#thalles l
dujour13 · 6 months
OC Meme
taking you up on your free tag @arendaes 💕
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(art by @nurabelmax)
Full name: Siavash Mirani
Gender: Cis male
Sexuality: Gay
Pronouns: He/him
Family: Nilufar Mirani (mother, Kelish half-elf), Doran Mirani (father, Andoren half-elf), older sisters Zarin (son Kyrash), Fatima (husband Talo, daughters Daria & Tahmine), and Leila
Birthplace: Almas, Andoran
Job: Andoren diplomat & flaky bard
Phobias: Grief / abandonment / letting people down
Guilty Pleasures: Andoren wine, partying all night, trashy novels, cookies, skinny dipping
Hobbies: same as above + guitar
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Sins: Sloth, lust, pride, and very rarely wrath
Virtues: Gentleness, forgiveness, generosity, friendliness
T H I S  O R  T H A T
Introvert / Extrovert 
Organized / Disorganized
Close-minded / Open-minded 
Calm / Anxious / Restless 
Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between 
Cautious / Reckless / In between 
Patient / Impatient / In between 
Outspoken / Reserved / In between 
Leader / Follower / Flexible 
Empathetic / Unempathetic / In between 
Optimist / Pessimist / Realist 
Traditional / Modern / In between 
Hard-working / Lazy
OTP: Siavash/Woljif
Acceptable Ships: there are a couple friend OCs I can picture him with...
Brotp: Woljif (because the OTP is a brotp), Aivu, Daeran, Arueshalae, Seelah, Ramien, Aranka, Ilkes, Thall, Kel Five Knives, and many many friend OCs
Free tag to anybody who wants to do this! @ me please, I'd love to see.
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chysgoda · 5 months
Beginning City
A prompt fill for @voidsentprinces's countdown to Dawntrail prompts!
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Art’imis sipped the tea Momodi had given her. Momodi herself had been called away to get four new adventurers signed up in her book. They looked so damn young. Even younger than her daughter who was now a seasoned soldier and adventurer herself. How many books had been filled up with names since she had put her own down? That had been…she didn’t want to think about that number. 
“And what’s gotten that expression on your face?” Momodi asked. The lalafellan woman placed her hands on her hips. 
“I think I need to Limsa up this tea,” Art’imis sighed, “with the good stuff.”
“And what brought that on?” Momondi laughed as she looked for the whiskey in the cupboards under the counter. 
“Thall’s platinum balls, they’re babies!” The paladin made a vague gesture in the direction the newly sanctioned adventurers had wandered off in. “Babies!”
“Art’imis you were that old when you came to Ul’dah.” Momondi said, her words muffled by the counter. She popped up with the whiskey bottle she’d been looking for and poured a generous amount in the tea cup. 
Art’imis wrinkled her nose as she protested. “I was in my twenties when I signed that book!”
Momondi reached up to flick the end of an ivory horn. She snorted when Art’imis made a face at the buzz it caused in her head. “You were that age when you started on the blood sands, which some people might say is worse.”
Art’imis took a long sip of her fortified tea so she could ignore Momondi’s snorted laughter at her sulk. She looked out across the tavern and back through the years. So many landmarks in her early adventuring career had happened here. So many meals were taken here when Bel was young and she’d been too dead tired to cook for them at home. For a few years it had been the only place in Ul’dah she had felt safe after the bloody banquet. 
“A gil for your thoughts?” Momondi asked.
Art’imis blinked and came back to the present, “Just remembering when I practically lived here between meals, seeing what leves there were, meeting clients.”
The Momodi started wiping down the counter in the barman’s never ending battle with smudges. “You had a bit of an advantage with clients back then, since you’d been rubbing elbows with the who’s who of the upper crust for almost a decade before Mylla kicked you down to us.”
Art’imis laughed and took another sip of tea. “Just been thinking about beginnings and new adventures.”
“And where’s your eye turning next?” Momondi leaned against the counter always ready for the latest gossip. 
“X’rhun and I will be heading to Tural sometime soon.” Art’imis turned so she was fully facing the other woman. When had those crow’s feet developed around her eyes? She took another sip of her tea. “I’m thinking of taking Gale and Zephyr, giving the shield a rest.”
“Pelhi’sae’s blades?” 
“I think I can pick up the style again without spiraling,” Art’imis looked from her tea cup up into Momodi’s face. 
Momodi frowned for a long moment and then rubbed her forehead. “Have you spoken to Mylla?”
It was easier to tell when Art’imis was irritated now, Momodi thought, the golden aether scaring glinted when her eyebrows twitched subtly. Art’imis was better at keeping that irritation from ruling her responses now too, so her voice was even. “No, I didn’t think there was a need to.”
Momodi looked out over the tables filled with adventurers and all the folk that tended to congregate around them. She turned her head to the ruby door, she could still picture Mylla practically dragging one of the highest earning stars on the sands in to sign up with the adventurer’s guild… had it really been fifteen years ago?  
Silence stretched between them and Art’imis deflated just a bit. “I was in bad straights then.”
“You’d have been a dead woman walking if you’d continued on the path you were on,” Momodi stated plainly. She’d always prided herself on being honest with her adventurers. 
The woman known as the warrior of light flinched and then rested her weight on the edge of the bar. “I guess you’ve a right to worry. You saw the worst of it, when I spiraled out after Pelhi’sae’s death.”
Momodi rested a hand on Art’imis’s arm. “He was your father in every way that counted, how you lost him would have broken anyone.”
“There’s been a lot of my stories that have ended since the final days, I’d like to finish this one too. I need to be able to look back on him without those years just after haunting me.” Art’imis looked at the wall behind Momodi. 
“You’ve got people who care enough to keep you together, now.” The matron didn’t comment on the wet sheen in her friend’s eyes. “You don’t need to ask for my blessing to do this.”
“No, but I didn’t want you to worry when you saw them on my back.” 
Momodi patted her arm, “thank you for the warning, but you’d best let Mylla know as well.” 
“I think I’ll need some more Limsan tea,” Art’imis grimaced, thinking of approaching the high strung guild mistress, “without the tea.” 
Momodi laughed and left the whiskey bottle at Art’imis’s elbow so she could attend to a patron approaching the bar. The raen woman watched her and considered the roll book that still sat on the bar. She finished her tea and indulged her wandering mind in some philosophy, just because the story was finished didn’t mean it vanished. She poured a shot into the tea cup and slammed it back before sealing the bottle. She fished a small bag of gil out of her pocket and caught Momodi’s eye. She held up the bottle and then dropped the gil pouch onto one of the many step stools behind the bar. 
Offering obtained, Art’imis stood and went to see Mylla. 
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rollofleaf · 6 months
OC meme
Saw @arendaes doing this so I'm shamelessly stealing it! You are now subjected to my Pathfinder blorbos! Mostly focusing on how they are before the events of the game.
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Full name: Hilde Svalksdottir
Gender: Cis Woman
Sexuality: Demisexual Lesbian
Pronouns: She/Her
Family: Svalk Axechill (Father, deceased), Astrid Daughter of Muses (Mother, deceased), Tallak Svalksen (Half-Brother)
Birthplace: Land of Linnorm Kings
Job: Poet, Singer, Mercenary
Phobia: Loosing control, loosing herself to rage
Guilty Pleasures: Long naps
Hobbies: Writing, sparring, bird-watching
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Sins: Wrath, Envy
Virtues: Chastity, Temperance
T H I S  O R  T H A T
Introvert / Extrovert 
Organized / Disorganized
Close-minded / Open-minded 
Calm / Anxious / Restless 
Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between 
Cautious / Reckless / In between 
Patient / Impatient / In between 
Outspoken / Reserved / In between 
Leader / Follower / Flexible 
Empathetic / Unempathetic / In between 
Optimist / Pessimist / Realist 
Traditional / Modern / In between 
Hard-working / Lazy
OTP: Hilde/Arueshalae
Acceptable Ships: Hilde/Aranka, Hilde/Seelah, Hilde/Nenio
OT3: Hilde/Arueshalae/Aranka (Aranka is also dating Wallflower and Thall separate from Hilde and Arue)
Brotp: Hilde/Woljif, Hilde/Ulbrig
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(art not mine, this is just my general ref for her)
Full name: Sakura Redpetal
Gender: Femme-leaning Non-binary
Sexuality: Pansexual (also a monsterfucker)
Pronouns: She/They
Family: Willow of Calm Reeds (adoptive mother)
Birthplace: Valashmai Jungle, Tian Xia
Job: Sacred prostitute
Phobia: Loneliness, persecution
Guilty Pleasures: Telling people off, violence
Hobbies: Gardening, reading
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Sins: Lust, Gluttony
Virtues: Patience
T H I S  O R  T H A T
Introvert / Extrovert 
Organized / Disorganized
Close-minded / Open-minded 
Calm / Anxious / Restless 
Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between 
Cautious / Reckless / In between 
Patient / Impatient / In between 
Outspoken / Reserved / In between 
Leader / Follower / Flexible 
Empathetic / Unempathetic / In between 
Optimist / Pessimist / Realist 
Traditional / Modern / In between 
Hard-working / Lazy
OTP: Sakura/Camellia
Acceptable Ships: Sakura/Daeran, Sakura/Arueshalae, Sakura/Woljif Sakura/Vellexia (theres the crack ship)
OT3: Sakura/Camellia/Daeran
Brotp: Sakura/Wenduag, Sakura/Woljif
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Full name: Ethyn Roseveil
Gender: Cis Woman
Sexuality: Pansexual
Pronouns: She/Her
Family: Ayra Roseveil (Mother), Cathran Roseveil (Father), Adula Roseveil (Older Sister), Satinder Roseveil (Older Brother)
Birthplace: Vigil, Lastwall
Job: Artist, Paladin
Phobia: Loosing people she loves, having to kill
Guilty Pleasures: Sweets
Hobbies: Painting, Singing
Alignment: Lawful Good
Sins: Pride
Virtues: Charity, Patience, Kindness
T H I S  O R  T H A T
Introvert / Extrovert 
Organized / Disorganized
Close-minded / Open-minded 
Calm / Anxious / Restless 
Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between 
Cautious / Reckless / In between 
Patient / Impatient / In between 
Outspoken / Reserved / In between 
Leader / Follower / Flexible 
Empathetic / Unempathetic / In between 
Optimist / Pessimist / Realist 
Traditional / Modern / In between 
Hard-working / Lazy
OTP: Ethyn/Nyrissa
Acceptable Ships: Ethyn/Valerie, Ethyn/Tristian, Ethyn/Linzi
OT3: Ethyn/Octavia/Regongar
Brotp: Ethyn/Nok-Nok
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rokindle · 2 years
Psihopatologie antică
 Știm că umorile acestea pot da naștere la nenumărate alte închipuiri stranii. Unii s-au crezut ulcior de lut sau piele tăbăcită, ori cocoși și au început să le imite glasul, în timp ce alții s-au crezut privighetori și au jelit moartea lui Itys; mai erau unii care își imaginau că țin cerul pe umeri, ca Atlas, și se temeau să nu cadă și să-i zdrobească  nu doar pe ei, ci și toată suflarea pământului.   Eu însumi am văzut o femeie cu o asemenea nălucire. Își ținea degetul mijlociu de la mână legat, încredințată fiind că ținea pe el lumea întreagă, și plângea de frică să nu-l îndoaie și să lase lumea să se prăbușească.  - Alexandru din Thalles Se spune că un bărbat din Abydos s-a tulburat la minte și obișnuia să meargă la teatru și să privească scena zile în șir, de parcă pe ea ar fi jucat actori, cărora le arăta aprecierea sa aplaudând. Când și-a revenit din boala mintală, a spus că a fost cel mai frumos răstimp din viața lui. - Pseudo-Aristotel Cartea poveștilor, legendelor și miturilor greco-romane  https://www.cititoramator.ro/2023/01/psihopatologie-antica.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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cutecurl · 4 years
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awesamblr · 4 years
cherry i am inb l o vebqith you
i love u too thall!! :]
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7, 15, 30?
7. Give yourself a great comet “prologue” style introduction. “[your name] is [adjective], [descriptive statement].”
Sofia is annoying and she daydreams a lot (Idk much about great comet did I do this right?)
15.Does it feel weird when actors who already have principal roles understudy a different one? 
I mean kinda but not rlly  I l o v e seeing understudies and their different takes in a character.
30. Is there a book you’d like turned into a musical? talk about it
Besides IT? probably what if its us since it has a lo t of musical theater references and some singing scenes (plus Noah Galvin gives voice to one of the main characters in the audiobook so uwu) I would also love if they adapted the play! saga but idk if thall happen bc the books are only in spanish
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distorteddesignsde · 6 years
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“Your heart’s strength is measured by how hard it holds on. Your self worth and faith is measured by finally letting go. However, your peace is measured by how long you don’t look back.” ― Shannon L. Alder TALES OF VAKUM PT. 2 - 2018 - Available #artwork is for sale! Head over to facebook.com/distorteddesigns #warfare #weeditit #environment #sad #anxiety #designer #octane #photooftheday #music #graphicdesign #mackrodesign #thall #metalcore #deathcore #doom #sludge #djent #deathmetal #thegraphicspr0ject #graphicartist #cgi #cinema4d #art #digitalart #minimalism #everyday #challenge #texture #photoshop (hier: Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq5vXePAjxj/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1a5mtvumoue1m
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beatmyaudio · 4 years
Same Beef | Bohemia | Ft. | Sidhu Moose Wala | Byg Byrd | New Punjabi Song 2019
#beatmyaudio posting Same Beef | Bohemia | Ft. | Sidhu Moose Wala | Byg Byrd | New Punjabi Song 2019
Same Beef | Bohemia | Ft. | Sidhu Moose Wala | Byg Byrd | New Punjabi Song 2019
… Same Beef | Bohemia | Ft. | Sidhu Moose Wala | Byg Byrd | New Punjabi Song 2019 …
YRF New Releases:
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Stranger Song: https://youtu.be/bbOalPurETg
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Kamaal Song: https://youtu.be/ZPSUimDt7N8 ► Subscribe Now: https://goo.gl/xs3mrY
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Stay updated! One of the biggest collaborations – Bohemia ft. Sidhu Moose Wala. YRF Digital in association with Saga Music present the most awaited Punjabi Single – #SameBeef – a song dedicated to all those friends who have your back, no matter what.
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Song Credits: Song: Same Beef Singers/Lyrics: Bohemia, Sidhu Moose Wala Music: Byg Byrd Director: Rahul Dutta Produced by: Sumeet Singh Production Manager: Apoorv Arora, Gurdeep Singh Production Assistant: Ajay Mohamed Presentation by: Gitta Bains Label: Saga Music
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Song Lyrics: Sidhu Moose Wala Bohemia Brown Boys In The Building Shut Up Byg Byrd You Know What Time It Is I’m I’m Brown Boy Ohi Day Schedule Ae Te Ohi Same Rule Ae Ohi Aa Subah Naiyyo Change Kita Fame Ne Counting’ Aan Ch Vairi Badhe Case Kujh Zehri Badhe Roz Inquiry Vadde News Aan Wich Name Ne Hove Pichhe Hooter Dimaag Computer Jatt Vairiyaan Laayi Shooter Te Alladein Laayi Thief Ne Bhawein Time Hoya Change Thalle Ohi Kaali Range Wich Ohi Same Yaar Saadde Ohi Same Beef Ne Time Hoya Change Thalle Ohi Kaali Range Wich Ohi Same Yaar Saadde Ohi Same Beef Ne Saadde Ohi Same Beef Ne Saadde Ohi Same Beef Ne Kaam Vadde Gallan Chhoti Hale Vi Sirre Vich Palde Saah Wali Topi Munde Ameer Ho Gaye Meri Rees Salla Par Rap Game Da Hale Vi Mere Moddeya Te Bhar Par Mere Mann Che Ni Gal Khoti, Meri Duaa Ni Saare Beh Ke Khaan Roti Hun Meri Zindagi Che Hor Silsile Bathere Rap Game Hun Mere Agge Gal Chhoti Oh Vi Daur Si Ni Jaddo Mein Chhadeya Peshawar Ve California Di Galiyaan Che Kadi Mein Taur Par Hun Vi Moose Toh Lahore Saadde Ohi Same Beef Ne Hun Maut Lute Na Kamaya Jaaye Zameen Te Hun Industry Respect Kare Naaz Mere Jeen De Kade Kade Aje Vi Ni Anda Menu Aap Te Yakeen Ke Mein Jaddo Di Dunali Kadi Industry Nu Gaali Kadi Roz Dindi Kamaayi Moti Meri Sectora Che Hun Kothi Meri Bhawein Time Hoya Change Thalle Ohi Kaali Range Wich Ohi Same Yaar Saadde Ohi Same Beef Ne Time Hoya Change Thalle Ohi Kaali Range Wich Ohi Same Yaar Saadde Ohi Same Beef Ne Saadde Ohi Same Beef Ne Saadde Ohi Same Beef Ne Ohve Biba Bhook De Aan Niveya Leyi Jhuk De Aan Rokeya Na Rukk De Aan Taahi Guddi Chadi Haan 3-4 Yaar Deni Doone Hathyaar Deni Vairi Gode Phal De Ohna De Leyi Ego Badi Hai PB X1 Chassi Hai Ni Gal Baat Khaasi Hai Ni Poori Badmaashi Hai Ni Gundeya De Chief Ne Bhawein Time Hoya Change Thalle Ohi Kaali Range Wich Ohi Same Yaar Saadde Ohi Same Beef Ne Time Hoya Change Thalle Ohi Kaali Range Wich Ohi Same Yaar Saadde Ohi Same Beef Ne Saadde Ohi Same Beef Ne Saadde Ohi Same Beef Ne Ohh Chill Vi Aan Fun Vi Aan Pyar Vi Aan Gun Vi Aan Ladna Ta Mann Vi Aan Mile Je Koi Chahuda Hai Vaadu Aeve Khul Ni Hona Hawa Vich Jhull Ni Hona Ik Gal Bhool Ni Hona Moosewala Chahunda Ae Jaan Ge Aa Jana Aage Bhidi Da Ni Insaana Aage Bhalleya Toofana Aage Tikke Kado Leaf Ne Bhawein Time Hoya Change Thalle Ohi Kaali Range Wich Ohi Same Yaar Saadde Ohi Same Beef Ne Time Hoya Change Thalle Ohi Kaali Range Wich Ohi Same Yaar Saadde Ohi Same Beef Ne Shehanshah Galiyaan Che Raja Bees West Coast To East Coast To Middle East Aje Vi Gaddi Di Seat Che Likha Geet Umeed Menu Lokka Nu Pasand Aan Mere Geet Bol Mere Jive AK47 Mashoor Meri GMC Di Kaali Dunali 3-4 Yaar Jede Sadda Mere Naal Baaki Sadiyaan Toh Sadde Metho Industry Saari Par Asi Taak De Raah Ni Kisi Di Saanu Shuru Toh Parwaah Ni Kise Di Ohi Same Yaar Saadde Ohi Same Beef Ne Saadde Moore Hor Chaldi Hawa Ni Kise Di Khede Game Jede Industry Nu Karo Blame Bhawein Time Hoya Change Mein Aje Vi Same Khede Game Jede Industry Nu Karo Blame Bhawein Time Hoya Change Mein Aje Vi Same Bhawein Time Hoya Change Thalle Ohi Kaali Range Wich Ohi Same Yaar Saadde Ohi Same Beef Ne Time Hoya Change Thalle Ohi Kaali Range Wich Ohi Same Yaar Saadde Ik Vaari Hor Bhawein Time Hoya Change Thalle Ohi Kaali Range Wich Ohi Same Yaar Saadde Ohi Same Beef Ne Time Hoya Change Thalle Ohi Kaali Range Wich Ohi Same Yaar Saadde Ohi Same Beef Ne Yeah A Whole Lot Of Fakeness Is Going On Haan But Shout Out To The Real Ones Stay Strong Respect Kaali Dunali PB X 1 4 L Aa Ho Dil Da Ni Maada Saadde Ohi Same Beef Ne Digital Distribution: YRF Digital in association with Unisys Infosolutions Stay in the filmy loop: ► Like us on Facebook: https://facebook.com/yrf ► Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/yrf ► Follow us on Instagram: https://instagram.com/yrf ► Visit us on: https://www.yashrajfilms.com © Yash Raj Films Pvt. Ltd. #YRF #SagaMusic #YRFnewreleases #Bohemia #SidhuMoosewala #BygByrd
Youtube Link
 Same Beef | Bohemia | Ft. | Sidhu Moose Wala | Byg Byrd | New Punjabi Song 2019
Lyrics, Beef, Bohemia, Bohemia New Song 2019, Bohemiya Rap Song, Byg, Byg Byrd, Byrd, Edit, Moose, Moose Wala Song, new punjabi song, new punjabi songs 2019, Punjabi, Punjabi Muisc, punjabi song, Punjabi Song 2019, Rap Song, Same Beef, Same Beef Bohemia, Same Beef Full Video Song, Same Beef Official Song, Same Beef Sidhu, Same Beef Sidhu Moosewala, Same Beef Song, Same Beep, Samebeef, Sidhu, Sidhu Moose Wala Same Beef, Sidhu Moose Wala Song, Sidhu Moosewala, Sidhu Moosewala New Song 2019, Song, Songs, Top 10 Punjabi Song, Wala from WordPress https://ift.tt/3cPNVHV via IFTTT
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pingueiros · 5 years
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LEGADO X " LIKE" MUSIC Essa Foto com certeza, vai parar sua internet! (brincadeirinha rsrs 😆) Vemos duas grandes lendas da música dos últimos anos, em um entrevista certa feita, o Rei do Pop, Michael Jackson, revelou que tudo que ele aplicava em sua música e arte, vinha de sua fonte inspiradora, que era o James Bronw, vendo isso percebo a importância do "LEGADO DE BONS CONTEÚDOS", que seja nas artes, comunicação, negócios, criatividade, enfim! Sempre terá alguém que vai replicar aquilo que você deixa de bom ou ruim. Hoje infelizmente a música é feita de forma instânea e rápida, para que vários clicks no "Like"desse contéudo, sejam revestidos em monetização. Na maioria, seus criadores fazem refrão e letras, chamadas de música "chiclete", para grudar na mente de quem consome, batidas e coreografias repetidas, são a bola da vez. Em uma semana são lançadas milhares músicas nas plataformas de streamings com temas voltados para a "bunda da mulher", casos de traição conjugal , onde a "Cachaça", é a solução para resolver todos os problemas. No meio dessa enchurrada de informações totalmente sem qualidade, vemos algumas luzes no final desse túnel, recentemente Emicida, Falção (Rappa), L-Ton, Séo Fernandes ,Natiruts, Israel Paixão, Preto no Branco, Clovis Pinho, Thalles Roberto, Projota, Kleber Lucas, Pregador Luo e Priscila Alcantara, lançaram canções que falam de Fé, Respeito, Empatia e Diversidade. Acredito que no futuro da música brasileira, com certeza teremos grandes artistas que deixaram LEGADOS, não se importando tanto com os LIKES. O Mundo precisa de novos Michael, James, Bob, etc....Urgente!😮 Paz & Música 🙏🏾🎙💻 Mr.PinGO Músico / Produtor Cultural / Criador de Conteúdos Digitais. @mrpingobrasil . . #musicabrasileira #reflexão #legado #spotifybrasil #michaeljackson #musicaboa #musicadequalidade #producaodeconteudo #producaomusical (em Em Brasilia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz_kbyElsTb/?igshid=10gva11w0z0x0
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netherwar-rpg-blog · 8 years
Do the different regions speak different languages? Apart from the common tongue? If so, what languages are they similar to?
Thanks for the question! I’ll turn this into a lore post. We’ve created the ancient magical language of the Elves from scratch, but the Eldrissian languages and accents aren’t something we’ve explored too heavily in (yet!).
- Admin G
The native language of Eldris is the ‘common tongue’.
Although there are no huge differences in language anymore in Eldris, the accents can vary. The southern people in Varthal still boast accents that are comparable to Spanish or Italian voices, the central regions are more prone to sounding English or Welsh (especially in Carn), whilst the north boast heavy voices that can be imagined as Norwegian or Swedish accents.
The ancient languge of Renorn is found in ancient tomes, temples and relics across the world. Its origins are unknown, but the Mages of the Star Tower believe it derives from humanity’s golden ages thousands of years ago. Few are truly fluent in the language, as it is technically extinct, but its influence is still visible as countries, cities and places still boast names from it.
For example:
the name Eldris literally means ‘the new land’ (el = new, dris=  land)
the country Varthall means ‘the fire core’ as it used to be a hotspot for dragons and phoenixes (va = fire, thall = core)
the Netherworld’s creatures, the Nevenii, are often just called Netherspawn in the common tongue. Nevenii means ‘demon’.
(PLOT NOTE: in reality, Renorn is the language of the Elf race but the races have not been seen for thousands of years and few believe now that they actually existed at all. This will be explored in future chapters of the story.)
(NOTE: the full language of Renorn is currently 12 pages long and we think it’s a good idea if we post a few extracts up so that Mages, who are the wisest and learned of all Humans, can boast some knowledge on it.)
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fefefernandes80 · 4 years
GoPro HERO8 Black agora como uma webcam HD
A GoPro anunciou que sua emblemática câmera HERO8 Black agora pode ser usada como uma webcam de ângulo amplo e 1080p em alta definição. Os usuários já podem atualizar a HERO8 Black com a versão beta do novo firmware e instalar o novo utilitário para desktop GoPro Webcam para usar a câmera como webcam. O software GoPro Webcam já está disponível para Mac OS, a versão para Windows está em desenvolvimento e chega em breve.
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Tutorialzão pra mostrar como dar um upgrade nas transmissões nesse momento em que as lives estão em tanta evidência . Pra quem quiser uma gopro nova minha indicação é a @brasiltronic. Tá com descontão no link da bio e ainda tem um desconto extra com código “trouva” ( aí q nojo…) . #GoPro #GoProMax #Live #stream @gopro @goprobr #homepro
A post shared by Thalles Viola Trouva (@trouva) on Apr 14, 2020 at 5:29pm PDT
“A GoPro vai trazer imagens impressionantes em ângulo amplo aos usuários de webcam”, afirma Nicholas Woodman, fundador e CEO da GoPro. “Com a atualização do firmware da câmera e a instalação do utilitário para desktop, que são feitos rapidamente, será possível usar a câmera HERO8 Black como webcam HD 1080p para videoconferências mais imersivas, aulas em ângulo amplo e muito mais. Agora é mais fácil enquadrar toda a cena, graças ao amplo campo de visão da HERO8 Black, e tudo terá uma aparência incrível, com a lendária qualidade de imagem da GoPro. Estamos animados em ajudar os usuários GoPro com webcam em casa!”
  Hoje em dia, todos têm necessidades diferentes de videoconferência. Profissionais do ensino, como chefs lecionando a aspirantes, personal trainers, pedagogos, escolas, professores etc., agora podem compartilhar facilmente uma perspectiva de ângulo amplo para demonstrar melhor seu ofício ao público que os vê pelo computador. E quem está simplesmente procurando uma webcam de alto desempenho vai gostar da capacidade da HERO8 Black de capturar imagens mais bonitas de pessoas e ambientes do que as webcams tradicionais.
É muito fácil utilizar sua HERO8 Black como webcam. Visite gopro.com e siga as etapas abaixo:
• Instale a versão beta do firmware da câmera na sua HERO8 Black.
• Instale o novo utilitário para desktop GoPro Webcam no seu computador.
• Conecte a HERO8 Black no seu computador utilizando qualquer cabo USB-C (o que veio com sua GoPro, por exemplo).
• Após acessar um aplicativo compatível de videoconferência, basta escolher a GoPro na lista de câmeras disponíveis e pronto!
Você poderá demonstrar as poses de ioga mais desafiadoras com a câmera a apenas alguns metros de distância. Assim, toda sua turma ainda poderá ouvir você dizendo “Vocês conseguem!”.
As diversas opções de suporte da GoPro ajudam sua criatividade na hora de criar novas perspectivas de compartilhamento de vídeo. Não importa se é uma sessão de aula em laboratório usando o versátil Clipe G iratório M agnético ou uma aula de culinária usando o Shorty , todas as imagens serão extremamente nítidas em 1080p de alta definição. Se preferir, você pode usar uma resolução de 720p.
A HERO8 Black e o utilitário para desktop GoPro Webcam são compatíveis com Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, Discord e BlueJeans, bem como Webex, Skype, Facebook Rooms, Facebook Messenger e Slack quando acessados pelo navegador Google Chrome no Mac OS. A HERO8 Black também pode usada para transmissão ao vivo no YouTube e começar uma nova gravação de vídeo no QuickTime.
Quem quiser fazer uma transmissão ao vivo com uma perspectiva sem uso de fios, pode usar as câmeras GoPro HERO8 Black , a HERO7 Black e a MAX para transmissão ao vivo diretamente no Twitch (novidade), no YouTube e em perfis e páginas do Facebook. Com RTMP, os usuários podem transmitir ao vivo também para o Vimeo, grupos do Facebook e o Workplace do Facebook.
Visite gopro.com para acessar a versão beta do firmware da HERO8 Black e o utilitário para desktop GoPro Webcam. Saiba mais sobre o GoPro Webcam no blog da GoPro The Inside L i ne .
The post GoPro HERO8 Black agora como uma webcam HD appeared first on FHOX.
Texto Original Publicado em: – Fhox
Via: Blog da Fefe
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cancersfakianakis1 · 6 years
A Phase I/II Trial of Reirradiation for Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma
Publication date: Available online 2 January 2019
Source: International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics
Author(s): Mark J. Amsbaugh, Anita Mahajan, Peter F. Thall, Mary Frances McAleer, Arnold C. Paulino, David Grosshans, Soumen Khatua, Leena Ketonen, Hiral Fontanilla, Susan L. McGovern
To identify an optimal dose for reirradiation (reRT) of diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG).
ReRT dose levels were selected using an adaptive utility based dose-finding method. The co-primary endpoints were toxicity (mild, moderate, high, or severe) and efficacy, evaluated one month following reRT. Efficacy was defined as improvements in imaging, clinical status, and quality of life (QOL). Secondary endpoints were progression free and overall survival. Utility of each dose level was calculated based on a combined toxicity/efficacy score, ranging from 0 for (severe toxicity, no efficacy) to 100 for (mild toxicity, all three efficacy improvements).
Twelve patients completed reRT at three dose levels: 24Gy in 12 fractions (6 patients), 26.4 Gy in 12 fractions (4 patients) and 30.8 Gy in 14 fractions (2 patients). One patient treated at dose level 3 developed a grade 3 acute toxicity. Five of the six patients receiving 24 Gy demonstrated improvement in two of three efficacy domains, and the sixth demonstrated improvement in all efficacy domains. Of four patients receiving 26.4 Gy, one demonstrated no improvement and one patient each demonstrated improvement in one, two and three efficacy domains. Of two patients receiving 30.8 Gy, one demonstrated improvement in three efficacy domains and one did not complete the QOL and wasn't assessed. Mean utilities were 88 for dose level 1, 76 for dose level 2, and 25 for dose level 3. For all patients, the median overall survival was 19.5 months from initial diagnosis (95% CI 15.6 - 21.1 months) and the median progression free survival was 4.5 months from start of reRT (95% CI 2.7 - 6.2 months).
ReRT can safely be delivered for progressive DIPG. Clinical improvement was seen in almost all patients. Utility analysis suggests that a regimen of 24 Gy in 12 fractions is preferred.
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butikten · 6 years
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ithuocviet · 4 years
 Thực phẩm bảo vệ sức khỏe
Thành phần:
Trong 2 viên nang có:
Chiết xuất vỏ quá bứa (Garcinia cambogia): 300mg
trong đó hydroxycitric axit: 150mg
Bột tảo Fucus thalle (Fucus vesiculosus): 140mg
Vitamin C (từ L- ascorbic acid): 84mg
Chiết xuất lá trà xanh: 60mg
trong đó: polyphenols: 18mg
caffein: 3mg
Crom (từ Crom picolinate): 20mcg
Phụ liệu: Vỏ nang: hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose, chất chống đông vón: muối magie của axit béo.
Công dụng:
Hỗ trợ chuyển hóa năng lượng, hỗ trợ giảm mệt mỏi.
Hỗ trợ cải thiện chỉ số đường huyết.
Đối tượng sử dụng:
Người trưởng thành.
Lưu ý:
Không dùng cho người mẫn cảm với bất kỳ thành phần nào của sản phẩm.
Sản phẩm có chứa cafein, không dùng cho trẻ em, phụ nữ mang thai hoặc đang cho con bú.
Xuất xứ: Pháp
Thương nhân nhập khẩu và chịu trách nhiệm sản phẩm:
CÔNG TY TNHH SESSIA Địa chỉ: A231OT01, Tầng 31 Aqua 2 Vinhomes Golden River, Số 2 Tôn Đức Thắng, Phường Bến Nghé, Quận 1, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh
Nguồn: SV
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