#tetsuwanatom :: bowen
vixlenxe · 1 year
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midnightactual · 1 year
@tetsuwan-atom branching from here:
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akumanoken · 2 years
Avalon!Bowen shall make it his mission to show Sakura how beautiful he really is.
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Soft flustering...
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fallroute · 2 years
"HEY, LOOK DOWN HERE!" The voice shouting at Bowen was slightly melodic, in a very, very strange language. A sort of hybrid between a puppy and a cat was standing there, staring up at Bowen with the most determined look on his face. If one could call it that.
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But that wasn't important! What was the important thing here? Him, of course! Beyond that, however? "I COMMAND YOU TO ASSIST ME! IT IS IMPORTANT THAT I SEE PRETTY PATRICK LUNCHTIME WITHOUT INTERRUPTIONS!"
After all, he hadn't asked for a temp job today! So, now he was missing an episode of his favourite show! The horror!
@tetsuwan-atom // i'm so sorry for puppycat
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deciessomnia · 1 year
"Hey, Lisa." Bowen was blushing, again, his heart always leapt when he got to spend time with her. "I was thinking.. maybe after closing you and I could.. go out to dinner.. and then we can do some stargazing afterwards, together." His smile turned shy, keen to spend as much time as he could with her.
Lisa looked up from her work with a smile on her lips upon hearing Bowen's voice call out ot her. "Need something~?" Lisa asked in an amused tone. She always found it cute how Bowen would blush around her. Always gave her the urge to tease him.
"Dinner?" Lisa repeated, not something she had expected for him to ask. She chuckled, "I don't see why not. Now it only has me wanting to close down just a tad bit earlier." she teased as it would give her more time to spend with him.
The libriain got up from her seat and walked over to Bowen. A hand rose to gently cup the male's face. "No need to be shy now, Bowen dear. It's just us~" she gave him a small peck of a kiss on his forehead before she moved away and towards one of the asiles.
"Now why don't we get to it, so we have less to do when closing nears?"
@tetsuwan-atom + bowen // unprompted interaction // can be cont'd
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@tetsuwan-atom​ wanted a melon bread
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“I went to the moon. Twice.”
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Continued from here || @tetsuwan-atom
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At his words back to her, Flora feels her heart warm within her chest. It made her really happy to be able to bring happiness to him, just by being around him or being with him. Bowen made her happy as well and she's glad they met when they did. As his hand rests on her cheek, his thumb stroking along it, Flora turns her cheek so that she nuzzles into it. Thinking back to the time she did the same thing to him, it makes a soft blush warm her cheeks at the thought.
Then another thought pops up into her head as a slightly mischievous feeling spreads through her mind and chest. Not letting anything be revealed upon her face, Flora turns her head so that her lips brush against his palm and fingers. It was a soft action, just barely there, and it only lasted for a moment as she brings her hand up to place her palm over his.
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museofsolaris · 4 years
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“Pervert indeed.”
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vixlenxe · 2 years
💋 (Bowen gonna kiss Violet for the millionth time)
Send 💋 Get Kiss
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And for the millionth time, Bowen is getting pushed up against the nearest piece of furniture by this bitc-
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midnightactual · 2 years
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@tetsuwan-atom asked to be roasted:
Don't mind Bowen, he was dared to be roasted before summer comes and does the job!
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“That ‘90s haircut makes you look like a cut-rate Jack Dawson that audiences would’ve shouted at Rose to let freeze.”
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akumanoken · 2 years
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So many kisses!!!! He will take them all...
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tetsuwan-atom · 4 years
Blog Changes
Blog name: Inter-Dimensional-Traveller -> Tetsuwan-Atom
Now tracking the tag: tetsuwanatom
New title image.
Background change.
Blog pic change.
Font changes.
This is something I’ve been meaning to do for a long time. When I created the blog, I found the title ‘Inter Dimensional Traveller’ to be available, so I grabbed it and used it for quite a number of years, since it was an attractive title for people to look at and discover. Back then, it was just a single character, with the stories yet to be developed.
Now, I feel it is time to throw that title away. The name of the ‘series’ I created is called Tetsuwan ATOM, therefore it be fitting to use it as the blog title, encompassing the entirety of the series, it’s characters, etc.. though Bowen Chuuno is still the main character.
Some more changes may be coming, might alter the initial blog text again. I may also do a series of tags, IF, people would like that. I have a few here and there but it’s something I’d be getting the hang of. More promos may be coming as well.
Hope you enjoy these new changes!
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Bowen doesn't like watching Ann get hit on, quickly he stands next to her. "Hey sweetie, what's happening here?" He asks, cheerfully. His hands are clasped together in front of him, trying to smile and be polite, but also shooting the brief glare at the other male. Back off dude, everyone around knows she's taken.
Uh oh! Your character is watching mine get hit on and is feeling possessive. How does your character handle this?
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“Oh, hey Bowen!” Bright & loving as always, once Bowen was by her side, Ann quickly reached over to hug one of his arms & place a kiss onto his cheek. “Chatting, nothing super important.”
The man almost scoffed watching the Crown Princess place her lips onto the commoner, twice in a row in fact when hearing Ann imply their conversation was not important. 
“Right... of course, not important at all.” He muttered, before almost stomping away, leaving the princess a tad bit confused what ruffled his feathers so much.
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project-rebirth · 4 years
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So I’ve been talking about an unreleased arc in the old Kinoverse with a mutual of mine and discussed just how dark it would have been, not only being the darkest entry in the Kinoverse, but also the darkest thing I would’ve ever written period.
This is the SCP Foundation Arc, the first arc that would have kicked off False Genesis. It would've involved a Academy City Researcher known as Kihara Kamui infiltrating the foundation as one of the researchers thanks to his method of implanting his personality into the researcher via psychological torture, and that alone would've been dark enough on its own, but then there's the fact that he did it to an entire MTF, meaning we now have armed soldiers with the personality of a psychotic scientist.
There would then have been a drabble with Kamui trying to psychologically break Touma, killing people in front of him and ordering the rest of the MTF to kill everyone in the facility except Touma. It would have set up a dynamic between Touma and Kamui similar to Batman and the Joker, where he tries to break Touma into rejecting the idea that not everyone, especially him, deserves to be saved/cannot be saved. Touma would be thrown into a violent frenzy and repeatedly punch him in the face, but Kamui gets the uper hand and proceeds to mutilate him by slowly cutting into his left shoulder and completely messing up his arm.
we would then have had Mikoto, Kazakiri Hyouka, Itsuwa, possibly Shirai Kuroko and Bowen if he was involved taking on the soldiers while Index, Othinus, Misaki and Sphyinx the Cat (because she carries him everywhere) taking a back seat behind the defensive wall Itsuwa made with by spinning her spear. At some point in the conflict, the soldiers start to turn on each other and kill each other, this of course being Kihara Kamui's implanted copies being ordered to kill everyone. At some point, Index runs off further into the facility to save Touma, but one of the Kamui copies shoots Index in the head with his rifle and she seemingly dies right then and there.
This however is not the end for Index as she starts to "come back to life", immediately intering John's Pen Mode, but in reality, a sentient grimoire inside her head activated it and it using John's Pen Mode goes on a rampage, killing all of the soldiers in a viriaty of horrific ways, from blowing out their eyes and brains with electrical energy, turning them to dust just by touching them, draining their life force, causing them to age rapidly and shrivel up into bones, and using some form of spacial displacement so that a soldier's knife  attack pierces his own head. It would have been pretty gruesome.
The wound Index got would of course be healed by John's Pen and the grimoire would soon return to its inert state, returning Index to normal, but she would have no memory of what happened. The mercinary OC that was going to be made for this arc would be the only survivor of this whole ordeal, and would attempt to kill Index by shooting her again. This fails because Hyouka takes the bullet instead and isn't wounded due to her nature as an AIM being. She would then beg him not to kill her which he would ignore and is determined to kill Index, believing that she's a threat to the world. He would then get a call from someone and would rush deeper into the facility, which would prompt the others to follow. that's when we get into the whole thing with Kamui getting killed in the end. Oh, and the Mercinary gets his head blown off when he makes it to the room where kamui was residing in by a hidden soldier.
The girls would have then seen what Kamui did to Touma and Mikoto, Itsuwa, and Misaki would go balistic, attempting to torture him by stabbing into his left shoulder, piercing his side, and mentally breaking him, but if someone say TetsuwanAtom’s Bowen were involved, Kamui would have been killed on the spot before the girls could do anything to him.
And after all of that, Touma dies from blood loss and shock. he doesn't even get a final word or anything, he is left in such a state, and he dies then and there. It would have been a heavily sad moment and one of, if not the darkest moment in the entire Kinoverse overall.
After that, we would have Anna/The Guardian come in to recover them and bring them back to her sanctuary. This would have led into the next arc, which focuses on the gang going to remnant to find the Dragon Balls to revive Touma. This is where the Cyverse elements of the Kinoverse would have come into play, but given how things IRL went, this was all canned and led to Rebirth testament/the current iteration of the Kinoverse.
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vixlenxe · 2 years
☆ Getting them something they need before they ask for it.  (Bowen to Chloe, it can be anything she needs)
Acts of Affection
☆ Getting them something they need before they ask for it.
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“I... I don’t need this.” It’s a lie. Chloe had gone much too long without having any blood, & while she was able to feel the effects of the lack of such liquid, she knew she could go longer without a blood bead. She didn’t want to take blood from Bowen, & she also didn’t want to dig into the groups supply of blood beads. Someone else might need it more.
“Thank you, really, but I’m fine without a bead.”
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vixlenxe · 2 years
⛓ Avalon!Bowen and Prince Kuni!
Send “ ⛓ ” for an arranged marriage starter.
A joke. This had to be a joke. At least he thought such when he first heard it, only for the hopes of this all being a tackless prank being washed away in the waves of the Inazuman sea. The sea the prince's ship now currently sailed across. The remains of his sister's arranged marriage, being passed off to him, now that she was elected by the Shogun to be the heir to Inazuma.
Him, Prince Kunikuzushi, the previous heir to Imperial Inazuma, now nothing more then a pawn in political games. It’s in insult.
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Avalon? This is where they were sending him? A steam country? This should be a joke. What use was a steam country to the military powerful Inazuma?
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