#tf2 hop scotch
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fsheryy · 2 months ago
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demomen LINE UP !!!
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skullz4supper · 3 months ago
I decided to use my public account to send this ask because I just wanted to say you have a lovely art style, it looks like it tastes like an apple, and because I'm also bored. I've come to request for some Demoscout being chaotic shitheads together.
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demo's probably thinking wowwwww omg he's being so nice to mee bro is unaware of the Ulterior Motive
chaotic? maybe not so much but they are absolutely complete shitheads .... perfect for each other
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iaminsideyourwalls · 1 year ago
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guys who are maybe falling in love a little bit
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heartshapedcurl · 4 months ago
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In my opinion these are peak
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daily-tf2-demo · 1 month ago
some demoscout pleaseeeee but only if u want to ... lovely work
Yeppieee :D I imagine them to be very tactile and comforting for each other, like, Demo is always ready to listen to everything Scout has to say, pay attention and support, and Scout is helping him out with his sadness and everything <3
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Day 64
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asmoteeth · 1 year ago
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did these three get a ship name while I was away?
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typingatlightspeed · 3 months ago
if you're still open for ficlet requests, maybe some fluff with werewolf!demo and faun!scout please?
TF2 Fanfic - Core Temperature
A nighttime bonfire sees Scout warm on one side and freezing on the other, and unfortunately the cold tends to win in those situations. Luckily one of the guys he calls his boyfriend is a nice cuddly werewolf.
Ao3 Link! Part of Monstrous Intent!
Darkness blanketed the badlands, a cloak of void and shadow, the cloudy sky letting no starlight escape its choking grasp. As the night wore on and slowly seeped away the warmth the sun had baked into the land, a cool breeze began to roll across the clay and gravel. Scout found it swiftly stealing away his own warmth as well, and scooted closer to the small bonfire the team had built away from the base, surrounded by crates and camp chairs, coolers and bags of snacks, nine men chattering away, their laughter keeping the worst of the chill at bay.
All the same, Scout felt the cold keenly against his back, his front warmed almost to pain by the crackling fire. His legs, of course, were fine; clad in fur as they were. But the thin faun found his torso chilled by the night air, and in spite of himself and the several beers coursing through him, began to shiver.
He did his best to grin and bear it, the others seemingly unaffected thanks to their more heavily layered uniforms or generally greater body mass. Medic was cuddled up against Heavy, and Sniper had done the smart thing and worn a jacket instead of his vest. If anyone else felt the cold, they didn't show it.
He entertained the thought of seeking Soldier or Spy out for warmth, but the former was busy telling a rather animated story that left no room for snuggles, while the latter tended to run cool to begin with, so a cuddle would likely just end up with both of them chilly.
With a sigh, Scout slugged back the last of his beer, hoping the alcohol would help him at least feel warm.
"Oi, lad. Ye alright? Ye look fit tae rattle yerself tae pieces," Demoman asked from his seat on the ground, his back against a crate a few feet behind Scout.
"I'm good," Scout lied instinctively.
"Nae yer nae. Yer shiverin'. I can see it from here," Demoman shot back. "Come over, ye daftie. I'll warm ye up."
With a pout, Scout acquiesced. It wasn't that he didn't want to be held by the handsome bomber so much as he hated being seen as weak. He crawled over between Demoman's spread legs and plopped down against him, leaning back carefully, minding his antlers. As he felt Demoman's arms wrap around him, and the warmth of the larger man begin to seep into him, Scout sighed with relief.
"Christ, yer bloody frozen!" Demoman chastised, hugging Scout closer and leaning his chin atop the faun's head. "Why didnae ye say somethin'? Nae a man on this team who'd deny ye a cuddle, lad."
"It wasn't a big deal," Scout deflected.
"Nae a big deal me arse, yer frozen half tae death, Scout." Demoman shook his head ruefully. "Right, only one thing for it, then. Time tae pull out the heavy ordinance tae warm ye up." Before Scout could brook an argument about how he was warming up just nicely now that the bomber was holding him, and how this was actually quite nice, and could they just keep this up for a while, Demoman began to change.
Scout could feel the transformation against him, the man behind him growing larger, larger, his arms longer, thicker, his hands broader, and clawed. His whole body suddenly covered in a thick layer of dense, black fur. He kicked out of his boots just in time for his feet to change shape and grow large, sharp claws. The rest of his boiler suit was a waste, torn and shredded as his body had expanded, leaving him a seven foot tall werewolf sitting there in its tattered remains, a knit cap barely clinging to his head atop one ear, his eyepatch hanging awkwardly from his reshaped head.
He practically enveloped Scout in his embrace now, fluffy and huge as he was. He tugged the accessories from his head and set about gathering Scout properly into his lap to lounge against him and soak in all of his warmth, his arms wrapping tightly around him and ensconcing him in his fluff. Chuckles erupted from a few of the other mercs; Medic cooing at how cute the scene was, and Sniper couldn't help but make a joke about being jealous. Dimly, Scout could hear a soft thump of Demoman's tail lazily wagging against the crate.
Sure, it drew all of the attention to him being cold, which was exactly what Scout didn't want, but as the faun nestled into his monstrous friend's arms, warm at last and beyond cozy, he found he couldn't remember why that mattered so much in the first place.
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ao3feed-tf2ships · 5 months ago
The Hunt
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/59211397
by Lightspeed
The team's finally returned to Sawmill, and with it, the forest. It's been a year since Scout became a faun, and finally, he has the chance to bound through the woods like his body is built to. How could he resist?
It's just too bad how easy it is to lose track of time. And the phase of the moon.
And to find yourself being hunted.
Words: 4168, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 58 of Monstrous Intent
Fandoms: Team Fortress 2
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Demoman (Team Fortress 2), Scout (Team Fortress 2), Sniper (Team Fortress 2)
Relationships: Demoman/Scout (Team Fortress 2)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Creatures & Monsters, Minor Demoman/Sniper, Werewolves, Predator/Prey, Mildly Dubious Consent, (Scout's very much on board once he knows what's happening hence it only being mild and no warning), Fauns & Satyrs, Chases, Rimming, Anal Sex, Belly Bulge, Come Inflation, Knotting, Rough Sex
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/59211397
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louminouz · 9 months ago
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theyve been on the brain lately theyre so underrated like actl
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12sugarz · 10 months ago
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What did they see???
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leffee · 1 month ago
Very impulsively I give you this
No x Sniper because it would inevitably win and even though I like this ship it definitely is getting enough content and attention as it is. I just want some love for other Scout ships damn it especially being a heavyscout truther myself. Sniperscout is like my 3rd favorite Scout ship
If sniperscout is your favourite ship you can still vote by choosing your 2nd favourite Scout ship. If the only Scout ship you like is sniperscout too bad, now you will like another, this is a threat
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skullz4supper · 5 months ago
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boy best friends
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yarhar-gargar · 9 months ago
Waiter waiter! More yuri please!
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femscout just having so much yuri happen to her
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viridis-bestia · 9 months ago
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So hey, Gmod is a nice ''game''.. ''app'' thing.. yay!
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ello-meno-p-tf2 · 2 months ago
Requests Open!
I didn't get to write at all during my holiday break, but I did get A LOT of house projects done.
Anyways, I want to write but all these fics I started require too much planning so send me a character/ship and a prompt and I write a lil drabble/ficlet!
PLEASE specific if you want NSFW or SFW!!!!!
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racmune · 2 years ago
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day two: spicy
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