#tf earthspark season 2
phoenixisobsessed · 3 months
So…Earthspark Bumblebee in a nutshell, right?
I’m sorry. I just haven’t seen this done yet and I CANNOT.
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the-solar-system52 · 2 months
can't get over how adorable the S2EP5 storyboards are
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Aftermath smiling at JB oh my god😭😭
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they're both so stupid /pos
credits to amonns on twitter for these!!
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catcake24 · 3 months
Things I Like about Earthspark Season 2A :)
(Note: I just wanted to make this more for myself or people who like season 2, but I’m not trying to say you’re wrong if you think it’s bad. More just that I want to share my opinion for the people who agree with me lol) (also spoiler warning for ALL of Earthspark season 2)
I have plenty of legit critism, but I think those have already been said so I’m focusing more on the positives here. I’m gonna go episode by episode and explain why I like them (along with some small complains I have lol) :)
Aftermath - Good episode to introduce the new status quo, and I liked seeing Aftermath. The intro fight scene was great, I loved how we got to see the Terrans in action and see how their fighting has improved so much more, and the focus on Robby wasn’t nearly as jarring as I thought it would be. I like seeing him come to terms with having to abandon the mission, since it helps flesh him out just a bit more.
In Ruins - I like how this was kind of the role reversal of “House Rules”, where Mo is getting Thrash into trouble. Seeing them dicking around beforehand is also a lot of fun, and I love Thrash as a character and how supportive he is. I like how Mo assumes the best in the Quintesson since she’s has the most interaction with Quintus somewhat directly out of everyone, and the fight she has with him about who Quintus is. I also liked the scene in the cornfield, where they are trying to hide from the executioner.
Control Alt Delete - Hashtag is always adorable to see, and seeing her get caught up in picking a new alt mode is seriously relatable. Also I can relate to Hashtag getting caught up in her own thoughts and needing to be grounded more in reality. Her fight with shockwave is honestly great, having good physicality and i love how it shows off Hashtag’s new alt mode. I’ll admit I do like her new design too, but it took a few episodes to grow on me. Also, I love the interaction with Bumblebee at the beginning, even if he’s suspiciously absent from the season he’s a joy to see.
The Butterfly Effect - Now. I’m not trying to say this episode is necessarily good for everyone, since it depends on your tolerance for its humour and more than a little off animation. I think this is one of those episodes which got a little less love while trying to make other episodes, and so some points really stick out. HOWEVER, I love this episode because it’s so silly and stupid in a good way. Seeing the Terrans and Mo got a stomach ache over the crush, the looney toons chase scene with the guy, and spotting cosmos early in the episode and having that pay off, we’re all things I love. I also have a high tolerance for cliche cartoon romance/crush storylines, and it honestly isn’t too intrusive to be annoying for me. But I get why some people really don’t jam with the episode.
Togetherness - I like this episode mostly for the interactions between Jawbreaker and Aftermath, as well as addressing the plot point of “cyber-syncing”. Aftermath acts as a really good foil for Jawbreaker, highlighting some of the reasons I love his character like his Empathy and Trust in others. It’s a silly episode, but I like how it’s fun. I also like how the ending acts as an actual reason for why Aftermath is seen as a villain, throwing away his chance at friendship and betraying the trust put in him, and as an excuse for why they can’t cyber-sync since they don’t have enough cave water to risk using it too. I have a feeling the cyber syncing came from Hasbro, so at least it was a good way to get the execs off their back while also getting a fun episode out of it.
Spitfire - Oooooo time for my favourite episode!! I love this one, from the humour with Twitch, to the introduction to Spitfire, to the obstacle course, to the final fight scene and semi-cliffhanger ending!! Spitfire is so well characterized in so little time it’s great - we see how she’s a dark reflection of Twitch, someone who dedicates herself to winning at all costs and wants to prove herself better than anyone else - especially Twitch, as it seems she has gotten some of the memories of the drone she scanned. Spitfire is even a contrast to how seriously Twitch takes family, only going along with it at first because she genuinely doesn’t care about others as we see later. We see how Twitch really is the superior bot in both experience and in moral character, and get an idea of just how seriously she takes her role. Just an episode showing all the things I love about Twitch, confronting someone who acts as a dark reflection. The animation is also gorgeous here, especially at the end!!
The Imposters - a great part 2 to the previous episode, showing us more of Spitfire’s manipulative side while also throwing in some comedy about how little Spitfire actually knows about the Maltos. My favourite scenes are the ones where Twitch is trying to be Spitfire, especially while interacting with Aftermath. Also!! I love seeing Aftermath, and the more subtle characterization of how he is so happy to have someone like himself. Idk, I just love all the interactions here and it’s hard to keep going on about it. I also really like how they didn’t swap the voices, instead having the voice actors do an impression of one another 🤩 hearing Spitfire’s voice being so much more energetic and emotive, hearing Twitch’s voice being more subdued and sarcastic, it’s fun! It’s also a good episode to lead into the finale, finally giving the staff a cool ass name too!
Dude, Where’s my Trailer? - …I’ll be honest, this is by far the weakest episode in season 2 so far, maybe even in the whole series. Usually Earthspark can do filler pretty well, but this one…. Eh. It’s mostly comedy, but a lot of it just isn’t for me, which is weird because usually this show really gets my sense of humour. I like how it acts as a break between the more serious episodes, since it would’ve been exhausting to have 4 serious episodes in a row, but I feel like it could’ve done more somehow. Idk what I want, but i do like how we get some interaction between Hashtag and Robby, the hints at Oplita, and some moments which did make me chuckle at least.
Witwicky I & II - Okay, the BIG ONE here!! I love the animation! I love the characterization and interactions! I love the lore we get! I love seeing Starscream fall into being a full on villain! I love Terratronus! I just love a lot of it! It takes a lot of elements from the previous episodes, making it seem like they were all building to this in some way and making it feel that much more epic - the callback to “family first” at the beginning by Robby, exploring more ideas of Quintus and the Quintessa, revealing the plan Starscream’s been alluding to this whole time, having Spitfire being built up by Starscream only to be brutally betrayed, and showing Mo and Robby using more of their Prime power! It’s just so cool, and my only question is that it feels like they blew what could’ve been the season finale halfway through, so I’m wondering where they’re going from here! AHHHHHH I LOVE THIS FINALE WOOOO
While I did note the animation quality of the series as a whole went down, I don’t think it’s NEARLY as bad as people are saying because it basically went from above average animation to average. It’s a downgrade, but it serves the show well and there’s still plenty of very pretty moments in the important episodes. Especially at the finale, they really did a great job there! (Also, there are accounts on Twitter claiming that the animation studio was changed because the previous season for Earthspark didn’t have a very healthy situation for the animators. If that’s true, which I’m inclined to think it is, then I’m even more happy with what we have.)
Along with that, I did notice some awkwardness in moments in the writing, but again I don’t think it’s really that bad. I don’t think it “betrays” the previous season, since all the major themes are there in some way - the tensions between Autobots and Decepticons, the struggle over the power of the Emberstone, and the themes of family are all there.
The only one which got sidelined was the human/cybertronian discrimination theme, There’s a few different possible reasons it isn’t as prevalent here: they might’ve wanted to give us something new, or a somewhat lighter story after the heavy finale of the previous. If it’s actually gone, it might’ve been a decision made higher up in Hasbro or Nickelodeon. We don’t know. So I’m not ready to blame the writers for this right now.
I do wish there were more episodes about certain characters, but there’s only so many episodes they have to work with to balance character drama and plot so I can kind of understand ( still hoping for another Nightshade or Thrash centric episode ).
So overall, even if this season isn’t quite as magnificent as the previous I’m liking it and I think I’ve shown why I think so in enough words lol.
And again, this is just my take and I don’t want anyone to feel like I’m saying they’re dumb or unreasonable to be dissatisfied with Earthspark. We may disagree, but opinions are just opinions and we both want the show to be good in the end.
So… yeah.
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WOOOOO, New chapter finally finished!! I hope you all like it, I'm sorry this chapter was so long in the making it was kicking my ass the whole time.
Please leave a comment on what you thought about this chapter if you enjoy it, it's always nice to hear my reader's thoughts :)
And hope you all have a nice day!!
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transtimusprime · 3 months
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lecanel · 1 month
I want to rewrite the entire plot of the 2nd season of Earthspark:
1)Instead of Starscream, the main villain is Quintesson. (The whole season). That is, the Quintessons want to collect Emberstone, gain the power of Quintus Prime and destroy another world
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2) Due to the fact that the Decepticons are not villains, we will have even more of their disclosures on the good side
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3) And in the end, all together: Autobots, Malto, Decepticons will defeat the Quintessons
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The Good ending. Peace, friendship, love 😘
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klaudia96art · 4 months
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Transformers earthspark redrawn my style 💕😊🚗
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New episodes (presumably 1-10) will be released on Paramount+ June 7th.
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flayyr · 1 year
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mmm divorcespark. i post whatever the fuck i want
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hamlet-yam · 7 months
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Soundwave earthspark
This is the beginning of a faze I haven’t been through in 3 years
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lightloominous · 2 months
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twitch my beloved!! I love her sm, she's so light-coded
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phoenixisobsessed · 3 months
Also ong guys just watched Earthspark s2 today and just ONE scene really stuck with me…
(Uhh spoiler alert ig. For people who don’t want those ;P)
As a Decepticon enjoyer, this was everything going through my head when I was watching.
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kairukitsuneo · 4 months
6 days left
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Twitch + Thrash fusion????
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zecozone · 3 months
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Why the hell is Shockwave kneeling in front of Starscream?
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ruindroddy · 4 months
So apperntly prowl is going to be in earthspark season 2 (how i didnt know that is a mystery)
If i dont see this guy flip a table at some point ill be very sad
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Also im digging the desinge
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klaudia96art · 2 months
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Transformers earthspark Optimus and Elita and thrash redraw my style 💕😊🚗
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