#tf china
bad-tf-fic-ideas · 8 months
(130) TFP canon divergence from the end of season one: in a shocking turn of events, Airachnid defeats Soundwave in combat during their confrontation in One Shall Rise Part 3, perhaps having predicted his resistance. She imprisons him, successfully takes over the Decepticons, and sets a course for Regulon 4, as per her canon plans.
Soundwave escapes his captivity due to his peerless knowledge of the Nemesis's security systems. He flees the ship and goes looking for help to get rid of Airachnid. Megatron may be unavailable, but there is still one mechanism haunting planet Earth who might loosely be called a Decepticon... and Starscream is enraged by the news of Airachnid successfully stealing the army out from under Megatron. That's his army! That's his ship! That's his coup! He, Starscream, was meant to stab Megatron in the back and—what's that, Soundwave? Erm. Oh. ...Yes. Of course.
Alternative summary: in which Starscream and Soundwave go on a high-velocity trigger happy space adventure to defeat Airachnid and steal the Nemesis back before Megatron returns from Unicron's spark chamber and discovers anyone lost it in the first place.
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ace-hell · 2 months
So... Palestine:
-is an actual ethnostate
-Has no REAL freedom of religion
-violate woman rights
-... Violate HUMAN rights...
-was proven to use schools, houses and hospitals as terror base with weapons- which are war crimes
-kidnapped people-again, war crime
-makes missiles out water pipes... AGAIN a WAR crime
-bombed a children section in a hospital in south israel. AND YET AGAIN🙌🏻 A WAR CRIME
-Tried to bomb al aqsa like 2 or 3 times
-Genociding their christian community(im not even talking what would've happen to the jewish communities if they had any)
-literally ripped jewish people to shreds and walked around with their organs and celebrated it like its some kind of barbaric pagan human sacrifice from 2,000 years ago
-Has gender apartheid
-Homophobic as fUck with legal death punishment for queer people
-Antisemic like nazi germany
-Fought WITH the nazis
-Still support nazism, do the nazi salute, sell hitlers book, protest with swastikas, has stores under his name bc(and i quote a palestinian from the west back) "he has killed the most jews"
-advocates for murder of the "cursed" jews since childhood and teaches little kids to be shahid terrorists since VERY young age
-has a corrupt government like pakistan
-was proven to lie about hospital bombing, rape in al shifa and show pictures of victims of the syrian, armenian, afghanistan, iraqi and other wars and claim that they are all palestinians
-claimed that england stole the big ben from them💀
-claims that the flag of England represents palestine💀
-is supported by north korea, russia, south africa, yemen, china and iran: all apartheid states with corrupt dictators that violate human rights
-literally call black palestinians "slaves" (abeed)
-would rather film their kids getting blown to pieces than take them to a safe place
-celebrates the 9/11
-celebrated when hezbolla killed 12 druze kids
-hates the israeli druze
-hates israeli palestinians
-still do honor killing
-start all the wars since 1900's and then cry about them,,..,, like bffr💀
-their journalists were proven to be part of any terrorist group(either hamas, PFLP(ehem ehem bisan) or pij)
-A lot of their doctors have a certificate of being hamas members
Like sheesh even if i was anti israeli anti zionist no way in HELL would i support palestine as a country💀
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undertheredhood · 7 months
Doctor Elise Qi Rong AU
in which shortly after dying in canon (i know that since his ashes weren’t destroyed that he’s probably still alive but please bear with me), qi rong finds himself reincarnated in the modern world and decides that in this life he's going to become someone that guzi would proudly call his father (nevermind the fact that the kid loves him just the way he is), and decides that in order for that to happen, he’s going to become a doctor and save lives and he ends up becoming a super accomplished surgeon with an extremely high success rate.
unfortunately while on his way home from a hospital shift, he ends up getting hit by a truck (you know i had to include truck-kun in this au!) and when he wakes up, he’s in his bedroom back when he was still prince xiao jing of xianle.
the good news is that he can be reunited with guzi again, the bad news is that he’s going to have to wait 800 years before the reunion can happen.
so because he can't really do anything but wait, qi rong decides that he's going to continue his work as a doctor and he ends up accidentally single-handedly revolutionizing ancient china's world of medicine along the way.
#tian guan ci fu#tgcf#heaven official's blessing#hob#qi rong#xiao jing#prince xiao jing#qi rong au#tgcf au#dr elise qi rong au#qi rong decides to revolutionize the world of medicine of ancient china while he waits to be reunited with his beloved son#and that is how qi rong accidentally ends up ascending as a god of medicine (he's not mad about it but he didn't expect that to happen)#the entire palace is highly suspicious of qi rong because yeah they're glad that he's actually behaving but why is he behaving now?#qi rong suddenly acts like a well-behaved kid and alarm bells are ringing in the royal family's head because what tf happened?#qi rong's also dealing with the fact that he's going to have to wait 800 years to see guzi again and he's pretty sad about it#the current theory is that someone is possessing qi rong but that ended up being disproved by mei nianqing#qi rong is experiencing child loss but his child hasn't even been born yet which makes it even worse#qi rong lived in the modern world and now that he's back in ancient china again there's so much things that he's now appalled by#also it'd be funny if he just spoke only using modern slang only for everyone else to be like 'wtaf is this boy talking about?'#tian guan ci fu au#qi rong being a good dad somehow turns him into a better person (he wants the best for his son and if changing will do that then he will)#doctor qi rong#the palace see qi rong with his medical tools and are terrified because to them (people from ancient times) they look like torture tools#qi rong accidentally becomes a heavenly official and he hates it so much (but he's also super smug about too (at least he doesn't die now))#qi rong misses the modern world a little bit because at least the clothes didn't have multiple layers (he misses his sweatpants so much)#qi rong tgcf#qi rong has a degree and he's going to use it to better the world (this is all part of his plan for guzi to be proud to call him dad)#this was also inspired by another manhwa called 'the divine surgeon'#qi rong is chanting don't be suspicious in his head while being the most suspicious person alive to the rest of his family#qi rong accidentally redeems himself because he wants to be the best for his son
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clarinart · 1 year
My current hobby is catching up on shows I missed out on from a decade ago w an almost dead fandom. Anyway…
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twinklecupcake · 3 months
What if Mengying's father knew it was specifically a dragon prince who wanted to marry his daughter?
"You gave me away?" "Dear, they said he was a prince. This will never happen to us again!" "A... prince..." "And a dragon, at that, imagine the--" "You gave me to a dragon prince?"
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51lver · 5 months
seeing Sainz nearly taking out his teammate:
Nico: “reminds me of my time with Lewis 😊”
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swagging-back-to · 7 months
just realized that light rewrites the rapist's name a dozen times in every single potential kanji spelling
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sitaka-irony · 2 years
If I had a magic wand, there are a few things I might change about the Skulduggery Pleasant series, but the first thing is I’d like to see more of Ghastly and China together as unlikely friends.
Together they make a strange commentary on beauty ≠ goodness. At first, she doesn’t think much of him other than ‘he’s Skulduggery’s friend who does not like me so I better be careful around him.’ In the beginning, he doesn’t trust her as far as he can throw her, but he does trust Skulduggery and so he turns the other cheek. As time goes on, he starts to warm up to her and they bond over fashion and literature, finding out they have a lot in common. Who knew?
By the time the Requiem Ball comes around, they’re consulting each other for shoe and tie choices (with China slipping some leadership skills and political wisdom to her Elder Mage pal along the way). And China is absolutely walking on eggshells while Ghastly talks about how wrong he was about her, how he’s pleased to see that at least she’s treating his best friend right since it’s obvious they’re on the verge of getting back together— unknowingly highlighting the terrible guilt she feels as her secret comes out. When it does, Skulduggery comes to Ghastly: “You were right about her, she can’t be trusted.” Of course, Skulduggery’s pain is Ghastly’s pain, but Ghastly himself feels a deep betrayal. He can’t deny that he really, truly thought there was more to it.
By the time LSotDM rolls around, and China is practically run off her feet, who should she run into at Roarhaven but Ghastly. He vaguely knows of some slight reconciliation with Skulduggery, but what about him? What about his broken trust? He helps her, obviously, but he has to know what the hell happened, what all of this was really about.
She tells him. He probably deserves to know, after all this time. Maybe he doesn’t forgive her, but at least he truly understands.
But he promptly dies with the secret.
And there stands China, alone on the inside with the jerkass that murdered one of only a handful of people she ever gave a shit about while she was down for the count. It happened right down the hall and she had no idea. How cruel. She plays her old game of “whose side is she really on?” but she’s absolutely boiling inside. Skulduggery reserves the right to kill Ravel, but she takes her vengeance by avenging Ghastly’s legacy. He may not have wanted to be an Elder but he always wanted to do the right thing. There is war and strife, and it’s time for her to step up and lead. There’s little she can do to fix the sins of her past, but right here and now, she can be a powerful ally to the right side of things. And maybe there’s something she can do about Tanith for his sake, even though she couldn’t care less about Tanith.
Ghastly, of all people, is her shot at redemption.
Also, so long as I’m waving around a magic wand, I’d make Dexter about 20 times more flagrantly bisexual and reveal names of Skug’s wife and child.
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rewritingcanon · 10 months
noooo way we gotta throw the whole security council away this shit is not working no more 💀
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spiritunwilling · 3 months
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flowerwebs · 3 months
hi! I saw your post/answer about xiran and hui and I gotta say I absolutely agree as someone who's half hui and grew up muslim/in a hui household jklfdhfhg I've been meaning to post about it but I'm glad other people are pointing it out. Aside from the host of other problems in her work, her refusal to ever really bring up hui culture outside of when its politically useful while basically making Han Culture Bite Sized Lectures for a white audience has always really rubbed me the wrong way - and although like you said Hui is a diverse term and there are many ways to be Hui, her Zachary Ying book had some aspects to it that made me raise my eyebrows and didn't really ring true to the experience of being Hui diaspora. Especially the fact that there was a big fuss made in the books about the political repercussions of Zachary being Hui, but the rest of the book is about him being possessed by Qin Shi Huang and 'magic' and such (?????) which feels a lot like it's in direct opposition to Hui culture and beliefs... it leaves a really bad taste in my mouth that she strongly establishes his Hui heritage in order to write twitter rants abt politics at the beginning but then totally erases his Hui culture and makes him 'reconnect' to a Han Chinese culture :/ Hui have been in China for literally over a thousand years and there's a whole host of unique and diverse mixed cultures across China that are categorized under 'Hui' but his story doesn't even explore a single one... it's really disappointing, especially as she positions herself as Hui and a position of authority. Of course there are people with Hui on their birth certificates that don't practice Islam, but she goes beyond that by pulling it out for points while being so dismissive of the unique culture and context of our people. Anyways, I'm sorry for rambling in your inbox but I was really excited to see someone mention it when my friend linked me your post kfjldhgf
hi, ty for the insight! and yea like you said a lot of her stuff about being hui comes off as like pure exotification and sometimes dare i'd say orientalism...it gives off "i only have a supposed native american princess great grandmother so i call myself indigenous to people for brownie points" energy. xiran claiming she is hui when she is definitively not is erasing actual hui chinese voices and at its very worst is unfortunately her views of han ethnocentrism projected onto a chinese ethnic minority; even on the slight chance that xiran is actually muslim, she needs to repair a lot of how she poorly represents hui culture. (also narratively` making a hui muslim character happily assimilate to han chinese folk religious customs is fucking racist as hell can we talk about that?!) i actually despise how much she's spread possibly dangerous and very flimsy misinterpretations of hui culture to her broader audience...how tf is girlie a leading expert on chinese culture/history when by this she's no better than the racist white scholars who've ruined the east asian studies field to the point where its reputation is almost tarnished in leftist circles
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council-of-beetroot · 2 years
I was in my Chinese history class and we were learning about the Chinese tribute system. More importantly, I remembered that this scene from Hetalia ↓
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Actually happened ↓
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Yeah Idk why this is so amusing to me...
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bihet-dragonize · 2 years
It's very clear to me based on that poll that y'all either cannot or refuse to see the difference in mildly annoying leftists and literal pedophiles, antisemites, and racists. Also idk, I don't think the blog that screenshots people's DNIs to allow their followers to mock them in the notes has any right to be calling anyone annoying. Stones and glass houses.
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lord-of-tomatoes · 2 years
Why the fuck are England and France only in their 20s
These guys aren't younger than 30 if you say otherwise you're wrong
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s-lay-ing · 1 year
I was about to say "can sehun enlist already i can't be going through this enlistment bs again and again" but then i remembered I'll have to wait for ELEVEN members when svt enlists whose waiting time could be around 5 years...
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referencees · 9 months
For anyone that lives in a ‘tourist’ destination like me, have you noticed a shift in the number of people visiting and the length of time they stay?
I live in a popular ski town that’s (somewhat) near the Bay Area and since covid we have been absolutely inundated with tourists. This year for new years people started showing up right after Christmas, but they’re still here??? Like our town is still jam packed with people, grocery stores are empty and traffic is insane bc we don’t have the infrastructure to support this many people.
And I just think, do none of these people have jobs??? Like I understand remote work but even then you still have to work, how are all these people just fucking around and skiing all day for two weeks straight????
Especially bc it seems that so many people have less money post covid so how are more people vacationing? I just don’t really get why it’s gotten so much worse.
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