#countdown to dawntrail
tsupertsundere · 2 days
"I really can't wait. Once we set sail..."
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✩✫✧✩✫beginnings, #countdown to dawntrail week seven!
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nolanel-corbeaux · 3 days
Towards Finality
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This fight was probably my favorite in all of Endwalker! Much love to my partner @iron-sparrow, my friends @hazelkjt, @this-is-ris, and all my other friends who aren't on tumblr for joining me in finally getting my P12S clear after my previous static imploded! It was a complete joy of a fight, unlike trying to find Athena's dang model (hint, not under name but under number).
Endwalker as a whole has been a wonderful journey from the start, where my friends and I all got up as early as possible to enjoy the start together, to the new friends I made along the way, and all the accomplishments I've done! Endwalker will forever hold a special place in my heart.
I am looking forwards to our new journeys!
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voidsentprinces · 2 months
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Graphic design is my passion...anyway!
Welcome to the Countdown to Dawntrail, at time of posting, we have 9 Weeks to go!
So here's the deal. You select one (or more if you want) prompts. And either write or screenshot to correspond with it. And then just do it within the week. No need for daily submission, just...whenever you have time for it. Stress free. Don't feel rushed. Just do it when you got the chance and inclination. Stretch those creative muscles when possible. And I hope my lack of good looking *gestures* encourages those with lesser experience in writing, gposing, what have you...to join in.
For those whose phone won't load the picture or whatever:
Beginning City
Starting Job
XIVth Legion
A Realm Reborn Raid
The Crystal Braves
Beast Tribe
Discipline of Hand or Land Guild
A Realm Reborn Dungeon
A Realm Reborn Region
You can just @ me if you want to show off and I'll reblog. But its just something fun and relaxing to do.
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this-is-ris · 7 days
⋆。Well come and well met, my brave little spark⋆°
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Day 1- A Realm Reborn:
A new realm, far from the comforts of what was once her home in Golmore- Ris sets off on a new path- one of light and love to offer to every soul she meets in Eorzea.
Where will this worn cobblestone path lead her, she wonders.
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aethergazing · 6 days
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⠀── ๋࣭ ⭑★ DAY 1 - A REALM REBORN.
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grimdraaaws · 19 days
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The Leveilleur Twins
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viiioca · 2 months
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thou art of the godless blessed's number.
From the journal of Estelle de Laussienne:
Oh, but the world looked so civilized from atop the Pillars, did it not? Our tables did not empty, even as our croplands froze over. Our priests tended kindly to their flocks. There was no need for fire and brimstone at our pulpits on high; we had more than enough fuel for the hearth as it was. When you are a thousand malms from conflict, even a goddess of war might seem to soften at her sharp edges, fat from plenty.
The world is not like this. I have walked among the leanness of the Brume, but it would take the "beastmen" to teach me the margins of survival. There are no kind gods among the hungry. To look upon a primal is to know that even our prayers can be made cannibals if threatened to starve.
With a cache of crystals and all the animal rage in my body, in that moment, I might have summoned my goddess, too.
And she would have been ravenous.
[ countdown to dawntrail | prompt: primal ]
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eidingate · 1 month
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Countdown to Dawntrail: Iceheart
What if we were two Echo users whose hearts ached for each other from the first blush, but you'd already committed yourself to a cause in the name of a dead woman you never knew, thought you had to commit your heart to an ancient love that could never be yours, and every time we came close to expressing the need for each other, the world reared up once again? What if we were only ever silences unbroken but we peered into each other's hearts and memories in all their messiness and wished we'd been given a chance to find a place in them?
For @voidsentprinces's Countdown to Dawntrail week two prompts
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otherworldseekers · 2 months
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Countdown to Dawntrail Week 1: ARR
Beginning City
Starting Job
XIVth Legion
A Realm Reborn Raid
Disciple of Hand or Land
A Realm Reborn Dungeon
A Realm Reborn Region
Decided to group all the ones I did into one post. This is a very fun challenge. Thanks @voidsentprinces!
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fantasmagoriam · 2 months
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First day in Gridania
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thelittlestancient · 6 days
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Countdown to Dawntrail: A Realm Reborn!
Rakuyo's timeline starts to vary from canon during the 2.x patch sequence, and this illustration by @mythlorn captures the moment when it really goes off the rails. Instead of killing Nabriales, Rakuyo chooses to spare him in exchange for knowledge of Ascian magic. What ensues is a series of lessons interspersed with sparring beyond the gates of Revenant's Toll, amongst the charged crystals of Mor Dhona.
The partnership between them takes time to develop in full, but when the traitorous Crystal Braves attempt to seize the town in 2.55, they're met by a force consisting of the Doman refugees and a small contingent of A Realm Reborn's outcasts, led by Nabriales and assisted by Foulques and Riol.
Rakuyo is canonically still a BLM during this time period, and his 'canon outfit' is the Demon Robe of Casting, its colors adjusted to better show his Doman background, the Demon Skirt of Casting, and the Brand New Thighboots. The side crystal from the robe has been removed; ICly, the crystal in the front clasp is his original Crystal of Light.
His tail is very long and nearly-prehensile; he often uses it in combat to disrupt and control his enemies. Be wary when facing him, lest he use it to bind you as he's done with Nabriales here...
(Nabriales voice: kinky)
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nolanel-corbeaux · 4 days
Remembering Shadowbringers
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This fight is still my favorite fight of all time. Eden's Promise is the tier that got me into raiding, as well as introduced me to many people who would continue to be the best part of my life.
Also featuring the armor I wore during Shadowbringers (although I was a Hyur then). The Diamond Armor of Fending still holds a special place in my heart as well.
As always, though, I am looking forward to the future as I walk into Dawntrail with high hopes, my friends, and my wonderful partner.
See you in Dawntrail!
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voidsentprinces · 2 months
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I continue to excel at Graphic design...trust me.
Welcome to the Countdown to Dawntrail, at time of posting, we have 8 Weeks to go!
Missed the first week? Impossible. These prompts don't have a time limit except...like...maybe if you want to do them before Dawntrail it'd be better but, AGAIN: The spirit of this Countdown is we all have lives and different levels of motivation and focus to do things. So do them when you CAN. Like one prompt from one week but not another? Want to pick and choose from week to week or skip one? Totally fine! Just DO THEM WHEN YOU ARE ABLE for THERE IS NO RUSH!
Stress free. Just do it when you got the chance or inclination TO do so. Remember to stretch those creative muscle when possible. And I hope my continued lack of *gestures* encourages those new to the scene or more inexperienced to participate. Writing, screenshots or however else you feel like attending this, feel free to join in at your leisure.
Or there are 8 weeks and 5 expansion. If you want to see a prompt that I don't provide. Give feed back and I'll fill those last 4 weeks with recommended prompts.
For those whose phones won't load the picture or for whatever other reason:
The Parting Glass
Ishgard uwu
The Warring Triad
The Heavens' Ward
A Knight's Calling
Favorite Heavensward Dungeon
Favorite Heavensward Raid
Favorite Heavensward Region
Remember to @ me and I'll get around to reblogging your uhh...whats the word? Entry?
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this-is-ris · 6 days
Now sing with me once more, share of your Life
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Day Two- Heavensward
My beloved friend, may Menphina's arms embrace you into the aetherial sea, much like you embraced us into your life- with the warmest smile this star has ever seen.
I miss you....my mugs of hot chocolate are not the same without your comforting company.
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aethergazing · 6 days
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⠀── ๋࣭ ⭑★ DAY 2 - HEAVENSWARD.
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elliewiltarwyn · 1 month
Countdown to Dawntrail: Scions
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At first, none of them seem particularly impressed. She gets the idea that they've all heard their fair share of lectures on the greater good and the grand visions the speaker seeks to achieve.
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The moment the Antecedent speaks of the gift they all share, the "gift" that had been haunting her for months now, and provides an explanation for it, her guard begins to fall.
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It doesn't take long for the other two to swear their allegiances, heartened by her words. She, however, still feels a discomfort in her breast that prevents her from immediately joining them.
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It's an awfully big burden they're being asked to shoulder, after all. Is this really what her chosen path had been leading towards?
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Their eyes rest on her curiously, expectantly. Looking upon her with something akin to hope.
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She can't remember the last time anyone trusted her with anything like hope.
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"I will go whither the wild rose blooms." The words are strangely frightening, but she says them earnestly.
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Lilyana squeals happily as she claps her hands in delight, and even the rather-surly gladiator has deigned to smirk in her direction. It's Minfilia's grateful smile that captures her attention though -- makes her think maybe these Scions have something going for them after all.
the prompt is a couple of weeks old i know, and it's a lot of shots, but the idea of capturing this moment (that i've actually novelized lolwut) took hold of me and wouldn't let go. maybe i should look into adding the dialogue or narration in the shots themselves with those dialogue templates. hm.
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