#tgg theories
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riddles-n-games · 10 months ago
Guys, I know that Slate is already hot but like, what if he had an Australian accent? What would we do then? What would GIGI do then? Hmm? 👀
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dealinquent · 7 months ago
finally started reading TGG!! about 30% in, here are my theories/ predictions- please NO SPOILERS! don't confirm or deny any of the following and ruin my experience x
Originally thought Xander found Lyra and got her invited to the Game.
However, I think Odette is actually Alice Hawthorne, and SHE found Lyra because Alice would know what happened with her dad. Crazy, but not impossible.
^This would mean she's responsible for the Thomas notes on the tree
Lyra is obviously gonna win, but if not her then I'm banking on Rohan.
The whole Knox-Brady-Calla thing is still vague, but they've gotta be connected to Lyra I feel like. "No man is an island" and all that.
Gonna keep updating this as I read on !!
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balladofareader · 7 months ago
I had a thought...that maybe Lyra's dad isn't dead. This may not make sense because I had this thought at night, BUT MAYBE???!!! Like, his face was blown up so, who could tell it was really him?
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clarissaweasley-10 · 6 months ago
just a hunch but do you think the words in those cards are gonna be "sister?".cuz we have already got the first three words, which spell out s-i-s-t.... next up we are obviously gonna have Jamie ( i think it's confirmed) and probably another Gray card (to complete all the Hawthorne bros) so exactly 2 more cards to come, meaning two more letters.... that is unless this is an anagram and not an actual word...
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po1sonous-l0ve · 6 months ago
So you know about the character cards and the bolded letters?
Can be rearranged to
But wait!
We still have more letters to come!
From who? Jameson, probably. And I bet there's a reason why he's being saved for last.
He could have two letters. He's a big player in the game, and has a lot of significance.
Do you know what I think the letters will be?
B and I.
Because with that it can be rearranged to spell
But what about the spare S?
See the vision? And who's known for dabbling in bitcoin?
Xander. So maybe he'll have some significance?
Idk it's a bit of a far stretch.
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two-braincells-in-total · 7 months ago
You are definitely onto something with the sisters thing, but I don't think Thomas is the mutual parent. Calla's father was mentioned and it doesn't make sense for Thomas to be having a double life since it's Lyra's mom who left, but they might have the same mom.
Maybe that's exactly why she left, she already had a kid. And maybe it was Calla's dad who killed Thomas, because I'm pretty sure it's impossible for someone to stab himself in the stomach, write on the wall with his blood and then blow his face off, he was murdered.
The writing on the wall brings me to my theory about a cult (because of the mention of 3, "the grandest of games" and the omega symbol) in which both Alice and Calla's family is part of and that's why it was Alice who killed him, following orders from Calla's dad
i have a feeling that lyra and calla are sisters.
HEAR ME OUT, jlb has done it before with cassie and lauren it wouldn’t surprise me that thomas killed himself (or maybe he was killed) because he had a double life with lyras mom.
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riddles-n-games · 7 months ago
TGG Cards Theory
Warning: Spoliers
Now that the book is out, I think it's so much clearer, at least in some cases what the specifics of each character card (number and symbol) signifies:
Grayson, 8 of hearts: 8th player that was a last minute addition to the Grandest Game and part of the Hearts team.
Knox, 9 of clubs: He was nine when he met Brady and defended him from a bully and on the Clubs team.
Brady, 6 of clubs: He was six when he met Knox and was also on Clubs. In tandem with Knox's number, their cards likely have to do with the flashback when they first met.
Odette, 3 of hearts: Although I could say it means she's the third member of the Hearts team, it's probably about her three truths from the scene where she opens up to Gray and Lyra about her dying. (Also, what are the odds that she just so happens to be our third elderly character that's dying? Sure Tobias was dead by the time we're introduced to the Hawthornes but he was dying and his family didn't know about it.)
Savannah, queen of diamonds: Obviously, she was one of the two members of the Diamonds team and also, impertinently labeled the queen that Rohan was going to use as a chip on his board. I also think it just generally meant her personality that he was describing in that way.
Lyra, queen of hearts: A member of the Hearts team and I think her being a queen in this case has a lot to do with her involvement in the Game and on her team. Like, her back story, her ambitions, her wants, her characteristics of a leader, and maybe even that future romantic entanglement with Grayson as queen of his heart. After all, as Nash said, "Our games have heart."
Rohan, ace of diamonds: Other half of the Diamonds team and I think the ace just refers to him putting himself as number one because of his ambitions while of course believing himself to be the rightful winner. He also is an ace of many talents.
Gigi, queen of clubs: Third member of the Clubs team and I think her role can be similarly summarized like Lyra's but different in the sense that she was very much holding down the fort with Knox and Brady's shenanigans, leading them in an unexpected way, stuff like that. And she was also fiercely determined to prove herself that she deserved a place in the Game and accepted defeat gracefully at the end of the book.
But that's just my theory. Tell me yours in the comments or reblogs.
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swiftreader1989 · 4 months ago
new theories I will consider going into the glorious rivals
FIRST THEORY: KAILEY IS LYRA'S MOM - kailey is alive and is lyra's mom. when reading the games untold I found the small bits of kailey and lyra's mom to be too similar: these are my reasons ↓ @emreads294 introduced this theory and made a great post abt it (go check it out!)
1.) kailey loves to dance, it's all she ever does and even in hannah's dream she appears to tell her to keep dancing and to teach her future daughter to do so as well. now I imagine kailey aka "lyra's mom" to also hold that true to herself, putting her daughter in ballet and what is basically so much of who lyra is. OFC lyra is going to be dancer if kailey loved it too. I can also imagine kailey being distraught, confused, and upset when lyra quits dancing her senior year of hs.
2.) kailey and lyra's mom both have very bubbly personalities and so much optimism just by the short bits we've seen of them. also kailey is said to have a bit of a short temper, who has that as well? LYRA. kailey LOVES to curse and say "bitch". guess who also loves to curse and has her own trademark aka "asshole", LYRA.
3.) kailey saying "you, glorious thing, you" comes up about five times in the hannah and toby's story. what's the next title of the next book? GLORIOUS RIVALS. now you're probably like yas you sound crazy rn and you're probably right... I do. but jlb never does anything unintentional especially if this phrase comes up so much in the span of such a short story. could this be foreshadowing of role kailey has in the next book and the rivals at play?
4.) @emreads294 brought up another great point as well and said kailey was known to be very nicknamey. meaning she loved to give people nicknames and what does lyra's mom call her? YOU AVOIDER. because she rarely calls her mother. something kailey would say...
5.) this is also random but kailey and catalina both have the same meaning aka pure. which I thought was cute and interesting if that's lyra's mother. we also do not know lyra's mom's name but her stepfather's? that's a little fishy and mysterious if you ask moi.
-toby sent lyra the game invite in hopes to redeem himself for the guilt he's had for "killing" hannah's sister kailey.
-he says he will always be sorry for what he did to her and carries that burden. so when he finds out that kailey IS ALIVE & has a daughter named lyra. he's probably shook and thinks to himself that hannah not only had a niece but avery has a cousin.
-AND by reading toby and avery's relationship they are daughter and father. making lyra in a way his niece. so toby as an "uncle" gives her the invitation because if he can help anyone related to hannah out he will do so especially if he thought kailey was dead.
-who else would say "you deserve this" not eve or alice. they're both psychotic bitches who care for no one but themselves. I like to think uncle toby ate and sent lyra to the game!
what are your thoughts?!
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hellsitegenetics · 1 year ago
Marxism, Ideology and socioeconomic theory developed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. The fundamental ideology of communism, it holds that all people are entitled to enjoy the fruits of their labour but are prevented from doing so in a capitalist economic system, which divides society into two classes: nonowning workers and nonworking owners. Marx called the resulting situation “alienation,” and he said that when the workers repossessed the fruits of their labour, alienation would be overcome and class divisions would cease. The Marxist theory of history posits class struggle as history’s driving force, and it sees capitalism as the most recent and most critical historical stage—most critical because at this stage the proletariat will at last arise united.
String identified: a, g a ccc t a a a c g. T ata g c, t tat a a tt t t t t a t a t g a catat cc t, c ct t t ca: g a g . a ca t tg tat “aat,” a a tat t t t t a, aat c a ca ca. T at t t t ca tgg a t’ g c, a t cata a t t ct a t ctca tca tag—t ctca ca at t tag t taat at at a t.
Closest match: Thelaira solivaga genome assembly, chromosome: 2 Common name: Fly
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porschethemermaid · 2 years ago
The parallels tho
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when you try to convince your idealistic boyfriend to join your evil ways but ultimately fail
The Gifted Graduation 10 II Not Me 13
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herondalesbooklover · 4 months ago
*might be long, but it is worth it*
I think most of us so far think that the whole calla thing is somehow related to lyra, in what way idk, but it looks like it.
So I was rereading tgg, and I realized that knox mentioned liking constellations:
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This looks like such a random comment to mention, a guy like knox wouldn't just randomly say that without having a deeper meaning, and check this out!
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Both lyra and orion (calla's dad) are constellation names!!!!
Lyra's constellation means this and is related to the myth of orpheus (somethings might be there considering the whole omega thing)
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And look at the meaning of orion's constellation:
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It says hunter. We know that so far Orion is not a good person and he is filthy rich. We also know that someone is going after lyra, that someone definitely has money. What if Orion is the one behind the wild card and lyra??
It is interesting that someone in the island wrote thomas' name for lyra to find it, we know that odette, rohan, gigi and savannah weren't, and I don't think there are too many extra threats in the island, Oren would have found them, so one of the contestants must have been the one to write the notes. Isn't it crazy that the two options left are the characters related to calla?
Also, let's not forget three details:
1° Brady mentioned that the Thorp family has some illigitimate branches. What if Thomas is somewhere there interwined.
2° Knox is literally playing for Orion.
3° Something happened between Severin and the Thorp family. This might seen unrelated, but I have a feeling that it is not.
What do you think? Please I need more theories!! THIS BLEW MY MIND!
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chesie-blog2 · 4 months ago
TGG analysis Part 1
Hi, this is part one of my analysis of the great game. In this post i’ll be highlighting moments which display Sherlock’s growing fascination with Moriarty and Moriarty’s undeniable obsession with Sherlock. I aim to (at some point) explain their dynamic beyond the romantic undertones already present in a lot of their lines. This is only an intro into my big theory - the analysis of pool scene.
*low k might be my fav ep
Sherlock’s obsession with Moriarty
Moriarty’s obsession with Sherlock
these may or may not be just shameless (intellectual) flirting
Here is what i wrote down while watching, might be a little sparse, but the important bits are all there. Also disclaimer: my formatting skills suck and i’ll be editing the post a lot post posting (now that’s a trippy sentence), because i can’t sleep at night knowing i don’t make any sense 💀
p.s. - every quote that's numbered is also provided at the end of the post (Moriarty's words said by the victims), they’re important as i think it’s Moriarty’s way of avoiding vulnerability.
There’s an explosion at Baker street. Sherlock is unharmed but gets a package. A pink phone replica. 5 pips = 5 bombs = five tests. On said phone a picture of 221C that Moriarty knew Sherlock’s seen before. in there Carl Powers’ shoes.
Sherlock gets a call (1): “Hello, sexy. I’ve sent you a little puzzle just to say hi.” Sherlock: “the curtain rises. i’ve been expecting this for some time”. He’s excited, and he’s been waiting for Moriarty to act ever since A Study In Pink. 
In the lab, right before Jim comes in. “Why is Mycroft trying to bore me, when someone else is being so delightfully interesting” ((ok not to be biased but that is literally sherlockese for “i have a crush on a boy 🤭” ))
Jim walks in, Sherlock looks at him(reads him in a fraction of a second). Jim looks Sherlock up and down. No but literally how did no one notice his weird fan behaviour around Sherlock?? Molly was invisible to him and he was speaking to John while staring at Sherlock.
(Also can i just mention how Sherlock says “tinted eyelashes” when proving why he thinks Jim is gay and the picture is of his eyebrows) 
Carl Powers, “it’s where i began” Sherlock’s first case - Moriarty’s first crime it's pink this time cuz this is so gay at the age of 14 (20 years ago). Tbh we don’t know if it’s Moriarty’s first crime but i just find it romantic to think so. Of course he could’ve committed that one just to get Sherlock’s attention OR his obsession with Sherlock started after that, because maybe Sherlock's involvement in that case led him to believe that they were “meant to be” rivals. Perfect opposites (i mean they’re like 80% similar but sure dude). Basically he felt personally seen by someone who had the incentive to dig deeper, beyond the standard practices of police work, someone who believes that there is more to see.
Sherlock solves the case, blogs about his findings, communicating with moriarty and making him stop the clock 3:“well done you, come and get me”. When alone Sherlock says to himself: “Elegant”.  “No, i can’t be the only person in the world that gets bored.” As one wise person has said: any emotion that is experienced by a character in private is real. (SHOUTOUT TO @asherlockstudy) This of course applies to truths as well, and here Sherlock is being as honest as possible. This line proves how much Sherlock truly needs Moriarty, someone who understands that inexplicable pain of being bored. Just by knowing that someone like that exists, Sherlock feels understood, freed from the loneliness of being estranged, from the discomfort of being a “freak”. This game is the highest form of entertainment, something that allows him to be himself and to be valued for it. But more on that in the pool scene.
Another puzzle, 8 hours. (5): “We were made for eachother Sherlock”*Sherlock smiles* and softly says “Then talk to me in your own voice”bro is cheezing after the call bro…
“Our friendly bomber. I am on fire!”(he’s having fun ☺️) 
(6):“you can come and fetch me” Sherlock is smiling like crazy again.
John: “It’s all meant for you”. Sherlock: “Yes, i know 😏” !!!!! (video 1 below for the face expressions) (btw I was literally just filming my laptop so sorry for the shit quality, I just want to have proof for my yapp :DD)
Like how special one must feel to have someone be willing to kill tens or even hundreds of people just to entertain you? It’s not even about the lives to be honest, just the fact that someone is creating these personalised little puzzles. Like, isn’t that hot? This is also one of the MANY moments when John expresses his disapproval for Sherlock’s involvement in this game, mostly the giddiness about it. This will be important later on (i’m edging y’all so hard with this hinting :Ddd but i’m writing this after everything else so oops).
Sherlock is kinda defends(?) Moriarty, when Lestrade asks why is the bomber doing this. Sherlock answers *shrug* “good samaritan”, Greg is all like ‘he’s a bomber, hello?’ Sherlock: “bad samaritan 🤟😗” (Idk what's with the emojis but I just wanted to show how relaxed and goofy he was about it all). Basically, Sherlock interprets Moriarty’s “game” as a personal service, despite it being morally questionable.(ok but bro can’t stay serious, like he’s smiling all the time “[we’re dealing with] something new 😁” )
Ok now that i’m going over everything for the millionth time i noticed that this moment here was one of the worst attempts of hiding his “intellectual crush”. Sherlock isn’t big for conventional morality, and i’ll touch on that later, but this was so unserious it almost seemed like he became more comfortable in himself. He began to see that saying out of pocket or perhaps cynical stuff like that is fine, however much of a crime against “preserving the social peace of normies” it seems to be. I made that shit up, hopefully y’all get what this means :D Having someone like Moriarty allowed him to question his own role in society and how he, despite often being against succumbing to what's normal(and boring), conforms to it, to society, which further strengthens his feelings of estrangement. We're getting kafkaesque in here, boys! (sorry)
“Novel” Sherlock realised Moriarty is a consultant criminal(he organises crimes but no one has direct contact to him). When John asks (again) why Moriarty’s doing this, Sherlock can’t help but smile. “i think he wants to be distracted” *says in a breathy tone(intrigued/touched)* (WAIT I didn't know I could only put 1 video omg I literally feel 80 years old, how does Tumblr work!? *crying*) So Sherlock was staring into space, his face lit up upon realizing that him and Jim are the same, that they experience the same things and blah blah blah he looks horny in this scene I legit don't know what to even say bruh. (I'm mad that I couldn't put the video in lmaoo)
No but fr John noticed Sherlock has an intellectual crush on Moriarty and was annoyed at how entertained (and fulfilled) Sherlock was by this morally grey game.
The golem was hired to kill the astronomer guy and his friend professor because they would’ve been able to expose that the painting was a fake based on the stars. Sherlock figures it all out: “Oh that is brilliant, that is gorgeous. this is beautiful. Love this!”. The gallery woman admits to the fraud. Sherlock learns that this is in fact Moriarty behind this. *smiles*. 
our baby boy solved everything and now is curled up, watching shit telly :( 
Sherlock was waiting for John to leave to write to (more like at) Moriarty *smiles*. He lied to John about having given the missile plans to Mycroft. Sherlock actively wants to keep John out of this, because of his disapproval, John finds Sherlock’s fascination with Moriarty repulsive. 
So to summarize the absolute randomness I spew out in this thing: the connection between Sherlock and Moriarty is quite vague, but ultimately based on their eccentricity(and in this case it doesn't really matter if(more like "how") it's romantic). I'll talk about it all in the big post I PROMISE, this is just the intro so you can follow my impossible thought process. Another important thing: John as the symbol of conventionality and morality. That's it, I'll post again in like a month because the feeling of responsibility paralyzes me LMAO. ok bye ;)
Moriarty’s words said by the victims:
“hello, sexy. i’ve sent you a little puzzle just to say hi.”
“12 hours to solve the puzzle, sherlock, or i’m going to be so naughty”
“well done you, come and get me.”
“clever you, guessing about carl powers. i never liked him. carl laughed at me, so i stopped him laughing. This is about you and me.”
“the clue is in the name “janus cars”[s:why’d you be giving me a clue] why does anyone do anything? because i’m bored. we were made for eachother sherlock”
“you can come and fetch me” 
“i like to watch you dance” 
“you’re enjoying this, aren’t you? joining the dots.”
“nice touch this, the pool, where little carl died. i stopped him. i can stop john watson too, stop his heart”
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riddles-n-games · 1 year ago
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Basically them when they get pissed off at each other. Actually, calling this their meet cute.
Grayson is gonna be with a curvy queen, that's honestly so on brand for him 😫
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zeldatoriadiangelo · 6 months ago
Glorious Rivals Theory Time!!!
So there is the scene is TGG where Grayson is all stressed over Lyra going too close to the cliff's edge. We know his trauma there. And I have no doubt that Eve knows this trauma as well. It feels like a bit of foreshadowing
My theory is that Eve will at one point threaten Grayson (because in The Brothers Hawthorne she is still targeting him) by saying she would throw Lyra off the cliff. That or like Gigi because we know Slate has Gigi. Or even Savannah (who I think is working with Eve in some wack dealio) jumping to trap Grayson for Eve.
Regardless, someone Grayson cares for dearly is going off a cliff and he is gonna relive his trauma in the worst way.
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balladofareader · 7 months ago
Mrs. Barnes asked me who my favorite tgg character is, I told her Gigi and she told me, 'You know, I can't tell you much, but I'm excited for what's to come for Gigi in the next book.'
Me: *D.I.E.S*
Any theories on what happens to Gigi in Glorious Rivals??
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clarissaweasley-10 · 7 months ago
TGG UNHINGED THEORY: So we already know that "a Hawthorne did this" means "Alice Hawthorne did this." We also know that the letter Lyra got wasn't from the Hawthornes or Avery.. So, it makes me think... It is very much possible that Alice is the watcher, and she obviously knows Lyra cuz she's the fricking reason Lyra's dad committed suicide in front of her. What if she was the one who sent Lyra that invitation letter to the game? The letter says, "you deserve this." Ik this is unlikely, but what if it's her way of making it up to Lyra for taking her dad away. Or maybe it's some sort of a test. There is still the riddle to consider. What if Alice WANTS Lyra to solve the mystery of her dad's death? and in the case it is possible that she was the one who wrote the wrote containing Lyra's dad's name too..
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