#tfa capricorn
mfdragon · 1 year
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BEHOLD! The Son!!
So I was trying to come up with a name for him cause since he doesn’t have that second Alt mode yet, calling his Astrotrain doesn’t make sense. Then I found out trains have naming conventions and gave him the model name Capricorn Num. 3 (so he at least has some “stars” in his name)
Then my friends started calling him Capri, Cappy, Cap’N (his favourite) and then someone said “would Blitzwing call him Caprison?” and that person is a fucking genius.
His personality is very much based on the humans that have been around that train, so many museum staff that give train facts and history to guests and train technicians.
As such, he is obsessed with trains! He eventually becomes like a novelty tour train for Detroit and doesn’t really join any factions (much to his dad’s insistence). He lives in that museum and is treated with the outmost care, prob because he tech is one of the exhibits but also now a valued staff member :3
His other alt mode is something he doesn’t really mind not having because in his mind he is just train.
But perhaps future circumstances will force him to make a decision and get that second form of his 👀
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blackwldcw · 1 year
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Name: proprionica blackarachnia of eukaris.
Alias: most common human alias is "dr. aranea noir." in tfa verse, when they briefly infiltrated the autobot elite guard, they went by "elita-1." general nicknames, however, include: moonlight, violet, deadly nightshade, arachnia, 'nia, itsy bitsy, widowmaker, spiderbitch, and black-spark.
Gender: non-binary. prefers "they/them" but will also answer to "she/her."
Age: 32, by human approximation, but they're millions of years old.
Species: eukarian, a techno-organic relative of cybertronians.
Zodiac: aquarius / aries / cancer / capricorn / gemini / leo / libra / pisces / sagittarius / scorpio / taurus / virgo / unknown
Abilities/Talents: scientific expertise, some medical training, the ability to create durable webs and poison, dancing, aerial acrobatics, and selective precognition.
Alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true
Religion: agnostic. they believe that onyx and the other thirteen existed, but they were mortal mecha who were later deified. as for primus and unicron, well, where were they when their children were killing each other in droves? in a word, they're not very religious and prefer to base their beliefs on scientific fact.
Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath
Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience
Languages: eukarian (branched off of the language of the ancients to include more organic sounds and names for things native to the planet); can read ancient cybertronian; can read and speak modern neo-cybex, english, german, and the asante twi dialect of akan (ghana).
Family: the tribe of the web-weavers on eukaris.
Friends: zircon, a fellow decepticon scientist. senator kalamity of kaon. scalpel of helex, a medic and adopted tribe-brother. turbo and nitro, former members of the gestalt pandaemonium. perceptor, quark, and various other colleagues.
Sexual Orientation: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual  / asexual / unsure / questioning / other
Relationship status: single / dating / married / widowed / open relationship (main partner is blitzwing but they are polyam) / other
Libido: sex god / very high / high  / average / low / very low / non-existent
Build: twig / bony / slender / average / athletic / curvy / chubby / obese
Hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black (when utilising a holoform) / other
Eyes: brown / blue / green / black / other (red)
Skin: pale / fair / olive / light brown / brown / very brown / black (when utilising a holoform) / other (dark purple)
Height: under 3 foot / 3-4 foot / 4-5 foot / 5-6 foot / 6-7 foot / above 7 foot (19.6 ft)
Weight: under 100 pounds / 100-150 pounds / 150-200 pounds / 200-250 pounds / above 250 pounds
Scars: a burn in the shape of a decepticon insignia on their collar. a deep gash on their left shoulder, and scratches on their inner thighs. sundry small scars from battle and laboratory accidents.
Facial Features: most commonly hidden underneath a gold and black helm. when removed, one can see that they have a triangular face, with sharp cheekbones and a small chin. smooth purple skin. smaller secondary eyes that glisten like rubies on their forehead. six delicate audial fins that serve as their ears. a small tapered nose that points upward slightly.
Tattoos: none (yet).
Dogs or Cats?
Birds or Hamsters?
Red or Blue?
Yellow or Green?
Black or White?
Coffee or Tea?
Ice Cream or Cake?
Fruits or Vegetables?
Sandwich or Soup?
Magic or Melee?
Sword or Bow?
Summer or Winter?
Spring or Autumn?
The Past or The Future?
tagged by: @wtwcky
tagging: looking at you, beautiful!
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ros-aura · 2 years
Hello I would love to join your new game
Please ship me with someone romantically
TFA/ ♌️
Sun Leo
Moon Scorpio
Rising Gemini
Venus Virgo
Mars leo
Thank you for this Opportunity!!
hello~ I remember you from the wedding game, welcome back! :D and no worries! wishing you well.
You: Leo Sun, Scorpio Moon, Gemini Rising, Virgo Venus, Leo Mars
I ship you with:
Aries Sun - I can imagine you guys going on very thrilling adventures together, or even making the apparently dullest dates fun and being super happy.
Pisces/Cancer Moon - Still water runs deep, and I think both of you will be able to communicate in less verbal ways and be able to understand each other well without even speaking, or speaking much. I'm not sure if you like to be pampered, but if you do, despite all that is said about Cancer Moons, I think that it could be a good match, but this is just a personal opinion and how Leos are described to be which is relatable (I love Cancer Moons).
Aquarius Rising - Someone who can be intellectual/likes intellectually stimulating conversations and has a perhaps slightly detached countenance/view of life, similar to your rising too! Someone who can have a similar vibe as you
Capricorn Venus - Someone you can understand and who will understand your earthly view on love and who is serious in giving you all that they can. 👌🏻
Aries Mars - On the same line as Aries Sun to match your Leo Sun, and I'd think Aries Mars being similar to you as it's a fire sign but slightly different would be complementary.
I hope you liked it! Please leave feedback.
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iiguess · 3 years
TAGGED BY ; @addysmenagerie
NAME ; Slammy
STAR SIGN ; Capricorn
GENDER ; sheeee / her
HEIGHT ; 5'0
FAVORITE COLOR ; It changes from time to time, but right now it’s a golden yellow!
CURRENT LOCATION ; Philippines eyy
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP ; 3-8 hours I think?
NUMBER OF BLANKETS I SLEEP UNDER ; 1 because it’s way too freaking hot here—-
FAVORITE FICTIONAL CHARACTERS ; Zhongli my love ( and Childe too I guess-- ) || (Genshin Impact), Leshy || (Inscryption), Isaac and most of the cast || (Castlevania), El and Hopper || (Stranger Things), Kakyoin || (JJBA), Razputin || (Psychonauts), BLUES [general] AND FIREMAN [Ariga] (and Quick [Ariga] because sOMEONE IS HAVING SOME INFLUENCE ON ME--) || (Megaman), Ratchet and TFA Prowl || (Transformers), and more I’m sure! 
FAVORITE BOOK ; “Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children” is a very nice read! Especially the little short stories that’s separate from the main series. 
FAVORITE ARTISTS/BANDS ; A lot/I don’t really have one ahdshaks, but if I had to pick one, I’d say Ed Sheeran for the catchy bops he made. 
DREAM JOB ; Honestly? I love the idea of working my own art cafe. Realistically speaking though, it’d be nice if I can be some sort of illustrator.
WHAT I'M WEARING ; A gray shirt from the 2009 World Series baseball championships and my old school shorts. 
DO YOU HAVE ANY OTHER BLOGS ; @lcveblind​ is my secondary blog for two more fantasy centered muses! I need to get up on doing more stuff there, actually
DO YOU GET ASKS ON A DAILY BASIS ; Nah, but I’m cool with it since there’s a lot to comment on with the dash lol
WHY DID YOU CHOOSE YOUR URL ; Mainly I wanted it to be based off Sam’s personality since this blog will be centered on her. So! Since she usually second guesses herself sometimes, I thought it’d be neat to have the url be a lil pun: iiguess. Which can either be translated into second guessing, OR her stuttering! She’s grown a good deal since then, but I’d like to keep it both for convenience and sentimentality’s sake.
TAGGING ; @tomahawk-swing, @em-dualism, @gentlexwind, @musicniinja | @eternalflxmes, @oh-nxts-and-bxlts and whoever else wants to do it!
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sacredjeditexts · 5 years
TAGGED BY: @swjedi (thank you for tagging me!)
RULES: Answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers you want to get to know better.
1. NAME: Yoomi 2. NICKNAMES: none! 3. ZODIAC SIGN: Capricorn 4. HEIGHT: 5′3″ 5. LANGUAGES: English, Korean (not very good, unfortunately .__.)  6. NATIONALITY: Korean-American (born in America, parents immigrated here from South Korea ~30 years ago) 7. FAVORITE SEASON: fall 8. FAVORITE FLOWER: roses 9. FAVORITE SCENT: clean laundry, baking bread 10. FAVORITE COLOR: sage green 11. FAVORITE ANIMAL: dogs, cats 12. FAVORITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER(s): Ben Solo/Kylo Ren, Rey, Han Solo, Elizabeth Bennet, Fitzwilliam Darcy, Elena Fisher
13. COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: Hot chocolate~
14. AVERAGE SLEEP HOURS: 7 hours 15. DOG OR CAT PERSON: cat person probs. I don’t have a pet but I really want one :( hoping to get one soon 16. NUMBER OF BLANKETS YOU SLEEP WITH: 1 17. DREAM TRIP: Either Disneyland or Disney World again (Rise of the Resistance looks amazing!!), Korea, another trip to London 18. BLOG ESTABLISHED: Oh god I can’t remember. Maybe 2016ish? Sometime soon after TFA I think. I wanted to make SW-focused gifs (which I don’t do much anymore bc my new computer doesn’t have PS, and my old one that does have PS is a dinosaur at this point. I hope I can make more soon though) 19. FOLLOWERS: 1905 (y’all are great) 20. RANDOM FACT: hmmm I’m double-jointed in all my fingers except my right thumb.
tagging: @xoruffitup @elsroyale @kylos @thebelongingyouseek @secret-jedi @bellesolo @brightrey @0biwan @cryptid-coalition @uncawanwo @boomdafunk @marriagestory @forcebensolo @castles-and-crowns @skywailer @bb-8 @thebelongingyouseek @solanaberrie @augustintodarkness @mulhollandoates
(Feel free to ignore if you’ve already done it/don’t feel like doing it lol) (This took me so long to get around to, ack. Also this really solidified for me that I don’t really talk much to people within the SW fandom, though I want to! I tend to avoid talking about fandom/SW irl, so I’m always down to chat about SW or anything in general ;-; AKA please talk to me, I’m lonesome and need to vent about TROS lolol)
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kyloreys · 6 years
zodiac signs as Kylo Ren
Aries: smuggler!Ben Solo 
Taurus: Kylo “I’M SURE YOU ARE!” Ren 
Gemini: Kylo “I want to be free of this pain” Ren 
Cancer: padawan!Ben Solo 
Virgo: Ben “I own a calligraphy set” Solo 
Libra: Kylo Ren staring at Darth Vader’s helmet and then smashing it 
Scorpio: fluffy-TFA-hair!Kylo Ren saying “You’re my guest”
Sagittarius: Kylo “you are absolutely right” Ren 
Capricorn: Baldo Ren 
Aquarius: Kylo “Let the past die” Ren 
Pisces: Kylo extended-hand “Join me…please” Ren
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The signs as Reylo things
aries: Skype! In Space
taurus: Rian Reylo Johnson
gemini: ‘YOU’RE NOTHING. But not to me (-:’
cancer: Adam Driver playing w/ Reylo action figures on television
leo: ‘THE SLIDE’™️
virgo: Rey changing outfits to go meet her emo crush Kylo Ren
libra: Kylo Ren as Mr.Darcy in TLJ
Scorpio: Hand Sex campfire scene
Sagittarius: TFA lightsaber battle in the forest
Capricorn: Shirtless Kylo
Aquarius: Rey beating tf out of Luke for creating Kylo Ren
Pisces: ‘BEN’
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alittlebitiffy · 7 years
Thank you for the tag, @redheadnerdrage! Was lovely to get to know you and I'm honoured to be tagged.
RULES: Answer 28 questions and tag at least 20 blogs you would like to get to know better.
@dating-rey-of-jakku @dating-kylo-ren @these-are-the-first-steps @general-hux-ask-blog @knightofkylo @reyloromance @perrydowning @reyloandstormpilot @kylorenvevo @bl0wthatpieceofjunkoutofthesky @knights-of-reylo @acamochi @greyjedireylo @sleemo @hottestpieceofpilotyoulleverget @driving-mr-ren @shadowclone9001 @fangirl-potential @nextblackpaladin @kylo-wouldnt-like-those-chips
(Sorry if you've already been tagged before!)
Name: Iffy (Actual name is long and Indian and no one can pronounce it, so Iffy for short)
Nicknames: Bambi (I have a Bambi tattoo on my wrist)
Gender: Female
Star sign: Capricorn
Height: 5.7”
Time: 12.48 PM
Birthday: January 1st
Favourite bands: Sum 41, Lifehouse, Fall Out Boy, The Script, EXO, several Japanese and Korean groups, many more that aren't coming to mind right now
Favourite Solo Artists: Christina Grimmie (rip), Chester See, Zeri, Shawn Mendes, Ed Sheeran etc.
Song stuck in my head: I Won't Give Up by Christina Grimmie, goes well with some reylo fics
Last movie I watched: TFA 
When did I create my blog: August 2010
Do I have any other blogs: No
Do I get asks: Occasionally, would love more!
Why I chose my url: My then boyfriend, now husband, used to make a play on my name and say that all my ships were "a little bit iffy". It ended up sticking.
Following: About 400ish
Followers: 747 (Wow! Thank you!)
Average hours of sleep: Varies depending on university schedule and work (I manage a non-profit animal rescue). If I have a lot of assessments and sick animals in palliative care, 3-4. If vet school is being kind to me and we've had a good month of adoptions, 8-10.
Lucky number: 6
Instruments: Piano (A-mus), violin and guitar (casual)
What am I wearing: Lion King singlet, short shorts and Simba slippers (it's summer in Aus and a Saturday, so I'm chilling in pjs)
Dream job: Field work as a zoologist was great, but it was exhausting and sometimes very unfullfilling thanks to government cutbacks and all the regulations we had to follow. Back at vet school to work towards my dream job of being an exotics veterinarian.
Dream trip: I'm blessed to have traveled a lot in my life (hubby and I took a year off to go on an adventure and my parents were huge on family holidays). I'd love to go to the Galapagos Islands, or back to Japan.
Favourite foods: Sushi, okonomiyaki, daifuku, burritos, dad's amazing chicken curry, coconut or garlic prawns, ice cream sandwiches.
Nationality: Born in Bangladesh, moved to New Zealand at 2, moved to Australia at 10 and been here ever since.
Favourite song right now: The entire TLJ soundtrack. And also the soundtrack from Kimi No Na Wa (Your Name)
Favorite movie: Oh goodness, well TFA and TLJ are up there. I also love Gladiator, The Lion King, Kimi No Na Wa, A Silent Voice, Wolf Children, anything from Ghibli, Moulin Rouge, Les Mis etc. I love a variety of different genres as long as the cinematography, acting and soundtrack move my heart.
Favorite actors: Adam Driver, Tom Hiddleston, Chris Hemsworth, Ryan Reynolds
Favorite actresses: Daisy Ridley, Sandra Bullock, Keira Knightley
Thank you again for the tag, @redheadnerdrage. And thank you to anyone who took the time to read this.
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toga-vibes · 7 years
I was tagged by @wearethesparkk
Name - Just fucking call me toga.
Nickname - if you don’t know my name you don’t need to know my nicknames lol.
Gender - Female
Star Sign - Capricorn
Height - 5′ 5″
Time - 8:55pm
BDay - Jan 13
Fave Bands - like.... Radical Face, Streetlight Manifesto, Imagine Dragons....
Fav Solo Artist(s)  - Cosmo Sheldrake, Woodkid, uhhhhhhhhh..... yeah. I listen to a lot of random chillstep and melodic dubstep, so some obscure people like Enzalla.
Song Stuck In My Head -  oh jeez like a ton of random chillstep, mostly Cobalt by Enzalla and like... Coming Home by Tuen. Also Welcome home by Radical Face and  Mercedes’ Lullaby gets mixed in there sometimes.
Last Movie I Watched - Take a wild fucking guess (it was TFA)
When Did I Create My Blog - Early 2014
Last Thing I Googled - How old is my tumblr
Do I Have Another Blog - @toga-arts is my art blog. I have a secret anarchy blog. 
Do I Get Asks - lol no.
Why I Chose My Url-  one of the first pics I have of me in marching band ( started as a music blog) is of me playing my instrument (a vibraphone, or vibes) on toga day. It’s a brand now. 
Following - 333
Followers - 212
Avg Hours Of Sleep - like 9 to 10 hours at night, then I take a 2 or 3 hour nap after I come home from work.
Instruments - I play percussion, and I really like mallets. I haven’t played in a while, but I wanna arrange Mercedes’ Lullaby from Pans Labyrinth for vibes and marimba.
What I Am Wearing - Old sweats and a goodfellow longsleeve shirt.
Dream Job - like... 
Dream Trip - to my bed lol... actually probably to the arctic forests in Finland or the Spanish countryside. I wanna go trailriding lol.
Fav Food - like some indian foods probably.
Nationality - American
Fav Song Right Now - Mercedes’ Lullaby from Pan’s Labyrinth. Hands down one of the most beautiful pieces of music I’ve ever heard.
Sexuality - Bisexual but like... girls are so beautiful. 
Hogwarts House - Puff Puff Pass, bitch.
Fav Animals - my snugglebutt of a dog Oliver, and that one horse at the barn named Shadow who’s never done anything wrong in his life ever.
Dog or Cat Person - Dogs.
Blankets You Sleep With - One fluffy one with a comforter on top.
Why You Got A Blog - I wanted to be Kool.
Top Three Fav Characters - Rey (sw), Azura (FE14), and uhhhhhh.... Midna. 
Number of Posts -  12,399
Pokemon Team - Instinct 
Fav Color - neutral blue gray.
Relationship Status - Single
Lipstick or Chapstick - um... neither?
Last Song I Listened To - Two Souls by Peter Crowley
Top Three Shows - I don’t really watch tv.. I guess I last watched Criminal Minds, Voltron, and I like Black Mirror (for the most part lol)
Top Three Ships - I don’t really ship
Books I’m Reading - um... still waiting on A Reaper at the Gates
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mfdragon · 1 year
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Thank you for your comment @scatterpatter , I couldn’t stop thinking about this joke!
Blitzwing got himself a whole ass son, how the HELL he gonna keep that a secret from the other Decepticon?
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the-hawks-rye · 7 years
I was tagged by the awesome artist @kinschi to answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs I’d like to know better. I’m feeling pretty lazy so I’m not going to @ anyone but if anyone wants to do this consider yourself tagged!
Nickname: Vi
Gender: Nonbinary
Star sign: Capricorn
Height: 5’4”
Time: 1:16 EST
Birthday: December 22nd
Favourite band(s): Imagine Dragons, Fall Out Boy, Panic! at the Disco
Favourite solo artist(s): Shawn Mendes, P!nk, Sia
Song stuck in my head: Uso by Sid
Last movie I watched: uhhh I guess I’ll just say Trolls
Last show I watched: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
When did I create my blog: Septmber 2016
What do I post: mostly fma, some positivity and voltron, miscellaneous stuff
Last thing I googled: how to find your search history
Do you have other blogs: @thereis-no-try, my sideblog for star wars, mostly clone wars/rebels and tfa stuff right now
Do you get asks: Every now and then I’ll get some if I reblog an ask meme, or if one of those positive chain asks is going around I’ll get a few
Why did you choose your url: It shows that I’m a mostly fma blog and is a clear sign my undying love for Riza Hawkeye. Also it was the first pun made, the beginning of the bread meme madness
Following: 304
Followers: 454
Favorite color: Blue or purple
Average hours of sleep: 7-8, thankfully
Lucky number: 7, 22, and 999,999,999.9 are all great numbers
Instruments: I used to play the violin in elementry school but I missed most of my lessons so I dropped it before middle school started. My sister taught me how to play the Imperial March on her clairinet, but i don’t know anything else
What am I wearing: Blue and white flannel pajama bottoms and a sw t-shirt
How many blankets do I sleep with: 2-3
Dream job: Preferably something that involves petting a lot of animals
Dream trip: The bakery for a snack run
Favorite food: Fish cutlets or fish fillet!
Nationality: American
Favorite song now: atm I guess Rockabye by Clean Bandit
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mycarhasasecret · 7 years
Next Five
1) TFA chubby S/O anon
2) @y1ffb0t matchup
3) Steven Universe coming out anon
4) INFP Capricorn female anon matchup
5) TFP flirty anon
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withintheforce · 7 years
TAGGED BY (stolen from): @serratedlight
NAME: Jessica GENDER:  Female EYE COLOR: Blue HAIR COLOR:  Brown/Blonde RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single ZODIAC:  Capricorn FAVORITE COLOR: Blue FAVORITE SEASON:  Autumn FAVORITE PLACE:  Home FAVORITE HOLIDAY: Christmas because then three days later it’s my birthday *sunglass emoji* FAVORITE VIDEO GAME:  This is probably a basic thing to say but... I love Pokémon SO MUCH. LAST SHOW YOU WATCHED:  Outlander (it’s SO GOOD)
WHAT’S YOUR HONEST OPINION ABOUT YOUR MUSE?: I think she’s very misunderstood by the fandom. There are those who share my view on her, but I think there’s many that ignore the darkness in her. I absolutely adore her, but she’s not a “Little Rey of Sunshine”. She has darkness in her. She’s damaged. She’s been hurt. She still suffers from her past. She’s touch-starved, has been socially isolated most of her life, knows only how to scavenge for survival. She has gone from no-one to THE one in the span of a handful of hours. She’s overwhelmed and out of her depth. She’s beautiful, and she’s loyal quickly, and she’s definitely on the light side (for now). But she has darkness in her, and it’s that conflict that I try to portray with her. It’s a fun challenge.
WOULD YOU DATE YOUR MUSE?: I think it would be fun to date her. We both love food and I feel like she and I would have fun exploring and adventuring together! I feel like she would be the best travel companion, too, since no doubt she’d love to see the world, too!
WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE KINDS OF THREADS?: Crack threads are fun, but I have a tendency to turn even crack into serious threads. I love fleshed-out, plotted, dynamic threads where there is action and conflict and also ~love~, whether it’s romantic or platonic.
ARE YOU A SELECTIVE ROLEPLAYER?: I wasn’t before I joined this fandom, but after creating this blog I’ve realized I have to be. I went from a nearly-dead fandom where I would get maybe one reply a week (if I was lucky) to getting mass amounts of replies every day. I have to be selective for my own sanity, now.
DO YOU HAVE A FAVORITE MUSE?: Sarah from Labyrinth will always have a dear place in my heart, but I must say that Rey is slowly but surely knocking her into second place.
WHAT MADE YOU DECIDE TO JOIN THE FANDOM?: Well I only joined the fandom around the time that TFA came out. In my defense, my father has always been a GIANT Star Wars nerd and I always found it silly. I grew up liking animated Disney movies, then I got into Japanese anime, and honestly for a while the action and overall style of Star Wars just didn’t appeal to me. Then Christmas came around and I had no idea what to get my dad. He was going on and on about how much he loved TFA, so I told him that I would watch the original trilogy with him WITHOUT MY CELLPHONE, so I had to pay attention. I liked it. I watched the prequels and then got to see TFA at IMAX. 
I created this blog because I was on my other blog when a person I’ve been following for a while posted that they may create a Kylo Ren blog. I went and re-watched the movie, and didn’t understand why I hadn’t made a Rey RP blog sooner, since I love her character so much. And TA-DA here I am.
DO YOU SEE YOURSELF STAYING WITH THE FANDOM FOR A LONG TIME?: This is a hole I am not crawling out of, especially when the people I’ve befriended are so wonderful and I’ve had more fun than I could have ever imagined.
TAGGING: (anyone who wants to steal this like I did) @knightofduality & @thencomestheniight
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reqandroll-archive · 8 years
Tagged by: @emperorofexcess @sprintingonstardust and @squeakersquawker
Rules: tag anyone you want to know better Tagging: Whoever wants to do the thing
Name: Julia, but I go by Wing, or Req
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Capricorn
Height: 5′4″
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Favorite Color: Violet, or any cool tone purples to be honest. Not much for the warmer shades.
Favorite animals: Otters, octopi, horses, cats of all kinds, frogs, lizards, snakes, turtles, birds
Average Hours of sleep: 4-6. I prefer more, but it usually doesn’t happen.
Cat or Dog person: Both
Favorite fictional characters: Too many, so I’ll just toss a few shows/games/comics/books. Sailor Moon, Adventure Time, Gravity Falls, Outlaw Star, LoZ OoT & Majora’s Mask, Mass Effect, Dragon Age: Origins, Pikmin, Grandia II, Skies of Arcadia, Earthbound, Undertale, To The Moon, Zone of the Enders, Game of Thrones - books and show, TFA, MTMTE and all tie-ins, Voltron: LD, Inuyasha (don’t u fuckin judge me), Okami, Pretear, Steven Universe, The Wheel of time, The Dark Prism, The Dresden Files, Sabriel/Abhorsen series, loved the Lost Years of Merlin when I was younger, and this is getting really long so I’ll cut it here.
Number of blankets: 1 flat sheet & 1 blanket
Current fav singer/band: fiction got out of hand, so I’m cutting this at 4. Fallout Boy, Within Temptation, Halestorm, and I’m a sucker for Daft Punk
Dream Trip: Probably cliche as fuck, but Japan or Europe. I’m a sucker for culinary touring and unique souvenirs.
Dream Job: Self-employed custom computer building and repair. I already do it on the side, but it'd be nice to do for a living.
Current # of followers: 430 after removing porn blogs
When did your blog reach its peak: about 8 months after I started back in 2013, but I also had a lot more time to RP back then. It’s come close to that activity level again a handful of times, but never stays there.
Why you made a tumblr: The site I first started RPing on went under, and my old group kind of dissipated. We still talk to each other from time to time, and they did try to migrate to another site, but it really wasn’t the same. A few people we were really close to in and out of RP never came back, and one passed away. It wasn’t the same without them, and a lot of people moved on from Transformers RP entirely. I came to tumblr after hearing about it for the last year or so, and made a blog after lurking on @ask-overlord-phasesixer and @mtmteswerve ‘s blogs for a couple months on anon. The latter was the one that gave the final push I needed to make Req’s blog, and her reaction to finding out it was me was priceless.
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fcrsvinna-a · 8 years
RULES . answer  the  questions  in  a  new  post  &  tag  20  blogs you  would  like  to  get  to  know  better.     (  repost  don’t  reblog !  ) TAGGED BY .  @xfinalizer TAGGING . whoever hasn’t done it and wants to?
NICKNAME. Sveja STAR SIGN.  Capricorn HEIGHT. 4′10 CURRENT TIME. 20:00 FAV MUSIC ARTIST.  Depends when you ask me, right now Adore Delano SONG STUCK IN YOUR HEAD.  Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac LAST MOVIE WATCHED. Captain America LAST SHOW WATCHED. Golden Girls WHEN DID YOU CREATE YOUR BLOG. Mid-December of 2016! WHAT KIND OF STUFF DO YOU POST. roleplays and characterisation of my poor children whom I have to put up. I swear they’re trying to kill me. This is mostly an MCU RP account, which is not what I planned? Whoops. OTHER BLOGS. @draeco-malfoy (Draco Malfoy), @iwillnctfail (Orson Krennic), @bornyxstxrday (Vision), @philxnthrcpist (Tony Stark), @dccpindeceit (Marvel/Norse Mythology OCs), @misshealcr (Hunger Games OC). @ourlord-potato (personal) WHY DID YOU CHOOSE YOUR URL.  I was thinking about their main verse (post-TFA) and thought WELL IT LOOKS LIKE STARKILLER’S DONE FOR. IT’S SHATTERED. And the x’s seemed to work ‘cause y’know, shattered HOGWARTS HOUSE. Slytherin ILVERMORNY HOUSE. ??? I don’t know POKEMON TEAM. If this is for Pokemon Go, I’m on Valor. BUT FOR ACTUAL TEAM, I CHOOSE A HORDE OF MAH KEYS. MAKE ME PROUD CASH MONEY. AVG HOURS SLEEP. 4-6 LUCKY NUMBER. 13 HOW MANY BLANKETS DO YOU SLEEP WITH? 2-4 DREAM JOB. not to be in highschool tbh - probably something to do with genetics FOLLOWING. 254 FOLLOWERS. 63
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mfdragon · 1 year
Human Caprison? Would he look like his dear ol’ dad?
Love ur art btw HOW DO U GET THE LINES SO NICE!? <3
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THE SON (now human)
Yes I did indeed come up with human Caprison! His name is Casper!
Ludwig got him that conductor hat a few sizes too big but it’s fine he grows into it. And he very rarely takes it off; though as a consequence he has horrible “hat hair”.
Miniatures definitely have to be his biggest hobby! He also went through one hell of a growth spurt but he’s a gentle giant ✨
Also Aaaaaaaaa THANK YOU! I’m always a bit self conscious that my lines are a bit wobbly, so always happy to hear a compliment on me lines UwU (I would say my lines are a result of first being too much of a neat freak perfectionist and eventually being ok with it being messy in the right places, as long as I’m ok with the overall visual!)
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