#◈ › bonds — ❛ the terror and beauty of him / filling her up like the first breath she’d ever taken ❜ — maria × micolash — mysteriarchae
austerulous · 2 years
◈   @agglomerate​ sent ❂ to get a moodboard for our muses
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i5uckersblog · 27 days
(English isn’t my first language)
Hey bub! I was going to ask for a Logan x fem!mutant!oc age gap scenario like where he found her in a mission (she would be around 17-18 y.o back then) and the X-men decided to take her to the school. Logan became her mentor, practically raised her and she has been so good to him. One night she comes into his room because she is having nightmares, he lets her sleep there and regrets it after accidentally almost killing her with his claws when he was having another night terror. She gets into a coma for a month and when she wakes up she sees that he is gone without a goodbye or a note. Two years passes and he didn’t communicate with her or anyone else during the time. And he comes back home. She is a brat who is demanding answers, not like the good girl he left behind, he gets mad too and they fight. Seeing she had grown up into a young beautiful woman in her first twenties, Logan starts to feel something else for her but he doesn’t wanna ruin her because she is too young. He is also aware of her little crush on him she held for a long time.
(If there is something in this scenario making you uncomfortable I’m so sorry for that and you can just ignore this.)
When the Dust Settles (warnings: grooming)
Summary: Logan rescues a young mutant and becomes her mentor, but after a tragic accident, he leaves without a word. Two years later, he returns, only to face the fierce young woman she has become and the unresolved tension between them.
Logan’s team approached the dilapidated warehouse, their footsteps muffled by the heavy rain. The mission briefing had hinted at a secret lab dealing in illegal mutant experimentation, but nothing could have prepared them for the chaos that awaited inside.
The warehouse was dimly lit, its vast interior filled with the hum of machinery and the hiss of steam. Logan, leading the charge, signaled for his team to spread out. They moved cautiously, their eyes scanning the shadows for any sign of the target.
Suddenly, the sound of shouting and the crackle of electricity echoed through the building. Logan quickened his pace, his senses heightened. They turned a corner and found themselves facing a scene of turmoil.
A young mutant girl, barely more than seventeen, was restrained by armed guards. Her powers were out of control—electricity arced from her hands, and her eyes glowed with a fierce light. The guards, terrified and struggling, tried in vain to subdue her with energy restraints and tranquilizers, but nothing seemed to work.
“Get back!” Logan ordered, his voice cutting through the noise. He sprang into action, claws extended, his anger boiling. He charged at the guards, dispatching them with quick, precise strikes.
The girl’s eyes locked onto him, a mix of fear and desperation in her gaze. “Help me!” she cried, her voice strained.
Logan moved swiftly to her side, carefully avoiding the dangerous arcs of electricity. “I’m here,” he said, trying to keep his tone calm. “You’re safe now.”
He reached her, using his claws to slice through her restraints. As soon as she was free, she collapsed against him, her energy spent. Logan scooped her up, his protective instincts kicking in.
“Let’s get her out of here,” he instructed his team, who were already securing the area. They moved quickly, navigating their way back through the warehouse, the girl’s breathing shallow and labored against Logan’s chest.
Back at the X-Men’s base, the girl was taken to the infirmary. Logan stayed by her side, his concern palpable as doctors worked to stabilize her. The power surge had left her exhausted and injured, but she was safe for now.
In the days that followed, Logan became her anchor, guiding her through her new life with the X-Men. Their bond grew stronger, and he took on the role of mentor and protector, helping her harness her powers and navigate the complexities of her new world.
As the sun began to set one evening, Logan and the girl finished a grueling training session. Sweat glistened on their foreheads, and the air was filled with the faint scent of the forest. Logan wiped his brow with the back of his hand and grinned at her, his pride evident.
“You’re improving, kid. Keep it up,” he said, his voice rough but warm.
The girl, her hair sticking to her face, smiled back, her exhaustion giving way to a sense of accomplishment. “Thanks, Logan. I couldn’t have done it without your help.”
Logan chuckled and ruffled her hair affectionately. “Just don’t let it go to your head. We’ve still got a lot to work on.”
They walked back to the mansion together, their easy camaraderie evident in their playful banter. Logan felt a rare sense of contentment as he watched her, knowing he was helping her find her strength and confidence.
One evening, after a particularly tough day, Logan invited the girl to join him for a movie night in the common room. He’d set up a cozy spot with blankets and snacks, determined to give her a break from training and responsibilities.
As they settled in, the girl looked at the setup with a mixture of surprise and gratitude. “I didn’t know you had a soft side.”
Logan shrugged, trying to look nonchalant. “Everyone needs a break now and then. Besides, you’ve been working hard. Thought you deserved a little downtime.”
They watched a classic film, and as the night wore on, Logan noticed the girl snuggling closer to him, her head resting on his shoulder. He shifted slightly to make her more comfortable, feeling a warmth in his chest as she sighed contentedly.
One rainy afternoon, the girl was feeling particularly down. She had been struggling with controlling her powers and was frustrated by her lack of progress. Logan found her sitting alone on the edge of the training grounds, her shoulders slumped.
He sat down beside her and placed a comforting hand on her back. “You’re doing great. It’s okay to have off days. Even the best have them.”
She looked up at him, her eyes filled with tears. “I feel like I’m failing.”
Logan shook his head and gently wiped a tear from her cheek. “You’re not failing. You’re learning, and learning takes time. Just remember, you’re not alone in this.”
She leaned into him, finding solace in his steady presence. Logan wrapped an arm around her, his touch reassuring. “We’ll get through this together,” he promised, his voice firm but gentle.
On her birthday, Logan decided to do something special for her. He organized a small surprise party with a few close friends and decorated the common room with colorful streamers and balloons.
When she walked in, her eyes widened in surprise. “Logan, you did all this for me?”
He shrugged, trying to hide his own smile. “Figured you deserved a celebration. Besides, you’re pretty important to us.”
They spent the evening laughing, eating cake, and playing games. As the party wound down, Logan handed her a small wrapped gift. “Happy Birthday,” he said, his voice soft.
She opened the gift to find a locket with a picture of the two of them training together. Tears welled up in her eyes as she hugged him tightly. “Thank you, Logan. This means a lot.”
Logan patted her back, his own emotions barely contained. “You’re welcome. You’re family now.”
As time passed, their relationship deepened, but Logan remained haunted by the memory of the chaos and the girl’s frightened eyes. The guilt of the mission and the responsibility he felt for her well-being weighed heavily on him.
One night, the girl, now a young woman in her early twenties, came to Logan’s room, trembling from a nightmare. Despite his reservations, Logan allowed her to stay, letting her sleep beside him for comfort. However, his own nightmares and night terrors soon became a danger to her. In his restless state, he accidentally extended his claws, grazing her in a moment of panic.
When he awoke and saw her injured, his heart sank. She was rushed back to the infirmary, and Logan was left to grapple with the consequences of his actions. The girl fell into a coma, and as days turned into weeks, Logan’s guilt and regret festered.
A month later, she awoke to an empty room. Logan had vanished without a word, leaving no explanation for his departure. The girl, now deeply hurt and confused, threw herself into her training, her grief transforming into a fierce determination.
Two years later, Logan returned, his absence marked by an unsettling silence. He found her transformed—strong, assertive, and no longer the timid girl he had left behind. Their reunion was fraught with tension and unresolved emotions.
“Why did you leave?” she demanded, her voice echoing with pain and anger. “Didn’t I mean anything to you?”
Logan’s face twisted with guilt. “You did. I didn’t mean to—”
“Didn’t mean to what?” she interrupted, her eyes flashing with hurt. “To leave me without a word? To hurt me?”
Logan’s frustration boiled over. “I was trying to protect you! I didn’t know how to fix what I’d done. I needed time to figure things out.”
“Time? You took two years!” she shouted. “You could’ve at least left a note or something. Instead, you just disappeared. Do you have any idea what that did to me?”
Logan’s voice was a growl now. “I was a mess! I couldn’t face you after what happened. I thought it was better if I stayed away until I could deal with my own demons.”
She glared at him, tears streaming down her face. “You think running away was the answer? You left me alone to deal with everything by myself, and now you come back expecting things to be the same?”
Logan tried to reach for her, his expression a mix of anger and desperation. “I know I messed up. I’m sorry. But seeing you like this, so strong and different—”
She jerked away from him. “Different? You mean I’m not the same scared kid you left behind? Maybe I grew up because I had no choice but to. But don’t you dare think that makes what you did okay.”
Their argument escalated, exposing old wounds and unspoken feelings. Logan struggled with his growing attraction to her, torn between his feelings and the fear of acting on them. He was painfully aware of the crush she had harbored for him, but the age difference and his own insecurities clouded his judgment.
As they navigated their fraught relationship, both Logan and the girl had to confront their past and face the future with the uncertainty of their new dynamic. The path forward would be complex, but their journey was just beginning.
Request are Wide open! Feel free to ask for Almost ANYTHING!
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tragedybunny · 6 months
Slow Dancing In a Burning Room - Chapter 2
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In a moment of weakness, Serafina helped Astarion ascend, forever altering him and their relationship. Irrevocably bonded in violence, can she survive life at his side, or will she be broken by the cycle of pain and terror.
༺Pairing༻ Astarion x Serafina (Female Tav)
༺Warnings༻ Dubcon / Noncon elements , violence, toxic / abusive relationships
༺Word Count༻ 2047
༺A/N༻ The consent is very much dubious here below, to reiterate the warning. It has been a bit of a treat to write Astarion being his worst self. I will have to take fluff breaks, so if you follow my other stuff, don't despair, more fluff will come. Thanks to @themadlu for the beta on this chapter read on AO3
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꧁༺Chapter 2 - First, Thou Shall Obey Me as Thou Lovest Me ༻꧂
༺ In which Serafina learns the first of Astarion's "rules" for her existence.༻
Astarion did not set rules for her the way Cazador and Vellioth had for their Spawn. His rules were implied, unspoken commands that she would learn through trial and error. 
“Sera,” his voice was singsong, playful in a way she knew was dangerous. “Wake up, little love,” he called, from where he lay, on his side, behind her. 
Sleep was starting to release its grip on her when she felt the press of him at her entrance from behind. Then, he was plunging in, her struggling to accommodate him. A sound between a moan and a yelp escaped her as a hand tangled in her hair, yanking until her eyes opened wide. 
“Wake up, Serafina,” he hissed, thrusting his hips, the pain of it lessened by her mercifully growing wetness. 
Arching her spine, she positioned herself to give him the best angle to fill her with, and ease her own discomfort. It was something she had learned very early in her time as Consort to the Vampire Ascendant; Astarion would take his pleasure when he deigned, and she would need to make the best of it. “I am awake, my love.” She let out a breathy gasp as warm heat began to build in her core, her body responding to him as it always did, even when she wished it wouldn’t, even when she hated what he was doing to her.  
Groaning, he dug his fingers into her hip, leaving bruises that would heal fast enough. At the very least, nothing he ever did to her left a lasting mark. “It took far too long,” he snapped, thrusting into her with escalating violence. “Touch yourself,” he ordered. 
Without hesitation, her fingers found her clit, working the bundle of nerves quickly. Though she knew he cared very little for her enjoyment on days like these, it was still somehow an insult to him, if she didn’t reach climax. She offered a prayer to the gods that she could accomplish the task this morning, since something had him in a foul mood. 
Closing her eyes, she drifted far away, to a different time, to a different Astarion. Not the monster she made, but the sweet elf who had wanted something real, the one that was hidden from her so often these days. How he would hold her and touch her gently, and they would reach a bliss born of love together. 
Her breath came in little pants, she was so close. He was with her, whispering softly to her, and she was happy, safe, loved. “Ast-”
With one harsh thrust and another groan, he finished, tearing her from her beautiful dream. He pulled her hips tight to his, making sure to fill her with every drop of his seed. A mark of ownership, as her new life prevented her womb from ever carrying children. That very same dead organ had cost her the favor of her Patron.
Titania had been merciful, withholding her wrath until the Netherbrain sank beneath the Chionthar, allowing Sera to wield her warlock magic to help end the threat of the Absolute. Then, on a morning garden walk, protected from the sun as Astarion had promised, Titania appeared. A twisted reflection of their first meeting, gone was the kindly Fey who had called herself Godmother; now she appeared as the wrathful Queen of Summer burning like the sun. 
“You have betrayed our bargain, Serafina,” her golden eyes flashed and a halo of fiery red hair seemed to move with life of its own. 
Her gaze found the intricate stonework of the garden path and studied it. “Please, your Majesty, I can still be of use,” she pleaded, desperate at the thought of losing her power, and no longer being hidden from remembrance. 
“You had one use, girl, raise a house to serve me, as your ancestors served my sister. This creature that you’ve become is incapable of that. Consider yourself lucky that I merely take back what it is mine, and not hold you to the strictest terms we set. Though in a way, this is its own punishment.” 
Sera chanced a glance at the seething Queen, and swore she caught a hint of sadness in her eyes. 
“Serafina,” Astarion’s voice beckoned and she felt herself tense. She hadn’t been in the garden that long, but, in the short time since they’d moved into Cazador’s old manor, he’d become concerned with keeping her close to him as often as possible. 
“I will leave you to your paramour. We will not meet again, child.” Titania was gone in a burst of light, leaving behind the scent of wildflowers and warm forest, the scent Astarion had once said she carried. 
An emptiness crept through her veins, a hollow feeling where once her magic had dwelt. Another part of her that was gone, like her reflection or the breath in her lungs. Her legs wobbled beneath her and threatened to give out. 
“Little love,” he was closer and his tone had grown terse. He worried for her, everything had always been taken from him, and she could be too. 
“I’m here,” she called back, voice cracking. 
Then he was there beside her, as though he hadn’t been far away at all. Although she was sure he’d sounded closer to the manor. Strong arms wrapped around her and she let herself collapse into his chest, choking back her tears. 
“What is it, my darling?” He cooed at her, stroking her hair gently. “What happened?”
“Ti-Titania,” she managed, resisting the urge to sob. “She came, said our pact was over, she took my power.” 
His hands gripped her shoulder, tightening until she gasped. “Oh my sweet, silly, little Serafina. Why ever would you be concerned with losing that blasted pact?” 
“I…” She struggled to think of an answer that would explain it. These flashes of another Astarion hadn’t gone away once they were safe. More and more, he was there, the spawn she loved disappearing into him. 
“See? You can’t think of one good reason.” His lips kissed the top of her head, even as his fingers seemed to dig into her bones. “You don’t need her magic, you have me. I’ll always protect you, and you’ll want for nothing, just like I promised. Isn’t that good enough?” 
“Of course my love. It’s just…”
“Just what?” His tone turned dark. 
“It’s strange for me.” It was a mood she was learning well, one that would tolerate no argument. 
His grip relaxed and he pulled her to him again. “I suppose it is, but you’ll adapt quickly you have a talent for it. Now let’s get inside, we’ve a lot of decorating to see to and I want your opi-” He cut himself off and tilted her chin up to look into his eyes. “I know you, don’t I?”
She tried to shrink away, to find a way to deny it. But with Titania’s pact gone, the magic that had protected her was gone too. Everyone would remember her, even Astarion. “Lady Serafina Glacies. Your mother is quite infamous among the nobility, as I recall. And that night, Cazador announced your betrothal, you were terrified, poor little thing.” He chuckled. The man she loved, laughed at the worst moment of her life. “Looks like you're another thing I took from him, another thing that he was unworthy to have.” 
And here she was now, not the Summer Queen's Warlock, not the Hero of Baldur’s Gate, simply the Consort. 
“Didn't finish, love,” he clicked his tongue at her mockingly. “Poor little thing.” 
“It's fine,” something in his tone felt ominous.
“Nonsense,” his fangs nipped the back of her neck before he moved. Shoving her to her back, he kneeled between her thighs, hooking her knees over his shoulders, leaving her dreadfully exposed to him.
A finger ran along her slit, eliciting a whimper. “You know, things like waking up and finding release wouldn't be so difficult if you'd just drink sentient blood.” He began to trace rough circles around her clit, the pressure walking a line between pain and pleasure.  
“I just don't want to hurt anyone.” He'd been insistent it would solve all her problems, to just drink thinking blood once, and see what she was missing.
A snarl curled his lip upward and he glared down at her. “You know, there was a time when I would have given anything to feed as I wished.” A pale hand lashed out, wrapping around her throat, cutting off air she didn’t need, but blood she very much did. Once her instinct might have been to fight, but she had learned it only made him angrier. Instead, she fought to push down the rising panic and ignore the dizziness she knew would set in if he didn’t let go. 
His fingers continued their violent ministrations, her clit aching under his touch, and no way to escape him. Whimpers died in her closed throat, and yet she felt her body betraying her and climax building. “That was almost your fate too, in case you’ve forgotten. But look at how kind the gods were, delivering you to me instead.” 
He plunged inside her again, even as his hand remained around her throat. “If you would just stop being stubborn and listen to me,” every word was punctuated by the thrust of his hips and the throb of her tortured clit.
With shame, she felt herself clench around him, as she reached bliss in the midst of the madness. 
“Good girl,” he purred, releasing her throat, seemingly finally pleased with something about her this morning. Only for the hand still abusing her sex to suddenly pinch her sharply. “It really shouldn't have taken so much.” 
But a few more thrusts occupied him with finishing while she blinked back tears and felt the blood returning to her brain. He was still, and calm, eyes softening as he looked down at her. “Oh my sweet,” startlingly gentle fingers brushed her hair from her face. “I’m sorry, I got worked up. I only want the best for you.”
She relaxed into the touch, the soft words. This was her Astarion, the one she loved. The other she had to endure at times, but this one was hers. Turning her head, she kissed his palm as it trailed along her cheek. “I know,” she rasped, through vocal cords that would recover soon enough. 
“Shh,” he leaned down to kiss her softly enough that the fear melted away. 
Collapsing beside her, he pulled her onto his chest, where he could pet her and kiss the top of her head over and over. “Really my love, it just vexes me when you won't take care of yourself.”
“I love you,” she whispered, wanting to hold onto this moment of calm.  
“I know you do, my little treasure, my Serafina.” He squeezed her tightly and sighed happily. “I know. I just have to help you through this.”
Her stomach dropped, all the peace she'd found evaporating. “What do you mean?” 
Astarion rolled her off his chest, and sat up with a knowing smile. “You have this hesitation about eating properly. And you need help getting over it, so I'm going to help you.” 
“But Astarion…”
He cut her off with a finger against her lips and tutted. “Now, now, little love, you'll just have to wait and see. And do one little thing for me.” Astarion’s eyes began to glow red and she felt an itching in her mind. “You're not to leave our rooms until I return.” 
There was pain tearing through her heart and fresh tears pooling in her eyes. There was no choice but to listen to his command, the command of a sire to his spawn. He'd compelled her. “You said you'd never.” 
“If you were obedient. Starving yourself is not very obedient. What if you got weak and were killed and left me alone?” He stayed calm but she could hear the anger simmering beneath the surface. 
Rising from the bed, he began to dress for the day, while she lay there, still in disbelief. “When I return, we'll settle this matter.” 
He leaned over and kissed her, ignoring the tears silently falling. And then he was gone, leaving Sera to await what his idea of help would be. 
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hum-suffer · 10 months
Jaime, Tommen and Myrcella, for the prompt “hug”?
Hellos there, dearest! Thank you for the lovely prompt!!
Jaime creeps along the hallway, the midnight silence being the loudest noise in the hallway.
Cersei had, once again, proven to be a lying little—
As much as he loved his twin, as much as he was enamoured and endeared and absolutely whipped for her, Jaime Lannister did not appreciate left hanging without cause. He could have been easily sleeping by this time, for fuck's sake.
He pushes up the sleeves of his tunic on habit. His thumb brushes against the burn mark that stayed on the underside of his elbow for years and his breath still hitched. He purses his lips and cursed the Targaryen Dynasty once more, more than euphoric over the fact that he had all but ended the bloody fools.
The Mad King should have died before he was out of his mother's womb.
Jaime hears a whisper and a sniffle and he's instantly on alert. The dagger at his waist is unsheathed within a moment and he walks towards the sound, only to realise it's coming from behind a pillar.
He rounds the pillar in a quick step and stops short abruptly. It's Myrcella and Tommen.
Myrcella, dressed in an unbelievably beautiful saffron dress that looks like the fabric is made of magic, holds a blood stained Tommen. Jaime instantly kneels down and sheathes his dagger back. "Your highness?"
It's the first time that the address has bothered him to speak. Obviously, these children are but a result of his and Cersei's bond and they're a result of only that— a copy of him and his twin, but. But. Myrcella looks up at him with big eyes that are tearing up and a nose that is turning red, like his does when he's crying. Tommen is sobbing, hiccuping in a way that is so similar to a child Tyrion that Jaime can't help but want to wrap the boy in his arms.
"Uncle Jaime!" Myrcella wails,"Please, uncle Jaime, please, help us!"
"What's wrong, my princess?" He blinks when he sees them both wince at his voice and he barely stops himself from toppling over. He's barking at them.
Like Robert does.
His softens his voice. "Hush, my children, I apologise for scaring you. Tell me what is wrong so I can get it fixed, please."
It's only after he's finished speaking that he realises he called them his children. It's the truth, but a truth that can get them all killed— burned alive. As all truths often are, it's a truth that can cause death.
"It's Joffrey!" Tommen hiccups. "He—He killed Ser Pounce today. Father slapped him and—"
"And now he's terrorizing Tom!" Myrcella says, looking so ferocious, Jaime wonders how the fuck did anyone even believe these children to be any sorts of fucking stags. They're his. "Please, Uncle, you have to help us! Mother will never speak against Joff, she just scolded us for caring for Ser Pounce more than we care for Joff!"
So that's where she was, he notes distantly. He's somehow even more disappointed.
He doesn't know how to help these children, though. Cersei has already proven to be idiotic and Robert will only care enough to notice that he has three children intact.
But Jaime has raised Tyrion, he thinks. He has raised his younger brother. Joffrey inherited his cruelty from someone, and Jaime has never been in the habit of murdering pets so his younger brother gets progressively more upset.
It's almost like the past is repeating itself. Only, Myrcella is filling the role that Jaime had taken. It makes Jaime's heart ache, somehow. Is his daughter, his darling, his sweet, the best thing he's ever laid eyes on— is she destined for a fate as horrible as his? Unloved, uncared for, humiliated and unwanted?
Jaime pushes the thought away.
She's Myrcella, she's better. She's always going to be wanted, always loved, always cherished. He will die making sure of it if it's the last thing he does.
His children may have inherited his traits, but they will never inherit his fate.
He opens his arms slowly, feeling ridiculous. "How about you come to me and let me hold you, for now? I will see Joffrey and his behaviour, I promise that to you."
Tommen's eyebrows go up and he takes a hesitant step towards Jaime. Myrcella bites her lip but nods and takes a step as well. It's a trigger, and soon, they've taken the measly steps that cross the boundaries of uncle—niece/nephew courtesy. Tommen all but barrels into him and Jaime barely stops himself from falling on his ass.
He wraps his arms around the little boy and falls on the floor anyway to sit with his legs criss-crossed. Tommen seems to squeeze Jaime's sides with all his efforts, the child unable to reach Jaime's back. Jaime holds Tommen's head with his hand tenderly, the way he did when Cersei first placed Tommen in his arms, less than an hour after he was born.
Jaime shifts, pulls Tommen at his side completely and extends his hand to Myrcella, who'd been only clinging to the cloth of his breeches. Myrcella's lips quiver again and she launches herself in his arms.
Jaime has always run away from crying women in general unless it's Cersei, but. It's his daughter that's crying in his arms, probably regretting the family she has been born into.
The feeling of holding them in his arms feels like a privilege.
Myrcella hugs Jaime just as hard and he has his arms supporting the two of them. He's never been too well read, but this feels poetic. They will have his support, they will have his heart as their hearth. He is wholly theirs.
Tagging: @dwijbhagat
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missmungoe · 1 year
Hot damn. I just read your soulmates AU and I just want to say. I absolutely adore it when you write Shanks trying to gently and sweetly coax Makino into calming down. Into relaxing. It was also one of my favorite parts of the original Siren tale, when they first enter the bar and Shanks tries his darnedest to put her at ease because he isn't trying to hurt her. It's just so comforting to see him like that.
Oh I think you're going to like the next chapter then ;) Have another wee snippet as I edit, because it's been three years<3
He froze in his tracks, her order answered without hesitation, but then he’d already seen it with his haki, a split second before she’d ripped the corkscrew from her belt.
He felt the prick against his throat where the sharpened tip touched her skin, not enough to properly hurt, but pain was pain, and the soul-bond responded accordingly, like it had for as long as he could remember, only this time it wasn't to a nameless figure in his mind, whose gentle hurts had never disrupted the course of his life.
And yet seeing her now, and knowing what she was, Shanks thought she might as well have taken the corkscrew and driven it right through his heart.
Doe-brown eyes held his from across the darkened windmill, her breaths shivering where she held the corkscrew to her slender throat; the same one Shanks had seen her use to open a bottle of wine earlier that evening, but where it hadn’t faltered in her hands then, it shook now, gripped between her trembling fingers. The deadly tip pricked his skin, but it was the conviction in her eyes that bound him, and that kept him from taking another step.
Makino hadn't moved, her back still pressed against the wall of the windmill. It hadn’t been hard to track her down, but then it was a small village, and even if it hadn’t been, his haki would have been enough.
She had a gentle presence; it was one of the first things he’d noticed, walking through the doors of her bar. Still, like water, except when she was upset, where it churned like a whirlpool.
It did so now, all her feelings bared to him, but then Shanks didn’t need his haki to know what she felt, finding them on her face, her beautiful features illuminated by the shaft of moonlight piercing the windmill’s only window, the big brown eyes and the soft mouth that had kept his gaze captive all evening, shaped now with defiance, and fear.
In his whole life, no one had ever looked at him like that. He’d seen pirates and marines turn tail and run at the sight of him, and had known the fear of death in the eyes of his opponents, but nothing like the terror that filled Makino's now, and that he could feel in her whole presence. This was a primal fear, and one that went deeper than simply fear for her safety, or her life.
“I’ll do it,” she breathed, and only the quaver in her voice betrayed her conviction. The silver moon glinted off the sharpened tip of the corkscrew, pressed against the soft underside of her chin. Her bottom lip trembled. “I’ll—”
Her voice broke, terrified tears spilling over her cheeks with her sob, and seeing an opportunity, Shanks seized it.
She started when he appeared in front of her, his cloak rustling where he’d kneeled down, and heard her breath hitching loudly as her fingers seized around the corkscrew, before his fingers covered hers gently, stopping her.
Their eyes met. In the moonlight, they looked bottomless, which only made the depth of her terror more apparent, and the pain that lanced through him this time wasn't from the corkscrew.
He didn’t know how he found his voice, the rough timbre stirring the quiet as Shanks told her, “I’m not going to hurt you.”
Makino didn't move, the little hand under his still gripping the wooden handle. She was so small; it felt even more pronounced now than it had with the counter of her bar between them, and with how big he was in comparison, a fact that hadn’t escaped her, from the way she braced against the wall behind her, her knees pulled up protectively between them. He could feel how tense she was, the slender hand under his fairly trembling around the corkscrew.
His thumb pressed gently to her wrist, coaxing her fingers to loosen their grip. Her eyes hadn’t released his, full of terror and defiance, and he heard the sob she stifled with her teeth as he carefully took the corkscrew from her hand, placing it down on the floor, still within reach, although the realisation found him right after—that she couldn’t use it on him without also feeling it herself—and his breath shuddered roughly, but then he was still reeling from the discovery.
He was still kneeling in front of her, their bodies so close he could feel the warmth rising off her skin, her scent filling his nose, and knew he should move, feeling how tense she was, but he could barely think, arrested as much by the bond as the look in her eyes.
“Makino,” he said gently, and saw her flinch—as though she heard more than her name in the speaking, and he felt the bond responding as she did, like the barest pulse in his fingertip. Aware of it now, Shanks didn’t know how he hadn’t realised the truth sooner.
Or maybe he had, recalling her in the bar. The calm he’d felt, being around her, and that he hadn’t been able to put his finger on, his wayfaring soul finding its mooring, after so many years.
“Please,” he said, the rough scrape of his voice stirring the quiet. “I just want to talk.”
He saw the doubt in her eyes, her back braced against the wall and her beautiful features etched with defiance. “I don’t,” Makino said, the tremble in her voice betraying more than fear now, something fiercer in it, sharpening the gentle cadence. “I didn’t ask for this. I didn’t ask for—” you, she didn’t say, but Shanks felt it like she’d slapped him.
He didn’t know where the feeling came from, after so many years where his soulmate had barely been an afterthought. Now, looking into her eyes, knowing it was her, she was all he could think about, a sudden defensiveness rising in him, leaving his voice guttural. “You’re my—”
“No!” Makino cut him off, like before, only this time she fairly spat the words, “I told you, I am not yours.”
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Random Sentence Generator Drabble Series, #1:
"The raccoon in the backyard was digging up my garden"
I feel like I've been doing the same thing, writing-wise, for months now (one shot after one shot, complete, but needing to be edited, plus a longer fic) and I wanted to try writing something quick, without thinking about it too much. I couldn't find any drabbles or writing prompts that looked interesting, so I found a random sentence generator and the above prompt was one of the first ones I got.
I'm going to try doing more drabbles as a way to practice writing, hopefully in more pairings. If anyone has any weird, wild or unhinged prompts or drabble ideas, my ask box is open!
Elain and Lucien, about 1200 words, G rating
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Lucien felt Elain’s anger flare across their bond, brighter than the sun, and it stole his breath away.
He nearly stumbled and fell in the middle of the crowded street in Velaris. They’d only been mated a few blissful months, but he had yet to encounter this strong of an emotion from his mate.
It wasn’t just anger he felt - it was pure rage, complete frustration, and utter hatred.
Lucien sent a quick prayer to the Cauldron that these feelings from his mate weren’t directed at him, then he winnowed home to their small cottage on the outskirts of the city.
The house was quiet and still as he entered. Everything looked normal; nothing was broken or missing, none of the possessions that made this space a home gone.
“Elain?” Lucien called out again, walking further into their house.
An answering growl, so unlike anything he’d ever heard, floated out from their small study in the back of the house. Hurrying, he entered to find Elain standing at the large window that overlooked their garden.
“Elain, what’s wrong?”
“They’re here.”
Her poster was rigid, her fists closed tightly at her sides. She glared intently at her pristine garden. Standing next to her, Lucien could have sworn he felt heat, so similar to his, radiating off her.
Lucien looked outside to their empty garden. “Uh, who’s here?”
“The monster destroying my garden.”
“Er,” Lucien said, looking outside again. There was nothing there besides her gorgeous flowerbeds filled with all manner of beautiful flowers, plants and herbs.
“I don’t see anything.”
“It scurried away when it heard you come home, but they’re still there, waiting. I can feel it.”
“Are you alright?” he asked, touching her forehead. “You’re a bit warm. When’s the last time you drank some water?”
“Yes, I’m fine!” she snapped, brushing his hand away. “And be quiet! It can hear you!”
“Who can hear us?”
“The raccoon in the backyard digging up my garden! It’s already destroyed my petunias and obliterated my kale, and it’s going for the arugula next, I just know it.”
“A raccoon?” Lucien couldn’t stop the laugh that erupted from his mouth. “I didn’t realize Velaris had raccoons.”
A simple raccoon? That’s what had Elain so angry?
He stopped laughing when his mate turned her thunderous gaze towards him.
“I’m sorry dear,” he apologized, schooling his features into concern and gazing outside. “How long have these beasts been terrorizing you?”
“Weeks,” Elain gritted out. Her hands clutched the wooden banister in front of her so hard it started to crack. “It knows I know it’s there and terrorizing my plants, and it keeps coming back. It knows my schedule, when I’m not home, and that’s when the little bastard strikes!”
Lucien looked at Elain nervously. “Elain, dear, it’s a raccoon. It couldn’t possibly know your schedule or when you’re not here -"
“Oh, it most certainly does. I can just imagine it scheming away, plotting out the ways it can ruin my life.”
“Yes, I’m sure this raccoon keeps a daily calendar filled with all manner of ideas meant to torment you,” Lucien muttered sarcastically.
“Yes, exactly! They have those creepy little hands, I wouldn’t put it past it!”
“Elain, that was a joke, I wasn’t seriously saying -"
“Shut up, shut up!” Elain gasped excitedly, thwacking his chest to get him to be quiet. “It’s back! Look!”
Elain and Lucien peered out of the window and watched as a plump raccoon scampered over to Elain’s garden. Lucien watched, dumbfounded, as the animal perused its offerings, like it was inspecting the available goods at a market, before settling itself in front of a leafy green and digging its hands in the rich soil.
“I knew it was going to go for the arugula! It’s the perfect springtime salad green!” Elain’s eyes were bright with vindication. She looked slightly crazed as she surveyed the interloper dig up her plants.
“Look at those grubby little hands,” she seethed. “I spend months growing my garden and it thinks it can just pop over any time it wants to sample my hard work?!” Lucien swore he saw one of Elain’s eye twitch.
“We can put up a fence or a ward,” Lucien said soothingly, rubbing a gentle hand up and down her back. “I’m sure there’s lots of options for keeping a raccoon out of a garden.”
“I don’t just want it kept away - I want it gone. This means war. This means -"
Elain gasped as a second raccoon waddled up to the one in the garden. Without wasting a beat, it started pawing at the ground next to its companion.
“It has a friend?” Elain exclaimed in horror. “Not one, but two of them, taking my plants! This, this is a siege! We’re being invaded! I didn’t know raccoons had friends!”
“Perhaps more than a friend,” Lucien said quietly, as they watched four little raccoon babies tumble out of a bush and make their way across the lawn to their parents. The raccoon digging up the arugula immediately picked up its babies and brought them to the dirt, showing them how to dig their little paws into the soil.
All the anger Elain - and Lucien, through the bond - felt melted immediately, replaced with delight.
“Babies?” she said quietly. “They’re a family?”
They watched in silence as the raccoon family took their fill of Elain’s garden before scurrying away. Lucien looked at Elain out of the corner of his eye and saw her wipe a tear away.
“Well, it is technically worse than you thought.” He brought Elain into a one sided hug next to him, squeezing her gently. “Would you like me to go about setting a ward to keep them out?”
“No, of course not!” Elain looked up at him in outrage. “They’re a poor family with babies who have to resort to stealing from gardens, we’re not going to shut them out!”
Lucien raised an eyebrow. “You just spent the past ten minutes plotting your revenge against those raccoons.”
She blushed slightly. “Yes, well, that was before I learned they have lots of little mouths to feed.” She looked around the room. “I need to visit Nesta.”
“Nesta? What -"
“I need to do research what foods raccoons eat so I can grow things they like!”
“Uh, Elain,” he said warily, watching her throw on a discarded cardigan, “I don’t think we should be encouraging this kind of behavior.”
She put her hands on her hips. “We’re now responsible for four growing babies! It’d be irresponsible to abandon them!” She turned her large, sad eyes on him, and Lucien knew he was beat. “Would you winnow me up to the House? Please?”
Grinning softly, he walked over to her and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. “Anything for you.”
She smiled up at him, and Lucien lost his breath for the second time that day. “Thank you,” she said softly, then whirled around and ran out of the door. “Give me five minutes!”
Lucien chuckled. All he could feel was Elain’s eagerness and elation through the bond, and it settled him, to feel his mate so happy and content.
If getting to experience Elain so content meant that all he needed to do was help care for a family of troublesome raccoons, then that was a price he was more than willing to pay.
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commandchap · 6 months
/With that he delivered several blows to my stomach knocking the breath from me. "What, he hisses, won't you be transforming into a dog for us? We had looked forward to beating a mute! Damn...isn't there an animal here we can play with? ...... /My voice gurgled as my mouth filled with blood from the beating Just go away! i begged. " No, no, I believe we have one more thing to do. Drag the bastard down to the end he ordered." /The two vampires kicked me several times before lifting me by the arms and tying my arms behind me with twine. Dragging g me down to Babe's stall they dropped me on my face./ "Roll him over! " the leader ordered. "I want him to see what happens to those under his care!" /Tears filled my eyes...not from bodily pain but from terror. Babe paced back and forth in her stall restless and knowing my distress I felt the bond between us like electricity in my flesh. One of the assailants dropped his knee into my holding me in place bound with ties, and the other joined his master as they stepped up on the railings if her stall. "What a lovely creature. So strong and young." He said looking back at at me with his tongue moving across his lips./ "Too bad she is in the wrong place. No safety with the dogs!" /And with that he jumped  into her stall and the other right behind him. I knew she fought hard but their knives slit and cut her to pieces. It took ten minutes and seemed like forever. And then silence until I felt something around my neck. Babe's beautiful tail, I had combed it out not a half hour before. He wrapped it around my neck./ "I thought you might like to keep this as a memento of our visit" He hissed. "Something to to show daddy...... Alright, get up and lets get out of here. And remember young dog prince. This is the first day of the beginning of  your end. I'm sure we will see each other again." /they lifted me again....and tossed me over the rail of Babe's stall. My body landed on her with a thud and I splashed down into the pools of blood still running from her neck./ Oh Babe! /I cried/ I couldn't protect you.
I'm so sorry
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rainywerewolfmoon · 1 year
The Fairyland
Ao3 link here The Fairyland - Chapter 22 - Princessmh9 - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own]
Chapter 22: The Bond
{As they come to an aisle of stalls, Genevieve sees a stall all on its own in a corner.}
{Genevieve} I am going to take it, that is Shadow's stall {Hannar nods yes.}
{Hannar}We had to have him separate from the other stalls. It got so bad he actually broke the stall dividers {he says shaking his head sadly. As they got near to the stall she could see the back of Shadow, but before Genevieve get any closer, a horse leans his head out of the stall, making Genevieve jump a little in surprise.}
{Genevieve,} You scared me a bit there {She says as she realized Kendra's hand is not on her shoulder. The beautiful grey Shire cross Andalusian nickers as she hear Kendra chuckle coming in front of her as she hugs the horse.}
{Kendra,} giving our guest a shock, are you? You cheeky boy, Steel, {she says fondly as a mother would to a child as he neighs in delight.}
{Genevieve} So this is Steel, {she says delighted as Kendra smiles proudly.}
{Kendra} Yes. This is my baby Steel. He has been mine since my first day of training, and we have been together for years {she says with a proud look in her eyes as Steel nuzzles her, making her giggle.}
{Genevieve} May I pat him please Kendra?
{Kendra} Of course you can, he loved to meet you {she says as Genevieve holds out a hand as Steel sniffs it before nuzzling it gently and loving.}
{Genevieve} He is so soft and so handsome, {she says as Kendra beams in delight.}
{Kendra} He is a good boy. Been through a ton of battles with me, he has, and not once has he fell in them though so many of his stable friends has and very few of them return {she says softly as she hugs him. Genevieve feels sorry for Kendra and Steel. No doubt those who never returned fell at the hands of the Unseelie and Wild Hunt when they crossed boarders and classed with the Seelie. She wonders how the Realm and the Folk of it has survived this ongoing war with the outcasts for so long.
{Genevieve, her voice filled with empathy} It must have been incredibly difficult for both you and Steel to face such battles and witness the loss of your friends. The resilience and strength that you both possess are truly remarkable. I can only imagine the hardships endured throughout the ongoing conflict.
{Kendra, her expression somber} The Realm and its inhabitants have indeed endured much suffering, but we hold on to the hope of a better future. Each day, we strive to bring an end to the Unseelie Court and Wild Hunt's reign of terror. It is individuals like you, Genevieve, who offer us a glimmer of hope and remind us that change is possible.
As Genevieve continues to pat Steel, she feels a sense of connection with him. It's as if she can sense the weight he carries and the loyalty he possesses, despite the trials he has faced.
{Genevieve, softly} Steel, you've been a steadfast companion to Kendra, haven't you? Your courage and loyalty are truly admirable. I'm honored to meet you, my brave friend.
Steel nuzzles against Genevieve's hand, his presence offering a sense of comfort and encouragement. It's a small moment of respite amidst the turmoil that surrounds them.
{Kendra, grateful} Thank you, Genevieve, for understanding and showing kindness to Steel. It means more than you can imagine. Your ability to connect with the horses and the empathy you demonstrate give me confidence in your bond with Shadow.
With Steel by their side, Genevieve, Kendra, and Hannar continue their journey towards Shadow's stall, ready to meet the enigmatic Kelpie who holds the key to their intertwined destinies. As they approach, Genevieve can't help but feel a mixture of anticipation and nervousness, unsure of what lies ahead but steadfast in her resolve to help Shadow find peace.
Suddenly, a wild looking Stallion rears up, screaming like crazy, before kicking and bucking in his stall as a panicked Dwarf tries to get away from him.
As the chaos erupted in the stable, with the angry stallion and the panicked dwarf, Genevieve's attention was immediately drawn to Shadow's stall. Her heart raced, and an unexplainable connection surged within her, resonating with the glowing necklace around her neck.
Without hesitation, Genevieve moved forward, her steps guided by an unseen force. She stood before Shadow's stall, the necklace's luminous glow casting an ethereal light upon the scene. She could feel the weight of Shadow's pain, his fear, and his mistrust.
Speaking with a voice filled with understanding, Genevieve addressed Shadow, acknowledging the torment he had endured. She reassured him, assuring him that he was now in a place of safety and compassion. Her words echoed with sincerity, resonating deep within Shadow's wounded spirit.
The necklace pulsed with a radiant intensity, its magic intertwining with the flicker of hope in Shadow's eyes. In that moment, he ceased his wild rampage and fixed his gaze upon Genevieve, his ears pinned back and his body tense with wariness.
As she extended her hand, Genevieve turned her head away, trusting in the power of connection and empathy. The stable fell into a hushed silence as all eyes remained fixed upon the unfolding scene. Hannar, Kendra, the dwarf, and even the horses held their breaths, waiting for the profound moment to unfold.
Puck Oberon and Queen Titania joined the gathering, their presence a testament to the significance of this encounter. Kendra and Puck exchanged a brief nod, their skepticism momentarily suspended in the face of potential prophecy fulfillment. A familiar elf, standing alongside King Lindor, observed with hope and anticipation.
Shadow took a hesitant step forward, pausing as if weighing his choices. And then, with a breath of surrender, he leaned in, his velvety muzzle touching Genevieve's outstretched hand. A soft snort escaped him, a mixture of relief and vulnerability.
As Genevieve opened her eyes, a brilliant smile graced her face. The connection between them had been established, a bond forged in compassion and trust. Shadow, seeking solace, turned to face her, his head resting gently upon her shoulder. Genevieve embraced him, wrapping her arms around his neck, their hearts beating as one.
King Lindor, overwhelmed with the realization of the prophecy's truth, spoke in awe, invoking the name of Merlin himself. The Elf, a witness to this profound moment, beamed with joy, affirming the significance of their meeting.
In this embrace, a new chapter began, their destinies entwined. Genevieve and Shadow, united by understanding and compassion, embarked on a journey that would test their courage and reshape the Realm. Their bond served as a beacon of hope, inspiring others to rise against the forces of darkness and work towards unity and harmony.
With Shadow's trust and Genevieve's unwavering determination, they would confront the challenges that lay ahead, guided by the wisdom of the necklace and the support of newfound allies. The Realm trembled with anticipation, for within this connection lay the potential to reshape their world and bring about a brighter future for all.
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austerulous · 2 years
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◈   @mysteriarchae said:   ❛ 🌿 // modern? mico & maria... ❜ // send 🌿 to accidentally get caught under the mistletoe with my muse.
A whisper of fast-turning pages, their flow interrupted by one clever thumb.  All the vastness of the universe was spread above them, a canopy pricked by the light of dying celestial bodies beyond count.  For now, they forsook the heavens in favour of more earthly delights.
No grand Christmas celebrations, no garlands save for the sea of holly and pine that surrounded them.  In the wild heart of the dark sky reserve, far from civilisation, hidden away from the halogen glare that leaked and stained the ether, the domed roof of the observatory rose like a pebble-coloured island.
In Micolash’s grasp, a book of botanical illustrations, a test of wine-honed wits.  Maria watched him over the crystal rim of her glass, silent as she sipped port.  There was a liveliness to her darling’s eyes, a razor-edged intelligence that glinted in his pale, pointed features.  A turn of the wrist revealed the print, unveiling smooth-edged, deep green leaves borne in pairs along a woody stem, and a cluster of white berries.
“Viscum album – mistletoe.”  How unchallenging.  How fitting in all its festive connotations.  “The ancient Greeks and Celts associated it with male fertility.” 
Tradition surely did not extend to include drawings of the amorous plant, but they had never needed custom to compel them.  Micolash, like her, was forged from something far more ephemeral than the stars, far more beautiful than any distant nebula.  An elegant finger curled through one of his belt loops, guiding him close, their pelvises kissing before their lips could meet.  Breathing in brandy fumes, with the taste of port wine in their mouths and her fingers sweeping through the dark mop of unruly hair, Maria kissed him with no care for propriety.
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angelamajiki · 4 years
[ peace treaty - part two ]
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AN: my first banner that I made for a fic!! Please enjoy and mind the tags as always!! :)
CW: yandere, noncon, loss of virginity, double penetration, coercion, gang bang, A/B/O dynamics, size difference, slight tummy bulge, cum stuffing, breeding
SYNOPSIS: The wedding to ensure peace for your kingdom was underway. Your alphas had been insistent that you met your new pack and give your virginity to them the night of your wedding. You could only wonder why.
The village of the Barbarian tribe was full of the hustle and bustle of wedding preparations being made for their leading Alphas and their newfound Omega mate. You could hear the rushing of bodies outside the tented den the pair kept you confined to. They were insistent on keeping you within their firm grasp, their watchful eyes at all times. It was exhausting, so say the least. The time spent in the village was theirs, not your own. Their tenderness almost made you forget the circumstances on which you fell into their laps. Almost.
Hardly anyone else in the village had seen you thanks to your red-headed mate. Dragons rarely let anyone but their pack near their hoard, and Eijirou was more than happy to declare you his most precious treasure of all, the centerpiece of his store. The hybrid was tempted to keep you with the rest of his treasures, but his other mate decided against it, demanding that you stay warm in the nest during the blistering winter that ravaged the mountain range.
They kept in the nest for as long as you would tolerate it, adoring the way you looked wrapped snuggly in the furs they had slain and prepared for you. The den was soon furnished with a small library for your curious mind, one of many wedding presents that your mates intended to spoil you with. Your mates were desperate for your approval, to preen and puff their chests in pride from your praise. In fact, one of the only times you were let out before the wedding was to watch wrestling matches between the Alphas of the clan and their leaders on the warmer days. It was a prominent display of strength, the pair hoping to impress their lovely mate with their fists and muscles. The other times, they had taken you to Eijirou’s cave to flaunt his hoard, which they welcomed you to take anything you liked from it as it was now yours too.
Winter flew by quickly. In those few months, preparations for your spring wedding were well underway as your mates took their agonizing time to stake their claim on you. The pair of them were insistent on waiting until the wedding night to be fully bonded but did not spare you any pleasure they wished to bestow you. The ecstasy they brought you night after night was earth-shattering, something you never even dreamed you could have achieved.
A spring wedding was to be had, and the wait was finally over. Your dress was designed of the most delicate silk hand-made in the tribe, dipped in beautiful red and gold dyes to match your mate's garments. Precious jewels and other gold jewelry was selected from the dragon's hoard by none other than Eijirou himself. Traditional paint was brushed onto your face and arms with expert craftsmanship, adorning your glowing skin with the clan's insignia and other symbols held dear to the Barbarians.
Meeting your mates down the aisle and finally being wed to them felt like a weight had been lifted off of your shoulders. For months, you had worried that their threat to destroy your home would see to its fruition, but now that you're finally their wife and mate, the treaty had been completed. Perhaps your mates would be kind enough to let you see your family after the celebration.
Festivities were planned for days to celebrate the new queen and pack mate of the tribe’s leaders. Being out of the den and meeting the clansmen felt like a breath of fresh air after being secluded for those few months up until the wedding. You could only hope that your husbands would allow this new freedom to continue.
Food, drink, and dancing went well into the early morning hours before you decided it was time to retire to your den. Buzzing with anticipation, you let Katsuki lead you home with a scarred hand on the small of your back, reminding you just how small you were in comparison to your Alphas. Tonight was the night that you submitted utterly and entirely to your mates. It was overwhelming, almost enough to give you cold feet.
Upon returning to the tented den, you were met with your new pack, the Alphas that Eijirou and Katsuki introduced you to earlier that day during the ceremony. TestsuTetsu, leader of the clan’s warriors. Sero and Denki, leading blacksmiths and protectors of the armory. Izuku, also known as Deku, leading military strategist. And Hitoshi, the tribe’s mage.
The tent’s magic flaps had sealed themselves once you and your mates made it inside with the rest of the pack, who were already waiting for you. Unease had swelled in your gut as you saw the hungry gleams in all the Alpha's eyes. Did they have the intention to watch while you bonded with your mates?
“Be easy, my love.”
Eijirou’s hands came to your shoulders in an attempt to soothe you as he guided you to your nest.
“Although you will be our mate, you will still be the pack’s omega.”
You nodded slowly, having already understood that much, but it still didn't explain why the rest of the pack was suffocating the space of your den.
“That means you will have to form a bond with all of us. We intend to share you with the pack tonight.”
Panic filled your being as you stood up from the nest, only to be pinned down into the redhead’s lap with his powerful arms. His hands rubbed soothing circles in your arms as he felt you squirm in his hold.
“There’s no reason to be afraid, my queen!” Izuku piped up as he flashed a reassuring smile. “This is the best way to ensure that you will give healthy pups to the pack and the clan.”
Tears and pleas dribbled out as you thrashed in your Alpha’s arms, desperate to claw your way out of his grip and away from the new pack.
“Stop yer fussin’,” Katsuki grunted as he took his place next to the both of you. “We’ll be right here the whole time. Besides, it’ll be a good way for the pack to bond. We wouldn't want anything to happen to your territory, now would we?”
Chuckles filled the room as you sobbed in absolute terror.
“Please! I don't want this! Don't make me do this; I'm begging you!”
A fatal mistake on your part is that you forgot who these men were. Barbarians who snatched, steal, and take whatever they please, whenever they please. Your mates were capable of tenderness, but only when it seemed to benefit them. And it didn't at this moment.
Eijirou was quick to quell your cries as he stroked your hair gently while Katsuki tied your hands together. The redhead whispered sweet nothings in your ear in an attempt to soothe his lovely omega. You were practically hog-tied into your nest as the blonde ripped your dress to shreds with his magic, your struggling between the pair of them frustrating him deeply.
“Enough fucking around. Omega, submit.”
Unable to deny such a command, you went still under your overbearing husband. How quickly he changed once you truly denied him for the first time...it frightened you. The men around you tried to croon and calm, wanting to put your wailing cries at ease. You had barely been touched and you already felt violated by being naked and bound before your new pack. Oh, things you had to endure to protect your kingdom.
Katsuki was overzealous, eager to be the first to pop your cherry and finally feel the velvet of his omega’s hole. A searing mouth sealed itself over your clit as thick fingers worked you open. Your mate was relentless, fucking your hole with vigor as his tongue sucked and lapped against your clit. The wanton groaning of the other Alphas met your squeals and cries as you clenched around your mate’s fingers, wishing desperately to sink into your nest of furs and never return.
Eijirou kissed you deeply, stroking away your tears and holding your chin in his scarred palm. The other Alphas hands groped, massaged, and grabbed at your supple skin, leaving no inch untouched. All of them ignored your sobbing, electing to see past your suffering for the good of the pack.
“So beautiful.”
“What a great pick you two made.”
“Hurry up and mount her Kats! I want to get in there too!”
Your Alpha continued his brutal pace of finger fucking and suckling on your clit, groaning and grunting as he slurped at you greedily. A tight coil of pleasure built in your core as you helplessly moaned and cried into Eijirou’s mouth. Katsuki felt your impending orgasm and pulled his mouth away in favor of rubbing your clit hard and fast with his unoccupied hand. He chuckled, watching you squirm and squeal loudly before coming undone, squirting all over his chest in the process.
The Alphas jeered and praised you for a good show as Katsuki chuckled.
“Now that’s what I’m fuckin’ talking about. Good girl, little omega. Ready for knot?”
A wolfish grin cast on his features as he hiked your ankles up to his shoulders. Cock lines up with your still twitching whole; he sunk into your tight heat in one stroke of his hips. A breathy gasp left you as you were filled to the brink.
The pace he set with his thrusts was unforgiving; a bruising grip laid on your love handles as you were pounded into the nest, making a mess of the furs strewn across it. Snarls and grunts left your captor’s lips all the while. The other Alphas around you stroked their cocks heartily, eagerly waiting for their turns to have a go and breed their new pack omega. Squeals and cries of unwanted pleasure quickly filled your gut as you came again, forcing you to arch your back into the blonde’s chest. Overstimulation hit you like a freight train as your mate continued to chase his own pleasure.
Eijirou brushed the hair from your sweaty forehead and swiped gently at your tears, watching his two mates finally tie the knot and love each other in the most primal, intimate ways they knew. What a fine choice for a mate you turned out to be—loyal, lovely, loud. Your sobs and cries of pleasure were music to the dragon’s ears, adoring the way you shook and convulsed underneath the other Alpha. Toying with your nipples gently, he shushed your protests with a kiss and held his free hand to your throat, stroking the sides tenderly.
Katsuki, on the other hand, was practically feral, animalistic in his movements as he popped his knot into your tight cunt with a roar of your name. Ropes of hot seed painted your womb as he held you tightly in his arms, riding his orgasm out to completion.
Nothing but groans and pants could be heard for a few moments as your Alpha bent down to lay a claiming mark on the glands of your neck. He tore into the flesh with passion, leaving a trail of blood that dripped down your sweaty chest. Laving at the mark with his tongue, he sealed the bond and slurped up the blood. Extending his neck, he pushed your head into his crook.
“Bite, complete the bond.”
Like an obedient breeding bitch, you listened mindlessly, mind foggy with the haze of your orgasms.
After his knot had deflated, Eijirou moved to mount your sloppy hole.
“Guess the rest of you are getting my sloppy seconds,” Katsuki smirked, admiring the way his seed dripped from your now loose hole.
Eijirou was more tender than his counterpart, taking his time with his sweet, sweet lovemaking. Possessive and sweet nothings were moaned and groaned from him—bite marks littered your chest and mouth. His thrusts with slow and deep, wanting a slow build to both of your orgasms as he lavished you in his undivided attention. Kisses and bites were pressed sweetly to your lips, and his tongue tasted the salt of your skin.
Your whimpers and moans mingled with his deep, rolling groans while the others were content to watch such a passionate display of Eijirou’s adoration for his Omega. Laying his claim as he came, the knot popped the moment as he bit into your wrist, suckling at the wound he left behind. Even after he deflated, he cockwarmed you for a while so you could rest and have a much-needed drink of water.
After Eijirou’s cock slipped out of your cunt, the rest was a murky blur in your memory. Izuku followed your redheaded mate, losing himself quickly to the vice of your wet and sloppy pussy. He came rather quickly, apologizing for only finishing himself off. He had to, for the sake of pups, of course. Not that any of their words mattered to you, you were too drunk off the mating bonds your mates laid into your virgin skin.
TetsuTetsu succeeded Izuku, and much like Katsuki, he was an animal. Loud slaps of skin filled the den as he praised you for being such a good omega for your Alphas. Bear them your healthy pups like a good girl, won't you? His stamina was high, too high for your liking. Slipping in and out of consciousness, you barely made recognition to his knot swelling in your hole. He was by far the biggest of the pack. Another load pumped into the pack’s personal cumdumpster, but he made sure to make you squeal and squirt on his cock.
Any defiance in you had died by the time Sero and Denki speared you on their cocks. What they lacked in girth, they made up for in length. They both greedily stuffed themselves into your pussy at the same time, one rubbing your clit while the other tugged at your nipples. Only one knot caught inside you while Denki’s popped just below your clit, making an even bigger mess to your already sloppy pussy.
Finally, Hitoshi cast a fertility ward on your womb, marked by the pack’s emblem to ensure pregnancy and a healthy one at that. An average knot, he finished himself within your already full womb, a small bulge appearing in your gut because of it. A plug was stuffed inside you to keep the pack’s seed deep within your cunt, to ensure pregnancy of the pack’s pups.
Once the sun broke over the dawn of the mountains, the pack exited the tent to leave you to your Alphas. They spent the morning bathing and feeding you, wanting to pamper you after such an exciting yet stressful evening. The pair hoped you would come around to be shared by the pack; how else will they get you through your heats and their ruts? That's a problem for another day, they supposed.
After a long, well-deserved rest in a now cleaned nest, Eijirou was ecstatic to share the news of their newest surprise. A honeymoon! Oh, the places they planned to fly you to.
As you listened to their plans, you couldn't help but gaze off into the next morning’s sun, wondering if this life was worth it for the sake of peace.
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roscgcld · 4 years
RYOMEN SUKUNA || we will meet again
anime: jujutsu kaisen
characters: ryomen sukuna
pronouns: she/her
proof read: N/A
"Promise me...that one day, we will meet again."
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Back in the day, when Jujutsu Sorcerers were at their prime, lived a Cursed Spirit who goes by the name Sukuna. Once a human Sorcerer himself, he had somehow managed to create himself into the Jujutsu world's most feared Cursed Spirit. He was dubbed 'the King of Curses' and rained terror over the human and jujutsu world; with super natural powers and a sadistic personality to match the title. Everyone who has crossed him shook in absolute fear.
That was, of course, before he met a particular princess.
She was a beautiful woman; the daughter of one of the then king’s favourite concubines. Born with the alluring beauty of her mother, and a heart of gold, it was hard to ignore her presence when she walked into a room. 
She was brought up in the palace, where she was given the title as princess; but she will never sit on the throne of the kingdom her father rules over. As only the King’s wife is allowed to bear the heir that will sit on the throne. She didn’t mind, she had never desired such power to begin with. Even if she was going to be married off to one of the many foreign princes asking for her hand in marriage, she didn’t care about titles. 
Since she was never destined to sit on the throne, her father had given her quite the freedom to do as she pleases. With all her free time, she tends to use it connect to the people of her kingdom; helping the needy during their time of need, always purchasing things from the local vendors and merchants that have travelled long and far. She is beloved by the people, and shines a light on the royal family that makes them more human instead of the godly image that is projected onto the royal family.
Anyone who meets her would fall in love for her - and apparently not even Cursed Spirits were the exception.
The princess have always love spending her time out in nature - horse back riding with a few of the guards in training, swimming in the river that her brothers love to hunt by, learning about the different plants and herbs from the doctors that go out foraging for medical herbs. So it came to the surprise to no one when Sukuna stumbled onto the princess by accident on the riverbed.
Sukuna had not expected to see any human about as he goes about his walk deep in the woods. It was one of those rare moments to himself where he does not necessarily have anything he needed to do on hand, and also the few rare moments where he does not have a mob of sorcerers up his ass. He was just enjoying the sounds of nature and the soft wind blowing against his kimono when he heard what sounded like a human's laughter coming from the river near by. At first he was curious, since no human usually ventures this deeply into the woods. At the same time, he had wanted to ignore it, since humans are just a pain in the ass to deal with even if they can't see you. However, there was something so alluring about that soft giggle that had him wanting to see just who this annoying brat was. So, without even him realising what was happening, his feet quietly walked towards the river and before he knew it, he had pushed the last branch aside to peek over at the river bed curiously. Sitting before him on a flat rock by the river was a woman with flowing hair, her small feet dipped into the running water below as her hands reached forward to play with a few of the fishes that swam by. The pink fabric of her furisode laid behind her like a pink halo, showcasing the intricate sakura trees and flowers that were sown into the fabric. The aura around her was relaxed and peaceful, and somehow just seeing her brings him a sense of peace. As if she could sense his stare, the woman suddenly pauses before she turns to look over her shoulder curiously; bright and seemingly glowing eyes meeting his red ones head on. Sukusa felt the world around him come to a stop as the eyes of the princess before him trapped him on the spot, causing him to loose all train of thought from before. "Oh - were you wanting to sit here too?"
The casual way she just asked him that question definitely threw him off. The woman actually just lets out a soft laugh at his dry answer. "It's alright - we can share the space if you don't mind." She commented, a teasing tone taking over her voice as she patted the free spot beside her. "I promise I don't bite."
If she had known just who this man was, she might actually understand how ironic her sentence was. But Sukuna decided not to comment on it as he quietly makes his way towards her, sitting down at the spot beside the princess whose eyes had already returned to the river before her. "The water feels extra nice today. And there is more fishes then usual." She conversed with the man casually, causing Sukuna to wonder if she is pretending to be as dense as she is right now. "How are you so calm right now? I mean, do you see a 10ft tall human with four arms every day or what? Your reaction is sort of dull." 
The princess pauses in thought as she thinks, looking far too relaxed by his side. "I have always been able to see...odd things." She started off with a soft hum, glancing over at the man beside her with a soft smile. "I have asked people around me before, and after realising that I am the only one who can see them, I decided to ignore them." She admitted, running her dry hand through her hair softly. "But if I am being honest, this is the first time one has actually ever spoken to me."
"Well, I'm not the everyday curses." He said with a slightly proud tune in his voice, to which the princess beside him looks up at the taller man with interest. "Every day curses are small things, I am basically what people in my world call a Special Grade Curse." He continued, and for some reason, when he saw how her eyes were staring up at in him awe, he looked away with a light blush on his face. He doesn't even know what was about her that drags out these human-like emotions from him - he had never felt like this ever before.
"Special Grade Curse?" She echoes back with curiosity, to which the man beside her just nods softly as he leans back to rest on the free arms, the other two crossed across his chest. Suddenly she turned to face him, her eyes shining so brightly with excitement that it caused Sukuna to squint a little. "Can you explain just what you are to me a little more?"
One question was all it took to have Sukuna falling, and if he was being honest - he actually didn’t mind spending so much time on this little human. From sharing stolen nights in her bedroom in the royal palace, to sneaking out to just go to the riverbed where the met for the first time; they even spent time just wandering about his domain. It was actually during these small explorations of the world around them that created a special bond between the two.
For her, he was her escape from the restrictive and repetitive routine of royal life. For him, she was his utopia, a person he can turn to whenever he feels like just killing everyone around him. Soon though, these emotions sprouted into something deeper and more personal. It was jarring at first, falling for a human - but he knows that she was worth it all.
He remembers the way her eyes shone brightly with a constant look of innocence in them, yet she is mature and realistic enough to know that not everything is sunshine and rainbows. He remembers the way she carries herself, her warm and loving smile, how content he felt whenever she wrapped her arms around him. He loves the feeing of her soft hair that tumbles around her face in soft waves, how it feels like silk whenever he runs his fingers through them. How with just one glance, she can fill the void in his heart that he didn't know existed.
Yet they were never set to happy ending to begin with.
It was during just what started off like a normal day when the town the princess was in was suddenly invaded by a rival kingdom’s army. Their goal was to conquer and take over the kingdom with any means necessarily; meaning that the royal family had to go.
Uraume had entered his hideout, panting with wide eyes as they told Sukuna of the town now plunging into chaos. Within seconds the Cursed Spirit was up and sprinting towards the royal palace, great fear and anger gripping him from within. Entering through the destroyed doors of the grand palace, he ignored the screams of anguish of the others around him as he ran straight towards one of the buildings - the building where the royal sleeping chambers were located.
When he finally found her room, he felt like his heart was ripped out of his chest at the sight before him.
The once beautifully crafted shoji doors with panels decorated in a beautiful forest scene now laid in tatters, the furniture inside looking as if though a huge scuffle had happened. Rushing deeper into the room, he felt his heart sank to its stomach when he saw the splatters of blood leading towards the small room where the princess would sleep in.
Entering the back room, his red eyes scanned over the many splatters of blood about the room, the red handprints of the princess smeared across the ornate walls whilst the body of the princess laid on her futon; the sheets now soaked in blood. "No, no, no.." Sukuna managed out in horror as he quickly made his way to his lover's side, pulling her bloodied body into his arms immediately. "Flower, open your eyes. Please.."
Slowly her eyelids begin to move, and Sukuna felt his heart break when he saw how her now dull and tired eyes shifted to look up at him, taking a moment to truly process just who he was. "I'm so sorry..." Sukuna mumbles out through a small voice as he pulls her closer, trying his hardest to press his hands against the gashing wound on her abdomen. Since the wound was inflicted by a non-sorcerer, there was no trace of cursed magic on her; meaning that there was no way he can save her to begin with. "I-If only I had known..."
"Shh...it's okay.." The princess whispered out in a soft but pained tone, her bloody hand reaching up to cup his tattoo cheek ever so softly. The familiar touch brought another wave of emotion through Sukuna as he tries to blink back his tears, pulling her closer to his chest as he shifted his posture so she was sitting in his lap. He barely even acknowledge his own kimono that was slowly being soaked in blood. "Y-You didn't know this was going to happen...no one did...don't blame yourself..."
With watery red eyes Sukuna marvelled at how even though she was on death's doorstep, she still tried to put on a smile for his sake. "I'm so sorry..." Sukuna manages through a pained tone, tears now sliding down his face in thick streams whilst the woman just gave him a loving smile, resting her head on his shoulder. "Don't be.." She mumbles softly, forcing the man to look down at her as she gave him the same smile that had him falling for her from the beginning. "You know that...it takes more than this to get rid of me.."
The teasing words caused Sukuna to let out a soft and pained laugh, remembering the times where he would tell her how annoying she was whenever she would cling onto him and tease him relentlessly. He would trade anything to go back to those moments once more. "Brat.." He manages through his silent sobs, to which the woman just lets out a soft laugh as her fingers slowly traced along his features. For a few moments it was just silence, but the next time she spoke, Sukuna knew that the end was coming.
"Promise me...that one day, we will meet again."
"I promise, my love." Sukuna mumbles back quietly, resting his forehead against hers when he noticed how much effort it takes for her to blink. "No matter how long it takes, I will wait for you." He told her firmly as he presses a loving kiss on her forehead. "No matter how long it takes.." She echoes quietly, to which Sukuna just press a loving kiss on her head just as he felt her soft hand slowly slide down his chest, falling limply on her side.
For a moment Sukuna just held her against him, quietly crying into her hair. His entire world was in his arms, and just like that she was taken away from him. From that sadness came anger, and he soon found himself with the deep desire to crush whoever took her away from him.
Thus started the true rein of terror under the King of Curses, his anger fueling him to chase for bigger goals. Whilst he strive to rid of this world of dirty humans who took his flower away from her, he kept the vow that they promised one another - that they will wait for the other no matter how long it takes.
Because he had promised you so, and he’d do anything to keep that promise.
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© roscgcld — all rights reserved to me, rose, the author and creator of these works. do not repost/translate/claim my work as yours on any platform
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bloodycassian · 3 years
anon request - READER X AZRIEL - sorry if this wasn’t exactly what you want! I got a bit carried away in my own idea of Azriel being supportive but protective at the same time!
some hurt/comfort with Azriel where he and the reader get in a huge fight over protecting Elain (like they travel to a different court and Azriel is overprotective) and then the reader goes scouting to also cool down a bit and they get ambushed, the reader gets injured and the mating bond snaps. Hope it's not too much trouble!!
Elain was absurdly still as the conversation played out. Conversation being a loose term for the shouting happening around her. You didn’t leave her side though, even though your anger flourished while they spoke as if she wasnt there. Azriel was packing her things, shoving them haphazardly into a bag. The bag that Feyre had given her from their first trip down to the markets after Elain had started acting somewhat normal again. The happy memory seemed so distant now, compared to the anxiety ridden emotions that played about in the room.
“We are not going to the continent.” Az’s tone shift was abrupt, a snap of anger leaning into it. He tied the top of the bag closed and set it roughly atop the living room table. The scattered odds and ends of survival gear and weapons scraped against the wood. You watched the stare down between the high lord and his shadowsinger patiently. Waiting for your moment to speak rationally to them.
Rhys’ power roiled above, his eyes did not hide his frustration with his brother. His gaze was simmering with that dark power he possessed. Azriel did not back down. “The continent is the only place that may be safe. If the King finds out she’s a Seer he will never let her go. We can’t risk losing her as a hostage.”
You knew she would be a hostage too. Feyre would never let her sister be taken without a fight. Rhys knew his mate well enough to know not to risk just Elain, but Feyre too. Cauldron knew what Nesta would do if she were in that room during the conversation. Likely spitting fire and shoving Elain out the door to wherever she seemed to think was safe. Thankfully, both sisters were scouring deep in the library for any way to help win this battle.
Azriel did not break eyecontact with his brother as he made to speak again. You interrupted before he could make the situation worse. “I have somewhere in mind.” You spoke softly, urging the staring contest to end. Azriel looked away first, and you were surprised at that. His eyes met yours with something like relief. “Autumn. We have Eris on our side if we’re caught. I have a spot we can stay until-” Azriels scoff sent anger shooting through you. You clenched your teeth together to keep from lashing out at him as he had been doing just moments before. 
“Autumn is possibly the worst place we could send you right now. We’re on the brink of war with them potentially being on Hyberns side. We would be sending you straight to Hybern himself.” 
“Exactly. It’s stupid and they would never expect it.” 
“You’re not going. Beron exiled you. Don’t you remember what that means?” He looked at you with actual concern now that he knew you were serious. As if you had been injured and you were speaking a different language.
“It means we will be safe from Hybern when they come here to look for Elain. Isn’t that the point?” You wrapped an arm around her small shoulders and pulled her close. Az couldn’t argue with that. The other courts were not an option, as it would be harboring a target against one of the Night court Allies. And Winter court was nowhere to be spending the night. Not many survived the night there without shelter.
Rhys’ sigh was long and exhausted. Left without another option, he nodded to himself. He held out a hand and summoned two necklaces, both with pendants of black onyx that shimmered in the firelight. Az’s brows pinched together at the sight of them. The dull glow behind him shone through his wings, highlighting all the delicate structures there. You found his wings more beautiful than the enchanted stone Rhys handed you.
“Hybern won’t be able to sense your magic. Keep these on.” 
Azriel was already tensing, his fists balling at his sides ready to make it physical if Rhys refused to listen. He knew with his entire being that something was off. Something would go wrong this night. His shadows warned him of something. And he couldn’t shake it no matter how hard he tried. “Rhys-”
“And you will be going with them. Keep them company while Feyre and I investigate just how many ships and forces they plan to bring.” He ordered in that indisputable tone of the high lord. With only a hint of friendliness. He gave Az a long look before turning back to you and Elain. “Do not take those off.” The nodded to the necklaces and started to winnow. Elain stood abruptly, startling you. 
“Thank you.” She said softly to the high lord. He seemed taken aback for a second, before giving her a gracious nod and finally disappearing. You rose to Elain’s height and took her hand in yours. It was warm, welcoming. “We’re going to be fine.” You promised, not caring if Azriel saw the care you gave her. She had been there for you just as you needed to be now. She had practically kept you alive with her soft humming and reading to you when you were at your worst after being exiled. 
 “I know.” She said, voice soft as rose petals. But that dark power within her were the thorns of that pretty, perfect rose. The reason Hybern even knew to look in Velaris for Elain. That cauldron calling power that she couldn’t control to save her life. You grimly smiled at her.
“We need to leave.” Azriel ordered, tone neutral. Just a warrior needing to move troops.
“Let me get your bag.” Elain said, giving you a squeeze of her hand, disappearing up the stairs. Leaving you with the brooding Illyrian. You grimaced in his direction. He ignored you as best he could, hoping that the time for babysitting would pass quickly. He had always found it strange how you and Elain moved like magnets together. Found the soft way you comforted each other somehow upsetting. He paced quietly in front of the fire while you gathered your gear. Two small blades - one for Elain - and your sword. You rubbed at a speck on the hard steel of the sword. 
Perhaps his lack of family had made that rivaling jealousy turn into hatred for the display of affection. He contemplated to himself. Had he become cold to everyone? Too harsh? Had the darkness he possessed taken him over? He tore his eyes from your short sword and locked them with yours. The thrill he felt wasn’t from anger or terror. His cheeks flushed slightly and you fought the grin that you wanted so badly to flaunt at him. The innuendos regarding the sword that you wanted to say were cut off by that look he gave you.
“Do not get into a situation where you have to use that.” He warned with a stern look. You couldn’t help the angelic smile you gave him.
The smell of rotting apples and decaying leaves was all you needed to sense to know you were home. You took in the court border slowly, adjusting to your orientation after being winnowed. Elain clutched your hand tightly, the bag in her other hand quivered only slightly from her shaking. Your hands became slick with sweat at the familiar sights and smells of Autumn. You hadn’t been back since being exiled.
“We wont be able to have a fire.” Azriel stated, gazing towards the sky. It was far too clear of a day out to risk it. The slight chill in the air filled your stomach with dread for the night to come. 
“This way.” You pulled Elain along with you, leaves crunching under your feet as you entered Autumn court. She didn’t move. Her eyes were blank, staring lifelessly into the orange and yellow forest. “Elain?” You asked softly.
“Five foxes will die tonight. Three more in the morning.” 
Her words sent a chill down your spine.
Az took the lead, territoriality putting himself a few paces in front of you. He wasn’t subtle about it either, occasionally jogging ahead to scout for any enemies around piles of bramble when you came across it. 
By the time you found your hideout, you were fed up with waiting for him to give you the all clear everywhere you went. You let you go of Elains now calm hand and stormed into the small shack with familiarity. Azriel hissed and seethed when you lit a lantern inside. “Get over yourself, Shadowsinger.” You laughed, taking in the small piece of home you made for yourself long ago. 
It indeed was a long time ago when you’d last been there. But it still felt homey to you. The small space was just big enough for a stove, the table you’d found, and a bed pushed against the far wall. The fireplace hadn’t been used in years. Soot marked small animal prints along the light plank floors.
The dusty blankets on the makeshift bed were pocked with holes from mice and moths. The fireplace was nearly caved in on itself. The bramble covering that acted like a second roof was growing through the actual roof in some places. But it was still home. Your small exit from the world when things got too tough. Even after being exiled Beron hadn’t known about this place. He would have had it destroyed if he did know of it.
Elain pushed in passed Azriel. His shadows went wild. Searching every surface of the cabin. The long beams of the floor were hardly visible through the darkness he brought. 
You knew you should have brought more blankets. You held back the teeth chattering as best you could, letting Elain sleep. She would need all the rest she could get. You could tell she’d been tired after the days walk. She rested peacefully under the layers while the wind shuddered the leaves outside. You pulled your coat tighter to your body. 
“This was a stupid idea.” Azriel muttered from the corner. He didn’t seem cold, but the dark curls of shadow wrapped around him protectively. While you were left with nothing more than a coat. Your own magic couldn’t save you from the stormy wind, the necklace Rhys had given you also weakened your power enough that you couldn’t use it. Even in your homeland. It bothered you endlessly, feeling so useless in such a dire situation of needing to help Elain. 
“Then maybe you should just leave.” You barked back simply. He didn’t have to come in the first place if he was going to be so bothered. 
“I just mean-” He sighed, and sat on the creaky old table that took up half the small kitchenette. “We could have done this better. We could have planned… Differently.” 
“We didnt have the time. We’re here now, so we just need to deal-”
“I know that. I’m just bothered that you’re so recklessly looking for danger everywhere we go.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean? I’m from here Azriel. I know what areas are dangerous.” 
“Maybe once.” His eyes were not angry when he said it. They were full of pity and doubt. Your rage spilled over, and you were ready to shout. Ready to scream at him about what a piggish idiot Illrian he was being. But Elain turned over, sighing softly to herself. 
So instead, you clamped down on that burning anger and walked out. And of course he decided to try to follow you. He made it a few steps outside the cabin before you turned on him, ready to roar. “Be safe at least.” He tossed his red jeweled dagger to you. Your heart squeezed, choking you up slightly. You brushed it away as best you could before he could see. You couldn’t yell at him. 
So you took the dagger and walked briskly away, into the brush of autumn forests. Laced with the smell of heavy fruits and warm trees. Leaves fluttering in your wake as the wind tossed with ease. 
You held his knife close at your side the entire aimless walk. Then, the sound of twigs snapping and males laughing heartily made you pause. 
Far to your east was a dull glow beyond a knoll. You backed away slowly. Trying to be as soundless as possible in case they could scent you. The breeze whipped at your skin, blowing in their direction. The trees above you shuddered sharply, and you swore as a heavy weight fell upon your shoulders.
Azriel paced in the kitchenette, his shadows swirling around him relentlessly, waiting for a target. It felt wrong letting you go. It felt like letting his hope sink. His shadows even seemed upset about it, as they now whipped around him angrily. 
He swore he was going to run a rut through the plank floor. He sighed, glanced to Elain’s sleeping figure and forced himself to sit. You had the dagger. You were capable. You knew the area and knew what you were doing. He tried his best to soothe himself. It didn’t help much.
The old chair creaked under his weight, and he smiled. For someone who claimed they couldn’t work around the house, you were quite the crafter making such a nice hideaway for yourself. He finally took a moment to pause, and actually look at the cabin.
The stove may have been older than he was. The missing burners on top were replaced with a few forks placed carefully around them. The ancient shelves were dusty, along with all the jars and cups atop them. Cobwebs spotted the entire house, but his shadows had gotten rid of most of them after the first one clung to his face upon walking in. 
Then he came to the table he sat at, the four unmatching chairs circling it. The table itself was solid oak, he could tell that much. But he wondered how you’d gotten it inside at all. Out of curiosity, he pulled on it. It didn’t budge. His eyebrows knitted together, and he stood slowly. The curiosity consumed him. He gave the table another tug. Still, no movement.  
He crouched down, and noticed the planks around the single leg of the table had been cut out. Then he noticed the intricate roots weaving their way up the trunk. The table wasn’t just a table. It was an entire tree - or what was a tree once… And you’d built the entire cabin around it. His awe was quickly quieted by Elain.
“A part of you is missing. The foxes will die.” She muttered sleepily, her eyes blank. And he lay back down as if it hadn’t happened. “Elain?” Azriel called. Dread, cold and stinging coarse through him. “Elain?” He asked quietly, approaching her side. She flung the covers from her lithe body. Azriel jumped back, holding his hands up defensively. “It’s okay, its me.” He calmed her, noting the wild look in her expression. 
“Find yourself.” She breathed, her eyes going wide with concern. Azriel’s heart sped, and he felt like he’d been dunked in a cold ocean of dread. Terror drug him under the deep waves and threatened to drown him the first chance it got. He took Elains hand and started walking the direction you’d left. 
Leaving behind the supplies and the living table that you’d created.
A glance at the oversized uniforms told you all you needed to know. The fox sigil pinned to their tunics proved that the uniforms were stolen from Autumn soldiers. Your blood boiled. Elain had been right. But they would die. Five of them, at least. But you had only glimpsed at three so far. You tugged at the ropes that bound you. Firm, and not able to be broken.
Their campsite was large, and full of small boxes of different fruits. Several different types of weapons leaned against their low lying tents. And with how many scars their fae leader had, you knew the rest of their story in an instant. Bandits. Filthy trade merchants that lived for thievery and making a quick gold mark.
And you’d be worth their weight in gold once they turned you in to Beron.
“We’ve got a live one!” The male shouted to his comrades. They cheered drunkenly, their voices carried far by the wind. Their fire sparked and popped against the blue night sky. And you knew that your death may not come in glory of battle, or in the name of your home. But in being stupid enough to be caught by bandits. You could have died that instant if it would mean you didn’t have to feel that kind of shame.
The male cut the opal from your neck, and you felt your magic explode from you. Your thoughts were racing, searching. Finding something cold and dark in the depths of your mind and tugging on it. Then, it was a live beast beneath your mental hands. It coiled and rose, ready to strike. 
The same one cut a long line down your cheek with the blade that had just cut your only protection against Hybern from you. You prayed to the mother that Hybern was too busy to notice a small blip of magic from an Autumn fae like you. You hissed in pain as the blade stung its way down to your neck, stopping at your collarbone. 
You pulled on that coiling beast that called to you. Beckoned it to find you, to help you from this pain. Maybe you were begging for death, or at least unconsciousness so you wouldnt have to feel the pain anymore. The male stood back to let another scaled lower fae get a look at you. His tongue lashed out over your bloodied neck. He hummed in approval, letting his forked wetness slither across your wounds.
You felt them seal and itch with every pass as he took your blood. “Good.” the one with the blade ordered, then… to your dread, he pulled a glowing rod from the fire. They would brand you. Then take you to the high lord. Only after they’d humiliated you though. The males clucked at your involuntary reaction. They huddled close around, waiting for the screaming to start. Their excitement coated the air with a tangy adrenaline filled scent. 
You reared away from the burning metal as best as you could. The ropes around you seemed weaker now that you had your weak magic back, but still too constricting to do much with. 
You closed your eyes as the glow approached your chest. It warmed your face with the heat. They were going slow on purpose. Wanting to savor your reaction. It made your stomach go queasy. You hoped you would pass out. Better yet, just die of the agony. That way Beron wouldn’t have the satisfaction of killing you himself. 
There was a thump, and sizzling. You cracked open your eyes, waiting that searing pain to hit you. But it didnt. The males stood back, bewildered. Across the camp in the dull glow of the fire as the one that had been lowering the branding stick to you. It was speared through his chest, pinning him to a tree. His mouth gasped, eyes wide and glowing a haunting orange from the fire. You would never forget the sight of it. The smoldering that came from the tree behind him as the hot iron burned into it. The wet sounds of his mouth opening and closing. 
Then, the gasp and thump each male that Azriel incapacitated before you. Elain stood at the edge of the trees, her eyes still puffy from sleep. Azriel kept the kills quiet and concise. None resembled the one pinned to the tree, now sagging under the weight of death. No, the rest of them had easy deaths at the hands of one skilled at dealing killing blows. The wet splatter of blood leaving a body pulled you back to the scene in front of you. Az’s scowl as he cleaned his blade was that of a warrior who had seen much worse. Done much worse. 
“I told you not to fucking-” He snarled, his hands on the rope at your wrists. He stopped though, and stared. The shadowed light of his eyes seemed to be blooming with awe. You couldn’t look away. The beauty in the deep irises, the way small freckles played about his dark skin. All new and exciting things you’d never noticed before. His scent alone was like a punch to the gut. 
Him. Azriel. It had been him to find you. Him to respond to that silent plea that you so badly needed to be heard. He was that coiling darkness that had saved you. Your breath was a gasp, and you nearly fell to your knees before him. 
His hands didn’t work anymore. The world stopped turning all together. His heart was no longer his own and his soul belonged wherever you were. It didn’t matter that you were in the middle of a foreign court’s borders. It didn’t matter that Elain trembled in the corner of the clearing. He was yours, and you were his. 
He vowed it, for eternity that was how it would stay. He’d never leave your side again. Never choose to be without you for as long as he may be alive. His very being was now shared. With you. His soul intertwined your yours, wrapping delicately around your earthy light that contrasted his darkness so perfectly. If you were the sun he was the moon, always chasing, always following and living in your light. 
The words weren’t needed but he managed to utter them. Around a shuddering breath and a shattering explosion of love he managed it. “My mate.”
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fandomwriterstuff · 3 years
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“We’re a well-oiled team of military-grade kindergarteners,” his best friend, and the only other human on the ship who would understand what kindergarten was, continued chastising him and his companions. “The level of education and training among the three of you eclipses that of the entire rest of the members of this operation,” Annabeth continued, pointing her finger individually at himself, his pilot Jason, and his Chief Science Officer Nico. “You know, I’m not that surprised with you, Percy, but you are our XO so you should really be more responsible,” he winced at that, still feeling a bit of imposter syndrome at being the Commander of the USS Olympus. “Jason, shouldn’t you be piloting a ship or something?” At that, he saluted her and did an about face before scampering off to get into more trouble. “And you, you’re definitely way too responsible to have gotten mixed up with this Seaweed Brain and Sparky, so what’s in this tomfoolery for you?”
Nico, the only Neptunian on the ship, shifted his large black wings self consciously under the scrutiny of their Chief of Operations. Percy, as the Commander of the vessel, felt obligated to protect his usually stoic and well-behaved… acquaintance? Di Angelo was reserved, almost standoffish, and resented anyone who tried to stick up for him for some reason, but that didn’t stop Percy’s stupid seaweed brain from doing so. Hence the acquaintance. Percy was 99% sure Di Angelo didn’t consider him a friend. But he was nice to Percy and a great officer, so Percy considered him his friend.
“It was my fault, Annie,” he used her childhood nickname carefully, not knowing whether it would soften her up or piss her off more. He was hoping for softening. “It was just another one of Jason and my dumb ideas that we thought we would need a scientist to help with, and we didn’t want to piss off Leo by involving him in it. You know how he is about his engineer and warp cores and whatnot,” Percy held his hands up placatingly. “Leave Di Angelo out of this, he has sciencey things to do, isn’t that right?” Percy side-eyed his companion who (not surprisingly) rolled his eyes.
“I try not to get involved with human pranks or even Jovian mischief, but Officer Grace and First Officer Jackson were about to be meddling with my linguistics team. It isn’t my duty to tell my superiors what to do, so I sought out the next best option, supervising and ensuring no lasting damage was done to the physical or emotional state of the linguistics team. Now,” Here Percy held in a smirk as Di Angelo shrugged. “If they caused interference with the machinery of the ship, that wouldn’t be my expertise, so I allowed it to happen and-” Percy held back a laugh as the other male started speaking even faster to get everything out as Annabeth turned redder and redder. “I’m very sorry about that, truly, but I had no control over the situation.”
“No control over the situation? You three broke our LIT machine and now we have to go back to Earth as soon as we pass close enough to fix it. Soon enough nobody on this ship will understand each other,” the woman across from them crossed her arms and Percy shrunk back a bit.
“I want to make a joke about a machine being called “LIT,” but I feel like it isn’t the right time,” he muttered. “I know the Linguistic Inhibition Technology is important, but most of us have a working understanding of at least one other language, so it shouldn’t be a huge issue, right?”
“You know it works by connecting to the implant technology in our brains, so as it shuts down one by one, members of this ship from spaces stations and planets far and wide will have no clue why they suddenly can’t understand their XO, or their Chief Officer, or their best friend. So you better explain this. And you have to tell them that we’re going straight back to Earth to fix it because no nearby planets have the same brain implant tech as us. Damn Terrans and their brand name technology copyrights,” Annabeth grumbled and finally turned around to walk off.
“Hey, you’re Terran, too!” Percy shouted after her, but she just flipped him the bird.
“She can do that?” Di Angelo asked, side-eyeing Percy.
“Yeah, she’s been my best friend since we were twelve. As long as she doesn’t undermine my authority in front of everyone else, I don’t really care. I’ve done way worse to her,” Percy laughed at the other man’s frown. “Nothing bad, just pranks and things of that sort. Maybe when we get back to Earth we can show you where we’re from. You never set foot off of the training grounds while you were in school.”
“I would… like that,” Di Angelo paused and gave Percy a soft smile.
“Great,” Percy patted the younger male on the shoulder and made his way to the Command Center.
Percy sat himself down in the rotating chair and pressed on the comms device.
“Gooooood evening crew of the USS Olympus, this is your Commanding Officer, Percy Jackson, speaking,” he smiled at the engineering crew that was scuttling by, only for one of them to pause and look at him like he was speaking a different language… Whoops.
“There was a malfunction with the Linguistic Inhibition Technology and we will be returning to Earth henceforth to repair it before the damage becomes problematic. You may experience glitches with your implant technology and may revert to only understanding your first language and those you have studied extensively. If somebody looks like they’re not understanding what I’m saying right now, please escort them to the linguistics team in Science Bay 3. Carry on. Jackson, out.” He clicked again and the mic turned off.
He sighed, this would be one of his bigger mistakes. They were supposed to be exploring, but they couldn’t do that if nobody could speak to one another. One trip home couldn’t hurt him, and he was sure Annabeth would be happy to see her father.
It wasn’t until later after the Chief Officer meeting when someone finally asked Percy about Earth. For many of the non-humans on the ship, Earth was a place to get education and training to go out in the star fleet, and they never set foot outside the campus grounds, just like Di Angelo. But people had stopped asking him questions because Earth was basically “Space Australia,” as Annabeth had explained to him. The adaptability of humans and their need to pack bond astounded many and horrified many others. So, he stopped talking about home.
It was a new member of their ship, Novax (a Vulcan who was a part of Leo’s engineering team), who asked him about it first.
“I hear Earth is 75% made of pure salt water, and is filled with animals of all kinds. Do you have a favorite water animal?” he asked Percy excitedly.
“Definitely dolphins, though they aren’t underwater creatures. Like humans they need oxygen to breathe, and come up for air very often. My favorite actual underwater species would have to be a hippocampus from Neptune. I’ve always wanted to go and see one, but my human anatomy prevents me from going on-planet,” Percy explained and sipped on his hot tea.
“There are a million creatures in the ocean and you pick one that doesn’t breathe underwater?” Clarisse grunted. His Chief Tactical Officer was a brutish Martian, but very specialized in weapons. “And your second favorite isn’t even Terran.”
“What else do you know about the ‘ocean’?” Novax breathed, leaning forward.
“Eh, not much,” Percy shrugged.
“I’m not sure I heard that correctly, maybe my LIT unit isn’t functioning well,” another member of engineering asked, Nyssa. “Your planet is 75% water and you don’t even know what is inside it?”
“I could tell you about the people who spend their life learning about what survives in the deep depths,” Percy looked up, knowing he had all of the non-Terrans hooked on every word. Even Di Angelo had paused in his note taking and was staring wide-eyed at Percy. “But I don’t know if you’d want to know.”
“No we do!” Nyssa exclaimed. “There are people who dedicate their lives to a place that’s literally not navigable by humans, the main inhabitants of the planet?”
“Well as you said, most of the planet is water. Which means that coastal communities are filled with fisherman, whalers, swimmers, and more. I could tell you about some of those. I could also tell you about the scientists that spend years of their lives building bots that can’t even come close to withstanding the pressure at the deepest depths without imploding, or I could tell you about those that do come close,” he shrugged.
“What happened to those?”
“The video feed cut out after only seeing multiple rows of sharp, jagged teeth,” Annabeth answered, her sharp grin frightening those who hadn’t noticed her. Some forgot that she was Terran, because she was also half Minervan.
“I could tell you about whales. Beautiful, they come in black and white or grey or blue. But they can be as big as almost 100 feet long. That’s as long as most pirate ships. And they could fit about 400 average sized humans in their mouths. You don’t want to cross one of them. And they only live on the surface. The things that live in the deep,” Percy shuddered for effect. There were no Neptunians on the ship, so there were no natural water dwellers there, so all of his rapt listeners were shocked by this information. “There’s the anglerfish. They light up the dark with an antenna on top of their heads, and the light lures in prey. But it’s so dim elsewhere that you don’t see their big sharp teeth until you’re right up against them,” he murmured. “Giant squids are almost as big as whales but not nearly as peaceful and beautiful. They have eight arms and two tentacles that could wrap around any boat and crush it.”
“Ten limbs?” Nyssa whispered, clearly disturbed.
“Plus, the Portuguese Man o’ War,” Percy shrugged nonchalantly. “Also known as the floating terror. It’s like a big blue jellyfish that sits innocently on top of the water with huge blue tentacles that sit just underneath with a sting strong enough to kill a full grown human.”
“Don’t worry,” Annabeth grinned that shark grin again. “Percy won’t tell you about the stories of the old days. He doesn’t want to scare you.”
“That was the not scary part?” Novax gulped.
“Anyway, I just got notified that we’ll be back on Earth in a few days, so brace yourselves,” and with that, she stood and left them all staring after her. When the door clicked shut, Percy had all eyes back on him. He shrugged.
“Don’t look at me. I wasn’t going to tell you about the kr- nevermind,” he stood. “Di Angelo, with me,” the younger officer stood, back to business and was at Percy’s side again in a moment. “Clear your schedule, you’re spending shore leave with me, pal.”
“Great,” came the deadpan reply.
“Don’t sound so somber,” Percy rolled his eyes. “I’m just going to show you the beach and maybe a good gay bar. You need to let off some steam my dude.”
The other male reddened.
“That is so… That is…” he huffed. “Highly inappropriate.” he glared down at the ground and Percy felt a little bad, maybe the guy wasn’t out? But it was clear he had a preference for males. Oh well, that foot was already in Percy’s mouth.
“Fine. But I will be attending and I am a great dancer so you’re missing out,” he winked at the flustered officer and made his way back to his cabin. It would be an interesting few days.
He made a plan with Annabeth. Day one before shore leave, Percy would spread a rumor to Novax about the kraken. Bigger than a giant squid and meaner. Known to crush entire pirate ships in the olden days.
Day two, Annabeth would mention sirens to Nyssa. Hideous creatures that could lure you in with their voices and lead you to believe you were bringing your ship in to everything you ever wanted, when in reality you would crash your ships and then drown.
Day three, Percy would tell Leo about the Megalodon. A definitely very real shark so big you couldn’t even imagine it. Percy shuddered at that one.
“But, there are some good things,” Percy was speaking to Nico Di Angelo from his Commander chair, in ear shot of some of the participants of the conversation a few nights prior. “Mermaids, the siren’s nicer cousin species. And the lost city of Atlantis. Known to be a great and bountiful city, lost to the sea and cursed by the gods to be stuck down there forever. Some believe it still exists, but it’s within the Bermuda Triangle.”
“What, pray tell, is the Bermuda Triangle,” Clarisse sighed.
“Hard to explain. Ships just… go in… and they never come out,” Annabeth shrugged. “Planes go down. Ships wreck. People who go in don’t come back out, so we don’t know if Atlantis is really there or not.”
“That’s… terrifying,” Novax whispered as he walked by.
Percy was sure he had created a healthy fear of Earth’s oceans in his crew. And he meant to, because while he loved the beach and swimming, he did want to make them shy away from the depths. They wouldn’t do well to explore it.
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a-lonely-dunedain · 2 years
Will you tell me about Ethedis and Corunir? Like when they first met/early parts of their acquaintance? Several people have some AUs where their PCs help him cross the Rammas Deluon to meet up with other Rangers, do you have anything like that? Any thoughts on what they do together post-canon?
my blorbos! of course I will :3
I think I touched briefly on this in another ask, but they meet in pretty much the same way it takes place in the epic line. only difference being that in the initial quests where you're investigating the watching stones Corunir goes with Ethedis on those errands instead of just staying back in Aughaire. he's had enough of waiting around and wants to help in any way he can, even if he can't get close to the lesser stones (and as capable as this elf seems in matters of lore, her survival instinct clearly leaves a lot to be desired. by a ranger's standard, at least). besides, even if he didn't want to go Ethedis probably would have dragged him along anyway lol (insisting he stay further away than necessary from the lesser stones of course). I mean, clearly her new friend is Not Doing So Great emotionally, so what better way to cheer him up than a buddy road trip across Fasach-larran? literally anything else? shhh she's trying her best ok
anyhow, so they fight some Duvárdain and wargs, have some bonding moments, Ethedis' infectious smile achieves the impressive feat of actually improving Corunir's mood somewhat, the start of a beautiful friendship, ect ect...
so as far as getting Corunir across Rammas Deluon goes, I always figured Ethedis would damage the stone heart of one of the Watching Stones allowing Corunir a path through.
y'know the light of the rising dawn skill LMs get? that's kinda like a concentrated laser beam of pure sunlight? I betcha firing a big one of those would damage the dark stone heart alright! of course firing a massive sun laser like that was extremely taxing on Ethedis, and not something she had ever really tried to do at that scale before. she learned the hard way she probably shouldn't try to do it again, lest she burn up from the inside out Fëanor Style™. (ok her spirit isn't *that* powerful or anything, it's just that her body isn't strong enough to channel that much power at once or something. Idk how I want to say LM skills work exactly. am I making any sense? probably not! I just can't have Ethedis firing off laser beams all willy-nilly like she does in game so I gotta put some heavy limitations on it. having it almost kill her seems reasonable! I'm so nice to my character 😊)
Ethedis is still standing but shakier than she expected to be, doing that left her physically hurt in some invisible way, as if it burned her on the inside. she's hiding it well enough for the moment however. it's still not going to be easy to pass Rammas Deluon, for Corunir especially, between the lingering malice of the now lifeless stone and his dark memories of this place the bones of his kinsmen lying before him it still takes all the strength he has left not to bolt in terror. honestly he didn't even expect to make it this far, but he's not alone this time. Ethedis keeps her hand on Corunir's shoulder as they walk through, partially to reassure him, partially to keep herself from falling over.
Now the thing about the watching stones is that it could very well be possible to repair them by simply replacing the damaged heart, and once the Iron Crown realizes that one of the stones has been rendered useless and there's a gap in their most effective line of defense, they're not going to waste any time in filling it back in. Corunir realized this as soon as Ethedis proposed her crazy plan to him, and when she murmurs something along the lines of "I will not I'll be able to do that again..." after blasting the stone heart, he realizes that passing the Rammas will probably be a one-way trip for him (it won't be of course, he'll eventually gain the strength to challenge the stones himself, but at this moment he doesn't see that as a possibility). you'd think that knowledge would make crossing the valley that much harder for him, but surprisingly it's the least of his worries right now. after all, when he agreed to come to Angmar in the first place he knew there was a high chance he wouldn't make it back, they all knew and accepted it. there was a reason no one ever came looking for them. no no, what he was worried about was trying to keep his eyes up and focusing on the horizon. something in the back of his mind was screaming that if he looks anywhere else, to where the bones lay still, he too will join them that's where you belong, isn't it? where you abandoned them? a squeeze of Ethedis' hand on his shoulder breaks him out of his dark reverie, as if she could sense his spirit beginning to falter.
hey wait I was just trying to write a summary here! how'd this turn into an actual attempt at writing? since when do I do that?? false advertising.
anyway yes, they do make it to the other side! exhausted and not unscathed, but they make it. Ethedis finally collapses from the physical strain of the aforementioned laser blast, giving Corunir quite a fright, as for a moment he thinks the stones somehow Got Her. luckily she's still conscious and can assure him that she's ok(-ish) and that destroying the stone heart just took a greater toll on her than she expected. once Corunir carries her a safer distance away from the valley and uses some of his fancy Loremaster Healing Skills™ to help her recover (did I mention I headcannon Corunir as a guardian/loremaster multiclass? lore-guardian? guard-master? idk) they're able to make it the rest of the way to Gabilshathûr and continue the epic line from there.
oh gosh, as for post cannon I haven't really thought all that much about it mostly because thinking too far into Ethedis' future includes Corunir's eventual death. GOSH DANG IT WHY DID I HAVE TO MAKE HER AN ELF ;-; however I did toy around with the idea that they would spend a not-insignificant amount of time in the rebuilt Annuminas (mostly because Evendim was always my favorite region in the game). but even then I don't really see them settling down anywhere. I mean, you know how rangers are, they don't like to stay in one place for too long and Corunir has had enough waiting around to last him a lifetime. and Ethedis is, well, Ethedis. a young elf filled with wanderlust. and with the end of the War of the Ring and the world finally becoming safer, her desire to see ALL of it has increased tenfold. so I'd imagine they're going to spend a long time just traveling around, revisiting old places they didn't get the chance to properly explore (Ethedis is absolutely going to take him on a tour of Rohan. it was so cool and he hardly got to see any of it!). oh yeah and routing out any pockets of Sauron's old lackeys they happen across. that's also important.
ok I got super ramble-y here but I'm hoping that's what you were asking for lol. if even half the things I wrote here made sense I will consider this a victory
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cielrouge · 3 years
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YA SFF Books by Latinx Authors
A Fierce and Subtle Poison by Samantha Mabry: Spending the summer with his hotel-developer father in Puerto Rico, 17-year-old Lucas turns to a legendary cursed girl filled with poison when his girlfriend mysteriously disappears.
All the Wind in the World by Samantha Mabry: Working in the maguey fields of the Southwest, Sarah Jac and James are in love but forced to start over on a ranch that is possibly cursed where the delicate balance in their relationship begins to give way.
Beneath the Citadel by Destiny Soria: In the city of Eldra, people are ruled by ancient prophecies. For centuries, the high council has stayed in power by virtue of the prophecies of the elder seers. In the present day, Cassa, the orphaned daughter of rebels, is determined to fight back against the high council. But by the time Cassa and her friends uncover the mystery of the final infallible prophecy, it may be too late to save the city — or themselves.
Blanca & Roja by Anne-Marie McLemore: The del Cisne girls, Blanca & Roja, have never just been sisters; they’re also rivals. Because of a generations-old spell, their family is bound to a bevy of swans deep in the woods. But when two local boys become drawn into the game, the swans’ spell intertwines with the strange and unpredictable magic lacing the woods, and all four of their fates depend on facing truths that could either save or destroy them.
Blazewrath Games by Amparo Ortiz: 17-year-old Lana Torres, who after rescuing a prized dragon, is awarded a spot on her native Puerto Rico’s Blazewrath World Cup team. But the return of the Sire, an ancient dragon, soon threatens to compromise this year’s tournament.
They Both Die in the End by Adam Silvera: Set in a near-future New York City where a service alerts people on the day they will die, about two teens who meet using the Last Friend app and are faced with the challenge of living a lifetime on their End Day.
The Body Market (Wired #2) by Donna Freitas: When Skylar's sister betrays her and opens the Body Market, everyone in the App World is for sale and Skylar resolves to stop her sister and the malevolent market.
Bruja Born (Brooklyn Brujas #2) by Zoraida Cordova: Teenage bruja Lula Mortiz tries to save her boyfriend, Maks, by cheating Death; however, Lady de la Muerte is not so easily bested.
The Buried by Melissa Grey: After disaster strikes the remote town of Indigo Falls. A horrific event drove the residents underground, into shelters that keep them safe from the danger on the surface. Now, a handful of families inhabit this bunker together, guided by a charismatic leader named Dr. Imogen Moran. 
Cazadora (Wolves of No World #2) by Romina Garber: In this follow-up to Lobizona, Manu and her friends as they continue to fight for a better future.
Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas: Latinx trans teen Yadriel, hoping to release his cousin’s spirit and prove himself as a brujo, accidentally summons the wrong ghost and resident bad boy Julian Diaz, falling in love with him.
Dark and Deepest Red by Anna-Marie McLemore: Summer, 1518. A strange sickness sweeps through Strasbourg: women dance in the streets, some until they fall down dead. As rumors of witchcraft spread, suspicion turns toward Lavinia and her family. Five centuries later, a pair of red shoes seal to Rosella Oliva’s feet, making her dance uncontrollably. They draw her toward a boy who knows the dancing fever’s history better than anyone: Emil.
Dealing in Dreams by Lilliam Rivera: 16-year-old Nalah leads the fiercest all-girl crew in Mega City, but when she sets her sights on giving this life up for a prestigious home in Mega Towers, she must decide if she’s willing to do the unspeakable to get what she wants.
Diamond City by Francesca Flores: Pulled from the streets at age twelve and trained to become one of the most powerful assassins in Sumerand, Aina Solis discovers a conspiracy that could rewrite the kingdom's history. 
Dragonblood Ring (Blazewrath Games #2) by Amparo Ortiz: After the Sire’s capture, teen athletes Lana Torres and Victoria Peralta travel to Puerto Rico with their former Blazewrath team. While Lana discovers her roots, nothing fills the void Blazewrath’s cancelation has left in Victoria. But it’s up to their team and the Bureau to protect their dragons.
Each of Us a Desert by Mark Oshiro: Xochital is destined to wander the desert alone. Her one desire: to share her heart with a kindred spirit. One night, Xo’s wish is granted—in the form of Emilia, the cold and beautiful daughter of the town’s murderous mayor. But when the two set out on a magical journey across the desert, they find their hearts could be a match… if only they can survive the nightmare-like terrors that arise when the sun goes down.
Fire with Fire by Destiny Soria: A contemporary fantasy about two sisters, Dani and Eden Rivera, who were raised to be fierce dragon slayers but end up on opposite sides of the impending war when one sister forms an unlikely, magical bond with a dragon.
The First 7 (The Last 8 #2) by Laura Pohl:  After leaving Earth, now devastated by an alien attack, and exploring the galaxy, Clover Martinez and her fellow teen survivors return home to find crystal formations in the soil that are threatening to destroy the planet, and a colony of survivors who are not who they seem.
Five Midnights by Ann Davila Cardinal: If Lupe Dávila and Javier Utierre can survive each other’s company, together they can solve a series of grisly murders sweeping though Puerto Rico. But the clues lead them out of the real world and into the realm of myths and legends.
The Grief Keeper by Alexandra Villasante: To have her family’s asylum request accepted, 17-year-old Marisol participates in a risky experiment to become a grief keeper, taking another’s grief into her own body to save a life.
The Healer by Donna Freitas: Manifesting astonishing healing powers that cause some people to consider her a saint, Marlena Oliveria struggles with edicts that prevent her from attending school, having friends and falling in love when she meets a boy who makes her question what she is willing to sacrifice.
Hollywood Witch Hunter by Valerie Tejeda: When a coven bent on retaining their youth must sacrifice the beautiful, and rich women of Southern California, a society of witch hunters will try to protect humans from a great evil uprising. 
Incendiary by Zoraida Cordova: As Renata Convida grows more deeply embedded in the politics of the royal court, she uncovers a secret in her past that could change the entire fate of the kingdom–and end a costly war.
Illusionary (Hollow Crown #2) by Zoraida Córdova: Reeling from betrayal, Renata Convida is a girl on the run. With few options and fewer allies, she reluctantly joins forces with none other than Prince Castian, her most infuriating and intriguing enemy.
Infinity Son by Adam Silvera: In the Bronx, two brothers, Emil and Brighton, get caught up in a magical war generations in the making.
Infinity Reaper (Infinity Cycle #2) by Adam Silvera: Emil and Brighton Rey defied the odds. When Brighton drank the Reaper’s Blood, he believed it would make him invincible, but instead the potion is killing him. In Emil’s race to find an antidote that will not only save his brother but also rid him of his own unwanted phoenix powers, he will have to dig deep into his past lives.
Iron Cast by Destiny Soria: In 1919 Boston, best friends Corinne and Ada perform illegally as illusionists in an infamous gangster's nightclub, using their "afflicted" blood to con Boston's elite, until the law closes in.
Labyrinth Lost by Zoraida Cordova: Alex is a bruja and the most powerful witch in her family. . When a curse she performs to rid herself of magic backfires and her family vanishes, she must travel to Los Lagos to get her family back.
The Last 8 by Laura Pohl:  After an alien attack devastates the Earth, pilot and future astronaut Clover Martinez bands with seven other teens to survive. 
Lobizona by Romina Garber: As Manuela Azul uncovers her own story and traces her real heritage all the way back to a cursed city in Argentina, she learns it’s not just her U.S. residency that’s illegal… .it’s her entire existence.
Lost in the Never Woods by Aiden Thomas:  When children start to go missing in the local woods, eighteen-year-old Wendy Darling must face her fears and a past she cannot remember to rescue them in this novel based on Peter Pan.
The Mind Virus (Wired #3) by Donna Freitas:  Skylar Cruz has managed to shut down the body market that her sister Jude opened, and to create a door to allow App World citizens reentry into the Real World. But as tensions between the newly mingling people escalate, she s not sure if it was the right decision after all. Still reeling from Kit’s betrayal, she s not sure of anything anymore.
Miss Meteor by Tehlor Kay Mejia & Anna-Marie McLemore: Two friends, Lita Perez or Chicky Quintanilla, one made of stardust and one fighting to save her family’s diner, take on their small town’s 50th annual pageant in the hopes that they can change their town’s destiny, and their own.
The Mirror Season by Anna-Marie McLemore: Graciela Cristales meets Lock, a boy who was sexually assaulted at the same party as her, and they find their fates unexpectedly intertwined during a month of vanishing trees, enchanted pan dulce, and inherited magic.
More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera: After enduring his father's suicide, his own suicide attempt, broken friendships, and more in the Bronx projects, Aaron Soto, sixteen, is already considering the Leteo Institute's memory-alteration procedure when his new friendship with Thomas turns to unrequited love.
Never Look Back by Lilliam Rivera: An Afro-Latinx retelling of Orpheus and Eurydice set in the Bronx. Pheus is a bachata-singing dreamer who falls in love with Eury, a girl who lost everything in Hurricane Maria and is haunted by the trauma—and by an evil spirit.
Nocturna by Maya Motayne: In the Latinx-inspired kingdom of Castallan, face-changing thief Finn Voy and grief-stricken Prince Alfehr must race to vanquish a dark magic they have unleashed.
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Tigers, Not Daughters by Samantha Mabry: Loosely inspired by the story of King Lear and his daughters, set in San Antonio, Texas, following the Torres sisters, struggling to escape their tyrannical father’s claustrophobic world while dealing with the loss of their eldest sister, whose troubling death continues to haunt—perhaps even literally—the loved ones left behind.
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Wild Beauty by Anna-Marie McLemore: A novel of magical realism, the Nomeolvides women have tended the lust estate grounds of La Pradera which they’ve grown for generations, until the reemergence of a family curse starts to makes the men they love disappear, again.
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sableflynn · 3 years
Felivy - The Choice
Soooo after a solid week of constant gushing about this au with @whumpopology I decided to try writing a bit of it! I'm uh pretty much completely obsessed with this au at this point, the amount of brainstorming we've done is incredible and soooo much fun.
Very brief context: AU where Felicia and Ivy both end up at Volkan's mean man estate together. The girls bond, Volkan is mean, the teams try to find them. Volkan decides to spice things up, contacts the teams and tells them they can choose one girl to have sent home and he'll keep the other. This is the timeline where they choose Ivy to come home.
cw: drugging, noncon kiss/touch, general noncon implications (none happens), whumper pov. ao3 link here.
The girl was strapped into a chair, thick leather cuffs tight on wrists that strained against the imprisonment. Even with the needle still in her arm, the drug coursing through her bloodstream, she fought; she had fought from the moment he first showed her just how he planned to transport her back to her team.
Red, Harrison had called her, for the striking color of her thick curls, but her hair color wasn’t enough to set her apart here. That fighting spirit, though; that was something his healer lacked, a tenacity bordering on feral that kept things interesting in a way Felicia couldn’t. And yet all it took was one wandering touch, one comment dripping with innuendo, one look, and she fell apart. Beneath all her bluster and bravado, Ivy was a scared little girl, and he was happy to remind her of that every time.
Her head began to droop and he thought that was it, until she snapped back to full alertness with fresh fire in her eyes. “You’re—” Her words were slurred, the effort to get them out visible in her face. “You’re fucking sick.”
He smiled and inclined his head in acknowledgement. “You should relax,” he said, and just to make sure she couldn’t relax, he leaned over her where she sat, one hand rising to brush strands of hair from her face. “Just let this happen. Next thing you know, you’ll be waking up in your boyfriend’s arms.”
“Nuh—” Despite the determination blazing in her eyes, she shuddered. A thin sheen of sweat broke out across her forehead, and he imagined he could see the drug working its way through her body, slowing her nervous system until she succumbed. Yet she still fought it; she couldn’t not, not with the needle still in her, and the knowledge that there wasn’t a single thing she could do to stop him from taking anything he wanted.
He leaned in for a kiss, and she was still awake enough to snap at him. Pulling back with a grin, he watched the terror dancing in her eyes, drank in the soft hitch of her breath as his hand caressed her cheek before traveling down further. His second kiss dipped lower, lips tracing the curve of her neck, sucking hard enough to bruise until he pulled a weak sob from her. Her pulse was racing beneath his tongue; every touch from him would send the drug through her body faster, which would make her more and more vulnerable to his touch. A delicious feedback loop of her suffering.
He lifted his head to meet her gaze, and the fire he’d seen there moments before was snuffed out. She was breathing heavily, eyes glimmering with unshed tears, mouth working as if she wanted to speak but couldn’t push the words out. He took her in another kiss and she whimpered against him, and god, he was going to miss this. Her fear was so different from Felicia’s, tinged with frustration at her own helplessness, and he could spend months drawing it out, showing her again and again that she was small and weak and nothing. But he had made a deal, and he was a man of his word. Better to leave her a sweet memory to remember him by, then.
When he pulled back from the kiss, he let his hand drift lower, until his thumb fretted with the fastenings of her pants. He hadn’t thought she could become more despairing than she already was, but at that touch she let out another sob, her head shaking weakly, slurring out words that might’ve been stop, please, no, don’t. He didn’t particularly care what they were. Fingers deftly undoing the button of her pants, other hand rising to press a harsh thumb into the bruise he’d kissed into her, he took her mouth in his one more time. She had no resistance left, and his tongue touched hers, his teeth dragging along her lower lip as he tasted her once again.
Her cry left her in a rush of air, and she slid into oblivion.
He studied her face, hands still on her body. In sleep, her features softened, the panic and desperation of moments before dulled to the slightest downward curve of her lips. So different from the wild thing who’d spat blood in his face, laughed under the threat of his knife, fought against him with everything in her. So much more fitting for the weak, terrified girl she became whenever he began to undress her, the lost thing he knew she was deep inside.
Refastening her pants, he took his hands from her body and began undoing the leather cuffs holding her in place. She had somewhere she needed to be, and it wouldn’t do for her to be late.
Felicia blinked, and stared at the bare white wall of her room, and fought a losing battle with her emotions.
One of us is going home. Volkan had dropped that bomb on them, and then dragged them off to their separate rooms before they could fully process. Before they could think to ask a single question. Before they could say goodbye.
She couldn’t hope. She couldn’t dare to hope, because if she went home, that would mean Ivy was staying here, and if Ivy stayed here alone she would be dead within the week.
She couldn’t hope, because she wouldn’t be strong enough to survive if her hope shattered and Ivy went home and she was left here, alone, with him.
There was no solution; only branching paths that ended in different flavors of heartbreak. Even when he offered them freedom, he twisted it into a weapon against them. Her heart raged against the unfairness of it all, and she crushed that feeling down, closing herself off, a few stray tears leaking from eyes squeezed shut.
The door to her room creaked open and she gripped the edges of the cot she sat on. He filled the frame, silhouetted against the hallway lights. She couldn’t bring herself to look at him, and yet she knew she had to. His expression was unreadable. Maybe she just didn’t want to read it.
“Come with me,” he said, and walked away without waiting for a response. She rose and followed him.
He brought her to his lounge, all dark leather and polished wood and a fire crackling in the hearth. At a gesture from him, she sank into the couch and he poured two glasses of amber liquor, handing one to her. He sat across from her, and in his eyes she saw that look, that fucking look that meant he was savoring the anticipation of breaking her down in some new way, and that was how she knew to prepare herself a heartbeat before he said, “Why do you think they chose her over you?”
She pressed her lips into a thin line and willed herself not to feel. From the moment she had woken up in his office, some part of her had always known she was going to die here. This changed nothing. At least Ivy was safe. She could take this.
He gestured at the glass in her hand, the drink within untouched. “Drink. It’ll help you relax.” She stared through him, setting the glass on the table without a word, and he took a sip of his own liquor. “I just want to talk tonight. I know you must have a lot of mixed feelings right now.”
She shifted her gaze to look him in the eye, and his face crinkled with a genuine smile. “I wish I could’ve been there for the discussion,” he mused. “What do you think was the deciding factor? What was it that pushed them over the edge, made them realize that Ivy was worth more than you?”
He wasn’t going to let up. She bit down the urge to say they made the right choice—self-deprecation was only playing into his hands. And she couldn’t do it, couldn’t dwell on what sort of conversation must have taken place, so she said, “I don’t know.”
“No theories at all?” He raised a skeptical brow. “You have no idea what might’ve led your girlfriend to look me in the eye and tell me that she was choosing to leave you here with me in favor of a stranger?”
Elyse. Her face flashed in Felicia’s mind, and shit, a few tears welled up before she could close herself off to the feeling, and then her chest ached with longing and grief and despair, and her fingers dug into the leather of the couch as her breath hitched in a sob, and then another.
Volkan shushed her with a faux-soothing hum, his hand like fire against her skin as he tucked her stray strands of hair behind her ear. “I’m sorry. I know this must hurt.” Through the haze of tears, the smirk on his face was infuriating. “If it helps, I think their choice makes sense.”
“Nothing about this makes sense, and you know that, you—” Now that she’d started, the sobs kept coming, racking her body with shudders. “You know, because you rigged this fucking game from the start, because that’s what you do, you—”
“Shhh.” He pressed a finger to her lips as he shushed her this time, and she flinched. “You’re getting emotional. Try to think about this logically. I’m sure your team did when they made their decision.” He sipped his drink again, considering. “Ivy’s a strong girl. A much better fighter. She doesn’t just roll over and submit at the first threat of pain. Although,” and his smile turned mocking, conspiratory, “you and I both know she’s not as tough as she likes to pretend. For a girl with two boyfriends, she sure fell apart quickly as soon as I—”
“You don’t know a goddamn thing about her,” Felicia lashed, stomach churning. Her skin warmed with the memory of Ivy’s touch, the only kind thing about this place. Ivy’s beautiful fierceness as she fought Volkan in every way. Ivy’s smile, and her tears, and her whispered promises in the night. “She’s—she’s so brave, and she’s good, and she’s not going to just leave me here.” Please.
Volkan’s eyes sparkled with delight. “Adorable. She already did.”
The flash of Ivy’s hazel eyes, wide with shock as she was dragged to her own room to wait for a decision to be made. “She didn’t leave. You took her.”
He chuckled. “Technically, you’re correct. Would you prefer she was still here with you?”
“I—” Felicia hated herself, then, for how close she came to saying yes, and she hated him even more for the slight quirk of his lips as he saw the indecision play across her face, as he read her like a book. “I’m glad she’ll be safe now,” she managed at last.
“Safe is a relative term,” Volkan said, setting his empty glass down on the table. “But I’m sure we can both agree she’s in a better place than you are.” He leaned in closer to her, pressing her against the couch, and his arms surrounding her were the jaws of a trap closing in on her.
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