wearing one of his shirts, like he offered. You both laid down, and you snuggled into his chest as you tangled your limbs. He out one arm around you as the second one was in your hair as he buried his face in it. You both then dozed off.
When Sam woke up, he didn't see Sweet Pea on the sofa chair. He went into his bedroom, and saw the two of you snuggled up together. He had noticed that Sweet Pea was out of the covers while you were under them. He smiled. Sweet Pea didn't want Sam to get mad, so he untangled himself from you while you were sleeping, but stayed with you.
Sam loudly knocked on the door, waking both of you up. He stood there as you both began to stir awake. As soon as Sweet Pea realized that your big brother was standing there, he immediately jumped away from you. "It's not what it looks like."
Sam nodded. "She gets nightmares and doesn't like being alone. I get it." You sat up with a lazy smile, causing Sweet Pea to smile. "C'mon. Today's our last day of training."
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@sgarrett49 @t-a-i-l-o-r-m-a-d-e @mi-linera @buchare5t @rogue-of-sound
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