#test muse; brandy
test muse: oc. brandy highnoon, mid-20s, rich but grew up poor. has a sister who's two years younger and a brother who's only 12.
open to: m/f/nb 21+
connection: any
summary: your muse and Brandy are hanging out on NYE, walking around town; he can't help but notice that Valentines day has not only begun to overshadow the Christmas season but New Years too.
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"You're supposed to celebrate Christmas for forty days if you celebrate at all... That's forty days, after... Seems half the world starts as soon as the trick or treaters leave the damn porch... Then, come late December, 's why we're stuck with paper hearts, garish pinks, and tacky chocolates before the tree's even been chucked proper... Now, it's New Years and every classy champagne bottle has been outfitted with some hideous red label or throwaway line of poetry..."
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alcoholtm--a · 2 years
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          “i made too much coffee, so i thought that you might want some. however, i don’t know what kind of creamer you’d want--i have so many.”
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vickyvicarious · 1 year
"if the specimen I enjoyed of their hospitality be of the average kind, their lives must be pretty comfortable." good for the Bilders!
the polite, casually musing, "did I tell you to go to hell?" is so funny
Bilder hating Dracula on sight <3
ahhh it's good to hear Dracula's voice again. I mean I hate him, but, you know.
"I have made pets of several." Dracula making his little jokes again...
"he said, with a suspicious sort of modesty" hahaha, the delivery of this line was so funny
the Bilders laughing and literally going like "hohohohooo" is so funny. they're just 'gotcha!!!!!!' it's great
they are so playful. good for them
I love the long talk about how this wolf isn't clever or dangerous or anything... ending with "well, and I guess he could eat a baby" haha
Correspondent not liking that door being opened
it IS a shame that people are allowed to top their walls with broken bottles, I agree. I love how soft his voice gets on "come along, Berserker."
"the only exclusive information" hahaha yes, kudos to you, Correspondent
I like the doorbell noise quite a lot.
And the saw noise!
I never noticed them going round to the back of the house, but um. Probably a good choice before breaking in!
Ooh, the way Jack's voice falters on "but there was no sound... that we could hear"
I LOVE the music as they open the door and see Mrs. Westenra and Lucy
my immediate reaction was DO NOT BRING BRANDY
I do love that Jack tested it to make sure it wasn't poisoned though
"there was a gentleman who had come with a message from Mr. Holmwood." HERE HE ISSSS
god, that van Helsing doesn't have any hope for Lucy to survive this anymore. his only goal is to save her from vampirism
also the way Jack says "Quincey Morris" he is in love
oh god Art's voiiiiice
"Her struggle back into life was something frightful to see and hear." oh god
I love Jack's uncertainty upon reading Lucy's memorandum. The vulnerability in his voice as he asks van Helsing what it means, and if Lucy is mad.
Quincey's voice is so soft and sweet when he asks to have a talk with Jack.
Man, Jack really is running around all over the place isn't he.
"I don't want to shove myself in anywhere where I've no right to be;" this is why Quincey has been gone from the book for so long.
the music while Quincey describes the vampire bat
love the "royal lot of [manhood]" line, but also the whole bit before it, with Jack being so soft and full of sympathy for Quincey, more so than himself
"What took it out?" Quincey asking the real questions
Lucy's sobbing aches to listen to
"Some may not think it so sad for us," oof, she sounds kinda bitter. perhaps insinuations have already been made? not necessarily that they killed him but that this is mighty lucky for them isn't it/that they deliberately got close to him when he was dying in order to inherit
"my belief in him helps him to have a belief in himself." YES. YES.
Mina reaching out to Lucy for comfort and support... unaware that Lucy too is plunged into a nightmare
oh she sounds so agonized when she says the letter was unopened. oh ouch.
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alcoholttm · 2 months
&& alcoholttm. inde. sel. priv. multi-muse rp blog with muses from media such as ONE PIECE, BLEACH, GHOST STORIES, MY HERO ACADEMIA , HAIKYUU, FIRE FORCE && MORE
rules and muses are under read more!
RULE ONE. first off. i go by alcohol here, i have been for a while now and it’s just stuck over the year or two using it. i’m 33 years old, my pronouns are she/her and i live in the CMT timezone. i have a fulltime job and i never have a set schedule so i might not be on as much as i’d want to so please be patient with me! this blog is for fun so if you start pestering me about a reply it’ll get less and less fun and more about timelines and it’ll stress me out. any and all hate will be deleted and blocked as well. i suffer from depression and anxiety so this place is the one place i can enjoy and escape the world and i don’t want that ruined.
RULE TWO. this blog is independent(not affiliated with any group) selective(will be picky on who i follow/follow back), private (i only rp with people who are mutuals with me). so please be aware of that when following me. at this time i don’t have any main’s and i don’t think that i will unless i come across a latios who wants to be mains with latias.
RULE THREE. there will be no god modding on this blog. that means what my character does is controlled by me and me alone, unless you ask me about a fight sequence where my character gets hurt, don’t make it so your character hits mine, instead go something like “they aim to hit–” that way i can decide if the hit actually makes contact or not, making it more fun to rp with you!
RULE FOUR. this is a multi muse blog, so there will be different muses for different fandoms. if you have any problem with any fandom i have, then i will tag it accordingly. but you need to let me know because i won’t tag most of my rps besides “ic post” and the url of the person i’m rping with.
RULE FIVE. everything that might be trigger inducing will be tagged as “___ warning” and if you want something else tagged just let me know and i’ll tag it for you!
RULE SIX.  this blog is not safe for personal blogs to follow. unless your personal blog has an rp blog attached to it i will block you, so be sure to let me know that you have an rp blog if that’s the case!
RULE SEVEN. i do rp with OCs and i really enjoy it! however i will need a bit of an about to go by so i know how my character will react to yours or how to even go about making you starters!
RULE EIGHT.  the only thing that i wish to be triggered is bdsm/rape/noncon/torture as well as visuals on needles and if you could tag those as “hdl” that would be fantastic!
Thank you so much for reading! I hope you have a wonderful day! Hope to rp with you soon!
tenya iida || PRIMARY
rody soul || SECONDARY
tokoyami fumikage || PRIMARY
tamaki amajiki || SECONDARY
kon || PRIMARY
ikakku madarame || SECONDARY
shinra kusakabe || PRIMARY
hinata shoyo || PRIMARY
amanojaku || PRIMARY
monkey d. luffy || PRIMARY
usopp || PRIMARY
kaku || PRIMARY
latias || PRIMARY
honda hitoro || PRIMARY
alfons heiderich || PRIMARY
brandy || PRIMARY
wrath 03 || TESTING
winry rockbell || TESTING
littlefoot || PRIMARY
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Send me a 📀 for a recent(ish) memory from my muse
“Ahem, excuse me, I need to speak with one, ah, ‘tree mommy,’ please?” A woman dressed head-to-toe in the brightest orange Brandy had ever seen leaned over the desk Brandy had set herself up at. Brandy threw a pencil at her.
“Fuck outta here Mark, I’m on lunch,” Brandy said to the woman who served as Tagtree Thicket’s operator, and whose name was definitely ‘Maryk’ and not ‘Mark’. 
“Wha- ow! Meanie! This is workplace harassment.” Maryk flinched as the pencil hit her, accidentally knocking it into her hair where it immediately got stuck in her dark curls. “Oooooo, now it’s all stuckies. I’m telling Joel.”
“Go for it, tell Joel. I’ll stick a pencil in his hair too. I’m unstoppable.” 
Maryk huffed at this, trying to work the pencil out of her hair without teasing out too much frizz. “Fine. I guess I’ll tell him that your little Rox has been late starting patrol 3 days running too. Since you apparently don’t care.”
“Uggggh.” Brandy leaned back in her chair, a hand placed dramatically over her eyes. “Maryk no, I really don’t feel like arguing with Rox right now.”
Rox was one of the newer rangers on Brandy’s team of area rangers that helped her take care of Tagtree Thicket. She was also the most contrarian person Brandy had ever met. Every order, every rule, every piece of advice was always and immediately questioned. Which was something that Brandy liked, hell it was a quality Brandy was quite proud to have in common with Rox. But being questioned day in and day out on every little thing did, as it turned out, get exhausting. 
“I mean like girl. I get it. Question authority, absolutely. But every time she’s questioned me on something I’ve given her a good reason for it. I don’t tell them to do anything if there isn’t a good reason for it. I tell them when the reason is just ‘because Joel will get mad’ and I tell them why ‘Joel getting mad’ is something they want to avoid. I have been so open and honest every single day - have I not earned any trust from this girl?”
Maryk just shrugged, still attempting to gently twist the pencil out of her hair. “I don’t know. Has Joel earned any trust from you?”
“Really?” Maryk raised an eyebrow. “Or have you just run out of things to question him on?”
“I- hm.” Brandy paused to consider this. “I guess you’re right. I just know everything now.” 
The operator rolled her eyes, finally freeing the pencil from her hair and tossing it back. “Uh huh. Well, you are a field ranger supervisor. It’s literally your job to share that knowledge. Rox is just being extra efficient about it.” 
“Yeah, I guess that’s one way to put it.” Brandy sighed, and pushed herself up from the desk. “Guess I’ll go talk to her. Thanks for the tip, narc.”
“You are so welcome, tree mommy.”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
“Oi, Rox. It’s 10:15. Pretty sure you were supposed to be out in the bush 15 minutes ago.” Rox was sitting in the staff area, feet curled up onto the brown, leather couch and phone in hand. She looked to be no older than 17, with dark hair and eyes and a misdreavus floating beside her. Brandy limped over to the young ranger in question. They noted, with slight amusement, that Rox was in fact fully in uniform and geared up, suggesting that her tardiness was just her latest way to test boundaries. 
Rox’s stubborn glare and crossed arms seemed to confirm this. “So? It’s a few minutes, what difference does it make?”
“It makes a difference in two ways, newbie.” Brandy lowered themself into a nearby chair. “One, if something happens in that forest while you’re on patrol and you aren’t there to fix it, that becomes your mistake. From the time patrol starts to the time it ends, that forest is your responsibility, and you’re culpable for anything that happens in it for that time. If you’re an area ranger and you aren’t ranging your area during your designated range time, and something goes down, it’s gonna be your ass on the line.”
“Well, that’s my risk to take.” She responded, though she didn’t sound entirely convinced.
“Yeah, but I can’t imagine you took this job to take risks. I can tell you for sure that we didn’t hire you to take risks. Personally, I’m gonna be pretty peeved with you if some nutjob with a lighter pulls some shit while you’re supposed to be out there guarding that forest.”
Rox tilted her head, acquiescing the point. “Still-”
“Hold that thought for a mo’, there’s a second point here.” Brandy cut off whatever argument Rox was about to muster. “When you start your patrol late, it screws up everyone else’s shifts. It should take the full two hours to patrol the entire forest properly, and whoever is scheduled after you can’t start their patrol until you come back and give your patrol summary. If you start late, you’re gonna end late. And if you end late, the person after you is gonna also start late. And that’s rude as hell to your teammates. You don’t know what kind of plans or appointments they have scheduled after their shift.”
Rox pursed her lips at this. As combative as she was, Brandy would not have agreed to put Rox on her team if she wasn’t the kind of person who cared about her teammates. “Well, what if I’m on the last shift of the day?”
Brandy shrugged at this. “If you’re on the last shift and you start a few minutes late, I honestly won’t give a shit. 15 minutes is pushing it though, a lot can happen in 15 minutes.” Brandy paused, a thought occurring to her. “Joel might be annoyed though, for the first reason I gave you. And he’ll know when your patrol starts, he memorizes the shifts when we send them in for approval.”
“Alright, I guess that makes sense.” 
“Girl, everything I tell you to do makes sense.” 
“Yeah, once you explain it.” Rox pushed up from the couch, giving Brandy a lazy two finger salute. “Well, I’m off then. Thanks for the talk.”
“No problem, Rox,” Brandy said, leaning back into the sofa. “Always a pleasure convincing you to do your job.”
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wdwctrl · 1 year
* test muses:
finn balor, brandi rhodes, Charlotte flair.
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vileintcnt · 2 years
will be coming on in a lil bit to reply to everyone on IM and do some more drafts ( slowly wittling it down ), but for now under the cut are just some wanted plots i would like for my musesss pls and thanks :) this is very shittily drafted so pls ignore the lack of detail lmfao tw for gunplay
a thread where your naïve girl muse plays a game of dares with a duo, maybe a trio if im feeling optimistic, of harrison, fitz & tobias, they convince her that if she wants to fit in with them thats the kind of shit they do, whilst starting small, daring her to take off her panties, take off her top, and then eventually, suck their dick, let them fuck her but ‘just the tip’ and the whole while theyre laughing at her so its like, fun degredation humiliation moments
give me toxic relationships with connor where they’re launching plates at him and hes smashing shit and then they’re angry fucking 
i want kinderwhore hot sexy big titty goth bitches to give sid the hugest boner of his life
i also still want to do the plot of sid and a close girl friend watching something lowkey pornographic on tv and him suggesting they both rub one out so they do and then they accidentally touch and it just makes them hornier and hes like fuck sorry i gotta and then hes fucking her
my muse is kiiiinda low for ted, but i still want a thread where a girl hits on him at a bar and hes like...um what
give remi some older men i beg, give her professors she can sit in front of in class and drop her pencil and show him shes not wearing panties, or give her bad boys who get her to take a tab in a club that shes snuck out to and fucking in the bathrooms
give noelle someone catching her filming OF content
fitz barton wants to fuck his friends moms!!! 
cher cook wants to fuck her friends dads!!!
i want a thread where bowie and her best friend are hanging out and her friends telling her she’s never had an orgasm so bowie goes down on her
give cassidy a bodyguard she can call into her bedroom all innocent like can you help me undo my dress? and just being all round seductive because shes bored and manipulative
gun sucking!!!!
i want my test muse candy, good christian pageant girl, secret slut, to either suck a priests dick, or have a casting call moment where she fucks a pageant judge, or to masturbate with her friends dads pillow while she knows hes watching her 
and give my test muse brandy, the young hot wife of a politician/crimelord, a guy who works for her husband that she can seduce 
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austerulous · 2 years
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◈   @mysteriarchae said:   ❛ 🌿 // modern? mico & maria... ❜ // send 🌿 to accidentally get caught under the mistletoe with my muse.
A whisper of fast-turning pages, their flow interrupted by one clever thumb.  All the vastness of the universe was spread above them, a canopy pricked by the light of dying celestial bodies beyond count.  For now, they forsook the heavens in favour of more earthly delights.
No grand Christmas celebrations, no garlands save for the sea of holly and pine that surrounded them.  In the wild heart of the dark sky reserve, far from civilisation, hidden away from the halogen glare that leaked and stained the ether, the domed roof of the observatory rose like a pebble-coloured island.
In Micolash’s grasp, a book of botanical illustrations, a test of wine-honed wits.  Maria watched him over the crystal rim of her glass, silent as she sipped port.  There was a liveliness to her darling’s eyes, a razor-edged intelligence that glinted in his pale, pointed features.  A turn of the wrist revealed the print, unveiling smooth-edged, deep green leaves borne in pairs along a woody stem, and a cluster of white berries.
“Viscum album – mistletoe.”  How unchallenging.  How fitting in all its festive connotations.  “The ancient Greeks and Celts associated it with male fertility.” 
Tradition surely did not extend to include drawings of the amorous plant, but they had never needed custom to compel them.  Micolash, like her, was forged from something far more ephemeral than the stars, far more beautiful than any distant nebula.  An elegant finger curled through one of his belt loops, guiding him close, their pelvises kissing before their lips could meet.  Breathing in brandy fumes, with the taste of port wine in their mouths and her fingers sweeping through the dark mop of unruly hair, Maria kissed him with no care for propriety.
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They Don’t Make Them Like They Used To
They Don’t Make Them Like They Used To
by Sodium_Azide
Everything comes and goes, sometimes only remembered by an angel and a demon. That said, even bitter memories can be sweet in the company of a friend. Aziraphale and Crowley slowly get closer after the Apocanot, via teasing and taste-testing.
  “You know what I don’t see on menus anymore?” Crowley mused eventually. “Apple brandy. No. Shut up. Do not make that joke, I don’t even have to see your face to know what your face is doing, and don’t even start with me.”
Words: 1964, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett, Good Omens (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens), Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus | Emperor Augustus, (mentioned)
Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens)
Additional Tags: Banter, POV Crowley (Good Omens), Fluff and Humor, Cooking, Holy Roman Empire, silphium, Memories, Aziraphale Loves Crowley (Good Omens), Crowley Loves Aziraphale (Good Omens), Aziraphale is a good cook, Developing Relationship
From https://ift.tt/SJ6YPa9 https://archiveofourown.org/works/42135795
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failedhero-archive · 4 years
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“You know- this town isn’t so bad when you get used to it. At least it’s not like the last place.” Ya know, where deadites ate her mom and best friend and her, for a time. 
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tallulahchanel · 3 years
"Malice" [Chapter 2]
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Fandom: Black Panther/MCU
Characters: Sidra Nwabueze and Zoya Matthews
Words: 800-900
Tags: @blackfemmecharacterdependency @i-drink-and-i-write-fics @blacklocs @marvelheaux @ride1 @mariahthelioness29 @afriendlyblackhottie @liquorlaughslove @thekrazykeke
Baltimore, Maryland - 2017
SZA's Garden played on the speakers of a blue Maserati GranCabrio driving through the streets of downtown Baltimore with the top down and the wind blowing through the driver's hair. The car parked in a reserved spot at a building and she turned the key in the ignition before grabbing a brush to straighten out her silk-pressed brown hair. She applied pink lip gloss to her luscious lips and stepped onto the pavement in dusty green heels that matched her pantsuit.
Once she walked out of the elevator and onto her floor, she scanned her badge to enter the lab, smiling upon seeing the young lady making notes on an iPad while her voluptuous hair was pulled out of her face. "Good morning, Zoya."
Zoya looked up and returned her smile. "Good morning. Sidra. I have your coffee ready and I even got you one of those protein brownies you love so much."
Sidra chuckled while removing her shoes and suit jacket, replacing it with a lab coat and slip-resistant shoes. "You’re a lifesaver."
"Thank you, and you have a case. Relatively easy one."
Sidra sipped her coffee while looking over the files sent by the Baltimore Police Department. "Wilfred Kane, 55 years old. Ruled as a suicide, but a suspected homicide. Was there any evidence found at the scene?"
Zoya held up a Ziplock bag. "A drinking glass full of brandy that he downed. I also took the samples and ran a toxicology report."
After pulling her hair back, Sidra put on a pair of gloves to remove the glass from the bag. "What did you find?"
"High concentrations of arsenic in the fluids."
Sidra dusted the glass for fingerprints and compared her findings to the data notes in the files. "I would question the maid. The evidence is pointing towards her."
Zoya wrote that down in her notes and emailed the information to the police department. "That was your last official case."
"Hardly." Sidra discarded her gloves. "The last few caseloads were so simple that BPD is wasting their money and my resources."
"They will be sad to see you go," Zoya said while cleaning up everything.
"Not my problem. So, where are we on my baby?"
Zoya smirked while grabbing a vPad out of the drawer. "The stats are great. If she doesn’t reject the herb, we'll be halfway towards the goal."
"Great. Our lease is up soon, so we have to finish this and pack up the lab."
"Are you sure we'll be able to move into the building in Wakanda?"
"Securing my father’s lab wasn't easy. Fortunately, King T'Challa believes I shouldn't have to pay for his crimes." Sidra smiled at the specimen inside of the cryogenic pod Zoya just removed a cover from. "Years of planning are finally coming to fruition. Do you have the herb?" When her assistant presented the pink herb picked from her private garden, Sidra moved over to the table where her mortar and pestle to crush the herb. "Jufeiro. Rare. Not only does it give you enhanced abilities, but it makes men fall mindlessly in love with you. They'll do anything you say."
"The drawbacks?" Zoya asked so she can prepare for anything.
"It doesn’t last long, which makes it toxic. The user either keeps taking the herb, or it weakens them to nothingness."
"Is that why you grew more than one?"
"Testing purposes. I want to keep my specimen strong enough to execute the plan. After that, I'm not sure." Sidra finished crushing the herb, and she gathered the liquid into a syringe and handed it to her assistant. "All you."
Zoya took the syringe and carefully injected the contents into a tube that feeds the specimen.
“The ax forgets, but the tree remembers," Sidra mused while watching the specimen react to the herb.
Zoya raised a brow while removing the syringe from the tube. "I'm sorry?"
"African Proverb. It means the one who inflicts pain moves on easier than the one who felt it."
"Oh." Zoya nodded and put the syringe in a biohazardous container.
Sidra rested her hand against the pod. “My mother abandoned me when I was a child, so it was always baba and I. Most kids are embarrassed about their parents being their best friend. If anything, he was embarrassed that I went everywhere with him." She walked over to her desk and picked up a frame that held a picture of her and Obinna during Challenge Day of 1989. "I may have been twenty when he was exiled, but that doesn’t stop the pain of watching them haul my father away from the place we both knew as home with no means of contacting him.”
An alert chimed on the vPad as Zoya examined the stats. "She didn't reject the herb, but it'll be awhile before she's ready for the attack."
"Thank you, Zoya." Sidra wiped a stray tear and changed out of her lab gear. "I'll send the jet for the pod soon."
"Sidra? What if this doesn't work? Would all the time and effort be worth it?"
"Do what I tell you." She put her shades on and strutted out of the lab.
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lilbittymonster · 2 years
A Very Descriptive Profile of Your Muse
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NAME.   Kitali Moonblade AGE.   27 at the start of ARR, currently approaching 29. SPECIES.   Xaela Au'Ra GENDER.   Cis woman ORIENTATION.   Bisexual INTERESTS.   Embroidery, flying, botany, pranking the Scions PROFESSION.   Sellsword turned Warrior of Light with some artisan on the side BODY TYPE.   Lean and muscular, like a dancer EYES.   Deep purple with the hint of dragon gold at the edges to show her bond to Hraesvelgr's Eye HAIR.   Pale pale pink with slightly darker pink highlights SKIN.   Grey-purple FACE.   Pure white freckles that manifested when her Echo did. She calls them her stars. Sharp jaw and cheekbone structure. Strong case of RBF that only got worse after Heavensward. HEIGHT.   5'4 (max fem!Au'ra height) COMPANIONS.  For most of her childhood it was her and her parents, and friends of her parents who also sometimes had kids with them. Then after her dad died, it was just her and her mom. Then she left to go out on her own, eventually winding up in Gridania. Now her constant companions are survivor's guilt and righteous fury. ANTAGONISTS.   Ywain, basically any Ascian she comes into contact with, 98% of Ul'dah, and Aymeric's workload. COLORS.   Blue, black, purple, and gold. Sometimes red. FRUITS.   Peaches and blackberries DRINKS.   Green tea is preferable but any tea with milk and sugar will do. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ?   Ones that she opens herself or that Thancred/Aymeric has already taste tested for her. Before the riot, she liked mulled wine. But being married to the Lord Commander has spoiled her rotten for a good brandy. SMOKES ?   Not really, she doesn't like the mouth feel. DRUGS ?   If she's safe or unhinged enough she'll take something to turn her brain off for a bit. DRIVERS LICENSE ?   Yes but she likes to go zippy, so watch out for that.
Tagged by @yloiseconeillants 's open invite
tagging @azure-dragonsinger @crystalxexarch @mythandral @ir0n-angel @crackinglamb @trishelle
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uniquevocashark · 3 years
A Good Servant Part 4
Content warnings:
Graphic depictions of gore, blood, smoking, lady dimitrescu washes the readers mouth out with soap and a horse brush so watch out for that, mentions of taxidermy, mentions of meat preparation (skinning), mentions of murder, aftermath of murder
“How dare I?” Lady Dimitrescu said, then her face split open in a wide smile and she threw her head back and laughed. It was light and hysterical, and she covered her mouth softly with one hand. Her bedroom was lit only with candlelight, her pet cowering on the other side of the room by her bed.
You glared at her and she met your eyes gleefully, striding over and grabbing your face in one hand. She squeezed your jaw and forced your mouth open, then rubbed your teeth through your cheeks. You grabbed her wrist and dug your nails in, but she didn’t so much as flinch, smiling at you with all the grace of a lion with an antelope in its mouth.
“Pet,” She called, and you glared, “Go fetch some soap and water, separate bucket for each.”
You glimpsed at her, at her smirk and her pose, the way it accentuated her perfect posture and the perfect way her hair fell and curled. The sleek stitch work of her hat, her cream dress, the strokes of her makeup brush that painted her white. Perfect, down to the last cell.
Lady Dimitrescu walked with you struggling against her, dragging your feet over the well-polished floor and well-appointed carpet to her bed. She sat down and pulled you forward with a quick yank, forcing your stomach against her knee. She reached over you to her bedside table, where she kept a specially designed toothbrush for her horse, Matthias.
“This is such a lovely little knick-knack,” She said pleasantly, twisting the dark wooden brush to catch the light, “It’s a shame I barely use it, don’t you agree?”
You grabbed her wrist in both hands and clawed and, though she swayed slightly, she manhandled you right back where she wanted you with ease. You grunted and she tapped your lips with the brush.
“Now, now, Wesker, no need to act an animal,” Her pet came back with a bucket of soap and a bucket of water, “Excellent choice, pet.”
Last year Lady Dimitrescu had taken to the scent of vanilla, and the smell was thick and syrupy the moment it was set down near you. She used a soft soap that gouged, somewhere between sloid and liquid, and pungent enough to drown your nose already. She scooped some onto her fingers, smiling, then looked at you with a grin crawling up her cheeks. “Try not to swallow.”
You took a quick breath, and she shoved her fingers into your mouth. The soap taste was unbearable, and she took obvious pleasure while she rubbed the soap onto your tongue. The taste filled your mouth, your nose, and no matter how hard you bit her hand she never wavered. She hummed a pleasant tune, tapping her feet beneath you while you struggled against her. When Lady Dimitrescu pulled away to grab the brush, you pulled in a breath and gagged.
She looked down at you, trapped against her and gasping between your violent gags, and smiled.
She tapped your cheek with the brush, and you flinched away from it.
“What a shame,” Lady Dimitrescu mused and tilted your chin up to watch the soap foam drip down your chin. She smiled slowly, her eyes widened softly, and she pushed the brush into your mouth. She scrubbed your teeth harshly, then your gums, your tongue and as far down your throat as she could push you before you were clawing desperately at her hand. She scrapped the brush against the inside of your mouth until you bled, until you had clawed holes in the skirt of her dress, until tears rolled down your face flatly and all you could smell, or taste was iron and rosemary.
By the time she had deemed your mouth clean, suds and spit covered your chin and her skirt. She released your jaw and let you sink to the floor and pushed the bucket of water over to you with her foot.
“All this, because you can’t listen,” She mused, taking her quellazaire from her pet. She turned to the tongueless woman and said, “Inside the bathroom, pet.”
You spat out a mouthful of blood and bristles, your hand shaking, running your tongue over your teeth and finding a few loose. Lady Dimitrescu was never gentle with her punishments to her staff, only her daughters were ever treated gently. She had told you not to cuss once before, in passing.
You wiped the spit off your chin and threw it into the bucket, your hands shaking, and your breath laboured. Rosemary tinted your every breath in when you heard the bathroom door shut.
“I would do that to Mother Miranda,” She said wistfully, relighting her cigarette, “if I could get away with it.”
“She’d kill you,” You choked out, coughing up a chunk of soap, “Speaking to her might help.”
“Mother Miranda doesn’t listen to me,” Lady Dimitrescu took a drag from her cigarette, “not anymore, at least.” She smiled at you, small and bitter, then turned her attention to the bathroom door and frowned.
You stared at her, and the bloody bristles covering your palm. “I know she doesn’t.”
“She speaks to you, a human—”
“Not a human.”
“A mortal,” She corrected absently, moving your chin towards her with the tip of her shoe, “is told over me. Does that seem… fair to you?”
You didn’t answer and she tilted her head as she took another drag from her quellazaire. Then she laughed, soft hiccup like chuckles more bitter than the taste in your mouth, smoke leaking from her ruby red lips.
“I’m obsolete.” She said, turning her eyes to the ceiling and then she laughed again.
“You are not,” You said, the words spilling blood from your mouth onto her shoe, “You have some uses.”
“Oh, thank you for the assessment,” Alcina crooned sarcastically, “It is ever so helpful.”
“I’m not good at this. And you scrubbed my mouth out with a horse brush.”
She pushed the tip of her shoe into your neck, just above the skin that hid your oesophagus. Her golden eyes glowed, “And you were just commenting on my daring, were you not?”
You glowered, then lowered your eyes to your murky reflection. “Yes, Madame.”
“By all means,” Lady Dimitrescu said, flicking ash onto the floor, “Speak.”
You picked up the still glowing end of her cigarette with a handkerchief and spat a glob of blood to smother it with. It was too late, predictably. The carpet was already ruined, “You are a hypocrite.”
“Hm? Did I not scrub hard enough?”
You pulled another bristle out from between your teeth.
“You never told me you had children.”
You dabbed the inside of your cheek with another handkerchief, pulling out a loose tooth as you did so. “I only had one.”
“You lied to me.”
You looked at her and shrugged, “I lie about a lot more than that.”
“Yes,” Her fingers tightened around her quellazaire, “I am aware of that.”
You looked away, into the bucket, then at the door. “It isn’t any of your business.”
"The lives of all my staff are my business."
“But I am not just yours.”
She leaned back a little, cocking her head to the side and smiling, “Yet.”
You glimpsed at her, at her smirk and her pose, the way it accentuated her perfect posture and the perfect way her hair fell and curled. The sleek stitchwork of her hat, her cream dress, the strokes of her makeup brush that painted her white. Perfect, down to the last cell.
“I know plenty about you,” She said, “A Frenchmen, a biologist, a test subject.”
“Easy things to learn from a file.”
“You hate the smell of brandy,” She continued in a dreamy sort of tone, “and acorns, whatever those are. You hate kidney beans and men who smoke. But you like cooking and you like me.”
You wobbled to your feet and took a few shaky steps away from her. She watched you and the blood that dripped down your chin with razor focus.
“I will likely be leaving.” You said, though it was much quieter than you would have preferred.
Lady Dimitrescu saw through your basic attempt and hummed, the sound reverberating through your bones. Then, mockingly, “Oh, are you afraid of dying?”
You looked at the draping on her bed, “You aren’t?”
“I am immortal,” She said, taking a drag from her cigarette then cocked her head, “Get out.”
You didn’t sleep that night.
So, after a few hours of soothing the pain in your mouth, you redressed and went into the kitchen. Alex was there, skinning whatever the Lady had deemed to her palate, so you moved to help with the vegetables. You didn’t speak for three hours, not until the prep work was done and the silverware was shining bright enough to blind.
You nodded as the other kitchen staff entered, “Ensure everything is perfect.”
And then you went to start your day.
You put your room to rights, cleaned the table, fixed the bedding and refolded any loose clothing. Then you moved into the dorm rooms for the other maids and roused them up fifteen minutes before six. You cleaned away the last remains of the five that had been eaten last night and dictated tasks down to the rest. Once the dorms had been cleaned to standard, and new bedding was placed on the once used beds, you moved to meet Mihaela at twenty past six and handed off the schedule for Lady Dimitrescu’s morning before Vanessa arrived.
Afterwards you sought out the three Dimitrescu daughters, who slept until half past seven before they deigned to rise. They kept their rooms warm as melted butter, with enough blankets to burn the scales off a rattlesnake, and you took a breath before entering. They were, as ever, aggressive but for Daniela who practically jumped into your arms. She smiled her wide smile and, after a little prompting, began talking excitedly about the necklaces she had made using your teeth.
You brushed their hair, first Daniela, then a yawning Bela and finally Cassandra who flopped half off the bed and snored while you fixed her hair. Once they were dressed, and their necklaces comfortably on their necks, you opened the doors and had breakfast brought in. The ate the dog meat with friendly chatter and warm tea. They weren’t as picky as their mother, nor as reliant on human flesh, and enjoyed tasting different meats when the opportunity presented itself.
But always you knew that they would bounce back onto human flesh. Such was their nature.
You took extra time to clean up their room as quickly and quietly as possible while they talked amongst themselves. Cassandra had disappeared immediately after breakfast, as she always did before you were finished cleaning and never returning until well after dinner. She was, as the other maids had told you, doing something in the opera hall and had barred all entrance into it while she was working.
Lady Dimitrescu always came to say good morning to her children, just after she had finished balancing her accounts and fielding any emergency phone calls. They calmed her considerably, and they talked while you cleaned around them in a flurry of movement. You did catch her eye one time, just as she was leaving, and she smiled at you with more mania than you had seen from her in a while.
At twenty-three past eleven, you went to clean the lower bedroom that Lady Dimitrescu worked in and found her pet hanging on the hooks with her chest broken open. Her ribs had been removed and you could clearly see her lungs inflating and deflating while she noisily took in breath. She would not live another minute, not with the glaze in her eyes as she reacted to your footsteps, especially not with the flies that buzzed out of your skirts and onto her neck. You watched her breath once and then turned your attention to the mess that was Lady Dimitrescu’s desk.
She had small roses made of glass, stuffed rodents that Daniela had made for her, flowers that Cassandra picked for her each morning from her private garden and small statues made of clay that Bela had made for her. And all of it was covered in blood which you would need to scrub and bleach from it all.
“At least you don’t have to deal with this.” You said to the hanging corpse and got to work.
When Vanessa did finally arrive, at one in the afternoon, you had been so thoroughly distracted by your work that you had run your fingers until they were bright red and throbbing. Lady Dimitrescu had watched you from her couch, tilting her head this way and that with feline laziness to track your every move.
Vanessa took tea with Lady Dimitrescu when she arrived, drinking the blood infused blend with a brave face and healthy smile. She always did have a stunning smile, matching to the Lady’s that you now worked under. The business they discussed, and discuss they did, loudly and bordering on obnoxious, was you. And Lady Dimitrescu twisted it into your past with almost reverent ease.
She was always too good at getting information from people.
“Cryogenically frozen?” Lady Dimitrescu asked, her smile stretching a tad too wide, “My, my. I had no idea.”
Vanessa smiled, and you could see the ticking of her brain as she tried to worm her way out of the current conversation, “Yes, it’s a fascinating process.”
“That sounds like quite the ordeal.” Lady Dimitrescu leaned forward, resting her head on her chin and you dug your nails into the platter you were holding.
“It was,” Vanessa said, “There are so many components that can go wrong.”
“Do tell.”
And so, it went on and on and on for two hours. By three in the afternoon, Lady Dimitrescu had weaseled herself into your personal life with as much finesse and subtlety as a charging rhinoceros, not that either you or Vanessa could divert her interest away from the topic. So when she left for work, brushing her hand under your chin as she went.
You watched her go for a moment too long, before Vanessa threw her arm around your shoulders and kissed your cheek.
“That is quite enough.” You said and shook her off.
Vanessa laughed and you went over to the dirty table and began stacking the dishes away. “Oh, come now, I haven’t seen you in twenty years!”
“That was on purpose.”
She sat back down while you cleaned, tossing her dark hair so that it caught the light brilliantly. She didn’t wear perfume, which made the room seem empty now that Lady Dimitrescu had left, and she seemed cold compared to the Lady. “Are you still mad at me?”
“I hope you’re quite finished.”
“You talk like that giant bioweapon.”
“She is,” You said severely, picking up the full tray and wiping down the table, “by definition, not a bioweapon.”
“You know what I mean.”
“Be more precise with your language.”
“Now you’re nit-picking.”
“Please, stop talking.” She smiled gently and you relented. “Fine. I missed you.”
Vanessa threw her arm around your shoulders again and gave you another kiss on the cheek. Daniela appeared before you and placed her sickle against Vanessa’s temple.
She scrunched her nose and her tone was soft and confused, “Why are you touching our things?”
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Lines taken from various songs by First Aid Kit, Crooked Still, or The Sweeplings. Always feel free to edit and change to your heart’s content to better accommodate your muses!
" There they laid my own true lover. " " She's gone from me forever more. " " I left her there back in the mountain to see the world, riches to gain. " " When I returned, no earthly treasure could ease this heart so filled with pain. " " I'll go away and I will wander. " " Undone in sorrow I'll remain. " " Carry me home when the light in my eyes does fade. " " Lay down my bones knowing I'll be in a better place. " " Don't you weep for I am freedom-bound. " " Release my soul. Carry me home. " " Quietly, you let me go. " " Oh, I'm in too deep. " " Brick by brick the walls are closing in around my feet. " " What is done is done. " " Hush. " " What I've done is killing me. " " Release me-- let me start all over and bury it away. " " It's my day to pay. " " It's me you've come to take. " " By midnight time, I could not see if I were you or you were me. " " As I was looking for a way to disappear, amongst the quiet things and all these empty streets, I found a way to reappear. " " I'll follow you where you go. " " I need your condolence and your trust, but I won't ask for much. " " There's a heavy load upon our backs of things we carry from the past. " " I'll only ask for so much. " " Each moment brings it nigh. " " And all your glories stand revealed to our admiring eye. " " You mortal powers decay fast as you bring the night of death. " " You bring eternal day. " " Have courage and be bold. " " Dark night and clouds and gloomy fear and dragons often roar. But when the gospel trump we hear, we'll press for Canaan's shore. " " Put up your walls and hide away. " " Flesh and bones takes its toll. " " Everything we had's been torn apart. " " The floors have been quiet. " " Oh, the bitter winds are coming in, and I'm already missing the summer. " " I've been told I was born to endure this kinda weather. " " I'm not asking much of you. " " Just sing, little darling, sing with me. " " Now so much I know that things don't grow if you don't bless them with your patience. " " I held up the door for every stranger with a promise. " " That's the strength that I lack. " " Yes, I might have lied to you. But you wouldn't have benefited from knowing the truth. " " I need you know at long last. " " Feeling sad and lonesome-- I'll tell you the reason why. " " Oh, my love, tell her to come back home. " " Coffee grows on white oak trees. The river flows with brandy. The hillside's lined with ginger cakes, and my Dony's sweet as candy. " " If you see my Dony, tell her I'm sitting at home. " " I am in love, and I am lost. But I'd rather be broken than empty. " " I'd rather be shattered than hollow. " " I'd rather be by your side. " " We said 'we are going to get out of here. '" " When will we get out of here? " " Now I can't believe that it will be so long til we both are here, looking out at this city and knowing all we ever wanted is gone. " " Time is a fickle thing. Let's see what it can bring. " " I can not leave you behind. " " When I grow up, I want to be a forester. Run through the moss on high heels... that's what I'll do. " " When I grow up, I want live near the sea. " " I put my soul in what I do. " " I never liked that sad look. " " I'm very good with plants. " " When my friends are away, they let me keep the soil moist. " " On the seventh day I rest for a minute or two, then back on my feet to call for you. " " Too much time spent on nothing, waiting for a moment to arise. " " I'm waiting for him to catch me. " " Oh, thy love runs deep. " " Leave the past where it lies. " " Only in time we will find we're alive. " " In the air, our echoes heard, flowing far from where we were. " " Wolf-mother, where you been? You look so worn, so thin. " " Wolf-father, at the door, you don't smile anymore. " " Keep the spirit strong. " " Keep holding on. " " And I hope for a trace to lead me back home from this place, but there was no sound there was only me and my disgrace. " " Oh, lend a mending hand. " " We can't take back the words we spoke, the promises we've released. " " Oh, how we lost it... " " Change is sure to come, now that everything's gone wrong. " " We can't pull back what's overboard, sunk into the black beneath. " " Borrowed time has found an end. " " Oh, how we lost it, all of what we once were. " " Had I wings, I would fly away and be at rest. " " Went out one night to make a little round. I met little Sadie and I shot her down. " " I began to think of what a deed I'd done. Grabbed my hat and away I did run. " " I murdered little Sadie in the first degree. " " There was a little ship, and she sailed upon the sea. The name of the ship was The Golden Vanity. " " Then up spoke a little cabin boy, saying 'What will you give me if them I will destroy?' " " Love, I always kept my distance. " " I'm losing hold. " " My empire, in ashes around me, and somehow I feel like it's all right in place. " " Now I'm letting go. " " Catch me, dear, I'm falling-- my walls are coming down. " " My defense is all but gone. " " I don't want to wait anymore. I'm tired of looking for answers. " " Take me some place where there's music and there's laughter. " " I don't know if I'm scared of dying, but I'm scared of living too fast, too slow. " " I try not to hold on to what is gone. I try to do right what is wrong. I try to keep on keeping on. " " I won't take the easy road. " " I've woken up in a hotel room, my worries as big as the moon, having no idea who or what or where I am. " " Something good comes with the bad. A song's never just sad-- there's hope. There's a silver lining. Show me my silver lining. " " Show me my silver lining. " " Follow me down to the shore. We can cast our sails and grab the ores. We can float away and not come back. Darling, if you'd just take my hand..." " Freedom is as far as we can see... darling, if you'd just come with me. " " Here is where we decide, by the setting sun and rising tide, if we stay and fade or test our reach. " " Darling, won't you just come with me. " " Leave our note in the old oak tree, carve it deep so the old can read. The only thing of us that's left behind are the words we left here. " " You can leave behind most anything, but some you never will. " " You can hide the tracks of smaller things, keep it buried underneath. " " Oh, I feel it coming for me. Can't escape the nights that we've been through. " " Old regrets, they never let go. Oh, how my soul weeps for you. " " It's hard living and letting go when your past is waging war. " " My soul weeps-- things I should have done, things I can't outrun... " " I'm not willing to lose you. " " I'm not willing to say goodbye. " " Give me oceans or canyons, so deep they stretch for millions of miles. I'll cross any divide, not a flicker of doubt. No danger I wouldn't dare, to be with you. " " Trust me, sweetheart, I'll be here. " " I'll bring you back from anywhere. " " It shone like gold. " " No gold can stay. " " What if our hard work ends in despair? " " What if the road won't take me there? " " Oh, I wish, for once, it could stay gold. " " What if to love and be loved's not enough? " " What if I fall and can't bear to get up? " " But there is only forward, no other way. Tomorrow is your hope at the end of the day. And gold turns gray. "
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egotistixx · 3 years
👤 azzzzyyyyyy
Send me 👤+ a character name for my muse’s opinion on that character
There's a sneer twisting up her expression, and she cannot bite back unto the deep, downright malicious chuckle.
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"I absolutely adore to loathe his fucking guts..."
If stares could actually affect the real world, the sheer intensity of her eyes could crack and break all the light fixtures within this room.
But it doesn't last long and Adrianna brings a sense of composure back as she sighs a little roughly and pressed her fist against her lips and chin.
"...Ahem, originally he was my employee, on his own request. Currently he's, as i very much prefer to paint it, an over-glorified gigolo. He provides me with company and entertainment, i pay him ridiculous amounts of money for his time and energy." this is the official part of the story. But this is also the point where things become slightly more complicated.
"Beyond this, it's rather difficult to define the nature of our relationship. I would be lying to say that i don't enjoy his company, our conversations, even the less than decent ones..." a pause as she reaches her her glass of brandy from which she hesitates to drink right away. "...oddly enough i did not mind the chocking either~" it was spoken with slightly arched brows and swiftly followed by a decent gulp of liquor. As if she needed to wash those words out of her mouth.
"...But one particular aspect is that i felt genuine... well, remorse, is too great of a term, but i pitied him after our last session together. Which, for me, was extremely conflicting and uncomfortable to reflect back upon." a grimace and an almost theatrical shiver of discomfort.
"Above all though, i honestly believe he is extremely dangerous for me, particularly. Mostly because of his Quirk. It doesn't sit well with me to know that he's one blink away from potentially ending my existence. But at the same time it's also forming a very odd drive to push and force his hand as much as i possible can, to test the limits of his patience and his tolerance when it comes to what and how he allows me to do..." her voice trails off and her eyes softly focus on a random spot. "It's also the one aspect that ridiculously attractive about him, in my humble opinion. Alongside his very appealing physical built, of course~"
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vileintcnt · 10 months
muse masterlist
this is going to be a huge post I'll add to as muses change where I just have a little bit about each muse and a few very generic plot ideas/concepts I have for each one that can be tweaked/built upon. you'll find them under the cut! :)
cassidy bardot ; influencer, vixen, disloyal, party girl, obnoxious, bitchy -> meet her match, give me cat and mouse, give me 'try not to fall in love', give me dad's employee, give me older married men
blaire bardot ; ice skater, strong-minded, competitive, innocent -> give me hockey players(!!), give me 'highest bidder gets a date', give me rivalry, give me smug assholes who she'd HATE, give me enemies to lovers, give me competitors who set off her bicuriosity
nola dempsey ; erotic novelist, charismatic, assertive, aloof -> tbc.
lana gilbert ; supermodel, party girl, luxurious, spoilt, dinner parties, vacations in the hamptons -> give me wild rich people truth or dare, give me billionaire sugar daddies, give me mile high club, give me married men, give me country club employees
natalie abbot ; trophy wife, lonely, hopeless romantic, husband-loathing -> give me harrison/charlotte's friends hitting on her, give me her trying to find her youth in a nightclub and your muse hitting on her, give me flashback threads, give me gala events, give me cheating on her husband
luxe farrow ; scream queen, charismatic, quick-witted, ruthless -> give me on set sexual tension, give me casting call, give me celebrity couples, give me SECRET celebrity couples
remi windsor ; professional ballerina, calculated, competitive, bored easily, bratty, intelligent -> give me all the older men, exclusively, give me married husbands, give me professors, give me politicians, give me parents friends, give me creeps/stalkers
valentina ferreira ; socialite, bitch, manipulative, gaslighter, troublemaker -> give me like sorority girl hazing plots, give me secretly in love with her best friend, give me cocky frat bros, give me sk8r boy
vivian greer ; investigative journalist. hardheaded, defensive, determined -> tbc.
charlotte abbot ; debutante. ditsy, flirtatious, oblivious, materialistic -> I want older men taking advantage of how airhead she is oop, bimbofication, give me date auctions, give me metalhead boys who know how to F U C K lmfao
brandy vega ; magazine director. impatient, confident, forward, dominant -> gimme interns that are in love with her, give me affairs with younger men, give me flings abroad
sawyer devlin ; farmers daughter. naive, innocent, adventurous, bashful -> i want city boys/girls to turn her life inside out, i want sneaking off the farm to go to a dive bar and meet older men, i want farm hands/working tourists flirting with her and making her all blushy and nervous, i want priests testing her faith, i want cute slowburn with the muse who works the coffeeshop she visits when her and her dad run the farmers market
luz montoya ; influencer. flirtatious, wildchild, materialistic -> tbc.
billie buffet ; ranch hand. cocky, sarcastic, wild, hands-on, impatient -> city boys/girls who have no idea how to work on a ranch being teased by billie, billie taking them to the nearest dive bar, lets fuck in the back of this random guys pickup at the bar vibes, sneaking around on the ranch, come with me i know a spot vibes
margot fletcher ; guitarist. manipulative, dorky, sarcastic, stoner -> omg I want moms give me all of the moms, I want margot convincing mothers that they’re goddesses who should leave their husbands, give me doting fans that she can seduce, give me best friends that fall into margot’s arms when their boyfriends are mean
layla fontaine ; singer. sultry, mysterious, chic, inherently sad, flirtatious, wise -> give me older male music producers that she immediately falls in love with, give me older men she can call daddy and write songs about, give me rockstars she would have grown up listening to that she can do drugs with now she’s famous
bowie romero ; rockstars daughter. angry, party girl, defensive, toxic, hopeless romantic -> I want all of the toxic relationships, give me Bowie smashing plates above their head give me flirting with other people in front of each other to piss each other off, give me ripping the hair out of any girl who dares look at her partner, give me best friends who like to talk shit about boys and then go down on each other
dixie gallagher ; waitress/illustrator. sarcastic, melancholy, irritable -> tbc.
martha rossi ; groupie. obsessive, shy, virginal, adventurous, soft -> okay I rlly want rockstars taking advantage of this sweet thing, give me her being handed her first joint/line, give me why don’t you come join me on the tour bus vibes, give me secret relationships give me her being sheltered from the press and growing more and more confident
penelope quinn ; singer. wild, upfront, party girl, suggestive, daring -> i want her to ruin the lives of sweet sensitive muses, give me all of the innocence for her corruption, give me nervous babbling as she sits on their lap give me all of the shy innocent shit, like peaches WILL talk your muses through it
claudia jagger ; tattoo artist/succubus+vampire au. creepy, seductive, hyper-sexual, excitable -> give me everyone susceptible to falling in love with a woman who’s excited to kill you ❤️ like i want her biting thighs mid sex and exposing herself as a vampire meanwhile they just thought she was a lil weird, give me priests omggg, like literally her demonic ass swaying a priest from the church i live
vanessa guerra ; crime wife. passionate, deviant, glamorous, suggestive -> give me bodyguards, give me her husbands biggest rivals, let her light their cigars and perch on their laps, or even like rp as her husband just give me debauch and dangerous, i want her being shown how to fire a gun i want ‘baby he looked at me wrong. kill him.’ vibes
bunny brandt ; ghostface. calculated, mean, condescending, sarcastic -> give me camp slasher vibes, give me omg it looks like we’re the last ones alive that’s so crazy wanna make out and grope each other before i reveal i killed everyone, give me summers working in dingy amusement parks/arcades, give me girls so infatuated and scared that they wanna help bunny with her fucked up ghostface plans
candace jackson ; pageant queen. ditsy, religious, flirtatious, naive -> okay i want pageant judges i want slimy agents i want priests i want older men i want mechanics with dad bods and i want graphic beer bottle experiences and just filthy bimbofication slutty threads for her oop
sofia dewi ; professional thief. manipulative, possessive, cocky -> tbc.
min-jae 'MJ' choi ; professional thief. cunning, irascible, violent -> tbc.
duffy boone ; waitress. shy, inexperienced, wanting, daydreamer, sweet -> I want cute slowburn shit pls, sneaking around so her strict dad doesn’t find out, picking her up on a motorbike to take her on a date, giving her all her firsts, getting her high for the first time just idk cute shit pls ty
farrah stanley ; stripper. materialistic, confident, seductive, bratty, mischievous -> “sorry I don’t have any money, I’ll make it up to you!”, give me rich men coming to the strip club, give me unexpected romance with a best friend she always thought wasn’t interested but has secretly been jacking off to her like his whole life, give me sorry can I borrow your shower? just debauch porn plots basically, I want her to catch her best friends dad jacking it into her panties, or omg is that my friends dad on the other side of this glory hole?
agatha underwood ; bartender. blunt, cocky, manipulative, klepto -> I want someone to be the Clyde to her Bonnie, rob a bank with her, get a gun together and go full robbers music video style, give me planning out the theft in a shitty diner, give me being so in love that they’re willing to die for each other, give me seedy motels hiding out, but also give me the kind of arguing the devil would hide away from, give me accidentally killing someone and having to go on the run, give me disguises and stealing cars and just all that good shit yk?
cam fonseca ; DJ/videographer. anxious, stoner, inexperienced, awkward -> give me them trying to read whether or not someone’s flirting with them and being totally clueless, give me rich girls who are mean to them but secretly wanna be fucked by them, give me skater boy best friends who don’t know how to make the first move, give me lazily touching themselves while they watch a shit movie after getting high just because
tallulah gunn ; chef. snappy, sarcastic, teasing, career-driven -> yes chef kink confirmed give me chef sex, give me fucking in the alleyway behind the restaurant, give me her being desperately in love with her best friend and cooking him amazing meals and telling him he needs to take care of himself meanwhile she loves taking care of him and wants him to notice herrrr, give me her best friend catching her masturbating, give me her restaurant regular who always shows up after the restaurants closed so that she can cook him things off menu, give me her sucking her patisserie professors finger clean
cherilyn langley ; burlesque dancer. charming, excitable, cluttered, party girl -> being in love with the guy who works bar in the club she dances and neither of them knowing it yet, give me spontaneous date nights with tinder matches where she tries and fails to cook them a nice meal in her tiny apartment so they order pizza and sit on the roof give me cute shit give me omg fire fuck and being smitten with the man in uniform who shows up, give me locked out of her apartment and finally having to properly interact with the neighbour who always smiles at her in the elevator, but also give me best friends fucking around and finding out, give me playfights that result in her being spanked and liking it wayyy too much give me omg did you just send me a nude on accident I kind of love it, give me ugh I hate my situationship, should we just fuck?
presley alden ; horse rancher. stoner, opportunist, fun -> tbc.
lola calvo ; roller derby pro/film major. awkward, antisocial, competitive, mean -> give me hot roller skater girls who wanna break through her moody exterior, give me skater boys who would like to do the same, give me rivals in her film class where arguments turn to them kissing her and her being angry at first but then being totally into it, give me popular boy/girl being super into her and her thinking she doesn’t stand a chance
barbie kilpatrick ; fashion major. ditsy, stoner, materialistic, playful -> give me one night stands that turn into multiple night stands, give me fucking in a nightclub bathroom, give me cute alt boys she can steal weed from x give me her getting super angry at a boy she thinks has hurt her friend but it turns out to be his roommate/brother and he asks her on a date omg
eloise booth ; escort/psych major. seductive, materialistic, well travelled, smart, loyal -> give me in love with her professor, give me allllll of the sugar daddies, give me men who worship the ground she walks on and taking her to see the world and give me holiday romances
harrison abbot ; hotel heir. arrogant, obnoxious, entitled, lonely, charming -> give me tipsy kisses shared with his best friends girlfriend who he's in love with, give me Harrison drunk at your muses door feeling sorry for himself, give me rich socialites partying together and fucking in limousines, give me ways for him to show off his stupid wealth, give me pretend to be my girlfriend to appease my overbearing parents, give me sneaking around his hotel at night
fitz aldridge ; f1 driver. hyper-sexual, commitment phobic, suave, flirtatious, driven -> give me all the milfs, moms best friend, teachers, girlfriends mom, all those vibes, give me brothers girlfriend give me best friends girlfriend, like the vibes are definitely adultery, I want best friends that become sexual out of nowhere and then kind of dig it and make it a routine on their nights out until it gets uncomfortable, give me him fucking the sports reporters that interview him after a race
tobias penn ; music producer. romantic, passionate, sensitive, confident -> I want secret relationships and him getting frustrated that they have to keep it quiet because he naturally wants to show her off, give me musicians new to the industry that he helps produce but ultimately falls in love with, late nights in the studio, calling each other to discuss music all the time
ted buffet ; ranch owner. stern, grumpy, bossy, reserved, hard working -> hot girls working at his ranch that he can fuck pls, give me omg you've been teasing me for so long I'm going to fucking break and fuck the shit out of you if you don't quit it, give me him blowing off steam at a bar by fucking someone in the bathroom stalls, give me best friends daughter, give me shy sweet girls that he wants to protect but neither of them can help touching themselves while thinking of the other
waylon buffet ; ranch hand. adventurous, excitable, shy, sweet, golden retriever energy -> omg city girls, show him the world pls, drag him out of his comfort zone make him dance in a bar take his virginity get him love drunk okay I want him to be obsessed, I want him thinking your muse is going to take him to the big city, either city girls coming to the ranch to work or him getting an internship in some big firm where the bosses daughter makes his eyes pop out of his head because damn girls don't look like that back on the farm with their designer shoes and skimpy dresses
roman romero ; club owner. 'bad boy' prototype, sweet, passionate, hopeless romantic, loyal -> your muses dads will HATE him, him showing up out front on a motorbike, sneaking in through your muses window, I want virginal saints who he has to go slow with and they're so desperate for each other it hurts, give me pls just the tip baby I swear, whimpering when he sees her undress vibes, I want him to literally have no interest in anyone but her and protect her from everything, I want him to get extremely jealous of anyone who looks at her a certain way, I want him breaking someones arm for flirting with her, 'apologise to the pretty lady' vibes
ravi sidhu ; lit professor. reserved, romantic, intelligent -> tbc.
sid carpenter ; bassist. flirtatious, cocky, jealous, wild -> pls I want him to have fans that give him their panties and just completely throw themselves at him?? I want him getting public head at crazy industry parties and doing drugs off of titties, I also low-key want him dating a girl who’s just as iconic as he is?? bc pls like her getting him to wear her thong while he’s performing and having pink lace sit above leather trousers is low-key highkey sexy to me it’s very rock and roll coded okay
patrick spence ; drummer. awkward, charming, gangly, dorky, stoner -> okay same as deacon except when your muses throw themselves at him I want him blushing and geeking out, I want him to fall desperately in love with someone, I want like, him and a girl he has no romantic affiliation with watching a movie together that’s kinda sexy and then just mutually deciding they need to masturbate until did you just touch my leg?? leading to fucking each other basically, I want the hot girl at the video store he’s high key obsessed with showing up at one of his concerts and him just completely wilding, I want best friends younger sister I want popular girls who would never be caught dead with him
buzz underwood ; biker. unkind, aggressive, sleazy, offensive, dangerous -> ok but like cliche porn plots give me sons girlfriend stuck in a precarious position and him taking advantage, give me filthy things with beer bottles(oop) give me taking a girl for a ride on his bike and getting roadside head give me entitlement give me free use give me sharing her with his friends ok
connor hawthorne ; law student. psychotic, toxic, manipulative, gaslighter, emotionless, murderer/stalker -> I want toxic relationships for him, I want him to lose it a little whenever they argue I want him begging and desperate for her to come back to him when they break up I want obsession I want him to want to die for your muse but then in the same breath be like the biggest asshole to them ever all the time, I want overprotective toxic jealousy I want him to get slapped and get kinda hard over it 💀
wesley loomis ; ghostface. creepy, fucked up, 'tortured soul', shy without the mask, passionate, clumsy -> pls just give me lots of cliche ghost face plots, 90s/80s slasher vibes, summer camps, mega malls, give me muses that are kinda fucked up and find ghost face sexy oop, give me climbing in your muses window and sending them photos of Wes cutting off their panties
tanner copeland ; conman. sleazy, perverted, intimidating, smug, slick -> omg give me conman vs conwoman, he doesn't expect her to con him and then dip after they fuck so he makes it his life mission to find her and do the same but they start falling in love or in the process they accidentally kill someone and have to go on the run???? and all they do is bicker but then at night when your muse snuggles up to him, he kinda likes it
donovan o’toole ; corrupt priest/demon au. manipulative, charming, snake-tongued, actor, precise -> I'm thinking the most debauch things, spanking your muses clit with the cross , let him just manipulate your sweet muses okay like, convincing them it's okay to sin, bending them over the pews, but also like, your not so sweet muses trying to seduce him and him playing the tortured soul priest act and then all of a sudden switching on them and orgasm withdrawal and edging and rghfernjk yep, ALSO in the demon au, even more debauch and spooky!!
colt campbell ; mechanic. sleazy, perverted, gruff, solitary, self-serving -> give me sorry I can't pay vibes, give me sleazy dive bars, give me neighbours who wanna fuck him showing up on his doorstep asking for 'sugar', give me sitting on his lap while he plays poker with his friends and just like, domesticated vibes oop, but also 'guys you won't believe what a pretty pussy she's got, show my friends sweetheart'
cooper ashley ; porno director. professional sleaze, 'artist', charismatic, big daddy energy -> c a s t i n g c a l l, give me X vibes with crew members thinking they wanna be in the porno and Cooper indulging by showing them how, give me him making a girl a star in the porn industry but them being in love also???
beau ashley ; drug dealer. antisocial, smug, sarcastic, 'bad boy', I hate everything mindset -> waait ugh so like, his brother is Cooper, I'm seeing Cooper always having pornstars in the house and beau being disinterested in them because he's obsessed with this one sweet girl who works in like the local diner or something and they're super conscious because he's surrounded by supermodel level women all the time but he thinks she's the most beautiful girl he's ever seen????
tomas nunez ; investigative journalist/conspiracy theorist. curious, geeky, workaholic, nervous, cute -> give me fellow journalists going on like road trips to see all the alien hot spots and report on them but also like, falling in love??? slow burn, give me women who are forward and confident and him just turning into a babbling mess because he doesn't know how to talk to women, give me stupid cliche hunting big foot shit and like, also unlocking his freaky side in an abandoned asylum or something when your muse lies in the bed and he straps them in and immediately gets hard, but also OKAY IS THIS STUPID IDK, I kind of want him to fuck a hot alien babe, because like, him teaching them everything????? idk eep
michael ostreicher ; wannabe director. dorky, playful, golden retriever, horny -> give me roommates to lovers, give me milfs, give me I shouldn't be in love with you because you're my best friends gf, give me meet cute, give me meet ugly, give me slowburn, give me bridesmaids at a friends wedding??? give me threesomes
kenzo maeda ; videographer. awkward, stoner, weirdo energy, unrealistic -> literally just give me he was a skater boy she said see you later boy vibes, popular girls who act disgusted by him in public but love him in private, give me best friends who have a crush on him and he's oblivious maybe because he's smitten by some popular blonde who hates him and the tension of him finding out and then realising the girl of his dreams has always been thereeeee idk
frankie manetti ; chef. swears all the time, short fuse, rough sex, smokes like a chimney -> yes chef kink confirmed, I kinda love the idea of milfs eating at his restaurant and then wanting to 'pay compliments to the chef' while their husband is still at the table hitting on a waitress, I want him to have a strange relationship with one of the girls who works in the restaurant, maybe his girlfriend is the waitress but him and his chef colleague share way too many looks and tender moments but then the next minute he's swearing in their face telling them that what they've cooked isn't good enough, maybe they cry and he goes to console them and they kiss and then he goes home with his waitress gf and its just like ???
silas st.james ; travel blogger. laid back, adventurous, intelligent, easily smitten -> plsssss I'm just picturing solo travellers meeting him by chance and them travelling together, falling in love and him showing her the world, but also like, him taking work at a beach club or something to fund his travelling and meeting hot moms, I want like, idk the film but they decide to get off the train together?? idk those vibes okay
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