#tfp cliffjumper x reader
doctorsilverhead · 28 days
Autobot Leader Grieves Fallen Comrade (Optimus X Human Y/N)
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Optimus Prime stood in front of Y/N's lifeless body, his spark heavy with grief and sorrow. The battle between the Autobots and Decepticons had been brutal, and Y/N had sacrificed herself to protect her comrades. As the leader of the Autobots, Optimus had seen many losses, but this one hit him particularly hard.
He knelt down beside her, his massive frame dwarfing her small, fragile form. Gently, he reached out and brushed a strand of hair from her face, his metal fingers trembling slightly. Y/N had been a brave soldier and a loyal friend, always ready to fight for what she believed in.
Optimus bowed his head, his optics dimming as he struggled to control his emotions. Around him, the other Autobots stood in respectful silence, their own sparks aching with the loss of their comrade. Bumblebee, who had been particularly close to Y/N, let out a mournful whir, his doorwings drooping.
"Y/N was a true hero," Optimus said softly, his deep voice resonating with emotion. "She fought with courage and determination, and she will be deeply missed by all who knew her. We will honor her memory by continuing the fight against the Decepticons, and by protecting her species."
With a heavy spark, Optimus carefully lifted Y/N's body into his arms, cradling her against his chest. He would ensure that she received a proper burial, befitting a warrior of her caliber. As he turned to leave, he caught sight of the devastation around him - the smoldering ruins of buildings, the twisted metal of destroyed vehicles. But amidst the chaos, he also saw hope - the determined faces of his fellow Autobots, ready to continue the fight in Y/N's name.
"Till all are one," Optimus murmured, his optics glowing with resolve. "Till all are one."
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weenwrites · 1 year
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Cooking A Meal: Part 1
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Summary - You ask one of the bots to cook you a meal, but honestly it goes about as well as you'd expect. Characters - Optimus, Ratchet, Ultra Magnus, Arcee, Cliffjumper, Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Smokescreen, Wheeljack Content - Crack Category - Headcanons Trigger Warnings - None
✎ A/N: This is an un-revised shitpost, not something too serious.
[ Please do not repost, plagiarize, or use my writing for AI! Translating my work with proper credit is acceptable, but please ask first! ]
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He doesn't know anything about human cooking, but he tries for you. He's good at following a recipe, but he'll come to you every now and then to ask what something means or to have you try what he's made thus far and see if it's to your liking.
He tries making healthy meals that would cater to your tastes, and he's good at finding recipes for foods you definitely would like, it's just that when it comes to doing the actual cooking itself, it's executed rather poorly. He's not too bad, but honestly he might just under or overcook something and feed you some runny, rubbery scrambled eggs for example.
When it comes to presentation, he honestly doesn't do much in that area. He just puts the food on a plate or in a bowl and serves it to you with the appropriate eating utensil.
It may be a mediocre meal, but at the end of the day at least he cleans up after himself.
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He's very precise with the measurements and he's an expert with a knife. Ratchet's real good at working with his hands, given his occupation as a doctor, and honestly he'd make a pretty good cook! That is, if he understood more about human cuisine...
He doesn't understand why some humans enjoy their eggs with runny yolks or some of their food to be under-cooked, and he doesn't want to give you salmonella or any other disease, so he'll end up overcooking the eggs. The same goes for any slab of meat you give him. Ask him to cook you a steak and he'll serve you what looks like a burnt block of leather that's so dry you can stand it up on it's side.
The presentation of the entire meal is plain and looks boring. He just serves everything to you separately in their own bowls or plates, and never on the same plate. But he says that the important thing is that you're eating something, not the way it's presented.
And at least he cleans up his own messes.
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Ultra Magnus
He follows everything to a T. Each measurement he makes is precise, so he doesn't make too much or too little of anything. However, he'll make healthy meals for you to eat. A meal that has a bit of everything from the food triangle unless you're vegan or vegetarian. He'll refuse to make you anything unhealthy,
He even tries to present the food in a fancy-ish way! However, it's somewhat akin to being presented with a whole bunch of paperwork to fill out. The important stuff on the top (or in this case the healthiest stuff to eat) and the least important stuff on the bottom (the rest of the food). It may look a bit weird, and taste off, but... Eh, it's good enough.
Given his handicap and the fact he's still trying to regain full mobility with it, he may be a bit slow with things such as chopping up ingredients, seasoning meat, or any sort of thing that would be more efficient with 2 hands. Still, he's made a lot of progress, so much so that he appears to be doing things at a relatively normal pace.
And of course once he's done in the kitchen, he'll always dutifully clean up whatever dishes he used or messes he made without a single complaint.
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She sorta does better than everyone else here, but that's only because she insists that you tell her what to do and how to do it. She copies any examples you give her, and always looks to you for advice on how it should look, taste, smell, etc.. And she takes the entire "meal cooking" thing very seriously.
Though the meal may not be too delicious, the meal she makes you is very healthy and nutritious! She tries to include as many foods from the 5 different food groups as she can, and what she can't include she attempts to make up for by adding it as a side to the dish.
She's good at working with her hands, so she'd be quick at dicing vegetables with a knife. So preparing ingredients would be about a cinch. But along with being able to work quickly, she'd be good at handling things carefully. Like she'd be good at working with homemade pasta without ripping or tearing the dough, or pinching the edges of gyoza wrappers shut without puncturing holes in it.
The presentation itself is a bit lacking, but what matters is that most of the food on that plate is edible and very healthy for you! And she's the kind of person that insists that you finish everything on your plate, but not in any sort of forceful way. She'll just remind you to finish all your vegetables or something similar.
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Similarly to literally everyone else on this list, he'd most likely overcook your food, but he still does a better job than most, but it depends on the meal. He's better at making soups than he would be at cooking meat. But he's a quick learner. He'd manage to closely copy whatever you'd show him about cooking.
He'd make quite a mess in the kitchen though. He'll accidentally knock the spatula off the cluttered counter as he reaches for something else, or he'll jokingly fling some flour at you in a playful manner. He even whole-heartedly thought that you could put the egg—shell and everything—in whatever it is you're making. He didn't think you needed to crack the shell because he once saw that humans could eat things with hard shells like snails or jawbreakers.
But when things start going awry, he'll come up with some unorthodox way to partly salvage the meal. Emphasis on partly salvage, because while it may be fixed, it now tastes off, or looks off, or smells off, but it's still edible. He knows nothing about presentation and honestly he just shovels whatever he's made you onto a plate and hands it over to you as is.
But even though the meal may be sub-par, it's hard to deny that it wasn't fun to make. That is unless you got upset at him for making a mess, in which that case he'll earnestly apologize and start scrubbing away at the mess.
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He lacks Ratchet's dexterity, so he's pretty sloppy with a knife. He might just end up accidentally grinding the ingredients to mush, or cutting them unevenly, but he's trying. The thing he's best at is kneading dough, but he thinks that all you need to do is punch it and move it around, so depending on the dough, he most likely ends up over-working it in seconds.
The food he'd make for you would lean more towards unhealthy and extremely delicious, unless you asked him to cook you a specific healthy food. Nonetheless, it would be a flavorful meal thanks to all the spices and seasonings he'd add to it.
The presentation's relatively nice! It might just make up for the fact the food looks a little mangled (unless you had him make you soup or something that's supposed to be mashed, then he's just about aced it). He'll ask you every now and then about the amount of pepper or salt he should add to the food, or to see if he added too much spice or too little... He might just end up burning a thing or two here or there, but for the most part, the food he makes for you is pretty good!
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He's good at making simple meals like sandwiches or mashed potatoes, but it's always a bit lacking in flavor. It's still good nonetheless, he just adds too little salt, pepper, or seasoning in general. Anything more complex than that and he'll be serving you a mess on a plate.
He's very considerate and tries to make a meal catered towards your personal tastes. If you're vegan or vegetarian, or have an allergic reaction to something, he'll try and find a recipe for something you can eat.
He tries to make the food look "cute". Like if you asked him to make you pancakes, he'd try to stack them up and make a face on them out of whipped cream, m&ms, and syrup. It may taste a bit weird, or sickeningly sweet, but the presentation's nice.
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He sucks at it. He cooks using the microwave instead of the stove. Once he's done with it, your microwave will smell like a dumpster fire, and you'll have to scrub away at all the splattered food that hardened into thick layers of burnt crust which is near impossible to get off. Even if you ignore it, the stench from the microwave might just seep into whatever you cook in there next, and absolutely ruin it's flavor. It's safe to say that your microwave is ruined.
The only knowledge he has of cooking is from watching Hell's Kitchen and Kitchen Nightmares, but then again those shows didn't really teach him anything about cooking, they just served as entertainment. I mean the most he learned is that you should keep track of when you got ingredients, and to keep your pantry, fridge, cabinets, and kitchen clean, but that doesn't help him boil an egg.
Speaking of eggs, he tried cooking an egg in the microwave once—under the impression that the egg would boil—and much to his surprise, it exploded.
He presents the food in an... Interesting way... Honestly he just arranges it in whatever way looks cool and serves it to you with a "bon appetit".
He promises he'll clean up your microwave once he's done, but there's this stench that will always remain in there no matter what you do.
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He's hopeless too. Not only does he burn like 80 percent of what he's supposed to be cooking for you, but he over-seasons it too. There will be so much pepper on your food that you'll be sneezing the moment you catch a whiff.
But with a little supervision in the kitchen, he could make you something remotely edible. It may not look the part or smell the part, but it still is edible to some degree. He's very handy with a knife, and if you knew a thing or two about food science, he'd be open to listening to you talk about the glucose bonds in dough and whatnot.
If he put in a little bit of his time to do some research about food, he'd actually get a solid grasp of the bare bones of cooking. Like how long to cook meat and how to know if it's done, how to work a ball of dough, how not to overcook vegetables... Et cetera. Because it's all science-y in a way.
The presentation of the meal itself is average. He doesn't quite know how to "decorate" your food, so he just slaps it on a plate, or pours it in a bowl, or serves it in whatever fashion it should be served in, and he gives it to you.
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maltmealo · 3 months
Chapter 23: Miko went where?
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"she's very... Aggressive."
"you made her."
“Let go of us!” A squeaky voice shouted. They felt the metal grip tighten and were immediately quieted, the boys looking to one another for help.
“Stop squirming, or I might decide to drop you two off the side of the Nemesis!” The seeker screeched, finally fed up with their constant whining and pleading for him to let them go. He scoffed and swiped the littler one out of the Decepticon’s hand, squeezing the mini-human and bringing him up to his face. “Or maybe I should give you to Knockout; he seems fully fascinated with human biology today.”
“Don’t hurt him!” Another voice piked up in an angry tone. You were squirming and kicking in his other servo, glaring up at him. He scoffed, letting go of the mini-human and allowing him to drop into the other Decepticon's hands (the poor mech barely had any time to react to catch him). He wailed as he hit the hard metal palm of the Decpeticon, his glasses falling off his face and to the ground.
“And what are you going to do about it? Kick and scream until your vocalizer breaks?” He taunts, reaching a clawed digit down and scraping it along your cheek. A thin line of blood appears as his claw cuts into your skin. He pulls away with a low chuckle, flicking the blood he had gotten on himself onto you.
“I-” He scoffed as you cut yourself off, watching as you fumbled to find the correct words to mitigate his violence: “They’re just kids! They don’t mean any harm!”
“Don’t they all?” He sneered, waving his servo at the two cons to dismiss them. “Bring the ‘kids’ to Knockout; I’m sure he’ll have fun playing with them.”
The two cons walked away, Raf and Jack panicking and calling out for you as you struggled against his grip. He smirked and carried you off around a corner, letting the children slowly disappear from your sight.
“I swear to any god you believe in if those kids have so much as a scratch-” You feel the sharp prick of his claw under your chin, tilting your head up to meet his optics. They narrow as he forces his claw to dig into your chin.
“I don’t think you should be threatening me, little one, especially if you wish for your friends to remain unharmed,” he said, releasing your chin and continuing to walk down the hallways. Your struggle had subsided now that the children were out of sight, or maybe it was because he was holding you too tightly for your chest to move. Who could tell?
His comms beeped suddenly, and he paused, reading the message sent to him.
Starscream, presence of human is needed immediately.
Of course, that no-faced slag would find out immediately that you were on board. All high and mighty just because he could be. He turned off his communications; there was no need to get harassed by that wannabe scientist anyway.
“Tell me, why exactly does Megatron want you so bad? You're not anything special,” he hissed, entering a dimly lit room.
As your eyes adjusted, you could see the heaving, bloodied form of agent Fowler hung up by chains. Your eyes widened, and you let out a stifled cry of his name—your voice cut off by the mech squeezing harder.
“Well now, Agent Fowler, I brought another friend.” He snaps, prodding at the limp man. He groans, lifting his head and meeting your gaze. There was a flash of fear before his face hardened, and he panted.
“Don't—don't hurt her, please,” he pleaded, watching as Starscream grabbed one of the hanging chains and tied it around your wrist. Fowler opened his mouth to ask Starcream what he was doing, but he dropped you before Fowler could get a word in. You let out a scream as you fell a couple of feet, the chain stopping abruptly and snapping even tighter against your wrist.
“Don’t worry your little head; Megatron needs her alive.” He chuckled darkly, walking around Agent Fowler as he watched you struggle and try to get the chains off your wrist. “But he didn’t say anything about being limbless.”
Before Starscream could even approach you to start his masterful attack, Fowler spoke again.
“Wait- wait! I’ll tell you where the base is located; just don’t hurt her; she’s a civilian!” He shouted, his lungs burning as he did. You looked at him in shock and shook your head, but Starscream simply batted you away with a hand, letting you swing like a pinata as he bent down to look at Fowler.
Fowler panted, his gaze going to yours, before he swallowed harshly and steeled himself.
“A secret military base,” he mumbles, looking down at the ground.
Starscream’s wings tilted up, a triumphant smile on his face as he stood to his full height. “Go on…”
“It’s in the old steel mill… or was it under the carnival house?” He muttered, looking down at the ground with a small smirk.
“You pathetic little-!” he grabbed the staff nearby, electricity crackling from the end as he went to strike Fowler with it.
A sudden crash stopped him from hitting Fowler, and he looked back at the two Decpeticons standing at the door. He pointed the staff at them, glaring intently.
“Go find out what that was!” he shouted, watching as the two scampered out. He turned back to Fowler, stopping your swinging body and wrapping his servo around your torso.
“Now, tell me what I want to know, or you’re going to watch as I snap her limbs off one by one.” You sent a look of fear to Fowler, panic welling up in your chest as you felt your arm strain against the chain.
“You’d kill her,” Fowler laughs, locking eyes (optics?) with Fowler. “And I doubt Megatron would appreciate you killing his asset.”
“Oh? And how is this ‘asset’ so special? She’s not strong, she's not fast, and she can't even put up a good argument as to why I shouldn’t kill the mini-humans.” He chuckled, pinching the joint in between your elbows and squeezing. His claws just barely dig into your skin, a tiny amount of blood peeking out of it.
“Because she’s our friend,” A blaster is pushed against Starscream’s helm from above, just as Bulkhead and Bumblebee bust in through the door with their blasters drawn.
Starscream let out a hiss as he whirled around and slammed Arcee to the side, glaring at the two other bots. With a last look back at the two of you, he transformed into his alt mode and flew off, knocking Bumblebee and Bulkhead to their feet in the process.
“Are you okay?” Bulkhead asked as he got back up and rushed over to you. Bumblebee came over to Arcee and helped her up before gingerly undoing the chains on his arms.
“I'm okay; he didn't hurt me too much.” You cringe as you drop into his palm, letting out a soft breath as you rub your arm. Bulkhead gently tilted your face up with a digit, inspecting the cut on your face and chin. “Help Fowler; he’s the one who’s been tortured.”
“You’re still hurt, though,” he frowned, letting go of your face and plopping you down on his shoulder. You shake your head and wipe away the blood, looking around the torture dungeon for the two kids you came with.
“They took Raf and Jack! We need to find them!” You say, your face contorting into worry as you try to direct the ‘bots attention to the missing children.
“Don’t worry, they’re out in the hallway,” Arcee says as she gets to her feet, shaking off the hit and exventing.
Bee buzzes, shaking his head, as he stands out in the hallway. They weren’t there anymore. The thought of the three kids made your heart lurch; they could be in danger without some protection! The entire Decepticon fleet was with Miko on the loose.
“Scrap, why don’t they ever listen?” Arcee hisses as she makes her way out into the hallway with her blaster drawn. Bulkhead set you down on the ground, ensuring you were balanced before he transformed his weapon.
Just as he moved to the front of the group, you spot three little forms running down the middle like a bunch of chickens with their heads cut off behind you. You soon spotted why, as a Decepticon stepped out of the room they were in and pointed a blaster at the three of them.
You ran towards them as fast as your legs could carry you and somehow managed to meet the three halfway. Your presence stuns the silent 'con, and he hesitates for just a moment. It was long enough for Bulkhead to be able to turn around and take the brunt of the blast from the con.
He rushes forward like he didn't just get shot (and was continuing to get shot at) and slams right into the Deception. You ushered the kids behind the two others that rushed forward, keeping them close by as you looked them over.
“Are you guys alright? Nobodies hurt?” You ask, and they nod. Jack wiped some of the dust off his face and pulled the shaking Rafael to his side.
"Yeah, we’re good. Where’s Fowler?” He asked with a worried look on his face.
“Is he….” Miko trails off and makes a kerch, drawing a line over her neck.
“No, he’s fine,” You confirm, and Jack lets out a relieved sigh. Just as Raf was about to speak up, Bumblebee swoops in (or rather, screeches in) and puts you all in his cab. You were put in the backseat with Raf and Fowler, while the two teens were put in the front seat.
“The kids are here?!” Fowler sputters out in disbelief, peering out from his now swollen face at the three kids.
“Yeah, and we just saved your butt!” Miko cheers from the front seat as the ground bridge in front of you opens up, and you speed through it with the other bots. You put an arm over Raf’s chest as you screech to a halt in the base. You let out a heavy breath as you stared at the seat in front of you. What an exhilarating day!
Bee opens his doors, and you help Fowler out, letting him use you as a crutch as the kids hop out as well. He lets out a little groan as he tries to take a step, his knees faltering as he falls, and he almost takes you down with him. Luckily, Miko came to your aid, helping you from the opposite side as Bulkhead lifted you up from the catwalk.
“Is he going to be okay?” Raf asked as he ran up to you. You carefully set him down on the provided stretcher from Bee, covering the bruised and battered man with a blanket.
“Yeah, don’t worry, he’s tough,” you assure, the words sounding unsure even to your ears as you gesture for the kids to sit down. They all sit down against the wall, all muttering words of comfort to one another.
“Are you…?” A weak voice spoke up from beside you. You turn to see Agent Fowler reaching his hand out around your wrist, staring at you with a worried look.
“I’m okay, Agent Fowler; you just rest.” You patted his hand, offering him a smile. His swollen lips pressed together in a thin line as his gaze slowly dragged away from you and towards the gaggle of children.
You followed his gaze and wordlessly squeezed his hand. He finally let out a sigh and closed his eyes, passing out. You didn’t know if it was from pain or brain damage or maybe just his body giving out from the injuries, but you hoped it was none of the above. You released his hand and walked over to the kids, sitting beside Miko and letting her lean on your shoulder.
“Okay?” Bee’s voice chirps into your mind. He was suddenly kneeling in front of you, or maybe you had spaced out and not noticed the giant yellow splotch in your vision.
“We’re okay, Bee,” Raf answers for you. Shoving his glasses up his nose and sniffling lightly, he says, “We’re just a little banged up.”
“Very good,” Bee nodded before he delicately set down a first-aid kit at your feet. He had pulled it out of the wall, dubbing now a good time for you all to rest instead of walking. “You need?”
You nod and take the kit, popping it open and looking at the kids. “Anyone hurt?”
You begin to tend to the injuries the kids have as Bumblebee watches you, the side of his face set on the catwalk. Jack had scratches on his hand that needed disinfecting, and Raf had torn up his knee along the way. Miko was somehow unharmed, despite the one literally running into the danger.
“Optimus and Ratchet need a groundbridge,” Arcee states, pushing the lever that opened the groundbridge forward. You gasped when you saw the battered forms of the mechanic and the leader stumble into the base, signaling for Arcee to cut the groundbridge.
Ratchet’s arm had been crushed by what it looked like: blue blood bubbling from several cut tubes and what looked like a bite mark. Optimus was not much better; there were scratch marks in his paint and a piece of his armor torn off at the hip.
What the hell happened?
“What happened?” You voiced your disbelief less incredulously.
Optimus stares down at you tiredly, shaking his helm and helping Ratchet sit down.
“Megatron… he has weaponized dark energon to make an army,” Optimus rumbled as he leaned against the catwalk. You stand up, handing the first aid kit to Jack, who continued to help Raf with his scratches. You walked (Ran) over to where Ratchet was sitting, peering out where he was attempting to tighten a brace on his arm.
“Can I help?” You ask. Ratchet jumps, narrowing his optics, when he notices that you had snuck up behind him. He shook his head, turning his attention back to his arm.
“No, you’ll cut yourself on me,” he answered, tightening the last screw with a small grunt, “and you getting tetanus is the last thing anyone here needs.”
“You’re not rusty, so I'll be fine.” You say, already beginning to climb onto his shoulder and down his arm to land on his leg. He stares down at you in surprise before he lets out an exasperated sigh.
“You can tape up my energon veins if you’re so determined; it’ll at least give you some experience,” he grumbled and pushed down a little piece of electrical tape he conveniently had in his subspace. You smile and tear off a piece of tape, delicately balancing yourself on the brace and taping the exposed tubes with Ratchet’s guidance.
“Why are you so—no, no, tape at least a couple of inches up so that it doesn't spray—why are you so dusty?” He asked, his optical ridges furrowing together as his good arm reached over to brush some rubble out of your hair.
“Oh um…” You glance at Bulkhead before turning back to his arm. “Miko kind of ran into the spacebridge after Bulkhead.” You say it and tense up. After a second of stunned silence, you could hear Miko whisper ‘snitch’ before Ratchet’s booming voice almost knocked you over.
“Miko went where?!”
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in1-nutshell · 7 months
Hi!! Me again (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง✨❤️, English maybe bad but I still want to request, sorry first 🤣💧
I was wonder if you know the movie name "PACIFIC RIM".
A movie about "Jaeger" vs "Kaiju".
"Kaiju": A big and scary monster, make by a Alien and send them to earth by a hole under the sea.
They plan is to clean humanity and take control of the Earth.
"Jaeger": A robot human make to fight back the "Kaiju", to protect the Earth, a "Jaeger" need two person to take control of it.
I have an ideal about Buddy, a "Jaeger" pilot and they Twin, is they company to control the robot.
But when they send out to fight, got into a weird light green tornado, send them to the place near the place Cliffjumpber and Cons are fighting.
The Vehicon got scared, leave Cliffjumber behind, and runaway...
Cliffjumber: Wwwait!! Take me with you!!
Vehicon: YOU ON YOUR OWN!!!
And the Twin were speechless...
Buddy Twin: I kinda feel bad for the Red one...
Buddy: It kinda cute...maybe...can we keep them? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)✨
Buddy Twin: ...Why not (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง✨?
And Cliffjumber take them to the base with them, the Bots was like: "What did you got there??"
Cliffjumber: A energon smoothie?
While big azz Jaeger behind them, waving friendly: (´・ω・`)✌️
What bots will react?
And Cons when the "Jaeger" come to help Bots fighting?
"Jaeger": Plane, Piu Piu Piu!! *Hold the plane and cutely spin*
Starscream: Get your hand OFF me !!!
Soundwave: *Take a pic*
I love this little interactions the Jaeger had in the ask! This is a bit shorter than what I would want, but I hope its enough. If its not what you want, please let me know! Thank you for explaining your ask more, I'm considering in seeing the movie now.
Maybe we will see more Jaeger content in the future.
Hope you enjoy!
Human Buddy and their Twin with a giant Jaeger reactions from Cliffjumper, Wheeljack, Starscream, and Megatron
SFW, Platonic, Human reader
Buddy and Twin were testing a new prototype weapon for the company.
They were strapped in the Jaeger and very eager to try it out.
No one told them about the giant portal behind them.
They got sucked in.
When they landed, they looked around seeing a bunch of smaller looking robots.
Most of them being purple and surrounded by a red one.
Thinking that they were smaller prototype versions of the Jaegers, Buddy and Twin waved at them.
The purple ones took one look at them and left leaving the red one looking up at them.
Twin had the idea of picking the red one up for further inspection.
It certainly was a new model, it looked like it had a mind of its own.
Soon a giant swirly looking portal opened revealing even more robots.
What in the world was happening?
Team that would immediately try and fight the giant Jaeger
These bots have a right to try and fight the giant Jaeger. It’s huge and a potential enemy! Granted there are few that will ask some questions by the end of the fight, but most just want to get rid of it.
Team that is in shock to see another robotic being so big
These bots are in slight awe seeing the giant. It had been a long time since either side had seen a being of that size. They will want to recruit them to their side of the war. Are they secretly afraid of it? Absolutely. Are they going to voice it? Absolutely not.
Team that is surprised to find some humans piloting the thing
All of them. If they are telling otherwise, they are lying. Now whether the bot chooses to get rid of the humans is another story. Maybe not yet, they are still needed. But they are not essential.
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hi-im-writting · 2 years
Flustered Bots (part 1?)
(Tried having a theme)
Optimus Prime's antenna thingys will flutter when he's flustered and/or surprised. His face mask will close if he's flustered too.
Ratchet's doesn't really have any thing that move, but his ear things do move ever so slightly if you make him blush. It's really hard to tell tho.
Arcee's wing things flutter when she's flustered and it's hecking embarrassing for her but the others think it's cute. She's also really easily flustered which does not help things!
I don't have much for Bulkhead other than he's gets really, really flustered very easily. He'll also start studding a bit and rubbing the back of his head.
Bumblebee flaps his door wings in general. It doesn't matter if he's flustered or not. If he's happy there waving. He gets super shy when he's been flirted with, but that kinda applies to everyone here.
Cliff may act like he's not fazed but inside he's screaming. (In a good way)
Smokescreen is a wing waver as well. He also studders and looks away alot too.
Ulta Magnus (Magdong) will suppress this feeling. No one will ever know, but he will thank you for the compliment.
Wheeljack's wing things also move. Like Cliffjumper, he tries to play it off as if this always happens, but he's literally just mush in your hands.
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mariacrow · 1 year
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❁ Mini Quizz! ❁
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It doesn’t matter Cliff is one with the Allspark, we still appreciate him here 🥰
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Dividers belong to @cute-sushi-roll , @tex-treasures 🌻💛
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isabellavolere · 8 months
Transformers Prime—Part 9: The Imposter
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“Miko, slow down, I can’t understand you when you don’t speak with spaces between your words like normal people,” you had said as you closed the book you had previously been reading.
After the day you had been through at school that morning, all you had wanted to do was sit against the secret alcove you had found while exploring the Autobot base, crack open your book, and escape reality. But when Miko had brought you crashing from the imaginary universe of your favorite book to the present, gushing about some sort of signal Ratchet had picked up from his scanner, you were less than thrilled with her enthusiasm. 
You had also been mildly impressed by how quickly she was able to find the spot that had taken you an hour to discover, but your thoughts had been interrupted.
“But y/n, it’s an Autobot signal! Don’t you know what that could mean?” She has asked with wide eyes.
“That the Decepticons want to bait us into thinking there’s an Autobot out there somewhere so they can attack us when we least expect it?” you had asked flatly.
“Oh, you sound like Arcee!” She had wined, before turning around to go back to the rest of the bots.
An Autobot signal? Showing up on Earth of all places? Of all the Autobots that made it off of Cybertron, not including our Autobots, what are the chances that one could end up here? Next to none.
You couldn’t have helped the logical side of your brain as you’d mulled over what Miko had told you. You had just hoped, as you leaned back against the wall to continue reading, that you were wrong about the Autobot signal.
You lean over the railing of the balcony with Jack, Miko, and Raf, watching the swirling vortex of the groundbridge as you all wait for the Autobots to come back with Wheeljack. Instead of giving him the coordinates to the base, it was Optimus’ idea to give Wheeljack another set of coordinates so he could walk through the groundbridge instead. It seems you aren’t the only one who is cautious when it comes to new guests at the base. Suddenly five sets of footsteps reach your ears as the Autobots exit the groundbridge, and immediately your eyes lock onto the new bot. 
His chasi is mainly white and gray, with red and green accents on his chest and lower legs. You notice wheels and doors on his back, and a small cylindrical device on his side. Your observations are interrupted however when the groundbridge sparks with purple bolts and shuts down. 
Hmm, well that looks…less than ideal.
 A groan from Ratchet catches your attention and while Bulkhead introduces Wheeljack to Miko, you go to investigate the source of Ratchet’s displeasure. 
“Hey Doc, something wrong?” you ask as you walk over to the groundbridge lever.  
Ratchet just turns to glance at you, a hint of irritation in his eyes, before frowning and returning back to his work. He mumbles something under his breath as he inspects the lever and you wonder if he’s purposefully ignoring you.
“Does it have to do with the purple sparks from the groundbridge?” you ask again. 
“You saw it too?” he asks, stopping his work and staring at you for a long moment. “The groundbridge system hasn’t been the same since the Scraplet incident; I fear the system…”
Ratchet’s cut off by a loud crashing noise and you turn around to see Wheeljack and Bulkhead bump chests enthusiastically. 
“Oh joy,” Ratchet deadpans before going back to his work.
“Right then,” you frown before walking over to the living area of the base.
You quickly locate the backpack you had set down by the tv and take it over to the faded yellow couch. Before sitting down you look for Cliffjumper, hoping that maybe you and him could go out for a drive, when you see that Cliffjumper is talking to Arcee. You watch as he says something that makes Arcee laugh and you quirk an eyebrow. The smirk on Cliffjumper’s face makes you smile slightly, and you wish that they were both a little bit closer so you could laugh at Cliffjumper’s jokes too. Shaking the thought from your mind, you sit down on the couch and open up a book, hoping it would distract you. 
Miko’s electric guitar solo was bad enough for the ears alone, but Bulkhead’s game with the new Autobot, Wheeljack, was another; the combination of the two was enough to drive anyone crazy. Which is why after discovering that even the most avid readers wouldn’t have been able to concentrate through all the chaos, you find yourself sitting on the top of the messa that the Autobot base was hidden in, knees tucked up to your chest, staring out to the vast Nevada desert. The moon lights up the sand and a cool breeze blows your hair gently away from your face. Of all the places in the Autobot base, this one is your favorite by far. It was Optimus who had been the one to show you this place, and you would have assumed he’d be up here too if you hadn’t seen him drive off into the darkness a few minutes after you had come up. 
None of the other Autobots normally came up to the top of the base, so when you hear the ding of the elevator at the entrance of the roof access cave, you instantly begin to wonder. As you turn around to see who is there, a familiar red hue and warm smile makes you relax and turn back to face the desert.  
“Hey kid, I’ve been lookin’ for ya,” he says quietly as he lowers himself next to you. 
“Ah well, you’ve found me,” you say with a grin, which earns a laugh from Cliffjumper. “What’s up?”
“You’re missing the party,” he nudges you gently with his side. 
“I’m not sure I’d consider electric guitar solos and whatever game Bulkhead and Wheeljack are playing a party,” you reply.
“Not much of a party person, are ya,” Cliffjumper chuckles. 
You smile slightly and lean back on the ground, your head lying on your arm and your legs swinging over the rocky edge of the towering messa. “Not so much.”
“Mmh,” he hums and is quiet for a moment. 
A comfortable silence comes between you and Cliffjumper, filled only with the hum of his spark and the chirping of crickets. You gaze up to the sky above you, the twinkling of thousands of stars reflected in your eyes. 
“What?” you ask as you look over to Cliffjumper.
“The game that Bulkhead and Wheeljack are playing. It’s called Lobbing,” he explains.
“Oh yeah?” you question as you sit up.
 “It was a popular game back on Cybertron for those of the Warrior class.”
“Were you in the Warrior class?”
“Was I in the Warrior class?” Cliffjumper asks incredulously. “Do Predacons fly?”
“I don’t know wha—”
“Of course I was in the Warrior class! One of Primes’ toughest bots back in the war,” Cliffjumper says, smashing his fists together proudly. “And I bet that if you were Cybertronian, you’d be in that class too.”
“Oh?” you raise an eyebrow and tilt your head slightly.
“You have that fire in your spark,” he says with a grin. “That’s how ya could take out that Con when we first met.”
“Eh, I was just fortunate,” you say with a shrug of your shoulder.
“You sound like Optimus,” Cliffjumper rolls his eyes. “Too humble. Ya gotta own your victories, especially when they have to do with taking down those Cons.”
“You really don’t like Decepticons, do you?” you ask with a chuckle.
“Not one bit.” 
“You and me both.”
You look down to your right shoulder and push back the material of your tee shirt sleeve. The pale moon illuminates your skin to reveal the many burn scars that run from the top of your shoulder to just above your elbow. The memory of the day you got that scar flashes in your mind and you can’t help but relive the experience. 
Running from the Decepticons, feeling the burn of your skin when the shot collides with your shoulder, the red visor of the Decepticon looming over you with its gun pointed right at you, waiting for the shot that would end everything. 
It was the day your life had changed completely, when you had discovered an entire race of alien robots from a planet hundreds of light years away; when you discovered him, your guardian and protector. 
“I thought you were scrapped for sure,” Cliffjumper says, breaking you from your thoughts. “It takes a certain kind of human to get shot in the shoulder and still pull through.”
“Don’t forget almost getting squished by Starscream and then kicking him in the face,” you add with a grin.
“Atagirl, y/n, own that victory,” he returns your grin, scanning your face for a moment with a proud look. “Only the fiercest of warriors could have survived that lousy Con.”
You are about to retort when Miko calls your name and you jump slightly. You hadn’t even heard her walk over to you and once your heartbeat returned to normal you turned around to give her a slightly irritated look.
“Miko, what are you doing up here?” you ask curiously.
“I was looking for you, Bulkhead’s going to tell some stories about him and Wheeljack! Do you want to come and hear them?” she asks excitedly.
You glance at Cliffjumper for a moment before turning back to Miko. “Yeah, I’ll be right there.”
“Great!” Miko says and grabs your arm, pulling you along with her as Cliffjumper’s laugh follows you from behind.
“So there we were, no communications, low on energon, surrounded by Cons, so what does Wheeljack do?” Bulkhead asks back in the main area of the base.
Miko, Raf, Jack, and you all sit next to each other on an energon crate with your eyes wide, leaning forward in anticipation. 
“Tell ‘em Jackie!” Bulkhead laughs. 
“Wha-what I do best,” Wheeljack says nonchalantly as all heads turn in his direction.    
“He chucks his only grenade smack into the primary heat exchanger!” Bulkhead exclaims. 
“Yeah, seemed like a good idea at the time,” Wheeljack says. 
“The joint went supernova!” Bulkhead extends his arms wide.
”Awesome,” you and Miko say at the same time.
”Yeah, I’m still picking shrapnel out of my backside.”
“I’m not surprised, given the size of your backside,” Arcee comments, causing you to try to hide your snort in a sudden burst of coughing. 
“There it is, Jackie’s signature; one grenade, one shot,” Bulkhead says with a grin. “Hey, you alright?”
”What?” Wheeljack asks.
”You don’t seem like yourself.”
”Well what do you mean?” Wheeljack asks quickly.
”I don’t know, you seem quiet,” Bulkhead comments.
”Ah, I’ve been stuck in a can too long. I should go topside before I go stir crazy,” Wheeljack explains.
”I have patrol in the morning, you can come with!” Bulkhead offers.
”Let’s go now,” Wheeljack says, turning to face the exit tunnel.
”And break up the party?” Bulkhead questions. “Come on, the gang’s loving you. You gotta tell them about the battle of Darkmound pass!”
”You tell them. You’re better at it,” Wheeljack says, turning back around to face Bulkhead. “How about if Miko here shows me the rest of your base?”
”Uh, yeah sure, Jackie, go ahead,” Bulkhead says hesitantly. 
“Tour starts now,” says Miko excitedly, hopping down from the energon crate. 
“Oh boy,” you mutter, earning a snicker from Jack.
”Do you play any instruments? Can you fly? Have you thrashed more Decepticons than Bulkhead has?” Miko begins pelting Wheeljack with questions as you watch them walk to one of the base's many tunnels.  
“You alright?” Arcee asks Bulkhead.
When you look over to Bulkhead you notice he’s acting strange. His eyes have a distant look to them and you think he’s almost…sad?
”Yeah just…out of sorts, I guess,” he replies with a frown.
”Don’t tell me you’re jealous,” Arcee says, putting her hands on her hips.
”That Miko’s making a new friend? Come on!” 
You all remain silent, unconvinced of his response.
“Something…something’s just not right about Wheeljack,” Bulkhead says quietly.
Hmm, Bulkhead would know if something is off about his best friend…the question is what.
”Bulkhead, really?” Arcee questions. “He’s traveled galaxies, you haven’t seen him in centuries, he could just be rocket-lagged or…bots do change, you know?”
”Not Jackie,” Bulkhead counters. 
“Look, I know Wheeljack better than anyone,” Bulkhead says, trying to convince the rest of us that something was not right. 
After listening to almost five minutes of his rant, the base had mixed feelings about Bulkhead’s suspicions. Arcee still remained unconvinced while you were leaning towards Bulkhead’s side. Something just wasn’t adding up with Wheeljack, and you wanted to get to the bottom of it. 
As if on cue, a voice calls out from the tunnel near the med bay. 
“Hey. What are you guys talking about?”
”I was just telling the guys about you and me at the battle of Darkmound Pass,” Bulkhead says, turning to face Wheeljack.
”That’s a heck of a story,” he muses. 
“Yep. Tell it,” Bulkhead commands.
”Talk talk talk,” Miko interjects. “How about after we go off-roading—“
“Miko, stay out of this!” 
Your eyes widen at the stern tone to Bulkhead’s words. Not once had you ever heard Bulkhead talk to Miko like that. You lock eyes with Cliffjumper and frown, but he only shrugs. 
“Bulkhead, easy,” Arcee says.
”I’m not sure I’d—“ begins Wheeljack, but he’s cut off by Bulkhead.
”Tell it!”
”Fine, you wanna live in the past, Bulkhead.”
You glance at the other kids with a wary expression before turning back to look at Wheeljack. 
“The Wreckers were trapped between a Decepticon patrol and the smelting pit. The Cons were vicious, bearing down on us with everything they had. Me and Bulkhead engaged the enemy, left them for scrap, then I made us a way out using their backsides as stepping stones to cross the molten metal,” Wheeljack finishes, looking back at Bulkhead. “Isn’t that how it happened?”
”Yeah, that’s exactly how it happened. Except for one little thing. I wasn’t there.”
You look from Bulkhead to Wheeljack in confusion as you hear Ratchet emit a small gasp, stopping his work to look at the bot. You can even see it in Wheeljack’s eyes, the realization that he messed up. 
Oh. Ooooh. 
And then you understand; this bot is not Wheeljack.
“I’d already left the Wreckers to join up with Optimus, but you wouldn’t know that if all you did was access Wheeljack’s public service record,” Bulkhead says. 
“Bulkhead, what does that have to do with—“ Miko begins, but suddenly the imposter Wheeljack grabs her.
”Miko!” Bulkhead yells.
Before you can even fully process what just happened, Cliffjumper jumps in front of you protectively and turns his hand into a blaster. 
“Stay back…or I’ll squeeze her into pulp,” the bot says, dropping the laid back voice of Wheeljack for something deeper and raspier.
It sends a small shiver down your spine as you look around Cliffjumper’s legs, anxiously seeing what would happen to Miko. 
“Wheeljack, what are you doing?” Miko asks quickly.
”Decepticon coward, let the girl go and face me!” Bulkhead challenges, eyes narrowed to slits at the intruder. 
“Don’t fret, plenty of fighting to come,” the Con taunts. 
“Is there a real Wheeljack?” asks Jack.
”Oh indeed, and I expect lord Starscream is making sport of him.”
At the name of Starscream your face hardens slightly and you catch a look of discontent across Cliffjumper’s face as well. The look only deepens as you watch the Decepticon type in coordinates to the groundbridge and power it up, all while everyone remains helpless to stop it.
”About time,” the Con mutters. “Now, let’s get this party started.”
As Miko struggles against the Con’s grasp, a figure from the groundbridge flies through the air and kicks the imposter in the back. This causes him to crash to the ground, flinging Miko into the air in the process, and you watch with panic and then relief as she lands in the outstretched hands of Bulkhead. 
“Are you alright?” you ask quickly once Miko is placed back on the ground. 
She nods and you all turn around to face the figure from the groundbridge; it was Wheeljack, the real one. 
“I’d shut that hole before the stink comes through,” he says. 
Just then the Decepticon gets up and pulls out his swords, and so does the new Wheeljack. They begin circling each other in the base, a perfect mirror image, like sharks in the water. Bulkhead smashes his fists together and steps forward to join the fight, but the real Wheeljack stops him with a hand. 
“Ugly’s mine.” 
In one sudden motion the two Wheeljack's collide their swords and the fight begins. They twist and turn and circle some more, and you have trouble identifying which Wheeljack is the real one, though it seems you're not the only one. 
“Which one is the real Wheeljack?” Raf asks, adjusting his glasses. 
“Uh, I lost track!” Miko exclaims. 
In one quick motion one of the Wheeljack disarms the other one, kicks it to the ground, grabs the disarmed bots’ sword, and points it at the bot. 
“That’s my Jackie,” Bulkhead exclaims proudly. 
The real Wheeljack stands over the imposter and sheaths his swords before looking towards Ratchet. “You, open the hole. It’s time to take out the trash,” and then he turns towards Bulkhead. “All yours.”
Ratchet opens the groundbridge and Bulkhead grabs the imposter, spins him around in the air a few times, and then chucks him straight into the groundbridge. 
“Nice lob,” Wheeljack comments as the groundbridge closes. 
Later that day, once Optimus had come back from his drive and been given all the details of what he’d missed, the base was back to normal. And this time when Miko pulls out her electric guitar, you hesitate when you turn to seek the comforting silence of the base’s roof, your footsteps halting just before you get to the elevator door on the raised platform. As you linger, you hear the tread of steps you’d come to recognize anywhere. 
“Leaving the party so soon?”
You turn around and smile slightly as Cliffjumper cocks his head slightly and raises an eyebrow. 
“Well…” you drag out the word before letting it die out. 
You look down at the other kids and their guardians who are dancing to Miko’s music and a faint smile tugs at the corner of your mouth. 
“Come on, kid, live a little,” Cliffjumper says, and extends his hand to you. 
“It’s like a recurring nightmare,” you catch Ratchet saying from near the groundbridge lever. 
“At least don’t turn into a grouch like him,” Cliffjumper smirks. 
You let out a snort and Cliffjumper’s grin widens at the sound. Having made up your mind, you climb into his outstretched hand and let him gently lower you next to Jack on the main floor. 
“Hey, welcome to the club,” Jack says with a playful nudge to your shoulder. 
You laugh and start to sway from side to side in time with Miko’s music, watching Raf and Bumblebee dance the robot.
Well, naturally.
”…that my ship’s repaired, I’m itching to know…what else I might find out there,” you catch Wheeljack saying to Bulkhead. 
“Wait, you’re leaving?” Miko exclaims, putting her guitar down and rushing over to Wheeljack. “Why?”
You see a look of sadness flash across his face before Bulkhead says, “Well, because some bots never change.”
“Wheeljack, know that you will always have a haven here,” Optimus says. 
“Jackie never stays, but he always comes back,” Bulkhead says as he gives Wheeljack a side hug and a fist bump. 
And with that, Wheeljack’s ship is located and you walk through the groundbridge with the others to send Wheeljack off. 
“There’s room for two, Bulk,” Wheeljack offers. “Even with a backside like yours. Who knows who we might find out there…some of the old crew.”
As Bulkhead turns around Miko looks down at her toes with a solemn expression, and you quickly wrap an arm around her shoulders. 
“It sounds like fun, Jackie, but my ties are here now. With them. With her,” Bulkhead says warmly.
Miko’s face lights up and Wheeljack smiles at her. 
“If anything happens to my favorite Wrecker, I’m coming after you.”
“I’ll take good care of him,” Miko says. “Now say cheese.”
Pulling out her bright pink flip phone, Miko snaps a picture of Bulkhead and Wheeljack. After one more hug from the Wreckers, Wheeljack steps into his ship and starts the engines. It slowly rises into the air before turning around and blasting off, heading towards the setting sun. You all wave until Wheeljack’s ship shrinks to a small spec on the horizon before disappearing from sight. 
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kitsunefox1108 · 1 year
pov: You met the cliffjumper again, however… you personally saw his death..
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withloveoptimus · 2 years
It's Prime Time Chap 1.
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was posted on ao3 first but i wanted to post it on here too since I'm writing more lmao
this is a two-shot little story that may end up with its own series but who knows that may also change n e way onto the story
Chap One of It's Prime Time
Pairings: Optimus Prime & Reader (platonic), Smokescreen & Reader (platonic)
Summary: Optimus wishes to take you somewhere because he wants to spend quality time with you, and fun ensues.
You spent the day like any other, sitting at the base with the kids, either sitting around or playing video games, which would often get too loud and Ratchet would shout, “Quiet down! Some people are trying to work here!” which was of course like any other day at the base. You were eating snacks you brought as you watched them, occasionally playing when they asked but mostly watching.
As you stuff another chip into your mouth, your eyes wander before landing on your partner in crime, and guardian, Smokescreen. His back was turned to you as he was engaged in a conversation with Bulkhead, probably talking about past battles or something, and you were honestly happy that their friendship was getting better since they got off to a rocky start. Bulkhead was a good influence on Smokescreen, in his own way and they acted more and more like brothers. A “Bromance” as Miko put it when you two talked about it one time.
That did leave you with a few thoughts, like imagining those bro memes you would see and you had to keep yourself from laughing.
While lost in your train of thought, you hadn’t noticed Smokescreen walk over to the human area until a metal finger was poking you. “Oh shit!” You jumped, turning to the owner of said finger only to meet Smokescreen’s gaze, “Oh, hey Kachow.”
He immediately shoots you a look that only makes you laugh.
“C’mon, you promised!” He whined.
“I may have promised but your reactions are so worth it.”
You will never let him live down the fact that you walked in on him doing the 'Kachow!' in one of the empty rooms of the base, after having a Cars movie marathon with the kids. It took lots of bribing from him but you promised to keep it between the two of you–he would never know that you let it slip to Optimus and had to swear him to secrecy–, although you can't help teasing him with it.
He rolls his optics at your teasing but you know he isn’t upset if the little smile on his face is anything to go by. “Anyways,” You close the bag of chips and place them on the table, “what were you and Bulk talking about?” 
There’s some shouting and you sneak a glance to see Miko doing a victory dance as she beats Jack, who watches in defeat, in one of the fighting games you brought. You can only laugh as she shouts, “In your face!” and Jack just sighs. Arcee, Bumblebee, and Raf watch in amusement, making comments here and there.
“Bulkhead was just sharing some battle stories,” Smokescreen says, excitement clear in his voice, and you turn your attention back to him. “just hearing about them makes me so jealous! I would’ve been so awesome on the battlefield back on Cybertron.”
You chuckle and decide to indulge your guardian, “Mind telling me some stories then?” You ask as you get up from the couch and walk over to where he was standing by the railing.
The grin you get in return is worth it and you can only smile as he picks you up and goes somewhere quieter.
It was late night by the time the kids went home and you lounged on the couch, waiting on a certain Autobot leader, who was your other guardian. Smokescreen had offered to take you home but you declined, wanting to spend what little time you could with Optimus, seeing as he was always busy and you were kind of missing his company.
You were officially bored after attempting to keep yourself busy by doodling, reading some books you brought, or playing games. You were blaming it on Optimus taking so long doing whatever it was he was doing.
It's quiet, save for Ratchet typing away at the computer with his occasional grumbling.
An idea comes to mind and it might be a bad idea and maybe it'll piss off Ratchet but you're bored and it's Optimus' fault.
It's too late to back out now as you look over to where he is. "Hey, Grumpy?" You call.
There's no response and you aren't surprised.
"Doc Bot?"
He pauses but continues working.
"Mister Grinch?"
A heavy sigh and shake of his head and you're fighting the urge to just laugh.
"What do you want?! Can't you see I'm working!" He finally snaps, and you howled with laughter. His reaction was totally worth it as he just watched you, utterly annoyed and ready to just send you through a ground bridge home. He fails to understand how Optimus deals with you.
It takes a bit for you to calm down, still a fit of giggles, but when you look at Ratchet again you're close to another laughing fit.
He's gone back to ignoring you, probably for the better, but he's frowning and grumbling about something. Just as you're about to open your mouth to say something, totally not to mess with him some more, you're being picked up.
“I can’t leave you alone, can I?” Optimus says as he sets you in his palm, using a finger to nudge your little body. 
“What do you expect me to do, I was bored! And would you stop doing that–” You growled, attempting to bat his finger away.
Optimus looks to Ratchet, "I apologize for the disturbance, old friend." The medic only grumbles in reply, waving them off so he can get back to work.
You breathe a sigh of relief when Optimus pulls his finger away, you swear he and Smokescreen only do it to mess with you. Before you know it, you find yourself in Optimus' passenger seat.
"What took you so long, Big Red?" You inquire as he starts the drive out of the base.
He's silent for a bit. "I was taking care of some business. I apologize for making you wait so long, Little One."
You snort, “Any longer and I wouldn’t be sitting here right now.”
Optimus sighs, knowing all too well how much you love messing with Ratchet. The two of you could have your moments, but primus could you grind the poor Medic’s gears. The Autobot leader couldn’t even count on his fingers how many times he’s had to pick you up and take you somewhere else before Ratchet hauled you through a ground bridge. It’s even worse if Wheeljack is around.
“Must you mess with him so much?”
“Uh, duh! I do it out of love though so it's okay!"
That pulls a chuckle from him. “Out of love, you say?”
You nod, crossing your arms over your chest, sporting a huge grin. Any teasing from you was always out of love or just joking in general. Still, you weren’t the best at reading the room or reading people in general, so sometimes it went farther than you’d have liked.
It isn’t long before Optimus is pulling up to your home, the ride feeling a little shorter than usual and you can’t help but feel just a bit upset. You kind of want to ask him to drive around for a bit, just so you can spend just a little more time with him, but decide against it. You’d rather not keep him from his duties.
“Little One?” Optimus calls, worried at your silence and the slight change in mood. He decides not to mention the pout you were now sporting.
You shake your head, “Sorry, Big Red, I was just thinking.”
He hums, waiting patiently as you collect and calm yourself. You’re glad he let you do so, even if he could read you like an open book.
Once your thoughts are clear, you pat the dashboard, ready to say goodnight and let him be on his way but Optimus stops you.
“Before you go,” He starts, “I must ask something of you.”
Now that puzzles you. A little weird, you think.
“What’s up?”
He was silent for a moment, trying to piece together whatever he was going to ask. You’re silently hoping it isn’t anything too bad, your behavior has been good this week.
“I ask that you do not stay up late,” Okay now he is being weird, “I wish to take you somewhere, Little One. I do not know where, but we shall go somewhere.” He finishes.
And now he’s completely thrown you for a loop.
Of course, it wasn’t weird for him to take you places, there were a few times he had taken you on patrol if he wanted some company. Sometimes he’d even take you and the kids out if you had projects to do because he was hesitant to let Ratchet help with them again, though he would never say so aloud. So what was this all about?
“What?” Is all you manage to say.
"We'll be spending the day together." He simply says.
That is enough to bring back the grin you were sporting earlier and you have to stop yourself from squealing and kicking your feet. Your wishes had been granted and it honestly felt too good to be true. 
"Really?!" You look at the steering wheel excitedly then pause, "You're not joking are you?"
He's a little offended you'd think he would joke about this. 
"Of course not, Little One, I speak only the truth.”
You pump your fist in the air, “Fuck yeah!” Ignoring the silent reprimand for your profanity. 
Optimus chuckles when you hurry to unbuckle yourself and open his door. “Goodnight, Big Red! Love ya!” You shout and dash to your front door, almost tripping in your excitement. You wanted nothing more than to hurry to your bed and sleep the night away. Although you didn’t think you would even be able to sleep with this much excitement, you were going to try.
Once you finally manage to open the door, you turn and offer your guardian a final wave goodnight before scurrying inside.
You find yourself rushing through your nightly routine, and just as you slip on a baggy shirt to sleep in, your phone buzzes on the nightstand. Sneaking a glance, you realize someone was messaging you. That someone being Optimus.
Big Red: Please be ready by ten.
Big Red: Sleep well, Little One, I love you.
You go to bed with a smile and a warm feeling in your chest.
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random-fandom1984 · 6 months
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Request are open!
●Fluff ●Yandere ●Angst ●Crossovers ●Character x Reader ●Character x Character ●References to other fandoms ●Comfort ●Headcanons ●Reader/Character from one dimension/universe getting sent to a different one (tfp x tfa, trollhunters x zak storm, etc)
●others to be added
●NSFW ●Pedophilia ●Incest ●Certain sensitive topics (rape, abuse, etc) ●Other's OC's (I don't have the confidence to do that)
General: - Predacon! Reader in TFA
Optimus Prime - Wattpad Story: Deadly Voice - Yandere! TFP! & TFA! Optimus x Chubby! Gn Reader Ratchet Prowl Bumblebee Bulkhead Jazz Jettwins Ultra Magnus Megatron Starscream (+clones) Lugnut Blitzwing Blackarachnia/Elita-1 Grimlock Wreck-Gar Soundwave Longarm Prime/Shockwave - All It Takes Is A Potion to Show How Much I'm Obsessed With You Wasp/Waspinator
Optimus Prime - Yandere TFP! & TFA! Optimus x Chubby! Gn Reader Ratchet Arcee Cliffjumper Smokescreen Bumblebee - Bumblebee x SG! Cybertronian Reader Bulkhead Wheeljack Ultra Magnus Megatron - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Starscream - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Soundwave - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Shockwave - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Predaking - Decepticons Meets Sparklings 5t3v3(Steve) - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Knockout - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Breakdown - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Dreadwing - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Arachnid Unicron
Optimus - Sparklings Megatron - Sparklings Bumblebee - Sparklings Elita-1 - Sparklings Soundwave - Sparklings Shockwave - Sparklings Tarantulas - Sparklings Terrans(PLATONIC ONLY) Swindle Starscream
Optimus Prime - Calling Optimus Prime Dad Prowl Jazz Bumblebee Ratchet Megatron Starscream Skywarp Thundercracker Reflector Soundwave - Soundwave x Cybertronian Reader Part 1 Shockwave Grimlock Unicron Other Autobots and Decepticons
Optimus Primal Rattrap Rhinox Cheetor -His Sea Goddess (Cheetor x Cybertronian Reader with an Octopus alt-mode) Dinobot Megatron Tarantulas Waspinator
Bumblebee Sideswipe Strongarm Fix-it Grimlock Drift Steeljaw Thunderhoof Fracture Underbite Saberhorn
Mk Mei Red Son Jin & Yin Spider Queen Azure Lion Macaque Sun Wukong Nezha Syntax Huntsman Goliath (Strong Spider) Peng Lady Bone Demon Not Mayor
Zak Storm (PLATONIC ONLY) Cece Crogar Clovis (PLATONIC ONLY) Caramba (PLATONIC ONLY) Calabrass (PLATONIC ONLY) Golden Bones
Angor Rot Gunmar Bular Aaarrrgghh Blinky (Blinkous) Nomura Draal Krel Tarron & Aja Tarron (PLATONIC ONLY) Varvatos Tronos Madu Zadra Zeron Alpha Nari Skrael Bellroc
Recently added
Cookie Run Kingdom
Gingerbrave (PLATONIC ONLY) Wizard Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Strawberry Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Custard Cookie Ⅲ (PLATONIC ONLY) Chili Pepper Cookie Licorice Cookie Poison Mushroom Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Dark Choco Cookie Red Velvet Cookie Pomegranate Cookie Dark Enchantress Cookie Pure Vanilla Cookie White Lily Cookie Hollyberry Cookie Golden Cheese Cookie Dark Cacao Cookie Princess Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Knight Cookie (PLANTONIC ONLY) Caramel Arrow Cookie Crunchy Chip Cookie Affogato Cookie Captain Caviar Cookie Black Pearl Cookie/White Pearl Cookie Shadow Milk Cookie Mystic Flour Cookie
Others to be added
Adventure Time: Fionna & Cake
Fionna Cake (PLATONIC ONLY) Gary Marshall Lee Scarab Prismo Simon (PLATONIC ONLY) Marceline (Vampireworld version) Bonnibell Bubblegum (Vampireworld version)
WHEN REQUESTING (More rules will be added later):
●Include the fact whether or not your request is platonic or romantic; If romantic, is Y/n or character in a relationship, and if not, who is the romantic interest(s)?
●Give me some of the plot of what you're thinking for your request. If you don't, and I don't know what you want it to be about, or I can't think of what to make up- Example:
Optimus x Reader. Angst. Reader is male.
I don't know what the plot should be, or what it should involve. Like, if it's good enough that I can think of what it could be, then yeah, sure, but that will be a rare chance with me. But if it's like this- Example:
Aaarrrgghh x Reader. Comfort. Basically, the reader has had a bad day at work/school, and the two of them just cuddle and enjoy the silence in each other's arms, slowly falling asleep.
Then I will be able to think of how it can go because you gave me what you want to include in your request, but now how, I will be able to get behind that.
● I can make the reader be based off of another character, like- Examples:
-Vox! Reader in Trollhunters
-Reader as Ratchet's little sister in Transformers: Generation 1
Anything! Whatever you want as long as it's allowed.
●If your request involves something that isn't allowed, then it will be ignored.
That's everything for now! Request away!
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ppnuggie · 2 years
Hello, could I ask for TFP Ratchet and Dreadwing with a human reader who at first seems very reclusive and shy, almost unnoticeable, but they are very empathetic and kind. They have a habit of comforting bots (like the vehicons) before they die saying they fought honourably, they’re always trying to bury the bodies and make a semi grave for them regardless of sides, and just very respectful of the deaths in the war in general. Thank you!
      TFP x gn human reader
    『 dreadwing ,, ratchet ,, gender neutral human reader 』
  -> bots w/ a s/o who’s respectful of the deaths in wars
  — fluff ,, sfw ,, crack
  — here you go 🫶🫶
— ratchet
• the first time you had stumbled across a dead cybertronian was how you had met the medic ,, unsure of what it was you were looking at ,, at that time at least ,, until ratchet had told you
• realizing that this being was once a soldier ,, fighting against a great evil ,, it dawned on you how there wasnt anyone else around
• you then went on to help ratchet with the mech ,, suggesting to just bury him there ,, which you two ended up doing
• with a little saying and a little flower plucked from the ground ,, you let it sit upon the mech’s grave ,, being respectful about not actually stepping on it
• when you joined the autobots ,, you had done the same with cliffjumper ,, and ratchet was glad you were respectful for his dead teammates
• its not often an autobot dies with how few there are now ,, but any time you do ,, you help to give them a proper burial and help ratchet with things for them
• ratchet is glad to see this side of you ,, glad to see that you’re honoring them and not just shrugging off their death like how many others do
— dreadwing
• he only happened to stumble upon you comforting a vehicon about to offline once ,, talking to them and saying how brave they were despite their inevitable fate to come soon
• he once thought you werent worth his time ,, but seeing that you happened to be there when his brother had died ,, through starscream’s memories of course ,, he changed his mind
• he’s with you any time a vehicon is about to die ,, holding you close when they do happen to offline
• the mech holds you close afterwards ,, listening to your sorrow and pain as you talk about how you knew them ,, how they were one of the few actual mechs onboard who treated you nicely
• dreadwing comforts you through it all ,, with every single mech who happens to join the afterlife and meet up with the others who’ve passed
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sapphire-rhythm · 3 months
montyuh fic findings
[mostly organized] {part 1} (part 2) (part 3) (dashboard view links cause thats how you get the readmores to work) (keep in mind that these blogs just happen to be who i found the fics from first)
{there are 18+ stories here but if you're looking for their fics you already know}
{organized based on this post}
[x] tfa starscream sfw bot reader [x] tfa jetfire sfw female bot reader [x] part 2^ tfa jetfire female bot reader [x] g1, tfa, tfp starscream sfw [x] tfa blitzwing, starscream sfw bot reader [x] tfa blitzwing, tfp megatron, tfp wheeljack sfw bot reader [x] tfa blitzwing, starscream, megatron sfw bot reader [x] tfa bumblebee bot reader [x] tfa prowl, bumblebee sfw bot reader [x] tfa bumblebee sfw merformer [x] tfa/tfp/g1 megatron sfw merformer [x] part 2^ megatron sfw merformer [2? missing]
[x] g1/idw jazz afab reader [x] g1 hound sfw bot reader [x] g1, tfa, tfp starscream sfw [x] g1 hound [x] g1 first aid sfw bot reader [x] g1 soundwave sfw bot reader [x] g1 hound sfw [x] g1 soundwave sfw [x] g1 first aid sfw [x] g1 skyfire+starscream sfw first contact [x] part 2^ g1 skyfire+starscream sfw first contact [x] g1 hound sfw [x] g1 soundwave sfw yandere [x] part 2^ g1 soundwave sfw yandere [x] g1 hound afab reader [x] g1 megatron sfw [x] part 2^ g1 megatron [x] g1 skyfire sfw bot reader [x] g1 starscream, tfp shockwave sfw [x] g1 starscream+skyfire sfw merformers [x] g1 bumblebee+cliffjumper sfw merformers [x] g1 hotspot sfw bot reader [x] g1 hound sfw female reader [x] g1 hound sfw [x] g1 rumble+frenzy sfw [x] g1 soundwave sfw [x] g1 hound sfw [x] part 2^ g1 hound [x] g1 ratchet sfw first contact [x] g1 wheeljack sfw trans reader [x] g1/idw1 hound [x] g1 cliffjumper [x] kup afab reader [x] prowl sfw [x] hound
[x] bayverse bumblebee sfw [x] bayverse crosshairs sfw bot reader [x] bayverse drift sfw bot reader [x] bayverse optimus, ratchet, ironhide, jazz sfw [x] bayverse optimus bot reader [x] bayverse optimus, sideswipe, ironhide, soundwave sfw unspecified reader [x] bayverse megatron, optimus sfw [x] bayverse optimus, ironhide, megatron, soundwave sfw bot reader [x] bayverse optimus bot reader [x] bayverse sideswipe, optimus sfw unspecified reader [x] bayverse bumblebee bot reader [1? missing]
rise of the beast
[x] rotb scourge afab reader [x] rotb mirage sfw [x] rotb/bw airazor sfw [x] rotb mirage afab reader [x] rotb optimus sfw [x] rotb optimus
beast wars
[x] bw dinobot, rhinox sfw [x] bw rhinox afab reader [x] bw rhinox sfw [x] bw rattrap+optimus primal+dinobot+rhinox sfw [x] bw tarantulas, tfp ratchet sfw bot reader [x] bw cheetor sfw merformer [x] bw waspinator sfw bot reader [x] bw quickstrike sfw bot reader [3? missing]
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weenwrites · 2 years
How about if reader accidentally witnessed tfp cliffjumper being ambushed by the decepticons and decided to step in and provide a distraction to help cliffjumper take them down and get away? What would be the bots reaction? (Preferably, cliffjumper, arcee, ratchet and optimus) thanks!
Cliff's pretty surprised to see a human jump in to distract some cons for him. Usually humans scream and run away upon seeing a giant robot, so he takes a liking to you pretty quickly. Once he deals with the cons and escorts you back to base (which is probably pretty easy for him to do since you decided to help him out in the first place), he does the usual. He introduces you to the team and you're assigned a guardian. Even if he wasn't assigned as your guardian, he'd still chat and hang around you afterward.
Similar to Cliffjumper, Arcee could probably take a liking to you too. And while you don't get any "thank you" from her and you won't be able to tell that she's grateful, she is. She just hopes that this doesn't become a common occurrence now that you're part of the team.
As per usual, Ratchet's about as excited to see another human as you'd expect. That's right! He isn't. Sure, he appreciates that you helped Cliffjumper get out of a rock and a hard place, but he's still mostly upset that the team has to now worry about you. If this happens to be a common occurrence every now and then, he'll get pretty good at spotting you just before you sneak through the groundbridge.
Optimus never really expected to see a human do such a thing, but he's pleasantly surprised, however he does find it unfortunate that another person has to get involved with the Autobots and Decepticons. Similar to the rest of his team, he hopes this isn't a common occurrence because it's very reckless and not only puts you in danger, but the rest of the team as well.
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maltmealo · 5 months
Chapter 19: Three-to-three ratio
"Ha... look at that, he's actually alive."
"Thats kinda the point of... all of this."
"Don't be rude, they're exhausted and probably in shock."
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A laugh woke you up from your dreamless state. Children’s giggles bouncing around in your head and making it hard to fall back into the thick embrace of sleep. Blueberries and raspberries filled your mouth, the fruity taste coupled by a citrusy scent that was so similar to someone.
“Who are you?” The childish voice makes you snap awake, a dusty red and dark purple swirling together in your vision until the colors slowly morphed into child-like shapes standing above you. You slowly push yourself off the bed and the light children give you space, stepping away from your awakening form.
“(Y/N),” you respond, getting to your feet only to realize you were standing on a pile of blankets. you carefully step out of the blankets, stepping onto the hard metal floor below. The children again follow, giggling and muttering to each other. They were barely above your waist, almost looking like a toddler with the proportion of an adult.
“How’d ya get here?” the red one asks, stepping forward to face you, well, sort of face you, they had no face, only a blank red slate where their voice was coming from. “This place is fer us, not you.”
“Well… I apologize for invading your privacy,” you answer, glancing around the room lightly before finding that too invasive and instead looking down at the child again. “I don’t know how I got here, I was with my friend a little bit ago.”
“Friend, huh? Well I'm going to put my friend up your-” The angry red light-child is cut off by the purple one, they whisper something into the red one’s ear. The red one pauses, their shoulders dropping and visibly relaxing.
“Sorry ‘bout him, he’s just protective,” the purple one says, stepping forward and grabbing your wrist. The red one takes a place on the other side of you, taking your other wrist and tugging you out of the room.
“I’m Rumble and he’s Frenzy,” The purple one proclaims happily, jerking a thumb in the direction of the red one. They slow down once they pull you out of the room, weaving through countless bright white lights that wander around you.
“Don’t worry, we know who you're looking fer,” Frenzy laughs, pushing past one of the lights and it makes a noise similar to a low grumble, “Come on!”
Frenzy pushes open a door and a loud roaring slams into your ears as soon as he pulls you in, Rumble follows quickly, taking the lead and pulling you towards the railing. The bright light fills your vision, temporarily blinding you.
When your eyes adjusted, you could see what the cheering was for, an arena. A whole ass gladiator arena, with two people fighting in it. The seats were crowded with bright lights of all different colors, some mixing and some fading in and out. The cheering was boisterous and heavy, all but forcing your head down to watch the fight in the middle.
Before you could even squint to try and see who the two fighting were, Frenzy jumped onto the railing, almost hanging over the unsteady protective metal as he shouted at the top of his lungs.
“GET HIS AFT!” He screamed just as you grabbed his arm to prevent him from falling. He instead dragged you and Rumble closer, his shouting becoming incomprehensible shouting.
“There!” Rumble shouted as well, pointing to the fighter that had a purple haze around him.
You squint your eyes to see, and it was none other than Doctor Sowa, no longer in a lab coat but instead in black and purple clothes. He was fighting a dark cloud, tendrils of shadows whipping out from the cloud as it fought against your dear doctor.
You gasp as one of the cloud’s attacks landed, sending him flying back into the arena wall. You lean on the rails with Frenzy, now in worry for your friend's life.
“We need to stop this, he's going to die!” You shout, trying to pull away to find someone that could stop this death match but the two children stop you.
“No, no!” They say in unison, dragging you back to the railing and pointing down.
“Don’t you worry, he always wins, this piece of scrap is nuthing to him!” Rumble explains, eagerly watching as Doctor Sowa gets pinned down at the cloud.
You could only close your eyes and bite your tongue, expecting the worst to become of him. A loud ‘CHOOM’ echoes through as the arena is silenced, only a faint buzzing lingering in the air. You crack your eyes open, only to see the same blue fire only a few feet behind the fading black cloud.
Sowa was still standing, unphased by the impact he had taken. The crowd broke out in a cheer, the boo’s of whoever was around quickly being quieted by the unholy shriek of victory from Rumble. Suddenly you were being dragged away again, your heels scraping against the ground as the two light children all but carried you down a flight of stairs to the side.
“Where are we going?” You ask just as your feet finally get the message and start to move with the kids. They let your elbows go for just long enough that you weren't walking backwards before they grabbed your arm again and dragged.
“To see him,” Frenzy answered curtly, kicking open an old door with his foot and leaving a dark green light flashing and jumping back before it could hit him.
“Doctor Sowa?”
“Um… no,” Frenzy said, looking up at you. You could only assume he was confused but since he was faceless it could have been any range of emotion.
“He ain’t a doctor, he’s the best fighter ever!” Rumble chirped, stopping at a door before letting your elbow go. Frenzy followed suit, opening the door and walking in calmly.
Rumble pushed you in and the unbearable roar of the crowd was instantly muted, replaced with a soft humming of the man sitting in a chair.
“Sowa,” You say in relief, before you could even open your mouth again he gestured for you to sit. You did, taking place in an old metal chair that was rusted and slightly blue.
He nodded and took off the face mask, revealing scarred lips covered in blood and flickering purple lights. Rumble and Frenzy were now by Sowa’s side, gripping onto his pant legs and muttering amongst themselves again.
“Where are we?” You asked after a moment of enjoying the quiet, leaning back against the chair to look Sowa in the eyes.
“A memory,” His voice came out hoarsely, like a sound not spoken in eons, an echoing sound of an old pipe filled with holes. It was slightly monotone, yet you felt everything he felt. A deep calm washed over you as you spoke, “a good one.”
“You’re talking.”
“I am, this was a time before I took my vow of silence.”
“Are these your-”
“Children… yes, you seem to already be well acquainted,” he says in the same tone, watching the children as they run off to the corner and start tumbling around,
You watch them as well, unsure of where to go off of this before finally speaking up again, “I thought you said…”
“This is a memory, (Y/N), they have long since been… extinguished,” His voice gets solemn and Rumble tackles Frenzy into a pile of rubber scraps. They burst out into a fit of laughter as they grab handfuls of rubber and hurl it at one another. “They are the reason for my silence.”
One of the handfuls hits you square in the face, the black pieces falling into your lap. The children, blissfully aware of the faceful of old rubber you had just received, continued to play.
“Why am I here?” You ask, beginning to collect the pieces of rubber that had fallen into your lap. You place them in your palm one by one, the sides fitting together like a puzzle piece.
“You’re injured,” he states simply, standing up and plucking bits of it out of your hair.
“It’s rubber, not acid,” you chuckle, looking down at the deformed puzzle in your palm. It vaguely resembles a sharper version of the Autobots symbol.
“Your spark,” he reached out, pressing his palm flat against your chest. You could feel your heart beating through your body, a constant and rhythmic bump-bumping that almost made your head hurt, “You’re drained, you shouldn’t have gone with the Autobot.”
“Cliffjumper?” You ask, your head jerking up from your palm to look in the face, “is he okay? Did the others manage to find him?”
He stayed silent. With the other hand, he reached down and curled your palm up, the rubber symbol crumbling and falling to the floor. He took his hand away from your chest, pushing up and away from you as he went over to pull the two fighting children away from each other.
Before you could even speak to ask again, a cat jumped up on your lap. Well… it wasn’t really a cat, only a dark purple light in the shape of a cat, but it purred as it settled down onto your lap.
“That is Ravage,” he sits back down, both the children under each arm and dangling limply as they mutter angrily to one another.
You run your hand over the light, it didn't feel like fur instead like… scratchy carpet. You cringe, the sensation sending chills down your spine but the cat was purring even louder so you continued, “He’s cute.”
He nodded, switching the children to sit on his lap. He looked down at the two children, now happily leaning against their father and falling asleep, a day of screaming and dragging around a grown human would do that to a child.
“Is he gone?”
He stays silent, still looking down at the two children and at your lap.
“Doctor, is Cliffjumper gone?”
“It is… not known yet,” he says quietly, standing up and walking over to the rubber pile, setting the two children down in it before turning back to you, “I believe you say that it is ‘up for debate’.”
“Yeah for something like parents arguing or what to eat for dinner not… a friend dying,” you say quietly, picking up Ravage and hugging him against your chest.
He stays silent again looking for the words.
“You cared for him.”
“I don’t understand… You barely knew him, he was nothing more then your caretaker,” he starts, his voice gurgling into something robotic as the lights flickered, “you care for someone you know nothing about.”
“So? He was still a person, and he cared for me, and nobody deserves to die just for trying to survive,” You whisper. Ravage meows in your arms, squirming in discomfort at your harsh pets. You ease up on the pets, your gaze locking with the ground.
“It’s a war, he was bound to die eventually.”
“So are you, but you don’t have to be an ass about it,” You snap, letting Ravage shimmy out of your arms and watching him as he crawls up on Sowa’s lap, “And even if you were right, wars are stupid, nobody deserves to be in a war.”
He didn’t answer, instead standing up and letting Ravage scale up to his shoulder as he walked to the foam pit and set down the two kids. They groan, mildly protesting before letting go and holding onto each other instead. Ravage joined them, resting at their heads and purring quietly.
“You are more kind than many people, perhaps this war could have been avoided if you were there,” he said lowly, kneeling in front of you and taking your hand, “but it is doubtful your opinion would have stopped the two factions from fighting.”
“Thanks I feel so much better,” You pull away from Sowa and stand up, dragging your hand down your face as you walk to the wall.
You rest your head against the wall, closing your eyes as you wrap your arms around yourself in a pseudo hug. He was right, you were one person, even if you had been there, what would a little human do to stop a war? What could one person do to stop a war?
Two arms wrapped around you, keeping you firmly pressed against his chest as Sowa sighed. He rested his head on your shoulder, keeping silent for a moment before squeezing you gently.
“It’s not your fault, and you're not even supposed to be involved in this, you cannot feel guilty for a war and death that was inevitable,” He muttered, pulling away and turning you back to look at him, his lips pressed into a thin line and he reached up and wiped away the wet from your cheek.
“I have to.” Your voice comes out weak and cracked. You had to, they were people too, people who had dreams, had ambitions, had friends and families. Bumblebee had known nothing but war, he didn’t know what peace meant.
“No, you don’t, this doesn’t involve you.” He mimicked your volume, “This is a memory, my memory, this was what I experienced before the war, I would give many things to have this moment back.”
He gestured to the three in the foam pit, soundly asleep and snoring softly. He turned back to you and cupped your cheek, gently rubbing his thumb over it.
“You are a smart and capable human, you can make a new life until I find a way for you to go home,” he whispered, slowly moving you towards the foam pit, “You cannot stay with the autobots.”
Before you could protest, he brought you down into the foam pit next to the three sleeping. He sits down beside you, awkwardly bending his lanky legs to fit in the pile of foam.
“I can’t leave the Autobots, they said they’d get me home once the war was over-”
“This war will never be over until we destroy each other,if you get more involved with this then you already are, the Decepticons would not hesitate to kill you and go to your home as well.” He wrapped an arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer.
His body radiated a heat that almost burned you, making you close your eyes as the intense waves of heat rolled off him. He let out a breath, his chest heaving up and down. The heat died down a little, but didn’t leave.
“My Children died in this war, I only have one left, I do not wish for you to suffer as I have,” he says softly, squeezing you tightly, “You have no one you need to protect, you need to be protected.”
“I…I can’t just leave, Sowa, I care for these people and I might be able to help,” you try to explain, opening your eyes and looking up at him. He was looking down at you, his eyes locking onto yours before he nodded slowly.
“I can’t force you,” he said quietly, his arm loosening around you, “just please, think about it.”
Little hands grabbed your shirt, a quiet groan coming from the faces now buried in your stomach from the two dimmed lights that had somehow managed to roll over to where you were without you noticing.
“Are ya leavin’?” Rumble mutters, tiredly rubbing his face as he looks up at you. He grabbed another handful of your shirt and yanked you to lay down, snuggling into your side, “Please don’t, I like ya, ya sound nice an’ we don’t got a carrier.”
He shoved the side of his head against your chest and Frenzy did the same to your back, effectively trapping you with their tiny, ungodly strong hands.
“Aw honey, I'm sorry but I gotta go eventually,” You say, softening at the child's plea for your company.
“Pleaseee, I promise we’ll be good,” Frenzy whines, his arms tightening almost painfully around your chest.
Another pair of arms wrap around the three of you, pulling you deeper into the pile of foam. Sowa curled around you three, carefully making sure to set Ravage on your side.
“Stay, sleep for a bit, you’ll be okay when you wake up just… think about what I said.”
The purple haze washes over you again, mixed with the lights of Rumble, Frenzy, and Ravages. It was warm, the comforting fog of the family made you sink further into your mind. Away from worry, away from war, away from the Autobots and Decepticons. The sting of your broken soul faded away, filled with his instead. He was supporting you, keeping you from falling back down.
“I’m so sorry for what has happened to you, but I will not let you fade,” he promised. The promise was a lock, the citrusy smell digging into your smell and anchoring it there. He urged you to sleep, they all did.
Please just be with us.
Your eyes closed, you were safe in his arms, in his memories you would never leave. A permanent resident of his happiest time. The sparks of the many he had created along with one he had saved. He was happy here, you were happy here.
Panicked noises woke up, beeping, the roaring of fire, the slamming windchimes, rain, the beating of a heart- it was to much- too much-
A cowbell.
A guitar string.
And a steady faucet drip.
They were new, they were… odd, almost as panicked as the others but in a strange way, scared.
Little hands touched your arm and the dinging got louder, A gentle shake tried to rouse you from your sleep. Another rougher grasp took hold of your arm, viciously shakily you as the thrumming got more frequent. The rougher hand was pulled away by the water, a mutter broke through the barrage of worried noise.
“Stop…. Hurt….”
The three new sounds were pulled away as the windchimes came closer. The ground left your back and was replaced by warm metal digits that trembled lightly.The three sounds quickly came back, clambering onto the servo with you, getting quieter in the presence of the windchimes.
“Wake up, please.”
The genuinity of the voice made it hard to resist its plea. As much as you wanted to stay with the pleasant feel of the four who had asked so nicely for you to stay, the panicking voice of Ratchet made it hard to stay.
Your eyes cracked open and the usually blinding light was replaced with the several bright blue lights of your inhuman friends and the softer eyes of three humans hovering above you.
“Look! Street girl’s waking up!”
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bots-and-cons · 2 years
can you make TFP x Reader who has a WandaVision situation, like all of her family had died and grew distance from Team Prime and in a mental breakdown, she has Scarlet Witch powers and accidently created an alternate reality where her family is "alive" in Jasper Nevada and never wanted to leave ? (either the kids are in there or not) and outside of hex creation, Team Prime are trying to find a way to help her to get out of her fantasy
Since I still have not watched WandaVision and Idk if I ever will, this is a lot of quess work, but I thank you for the good explanation
•When your family died, you were devastated, you felt like you’d lost everyone you’d ever loved
•And even though the team tried to be there for you, it was just simply too much for you to bear
•You ended up creating your own little reality bubble and staying there
•The team tried to get in, to help you, to get you out of this delusion you were stuck in but you were way too traumatized for that to happen
•You were happy, it was like everything was how it’s supposed to be, you had your family back and everyone was alive and well
•Sure, you thought about the team every now and then, but the more time passed, the less and less you thought about them
•No one on the team knew what the hell to do, they couldn’t get into the reality you were living in, to help you out of it
•Smokescreen was actually the first to voice his determination about getting you out, he was desperate to make up for their failure
•Ratchet didn’t really think it would be a good idea, you were happy and you were safe, didn’t they owe you to leave you alone after they failed to keep your family safe?
•Of course that wasn’t really a sensible idea, but Ratchet felt super guilty about the whole thing and he didn’t know how to help you so maybe it would just be best to leave you to your own devices
•Optimus of course tried to take all the blame for the what happened, he’d tried to protect you and your family, but he had failed miserably
•The team convinces Ratchet to try to contact you, and they manage to do that by some miracle
•All of them talk to you, trying to reason with you to get you to come back and abandon the delusional reality you’ve made for yourself
•Arcee is also pretty reluctant to try to pry you out of there, because honestly, she would’ve probably done the same if she had the ability to do so, especially after Cliffjumper died
•So she doesn’t talk to you, she doesn’t want to be the one to remind you of all the bad things that happened
•You just listen, because you’re confused, the voices sound familiar, but you don’t really recognize them
•Smokescreen tries to remind you of all the good things that happened before you lost your family, but you don’t know what he’s talking about, you don’t remember
•Bulk is the only one who gets a real answer out of you, because he asks how you’re doing, just a simple “how are you?” is enough to get a few words out of you
•Your voice breaks when you just say “I’m doing good and I’m happy” because somewhere deep inside you know that’s a lie
•Optimus doesn’t dare talk to you, he’s way too guilt ridden to feel like he even deserves to hear from you ever again
•Bee doesn’t really know what to say, so he just asks when you’re coming back, he misses you, you’re his friend
•You’re grip on the reality you’ve created starts to slip the more they talk to you, so you just hang up
•You don’t want to remember, you don’t want to go back to whatever misery you managed to escape from
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harventheblorbo · 2 years
Loved the one with wheeljack and them comforting their s/o could you do that same one bit with tfp arcee, soundwave, Cliffjumper and Airachnid?
You don’t have to if you don't want to! Have a lovely day and I wish you the best
Arcee, SoundWave, cliffjumper and Airachind comforting their human S/O after a battle ➥
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Containing;.. Arcee, Soundwave, Cliffjumper, Airachind and gn! Human Reader
___ is gender neutral and human
Warning; abit of angst, Swearing
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Arcee was going on a mission with a few other bots with her and It was taking a long time. It was starting to make you nervous. You knew that she couldn't be defeated so easily which only made you more scared. Arcee knew that this mission would worry you so she tried her best to not get hurt but unfortunately failed. When they were brought back, the horror that you expected was false.
She had barely any marks on her. "Welcome back" Miko greeted them with a toothy grin. "Thanks. Hi, ___" Arcee greeted you. She quickly noticed your mood and how it was affected by her disappearance.
When no one was around and off doing their own thing, she approached you. "I'm sorry... I tried my best to not get hurt." She explained. "It's okay. I was just... Worried that something happened to you" You stated as you soon felt the anxiety left from your chest.
Soundwave was off somewhere when you woke up. You normally slept at his workplace so he could watch over you. You were placed as his charge ever since the big man stole you as a mindless pet.
You waited and waited... And waited for him to get back. The longer that he took, the bigger your anxiety grew. 'What if he doesn't come back?' kept repeating in your mind. He had developed a special place in your heart and was scared that he wouldn't be here anymore.
When you heard footsteps you only prayed that it was Soundwave and not knockout breaking the news. It was thankfully Soundwave. When he first stepped into his quarters is when you felt a wave of relief over yourself.
He quickly noticed and gave you a little thumbs up on his visor as he walked closer to his monitor. You hugged his digit when he raised it to smooth you down. "Don't pull any shit like that again." You hissed as you were picked up and placed on his shoulder.
Cliffjumper was doing an emergency mission that was supposed to be small. But something in your gut told you that something was bad gonna happen. No matter how hard you tried to reassure yourself, it never went away.
It was taking a concerning amount of time for him to get back. When you heard the ground bridge whirr, you stood up from the couch to the railings that were close to the ground bridge so you could see cliff when he went through
Sure enough, he was completely fine. It was a glitch in the system and nothing was wrong. Cliffjumper looked at you and your worried state and walked over to you. "Hey, are you alright?" He asked. "I thought you got hurt or something..." You explained your worries
"Me? Being hurt? Never. Cliffjumper can never even be dented" He reassured you.
Rarely does Airachind goes out on her own missions but this time it was necessary. She didn't tell you what it was for but she just had to go. When she told you that she had to, your anxiety spiked and has stayed the same ever since she left. You two lived in a cabin ever since she cut ties with Megatron and his men
The fact that she had to do something just made you worry and send you down a spiral of thoughts. She couldn't be hurt right? What would you do if she just went missing? You started to think that someone led her into a trap
You heard keys jingle that you knew was Airachind. She opened the doors and was shortly hugged, basically tackled by you. She was In her holoform so she hugged you back.
She released you and had her hands on your shoulders. "Are you alright?" She asked with concern. "You scared me... I thought something happened" You expressed. "Oh, sweetheart... I wouldn't ever do that to you" she voiced as she hugged you.
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