#texture notes since this was quickly coloured
flanpirate · 1 year
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just The Guy .. i love... asymmetry....
done on ibis paint for a change (<-didnt want to crack out the lappy www ..... sorry if the anatomy is kinda janky.... it has been a while since i last phone art ><)
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smalltimidbean · 7 months
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What's inside your Fake Peppino?
I wanted to show how clone tongues are stored inside them, but then it turned into a full anatomy diagram kjfgkj - I was gonna make one for Peppiclones too, but that would have been redundant since they are the same thing, just in a smaller package kdfggdsfg
More info under cut - but be warned bc I am not a science man, even if I try to base it on real stuff kfgdsg - it's also a wacky cartoon world so it doesn't have to make real life sense
This is also a 'standard' clone, so other clones with additional DNA might have extra organs or whatever
Please also note there are mentions of body horror, injury, death, sexual reproduction, and vomit (phrased as 'regurgitation') but nothing graphic
All aspects of a clone are made of the same material - a highly malleable dough-like matter - just in different forms or densities. Clone matter can take on most properties, turning from liquid to solid in seconds, and even mimic different textures or colours, but they will always return to its default state after some time - although the default state can be altered via a clone's own desires, an overabundance or a lack of food, trauma or another outside influence.
The Membrane, or the 'skin', is the outermost layer and gives a clone their structure. It is around 3–4 inches (7-10cm) thick, thinner around the hands, eyes and orifices, and thicker around the organs - the thickest the membrane will get is if a clone develops a pouch, which is around 6–7 inches (15-17cm) thick, protecting any offspring inside. The membrane is fairly resilient - most damage simply bouncing off it - but it still can be cut/punctured/etc, causing a clone to 'ooze' (the equivalent of bleeding), but this is quickly healed dependent on damage taken, and how much 'blood' they have.
The membrane is quite porous, and a clone is able to absorb things through it - although this is more prominent for newborn clones, as they have yet to learn how to eat properly, and their membrane is not as thick. Liquids can pass through the membrane easily, but solid matter requires some time.
The 'Blood' (for lack of a better term) is not actually blood, but a more-liquid form of clone matter. It is full of nutrients and keeps a clone healthy. Anything digested by a clone is turned into this fluid and then predominantly used as an energy source for a clone. If there is an abundance of food, clones will continue to store this fluid inside them until required - this also causes the membrane of a clone to expand to accommodate this, making them larger as a result.
Alternatively, if a clone is injured severely causing excessive 'oozing' or experiencing a lack of food, and is using up 'blood' reserves, the membrane will shrink around the fluid, making them smaller - or if they are loosing a lot of 'blood' quickly, they will just lose their shape, appearing to 'deflate'.
The 'blood' is also used as other bodily fluids, as saliva and tears etc, and changes viscosity as needed.
The Brain is possibly the most important part of a clone, as it tells all other parts what to do. If the brain is destroyed, or severely damaged or starved, a clone will be killed. Although it is commonplace for clones to toss their heads around as projectiles, leaving their brains exposed - they are not very smart... But it also can be a sign a clone trusts someone, if they feel comfortable enough to have their brains exposed for long periods of time, and some clones even swap heads as a bonding experience.
The Brain 'Legs' are not actually 'legs' but part of a clone's nervous system. These were named after the fact that if a clone is in a dire situation, the brain and main nerve will eject itself from the body as a 'last resort' type of escape and 'run' on these 'legs', akin to a beetle or other bug. The brain will either have to return to the body when it is safe, or find a new source of clone matter, as the brain will starve without a stomach and 'blood' after about an hour of leaving the body. The 'legs' also help keep the tongue in place, so it is not caught in the 'blood' flow and end up stuck inside.
The teeth are the only 'bones' in a clone's body, but they are also the same dough matter as everything else - they are just in a very solid state. Mostly, used for chewing and tearing food as it is faster to ingest (and while most can swallow things whole, this can leave a clone vulnerable as it takes longer to ingest and then digest). A clone's teeth are also a main part of the threat display, usually opening their mouths wide and baring these teeth, often forming a secondary set behind the first and making them appear sharper. A clone that shows their teeth excessively, or 'smiles' a lot, is often seen as an aggressor and should be avoided.
The tongue is a primary sensory organ for a clone, used in conjunction with their sense of smell to find food or figure out what is nearby. The tongue is very long - typically almost the length of a clone's body - and it is fully prehensile, acting as an additional limb. The tongue can be projected out of the mouth at quick speeds, but it is slower to retract, depending on if they are bringing something back, and how heavy that thing is etc. Tongues are also important in clone behaviours, with clones bonding over grooming/licking each other (or favourite person/thing), and tongues hanging out of their mouths as a sign to show they are relaxed, or if combine with excessive drooling and/or lip licking, so show they are submissive and not a threat.
The 'crop' is a smaller stomach that precedes the main stomach, although it is not able to digest anything, and is often used as a storage space of sorts - much like a bird's crop, hence the name. Food must pass through the crop to get to the stomach, so the crop can expand to accommodate large meals passing through.
The 'Heart' is not a heart, but does function similarly, as it pumps the 'blood' around the body, and keeps everything moving. The movement of the 'blood' generates heat and keeps a clone warm - the faster the 'heart' pumps and the fluid moves, the warmer a clone is, and the slower the process is, the cooler a clone is. A clone's heart can stop if required - i.e. if a clone is overheated - but if the process is stopped for too long, a clone can become unwell as the nutritious 'blood' becomes stagnant, and a clone can even begin to solidify entirely if left too long.
The Stomach is the second most important part of a clone, as it is the only organ to create new clone matter from food. The stomach can expand to around five times its size if needed, but most clones opt for smaller and more frequent meals, as trying to digest a large meal takes more effort and can leave a clone vulnerable. The stomach can digest most organic matter, and some non-organic if they happen to swallow any - but if it can not be digested it will simply stay within the stomach, until it is regurgitated - a clone can starve to death with a full stomach if it is filled with non-digestible items.
Digestion can begin instantly - although some clones choose to stave off the digestion process in order to regurgitate it later for offspring or others in need. Everything digested is turned into clone matter, and absorbed directly into the 'blood' from the stomach. Clones do not produce any waste product, everything is used.
The reproductive organs - well, I am sure you can imagine what these are used for - although most clones have offspring via budding, so these are mostly just for pleasure, bonding or stress/tension relief
The 'Spinal Nerve' or the 'Main Nerve' is the largest nerve in the body and connects all other nerves and the brain together - although not shown on these images, there are many nerves all over the body, which are what make a clone able to feel sensations
(I did draw a version with the nervous system visible, but I did not like it, so you will have to use your imagination ksgksd - it's pretty much like a human's, just made of dough)
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symphonic-scream · 3 months
Yells!! kindly demanding some more late P5R AU 🤲🤲
Hell yeah brother
So, I'm gonna clear up some stuff I saw in reblogs and shit
Akechi is alive! He's an adult and still under Shido's thumb. Shido is the Prime Minister, has been for a while, and Akechi is. Still taking out any competition
There was less of a panic around the mental shutdowns initially cause the media wasnt reporting them clearly. Now they are
I did like this one take I saw, I wish I remembered who said it (take your credit in the replies please) but it's a more mature setting without being too edgy and angsty. I specifically want to highlight the idea that rebellion doesn't die when you become an adult. That that fire burns on, and adults can also change the status quo and make a difference. That you can still try
And, since more than half my notes are them, here's some MakoHaru
They share a bed from the first night Haru and her kids move into the Shitbox.
Haru's so exhausted all the time, but she's used to using all her energy on her children. So, she's stunned to tears when she wakes up, not from Hanako's crying, but to find this woman, who's practically a stranger, swaying softly in the dark, humming a song to a snoozing Hanako
She remembers her husband, and how he wouldn't hold Tenji. How he scowled when his son would whimper as a baby, and-
They're both touch starved. Very quickly they begin to cuddle in their sleep, and slowly it bleeds into their waking hours. Makoto placing a hand around Haru's waist as a sign of support. Haru bumping their hips together playfully. Sitting thigh to thigh. Brushing arms as they dash through a palace. Heads leaning together in the back of the Mona Bus.
By Strikers, Haru will be taking classes to finish her high school diploma and get into college. She works at a local bakery. Makoto is working at the same Garage Ryuji does, and starts doing the taxes and such for the others and the shop
Makoto doesn't take any initiative in their relationship at first. She lets Haru recover, and lets her take the lead. Makoto, of course, is also the one to draw the boundary about waiting for them both to be stable. Haru agrees of course. Neither deny their feelings, just agree to not hurt each other
Tenji adores Makoto. He's 4, and already protective of his Mama. So, he's super happy about living with someone who puts his Mama first. Makoto is so different from his Father, and he hugs her legs when he comes home from school
Both Tenji and Hanako resemble Haru a lot. He's got her hair colour and texture, nose, and smile. She's got the hair colour too, and Haru's eyes. Her smile too
It's, tough for them both for a while. Makoto struggling to quit two bad addictions (smoking, drinking), and Haru dealing with the legal fallout of trying to charge her husband with abuse and neglect while filing for divorce
Futaba is so excited to learn about all the new internet stuff. Instead of her big rest, she goes on a deep dive of everything that's happened while she was in her coma
Extra details!
Ryuji's thief costume has a leg brace for his knee!
Yusuke's tail acts like a real one. Shows his emotions more
Haru's endurance and speed increase over time, since when she awakens her persona, she'd given birth like. A month before at most
Makoto, Yusuke, Ann, and Futaba have a group chat where they log their meals together. They're all helping each other eat regularly, and celebrate hitting weight milestones
Haru and Ryuji gym buddies! Makoto and Ryuji coworkers! Ryuji and Ann roommates! Ryuji getting so much positive reinforcement from his gals, just. His friends love him he's so sweet and genuine
There'd be a lot of healing. A lot. Strikers would be more like a roadtrip to celebrate how much they've all grown in the like, 2 years since (I'm making the time gap larger)
Gonna lay out the ages for sure for sure
So like, Akechi, Haru, and Makoto are 21-22. Making Haru barely 18 when she had her son ahah-
Joker, Ann, Ryuji, and Yusuke are 20-21, depending on time of year
And Futaba and Sumire are 19-20
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TW - Ghost trauma (mental health issues, abuse, references to SA) and symbolic NSFW (not explicit)
'A Pearl' by Mitski, told through Ghost and his relationships. (Please note: some repeated lines are omitted for the sake of comprehension and brevity.)
You're growing tired of me
You love me so hard and I still can't sleep
Ghost looks down at Soap. The man is laying on his chest, fast asleep.
An unsettled feeling grows in his stomach. It's two a.m., meaning he should be asleep too, but... he just can't seem to find it in himself.
He's turning those words over in his head, again and again and again:
"I love you, Simon. Even if you're a dead man."
Dammit, that accent made him weak in the knees. It makes his head spin, like he's going to vomit. Sick, like a punch to the gut. He heard those first three words from his mother... once. His brother, a few times, back when he was tiny and ham-fisted. No one had said it since.
You're growing tired of me
And all the things I don't talk about
Roach's eyes, when not covered by a pair of sunglasses, are a soft, chocolate colour. They match his warm brown skin perfectly.
"Ya don't have to tell me, Si," he says, his fluttering lashes and crinkled nose the perfect portrayal of the sadness he reflects from Ghost. "I mean, fuck, I'm glad you even told me what ya did."
Ghost shakes his head, his eyes burning. It's not good enough, but he can't cry now.
"Simon." Roach has cupped Ghost's cheek in his hand. "It's alright, darl'." His Australian drawl is soothing, his touch warm enough to feel as though it's sinking into Ghost's bones.
"I'm sorry," Ghost rasps. His throat is closing up and he knows he's going non-verbal. He quickly signs, "Space."
Roach nods. "That's alright, sweet'eart. You've got nothing to be sorry for, but I understand why you feel like you need to apologise."
He blows a kiss to Ghost and leaves the room, shutting the door gently behind him.
Sorry, I don't want your touch
It's not that I don't want you
Sorry, I can't take your touch
"Ghost?" Soap says, slowly approaching.
The screams keep echoing around Ghost's head. There's pain all over his body, that hook sunk deep in his stomach. He remembers what it was like to have those people touch him, grab him and use his body in the most sadistic ways possible.
"Ghost," Soap says. He kneels down next to Ghost and touches his arm.
Ghost flinches away.
"What's wrong?" Soap asks.
Shaking his head, Ghost reaches out to push Soap away. His throat is full of words and sounds and feelings and they're all clogged up. The push falls short, and Soap creeps closer.
"Ghost, can you tell me five things you can see?"
Still too far away to push, Soap lingers. His fingers are splayed out, hand outstretched as though he wants to touch Ghost. Ghost starts thinking about the texture of skin and the heat of it and the goosebumps it will cause on his own skin and the idea of those sensory things makes him want to throw up, makes him want to rip his skin off, makes him want to scream until his throat begins to bleed.
Soap inches closer and Ghost starts to scream, banging his hands on the floor. It's all too much. Everything is too much. He can feel everything and hear it and see it and smell it and taste it and its crammed inside his skull and he is going to die.
He screams and screams and screams... and when he finally feels like the energy and itch of his body is dispelled, he sees that his fists are dripping with blood, the floor beside him spattered in it.
What he notices next is that Soap is nowhere to be seen. That feels like a stab to the heart. He wonders why he pushes Soap away every single time. And yes, he was having a sensory meltdown but fuck, why can't his brain just let him have one good thing to comfort him? Just one would do.
It's just that I fell in love with a war
Nobody told me it ended
And it left a pearl in my head
And I roll it around every night
Just to watch it glow
Every night baby that's where I go
"You're always there, aren't you?" Roach asks.
Ghost looks up at him, startled. The thoughts that clink around in his head become quieter.
"What do you mean?"
With a sad smile, Roach comes to sit in front of him. They're both cross-legged on the bed they share - small, cold figures of the night. The moonlight from outside reveals the rhythm of Roach's lips as he speaks.
"You're always stuck in all those places where something horrific happened. I can see it. There's this... emptiness." Gentle as ever, Roach's hand cups his cheek. "If you ever need me, take me with you. I love you."
"I love you too," Ghost says. He kisses Roach's palm.
There's a hole that you fill
You fill
You fill
With Soap behind him, inside him, and Roach's hands touching every centimetre of his skin... he feels so whole.
Soap is buried so deeply inside him that he simply feels full, the gnawing ache of the cold in his gut finally sated by the blaze of heat that is Soap's pure and utter adoration for him. Warmth curls around his neck with his huff of Soap's breath, revelling in how tightly those calloused hands hold his hips, rejoicing at the force with which Soap shows his love.
Roach's hands are all over him, palming at his chest and stomach, rolling the muscles and savouring them. His lips work against Ghost's like a lifeline, as if any kind of part between them could bring about their death. He's soft under Ghost's touch, malleable and kind, his breath softly fanning over Ghost's face, wisping through his hair.
Every touch, every breath... it's filling. It fills his heart in a way that can't be described. He allows himself to drift into the tide of warmth, lost to the rhythm of his own heart beating, floating on that high of euphoria.
It's just that I fell in love with a war
Nobody told me it ended
And it left a pearl in my head
And I roll it around every night
Just to watch it glow
Every night baby that's where I go
Just to watch it glow
The more Ghost thinks about it and the more he discusses his past with Soap and Roach, the more he begins to think that a pearl has formed inside his skull. It's something that has taken years to form, created through pressure and duress, hidden inside him until he can be prised open. That opening would reveal soft, vulnerable tissue, nestling a creamy white pearl in its dip. A pearl that is beautiful, yet eerily so. Maybe one day, Soap and Roach will be able to open him up and behold the pearl. Until then, Ghost lets it roll around his skull, smiling and watching it glow.
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freshstartbaby · 2 years
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Florian couldn’t really focused on the conversation his friends were having.
Since him and five of his close friends stepped into the fancy restaurant, his mind was caught by the voice he was earing. Whenever the waiter asked them for the booking’s name, took their coat or show them the decorated table, Florian’s eyes were desesperatly looking for the source of the mesmerizing sound.
It was a very important weekend for him. With all the things going on in their different lives, boys wanted to keep their bond tight with these kinds of moment. It was refreshing and so warm to have advices from people who really love you and wanted the best without judging. Florian wanted to be the best friend for those people and even if the conversation was light, being a good listener was part of the job.
But she kept singing. And he finally saw her.
By any miracle, the boy’s table was placed few feet by the little stage the restaurant installed for the month’s performer.
« Do you want to take the bench seat ? » Masias asked him noticing the sparkle in his eyes looking at the woman.
« Yea, I will take it. » Florian answered blinking slowly coming back to earth.
His hands were damp when he opened the button of his tux before seating down and finally taking a good sight of the singer.
What hit him first was her hair. They were deep jet black and weavy with some kinky texture. It seemed so fluffy and spotting lights from the restaurant made them even shiny. The volume of her hair was definitely catching eyes in this area of Europe but Florian was quickly interested in other things.
The woman was dress in a black corset dress which gave her a very gracious figure. The lack of any straps also gave her a clear neck were was standing three thin gold necklace.
« Bruder you will turn to rock if you stare too much, you want a picture or something ? » Tuncay said to Florian patting his shoulder before lightly laughing with the rest of the table.
Florian chuckled a little before passing his hands on his full beard trying to suppress the fact that his was blushing.
« She got a good voice. » Florian tried to simply replied
« And she’s kind of good looking too it’s ok you can admit it »
Boys continued to tease Florian for few minutes before going back to the initial conversation. But Florian head was still not into it. In fact, he wanted to correct his friends, to him she was breath taking.
And he stayed on his word even after he really looked at her face. Her lips were paint with light brown gloss and her nose was pierced with a tiny diamond. His heart started to speed when he finally saw her eyes.
The make up on them was very minimalist but what surprise Florian was the vertical scar on her left eye who seemed blind by the lack of colour. How couldn’t he saw that in the first place ? He was so focus on other elements like her cleavage, her milky nails or the shape of her hips that he hadn’t really paid attention to her beautiful face.
He took a sip of water beating his own ass, that’s probably why he was single.
« Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for this evening, I am Valentina Wolves and I was accompanied by the TDC band. This is the last song of the evening. I wish you a lovely night in Budapest. »
Florian finally reach to participate to the conversation during dinner, but his heart stoped when he eared her talk. She had a very silky voice but at the same time more deep than any woman Florian ever met. His hands had a brain on their own and grabbed his phone before nothing her name on his notes.
All night, Florian tried to make eye contact with Valentina, but she wasn’t looking back at him. Actually she wasn’t looking at anybody. She was lost in her own bubble, felling every words of the song she performed tonight. Realizing that it will be the last time he will saw her, Florian rose his eyes when he finally saw her looking back to him.
« Cause people come and go,
But I think you should know,
That I think this will work. »
And in a second he felt warm inside. Like something was missing for a very long time and was finally fulfilled.
Plates were removed from the table, coffee was drinked and the bill was paid. Boys were ready to head to a little night hooka to end the night, but Florian felt like he needed to use the restroom before going. He knew too well how much the cold weather was a trap for his tiny bladder.
He followed the directions and end up in a small corridor full of mirrors when he slowly cross someone. With the strong liquor he had that night, the information got slowly to his brain before he turned back with big eyes.
For the happiness of his heart, the singer turned back just like him, look back to his eyes with a shy smile. Words fumble in Florian’s mouth who didn’t know where to start but definitely needed to say something.
« Please forgive me, did I bumped you ? »
He asked touching very slightly her arm
« No you didn’t. It’s ok. » she replied in a very calm voice trying to reassure him.
« Your voice is breath taking, you really gave soul to the restaurant tonight. » Florian said after long seconds of silence. He couldn’t remove his hands from the smooth skin, just not yet.
« Thank you so much » Valentina whispered, Florian could see the excitement in her eyes « it means a lot to me, really » she continued with frowned eyebrows.
Someone needed to pass through the corridor so the next compliments Florian gave her was kind of cut while they stayed close to a wall and made his hands fall from her arm to her hands.
« Are you from here ? » she asked slowly looking up at his features
« Do you mean Budapest ? » Florian tried to understand before Valentina noded. « No I’m on weekend with some friends.»
« Oh alright. » she answered looking at their holding hands and caressing a second his fingers « Well thank you for your kind words and enjoy your weekend in Budapest » Valentina said taking few steps back finally breaking the touch.
Her hands didn’t have the time to reach to her initial place that Florian took it back, delicately but in a very fast movement and bringing her closer to him « Wait Misses Wolves- »
She was a little take back from that act but started chuckling a little. « Please call me V.»
Florian entered in the cozy and warm appartement just after Valentina. After the improvised night walk trough de old town and some of the hot spot, she noticed Florian hands were ready to turn blue and couldn’t imagine the gentleman making a end to night because of the weather.
He had enough audacity to ask her out earlier so she fight with her caution and propose him to discover where she lived.
The conversation the had while Valentina heels clacked on the parlement floor was priceless. Florian really could have listen to her for hours but she kept reminding him to tell her more about his self.
And he opened up. Like he never did before with a stranger.
« Welcome in the beast’s lair. » Valentina told him before asking him to make his self home « Please sit » she said showing the burgundy sofa before disappearing in a room.
Florian took this time to take a deep breath and let the cinnamon smell reach down his lungs. His eyes crossed the mural clock when he realized it was already 4AM. He didn’t felt like 3 hours passed spending time with V.
« May I offer you a coffee ? » she asked him back in the living room with a lighter. Valentina took the candle placed in the middle of the glass low table and light it up.
« You could save my life doing that » Florian answered with a big smile
« Save your life ? » she asked him back with a tiny laugh in her voice and offering him her hand.
« Mh mh. » he grabbed her hand and follow her through the kitchen. He stay behind her and took the opportunity to slightly touch her waist. She lost few feet. That when he realized she had dropped her heels for house shoes covered in black fur.
Valentina took a ceramic white cup in one of the cabinet, put it in the counter before handing him an aluminum capsule and showing him the silver coffee machine.
« So you will be sure I do not put anything in your drink. » she said with a side smile
« For what, like abusing me ? » he asked trying to be sure he understood the joke while processing to launch his drink
« Maybe » Valentina answered putting her back toward the cabinet
« You wouldn’t need it. » he whispered still looking at the empty cup. And the only sound left in the appartement was the coffee pouring itself.
Valentina couldn’t really remember for how long they were kissing in the kitchen.
But one thing was for sure, this type of hot make out wasn’t in her daily habits for a minute now and damn it was intoxicating.
He was intoxicating. The level of pleasure he was giving her was illegal at this step. She felt like it was the first time a man touched her that way and she didn’t want it to have an end.
Florian was already too lost in his own pleasure to got that far with the woman who kept his attention since the night’s beginning. He was taking his time devouring her sweet spot in her neck when he felt her move on his knees and eared a zip. Valentina stood up and freed her body for the corset dress. She didn’t have the time to went back on Florian knees that he stood up and sat her down the kitchen table.
She watched him gave a horny lick to one of her nipple while removing slowly his jacket, putting it whenever he want and grabbing the edge of her thong. Her head felt back feeling the fabric going up her legs.
Him moaning trough her walls.
Earrings his pathetic sound while having him in her mouth.
The look he gave her before finally feel her.
The grab on her hips when needed to pick up the pace.
Looking at their reflection trough the enormous bedroom mirror.
The feel of his hair on his chest.
The wetness of wis tongue entering her mouth.
The firmness of his hands grabbing her ass cheeks.
His wet mouth close to her ear.
His deep voice telling her to let go.
Valentina grabbed softly her silk sheet having pictures of the night while slowly waking up. She couldn’t really remember if her mind had making up all these images but she felt a certain smell on the other side of the bed and damn it was enough to remind her how much it was real.
Her heart speed up remembering all the exciting feeling she felt fews hours ago but it dropped down faster.
He was probably already gone. It’s not like she thought he would stay forever but.
« It was a great night stop, don’t go this way » she spoke up to herself
« What did you say ? » a voice came from the living room
Valentina eyes grew big realizing she was not alone as she thought. She jumped out the bed and put on her dressing gown before slowly exiting the bedroom.
Florian was standing in the kitchen near the table and ending the coffee he launch few minutes ago. A needed to go back to the boys, it’s was already near 10Am and they had things planned. As much as he would love to stay little longer he couldn’t let boyz without info for this long.
« Good morning V. » he said putting his phone in his pocket and finally taking a sight of her.
She replied a simple hi with her signature side smile before lean against the wall.
« Did you sleep well ? » he said putting on his coat with a little embarrassed thought. He didn’t want her to think he couldn’t wait to leave her
« Mh mh » she simply replied her smile getting bigger thinking of the previous night but understanding he wasn’t staying
« Mh mh ? » Florian said back also thinking about all the things she had done to him and finally facing her ongle few millimeters separating them
« Sir, you did understand me. » she said chuckling
Florian took back the hand he braved the night before and looked at it long second before start speaking
« I got to go / You should go » they said at the same time before their eyes caught a last time.
During long minutes, they stayed in each other arms enjoying the smell and the warmth of their body, not really sure how and when they could do that again.
« I wrote you down my number on a sheet on the kitchen table » Florian said grabbing her chin and lifting it up a little before kissing her forehead.
She nod and removed her embrace to the tall men before he directed himself toward the door.
« Text me alright ? » he said leaving her and closing the door without a last look, understand him, his own heart was heavy.
« I will. »
I hope you all had a great Christmas and ending 22 in a lovely way 🫶🏾
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soleilenchaine · 1 year
Day 2
You wake up to the sound of the wind blowing against your tent, the flimsy canvas walls violently flapping along, occasionally smacking you on the top of your head while you were sleeping—or, at least, trying to.  
It must be morning, because you hear the muffled sound of an alarm clock coming from the corner of the tent.  
You could choose to ignore that alarm and attempt to get some much-needed sleep. Or, you could wake up and start the second day of your expedition. You need to consult a map that the researchers had given before you set off. The map has several routes, each one leading towards a different section of the Ruins, your main objective for this expedition.  
I do need sleep, you think to yourself. The expedition can take as long as you want it to be. They did give you two years' worth of rations after all. You can always begin the expedition proper tomorrow. After all, you need time to acclimatise yourself to your new surroundings. 
You lay in your sleeping bag. The alarm continues to beep incessantly in the furthest corner of the tent. Your eyes glaze over, and you continue to lay there for what feels like 30 minutes before the alarm's annoying beeping finally rouses you.  
You crawl towards the source of the annoying beeps. Hidden underneath a pile of clothes and your exploration suit, a small digital alarm clock viciously flashes the time on its face. It is 1019 hours. You pick it up and turn of the alarm by holding down the snooze button.  
Finally. Silence. You hear nothing but the sound of your own breathing, your own thoughts and the rustle of the canvas tent against the wind. You sit there with your eyes closed, allowing the silence to fully smother you.  
After a while, that moment of peace was interrupted by the sound of something rumbling and whining. You feel it in your stomach. In fact, it is your stomach! It had been twisting and turning itself into knots ever since you left the research station. You realise you haven't eaten a proper meal since you left. It might be time to sate your hunger. You need the energy.  
You look around in your tent and find an opened pack of high calorie ration bars laying haphazardly on top of a map and some loose bits of paper covered in your handwriting. You spot a half-eaten one laying on top of a marker circled on the map; last night's dinner before went to sleep. You pick it up and shove the remaining half into your mouth. As you chew, the bar's texture can be charitably described as akin to compressed sawdust, its flavour vaguely resembling artificial banana and cinnamon. Perhaps if you decide to take the time to pick apart any other flavours and textures in this sad bar you could pinpoint the teeniest, tiniest aftertaste of bitter almond. 
Finished with your breakfast, you pack up the belongings inside the tent and quickly get dressed. You change into yesterday's clothes and slip on the protective exploration suit. After checking the suit's pressurisation and the respirator's fit, you step outside.  
Rolling sand dunes surround you, stretching almost indefinitely for miles into the horizon. Looking up, the sky is a hazy grey, like cloudy water tinted with grey and blue watercolour paint. It seems you won't be getting much daylight. It might be best to consult the map and decide on a direction to head towards.  
You open the map. Three different coloured routes are outlined, blue, green, and orange. Each take you past various known landmarks and colonies gathered from expeditions past, but all of them lead you to the same final destination: the Ruins. 
The blue route takes you westwards through a series of steep sand dunes and uneven terrain. A little note on the side states to be extremely careful when driving there: sightings of large sand critters hiding in hidden sink holes pose a possible threat to your vehicle and your person.  
Further up, the blue route leads you towards an oasis, where a mini colony of researchers have established a research outpost. You could make a pit-stop there and refill your rations, maybe probe the researchers a little further regarding the Ruins. Past the research outpost are more sand dunes before finally reaching the Ruins. 
This route should take an estimated time of four to seven weeks, including the pit stop at the colony.
The green route follows a similar direction westward, but begins to diverge about 60 miles in. This route takes you through a relatively smooth patch of flat ground before reaching a massive sand dune, an estimated height of 870 yards tall, with an estimated incline of 40 degrees.  
This will be the biggest roadblock—quite literally—that you will encounter. Your off-road vehicle may experience some difficulty traversing such a steep incline, and you may have to find another detour round this sand dune, if you decide to take this route of course.  
Now, if you manage to conquer this massive hurdle, congratulations! You will be rewarded with a straight route to the Ruins.  
There is a tiny catch, though. This final stretch of sand is where the Mist likes to accumulate. It may play tricks on you as you make the final sprint towards the Ruins, from what you've heard it can conjure illusions, mislead and misdirect you in Its attempts to dissuade you from reaching your final objective.  
Or, so the researchers say. You don't really believe in the Mist's mystical powers, but you do feel that the decreased visibility could hamper your progress. This is the shortest route if you decide to traverse the large sand dune head on, and should take you approximately two to three weeks to reach the Ruins. 
But with the chance of needing a possible detour, this can easily take up to five weeks.
The final route, the orange one, is the longest one by far. Rocky terrain interspersed with incredibly soft sand pits, followed by a series of ravines with some areas labelled with rather concerning names: Death’s Head, Edge of Life, Impact Day, Desperation, Beware of Sand Trap, Questionable Stability.  
Okay, perhaps you made up those last couple of names, but surely the rest must be an indicator of how treacherous this route would be. Estimated time to reach your destination is 12-15 weeks due to unstable terrain.  
You took some time thinking this through. And after a good long while, once the sand has lightly seasoned your map and your visor you finalise your decision.  
If you're gonna be on this expedition for quite a while, why not live a little.
You’ll be taking the orange route.  
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cha2sourcing · 10 days
A Comparative Look at Xinyang Maojian and Mengding Ganlu Teas: Celebrated Varieties of Chinese Green Tea
Chinese green teas are renowned for their refreshing flavours and delicate aromas, each variety offering a unique taste experience influenced by its growing region and processing techniques. Two esteemed examples of this diversity are Xinyang Maojian and Mengding Ganlu. Both teas have deep-rooted histories and distinct characteristics that make them stand out. This article explores the origins, processing methods, flavour profiles, and brewing techniques of these two celebrated green teas.
Origins and Historical Significance
Xinyang Maojian originates from Xinyang City in Henan Province, a region with a rich tea heritage. The tea has been cherished since ancient times, with records of its cultivation dating back to the Tang Dynasty. Xinyang Maojian is grown in the high-altitude areas surrounding Xinyang, where the unique climatic conditions contribute to its exceptional quality. The tea is known for its distinctive appearance and flavour, making it a symbol of Henan's tea culture.
Mengding Ganlu, also known as Mengding Sweet Dew, comes from the Mengding Mountain area in Sichuan Province. This region has been famous for its tea production for over a thousand years. Mengding Ganlu's name reflects the area's reputation for producing high-quality tea with a sweet, delicate taste. The tea's historical significance is tied to its traditional cultivation and the revered tea-making techniques passed down through generations.
Processing Techniques
The methods used to process Xinyang Maojian and Mengding Ganlu highlight their unique attributes and contribute to their distinct flavours.
Xinyang Maojian is processed with great care to maintain its fresh and crisp characteristics. The leaves are harvested early in the spring, typically before the Qingming Festival, when they are tender and full of flavour. After harvesting, the leaves are quickly steamed to prevent oxidation, which helps preserve their vibrant green colour and fresh taste. The leaves are then rolled and dried to create their signature needle-like shape.
Flavour Profiles and Aromas
The processing methods of Xinyang Maojian and Mengding Ganlu lead to distinct flavour profiles that reflect their regional characteristics.
Xinyang Maojian is known for its bright, emerald-green colour and its crisp, invigorating taste. The tea has a fresh, vegetal flavour with a subtle nuttiness and a hint of sweetness. The aroma is grassy and clean, with a note of roasted nuts that complements the tea's briskness. Xinyang Maojian offers a full-bodied, refreshing cup that is both lively and satisfying.
Mengding Ganlu provides a contrasting experience with its light, sweet flavour and delicate aroma. The tea brews to a pale green colour and has a fragrant, floral bouquet with hints of honey and fresh dew. The taste is smooth and slightly sweet, with a gentle, velvety texture that lingers on the palate. Mengding Ganlu's elegant and refined profile makes it a popular choice for those who appreciate a more subtle and sophisticated green tea.
Brewing Recommendations
Proper brewing techniques are essential to fully appreciate the unique qualities of Xinyang Maojian and Mengding Ganlu.
For Xinyang Maojian, use water at a temperature of around 80-85°C. Steep the tea leaves for 1-2 minutes to ensure the flavours are properly extracted without becoming overly strong. Xinyang Maojian can be brewed multiple times, with each infusion offering a slightly different taste experience. Adjusting the steeping time and temperature can help achieve the desired flavour strength.
Mengding Ganlu should be brewed with water at a slightly lower temperature, around 70-75°C. A shorter steeping time of 1-2 minutes is recommended to preserve the tea's delicate flavours and floral notes. Mengding Ganlu is also well-suited for multiple infusions, with each brew revealing different aspects of its sweet, aromatic profile. Experimenting with brewing times and temperatures can help unlock the full range of flavours in this elegant tea.
Xinyang Maojian and Mengding Ganlu are two exceptional examples of Chinese green tea, each with its own unique characteristics and history. Xinyang Maojian, with its crisp, nutty flavour and fresh aroma, offers a robust and invigorating tea experience. In contrast, Mengding Ganlu, with its delicate sweetness and floral notes, provides a more refined and subtle taste. Exploring these teas offers a delightful journey through the diverse world of Chinese green tea, showcasing the rich heritage and craftsmanship behind each cup. Whether you prefer the briskness of Xinyang Maojian or the elegance of Mengding Ganlu, both teas offer a memorable and enjoyable tasting experience.
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traibm1 · 2 months
Software: Nursery Rhyme Book
So I decided to stick with the same font as before for the book. I think it helped me decide what style I wanted to create the book in, which ended up being in a sort of chilrens drawing/crayon/doodle style. I always liked this style of picture book when I was younger, so I thought it'd be cool to try it out.
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So firstly I pasted the nursery rhymes into my book, and arranged them on their pages. This involved not only positioning, but editing the lines of text so that they weren't too short or long.
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The next thing I did was create an image for each rhyme in the style of the book that I chose. We only had to draw two of them ourselves, but I decided to do them all so that there was proper consistency throughout the book. I decided to draw something relevant to each rhyme, so for example: 3 bags of black wool for Baa Baa Black Sheep. Here is some process photos of my creation of the drawing for The Grand Old Duke of York:
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For all my drawings, I used a scratchier looking brush style, but I forgot what it was called. I created the outlines first, and then would scribble over each sections with their respective colours, and then erase anything outside the lines. I would've prefered drawing in photoshop, but we had to use illustrator, but it kinda makes sense since illustrator uses vectors.
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Next I quickly made the end pages. I felt they needed colour, so I made a pattern with colourful scribbles. Very simple, but I think it does the job well.
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Next I made the contents page. This was relatively simple too, just ended up drawing another little sketch of a magnifying glass, because I wanted to draw something to do with searching for the page. Then I added the text above it and a title and it was done. This was also the point I made the background Offwhite. I didn't want a plain white background because it just looked too lazy.
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Next I added some more texture to the background just to give it some sort of colour. Colour makes things more interesting for the kids reading it, so I thought it'd be a good addition.
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Next I created some musical note drawings to put around the text of the rhymes. I just thought it was on theme because nursery rhymes have rhythm. It also just adds something to the pages to make them more interesting.
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After this, I made the front and back covers. The front cover has a kid reading a book, as this is a kids book. Then I added some music notes around the kid. Then for the back cover I just put some musical notes on the back. I thought about putting a synopsis, but there honestly isn't much to write about, so I kept it purely visual. Then I added the title to the front page, because I forgot it at first.
Then the book was finished. Here is all the pages in order:
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I think it turned out decent in the end. There is most definitely room for improvement in lots of aspects, such as page composition, but for the time we had I think it was pretty good overall. I like the doodle style, I especially liked the Tom Gates books as a kid, so that kind of inspired what I wanted to create. This book has a more crayon looking style, but the inspiration was still there.
If I was to do it again, I think I'd do a more clean style, more cartoony rather than doodling, I think it'd be fun to try that out as opposed to this style.
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wheeboo · 7 months
lean on me | choi seungcheol
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SYNOPSIS. in which comfort should never be this hard to ask for, especially knowing that your boyfriend would give up the entire world for you either way. PAIRING. choi seungcheol x gn!reader GENRE. fluff, hurt/comfort, lil angst WARNINGS. mentions n descriptions of depression n reader struggling with it, cheol lifts up reader's shirt a lil to touch them (nothing sexual abt it, just purely for intimacy), terms of endearment, kissing, all the dialogue is literally from cheol lol, very self-indulgent sorry :< WORD COUNT. 1.8k
notes: the cuddly boyfriend in bed chronicles w cheol continues! anyway this is written purely for comfort for my lovely @bookyeom <3 honestly i've been writing a lot of hurt/comfort lately which i love (and need) ugh, so i hope u guys find some comfort in it too 💓
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Time seems to stand still when it happens again𑁋the emptiness, the weight of it all pressing down on your chest. It begins as a subtle shift, like the soft whisper of a breeze before a storm, until it grows into a deafening roar and becomes the only thing you can hear.
It's as if you hear everything and nothing at once, see the scenes play around you but the colours are mute, touch the world but its textures are rough, taste the air but its flavour is a metallic tang to your tongue.
You could claim you're simply sad; perhaps, it's easier to say that instead of the monstrously ugly word of depression. You hate it. You hate the way it shrinks and folds you into a smaller, duller version of yourself. It steals the vibrancy from your eyes, the cadence from your voice, and the lift at your lips. It steals you away from yourself, and each time you manage to get away you feel like you can breathe again, but then the tide rolls back in, and you're drowning again.
Struggling to stay afloat has been getting a lot harder these days.
A few soft knocks draws your eyes open, and the abrupt quietness of your bedroom suddenly feels more safer than ever. The knocks come back again, a bit louder this time, a raspy groan leaving your lips as you attempt to tightly squeeze your eyes shut like the sounds were just a figment of imagination. But then they happen again, and you somehow deduce the urge to chuck your pillow away and sit up in bed instead.
You barely process the feeling of your feet reaching the bedroom floor below. It's somewhere between the hours of six in the evening and three in the morning, you think. The cold hitting your skin and the dark skies outside the windows don't really help at all.
God, your body felt so weak right now since you've hardly eaten the entire day, and each step you took felt like a hot poker burning into your skin. The knocking seems to grow more insistent the closer you got to the door, and it takes an eternity for you to finally reach out for it with a clammy hand. And slowly, hesitantly, you flips the locks and push it open, allowing the door to swing open into the dimly lit hallway beyond.
Seungcheol is standing there, breathless like he had just run a marathon with small beads of sweat and strands of hair clinging to his forehead. The only source of light coming from the overhead hallway light shines down on him like a spotlight.
"You... You weren't answering my calls all day," he says quickly, voice wavering and heavy. "I came here as fast as I could after work and I..."
His voice trails off when his gaze roam over you, from your tightly tied lips and glassy eyes, to the tremor in your hands at your side.
He doesn't wait another moment, taking only two long strides inside your apartment before encasing you into his arms and bringing you into his chest. Somewhere in between that he also manages to close the door behind too, and it's just the two of you now in your place.
You stay like that for a while, not entirely sure for how long, but just enough that his warmth is able to seep through the crevices of your body and nudge so gently at something in your chest𑁋your heart.
"It came back again, didn't it?" Seungcheol asks quietly, voice a low murmur against your ear.
There's a small sniffle, then a weak nod, and all he could do is hold you tighter just from that alone.
"Do you want to talk about it?" he continues softly. "Or... do you want me to just hold you?"
He feels the way your fingers dig into the fabric of his hoodie a bit more tightly. That's all he needs to know before he's pulling away and dragging you into your bedroom. He does it all like it's normal routine to do this𑁋to simply hold you in his arms because he knows sometimes words are not enough.
Seungcheol is holding you a bit more tighter than you notice, arms encircled around your body with your head resting against his chest. It's not a suffocating grip, but tight enough to convey the emptiness he felt from not having you in his arms for the entire day.
His fingers trace soft patterns on your back through the fabric of your shirt. Yet you feel as they dip a little lower, your shirt lifting a little higher, and then the feeling of his fingertips barely grazing your back makes you let out quiet, contented sigh.
Seungcheol hesitates for a moment, then whispers, "Can I touch you under here?"
You nod meekly, leaning more instinctively into his touch. His hand continues its tentative roam under your shirt, mapping over the skin of your back so delicately and lightly. It isn't the first time he's done this, however the intimacy of just being so close to him𑁋to a man you call comfort, a man you call home𑁋makes this feel a little more than just okay.
He feels the goosebumps that form from his touch and the way you tense up just slightly before relaxing. A small smile forms at his lips, and he presses a kiss to the top of your head.
Seungcheol thinks he can hold you like this forever.
Perhaps it's a bit of a stretch, or a glimpse into a future that seems uncertain, but it's far from a lie. It isn't just because you melt so perfectly into his arms, or knowing he's the only one in the world who gets to do this (which, admittedly, makes his heart swell with pride), it's more than that. It's the fact that you trust him enough to let him in. It's the way you lean into his touch, knowing that in his arms, you are safe, and he would do anything to protect you.
"You're strong, you know that?" he whispers softly. "Stronger than you give yourself credit for. That's what I admire so much about you. Even when it feels like the world is crashing down, you still find the strength to keep going. Opening your eyes in the morning makes you strong, or just... letting me hold you right now. That takes strength. You're so, so strong, baby."
You don't respond, but your breathing steadies against his chest, a sign that his words are sinking in, even if just a little. And that's okay. It's a process, one that he is more than willing to be patient for, one that he is more than willing to walk alongside you through.
"You're always my first priority," Seungcheol murmurs, voice barely above a whisper as he holds you close and his fingertips dance along your spine, sending shivers of warmth down your back. “You can lean on me𑁋please lean on me. When this happens I don't want you to shut me out, okay? Anything but that."
His words seem to crack the dam holding back your tears, heat prickling at the corner of your eyes as you bury your face more into his chest. A choked sob escapes your lips, the sound muffled by Seungcheol's shirt, and a momentary surge of shame courses through you.
"Let it out," he reassures gently. "It's okay. You're okay. I've got you."
And that’s what you do𑁋you let go in his arms. Seungcheol hears the way you seem to quiet down after a few minutes, feeling the way you adjust in his hold to roll right next to him on the bed. Your bedroom is dark, with the only light coming from the dim lamp on your bedside table, but it's the first time all day he catches a close glimpse of your face.
His hand slowly leaves its spot from under your shirt and reaches over to cup your face lightly, affectionately, lovingly. His mouth forms into a small pout when he sees the way you're darting your eyes away from him.
"Hey, precious," Seungcheol says warmly, brushing his thumb across a stray tear rolling down your cheek. "Look at me, love."
There's a flicker of hesitation in your pupils. You know you look like an absolute mess right now: messy hair, with red-rimmed, puffy eyes, and tear stains marking your cheeks. But Seungcheol just smiles, a little sight of his dimple showing, and you can't help but weakly smile back. It stretches across your face, chasing away a bit of the tightness that had settled there.
"There we go, baby," he murmurs proudly. "That's the beautiful face I know and love. You're so pretty."
His tender gaze roams all over your face, from the vulnerability in your eyes and down to your slightly chapped lips that he's been aching to kiss all day, but that can wait for a little bit. For a moment, he feels something catch in his throat, and maybe his heart stutters a little too.
"You know," he starts, pressing his lips together in contemplation. "I... I think I can look at you forever."
He watches the way your eyes widen ever so slightly at his words, surprise flickering across your features. For a moment, he fears that he might have overstepped, swearing that he senses you crawl into your shell for just a second. But then he sees the way your expression softens, the corners of your lips curling up in a small, shy smile, and he knows he hasn't.
"Sorry, I-I didn't mean to say that right away, I just..." Seungcheol pauses, his cheeks flushing slightly as he searches for the right words. "I've been thinking about you a lot lately. I mean, I always do, but right now, I think𑁋no, I really want to love you for... a very long time, and I want to do it properly because you deserve nothing less."
His words embrace you like a warm blanket, and you could simply only stare at him. This time, you let your own eyes wash over him. You trace the outline of his jaw, the small beauty marks dotting the familiar curve of his neck, the vulnerability in his eyes mirroring your own, before settling on his lips and swiftly back up to his warm, affectionate gaze.
Seungcheol feels his own breath hitch from that alone, and the next moment, he's kissing you so sweetly, lips moving against yours carefully and unhurried. Your eyes close right away, and you feel his warm hand drift back under your shirt to bring you back in his hold as if he's trying to rid of any space that was left.
I think, You don't let your gaze waver away from him when the kiss breaks and nothing but small smiles wears on both of your faces. I want to love you for a very long time too, Choi Seungcheol.
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taglist (open) ʚɞ @enhazen @haowrld @icyminghao @slytherinshua @jeonride @lockburn-castle @vrnism @weird-bookworm @mhlsymlysn @ryuwonieebae @yeonjuns-redhair @wonwooz1 @woohaeyo @mark-geolli @caramyisabitchforsvtandbts @aaniag @wootify @carlesscat-thinklogic23 @phenomenalgirl9 @roziesmei @mirxzii @bookyeom @parkjennykim @melodicrabbit @bewoyewo
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ramshacklestar · 8 months
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@muraenide sent || [hair]: length, colour, texture, whether it grows quickly or slowly, how manageable it is, whether it requires lots of styling, do they leave stray hairs everywhere, is it present on their face, is it present on the rest of their body, etc.
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learn all about my muse's physical features! || Accepting
Yuuna's hair length is midway down her back stopping at the thoracic, it is a pale yellow in color and is her natural color which has made her question on several occasions if she is completely Japanese (side note she's not). Yuu does have the issue of her hair growing quickly to the point she's needing to get it trimmed back to where she finds comfortable every couple of months. However, despite it's growth pattern it is fairly easy to maintain since it isn't overtly curly nor is it completely straight, her hair being wavy and not as prone to tangles aside from when she wakes in the morning and it musses up overnight. As for styling she's pretty basic with it combing it out and letting it fall into it's natural sitting position and on the days her hair chooses to be fussy with her do to weather or just a static build up she just ties it up in a ponytail or bun to keep it out of her face and keep herself at least somewhat presentable.
She also likes to ensure she's picking off hairs that may fall out during combing and tossing them away though she has been known to miss the occasional strand here and there. She's very meticulous about keeping herself well groomed bodily hair wise, the only other hair besides that on her head being a very light peach fuzz on her arms.
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lizzardtales · 1 year
I’m gonna start blogging here more,
Time to annoy the world. Since I’ve finished university forever, my work flow feels strange to not document everything. Type down my scrawling notes and repurpose them into readable content for grading, whilst modeling. So I think I’m going to start less formal blog posts about my work flow just to keep things feeling the same for a while. I’ll post them to Tumblr and Facebook, since Twitter has a word count limit and Artstation blogging required a paid subscription. I would have preferred to post these on ArtStation considering the subject matter, but I’m not paying 6.99 a month for a service I can do elsewhere for free. Maybe if I land an industry job. 
Regardless, the current work flow is making me wanna pull my teeth out. I’m trying to rig Duo, my lowpoly (8k tris) monster girl so I can post a nice portfolio piece of her and I had nailed down the skeletal rig but I believe I paired it to the mesh incorrectly and couldn’t undo it. So I’m having to start again wahaaaa. I think it paired wrong because all my parts are lose. The clothing and hair and body aren’t one mesh. So I created a duplicate of the current meshes, merged them and I’m going to retry rigging again. I’m using a Blender plugin called Rigify to help, but I also have MMD installed. I started by spawning a Human meta rig, deleting one of the arms. Getting the top arm in place, then duplicating that, making the lower arm then mirroring the two arms. Its efficient but annoying to have to redo.  One day I’ll learn what face bones do. 
Putting in the bones has helped me notice a slight asymmetry to the model and its bugging the hell out of me. The hands are for sure the most annoying part to do currently haha. I was also having some really weird issues with some of the materials. They were displaying only solid colour and were not displaying the texture image. I went around this by making another new material but it was such a strange error.
The problem was I parented wrong, I needed to parent with automatic weights for it to work quickly. I’m unsure if the fully paired mesh lends to the solution, but we have successfully put working bones in! I’ll get around to putting her in a couple nice poses tomorrow, take some nice renders, upload her to ArtStation and apply for a couple junior role jobs that have cropped up. 
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georgewfmpyear2 · 2 years
Finding an art style
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While at home I decided to try and find ways that I can create the out of a book feeling art style and I started by taking a deeper look at post process materials, particularly creating outlines around objects which has always been something that I'm interested in doing. I spent a long time trying to find a tutorial that both, I at least somewhat understand and also actually works and eventually I found this page that I linked about.
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this was done in a post process material, starting off with a small section of code that uses a material function to get the edges of the UVs on any object currently being rendered, it then runs this through another section of code that cuts off at the effect at a distance and then a third section of code which applies the outline effect around objects onto the screen. I can't explain it much more detail then that as I'm only sure on how it works in a very broad sense and don't fully understand the more specific elements of how it works.
This created a nice, toon like black outline for all objects on screen but it didn't quite match what I want, at least not until I decided to try combining it with the painting like post process effect I'd made previously. Which takes this wibbly wobbly landscape texture and adds it to the UV texture coordinates of whatever is currently being rendered before applying that to the screen to create a watery, wobbly, painting like effect on screen.
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Using both the painting and outline materials at the same time makes the outlines look more like sketches with rough edges and gives everything a quickly done sketch look which I think is perfect for the visual direction I wanted to go in, creating a nice mix between the note book style of drawn to death and my own bright, solid colour visuals I've made in previous projects..
Using post process materials to create the art style like this also means that I don't have to work with the a very specific visual direction in mind when creating models to use since its all applied in engine with these materials.
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shoppalaceind · 2 years
How and When to Use Common Italian Spices
Traditional Italian cuisine is known for its liberal use of spices and herbs. So, if you’re a foodie with an affinity for Italian cuisine, you should get acquainted with the traditional seasonings and herbs used in Italian cooking.
The cuisine of Italy is widely admired for its deliciousness, simplicity, and complexity. While the recipes, flavours, ingredients, and goods from different parts of Italy may vary, the spices and herbs used to elevate the taste, texture, and colour of these dishes are consistent.
Italian Spices: What Are They?
Italian chefs have mastered the art of blending locally sourced ingredients such as vegetables, fruits, herbs, spices, and sauces. You’ve come to the perfect place if you want to learn how to cook like an Italian chef. The most widely used Italian herbs and spices are listed below.
Sicilian and southern Italian cuisine often features oregano seasoning as a staple ingredient. In contrast to its fresh form, the dried variety of this herb has a richer flavour and fragrance. Iron, manganese, and Omega-3 fatty acids can all be found in abundance in oregano. Grilled fish and tomato-based pasta sauces are two common uses.The oregano priceis not excessive.
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Basil enhances the flavour of food with notes of mint, lemon, and liquorice. The basil used in Italian cooking is spicy and sweet, unlike the minty basil used in many Asian dishes. Basil is a versatile herb that goes well with many different foods. To make pesto or tomato sauce, basil is a must-have ingredient. Crushing fresh basil leaves with olive oil results in pesto. Basil pesto can instantly elevate even the most basic of foods.
Rosemary is a popular herb for seasoning meats and vegetables. The flavour and aroma of fresh rosemary leavesare particularly strong. Incorporate this herb into your next roast, grill, or broil with meat, poultry, or fish. The fragrant herb will impart a pleasing flavour to anything you’re eating. Spruce up your meal with a hint of woodsy heat by adding rosemary.
One of the most widely used classic Italian seasonings is parsley. There are both curly- and flat-leaf variants, but the latter is more commonly used in Italian cooking. Although the flat-leaf species is more flavourful, the curly-leaf variety is superior for garnishing and precise cutting. Since it has a way of bringing out the other flavours in food, parsley goes particularly well with spicy components.
Mixed Herbs
Description Many people keep a container of mixed herbsin their kitchens to quickly season food with various dry herbs without measuring each separately. Take the coriander seeds, garlic cloves, and dry red chillies and place them in a microwave-safe bowl.
Pizza Seasoning
Spice up your pasta, soup, pizza, and more with pizza seasoning , a blend of herbs and spices. To take your cooking to the next level, you must stock up on Italian Seasoning or Pizza Seasoning.
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Learning about the herbs and spices used in Italian cooking is a must if you are passionate about the country’s cuisine. Once you’ve used these seasonings, you may compile an Italian spice list and buy a high-end spice collection to use whenever you feel like cooking some of your favourite Italian dishes.
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asbestosremovalist · 2 years
Make Your House Safer with Professional Service of Asbestos Removal in Bayside
Due to its resistance to heat, corrosion, and electricity, asbestos was first utilised in home construction. However, it was later shown to be carcinogenic. In order to guarantee proper asbestos removal in Bayside from the property, especially for older properties, one needs to contact professionals that provide asbestos collecting services. Licensed staff members provide a waste consignment notice following work in compliance with governmental guidelines.
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Professionals who are capable of determining not only the existence of asbestos but also it's kind among the six types of asbestos. Since many older bathrooms contain asbestos, they may also do asbestos bathroom renovation removal. To protect one's peace of mind, laboratory tests are carried out, and the air in the building is also checked for asbestos fibres.
Types and Distinguishing Features of Asbestos
Perhaps the most often utilised material for roofs and floors in building construction is chrysotile. Steam engines frequently use crocidolite as one of their constituent parts, and it is also used to make cement. On the other hand, the amosite has a brownish colour and is frequently employed as a fire-resistant material. Actinolite could be the toughest mineral to spot with the unaided eye, whereas Tremolite has a texture that resembles fibres. The kind of asbestos that penetrates the human respiratory system most frequently is anthophyllite.
A List of The Services for Removing Asbestos
Asbestos Collection: Professionals may gather asbestos, which can be found in sheets or tanks, in their collection trucks. An Environmental Agency waste consignment note is then generated, which corporate organisations can submit as proof of their shift towards a more environmentally responsible strategy.
Asbestos Surveys: It's frequently necessary to conduct independent asbestos surveys, which calls for hiring experts to look for asbestos.
Since asbestos poses a serious threat to human health, it needs to be removed as quickly as possible. To make sure the home is asbestos-free, get in touch with the best asbestos removal professionals.
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permanencesydney · 2 years
3 Best Ways to Effectively Remove Unwanted Hair Growth
Unwanted hair growth affects both men and women, and can result in reduced self-confidence and psychological distress. There are many underlying factors that can cause excessive or unwanted hair growth, including genetics and hereditary causes, as well as medical conditions which result in hormonal imbalances. Moreover, unwanted facial hair growth often occurs in women due to hormonal changes during menopause.
If you experience unwanted or excessive hair growth, it is best to consult a medical professional to rule out any underlying medical conditions. The good news is that there are many effective hair removal techniques available today, including both temporary and permanent hair removal solutions. In this article, we will discuss some of the best ways to get rid of unwanted facial and body hair.
 1. Waxing Waxing is a temporary hair removal solution that is effective for removing unwanted hair from large body areas, such as the legs and torso. This method involves applying a sticky substance, such as wax, to the body and/or facial region containing the unwanted hair, and then quickly removing it in order to pull out the attached hair by the root. Waxing leaves behind smooth skin and in contrast to shaving, it does not cause stubble since it does not produce a blunt edge upon hair removal. Moreover, the results of waxing hair removal can last up to six weeks. However, it is important to note that waxing can lead to skin irritation and allergic reactions; therefore, it is best to first perform small patch tests on your skin. In addition, if you don’t have experience with waxing and/or need to remove hair from areas that are difficult to access yourself, it is best to get it done professionally at a salon.
2. Laser hair removal Laser hair removal uses light energy to target the dark-coloured pigment (melanin) contained in the hair follicle. Subsequently, the light energy becomes converted to heat and damages the follicle, inhibiting and/or reducing hair growth. Multiple laser hair removal sessions are needed to achieve the best results. While laser hair removal is not a permanent hair removal technique, its results can last for months or even years. In addition, laser hair removal is most effective for removing dark-coloured hair from lighter skin, and is not very effective for removing light-coloured hair and also hair growing on darker skin.
 3. Electrolysis Electrolysis is the only permanent hair removal method approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This hair removal method involves inserting a very fine probe into each hair follicle and passing a very small electrical current through it. Consequently, this produces a chemical reaction that destroys the stem cells responsible for hair growth, preventing future hair growth and resulting in permanent hair removal. Unlike laser hair removal, electrolysis is effective for permanently removing hair of all colours and textures, as well as for removing hair from darker-coloured skin.
In addition, electrolysis is effective for hair removal from all body and facial areas. However, multiple sessions are usually required to achieve the best results due to the hair growth cycle. The number of electrolysis sessions required varies depending on the size of the area to be treated, as well as on the hair density. It is also very important to find a qualified and certified electrologist for your hair removal treatment, since having electrolysis done by unqualified personnel and/or uncertified equipment can result in scarring and infection.
At Permanence - hair-free for life, we can help you remove your unwanted hair to achieve beautiful, hair-free skin with our permanent hair removal solutions. We also offer our unique Permanence guarantee: as long as you follow your individual Permanence treatment Plan in its entirety (subject to special conditions), we will commit to achieving the complete removal of unwanted hair identified at your initial consultation. Book your consultation with us today at Permanence - hair free for life.
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Do you want a brutalist interior design for your home?
A brutalist interior design is a design that emerged during the post-war period, after World War II. At that time, housing must be provided quickly to the hundreds of people who lost their homes to the war. This kind of interior was popular as most people could only afford low-cost and unrefined raw materials such as concrete, metal, glass, and wood for building the interior and architecture of their homes especially since there was a shortage of materials which have been used up during the war.
What are the characteristics of brutalist interior design?
Usually, this design would have unfinished and rough surfaces, shapes that can be uneven and adorned with heavy-looking materials. The interior would have exposed building materials and structural supports such as concrete, bricks, metal pipes etc. It is a type of interior design made to look intentionally raw and unadorned. Colour schemes would be a monochromatic tone, usually black, grey, or white. With an emphasis on having no decoration, there would always be simple silhouettes with geometric shapes and repeated design elements all around the interior.
How to have brutalist interior design in your home:
Expose or show exposed building materials
If you want to have this kind of design, you will need to show exposed concrete or bricks in your interior. Well, not all homes would have exposed concrete or brick walls. So, in this case, you can opt for having faux concrete walls. This can be done DIY, where you can just paint your wall to look like concrete. There are many tutorials and videos online on how to do so you can always check those out.
Incorporate materials such as metals and glass
These materials are also one of the main components that make up brutalist interior design. you can decorate your interior with aged and oxidized metals which would give a traditional brutalist vibe.
Use items that look unpolished and raw
Having an unfinished and rough finish is also part of a brutalist interior design. integrating items such as unpolished wooden furniture with burned finishes and other furniture with a textured surface are some things that you can take note of when adding furniture or décor to your interior.
If these characteristics and attributes are some things you wish to see in your home, then brutalist interior design might be for you. You would require professional help for designing and renovating an interior design that suits your tastes and is also specifically functional for you. Experts like Albedo Design offer brutalist interior design solutions among a wide variety of other interior design services. Contact them now for more information on how to get started and design the best interior design for your home!
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