whisperedreveries · 3 years
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finally moving blogs!!!  i’m over at @hopefaded​ now!
to everyone who chooses to follow me over to the new blog, i can’t wait to do some interacting!  and to everyone who decides that this is the end of the road, i love you and i wish you the very best!
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whisperedreveries · 3 years
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finally moving blogs!!!  i’m over at @hopefaded​ now!
to everyone who chooses to follow me over to the new blog, i can’t wait to do some interacting!  and to everyone who decides that this is the end of the road, i love you and i wish you the very best!
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whisperedreveries · 3 years
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finally moving blogs!!!  i’m over at @hopefaded​ now!
to everyone who chooses to follow me over to the new blog, i can’t wait to do some interacting!  and to everyone who decides that this is the end of the road, i love you and i wish you the very best!
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whisperedreveries · 3 years
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Ah, quella voce m'è qui nel cor discesa! // ind. & prv. regency-based opera singer oc. established 2022. written by skye. ©
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whisperedreveries · 3 years
seems like a good time to point out that my out.lander muses are not wholly canon compliant lmao
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whisperedreveries · 3 years
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been wanting to sit down and write lately but my mom went back to the hospital today, so that’s out.  i think i’m just gonna work on setting up my new blog
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whisperedreveries · 3 years
rereading the bridger.ton books and reminding myself of how much of a little shit colin is and how much i love him
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whisperedreveries · 3 years
Happy birthday from a fellow elder. I’m 32, and I still don’t know where the time has gone. Hope you have a marvelous day!
at the risk of sounding truly aged, GOSH it goes by so fast. seems faster every year haha. Thank you! 💕
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whisperedreveries · 3 years
lmao thank youuu 💕
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whisperedreveries · 3 years
I’m 31 today lmfao when did I get so old
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whisperedreveries · 3 years
I think I’m gonna work on doing a full reboot on a new blog. I think I need the fresh start and maybe that’ll stop my brain from thinking that people are only following out of some feeling of obligation now 😅
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whisperedreveries · 3 years
i’m just going to rework lydia’s bio and officially make her a regency oc so I can write her. i love her too much to just take her off
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whisperedreveries · 3 years
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@immobiliter​ said:   " i will always be yours. "
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        The devotion in Nikolai’s voice was enough to steal the air from her lungs, his words enough to send her heart skipping into oblivion.  Some part of her wondered at the power of her reactions, convinced that she ought to be used to it enough by now to remain relatively unaffected.  It was a foolish thought;  where Nikolai was concerned, she was fairly certain she would never be unaffected.  He had been one of very few constants in her life through the years, and her heart would always beat for him.
        There was an undeniable  ---  some might say uncharacteristic  ---  softness in her features as she turned to face him, taking a few steps forward to lessen the space between them.  Even that was enough to send her heart into another frenzy, she noted, as her gaze moved to meet his.
        Love was still a foreign concept to her in many ways.  After the loss of Liliyana, Zoya had never expected that she would find someone willing to look past her prickly and abrasive demeanor and love her, truly love her.  But here stood Nikolai Lantsov, a man who had seen her at her worst and at her most vulnerable.  A man that was looking at her now as though she were the world.  It was all Zoya could do not to melt into his arms.
        “ Even when I snap at you and threaten to wring your neck? ”  she queried lightly, amusement dancing in her blue eyes.  “ Some might question your judgment. ”
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whisperedreveries · 3 years
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hey everyone!  my mom came home from the hospital this week!  she requires 24/7 care though, so this is just a heads up that my activity is probably going to be very slow (when is it not lmfao) for the foreseeable future <3
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whisperedreveries · 3 years
i have two approaches to canon
So if we extrapolate from this one-off line in episode fifteen, as well as this tweet by the creator and the answers given at this comic con panel from 2014, we can infer that this character’s relationship with salad is more complex than it first appears …
*pulls down sunglasses and points a flamethrower at the source material* Death of the author, baby.
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whisperedreveries · 3 years
immobiliter​      /      nikolai.
       Nikolai smiled faintly to himself at the response. There she is. Spiteful and bracing, like a strong shot of whisky or a cold, brisk wind, always there to halt his flights of fancy and keep his feet firmly on the ground. For all that he might have longed to fly away in one of his innovative machines, or more figuratively speaking with the strength of his own belief that he could see Ravka secure and prosperous in time, he needed someone at his side with a more cynical disposition. Someone who could not be charmed like his court, beguiled like his subjects, regaled by comradery like his officers in the First Army. Someone for whom it was always a challenge to impress or convince. Someone who always kept his wit sharp, his mind alert, his instincts honed. 
      It was why they had become such a good team in the few years since he had secured the throne. And, conversely, why the quiet of this moment was giving way to certain disconcerting notions that he knew were not worth dwelling on. Fortunately, Zoya chose that moment to provide a distraction: the flick of her wrist, creating a ripple in the otherwise serene surface of the lake. Sometimes, in the face of Ravka’s unrelenting routine of duties and edicts and war, it was easy to dismiss the beauty of Grisha power. There was a reason why Nikolai always believed that stepping foot into the grounds of the Little Palace was akin to stepping into a storybook.
      “ Wander? ” he finally met Zoya’s gaze with an arched brow. “ I refuse to believe that Zoya Nazyalensky ever did anything without intent. You could be sat in your chambers brushing your hair and it would be with the express purpose of later flustering poor Count Kirigin. ” The rake’s schoolboy-esque crush on his general would never not be a source of entertainment, but the curiosity behind Nikolai’s remark remained. Zoya was harsh and unrelenting, but also inaccessible, like one of the books he’d never been able to reach in the library as a boy. He could ask for a servant to reach up and grab it for him, of course, but that lacked the sense of achievement of scaling the dizzy heights of the bookcase to reach it himself.
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        “ Yes, wander, ”  she replied, though she knew he had a point.  Most, if not all, of her decisions were calculated, done with a reason.  And Zoya supposed, if she thought about it, that even her wandering had not been without an ulterior motive.  “ With purpose, ”  she conceded after a moment, offering a half shrug.  “ But still, it was wandering. ”  She’d come out here to the lake many times, usually while her peers went off to adventure after lessons.  Zoya had never quite felt like she fit in amongst them (or perhaps she simply hadn’t wanted to fit in);  at least out here, she didn’t have to think about it.
        “ Do you think I do anything with Count Kirigin in mind? ”  Zoya asked, arching a brow as she turned her head to look at him.  “ I barely give him a thought.  As if I need to do anything special to make that man flustered. ”  She flicked her wrist dismissively.  “ All I have to do is breathe in his vicinity and he follows me around like a lovesick puppy. ”  A soft scoff pushed past her lips as she rolled her eyes.  Count Kirigin was a decent man and a steadfast ally, and Zoya knew that they could not have accomplished so much without him providing Lazlayon for their use.  Even so, his admiration got tiresome, particularly when she had no wish to focus on anything but the important things, namely the war at hand.
        There was a brief silence again before Zoya continued on as though conversation had never strayed from its original topic.  “ I found it peaceful here.  I love the Little Palace, but even I need some time away from it now and then. ”  That had been especially true during Alina’s stint at the Little Palace.  She didn’t like to think about that time, when anger and jealousy had been her driving forces.  When she had resented Alina for taking the Darkling’s attention from her, as though it were really something to be desired.  How naïve she’d been, how foolish.
        “ You can’t tell me you didn’t have your own little sanctuary somewhere on the grounds, when you weren’t away. ”
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whisperedreveries · 3 years
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name alias:    jen
nickname/s:    jen
height:    5′5″
nationality:    american
favourite fruit(s):    apples, bananas, watermelon
favourite season:    fall
favourite scents:   vanilla, rain, that smell in the air when someone’s burning something outside
favourite animals:    foxes, wolves, cats
tea, coffee, hot cocoa:    coffee babyyyy
average hours of sleep:    i don’t have an average lmao
when my blog was created:    i don’t remember
random fact:     i’m afraid of butterflies
favourite food:     potatoes or pasta
favourite t.v. shows:    parks & rec, the office, timeless.  idk, i watch a lot of shows but i judge my favorites on whether or not i rewatch them frequently
favourite movie:     you’ve got mail
favourite vine:    just one??  i literally quote vines on the reg so...  but probably ‘stop! i coulda dropped my croissant’, ‘and they were roommates’, ‘we all die, you either kill yourself or get killed’... i could literally just keep listing them
sexuality:    can i just go with loosely straight lmao
pronouns:     she/her
favourite book(s):     pride and prejudice, the diviners series by libba bray, the gemma doyle series by libba bray
favourite video game(s):    dead by daylight, fortnite (don’t fuckin judge me), acnh, stardew valley, the lego games
favourite band(s):    imagine dragons, onerepublic, florence and the machine, fitz and the tantrums
favourite subject:    english and drama
last time i cried:     yesterday
what i should be doing:     eating probably
favourite fandom:    fandoms are generally very cringe so i avoid them at all costs
TAGGED BY:     idk i stole it from someone lmao
TAGGING:     everyone <3
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