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novapark · 1 year ago
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Parkshore, SimDonia
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@bridgeportbritt (thanks for letting me use your country <3)
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royalmedani · 2 years ago
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Previous | Terra’s Latest | Next  
Associated KBE Post @bridgeportbritt
Maxima: “I could not believe it myself. Like the great Mata? Wanting to see me? I guess she has been watching my work.”
Cira: “Grab a glass good children and gather round, it is time for the best part!” 
Tertia: “ooo, yes please.” 
Maxima: “You know I would love for you to be part of it. As a the future king I think it would go a long way with the priesthood if you were there.” 
TV Bria: “Terra. Thank you competing and good luck with all that you do. I know there’s a lot going on in your home country and family right now and I’m sure they need you. Go home, be with them, and make them all proud.”
Cira: “And that my friends is what happens when you do not buy your pearls from the Margariora! If she was wearing mine, the luster would have been so brilliant they would have had to keep her.” 
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novapark · 1 year ago
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This is an old shot now and only Estra's publically recognized children are in it but Terra and some of her sisters. she looks weirdly tall in this shot, let's just say she's in heels.
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novapark · 1 year ago
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Full Name:  Terra Delphine Zola Novari  Traits: Self - Assured, Loyal, High Maintenance, Squeamish, and Evil.  Birth Date: June 16th, 2001 Gender: Cis Home Country: Viridis (Sunset Isles) Current Location:  SimDonia  Education: International School Graduate (basically a politics oriented private school) Occupation:  Noble  Titles: Doma (lady) Affiliations: Viridi Royal Family Parents:  Princess Estra Novari  Siblings: Poppea, Gianna, Micah, Nadia, Ashra, Zarina, Rosalina, Farrah, Petra, and Magnus Children: None Sexuality: Straight but on the aromantic side. Not to say she cannot experience a connection with someone but she loves herself first.  Significant Other(s): None   Height: 5'4 Weight: 109 lbs Race:  Darkened Kasari  Eye Color:  Green and Purple  Hair Color: Red Skin color: A Sun-Kissed Pale Glasses or contact lenses? None  Distinguishing features: Heterochromia and pointed ears.  Tattoos:  Novari House Brand Piercings:  Just Ears How do they dress? Style (Elegant, shabby etc.):  Eclectic  Hairstyle: Prefers it Long   Favorite Color(s): Yellow and Green Bad Habits:  Obsessed with her phone and social media Hobbies: Singing, Playing Piano, Dancing, Clubbing, Fashion, Modeling, Grifting, Shopping Special Skills:  Keepin that to myself rn. Fluent Languages:  Sorori, Simlish  Introvert/Extrovert:  Extrovert  Alignment: chaotic neutral, though sometimes chaotic evil when she gets spiteful  Religious Affiliation:  Sorori Polytheism General Spirituality: A devout of Cali (he's kinda like their Apollo) but largely ignores the other gods because they are "ugly and uninteresting."
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novapark · 1 year ago
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Doma Terra
A simple story project to explore the life and character of Terra Novari, Princess Estra's largely ignored spare. This is connected to my old royal story so if you're familiar with her from that, I'm continuing her life post the KBE Model search and her appearance at the Adastead Ball. Posts for this will probably be slower than I'd like because of the usual rl stuff I have to get back to once this weekend is up (it was spring break for me this week).
Author's Note: Confusingly in my non-royal saves her surname is Yager since she's from the Yager line of the Nova family but Sorori culture works differently in terms of how family names are handled so I'm using her royal name tag for this instead of her standard tag. She's mostly the same person in both versions but being a royal obviously ads extra baggage to her being the magic clone child of a wealthy real estate heiress.
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royalmedani · 3 years ago
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-TV Blaring at an Unreasonable Volume - 
Bria: “Let’s move in closer.”
Ashala: “I love how you represented your country and your style in your outfit!”
Everly: “I’m surprised we didn’t see more of your personality come through in this photo, Terra.”
Terra: “I was going for austere! “It is a common official portraiture style but maybe you just are not familiar Ev-er-lee.” 
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royalmedani · 2 years ago
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royalmedani · 3 years ago
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Official Release: Doma Terra Leaves for SimDonia
The royal family and we at the PnP would like to wish Doma Terra the best of luck as she has left our fair isles for an international textile competition. Before she departed for SimDonia four days ago the young Doma took a moment to talk with the tabs about her goals on the tarmac. 
“Well of course I am in it to win! *soft chuckle* But in all seriousness I think I have what it takes to foment a new and exciting era of international diplomacy for our little islands. We should be focusing on smaller scale cultural exchanges like this rather than big trade and military agreements. This is what suits our modest position in the world."
To celebrate the event The Sorori Net Authority has teamed up with providers in SimDonia to help expand the broadcast here to the islands. Check with your temple certified SNA merchant to find out how you can tune in.
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royalmedani · 2 years ago
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royalmedani · 2 years ago
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Bringing this over here @trentonsimblr​. ^.^
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Initially I thought, “DIY Punk for sure” but then as I started gathering outfits I realized given the right social circumstances she’d totally be a DIY Punk. She’d make that shit her whole damn personality. Now what Terra never would be to me is laid back about her fashion.
So I went hyper-casual and it kinda turned out like something I’d wear.  Anyway, thanks for the ask, that was fun. 
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royalmedani · 2 years ago
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royalmedani · 3 years ago
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HH Doma Terra Novari 19 Years Old High Maintenance |  Evil | Insider For @bridgeportbritt’s next KBE Model
As a middle child caught in a cluster of noble girls, this daughter of the reigning monarch of Viridis has always sought to ensnare as much power and affection as her position will afford her. Unfortunately as a child among many she knows she has to shine extra bright if she hopes to take her mata’s crown someday. To this end she is hoping to be selected for the competition to help elevate not only her position at home but her small island nation’s prestige with their allies overseas. 
Spoilerish extra details below the cut: 
- She, like most of the Novari, is a witch. Her specialty is in charms. She has to touch a victim’s skin in order to be effective for more than a few moments though.  
- Viridis is an Electoral Principality and the heir can be selected from any of the current monarch’s children. So theoretically Terra could be ruler of Viridis in the future. This is part of why she’s doing this but also fears some of her her siblings are just better liked than she is in general and there’s nothing she can do to win the support of The Decks. 
- She has a twin sister named Rosalina.  
- There are rumors that she and at least three of her siblings are genetically modified clones of their mother. 
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royalmedani · 3 years ago
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So speaking of Viridis.. Let’s talk about its royal family. 
 Trigger warnings first though:
Death Terrorism Pregnancy IVF Mostly light mentions but I want to be sure to warn anyone that might be sensitive to these things. Anyway, lot’s of stuff under the cut: 
So as has been noted Princess Estra from the house Novari is the current head of state. 
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This summer marks the 18th year of her reign. Her Aunt Thea, the previous monarch, abdicated only a few months after taking the throne due to grief from all the fallout and death around the “Bombing at the Decks”. 
As one of the few remaining Novari of her generation, Estra felt a strong need to repopulate their numbers but never made a point to be joined to a consort. Instead she just had children with whomever she pleased and conceived one set of twins “via temple.”
The result of this has been seven girls, often collectively called “The Sirens” due to their eerily charismatic presence, intense stubbornness, and striking appearance.  
Now let’s talk about those children: 
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Poppaea - 26 years old 
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Ashra - 24 years old
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Zarina - 22 years old 
Poppy, Ashra, and Zara all share the same father and have a relationship with him. Unfortunately he was exiled twenty years ago with the rest of his family for their part in the bombings. This issue is a point of contention between Estra and her oldest children because they believe he should be allowed to come home or at least visit them since he didn’t have any direct part in the event. Sadly both sides have played very stubborn about this and as a result the oldest three girls have refused to marry or have any children until their mother relents. 
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Rosalina - 19 years old
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Terra - 19 years old
Terra and Ros are the result of “conception by temple” and ended up with a bit more of their mom’s family genes after some “tampering.” They both have been on the rolls for two years but haven’t made much progress on their mother’s great matter so Estra is starting to get particularly impatient with them. 
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Farrah - 17 years old
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Petra - 15 years old
Farrah and Petra share a father but his identity is unknown publicly. It is quietly assumed though he is one of her close advisors or a member of her security staff.
The birth with Petra was quite difficult for Estra and it was decided then she should not continue to bare children. So ever since she’s been not so patiently waiting for one of her girls to give her a grandchild and see her family line secured for another generation. Unfortunately with her oldest three remaining defiant, the twins indifferent, and the final two simply too young this limited patience is waring thin and she feels she may have to start taking some drastic measures to encourage them along. 
Damn this ended up longer than I thought it be. I would have told this all in the story but I feel like I’d get way side-tracked when I want to mostly focus on the three Medani kids. 
So anyway, that’s what’s up there. 
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royalmedani · 3 years ago
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Estra: “He may not understand but I certainly do Roselina.” 
Ros: “Mata I just -”
Estra: “Do not worry for me my darling, Terra will remain here with me and I am sending Captain Shi with you for my peace. Go and celebrate with your friends.” 
Terra: “What?! No! That is so unfair! No one is in the capitol this time of year! Amatia is going to be there! Everyone is going to be there! They are my friends too! I want to see a wedding! And clearly Rosy does not even want to go!” 
Estra: “Enough Terra! The amount you whine for a child of your age is absolutely unacceptable. You are staying here, Ros is going, and that is final!” 
Ferris: “See, all is well and sorted. Nothing for you to worry over.”
Ros: “No, I suppose not.” 
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royalmedani · 3 years ago
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Sanna: *sighs*
Ros: “San, come sit down with us, pacing around like that isn’t doing your spirit any good at all.” 
Sanna: “I just do not understand, I thought this was only a formality. Why have they been in there so long? Is she trying to talk her out of it?” 
Terra: “I mean that would be the right and proper thing to do.” 
Ros: “Terra! That was very rude! Apologize now!” 
Terra: “What? I speak no lies. It is not an equitable contract and you know Mata is practically more protective of Ima than her own children.” 
Sanna: “Hmm..” 
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royalmedani · 3 years ago
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@PosiRosi didn’t participate. AS USUAL! #freemyjeans
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