#tes lasso spoilers
tedtrentconspiracy · 1 year
Getting big Nanny McPhee vibes from Ted in s3. I'm not sure Richmond AFC needs him anymore? The players are solving their own issues and motivating each other with love and understanding. Jamie has been great at fostering that team spirit. The Ted Lasso effect worked and has perhaps run its course. Even Roy is now handling the press. Rebecca is now the one telling Ted to be reasonable about his ex Ted's motivational speeches to the team are falling a little flat ... I'm starting to think he really is going back to Kansas or onto another team unless he's given a reason to stay? Like big "When you need me, but do not want me, then I must stay. When you want me, but no longer need me, then I have to go" implications
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godoflesbianss · 1 year
colin hughes, being born: hope this doesn’t awaken anything in me
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second-hand-heaven · 1 year
so who's going to tell Rebecca that Richmond is her family???
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queerinthealps · 1 year
Hi! I don't watch Ted Lasso I just stalk through the tag every day like it's the morning press, anything you want to SCREAM about that you think I might not understand how IMPORTANT it was just by scrolling/watching gifs?
Not necessarily something that no one has remarked upon, just "something you would want to grab people by the shoulders and shake until they understand" thing.
I will watch he 3 seasons this summer I swear
Honestly there’s so much to talk about, firstly all of the characters growths from 1-3 season with the characters, they are able to change and grow without judgement and are supported by one another. te growth you see in rebecca, ted, jamie and roy especially is so important.
another thing the show focusses on are the racism and homophobia within the sport, and it is dealt with well and meaningfully? those storylines are so interesting to see within this show.
there are a lot of parallels within the show that make sense when watching and mean more whilst watching and I die on this hill by saying THE PARALLELS within this show >> without giving spoilers away important parallels are 2x07 and 3x09 like. it’s so sad but SO good
as well seeing queer representation in a sports dominated program is so nice to see!
but i think the show has something for everyone which reiterates the fact that this show is not just about football, these players are people and we get to see their lives on and off the pitch, which is so special.
and personally for me, i enjoy the musical theatre references as i am a raging theatre kid
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sylvies-chen · 3 years
I’m a little late to the party but I finished Ted Lasso season 2 the other night and just…
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suffice to say, it destroyed me! I’m already plotting out fic ideas and planning on bringing some Ted Lasso content to you folks
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camcastle · 2 years
oie! Você é brasileira né?
Se quiser te mando o link do discord de tedbecca, mas o discord ted lasso é aberto a todo mundo e colocam bastante spoilers lá.
E sempre que tem algo interessante eu tento colocar aqui tb.
Oii! Pode me mandar o link, por favor? E se quiser mandar na DM ai o que já tá sabendo, aceito 👀👀👀 hahaha
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taisalvarez · 2 years
Boletim cultural #2
Aqui você encontra semanalmente dicas de filmes, livros, séries, músicas, jogos e artigos em geral, com uma versão em português e outra em inglês
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A contratação parece inusitada, mas o entusiasmo e segurança do técnico e assistente no trato com o time, equipe e empresa mostra que aparentemente foi uma escolha bem acertada.
Depois de conhecer um pouco da história e personalidade de cada personagem, descobrimos que na verdade esse time de futebol era a paixão da vida do dono do time, que após várias traições e escândalos teve um divórcio caótico no qual o time ficou com a ex-mulher, e o plano dela era contratar um péssimo técnico para destruir a honra e nome do time, como a vingança final.
Nada disso é spoiler, no segundo episódio já ficamos sabendo disso e isso só deixa a história mais legal.
Outra coisa legal sobre a série é que é uma série britânica, então é ótimo pra se acostumar com o sotaque do lugar e ouvir expressões diferentes.
Assista ao trailer
Trailers não costumam me animar muito pras melhores séries, mas confia e assiste que é bem divertida e levinha.
Agora, a versão em inglês, tenta ler em voz alta tá?
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This cute little series tells the story of Ted Lasso, a football coach that, after a huge success with a college football team, gets hired to coach a British soccer team (the real football).
Hiring him seemed out of place, but the enthusiasm and assurance from the coach and his assistant to the team showed that apparently it was the right choice.
After getting to know a little bit about the story and the characters, we find out that actually this football team was the owner’s love of his life, that, after a lot of cheating and scandals, had a chaotic divorce in which his ex-wife got the team, and her plan was to hire the worst possible coach to ruin the team’s honor and name, as her big revenge.
None of this is a spoiler, because we get to know that on the second episode, and it only makes the story even cooler!
One more thing about why this series is that this is a British series, so it’s great to get used to the accent and to listen to different idioms.
Watch the trailer
Usually trailers don’t excite me to watch the series, but trust me and watch it because it’s a light and fun series!
Muito bem!
Você já assistiu a este filme? Gostou? Não viu e ficou com vontade ver?
Escreva um parágrafo nos comentários contando a sua opinião.
Aqui vai um banco de palavras e expressões que podem te ajudar:
I feel that the British accent seems to be easier to understand!
Series and movies about sports are my thing!
I haven't heard about it but now its on my list!
I remember this actor from that other movie!
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wieisdemol2022 · 8 years
Aflevering 4 ‘meer dan normaal’ (SPOILERS!!)
Pendleton ligt op zo’n 3,5 uur rijden van Portland. De kandidaten lijken erg blij te zijn met de samenstelling van de groep, behalve Imanuelle, zij mist roos en voelt zich een eenzaam vogeltje. Voor de eerste opdracht staat Art ze op te wachten bij de Pendleton Round-Up, één van de beste rodeo’s van de VS. Tijdens de opdracht moeten ze de arena oversteken. Er liggen zes lasso’s in het speelveld en per persoon mogen de kandidaten één lasso meenemen die ze €250 oplevert wanneer ze over de eindstreep komen.
Maar niks is zo makkelijk tijdens WIDM. Er zijn namelijk een cowboy en cowgirl die te paard zijn en proberen de kandidaten met hun lasso’s te ropen voordat ze de finish halen. Als de kandidaten onderweg gepakt worden gaat hun eventueel gepakte lasso terug in het spel. De laatste loper kan de pot verdubbelen. De cowboy of girl heeft dan alleen de lasso die hij/zij kan pakken en die nog in het spel ligt. Wanneer de laatste loper niet de finish haalt wordt de opbrengst gehalveerd.
Jeroen, Sigrid, Jochem, Sanne, Diederik, Imanuelle en Thomas is de volgorde die het spelveld betreden. Jeroen, Sanne, Diederik en Imanuelle weten geld binnen te halen. Dit is €1000 voor de pot. Helaas haalt Thomas de eindstreep niet en wordt de opbrengst gehalveerd naar €250.
In een tussenshot zien we Imanuelle met Jochem een verbond sluiten. Ima vraagt Jochem eerst drie keer zijn handtekening te zetten. Ze heeft namelijk een handtekening gezien onderaan het molgeld en probeert deze te linken aan een van de nog overgebleven kandidaten. De handtekening van Jochem kam niet in de buurt en hiermee heeft hij het vertrouwen van Imanuelle gewonnen. Het vogeltje heeft weer een maatje.
Voor opdracht 2 staan de kandidaten in Stanfield. Art staat voor een enorme hooiberg waar vier hooibalen met geld in liggen. In totaal kon er €2000 verdiend worden. De kandidaten beginnen als een gek hooibalen te gooien en een echte strategie ontbreekt. Ze vinden toch €750, geld die ze later hard nodig bleken te hebben. Want dan komt opdracht 3, in Hermiston zijn de kandidaten aanwezig bij een veehandel. Art vraagt de kandidaten vooraf aan deze opdracht hoeveel zij over zouden hebben voor een joker, niet wetende dat het gemiddelde hiervan later de top zou worden van de hoeveelheid die ze gratis mogen uitgeven aan de jokers. Er is toch nog een mogelijkheid waardoor de pot mogelijk gespaard kon worden. Jeroen is de kersverse penningmeester die mag bepalen hoe groot de verzekering is die hij over de pot uit mag spreken. Hij kiest een enorm laag bedrag van €1500 en de kandidaten konden zich niet inhouden tijdens de bieding. Voor de bieding stond de pot op €8080 maar de kandidaten hebben in totaal €6800 uitgegeven voor 3 jokers! €1280 is de stand nu na 4 afleveringen en de drie gelukkige kandidaten met een joker zijn Sanne, Diederik en Jochem.
Dan is het tijd voor test en executie. Net hiervoor zien we dat Sigrid nog een bondje afsluit met Imanuelle. Dit bespreekt Sigrid ook netjes met Jochem die haar verteld dat hij ook al een bondje heeft gesloten met Imanuelle waarbij hij alle kaarten over zijn bondje met Sigrid op tafel heeft gelegd. Sigrid is hier niet blij mee en daarmee valt het afscheid nog zwaarder. Een rood scherm en veel boze gevoelens later is het toch echt Sigrid die de vierde afvaller is.
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