#tfa optimus x blackarachnia
flamewar05 · 2 months
This is probably a hot take but I hate Transformers: Animated Megop, it makes no sense they have no chemistry, no history together, their is even a huge age gap considering Megatron is Ultra Magnus’s age who is Optimus’s father figure.
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Especially when there are two other options to ship tfa Optimus with in which they do have a past history and chemistry and they’re the same age as each other
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danichuuh · 5 months
I've been listening this song too much that it became my fav‼️
So I made this and I've been working on this everyday. I’ll be posting the rough version soon
Take your OpLita angst :3
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fangirlingpuggle · 4 months
can you make a sentinel and blackarachnia in tfp
Hey there,
So Sentinel in TFP, think he’d get humbled very fast. Just he starts mouthing off that he’s second in command after ultra magnus.
Ultra Magnus:…yeah I am not in charge Optimus is
Sentinel: OPTIMUS? That worthless maintenance bot he* turns around and then slowly looks up to see Optimus*
Sentinel pretty much has to shut up as no one is buying any of his bullshit. He also is pretty disbelieving that this Optimus is an alternate version of his Optimus he’d lie and say because his Optimus could be a leader like this but really, he’s internally frisking out and worried Optimus this war-torn and old and clearly tired fighting for eons.
He is having protective friend instincts and trying verry hard not to.
Sentinel is also terrified of the Decepticons who are way worse than the ones he knows. Megatron especially.
Her’s also pretty sure Megatron is fliting with Optimus… and they may be ex’s he is nto sure and way to scared to ask to does not want to touch that with a ten-foot pole… he’s also reexamining his universes Megatron’s interactions with his universes Optimus.
(He doesn’t want to give a shovel talk to Megatron he truly doesn’t)
Blackarachnia she is also super shocked by this universes autobots and Decepticons and any plans of a coup are thrown out the window as soon as she see’s this universes Megatron. She is glad there are no alternate versions of Lugnut and Blitzwing she doesn’t want to even what they’d be like.
The Decepticons are untrusting of her until they realize she is not an alternate version of Airachnid, after that kinda fascinated by techno organic Megatron starts asking about her universe… and her Universes Optimus she’s not sure why, though as soon as she mentions Starscream is immortal he just kinda nopes out apparently not wanting to even think about that universe. Even more so when she mentions starscreams clones.
Knockout actually gets along well with her, as soon as he realizes she is nothing to do with Airachnid, they gossip about each universe.
She is not sure what to do about the fact that Optimus and Megatron have or had a thing. She is so curious but also oh primus no I do not want to know anything… but I must tell me everything.
She sees Optimus across battle field and is just like what the fuck? She sees Sentinel who is nodding giving her the I KNOW WHAT THE FUCK look.
The two end up meeting up and talking, (gossiping) and piecing together what the fuck is going on with this universe, that Megatron and Optimus were/are a thing, Unicorn is real and MEGATRON AND OPTIMUS ARE A THING.
They also realize those 2 working out their shit would probably end the war in this unverse and that maybe that might carry over to theirs. Even if neither of them want to think about Optimus and Megatron as a couple, they remind themselves it’s for the good of the universe
When they get back to TFA verse Optimus is shocked that they are not only getting along but also truly so confused by the really really odd talk he gets about not overworking himself being a leader, things he needs to do once he takes over the autobots (Because after seeing that universe Sentinel and Blackarachnia have agreed yeah he’s gonna end up in charge… we are going to be joint second in command cause 1) power and 2) we’ve realized we actually care about him and don’t want him dead) but mostly they are criticizing his taste in mech and that a peace treaty based on marriage may be good but they want to give a shovel talk first.
Optimus is pretty sure they both have brain damage.
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in1-nutshell · 7 months
How would the tfa bots and cons react to a bot who is starscream twin brother base on his shattering glass counterpart
Since there isn't too much information on TFA Starscream's personality I mixed it a bit with IDW's Shattered Glass Starscream. Buddy the loyal Decepticon and Starscream the backstabber, who would have thought them being twins?
Hope you enjoy!
Autobots and Decepticons reaction to Starscreams Twin brother with the same personality as SG! Starscream
SFW, familial, platonic, slight mention of injury but nothing graphic or detailed, Cybertronian/ Bot reader
No one knows how this happened. It is one of the greatest mysteries unknown to Cybertron. How can the most loyal member of the Decepticon ranks, almost at par with Lugnut levels of loyalty, be related (much less twin) to the most backstabbing and whiny Second in command of its army? How could this soldier of the greatest armies in the galaxy be so found of science and organics?
Optimus Prime
When they first met, Prime thought that Buddy might have been another Starscream clone right off the bat. But it isn’t until he sees some kibble differences and overall different aura, that he realizes that that mech is no clone.
“You’re not Starscream! Who are you?”--Optimus
“Wow! First, that axe is very strong. What type of alloy is it made of? Getting off topic, my name is Buddy. A proud Decepticon under Megatron’s alligence.”--Buddy
“Are you some sort of clone like the others?”--Optimus
“Nope. Completely original. I get that I look like Starscream a lot actually. But there’s so many differences!”--Buddy
“oh, well—”--Optimus
“Not to mention being his Spark twin can really work up your circuits you know?”--Buddy
Prime literally stops fighting for a good couple of seconds after hearing this. Buddy takes this opportunity and flies away. Optimus remembers reading on some Decepticon files back at the academy and through his ‘history videos’.
Buddy lets the Prime go to go see off.
Prime is even more confused the next time he sees Buddy actively fighting alongside Megatron and making a good team?
He has never seen Starscream fight alongside him like that, and he is second in command. Optimus almost admires Buddy’s loyalty and admiration to Megatron whenever some bot talks ill of the Warlord.
When the Prime and Buddy have the next fight one-on-one He does give an effort to try and persuade Buddy to join the Autobots side.
“You know it’s a shame that you fight for the Decepticons, Buddy.”--Optimus
“Oh, is it little Prime?”--Buddy
“Yes, --WOW!— Which is why I’m offering you a spot with the Autobots!”--Optimus
“Well now this is weird then.”--Buddy
“Why is—Watch it!—Weird?”--Optimus
“Because I was going to offer you a spot in our ranks too!”--Buddy
“Oh boy, Hey Autobots! I think I broke your leader!”--Buddy
Oh, they have met before.
It was a few missions before the Lockdown incident back in the final days of the war.
He had been helping a wounded bot when he was suddenly face to face with a blaster. It would have gone off if Buddy had not interfered.
“Die Autobot scum!”—Random Decepticon
“Commander Buddy?!”—Random Decepticon
“Do you see this mech? This is a medic! We do not shoot medics with the wounded!”--Buddy
“But sir he is an Auto—”—Random Decepticon
“I do not care which side he is on! No one shoots the medics! Do you understand me!”--Buddy
“Yes sir!”—Random Decepticon
“Good. I will deal with this. Get back to base for regroup.”--Buddy
“Yes Comander.”—Random Decepticon
“I know you don’t trust me. But trust this one thing. Run.”--Buddy
Ratchet hadn’t seen or heard of that Decepticon since that day. When they meet again it was almost as if history repeated itself. Lugnut was about to detonate his bomb when Buddy held his arm back.
“Lugnut! Megatron needs—”--Buddy
“We have to stop meeting like this doctor.”--Buddy
“What made you stop him this time?”—Ratchet
Straight to the point I see.”--Buddy
“You could have killed me and the kid. Why didn’t you do it?”--Ratchet
“…The organic child you have… are they all right?”--Buddy
…Yes, she’s fine.”--Ratchet
Ratchet has conflicted feelings now whenever he is on the battlefield with him. At least he knows now that Buddy has a soft spot for organic life forms.
Oh, he does not care.
Like Optimus he first thinks that he is some Starscream clone.
Doesn’t really care that they aren’t.
He does stop when he is told that they are Starscreams twin brother.
But he quickly continues fighting.
If he is related to Starscream then he has to be just as bad as him, right?
“He is just some slimly Con like the rest of them! Maybe just as bad as Screamer.”--Bumblebee
“Oh, I don’t know about that.”--Ratchet
“What do you mean. If anything, you should be agreeing with me!”—Bumblebee
“He has saved my life before. Twice actually.”--Ratchet
“Excuse me what?”—Bumblebee
Bumblebee does feel a bit conflicted on hearing Ratchets stories on Buddy. He is a Decepticon… but they also saved Ratchets life twice!
He will still shoot at him but this time more for injury than anything else.
She has a mini vendetta against cons since they took her dad from her.
Jokes around with Bee calling them Lugnut 2.0.
But where are the conflicting feelings?
Here they are.
Takes time after Sari finds out she is a techno organic.
Sari had been caught in the crosshairs of Lugnuts servo and crashed on to the ground under a billboard. What she didn’t know was that the billboard had been damaged and was no falling. Her jetpack as damaged and she just froze in place.
“SARI!”—Optimus, Bumblebee, Bulkhead
She could hear the shouts of her friends but the only thing she was focusing on was the falling billboard and debris that was coming closer and closer.
Buddy who had seen the damage shrieked and flew over to the girl and used his body to shield her from the billboard and debris effectively covering them both. Sari remembered hearing a shriek and a couple of servos pulling her to the bot’s chassis all she could do was close her eyes. When she opened them again, she was face to face with Buddy.
“Are you okay? Are you hurt?”--Buddy
“What? Yeah, I’m okay I think.”--Sari
“Oh, that’s a relief.”--Buddy
“Why did you do that?”--Sari
“You have no part in our war. I refuse to have anyone civilian deaths that are not necessary.”--Buddy
“But you’re a Decepticon?”--Sari
“Just because I’m a Decepticon does not mean I hate organic life like my twin or companions.”--Buddy
“Oh, yeah Starscream’s your twin, right?”--Sari
“Exactly young one.”--Buddy
“Oh, I think that our rescuers.”--Buddy
A dozen servos suddenly shout out pulling and yanking the debris from off Buddy. Sari was still in his grasp protectively shielding her from any harm. When Buddy came out, he was almost knocked down by Starscream’s hug.
“Screamy, hold on—”--Buddy
“Prime! Catch!”--Buddy
Buddy tossed Sari to Optimus as he was literally picked up and flown away for repairs. The team crowded around Sari trying to see if any damage was done. Not a single scratch was on her head.
Buddy was the one who took the damage.
She now thinks very differently of the Con.
Bulkhead’s interaction with Buddy was under peculiar circumstances.
Bulkhead was battling it out with Scrapper, Mixmaster, and Dirt Boss when Buddy had arrived. Buddy looked like he was out for blood. Bulkhead thought it was for him and got ready to clobber the new Decepticons.
“Dirt Boss! Mix Master! Scrapper! Where are you?!”--Buddy
“Umm… hi?”--Bulkhead
“Oh, an Autobot. Don’t worry I’m not here for you.”--Buddy
To his surprise, Buddy went after the Constructicon’s instead.
As it turned out, Dirt Boss had Mix Master and Scrapper mess with Starscream’s wings because ‘he was too loud’.
“You, Autobot. What’s your designation?”--Buddy
“My name is Bulkhead.”--Bulkhead
“Good. Now Bulkhead, would you care to help me pound these dirty Con’s to the ground?”--Buddy
“But aren’t they on your same team?”--Bulkhead
“Oh, they were. But that changed the moment they decided to mess and hurt Starscream’s wings. So, you in or out?”—Buddy
“We are just roughing them up a bit.”--Buddy
“I’m in!”—Bulkhead
Together the two of them punted the Con’s into Lake Erie.
“Wow. You really have the strength for this Bulkhead.”--Buddy
“Oh, thanks—”--Bulkhead
“I’m also sensing some untapped potential. That’s some potential that the Decepticons could use. What do you say Bulkhead?”--Buddy
“No thanks! I’m good being an Autobot.”--Bulkhead
“Well at least you’re polite. Until we meet again Bulkhead.”--Buddy
Buddy then transformed and flew into the night. Now Bulkhead really doesn’t want to hit him.
Attacks Buddy straight on.
He is one of the smallest members on the team, besides Bumblebee. He sees something coming at him he is going to strike at it. Buddy actually had gotten a tip about Prowl over a conversation he heard from Swindle and Lockdown.
Buddy sees an opportunity. Having a bot with such incredible talents would certainly give the Decepticon’s an edge in this war.
“Hello there—Woah!”--Buddy
“That was a warning.”--Prowl
“I just came here to offer—”--Buddy
“The next one goes through your servo.”--Prowl
“Fine. I’ll come another day.”--Buddy
Prowl is dodging all these requests like the Draft.
Except this time, he is making sure he doesn’t get caught.
Ah, yes, his favorite soldier.
“I have the equipment necessary for the next phase of the plan.”--Buddy
“Excellent. At least some bots here are doing their work. You are dismissed.”--Megatron
“Yes, sir.”—Buddy
Don’t tell Lugnut.
Not only does Buddy offer him just loyalty, but because he also treats him as a mech, not some deity. He tries not to hurt Starscream too much whenever he is around.
They don’t make loyal soldiers like they used to.
Is willing to overlook some of Buddy’s softer behaviors on the battlefield because he always brings in good results back.
He loves his spark twin.
It might not seem like it at first. Afterall their personalities contradict themselves. But if you have been around them long enough you can see the undying loyalty between these two brothers.
“I hate you and your organic meddling. How can you even stand them?”--Starscream
“Love you too Screamy. And they are called humans. Only some of them are dirty, not all brother.”--Buddy
Starscream and Buddy are very protective of each other.
Which is one of the reasons why Starscreams punishments have gone down with Buddy being around. Buddy is just and fair, starscream is not. That’s why sometimes Buddy will not interfere with Megatrons punishements, because Starscream deserved it. But that doesn’t mean he is heartless.
He always patches up his brother after every punch shot or anything.
“You know, if you’d stop trying to over thrown our leader maybe then I wouldn’t have to pound out all the dents in your wings.”--Buddy
“You’ll be thanking me when I do become leader.”--Starscream
“Sure, Screamy keep telling yourself that.”--Buddy
His personalities clash whenever he is around.
Icy prefers Buddy’s presence a lot more than Hothead. It’s one of the only other intelligent being he can talk to.
“Did you recalibrate you blasters yet?”--Icy
“Not yet. Which circuits did you use to hotwire Lugnuts?”--Buddy
“The red one.”—Icy
Hothead can’t stand him on some days claiming him to be going soft. Other times he will get mad at Buddy for getting hurt over meaningless things.
“If you hadn’t thought about going after that organic, I wouldn’t have to help haul you off to the Med bay!”--Hothead
“Is that right?”--Buddy
“I could be scouting outside right now. But no! You had to get hit by a billboard!”--Hothead
Random likes to play games with Buddy and make random sounds. He has a whole record on weird noises to play with Buddy.
Sesame Street theme song starts playing.
“IT’S BEEN 3 HOURS! TURN IT OFF!”--Starscream
Distant giggles
Buddy always vouches for him whenever someone makes a comment on his different personalities.
All three of them like that
If he is going anywhere were Blitzwing isn’t Buddy is his next pick.
He knows that buddy can be trusted with sensitive things concerning the all glorious leader Megatron.
“Buddy. I have an important message for Lord Megatron.”--Lugnut
“If it’s another poem about his greatness, I suggest you not take it to him today. He is having a bad day today.”--Buddy
“… Give me the data pad.”--Buddy
He very much apprentice Buddy sticking up for him whenever someone’s comments make an unnecessary jab to his ‘obsession’.
Buddy has a lot of brownie points on Lugnut’s book.
Honestly one of her only friends in the ranks is Buddy.
Since she came to the Decepticon side later not many were found of her and her organic mold. Buddy was the first besides Megatron to greet her with open arms.
Not even Lugnut got there fast.
“Welcome Blackarchnia, to the Decepticons.”--Buddy
“I know it may be a lot to take in, so I will be here to help to make sure you understand the ropes around here.”--Buddy
“…Thank you…”--Blackarachnia
She does spill her secret about being Elita-One, one night in a secluded area. She thought that Buddy would shoot her right them and there. But Buddy instead held her as she started sobbing.
Now that doesn’t mean that Buddy is okay with how she is treating this whole situation with Sentinel and Optimus, Buddy being the scientist he is has tried to help Blackarchnia with her situation. But no matter how much he has tried to explain toher that this would kill her, he tries to be as supportive as he can about her organic half.
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cinnamonroll-anon · 6 months
Hi! If it's okay to ask/request, could you do TFA Decepticons and Autobots, of your choice with Human Reader? Can be romantic/platonic
Reader's a fan of fnaf-related, from games, books, lores, movie, etc…
A/n: Absolutely Anon, thank you for the request! Sorry for any grammatical errors or making the characters to OOC. Sorry for any misinterpretation of the prompt anon, these can be seen as platonic or romantic (sorry for not including the fnaf movie, i haven't seen it and it wouldn't do justice to write about it, but I'll definitely go back and write the headcanon after i watch it)
TFA Autobots/Decepticons x GN!Fnaf Fan Reader (Platonic/Romantic)
At first he would think it was based off of real events, in which you've had to remind him they're not. It's just a videogame
I think he'll find it odd how you could be so interested in something entirely fictional (he's not judging tho, man is a history nerd and he knows it) he may be just a bit concerned in the beginning
But it all shifted when you mentioned the books
That peaked his interest and you give some recommendations on the first ones to read. Obviously reminding him that what happens in the books doesn't happen in the games
I feel like he's a night owl and will definitely be reading them late at night. Sometimes you even join in and it becomes a fun little geeking out session, especially when he has so many questions and you're happy to answer
Ironically more into the horror aspect of fnaf (especially in some of the books because damn, messed up shit do be happening) and he's eating it all up fr (rip matpat mpreg that he read because, you little shit, you'd definitely tell him about it. Man was beyond flabbergasted and also learned about the theory side of fnaf) (definitely one was to make an impression 💀)
I think he's definitely more of a casual fan of fnaf
Probably the most open to learning about your interests, especially fnaf
He thought it would be something simple like the video games he's played while on earth, boy was he wrong
You've got him hooked on the lore, it confused him at first but you guided him through the most confusing bits, like not canon works like the books, security breach, the peak of the fandom etc.
You guy's definitely watched "An Undeniably Canon Five Nights at Freddy's Timeline" and he was definitely hollering while watching it with you and it helped him understand the lore just a bit better (bonus that y'all watched it like a movie night!)
In absolute awe of the Fnaf songs, each one is a banger
He'll definitely ramble about it with you if it's your hyperfixation and he's always happy to learn more about what makes you happy
More reluctant on it especially because it's in the horror genre and i don't think he takes it too well
He understands the idea and how it can be interesting but you might need to leave out agony and renment, might frighten him too much
Please don't show him the VHS tapes, that'll certainly scare the color off of him
He listens to the songs and thinks the community is very creative
Definatly likes the more cute and wholesome side of fnaf
Overall he's open to you but be mindful of his heart, he's a softie
I feel like he may be the hardest one to introduce to but it's not your fault, it's bumblebee's (He's bothered prowl with videogames and stuff before)
But i think he'd give you a chance, seeing that he cares alot about you and this means alot to you
I think he'd be more intrigued with the horror mechanics of the game, learning how a mix of jumbled sounds and scenes could scare someone
He'd be down to play it/ watch you play it/ watch gameplays
He definitely jumps ip from the jumpscares. In his defense he was caught off guard
Overall he'd be supportive, listening to you explain the convoluted story and all the details
He'd remember just about everything you tell him. It's how he shows he cares, actively listening and remembering things you like
He'd find it cute how you like fnaf so much, reminds him of how focused and happy nature makes him
He at first waves you off, saying that he's to busy or tired to care
But this guy's got a soft spot for you
So he might not take the deep dive into fnaf, but he definitely listens to you
He'll let you ramble while he's working on something. Sometimes you feel like you're being overbearing and stop talking, he notices of course, "I'm still listening, this William guy sure is a piece of work"
He remembers everything you tell him, so you find yourself over the moon when he remembers some reference you said like a month ago
Finds himself pleasantly surprised that it's more interesting than just a horror game, but i feel like he'll deny that (but watch him ask what else happened)
He probably is taking this more seriously than what he needs to, but you appreciate it
"So you're telling me that the sorrow he felt for losing his youngest son led him down a desperate path that ended up killing his own daughter on accident, but by then he was so broken he killed Henry's daughter, while also pushing away his eldest son, which would lead up into Micheal vengefully chasing down his father until Henry managed to trap everyone and put an end to Williams torment on all his victims and family?" He'd practically babble almost incoherently fast
Yeah that's practically it
He'd definitely like the more theoretical parts of Fnaf like how William had gotten away with it that long, why they didn't find the body's, etc.(he's practically a police officer as well, this is all up in his alley)
He's a quick learner and basically devours everything you show him, both invested and interested to learn why you love it so much
He found his answer and a hyperfixation!
Being on earth for as long as he has, just collecting dust and not being able to go anywhere is pretty crushing... And boring
He'd listen to you ramble on the premise that he's so utterly bored that he'd listen to just about anything
He'd be on the edge of his seat waiting to hear what happens next, he'd be interested if you also showed him just about everything
He'd grow used to it and doesn't sincerely care what anyone else thinks, letting you ramble and just enjoy yourself
He'd be lying if he didn't say he enjoyed that time together
He'll let you sit on his shoulder and just go off
He's basically unfazed by it but enjoying it
Probably freaks him out ngl but he'd shake it off under the impression that he couldn't be afraid of such a silly human story
Oh boy wait until he hears about the spring lock failure
But as much as it would freak him out man is invested to know everything
He'd jump up and scream at the jump scares when watching the gameplay. Every. Time.
He'd be in a love-hate relationship with fnaf, loving the complexity but hating the horror aspects
Honestly you rambling about it helps ease him into it, you're calming and so happy when you talk about it
Black Arachnia
Might not be as interested in the beginning, halfheartedly listening until you mention Springtrap
He reminds her of herself, an abomination both organic and technology. Both painful experiences and the agony of never being what they once were
She ends up enjoying listening to you explain how agony and remnant works. It's reminds her of her experiments to return herself to normal
She'd listen to you as she works, using your voice as a way to ground herself as she works
Definitely shocked at the family drama, but she loves the tea
Overall happy to be able to have one more thing to talk to you about.
He's having a field day
"Such interesting methods of disposing the bodies- Yeah, what a cold hearted killer- Oh! Killer like the music!"
His three sides are all equally interested in it, job well done!
One is analyzing the crime aspects, one is taking the story at face value, and of course the other one is just as/ if not more ecstatic about it
He loves it and loves learning more about it and rambling with you
Will listen to a Fnaf playlist with you happily, especially because it reminds him of you
Idk but something tells me he'd laugh at the jumpscares, thinks the suspense is funny
He's surprised you fan remember so much about Fnaf. Like theres just so much
I feel like he'd boast about how much you know. "Look at the genius before you, they know more about this subject than anyone!"
He's super supportive
He'd drop just about anything he's doing to give you his full undivided attention
If you sometimes forget that you've already told him something and say it again you're doing him a solid. He doesn't have the best memory but hes enthusiastic!
He's proud of you and isn't afraid to show it, as you shouldn't be afraid to share of what you like with him
Man has been working on the clock for ages. I feel like when he'd listen to you introduce him to fnaf he was honestly so overworked and stressed that he just needed a distraction
And indeed it was a distraction
If you're the type to go into long rants for hours, sign him up
Definitely asking questions and just actively indulging with you
It's honestly adorable
If anyone asks what you're doing at his desk, he'll just shoo them off saying that you're a key part of his work
He's interested, hooked and loving it
Show him the music and that's a new guilty pleasure for him. He listens to them while he works quietly, never thought he'd enjoy it so much
Definitely eager to learn about everything; books, games, you name it, he wants to know
Loves spending more time with you, especially bonding over your interest!
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spashahoney · 8 months
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Day 3: Trust/Failure (Optimus Prime x Blackarachnia)
Don’t cry over a dropped spilt spider drink.
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alduinprime · 8 months
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Local firefighter and his goth gf
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pumpkinpie59 · 5 months
Any ships not from tmnt? Like… oh what was it with optimus prime and the spider lady?
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my og ship djdksksk
what made me ship it
tbh i became obsessed with them when i was like 9 ? so it was a really long time ago. but i think it was probably the angsty friends to enemies with feelings in denial sorta situation they have goin on. also both of them are sexy lbr lmao
what are my fav things about the ship
they (and sentinel) affect each other’s stories so much that you just can’t ignore their dynamic even if you tried. they’re so stubborn but it’s still obvious they care about each other even if they’re stupid about it.
is there an unpopular opinion i have about this ship
they and sentinel are all to blame for their trauma and problems and there is no true culprit who is worse than the others. they’re all flawed individuals who need to get over their pride and grow for the better. optimus is just in a better place than blackarachnia and sentinel bc he now has a family who love him and call him out when he’s being dumb (HIM BEING HUMBLED IN THE SEASON 1 FINALE MY BELOVED- sorry that’s off topic)
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maryvioletique7708 · 11 months
I have this weird thought,,,
But like if I want to make the tfa x tssm story even more interesting,
“Petrol”(Peter) will probably be Blackarachnia’s and Optimus Prime’s Kid-
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sweetpeaches666 · 2 years
I have to admit. My favorite ship is OP x BA since my childhood. Mostly because of the angst and tragedy that comes with the relationship.
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random-fandom1984 · 3 months
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Request are open!
●Fluff ●Yandere ●Angst ●Crossovers ●Character x Reader ●Character x Character ●References to other fandoms ●Comfort ●Headcanons ●Reader/Character from one dimension/universe getting sent to a different one (tfp x tfa, trollhunters x zak storm, etc)
●others to be added
●NSFW ●Pedophilia ●Incest ●Certain sensitive topics (rape, abuse, etc) ●Other's OC's (I don't have the confidence to do that)
General: - Predacon! Reader in TFA
Optimus Prime - Wattpad Story: Deadly Voice - Yandere! TFP! & TFA! Optimus x Chubby! Gn Reader Ratchet Prowl Bumblebee Bulkhead Jazz Jettwins Ultra Magnus Megatron Starscream (+clones) Lugnut Blitzwing Blackarachnia/Elita-1 Grimlock Wreck-Gar Soundwave Longarm Prime/Shockwave - All It Takes Is A Potion to Show How Much I'm Obsessed With You Wasp/Waspinator
Optimus Prime - Yandere TFP! & TFA! Optimus x Chubby! Gn Reader Ratchet Arcee Cliffjumper Smokescreen Bumblebee - Bumblebee x SG! Cybertronian Reader Bulkhead Wheeljack Ultra Magnus Megatron - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Starscream - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Soundwave - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Shockwave - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Predaking - Decepticons Meets Sparklings 5t3v3(Steve) - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Knockout - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Breakdown - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Dreadwing - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Arachnid Unicron
Optimus - Sparklings Megatron - Sparklings Bumblebee - Sparklings Elita-1 - Sparklings Soundwave - Sparklings Shockwave - Sparklings Tarantulas - Sparklings Terrans(PLATONIC ONLY) Swindle Starscream
Optimus Prime - Calling Optimus Prime Dad Prowl Jazz Bumblebee Ratchet Megatron Starscream Skywarp Thundercracker Reflector Soundwave - Soundwave x Cybertronian Reader Part 1 Shockwave Grimlock Unicron Other Autobots and Decepticons
Optimus Primal Rattrap Rhinox Cheetor Dinobot Megatron Tarantulas Waspinator
Bumblebee Sideswipe Strongarm Fix-it Grimlock Drift Steeljaw Thunderhoof Fracture Underbite Saberhorn
Mk Mei Red Son Jin & Yin Spider Queen Azure Lion Macaque Sun Wukong Nezha Syntax Huntsman Goliath (Strong Spider) Peng Lady Bone Demon Not Mayor
Zak Storm (PLATONIC ONLY) Cece Crogar Clovis (PLATONIC ONLY) Caramba (PLATONIC ONLY) Calabrass (PLATONIC ONLY) Golden Bones
Angor Rot Gunmar Bular Aaarrrgghh Blinky (Blinkous) Nomura Draal Krel Tarron & Aja Tarron (PLATONIC ONLY) Varvatos Tronos Madu Zadra Zeron Alpha Nari Skrael Bellroc
Recently added
Cookie Run Kingdom
Gingerbrave (PLATONIC ONLY) Wizard Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Strawberry Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Custard Cookie Ⅲ (PLATONIC ONLY) Chili Pepper Cookie Licorice Cookie Poison Mushroom Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Dark Choco Cookie Red Velvet Cookie Pomegranate Cookie Dark Enchantress Cookie Pure Vanilla Cookie White Lily Cookie Hollyberry Cookie Golden Cheese Cookie Dark Cacao Cookie Princess Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Knight Cookie (PLANTONIC ONLY) Caramel Arrow Cookie Crunchy Chip Cookie Affogato Cookie Captain Caviar Cookie Black Pearl Cookie/White Pearl Cookie Shadow Milk Cookie Mystic Flour Cookie
Others to be added
Adventure Time: Fionna & Cake
Fionna Cake (PLATONIC ONLY) Gary Marshall Lee Scarab Prismo Simon (PLATONIC ONLY) Marceline (Vampireworld version) Bonnibell Bubblegum (Vampireworld version)
WHEN REQUESTING (More rules will be added later):
●Include the fact whether or not your request is platonic or romantic; If romantic, is Y/n or character in a relationship, and if not, who is the romantic interest(s)?
●Give me some of the plot of what you're thinking for your request. If you don't, and I don't know what you want it to be about, or I can't think of what to make up- Example:
Optimus x Reader. Angst. Reader is male.
I don't know what the plot should be, or what it should involve. Like, if it's good enough that I can think of what it could be, then yeah, sure, but that will be a rare chance with me. But if it's like this- Example:
Aaarrrgghh x Reader. Comfort. Basically, the reader has had a bad day at work/school, and the two of them just cuddle and enjoy the silence in each other's arms, slowly falling asleep.
Then I will be able to think of how it can go because you gave me what you want to include in your request, but now how, I will be able to get behind that.
● I can make the reader be based off of another character, like- Examples:
-Vox! Reader in Trollhunters
-Reader as Ratchet's little sister in Transformers: Generation 1
Anything! Whatever you want as long as it's allowed.
●If your request involves something that isn't allowed, then it will be ignored.
That's everything for now! Request away!
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danichuuh · 5 months
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uselessmicrowave · 1 year
-• transformers masterlist •-
[tfa, tfp, cyberverse, rid15, rescue bots, mtmte]
yell at me if there are any problems with the links, and everything that does not have “(nsfw)” is sfw. “semi-nsfw” can be suggestive to heavily implied smut.
-• transformers animated •-
starscream x shy reader (semi-nsfw)
starscream x reader (nsfw)
optimus prime
optimus prime x face dysphoric reader hcs
blitzwing (i know he’s an amazing character, i love writing for blitzwing but please all of you calm down)
blitzwing x afab reader period comfort hcs
blitzwing x reader comfort cuddles
blitzwing x reader comfort hcs
blitzwing x reader comfort hcs
blitzwing x reader hcs
blitzwing x reader praise hcs (sfw and nsfw)
blitzwing x reader praise hcs (sfw and nsfw)
blitzwing x insecure reader hcs (sfw and nsfw)
blitzwing x reader temperature play (nsfw)
blitzwing x ftm reader comfort (nsfw)
blitzwing x reader inflation (nsfw)
blitzwing x reader (nsfw)
blitzwing nsfw alphabet (nsfw)
blitzwing x reader petplay (nsfw)
blitzwing x reader petplay, shock collar (nsfw)
wreck gar
wreck gar x reader praise hcs (sfw and nsfw)
wreck gar nsfw alphabet
sentinel prime
sentinel prime x face dysphoric reader hcs
megatron x reader comfort hcs
megatron x reader (nsfw)
shockwave x reader praise hcs (sfw and nsfw)
skywarp x reader comfort
blackarachnia x afab reader period comfort hcs
lockdown x reader (nsfw)
lugnut x reader comfort hcs
prowl x insecure reader (sfw and nsfw)
bumblebee x reader comfort hcs
ratchet x face dysphoric reader hcs
-• tfa ships/pairings •-
shockwave x blurr (nsfw)
shockwave x blurr (nsfw)
shockwave x blurr overstim (nsfw)
blitzwing x bumblebee angsty (nsfw)
sentinel x optimus (nsfw)
shockwave x bumblebee x blurr (nsfw)
starscream x bumblebee (nsfw)
longarm/shockwave x bumblebee angst
shockwave x bumblebee ikea date
longarm/shockwave x bumblebee au (nsfw)
shockwave x bumblebee petplay (nsfw)
megatron x blitzwing temperature play (nsfw)
megatron x blitzwing (nsfw)
prowl x bumblebee (nsfw)
prowl x optimus prime bondage (nsfw)
-• transformers prime •-
optimus prime
optimus prime x human reader falling in love hcs
optimus prime x reader (nsfw)
optimus prime x human reader breeding hcs (nsfw)
optimus prime x human reader breeding hcs part 2 (nsfw)
starscream x reader bondage (nsfw)
starscream x reader overstim (nsfw)
starscream x reader (nsfw)
wheeljack x reader fluff
wheeljack x insecure reader hcs (sfw and nsfw)
ratchet nsfw alphabet
megatron x reader (dubcon nsfw)
optimus and megatron
megatron x reader x optimus prime part 1 (nsfw, dubcon, part two on second masterlist)
soundwave x reader hcs (sfw and nsfw)
soundwave x reader breeding (nsfw)
arcee x reader hcs (nsfw)
bumblebee x reader (nsfw)
arachnid x reader hcs (nsfw)
predaking x reader (nsfw)
knockout and breakdown
knockout x reader x breakdown (nsfw)
-• tfp ships/pairings •-
starscream x kobd headcanons
kobdss fluff hcs
starscream as a ghost
kobdss (nsfw)
kobdss (nsfw)
kobd mermay headcanons
shockwave x starscream headcanons
shockwave x starscream (nsfw)
predaking x starscream hcs
soundwave x starscream orgasm denial (nsfw)
megatron x shockwave (nsfw)
bulkhead x starscream petplay (nsfw)
starscream x optimus prime (nsfw)
starscream x optimus praise (nsfw)
starscream x optimus size difference (nsfw)
starwavewave (nsfw)
soundwave x shockwave (nsfw)
optimus x ratchet angst hcs (death tw)
-• cyberverse •-
grimlock x reader hcs (semi-nsfw)
shockwave x reader hcs (nsfw)
soundwave x reader hcs (nsfw)
-• cyberverse ships/pairings •-
deadend x astrotrain edging (nsfw)
shockwave x soundwave (nsfw)
shockwave x wheeljack (nsfw)
-• rid15 •-
steeljaw x afab reader period comfort hcs
thunderhoof x afab reader period comfort hcs
thunderhoof x reader hcs (sfw and nsfw)
fixit x reader romantic hcs (sfw and nsfw)
grimlock x reader romantic hcs (sfw and nsfw)
-• rid15 ships/pairings •-
steeljaw x thunderhoof (nsfw)
grimlock x bumblebee (nsfw)
-• rescue bots ships/pairings •-
kade x heatwave hcs
-• mtmte •-
cyclonus and tailgate
cygate x reader comfort hcs
Go to the second transformers masterlist in my pinned post for more content!
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wyrm-with-a-why · 5 months
Ahem, and now a Tfa X dead cells au!
Optimus - the beheaded
Ratchet - The collector
Ultra Magnus - the king
Jazz - tutorial knight
Prowl - mentor knight
Elita one - time keeper
Blacksmith - Bulkhead
Hand of the king - Sentinal
Giant - Shockwave/Longarm
The Queen - Megatron
Conjunctivius - Lugnut
Concierge - Starscream
Scarecrow - Blitzwing
Blacksmiths assistant - Bumblebee
Guillian - Sari
Collectors intern - Soundwave
Scarab lady - blackarachnia
Other characters to be added : the tailor and his daughter(could be swapped for Isaac and sari), the modifier Guillian and the rude scribe, the sailor, mama tick, the servants
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jetsandflowers · 9 months
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Hello there! I'm Jet/Flowers! 🌼 Consistently losing my sanity over the giant space robots (as you do), I'm over-enthused and over-caffeinated and have a brain that wanders like a little fish. Sometimes I write! Sometimes I art. Most times I just stare into The Void.
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🛫MY TF FANDOMS🛫 🌼 Transformers Animated 🌼 Transformers Prime 🌼 G1 Transformers 🌼 Transformers Earthspark 🌼 Transformers Cyberverse 🌼 Bumblebee Movie 🌼 Rescue Bots
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🛫UNMENTIONED🛫 🌼 Bay movies (nah. thanks. the fanfics I've read go hard though) 🌼 Comics (may start reading 'em soon!)
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🛫FAVORITE BOTS🛫 🌼 Blitzwing (TFA): EVERYBODY APPLAUD THAT COURT JESTER RIGHT NOW he's the funniest MF here. Wife material??? Brain says yes. 🌼 Ratchet(TFA, TFP): That's Peepaw!!! 🌼 Wasp/Waspinator (TFA): I am a hard-core Wasp apologist. He was a big meanie but he didn't deserve That. Wishing hugs and therapy on that dude! 🌼 Bumblebee (TFA, Earthspark): That's The Guy. Homie who you could kiss material. 🌼 Swindle (TFA): Baddie. I love him. 🌼 Blurr (TFA): That's Zippy!! 🌼 Starscream: I love him in every iteration 🌼 Shockwave: I love him in every iteration 🌼 Soundwave (every iteration): He's the only one with brain cells! Prime has the most Shaped design to me and I love the idea about his vow of silence, but G1 will always be my true fave. 🌼 Hound (G1): no real reason. He's my little guy, a true blorbo. 🌼 Blades (Rescue Bots): just the most blorbo!!! 🌼 Nightshade (Earthspark): They're actually perfect.
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🛫MY SHIPS (I collect Blitzwing ships like cool coins at this point) 🛫 🌼 Blitzwing X Bumblebee (TFA): Ma'am, why are you shipping those two clowns together, I hear you ask. Well, maybe because they're silly goofy, and I think they should exchange clown noses. Real talk though? Vibes. Also together they could get away with murder - Actually, SIKE, no they couldn't, and that's precisely why I'm shipping them. 🌼 Blitzwing X Wasp/Waspinator (TFA): I know it’s weird but it’s like dark timeline Blitzbee for me and I dig it. I'm the only one that ships this as far as I know but it rocks anyways. 🌼 Blitzwing X Blackarachnia (TFA): Think about the body horror discussions they could have, man. Additionally, she made him Like That according to the Allspark Almanac. Like HELLO. Someone had to suggest it at least. It'll be me I'm chill with that. Also, can we talk about the actual Stein and Madusa energy they give o- aight, I'll stop now before I go on forever. Side note for persuasion purposes: they're also mostly dressed in the asexual colors. Hell yeah!!!
🌼 Charlie x Bumblebee (BB movie): HUMANS AND ROBOTS LOVING EACH OTHER: THE SHIP. YAAAAAYYY!!!! 🌼 Optimus X Megatron: When I tell you that any love story between these two is so Pride and Prejudice coded... UGH-the DRAMA. Disgusting! Give me more!!! 🌼 Starscream X Megatron (TFA, G1, Earthspark: oh I ship them, sure, but like, in the way where it's like they're in the middle of a nasty divorce. Horrible. Beautiful. Mwah!
🌼 Thundercracker X Skywarp (G1): Wholesome. Adorable. 🌼 Swindle X Lockdown (TFA) they slay and it’s everyone’s problem. 🌼 Shockwave X Soundwave (TFP & G1): I don’t gotta say anything more than they’re just top tier. They get shit done. The end, amen. 🌼 Slipstream X Blackaracknia (TFA): now this? This is beautiful.
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🛫Tags🛫 🌼 Art Tag: #Jet's art
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spashahoney · 8 months
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Day 10: Insects/Animals (Optimus Prime x Blackarachnia)
She’ll have him practically purring-!
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