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tiffswonderland35 · 6 years ago
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🙌 #Repost @kelli_wright_laiho with @get_repost ・・・ Wife brag post 😁👏🏻 #metalhammer #dimmuborgir #alexilaiho #riffgod #awardwinning #godofriffs #trophy #soproudofhim #talentedmen #textupdates 😍 #myhusbandishot! ☺️ https://www.instagram.com/p/Bnvr-jYlCc-zwoRVfGz1t8GoYLdoi2ncUBn8kE0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6qphneux52uf
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techniktagebuch · 8 years ago
Bei der VG Wort sind keine Textupdates vorgesehen
2007. Ich arbeite als Online-Redakteur bei einem Internetmagazin, das zu den METIS-Pionieren der VG Wort gehört. Die VG Wort ist sowas wie die GEMA, aber eben für Texte anstatt für Lieder, und METIS heißt, dass es Geld nicht nur für gedruckte Bücher gibt, sondern auch für Onlinetexte.
Das Meldeverfahren ist gar nicht mal so unkompliziert. Der Verlag muss aus Zahlen- und Buchstabenkolonnen bestehende Zählpixel („öffentlicher Identifikationscode“) in den HTML-Code einbauen, dann eine sogenannte Verlagsmeldung an die VG Wort erstellen, und der jeweilige Autor des Artikels muss diese Meldung mit einem weiteren, eigenen Zählpixel („privater Identifikationscode“) verifizieren, was aber nur gelingt, wenn er einen Wahrnehmungsvertrag mit der VG Wort abschließt und die Zählpixel in eine schrecklich unintuitive Eingabemaske der VG Wort einträgt.
All das tue ich, und weil meine paar Artikel die erforderliche Anzahl an Aufrufen aufweisen, erhalte ich fortan Tantiemen. Jahr für Jahr. Je Artikel sind das anfangs 30–40, später 10–20 Euro.
Das Geld verprasse ich.
2012. Ich wechsle den Job, bleibe aber ein sogenannter Wahrnehmungsberechtigter, denn meine Artikel erfreuen sich vieler Zugriffe.
2013–2015. Ich erhalte weiterhin Abrechnungen, aber längst nicht mehr alle Artikel erreichen die erforderlichen Zugriffszahlen. Einmal im Jahr werfe ich einen Blick in mein VG-Wort-Konto, schließe aber die Maske stets gleich wieder, weil die Nutzerführung sehr verwirrend ist und ich nie das finde, was ich zu finden hoffe.
2016. Einen Newsletter der VG Wort nehme ich zum Anlass, mich nach langer Zeit wieder in mein Konto einzuloggen. Ich habe etwas Zeit und klicke nach und nach alles an, was klickbar ist. Auf diesem Wege finde ich heraus, dass ich weiterhin für verschiedene Texte Tantiemen erhalte. Wie ich jedoch feststelle, sind zwei meiner Artikel im letzten Jahr von der Redaktion des Internetmagazins so umfangreich aktualisiert worden, dass von meinem Originaltext kaum etwas übrig ist. Da ich das nicht mit meinem Gewissen vereinbaren kann, schreibe ich der VG Wort eine E-Mail mit dem Hinweis, dass ich nun nicht mehr Autor des Artikels bin, weil er umfangreich aktualisiert wurde, und was ich tun könne, damit anstelle meiner ab sofort der neue Autor die Tantiemen bekäme, mit freundlichen Grüßen.
Hierfür löschen Sie bitte die Verlagsmeldung der betreffenden Beiträge.
Das tue ich.
Unmittelbar danach ploppen Nachrichten mit dem Betreff „Abweisung der Beteiligtenmeldung“ in meinem Konto auf und verlautbaren:
„Die von Ihnen bestätigte Verlagsmeldung musste abgewiesen werden. Diese Abweisung kann verschiedene, auch rein formale, Gründe haben.“
In einer weiteren E-Mail steht noch:
„Die Ausschüttungsbeträge, die Sie bereits erhalten haben, müssen zurückerstattet werden. Alle Ausschüttungsbeträge, die bereits ausgezahlt wurden, werden ins Minus gesetzt und bei der nächsten Ausschüttung automatisch verrechnet.“
Nachfrage bei der VG Wort: Ääääh? Wie jetzt?
Antwort 1: Ein Wechsel der Autorenschaft ist in der Systemlogik nicht vorgesehen. Wer 2016 erklärt, er sei nicht mehr Autor eines Textes, kann auch zwischen 2007-2015 kein Autor des betreffenden Textes gewesen sein. Man ist entweder immer Autor oder aber nie einer gewesen.
Antwort 2: Alle für die beiden betreffenden Artikel seit 2007 gezahlten Tantiemen sind vollumfänglich zurückzuzahlen. Denn das System sagt, ich bin und war nie Autor der Texte, siehe Antwort 1. Der Verlag hätte anstatt Updates stets neue Artikel mit neuen Zählmarken anlegen müssen.
Antwort 3: Eine Rücknahme der Rücknahme der Verlagsmeldung ist nicht möglich. Das ginge nur mit Zustimmung des Verlags und größerem Procedere.
Da in meinem ehemaligen Verlag mehrfach die Geschäftsführung gewechselt hat und er insgesamt nicht gut auf mich zu sprechen ist, ist diese Option ausgeschlossen.
2017. Ich sehe einer Rückzahlung von 400 Euro Tantiemen entgegen, für von mir geschriebene Artikel.
Die Verlagsbeteiligung ist davon übrigens nicht betroffen, d.h., nur ich als Autor zahle etwas zurück. Die 30% der Tantiemen, die der Verlag jährlich zwischen 2007–2012 für meine Texte erhalten hat, verbleiben bei ihm. Ob diese Lastenteilung dem „gemeinsamen Modell der Rechtewahrnehmung zwischen Autoren und Verlagen“ entspricht, dem die VG Wort ganz im Sinne der Verlagslobby eindringlich das Wort redet, weiß ich nicht.
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deusexmagicaeofficial · 6 years ago
There has been a distinct lack of main characters in the concept art for this project, so far. This is because they are currently being redesigned in multiple ways. One in particular (Haruna Saitou) will receive a full costume redesign and will need to be redrawn. Therefore, her old design will only be posted as a comparison once the new one is complete.
Fue Shakuhachi may potentially undergo a new costume redesign if suitable, but also simply has no real concept art. The only existing art is personally embarrassing and not representative of author intent, so it will not be officially posted here.
What we are currently working on: 1.) Designing a logo for this blog page. 2.) Finalizing the last couple chapters of the draft that have been written. 3.) The two previously mentioned redesigns.
Other projects may cause later return dates. Expect all three goals to be done within the next 30 days at most.
Also, the About page has been created. It’s more of an FAQ, really. Will add to it in the future.
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mavwrekmarketing · 8 years ago
Its fair to say the smartphone camera has becomethe digital tool of most use, rendering the average persons camera roll essentially amemory buffer where carefully composed photographs rub up againstsnaps of receipts, funny stuff you saw on the street and fanciedsharing with friends, and, sometimes, snippetsof text you came acrossin a (paper) bookand wanted to make a note of. Snapping a photo in that moment isa stand in for the lack of real-world copy and paste.
And its the latter kind of photo (text quotations) that the founders ofsmartphone app Postepic want to liberate from this unstructured jumble of visual data. Indeed, the first version of the app, released last year as a bootstrapping side-project by a bunch of book-loving friendsafter they graduated from university in Poland, was just a basic way for them to organize and share photos of the quotationsthey had cluttering their camera rolls.
We started this project as we wanted to build something together, says co-founder ukasz Konofalski. We all share a passion for books and were used to sharing quotes and books recommendations between each other. We came across some reports that showed that in Poland in 2016 only half a book will be read on average, so we also wanted to support readership in general by building a bridge between traditional books and mobile world.
Two things really surprised us when we finally launched it in June 2016: the number of new books worth reading we discovered by simply sharing quotes with each other; and a very warm reception we received from the developers and users communities alike. We have received volumes of valuable feedback from them and got back to work.
Version 2 of the app, which launched this week, turns a basicideainto an app that has enough form and function to feel appealing to use. The coreadditional feature is optical character recognition (OCR) meaning that instead of uploading and sharing ugly-looking (and hard to read) chunks of raw page text, i.e. in their original photo form, Postepic users can now lift the wordsoff the page, capturing and editing the text and its visual presentation bychoosing fromaselection of fonts and backgrounds.
The final result presentsthe text snippetinside a square frame, in a way thats both easy to read andvisibly pleasing (for an example of how utilitarian quotes looked in v1 of the app see the image at the bottom of this post). So Postepicbasically lets people turn a favorite quote into an easily shareable unit of digital social currency. Aka,an Instagram for book quotes.
Last year Facebook added a feature aimed at enhancing the impact ofthe text statusesbeing shared via its platform, givingusers the ability to add colored backgrounds to their textupdates to makethem more visual. And with so much visual noise being injected into messaging and communications apps, this is hardly surprising. Point is, if you want something to stand out in the age of Instagram Stories (Snapchat Stories, Facebook Stories, WhatsApp Stories etc etc), it has to look right asthe bar for beingnoticed keeps getting higher.
And withall this visual noise clamoring for our attention, it can feel like the written word isbeing forgotten or overlooked as people ditcha thousand words in favor ofsharing a few photos. Yet a well-turned phrase has the power to be both arresting and enlightening, as well as a hint ofgreaterdepths lurking within the full work. Sogiven how much attention has been (and continues to be) lavished onvisual forms of communication from photo filters to selfie lenses to style transfer theres arguably spacefor a clever social sharing app that brings the power of the written word back into focus.
Notably, Apples new social video sharing app Clips includes an auto-captioning feature. Thats great for accessibility, but also a reminder that words-as-text still have powerand with a little technological automagic can be effortlessly edited back into the selfie frame.
Postepic is not the first app to take a shot at wordy snippets, though. Others have tried to buildan Instagram for book quotes Quotle, for example but no one has yet managed to generatesignificant momentum for the concept. It might be because sharing book snippetsis inherently more niche than sharing photos (its certainly more bounded, given language barriers). Or becauseno one has made a slick enough version to attract more mainstream appeal.
Postepics v2app seems to beatQuotle on OCR speed. And because itschosen to fix the sharing format as a square its content inherently feels bettergroomed for social sharing vs the more wordy/text-heavy Quotle. (Although, on the flip side, Postepics ease of use and more formulaic format might attract a flood of clich sharers and drive down the quality of discoverable quotes.) But clearly the founders hope is that the uniform sharingformat setsPostepic up to benefit from viral uplift if users sharewatermarkedquotes to their larger follower bases on platforms likeInstagram (as other apps have). Time will tell if they can make it catch on.
Its certainly stilla fairly unformed thing at this stage, especially given the size and nature of itsearly adopter community having only clocked a few thousand downloads for its MVP v1 via a launch onProduct Hunt. So even though the team has curated a bunch of quotations themselves to populate the app, youre more likely to find quotesabout scaling a startup than lines from a Shakespearean sonnet. But the core function of v2 has been executedwell, within a clearapp structure. So its super simple to capture, edit and share nicely presented quotes.
Quotation lengthis capped at 600characters to ensure readability (and curtail any copyright concerns). Photo backgrounds are also limited to a handful ofgeneric shots and textures offered within the app at least for now, to avoid users uploading inappropriate imagery, says Konofalski (on that front,remember Secret?). While the OCR tech supports ten languages at this point: Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.
The app also lets you tag quotations for subject matterand toadd sources (a requirement if youre making a quote public). Using these labelsyou can then browse and search quotes, while a favoritesfeature lets you curate a like-list if you spot quotes shared by others that you like.And if you dont want to share thequotes you create with the crowd you dont have to you can keep individual quotes private and just use the app to create an organized, visual library of the best bits from the books youre reading.
On the community front, the main feed of Postepic is an assorted jumble for now, showing a stream of non-topic sorted trending quotes that Konofalski says turns over every few hours based on what others are liking. Currently theres no way to follow other users to customize what you see here but thats down tohow nascent the community is. Our goal is to offer a solution that many content and photo sharing apps use: to give users a choice to pick their favorite genres and authors to adjust their feed, he says. Additionally, we want to launch a functionality of following other users, so their posts show up in users feed [but]decided to postpone the functionality until we reach a community size that would warrant this.
Postepic does also support social sharing to other platforms, as youd expect. Though this doesnt alwayswork as youd imagine.For example, testing sharing to WhatsApp the app merelycreated a generic text message with a link to view the quote in Postepic, rather than including the visual form of thequote in a WhatsApp message template (though this is likely a WhatsApp restriction on sharing from a third party app). A basic workaround is obviously to screengrab a quote and upload it manually where you like as a photo. Sharing to Twitter incorporated both the image and a text message with a link when I tested it. Konofalski says that with most well known apps it willautomatically import/drop an image intothe other app.
The appis free to download (and iOS only for now), and while the team says it has a fewideas for potential monetization down the line such as hostingpre-launch book campaigns, or offering writers a subscription-based platform to connect with fans the focus for nowis fully on building up the size of the community to try to reach a critical mass of readers.
Does generation Snapchat read books? I guess theyll soon find out
Read more: http://ift.tt/2oaerDl
 The post Postepic is an app for elegantly sharing book quotes appeared first on MavWrek Marketing by Jason
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