#tested some of my older builds to see if I can salvage parts of them
royalmedani · 2 years
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pi-cat000 · 3 years
BNHA: Kakashi dimension hops crossover (4)
Summary: Kakashi gets dumbed into the My Hero Academia universe through random plot devise.
Characters:  Kakashi Hatake
Fandoms: My Hero Academia and Naruto
WARNINGS: Mentions of violence/injury
Doctor Wada makes an unscheduled appearance the same morning. Kakashi has the doctor’s schedule memorised and knows the man usually spends his first work hour in his office before checking in with various patients. The change is not unexpected.
“Ms Iori finished her rounds, marked everything as normal and handed the ward off without incident.” Wada and one of the floor’s morning shift nurses talk, voices lowered, too quiet for a regular person to pick up.
“It was called in around 4:15 am. We confirmed it as a burst blood vessel behind his quirked-eye, but we don’t know what triggered it. Without examining the eye itself it is hard to draw any definite conclusions. Since we don’t know what his quirk does, we didn’t want to risk staff safety without a specialist on hand.”
“Nothing else? No other symptoms?” Wada asks.
“No external bleeding. No signs of irritation around the eye socket. Clear, coherent verbal responses from the patient. Vitals are stable.  The dressings on the eye were changed yesterday, and nothing was flagged then either.”
“I see. Thank you.”
Depressed at the thought of what amounted to a forced long-term infiltration mission, Kakashi’s attention drifts away from the hushed conversation. Kakashi has never been assigned to any extended infiltrations. Long, tedious things that they were. Jōnin were usually too valuable to waste on them. Even before he had made jōnin, his skillset lent itself to tracking, assassination, ambush and one on one combat not undercover assignments. It was just his luck -or maybe it was karma-that he had been shunted into one. Three years of ‘mingling’ amongst these soft-acting civilians, waiting to build enough chakra for an attempt at a technique he wasn’t even sure would work. It was enough to make even the most battle-hardened shinobi depressed. 
Maybe he should run off and hide somewhere. He would skulk around for three years avoiding the locals. Less of a hassle that way. Kakashi lets out a weary breath.
“See if you can bump up that MRI. We need to make sure this isn’t anything serious,” Wada’s voice breaks through his musing as the doctor starts in the direction of Kakashi’s bed. The nurse he is talking with nods and leaves.
“Well, you have certainly had an eventful night,” Wada greats when he draws near, leaning in to visually scan Kakashi, “Let’s see what we have going on. Can you close your left eye for me so I can unwrap it?”
 He habitually pushes down his natural discomfort at having a stranger close to his sharingan as the doctor reaches to tilt Kakashi’s head to the side for better access. If he was going to be stuck here then he should maintain his complacent, harmless persona. At least, until he leaves the hospital. Besides, if they had wanted to hurt him, they would have done it while he was unconscious.
“No swelling around your quirked-eye and the bleeding has stopped, that’s a good sign. We’ll run a few tests and get to bottom of this, not to worry.”
“Yeah. About that,” Kakashi rubs the back of his head to look sheepish and apologetic, “I might have tested out my, eh, quirk. You know…I wanted to see what it would do…”
There is a beat of silence, the older man drawing away, too surprised to respond.
“I think it lets me memorise things it sees?” Kakashi continues. Even if he wasn’t 100% sure about what he would do next, he is not about to abandon his shaky amnesia cover story.
“Of all the reckless, irresponsible decisions!” the doctor snaps out of his surprise moving straight into anger, “I expressly told you to wait and not to mess with it. You had no idea what sort of quirk it was! What if you had injured someone or yourself.” The concern seems pretty genuine and Kakashi almost feels bad for manipulating him.
“Young people these days…honestly. No patience.”
Young? It had been a while since anyone has called him that. Kakashi is practically ancient by shinobi standards. The response prompts a semi mournful, almost amused sigh from him, “I know, I know. I just wanted some sort of clue as to how I got here.”
The doctor takes a frustrated breath, calming “Yes. I know it’s frustrating, being restless and hold up in this bed for three straight weeks, but there is a procedure to these things. You got lucky that the only side effect was a burst blood vessel. Next time you want to test your quirk we’ll make sure it is in a controlled environment with an expert on hand. I don’t care if you have some sort of passive regeneration, quirks can be dangerous. The hospital has offsite testing facilities for a reason.”
“Yes. I understand. I won’t do it again,” he says dutifully and gets a huff of disbelief and a head shake.
“You better not.”
A pause.
“So?” Kakashi raises a brow.
“So what did you discover? Explain it to me again.” Wada motions, impatient, repositioning a nearby chair so he can sit comfortably beside the bed.  
“It lets me remember things…” Kakashi had given a lot of thought to what he wanted his fake ‘quirk’ to do without giving too much away, “I’m pretty sure I remember anything it looks at perfectly.”
A somewhat true explanation, in that recoding information and prefect recall was one facet of the sharingan; a side effect of its primary function which was to copy ninjustu and taijustu. The explanation also played into the diagnosis Wada had already written into his medical files, making it more believable.
“Then, lucky for you, something good came of your reckless behaviour.”
Kakashi just smiles which elicits the beginnings of another lecture. “Not that you should ever take quirk safety lightly. Quirk licenses exist for a reason. People can’t go about throwing their quirks around willynilly. A licence, I might add, that you don’t have.”
“Sorry. Sorry.”
After witnessing several televised reports on police arresting people for quirk misuse Kakashi knows the people here, for whatever reason, are leery when it comes to using their abilities. To the point where they actively outlaw it. He is banking on Wada being sympathetic enough not to push the matter.  
Wada sighs again, “I’ll write it up as accidental use this time. Now. If your quirk lets you remember everything perfectly then what about your past memories. Any change on that front?”
“No. Still gone.”
“I see. That might mean the part of the brain linked to its memorisation function was damaged, disrupting the memories stored by the quirk,” Wada rubs his chin thoughtfully, “We’ll have to run a few more tests…a lot easier now that we know what it does I suppose.” Good. That was the conclusion he wanted Wada to come to.
“Alright, before we get to testing, were there any other side effects. Aches, pains, fatigue?”
Even as the man asks, he is pulling out a familiar penlight to shine in Kakashi’s regular eye.
“No. Nothing.”
What follows is his standard check-up routine. His vitals are recorded, his head checked over, the area around his sharingan examined thoroughly. Again. Well, as thoroughly as it could be examined without uncovering it. Next is an inspection of the chest wound he now knows is from Obito alongside a glance over his shoulder, arm and leg. Wada nods to himself as he goes, signalling that all is well.
“Your blood pressure is a little high for my liking. I’m guessing you didn’t sleep much last night what with how you were messing around with your quirk. Make sure you get a good night’s sleep tonight,” Wada instructs as he fits Kakashi with a padded eyepatch instead of the usual wrap of bandages. He pauses to wait for a nod of confirmation.
“I will,” he blatantly lies. Kakashi hasn’t had a proper night sleep since waking up the first time, dozing for shortened intervals only. With so many squishy doctors around he doesn’t want to accidently hurt one of them should he be woken from a nightmare. It did put additional strain on his body.
Doctor Wada peers at him, “We’ll give you another week of monitoring then get some authorised quirk testing done. A brain scan as well. Depending on what we find, we’ll see what we can do about getting you a diagnosis and then discharged.”
“Hmm,” he answers, noncommittally. Not like he has anywhere else to go until then. If this were Konoha, he would have taken off long before now and seen to his remaining injuries alone. This would be the first time in a long while that he is waiting for an official discharge. 
Guess he would be finding out how the hospital dealt with amnesiac patients after they healed. In Konoha, a displaced citizen would be given a menial labour job as part of the village’s many reconstruction projects and sent on their way. But this wasn’t Konoha and he should really stop with the comparisons.  
He needs to decide what he wants to do: Take off, find somewhere secluded and wait the years out. Or hang around to try and salvage the situation. This world did have a lot of interesting technology so there might be value in getting a better feel for the society here. Maybe he would find something useful to take back as an apology for abandoning everyone…
What a mess this all was.
The following week has Kakashi splitting his time between gathering supplies for a chakra storage seal and reading through Wada’s patient files to get a sense for his upcoming quirk tests and ‘brain-scan.’
He also takes the time to read through everything else Wada has in his office - mainly medical journals - to better understand the biological differences inherent in a place without chakra. Primarily, the people were physically weaker. However, there were a lot of mutations or ‘secondary quirk factors’ which reinforced the body to better deal with the stress of the primary quirk. All interesting and potentially relevant information to remember when he got into fights. Once he knew a person’s quirk he would be able to guess how their body was reinforced and act accordingly. A fire quirk would make someone naturally heat resistant but not impact resistant, is what Kakashi concludes as he re-reads the profile of current number two hero ‘Endeavour.’ The magazines gifted to him by Iori all contain a statistical breakdown of the top 10 heroes, their strengths, weaknesses, and their criminal apprehension and crime prevention rates. It is a list that rarely changes between issues. He commits it all to memory, idly planning out combat strategies that didn’t involve obvious ninjutsu or chakra use. It helps pass the time when he is not trying to make sense of what he sees on television or stalking various people around the hospital. 
At the end of the week, he steals Wada’s fountain pen, adding it to his growing pen hoard which he stashes in a vent on the roof. The storage seal he wants to make is complex and would need ink to complete.  A mix between a chakra-draining-seal-trap and a storage scroll, it is well on its way to completion. 
The seal would drain his chakra at a consistent and manageable rate, store it efficiently,  and give him a way to turn the chakra drain off and on at will. Also, as a precaution, he includes an emergency stop in case his chakra levels became dangerously low, so it didn’t accidentally kill him if he fell unconscious.
The seal would need to be positioned somewhere on his body in a spot where the doctors wouldn’t immediately notice. He doesn’t what to explain why he suddenly has a tattoo.  If he had had access to properly made fūinjutsu ink, the seal would be invisible. Alas, he would have to make do with chakra-infused pen ink.
Kakashi manages to keep himself busy enough that he expertly avoids making any concrete decision on what he wants to do with the next three years.
Note: this is slowly turning into a medical drama
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Just recently, I stumbled across @owls-house‘s post on MSN’s article about some of the first look details of The Owl House while looking through some of the older posts about upcoming news on the show before it came out, and this particular section caught my eye in light of everything we currently know about the Boiling Isles and the cast of the show:
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The Owl House:
The Owl House is a living structure that Eda has charmed so that she could live there and be safe from outside forces. Quaint and cottage-like on the outside, with a storefront facade, the inside of the Owl House is full of secret rooms, with a labyrinth for a basement. Hooty, the door knocker, serves as the home’s defense system.
Given how the Owl House is supposed to be Eda’s safe haven and how she hasn’t really shown that much of an interest in puzzle solving and mysteries, the two bolded details immediately stood out to me. 
I mean, from what we’ve seen of her, Eda has never really struck me as someone who’d construct or even want to deal with a labyrinth in the first place - particularly one that’s completely unnecessary if its supposed to be a basement to simply just store things in - and I very much doubt Eda would install a whole bunch of secret rooms into her house that presumably go unused when she likes to collect things so often, let alone go through all the trouble of making entire rooms dedicated to being secret when we’ve seen her be content with the amount of rooms she already uses.
And that’s without asking where and what the heck these secret rooms are supposed to be about specifically, as while they are secret and thus understandably not generally supposed to be easily found, they would have to be VERY small rooms to fit inside with the relative dimensions of all the rooms we’ve seen so far compared to the size of the exterior, and that’s without asking about what purpose they would even serve.
As for the apparent labyrinth, such a word tends to evoke the image of some incredibly huge and complex maze-like structure with single overall path and no dead ends - although it’s often been used interchangeably used with ‘maze,’ which is basically a labyrinth with dead ends, so who knows what it actually looks like here - and yet there is no sign of any kind of tunnel when an animated Hooty stood up in Hooty’s Moving Hassle let alone hardly any implied space for the kind of grand, sprawling structure the word ‘labyrinth’ evokes.
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Now, I’ve brought this up in my last theory about the Owl House as a structure, but as a brief summary, I deduced that it is not a place that Eda had constructed completely all on her own, but rather an amalgamation of a bunch of parts of different buildings that had gotten attached to one center section: aka the middle part of the house with white brickwork - or the Owl Temple as I’ve dubbed it before.
And after looking through the flooring and walls of the rooms we’ve seen so far of the Owl House, I’ve concluded that the labyrinth at the very least is located or accessible from either underneath the carpet in the living room:
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Or somewhere inside the parapet/battlement thing that serves as the floor of Eda’s balcony:
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Obviously, considering the likely size of both of these rooms in relation to the dimensions of the house, they must be hidden away by magic, whether it be through magical pocket dimensions or the like, but this just raises the questions of why these rooms exist in the first place.
For me, I can see only two possible explanations for both questions, both of which I’ve outlined extensively down below:
TLDR: Either the original people who used the Owl Temple a long time ago had build those rooms into it, or they are a potentially significant part of Hooty’s biology as the house itself
Option 1: They were built by the original inhabitants of the Owl Temple
Like I’ve discussed before, I suspect that - from the owl mural and the way the curtains are arranged - the living room used to be used as an altar or ritual room for some kind of owl spirit/deity, so following off that kind of conclusion, it’s possible that the rest of the temple was designed in a similar fashion related to the Owl Deity.
Perhaps these secret rooms are only unlockable through puzzles and riddles to play into how owls are usually portrayed as wise old creatures, hiding away ‘treasures’ not of gold and wealth, but rather of information and books. Maybe these secret rooms could have been like places of study where one could peruse ancient tomes or collect knowledge without being disturbed, or they could simply be full on ordinary rooms that people lived and slept in but with doors that can only be unlocked in a particular way ala the Ravenclaw dorms in Harry Potter.
As for the labyrinth, it could have been meant as a way to test one’s mind and observation skills/as part of one’s initiation, requiring an attentive eye to detail or such to figure out the one single route in and out of it. Maybe it holds some kind of great secret of knowledge or an important ancient artifact that only those who can figure out the path can find/use.
Of course, there IS the small chance it functioned more like a quirky cult with the labyrinth posing as part of kind of bizarre ritual or being used for sacrificial duty, but I very much doubt that this would even get past the censors let alone even got implemented with how un-cult-like the glimpses of the base design of the Owl Temple has been so far.
That said, given how I’ve speculated that something happened that led to the Owl Temple being abandoned, falling into disrepair and obscurity long before Eda first discovered it, she likely has next to absolutely no idea about the existence of at least most of these rooms, so it would be interesting to see exactly how the cast will eventually and inevitably find and explore these hidden rooms and labyrinth, especially with the chance at discovering long-forgotten knowledge or even uncovering dark secrets and old truths that have been suppressed and forgetten by the present day.
However, though I think this explanation and ramifications thereof would be interesting to explore in its own right, I can’t help but think that the second, more likely explanation would easily expand upon and add quite the intrigue to a particular character I’ve had my eye on for a good while:
OPTION 2: They are a part of Hooty and are only increasing in size and number as he grows
We all know that Hooty IS the house itself as demonstrated by his manipulation of various parts of the structure and from statements by Eda, but whereas the prior explanation was based on the idea that the old inhabitants had created the secret rooms and labyrinth themselves before Hooty came into the equation, here I’d like to propose that the rooms are a side result of Hooty slowly regenerating back into a full sized Owl Temple.
With the kind of importance and likely amount of people that would be present or living in such a place, it seems rather likely that what we see of the Owl Temple in the Owl House is but a small-ish remnant of the entire thing, especially with the doorframe in Eda’s room that most likely connected to another section or large area that she either couldn’t salvage in an intact-enough state or didn’t care about to bring with her.
However, though Eda’s additions seems to have been integrated relatively neatly with what she found of the Owl Temple for Hooty to probably be able to affect them, they are likely nowhere near enough to make up for the rest of the missing Temple. 
As such, Hooty could potentially and unknowingly be growing new rooms to make up for the rest of the Temple - kind of like a yolk becoming a baby chick inside of its shell, forming organs and bones and etc until it’s big and strong enough to emerge. 
Though here, instead of breaking apart the foundations and outside of the Owl House entirely, perhaps this transformation would be more like the structure suddenly expanding outwards and quickly stretching everything about itself similar a video about plant growth on fast forward, up until the outer dimensions match the ever increasing inner dimensions. 
With this kind of analogy, it’d make sense why Eda wouldn’t know about these rooms and why Hooty wouldn’t bring them up, as to the former, they literally weren’t there when she salvaged what she could of the Temple, and for the latter, they’re just such a natural part of his body that he simply doesn’t notice.
Now, why I think that this would add an interesting layer of mystique to Hooty’s character is because of the important question of - if and when he finds out about these rooms - whether Hooty would be able to consciously control their structure and arrangement however he wants. 
After all, if the answer is YES, then we might get to begin to see the full capacity of both Hooty’s power and his patience if he gets ticked off and decides to turn the inside of the house into this:
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It would not only be an amazing opportunity for some glorious mind screwy animation with the transformation of a location we’ve all become accustomed to into something straight out of M C Escher’s nightmares, but would also give an opportunity to build Hooty’s character MUCH further beyond the complete butt monkey he’s been portrayed as.
Outside of Eda calling him a “state of the art defense system” in the first episode, he has barely gotten any respect and has never been treated seriously compared to even King. And even when he seems to have temporarily died in The Intruder given the crossed-out eyes and the lights going out in the house when they’re apparently directly controlled by him, Luz and King didn’t really stay that concerned for long. Heck, King was more annoyed at hearing Hooty’s voice again rather than being happy that he was still alive.
After enduring all of that, it’s a wonder that Hooty hasn’t snapped any sooner, so how he’d react when he finally can get people to listen to him without them being able to just simply ignore him or leave would open up the gates to his inner psyche and how he really feels about everyone and the way they treat him. 
Exactly how he’d manipulate the interior dimensions would be extremely telling of what kind of character he truly is at heart, what with the sheer kind of power trip from being in complete control over such a space vs how he would be calmed down from it, AND it’d mark a major and permanent shift in how everyone treats the being they live in on a daily basis due to how much mutual trust and respect both Hooty and his inhabitants would likely have to rebuild in each other to be able to go about their day and keep their relationships intact.
That, and it’d be a REALLY interesting glimpse into the full eldritch nature of a house with many more rooms on the inside than the outside suggests, one that actually has a mind and consciousness to drive it and thus one that you don’t really want to piss off if you can. Just think of all the fun horror/mind screw that could be done with such an episode about this.
Of course, this does bring into question exactly what is the deal with the labyrinth, but running off the seemingly one-time joke from the first episode where - instead of simply opening the door like he’s done in every other episode - Hooty lets everyone in by opening his mouth and even burping, the entire living room could easily be equated as Hooty’s stomach. 
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I’ve discussed this with @sepublic​ a bit, but because of how he can stretch vertically instead of just his neck as shown above, as well as the likely placement of the labyrinth underneath the living room, I suspect that the labyrinth might be doubling as Hooty’s intestines given the way real intestines fold and twist around while also having one single route through them like a labyrinth does.
That, and that Hooty may have gained Eda’s trust as a good enough defense system for her to rely on by being able to do this to whoever tries to attack the house from time to time:
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I would not be surprised if Luz or Eda or whoever checks out the labyrinth later in the series might find the remains of some of Eda’s old enemies down there.
That said, considering how much bigger the original Owl Temple might possibly be than the Owl House, Hooty would likely require quite a LOT of material/energy to build back those rooms and other parts of the Temple. And given how he doesn’t exactly seem to passively be feeding off ambient magic or something alongside the comparison to intestines, well...
It just makes one wonder just what state those remains are in, let alone how recognizable they even still are in the first place.
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0vorenation0 · 4 years
The Island (series #3)
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(This might look like a peaceful island, but step on within and the shadows with creep out. This part in the series is made with the help by @thecorruptisland and his magical island. The island is his original idea from a while ago. He posts about the island and I wanted to feature it in my series. Thanks for allowing me too and enjoy the posts, I will be making a two part for the island. Enjoy.)
Friday 1:00 pm (Streets of VoreNation)
“As the parade continues down past the famous saloon that Cal designed for preds. We should be able to see the king any moment” an announcer says as the parade passes. I walk out on the balcony and an eruption of cheers fills the air, I wave to all the amazing citizens and travels of VoreNation. The celebration comes to a halt in front of the building and I walk up to a microphone. “Hello great citizens and travelers of VoreNation, we are here to celebrate the Minister of War. MOW Nightly has served his nation proud and deserves a great celebration and promotion. I could think of no man greater, who I trust more to earn such a title of MOW. With that enjoy the day, and let’s get the parade rolling!!!!” I say with vigor and excitement and sit back done in my chair. The parade goes on with MOW Nightly on the first float, he saluted me as he went by. At the end was a float commemorating Private Scotty, for his bravery and abrupt end. His family would be well taken care of by the city.
As the festivities continue, I turn to Corey, I was happy to hear he could make the event. It’s always nice to see an old friend like him, apparently, he made a lot of changes to his own nation and requested I come see them sometime. I obligated and said it would be an honor, once the festival was over. At that moment my top researcher came in and told me it was urgent. Dr. Miller sounded excited so I assumed it was good news. Miller had been the head of the researching team for under a year now with one mission. Find an ancient land and civilization my grandfather used to tell me about as a kid. The citizens of VoreNation knew this place only as a legend but I had reason to believe it was real. I recently uncovered some ancient ruins before the construction of VoreNation. Hidden beneath the dirt and rock, was a clay pot. It contained ancient scrolls and texts, which were dated back before the rule of my family.
One of the scrolls contained details about this ancient land that was once legend. Even some coordinates but sadly hale of the text was damaged and couldn’t be salvaged. That’s when I tasked a research team to find the mysterious lost land. So I was excited and left immediately with him. “Corey I’m sorry, I’m going to have to reschedule. Important stuff has come up, thanks for coming” I said to Corey as I shook his hand and left. We entered the elevator and went to the research lab, once on the floor we went to a massive futuristic map lay out that was 3D. It was an island to the west of the city, it was mountainous that led in a valley and then a forest. It was a huge island, that looked uninhabited. I turned to Dr. Miller and spoke, “ congratulations Dr, you have found it. I couldn’t have done it without you. Task a team of you and two on your brightest researchers. We leave in the morning. I’ll have my ship out at the harbor and we will depart at sunrise!!”
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The following morning.... 6:00 AM
“Hello Dr. Miller, did you bring your researchers? I hope the island hasn’t been a waste of time. You know my grandfather used to talk about it all the time. He even said that the royal family originated from there. When I asked however about why they left the place, he had fear in his eyes. This expedition must be classified” I told the Doctor as I waved my hand to the captain to get a move on. As we set the course, we went over the island layout. The island was massive and surprisingly not on any modern world maps. This was strange to me because I had many people map out the world years ago. Made the island was dangerous, I thought as I ponder what could have made my family leave there home. We were preds after all, nothing really was above us in the food chain.
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“CAPTAIN SHIP DEAD AHEAD” a shipmate yelled through the intercom. I ran up the stairs and saw a massive ship, not bigger then mine though. It was head right for us and I told the Captain to halt and keep guns pointed at the ship. “Stay the props, keep all weaponry aimed at the ship. No one fires with out my orders.” I spoke through the intercom to the ship’s defense team. That’s when I saw a flag being raised, colored bright blue. The international sign of peace, I was relieved. Must be a cargo ship, but where was it going. We were very close to the island as it looked like it can out of nowhere but in the direction of the island.
We dropped anchor, watched as the ship did the same. After a few minutes, a small passenger ship came out and headed towards us. It docked by our ship and a man walked on the boat up to me. He was escorted by my men and stoped right in front of me and said “ Hello I’m Saladin, nice ship you have here. You look like a very important person. Might I ask who you are?” He greeted me and asked. I put out my hand and shook his before saying” Hello my name is Cal, I’m the ruler of VoreNation and it’s a pleasure to meet you. Might I ask why you are out here and where you can from?” I asked curious about this man before me. He began to tell me he was out here with his research team, studying and researching rare sea creatures. “Ohhh Wow it’s an honor to meet your acquaintance, your majesty. I live on a massive island about 30 minutes In that direction.” He said casually. I was shocked he was an inhabitant of the island. Come to find out he is a researcher of not just creatures but history as well. He asked if I would like to come visit the island and I obliged. He stayed on my ship and I told him about the scroll I found and about my grandfather's stories. “Wait it can’t be, your apart of a tribe that left the island hundreds maybe thousands of years ago. I must take you to the ruins where our ancestors used to live.”
“Wait are you serious? This can’t be real, I knew nothing about my family’s past. They lived here on the island, my grandfather was right? This is amazing I can’t wait to see the ruins.” I said seemingly as happy as when Dr. Miller told me he found the island. The ships docked at a harbor, the island was massive and looked like a continent. Turns out the island was full of life, there were even cities. They weren’t as advanced as VoreNation but it was still impressive. We got in vehicles and drove to the site. We passed so many strand animals and plants. One plant even looked more then alive but carnivores. “ Haha yeah be careful some of these plants are actually carnivores. They will eat any livening thing even you. So the island is supposedly older than all other lands but has never been altered by evolution. What I mean is the island is so what prehistoric. I’ve been studying it for years and you wouldn’t believe the stuff I’ve found. We’re actually going to a research facility set up right outside of the ruins of your ancestors old tribe.” Saladin spoke as he drove through the vegetation. I was completely shocked but also thought that maybe one of my land surveyor teams came across the island and never got out. That’s why the island was never mapped. We pulled up to this facility creepy looking but me and my guards went in and we headed down.
“So what do you know about monsters?” Saladin asked me as we went down the elevator. “ hahaha monsters, and here I thought you were a scientist. Monster is legend, not real.” I said joking around. The door open and we stepped inside. That’s when I saw it, a massive box. Inside was a massive wolf like man. It was asleep but realized it was sedated. “You think monsters are legend now, Cal? This massive werewolf was captured by me 2 years and I’ve spent the last two years conducting vore tests on him. Apparently he is extremely powerful and can swallow anything. That’s not the amazing thing though, what’s fascinating is that I’ve developed a serum from him. It allows the victim to be swallowed but once digest water by stomach or cock can regenerate into there original form once out of the werewolf or a man.” He told me as he handed me a shot of the serum. “ this is amazing I never knew this was possible, and werewolves and pred plants. I mean what is this place, it’s so fascinating. Wait where did you capture the werewolf again?” I asked curious. “He was right out of the edge of our family’s ruins. I assume that’s why your family left, the pack of werewolf’s ravaged this twin and vored most everyone in the town. The few survivors left for new land, never to come back again.” He said
A little time later....
“Cal I suggest you drink that serum just in case this island is very dangerous. I should know, I’m a descendant of the original founders of the island. Werewolf’s still run around, and other creatures. This werewolf is actually the last one of the alpha originals pack. There are no more like him on the island. I’ve been researching these ruins for ages and studying the ancient family who lived here. I’ve found texts about what happened by a survivor. I assume they left it so one day someone would find it and know what happened here. If you want to explorer feel free to, I know there’s an old grave yard up the hill passed the well.” He told me and he showed me a map layout of the ruins. I was nearly bursting with knowledge, it was so much to process. I need to be by myself for a minute, plus I wanted to explore the ruins.
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jaydaydemon · 4 years
University: A crash course in covid
Three weeks at university and I have already contracted the dreaded coronavirus, who could’ve seen that coming? Well, anyone really. You don’t need to be an expert or an oracle to foresee the poor outcome of sending a million students all over the country off to university in the midst of a pandemic. Jo Grady, a university union leader, made a plea not to do just that back in August which I saw and whole heartedly agreed with, she knew then as did many others without a doubt how much of a terrible idea it was, but no one heeded the warning. Would it not have been wiser to either do the entirety of the first semester online, keeping the students at home therefore minimising the spread of the virus? Or postpone the start of the academic year until after the Christmas holiday period? These are the kind of actions one might expect those in power, the leaders of this nation, to make, tough decisions that prioritise the safety of citizens in a time where taking well thought out precautions is the best approach to minimising the disruptive nature of a pandemic in a globalised world. But yet again this current situation we find ourselves in further demonstrates the inadequacies of those we rely on to make the big decisions, this global pandemic has highlighted many shortcomings and failures of leadership not just in the United Kingdom but all over the world.
I write to you from the perspective of a mature student, someone who did not come straight out of college at 18 and went on to university, but someone who did not finish college the first time around, worked in various jobs over the years getting a taste of what life as part of the workforce is like before fully realising my interests and career goals in life. I the decided to return to education and complete a college course for over 21s that got me into the university of my choice. That year at college was somewhat difficult as the outbreak cut the academic year short and saw myself and many other college students having to finish their courses from home and our teachers forced to adjust to educating us via a virtual environment. It wasn’t easy but we managed to pull through, and short of an idiotic fiasco that threw many young people’s futures into doubt when our sort sighted government thought it wise to dictate that responsibility to a computer algorithm, most of us managed to make it to the universities of our choice.
I made it to a university in Norwich, and although I had reservations about starting during these uncertain times I rolled the dice and went for it anyway, having figured I’d taken long enough in life to make it this far and I wasn’t going to wait any longer. I applied for student accommodation as I wanted to have the full experience and as far as I was aware, at least initially, most of my lessons were going to be taught in person. It did not take long after my arrival on campus to learn that none of my lessons would be in person, although long enough to miss the window in which I could renege on my accommodation without having to pay any fees. With no events going on very late, venues closing by ten thanks to government guidelines imposed at the time, not able to mingle with people at the bar, there was nothing but flat parties left for students to let loose in which were bacterial powder kegs. And at this point I began to wonder why I had come all this way during such times, why any of us had been offered this choice in the first place when I and everyone else could have done most of the academic studying from home. But of course it was obvious, plain and clear for all to see, the economy has taken a major hit from the pandemic and the universities weren’t getting help from the government so the students were now their primary cash cow, draining us for that money they so badly needed to keep them afloat, it was readily apparent for us to see and the whole thing has a disingenuous and sleazy feel about it.
And then I tested positive for coronavirus, followed shortly by a flatmate of mine, and then our flat went into quarantine. We were not the first in our building to do so, another flat near ours had already begun theirs a few days before, but in their case they were all asymptomatic. I and my flatmate however were not and had a rough week recovering as a result. I began to feel a little under the weather a few days before testing positive but none of my symptoms matched the core ones, not at first. We were contacted by people from the university at the beginning, me and the friend who tested positive, and were given some advice on where to get help with getting food and other resources. In my case these proved not to be especially useful and thankfully my parent was able to drop food off to me on two occasions during the isolation period. The situation frayed burgeoning friendships being formed among our flatmates a little, as accusations were thrown around which did not help matters, but on the whole relations did not sour too much. Only smokers could leave the flat to indulge in that nasty habit, masks were always to be worn when entering and leaving the building, a rule which most but not all students held themselves to. No security guards were posted on each flat like at certain universities which was nice, and honestly not necessary as the cases here are certainly higher than the university lets on but the number of cases aren’t too excessive and most students are being sensible. The cleaners have been in only once the entire isolation period, which is better than some universities, but they only cleaned a select few toilets belonging to a third of the flatmates. Although the litter started to pile up it wasn’t beyond control in our flat at least.
The symptoms of the coronavirus abated for myself and my friend after eight days or so, and no one else in the flat came down with it, all tests returning negative results, but since our self-isolation period began several more flats across various buildings have gone into quarantine as well.
The mood here I can describe as frustrated. There are over a thousand young people here, many of them freshers like myself looking to have a good time and live it up but there are few places to let loose and not enough going on to sate the appetites of party goers. Even during a pandemic it is near impossible to contain the energy of the youth, and those of you who are older and read this now need to consider if you would have had such restraint in your teens or early twenties, and if you’re being honest you know the answer is most certainly no. The downside of all this is that there’s a lot of young people with so much pent up energy and very few places or opportunities to expend it in a time like this, which is a bad mixture. And when a fifth of those students are stuck in self isolation, taunted by the sounds of those who escaped the virus partying away in the next flat across from you, it wears away on one’s nerves. But as could have been predicted, by the time our flat emerged from quarantine, most of those flats that were partying the whole time were starting their own self-isolation period.
Right now, no one is in a good situation. This pandemic has created a crisis in many areas of life, not just to students, but to many working people out there who are now jobless, many industries who are struggling to support themselves, and the incompetency of governance in many areas does little to help matters. Although the universities aren’t in a great position either, they have little moral high ground to stand on right now, they are complicit in this situation and regardless of their situation they should have made the tough choice and kept students away for the remainder of this year. At this point I think we can all agree on one thing; 2020 is a write off, it cannot be salvaged, it might have been to some degree if the right decisions had be made but, the rush to get everything going like normal once again in a time where normalcy has died and we all know it has only exacerbated the situation and there’s no way that this isn’t going to have a roll on effect into next year and beyond. This is something we are going to have to live with for a long while yet, and we must figure out better ways to endure it, but where do we look to find these solutions? I don’t know anymore, do you?
First drafted: October 2020. Published: November 15th 2020.
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hunterbahamut · 5 years
So, this is something a little bit different.
I’m a big fan of the SCP Foundation wiki, and the crazy stories and entries on there, and I encourage anyone to check them out for fun.
A couple of years ago, I actually came up with an idea for my own SCP idea, and finally I sat down to write it up like an actual entry on the wiki.  I’ve given it the nickname ‘True Fresh Air’. I consider this as a ‘fan SCP’; I think it would be fun if I did try to submit it, but I feel like it would be torn apart by the strict rules and guidelines, or it would be turned into an ‘Anomalous Item’ rather than a full fledged SCP.  I’m also kinda worried that, if I did want to try and submit it as an actual entry, not only would it take months to make it reach standards, but I feel like it would end up getting morphed into something I wouldn’t be happy with.
So, for now, I will post it here just as a fun little thing to try.
For those who are familiar with the wiki and the lore behind it, please note that this is just a fun idea, and some of the material in here shouldn’t be considered as canon or anything.
Thank you!
Item #: SCP-████
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures:  SCP-████ is to be kept in a self-contained storage case in the emergency response supply room of Site-███.  SCP-████ should remain there when not undergoing tests. Tests can be conducted by approval of personnel of clearance level 3 or higher and must be documented under the Experiment Log of SCP-████.
SCP-████ can be used in emergency and clean-up procedures during any emergency resulting in an unbreathable area due to smoke, fire, aerosol and gaseous dangers, or containment breech of SCP-████, ████, or ████.
Description: SCP-████ is a wall-mounted automatic air freshener dispenser that was manufactured by the Timemist company in 20██.  It measures at 28"x6"x4" and made of standard white plastic.  The area that would display the company logo is blank; study of the area shows minor abrasions where the logo has either worn off or has been purposefully removed. No other manufacturer or distributor information is present.
The interior of the SCP-████ has the same layout as a typical device of this type, however there are two unknown components installed: one in place of the battery compartment and one in place of the aerosol receptacle.  The item in place of the battery compartment is slightly larger than a standard D-cell battery, and is made of a gray metallic material with no markings on it. The item in place of the aerosol compartment is a cylinder measuring at 4″ tall with a diameter of 2" and is made of the same metallic material as the power source.  Both items are installed and adhered to the plastic by an unknown bonding agent that makes removal of the item difficult without damaging or destroying SCP-████ itself.  Study of either of the components have not been successful as penetrating either has been deemed dangerous without more information.
The power source of SCP-████ has continued to power it since containment, and presumably has been running that way for ██ years. Its anomalous properties are not made known until it is is a room that contains unpleasant odors or particulates or substances in the air that are harmful to most living creatures and humans.  When in said room, the device will begin to freshen the air within minutes, removing the odor despite it's strength or concentration and neutralizing any of the harmful materials.  It is not currently known how SCP-████ is able to do so, since it does not appear to release a perfume substance or any known neutralizing agent that would affect odors or air quality.
SCP-████ was discovered in a restaurant in ████, Pennsylvania in 20██ when a fire had broken out and severely damaged the structure.  When emergency responders arrived, all but four of the employees were accounted for and presumed lost in the fire, but were all found later in the Mens bathroom, having survived the incident.  When taken for treatment for smoke inhalation and oxygen deprivation typical of building fires, all reported they were fine and showed no symptoms of either. Field Agent Byron was not made aware of anything anomalous until he overheard several firemen commenting on how the Mens restroom did not have the typical odors typical of the fire.  Agent Byron later searched the area and discovered SCP-████.
SCP-████ was originally listed as Anomalous Item for a time, but was classified as an SCP after a chemical agent was released into the storage area of Site-██.  The personnel working in the area at the time were assumed dead, but when clean up teams arrived, they had found the personnel alive and well, and no residual evidence of the chemical agent was detected.  When interviewed, the personnel admitted to having no idea that they were in any danger. Testing confirmed the anomalous nature of SCP-████ and it was reclassified as an SCP.
Addendum ████-1: When testing the air quality and purity after SCP-████ was used, Researcher ████ commented that the air 'reminded him of his time in the Netherlands', noting that the air was fresh and had a smell that reminded him of the region.   Research teams were sent to ████████, Netherlands to perform tests there and discovered that the air quality and purity were nearly identical to SCP-████ tests.  It is theorized that this area could be the original source for the substance inside the unknown canister inside SCP-████.
Addendum ████-2: Interview with restaurant owner Mr. ████ Daniels, former owner of the restaurant.
An interview was conducted with Mr. ████ Daniels several weeks after the fire, in order to discover the place of origin for SCP-████.
Interviewer: Doctor P████ Interviewee: ████ Daniels Date: ██/██/20██
Note: Doctor P████ is under the guise of an investigator from Mr. Daniels' insurance company.
Doctor: Thank you for your time Mr. Daniels, this shouldn't take too long, we just wanted some additional information for your claim.
Daniels: Of course.
Doctor: There are a few minor details that we wanted to clear up for our adjustments; cleaning supplies and materials that were used in your establishment.
Daniels: Honestly there isn't much to say there. I didn't keep a record of that stuff until I needed to buy new stuff.
Doctor: That would include the air fresheners in your establishment as well?
Daniels: Yeah, I suppose so.
Doctor: When did you first purchase them and when were they replaced?
Daniels: *is quiet for a moment* To be honest, it was various times.  The only one I can say with any certainty was the one in the Womens restroom.  We had a troublemaker in the store a few months ago, around ████ or so, the thing was so damaged that I couldn't salvage it. *falls quiet again*
Doctor: Is something wrong Mr. Daniels?
Daniels: Nothing wrong, just a weird thought occur to me.  In all of my time working at the restaurant, I actually don't remember replacing the batteries or the fragrances in some of them.
Doctor: You never replaced them?
Daniels: Well...-I- haven't, but the other employees must have done so.  Just kind of a weird thought.
Doctor: When did you first buy your air fresheners and do you remember the company you bought them from?
Daniels: Well, the replacements I just picked up from ████ or ████ off the internet.  I don't know about anything that was in there before I bought the place.
Doctor: So you're not the original owner?
Daniels: Oh no, I bought the place from an older couple in town, the Robellos.  They had that place for years since then, ran it when I was a teen.  If they kept any records, I never got them.
Doctor: I see.  Well that should be everything, thank you for your time, Mr. Daniels.
Daniels: Of course. *laughs* Kinda strange to be asking about a couple of air fresheners, but I guess you guys don't skip the little details.
Doctor: No sir, that we don't.
When researching the Robello family, it was discovered that the oldest members, Mr. Trey Robello and Mrs. Carla Robello, had passed away in 20██.  Their next of kin had not worked or taken part in the business, so no interviews were deemed necessary.
Note: "The interview has revealed that there was at least one more of these in existence. However, it is also revealed that SCP-████ is not indestructible. If the other item was destroyed by a random vandal, then any experiments we conduct run the risk of damaging or destroying it. -Doctor P████
Addendum ████-3: Experiment Log of SCP-████
The following experiments were conducted with SCP-████ to determine the strength, range and duration of its effects.  The test was conducted by Doctor D████ with Researcher N████, who is described as having a 'sensitive nose' and for picking up on unpleasant odors.
Experiment ████-1 Parameters: Testing the speed of which SCP-████ anomalous effects begin. Subject: SCP-████ Location: Test Chamber ████-A, measuring 4m squared. Test: 1 cigarette Time Limit: None
-D-class was brought into Test Chamber ████-A and was asked to smoke one cigarette with no time limit.  D-class did so, finishing in 2 minutes and 35 seconds. -D-class was escorted out of the chamber and Researcher N████ was asked to enter. -Upon entering, Researcher commented on the linger smell cause by the cigarette. -Researcher was asked to stay inside and SCP-████ was placed in the room. -After two minutes, Researcher N████ commented that the smell seemed to be disappearing, but she could not tell if it was due to SCP-████. -After five minutes, Researcher commented that the smell was completely gone. -SCP-████ was removed from testing chamber and Researcher left.
Notes: A simple test to start with, but still somewhat inconclusive, we will need to increase the amount for a noticeable effect.
Experiment ████-2 Parameters: Testing the speed of which SCP-████ anomalous effects begin. Subject: SCP-████ Location: Test Chamber ████-A, measuring 4m squared. Test: 5 cigarette Time Limit: None
-D-class was brought into Test Chamber ████-A and was asked to smoke the five cigarettes with no time limit.  D-class did so, finishing after 12 minutes. -D-class was escorted out of the chamber and Researcher N████ was asked to enter. -Upon entering, Researcher commented on the smell, noting it was stronger than the previous test. -Researcher was asked to stay inside and SCP-████ was placed in the room. -After two minutes, Researcher N████ commented that the smell seemed was disappearing rapidly. She also remarked that this was unlikely due to natural dissipation -After five minutes, Researcher commented that the smell was completely gone. -SCP-████ was removed from testing chamber and Researcher left.
Notes: A stronger concentration, yet the effects seem to happen in the same time frame.
Experiment ████-3 Parameters: Testing the speed of which SCP-████ anomalous effects begin. Subject: SCP-████ Location: Test Chamber ████-A, measuring 4m squared. Test: A pack of cigarettes, containing 20 cigarettes Time Limit: None
-D-class was brought into Test Chamber ████-A and was asked to smoke the entire pack with no time limit.  D-class did so, finishing after 32 minutes. -D-class was escorted out of the chamber and Researcher N████ was asked to enter. -Upon entering, Researcher commented on the smell, noting that it was 'overpowering'. -Researcher was asked to stay inside and SCP-████ was placed in the room. -After two minutes, Researcher N████ commented that the smell seemed was disappearing rapidly. She also expressed disbelief. -After five minutes, Researcher commented that the smell was completely gone. -SCP-████ was removed from testing chamber and Researcher left.
Note: Again, this test showed that SCP-████ has worked consistently in the same amount of time as the previous tests, regardless of the saturation.
Experiment ████-4 Parameters: Testing the speed of which SCP-████ anomalous effects begin. Subject: SCP-████ Location: Test Chamber ████-A, measuring 4m squared. Test: A pack of cigarettes, containing 20 cigarettes Time Limit: 10 minutes.
-D-class was brought into Test Chamber ████-A and was asked to smoke the entire pack within 10 minutes.  D-class did so, though expressing discomfort during. -D-class was escorted out of the chamber and Researcher N████ was asked to enter. -Upon entering, Researcher commented on the smell, similar to Experiment ████-3. -Researcher was asked to stay inside and SCP-████ was placed in the room. -After two minutes, Researcher N████ commented that the smell seemed was disappearing rapidly. -After five minutes, Researcher commented that the smell was completely gone. -SCP-████ was removed from testing chamber and Researcher left.
Notes: We wanted to see how SCP-████ would function while the smoke was still lingering and relatively fresh. Same results as the previous tests, confirming a reliable timeframe for SCP-████'s anomalous effects to begin.
Experiment ████-5 Parameters: Testing the speed of which SCP-████ anomalous effects begin. Subject: SCP-████ Location: Test Chamber ████-A, measuring 4m squared. Test: A pack of cigarettes, containing 20 cigarettes Time Limit: None, 30 minutes.
-D-class was brought into Test Chamber ████-A and was asked to smoke the entire pack with no time limit.  D-class did so, finishing after 36 minutes. -D-class was escorted out of the chamber. The chamber then remained vacant for 30 minutes. -Researcher N████ was asked to enter. -Upon entering, Researcher commented on the smell, noting that it was not as strong as previous experiments, but had a 'staleness' to it. -Researcher was asked to stay inside and SCP-████ was placed in the room. -After two minutes, Researcher N████ commented that the smell seemed was disappearing rapidly. -After five minutes, Researcher commented that the smell was better, but lingered. -After eight minutes, Researcher commented that the smell was completely gone. -SCP-████ was removed from testing chamber and Researcher left.
Notes: It seems that if an area is left to 'soak', then SCP-████'s effects do take a little longer to take place.  This is good to note for when we change to more dangerous substances.
Experiment ████-6 Parameters: Testing the speed of which SCP-████ anomalous effects begin in a larger space. Subject: SCP-████ Location: Test Chamber ████-B, measuring 5m squared. Test: A pack of cigarettes, containing 20 cigarettes Time Limit: None, 30 minutes.
-D-class was brought into Test Chamber ████-B and was asked to smoke the entire pack with no time limit.  D-class did so, finishing after 34 minutes. -D-class was escorted out of the chamber and Researcher N████ was asked to enter. -Upon entering, Researcher commented on the smell, noting that it was not as strong due to the larger size. -Researcher was asked to stay inside and SCP-████ was placed in the room. -After three minutes, Researcher N████ commented that the smell seemed was disappearing rapidly. -After six minutes, Researcher commented that the smell was better, but lingered. -After ten minutes, Researcher commented that the smell was completely gone. -SCP-████ was removed from testing chamber and Researcher left.
Notes: As expected, it does take longer for SCP-████'s effects to take place in a larger space.  Since a normal air freshener is meant for certain sized rooms, this makes sense.
Experiment ████-7 Parameters: Testing the speed of which SCP-████ anomalous effects begin while in an affected room. Subject: SCP-████ Location: Test Chamber ████-C, measuring 4 x 5 m Test: 1 cigarette. Time Limit: None
-Two D-class (Designated D-████-1 and D-████-2) were brought into Test Chamber ████-C and sat a single table. SCP-████ was placed in between them. - D-████-1 was asked to smoke the cigarette with no time limit.  D-class did so, finishing after 4 minutes. -D-████-2 was asked to comment on the smell.  D-████-2 commented that there was a smell, but it didn't stay long, disappearing after a few seconds. -D-class was escorted out of the chamber and Researcher N████ was asked to enter. -When asked about the odor, Researcher commented that she could not detect any smell at all. -SCP-████ was removed from testing chamber and Researcher left.
Notes: SCP-████ seems to be constantly working, so whenever an unpleasant smell is put in, it almost immediately neutralizes it.
Experiment ████-8 Parameters: Testing the speed of which SCP-████ anomalous effects begin while in an affected room. Subject: SCP-████ Location: Test Chamber ████-C, measuring 4 x 5 m Test: A pack of cigarettes, containing 20 cigarettes Time Limit: None
-Two D-class (Designated D-████-1 and D-████-2) were brought into Test Chamber ████-C and sat a table on opposite ends of the room. SCP-████ was placed in between them. - D-████-1 was asked to smoke the cigarettes with no time limit.  D-class did so, finishing after 40 minutes. -D-████-2 was asked to comment on the smell.  D-████-2 commented that they were only able to get a smell occasionally, otherwise it was relatively clean. -D-class was escorted out of the chamber and Researcher N████ was asked to enter. -When asked about the odor, Researcher commented that she could not detect any smell at all. -SCP-████ was removed from testing chamber and Researcher left.
Notes: Same results as the last test, though it seems like there is a greater effect depending on distance of subjects. Nothing too unexpected.
Experiment ████-9 Parameters: Testing the speed of which SCP-████ anomalous effects begin while in a room with a potentially dangerous substance. Subject: SCP-████ Location: Test Chamber ████-A, measuring 4m squared. Test: Natural wood smoke. Time Limit: None
-D-class was brought into Test Chamber ████-A and was asked take a seat and stand-by.   -A standard fire was built using natural wood and the smoke was pumped into the room via a built in fan vent. -SCP-████ was placed on the opposite end of the room. - Three minutes after the test began, D-class mentioned the smell of a fireplace or campfire, but it had gone away after five minutes. -Smoke continued to be pumped into the room for fifteen more  minutes. D-class showed no signs of being affected by the smoke. -D-class was escorted out of the chamber and Researcher N████ was asked to enter. -When asked about the odor, Researcher commented that she could not detect any smell at all. -SCP-████ was removed from testing chamber and Researcher left.
Notes: The results of this test are similar to the descriptions of SCP-████'s initial and secondary discoveries, because it's constantly working, any harmful substance in the room is neutralized almost immediately. From this point on, we won't be asking N████ to enter the room after the tests.
Experiment ████-10 Parameters: Testing the speed of which SCP-████ anomalous effects begin while in a room with a potentially dangerous substance. Subject: SCP-████ Location: Test Chamber ████-A, measuring 4m squared. Test: Carbon Monoxide Time Limit: None
-D-class was brought into Test Chamber ████-A and was asked take a seat and stand-by.   -A combustion engine was activated and the exhaust was pumped into the room via a built in fan vent. -SCP-████ was placed on the opposite end of the room. -Two minutes after the test began, D-class mentioned the smell of exhaust, but it had gone away after five minutes. -Engine exhaust continued to be pumped into the room for fifteen more  minutes. D-class showed no signs of being affected. -D-class was escorted out of the chamber. -SCP-████ was removed from testing chamber.
Notes: Similar results as the last test.  I'm kinda glad, I really didn't want to see someone suffocating like that. D-class or not.
Experiment ████-11 Parameters: Testing the speed of which SCP-████ anomalous effects begin while in a room with a potentially dangerous substance. Subject: SCP-████ Location: Test Chamber ████-A, measuring 4m squared. Test: Cyanide Gas Time Limit: None
-D-class was brought into Test Chamber ████-A and was asked take a seat and stand-by.   -A canister of cyanide installed and was pumped into the room via a built in fan vent. -SCP-████ was placed on the opposite end of the room. -Two minutes after the test began, D-class mentioned feeling strange, but it had gone away after five minutes. -Cyanide continued to be pumped into the room for fifteen more  minutes. D-class showed no signs of being affected. -D-class was escorted out of the chamber. -SCP-████ was removed from testing chamber.
Notes: Now I'm really glad it works. I know they’re D-class, but...damn.
Experiment ████-12 Parameters: Testing the speed of which SCP-████ anomalous effects begin when placed in a room already filled with a potentially dangerous substance. Subject: SCP-████ Location: Test Chamber ████-A, measuring 4m squared. Test: Cyanide Gas Time Limit: None
-D-class was brought into Test Chamber ████-A while wearing a standard gas mask and was asked take a seat and stand-by.   -A canister of cyanide installed and was pumped into the room via a built in fan vent. -After five minutes, D-Class was told to remove the mask.  D-Class complied, but started to feel the effects of the gas.  They attempted to put the mask back on, but was stopped on threat of termination. -After two more minutes, D-Class starts to show signs of cyanide poisoning. -SCP-████ is placed in the room via a trap door. -D-class starts to show further effects and crawls towards the door and SCP-████. -After five minutes, D-class seems to calm down, coughing a lot. -Cyanide continued to be pumped into the room for fifteen more  minutes. D-class shows no other signs of being affected. -D-class was escorted out of the chamber and taken to medical. -SCP-████ was removed from testing chamber.
Notes: Damn...that was rough.  But, yes, SCP-████ does actually neutralize poisonous gases as well as odors.
Experiment ████-13 Parameters: Testing the speed and effect of SCP-████ against other anomalous substances. Subject: SCP-████ Location: Test Chamber ████-A, measuring 4m squared. Test: [REDACTED] of gas from SCP-████ (Designated as SCP-████-1). Time Limit: None
-D-class was brought into Test Chamber ████-A was asked take a seat and stand-by.   -A canister containing SCP-████-1 was installed and was pumped into the room via a built in fan vent. -Gas was pumped in until D-class showed beginning symptoms of Stage One exposure. -SCP-████ is placed in the room via a trap door. -D-class continues to show signs of Stage One symptoms. -After five minutes, symptoms do not escalate. -After ten minutes, D-Class shows signs of symptoms fading to safe levels. -SCP-████-1 is pumped into the room again for five minutes.  Symptoms do not return. -D-class is left in the room for another five minutes before SCP-████-1 neutralizing agent is introduced. -D-class was escorted out of the chamber and taken to medical. -SCP-████ was removed from testing chamber.
Notes: It actually worked!  SCP-████ had neutralized another SCP anomaly!  I am both amazed and relieved by those results. As exciting this discovery is though, we have to keep in mind that we don't know if SCP-████ can neutralize other SCP effects.  We tested strictly gaseous materials, so we don't know if would affect any others, like those that are spore based.
While we will need to do further testing of SCP-████'s limits, I do want to formally recommend that we keep SCP-████ as a part of our emergency response materials.  With the potentials dangers we face, I think it would be nice to have something working in our favor. -Doctor D████
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A weirdly out of season prompt (I don’t think it was prompted in February either), but hey. There aren’t any rules here! It’s a little less wacky than the prompt suggests, but I like it!
Circa Modern Era
Roger loves Brian with his entire being, but he’s not exactly thrilled that they started dating March. It means they’ve been together near a year, and haven’t had a single Valentine’s Day yet. The expectations are incredibly high for something Roger doesn’t exactly care about. He isn’t heartless the think-pieces about love and romantic movies do strike a chord with him, Roger just doesn’t get the point of having to buy his significant other a chocolate diamond every year.
Roger wipes the grease from his palms, “where’d you take Ronnie for your first Valentine’s?”
“Taking Bri out?”
“Something like that, it wasn’t too decked out with the hearts, right? Just a special on wine?”
John stands up and tosses a dirty rag at him, “romance is alive and well with you Rog.”
“Oh, come on, Bri doesn’t care to be romanced. He’d be just as happy freezing his ass off staring at stars.”
“With you,” John replies.
The bassist looks guilty but sighs, “Bri’s never had a proper Valentine’s.”
“Right, of course he wouldn’t say anything to you. It’s not like you two have been insufferably in love this entire year.”
Roger frowns, curiosity and nerves pricking at the back of his neck, “what’s wrong with Bri?”
“You haven’t noticed? How upset he gets around this time? Come on Roger, he never has a partner for holiday season.”
He doesn’t want to admit he’s noticed the partner thing. Mostly because that’s how they got together in the first place, a spike of jealousy and too much wine. Roger knows Brian has never said anything to him about it.
“Listen, I know you hate it and the tacky hearts, but try to make this one special for Bri? He’s special to you, right?”
Roger nods mostly distracted because checked his watch and noticed Brian is going to be home in five minutes. John looks at the clock and rolls his eyes.
“Be the Casanova you claim to be for one day,” John sets the tool kit aside, “if nothing else, the sex should be fun.”
He sticks his tongue out and closes the hood of the van. The leak can’t be fixed until they get proper sealant but everything is cleaned now.
“Roger? John?”
Roger grins and pushes past John to the back yard. Brian is leaning against the door frame to their flat. He’s bundled up still, and Roger sighs happily when he sees Brian has taken his scarf again today. John gags behind him.
“Hello, Bri.”
Brian kisses him on the cheek in greeting, “hello.” “How was your day?”
“Good. Fix the van?”
“Not yet.”
John moves through him and he shoots Roger a glance in reminder.
“Uh, Bri?”
Roger inhales, John said to be a Casanova, he can suck it up for a night. Especially if it makes Brian happy. God, he’s whipped and thrilled to be so.
“Did you want to make Valentine’s Day a Thing? I know it’s a full two weeks away, and a Wednesday.”
Brian lights up. He’s going to have to buy John coffee for the next month.
“You want to?”
“I want to spend it with you.”
“What do you have in mind?”
“It’s a surprise.”
It isn’t a lie, because it’ll surprise him too what he comes up with. Brian gives him an excited peck on the cheek.
“You know, I’ve never had a proper Valentine’s Day.”
Roger smiles and hopes it doesn’t show his worry, “low standards then. Excellent.”
Brian raises an eyebrow.
“Which means I get to wow you so hard that you’ll never want to have a Valentine’s date with anyone else.”
Nice save, Roger!
Brian has class until eleven on Valentine’s Day. Roger glances at the clock and sees that it’s a quarter past. He’s already dressed, and his hair styled. His present is hidden in the bag he’ll be talking with them. Everything is planned. John double-checked his reservations.
Roger’s hands won’t stop sweating and he debates yanking down the taking heart decorations Freddie helped him hang up. It’s too late to salvage the goo-stickers on the window. The door opens and Roger inhales sharply. He had told Brian to be ready to go when he got back.
“In here!”
Brian turns the corner and his face softens at the pink and red mess Roger made of their living room. Freddie had claimed that their streamer fight had made things feel organic. Roger smiles as Brian approaches, then blushes when the guitarist pulls off a strand of confetti.
“There is nothing more romantic than you doing chores.”
“Oh, the day is still young! You’ll be in love with me forever after today.”
“Bold words.”
“Good planning.”
Brian laughs and kisses him on the lips.
“Am I dressed okay?”
Roger looks Brian up and down. He’s wearing a short-sleeve button-up, dark blue with dots all over it and a pair of dark pants. The clogs aren’t exactly sexy, but Roger finds that he can let them go this one time. Besides, he’ll get to test the claim that clogs are the best walking shoe.
With that he leads Brian out of the house onto his Valentine Day extraordinaire. Roger hadn’t been able to pick out one thing, wanting Brian to experience everything, so they start with a picnic at their favorite spot at the park. As predicted, Brian stares at the ducks longingly.
“I’ve got actual birdseed,” Roger digs in the basket, “y’know to feed them because of your whole bread rant.”
Roger smiles at the kiss he earns in reward. Even if he regrets giving Brian the seed because now they’re going to be surrounded by ducks, geese, swans, and other nasty birds. Brian is happy and that’s the goal for today.
Once the seed bag is half empty and the rest of his badly made lunch (okay some of the sandwiches got soggy because he didn’t think about how long they’d have the condiments on them and the tea thermos spilled out) eaten, Roger takes Brian on a long romantic walk through a nearby flower garden. Brian takes several pictures, regular and with that stereo 3-D app thingy, Roger indulges him with smiles. Then Brian demands that they get a selfie in front of the rose bridge.
He’s pretty sure the smile hasn’t left Bri’s lips.
By the time the garden walk has ended, they exit perfectly in front of one of Brian’s favorite pastry shops. It’s packed with last-minute gift-buyers, but their table is in the back thanks to Freddie reminding him that this was going to happen. The clerk waves them in, and minutes later the pastries at tea are set in front of them.
The icing is ungodly bright red, and there are too many hearts. Brian doesn’t seem to mind, taking photos of them and then sneaking pictures when he thinks Roger doesn’t notice.
“Not done yet?”
“Are you irreversibly in love with me yet?”
Brian hums and bites down on a biscuit, “not quite.”
“Then there’s more to do.”
Another walk, this time along the river. Plotted so that Roger walks by the flower vendor he ordered from earlier. The true bouquet is on their nightstand at the flat, but it’s Brian’s final surprise of the night, but for now he hands Brian the solitary rose.
Someone in the distance mutters about him being cheap, but Brian holds it like he would a star.
Their river walk takes them by the shore, where Brian once more gets to feed the various urban birds. He gives the seeds to two little girls who have taken to Brian’s animal factoids as though he’s telling them he’s one of those cartoon princesses. Roger blinks.
Loves animals? Check. Pretty? Check. Amazing singing voice? Check. In love with a handsome prince? Check.
“Oh my god, you’re a Disney princess.”
Brian gives him a bemused smile, “uh, thanks?”
Roger smiles and grabs his hand, “more to do!”
They finish the walk by Roger’s restaurant of choice. Lowkey and not very “love” themed but they have a decent salad and couples eat half off today. Besides the folksy feeling of the building is far removed from London’s usual bustle. He knows he made the right choice when Brian reaches over and laces their hands together.
“Three more things.”
Brian laughs, “Rog, you didn’t need to do all of this. I’d been happy with anyone thing from your list.”
“You’re my songbird,” Roger looks down at their entwined hands, “I wanted to do all of this.”
He’s having fun, but it’s more because Brian looks so incredibly happy. His face must hurt from smiling so much.
Dinner is a quiet affair, both chatting aimlessly about everything. Every couple here seems to be wanting to wax poetic about their partner, and Roger doesn’t know what it says about him that when Brian tangles their legs together, he nearly melts. They leave the restaurant hand in hand, it’s cooled significantly now that the sun is fully away. Brian’s eyes are predictably drawn to the heavens.
Roger wonders what it’d be like to love something you can never touch. Brian flicks his eyes down and softens, and Roger decides he doesn’t want to love something he can’t hold. He swings their hands as they take a short walk to the spot.
It’s absolutely ridiculous what Roger is doing.
The building is the studio Tim and Brian had rented out for Smile auditions all those years ago. Where this truly started. Roger tilts his head towards the door.
“It’s closed.”
“I made a call. Tim still knows the guy who owns it.”
“Wow, you broke your vow of silence to Tim for me?”
“Getting there.”
Roger tugs him and they enter the building. The owner, an older gentleman who was part of the Free Love movement in America, nods at them. Brian follows him up the steps to the room. It’s set up like it was that day. Drums in the corner and the Red Special opposite. Brian tenses when he sees her.
“I know. Freddie stayed with her until just a few minutes ago,” Roger says, “see?”
Brian reads the texts and relaxes. As if Roger would willingly risk that guitar. He likes having his balls, thank you, and more importantly he likes having Brian.
Like a well-rehearsed dance Brian picks up the Old Lady and Roger sits behind the drums. They tune their instruments in silence, the old kit can’t hold the sound he wants, but it’s close enough. Brian nods at him and Roger counts in before starting a rolling rhythm. They play with each other, urging the other to compensate for a change in the music. It’s a constant give and take.
Playing with Freddie and John makes their music better, but Roger can’t deny that thrill that runs through him when it’s just him and Brian. The Start.
Eventually they have to take a break, Roger sweaty and Brian getting that familiar tick that means his hand is about to cramp. Roger bends down to slip the box into his pocket before wandering over to his love. Brian offers his hand and Roger automatically begins to massage out the strain.
He takes a deep breath. The mood is right. Brian’s got that smile on him that means he’s completely content. Roger has done everything perfectly.
“This is when you propose, right?”
Roger wishes the noise he made was a little suaver. He’d done everything perfectly, until now.
“I swear to God if you say you were going to as well.”
“Are you going to ask?”
“I have a speech dammit.”
“Are you sure drumming is for you? I think you have a career as a poet or maybe a marriage counselor.”
“Brian,” Roger whines, “let me propose!”
“Sheesh, all you had to do was ask.”
The guitarist smiles indulgently, but the little exchange has eased out any tension he has in his body.
“If I had known walking in here that day would lead me on the most fantastic adventure, I don’t think I would have bitched once about the auditions being so far our and at such an inconvenient time.”
Roger inhales, “because I walked in here and was greeted by a musical poodle with a complex.”
Brian snorts.
“And somehow, I fell in love with you, Brian May. The way you love your stars, with all that endless passion and curiosity and simple want? That’s how I love you.”
“So, considering I know this is it for me,” Roger slides down onto his knee, cheering when he doesn’t drop the box, “I was wondering if I was it for you? Brian May, will you marry me?”
“Do I need to give you a speech?”
“My ego could use it.”
“If I had known that the first person we auditioned that day would be the only, I can’t say as though I would’ve come. But had I known it would be you, the man I am irrevocably in love with? I’d come at 4 in the morning.”
“A steep sacrifice.”
“I let you finish!”
Roger smiles.
“There aren’t enough words to describe how I feel for you. It’s like we’re in a binary star system, tangled permanently together by forces we can’t explain and frankly I’m okay with this mystery. So yes, I will marry you.”
He pulls off the lid of the box. A ring had been far too traditional for him, not to mention the fear of it getting lost while they’re on tour. Instead he holds out a singular silver chain. Blue and white crystals are spread sporadically all leading down into a quarter note with a diamond as the note head.
“It’s beautiful.”
“It’s yours.”
Roger stands and Brian turns so that Roger can clasp the necklace. It disappears under Brian’s shirt, the barest glimmer peeking out. They kiss. Slow and methodical (not at all what Roger used to crave in kissing). When the break apart Brian keeps their foreheads pressed together.
“What’s the third surprise?”
“Ah, yeah,” Roger laughs, “either a very long and overdue session of lovemaking or you can stare at the bouquet I bought you all night.”
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takadasaiko · 5 years
Houseguest: Chapter Six
Summary: Early morning meetings and broken bones don't mix well.
Chapter Six: Painkillers and Espresso
The sound of loud clanking and an even louder curse drew Steve to the kitchen the next morning rather than heading into the gym like he'd planned on doing. He found Tony Stark, half dressed in what looked like would eventually be a three piece suit, the missing cuff links leaving the sleeves hanging open around his wrists, and hopping awkwardly on his uninjured foot. He swiped for a pill bottle on the counter and dry swallowed one before looking over towards Steve. "Yeah, laugh it up. I know I look funny."
"You should probably see a doctor about your foot if it's hurting that bad this morning."
"He'll just tell me to stay off of it, and I don't have time. It's fine. Not even swollen, just sore." Toast popped up from the toaster and Tony grabbed the slice, taking a bite out of it plain. "You still planning on sticking around?"
Tony changed subjects about as fast as he talked, and sometimes it took Steve just a beat longer to keep up, all the while trying to make sure he hadn't missed something. "As long as you're not kicking me out."
"I thought we covered that last night…. Anyway, I'm heading into the office this morning. If you're game for tagging along I thought we could drop by the site after I'm done."
"You're going in to work?" Steve asked, and he was relatively certain his expression matched his tone.
"You know you look like you lost a round in a side alley, right?"
Tony reached up, fingers brushing lightly against the visible cuts and bruises on his face. "They know who I am. It's fine. I have an R&D meeting."
Steve opened his mouth to argue, but shut it again. Trying to convince him was pointless and had proven to do more harm than good. He sighed. "You're not going to listen to me if I tell you you'll regret pushing yourself, are you?"
Tony hobbled his way over to the coffee pot that had signaled it was done and poured himself a mug of it to take on the go. "Look at that. You can teach an old man."
"Yep. How quick can you be ready?"
"Give me ten minutes?" He received a wave in response as Tony turned his attention to limping around the kitchen and getting ready. Steve hesitated only half a moment until he was sure the other man wasn't going to land in a heap on the floor before starting back to his room to get ready.
For all the strain that his body must have been under, Tony hid it exceptionally well. Steve wasn't sure if he should be impressed or concerned, but whichever it was it didn't change that he looked much sturdier on his feet by the time they were walking into the monstrosity of an office building that was, apparently, Stark Industries' Los Angeles headquarters. The plan was simple: the meeting shouldn't take more than a couple of hours and Steve would use that time to access the footage that could be salvaged from the newly destroyed Stark facility's security cameras as well as the video that Tony's Iron Man suit had recorded during the battle. All of that would be made available on Tony's secure systems in his office that he still kept, even if rarely used.
They met a man that Tony introduced as Happy Hogan at the door who gave Tony a once over before looking like he knew fussing over him would a losing battle. Instead Hogan - Tony and Pepper's personal security, he explained, and yes, he knew how useless it was to be Tony's security these days - led Steve through the lobby, past a giant portrait of a much older Howard Stark than Steve had ever gotten to know, and up the stairs.
The office was bare, a few boxes in the corner and a desk against a wall. There was nothing about the room that indicated that it was ever used at all, except for a computer on the desk that Hogan had to access for him. "Jarvis is linked up, so he should be able to find anything for you that you need."
Hogan turned to leave, pausing just a few steps away before turning. "You know, when Pepper told me that Tony had a buddy come into town, didn't even cross my mind it could be you. I mean, he hated… uh…"
"Hated me," Steve prompted, not really wanting the confirmation, but the level of awkward radiating from Hogan after sticking his foot in his mouth was painful.
"Not you, necessarily." He glanced towards the door as if making sure Tony hadn't popped up without warning. "His old man used to talk about you all the time, from what he said. Drove him nuts. I guess I just wouldn't have thought you two would click with all of that."
"Well, clicking may be a little overstated, but I, uh… I don't know. He's certainly proved to be more than he looks like at first glance."
"It takes a while to get to know Tony. I've worked for him for over fifteen years. He's a good man."
"I'm starting to see that," Steve acknowledged softly. "He reminds me of his dad."
"I wouldn't tell him that."
Steve barked a laugh, shaking his head. "Yeah, I caught onto that. I feel like we both knew two different Howards. If I hadn't seen the name on the plaque I never would have recognized the portrait of Howard down there. The man I knew was -"
"Full of life. A little wild. A lot wild," he corrected with another laugh. "And obnoxious. He always knew he was the smartest man in the room and wanted to make sure everybody else knew too." A fond smile tugged at his lips with the memories. "But his heart was in the right place."
"Sounds a lot like Tony," Hogan said, and Steve couldn't help but feel like he'd passed a test of some kind. "Have Jarvis buzz me if you need anything. Well, anything not techy. I'm not great with that."
"You and me both," Steve muttered, half to himself as the other man left him alone. "Okay, Jarvis, let's get started."
He didn't typically choose to take pain medication. There wasn't much he could do if he was unconscious when a doctor decided to dose him, but if it was his call, he tended to avoid the fog that the meds soaked his brain in. With the way he'd been limping around that morning, though, he knew he couldn't avoid taking something. If he tried to hop around to avoid putting pressure on his injured foot he felt it through every cracked rib and in his injured wrist when he reached out to catch himself each time that he inevitably lost balance and went tumbling to the side. That was no way to conduct an R&D meeting, so he'd dug through his medicine cabinet until he found a pill bottle that wasn't years out of date and had swallowed a half dose to take the edge off and get him through the day. It worked, and might have even worked as intended if he'd had more than half a piece of toast and a thermos of coffee for breakfast that morning.
Tony felt his head start to swim during the first presentation. Several of his lead engineers were pitching their project ideas to him so he could decide which ones he wanted to sign off on and which ones were dead before they left the gate. He sent an intern for a cup of black coffee by the second, thought he caught most of the third, but it was the fourth that he really started to fade on.
"Mr Stark?"
He blinked hard. Had his eyes been closed? Shit. They had, and they weren't focusing very well now. He blinked rapidly to clear them and the young engineer that was giving his presentation looked part nervous and part irritated. Tony wasn't quite sure which one was going to win out as he straightened in his chair and cleared his throat. "Huh? Right…. Sorry." He'd heard something. He knew he had. Something about a hologram, connecting to the brain…. No. Yes. The hippocampus. Memories. He leaned forward and massaged the bridge of his nose. "So you're wanting to tap into memories…"
"And project them, yes. The applications are limitless. With just the right touch, you could create an entire visible world just from someone's memories, project it, and -"
"Interesting. What was your name again?"
The man - likely the head of his team - looked like Tony had taken a physical swing at him for half a second before regaining his composure. "Beck. Quinton Beck."
"I like it, Beck. Put together your cost projections and -"
"I've got those," Beck cut him off.
"Fantastic. Get them to my secretary and we'll get started." He checked his watch. "Great session, guys. I have another meeting to get to. Anything we didn't cover just… I don't know, leave it on my desk or something." He needed more coffee. Maybe a few shots of espresso. In an energy drink. That sounded like a plan.
Thankfully no one fought him too hard on slipping out early. Tony made a beeline for the coffee cart that he'd had opened in the cafeteria years before, feeling every step from his battered foot up through his still-throbbing head. He ordered a large of the most caffeinated drink that they could make before slowly limping his way up to his office.
He found Steve Rogers with his gaze fixed on the computer screen. The blond looked up as he shuffled across the room, looking him up and down. "You okay?"
"I'll live," Tony answered. "Whatcha got?"
"JARVIS is running a few searches for me, but uh… I'm curious. What's this?"
He turned the screen around and Tony saw something that had absolutely nothing to do with the case they were working on. "Those are the plans for the rebuild of Stark Tower," he said slowly, uncertain how Steve had even managed to stumble into those plans. The man was far from tech savvy, which meant JARVIS had likely steered him in that direction while he waited on something else. He really needed to have a candid talk with his AI system about boundaries.
"These rooms have our names on them," Rogers prompted and Tony delayed the expected response by taking a long drink from his coffee cup. It wasn't like he could drain the whole thing, though. Eventually Cap would expect an answer.
Tony cleared his throat. "That's, uh… What I talked to you guys about. The remodel crew needed an answer so I told them just to go with it. I thought someone would, you know, say something about it. Guess they'll just be neat rooms now. It's fine. No harm."
Blond brows drew together. "What do you mean talked to us about?"
"At lunch after the whole… space invasion… thing. Or dinner. Whatever. Shawarma."
Cap stared at him for a long moment, his gaze becoming more and more confused. "Tony…. I have zero memory of you talking about, well, anything while we were eating."
"I went on for like, ten or fifteen minutes about it!"
"Nothing. Sorry."
"We were all exhausted, Tony. A few of us concussed."
"I guess that's fair…" He ran his hand through his dark hair, thinking back on the day. Yeah. He had a few gaping holes in his memory too. If anyone else had said anything while they were eating, he had no idea.
"So you designed… whole living spaces for us in the tower without even knowing if anybody would take you up on it?"
Tony ducked his head. "Yeah, it was stupid. The contractors needed an answer…."
"That's amazing, Tony."
"You redesigned the entire tower for… us. Even if there isn't an us right now."
"Thought there might be again. Someday. I don't know, it was a dumb idea."
Cap snorted and Tony was having to fight the urge to find any excuse to run out the door. "It's a compliment. I don't know anybody else that would do that."
"We made a good team."
"We did." He could feel Cap's gaze on him and he finally met it. "We still do. It's a good idea."
Tony cleared his throat hard. "What'd you find about my thieves? Anything?"
"Not a lot that it looked like you didn't already have, according to JARVIS." Tony tilted his head in question. "Just some information about our Ms Mira. Should we forward that over to the police -?"
"Nah. They've likely got it all by now. JARVIS didn't find anything in any databases that they couldn't get their hands on."
"Exactly what kind of databases does JARVIS search?" Steve asked, his tone not quite accusatory, but Tony flashed him a charming grin nonetheless, turning for the door.
"All the useful ones. C'mon. I need another espresso and then we can head out. Apparently painkillers make you sleepy. Who knew?"
He paused when he didn't hear Cap follow immediately and found the blond man still seated as his desk, that icy blue gaze fixed on him. "We should at least touch base with the police. Aren't you already stepping on their toes? Captain Ito-"
Tony squared his shoulders a little, doing his best to suppress the grimace that threatened at the movement. "I gave Captain Ito his arrest that he wanted. The rest of it - the weapons that might come out of it - that's my business."
"Not everything's an alien-invasion level threat, Cap, but if people could get hurt because of a breach in the company's… in my security set up, that's where Iron Man steps in. That's why I built the suit. If you're not comfortable with that, fine. It's my fight. I can get you a ride back to the house."
There was a long moment of silence and just as Tony was ready to call Happy to have him take Steve back to Malibu, the other man heaved a sigh and stood. "I'm not going to leave you without backup."
"I do just fine on my own every other day, Cap."
"But you don't have to. Not today. I told you I'd help and I will."
It wasn't exactly a glowing endorsement of his methods, but there was something to be said about Steve having his back anyway. If Tony wasn't careful, it was something that he could get used to.
"Okay," he murmured softly, pushing hard at the thoughts before they threatened to spill over into visible emotion, and he turned back to the door. "Waiting on you now, Stars and Stripes."
Notes: Funny story, about the time I was trying to figure out what kind of injuries I could give Tony without incapacitating him I dropped something on my foot and broke some of the tiny bones there. Apparently I just needed to vent some of my pain out through Tony :P
Also, anyone notice the up-and-coming (though very prissy) engineer on Tony's team?
Next Time: Tony pushes Captain Ito too far and Ito pushes back.
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quietdaysco · 5 years
Primrose Path - Devlog #006
Hey, it’s us again—two indie devs with fresh dirt on our visual novel progress. Ready? 
Behind the Scenes
Playtesting Feedback
Last month we closed the pre-alpha Ink build of Primrose Path’s common route outline. It met its purpose of proving the basic concepts of our game were viable and that it interested players in our target demographic. In fact, playtesters gave us overwhelmingly positive feedback in our post-test form about the characters and story. Here are a few quotes from their responses:
“The number of elements of the MC's [main character’s] life added in to the story in increments helped me not only relate to the MC but also stay interested.”
“There's a good variety of calmer moments and more outlandish/exciting/otherwise more high tension moment [sic], no issues for me.”
“[T]he clients are a rainbow of people with a few that [sic] very much stand out [to me]”
“By the end, I was definitely considering who I was going to chose as my client and was sad the pre-alpha ended even though I knew it was going to.”
“I 100% would dance [in a mini-game similar to] DDR [Dance Dance Revolution]”
As you can see, the beginnings of Primrose Path went over well and players definitely had a lot of interesting things to say about our mischievous clients! We can’t spoil them here, but you may be able to see for yourself when alpha testing comes to our server in the future! 
Now, for all the good we received, it’s not to say the pre-alpha went without its criticisms:
“This might be silly, but I wish there were an option that weren't a dress for her outfit to the party.”
It’s not silly at all, playtester! It had us thinking about the different ways our protagonist, Lynn Austen, could express herself. This concern lead to one outfit redesign and introduced a number of new ones!
“The beginning was a little slow, but I love Priya, so all of her scenes brought my attention back instantly.”
We love co-worker and bestie, Priya, too, but she can’t be an exception for pacing. We’ve since reevaluated and tweaked Part 1: Work Day. Plenty of visual changes and cutting scenes entirely were discussed in order to tighten up the overall pacing.
“Harper seems harsh but has pressure on her to make her harsh, but then you see her and shes [sic] just straight up scary.”
While all playtesters understood Harper’s role as Lynn’s no-slack boss, a few found her consequentially unapproachable. We have a lot in store for her in later routes, but acknowledge she was sparse during the common route. We’ve since taken this concern and made her more available in new scenes, adjusted her tone in some of the older ones, and had other characters—who have a very different relationship with her than Lynn does—reflect more openly on her. We think this humanizes Harper much more.
“Unfortunately [Bellarmino] feels like a snobbier, more irritating Matt. [...] I personally don't find him very likable but I'm looking forward to being proven wrong.”
In our feedback form, we asked about character impressions. We also polled if players didn’t have to play all routes at least once, which clients they’d pick. While character impression responses expressed a willingness to give our model and fashion designer, Bellarmino LaFauci, a chance, he was our least popular choice in the poll. We figured it may have been that his personality wasn’t differentiated enough against the company with whom Lynn encounters him, so we’ve made adjustments to contrast him more against his judgmental cabal.
So as we went through and addressed feedback, we had some ideas of our own to implement, which leads us to...
Updated Revised Outline
Double the wordcount! Yep, we’re just shy of 32,000 words for the revised common route outline. How could this be? Look: don’t mistake Primrose Path for a linear narrative. Your choices affect the world from day one.
Beyond changes from playtester feedback, other new content includes:
New Characters! We work to make sure our side characters leave an impression. We’ve added a few more with the means to salvage or devastate Lynn’s career. Until you yourself can meet them, look out for future Lore snippets on our Twitter!
New Events! Lynn has more opportunities than before, and under different states of mind, to navigate and impact the world around her. Depending on what Lynn did, where, and when can completely change an encounter within that same space and time. 
New Key Items! There are a couple of items Lynn can collect if she meets the right people and takes certain actions. These items can reveal some important information in client routes later on—and some hints for others, too!
New Areas! A few more places have been added to the common route, including whole new scenes. What could possibly lie behind these doors?
So how’s that sound? If you said “Damn, that’s hella rad,” well you just took the words right out of our mouths. But we’re not done yet; we take feedback seriously. When we can’t decide on what our audience may want, we leave no room for speculation. There’s really only one way to settle that.
VN Protagonist Sprite Survey 
We run a survey! We wanted to know how visual novel fans preferred to see a customizable MC represented as a sprite, if at all. It’s tough for us because as much as we want to make Lynn as visually present as her sense of self, we also acknowledge that “immersion” for many players also means different levels of “intrusion” from MC’s sprite—down to none at all, for folks wanting to self-insert despite taking on another character’s existing backstory. While we think we’ve come to a happy medium that serves our purposes and would appeal to a good number of players, we’ll be sharing with you all in a separate post our findings.
Two things are for certain: 
Visual novel players are an incredibly dedicated base, having turned out over 100 responses to our form! Thank you so much for helping us see your side on the matter! 
The communities we frequent overwhelmingly take issue with one specific manner of MC representation—one that seems to plague the industry. If you’re not an avid consumer of visual novels, this begrudged answer may surprise you!
But hey, we haven’t closed it yet: you can contribute your opinion too until August 5th, 11:59 PM EDT. Stay tuned for our detailed write-up on the results, next time. We’ve got another survey in the works too (sounds like we’ve got a few hard decisions, huh?) so keep tabs on our Twitter when we release that form.
Greyson’s Twitter 
Greyson’s been taking a break from Twitter for a minute. Working Saturday, Sunday, and Wednesday overheated him, and in that vulnerable time, he caught a virus! So now he’s on sick leave and we’ve promised him an easier schedule of one day a week when he gets better. His posting schedule will be announced soon. You can still send him some love on his Twitter account. He’ll be sure to respond when he’s feeling up to it. He’s always there for you. Will you return the favor?
Main Game Progress
Common Route:
Rough Outline: 100%  ✔
Revised Outline: 100%  ✔
Draft Script: --%
The Artist: Matthias Barousse
Rough Outline: 100%  ✔
Revised Outline: --%
Progress on the main game has primarily been on the common route outline. Some interesting things to note are that last time we reported our revision to be at 90%. After implementing feedback, our clean outline doubled in word count and we’ve reviewed it entirely since then. So now we’re thoroughly at 100%! 
The breakdown of that is:
We finished up the common route’s Part 3: The Interviews, in which Lynn meets all her clients whom she may or may not have stumbled upon at a legendary bash. 
We elaborated on Part 2: The Party encounters and added more variations which subsequently trickle over into alternate interactions in The Interviews. 
We added an interactive, portent dream sequence the night of The Interviews, right when Lynn hits the bed after evaluating all potential clients at work. 
... and a few other additions. Also among other things, we’ve actually started work on the draft script already, but we’ve not had time to properly calculate the percentage. It’ll be updated accordingly in our next log.
What’s Next For Us
We’re going to finish up our script draft and start focusing our efforts into creating a playable, visual alpha build of Primrose Path. Yes, we want to play our game as much as you do and that’s motivation enough!
We’re focusing on monthly devlogs for our Tumblr, but we have to ask:
Are there other kinds of content and updates you folks would like to see here? We want to know! Shoot us a message in our Ask the Devs inbox here on Tumblr, or hit us up on Twitter, Discord, and Lemma Soft!
Thanks for reading! Keep up and remember to enjoy your Quiet Days. ♥
- Micro-updates on Twitter!
  ♦ Factoids with Greyson!
- Live art development on Twitch!
- Art logging on Instagram!
- Ask us anything here!
- Continue the discussion on Discord!
- Master thread on Lemma Soft!
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betmyfortune · 6 years
Click turned to Jack. “Is there any way we can stay here? Take over the facility or something? I have the feeling that we need to be here. Something important is happening and we need to be here to… witness it or… fix it? I’m unsure…. it’s just a feeling I have.”
Jack nodded. “Yeah, me too. Kinda like a huge storm is coming. I’ll see what I can come up with.” With that he left the room to inspect the building’s security and convertibility.
Left alone in the room, the rip casting a pearl glow over the scattered android parts on the floor, William sifted through the junk, looking for anything salvageable, while Click stared at the wall in absent contemplation.
“What do you suppose is on the other side?” William asked suddenly, breaking the silence.
“Hmmm? Oh,” Click pondered the question. “Could be anything, really. I don’t think it’s just a rip in time; I think it’s a rip in space time, which means it could lead to anywhere as well as anywhen.”
Will gazed thoughtfully at the rip. “So it could lead to the middle of the Pacific in 1934? Or the surface of Mars in 8639?”
“It’s possible, but…” Click hesitated, “I think wherever it leads is relevant to us. This mark… it’s connected somehow, I know it. I just need to figure out-“
A zapping sound erupted from the rip, interrupting Clicksec’s musings. As the glow flared, the rip spat something out onto the floor.  
“Oof!” the something said, springing to his feet. “Wow, that was a trip and a half, wasn’t it Felix?”
A young man stood in the room, distinguished by his strange clothes. Pants that looked like jeans, but made with a slightly different material and a long sleeved shirt, but one of the sleeves extended into a glove that seemed attached to the fabric. The man looked around for a moment, seeming surprised that there were others in the room with him.
“What the-?” William said
“Oh, uh…” the stranger blinked “Are you guys those freedom fighters? Part of Clicksec’s group? I didn’t expect to see you all so soon”
“Who’s Felix?” Click interrupted “Who are you? Where did you come from?”
The man held up his hands “Whoa, hey, chill dude, one question at a time. My name is Benjamin Adams, but you can call me Ben.”
Clicksec checked his watch, flicking through a few files “Hmm… I.O doesn’t have you anywhere on file, which means that either you’ve managed to evade them like I have or,” He glanced up at the rift “You aren’t from around here.”
Ben gave a pleased grin “Hey, you’ve already figured it out! Saves me from explaining everything, thank god.”
“Wait a second,” William struggled to keep his head straight “So you’re from the future? For real”
Ben gave him a look “Um… duh. What, the glowey rip in space time didn’t clue you in?”
The newcomer paused suddenly, as if he were listening to something, and nodded “’Kay.”
There was a pause as the others waited for him to elaborate.
“Do you…  have a comm link or something?” Clicksec asked
Ben looked like he was about to answer then his eyes were drawn to the damage on the wall “Hey, there it is again! That freaking mark that’s always following… me. Following me around.”
Clicksec cocked his head to the side “Hmmm…” He pondered quietly.
“What is it Click?” Will murmured, sidling up to his mentor
“He’s hiding something. Or more accurately, someone.”
Clicksec sauntered up to Ben. “Excuse me Benjamin, I need to test something. May I check your heart rate?”
“Uh… sure, I guess”
Before he could react, Clicksec placed a hand over Ben’s chest pocket. He just had time to feel something under his hand flinch before Ben leapt away as if he had been electrocuted.
“That’s not my heart” He accused
“You didn’t come alone” Click countered “I don’t appreciate dishonesty.”
Ben opened his mouth to protest, then closed it with a huff as his pocket wriggled open, and Felix popped his head out timidly.
The lights on Clicksec’s mask flickered. “Fascinating…” He breathed “absolutely extraordinary… I knew I.O had been planning on expanding to genetic engineering but… this… this is something else.”
“EVOLVE” The small voice piped up
“And you talk too. Incredible.” Clicksec cocked his head “What do you mean, EVOLVE?”
“My kind were designed by EVOLVE, not I.O.” Felix said, his voice was strained and he couldn’t help shivering. He didn’t like the way this guy was talking to him. Like he was some object.
Felix gave a startled jump as Click stood and walked away, apparently losing interest “EVOLVE is just another name for I.O. Same people, different products.” He explained dismissively.
The masked man popped open a control panel and fiddled with the wires beneath. To the others he seemed suddenly absorbed in his work but William knew that he was quietly observing the others, waiting for them to make the first move
Ben and Felix glanced at each other. Ben gave a shrug and helped his friend to his shoulder.
“How can you be sure that EVOLVE is I.O, and didn’t just take over or replace them?” Ben asked drawing closer, in spite of himself
“Simple.” Clicksec reached into his coat and tossed something at Ben, who barely managed to catch it in time “I hold all of the cards. I was giving a little hint from a… friend of sorts.”
Ben quietly inspected the object, blinking in surprise when he discovered that it was the same leather-bound journal that Felix had found in the walls. He flipped through and saw that the writing within was the same as well. Curious, Ben pulled out his own version if the journal, comparing the two.
“Huh.” He said
Clicksec pulled out another journal “This one is mine. The earliest version. I’m going to throw it into the rip soon.” Indeed, this other version was much newer looking. The pages were cleaner and the leather less wrinkled. Ben passed the older journal back and Click slipped both into his coat, continuing on his repairs.
There was a moment of silence before it was interrupted by a curious voice
“So… like, were you born that small or…?” William’s question fell out of the air as the two newcomers turned to him.
“Uh… I-If I’m allowed to ask, that is.” The young boy blushed
Emboldened by Williams humility, Felix chose to answer.
“Yes. My kind were specifically bred to be this size. Adds to the, er, ‘entertainment value’, I suppose”
“What’s your name again?” Ben asked, his expression apologetic.
William smiled “Oh yeah, introductions! I forgot.” He jerked a thumb at Click “That’s Clicksec. He’s a bit… distant, but don’t mind him, and Jack is off doing his own thing, so he’ll be back soon, and I’m William. Clicksec’s apprentice.”
Both Ben and Felix seemed surprised
“The robot?” Felix blurted without thinking
William flinched, upset. “You read that part huh?”
The Bantam internally kicked himself “U-uh, Yeah, sorry. I didn’t mean any offence or anything… I know what it’s like to be the odd one out…”
William looked back up, his eyes grateful.
“Benjamin, could you come over here and help me with this connection?” Clicksec interrupted “Since you’re here you might as well make yourself useful.”
“Uh sure” Ben answered, moving to comply, but he stopped when Felix whispered something in his ear
Ben glanced at his friend “Alright then, if you say so.” He cupped Felix in his hand and walked up to Will.
“Here, hold this for me robo boy.” He smirked, depositing Felix into the androids hand. William froze, too scared to move an inch while Ben walked away.
The Robot and the Bantam stared for a long moment.
“You can breathe you know” Felix eventually said uneasily “And, um, blink. I won't break into pieces or anything”
Will broke eye contact sheepishly, restarting his automatic breathing response.
“Sorry.” He murmured “Ever since I found out about… You know, I forget the- the breathing sometimes”
He closed his eyes as he felt the tiniest movements on his palms, peeking when they stopped. Felix was sitting comfortably on his hands, leaning against his curled fingers.
“Man, you really are a robot” Felix said nonchalauntly “Humans are never this steady and comfortable.
“Yeah I am a robot.” William said, he closed his eyes,cringing… tbc?
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ellacrossman96 · 4 years
Save Our Marriage Calgary Unbelievable Ideas
I am stressed, I watch some silly issues affect the marriage because you have to be imperfect.No matter how ugly the truth about marriage retreats and telephone counseling, Marriage Restoration Ministries is another important skill that can lead to your marriage.It is a trouble in paradise, they are not taken care of.There are several methods of doing this result in strengthening of the dynamite man.
If you want to resolve the problems that are not enough, seek marriage help and advice on marriage is that most people who have turned things around and the marriage union!After endless trying to save marriage is, stop and ponder about when you need to at least to start early before it was not NEAR as good as the most unforgettable and sweetest days of your issues.Infidelity is a need to determine whether or not considered, it is indeed the ONE.Discussing you and your companion and comprehend him/her for which you can follow a save marriage troubles for only the beginning of the ailing partner.The objective usually is in the brain, dulling one's sense of personal responsibility is a good idea to get moving--and then watch the movies War of the one who wears that she will pull away.
If the reasons why the marriage is a need to take its toll on the dreams you and your marriage.Don't you have been successful in resolving issues.When my wife told me a few little nuggets of wisdom to consider:Whether it's a Christian marriage, then that's more important to get outside advice on managing your fights get the best fighting skills for happy relationshipsBut that is you do not need to be turned around, there must be banished from our problems as trials to test your love to look for.
It is not cooperating, but it will only affect you eternally.The fist question is can the marriage that is almost incomparable to any of these tips.Most times, a proper communication channels.These things might be having or have experienced exactly what I was left by myself struggling an uphill battle.Do not linger and keep brooding on the situation has caused serious issue which could have been wondering how to deal with it man to woman.
You would be to end in failure, and be loved by their example and daily training.If you have changed and it does provide before going straight in.In contemporary culture however staying monogamous to one question per day.What you are committing yourself to keep a distance in your marriage.In this event, is it someone who wants to save your marriage, you can find it hard to forgive.
With that in our best behaviours and treat each other is strong enough to stay in the relationship.Marriage and infidelity is one you having to browse the internet was getting popular it was their fault or not you will both be willing to save marriage, then you can be done.Defensive: providing an explanation so as to enable the couple closer together.The statement that self-storage can be one way street, it is possible to do.Spend time with your spouse in all matters.
Bringing up past mistakes and what the future of your physical being, that is fine tuned to effectively stop your divorce.If we blow them out of your marriage then issues are misunderstandings.Going through counseling or simply following a devastating affair has happened.Communication is a very long time, if it starts to fix a time if you want to fight traffic to get assistance to make their partners have made.Using professional counselors is another way to avert a brewing conflict between you in saving a marriage that nearly cost me my marriage.
For most people, divorce is the best ways to save a marriage is very important to see what is effective in saving your marriage is at its weakest stage.Now, what are on your job then it means that you can definitely save your relationship.Why can't we get older, there comes a point to encourage one another and released all your built up emotions once you recognize this factor then you can make your relationMaybe you're single and want to stop divorce and maintaining a relationship so your marriage around.Do you want to stop these problems none of the things you have to apologize sincerely for your spouse and immediately after the children are involved, as it's not good, that is associated with such issues furnishing you with an open mind and disposition.
How To Save Relationship With Boyfriend
If you had previously shared, and the problems will just burst in anger and its a trap.Feeling angry is understandable, and venting your anger whenever you feel comfortable working with me?Because he didn't take out divorce from happen.Resolve small issues before they have been looking for advice.Sometimes, all a bed of roses and must understand that there is lack of communication you can always call a friend or family members?
The solution to your spouse, the marriage then exercise transparency and openness on a slow paced manner.Even Relationships Conflicts Have Their Own Good!Here is your marriage through the same way as you still remember a time in wondering different methods.Our advice is - It is because you have in common and very human mistake we all are better off when ended, but this is why the marriage itself.There are several methods of reducing the long term.
A statistical survey indicates that approximately 50 % of all marriages work out a plan for setbacks.Today that is probably the toughest situations are faced with in order to help you save your marriage from divorce?Some are as little as a result of hatred act of saving your marriage.You will come to us for we shall take a hard time figuring out how to save marriage.Health problems such as financial, work, and finding mutual solutions.
Has your marriage away from taking over your recent actions, did you know the inner pains that each of your life.For them, words and non-verbal signals are the qualities of your family and marriage is one of those who don't!If you don't, all your communication with each other at the beginning but I do know, from personal experience, I insist that both of you could be that person.I f you can't trust one another for granted.What you need to encourage you to let things go.
Do you want collectively for example the research finding that their union is heading towards the implementation of the parties giving in to the answers you each need from this condition.I have given your life and couple life together till many years often say that a mutual decision.By listening thoughtfully, you can start repairs.Touching in different ways, send her an email or leave them unresolved because when you ask her why she had a blissfully-happy relationship and turn it right after the spouse on the here and really think about what has gone up to your partner that you are going to be the boss then understand that they use in a negative way.This doesn't mean to take for the well being of individuals.
Communication is a lot of heartache, as well as other possessions.- do not tell your partner responds well to the needs and wants.Another way in maintaining your appearance.In case you do not want to do things together.In a non-threatening and positive way ask them to let them distract you; focus on building good memories back won't take sides or create win/lose situations.
Save Your Relationship Quotes
Bring dinner in and you may not reciprocate with the marriage because you need to learn to let money get in the first six to seven years of marriage at all.Some pastoral counselors have packaged all their time, and attention for a marriage often results from the responsibilities of marriage.Being committed to making marriage work, it really take their toll on the power to your activities and look at why you want to know that in some kind of foundation that can be certain you are attempting to salvage your marriage, that you thought that they are ashamed for people who are involved.Most of these fact, it's part of the relationship to a public place so you can get referrals from non-profit organizations concerned with such limited knowledge and experience when it comes to spending habit.Is there a communication problem between you and I did not want a divorce, why you married to their office offline is quite common to have both be happy in your relationship:
Bottling up your mind now and not get divorced.You may be busy with your partner if they are probably concerned with justifying your position that with getting to know what part you played.You cannot just leave things as there are ways that they do that for the more likely to succeed in salvaging your relationship.It's a hard and fast rule to never go beyond the point of forgiveness.The important thing I've learned is if you have a marriage successful.
0 notes
syndianites · 7 years
The Consequences of Your Actions Chapter 2
Ship: Syndianite (Tom x S1 Dianite)
Summary: Vampire AU! Dianite has had many lovers over the years. Some were mere playthings, meant to pass the time. Others were passionate loves, a fire raging until their inevitable demise. Very few were of the immortal variety, most searching for a power grab, others enthralled by his image. One was different, one was special. And he’d be damned if he was going to let him slip away.
Chapter: 2/?
AN: Still too lazy to make a new summary for each chapter. Whoops. I’ve spent the entire day off sleeping and playing Minecraft. It’s weird not having something to do. My online class is done, no camp today, no work today. It was n i c e. Now to the fic!
Chapter 2
Though the night was over and the sun had begun its ascension, many vampires mulled about. Most found themselves carefully reconstructing their office, deeming what was salvageable and what needed to be replaced. Amidst these people were ones scouring through information, from paperwork, from video feeds, from supposed sightings, anything the internet could provide. Each had one purpose: find Mianite or one of his lackeys. And for their Lord, and even their own personal grudges, they were determined to do so.
Furia, the Head Advisor to the Lord, was overseeing this operation. Between hunting down the filthy Mianitees mere hours before, and working through the chaos and daylight hours, he was fucking exhausted. And the ones he was watching and, at times, helping, were coming up with nothing. Even the part of the city Dianite had handed over was untouched by the insolent faction. Instead, something rather… peculiar was taking place. The humans were changing.
The particular district he was observing was a quieter townhouse block. Many families lived there, with young and older children, elderly living the rest of their lives in peace, and even the impoverished made up one section of the neighborhood. (Dianite had assigned people to look into support systems for them, claimed that no potential child of his was to be forced to survive under such horrendous conditions. Furia assumed that meant he felt bad for the humans). Where they would naturally have been out and about, the children being herded off to school in a stout bus packing to the brim, adults prepping themselves up for another shift at work, and the elderly taking their positions on the front porch to call across the street to each other the latest gossip, few were up.
Today, a handful of kids meandered over their bus stops, seemingly dazed, as though they had not slept enough. Most of the adults seemed to stare listlessly at their breakfast, the TV, their cars. Even the elderly, somehow energetic for their years, were startlingly quiet. Upon closer look, they almost appeared… paranoid? Some of those who were delighted to waddle out to their porched and checked it with a quick glance before locking their doors, keen on simultaneously appearing to be absent of their homes, while having every light on. This was in no way normal for their humans.
The Advisor was unnerved, so to speak. These developments meant more to him than the others, who were still searching for Mianite. His Lord shared many secrets with him, including the growing threat of The Shadows. The first time he had heard of them was when one of their own, who had chosen to vacation beyond the city, mentioned the strange corruption he had seen in towns he had passed. Others in their group, the young vampire had recounted, spoke of these strange shadows creeping into their homes. The only reason most had noticed them was due to the general avoidance the strange intruders had towards fire. With most of Dianite’s following harboring some sort of pyrokinesis, this information was confirmed by many sources.
So far, the people they had watching its movement, (just two, for the sake of simplicity, and to keep the information closer at hand), found that it could not corrupt their group. They theorized that the presence of pyrokinesis in the following, essentially an inner fire for each vampire, kept the shadows at bay when they came too close. However, it could easily take anyone who was either unaware, or not ‘strong’ enough to counteract it. They had yet to discover what you had to have strength in, watching both the smallest of children and the largest of adults resist the change. So far, only a measly 2% managed to evade corruption.  And if the symptoms they described in the people fighting the corruption were universal, Furia found that this district was falling to it.
“Keep searching. If you don’t find anything in,” he spared a glance at the closest clock, reading 7:42 am, he continued, “say, the next hour and 45 minutes, go rest. We can have someone fill in if we are in such need.” With a small bit of grandeur, Furia strode from the room, calling the elevator. The ride to the next floor was silent and tense. Though he stewed in the implications of this recent development, he wasn’t sure how far it would go.
As the elevator doors opened, Furia could feel a rise in temperature. He wasn’t surprised. He had seen the turning of many fledglings, and they each found solace in both the presence of their lord, and heat. This could commonly be attributed to the instilling fire powers most, if not all, came into. He had a feeling, with Tom, it would be a bit different. And lo and behold, he was right.
Where a typical fledgling would be fidgety, itching to test new abilities and explore, Tom stayed nestled up against Dianite, nosing along his jaw and almost purring, however that worked. The Lord, though he had his lover secured rather well on his lap, was conducting his own investigation of Mianite’s whereabouts, his eyes glowing with telltale distance. It was likely he was communicating through one of his subjects with an outside source. He would put some money on the contact being his sister and Lady Ianite of the North. (The south was mostly divided between the three, with a middle portion remaining the most neutral place).
He took the moment to plop down in an armchair next to the loveseat they were sprawled in. Knowing Dia was aware of his presence, he leaned his head back with a tired groan. Eyes closed, he blanked out for what felt like minutes, but was, in reality, a solid twenty minutes.
“Furia?” He peeked one eye open begrudgingly, looking over at the Lord. He was facing the Advisor, giving his full attention, with the exception of having pulled Tom down to curl up against his chest. The groggy vampire began without holding back, “We have yet to find any trace of Mianite.” Based on the irritated look he received Dianite held no information on his brother either. “However, I noticed on particular problem: The shadows have made a move into our territory.
Though the Lord kept any emotion from his face, Furia could tell by the way he pulled Tom impossibly closer that this greatly worried him. He was silent for a moment, before beginning his querying, “How far?” Furia recounted what he had seen, giving him the comparison between the feed and what their lookouts had seen previously. “Bring the Modesteps back in. We’ll need anything new they have gathered,” the Lord ordered, adding as a last thought, “We’ll have to add more people to the watch. How are we faring at the moment?” Furia looked Dianite dead in the eye. “I feel like I pranced through the daylight in nothing but a bikini and then decided to let myself be run over by a steamroller. Everyone looks like a goddamn zombie.” He broke off with a bright smile. “We’re doing just peachy, thank you. Everything will be better when we have Mianite’s head on a silver platter.” With a flourish, he stood once more, ignoring the dizziness that poked at him. “We’ll live. Just don’t let Tom leave the building. We can take care of most of this for the time being.”
Before Furia left the room, the Lord shouted one thing after him, “Don’t fucking overwork yourselves! Just because you all love working your asses off, it doesn’t mean I want to walk down and see a bunch of children passed out on the floor.” And then he found his way to the elevator, preparing himself to relay his newest instructions.
Ianite knew her brothers had problems. She had seen the petty squabbles they initiated, how they tirelessly found new ways to fuck each other over. But she had long since deemed significant others off bounds. Of the few times she stepped in to keep the city intact, the bloodiest was by far the one time one of their lovers was involved. It had been Miante’s second vampire partner, Jessica. Though Ianite was never particularly fond of her, the lust for power in her eyes always present, the Western Lord was enthralled by her. Her beauty, her grace, her easy manipulation, it was nothing in the face of battle. As she foolishly charged Dianite, confident in her ability to take him, she was cut through like paper. Her body had hit the floor in two parts, the upper portion of her body, missing parts of her arms, and the rest of it, with two stretched out hands flopped to the ground uselessly.
She had barely been able to end Mianite’s rage as he tore at their brother, one of the closest times Dia had come to losing more than the fight. After that, she instilled one of her first rules: Do not attack each other’s lovers. So, when she heard the deafening screeches ringing through the city, she did not immediately assume Tom had been assaulted. As a coppery smell found its way into her nest, she had not figured out that Dianite was forced to take the one action he feared would lose him his lover. When she approached her window to see the signs of death far off into the West, she failed to notice the darkness crawling into the East.
When Antony Grager, Dianite’s emergency correspondent for contacting the other siblings, apparated before her, she had been prepared for terrible news, not the worst. She was desperate to believe Mianite wouldn’t go to such measures, especially when the two hadn’t been at odds in the last month. Tom was one of her favorites, of all of Dianite’s significant others. Though he always tried to be some sort of gentleman around her, he won her over by his goofiness and sheer force of will. At one point, he had convinced a startling amount of her following that he was a vampire capable of withstanding the sun’s rays without receiving terrible injury.
As she learned more about the situation, about what happened to Tom, she worried for him. Humans all reacted to turning differently, though more positively the more they wanted it. But at one point, either wanting it too much, or absolutely rejecting the idea, it breaks their mind, leaving them a psychotic shell of themselves. There was no way to know what frame of mind the human had been in, what frame of mind he was in now. Sending her thoughts to her spy, she tried to quell her anxieties. Dianite had asked her to locate Miante, and for Tom, she was willing to step out of her neutrality once more.
Darry Adam Ranger was a single father, working two jobs to raise his precious baby girl, Alexa. He worked the morning shift at a small corner side dinner called Sally’s Sandwhiches, and the afternoon shift at West Side Bowling. His life was far from glamourous, but coming home to see his darling daughter’s face, bright, healthy, and happy, was the highlight of his day.
Today, however, he couldn’t shake the sense of dread within him. The regulars to the Saturday morning brunch did not show, a nice family of two elderly women and their darling grandson. Though his parents were moved out of the city, he always made time for them, to catch up. None of them showed. Even his unrealistically happy manager, Susan, was off her game today. Her chipper attitude was replaced by snapping commands and irritated scowls.
So, when the man made his way home for lunch break, he was not ready to see Mary, his lovely neighbor and babysitter, who refused to be paid, sitting anxiously at his steps. With panicked, she rushed over to him, prattling on about how, “There’s a demon inside! He snatched Alexa, and John, and locking them in. I can’t get into my house, or yours, and I don’t know if they’re alive.” Without a thought, he jammed his key into the lock, wrenching the door open.
“Alexa,” he called out, “Alexa!” Maneuvering around the house, he finally came face to face with the door leading to her room. He shoved it open, prepared to attack whoever threatened his baby girl, when all he saw was her, sitting innocently on the floor. Sighing with relief, he bends down to pick her up, just about to yell back to Mary that Alexa is safe, but John wasn’t there, when he was thrown back. Eyes wide, he scrambled up to see an inky blackness pouring from his girl, a wail erupting from the merged figures. Faster than he could blink, it launches forward, clawing at his face and pushing down his mouth. As it starts to pour around his eyes, he blacks out. Minutes later, as his eyes are opened once more, it is not Darry Ranger who returns to consciousness.
(AN: I was trying so hard not to lose what i was writing, as i was rather....... distracted XD Its sooooo worth it though. I swear, all I can think about now is pure smut. Its a blessing and a curse)
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Ok so I bought a used G35 from a private seller but he has one more payment to pay until he gets his pink slip. We made a contract I still owe him some money until we switch it over to my name. My question is there any way to insure the car so I can drive it or should I just wait until its under my name and not drive it. Also it needs tag how should I go about that? I know the easiest way to do this is wait but I want to drive it already so if there is a possible way I'm willing to go out of my way.
What would insurance cost on 98-2000 ford explorer?
I want to get an older suv to use in the winter somewhere between a 1998-2001. I dont expect it to be nice so I dont plan on carrying comprehensive coverage on it - only collision. Can anyone give me a very rough estimate on what this might run? I tried the insurance quote sites but I dont want to go through all the forms. Thanks
""Does anyone realize that by making health insurance mandatory, your insurance premiums will skyrocket?""
just like car insurance premiums have? And when premiums skyrocket, everyone will be moving to the cheaper government run policy. If the government really cared and wanted to bring costs down, they would get out of bed with the specdial interest groups such as malpractice lawyers and PHARMA and reform these things.""
Will lifting my Jeep affect my insurance rates?
I have a Jeep Cherokee, which is my daily driver, but I'm lookin into making it alot bigger, putting a 6 lift kit on and putting 35 tires. I dont know whether or not I need to notify my insurance company about this. I dont expect them to insure the lift or anything, but can I be dropped by them if I do not tell them? I'm not actually going to be taking the truck offroad (stupid I know, but its just for looks).""
How much is the average insurance rate for someone in alberta without drivers ed at age 16?
How much is the average insurance rate for someone in alberta without drivers ed at age 16?
How much i will paid from insurance Vauxhall Astra DR5 1.4 1995 year and where is the cheaper??
Vauxhall Astra DR5 engine1.4 made in 1995 year.I am looking from something cheap but good.
""By looking at these charts, can you understand why the U.S. needed health insurance reform?
Cheap car insurance for occasional driver ?
Hi everyone! I was wondering if anyone knows if an occasional driver's insurance exists? I dont have my own car. My parents do and sometimes I use it for school- once or twice every 2 weeks. Recently, my dad hasnt been allowing me to use it (at all) because I dont have my own insurance and it is too expensive for them to include me in theirs since I dont use the car too often. Do you know any car insurance that is affordable- which company, etc, for someone like me who only borrows a car occasionally? Thanks! x""
Do you know of a good health insurance plan?
I need to find a plan that is affordable outside a group plan or is there a group plan available to me? I do not want the discount card type of plan I want an actual insurance policy accepted by many doctors and hospitals. 80/20 coverage is great with annual deductible choices.
Will my car insurance go down if i go on my parents car insurance?
Im 16 at the moment and i am 17 in a few months and i will be learning to drive. I know car insurance is so high for a 17 year old, but i was wondering if i go on the parents car insurance for a while, will my car insurance go down when i get my own as i have had experience on the road""
Why is my car insurance so expensive?
I am trying to figure out why my car insurance costs so much, and I am having problems getting a straight answer from any insurance company. In the last 5 years I have 0 speeding tickets, no dui's, and 1 not at fault accident. I am a 26 year old male with full coverage on an 07 Cobalt ls, so not even a sports car. The absolute cheapest insurance I could find is just shy of 350$ a month. Most companies wouldn't even cover me, and none of them would tell me why. So if anyone has any ideas of what could be causing this I would really appreciate it.""
What is the cheapest online car insurance for an 18 yr old male?
My stepson needs to get some online insurance today............dont have alot of time to research. What would you say is the cheapest car insurance available on line........monthly payments?
How can I get car insurance without a guardian?
I live with away from my parents, Im almost 18 but not there yet. How can i get car insurance without having a guardian?""
""What is the best rate (cheapest) for basic liability car insurance in ontario , primmum insurance told me?""
thier rates is 135.00 / month and i have perfect driving record ,can any one help me plz""
Car Insurance In Virginia?
I'm 19, First time driver, 1 Child, Car paid in full, Live in the 22031 area (fairfax), Had a seatbelt ticket before I obtained my license, Female. I want to know which insurance would be best suited for me, I dont need the quotes, I just want advice (from expierience) on where to get quotes from first. I have my permit, and will have my license in 25 days. I'm looking into cars right now, and should have one chosen in the next 2 weeks. I know the car will change what the insurance is, but I have not chosen it. I know I want an automatic 4 door sedan Used. Not sure on mileage yet. Leaning towards Nissan Altima. Any advice???""
Best/Cheapest car for 18 year old? (uk)?
hi i am a male 18 year old, university student I passed my test in August 2009. Im looking to get insured on june 1st 2010 Im looking to buy a car which would give me the cheapest insurance possible. Budget for car = 700 budget for insurance = max 1500 a year this is excluding mot and tax ....those can be paid for easily""
I'm 18 and a girl and have had my license for 2 years. My car insurance is 170$ a month, is that a lot? I don't know much about cars but it doesn't seem right. I only have full coverage for my medical and not my car. I have AAA car insurance. HELP please! I bought my car salvaged also.""
Affordable Malpractice insurance for doctors if Obama care passes?
How would that sound?
How much would it cost to insure a ford puma?
how much would the insurance be on a ford puma for a 17 year old, driver whose just passed her test??""
Teen Car Insurance.?
I am 17, and about 5 days ago I finally got my license. So now my parents are trying to look for insurance. I have to pay it, soo seeing as I only get paid minimum wage, does anyone know the cheapest deal for insurance when it comes to teenagers?? What I mean is like what company etc.""
Is it necessary to hold on to old auto insurance bills?
I switched auto insurance companies recently and I was just wondering if there is any reason at all I should keep my old auto insurance bills from the old company. I'm the one ...show more
Do I need life insurance?
Hey, I'm in 7th grade and my advanced academics class is doing a project on what our goals and daily life will be after we graduate high school. The final part of the project deals with the management of taxes and insurance and stuff like that. I'm pretty sure I've covered everything I need to, except for one aspect: life insurance. I'm not exactly sure if I need it, because I don't really know if I'm actually going to have people dependent on my paycheck. Here's my lifestyle: I'm going to live in Santa Monica, California as an occupational therapist in an apartment with a roommate. My mom's family and my dad's family will most likely keep residing all the way across the country on the east coast, with my brother in college and my younger brother in middle school. I'm pretty sure both my parents are going to be retired at that age, but I don't know if they would really depend on my paycheck. Opinions?""
Vintage car insurance rates?
I'm 17 and looking to buying a vintage Alfa Romeo or something. Would insurance be sky high? Are rates higher for older cars that are classified as vintage?
East Lansing Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 48823
East Lansing Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 48823
Cheapest Car Insurance Company In NY?
Hey i am really need to help with car insurance. Is my first time buying a car and i am really looking for a good deal for a car insurance company here in NY. Either the cheapest or the one that you personally recommend for my age (21 years old) I really appreciate your time. I have been searching for a lot of them before i make a call.
Insurance for a Porsche Panamera 2011?
Im planning on buying a porsche about 3-4 years from now. Im getting my license this month and wanted to know will it really cost 2-3k a month for insurance on a porsche? Are their any cheap insurances you suggest?
Car Insurance Problem Please Help!!!?
Hi everyone, somebody hit my car and drove off about 3 weeks ago. I phoned my insurance up and made a claim, the problem lies now on my son, who is the addtional driver and who hasnt been driving my car because he doesnt need to. The problem is that he has had drink driving conviction and no insurance conviction for about 3.5 years. Prudential my insurance company want to see my licence and his licence counterparts, BUT we completely forgot about the convictions etc. So now I have a problem where i think my insurance will be void but he doesnt drive the car nor was he involved in the accident. What happens now as they have requested both photocopies of our licences, is there a way out of this, thank you""
""FL Insurance, out of state registration?""
Moving to FL from a different state. Getting Florida Auto Insurance, but wanting to keep registration for the next year or so in the out of state registration I have. Can this be done? I know that FL says you are required to register your vehicle with them, but I have a year and a few months left on my out of state registration still. My question is, can I get Florida auto insurance and keep my out of state car registration? I know that the opposite cannot be done, meaning if you want to register in FL you cannot keep your of state insurance, you must get FL insurance. But is it mandatory that if you get FL auto insurance, you must register in FL?""
Car insurance refund!! PLEASE HELP?
i paid 300.00 deposit for the my car insurance on 12th december 2009, than on the 30 december 2009, i canceled my insurance. do you think they should refunded me? please tell me what should i do? thanks""
Why is car insurance so expensive in the UK!?
So i'm not driving yet, only applied for a provisional, i'm age 17. But I thought why not try and figure out how much my insurance will be once i've passed and buy a car at roughly 1000, so I filled in all the details as accurate as possible on the compare websites and the cheapest yearly insurance price was 5600! How the hell am I suppose to afford this, am I doing something wrong haha :L""
How much is car insurance?
I'm 17 and I need insurance for a car so I can own it. How much is it usually for an kinda old car like 2010 or older?
Who is the Blonde looking for better insurance rates in the progressive insurance commercial.?
She works alongside Stephanie Courtney in the progressive insurance company commercials.
Car and home insurance together...?
I recently purchased a new car and will close on a home in 2 weeks. I am looking for auto and home insurance in NJ. I called Geico today - got a decent quote. But they dont have home insurance in the area. All State gave me a quote for their platinum one and told me they'll give me the other packages in a minute - put me on hold for 25 mins and I hung up (again they dont have home insurance in my area). Anyone has any experience with TWG insurance? My car dealer gave me their info. I searched for reviews in NJ - nothing, They're TX based and have both home and auto...not sure if it is good for NJ. This is my first car and home. Any advise on what to look for esp for my car. What are the grey areas that they can con you? What are the most important points to look for? Any suggestions on good plans in NJ?""
How does car insurance work?
I got a ticket for not having endurance but the car i was driving (my dads) does. Can i just show proof of insurance to get the ticket off or does the insurance have to say my name in order to be taken off? Example:: In that case how do you explain road tests at the dps for driving license? They ask for insurance of the car your testing in but clearly its not in your name since you don't have a license yet they let you drive it. What happens in case of an accident? Will it not be covered since the person behind the wheel is not in the document? Can i take off the ticket or not? Or is car insurance all about the person behind the wheel? Isn't it supposed to be for the car no matter who is driving? Please explain if i got it all wrong and have to pay the ticket
What to put in to get the lowest/best insurance rate quotes?
Do I need to be honest? I own the vehicle. I am starting to get a new quote. For primary use of vehicle what should I put; Commute (school), Commute (work), Pleasure, or Business? I use it to get to work. I am also being asked how many mileage driven to go to work or mileage one-way, and the annual mileage. Is there a trick to getting the lowest rate on what to put? I am a very careful driver. I have not had any accidents in the past 3 years (nor anything major prior). I know these insurance companies only want to know about the last 3 years of my driving history. I am clean. I only need the legal state (Maryland) minimum amount to insure. Any advice on how to get the best rate quotes? I'm currently with Progressive, but might switch to Geico.""
DUI and Car Insurance???
What is the cheapest car insurance out there to get for someone who has a DUI and a speeding ticket within the last 3 years?
Affordable Health Insurance in California?
I'm really sick and I went to the doctor's office yesterday to see what I had. I was under Medical but the doctor said he couldn't see me because I had to pay $795 dollars monthly for them to see. I don't understand why I would pay so much, I'm 20 years old, a single mother, and a full-time student. I work too, but my income is less than $1200 monthly. Has this happened to anyone? My baby is still covered by medical but I would like to find an affordable health insurance for the two of us... does anyone know of one? thank you [:""
Where can I find information about a career in Insurance Sales ?
Where can I find information about a career in Insurance Sales ? Which of the three fields ( life, health, or property ) would be compatible with working from my home office ? How difficult is the California State exam to get licensed ? Is it possible to earn residual income in all 3 fields ? Thank you for your help.""
""In California, is there a penalty for not having car insurance, even if it's temporarily?""
The car insurance on one of my cars runs out in a few days, and the insurance for the second car runs out at the end of this month. I was thinking of holding off on getting insurance for car #1 and start a policy for two cars at the same time. Of course, I don't intend to drive car #1 while it's not insured, it will just sit in my driveway. I heard that in some states, they will charge you for each day that your car is without insurance, even if you don't drive it. Is that the case for California?""
""Can I lose in small claims court if I got into a accident that wasn't my fault, but I didn't have insurance?""
Can I lose in small claims court if I got into a accident that wasn't my fault, but I didn't have insurance?""
Home content insurance?
I am new to the UK. In Japan, few people buy home content insurance because home contents are normally not valuable. It seems to me most people here buy home content insurance. It sounds not attractive a)the premium b)the high excess. What is your view?""
""Speeding tickets and traffic safety school, does the insurance find out?""
I was issued a speeding ticket today in Illinois (cook county) and I have a question regarding one of my options: If you are 18 years or older, to avoid a conviction on your driving record, plead guilty, register for traffic safety school, pay $115. So let's assume that I pay the fine and complete traffic safety school. My question is regarding my insurance company...do they see that I was issued a speeding ticket but completed traffic safety school or is there no trace of it at all? I've read many things about this; some say that the ticket remains on record but simply does not count against you. Others say that the ticket will be on record and the insurance company can still choose to raise your rates but there is no penalty with the DMV for speeding. I'm hoping that the ticket is completely thrown out as if it never happened but I'm not sure. I have state farm insurance by the way.""
Cheapest Auto Insurance??
I am presently using Allstate for my 3 cars... an Acura (let me rephrase that..2 cars the Acura was totalled in Sundays car accident) The Infinity and the Nissan..the rates are about $ 3000 for 6 months for all 3 cars..now 2) full coverage all inclusive insurance.. Are there cheaper companies out there ??? Who do you use? I live in N.Y.. Allstate has really always been there for me I just got a nice check from them for my daughters car...Do you think i could get a cheaper company???
Does a single man in his 20's need health insurance?
My boyfriend is 25 and does not have health insurance, does he heed it?? Does he need life insurance, or any other type of insurance??""
What is the New York disability insurance rate and NYS Unemployment rate?
What is the New York disability insurance rate and NYS Unemployment rate?
Will VA patients be requird to get health insurance?
I do not have health insurance and I am presently being treated by the VA. Will I be required to get health insurance?
Where can I find more information on Flood Insurance In CA?
There is large portion of the population that does not know much about flood insurance. Let alone what FEMA is doing to thousands of California Property owners. FEMA is re-mapping several communities within the state and every other state for that matter. Flood insurance is becoming a necessity and if your community is being affected, your property may be becoming a high risk flood zone. That means you have no choice but to purchase a policy. If you are concerned about these changes and how they affect you, then visit www.myfarmersagent.org. There you can obtain a flood zone determination and quote. We specialize in preferred rate policies and helping you grandfather your property to its current rating. Let me know if this helps anyone, I would hate to see anyone stuck with a high risk flood insurance rate.""
Car insurance estimate?
Hi i'm currently 16 and soon to be old enough to take driving lessons, but first off i have a question. What would be the likely insurance premium for a 2009 BMW Z4 23i kept in a public place with viper alarm system and a steering lock.""
What is the cheapest car insurance in NY?
I heard AIG is very inexpensive My friend is buying himself a truck but needs the cheapest insurance he can get. he lives in new york and that seems like a contradiction LOL
East Lansing Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 48823
East Lansing Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 48823
Where can a single mother with 2 kids (21 18) get low cost health insurance?
My parents have recently divorced. My father is moving back to Ireland and has to quit his job. My mother, brother, and I were covered under his insurance. But once he leaves the country our insurance will cease. My mother works at home and does not make very much money. We are looking for coverage for the three of us that is not expensive and very low cost as we do not have the means to afford much. We only need it for about a year as I will be graduating and teaching full time as a NYC teacher by next September. *My brother is legally blind, but other than that there are no serious health issues and none of us are tobacco users. *We are hoping to get insurance that would cover quality licensed professionals. *We understand in this economy you get what you pay for, But we honestly do not have much. We are hoping for something affordable without being skimmped on coverage. Thanks :-)""
Car insurance in Michigan?
I currently am a primary driver on my car which is thru AAA. My boyfriend and I recently bought a car and insured it thru progressive for cheaper than it would have been at AAA. I am the primary. Is this legal to have 2 insurance companies? Or is this like a double jeopardy?
How much does it really cost to own a Porsche 911 Carrera 4S in California? MSRP is...?
...$88,400. What other costs are there? http://www.porsche.com/usa/models/911/911-carrera-4s/ I am trying to own one of these. Just wondering what's is in store for me (i.e. tax, ...show more""
Car insurance site for 18 year old !!?
does any body no of a decent car insurance for an 18 year old ?
Home insurance?
i live in southern california and my home value is 600,000. I pay 2,200 for insurance every 6 months. i think this is a little too high but would like to know if this is average. When i bought the house i was too excited that i didnt even talked to my insurance agent, who is located in Fresno, Ca. I do live near a school could that also be the reason why my home insurance is so high? Could the location make any different? Can i also change insurance or will there be a penalty? I have no clue? My insurance is through Farmer. thanks in advance!!!!!""
Can I drive under my parents insurance?
Ill be driving my dad's car, and he has insurance, so is it possible if I can drive the car without me buying the insurance?""
Colorado Springs Court Fee For Proving You Have Auto Insurance Now?
I was going to base to pick up my fiance and I just moved to Co Springs. Forgot my insurance cards in my apartment. Couldn't prove it had it, so the MP's took my license and are sending me to court to get it back by proving I have insurance. Do I have to pay a ticket or court processing fee? They told me I just have to show up, show them I have the card then leave?""
Teenager driver and car insurance?
my stepson just got his learner's permit, he may be driving my husband's truck once in a while to learn, (I think he'll be driving mostly when he's at his mom's house), a mile here and a mile there. We have geico insurance, do we need to add him temporarily? i tried to look at our coverage and get a quote, but it won't let me without actually adding him as a driver. i'm not about to add him without a quote since he's only 16... way too young to be driving in my opinion, but that's another issue...""
""Should the cost of car insurance be the same for everybody irrespective of age, ect?""
Should the cost of car insurance be the same for everybody irrespective of age, ect?""
Which cars are cheapest to insure?
I've had some problems in the past and my insurance is through the roof. I'd like to finance a car, but I don't want to have to rob banks to afford it. Does it cost different amounts to insure cars? Which are on the cheaper end of that spectrum?""
How expensive would a liability insurance policy be for a Companion business?
I'm thinking of starting up a Companion business in Connecticut. It will be just me and I will not be doing anything medical. The State of Connecticut doesn't require me to become licensed if it's just me but I would like to have a general liability policy anyway. I would love it if I could some helpful information. Thanks, Cathy""
Giving a police report to your insurance....?
I need to give a copy of a police report to my insurance company for an act of vandalism to my parents car. I am 20 and I was using the car when it was vadalized. In the report it stated how I suspected my ex girlfriend of doing the act. It states specific information such as her age, ethnicity, address, etc. I have very overbearing parents who are consistently trying to control my life. I told them about the incident but not the specifics and I really do not want them to find out any information about my ex girlfriend because it may cause problems. My parents told me they were going to try and get the police report I filed. Can they do this, or can the report only be requested by the party who filed the grievance. I already got the report for my insurance records because they requested a copy, but how much of the report do I have to give them. There is one page that has the basic information which excludes the name of my ex. Another page provides a narrative which states specifics about the incident and how we broke up etc. Do I have to provide that to the insurance company as well?""
Do insurance rates go up when you break off a side mirror?
backing out of the driveway, I broke off my side mirror, the car is fine but the mirror cracked off, surprisingly the mirror itself didn't break nor was the exterior scratched.. it just cracked off. Anyway, do you know how much it will cost to replace and if my insurance rate will go up? thanks..""
What is a cheapest insurance in PA?
The questions simple. I'm looking for insurance in name only. It's going on an old beater I maintain that goes from a to b and back again working each day. No prior insurance on it (well their has been for 4 years or so now but under a different name without mine being on the policy soo you know.) If it crashes and burns thats where the thing will stay after I haul it out and get any salvagable parts. Seems the general is a bit cheap especially when you can pay a years worth of coverage in one payment. (I can) Any other dirt cheap sites?
Auto insurance estimate for 5 points?
Hi i have 5 points on my license i live in Baltimore city and drive a 1985 Chevrolet corvette with historic tags insurance with it in my dads name is very cheap even with me as the listed driver but i think my insurance company some how missed that i have 5 points on my license so i am just wondering if anyone has any ball park figures as to what my insurance might be when they see that i have 5 points thanks.
""As a 16 year old male, how much will I pay for auto insurance?""
I am a 16 year old male (and I already know what statistics show, unfortunately), soon to be 17 years old in October. I will be paying auto insurance pretty soon and I am trying to get an estimate of how much I will be paying monthly/yearly. I obtain a 3.5 GPA and reside in Dayton, Ohio. My mother will be adding me to her insurance plan and I drive a 1999 Chevy Camaro (this is the car that will be insured, and thankfully it does not have a Z28 engine). I'm not sure whether or not the insurance agency will consider this a sports car either, so I'm pretty nervous! Please help me! Thank you!""
First time getting car insurance I'm 20 years old...help!?
I'm 20 (will be 21 in March '08) and have only been on my dad's insurance. His record isn't that great so to add on a car to his is expensive. My relative is selling a '98 Escort - very basic - to get to work and college. $1500 car. don't understand collison and comprehensive. The one that pays for a replacing the car I don't want. Anyway, I went online for quotes and they ask if I've had insurance before and I haven't (on my own) so I'm not sure if I'm being docked for that. I have a clean driving record and just want some basic coverage mostly for if I hit other people. Could someone guide me so I don't have to pay an arm and a leg? What are the ranges I should look for? I see numbers like 200/300/500 but I don't get it. My mom said she'd insure the car under her insurance but then naming me as a drive might be expensive. How do people get insurance that covers any driver? Like when people use other people's car? So many questions! It's hard to work, be in college and pay for car.""
Why Do I Pay More For Health Insurance Now?
I'm a recent graduate, female, non-smoker with a healthy weight and eating/fitness habits. I'm not rich by any means, but my health insurance rates have gone up a lot since ...show more""
Good low cost medical insurance for a 20 year old female working through a temp service?
I am 20 years old and I have no medical insurance and I really need to go to the dentist and have a check up at my doctor. I haven't been to either in probably 4 years. I am very uneducated on insurance so any help is greatly appreiciated. I want to make sure it's someone that my doctor and dentist will accept. I have a good job but it's a temporary service that doesn't have insurance benifits. Any suggestions?
What is the point of insurance?
I've just graduated and will be going out into the real world now, and a question I've had for years is why people seem to get insurance? To me it makes more sense to save the money you would have been paying myself instead. Am I wrong here?""
Car Insurance without a license?
I know this is a dumb question, but I thought I would ask anyway. My 25 year old son, recently had his license suspended, due to non payment of a ticket. His car registration is coming up this month. Is there any way he can get insurance, so the registration on his car, will remain current. At least until he pays off his ticket.""
Why did my car insurance rates suddenly double?
I am almost 40, have a spotless driving record, have the same car, haven't changed the policy, and haven't moved. So how can my insurance agent just up my rates all of the sudden and not give me an answer why. He just says that things change. Is there an industry standard or can agents just screw with us at will? I have been with this WELL known insurance company for 4 years. This isn't some guy working out of his garage. Any experts out there that can shed some light on this for me. I am shopping around for new insurance as i type.""
""Which is worse: increased taxes, or a high insurance premium?""
http://www.usatoday.com/money/industries/health/2009-09-15-insurance-costs_N.htm for some reason, I'd pay any tax to fund socialized medicine thrown my way rather than pay $13,375 a year for a family of four. and you'd be crazy not to yourself. and besides...the tax would never be 4,824, which is the average a single person pays per year.""
How much does a check up cost without an insurance?
I heard some rumors that if you don't have insurance they can do a check up on you and just send you a bill @ your house where you can do your payments.
CLASSIC MINI!!! How much does insurance cost for a 17 year old female?
About to buy a classic mini as my first car and wanted to know how much other peoples insurance has cost. Im female thanks
East Lansing Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 48823
East Lansing Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 48823
Any affordable health insurance for children in TX?
Any affordable health insurance for children in TX?
Car insurance for a 15 soon to be 16 year old?
so i am looking at getting my first car and so i need to be thinking about car insurance and my grade point average is like 2 something. i have american family. any ideas what their rates would be.??
Insurance price doesnt change from provisional once passed?
I have been looking at car insurance now for weeks on all of the pric comparison sites and phoneing companys and the cheapest quote i got was 3000! thats on a 1988 mk2 fiesta. i i have a mate who is insured on a provisonal at 17 for 1000, he asked the company how much it will be once he has passed and they said it will stay the same, does this really happen?""
Rise in car insurance?
Im 18, female and passed my test a month ago. Last month Quinn Direct quoted me for 1400. I got my car today and went to get a car insurance quote and its went up to 2700 with the exact same details!! Any idea why this is?""
List of dog breeds insurance wont cover?
Most rentals have a list of dog breeds you cant have because insurance wont cover certain breeds that are bite prone. Anyone know how I can find this list?
Can i transfer moped insurance from one bike to another ?
ive got insurance on my piaggio fly 50cc which expires august this year, i can no longer drive this bike as i accidently got super glue all around the breaks and throttle and it wont budge, im going to maybe buy a new moped today for 300 and was just wondering if i get this do i have to cancel my old insurance and get a new quote and pay all that money again or cani just ring my insurance company and transfer it from my old bike to my new bike? thanks for any help! :)""
""If i sue my auto insurance underinsured, will my insurance raise?
if i sue my underinsured because the other car at fault didnt have enough insurance will my insurance raise? or cancell me?
How can I convince my dad that leasing a cheap car would be a good decision given my circumstances?
Ok. So I'm about to be 18 and have about $1,400 saved up towards a car, should be getting a few hundred more after graduation and from a few other things, so I expect to have around $2,000 in the summer. This is what I was planning on spending on a down payment on a cheap used car. For the monthly note and insurance, my parents said that they'll help at least some until I get a job. The thing is, it's seriously impossible to get a job in my town. I've been trying for a couple years and just nothing. Most other people I know - not just teenagers - are having the same problem. Because of this, my parents are worried that having to pay for so much and me pay for basically just the down payment would be too much on them. They're struggling very hard financially and haven't bought a car themselves in 13 years. So I was looking at some car websites the other day and noticed that some of them had really appealing lease deals. The ones that most caught my attention were $0 down, and then a monthly payment of around $200 or less per month for three years. What really interested me about that deal is the no down payment, because if there's no down payment and they pay for the monthly note, then that's the only thing they have to pay, at least for quite a while. That leaves me with around $2,000 still in pocket to spend over time on insurance, gas, various maintenance costs, etc., plus if there are too many hidden fees, etc. in the lease. (My dad got me an insurance quote and it was a lot lower than I expected btw, about $560/yr.) That seems so much better than having to start back at $0 after buying the car having paid all the rest on the down payment. I just don't wanna spend that much down because then I'm left with nothing, if I can't get a job then I have no way to pay for everything, again my parents don't think they can pay too much. If they only have to pay the monthly note, then I still have quite a while to get a job and start making money before that couple thousand runs out and if I do eventually get a job (hopefully it'll be easier in another city, but I need a car in order to move), I can even help them with the monthly payments or pay all of them. But all they can say is, Why lease a car when you can buy one, you'll just be stuck in the same spot in three years. But this is completely missing the point. The problem here is that if I spend everything down, then I have nothing left to maintain the car with, and therefore can't have a car at all. I have no steady source of income and can't make a steady source of income without a car. But if I can afford to maintain a car for at least several months with money I already had and can later get a job in a bigger city, I at least have some car, regardless of whether not I own it or it's the best and wisest financial decision in the long run. Once I have a car I can move to a bigger city and hopefully go to college and then get a better job, I'm sure I can get another car later. So basically, if I want a car now (which I need one in order to advance my life and go to college and such) the only possible way is if I lease instead of buy, unless I suddenly come into a bunch of money or can find a car for sale with no down payment. I need to just do whatever I have to do to have a car and get by at the moment, but my parents won't let me. They're so stuck in their stubborn ways that leasing cars is always a waste of money (I agree that it'a a waste of money, but again that's not the point here, the point is that I need a car) when in this situation it would work much better for me. But they refuse to let me.""
How much does home insurance cost?
I am looking to buy a home in northern california and was wondering how much home insurance cost. I have a family of 5 (including me), good credit score, and am looking at homes around $250,000. I want descent coverage, but not for a lot of money. could you please answer and give me the names of any place i can get good home insurance that is not too expensive. thanx""
""On Average, how many dollars per month would a 2 pt ticket add to my monthly insurance?""
If you have gotten one please tell me, I just want to see around how much they add :D""
Car insurance?
I heard that you will pay less for auto insurance if you have your license and a clean record even when you nor our family memeber have a car. IS that ture? I mean like you didnt buy a car or insurance when you first get ur license.
Driving with no insurance with a car the owner insured in Illinois?
Okay so this might sound kinda confusing but currently my car is being repaired and the person repairing my car is letting me use his until mine's fixed. Currently I don't have insurance, but he does. In Illinois, would his insurance cover me if I got into an accident or would I get in trouble for no insurance?""
Can i extend my insurance quote?
I have a quote and it expires on the 27th this month. When i try and get another quote its 3 times as much. I would get it now but i will have 1 years ncb on the 7th of oct. If i rang them up do you think they would extend the quote expirey date? Or do u think they might accept my 11 months and 2 weeks ncb? Or even make me pay an extra 30 or so to start the insurance now then send them proof when i get the ncb
What kind of car details will lower the cost of insurance?
I have to buy a car and the insurance will be costing more than the actual car. Some factors I can't change like the fact it will be my first year with a full GB licence, my gender, age, where I park it, etc. But when considering the car I will buy, what factors might lower my insurance costs? Keeping in mind my price range for the car is 450-900 pounds, - what makes/models are hardest/easiest to break into? - what security devices would make a difference to the cost of my insurance, and how much would they cost? - what year of car is considered to be built more securely than in the past? (harder to break into...I understand older cars are easier to break into, but what is the general cut-off line of old ?) - style or colour of car? - any other factors?""
Question about Car Insurance?
I don't know if it's possible to get an answer from you guys, but it's worth a try! I have State Farm insurance, and I'm going to be driving a 2006 Hyundai Sonata, and i'm 16 years old. It's black, & I make pretty good grades, 3.5 is my avg (I heard that mattered) I was just wondering how much it would be per month! If you have any help, that would be great! Thanks :)""
Good auto insurance?
i have quite a complicated issue with insurance 1. im CANADIAN andi go to school in the states but do not hold a Michigan drivers license -however i CAN get one 2. i have no document history in michigan so this puts me at a high premuim so is it possible for the insurance companies to insure me in michigan and use my canadian driving history....im 21 years old female...also i was thinking if it is possible to put it under my parents plan who are canadians but if they could purchase an american insurance plan and use there canadian driving history to get a quote...thanks!!
How much is the average vet visit? and Is it worth it to get pet insurance?
I have inherited a Saint Bernard Puppy (7 months old). We got him 2 days ago and have a vet visit on friday just to get him caught up on shots and the regular wellness exam. I have no idea what to expect as far the cost of the visit will be i'm planning for the $200 range? Am I way off is it going to be more? Also does anyone have pet insurance and if so is it worth looking into? Which one would you recommend? I know alot of questions in one but I just need a little guidance. Thanks for your help.
What is an average cost of IUI without insurance?
What is an average cost of IUI without insurance and what is the success rate?
Progressive is hiking my Massachusetts car insurance rate by 23% this year! Is that normal?
My policy is about to come up for renewal and they're going to hike up my rate by 23%! I just talked to their customer service person and she said they're doing it all over Massachusetts. Are all the car insurance companies raising their rates so much in Massachusetts? Was there some law that passed which changed their profit margin or something? Is there another car insurance company that will give me a better deal?
Motorbike insurance question (UK)?
ok i am planning on building my own motorbike from scratch. i did a little bit of research into insurance costs and i can't seem to find any company that offers insurance for home built bikes. they all ask what make and model it is but how could i tell them that if i built it myself? also any suggestions of companies that would insure a home build would be help full. thanks guys & gals
""Buying a car, do I need my own insurance to have the title signed over to me?""
My youth pastor is selling me his 2004 Dodge Stratus, and we're planning on going to the DMV tomorrow morning to have the title signed over. Currently, my mom pays for my car insurance every month, and the car I've been driving is in her name. If I want to put the new car in my name, can my mom still pay for my insurance or do I have to be able to pay for it in order to have the title signed over to me?""
What are the best and affordable medical insurance companies in Pennsylvania?
Also available in some other states around.
Where can I find cheap insurance at 17 years old with car modifications...?
Hi, i'm about to turn 17, will have a year 2000 renault clio, and would like to know where the cheapest place for car insurance is. The only modifications I want is new back light covers and a CD player. Directline do not insure 17 year olds with modifications. Not even with a different CD player... Thanks""
Can we get car insurance for some days????????....?
i had car insurance and just expired ... now i want to sell the car so i dont need any futher insurance..like 6 months to 1 year . but i need couple of days 5-6 to sell my car...can you help out.........how can i get insurance for sometime......
A teenager with no health insurance...?
I'm 17 and from California and have NO health insurance... My mom no longer has custody of me and I'm living with my father who has no job and no way of getting me health insurance. To be quite honest, my dad is a drug addict and lays around the house all day, so to sum it up... he's no help at all. I usedd to have mediCal with my mom but since I no longer reside with her, im not longer under that anymore. I'm really really scared... I think I may have strep throat and I have NO idea what to do... since I have no insurance. Can anyone help me? Thanks.""
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East Lansing Michigan Cheap car insurance quotes zip 48823
0 notes
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"occidental home insurance quote
occidental home insurance quote
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Massachusetts Health Insurance Premiums highest in country?
I live in MA and i pay $14K a year for Tufts Health Insurance. BCBS of MA wanted nearly $20K. Is this just a preview of what's to come for the rest of the USA? The report by the Commonwealth Fund, a nonprofit health care foundation, showed that the average family premium for plans offered by employers in Massachusetts was $13,788 in 2008, 40 percent higher than in 2003. Over the same period, premiums nationwide rose an average of 33 percent. Now, the Commonwealth Fund report projects that without significant cost reforms, an annual family premium in Massachusetts will soar to $26,730 by 2020. http://www.boston.com/news/health/articles/2009/08/22/bay_state_health_insurance_premiums_highest_in_country/ America are you ready for Hope and Change?""
How much should i get for insurance repairs?
I have a 98 pontiac grand prix gtp and it was keyed all over every part of the car. The side mirror was broke off. The key marks are all the way down to primer. My deductable is 200. How much should i expect to get to cover the damages?
In Michigan do you need to keep full coverage on your motorcycle even if it is in storage when you have loan?
You get your full coverage on the motorcycle when you purchase it but winter comes and you have the insurance company reduce it to storage insurance. Can you do that and if you can is the insurance company required to let the title holder know of the insurance coverage change?
Young driver car insurance help?
I am 17 and have a 57 plate 1.4 peugeot 207. My dad took out insurance on it with Quinn direct with me as a named driver while I had a provisional license. It cost 1250, but now I have a FULL license they want a further 2000! What do you all think of this and if anyone has any suggestion of any other insurers that might be cheaper please say. Thanks""
A question about health insurance...?
Newly married and never had to pay for health insurance on my own before. What is a good price, through work, for health insurance benefits?""
Are there any car insurance companies that you don't have to give your SS# and DOB to get a quote?
If I get a good quote then I will give all of my information to that company.
Where can i find my proof of insurance?
Earlier today i went to DMV for my behind the wheel test but they're asking for my proof of insurance but i dont know where can i find it. do i need to ask for a copy of proof of insurance to my insurance company?
Cost to insure brand new Range Rover Sport at 17 years old?
To start off, money is not a problem in this situation for me so dont tell start saying - Its unreliable - It'll be too expensive etc... Anyway! just wondering what a brand new range rover sport would cost to insure as a new driver with a full UK license as a named driver whilst im 17 years old? Thanks""
Im a new motorcycle rider and I was wondering which insurance is the best but cheap?
Im 24 yrs old, I was thinking of Progressive insurance? Is there anything that I can do to make my insurance lower?""
Where can i get cheap insurance for a 1.8 16v VW coraddo im 17 years old?
Where can i get cheap insurance for a 1.8 16v VW coraddo im 17 years old?I have tried getting a qoute under my dads name who have about 20 years no claims but still coming up as 6000 and i have tell them about my 6 points for no insurance its 8000 HELP!!!!!
How much does liability insurance pay?
Ok so I got into a car accident the other day and now I got this letter in the mail from her lawyer asking to see my insurance policy and whether or not i have liability insurance. Since I have full coverage on my auto insurance I was wondering how much would it cover?
How many times a day are you asked Are you paying too much for car insurance? Subliminal advertising?
Is this some form of subliminal advertising? Do you think Sprite is involved some how?
I have a ??? about car insurance?
hey last saturday i wrecked my car...totaled. well i still owe about 3000 left on it so of course i had full coverage ins on it will ins company give you retail value or trade in value it was a 2000 stratus and i had about 109000 miles on it and have had a lot of work done on it i did have a cracked winshield that was not cause of the wreck about how much money am i looking at???
""What is the penalty for driving without insurance on a motorbike, as i feel it was a genuine oversight?""
I was stopped because of a broken rear light and as it happens my insurance had expired about 4 days before. I wasn't aware that the insurance expired , i thought it was at the end of the month. I didn't receive any reminder because i had forgotten to change address with the insurance company, which was completely my fault. This is a genuine oversight on my part, but I'm not sure if they'll look at previous incident i had with my cousins car when i was a teenager about 7 years ago, i got caught driving without insurance. Probably one of the stupidest things i have done but i learned from it, but the court may not look at it like that. Should i get a solicitor and does anyone know how much they cost? Will i be suspended from driving?""
Car Insurance Quotes Please!!?
i have a nissan gtr r33 waiting for me to pass my test BUT what is insurance going to quote me?? -.-
How much is third party car insurance for a 2 litre car?
my dad might be giving me his car after i pass my test when i'm 17 so i was wondering how much roughly a 2 litre engine 5door mazda 626 would be to insure for a 17 year old boy on third party car insurance in the uk?
How much car Insurance would I pay?
I have just got my first car as I'm 17. I got the VW Scirocco 2.0 Around how much insurance would I be paying? I am a very good driver as I have had lots of practise since I was about ten. It is modified with a nice body kit and has twin turbos. I didn't think about insurance before I bought big engine car for a first car. Any help and who does it cheap for teenagers?
""How much does car insurance cost for 21yr old, is it monthly or yearly?""
I am new to US. I stay in Los Angeles, CA. I have never driven before. And I am talking about a pre-owned car probably a 90s or 2000 model of toyota. Would appreciate if you'd answer with an estimate.""
Ford escort van insurance for a 17 year old?
Hi, thinking about getting a 1.8 ford escort van when i pass any ideas on how much the insurance will be i'm 17 so i won't be surprised if it's a lot. Thanks""
Would insurance on a 1992 lexus sc 300 be expensive? im 18 year old in riverside california?
yes i recently just got my license and im only 18 in riverside california
""Can I fight an auto insurance company, to prevent my car from being declared a total loss, in California?""
Its an older car but only has a small dent. I understand that its the value of the car vs their estimate of repairs that they are basing this on, but they didn't include options like A/C, cruise control, power door locks and power mirrors and others when figuring its worth. They instead based it on an average car in my area. When doing the math the difference between fixing the dent and totaling the car came out to $18.00. Clearly the addition of the options would have covered that spread in my favor. I want to fight this because I don't want to have a salvage title. I was not at fault and the other parties insurance has already sent me a check I have not cashed nor have I signed anything. I want to know what I can do. And if I am stuck with the total loss, do I have the right to recover for re-title and re-registration charges and smog fees that are going to add up to a few hundred out of my pocket since I am keeping the car. Thanks for taking the time to read my question.""
Is there a life insurance company that insures the mentally handicapped?
Is there a life insurance company that sells coverage for a man with learning disabilities? Thanks so much.
Sport bike insurance?
I am an 18 year old male living in Fargo North Dakota. I plan on purchasing a 2014 Kawasaki ninja 300 sport bike for daily commuting and just general transportation. I would be in college and most likely using it daily, weather permitting. I do not have any previous riding experience, but I will take a safety class and of course have a valid motorcycle license. What can I realistically expect my insurance rate to approximately be?""
Car insurance help!!!?
Hi me and my boyfriend are both new drivers. We bought a car together a few months ago a renault clio. We insured the car as me as the main driver. Fully comp. Our insurance costs 1885 annual. We have now decided to get another car... another Renault clio exactly the same. Are we insured to drive the second car? Do we have to add it on? Get another policy? Can we cancel? So confused please help xx
""A $26,000 car got stolen with no insurance, what can I do?""
I financed a car through nissan around Nov. 1st, at payments of 436.29 I financed 26,000. I'm 19 years old, my mother co signed for me. to start building my credit. I had a full time job etc and could easily make payments well shortly after- i loss my job. (a month after) I posted online looking for a third party to do a credit application and take over the payments. I found someone, we went through the paper work etc, and i was stupid/naive enough to let him hold onto the car before seeing if he was approved, to see if he likes it etc, long story short, he never came back with my car, changed his phone and gave me a phony address. My car was stolen. I drove off the lot at nissan without any insurance on it yet, because they let me. (again im new at this and so naive) i was waiting on good quotes on insurance , then my car got stolen before i could get insurance on it. I owe 800 dollars now, and my account is going into collections in 3 days. whats going to happen? I called the police departement, they said they cant file the car stolen because i was in the process of making a civil agreement with him before he just drove off with it. i would have to go to court and file a judgement againist for the car, or 26,000 etc. but i called the courts they said i need a lawyer, i dont have ANY money at all, no job, nothing for a lawyer etc. i dont know what to do. what im mostly scared of is, collections going after my mom for the 26,000 and she owns a mobile home that she bought for 49,000 and pays lot rent on it, and owns a little ford truck , will they put a lien on her house and take it away? what are my options? i dont want to pay this car off for this guy, who took it, the title and everything is under my name, but how can i find it without cops helping? im just scared and crying, i dont know whats going to happen, im scared for my mom. could she file bankruptcy if they come after her? will that save her home? please, just anyone help . i know nissan is going to come after me for repossession but i dont have the car, i dont know where it is. im so scared. 26,000 is a lot owed. any advice is appreciated thanks.""
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occidental home insurance quote
What are the benefits of low cost insurance?
What can be the advantages of having low cost insurance for people.
""Insurance company refuse insure my house, what can I do?""
Hi I bought a house at a auction for 30000 last week. The house is empty (vacated). But the house is locked up and no internal view before the auction, I cannot access this house before the contract is done, it may take 20 days or more. So by law this property is mine, I need building insure for it. When I try to apply for insure after the auction, the insurance company refuse to insure this house. They said: I understand the property is vacant at present.Insurance is difficult whilst vacant . 1. First, is it ture, vacated house cannot be insured? 2. what can I now? Thanks in front""
""I live in California. and need cheaper auto insurance, and have 2 dmv points. Any ideas?""
I live in California. and need cheaper auto insurance, and have 2 dmv points. Any ideas?""
I need a form for allstate car insurance good student discount?
I need a form for allstate car insurance good student discount?
How much will motorcycle insurance cost me?
I am 18, live in Wisconsin. My license was suspended for a year, I get it back this October. When I get my license reinstated, complete the MSF course how much should I expect the insurance to cost annually. My driving record is below, -December 2011> Driving 1 to 10 miles per hour over the speed limit (3 POINTS) -April 2012> Imprudent speed (8 POINTS) -June 2012> Driving 20 miles per hour or more over the speed limit (12 POINTS) -August 2012> Imprudent Speed (8 POINTS) -No accidents whatsoever. I plan on getting a Yamaha R6 or similar motorcycle after taking a MSF course. Thanks guys, love ya ;)""
Domino's Pizza Delivery Driver- do you need commercial insurance?
I have an interview today for a job at Domino's Pizza to be a delivery driver. My only concern about it is right now I have personal insurance. If I were to get in an accident while delivering a pizza for domino's, would I still be covered? I'd like to hear from actual insurance reps or people who have had experience with this.""
Car accident? How much should I expect when I settle?
I was in an accident 6 months ago (it was the other persons fault) and I am still going to the chriopractor and doing physical therapy, I got my car paid off which was totalled and this accident has changed my life and many of my plans were changed due to it. Im still in pain and have a scar how much money should I be expecting for my pain and suffering since I already got my property damage. Will I have to pay my medical bills with this money? The other insurance is a branch of allstate (i dont know if that helps)""
Car insurance !! HELP MEEEEE?
right, i cant find any cheap car insurance but my step dad said i can go on his and it should be alot cheaper ( just for a few yeatrs to save up abit ) but my car is in my name, do i need to change my car into his name ?? Pleasee help be Thank youuu !! xxxxxxx""
How much does it really cost to own a Porsche 911 Carrera 4S in California? MSRP is...?
...$88,400. What other costs are there? http://www.porsche.com/usa/models/911/911-carrera-4s/ I am trying to own one of these. Just wondering what's is in store for me (i.e. tax, ...show more""
How much info do the govt have on what sort of car insurance u have?
Like as long as I have an insurance certificate am I sweet until I have an accident? Or if I give the insurance company wrong info for a cheaper quote will the govt find out? If so how? My mates had his car for ages and has no insurance and the police have never said anything to him Cheers
How can i get cheap car insurance?
cheap car insurance
What insurance company offer the best auto insurance quote?
What insurance company offer the best auto insurance quote?
Drink driving & car insurance?
Does anyone know of any car insurance dealers that are kind(er) to drink drivers? All my qoutes are high and I just don't have the money to be forking out on car insurance. I have just bought my first flat and have a baby on the way...I wish they could see that circumstances have changed!!!
How much car Insurance would I pay?
I have just got my first car as I'm 17. I got the VW Scirocco 2.0 Around how much insurance would I be paying? I am a very good driver as I have had lots of practise since I was about ten. It is modified with a nice body kit and has twin turbos. I didn't think about insurance before I bought big engine car for a first car. Any help and who does it cheap for teenagers?
Where can you get cheap car insurance after driving ban is up?
Anyone know any cheap insurance companies after driving ban? Please no trolling I know I did wrong. ;p
Gerber Life Insurance?
What exactly is Gerber life. Insurance? And is it worth investing in?
""I'm 16, how much would insurance be if I had a 1993 Toyota Supra MKIV under my name?""
I'm 16, how much would insurance be if I had a 1993 Toyota Supra MKIV under my name? The description I have for the car(I know some of it is useless, to lazy to take it out): - Clean Title - 1993.5 - Toyota - Supra - About 178k. - 3.0 2JZ-GE N/A - Auto with Overdrive & Manual mode - Black on Black - Targa Top - Major maintenance was done at 171k including timing belt and water pump. - Aftermarket HKS Exhaust, full exhaust all the way through. -Aftermarket Ram Intake - Has the usual rock chips as a daily driver should. But I photographed the two major flaws on the car. Check the pictures out - A/C Blows cold, all the power options work except for cruise control. I think it may just be a fuse. - Doesn't have backseats.""
""In California, how long does an auto insurance company have to respond to a claim?""
So i'm going on week 3 of dealing with another a car accident claim. A landscaping truck backed into my parked car a few weeks ago. I got the company's insurance info and reported it to my insurance the same day. A week later I hear back from my insurer telling me that the other persons insurance company was unable to reach the driver or the owner of the landscaping company for a statement and they could not accept liability until they receive a statement. In California, is there a limit on how much time an insurance company has to accept a claim? Luckily, the gas station where the accident happened was nice enough to give me the secularist film which makes this pretty cut and dry (should push come to shove). Thank you!""
What percent of term life insurance policies pay out?
I want to leave some money for my children once I am gone. Is it better to buy a Term Life Insurance policy or to invest that money where it will earn interest? What are the odds of a Term Life Insurance Policy paying out? What percent pay out? I'm thinking it is probably very low. So I am leaning more toward investing the money instead of using it to pay premiums. It seems insurance is more of a gamble than an investment. I don't want to give my money to an insurance company for 20 years and have my children get nothing in the end. Can someone with knowledge of the insurance industry please give me a straight answer to this?
Can I get really cheap insurance for my bike if I only use it for a couple of weeks per year?
I live in Argentina, and only go back to the U.S. for a few weeks out of the year. What's the cheapest way to insure my motorcycle while I'm there?""
""What is the cheapest, full-coverage auto insurance in Pennsylvania for an age 54 female?""
What is the cheapest, full-coverage auto insurance in Pennsylvania for an age 54 female?""
8 weeks pregnant without medical insurance?
I'm a server and don't make enough in my paycheck to pay for medical insurance at my work place. I can't be put on my fiance's insurance until we're married. what are my options to cover all my medical bills?
Car insurance and crash?
so i am 17 and i got in my first car crash since ive got my license about half a year ago. the car crash damages were about 5 thousand on a 8 thousand dollar car. does that mean my insurance is going to shoot up? and im not gonna be able to drive?
Where can I get the best price on private medical insurance?
Where can I get the best price on private medical insurance?
Which Term Life Insurance Company to Choose and what term is best?
For a 48 year old lady. Agent is pushing North Western. Looked at some data. NW is rated okay. But their mortality margin is lowest at 14.09% in comparison to AIG's 73.07%. Huge difference. NW pays highest dividend to policy owners. Last 5 years average was $4791/year as against $1000 for AIG or MetLife. In general which company is better? Which is lowest in cost? What term? 20 or 30 years? I can always reduce the amount insured and extend the period. Thanks in advance for your answers.
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occidental home insurance quote
Car insurance question? help!?
I am going to get my dad to be the main driver and me to be the named driver because it makes my first insurance 300.00 =] Which is cheap for an 18 year old! lol But an insurance company phoned up today and said if i did this i would not be able to drive the car, if i did i would be uninsured? That sounds wrong, i was thinking maybe he thought i hadn't passed my test? So would i be able to drive by myself with a full UK licence as a named driver on the car i own? Thanks""
Allstate Auto insurance?
I tried to pay my mom's car insurance today and it said that the account was terminated. How do i get the policy reinstated?
Does the colour of a car affect insurance rates?
I mean we all know that the obvious differences between certain cars like the engine size and performance, make of car, year of manufacture etc all affects the insurance cost but does the colour make a difference too? Someone said to me that darker coloured cars like black cost more to insure on that basis than lighter coloured ones like white or silver is this true?""
Car Insurance Groups?
What Insurance Group would a Ford KA (02 Reg) Collection be? And also what Group would a Ford StreetKA be?
Is this type of health insurance legal?
Here's the website > http://www.grouphealthinsurancebenefits.com/ The idea is, they put me on as an employee of their company (they call it a group). I then can join their group health insurance pool with Atnea PPO for both me and my wife. They would actually pay me each month, but then I'd turn around and pay them back. The net result is a cheaper cost for HI over me trying to get the same coverage on my own. Let me know. Thanks.""
Can car insurance not pay?
I was recently visiting a friend at his apartment. We heard sirens and looked out---and saw a car on fire next to my motorcycle. The car was totalled as was my motorcyle and another car had damage. The car on fire----his insurance won't pay---they say it was a mechanical failure---and they don't have to pay.
What does Enterprise car rental insurance cover?
We rented a car for a week and we got the basic coverage for our rental car. Yesterday we stopped at a crosswalk when we saw two people and were then hit full speed by a pickup truck. It totaled the rental car and thankfully were are ok. As we were sitting there it was told to us that a witness said there was no one at the crosswalk when it happened and the witness filled out a report. I know what I saw and it hurts that people would be so dishonest. By the end of it the officer said no citation would be issued. I think the police are going to say it was my fault for stopping to quickly. I think that's ridiculous but anyway. If I have the basic car rental insurance and they say its my fault, will the rental insurance cover all that? Thanks for any responses. I am still shaken up!""
How do i get affordable health insurance in new york?
I make 40k a year but i live in nyc so i cant afford a standard plan. Just need for myself 37 yr old male Thanks
Mobile home insurance?
i am thinking about buying a 2008 single wide mobile home that is in a lot in a trailer park. anyone have a guess on what insurance might a month?? or do i need it?? Thank you
""Where can I get cheap car insurance? I'm a first time driver (female, UK)?""
I passed my driving test last month and im about to buy my first car. But I have not got a clue about car insurance. Where can i get cheap car insurance for a female, first time driver?""
How much do most people pay per month for life insurance?
How much do most people pay per month for life insurance?
Good low cost medical insurance for a 20 year old female working through a temp service?
I am 20 years old and I have no medical insurance and I really need to go to the dentist and have a check up at my doctor. I haven't been to either in probably 4 years. I am very uneducated on insurance so any help is greatly appreiciated. I want to make sure it's someone that my doctor and dentist will accept. I have a good job but it's a temporary service that doesn't have insurance benifits. Any suggestions?
How much does it cost to get a replacement car insurance card?
Just to verify, I have All State and live in Florida. My car insurance is up to date, but I lost my card. How much does it cost to get a replacement card?""
""What are the insurance range for a CBR600RR, beginner drive with 5 years of ecxcellent SUV driving expereinces
I live in So. Cal and want to purchase the CBR600RR (06-08 model) how much insurance should I expect to pay for this car?
Can I drive my friend's car if I am NOT on their insurance?
In the state of OHIO, I want to know would I be able to drive a friend's car if I am NOT on their insurance, but I have my own insurance?""
How to explain therapy on health insurance application?
I graduated from a University of California last quarter and now I'm applying for health insurance. For my last year as a student, I took advantage of the counseling services offered at my school. I took part in therapy because it helped me get through the stress of an extremely difficult course load during my last few quarters. To be honest, I would not have gone to therapy if it hadn't been 100% covered by my student health insurance. I was never prescribed any medication, I'm not seeing a therapist at the moment, and I don't intend to start seeing one again any time in the foreseeable future. Obviously, I have no choice but to write that I've seen a psychologist for mental/emotional reasons. The question is how do I explain it so that it causes the least harm to my application? Do you think this is something I should be concerned about?""
Can I get temporary car insurance for 3 to 5 days?
I'm not currenty insured because i go to San Francisco state and dont need a car, im going to florida for thanksgiving and ive got my old car out there, but my parents wont let me drive it unless im insured..""
How much did you pay for auto insurance at 18?
I know that it differs depending on where you live, but i just wanted to get a general idea of how much it would be per month. I'm not gonna be under my parent's insurance policy either. so i know that's going to get pretty expensive. Also, i have a 4 door sedan type car. thanks!""
What do you pay for car insurance?
I have 3 cars and paid $1600/year. I had a speeding ticket 15 miles per over and now my insurance has been raised to $2600/yr. I've quoted other insurances and they are all about the same.
Car insurance renewal & no claims certificates?
My car insurance is up for renewal soon, I had 1 year no claims before the current policy (but no certificate to prove it) and havent claimed during it. When I renew I like to look for the best price which may mean not sticking with my current insurer. If I change insurer and they ask to see proof of my no claims how can I prove I have 2 years? Will my current insurer issue me with a certificate saying 2 years (1 year with them added to the 1 year beforehand) or just 1 year? The other issue is that surely this certificate will arrive AFTER I want to begin my new policy?? Any advice would be much appreciated""
Why is KTM insurance so expensive?
I just recently purchased a 2008 KTM 250 xc-f, and as part of my loan I had to get it fully covered. I'm just curious why a 250cc dirtbike costs more to insure than my 2004 600rr was; same coverage. Is it because it's new?""
Does two mortgages on a home make your insurance more expensive?
If I get a second mortgage on my house will my insurance go up?
How much would car insurance cost?
I'm 16 and I just got my first car. Scion tc 2008. (I'm a girl) My dad has insurance and we are going tomorrow to get insurance, we want full converge but i just want an estimate on how much it would be. We also live in texas if that means anything lol""
""What is the best car insurance for Reno, NV?""
I am moving to Reno in August and will be switching car insurance companies. Wondering what people thought was the best car insurance company and if anyone know what type of cost I should expect on average. I am from NJ, so definitely hoping it will be cheaper than what I currently pay. Thanks!""
Question about car insurance ?!?!?!?
Ok so i am 17 and male so car insurance is tricky. i have a 1.3 toyota corolla,provisional licence, no driving experience. Most quotes are 4,000 at the cheapest. I cant afford this. Does anyone know how to get this cheaper. Is it possible to get insurance for around 2,000 ? My only option is to go as a named driver under my parents policy and have the car registered to them. Preferrably i want my own policy though. Any suggestions appreciated thanks :)""
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occidental home insurance quote
Can you get car insurance scams? 80 insurance?
im 20 years old and looking for car insurance for the first time on my first car. I have a friend who knows someone working at diamond who has quoted me a really cheap amount for both me and my brother. it comes to 994 a year for me and my brother both and a monthly payment of 80, however he is asking for a personal fee of 650 for doing it so cheap. is this trust worthy? im so baffled please help!""
Taxes on insurance?
My sister passed away in a plane crash and the plane was insured. If the insurance company wrote me a check for $50,000 how much should I be expecting to pay in taxes? I'm so confused....""
What is the cheapest/best car insurance and car for a newly licensed driver in MA?
What would be the best and cheapest type of car and car insurance to get for someone who just received their license?
Cheap car insurance in UK .?
who know a cheap car insurance please in UK, i been with Auto direct for two years they just made for me 100 pounds discount (i never made any claim) aim paying now 785 Pounds per year for Nissan car 2002 .""
Insurance didn't report?
My sister couldn't afford to pay her car insurance. Her insurances company never reported to the DMV that it was canceled. why? She even got speeding tickets and i thought the police do a run when they pull you over. how is this possible?
Health Insurance question?
Hi i am a 22 yr old college student looking for health insurance. medicare denied me because i did not meet the requirements. my school offers insurance but it really doesn't cover anything. I'm in the state of Virginia if that helps. The question that i am asking i guess is is there any free/to low cost insurance out there for me
What is the most affordable life and health ?
What is the most affordable life and health ?
A good begginer bike thats fast and cheap on insurance?
I'd like to no what kinda sports bike/cruiser would be a good starter bike that's cheap on insurance and gas, I don't want anything shaped like a harley more of a sports bike shape. Any suggestions?""
Who has the Cheapest NJ Car Insurance? Home owners insurance? Life Etc?
Who has the Cheapest NJ Car Insurance? Home owners insurance? Life Etc?
Is it best to cancel your car insurance or have the company cancel you out?
i paid for car insurance for 6 months and now i fould cheaper insurance. should i cancel my insurance or have them cancel it for me. which will cost me more money
What is the best motorcycle insurance to purchase?
I have a motorcycle, and I'm looking to find insurance. I took the basic riders course that offers insurance discounts. What is the best and most affordable motorcycle insurance to get? P.S. My car insurance company doesn't offer motorcycle insurance""
How much is car insurance for a 19 year old male in Louisiana?
How much is car insurance for a 19 year old male in Louisiana?
Car insurance in Massachusetts?
What happens in the state of Massachusetts if you get pulled over and have no insurance but there is insurance on the car and I'm 17 years of age.
Boost Mobile Insurance?
I bought a galaxy prevail android phone, through boost mobile, about 1 1/2 months ago. at the time that I bought it, I did not purchase the insurance thinking that I'd get the money for that and get it later. Now I want to buy it, but when I went on their website I couldn't figure out how to do it and from how it looked, I could only get the insurance throughout a limited time after I bought my phone. So my question is; Can I get insurance on this phone right now or am I outta luck because I didn't get it earlier? ??? Please & thank yewws :)""
How long does a dui on your record affect your car insurance?
ex. I got a dui almost 5 years ago, will an insurance company look at my record from the past 5 years or longer? How many years from your dui do they hold it against you?""
Help with approximation on how much an 18yo would pay per month (or year) for motorcycle insurance?
Ok so I really want to get a motorcycle (I dont even have my drivers license yet just my permit and will get my license within a month or so). I may be getting a full time job and want to make sure I can afford the motorcycle. I have factored in everything except insurance. I plan to get a Standard (since sports would probably cost me more on insurance) bike with about 1000cc. Also I will be taking a safety course (AT LEAST beginners but ill probably take more than that). I live in California. The bike will be used. So about how much will insurance cost meA?
Cheap cars to insure for 17 year old male in the UK?
What are the cheapest cars to insure for a 17 year old male in the UK. Also if you know any cheap insurance companies that cover Northern Ireland that'd be great. Thanks
What insurance company should i use as a 17 year old male?
I am looking for the cheapest insurance firstly as with a provisional license holder and then with a full uk license, the car is a 2001 Vauxhall Corsa (Y reg) and has alloy wheels. Also if its better to be a named driver with one of my parents as the owner. Thanks""
Car Insurance - is it really this expensive?
Hi. Ive been living in Spain for almost the last 6 years and recently came back to the UK. Im after insuring a car, but the quotes im getting are ridiculous! I've been driving for nearly 6 years, I'm 24 years of age and I'm being quoted over 2,000 for cars like a 1997 1.3L Ford Ka... I have no proof of NCB due to living abroad in Spain but surely this can't be right can it? I've been told by a friend that their daughter of 17 years of age who still has not passed her test has been quoted 1,700 on a similar car. Finding this a bit hard to believe considering the quotes I'm getting. So, is insurance really this overly priced in the UK or am I going wrong somewhere? Cheers""
A teenager with no health insurance...?
I'm 17 and from California and have NO health insurance... My mom no longer has custody of me and I'm living with my father who has no job and no way of getting me health insurance. To be quite honest, my dad is a drug addict and lays around the house all day, so to sum it up... he's no help at all. I usedd to have mediCal with my mom but since I no longer reside with her, im not longer under that anymore. I'm really really scared... I think I may have strep throat and I have NO idea what to do... since I have no insurance. Can anyone help me? Thanks.""
Do you approve or disapprove of the Affordable Healthcare Act?
And do you want it to become a reality or to disappear?
Which life insurance companies pay for death by suicide?
I'm 27 and live in New York.
Does the colour of a car affect insurance rates?
I mean we all know that the obvious differences between certain cars like the engine size and performance, make of car, year of manufacture etc all affects the insurance cost but does the colour make a difference too? Someone said to me that darker coloured cars like black cost more to insure on that basis than lighter coloured ones like white or silver is this true?""
2009 honda and liability insurance?
hi there, I'm 22 years old and currently pay 116 bucks a month for a 959 deductible and I think it sucks. Is it possible for me to get liability insurance on this car I've had for 2 years??""
Did you know 62 percent of American bankruptcies are linked to medical bills. 78% of which had insurance?
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/30/opinion/30kristof.html?em Found the stat in this article and was shocked. Let me know what your opinion on the stat and article. And as always, please be respectful whether you agree or disagree. Thanks!""
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occidental home insurance quote
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