#terzomega smut
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Creation of Impossibility
TerzOmega ~ Smut ~ Breeding k!nk ~ Domestic Bliss
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Ao3 Version
Terzo and Omega are finally able to start the family together that they have always wanted.
Mostly sweet, tooth-rotting romantic fluff, but with sex.
The biggest thank you ever to @puuuders for beta-ing, workshopping with me, and giving me so many amazing ideas 💖
Content Warning: Pregnancy, breeding, mpreg(cis), brief biting and blood mention
The room was dim, illuminated only by the light of the full moon pouring in from the window. Terzo was lying on his back with his ass propped up on a pillow, legs hiked underneath Omega's arms as he was nearly folded in half. Omega pounded into him in a punishing rhythm, pinning Terzo to the mattress with the force of his thrusts. Tonight was unlike any other night they’d ever had. Tonight was special: they were on a mission.
In their thirty-plus years together, Terzo and Omega swore that they had tried just about everything that a couple could do together in the bedroom, or at least everything that was within both of their boundaries. Something that they’d never dared to incorporate, however, was the concept of, well, conception.
As desperately as they’d always wanted to start a family, they had never brought it up during sex, too afraid of the crushing disappointment and hurt feelings that loomed once the afterglow had faded. There was just too much heartache there, with a myriad of reasons why they couldn’t have children together.
For starters, for most of their relationship, they'd had to keep their love a secret; ghouls were considered within the ministry to be lowly creatures, and fraternizing with them was frowned upon. They weren’t sure what would happen if they were caught, but they weren’t willing to risk finding out. It had taken Terzo’s death, and eventual triumphant return to the realm of the living, to free the ghouls from their caste, Terzo leveraging every ounce of power he had left to officially cement them as equals.
A seemingly more insurmountable obstacle, though, was the issue of their biology. Neither of them had the right… equipment to carry a child. At least, that’s what they’d always thought, until one day Primo let it slip that there was a precedent for such matings. Over the next month they’d frantically done their research, performed countless rituals, made their deals and sacrifices in pursuit of something they never thought possible, all under the reluctant guidance of Terzo’s older brother.
Now that there was hope, all bets were off.
“Nnn… You’re such a little cumslut… My little cumslut… You take this cock so good. Do you want me to breed you? Do you?” Omega growled, feeling himself throb with every word that dripped from his lips.
“Sì! Please, Omega, oh fuck, please, I need–” Terzo choked on a groan as Omega thrust hard into him, his balls smacking against Terzo’s ass as he pushed as deep inside as he could. They were connected through Omega’s quintessence, shared thoughts and sensations buzzing across their bond.
“I'm gonna fill you up… You’re gonna get so big and round, carrying my kits. They’re mine. I’m the one who’s gonna do that to you, no one else. Everyone's gonna know that I bred you.” He gave another hard thrust for emphasis. His own dirty talk was starting to get to him, feeling feral, possessive. “The other ghouls will smell me on you,” Omega snarled, testing Terzo’s flexibility by leaning impossibly further forward to sink his fangs into Terzo's shoulder, yet another way to mark him. Terzo let out a quivering cry. “You're all mine,” Omega added after he'd greedily taken his fill of Terzo’s blood, his voice graveled with lust.
“Please, please, Omega please…” Terzo’s begging trailed off into a whimper as Omega licked up his neck, Omega’s breath harsh in his ear.
“I’m gonna cum so deep inside you, you’ll be leaking my seed for days,” Omega ground out through gritted teeth, riding his mate mercilessly until Terzo shattered with a loud, pained moan. Terzo writhing under him, clenching around him, was too much for Omega, and he came hard. Omega supported himself with shaking arms on either side of Terzo, reluctant to pull out, wanting to keep going; pulling out felt like giving up.
Eventually, though, he could no longer support his own weight and reluctantly withdrew. Omega settled for situating himself snugly between Terzo’s thighs, his tail wrapped tightly around Terzo’s leg and his head on Terzo's flat stomach, lavishing it with kisses and praying with everything in him that it would soon start to blossom. Terzo played with Omega’s hair, his horns, not wanting to let him go just yet as he felt Omega’s quintessence caressing his mind. They fell asleep like that.
They went on like this for months. As their trysts became more frequent than ever, they both became more and more aroused and desperate, unable to get enough of each other. Terzo became more irresistible to Omega with every passing day. When Omega caught Terzo preemptively online window-shopping for baby clothes, he took him right there on the kitchen counter.
Despite their exhaustive efforts, nothing seemed to be working. They were hopeful when Terzo started to feel tired and a little nauseous, but when test after test came back negative, they began to lose hope, chalking the fatigue up to Terzo’s increasingly stressful ministry duties. Omega questioned whether conventional pregnancy tests would even work because of the differences between their union and a typical pregnancy. It was hard to keep an optimistic outlook, though, after so many disappointments. Omega kissed Terzo’s belly reverently every night regardless.
In January, about 6 months into their journey, something peculiar happened. Omega was cleaning up after dinner while Terzo was idly browsing for toys on his phone. When Omega began to feel a tingle at the back of his mind, he paused, analyzing. Without warning, Omega’s body locked up in shock, dropping the glass in his hand. Terzo jumped up from the table, startled, beginning to race over to where Omega stood stock still, but Omega held out a hand to stop him. He stood with his back to Terzo for a long, agonizing minute. When he finally turned around, his eyes were wild and brimming with tears. He stepped over the broken glass, paying no mind to the hazard and picking Terzo up bridal style. Omega sat him down on the sofa and knelt at his feet, his hands shaking as he grabbed at Terzo’s.
“Amore, what’s wrong?” Terzo asked, voice worried and tinged with fear. Omega’s eyes were full of awe and something else, reaching up to brush the hair out of Terzo’s eyes. Omega opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Flustered and frantic, he reached out to Terzo with his quintessence, needing to share what he couldn’t yet put into words. His tears began to spill over.
As Omega connected their minds, he shared the sensation he’d felt a few moments earlier: a strange, foreign prodding at his consciousness, one that felt eerily familiar somehow. It had reached out blindly, innocently, as though seeking something. It had taken him a moment to process, to pinpoint, but once he did his heart had stopped. It was originating from Terzo, but not from Terzo. Not from his mind, anyway.
Terzo was confused at first. When the realization dawned, he stared back at Omega in disbelief. Omega knew that Terzo didn’t dare to hope, and yet he could feel the warmth blooming in his chest through their bond anyway.
“A-are you sure?” Terzo stammered out, his voice quivering. Omega couldn’t do anything but nod as his throat closed, choking back a sob. Terzo began to cry then, too. He was so afraid of the joy that was threatening to overtake him, but he couldn’t fight it. There was no other explanation: they were expecting a budding quintessence ghoul kit. The love they made that night was tender and tearful, both of them wanting to be as close to the other as possible. Omega handled Terzo as gently as if he were made out of glass. Terzo felt so emotionally fragile that he may as well have been.
It took a full day to get over the initial shock. They were in disbelief, nervous about the illusion shattering at any given moment. Terzo called Primo, since he was the only one who knew of their efforts, demanding that he set up a private ultrasound appointment. Terzo’s nails were bitten down to nubs by the time they were snuck into the infirmary in the dead of night. The scan confirmed it; their wildest dreams had become a reality. They were having a little girl.
According to her measurements, Terzo had been pregnant for about 3 months without either of them knowing. They were too excited to mourn the time that they had missed out on. Both of them were glued to the monitor, squeezing each other's hands as they saw her strong little heartbeat. Omega stole a kiss from Terzo on the table, unbroken until the technician impatiently cleared her throat. They hurried back home to their chambers, deciding to take a bath together, Terzo feeling sticky from the ultrasound gel. Omega’s mouth trailed all over Terzo’s body worshipfully, and Terzo couldn’t stop giggling.
“A little girl…” Omega whispered, making Terzo shiver. Terzo leaned back heavily against his husband. Omega’s hands drifted almost unconsciously down to Terzo’s still-flat stomach, and Terzo sighed.
“What should we name her?” Terzo teased. They spent the rest of the night brainstorming and laughing giddily. They had always bathed and showered together, but from then on, Omega treated every evening like a special occasion, pampering Terzo with candles, flowers, fragrant oils and lotions, always taking their time together. It became a part of their nightly ritual.
Everything about their lives immediately changed, Omega taking every opportunity he could to dote on Terzo. Omega began cooking every meal for him rather than sharing the responsibility between them. Terzo protested to Omega taking on the extra burden, and Omega shot back by pointing out how much of a burden Terzo was taking on by carrying their kit. Terzo was secretly pleased about Omega feeding him, though; while Terzo had been the one to teach Omega how to cook, Omega had quickly surpassed Terzo’s skill level. Omega was whip-sharp, an excellent student and a proficient learner. Now that Terzo was eating for two, Omega obsessively ensured that he was getting a healthy, well-rounded diet.
They held the belief that it was never too early to start on enrichment, and so they would regularly speak and read and sing to their kit. Music was always a regular feature in their household, but now Omega broke out his guitar more regularly, his fingers having never forgotten their rhythm. Terzo would sing at all hours of the day, his voice as haunting as ever. They took turns reading books for new parents aloud to each other, wanting to learn as much as they could before her arrival.
As Terzo’s body changed, they found themselves unable to keep their hands off each other, always touching just to touch. Omega would spoil him rotten, never letting him lift a finger around their quarters. He showered Terzo and his bump with affection whenever he could. Their regular positions on the sofa shifted, now with Terzo reclining against him as Omega’s hands explored his belly. Omega was obsessed, and he knew Terzo loved it.
“Amore, stop sniffing me!” Terzo cried in faux offense as Omega’s nose tickled the spot under his ear, unable to fight back a giggle, giving himself away.
“Mm, never. You’re so delicious.” Omega had always been a fiend for Terzo’s scent, but now he couldn’t get enough, always nuzzling and sniffing, sometimes even stealing Terzo’s worn clothing. He was soaking up the pheromones, Omega loved to say.
Omega was lovesick. Lovesick, and territorial. Omega had lost count of the number of times that he had growled under his breath as another male ghoul stared a little too long at Terzo, even though they were no doubt simply trying to puzzle out his peculiar scent. It would slip out before he even realized what he was doing, possessiveness turning into aggression and quickly bubbling over. He could tell it excited Terzo. Omega could practically hear his heartbeat quicken, head swimming with electric tension when they’d connect. Neither of them would forget about the incidents, the day invariably ending with Omega sweating above him, claws digging into Terzo’s hips.
They were shopping online for supplies for real now, together this time. They ordered so much baby stuff that the siblings who staffed the front office knew they were expecting before anyone else did. Whispers began to spread around the ministry. Rumor was, they were adopting. They stayed as quiet as possible about it for as long as they could, wanting to keep it special, between themselves. When they finally made the announcement, it was only to Terzo’s family and their close friends, mostly ghouls.
They decided to tell everyone together and in person. Secondo rolled his eyes dramatically, to no one’s surprise. Copia had fanned his face to stop the tears from smudging his makeup. Primo, of course, had known for nearly as long as the couple had, but he rubbed at his temples as he watched Omega and Terzo get perhaps a little more affectionate than was called for at a family function.
“I’ve created a monster,” Primo grumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose. Omega ignored what he hoped wasn’t a double entendre.
“You will feel differently when you have our principessa in your arms, fratello.” Terzo’s smile was smug, his hand resting on his middle. Omega rubbed the back of his neck, trying not to let himself feel uncomfortable at being called out on their PDA.
At home, Omega connected with their kit with increasing strength and frequency as the weeks wore on, having wordless conversations as they traded emotions back and forth. Omega made a point of sending her wave after wave of love and assurances of safety, strong enough that Terzo could feel the reverberations. Terzo found it too heartwarming to feel excluded.
“What is she saying, mia ombra?” Terzo joked, running a hand through Omega's hair.
“How much she loves her Papa,” Omega cooed. Terzo scowled.
“That is not funny,” Terzo scolded, suddenly sounding irate and incredulous.
“I'm not kidding, tesoro!” Omega insisted with a breathy chuckle, looking up from where his head was resting on Terzo’s belly, unable to fight back a dreamy smile. He connected to Terzo's mind, relaying the emotions that he was picking up from their kit. Terzo's eyes began to sting with unshed tears, his mouth agape, for a moment speechless.
After a while, Omega’s touch alone began to make her more active, so much so that Terzo sometimes had to shove him away in the middle of the night just to get some rest. No matter how badly Omega wanted to spoon, needed to touch him, he agreed that Terzo’s rest was more important.
They were getting regular ultrasounds at that point, roughly following the schedule for a human pregnancy despite not knowing if there were any differences in ghoul gestation. Their kit was very much ghoulish, sporting a tail and little horns. Omega couldn’t tell who was more proud of that fact, himself or Terzo. No one was sure what such an unusual delivery would entail, so Terzo was urged to get a C-section, something that he eagerly agreed to. Their estimated due date was August third.
“A leo,” Terzo said with a soft smile as he stared into the monitor, the probe still pressed to his growing belly. Omega raised an eyebrow.
“Is that a good thing?” Omega didn’t know anything about astrology, but he had seen enough realms to have his doubts about the concept as a whole.
“Sì. Mia amata sorella was a leo,” he said, a wistful expression on his face. He shook his head as if to clear it, gazing directly into Omega’s eyes. “You’re going to be such a good father, Omega. I mean it.”
“So will you, Papa.” Omega responded teasingly. They had discussed their titles as parents often, eventually deciding that for Terzo, “Papa” was only natural, that it made the most sense. “Papa” had been an honorific, a symbol of the authority that he deeply resented being forced upon him. But the thought of his little girl calling him that, Terzo had said, seemed to soften its edges, soothe away his bitterness. Perhaps they had the opportunity to turn something painful into something precious.
From the day they found out about their kit, Omega had begged Terzo to take leave from his role within the ministry and stay home with him. Terzo had refused, not wanting to allow himself to be slowed down. He was a fighter, after all, and there was work to be done. But as he progressed further along, so did his exhaustion. And his back pain.
Their secret was soon out, too; once Terzo began to show, he could only hide beneath robes and cassocks for so long. The whispers had turned into a roar, rooms falling silent once he entered them. New recruits would openly stare in shock at his figure, and older clergy members would glower in disgust at the Emeritus who allowed himself to be bred by a filthy ghoul. He was all but ostracized, but Terzo refused to be ashamed of his family. He wanted to spit in the faces of those who derided them, to shake them by the shoulders until they understood that ghouls were people and deserved respect. The only friends he had left were the ghouls, and his brothers.
Between the physical pain and the dirty looks, Terzo shared that he was beginning to feel very run down. Terzo came home a wreck one day in April, having decided enough was enough. One knowing look from Omega was all it took to break him, and before he knew it, Terzo was sobbing in his arms.
“I can’t go back, Omega. I cannot do it anymore!” Terzo wailed. “I cannot take another second of their hateful bullshit!” Omega shushed him softly, running his hands through Terzo’s hair.
“Shhh. You don’t have to go back, I promise. We’ll talk to Copia. You can stay home as long as you like,” Omega soothed, rubbing Terzo’s back. He heard Terzo try and slow his breathing.
“If this is how they treat us now, how are they going to treat our kit?!” Terzo was working himself up all over again. Omega winced as a pang of sorrow shot through him. That was a good question, one that he didn’t have an answer for.
“Terzo, I–”
“I want to fight them, Omega! I mean it! I would kill every last one of them myself for our daughter,” Terzo said through gritted teeth, and Omega found it endearing despite the gravity of the situation. Of course his feisty little human mate would want to defend their family with his life. Omega would never let it get to that point, they would run away to a secluded cabin somewhere if they had to. Anything to keep them safe. They’d make it work.
“I know you would, tesoro,” Omega said, his voice hushed. “And…” He paused for a moment, thinking on how best to deliver his next line. “That’s why I know you need to stay home. Even if you don’t get in a fight, all this stress isn’t good for her. Please, mia luce…”
Terzo looked up from his place against Omega’s chest, his eyes red and puffy from crying. Omega could see his internal struggle. He wiped away Terzo’s tears with the back of a clawed hand, and after what felt like an eternity, Terzo reluctantly nodded, gaze fixed on the floor. Omega’s heart skipped a beat, feeling cautiously optimistic.
They spent every day together from then on, Terzo temporarily freed from his duties. Now that Terzo was home full time, he went into full-blown nesting mode, babyproofing the entire house in an evening. They spent the next month meticulously decorating the spare room that they’d turned into a nursery in soft pinks, accented with gold. Omega was grateful to be involved every step along the way.
Together, Omega and Terzo hand painted an intricate mural of a swirling galaxy on the far wall, hiding little hearts within the stars and peppering sweet messages throughout. They worked nearly every day, pouring endless amounts of love into their project in the hopes that their little girl would one day be surrounded by it tenfold. By May, they stood back and appraised their work: it was perfect. Almost. It needed something else, one final touch. They finished it with two handprints at the bottom, both wildly different sizes, one signed “Papa loves you” and the other “Daddy loves you”.
“Come here, amore, you’ve got something on your face,” Terzo called to him, beckoning him to where he sat resting on the floor. Omega had warned him not to sit down, knowing how hard it would be for him to get back on his feet again, but in typical Terzo fashion, he hadn’t listened. Omega approached, leaning down so that Terzo could inspect him. Before he knew what was happening, Omega felt something cold on his cheek: a wet smear of paint. He growled playfully, leaving a paint smear of his own along the line of Terzo’s jaw. They traded paint smudges until Terzo surrendered under threat of being tickled. Omega had to help Terzo up off of the floor just as he’d told Terzo would happen. They showered together, taking much longer than was necessary to scrub away the paint.
Omega had been working on a project of his own; he shared his plan with Copia, requiring his help to pull it off. He had the man acquire the necessary materials, and arranged for a two-hour work meeting with Terzo twice a week, every week, for a couple months. Initially Terzo was furious at being roped back into his duties, but he calmed upon realizing that Copia had primarily wanted an excuse to hang out. It was a nice outlet for him, after so much isolation. It was also a convenient way to keep up with and influence ministry affairs without going through the stress of his regular responsibilities.
Omega needed the blocks of privacy because, in secret, he had been learning carpentry, picking up woodworking with the ease that he seemed to acquire most skills that called upon his dexterity. The hardest part was keeping it a secret from Terzo, especially when they connected with his quintessence. Omega worked hard to shield that corner of his mind, rather than cut off their bond altogether. That was something he was unwilling to give up.
When the time was right to bring a blindfolded Terzo into the nursery, Omega was treated to a reverent gasp when he allowed him to look. Before them sat an ornately crafted crib, made from dark cherry wood and carved with a tasteful heart motif. Omega lunged to catch Terzo as his knees buckled, tears streaming down his face.
“Omega, did you…” Terzo whispered, hands covering his mouth.
“I did.”
That night as they sat together on the sofa, their touches became heated, as they so often did. Terzo ended up in Omega’s lap, his ghoul buried deep inside him, caressing him as Terzo bounced.
“Mm, getting tired?” Omega teased in his ear as Terzo’s movements became more shallow, beginning to falter.
“N-no, shut up,” Terzo panted. “I can handle this.” Omega chuckled darkly, one hand coming up to play with Terzo’s oversensitive nipples while the other found his cock. Terzo let out a shout.
“Are you sure, tesoro?” Omega asked oh so sweetly, working him harder. Terzo whimpered in overstimulation, trembling under Omega’s ministrations. To Omega’s surprise, though, Terzo began to move faster, turning the tables on him as soon Omega was begging for him to slow down, to draw things out. Terzo didn’t listen, hungry for Omega’s release, chasing it faster. Terzo only stopped once Omega’s cock kicked inside him, filling Terzo with his hot seed. When Terzo went to move off of him Omega stopped him, still inside of him, gripping his hips firmly.
“Stay,” Omega murmured against his skin, soft but not a request. Terzo listened, leaning back against Omega and craning his head up, lips searching. Their kiss was bruising, burning, Omega’s tongue plundering Terzo’s mouth as his hand returned to Terzo’s cock. Omega swallowed Terzo’s moans as he pumped him. His free hand explored every inch of skin he could access, taking his time to show Terzo’s body the appreciation it deserved.
When Terzo finally came into Omega’s hand with a guttural groan, he slumped heavily against Omega, who buried his face in the crook of Terzo’s neck. He kissed delicately along the deep scars that he found there, thanking every inch of scar tissue for bringing them back together. Omega carried a sleepy and sated Tezo to their bed, unwilling to make his mate move.
When June rolled around, Terzo was becoming restless. Being unable to sit still and yet also unable to stand for very long was taking its toll. Omega did everything he could to keep Terzo distracted and mentally engaged, but it wasn’t enough. Terzo became testy, frequently snapping at Omega, only to shed guilty tears over his outburst afterward. His hormones were raging, his mood unpredictable at best. Omega didn’t take it personally, feeling far worse for Terzo he did than for himself.
Exacerbating the irritability was his physical discomfort. Terzo felt swollen and achy and exhausted, back pain becoming his new constant companion. His need for frequent naps was a marked change from his previously bustling lifestyle. While they were both undeniably grateful for having the domestic life together they’d always dreamed of, there was no avoiding the fact that Terzo needed an outlet. Omega called on Copia yet again, utilizing his fear of Terzo’s pregnancy rage to get what they needed.
Talking Terzo into venturing down to the ministry’s indoor pool wasn’t easy. Being as far along as he was at that point, Terzo didn’t much like to go anywhere that he didn’t have to, and it had as much to do with the stares as it did with the back pain. Terzo wanted to enjoy this phase of their growing family, not be made to feel ashamed of it. Being soaking wet and exposed in a swimsuit was the last place he wanted to be seen by disapproving eyes. Omega knew, though, how much Terzo loved swimming. He also knew how good it would feel to get the pressure off of his back, and how much channeling his pent-up energy into easy physical activity would help him.
Terzo allowed himself to be coaxed into the idea when Omega dangled the key in front of his face; they would be going there after hours. Just the two of them. Shades drawn.
They snuck down to the pool in the dead of night, Terzo wearing simple sweatpants and one of Omega’s t-shirts over his swimsuit. Omega knew his husband well enough to know that he would normally be mortified to be dressed so casually in public, but Terzo had a harder time dressing himself nowadays and needed something easy to get on and off. Terzo’s willingness to give up his dignity in exchange for relief from his discomfort made Omega feel guilty for having done this to his body in the first place. He shook his head, trying to banish the thought; Terzo would hate for him to think that way about their kit. Omega hated it, too. Comfort was a sacrifice that Terzo was willing to make, and Omega had to respect that.
When they got there, Terzo bemoaned not being able to use the hot tub, but they had read that it was bad for developing babies and wouldn’t take the risk. Still, it would’ve felt so nice on his sore muscles. Terzo hesitated in getting undressed, blushing as he went to pull his shirt off over his head. Omega reassured him that they were alone and that the door was locked. It was safe.
Terzo slowly stripped, and though Omega knew that his intention wasn’t to tease, he felt his heartbeat quicken anyway. His heart stopped altogether when Terzo finally stood before him clad only in his old speedo. Omega had forgotten that Terzo might need something a bit… roomier, now. The garment managed to somehow be even more enticing than before, digging a little into his now wider, softer hips and accentuating his plump ass even further. Omega had to resist with every ounce of his strength not to take Terzo right then and there. He was entranced.
“Please stop staring... I know it is too small, I look awful,” Terzo muttered, his flush deepening. Omega moved behind him, slowly running his hands up and down Terzo’s sides.
“You’re so beautiful, Terzo. I wish you wouldn’t feel ashamed of your body. You’re perfect,” Omega assured him, kissing along Terzo’s neck and shoulders. Terzo huffed, clearly not believing him. Reaching out with his quintessence, Omega brushed against Terzo’s mind, asking to be let in; Terzo hummed, yielding easily to the familiar sensation. Omega flooded his own attraction to and desire for his mate through him, although perhaps a little too quickly, he realized, as Terzo swayed on the spot. Omega guided him to the water by the hand once he had steadied, inviting Terzo to join him. It took a long time before they got to the actual swimming part of their excursion.
They fell into a routine of going to the pool to swim lazy laps every other night, giving Terzo breaks to recover from the exertion. Both his mood and his pain improved immensely. Omega was happy to see Terzo growing more content by the day. By the beginning of July, the two would often simply relax together and watch their kit, able to see particularly strong movements now. Their hearts ached to hold their baby girl in their arms. Less than a month, Omega would often have to remind Terzo. They were so close.
One evening in late July, while they sat together in one of the ministry’s gardens on a brilliant, cloudless night, admiring a sky that looked so much like the one they got married under all those years ago, something big happened. The pair had been agonizing over their kit’s name for the entirety of Terzo’s pregnancy, adding and crossing off names on their list nearly every day. Nothing seemed to fit, was worthy of such a precious being, but the date was quickly approaching. As Omega was studying Terzo’s face in the celestial glow, thinking about how often that glow had guided their lives, an idea occurred to him. One that ended up sticking this time.
In that moment, Omega knew her name: Starlight.
#I hope you like it supportive anon#terzomega#terzo and omega#terzo x omega#omega ghoul#papa terzo#ghost the band#papa emeritus iii#terzo#ghost bc#ghost#cw pregnancy#cw mpreg#cw breeding#omega and terzo#omega3#omega ghost#terzomega smut#terzomega fic#terzomega fanfic#the band ghost#original ghoul kit#ghoul kits#ghost fanfic#ghost smut#ghost fanfiction#domestic bliss#resurrection au#morningstars writes#as one au
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"Fifty Shades of Pink" a Papa Emeritus III x Omega fic
one chapter ; wc: 6,586

There wasn’t much that could surprise Omega anymore. He’s been topside for about six years now, served as rhythm guitarist for three Papas, and performed countless ritual performances.
This, however, was something new.
“Isn’t it perfecto ?” The short man in front of him throws his arms wide and does a slow spin.
Omega simply blinks his lavender eyes and tries his best to think of a way to put what he’s thinking into nice-enough words. Why the hell did he agree to go to the cobbler to pick up the Terzo’s loafers and leave his kin with the man? “It’s…tailored nicely.”
Terzo Emeritus, Papa Emeritus III, a forty-three year old, pouts like an affronted child. He turns back to the large floor length mirror and takes in his appearance from the tailors’ platform. “I think I look like I belong in one of those fancy Ivy League college fraternities! Alpha told me pink was my color. Imagine a beer in my hand.”
Omega should fuck him in this cove more often.
“You took advice from Alpha? The Ghoul who still puts on different colored socks because he’s too lazy to find a pair from his dresser?”
The raven-haired man huffs, “You were too busy with Francesco! Maybe if you weren’t such a bossy-pants, you would have been here. I think I’ll keep it like this just to show you that I do look handsome.”
Omega sets down the several pairs of ties and socks on the vacant chair next to the platform. Of course his kin would disappear when someone had to tell Terzo he looked like a bottle of pepto-bismol. “I didn’t say you weren’t handsome. It’s tailored well to your figure. The color on the other hand…”
“Pink is the new black! Slimming for the masculine shape, and feminine to complement the olive tone of my sun-kissed Italian tan.”
The large Quintessence Ghoul sighs, “Just humor me and try the gold that we originally agreed on.”
“No!” Terzo steps off the platform, losing the extra inches of height. “I like this. We’re going to check out and go back to the Ministry.”
“You look like a child dressed for church.” He could pick the small man up with one hand and shake him like a naughty toddler.
Terzo flips a loose bang out of his eyes, “I’ll let you be the first to take it off me.”
Omega holds back a grumble, “What is the horrible pink shirt for anyway? You’re still getting the white suit, right?”
“Of course, I’m getting the white suit! This is for a new music video; Sister Imperator finally said the budget was thick enough to shoot it,” His fingers make sure the Grucifix cufflinks are facing the same direction, leading Omega and his purchases to the Ralph Lauren counter.
“Mr. Emeritus, I see the tailor was able to make those adjustments for you.” The woman flashes a polite smile.
Omega sees it falter a bit as he feels his four kin reappear at his side. Of course, Alpha has damn pink socks. “We are not getting pink socks too.”
Alpha puts the offending socks on top of Omega’s well-chosen accessories. “He looks good in pink.”
“I’m buying the damn socks, Omega,” Terzo affirms and lets the woman take all the items to begin scanning.
Omega could be petty and not hand over the Ministry credit card, but Terzo strikes him with a look that promises a reward for being good. “Fine,” He grumbles and nudges Alpha out of the way so he can sign the receipt. The woman hands back the large items in several bags and the five glamoured hellbeasts follow their leader out onto the busy 5th Avenue streets. Glamouring all of them, they walk undisturbed down the block to where a sleek SUV idles.
“That’s what you spent all that time getting fitted for?” Is the first thing out of Sister Imperator’s mouth when they all pile into the car. A bag of clothing for some of the Sisters of Sin sits by her feet in the passenger seat.
Omega sits directly behind her, letting her take in Terzo in the driver side middle seat. “I said the same thing.”
“We like it, Papa,” Pebble chirps from the third row, “All of us back here do.”
Alpha and Mist nod.
All eyes turn to Zephyr, who is unfortunately stuck sitting between Omega and Terzo. “I mean…Papa can make anything look fetching.”
Terzo claps a hand on the air Ghoul’s shoulder, “Majority rules! Now, let us get back to the Abbey so I can make sure the equipment is ready for shooting tomorrow.”
Sister Imperator pinches the bridge of her nose, but nods for the Brother of Blasphemy to go ahead and drive away.
“I made sure we got the white suit, at least,” Omega watches the bustling city slowly crawl past them in traffic.
“I knew I could count on you, Omega,” She says, reaching back and patting the Ghoul’s knee.
For the music video of He Is , the Ghouls weren’t needed as actors or instrumentalists, so Terzo gave them all the day off–except for Omega.
“Your punishment for yesterday is that you get to spend the day with us as we shoot.” It’s like four in the morning so they could get the shots down at the river around mid afternoon.
He wants to whine like a Ghoul kit. “They’re going hunting! Deer season just began!”
“Maybe I’ll take pity on you after the lunch break,” Terzo chides with a wink, “Now sit in your chair and be good for Papa. You can be my waterboy.”
Omega would do most anything for him. Sitting and zoning out while his beautiful Papa twirls his dramatic ass around a sound stage may sound like a relaxing afternoon, but his kin are out frolicking among the large forest and hunting.
Terzo stands on his tip-toes to presumably kiss Omega, but the antipope simply smacks his lips a hair’s breadth away and bounds out of the Ghoul’s arms.
That motherfucker, Omega sits back in the shitty makeup-chair with a huff.
Sister Rebecca raises a beauty blender. Her brown eyes are bright as she’s nearly bouncing in place/ “Could I try something on you? I got a new, thinner foundation to use for you and the Ghouls in an upcoming photoshoot.”
He sees how hopeful she is. She wasn’t chosen by Sister Imperator to be in the music video because of her skills at makeup. Both of them were stuck watching this anyway.
Omega reaches up and undoes his mask. “Knock yourself out. Don’t be offended if I fall asleep.”
“I also have some head massage techniques I could try out…?” She grins.
Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad.
A few hours pass with Omega submitting to anything Sister Rebecca wanted.
The new foundation she got did make his hell-soot colored skin more luminous, and flattened some pores that he’s been a bit self-conscious of. She smudged some eyeliner here, a small dusting of brightening powder on his eyelids, and something moisturizing that tastes like cherries on his lips.
Omega can’t help the happy rumble when her manicured hands reward him with a truly sinful scalp massage. Thankfully it isn’t loud enough to disrupt the filming across the room, but Sister Imperator does shoot them a glare that sobers both of them up enough to stop.
“That’s a wrap!” Comes the director’s call.
“This was really helpful, Omega, thank you.” The sister begins to put away most of the new makeup. She leaves out Terzo’s papal paint in case he needs to reapply during any of the recording.
He looks at himself in the mirror, “I feel good in this. Much better than the grease paint of the last tour.”
She huffs a laugh, “Yeah, that stuff was disgusting to work with and have on. Here’s some wipes to take it off.”
Omega takes in the nearly flawless quality of his charcoal skin, “Actually, I might keep it on for a bit. See how it wears.”
“Of course, I’ll leave those here,” She rolls the makeup suitcase with her as she follows the production crew towards the Abbey sanctuary.
In the mirror he can see the reflection of Terzo talking to the two young children that were in the video. Their father was an archbishop from the Salem Ministry, and was one of the only clergy members with young enough twin children.
Terzo was always so great with people. It breaks Omega’s heart that he and his kin hold the man’s love and there’s little chance for mini-Terzos to come into being.
“ Grazie, miei dolci bambini ,” The antipope pats their heads, eliciting delighted laughs as the boy and girl toddle over to their watchful father and mother. He struts to Omega, taking a long swig from the water bottle Omega was tasked with keeping. “Wasn’t I absolutely sinful?”
The Quintessence Ghoul inclines his head, “There’s hardly been a time when you’re not. It was good to see those kids so happy.”
“ Sono una famiglia adorabile , quite the lovely little family, no?” Terzo smiles. He steps forward to peer around Omega’s back.
“What do you think? I let Sister Rebecca experiment with some new shit,” He turns fully to face the antipope. He relishes the shocked flush that crawls through the cracks of Terzo’s papal paint.
For once the man is rendered speechless. His mouth opens and closes like one of the fish Pebble caught the other day in the Abbey lake. “I…”
Omega sees his chance to get some payback, “I think I should let her do this more often, yes?” He makes sure most of the room has cleared (mostly just making sure Imperator is gone) and uses his larger form to back Terzo against the vanity counter. He lets his hands rest on those beautifully familiar and full hips and leans down.
Terzo takes the bait and sighs happily into their shared breath–except Omega smacks his lips together and pulls back before their lips could meet. “It’s a shame, really. My lip balm is cherry-flavored."
The shorter man’s mismatched green and white eyes fly open in betrayal, “You motherfucker!”
Omega folds up the vanity chair and saunters to the doorway, “I might take pity on you after lunch.” He grins at the imaginary lasers shooting him in the back.
Terzo and Omega have always been this way. One of them does something immature to the other, then other retaliates, then they make up by the fucking the absolute shit out of each other. It’s very much a game of cat and mouse or freeze-tag, making the four other Ghouls roll their eyes when an argument inevitably happens.
Terzo’s a little shit.
Omega’s a little shit in the form of a 6 ft 7 Quintessence Ghoul.
Nothing is better than the angry-eventually-loving makeup sex. Tonight was going to be quite a treat judging by the horny mini-glares Terzo gives him between shots of the He Is sanctuary scenes. Omega sits out of the way in his vanity chair and snacks on popcorn provided on the shooting table.
After another two hours of getting footage, the director calls for lunch. They’ll resume in another hour to begin the footage down by the river.
Omega doesn’t know necessarily what they’re going to shoot down there. But he hopes Mist is ripping into the throat of a deer on the banks and ruins their shot so he and Terzo can go fuck.
Speaking of, they do have an hour before resuming…
Terzo is engulfed in a mass of followers and Siblings. He drinks their attention as if he needs it to continue existing. He flashes that sharp smile that’s all shiny, white, perfect teeth and it makes Omega’s black heart do somersaults.
He likes to think that he controls the Antipope, but Terzo is a feral hellbeast in his own way. Even if Omega holds the man facedown against the mattress more times than Terzo rides him, Omega would fold faster to the man’s orders than the other way around.
The crowd moves towards the Dining Hall across the cloister courtyard, carrying Terzo with them. He doesn’t even spare the Ghoul a glance as the group filters outside.
Omega holds back a growl. So that’s how it’s going to be.
Lunch flys by. Omega tears into a pack of beef jerky and one of Pebble’s edibles. If he got upset, then he can go fuck off. Omega’s horny as shit and being forced to be a waterboy for a frustratingly beautiful and petty man while Pebble got to sink his fangs into a tender deer flank.
By the time they resume filming at the hill that leads to the Wallkill river, Pebble’s edible has kicked in and relaxed him some. Which is good because his anger shoots back up as Terzo steps out into the mid-afternoon sun in that damned pink shirt under a white waistcoat.
He looks like a douchebag actor in an American frat movie! Paired with black aviator sunglasses, it screams the wrong kind of self-assertion. But then again, Omega hasn’t really thought about what He Is is about…and it begins to make sense as they start filming.
So, he’s been an asshole for no reason. The song is a parody of Christian baptism rock. Guilt rises in Omega’s chest. How many times has he performed this damned song and not understood what it meant?
The Quintessence Ghoul watches the group film shots of a handful of Sisters of Sin frolic in the meadow that covers the path down to the riverbank. Their flowing white dresses and long hair twirl in the gentle breeze.
It is a nice day. Omega turns his face towards the sun and feels how the foundation moves on his cheeks. He’ll never get tired of being out in the topside sun. The heat from the planet is a pleasant warmth compared to the spikes of fire from the Pits.
He hears water splash. Down at the edge of the grass, Terzo is wading into the water, while in that stupid outfit.
Part of Omega’s brain purrs in happiness knowing the brackish water will destroy the offending shirt but also–What the Hell is he doing? That outfit alone cost nearly $3,000, and they bought it just yesterday!
Despite the conflict within Omega, he ultimately decides to sit still. He’ll give Terzo a reprimand after he’s done being a destructive little shit. So he sits, watching the Sisters remove their sandals and wade in a bit aways from Terzo.
All of them are only waist-deep. Are they going to do some sort of synchronized swimming routine? Omega doesn’t remember Terzo being very good at keeping afloat just by himself.
To Omega’s disbelief, the first Sister wades to Terzo and he takes her hands in his right, cradling her against his chest. Her blonde curls flare in the wind coming off the water.
Terzo’s free hand comes up to rest at the back of her skull and he dips her back into the water.
Her perfectly tan hand slides up to his jaw, a teasing thumb brushing against the black paint of his upper lip.
Terzo submerges her entirely then helps her upright, the water rushing from her plump form. Her white choir robe clings to her now stiffly peaked nipples. His hand that held her stomach sneakily cups her right breast during the sloshing of the cold river water.
Omega wouldn’t typically be that upset; he’s always up for a third (or fourth, fifth, and so on) to join him and the Antipope. The Sister is extremely beautiful and has always been kind to the Ghouls, but this bastardization of a water baptism taking place in front of Omega after Terzo was being so fucking petty, absolutely makes Omega’s pointed ears burn with jealousy.
One by one, the baptism continues five more times. Each one has some naughty tease between Terzo and the Sister: the next one gasps out a moan at the cold water when she comes up, the third one unbuttons the infuriatingly pink top button of his shirt, and the fourth Sister’s breasts are basically exposed through the now-soaked white robe.
The fifth woman is more bold than the rest. When the brunette cuddles into Terzo’s baptismal embrace, her hand follows the same path as those before her–up to cup the blurred edge of his papal paint on Terzo’s jaw. He leans her back and submerges her.
She’s guided back up with Terzo’s steady hands (hands that are usually gripping Omega’s white hair as the Ghoul fucks the Hell out of him) and as she lets the face drip from her face, she leans forward and catches his lips.
Terzo doesn’t hesitate to deepen it.
And on the far shore, four unglamoured Ghouls howl with the victory of a fresh kill. It echoes so loudly that it creates ripples on the mostly-calm river.
Omega’s Hell-beast blood boils.
He leaps up from his chair and stomps past the production crew and down to the water’s edge. He ignores the sound of the crew frantically packing up as the scent of ozone fills every molecule of the air by the riverbank.
“ Get the fuck off her !” Omega thunders in Ghoulish.
The Sister squeaks and pulls out of Terzo’s arms so fast she falls onto her ass in the water.
Terzo goes to help her up but Omega leaps from the bank and slams into the raven-haired man.
They collide and go underwater, Terzo’s hands grappling the front of Omega’s vestments as they resurface. The Antipope’s aviators are missing and he goes to search for them but Omega pulls him away from the shore.
“ You make me sit here all day, tease me, and now you decide to snog a Sister during a fake baptism, in front of all these strangers?!” Omega growls as he bodily drags the now fully soaked Antipope to a mostly-submerged cove just out of sight. He tosses Terzo onto the small silver of a rocky beach, making sure it’s enough to bruise, but not actually hurt him.
Terzo spits out some brackish water to the side. His face is equal parts cocky and affronted, but the smirk on his ruined makeup grows as he takes in the Quintessence Ghoul’s burning eartips and heavy rut scent. “It was Sister Imperator’s idea-”
“ I know it fucking wasn’t. You’re just a whore.”
Terzo reclines on the beach as if he wasn’t just dragged through the water like a piece of lumber, “I never took you for a jealous teenage Ghoul.”
Omega snarls, frustration only building at the man’s continued sass. Doesn’t he know what danger he’s in? He trudges through the water and lets his glamour fully fall. He feels his horns reappear and his sleeves bulge as they barely contain the soot-black muscles Omega crafted over centuries as champion in the fighting Pits.
Instead of flinching, Terzo’s erection hardens in his wet trousers. “ Un ragazzo così grande …”
That tone immediately dismisses part of Omega’s fury. There’s appreciation and lust wrapped up in that sentence. How is he supposed to stay angry when Terzo becomes so riled up when he’s in his most authentic form?
“I’m still angry ,” The Ghoul says.
Terzo slicks back his sopping bangs, “I would hope so. I’ve been so naughty I deserve a punishment; merito una sculacciata . A good spanking would make me repent.”
Omega reaches forward and slices through the white vest and pink shirt with a long claw.
“Hey! Fuck you, we just bought this! I could have gotten the salt out of it.”
“You’ve been sitting in brackish water for the past two hours and now you’re upset?” Omega rips the offending material from the man’s body to float off in the water around them. “If anything, this is simply payback. I don’t think I should even touch you. I should leave you here to trudge back to shore; water-logged, naked, and messy-faced.”
Terzo play-struggles as Omega grips his chin tight enough for his claws to press in. The Quintessence Ghoul sees his mismatched eyes roll with pleasure.
“ Filthy .”
“The correct word is-” Terzo’s shit-eating grin grows.
Omega has him on his stomach in the next blink, claws raking down the man’s legs to shred the white trousers. He relishes the red scratches that follow his claws. “Shut the fuck up.”
Terzo lets out a groan and his hands grasp for purchase on the slippery rocks. “ Omega …oh, how you spoil your Papa.”
“Right now, you’re nothing more than my bitch.” Omega has to re-glamour his hands so he can pry apart Terzo’s slippery thighs. When the infuriating man wiggles his ass out of Omega’s grip, the Ghoul smacks the pert right cheek.
Terzo’s echoing gasp is beautiful. Water sloshes over him and pools in the hip dimples above his ass.
Terzo makes Omega carry him back to shore after a rough fuck in the cove. Indulging the man who did make him cum so hard his vision whited out isn’t the thing he has issue with. Staking a claim on Terzo has only partially satisfied him.
The shreds of the blasted pink shirt swirl in his wake as Omega trudges back to shore. As the Quintessence Ghoul walks back to the Abbey at the top of the hill, Terzo lounges in the strong arms.
Terzo idly plays with the black chest hair brushing against his cheek as Omega walks. “Why don’t you like me in pink again?”
“You’re better suited to richer tones.”
“Do you think purple is ugly on me as well?”
Omega rolls his eyes and sets Terzo on his feet as they reach the Abbey’s doors. “Of course not.”
“I would like a reason, per favore ,” Terzo ignores Omega holding open the doors for him.
“You simply look better in colors other than pink. Even going a shade darker like magenta would bring out the warm undertone in your skin.” Omega takes the human’s forearm and turns it over, tracing a claw over the thrumming veins below the skin.
Terzo blinks, “So you aren’t just doing this to spite me.”
Omega’s thick eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Spite you? For what?”
“Because I had the other Ghouls come with me to the fitting and had you come later,” Terzo admits sheepishly.
“I don’t care about that shit.”
Terzo hums, “So…you tackling me and pounding me into the rocks of a cave wasn’t a consequence of your jealousy from earlier this week?”
Omega takes a deep breath. “No. It’s because…I was jealous of the Sisters in the music video. How they got to hold you, how tender you were while you gave them an unholy baptism, all while wearing the shirt you knew I disliked…I want to feel like you hear my opinion.”
“Oh.” Is all Terzo can say. His face flushes in realization. “I probably was a bit mean and the gold was pretty… Mi dispiace .” He hugs Omega around the middle.
Omega sighs and pets the damp raven hair, “You’re too cute to stay upset with.”
“I promise to make it up to you,” Terzo’s smile is innocent but filled with the promise of something naughty.
The large Ghoul watches the naked antipope saunter inside without a care in the world. He passes a wary Sister Imperator and Cardinal Copia talking in the foyer without a second glance.
While the music video was in the editing phase, Sister Imperator called the band together to record ‘He Is.’ It only took a few times to get a good enough recording, and Sister rewarded them with a few days off.
Before Omega could even grasp the fact that he only had a few cleaning chores for the next two days, Terzo was rushing out of the studio room. Rolling his eyes, Omega reracks his guitar and chats with the producer about if there was anything he needed to drag Terzo back to fix.
“So, ‘Mega…want to come hunting with us?” Pebble’s tiny form pops up from behind the drum kit.
He thinks it over. He could go track down Terzo but potentially get turned away for the man to have a nap, or join his kin for the night. “Hunting sounds good.”
Pebble’s fanged grin is infectious. “Awesome! You missed out on Mist taking down a deer twice her size! It was so cool.” The two ghouls walk from the studio out into the courtyard where the other three Ghouls are stripping their clothes to hand to one of the sisters tasked with laundry.
“No more blood stains on these, please. It was impossible after yesterday’s hunt,” Sister Anais held out the basket already filled with Alpha and Zephyr’s uniforms. Mist is taking her time undoing her boots.
Omega easily undoes the buttons of his cassock.
“Now, you boys are going to be careful out there tonight, yes? The game Warden said there’s an excess of about thirty deer this season,” She says, nodding as all of them finish placing their clothes in her basket.
“Including the ones from yesterday?” Zephyr’s gray eyes brighten.
“No. New total based on the herds movement today. I’ll tell Papa all of you are leaving.”
Omega and his pack scamper through the courtyard (always careful of Primo’s topiaries) and out the gates to the hill that holds the forest on one side and the meadow that leads to the riverbank on the other. Once out of view from any Siblings, all of them let their Earthly glamours slip away.
Omega’s muscles have been crying out for him to move for a few days now. Even his hot tryst with Terzo in the cove wasn’t enough to fully drain all of his infernal adrenaline. He senses how the forest is filled with potential dinner, a group of deer only a mile away.
He drops to all fours and bounds away, leaving his mates to hopelessly beat him to the first kill.
Not many things were better than this.
It’s near midnight when the five Ghouls waddle back to the Abbey with bellies full of rabbit, fox, and deer. Thankfully they were able to stop before they hit the target overpopulated numbers. There’d be another night of hunting in a week or so.
Omega drops his body onto the Ghoul common room couch. He could sleep for a month, but then he’d miss Samhain and Terzo’s birthday.
Mist plops into the armchair by his head. “Those rabbits were so tender…” She purrs happily.
“My fox was delicious. I probably absorbed his wit and cunning.” Pebble maneuvers her so he can curl up with her.
There’s a collective eye roll from the pack.
“We’ll see if you stick a fork in the toaster again!” Alpha calls, snickering.
Omega closes his eyes as the pack continues to roast each other. He’s on the edge of falling asleep when footsteps come from the stairs down into the crypt that holds the Ghoul den. He cracks an eye open, seeing the common room is empty of his pack. He must have dozed for a bit longer than he thought.
The Quintessence Ghoul smells the air and relaxes as the scent of Maison Margiela’s Jazz Club fills his senses. “Terzo,” He says to the newcomer.
Terzo is dressed in a loose black t-shirt and baggy gray sweatpants. His face is empty of skull paint. “I was wondering if you were going to leave your poor Papa all alone in bed tonight,” He says innocently. His bare feet are barely audible as he steps up to the couch, tracing a finger down Omega’s strong nose.
“Sorry, we got back maybe an hour ago and I dozed off.”
“Va abbastanza bene , Omega. At least, it would be alright… if I got some special attention.”
Omega pulls the man’s hips until he’s straddling the Ghoul on the couch.
Terzo tsks, “Not here.”
“Then where?” Omega asks.
“My rooms, please.”
Omega exhales and lifts the man back to his feet. “You should’ve just called me to come upstairs.”
“I did. You didn’t pick up.” Terzo pulls out his iPhone. Sure enough, Omega missed three calls and three texts from him.
Shit. Time to turn on the romantic gestures. Omega picks up Terzo easily in his arms, one wrapped securely under his knees and behind his back. He regales Terzo with how the hunt went as they ascend the stairs and make it to the man’s papal suite.
Terzo locks the door and turns to Omega with a coy smirk. “Now, before we start anything, I did get you a surprise.”
Omega puts his slippers by the end of the bed. “Hmm, what for?” He asks, suspicious.
“Well you still believe I don’t look good in pink–”
“Terzo, are you seriously still thinking about that?” Omega gives him a pleading look. “I’m sorry I said that.”
Terzo nods, “Yes, yes; I forgive you for all that shit. Anyways…I thought I would show you that I do in fact look good in pink.” His hands take their time moving to the hem of the shirt he stole from Omega, then pull the garment up and over his head to toss carelessly on the floor.
Hidden by the bagginess of the shirt is a baby pink, sheer lace bralette embroidered with cherries and soft ruffles. Terzo doesn’t have a lot of area to be placed in a bralette, but the sheerness makes the illusion that he’s filling it out just a bit.
Terzo’s smirk grows as he hooks his thumbs into the waistband of his sweatpants.
Omega’s eyes are glued to the slow reveal of skin and matching pink lace hemline that appears as the sweatpants pool at the human’s ankles.
The front panel of the panties are the same pattern as the bralette cups. It leaves nothing to imagination as the leaky tip of Terzo’s cock just sticks out over the panty hemline. The soft looking ruffles continue over the high cut expanse of Terzo’s thighs to disappear to probably cup his ass perfectly.
“So what do you think?” Terzo turns in a circle, and Omega feels his blood drain to his cock.
He was correct about the ruffles. Omega is dumb with memorizing the sinful sight in front of him. “Oh..”
Terzo gently lifts his head by the chin, tearing Omega’s lavender eyes from roving over his body. He uses his leverage to move Omega backwards until the Ghoul’s knees hit the bed. Omega drops back to the bed, stuck in Terzo’s laser-focused gaze.
“Now, il mio gatto cattivo , no claws are allowed to rip this delicate outfit,” Terzo coos, easily lifting himself to straddle the Ghoul’s wide chest. “Premium Italian lace…Rip even a single stitch and you’ll be forced to watch your brethren have their way with me."
Omega snorts, cockiness rearing up at the demand even if he’s clearly losing the battle. “That’s still pretty hot.”
“Oh, did I forget to mention that you would be strapped to that lovely St. Andrew’s Cross?”
Omega gulps and his claws shift to human fingers.
“That’s what I thought. Now touch me,” Terzo says sweetly, taking the Ghoul’s hands to rest on the cups of the bralette. “A few more spoonfuls of Nutella and I’ll fill these, probably. Copia’s been making too much carbonara recently.”
“I would still love you either way,” Omega’s hand cups the back of his neck and pulls the man down to seal their lips together.
Terzo’s voice is pitched with arousal and fondness. “Sap.”
Omega’s left hand slides over the pink lace of his sides and down to grab a handful of Terzo’s ass. According to his fingertips, it’s a thin thong in the back, the crotch band barely holding a glass plug inside him. Omega’s finger stretches the fabric and he snaps the thin waistband against the smooth side of the plug’s base.
Terzo yelps, “Watch it, asshole! That could’ve come apart!”
Omega shrugs and does it again. “Seems fine to me.” He presses a finger against the plug and forces it as deep as it can go without getting completely swallowed.
Terzo’s hole resists, turning it into a game that leaves him flushing as pink as his lingerie.
“Didn’t stretch all the way for this, huh?” Omega coos to the human.
“I like it when it burns at first,” Terzo says, even if both of them already know it.
Omega grasps the end of the plug and pulls it out in one smooth motion. He lets it roll from his hand to somewhere on the duvet of Terzo’s bed. They’ll deal with it after Terzo’s cock-dumb and knotted.
Terzo is pressing a tube of lube into the hand wrapped around his ass.
“When did you grab that?” Omega pops open the cap easily and spreads a good amount inside the human with invading fingers.
“I had it in the left cup,” He moans when Omega presses against his prostate.
Of course, the bralette cup Omega didn’t feel up. “Sneaky bastard ,” The Ghoul growls. He tosses the lube in the same direction as the glass butt plug. He lifts his hips and slides down the boxers he put on after getting back from the hunt. His cock springs to attention from its confines, the tapered tip slapping against the beginning swell of Terzo’s ass. It doesn’t take much maneuvering for Omega’s head to find Terzo’s hole and push in.
Terzo’s answering moan vibrates through Omega’s chest where the man’s immaculate fingernails dig into his pecs. The Ghoul didn’t notice the coating of nude pink on Terzo’s nails. That wasn’t there earlier…was it?
Nothing else matters as Omega pushes himself inside all the way to the hilt. He feels Terzo’s ass resist him near the end but a carefully placed kiss to the human’s neck makes him relax easier.
“I bought this…so we could fuck and keep it on…” Terzo pants into Omega’s hair.
“So thoughtful,” Omega sighs happily. His hands shift to cup an asscheek in each, forcing Terzo’s center of gravity over his face and leaning on his hands on either side of Omega’s ears. It puts the cherry-embroidered bralette cups right in his face. He cranes his neck and sucks at a nipple through the lace.
Terzo squirms at the first few slow thrusts, trying to frustrate Omega enough that he’ll speed up without any begging.
“You’re so beautiful in this,” Omega fucks up into him deeper. He’s so slick and warm and perfectly fluttering against the ribbed sides of his engorged cock. Every steadily increasing speedy thrust makes Terzo moan like a whore.
As wonderful a feeling as all of this is, Terzo is far from his twink past where he could bounce on a cock for hours at a time. His knees are older and are already starting to ache. “‘Mega…”
The Ghoul presses a kiss to his cheek to show there’s no hard feelings, and lets the human sit upright. Terzo carefully eases himself off Omega and makes himself comfortable against the pillows, blow-dried bangs fanning out around his unpainted face.
Omega turns onto his stomach to cage the human in between his arms. Terzo kisses him as he lines his cock back up to his entrance, swallowing their shared moans. Omega does his best to stay attached at the lips, but he’s craving to watch Terzo’s lace-covered body writhe under him.
The lace is a more saturated pink than the stupid shirt. It complements the dusty rose of his nipples and the neat, salt-and-pepper hair that is smattered around the human’s sternum. It also fits well against the darkening red of his cock. The head strains against the thin silk waistband of the thong, the lace sticky and glistening as each thrust forces out another small spurt of pre-cum.
Omega wraps a hand around the lace covered cock and shifts the fabric over it. It moves the human’s foreskin and jolts Terzo into awareness at what he’s doing. “So much for talking about me ruining the lace…”
Terzo whines as Omega times the tight strokes with each rolling thrust. There isn’t much movement he can do with the panties, but it’s enough to send Terzo over the edge. His cock gets caught under the hem and his cum shoots from behind one of the cherry motifs, sticking the front gusset to his cock. He shivers in pleasure.
Omega doesn’t slow down. He knows his human isn’t satisfied with just one. He continues the steady pace, changing angle gradually to now rub a nodule on his cock against his prostate with every movement. Terzo shudders in overstimulation, his ass clenching against the invading cock. His nails dig into the short white hairs at the nape of Omega’s neck.
It all burns so good.
“I love…our little games,” Terzo breathes into the space between their lips. His mismatched eyes are lidded heavily, “You get so defensive…yet are always so ready to defend my honor. Fuck, right there, please…”
Omega places a flat hand on Terzo’s solar plexus and sits up straighter to thrust straight inside him.
Instantly, Terzo’s moans morph into punched-out whimpers. Omega’s fingers grasp the bralette to stretch it down to below his nipples. It acts as a leash to move Terzo in time with each roll of his hips.
“‘Mega…” Terzo whines, “Please, please…”
“Please, what? Gotta use your words, sweetheart.” The Quintessence Ghoul can feel the beginning swell of his knot. It’s starting to keep him from sliding all the way inside Terzo. He uses his momentum to pop in the swell and it makes Terzo explode with an orgasm again. This time, the cum reaches the edge of the bralette and Omega’s hand.
“O-oh, fuck!” The human cranes his neck to look down as he feels the knot forming.
Omega sweet talks him as he pushes the knot inside with each thrust until it’s formed enough that it would tear the human to push back out.
Nothing compares to this moment; Terzo’s musical whines in his ears, the mottled red blush of his chest underneath the cherries and pink lace, the gloopy pools of his cum from his two orgasms collecting in the thong and bralette waistbands.
“You want it, Terzo?” He can’t resist teasing him as he writhes. He can’t hold himself back, but it enhances the experience to hear the words from the man.
“Y-Yes! Please, ‘Mega!” The human yelps, helpless as a third orgasm overtakes him at the same time as he’s pushed full of Ghoul knot and a river of cum. A small indent forms as Omega floods him with enough release to knock up any Ghoul, female presenting or not.
It’s probably a good thing that Terzo’s the one taking knots and not Mist.
Terzo’s slumps against the fluffy pillows with a fluttering heartbeat. He lets silence fill the spaces between their panting breaths. “You ruin me for everyone else,” Terzo says quietly once they’re locked together and calmed for a moment. “At the tailor’s I agreed with you; that shirt was ugly. It didn’t match my undertone. Gold was a much better choice.”
Omega buries his head in the human’s hair so he can laugh, hiking up his hips so the angle of penetration doesn’t hurt his hips. They’ll be stuck together for a while. “You’re such an asshole.”
“And you love both my personality and asshole, il mio adorabile demone .”
#terzomega#terzo x omega#smut#the band ghost#ghost#ghost bc#ghost band#ghumblr#nameless ghouls#papa terzo#papa 3#papa iii#papa emeritus iii#papa emeritus 3#omega ghoul#omega x terzo#bottom terzo#he is a sex pope#he is music video#ao3#ao3 fic#ghost fanfiction#ghost fanfic#the band ghost fanfiction#ghost bc fanfic
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It's a shame that there's 2 more fics before I get to show everyone my current fav interpretation of terzomega. I don't think y'all are ready for it. It's insane. It's beautiful. I hope it kills us all
#coffin oozes#terzomega#omega3#in the mean time. ill keep trying to write smut#but its difficultttt#i keep getting.... distracted.
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Also available on AO3
“I Wanna Be Yours”
Summary: Terzo and Omega get together after a tour dress rehearsal, and reveal their true feelings.
Reader Notes: gender neutral terms are used for Omega’s body, and masculine terms are used for Terzo’s.
Warnings/Tags: Terzomega, gender neutral, oral sex, fingering, penetrative sex, rough fuck, size difference, Terzo moaning, I wrote this instead of sleeping
Word Count: 2K
Terzo may have posed himself as an overconfident, cocksure asshole but Omega knew Terzo was a shell of a man who longed to love and be loved in return.
When the crowds and adoring fans were gone Terzo would often wallow in the emptiness and serotonin crash, finding himself at the bottom of an empty bottle. He never found solace in the drink; it was only a distraction to pass out intoxicated in the dressing rooms after a show.
Omega would find him tired but half-belligerent and carry him back to the hotel room for the night, making sure to tuck him in propped up with pillows before sweetly kissing his cheek and turning off the lights. Thankfully they were taller and broader than Terzo, and it was easy to swat away his drunken attempts to push them away. It pained them to see him this way, but he wasn’t always like this.
On the road or back at the Ministry, Terzo would take pleasure wherever and whenever he wanted, with whomever he wanted. But Omega knew they were his favorite, because he kept coming back for more. The way he would tease them onstage and strutted, almost like he was begging to get fucked. Omega would oblige, everytime, because Papa was the most generous lover they ever had. And who wouldn’t want to get fucked by an Emeritus - to be chosen?
Tonight he was in a good mood (and most importantly, sober). They were about to kick off another tour and had a successful dress rehearsal back at the Ministry. In between a couple of sets, he tried out a few new comedic lines, making flirtatious quips at Omega.
“Omega - take me right here, right now, Omega,” he growled to the invisible audience. “I want to be yours, Omega.” Thankfully, Omega was in their mask to hide blushing cheeks. Last Thursday the pair were in his office on the plush leather couch and Terzo was on top, Omega easily bouncing him up and down on their lap. The soft ways he said Omega’s name onstage sounded just like his desperate whimpers from that day.
The two walked back together to Terzo’s bedroom, laughing about the similarities of their last sexual encounter to his ritual standup “comedy.” Omega playfully pushed Terzo down the hall, a small power trip, knowing they could dominate Papa if they wanted to.
But tonight Terzo was the one in the mood for dominating. As soon as they were inside his room, Terzo trapped the ghoul by pinning them to the wall.
“Take this damn thing off so I can kiss you,” he said, not even waiting for Omega before ripping off the mask and tossing it on his dresser. He took the ghoul’s face in his hands and planted his mouth on theirs.
“Mmm!” Omega murmured into Terzo’s mouth, taken by surprise. Their lips parted to meet his, delicately caressing Papa’s. Papa met their soft touch with a coarse, primal urgency.
He pawed at their shirt, wanting to rip off the buttons - but suddenly remembered Sister would have his head if she had to order another costume in time for their performance. He huffed in annoyance, knowing he had neither the patience nor gracefulness in that moment not to rip the shirt off their back. “Take it off.” He pursed his lips, waiting impatiently to lay with his mate.
Seeing Papa so flustered and bothered made their thoughts race in such a way that would even make Lucifer blush. They unbuttoned the top and unzipped the pants, placing the show costume on the back of the leather side chair carefully to hopefully avoid wrinkles and having to iron it last minute. Why did humans even worry about such trivial things as clothes and their presentation anyway? They kicked off their shoes, and stood in front of Papa in just their boxer-briefs.
Terzo traced invisible lines along Omega’s chest with his fingertips, admiring his paramour. “Così perfetto,” he breathed, looking up into their eyes. As he gazed at Omega’s perfect body, the ghoul began to undress Papa, undoing all his buttons and zippers, until he too was standing in his underwear.
Suddenly his primadonna came out and he took his suit from Omega, waltzing over to the closet. He pulled a hanger out and carefully hung up his garments. “You better be completely naked by the time I come back,” he called. He walked back in, and they were both bare, gazing at one another longingly.
“On the bed,” he commanded, motioning for the ghoul to heed his order. Omega obeyed and backed into the bed, playfully spreading their legs apart, ensuring Terzo would get a good look at their sex.
He leaned against the wall, finally pulling off his gloves. “I am going to fuck you now, caro mio,” Terzo stated, as if that was not apparent to Omega by now.
He gazed down below Omega’s navel, in between their inner thighs. He wanted to bury his face in their soft, wet flesh and drink them.
“Are you waiting for an engraved invitation?” Omega asked, a half-cocked smile on their face.
Terzo shook his head and exhaled sharply out of his nose, always amused at their cheek, consistently choosing just the right moment to playfully sass their Papa. He rolled his eyes at Omega before sliding onto the bed and hooking his arms underneath their legs.
Terzo nipped at Omega’s thighs, his little bites turning into pecks peppering their legs until getting closer and closer. Terzo started to lightly suck on their swollen sex, a groan escaping his lips buzzing against flesh, in turn eliciting a small cry from Omega.
“Alla mia piccola puttana piace?” Terzo asked, knowing full well Omega did not currently have the cognitive ability to translate his provocative phrases. When Omega did not respond (as expected), Terzo chuckled and murmured, “Il mio piccolo tesoro,” before continuing.
Now that, Omega understood - and smiled, before shifting their hips a little on Terzo’s mouth for more friction. Terzo’s raven hair fell down in front of his face and tickled the inside of their thighs. Terzo bobbed his head up and down, alternating between sucking and flicking his tongue, and every so often would glance up and look into Omega’s eyes - which were closed for the most part. Omega grabbed a fistful of Terzo’s dark locks, pulling him closer and grinding on his face.
“Così impaziente per il tuo Papa,” Terzo said, breaking away, an arrogant smile on his face. He pet their entrance with the tip of his finger playfully.
Omega nearly rolled their eyes at his brash behaviors, still not quite able to translate but understanding the meaning from his tone of voice regardless. Terzo had a habit of falling into his mother tongue when engrossed in his affairs, a frantic attempt to seem more alluring and mysterious. They did not fall into Terzo’s laid traps, but instead fell for the man he truly was; passionate and sentimental, their lover. If only the third Emeritus knew how to genuinely be himself…
Their thoughts trailed off and eyes fluttered, as Terzo continued in a more frenzied pace, his finger still hovering over their entrance.
He spat on his hand and slipped two fingers inside, Omega’s body welcoming him in with ease. “Cazzo, così fottutamente stretto e bagnato,” he groaned into the sheets, shifting on the mattress, almost humping it. Omega gasped and clung to the sheets as Terzo brushed against their sensitive spot. “Mi fa venire voglia di essere dentro di te, ma hai un sapore così dolce,” he continued, whining in a bratty manner.
Omega looked at him, sure of his intent but unsure of the words. “English,” they grunted through moans.
“I cannot decide if I want to continue tasting you, or be inside you,” Terzo said, sitting up and watching their chest rise and fall as he continued pumping his fingers in and out of their entrance. He rested his chin on their knee, pouting.
“If I taste so good, then why did you stop?” they asked, looking up at him seductively.
Terzo rolled his eyes once more and dove back in, inhaling their scent and lapping up their juices, fingering Omega close to orgasm but stopping just short of letting them cum. He withdrew his fingers and cleaned them off in his mouth. “I can’t have you cum so soon,” he said, watching their chest heave and their hips twitch towards his now fully erect cock.
Omega clutched at Terzo’s thighs, desperately trying to get him closer. He stood up and began to rummage in his nightstand drawer, pulling out a sleeve of condom wrappers and tearing one off.
“Don’t,” Omega whispered breathlessly, propping themselves up on their elbows. “I want to feel you - all of you.”
“You sure?” Terzo asked, raising an eyebrow. “We’ve never - ”
“Yes,” Omega interrupted him.
“Okay,” he responded, not completely sold on the idea. “I’m not going to cum inside you.” He put the condoms back in the drawer and pulled out a bottle of lube.
Omega nodded in response. “I just need to feel you.”
“Mmm, how badly do you need me?” he asked, smirking as he slid back onto the bed, hovering over them. He held himself up over them, placing the head of his cock at their entrance teasingly while spreading lube on himself and Omega.
Omega whimpered quietly, needing to be filled by their Papa. “Please Papa,” they whispered.
“So formal.” He cocked his head to the side, looking into the ghoul’s eyes with warmth and affection.
“My Terzo, please.”
“‘My Terzo’?” he quizzed.
His Grucifix necklace dangled onto Omega’s chest, a stinging cold from the metal combined with Terzo’s mimic of them snapping them out of their enamored gaze. “Oh shit - I mean, I just meant - ”
“Shhh,” Terzo said, shutting them up with a long and passionate kiss on the lips. “I want to be yours, Omega. Tonight I am yours.” He sloppily and hastily kissed along the ghoul’s face, then turned them on their side. He kneeled beside them, his cock level with their entrance, and held onto their hip and upper thigh.
He slid inside them, having worked them up enough that their body invited him in effortlessly. “Fuck!” he shouted at the same time Omega gasped. “Mmm… così buono per me. Stai andando così bene per Papa.” He couldn’t help but thrust fast in and out, clinging onto their hip and pummeling into them in a furious, excited passion. Omega caught a glimpse of his face contorted in pleasure. He let out ecstatic cries with wanton abandon as he dug his nails into their skin, pushing them deeper into the mattress.
In a single motion, he flipped Omega onto their stomach, thrashing in and out of them wildly, pushing their head down into the pillows. Omega choked and gasped through Terzo’s every motion, climax inching closer and closer. In this position - expertly planned - Terzo was hitting their spot perfectly with each thrust.
“Ohh, fuck - !” the ghoul screamed as they came, Terzo still penetrating quickly. They shuddered underneath him, body pulsing around Terzo’s cock, squeezing him and making him lose control and roughly fuck into them even harder.
“Oh Lucifer, dio mio,” Terzo murmured along with several strung together Italian curses, while slipping out. With one hand on the back of Omega’s head, the other on his cock, he shot lines of warm cum all over their back, grunting, each stroke shooting more out.
He caught his breath a little, then reached for the tissue box on the nightstand, and wiped his cum off Omega’s back gingerly. He brushed softly, admiring the soft curvature of their back and the little dimples just above the ghoul’s ass.
Terzo laid beside Omega, who rolled onto their back next to a panting Terzo, both exhausted and spent. “Potrei innamorarmi di te,” he said, confidently believing Omega still did not know enough Italian to comprehend.
Oh the folly of an arrogant man, thought Omega. He’d spoken enough Italian around the ghouls that they had all picked up a little bit of his language. Now that Omega wasn’t being pummeled within an inch of their life, they understood. They smiled softly, unbeknownst to Terzo who closed his eyes and began to drift asleep.
Italian to English
- Così perfetto (So perfect)
- caro mio (my dear)
- Alla mia piccola puttana piace? (Is my little whore enjoying this?)
- Il mio piccolo tesoro (My good little dear)
- Così impaziente per il tuo Papa (So eager for your Papa)
- Cazzo, così fottutamente stretto e bagnato (Fuck, so fucking tight and wet)
- Mi fa venire voglia di essere dentro di te, ma hai un sapore così dolce (Makes me want to be inside you, but you taste so sweet)
- così bravo per me. Stai andando così bene per Papa. (so good for me. You’re doing so well for Papa.)
- dio mio (my god)
- Potrei innamorarmi di te (I could fall in love with you)
#terzo#the band ghost#terzomega#ghost#ghost bc#ghost band#fanfic#ao3fic#papa emeritus iii#omega ghoul#kinktober#kinktober 2023#terzhoe#the band ghost fanfiction#papa emeritus smut#ghost band smut#terzo smut#omega ghost
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The Way We Fit
TerzOmega ~ Smut below the cut 4k words Yes, Omega is much larger than Terzo, with fangs and claws, but Terzo won't let that get in the way of their love. (Size difference k!nk) Based on the character depictions of Terzo and Omega that have been lovingly crafted by @kabukiaku , thank you so much for continuing to allow me to write stories based on your characters, and for giving me guidance and insight along the way! They truly are so special to me, and writing them is always such a fun process!
If you enjoy this story, check out her other socials too! kabukiaku's Ao3 kabukiaku's Ko-fi ---
Terzo checked his phone for what felt like the hundredth time. It had been fifteen minutes since Omega had last responded, and Terzo was getting a little antsy. He had been torturing Omega all day, sending him texts and photos that were at first just suggestive, but eventually became explicit as his excitement grew.
Omega's replies were shy, at first, but slowly got bolder, trying to match Terzo's energy. He was considering sending Omega an even racier photo in the hopes of speeding his arrival along, when he finally heard a key in the door to his chambers. Terzo’s expression twisted into a devilish grin. Today had been a long day; he had been waiting very patiently for Omega to come home. He was in the mood, and he knew just the ghoul for the job.
Terzo arranged himself just so on the bed, leaning back on his elbows with his legs bent at the knee in front of him. He was wearing nothing but sheer black thigh-high stockings and a pair of black lace panties, which he was already straining against. By the time Omega walked into the bedroom, wild eyes widening even further upon seeing Terzo laid out so pretty for him, Terzo felt like his body was on fire. He was itching to be touched.
Terzo didn’t know what had come over him today, but since they woke up that morning, he had felt an insatiable NEED gnawing at him, threatening to eat him alive.
He had wanted to try and satisfy his need that morning, but they had been up all night fooling around the previous night; by the time they finally woke up, Omega had to leave for his ministry obligations, leaving Terzo all alone in his chambers on his day off. He had wanted to drag Omega back to bed, to beg him to stay, but he knew Omega would've done it, for him, and gotten in trouble. He had spent the whole day unable to think about anything other than Omega, and so, feverishly, he decided to make it both of their problem. If he couldn’t have his ghoul now, he would make sure that Omega would be prepared for him later.
Evidently his plan had worked, if the visible bulge in Omega’s pants was to be believed; Terzo’s grin widened.
“Terzo…” Omega croaked out, towering over him, a hand twitching at his side.
“You’re finally home, my darling,” Terzo purred sweetly. He spread his legs, beckoning Omega forward with a curl of his finger. “Come here, big boy.”
Omega practically ripped his mask off in his haste, letting it fall to the floor. Terzo’s heart skipped a beat at the expression on his face, all hunger and yet still full of such tenderness. Sweat had already begun to bead on his brow. His jaw was tense, and his eyes were scanning up and down Terzo’s body, drinking him in.
He approached Terzo slowly, almost reverent as he crouched down on the bed by Terzo’s feet. He moved to kiss Terzo’s calve before looking up at him, eyes questioning. Terzo’s smile softened as he nodded, reaching down to ruffle Omega's soft white hair affectionately.
Omega took one leg in his large hand, stroking up the back of it. He kissed his way from ankle to inner thigh, repeating the process with the other leg. His breath was hot and heavy on Terzo's skin, and Terzo began to squirm loosely in Omega's hold as lips and tongue tickled closer to where he wanted them. By the time Omega's mouth finally pressed a lingering kiss to his bulge, Terzo had begun to sweat as well, electricity coursing through his veins. Terzo grabbed Omega gently under the chin, tilting his face up to make eye contact.
“I want you inside me tonight, amore,” Terzo breathed, wanting to cut right to the chase and make his intentions known. Omega blinked, eyes growing impossibly wider.
“Are you sure, mia luce?” Omega stammered, his grey skin flushing darker. Omega shifted his weight on the bed, rubbing his legs together subtly. It was true that it wasn't their most common bedroom activity; due to their size difference, it was quite taxing on Terzo to have full penetrative sex with Omega. Tonight, though, Terzo was craving Omega as though his life depended on the press of their bodies together.
“Sì. I need you,” Terzo responded as though he’d never been more sure of anything, eyes lidded heavily. He ran a thumb over Omega’s bottom lip, tugging it down gently. Omega swallowed hard before grabbing Terzo’s hand in his own, turning his face into it and kissing Terzo’s palm. Omega staggered to his feet, going to fish a bottle of lubricant from the nightstand. He began to fumble with the lid of the bottle, seemingly forgetting about both of their clothes still being in the way in his haste. Terzo chuckled.
“My my, amore, so impatient,” Terzo tutted, as though he had any room to talk. Omega looked dumbfounded before realizing what he was doing. He hastily set the bottle on the bed, then made as though he were going to remove Terzo’s panties, but Terzo stopped him gently, catching his hand.
“Strip for me?” Terzo asked, voice saccharine as he batted his eyelashes. “Slowly,” he added, almost as an afterthought.
Omega eagerly complied, unbuttoning his shirt with trembling hands. Despite his eagerness, he did his best to take his time for Terzo. As he peeled back his layers, Terzo could see that his poor ghoul’s flush continued from the tips of his ears all the way down to his broad, muscled chest. Terzo nearly drooled at the sight of so much bare skin. After he had discarded his belt, Omega hesitated for the briefest of moments before beginning on his trousers. As he finally freed himself from his underwear, he glanced up at Terzo expectantly. It was Terzo’s turn to rub his thighs together. He inhaled loudly as he bit his lip, staring with open want.
“Mm, my beautiful ghoul is such a big boy,” Terzo crowed, wanting to shower Omega with praise. Omega looked chuffed, preening a little. “Sì. So beautiful… I want to taste.” Terzo’s tongue came out to lick its way up two of his own fingers, putting them fully in his mouth before slowly drawing them out through pursed lips, working to maintain eye contact. Omega’s cock jumped.
“Come play with me.” Terzo’s voice was syrupy, and all the invitation Omega needed to pounce. Omega crossed the room to Terzo before he could blink, and then he was upon him, kneeling again on the bed and pulling urgently at Terzo’s panties. This time Terzo didn’t slow him, wanting to be freed from the suffocating fabric to feel his lover’s touch. Terzo kicked the panties haphazardly across the room once Omega had gotten them down his legs. Omega grabbed him then, touch impatient. Terzo groaned, throwing his head back. He had been craving this all day, but at the rate at which Omega was moving in his enthusiasm, Terzo was worried about their night being cut unceremoniously short.
“S-stop, amore,” Terzo cautioned as Omega was mid-stroke, trying to catch his breath. “You are getting me too riled up,” he quickly added as he felt Omega freeze in an instant. Terzo scratched between Omega’s horns, feeling guilty for worrying him. Omega instantly melted, turning to putty in his hands. He rested his head on Terzo’s hip as he waited for direction, looking up at him with eyes full of adoration. His ragged breath was hot on Terzo’s skin. Terzo tugged gently at Omega’s hair, pulling him up to his face.
“Kiss me,” Terzo whispered. At once Omega’s mouth was on his, hungry and invading in a way that was incredibly welcome. He bit Omega’s lower lip gently, pulling it into his mouth, and Omega moaned. Terzo’s hands floated up to cradle Omega’s face, the pads of his thumbs running along his cheekbones. Throbbing turned to a persistent ache as their tongues danced together, and Terzo didn’t know how much more teasing he could take. Spreading his legs wider, Terzo coaxed Omega into making his way between his thighs. Omega followed his lead, breaking away from the kiss with a soft sound as he got himself into position.
“I need you, Omega,” Terzo reminded him softly, taking Omega in hand and stroking him delicately. Shuddering at his touch, Omega nuzzled the side of Terzo’s face. Terzo searched for where Omega had set the bottle of lube down on the bed before his striptease, wriggling in Omega’s hold to reach it. When he finally got it, he flicked open the cap, slicking the fingers of one hand with a generous amount. He handed the bottle to Omega.
Omega rocked back on his heels, giving both of them space to prepare. Terzo hissed as he slipped a finger into himself, slowly thrusting in and out. When he was comfortable, he added a second, and then, since Omega was so big, a third. Omega slicked his cock as he watched, enraptured, precum beading at his tip. Terzo curled his fingers, massaging, milking himself, enjoying the way Omega’s eyes watched hungrily as precum pooled on Terzo's stomach. Terzo groaned self-indulgently. He was as prepared for Omega's massive size as he could be. At this point, Terzo was just having fun with him.
Terzo withdrew his fingers from himself and beckoned Omega forward. Omega drew closer, reaching behind them to grab a pillow and propping Terzo’s hips up for easier access. Omega caressed Terzo's chest, then stomach.
“Are you ready?” Omega asked in a hushed voice.
“I am,” Terzo replied confidently, sure in his desires.
Terzo thought back to the first time they had done this, the first time that Omega had been inside of him. Omega had been sweating before they even started, trembling with nerves, so worried that he was going to hurt him despite Terzo’s endless reassurances. When he realized how afraid Omega truly was, Terzo had stopped them, cradling his ghoul’s head in his lap and soothing him until he steadied. They had a long talk, then, about boundaries, and how they didn't have to do anything that Omega didn’t want to. About how size wasn’t a factor that Terzo cared about, and how he never wanted it to be something that came between them.
Yes, Omega was twice his size, with beautiful fangs and claws, and in many ways, it was true that their bodies didn’t quite fit together. But they loved each other, and Terzo wouldn't let anything get in the way of expressing that love. Terzo even found those differences quite enticing, something that he had no problem admitting to Omega. When Omega had finally pushed inside of him that night, when they had finally united, it was all either of them could do not to finish far too early.
Terzo closed his eyes for just a moment, grounding himself in the present before he could get lost in sweet nostalgia. Omega moved closer, lining himself up with Terzo’s entrance, too focused on his task to notice that Terzo's mind had been elsewhere. He looked to Terzo for the go-ahead, face flushed, not quite meeting his eyes. Terzo smiled warmly at him, his own face surely a deep shade of pink by now. When Omega gingerly worked his tip inside, Terzo’s eyes rolled back, hissing before letting out a long, low moan as he was stretched. He had been aching for this all day.
“Yes! Oh, you feel so good, amore,” Terzo gasped, desperately aroused, biting his lip and letting his hands float up above him on the bed. Omega slowly pushed inside with a grunt, a look of concentration on his face as he gradually inserted as much of his shaft as he felt comfortable with. He rested, allowing Terzo a moment to adjust to his considerable girth. Terzo attempted to grind down on him anyway, shifting his hips. He was starved for more.
“Nn… deeper,” Terzo moaned breathily. Omega pushed inside just a little further, hesitant. Terzo knew from experience that he was pushing his luck, but he had to try.
“Deeper!” Terzo urged him on, panting.
“I really don’t think–”
“Please, Omega!” Terzo begged greedily, eyes wild and pleading as his chest heaved. Omega grabbed Terzo’s hands up above him, leaning forward, effectively pinning him to the bed. Terzo felt his cock jump at the suggestion of being physically restrained, but Omega's expression was one of concern.
“I don’t want to hurt you, tesoro,” Omega said sternly, voice firm. Terzo met his gaze, Omega's soft eyes boring into him. Terzo felt a twinge of guilt for pushing him too far. Releasing one of Terzo’s hands, Omega propped himself up to lean down to meet Terzo’s lips in a tender kiss, full of unspoken feelings. Terzo kissed him back with a shuddering sigh, his free hand coming up to tangle in Omega’s hair. Their kiss steadied him, and Terzo felt his clawing, overwhelming need calm, just a little. Just enough.
Terzo brought his legs up to wrap around Omega's large frame, locking his ankles. Omega cautiously began to move, slowly at first, but as his confidence grew, so did his momentum. Their breath came out in huffs, twining together. Terzo urged him on with the responsiveness of his body, moving with Omega and encouraging him to pick up both speed and force.
“Aaah, Omega!” Terzo cried, reaching out a hand, wanting to touch, he didn't care where. “You are doing so good, mio caro… so good,” Terzo praised him. Omega shivered, finally allowing himself to relax, surrendering freely to pleasure, beginning to make noises of his own. He hoisted Terzo’s legs further up his body, tucking them under his arms. His large hands wrapped around Terzo’s hips, claws digging as he gripped tight.
Terzo looked down, watching as a bulge in his belly disappeared and reappeared with each thrust, visible proof of his lover filling him. He was so intensely turned on by the sight that he felt lightheaded, balling the sheets up in his fists. When he watched as Omega gave a particularly forceful thrust, he reluctantly made himself tear his eyes away, his worries about cumming prematurely becoming a little too real.
An idea came to Terzo then, one that was too enticing to pass up. Terzo wanted to catch Omega up to where he was, in the hopes that they could finish together. Terzo felt around the bed blindly, looking for the discarded bottle. Finding his prize, Terzo asked for Omega's tail, stroking it lovingly, sensually, when it was presented to him. Omega to let out a shuddering moan. Terzo brought the narrow spaded tip to his lips, planting a kiss on its apex.
“Would you play with yourself for me?” Terzo murmured against Omega's skin. Omega whimpered, nodding emphatically, looking excited. Terzo lubed up the end of Omega's tail, taking his time, perhaps teasing him a bit more than was necessary. When Terzo finally released him, Omega allowed the tip of his tail to snake around behind him, penetrating himself. He pushed inside just enough to brush against his own prostate, letting out the most beautiful sigh.
Terzo tightened his thighs around Omega, wanting to get as close to him as possible. He wanted to touch Omega, to run his hands and his mouth all along his body, but in their current position, he couldn’t. Terzo whined, writhing under the ghoul. He was nearing his limit, pleasure building deliciously at the base of his spine. His hips moved in time with Omega’s motions, and he was overcome with a desire to ride Omega, to bounce and grind and control the speed and depth on his own. He would have to talk to Omega about letting them try that for a future encounter…
“Omega… I want you to cum inside me, amore… Please...” Terzo panted before repeating Omega’s name. He knew his dirty talk always made Omega weak, and he needed him to buckle before he lost his own grip on his control. Omega huffed through his nose, concentrating and picking up speed. Terzo began to drool, head thrown back in ecstasy, his speech turning into incoherent babbling.
Omega tightened his grip on Terzo’s hips, moving inside of Terzo and playing with himself all the while. Omega began to whimper, and Terzo could tell he was close. Unable to speak, he began to moan loudly, wanting to spur Omega on. It was working. Omega bucked hard, trying to restrain himself in order to protect Terzo, to not bury the entirety of his girthy length within him, but he was visibly struggling with his composure.
“Terzo…” Omega hissed out through gritted teeth, desperation in his voice. Omega reached out and grabbed Terzo’s cock, working him furiously. Terzo shouted at the added stimulation, back arching off the bed. He tried to hold on for as long as he could, but this was a battle he couldn’t win. It was an unspoken game between them, to see who could make the other climax first; neither of them wanted to finish before the other was satisfied, but inevitably, someone had to lose.
Tonight’s loser proved to be Terzo. He came with an agonizing wail as orgasm tore through him, his release painting hot streaks across his heaving chest. Pleasure washed over him for what felt like a blissful eternity. As he began to come down, Terzo bit his lip against a whine as Omega continued to move inside of him, overstimulated but needing with everything in him to let Omega finish.
“Omega..” Terzo whispered over and over like a prayer. “Please… Cum in me, Omega, I need you,” More dirty talk. He knew exactly how to push Omega’s buttons, how to overwhelm his senses. Omega lost it then, his cock kicking inside of Terzo as he came with a guttural groan, the dam finally breaking. His seed spilled out of Terzo, dripping onto the sheets.
As Omega braced himself with trembling arms on either side of Terzo’s head, sweaty and winded and struggling for air, Terzo felt an overpowering warmth and affection bloom through his chest. He wanted to cradle Omega in his arms, to stroke his hair and smother him with kisses, but in his current position he settled for reaching up to cup his jaw. Omega leaned into his touch.
Omega pulled out of Terzo slowly, carefully. Terzo mourned the loss. Standing on unsteady legs, Omega briefly left to get a towel, ever the gentleman, and helped Terzo clean up. Terzo silently wished that he would just leave it be for the moment and stay within his reach, free to touch, but he appreciated the gesture nonetheless. When Omega settled down beside him it wasn’t a moment too soon, and Terzo descended upon him immediately, caressing and kissing and quietly singing praises. His hands and mouth explored Omega’s face and body, touch insistent, making up for all of the contact he couldn’t indulge in while they were in their previous position. Omega chuckled, reveling in the attention he was being showered with.
“Feeling better now, Papa?” Omega teased. He reached for Terzo, coaxing him back up to his level, stealing a kiss himself. “For a minute there I forgot which one of us was the demon,” Omega joked. Terzo cringed, feeling guilty.
“Sì. I am so sorry, my darling. I guess I did get a little out of control,” Terzo said, remorseful over the prospect of having perturbed Omega. “I am sorry for being such a menace.” Omega’s smile widened, and he took another kiss, making sure to take his time.
“What are you apologizing for, mia luce?” he asked against Terzo’s lips. “I don’t think I’ve ever been so turned on in my life.” Another kiss, this time with plenty of tongue. Terzo felt a spark of arousal race through him, though his body was too tired to follow through with it. He groaned into Omega’s mouth.
“Mio amato monstro…” Terzo breathed against Omega’s cheek when they broke apart. Omega started trailing languid kisses down Terzo’s neck, his chest. “I shouldn’t have distracted you while you were working. I don’t want to get you in trouble,” he continued, genuinely repentant.
“Worth it,” Omega stated simply, shrugging. They continued trading lazy kisses and lingering touches until Omega decided that they needed to get ready for bed.
“It’s getting late, tesoro,” Omega said reluctantly, pushing up on one elbow.
“It’s not that late yet,” Terzo scoffed, wanting to continue to bask in the afterglow that they’d been indulging in together for quite some time.
“Maybe not, but we still have to clean up and eat. We both have to work tomorrow, it’s Sunday,” Omega reminded him. Terzo grimaced. “I don’t want you giving another half-asleep sermon. Sister Imperator really chewed you out the last time that happened.” Terzo rolled his eyes, remembering the talking-to he’d had to sit through the last time that he and Omega had fucked away a Saturday night.
“Hm. Maybe you’re right,” Terzo conceded. He grimaced as he sat up. “Let us take a bath first.” He went to stand, not realizing how weak his legs felt until they started to give out under him. Omega lunged to catch him, pulling him back to sit on the edge of the bed. Terzo chuckled, trying to play it off. He made to stand again, batting Omega away when he tried to help, but Omega was having none of it and scooped him up in his arms.
Terzo started to protest, indignant at being carried like a child, but soon relaxed at Omega’s warmth and the scent of his skin. He knew Omega just wanted to help, that he wasn’t looking down on him. Terzo sighed. Tonight was not the night to be stubborn, he was far too worn out for that.
Omega carefully sat Terzo down on the edge of the tub and began preparing a bath. He kissed Terzo on the crown of his head and left to change their bedsheets while the water ran. Terzo felt lonelier than he usually did in Omega’s absence. When the bath was ready and Omega had returned, they slipped into the water together. They made quick work of washing each other, wanting to get to their favorite part: relaxing. Terzo sat firmly between Omega’s legs, his back to Omega’s chest, Omega’s arms wrapped loosely around him. Terzo hummed to Omega softly, and Omega’s tail came up to wrap around Terzo’s leg.
Terzo grabbed one of Omega’s hands in his own, examining it. His was tiny in comparison. If they were to try and lock their fingers together, to hold hands in the traditional way, they wouldn’t quite fit right. They were frequently having to come up with creative ways to get around their difference in size, but that never bothered Terzo. He and Omega would do anything to fit together. To complement each other.
Terzo pressed his face into Omega’s hand with a sigh, leaning into it. He kissed Omega’s palm, and then up each of his fingers, slowly, deliberately. When his tongue came out to taste Omega’s skin, Terzo couldn’t help but rub his thighs together. He felt Omega’s cock twitch at his back.
“Don’t go getting yourself all worked up again, tesoro,” Omega chuckled breathily, his tone playful. “We need to actually sleep tonight.”
“Do we?” Terzo asked idly, stroking Omega’s arm. “I think I can handle a little tongue-lashing just fine. Surprisingly well, actually,” he quipped as Omega’s other hand began to glide its way down Terzo’s body. Terzo tilted his face up, lips seeking and being quickly met. It was an awkward kiss, truthfully, upside down and wet. Terzo wouldn’t have traded it for the world. When it broke, Terzo spun in his hold, straddling Omega’s lap instead.
No, maybe they didn’t always fit together perfectly, but they wouldn’t have it any other way.
#kabukiaku#kabukiaku au#terzomega#terzo and omega#terzo x omega#omega3#omega ghoul#size difference#ghost#ghost bc#terzo#ghost the band#papa emeritus iii#papa terzo#ghost band#papa iii#ghost smut#terzomega smut#terzomega fic#terzomega fanfiction#morningstars writes#terzo smut#terzo fanfiction
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Worth the Risk - Terzomega Oneshot
Smut. Minors DNI.
Omega and Terzo have adult fun time for the first time.
A/N - VERY CLICHE "sneaking into bedroom late at night" type shit but it's fun to write.
The corridors of the ministry were uncannily silent during these hours of the night, or morning, considering it was in the AM. However, everyone was asleep at 1 AM, apart from Omega who cautiously clung to the dark gray walls as he traveled silently down the hall, his steps wide and quick. He would not have to travel far, as his own dorm was at the end of the Siblings hall, only a corner away from the elevator that led to the next floor where the Emeritus hall was located. Unfortunately, though, his destination was the last room, since his newly obtained partner was the youngest in the family and subsequently had his room created last.
Omega’s anxiety was almost tangible, coursing through his body in the form of quintessence that caused his veins to glow a faint white. It was covered in his nightwear mostly apart from his hands, his neck being too bulky to really show it. The crevasses in his horns emitted a soft, dark purple, the colors spiking as he slowed his pace past Secondo’s room. He was not as nervous about Primo. Primo was just as friendly towards the ghouls as Terzo was, yet it was still not a comforting thought for someone to know about his and Terzo’s secret affair. He debated for hours over the phone with Terzo about whether or not the risk was worth it, eventually caving to the temptation after receiving a suggestive image of Terzo’s neck and bare shoulders that were perfectly illuminated from the orange glow of his bedside lamp.
Omega just about broke into a sprint as he successfully made it past Secondo’s room, raising a shaking hand to knock on Terzo’s door. It would be their first entirely private meeting together, and there was no time for Omeg’s nerves to make him hesitate due to the secrecy of their relationship. They could not be caught by a wandering Sibling or Clergy member at any cost. Just as he knocked, the door squeaked open, and Terzo gently guided Omega in by latching onto his fingers and pulling him inside the room.
The room was very dark in nature. The walls were panted black, the bay window draped over with a lacy purple curtain. Black, purple and gold was the theme, which made perfect sense to Omega considering Terzo’s choice in papal attire. Omega was almost distracted by how beautifully the room was decorated, but snapped out of his admiration when the bed squeaked. He looked down at the shorter man, his heart dropping and face heating up in glowy purple blush as he realized what Terzo was wearing.
Lavender lingerie clung tightly to Terzo’s chest and hips, barely concealing his nipples, his bulge very apparent. He leaned back on his hands, his head cocked to the side as he crossed his legs, which were clothed with tight black stockings and garters strapped to his thighs. If the attire wasn’t enough to make Omega’s knees feel weak, then the slight pudge around the openings of the stockings and the way the garters dug into his delicately smooth thighs absolutely was. This was not visible in Terzo’s teasing photos he had sent his ghoul earlier.
The effect of Terzo’s unexpected choice of clothing made Omega’s knees wobble, and it took a simple snap of Terzo’s fingers and his index pointing downward for Omega to act as if his body was not his own, dropping down to sit on his knees. He moved forward, and gently put his clawed hands on Terzo’s knees, looking up at him, grateful that Terzo decided to take the lead. Terzo hummed in approval and arched his back, legs still crossed, exposing the curve in his lower belly and hips.
Feeling his calves, Omega found even the more muscular portions of Terzo’s body felt as dainty as he imagined those thighs and that abdomen would feel. To test his theory, Omega slid his palms upward, gripping his thighs with light pressure as Terzo uncrossed his legs. He found himself to be correct with a gentle gasp, Omega’s thick fingers dipping the skin around his thumbs, caressing with purpose. They were so silky, so smooth. An addictive feeling, the immediately developed emotional dependency causing him to push himself between his legs, rubbing up to his hips, to his waist, turning his head to leave kitten licks across his inner thigh.
”Cosí gentile, caro… Good ghoul.” Terzo sighed, his fingers now running through Omega’s white hair. Omega’s fingers climbed up to his bralette, slipping under the fabric and gliding over his pink nipples, causing Terzo to twitch and shiver.
Omega lifted upwards, still on his knees. He began kissing up his thighs, approaching dangerously close to his sensitive areas, skipping over it to plant his lips on his stomach. His hands slid to his sides, to his back, and then back to his hips, kneading his fingertips into them and teasingly playing with the thin strings that kept Terzo from being exposed.
Terzo moaned quietly as Omega began to leave small love bites across his stomach, moving his hands down to rub his back. Omega tested the waters, sliding his thumb back and forth between Terzo’s legs, growing closer to what he really wanted. It had grown twice in size since this worship began, growing warmer by the second.
“You want it, do you not?” Terzo whispered, moving his right thigh to encourage Omega more inward. “Do you want it?”
“I want it.” Omega whispered back, harshly, desperately. His fingers glided over the panties, rubbing Terzo’s solid tip with his thumb. Terzo moaned, leaning his head back and lifting his hips, allowing Omega to wiggle the panties down and rest on his thighs.
Omega’s breath lingered on Terzo’s cock as Omega admired it. It kicked, the tip glistening with small beads of precum. Greedily, Omega poked his tongue out and licked it, earning yet another shaky moan from Terzo before a gasp as Omega inserted his cock into his mouth. Terzo’s hands gripped Omega’s hair, his breath hiccuping as Omega bobbed up and down, occasionally pulling up to let his tongue swirl around the tip and drool dripped all the way down to the base. His claws caressed Terzo’s skin, soft as feathers, fragile as can be. Each gentle drag of his claws left faint red marks down his sides and hips, so he switched to his palms, watching from the side at the skin caving under his touch.
Omega could feel Terzo throb in his throat, his hands now gripping his thighs to keep him from squirming too much as his breath picked up and his back arched once more. Terzo scratched at Terzo’s back, leaving red marks of his own, though his blunt nails could never do much damage to the ghoul.
“Oh, cazzo-! Omega!” Terzo gasped, sucking in air through his teeth, his hips bucking. They jolted once more, and Omega listened to his squeaky groan as a thick substance filled his throat, burning up to his mouth and leaving some strings on his tongue for Omega to savor. He pulled off of Terzo slowly, purposefully flicking his tongue off of Terzo’s tip to make him shudder and whine. They both caught their breath before Terzo sighed.
”Good ghoul… Such a good ghoul.” He rubbed Omeg’s horn, leaning over to kiss the tip of each of them. Omega smiled and kissed his way up Terzo’s torso, rubbing his hands up his arms and leaning him back on the bead, hovering over him.
“Ah…” Terso whimpered, his own hand gliding down to touch Omega’s rock hard bulge with a smirk, “you deserve a reward, mio bravo ragazzo.”
“No,” Omega whispered, stopping Terzo’s hand and leaning down, his lips overtop Terzo’s, “maybe another night.”
”Why?” Terzo tried to sit up, concerned, but Omega stayed put, forcing Terzo to keep lying down. Omega pressed a gentle kiss against his soft lips.
”You will need… Preparation.” Omega blushed, unable to stop the smirk as Terzo’s eyes widened. “Next time.”
Terzo nodded, not wanting to pressure the ghoul if he really felt it was not a good idea yet. Though his vagueness intrigued him. He must really be packing something for the horny ghoul to deny him out of mercy. In its place, Omega delivered another gentle kiss, moving to lie down next to Terzo, trailing his kisses across his jaw and cheek before pulling away fully with a smile. Terzo giggled and faced Omega, quickly reaching down to pull his panties up and cover himself in a blanket.
“Are you cold?” Omega asked, his tail wrapping around Terzo’s thigh under the blanket. Terzo nodded and scooted closer.
”Come here, then.” Omega opened his arms and Terzo eagerly took his invitation, lying on Omega’s chest, feeling his strong arms hold him close. Omega purred lowly, and it was as if Omega was Terzo’s personal heater. At least, for tonight.
#ghost#the band ghost#ghost bc#terzo#papa emeritus iii#terzomega#omega ghoul#omega3#ghost fanfiction#terzomega fanfiction#ghost smut#terzomega smut
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Beer Bottle — Terzomega drabble
1.1k words
Terzo shows up only two hours before a ritual, asking Omega for help.
this is FLUFF, no smut. just a comfort piece between two lovers bc starting up school again has been stressful<3 now ik this damn website demands smut, so in exchange for that appeal, i offer you my art. (more images under the cut)

“What did you get yourself into?”
Terzo shifted, wrapping his unbuttoned shirt that was falling around his shoulders tighter around his arms. He reached up and played with his grucifix, fiddling at the black cross with his fingers.
“I said no questions,” Terzo responded, flicking his eyes away from Omega’s intense stare. He pressed the grucifix against his lips, nibbling on it subconsciously.
Omega took a step back. He just had healed a cut on Terzo’s shoulder, turning it from a nasty gash to nothing but a faint scar, one that would certainly disappear within the week. Omega frowned, studying his face. “You’ll have to redo your paint soon.”

“Can you do it? It is faster when it is someone else.”
“I can’t do it, I’m not your makeup artist.”
“Oh, how hard is it, eh?” Terzo said, frustrated. “It is just a fucking skull!”
Omega crossed his arms, ignoring the outburst. “Tell me what happened last night.”
Terzo sighed. He was sitting on a bathroom counter at the back of a concert venue, only two hours before they were set to perform. He had approached Omega—careful to sneak past the crew and other ghouls—who immediately overreacted upon seeing him. All Terzo had wanted was for him to heal his wound, but Omega clearly had other ideas.
Omega, ever patient, put his hands on Terzo’s shoulders. “Why the hell did you come here looking like this?”
“Err… I overslept.”
Omega’s glare was intense, intimidating. Terzo shrunk under his imposing presence. Questioning, accusing.
“Tell me. Please, Terzo,” Omega said firmly. He cupped his face with his hand, gently brushing his cheek with his thumb.
Terzo could not hold it in anymore. His lips twisted down, parting slightly, a short cry slipping out of him. He covered his face, shoulders shaking, and began to weep.
“Oh— Fuck—“ Terzo sobbed. “No— Dammit, Omega…”
At once he was met with arms around him, with a gentle hand running through his hair, with tender coos and whispers, with back scratches.
“My tersoro.” Omega kissed his head. “It’s okay. Deep breaths, now.”
Terzo squeezed his eyes shut tightly, willing the tears to cease flowing. He took in one long breath after another. Focusing on inhaling, exhaling. The way his chest rose and made their embrace tighter, the way it collapsed and made them closer. Omega’s warmth was a great comfort after the night’s ordeal.
Terzo pulled away, turning to the mirror behind him.
“Satanas, now I really need to fix my face,” he half laughed, half sobbed, sucking in a quick breath.
Omega grabbed his chin and coaxed him into facing him. “Don’t worry about that; Talk to me.”
Terzo looked away shamefully. “I may have partied a little too hard.”
Omega tilted his head. “That’s not it.”
Terzo held out his hands, exasperated. “That is why I am hungover.”
“You were in a fight.”
“Yes, with the beer bottle of a bastard who could not take a joke,” Terzo scoffed, rubbing his shoulder.
Terzo could practically see the flames in Omega’s eyes.
“Oh, come on, Omega, I made it out alive, did I not?”
“Why didn’t you take me with you?”
“You would have stood over my shoulder all night.”
Omega growled lowly. “Then no one would’ve hurt you.”
“Exactly!” Terzo furiously wiped his eyes. “You make sure I behave, keep me out of fights, and make me ready for the Ritual today.”
Omega searched his eyes, darting back and forth, confused. Terzo turned away.
“You… You wanted to get in a fight?”
“No.” Terzo’s voice cracked. “I mean— fuck, I do not know, Omega. I wanted to have fun.”
“You wanted to hurt.”
Another tear slipped from his eye. “Is that so surprising?”
“Terzo,” Omega said gravely. “What’s wrong?”
Terzo broke again, hunching his shoulders as a stream of whispered sobs escaped him. “It is so much.”
“What is?”
Terzo shook his head. “I cannot handle this.”
“I wanted to do good things for the Ministry,” Terzo’s lips pressed together as he suppressed a sob. He took a shuddering breath. “I wanted to spread our message farther than anyone before me. But I do not get power, stella. I get to put on a costume and dance like a puppet.”
“Oh, tersoro…” Omega took him in his arms again.
“But still, I must do so much…” Terzo’s voice quivered. “I cannot change anything, but I must perform. It is a cruel life.”
“So you go out to get yourself fucked up?”
Terzo sniffed, wailed. “I do not know, Omega! I have no control over my life!”
“It’s okay, it’s okay…” Omega soothed, scratching his scalp. “Just let it out.”
They were still for a long while as Terzo wept. Nothing but the harsh sound of his cries and the dull hum of the venue slowly filling up.

Then, a knock at the bathroom door. Terzo flinched, startled, staring at Omega in fear.
“It’s okay, it’s just Alpha,” Omega reassured him, crossing the room to the door. He only opened it a few inches, taking a bag from Alpha. Terzo heard vague murmurs exchanged between them, but in the echoing bathroom, he could not quite make out their words.
Omega shut and locked the door again, returning to Terzo. He set the bag next to him on the counter and took out a cloth, wetting it in the sink.
“I’m gonna clean your face,” Omega said. Terzo shut his eyes and nodded.
The soft cloth pressed against his face, warm water gracing his cheek. Omega gingerly dabbed at his makeup, revealing the man beneath. Exhausted. Puffy. Eyes red.
“I love you, Terzo,” Omega said, leaning in to kiss him. When he pulled away, he moved the cloth to wipe away his lips.
“I love you too, stella.”
“I don’t want you to keep doing this. Come to me when you’re hurting, okay?”
Terzo sighed. “It is not so easy.”
“Then don’t leave my side.” Omega gave him a chaste kiss. “I know it feels like the world is crushing you. You know how to help that?”
“You get somebody to hold the world with you.”
Terzo smiled. “And I suppose you volunteer?”
Omega chuckled. “Of course I do. You aren’t alone.”
This time, Terzo leaned in for the kiss, wrapping his arms around Omega tightly. “Ti amo,” he whispered between kisses. “Ti amo, stella.”
Omega cradled his face in his hands.
“You’re handsome without your makeup,” he grinned.
“That is enough of that,” Terzo shook his head, unable to stop himself from smiling. He looked in the bag Alpha had brought; it was a makeup bag.
“Will you be okay to perform tonight?”
“With all this phlegm in my throat?” Terzo coughed for effect. “Yes, I will be okay. But I expect your company after the show.”
“Anything for my Papa.”
buy me a kofi <3
#tw wounds#wound care#fluff#comfort#terzomega#terzo x omega#terzo emeritus#papa emeritus iii#ghost terzo#omega ghost#omega ghoul#omega3#ghost band#ghost bc#ghost fanfiction#writing#the band ghost#worship the eversnake
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Did you read my Terzomega smut? It rules. Just Sayin'
#coffin scrawls#glad this time the link looks. nicer?#terzomega#omega3#the band ghost#nameless ghouls#taint tickling
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Hey everyone! I’m Elizabeth (:
My blog is strictly 18+! I write adult themes and I will always tag my posts accordingly. Sometimes it’s just fluff.
Requests are open! - fanfics, drabbles, headcanons, etc. I love hearing from you! Just a few things to note:
Typically I write Papa x Reader (either GN or F reader), but I am open to changing it up
I’ll write any of the Papas or Ghouls/Ghoulettes, but am most comfortable w/ Terzo x Reader or Copia x Reader
Topics I will NOT write include the following, but are not limited to: incest, beastiality, underage, non-con - I will update this list if I need to
DM me anytime! If I’m taking a while to respond or post, please be patient as I’m probably thinking of the best way to write the request.
I reserve the right to deny any request but please do not take it personally. Certain topics I may not write if I can’t find the inspiration or I’m uncomfortable, but generally I’m open to just about anything.
🔞 The following list contains NSFW content. Minors DNI 🔞

Wintertime Smut Collection
XXXmas At The Ministry, a collaboration with @copias-sewer-rat, @molly-ghuleh, and @bupia
Naughty Presents (Primo) by @copias-sewer-rat
Ungrumpify Your Papa (Secondo) by @molly-ghuleh
Mistletoe’d (Terzo) by @ghulehunknown
Treasure Hunt (Copia) by @bupia
Papa Holiday Headcanons
Papa Valentine’s Day Headcanons
Vacation Full Length Smut and “The Note” (a continuation of Mistletoe’d) - coming soon!
“A Holiday Tail”
“A Rainy Winter”

Kinktober 2023
Day 1 - masturbation • Day 2 - Terzomega • Day 3 - blowjob • Day 4 - cunnilingus, fingering, worship • Day 5 - miniskirt rough sex, dom • Day 6 - soft dom, sweet sex • Day 7 - teacher/student, inexperience, praise • Day 8 - rimming • Day 9 - public sex, exhibitionism • Day 10 - spanking, fishnets • Day 11 - group sex • Day 12 - sub Copia, degradation • Day 13 - kissing HCs • Day 14 - period sex HCs • Day 15 - lovemaking HCs • Halloween - Vamperzo, period sex
Kinktober 2024
Day 1 - Mirror Sex

Papa Emeritus IV
“Do You Deserve It?” • “You Earned It” • Random Drabble • “Creature Comforts” • Undressing Copia Drabble • Mirror Sex
Cardinal Copia
“Cardi Confessions”

“I Wanna Be Yours” (Terzomega) • “Preparation is Key” • “Papa’s Worship” • “Movie ’n Chill” • “Let’s Have a Satanic Orgy” • “La Notte del Vampiro” • “La Lezione di Lucifero” • “And He Sees Nothing Wrong With That” • “Mistletoe’d” • “One Missed Text”

“Papa’s Punishment”

“Teach Me Tonight”

Papa Headcanons
Kissing/Cuddling • Period Sex/Comforting • Romantic Sex/Lovemaking • Sick Days • Mary Goore NSFW • Positions • Going Down (F Receiving) • Jealousy • Thanksgiving • Showering Together • Holidays • Valentine’s Day • Proposals • Waking Up Together • Aftercare

“A Holiday Tail” (Mountain) • “A Rainy Winter” (Rain)
Papa of Choice
“Caught by Papa” • “Tangled Sheets”
Gender Neutral
“I Wanna Be Yours” (Terzomega) • “Tangled Sheets” • “Papa’s Punishment” • Random Copia Drabble • “A Rainy Winter” • “Creature Comforts” • Undressing Copia Drabble
“Caught by Papa” • “Preparation is Key” • “Papa’s Worship” • “Do You Deserve It?” • “You Earned It” • “Teach Me Tonight” • “Movie ’n Chill” • “Let’s Have a Satanic Orgy” • “Cardi Confessions” • “La Notte del Vampiro” * “La Lezione di Lucifero” • “And He Sees Nothing Wrong With That” • “Mistletoe’d” • “A Holiday Tail” (Mountain x AFAB) • “One Missed Text” • Mirror Sex
#terzhoe#terzo#the band ghost#secondo#primo emeritus#copia emeritus#papa emeritus x reader#ghost band smut#copia is my husband#papa emeritus iii#papa emeritus iv#terzo x reader#copia my beloved#ghost terzo#papa copia#papa terzo#terzo fanfiction#terzo my beloved#ghost band fanfic#papa emeritus secondo#papa emeritus iv x female reader#papa emeritus smut#popia copia#ghost band#papa emeritus iv x reader#papa emeritus i x reader#papa emeritus iii x reader#papa emeritus ii x reader#the band ghost fanfiction#copia x female reader
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
oh wow this was tough! Especially since I write to make myself happy first so I like everything I do.
You can tell I like em so much based on the art I commissioned and/or made for the project!

Violence & Gentleness (Primo set in 1979)
Honestly I would consider this one of my greatest artistic achievements in my life. Like, full on sad I can't officially publish this. Firstly I put so much historical research and lore into it. And then the characterizations of the brothers and their relationship to each other. How the dynamic of the Church changes when there is a female Satanic Anti-Pope.
Strength VIII (Dom GN! Reader x Papa IV)
I was feeling like there was no representation of a realistic Dom/sub encounter with a Dom reader, or at least I hadn't come across something that I felt was accessible for me. I'm not a sub person at all but I'm not an intense whips and chains Dom either. I wanted to create a scenario that showed first and foremost a foundation of trust and affection instead of just shock tactic sexcapades. It's important to make the stuff you want to see.
Ribbons & Ties (Terzo x Omega)
I got very invested in domestic non-smut. I liked how neatly the story fell into place. You get a glimpse of the Church as I see it and all the brothers in their specific roles. Plus Terzo shows Omega the deepest part of his heart. Vulnerability and trust is what I like to write about most.
Wanna Bewitch You (Copia x Cardinal Marian)
Again, another plot that fell neatly into place. Got time skips, flashbacks, platonic bonds and apocalyptic visions forced upon the cowardly Copia. Marian and Copia are beyond 'meet cute' but still afraid of commitment. Another "Wouldn't it be funny if..." Story that basically stopped being a joke.
No Deal (Hippie Reader x 1970 Nihil)
I can't ever have a normal reader fic, sorry. Liked researching the era for this one. 1969-1970 was literally the best 20 months of music history in the last 200 years holy shit. Started out as a joke and yeah you guessed it....not a joke no more.
(commissioned art (Copia Terzo Duet and Terzomega) by @kabukiaku)
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your smutty Terzomega art reminds me of the song “Forever Young” by Alphaville :’) 🫶🏽
smut with feelings? I'm here for it. 🥺
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Teaser for my upcoming TerzOmega breeding fic, which is set to come out either December 6th or 7th, depending on my schedule. NSFW below the cut, 18+ ONLY MINORS ABSOLUTELY DNI
Update: FIC IS UP
CW: Breeding and implications of mpreg(cis)

#terzomega#terzo x omega#terzo and omega#omega ghoul#papa terzo#ghost bc#ghost the band#papa emeritus iii#terzo#ghost#papa iii#omega x terzo#omega3#omega ghost#cw breeding#cw mpreg#cw pregnancy#terzomega smut#ghost smut#terzomega fic#ghost fanfiction#morningstars writes#as one au#terzo emeritus#human x monster
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Y-- yeah, I wonder... 🥵

Awwww omega is always so encouraging. What is he hyping Terzo up to do? Find out here 😋
NSFW minors DNI
#ghost#the band ghost#ghost bc#papa emeritus iii#terzo#art#terzomega#drawing#omega ghoul#ghost fanart#omega3#terzo x omega#omega x terzo#terzomega smut
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emeritus-fuckers masterlist (ghouls)
Ghouls comforting their depressed s/o
Comfort after losing a loved one headcanons - Primo, Copia, Mountain, Swiss, Sodo, Rain and Cumulus
Ghouls pining after a Sibling of Sin
Ghouls Pampering You
The Ghoulettes NSFW headcanons
Copia's ghouls babysitting his baby
The Ghoulettes comforting a polyamorous person
A kink for every Ghoul (CW: CNC for Chain.)
Ghoulettes with a nonbinary lesbian goth s/o
Water ghouls helping a newly summoned ghoul learn their instrument
Chosen Ghouls with a darling who shuts down emotionally
Ghouls with a darling who suffers from back pains
How would Copia's ghouls react to their s/o teasing them in public?
Character exclusive content:
Alpha Headcanons (SFW)
In the Before Times ⸸ Alpha x Omega NSFW
“Living Heated Blanket” - Alpha Ghoul x GN! Reader
Yandere Terzo and Omega throuple headcanons
Yandere Omega headcanons
Omega and Aether with a pregnant Ghoulette darling
Being in a poly relationship with Terzo and Omega
Feel Better Omega Ghoul
Day 16 of Kinktober: Size kink - Omega Ghoul
Call me your master ⸸ TerzOmega smut series (1/7)
In the Before Times ⸸ Alpha x Omega NSFW
TerzOmega as dads
TerzOmega's daughter and her first pet
Old Papa Nihil and Swiss comfort headcanons
Swiss relationship and NSFW headcanons
Swiss with a pregnant Ghoulette s/o
Ghost characters comforting their s/o after the loss of a pet
“The red means I love you” ⸸ Yandere!Swiss Army Ghoul x gn!Reader cw cannibalism. blood. descriptions of slight gore. imprisonment. brief descriptions of violence.
Sodo relationship and NSFW headcanons
Sodo fluff headcanons
Sodo with a pregnant Ghoulete s/o (headcanons)
Sodo with a mentally drained s/o (headcanons)
Sodo with a FTM trans s/o NSFW headcanons
Sodo with a shy darling pining for him (headcanons)
Poly!Mountain, Cumulus and Sodo comfort headcanons
Little "kisses" with Sodo
Ghost characters comforting their s/o after the loss of a pet
Sodo finding out his s/o writes songs
Yandere Sodo headcanons
Chain NSFW Headcanons
Yandere Aether, Rain and Mountain headcanons
Mountain and Rain with a FTM trans s/o NSFW headcanons
NSFW Rain Headcanons (+ Aftercare!)
“Wet as a Water Ghoul” - River x AMAB!Reader (NSFW)
Yandere Aether, Rain and Mountain headcanons
Fluffy Aether headcanons
Aether and Phantom headcanon
Omega and Aether with a pregnant Ghoulette darling
Mountain and Aether comforting their s/o after a loss of a friend and a pet
Aether being your piercing buddy
Day 41 of Kinktober: Cockwarming - Aether Ghoul x reader
Yandere Aether, Rain and Mountain headcanons
Mountain and Rain with a FTM trans s/o NSFW headcanons
Platonic yandere Mountain with an angel s/o
Mountain with an innocent s/o NSFW headcanons
Mountain with a pregnant Ghoulette s/o
Poly!Mountain, Cumulus and Sodo comfort headcanons
Mountain NSFW headcanons
Day 46 of Kinktober: Corruption II - Mountain Ghoul
Mountain comfort
Overprotective Mountain fluff
Mountain and Aether comforting their s/o after a loss of a friend and a pet
Ghost characters comforting their s/o after the loss of a pet
Hiking with Mountain
Dating Pebble
“The Dark Lord’s Intent” Delta x GN! Reader
“Good Morning” - Delta x GN! Reader NSFW
Little kisses with Phantom (headcanons)
Aether and Phantom headcanon
Phantom fluff headcanons
Phil (Special Ghoul)
Special Ghoul NSFW headcanons
The Ghoulettes (Cirrus, Cumulus, Sunshine) with their s/o
Cumulus relationship and NSFW headcanons
Cumulus NSFW headcanons
The Ghoulettes (Cirrus, Cumulus, Sunshine) with their s/o
Poly!Mountain, Cumulus and Sodo comfort headcanons
Ghost characters comforting their s/o after the loss of a pet
Yandere Cumulus headcanons CW: poisoning, manipulation, gaslighting. factitious disorder implied.
Cumulus with a darling who gets exhausted easily
Cumulus with an insomniac s/o
The Ghoulettes (Cirrus, Cumulus, Sunshine) with their s/o
Nothing yet.
Zephyr breeding headcanons
Ifrit with a pregnant s/o
Day 7 of Kinktober: Marking - Ifrit Ghoul
Day 52 of Kinktober: Blood II - Ifrit Ghoul
Papa Nihil's Ghouls
Papa Nihil's Ghouls introduction headcanons
#ghost band#ghost bc#ghost#ghost band x reader#ghost bc x reader#ghost x reader#nameless ghoulettes#nameless ghouls
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Choose my next stories!!!!!
I'm gonna write them all, the one with the most votes first, than the second, etc.
#nameless ghouls#the band ghost#music#lovers#dewdrop ghoul#sodo ghoul#dewdrop ghost#love#aether ghoul#rain ghoul#papa emeritus iv#phantom ghoul#papa terzo#papa emeritus lll#papa emeritus iii#phantom x aether#swiss ghoul#mountain ghoul#multi ghoul#alpha ghoul#nameless ghoul#omega ghoul#terzo x omega
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Afraid — Terzomega
~part 6 of the Little Monsters series~
3.4k words ~ smut
Omega returns to the cardinal's quarters.
i think this is the longest part yet. well. hope you like it :3 posting slightly early bc who gives a damn ! hopefully i don’t get swamped by school and finish the next part in a timely manner hehe
[parts]: one | previous | next
Omega found himself outside the cardinal’s quarters once again. He had been there for a number of minutes, hesitating. Wringing his hands. Scratching his neck. Thinking.
He was inclined to trust that Terzo would keep their deal and be perfectly sober when he walked through that door. What made him hesitate, though, was how he should act. Taking out his frustration and hatred on a drunk man seemed less wrong than doing it on a sober one. Terzo’s expectations, if he should not be so violent, if he should give the human mercy. Sure, it was their old deal, but to Omega, it felt as if everything had changed. Their kiss in the garden had made it change.
Omega did not hate Terzo anymore. And it terrified him.
He cast his thoughts aside, his body letting him know how inconvenienced it was waiting for his mind to pick up the pace. It was just sex, after all. Simple, carnal sex. That was their agreement, and that was all they would do.
Omega gave one last glance around him before lightly knocking and stepping inside.
Terzo looked up. He was sitting on his couch, writing something in a book, but as Omega entered, he cast it aside and stood.
“Hello, Omega ghoul. You finally show up.” Terzo smiled, clearly excited.
Omega nodded. He looked around the room as if he had never seen it before, still feeling nerves bubbling in his stomach.
What was wrong with him?
Terzo did not miss a beat, though. He crossed the room to stand in front of Omega. He reached up for his head, which Omega obliged, leaning down for them to meet in a kiss. He was suddenly thrust into Terzo’s feelings. Arousal. Desire. Impatience.
All Omega felt was hesitance.
Terzo jumped up, and Omega caught him by instinct. He was hoisted high in the air, legs wrapped around his waist, with Omega looking up into their embrace. Terzo held his face, gently feeling the contours of his jaw and cheeks, humming against his lips.
Omega walked slowly, moving to sit on Terzo’s bed. Terzo easily settled into his lap as if he belonged there, kissing with ferocity as Omega’s hands settled around his hips. Terzo’s hands roamed his body— over his shoulders, his chest, diving down to grasp his bulge. He rubbed it harshly, grinding down to shallowly hump his lap. Omega growled lightly in stimulation.
He undid Omega’s belt, unzipped his pants, now palming his underwear. It drove him wild with need, not enough friction. Omega gritted his teeth, his kissing becoming stilted as a result.
Terzo was teasing him. Taking his sweet time to satisfy him. And any other day, Omega would punish that. Today, though, things were different. He wanted to be gentle. To, for once, allow the cardinal a night where his body was not destroyed by a savage ghoul. There was no resentment. There was no wrath. Only the perplexing state of their affair in which Omega was too frightened to sort out in his mind.
Terzo pulled away, tilting his head mischievously. “Are you pissy, little kitty?”
Omega glared with carnage in his eyes. “No.”
“Your tail begs to differ.”
Indeed, it was swishing back and forth in frustration. Omega stilled it.
Terzo yanked down his underwear, letting his large, purple cock free with a slight bounce. They stared at one another, Terzo smirking, Omega glowering. Slowly, ever so slowly, Terzo wrapped one finger at a time around his shaft, and once his hand was firmly grasping him, he dug into just the tip with his thumb.
Omega clenched his fists, willing himself to be compliant, unmoving. Their eyes were still locked in a stare. He was close to snapping. No, he must hold back. Be a good ghoul. Let him have his way tonight.
“Okay, what is deal?” Terzo suddenly let go, huffing, his expression falling into that of disappointment.
Omega, confused, mumbled, “What?”
“You do not ravage me as a ghoul should. You sit there and let me tease you. Why?”
“I was…” Omega looked away, somewhat embarrassed. “I was trying to be nice.”
“You are not nice; you are mi mostriciatto. You hurt me.”
“I don’t have to hurt you.”
“I want you to hurt me! It is sexy, ghoul!” Terzo said, exasperated.
“I don't have to be an asshole when we have sex.”
“But you are an asshole!”
Omega’s brow furrowed, and he frowned. He instantly felt defensive. “No.”
“But you are! Satanas, Omega, this is why we fuck.”
“Because I’m an asshole?”
Omega stood, lifting Terzo with him briefly until throwing him down angrily on the bed.
“Fine,” the ghoul growled, bearing his teeth.
Terzo immediately looked uneasy.
Omega pounced on him, tearing off his clothes with nothing but his claws, indifferent to his skin breaking in the process. He dove down and kissed him wildly, making him groan with every long drag of claws down his body.
Omega reached out with his mind, delving into Terzo’s. For a moment, he paused, his actions ceasing, focused. Then, he began pouring his quintessence into Terzo.
He turned and stood, his back to him. Listening. Suddenly, Terzo was whining, moaning, pathetically calling Omega’s name behind him. He cast a dour glare over his shoulder.
“Mostriciatto, what is happening?” Terzo whimpered. His body was shaking, his dick so hard it was visibly throbbing. Through him, quintessence was flowing in the form of sexual stimulation, taking over every nerve in his body.
Omega was overwhelming him with pleasure.
“You’re getting what you asked for,” Omega replied darkly.
Omega watched him struggle and stare at him with pleading eyes. He slowly undressed himself, listening to Terzo’s cries, leaving everything he wore on the floor except his belt.
He slid into bed, leaning against the headboard. He commanded Terzo, “Come here.”
Terzo struggled. He slowly clamored to his knees, shaking fiercely, and crawled towards him, eventually dragging himself on his lap. Omega wrapped the belt around his neck, fastening it snuggly before giving it a terse yank. Terzo fell forward, catching himself on his chest. Omega held a claw under his chin, forcing him to look up.
“Ride me.”
Terzo shuddered, looking as if tears were filling his eyes. He nodded.
Terzo moaned. “Yes… mostriciatto… I will…”
Terzo clamored to sit up, using Omega’s shoulders to steady himself. He looked down, grabbed Omega’s dick, and pressed it against himself.
“There is… lube…” Terzo breathed, pointing at his nightstand.
He never held any patience for the suffering cardinal. Omega grabbed him by the hips and, with a bit of effort, shoved himself inside.
Terzo shouted in pain, then whined in pleasure. He hung his head, hand pressed to his forehead, gasping.
“Every time…” Terzo mumbled.
Omega yanked on the belt, stopping him from collapsing by holding his shoulder. Terzo’s breath caught with the hold of the belt.
Terzo, with great effort, complied, raising and lowering himself with stuttered breaths and moaning. After only a few short thrusts, he came. A white stream that painted Omega’s stomach, his untouched cock kicking a few times, his ass tightening around Omega. He sank down, trembling, supporting himself by planting his hands on Omega’s hips.
Omega did not stop the flow of quintessence. Tears slipped down Terzo’s face.
“Mos… Mostri…”
Omega held his face, wiping away a tear with his thumb. He said coldly, “I won’t stop until you make me cum.”
Terzo shook his head. Omega gripped the belt. “Keep. Going.”
He gasped against it, holding the belt with his hands. He let out a strained sob. Hesitantly, he began to move, placing his hands again on Omega’s shoulders, pushing himself up and down.
Omega peered at him callously. Deep down, while he loved the sight of Terzo so desperate, he knew he was going about it wrong. But when he remembered what Terzo said, he just became angrier. Unsatisfied. Covetous. Hedonistic.
“Faster,” he barked, frustrated. Terzo whined, tears falling from his chin to Omega’s stomach. So overwhelmed. His legs shook like they never had before. He sank down and stopped entirely.
“Fuck,” Omega seethed, growing rageful by the second. “I said faster.”
“I— I— I— am— t—trying—“ Terzo wailed. “It’s— too much—” He covered his face, collapsing in on himself like a dying star.
You are an asshole.
Omega roared, a monstrous sound that erupted from his throat, born of pure aggravation., like an animal that had been starved for too long. He grabbed Terzo’s hips and pushed him on his back. Terzo fell to the bed, his legs practically vibrating as they hung in the air. Omega continued to pour that ever so pleasurable magic into him, just as he began to pound his cock into his tight ass.
“You wanted this!” Omega shouted. Terzo continued to tremble, covering his face, sporting another measly erection from the unending quintessence rushing through his veins. He said nothing in reply. He could not even hope to respond. He was too busy drooling on himself, losing control of his body.
Omega snarled, confused in his own rage. “Answer me! Tell me this is what you want!”
Omega dragged his claws down his body, drawing blood. Terzo did not answer. Only incomprehensible sobs. Omega fucked him harder.
“Tell me to stop!” Omega said, desperate now, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts. “Say stop!”
Omega grabbed his wrists, yanking his hands away from his face. Terzo’s eyes were rolled back, lashes fluttering, mouth agape in whatever form of moan or sob or scream emitting from him.
Omega clenched his jaw. He grabbed him by the arms, sinking his nails within to hold him tight, thrusting as hard as he could.
“Mm… Mos…!”
The bed shook with the force. Terzo shook with more, and he came again. His body clenched down so hard that, for a moment, Omega thought he might get stuck.
And it felt amazing.
With Omega’s orgasm came a wild jerk, one that made the bed shriek sharply in protest. He lost his connection to Terzo, finally ending the torturous waterfall of quintessence devouring the poor cardinal. Lost in his fog of pleasure, he fell forward, burying his head in Terzo’s shoulder, holding onto him like he was lost at sea. After a few more thrusts, they were still, with nothing but the sound of Terzo’s gentle sobbing, his soft hiccups as he calmed down.
His arms surrounded Omega. They slid around his back, massaging circles in his skin. It was strange, yet soothing. Omega was satiated, the rage dissipating, feeling calm.
“I’m sorry, mostriciatto,” Terzo murmured, his voice breaking slightly. “I asked for too much.”
Omega rose slightly, able to meet his eyes. He shook his head, pained by Terzo’s expression. His tears. His guilt.
“Don’t you apologize.” Omega took in a few deep breaths, and when he opened his eyes again, he noticed Terzo listening closely, watching him with intrigue. He looked away, finishing his sentence with, “I’m sorry.”
“Is Omega ghoul apologizing to me?”
Omega could no longer get mad. He was ashamed, abashed, disgusted by his own brutality. He simply nodded.
“Then I forgive you.”
Astonished, Omega turned to look at him just as he reached up to give him a gentle kiss on the forehead.
Terzo blinked up at him. Smiling. Omega felt his heart pounding. From his mind were bursts of adoration and happiness that Omega could not bear, that made him want to scream and sprint away from the bedroom. It smelled like roses.
Oh, how he despised him.
But he could not despise him. Not anymore.
Omega gently touched his face, wiping away residual tears from his eyes, trying not to smear his makeup further. Terzo shut them, sighing serenely. His face. It filled his mind. His gentle face. His handsome face. His cute face.
Terzo interrupted his thoughts, opening his eyes once more.
“That was a bit much, though,” Terzo chuckled. “I think it was the yelling at me. That is usually fine, but you were angry, not sexy.”
Omega hardly listened. His face.
The aggression returned, but Omega bit it back. Instead he pulled out of Terzo, causing the cardinal to groan lightly, and sat at the edge of the bed. He sighed, clearing his mind.
“You called me an asshole,” Omega said quietly. He drew up his legs, wrapping his arms around them, his tail curling at his feet. He stared at a flaw in the patterned wallpaper behind his nightstand.
“You are not an asshole.” Terzo also sat up, sitting next to him. “I was speaking in bed. You do not-so-nice things, and it turns me on. But— err— perhaps asshole was the wrong word. Simple, eh, miscommunication. In normal life, you are quite good.”
Omega did not answer. This prompted Terzo to keep talking.
“Si, you are responsible and caring for the Ministry. They do not appreciate you, but I do.”
Omega turned his head towards him, still not quite meeting his eyes.
“When I become Papa,” Terzo continued, “Things will change. You will not be so stressed. You have my word.”
“Why does that matter to you?” Omega finally said.
“Ghoul, you are a gift from Satan, not a feelingless tool. You do not deserve to be enslaved by the cruelty of man. This is why you are angry, si?”
Omega’s eyes widened.
“We are lucky to have such magnificent creatures in our midst,” Terzo said. “Imperator does not understand. Perhaps she has not learned to know you. No human has been to me what you have been.”
Omega was at a loss for words. Was this truly the cardinal he had hated for so long? The drunk idiot skulking around ministry halls? This sober man was worlds away from the cardinal Omega thought he knew. Someone that could, somehow, so clearly read others better than Omega himself, and was thoughtful as a result. Someone that Omega thought he was like, before his life became a constant hailstorm of resentment and rage.
“What have I been to you?” Omega eventually asked.
“You are my mostriciatto, of course.”
Omega’s heart dropped.
What was this man doing to him?
He abruptly stood and looked around as though uncertain of his intent. He caught sight of his clothes on the ground and snatched them up.
“Are you leaving so soon?”
Omega paused. “You aren’t done?”
Terzo sighed, hugging himself and looking away. “I am. I just thought you might stay tonight.”
The question rattled around his brain. One word. There was no reason for Terzo to treat him this way, to be so forgiving, to want him. To act so kind and say these things that made his chest feel strange. To possess him, to call him his mostriciatto.
Omega dropped his clothes, sitting again on the bed. Terzo’s feelings of shock struck the air like lightning, pervading Omega’s consciousness. Terzo was not expecting him to stay. Neither was he.
Omega said, “Okay.”
A warm vanilla scent graced his senses. Happiness. Relief. Intimacy. Terzo wanted this. Omega had never willingly spent the night with him before.
Omega nodded.
Terzo leaned against his arm. Without seeing his face, Omega knew he was smiling. “You have been surprising me as of recent, mostriciatto. I hope you keep doing that.”
Omega’s tail flicked back and forth. This time, let himself be.
“I’m sorry. For yelling, I mean. And being an asshole. Again.” Omega’s words escaped him like vomit, feeling the need to apologize again.
“I do forgive you, Omega ghoul. Is there anything you would like to do tonight?”
Omega shook his head.
“We drink?”
Omega jumped up, scowling at him, ready to throw the entire night away.
Terzo laughed. “I kid, I kid! Calm down, ghoul, I know you do not like it. I do not need to drink with you around, I promise. Come, sit now.”
Omega sighed, relieved. He listened to his command, returning to his side.
“Actually, I should not have sit. My quilt is ruined.”
Terzo slowly rose, and they both looked down at the mess he left behind. Well, it was really Omega’s mess that was left behind.
“I will shower,” Terzo declared, snatching up his robe, discarded on one of his armchairs, and wrapping himself within.
Omega nodded. He hesitated, watching Terzo walk away.
“Do you…” Omega started. Terzo paused, looking over his shoulder. “…I mean, I want to shower.”
Terzo smirked. He held up his hand and curled his finger back, beckoning the ghoul. Omega, though embarrassed, obediently followed his gesture, trailing after him into his bathroom.
Terzo turned on the water. They both lingered for a moment, subtle glances directed anywhere but their eyes. When the water began steaming, Terzo hung his robe on a nearby hook and stepped inside the standing shower, leaving the glass door ajar.
Omega shuffled towards him, shutting the door behind him. He looked down. Terzo’s hair was wet, flat against his head with strands sticking to his forehead. Black eye makeup streamed down his face just as residual blood rinsed from his fresh scratches, giving him a hauntingly beautiful complexion, like a painting thrust into the rain.
“What do you smile at, hm?” Terzo asked.
Omega had not realized. He set his face in stone. “Nothing.”
“Ha, I know. I am only now realizing I forgot my eyes.” He grabbed a bottle of some sort of cream, squirted it onto his fingertips, and scrubbed furiously at his face. He turned towards the spray, rinsing it off. Omega idly held his waist, blaming their close proximity.
“Is it gone?” Terzo spun and looked up at him.
“Yeah,” Omega said, feeling his face heat up. Indeed, his face was clear, and it felt to Omega just a tad too intimate to see his face like this. At least last time he saw his face, when Terzo was hungover, he looked too awful to inspire such thoughts. Now shone his true complexion, and it was bugging Omega in some type of way.
Terzo fell forward, pressing his cheek against Omega’s chest and hugging him. Omega naturally embraced him back.
He sighed softly. “Mostriciatto, what are we doing here?”
Omega ran his fingers through Terzo’s hair. “I don’t know.”
“It would not work, would it?”
Omega wanted to feign ignorance, but they both knew what Terzo meant. Omega, as hard as he tried, could not be blind to Terzo’s feelings.
“No.” His heart twisted painfully.
Terzo nodded, his face gliding against Omega’s wet chest.
“But we can keep fucking?”
“Yeah,” Omega murmured. “It’s easier to hide.”
“Is that why it would not work?” Terzo looked up.
“Because we could not hide. Is that why?”
Terzo’s eyebrows twitched, confused. “Oh. Is it… You do not feel the same?”
“I don’t.”
He knew it was a lie before it even left his mouth. But Terzo was not the one able to read his intent, and so he believed him. His face fell, and he looked away, returning to their hug. Disappointment. Sadness.
The smell of roses faded. It broke Omega’s heart. But somehow, he believed it was the right thing to do.
“I hope it is not awkward then,” Terzo laughed, but it was strained. “I am sorry, mostriciatto.”
Omega could hardly withstand the feelings of hurt and confusion radiating off him. It would not work. Not because of Terzo, or the Ministry, or any of the plethora of minute yet valid reasons that they could not be together. Omega had wrapped himself up in an angry facade to keep the world at bay, but he had not forgotten his own, true emotions.
He was afraid.
“Don’t apologize.”
It took everything inside of Omega not to take it all back. This was for the best, he knew. Omega always had to make the sacrifice.
“Then forget I said anything,” Terzo laughed again. He untangled himself from Omega, turning to the shower. He started cleaning himself. “I want to keep fucking you, that is all that is important, si?”
“Please. Do not say anything.”
Omega watched him shower in awkward silence. They took turns under the spray, saying nothing. They did not speak another word until they had left the bathroom, with Terzo sitting in his bed, robe around him, looking up at Omega hesitating to join.
“You may leave if you want,” Terzo finally said. He crossed his arms, looking away.
Omega grappled with himself, struggling to let the cardinal go in his mind.
And in the end, his heart won.
Omega wordlessly slipped under the covers, lying next to him. After a moment, Terzo cautiously shifted closer, lying on his chest. Omega put his arm around him, and felt Terzo’s tension and unease dissipate with the act. He nestled against his side, sighing contentedly. A hint of rosey fragrance graced Omega’s nose.
“Goodnight, mostriciatto.”
~end of act one~
[parts]: one | previous | next
buy me a kofi <3
#terzomega#the band ghost#ghost bc#writing#little monster terzomega#terzo emeritus#cardinal terzo#omega ghost#omega ghoul#ghost fanfiction#worship the eversnake
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