#texas largest SP
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humongouscasheaglebagel · 1 year ago
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Big Bend Ranch SP is larger than all other Texas’ state parks combined
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socialjusticeinamerica · 3 months ago
Over 40% percent of Hispanics (up from 30% last time) and about 15% of black men. God only knows how many women and other marginalized people. The Republicans knew they couldn’t sustain their party with angry white males and their drunk wives so during the George W. bush years they began to recruit Hispanics. There’s nothing an immigrant loves more than pulling the ladder up behind them. They already had those south Florida Cubans that vote Republican because that party continues to punish Castro’s Cuba even though the bastard has been dead for years. They literally chant “send those sp-cs back” at the Trump rallies. Not to mention just about every single Republican for office campaigns on no reparations or welfare for people who didn’t earn it. That’s what they call DEI, didn’t earn it. Want to guess who they’re talking about there.
In Massachusetts there were five candidates for president on the ballot. Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Socialist, and Jill Stein’s Green Party (aka Russian agents). Jill Stein fucked us again. In many races it was slim and that few percent drawn off by these covertly funded third parties could have turned the tables. Never vote third party they gave us the Bush/Cheney nightmare for two terms thanks to Ralph Nader and now two terms of Trump.
Now let’s look at the Muslims and the Jews. The Muslims and the pro-Palestinian protest voters drew off even more. Republican operatives started that whole “Genocide Joe” bullshit and all the radical assholes bought into it like rabid Bernie Bros. They were staging demonstrations at Harris events right up until the day before the election. Well now the Palestinians are really fucked because as we all know Trump and the Republicans really despise Muslims/Palestinians and have a love affair with Israel. Fucking war criminal Netanyahu was the first foreign leader to call and congratulate Trump. The Jewish lobby has always supported the Republicans because of the latter’s hatred of Muslims. Both sides in the Middle East tanked Harris.
While we’re throwing stones let’s look at the affluent Asian groups who voted their pocket book instead of for democracy. And when it comes to voting one’s pocket book there’s the Log Cabin Republicans, the affluent lesbian and gay community. Texas and several other state level Republican conventions won’t even let them attend let alone participate but they continue to throw money at the GOP. Let’s not forget one of the largest groups, the seniors who believe Republican scary lies and think everyone younger than them doesn’t deserve a penny or damn.
So we’ve got a Democratic Party that’s based around protecting marginalized people who largely don’t vote or vote Republican in increasingly large numbers.
Who’s left in the Democratic Party? Northeast and West Coast educated liberals. An ever shrinking union base in those same regions. And older African-American women who seem to be the only marginalized people with the brains to solidly back the party that doesn’t want to kill them. Thank god for mature African-American women and the spouses they drag to the polls. And last but not least we have urban dwellers who know Republicans despise them and want to cut off virtually all programs that help them.
So in summation we lose about 3% to 3rd party assholes, about 1-2% to the Israeli crowd, another 1-2% to the Muslim-American crowd (if the news figures are to be believed). Add to that 40% of registered Hispanic voters who should know better, 15% of African-American men who must be as delusional as Kanye, a few percent to Log Cabin Republicans who are risking being outlawed, and an indeterminate number of affluent Asians. That alone is more than enough to change a tight race but let’s add in possibly tens of millions of women who are voting away their rights to control their own bodies and have full citizenship.
The cherry on top is the 100,000,000 plus non-voters that common knowledge tells us would vote overwhelmingly Democratic. If the “conservative” Hispanics alone abandoned their delusion it would instantly flip Texas and Florida and we would never lose again. If all the Republican women woke up and realized that party was at war with them and their rights as full citizens we would win with ease across the board. If all those other smaller groups realized they were voting against their own interests we wouldn’t have to sweat unpredictable swing states.
The north east and the west coast are the only solidly blue states left. The upper mid-west is on the verge of being lost and so is the less populous south west. I’ve been saying for over two decades we can’t survive without the Florida and Texas Hispanics. I’ve said this a million times and I’ll repeat it, the Democrats, their donors, their spokespeople, and their celebrities need to flood those two states with outreach programs. Every single Spanish speaking Democratic elected office holder, regardless of where there constituency is, needs to be working those to states tirelessly. All the Spanish speaking celebrities on our side should be doing likewise. These voters need to be educated about the threat posed to them by the Republicans. Indeed it already may be too late for some as Trump wants to revoke birthright citizenship. If that happens I personally will lose 75% of my family, friends, and neighbors.
This has been my unsolicited autopsy. Welcome Hispanics into the party and we’ll be saved in the short term. Get all the others on board and we can end the Republican Party and create a progressive welcoming society. With the Republicans off the board we will finally have the luxury of moving to a multi-party system. As it is now the minor parties only contribute to Republican victories. This is not prejudicial as these demographic facts are on many news sites that covered the election in detail.
“Oh but I have the right to vote 3rd party or to protest vote and not voting isn’t against the law.” Well many of you are going to learn hard lessons in the next few years as you are stripped of rights, citizenship, worker protections, rounded up, persecuted by right-wing fascists and their militias or possibly be “eradicated” to use the current Republican term. We’re all going to suffer hardships, even Trump voters are going to suffer monetarily. We may never have the right to vote again as we slide into a fascist dystopian nightmare.
There’s a big fucking difference between what you can do and what you should do. And for fuck’s sake stop spending money at Walmart, they write all the policies you protest and fund every Republican for state and federal office. Same for Koch Industries. If you don’t like my rant then fuck off and get blocked when you retort.
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I will never understand
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The Bromacker Fossil Project Part XI: Dimetrodon teutonis, an apex predator
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Holotype specimen of Dimetrodon teutonis, which consists of a partial vertebral column. The preserved portion of this vertebral column is highlighted in the reconstruction of Dimetrodon (lower right). Photograph by the author, 2007. Dimetrodon reconstruction modified from Romer and Price, 1940.
Specimens of two top predators have been discovered at the Bromacker quarry. Like Martensius, both are basal members of the group Synapsida, the later members of which gave rise to mammals. You might be familiar with one of them – Dimetrodon, a synapsid sometimes incorrectly portrayed with dinosaurs, which carried a tall sail on its back that was supported by bony spines. The other is a new genus and species that will be presented in my next post.
The fossil pictured above, the first-discovered specimen of Dimetrodon from the Bromacker quarry, may not look like much, but it was the first record of Dimetrodon outside of North America. The circumstances under which it was found were very different from the discovery of other fossils from the Bromacker quarry. Before Dave Berman and I arrived for the 1999 field season, Thomas Martens noticed that someone, possibly a fossil poacher, had been in the quarry overnight and knocked some rocks off the quarry lip. The rocks apparently broke upon hitting the ground, which exposed some bones. Thomas carefully picked them up and took them to his lab at the Museum der Natur, Gotha (MNG). When Dave and I met Thomas at the quarry on our first day of the field season, Thomas mentioned the find and told us that he thought the bones were ribs. We didn’t think much of it, other than horror at learning a fossil poacher might have visited the quarry overnight, one of our worst fears.
As planned, Dave and I spent the last day of the field season in the museum collections, and when Thomas let us in that morning, he reminded us to look at the potential ribs and told us where they were. Shortly after we began examining them, Dave and I simultaneously realized that the “ribs” were actually spines of Dimetrodon. We couldn’t believe our eyes, because of all the Early Permian fossils known from North America, Dimetrodon was Thomas’ favorite. Indeed, he’d used an image of it on signs at the Bromacker and included a model of Dimetrodon in a diorama, once on display in the MNG, that showed models of Bromacker animals in their environment. Thomas jumped for joy later that day when we gave him the news.
So how did Dave and I so quickly realize that the “ribs” were spines of Dimetrodon? Besides Dimetrodon, some other basal synapsids had sails, the function of which remains unknown, though scientists have speculated they could’ve been used for display or regulating body temperature. The spines (known as neural spines) supporting the sails vary in shape and length, with those of Dimetrodon and its herbivorous relative Edaphosaurus being tall and narrow, and those of another relative, the carnivorous Sphenacodon, being shorter and blade-like. Neural spines of Dimetrodon are easy to distinguish, because in addition to being long they bear fore and aft grooves, which create a dumbbell-shaped cross-sectional outline, and they lack the ‘crossbars’ that occur on the long neural spines of Edaphosaurus. When Dave and I saw the fore and aft grooves, the dumbbell-shaped cross-sectional outline of some broken spine ends, and an absence of crossbars, we knew that the “ribs” were indeed spines of Dimetrodon.
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Flesh reconstructions of Sphenacodon sp. (left) Dimetrodon grandis (middle) and Edaphosaurus pogonias (right) to show the differences between their sails. Note that Dimetrodon and Sphenacodon are more closely related to one another than they are to Edaphosaurus, despite their different sail shapes. Reconstructions of Sphenacodon and Dimetrodon by Dmitry Bogdanov and that of Edaphosaurus by Nobu Tamura, all from Wikimedia Commons.
The Bromacker Dimetrodon is considerably smaller than other known species of the genus, and this is one character among other more detailed anatomical features that distinguishes it. For the new species name, Dave selected the Latin “teutonis,” which means an individual of a German tribe, in reference to the geographic origin of the holotype specimen.
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Two additional specimens of Dimetrodon teutonis. Left, hindleg and shoulder girdle bone (fused scapulocoracoid) and right, several vertebrae bearing complete to nearly complete neural spines of an individual that was larger and presumably more mature than the holotype. Photographs by the author, 2007.
Dave was able to use a mathematical equation involving measurements of the vertebrae to estimate the holotype’s weight as a living animal at 31 pounds. In contrast, other known Dimetrodon species have estimated weights of about 81–550 pounds. We later discovered additional partial specimens of Dimetrodon at the Bromacker quarry, and Dave estimated the weight of the largest specimen with vertebrae at 53 pounds, still considerably less than that of what had previously been the smallest species, D. natalis from Texas. Dimetrodon is otherwise known from numerous species from the American mid-continent and southwest that generally got larger through time.
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Reconstructions of various species of Dimetrodon drawn to scale. The diminutive D. teutonis is at bottom center and D. natalis, no longer the smallest species, is at bottom left. Illustration adapted from Dmitry Bogdanov via Wikimedia Commons. 
All Dimetrodon species have teeth adapted for meat-eating in being teardrop-shaped with sharp edges for slashing flesh. By size and jaw position these sharp teeth are divided into precanines, canines, and postcanines of varying numbers. Unlike D. teutonis, some species even had fine serrations on their tooth edges. The only known upper jaw bone of Dimetrodon teutonis clearly has two canines, but one is missing and represented by a large gap in the tooth row that would have accommodated this tooth. The second canine is represented only by its broad base, but it too must have been large. Although it was a small animal, the teeth of D. teutonis indicate that it was a meat-eater and as such would have preyed on other vertebrates from the Bromacker, many of which were even smaller.
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Diagrammatic drawing of the skull of Dimetrodon (left) and photograph of the maxilla or upper jaw bone (right) of D.teutonis. Abbreviations: c, canine; pc, postcanine; prc, precanine. Photographs by the author, 2007. Drawing of skull from Wikimedia Commons.
Stay tuned for my next post, which will be about the second-known apex carnivore from the Bromacker. In the meantime, here are links to scientific papers on Dimetrodon teutonis:
Amy Henrici is Collection Manager in the Section of Vertebrate Paleontology at Carnegie Museum of Natural History. Museum employees are encouraged to blog about their unique experiences and knowledge gained from working at the museum.
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buzzesquenews · 5 years ago
Just How Big was the Largest Flying Dinosaur? Huge.
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Quetzalcoatlus was the largest flying dinosaur and the largest flying creature ever to have existed. It stood as tall as a giraffe when it was on the ground.
What was Quetzalcoatlus?
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Quetzalcoatlus eating small dinosaurs. Image by By Mark Witton and Darren Naish - Witton MP, Naish D (2008) Quetzalcoatlus is named after the Aztec feathered serpent deity Quetzalcoatl. It was a dinosaur of the Late Creteaceous period, which was about 100 million to 60 million years ago (later than the large dinosaurs like T-Rex), in North America. While not technically a dinosaur, it was part of the family of pterosaurs which lived in that period was related to other large pterosaurs. A few skeletons of Quetzalcoatlus have been found, including some rather complete skeletons. They show that Quetzalcoatlus was indeed a pterosaur, with a very large skull and it may have spent quite a bit of time hunting on the ground as well. Quetzalcoatlus lived in North America and most of the remains have been found in Texas.
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Quetzalcoatlus skeleton at the Houston Museum of Natural Science
How big was Quetzalcoatlus?
Quetzalcoatlus was indeed extemely large. It was at least 10ft tall at the shoulders when standing up and most scholars believe it was slightly taller than a full grown giraffe at the head. The wingspan of Quetzalcoatlus has been subject to debate. When the Texas remains were initially found, paleontologists thought the wingspan could be as high as 50ft. Current estimates, based on subsequent findings, put Quetzalcoatlus's wingspan at 36 to 39ft.
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Two different species of Quetzalcoatlus compared with a full grown man. By Matt Martyniuk (Dinoguy2), Mark Witton and Darren Naish That would make Quetzalcoatlus's wingspan, which is over 10 meters, making it about the same size as a private airplane, such as a Cessna.
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By The Nature Box - CC BY-SA 4.0 Getting an estimate on the weight of Quetzalcoatlus is much more difficult since we have no tissue samples and the bones have been petrified. Estimates range from 150lbs for a normal individual to nearly 1,000lbs. However, the consensus among paleontologists now is that an average individual weighed about 200–250 kg (440–550 lb).
Other Giants
As seen in the above photograph, there were actually two different sub-species of Quetzalcoatlus. The smaller one had a wingspan of around 18ft, making it about half the size. Originally, when they found the smaller skeletons, the idea was that they may be juvenile specimens of the same species. Supsequent research indicates, though, that they are a different sup-species. Quetzalcoatlus northropi is the large one and Quetzalcoatlus sp. is the small one. In Europe, there was a very similar pterosaur, known as Hatzegopteryx, which was roughly the same size. It may have been slightly heavier and had a large head with a more pronounced crest running down the middle.
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Hatzegopteryx was roughly the same size as Quetzalcoatlus northropi. By Mark Witton Both species fed on small dinosaurs which could be up to the size of a human. In the case of Hatzegopteryx, it lived on an island of dwarf dinosaurs near present day Transylvania, Romania. Before you go: https://buzzesque.com/largest-insect-of-all-time-discovered/ Read the full article
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dallasareaopinion · 3 years ago
A quick hodgepodge mess somehow related
So for all you marketing majors, advertising works. Yep, much as I hate advertising, watching them, reading them, we are stuck with them.
I was reading (skimming) an article the other day about the demise of Quiznos. Yes, Quiznos (?sp). First of all I am not much of the sandwich connoisseur when it comes to fast food restaurants. I will force myself to eat Subway if there is nothing else around, maybe one of the other chains if there is nothing for hundreds of miles. And oddly I do like these various chains’ food, but just do not want to spend money on a sandwich. I spent years taking my lunch to work and yes you guessed, it was primarily sandwiches so the thought of eating out and buying a sandwich, no matter how much you can flavor it up so to speak, it just isn’t a choice. So I may have eaten at a Quiznos maybe once or twice, maybe. What caught me was the fact that I didn’t miss them. And why had I not missed them, because I had not see an ad for them in years so they faded into the background and I had no idea they were not around anymore. Yet when I read the article I remembered the brand. Strange.
Have you noticed the Dallas Stars and Dallas Mavericks have both played in two championships, each have won one, even the Texas Rangers have played in two World Series since the Cowboys last won a Super Bowl? Yet when you think of Dallas Sports Teams, which one comes to mind first. Brand recognition you say, and I say probably correct. And what makes the Cowboys more recognized, well a variety of factors, but one is the advertising the NFL and branding the NFL has developed. Football took over Baseball as the national pastime sport so to speak in the 1960′s when television became the mainstream form of entertainment in this country and what brought us all this, advertising. We could watch endless hours of TV for “free” because of advertising. The other sports have been playing catch up ever since. Somehow or another football jumped onto this way of bringing us free entertainment and the unholy marriage on Sunday afternoons took flight. Now the ads are rated, liked and critiqued as much as the big game each year. 
And as the largest hater of advertising this side of Manhatten you might  imagine I stream some nowadays. And as a very frugal (cheap) individual though I still watch regular TV and if possible will record it so I can fast forward through the ads. This works well for regular season sports games, for the playoffs though, you have to watch it live, which means suffering through the ads. Not pushing buttons to turn 3-5 minute of mostly inept commercials into thirty seconds hurts, but you got to watch the playoffs live. Too much at stake not to. And to be honest because I grew up with TV, I have seen ads that work or companies that do a damn good job with the advertising. Coca Cola, McDonalds, Budweiser, Miller Lite are some examples of historical marketing campaigns that have worked. As much as McDonalds food is bland their advertising at times is remarkable. Some campaigns can get replayed in my head if a certain phrase is said or other trigger happens, amazing but true. Other campaigns have left me on the precipice of madness they were so bad, yet for some reason those sometimes are remembered. Whether I like an ad or not has no bearing on whether I buy the product. 
So what gives this evening? I am not sure, but it did hit me that a company had grown to be so big and then completely disappeared and the only way I knew of their existence was advertising.And once that stopped, it was gone even in the memory cells until the article came about.  I cannot remember one person ever recommending to eat there. 
Companies will still come and go, but to all the marketing majors etc who put this together, it does make a difference if you do a good job, maybe not with me, but I can tell the public eats it up. 
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shashiemrf · 3 years ago
Energy Harvesting System Market Size Expected to Experience Noteworthy Expansion Over 2022
Energy Harvesting System Global Market - OverviewEnergy Harvesting is a process of collecting minute amount of energy from one or more of naturally occurring energy sources such as solar, wind or water and use them later in the different application areas. Energy harvesting devices are designed to efficiently and effectively capture, store, accumulate and supply it in the form which can be used to perform various task in the daily application areas. Advancement in technology and various development have increased the efficiencies which are used in the process of collecting energy and convert them into electrical energy which is widely used. Heavy investment by the key companies have also led to the advancement in the microprocessors technology leading to maximum efficiency of the processors and optimum utilization. Wide range of benefits and reducing the carbon footprint have also led to the development of interest among several large-scale companies.There are various application of energy harvesting and several real-life application who uses energy harvesting system to source the power is no more a dream. There are various companies who is working constantly in the development of energy harvesting components and products such as sensors, wireless nodes and high capacity batteries. Recently, Tesla have also started working on the new generation solar panels which can be deployed on the roof of any building and can collect solar energy.Get Free Sample Report @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/1167Industry NewsDecember, 2017, X-FAB Introduces New Low-Power eFlash Block Optimized for Energy Harvesting & IoT Devices. The new X-FAB eFlash IP block is targeted at replacing standalone NVM memories and embedded One-Time-Programmable (OTP) memories in low power applications, enabling onsite program code updates. This means that it is highly suited to energy harvesting and remotely located Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices, where power constraints and harsh environments need to be dealt with, but field re-programmability must be offered at a low cost.December, 2017, Samsung has patented smart clothing that is able to harvest energy for powering personal gadgets or embedded sensors. The patent details a shirt that contains this energy-harvesting technology, making it not just a shirt that could charge your gadgets, but one that could actually harvest the energy needed to do it. This is in contrast to previously unveiled “smart clothes,” which typically involve a battery that needs to be charged elsewhere. The patent was filed by Samsung Electronics and describes as “Wearable Electronic Device and Operating Method” involving an energy harvester that uses movement to generate energy.November, 2017, New Bluetooth Low Energy and Energy Harvesting Sensor Shields Further Extend the Capabilities of ON Semiconductor’s IoT Development Kit. The company has released two new boards (shields) further extending the recently launched Internet of Things (IoT) Development Kit (IDK) platform’s capabilities. With the addition of two new shields that include Bluetooth low energy technology and Smart Passive Sensors (SPS), customers are now able to create diverse and unique use cases that target smart home/building, smart city, industrial automation and mHealth applications.Energy Harvesting System Global Market - SegmentationSegmentation by Components: Transistors, controllers, solar cells, capacitors, batteries, and switches among othersSegmentation by Methods: Vibration, photovoltaic, and thermal among othersSegmentation by Sensors: Temperature, pressure, humidity and IR among othersSegmentation by Application: Automation, consumer electronics, industrial, and transportation among othersKey Players:ABB Limited (Switzerland), Fujitsu (Japan), Honeywell International Inc.(U.S.), Siemens AG (Germany), Microchip Technology Inc. (U.S.), Convergence Wireless (U.S.), Cymbet Corporation (U.S.), STMicroelectronics (Switzerland), and Texas Instruments (U.S.) among others are some of the prominent players profiled in MRFR Analysis and
are at the forefront of competition in the global Energy Harvesting System market. Energy Harvesting System offers several benefits to their consumers including easy receive and payment and more access to their account details.Energy Harvesting System Global Market - Regional AnalysisNorth America is dominating the market of energy harvesting system. High growth in the field of technology and heavy investment by the key players in the field of research and development and new product launches are some of the major factor supporting the market growth. The market is also expected to witness rapid demand from residential sector as prices of electricity in the region is increasing day by day. Europe stands as second largest market for energy harvesting system due to increasing awareness about the benefits offered by energy harvesting system. The region is also expected to show positive growth rate due to the government initiatives towards the promotion of carbon free energy. Asia-Pacific on the other hand has emerged as fastest growing market. Growth of Asian countries such as China and India are expected to create huge demand in the near future. Major companies are also focusing on Asian countries and making investment towards the market of energy harvesting system.Get Complete Report @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/energy-harvesting-system-market-1167About UsMarket Research Future (MRFR) is an esteemed company with a reputation of serving clients across domains of information technology (IT), healthcare, and chemicals. Our analysts undertake painstaking primary and secondary research to provide a seamless report with a 360 degree perspective. Data is compared against reputed organizations, trustworthy databases, and international surveys for producing impeccable reports backed with graphical and statistical information.We at MRFR provide syndicated and customized reports to clients as per their liking. Our consulting services are aimed at eliminating business risks and driving the bottomline margins of our clients. The hands-on experience of analysts and capability of performing astute research through interviews, surveys, and polls are a statement of our prowess. We constantly monitor the market for any fluctuations and update our reports on a regular basis.Media Contact:Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: [email protected]
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iamaraja · 4 years ago
Energy Harvesting System Market  planning, Processing, Dynamics and Services 2021
Energy Harvesting System Global Market   - Overview
Energy Harvesting is a process of collecting minute amount of energy from one or more of naturally occurring energy sources such as solar, wind or water and use them later in the different application areas. Energy harvesting devices are designed to efficiently and effectively capture, store, accumulate and supply it in the form which can be used to perform various task in the daily application areas. Advancement in technology and various development have increased the efficiencies which are used in the process of collecting energy and convert them into electrical energy which is widely used. Heavy investment by the key companies have also led to the advancement in the microprocessors technology leading to maximum efficiency of the processors and optimum utilization. Wide range of benefits and reducing the carbon footprint have also led to the development of interest among several large-scale companies.
There are various application of energy harvesting and several real-life applications who uses energy harvesting system to source the power is no more a dream. There are various companies who is working constantly in the development of energy harvesting components and products such as sensors, wireless nodes and high-capacity batteries. Recently, Tesla have also started working on the new generation solar panels which can be deployed on the roof of any building and can collect solar energy.
Get Free Sample Report:
Key Players:
ABB Limited (Switzerland), Fujitsu (Japan), Honeywell International Inc.(U.S.), Siemens AG (Germany), Microchip Technology Inc. (U.S.), Convergence Wireless (U.S.), Cymbet Corporation (U.S.), STMicroelectronics (Switzerland), and Texas Instruments (U.S.) among others are some of the prominent players profiled in MRFR Analysis and are at the forefront of competition in the global Energy Harvesting System market. Energy Harvesting System offers several benefits to their consumers including easy receive and payment and more access to their account details
Industry News
December, 2017, X-FAB Introduces New Low-Power eFlash Block Optimized for Energy Harvesting & IoT Devices. The new X-FAB eFlash IP block is targeted at replacing standalone NVM memories and embedded One-Time-Programmable (OTP) memories in low power applications, enabling onsite program code updates. This means that it is highly suited to energy harvesting and remotely located Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices, where power constraints and harsh environments need to be dealt with, but field re-programmability must be offered at a low cost.
December, 2017, Samsung has patented smart clothing that is able to harvest energy for powering personal gadgets or embedded sensors. The patent details a shirt that contains this energy-harvesting technology, making it not just a shirt that could charge your gadgets, but one that could actually harvest the energy needed to do it. This is in contrast to previously unveiled “smart clothes,” which typically involve a battery that needs to be charged elsewhere. The patent was filed by Samsung Electronics and describes as “Wearable Electronic Device and Operating Method” involving an energy harvester that uses movement to generate energy.
November, 2017, New Bluetooth Low Energy and Energy Harvesting Sensor Shields Further Extend the Capabilities of ON Semiconductor’s IoT Development Kit. The company has released two new boards (shields) further extending the recently launched Internet of Things (IoT) Development Kit (IDK) platform’s capabilities. With the addition of two new shields that include Bluetooth low energy technology and Smart Passive Sensors (SPS), customers are now able to create diverse and unique use cases that target smart home/building, smart city, industrial automation and mHealth applications.
Energy Harvesting System Global Market   - Segmentation
Segmentation by Components: Transistors, controllers, solar cells, capacitors, batteries, and switches among others
Segmentation by Methods: Vibration, photovoltaic, and thermal among others
Segmentation by Sensors: Temperature, pressure, humidity and IR among others
Segmentation by Application: Automation, consumer electronics, industrial, and transportation among others
Energy Harvesting System Global Market   - Regional Analysis
North America is dominating the market of energy harvesting system. High growth in the field of technology and heavy investment by the key players in the field of research and development and new product launches are some of the major factor supporting the market growth. The market is also expected to witness rapid demand from residential sector as prices of electricity in the region is increasing day by day. Europe stands as second largest market for energy harvesting system due to increasing awareness about the benefits offered by energy harvesting system. The region is also expected to show positive growth rate due to the government initiatives towards the promotion of carbon free energy. Asia-Pacific on the other hand has emerged as fastest growing market. Growth of Asian countries such as China and India are expected to create huge demand in the near future. Major companies are also focusing on Asian countries and making investment towards the market of energy harvesting system.
About Us:
At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.
Media Contact:
Market Research Future
Office No. 528, Amanora Chambers
Magarpatta Road, Hadapsar,
Pune - 411028
Maharashtra, India
+1 628 258 0071(US)
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calosoma-amitch · 7 years ago
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A female orbweaver spider (Argiope sp.), Sinton TX. July 2013. 
One of the largest I’ve seen, but everything is bigger in Texas.
These orbweavers spend most of their mornings rebuilding their webs along fieldsides, grasslands, and in gardens. Many produce a zig-zag pattern in the center of their web called a stabilimentum, which was, at one point, thought to help hold the web together. Nowadays, it is thought as a means to reflect light in the web that attracts unsuspecting insects, and future meals.
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auburnfamilynews · 4 years ago
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Matt Bush-USA TODAY Sports
There are no bye weeks here
Just four games this week as Auburn, Alabama, Missouri, Ole Miss, and Kentucky have bye weeks, and LSU tries to figure out the number of the truck that hit it last Saturday. There’s not even a game in the early window! Everybody is clearing out for the World’s Largest Outdoor [REDACTED] Party like they are 2018-19 Auburn basketball and the game in Jacksonville is Jared Harper.
Current Standings
Ryan: 39-33 (9-3 last week) Crow: 39-33 (8-4) Josh Black: 38-34 (5-7) James: 35-37 (9-3) Nerd: 33-39 (6-6) Chief: 32-40 (5-7)
Jack: 32-40 (6-6)
Josh W: 31-40 7-5) Dr Will: 28-44 (6-6) Drew Mac: 18-34 (More Tallysight issues, but they have been resolved!)
We have new leaders! Somehow one of them is Crow! Overall it was a banner week, with the staff putting up a 61-47 record, including 9-3 weeks from Ryan and yours truly. It’s a pity neither of us actually made a true investment in that area.
Georgia (-3) vs. Florida (O/U 53)
SP+ Pick: Florida -0.1; 52 (under)
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Vanderbilt (+18.5) @ Mississippi State (O/U 44)
SP+ Pick: Vanderbilt +17.4; 49 (over)
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Texas A&M (-10) @ South Carolina (O/U 58.5)
SP+ Pick: Texas A&M -11.4; 57 (under)
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Tennessee (-1.5) @ Arkansas (O/U 53)
SP+ Pick: Tennessee -2.2; 50 (under)
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Staff Picks
Against the Spread
from College and Magnolia - All Posts https://www.collegeandmagnolia.com/2020/11/6/21551947/staff-picks-sec-week-7
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betterhomebusiness · 5 years ago
❤ #MickeyMouse ❤ #ClassReunion
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❤ Just a note to let you know that our Waltrip Class of 1970 website is up and running. Be sure to pass it on to anyone of our missing classmates. Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click on the classmates name and a invite to our site Waltrip Class of 1970 will automaticly be sent. I am looking forward to seeing you at the reunion, Jimmy.
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❤ In Memoriam is dedicated to all S.P. Waltrip High School Alumni, Staff and Faculty who may have gone before us but are not forgotten. Anyone not listed or listed incorrectly, please inform us at: [email protected]
❤ (Reprint) #1970AiresYearbook Waltrip High School, Houston, Texas
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shashiemrf · 3 years ago
The Ongoing Trend of Urbanization and Industrialization to Bolster Growth of the Energy Harvesting System Market 2022
Energy Harvesting System Global Market   - OverviewEnergy Harvesting is a process of collecting minute amount of energy from one or more of naturally occurring energy sources such as solar, wind or water and use them later in the different application areas. Energy harvesting devices are designed to efficiently and effectively capture, store, accumulate and supply it in the form which can be used to perform various task in the daily application areas. Advancement in technology and various development have increased the efficiencies which are used in the process of collecting energy and convert them into electrical energy which is widely used. Heavy investment by the key companies have also led to the advancement in the microprocessors technology leading to maximum efficiency of the processors and optimum utilization. Wide range of benefits and reducing the carbon footprint have also led to the development of interest among several large-scale companies.There are various application of energy harvesting and several real-life application who uses energy harvesting system to source the power is no more a dream. There are various companies who is working constantly in the development of energy harvesting components and products such as sensors, wireless nodes and high capacity batteries. Recently, Tesla have also started working on the new generation solar panels which can be deployed on the roof of any building and can collect solar energy.Get Free Sample Report @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/1167Key Players:ABB Limited (Switzerland), Fujitsu (Japan), Honeywell International Inc.(U.S.), Siemens AG (Germany), Microchip Technology Inc. (U.S.), Convergence Wireless (U.S.), Cymbet Corporation (U.S.), STMicroelectronics (Switzerland), and Texas Instruments (U.S.) among others are some of the prominent players profiled in MRFR Analysis and are at the forefront of competition in the global Energy Harvesting System market. Energy Harvesting System offers several benefits to their consumers including easy receive and payment and more access to their account detailsEnergy Harvesting System Global Market   - Regional AnalysisNorth America is dominating the market of energy harvesting system. High growth in the field of technology and heavy investment by the key players in the field of research and development and new product launches are some of the major factor supporting the market growth. The market is also expected to witness rapid demand from residential sector as prices of electricity in the region is increasing day by day. Europe stands as second largest market for energy harvesting system due to increasing awareness about the benefits offered by energy harvesting system. The region is also expected to show positive growth rate due to the government initiatives towards the promotion of carbon free energy. Asia-Pacific on the other hand has emerged as fastest growing market. Growth of Asian countries such as China and India are expected to create huge demand in the near future. Major companies are also focusing on Asian countries and making investment towards the market of energy harvesting system.Energy Harvesting System Global Market   - SegmentationSegmentation by Components: Transistors, controllers, solar cells, capacitors, batteries, and switches among othersSegmentation by Methods: Vibration, photovoltaic, and thermal among othersSegmentation by Sensors: Temperature, pressure, humidity and IR among othersSegmentation by Application: Automation, consumer electronics, industrial, and transportation among othersIndustry NewsDecember, 2017, X-FAB Introduces New Low-Power eFlash Block Optimized for Energy Harvesting & IoT Devices. The new X-FAB eFlash IP block is targeted at replacing standalone NVM memories and embedded One-Time-Programmable (OTP) memories in low power applications, enabling onsite program code updates. This means that it is highly suited to energy harvesting and remotely located Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices, where power constraints and harsh environments need to be dealt with, but
field re-programmability must be offered at a low cost.December, 2017, Samsung has patented smart clothing that is able to harvest energy for powering personal gadgets or embedded sensors. The patent details a shirt that contains this energy-harvesting technology, making it not just a shirt that could charge your gadgets, but one that could actually harvest the energy needed to do it. This is in contrast to previously unveiled “smart clothes,” which typically involve a battery that needs to be charged elsewhere. The patent was filed by Samsung Electronics and describes as “Wearable Electronic Device and Operating Method” involving an energy harvester that uses movement to generate energy.November, 2017, New Bluetooth Low Energy and Energy Harvesting Sensor Shields Further Extend the Capabilities of ON Semiconductor’s IoT Development Kit. The company has released two new boards (shields) further extending the recently launched Internet of Things (IoT) Development Kit (IDK) platform’s capabilities. With the addition of two new shields that include Bluetooth low energy technology and Smart Passive Sensors (SPS), customers are now able to create diverse and unique use cases that target smart home/building, smart city, industrial automation and mHealth applications.Get Complete Report @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/energy-harvesting-system-market-1167About UsMarket Research Future (MRFR) is an esteemed company with a reputation of serving clients across domains of information technology (IT), healthcare, and chemicals. Our analysts undertake painstaking primary and secondary research to provide a seamless report with a 360 degree perspective. Data is compared against reputed organizations, trustworthy databases, and international surveys for producing impeccable reports backed with graphical and statistical information.We at MRFR provide syndicated and customized reports to clients as per their liking. Our consulting services are aimed at eliminating business risks and driving the bottomline margins of our clients. The hands-on experience of analysts and capability of performing astute research through interviews, surveys, and polls are a statement of our prowess. We constantly monitor the market for any fluctuations and update our reports on a regular basis.Media Contact:Market Research FutureOffice No. 528, Amanora ChambersMagarpatta Road, Hadapsar,Pune - 411028Maharashtra, India+1 646 845 9312Email: [email protected]
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Lyophilization is expected to hold as a strong & promising application in the drug development process
Meridian Market Consultants (MMC) has published a new report titled, “Lyophilization in Pharmaceuticals Market: Global Opportunity Analysis and Future Assessment 2019 to 2027”.
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Global Lyophilization in Pharmaceuticals Market Overview
An overview of conceptual frameworks, analytical approaches of the lyophilization in pharmaceuticals market is the main objective of the report, which further consists the market opportunity and insights of the data involved in the making of the respective market. Lyophilization in pharmaceuticals market is expected to grow with significant rate in the near future.
The vast market for pharmaceuticals is experiencing a decline, wherein the returns on the pharmaceutical investments have also shrunk along with regulatory pricing pressure and shortened profit margins for the manufacturers. In this scenario, the pharmaceutical companies are compelled to confront the truth and lower the price of drug production. This has led to the evaluation of production expenditure and adoption of cost-saving options such as outsourcing the clinical trials. The contract research organizations are specialized service providers that help in partial to overall conduction of clinical trials to the pharmaceutical manufacturers in order to cut down on the costs of drug development and clinical trials. Lyophilization holds a promising application in the drug development process as the heat-sensitive or unstable biological and drugs can be dried at low temperatures without compromising on their physical structures and can be reconstituted on its requirement.
Request to View Sample of Report: https://www.meridianmarketconsultants.com/requst?rid=6593
Global lyophilization in pharmaceuticals Market Segmentation
Lyophilization in Pharmaceuticals market includes segments such as Type, Scale of Operation, Product Type, and by Application.
The type segment further divided into three other categories such as:
Tray-Style Freeze Dryers
Manifold Freeze Dryers
Shell (Rotary) Freeze Dryers
The scale of the operation segment in lyophilization in pharmaceuticals further divided into three other categories such as:
Industrial-Scale Lyophilization Equipment
Pilot-Scale Lyophilization Equipment
Laboratory-Scale Lyophilization Equipment
The product type segment in lyophilization in pharmaceuticals further divided into eight other categories such as:
Loading & Unloading Systems
Controlling & Monitoring Systems
Vacuum Systems
Clean-in-Place (CIP) Systems
Drying Chambers
Freeze Drying Trays & Shelves
Other Accessories
The application segment in lyophilization in pharmaceuticals further divided into four other categories such as:
Food Processing and Packaging
Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Manufacturing
Medical Applications
The global Lyophilization in pharmaceuticals market was valued at US$ 6.1 Mn in 2018 and is expected to reach to the value of US$ XX Mn by 2029, expanding at a CAGR of 8.0% over 2019 to 2027.
Request to View PDF Brochure of Report: https://www.meridianmarketconsultants.com/pdf?rid=6593
Global lyophilization in pharmaceuticals Market Competitive Landscape
Global Lyophilization in Pharmaceuticals market is mainly dominated by Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc., SP Industries, Azbil Corporation, GEA Group, Millrock Technology, Inc., Labconco Corporation, Biopharma Process Systems, Inc., Z-SC1 Corp, PYRAMID Laboratories, Inc., and ZIRBUS Technology GmbH.
Global lyophilization in pharmaceuticals Market Regional Overview
On the basis of region, the global Lyophilization in pharmaceuticals market is segmented into six regions namely North America, Latin America, Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East, and Africa. North America Lyophilization in pharmaceuticals market is expected to be the most dominating market throughout the forecast period due to the increasing number of pharmaceutical companies and research institutes in the U.S. Whereas, Europe will maintain its second largest position with Germany and U.K being the most attractive markets within the region.
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iamaraja · 4 years ago
Energy Harvesting System Market - Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast – 2027
Energy Harvesting System Global Market   - Overview
Energy Harvesting is a process of collecting minute amount of energy from one or more of naturally occurring energy sources such as solar, wind or water and use them later in the different application areas. Energy harvesting devices are designed to efficiently and effectively capture, store, accumulate and supply it in the form which can be used to perform various task in the daily application areas. Advancement in technology and various development have increased the efficiencies which are used in the process of collecting energy and convert them into electrical energy which is widely used. Heavy investment by the key companies have also led to the advancement in the microprocessors technology leading to maximum efficiency of the processors and optimum utilization. Wide range of benefits and reducing the carbon footprint have also led to the development of interest among several large-scale companies.
There are various application of energy harvesting and several real-life applications who uses energy harvesting system to source the power is no more a dream. There are various companies who is working constantly in the development of energy harvesting components and products such as sensors, wireless nodes and high-capacity batteries. Recently, Tesla have also started working on the new generation solar panels which can be deployed on the roof of any building and can collect solar energy.
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Key Players:
ABB Limited (Switzerland), Fujitsu (Japan), Honeywell International Inc.(U.S.), Siemens AG (Germany), Microchip Technology Inc. (U.S.), Convergence Wireless (U.S.), Cymbet Corporation (U.S.), STMicroelectronics (Switzerland), and Texas Instruments (U.S.) among others are some of the prominent players profiled in MRFR Analysis and are at the forefront of competition in the global Energy Harvesting System market. Energy Harvesting System offers several benefits to their consumers including easy receive and payment and more access to their account details
Industry News
December, 2017, X-FAB Introduces New Low-Power eFlash Block Optimized for Energy Harvesting & IoT Devices. The new X-FAB eFlash IP block is targeted at replacing standalone NVM memories and embedded One-Time-Programmable (OTP) memories in low power applications, enabling onsite program code updates. This means that it is highly suited to energy harvesting and remotely located Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices, where power constraints and harsh environments need to be dealt with, but field re-programmability must be offered at a low cost.
December, 2017, Samsung has patented smart clothing that is able to harvest energy for powering personal gadgets or embedded sensors. The patent details a shirt that contains this energy-harvesting technology, making it not just a shirt that could charge your gadgets, but one that could actually harvest the energy needed to do it. This is in contrast to previously unveiled “smart clothes,” which typically involve a battery that needs to be charged elsewhere. The patent was filed by Samsung Electronics and describes as “Wearable Electronic Device and Operating Method” involving an energy harvester that uses movement to generate energy.
November, 2017, New Bluetooth Low Energy and Energy Harvesting Sensor Shields Further Extend the Capabilities of ON Semiconductor’s IoT Development Kit. The company has released two new boards (shields) further extending the recently launched Internet of Things (IoT) Development Kit (IDK) platform’s capabilities. With the addition of two new shields that include Bluetooth low energy technology and Smart Passive Sensors (SPS), customers are now able to create diverse and unique use cases that target smart home/building, smart city, industrial automation and mHealth applications.
Energy Harvesting System Global Market   - Segmentation
Segmentation by Components: Transistors, controllers, solar cells, capacitors, batteries, and switches among others
Segmentation by Methods: Vibration, photovoltaic, and thermal among others
Segmentation by Sensors: Temperature, pressure, humidity and IR among others
Segmentation by Application: Automation, consumer electronics, industrial, and transportation among others
Energy Harvesting System Global Market   - Regional Analysis
North America is dominating the market of energy harvesting system. High growth in the field of technology and heavy investment by the key players in the field of research and development and new product launches are some of the major factor supporting the market growth. The market is also expected to witness rapid demand from residential sector as prices of electricity in the region is increasing day by day. Europe stands as second largest market for energy harvesting system due to increasing awareness about the benefits offered by energy harvesting system. The region is also expected to show positive growth rate due to the government initiatives towards the promotion of carbon free energy. Asia-Pacific on the other hand has emerged as fastest growing market. Growth of Asian countries such as China and India are expected to create huge demand in the near future. Major companies are also focusing on Asian countries and making investment towards the market of energy harvesting system.
About Us:
At Market Research Future (MRFR), we enable our customers to unravel the complexity of various industries through our Cooked Research Report (CRR), Half-Cooked Research Reports (HCRR), Raw Research Reports (3R), Continuous-Feed Research (CFR), and Market Research & Consulting Services.
Media Contact:
Market Research Future
Office No. 528, Amanora Chambers
Magarpatta Road, Hadapsar,
Pune - 411028
Maharashtra, India
+1 628 258 0071(US)
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andreagillmer · 6 years ago
Five Companies to Consider in These Volatile Times
Source: Streetwise Reports   12/13/2018
Despite turbulence in the markets, investors should not be pessimistic because there are plenty of good markets to allocate to, posits Samuel Pelaez, chief investment officer and portfolio manager with Galileo Global Equity Advisors, who discusses trends in the markets and companies he believes are at attractive entry points right now.
Streetwise Reports: Oil has been declining over the last two months or so. Would you talk about some of the factors behind this decline?
Sam Pelaez: We can split the most interesting factors between, on one hand, the demand side, including the macroeconomy, the Purchasing Managers Indexes (PMIs) and the slowdown in emerging markets and in China. The other would be the supply side. I think it’s a convergence of those two concepts that’s caused some of this most recent weakness.
On the demand side, the PMIs are one of the factors we like to look at the most because they give some predictability as to what may come next for resources. The PMI in China particularly has come down all the way to 50 points. The 50 line is the line between expansion and contraction. We are not in a contraction in any of the major economies, but we’ve lost that big tailwind and momentum that we had last year and earlier this year with PMIs in the high-50s.
So, naturally, that has a very high correlation with demand for crude and we’re seeing that slowdown on that side.
On the supply side, since August the U.S. became the largest crude producer in the world. It’s larger than Russia, and it’s larger than Saudi Arabia. That obviously has major implications for the global market and the supply/demand balance.
The U.S. is not a part of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC); it’s not part of any of these agreements to curtail production. U.S. producers have been able to use technology to their favor and use the excellent conditions, especially in Texas, to really grow that asset base and those production volumes, which indirectly are also helping the U.S. trade balance very positively.
So now we have the issue of emerging markets slowing down, a trade war in the headlines, and the U.S. continuing to pump more crude and now becoming a big exporter to the world. I think those are the big elements.
The smaller elements that have come into play are on the geopolitical side. Saudi Arabia, as well as other OPEC members, have been pumping more crude, partly to appease a critical Donald Trump, thus driving volumes to pre-cap levels.
SWR: Did it break the OPEC agreement to do this?
SP: The agreement hasn’t been dissolved. But OPEC is pumping above the agreed quotas, so it is essentially in violation of the agreement. The news here is the outcome of the recent meeting in Vienna. OPEC and allies agreed to cut 1.2 million barrels per day, taking October volumes as a base. In reality, it’s virtually not a cut because OPEC is only slashing the volume growth pumped over the summer months—which coincides with peak seasonal production.
It is a great outcome; members publish on news media about a cut, while simultaneously maintaining an elevated production volume. And I think this helps Saudi Arabia and others gaining favor with the U.S. by pumping more crude and driving prices lower. Lower crude prices are a major benefit to all the policies of Donald Trump. I think Trump has made it very clear that he doesn’t want OPEC to conspire to get the prices of crude higher. The U.S. is a major crude oil producer, but it has ±350 million people who are consumers of gasoline and other refined products. In Trump’s mind, lower crude prices are beneficial for his economic prospects and the prospects of the country. And I think behind the scenes, Saudi Arabia understands that, and that’s the reason why it has been pumping more crude.
At the same time, Russia also has an incentive to pump more crude because its currency has weakened this year even though crude prices have rallied. So that’s created a very profitable window for it to boost production and capture that spread that’s generally not open to it. Normally, when crude rises, so does the Russian ruble, so it doesn’t get that alpha from the cost bases being in ruble and the international prices being set in U.S. dollars.
I think oil prices, where they sit today, are very comfortable for U.S., Russian and Saudi Arabian producers. And as a result, they’ll be happy to just maintain, range bound, somewhere around these levels.
SWR: Does this put the screws on other countries that are higher-cost producers?
SP: Not really. I think the pressure points that we’re seeing right now in certain countries don’t have a lot to do with international prices. There’s the political situation in Venezuela that’s been unfolding for years, where there’s a lack of capital expenditures and aging infrastructure that will continue to erode the volumes coming out of the country.
In Canada, we have a very different issue, which is the wide differentials because of the difficulty of getting the crude to the international markets. As a result, the realized price by Canadian producers is far lower, and obviously that would affect some of the production. But it has nothing to do with the international prices, I would say, or at least not directly.
SWR: What is your outlook for oil in the near to middle term?
SP: I think these prices, as I mentioned, are very comfortable for a lot of the major participants in the markets. It’s enough for the U.S. shale producers to continue allocating capital to grow or at least to maintain the current production levels. And it’s comfortable for Russia because Russia is a very natural low-cost producer with ruble cost-basis. As for Saudi Arabia, I think the majority of OPEC members will continue to make nice profits at these levels. So there’s no real reason to try to push it higher by instituting new cuts or curtailing supply any further.
Going back to the demand side, we have to monitor the macro data, especially going into this winter season. Year-end is generally a big season for China demand, then it tends to slow very sharply in January and February, and it comes back after Chinese New Year. We have to monitor the PMIs because any slowdown or further decline from there should be very concerning, not just for the crude oil market but for the global economy as a whole.
SWR: A number of firms have been very bullish on commodities. How do you view this and which commodities do you see as more likely to rise than others?
SP: It’s almost in unison now that the “bulge bracket” banks like Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and Citi have all come out with either very positive comments for commodities as a complex, or very positive comments for specific subindustries or sectors within the commodities universe. Some of them prefer industrial metals. Some prefer base metals. Some prefer the energy sector. But the message is very clear. The ratio of the valuation of the overall market relative to these sectors is at an extreme low point.
I was reading a paid subscription report a month ago that said the materials sector in the S&P 500 has never been smaller than it is today, and not smaller in absolute terms but as a percentage of the S&P 500. It’s not the same for energy, but energy still is in a very depressed position when it comes to its percentage weight to the overall market.
I’ve used this chart many times before, and I still continue to use it. It’s a 50-year or so chart, starting in the early 1970s, and it shows the S&P commodities index, not commodity stocks index, just the commodities index, divided by the S&P 500. It’s a ratio to show you how overpriced or underpriced the commodities universe is relative to the market as a whole, if you take the S&P 500 as a good proxy for the market as a whole.
And the reality is that it has never been lower. We’ve been at these troughs three times before. And it’s obviously very cyclical. Every 10 years or so, we get these big, sharp rebounds and rallies. But we’ve never been lower for longer. So commodities are long overdue to outperform the market as a whole.
But the message is the same as that of the banks. There are big opportunities in the commodities universe right now. There are producers that are making substantial amounts of free cash flow at these prices, which are not bull market prices by any measure. So in general, I am very optimistic.
The next overlay that you can put on that chart of that ratio is the correlation with the Federal Reserve rates. And interestingly, I think there’s been about seven Fed rate hiking cycles over those 50-odd years, and all but one of those cycles have coincided with the commodities outperforming the market. At first, it’s difficult to reconcile that rates going up correspond with a cyclical market taking off. But generally, I think the Fed rates are catching up to inflation, and that inflation is the driver of the cycle.
So the Fed has been hiking rates, and we haven’t seen any response on this chart. Part of that could be attributed to the trade war talks. But I think the message is very clear. We’re very long overdue for a commodities rebound. The charts are telling you, and I think the fundamentals of some of the producers—some of which we can talk about in a minute here—are also telling you that this is a very good time to start allocating out of the sectors that have worked over the past few years, some of the technology sectors, some of the healthcare areas, and start looking at the most depressed and undervalued sectors right now, which are both energy and materials.
SWR: Would you talk about some companies that you see as undervalued at this point?
SP: Those two sectors, materials and energy, are very attractive right now. When you look at the multiples, for example, the explorers and producers in the U.S. are trading at about five times EBITDA. Historically they trade at six, maybe seven times. If you look at specific names, you can find them as low as two or three times EBITDA. Those are not market multiples consistent with profitable companies. Those are market multiples that you would see in bear markets or markets where there’s a complete lack of confidence that the producers can deliver any profit. So I think there’s a unique opportunity with some names to get involved.
Essentially these sector—and especially in Canada but also in the U.S.—are trading at emerging market multiples. So if you go back to 2011, some of these sectors were trading very close to the multiples in the overall market. Now, they’re trading at half the multiple of the market, so they’ve lost about half of the value just from the multiple compression.
And if you go back to the ratio we were talking about before, there is reason to believe that the gap has to be compressed, that those multiples have to converge sometime in the next three years. I can’t tell you that it’s going to be next quarter or two. It could be as soon as then. But the opportunities have been laid, and we shall take profit from them.
On specific names that I like, there is a Canadian oil services company that has most of its operations in the U.S., CES Energy Solutions Corp. (CEU:TSX; CESDF:OTCMKT). It’s one opportunity where you can benefit from a company that’s been pummeled by the relationship to the Canadian oil market when in fact the majority of its assets and its operations are in Texas. Here you can get a company that’s exposed to a very profitable market with lots of activity and is trading at a Canadian energy multiple. It’s based in Calgary, but the majority of its operations and its focus is in the Permian Basin.
This is a U$1.0- billion valuation. It’s a company that makes U$120 million a year in EBITDA, so pretty attractive valuation relative to its peers. If you look at its chart, you’ll see the value destruction that’s occurred. I think most of it is attributed to the fact that it moves in sync with the Canadian energy space, which has been under substantial pressure due to the inability to get enough infrastructure built for the export of the crude. But, in fact, CES is an energy services company, it’s not a producer, and most of its assets and operations are in the U.S.
Switching over to the base metals sector, one of the companies that I’ve been paying attention to is HudBay Minerals Inc. (HBM:TSX; HBM:NYSE). This one trades both in Canada and the U.S. As a Canadian base metals producer, the stock is down about 40% year to date. There is now an activist fund that has got involved. The stock has rebounded some from there.
But this is another company where I think the valuation is completely disproportionate to the operations. This is a company that trades at 4x next year’s EBITDA. Normally, these companies, with the profit generation that they can deliver, should be trading 8x. Just from the multiple alone, at these commodity prices, you should still see a very nice revaluation. And now that we have an activist fund involved, perhaps it may come sooner rather than later.
A precious metals story we also follow closely is Dundee Precious Metals Inc. (DPM:TSX; DPMLF:OTCMKT). This company has phenomenal owners, a top class operating team, and more importantly fully funded organic growth. The stock trades at 4x this year’s EBITDA, but should see a significant bump in next year’s EBITDA due to the commissioning of its fully funded new mine in Bulgaria. Essentially, you are picking up all of this growth for free at this valuation.
We’ve been looking elsewhere, and we’ve found some pretty attractive opportunities in other places, but perhaps they’re not accessible for most readers. Some of the Russian companies trading in London are profitable companies and are offering spectacular dividends. I’ll just mention one name.
EVRAZ Plc (EVR:LSE; EVRZF:OTC) is an industrial metals company and pays a dividend close to 15%, It’s a very highly profitable company. And it’s just been shunned by negative perceptions about Russia when, in fact, this is a very well-run company with very high margins, and it’s a historical, consistent dividend payer. That gives you confidence that it can maintain the dividend.
SWR: Would you like to talk about one more company?
SP: On the same dividend note, there’s a Canadian renewable energy producer that has substantial growth and is very profitable, Polaris Infrastructure Inc. (PIF:TSX). It has stable operations in emerging markets and pays a very nice dividend.
Its current operation is a geothermal facility in Nicaragua. This is contracted to the central utility. It’s connected to the grid, has a multiyear contract in U.S. dollars. Polaris is a very good corporate citizen in the country and never has had any issues.
The stock is paying about an 8% dividend. It recently made an acquisition in Peru, partly to diversify the geopolitical risk. But it also was a single-asset company, and now it’s a multiasset company. It’s now in the hydropower business in Peru, based on the same idea: long-term contracts with the government in U.S. dollars and hugely profitable on an operating basis. Now that it did the acquisition—which actually carried very little principal or capital expenditure, so not to affect the dividend payouts—we may even see dividend hikes as the Peruvian assets come online.
SWR: Thank you, Sam. Do you have any parting comments?
SP: I’d like to end with a positive note. While there’s been turmoil in the U.S. markets only very recently, most of the world has been in complete turmoil for nearly a year now since the trade war conversation was started. It’s created opportunities in the market that I’ve never seen before in the time that I’ve been participating in the markets.
There are companies trading at valuations that would be inconceivable in a normal market situation. Investors can take advantage of these opportunities to lock-in quality assets at very attractive valuations, and ride with them as the commodities sector rebounds.
The markets never run out of exciting opportunities. It doesn’t matter what the macro environment is or how turbulent it looks.
SWR: Thanks for your insights, Sam.
Samuel Pelaez is chief investment officer and portfolio manager with Galileo Global Equity Advisors. Prior to that he was an investment analyst at U.S. Global Investors, a boutique U.S.-based investment management firm. Pelaez graduated from the Schulich School of Business with Distinction in 2012. He also holds a Masters in Finance degree from The University of Cambridge. He is a CFA charter holder and member of the Toronto CFA Society.
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Disclosure: 1) Patrice Fusillo conducted this interview for Streetwise Reports LLC and provides services to Streetwise Reports as an employee. She owns, or members of her immediate household or family own, shares of the following companies mentioned in this article: None. She is, or members of her immediate household or family are, paid by the following companies mentioned in this article: None. 2) The following companies mentioned in this interview are billboard sponsors of Streetwise Reports: None. Click here for important disclosures about sponsor fees. The information provided above is for informational purposes only and is not a recommendation to buy or sell any security. 3) Samuel Pelaez: I, or members of my immediate household or family, own shares of the following companies mentioned in this article: N/A. I, or members of my immediate household or family, are paid by the following companies mentioned in this article: (N/A). My company has a financial relationship with the following companies mentioned in this interview: (N/A). Funds controlled by Galileo Funds own securities of the following companies mentioned in this article: CES Energy Solutions Corp., HudBay Minerals Inc., Dundee Precious Metals Inc., EVRAZ Plc, and Polaris Infrastructure Inc. I determined which companies would be included in this article based on my research and understanding of the sector. I had the opportunity to review the interview for accuracy as of the date of the interview and am responsible for the content of the interview. 4) The interview does not constitute investment advice. Each reader is encouraged to consult with his or her individual financial professional and any action a reader takes as a result of information presented here is his or her own responsibility. By opening this page, each reader accepts and agrees to Streetwise Reports’ terms of use and full legal disclaimer. This article is not a solicitation for investment. Streetwise Reports does not render general or specific investment advice and the information on Streetwise Reports should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell any security. Streetwise Reports does not endorse or recommend the business, products, services or securities of any company mentioned on Streetwise Reports. 5) From time to time, Streetwise Reports LLC and its directors, officers, employees or members of their families, as well as persons interviewed for articles and interviews on the site, may have a long or short position in securities mentioned. Directors, officers, employees or members of their immediate families are prohibited from making purchases and/or sales of those securities in the open market or otherwise from the time of the interview or the decision to write an article until three business days after the publication of the interview or article. The foregoing prohibition does not apply to articles that in substance only restate previously published company releases.
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goldcoins0 · 6 years ago
Five Companies to Consider in These Volatile Times
Source: Streetwise Reports   12/13/2018
Despite turbulence in the markets, investors should not be pessimistic because there are plenty of good markets to allocate to, posits Samuel Pelaez, chief investment officer and portfolio manager with Galileo Global Equity Advisors, who discusses trends in the markets and companies he believes are at attractive entry points right now.
Streetwise Reports: Oil has been declining over the last two months or so. Would you talk about some of the factors behind this decline?
Sam Pelaez: We can split the most interesting factors between, on one hand, the demand side, including the macroeconomy, the Purchasing Managers Indexes (PMIs) and the slowdown in emerging markets and in China. The other would be the supply side. I think it's a convergence of those two concepts that's caused some of this most recent weakness.
On the demand side, the PMIs are one of the factors we like to look at the most because they give some predictability as to what may come next for resources. The PMI in China particularly has come down all the way to 50 points. The 50 line is the line between expansion and contraction. We are not in a contraction in any of the major economies, but we've lost that big tailwind and momentum that we had last year and earlier this year with PMIs in the high-50s.
So, naturally, that has a very high correlation with demand for crude and we're seeing that slowdown on that side.
On the supply side, since August the U.S. became the largest crude producer in the world. It's larger than Russia, and it's larger than Saudi Arabia. That obviously has major implications for the global market and the supply/demand balance.
The U.S. is not a part of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC); it's not part of any of these agreements to curtail production. U.S. producers have been able to use technology to their favor and use the excellent conditions, especially in Texas, to really grow that asset base and those production volumes, which indirectly are also helping the U.S. trade balance very positively.
So now we have the issue of emerging markets slowing down, a trade war in the headlines, and the U.S. continuing to pump more crude and now becoming a big exporter to the world. I think those are the big elements.
The smaller elements that have come into play are on the geopolitical side. Saudi Arabia, as well as other OPEC members, have been pumping more crude, partly to appease a critical Donald Trump, thus driving volumes to pre-cap levels.
SWR: Did it break the OPEC agreement to do this?
SP: The agreement hasn't been dissolved. But OPEC is pumping above the agreed quotas, so it is essentially in violation of the agreement. The news here is the outcome of the recent meeting in Vienna. OPEC and allies agreed to cut 1.2 million barrels per day, taking October volumes as a base. In reality, it's virtually not a cut because OPEC is only slashing the volume growth pumped over the summer months—which coincides with peak seasonal production.
It is a great outcome; members publish on news media about a cut, while simultaneously maintaining an elevated production volume. And I think this helps Saudi Arabia and others gaining favor with the U.S. by pumping more crude and driving prices lower. Lower crude prices are a major benefit to all the policies of Donald Trump. I think Trump has made it very clear that he doesn't want OPEC to conspire to get the prices of crude higher. The U.S. is a major crude oil producer, but it has ±350 million people who are consumers of gasoline and other refined products. In Trump’s mind, lower crude prices are beneficial for his economic prospects and the prospects of the country. And I think behind the scenes, Saudi Arabia understands that, and that's the reason why it has been pumping more crude.
At the same time, Russia also has an incentive to pump more crude because its currency has weakened this year even though crude prices have rallied. So that's created a very profitable window for it to boost production and capture that spread that's generally not open to it. Normally, when crude rises, so does the Russian ruble, so it doesn't get that alpha from the cost bases being in ruble and the international prices being set in U.S. dollars.
I think oil prices, where they sit today, are very comfortable for U.S., Russian and Saudi Arabian producers. And as a result, they'll be happy to just maintain, range bound, somewhere around these levels.
SWR: Does this put the screws on other countries that are higher-cost producers?
SP: Not really. I think the pressure points that we're seeing right now in certain countries don't have a lot to do with international prices. There's the political situation in Venezuela that's been unfolding for years, where there's a lack of capital expenditures and aging infrastructure that will continue to erode the volumes coming out of the country.
In Canada, we have a very different issue, which is the wide differentials because of the difficulty of getting the crude to the international markets. As a result, the realized price by Canadian producers is far lower, and obviously that would affect some of the production. But it has nothing to do with the international prices, I would say, or at least not directly.
SWR: What is your outlook for oil in the near to middle term?
SP: I think these prices, as I mentioned, are very comfortable for a lot of the major participants in the markets. It's enough for the U.S. shale producers to continue allocating capital to grow or at least to maintain the current production levels. And it's comfortable for Russia because Russia is a very natural low-cost producer with ruble cost-basis. As for Saudi Arabia, I think the majority of OPEC members will continue to make nice profits at these levels. So there's no real reason to try to push it higher by instituting new cuts or curtailing supply any further.
Going back to the demand side, we have to monitor the macro data, especially going into this winter season. Year-end is generally a big season for China demand, then it tends to slow very sharply in January and February, and it comes back after Chinese New Year. We have to monitor the PMIs because any slowdown or further decline from there should be very concerning, not just for the crude oil market but for the global economy as a whole.
SWR: A number of firms have been very bullish on commodities. How do you view this and which commodities do you see as more likely to rise than others?
SP: It's almost in unison now that the "bulge bracket" banks like Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and Citi have all come out with either very positive comments for commodities as a complex, or very positive comments for specific subindustries or sectors within the commodities universe. Some of them prefer industrial metals. Some prefer base metals. Some prefer the energy sector. But the message is very clear. The ratio of the valuation of the overall market relative to these sectors is at an extreme low point.
I was reading a paid subscription report a month ago that said the materials sector in the S&P 500 has never been smaller than it is today, and not smaller in absolute terms but as a percentage of the S&P 500. It's not the same for energy, but energy still is in a very depressed position when it comes to its percentage weight to the overall market.
I've used this chart many times before, and I still continue to use it. It's a 50-year or so chart, starting in the early 1970s, and it shows the S&P commodities index, not commodity stocks index, just the commodities index, divided by the S&P 500. It's a ratio to show you how overpriced or underpriced the commodities universe is relative to the market as a whole, if you take the S&P 500 as a good proxy for the market as a whole.
And the reality is that it has never been lower. We've been at these troughs three times before. And it's obviously very cyclical. Every 10 years or so, we get these big, sharp rebounds and rallies. But we've never been lower for longer. So commodities are long overdue to outperform the market as a whole.
But the message is the same as that of the banks. There are big opportunities in the commodities universe right now. There are producers that are making substantial amounts of free cash flow at these prices, which are not bull market prices by any measure. So in general, I am very optimistic.
The next overlay that you can put on that chart of that ratio is the correlation with the Federal Reserve rates. And interestingly, I think there's been about seven Fed rate hiking cycles over those 50-odd years, and all but one of those cycles have coincided with the commodities outperforming the market. At first, it's difficult to reconcile that rates going up correspond with a cyclical market taking off. But generally, I think the Fed rates are catching up to inflation, and that inflation is the driver of the cycle.
So the Fed has been hiking rates, and we haven't seen any response on this chart. Part of that could be attributed to the trade war talks. But I think the message is very clear. We're very long overdue for a commodities rebound. The charts are telling you, and I think the fundamentals of some of the producers—some of which we can talk about in a minute here—are also telling you that this is a very good time to start allocating out of the sectors that have worked over the past few years, some of the technology sectors, some of the healthcare areas, and start looking at the most depressed and undervalued sectors right now, which are both energy and materials.
SWR: Would you talk about some companies that you see as undervalued at this point?
SP: Those two sectors, materials and energy, are very attractive right now. When you look at the multiples, for example, the explorers and producers in the U.S. are trading at about five times EBITDA. Historically they trade at six, maybe seven times. If you look at specific names, you can find them as low as two or three times EBITDA. Those are not market multiples consistent with profitable companies. Those are market multiples that you would see in bear markets or markets where there's a complete lack of confidence that the producers can deliver any profit. So I think there's a unique opportunity with some names to get involved.
Essentially these sector—and especially in Canada but also in the U.S.—are trading at emerging market multiples. So if you go back to 2011, some of these sectors were trading very close to the multiples in the overall market. Now, they're trading at half the multiple of the market, so they've lost about half of the value just from the multiple compression.
And if you go back to the ratio we were talking about before, there is reason to believe that the gap has to be compressed, that those multiples have to converge sometime in the next three years. I can't tell you that it's going to be next quarter or two. It could be as soon as then. But the opportunities have been laid, and we shall take profit from them.
On specific names that I like, there is a Canadian oil services company that has most of its operations in the U.S., CES Energy Solutions Corp. (CEU:TSX; CESDF:OTCMKT). It's one opportunity where you can benefit from a company that's been pummeled by the relationship to the Canadian oil market when in fact the majority of its assets and its operations are in Texas. Here you can get a company that's exposed to a very profitable market with lots of activity and is trading at a Canadian energy multiple. It's based in Calgary, but the majority of its operations and its focus is in the Permian Basin.
This is a U$1.0- billion valuation. It's a company that makes U$120 million a year in EBITDA, so pretty attractive valuation relative to its peers. If you look at its chart, you'll see the value destruction that's occurred. I think most of it is attributed to the fact that it moves in sync with the Canadian energy space, which has been under substantial pressure due to the inability to get enough infrastructure built for the export of the crude. But, in fact, CES is an energy services company, it's not a producer, and most of its assets and operations are in the U.S.
Switching over to the base metals sector, one of the companies that I've been paying attention to is HudBay Minerals Inc. (HBM:TSX; HBM:NYSE). This one trades both in Canada and the U.S. As a Canadian base metals producer, the stock is down about 40% year to date. There is now an activist fund that has got involved. The stock has rebounded some from there.
But this is another company where I think the valuation is completely disproportionate to the operations. This is a company that trades at 4x next year's EBITDA. Normally, these companies, with the profit generation that they can deliver, should be trading 8x. Just from the multiple alone, at these commodity prices, you should still see a very nice revaluation. And now that we have an activist fund involved, perhaps it may come sooner rather than later.
A precious metals story we also follow closely is Dundee Precious Metals Inc. (DPM:TSX; DPMLF:OTCMKT). This company has phenomenal owners, a top class operating team, and more importantly fully funded organic growth. The stock trades at 4x this year's EBITDA, but should see a significant bump in next year's EBITDA due to the commissioning of its fully funded new mine in Bulgaria. Essentially, you are picking up all of this growth for free at this valuation.
We've been looking elsewhere, and we've found some pretty attractive opportunities in other places, but perhaps they're not accessible for most readers. Some of the Russian companies trading in London are profitable companies and are offering spectacular dividends. I'll just mention one name.
EVRAZ Plc (EVR:LSE; EVRZF:OTC) is an industrial metals company and pays a dividend close to 15%, It's a very highly profitable company. And it's just been shunned by negative perceptions about Russia when, in fact, this is a very well-run company with very high margins, and it's a historical, consistent dividend payer. That gives you confidence that it can maintain the dividend.
SWR: Would you like to talk about one more company?
SP: On the same dividend note, there's a Canadian renewable energy producer that has substantial growth and is very profitable, Polaris Infrastructure Inc. (PIF:TSX). It has stable operations in emerging markets and pays a very nice dividend.
Its current operation is a geothermal facility in Nicaragua. This is contracted to the central utility. It's connected to the grid, has a multiyear contract in U.S. dollars. Polaris is a very good corporate citizen in the country and never has had any issues.
The stock is paying about an 8% dividend. It recently made an acquisition in Peru, partly to diversify the geopolitical risk. But it also was a single-asset company, and now it's a multiasset company. It's now in the hydropower business in Peru, based on the same idea: long-term contracts with the government in U.S. dollars and hugely profitable on an operating basis. Now that it did the acquisition—which actually carried very little principal or capital expenditure, so not to affect the dividend payouts—we may even see dividend hikes as the Peruvian assets come online.
SWR: Thank you, Sam. Do you have any parting comments?
SP: I'd like to end with a positive note. While there's been turmoil in the U.S. markets only very recently, most of the world has been in complete turmoil for nearly a year now since the trade war conversation was started. It's created opportunities in the market that I've never seen before in the time that I've been participating in the markets.
There are companies trading at valuations that would be inconceivable in a normal market situation. Investors can take advantage of these opportunities to lock-in quality assets at very attractive valuations, and ride with them as the commodities sector rebounds.
The markets never run out of exciting opportunities. It doesn't matter what the macro environment is or how turbulent it looks.
SWR: Thanks for your insights, Sam.
Samuel Pelaez is chief investment officer and portfolio manager with Galileo Global Equity Advisors. Prior to that he was an investment analyst at U.S. Global Investors, a boutique U.S.-based investment management firm. Pelaez graduated from the Schulich School of Business with Distinction in 2012. He also holds a Masters in Finance degree from The University of Cambridge. He is a CFA charter holder and member of the Toronto CFA Society.
Sign up for our FREE newsletter at: www.streetwisereports.com/get-news
Disclosure: 1) Patrice Fusillo conducted this interview for Streetwise Reports LLC and provides services to Streetwise Reports as an employee. She owns, or members of her immediate household or family own, shares of the following companies mentioned in this article: None. She is, or members of her immediate household or family are, paid by the following companies mentioned in this article: None. 2) The following companies mentioned in this interview are billboard sponsors of Streetwise Reports: None. Click here for important disclosures about sponsor fees. The information provided above is for informational purposes only and is not a recommendation to buy or sell any security. 3) Samuel Pelaez: I, or members of my immediate household or family, own shares of the following companies mentioned in this article: N/A. I, or members of my immediate household or family, are paid by the following companies mentioned in this article: (N/A). My company has a financial relationship with the following companies mentioned in this interview: (N/A). Funds controlled by Galileo Funds own securities of the following companies mentioned in this article: CES Energy Solutions Corp., HudBay Minerals Inc., Dundee Precious Metals Inc., EVRAZ Plc, and Polaris Infrastructure Inc. I determined which companies would be included in this article based on my research and understanding of the sector. I had the opportunity to review the interview for accuracy as of the date of the interview and am responsible for the content of the interview. 4) The interview does not constitute investment advice. Each reader is encouraged to consult with his or her individual financial professional and any action a reader takes as a result of information presented here is his or her own responsibility. By opening this page, each reader accepts and agrees to Streetwise Reports' terms of use and full legal disclaimer. This article is not a solicitation for investment. Streetwise Reports does not render general or specific investment advice and the information on Streetwise Reports should not be considered a recommendation to buy or sell any security. Streetwise Reports does not endorse or recommend the business, products, services or securities of any company mentioned on Streetwise Reports. 5) From time to time, Streetwise Reports LLC and its directors, officers, employees or members of their families, as well as persons interviewed for articles and interviews on the site, may have a long or short position in securities mentioned. Directors, officers, employees or members of their immediate families are prohibited from making purchases and/or sales of those securities in the open market or otherwise from the time of the interview or the decision to write an article until three business days after the publication of the interview or article. The foregoing prohibition does not apply to articles that in substance only restate previously published company releases.
from https://www.streetwisereports.com/article/2018/12/13/five-companies-to-consider-in-these-volatile-times.html
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marco42james · 5 years ago
Mother’s Day math – 13 possible activities
Mother’s Day is right around the corner and this means big business for the greeting card and floral industries. Let your students practice averages, percents, and large numbers while they analyze the statistics on Mother’s Day spending.  You could even ask students to do their calculations in scientific notation to add an extra dimension to this activity. Enjoy!
For members we have an editable Word doc and solutions.
mothers-day-numbers2017.docx    mothers-day-numbers2017-solution.pdf
CCSS: 6.RP, 6.SP, 7.RP, 7.SP
How much do we spend on Mother’s Day – Use the Mother’s Day event to engage your students in approximating, reasoning, and investigating as students estimate how much is spent in the United States for Mother’s Day.
For what is money spent?
For whom is money spent?
What is a low guess?
What is a high guess?
What facts would you like to know?
Helpful information for teachers: Useful-info-about Mother’s-Day2017.pdf
CCSS: 5.NBT.5 , 6.RP, 7.RP, 7.SP, HSS.IC , MP1 , MP2
For members we have an editable Word docx, our Excel data, and solutions.
Spend-forMother’sDay-2017.docx   Mother’sDaySpending2017.xlsx   Spend-forMother’sDay-solution2017.pdf
Thank you mother and father for all of those diapers – Which is a better deal, cloth or disposable diapers?  How much did you cost your parents in diapers?  An investigation which develops and uses systems of equations.
diapers2016.docx       diapers.xlsx        diapers2016-solutions.pdf
CCSS: 6.EE.9, 7.EE.4, 8.F.2, 8.F.4, 8.EE.8, HS.F-IF.8.B, HS.F-LE.2, HS.F-LE.5, MP7, MP8
A gorgeous, glittery Mother’s Day card – Finding the area of a heart by finding upper and lower limits.
Mother’sDay-card-blank – If you want to try this craft idea.
For members we have an editable Word docx and solutions:
BejeweledMother’sDayCard.docx       BejeweledCard-solution.pdf
CCSS: 3.MD.C, 4.NBT.B, 5.NBT.B, 6.G.A, 7.G.A
Or just concentrate on Chocolate …
Big Snickers bar – 3-act task; How much bigger than a regular Snickers bar is that?
World record Snickers Bar – Recently the Texas Mars factory workers created the World’s largest Snickers Bar.  Students explore similarity, cross-sections and number of servings (equivalent number of mini-snickers bars).
Shrinking Toblerone – Two sizes of Toblerone bars are now configured differently.  How much did they lop off? How much did the price per gram of chocolate change? Is the price per gram still the same, if not how might you adjust the price of the products to make it fair?  How much could you buy for $1.00?  Could you have designed it better?
Giant Chocolate bunnies – What can you deduce about the bunnies (pictured in this activity) from the descriptions given … solid? hollow? cost per pound? cost per height?
The size of chocolates – Students approximate the volume – Mean radius method and the counting squares.
Chocolate milk and mixture problems – changing percent mixtures through a fun class day that ends with a yummy treat. 
Chocolate raspberry heart cake – Students calculate base area or volume of cakes made from 2 cake pan sizes and observe how the volume of the cake changes with the increased pan size.  This is an activity intended to demonstrate that the volume increase is not linear.  Volume expansion would be cubed if all dimensions of the cake were enlarged but in this case (since we didn’t increase cake depth) only two dimensions are enlarged.
Holiday candy sales – Translate a pie chart of information on candy sales to actual dollars spent. Ponder the amount of money that is spent on various holidays for candy.
Too early in the day for so many choices – Calculate the number of combinations possible in a story of buying a warm drink when you are still sleepy and there is too much to decide.
from Yummy Math https://www.yummymath.com/2020/mothers-day-math-13-possible-activities/
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