#terzomega fanfiction
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ofthemorningstars · 3 months ago
Love in Every Stitch
TerzOmega ~ Fluff ~ Heartwarming Domestic Bliss ~ Resurrection AU
3.5k Words
AO3 Version
"If Omega were being honest, he didn’t just like knitting because it gave him something to do. He liked it because it made him feel as though he had a way to materially provide for his family. It made him feel like he was helping out. Rationally he knew that he intrinsically had value, that he brought plenty to the table and did everything he could, but sometimes it didn’t seem like enough."
Omega channels his love for his family into a physical medium through a new hobby.
A sweet little holiday treat!!! ❄️☃️🎄✨️
CW: vague implications of pregnancy and mpreg(cis)
Omega and Terzo were sitting side by side on the sofa in their new quarters, six months into Terzo’s return to the realm of the living. They were finally starting to fall into a routine, to feel more normal. More safe.
“You are doing an excellent job, amore!” Terzo praised him as Omega held the needles in his hands, working his way through knitting his first scarf at a surprising pace. “My my, such a quick learner. And such talented hands…” Terzo purred, moving closer to kiss his way up Omega’s neck as his own hand moved across the ghoul’s muscled chest. Omega hummed happily. He tried to be humble, but it was true; he had always been adept with his hands, easily picking up most skills that utilized his dexterity. Knitting appeared to be no exception.
Now that the ghouls were freed from servitude, Omega had chosen to retire, making him a newly-minted househusband. They had nearly everything they had ever wanted, and Omega would never dream of complaining. However, he did find himself growing a little restless when Terzo was busy with work. Omega volunteered a lot, helping with this task or the other around the ministry. There just… never seemed to be enough for him to do now with the new chain of command in place.
“Do you really think this will help pass the time, tesoro?” Omega asked innocently, unsure of himself. Terzo’s features softened, and he planted a kiss on Omega’s cheek.
“I do not know, amore mio, but if it will give you a way to occupy those beautiful hands of yours, it is worth a shot, right?” Terzo gently took the knitting needles away from Omega, holding Omega’s hands in his, much smaller by comparison. “I am so sorry that you’ve been getting bored. I cannot help but feel responsible, I’m gone all day while you’re stuck here all alone.” He kissed each of Omega’s palms, closing his eyes and letting his lips linger. Omega gently grabbed his face, meeting him in a tender kiss.
“Why would I ever complain about having the life we’ve always wanted?” Omega took another kiss. “No more sneaking around, no more leaving before the sun is up, no more worrying about getting caught. We’re living together! That used to just be a fantasy for us.” He rubbed their noses together affectionately. “I’m fine. I promise. I just need to figure out how to handle myself when you’re not here,” Omega said, rubbing Terzo’s thigh, inching higher and higher until Terzo’s breath hitched.
They decided to set their project aside for the rest of the night.
Omega took his newfound skill and ran with it, creating afghans, pillows, dishcloths, socks, gloves, hats, scarves, cardigans, and of course, sweaters. Omega was eagerly awaiting their first Christmas together, already scheming up designs that he could bank for the coming years. While the ministry as a whole didn’t really make a big deal out of Christmas, Terzo and Omega had always privately celebrated. Truthfully, they would take any excuse to spoil each other with gifts, any reason to spend more time cozied up together.
When December 1st rolled around, Omega surprised Terzo with two matching sweaters done in the same hues of purple and gold as Terzo’s formal robes, one for each of them. They were decorated with stars and a full moon in a brilliant reflection of the night sky. He explained to Terzo that while he knew it wasn’t a traditional Christmas theme, he chose the pattern because it reminded him of the sky they’d gotten married under. Terzo cried in Omega’s arms, wearing it as much as he could get away with until Christmas was over.
They kept up the tradition, and on the third year, the month after Christmas, all of their wildest dreams finally came true: they learned that they were expecting a quintessence ghoul kit. After the initial shock and many happy tears, Omega bemoaned finding out too late to make her a Christmas sweater. Terzo reminded him that she wouldn’t have been able to wear it anyway. Still, they could have hung it up with the stockings he’d made them as a reminder of things to come, Omega had said.
With their little one on the way, Omega went into knitting overdrive. His first project was a tiny pair of baby booties and a hat with holes for the horns they could already see on the ultrasound. They were made with a soft cotton yarn, perfect for their baby’s sensitive skin, and breathable enough for her August due date. He took great joy in being able to create the first clothes his daughter would ever wear. He set to work making her a full wardrobe as best he could: rompers, overalls, cardigans, dresses, bibs, socks and leg warmers, an adorable star-shaped onesie… anything that he could find or make a pattern for. He planned for the winter, too, getting the highest quality merino wool he could get, to retain more heat.
Terzo joined in on the knitting once he went on leave to give his growing body a break, but Omega could tell that he was discouraged by how quickly the ghoul outpaced him. Omega did his best to encourage his husband, praising the beautiful pieces he created, but he could tell that Terzo found it patronizing. After a while, Terzo stopped altogether, choosing to instead curl up into Omega’s side while he worked. It made Omega’s heart ache, but he wouldn’t ask his mate to do something he no longer enjoyed.
“Terzo. You know I love cuddling with you, but I’ve been meaning to ask. Why did you stop knitting? You’re the one who taught me, you know you’re fantastic at it,” Omega asked one afternoon. He felt Terzo stiffen next to him.
“I don’t know what you mean, mio caro. I’ve just been too tired. Carrying a kit is hard work, you know.” Terzo’s tone was defensive, and Omega didn’t push the matter.
Before the birth of their first child, a little ghoul they named Starlight, Omega made the props for her newborn photoshoot: a knitted crescent moon pillow with smaller stuffed stars to arrange around her. The yarn they were made with happened to match her snow-white hair almost perfectly. They had the photos framed for their sitting room alongside the props, arranged in a shadowbox.
“How is she sleeping through this?” Terzo asked reverently as they snapped the pictures, carefully arranging her into a new pose. When they looked at each other, the awe and adoration in Terzo’s eyes made Omega’s knees weak. Satanas, Omega’s love and gratitude for his family was infinite. Omega couldn’t resist stealing a gentle kiss, trying to communicate his feelings through his lips. A tear made its way down Omega’s cheek and was quickly kissed away by his partner.
“I love you,” was all that Omega could manage to croak out in response to the other father of his child.
Halloween was upon them before they knew it. This holiday was a much bigger deal within the ministry, as was to be expected. With Starlight not even being three months old, though, they chose to stay home. That didn’t stop Omega from making her a Halloween costume, and so she was an adorable jack-o-lantern with a curly vine and two star-shaped eyes, leaving a hole for her tail as always. They got another priceless photoshoot out of it, this one staged in Primo’s garden amongst real pumpkins. She was the smallest, cutest gourd in the patch.
Omega continued to outfit Starlight as she grew. Almost as soon as she could speak, it was clear that her favorite color was pink, so Omega bought up every shade of pink yarn he could find. She would clap with delight every time her Daddy presented her with something new, driving Omega to work harder. Both of her parents knew they were spoiling her, and neither of them cared.
Their principessa’s love for stuffed animals grew almost as quickly as she did, and Omega was happy to indulge her with his own contributions. The pile of stuffed animals in her room quickly grew into a mountain, and they kept having to buy more storage for all of her toys. Terzo swore that someday she would have one of every animal.
“You know, Star is the most spoiled rotten child I have ever encountered,” her Uncle Primo remarked as he was picking the toddler up for a sleepover at his quarters one evening. He was laden with several bags full of “necessities” that Terzo had packed for her brief stay. “You’d think she was moving in!” Terzo shot him an icy glare. If Primo were bothered, he didn’t show it. Omega couldn’t help but chuckle, earning himself a glare as well.
“Just be glad that I trust you enough to take her and stop complaining, old man. Before I change my mind.” Terzo had a hard time parting with his only child, even temporarily, but Omega insisted they needed regular alone time. Especially if they had plans to grow their family. Terzo didn’t necessarily disagree, but he had serious separation anxiety.
He compensated for his lack of control over the situation by ensuring that his daughter was well taken care of. If he could only provide for her materially, then her Papa would make sure she was as prepared as possible. This included packing several changes of clothes and an abundance of toys, many of which were hand-made by Omega. Terzo took some solace in being able to send her off with the comforts of home.
Starlight was two when they found out about their second child. It was once again winter, but this time right in the middle of December. Omega got to work immediately, knitting in secret while Terzo was attending to his ministry duties during the day. On Christmas morning, Omega presented his husband with a tiny sweater. Upon seeing Terzo’s confusion, Omega explained that he had made the sweater for the newest addition to their family to wear the following year, for her first Christmas. He expressed that he simply couldn’t wait a whole year to include her in the festivities. Starlight didn’t understand why her Papa started crying, or why her Daddy soon joined in. She was pulled in for a fierce hug when she tried to comfort them.
Omega started knitting for their new kit right away. Terzo had gently suggested that they could reuse Starlight’s old clothes, but Omega would hear none of it; their second child deserved something just as personal and unique as their first did. When they were far enough along to get a more detailed scan, however, Omega had to scrap all of the hats he’d made and start over. Her horns were different than her father’s and sister’s. They curved elegantly off to the sides like a ram’s horns, meaning the holes would have to be larger and positioned differently. Omega welcomed the challenge, and when the time came to test his handiwork, they fit Astrid’s head perfectly.
“You really are so talented, amore. We are very lucky to have you,” Terzo praised, scratching between Omega’s horns. Omega’s spaded tail swished happily. If Omega were being honest, he didn’t just like knitting because it gave him something to do. He liked it because it made him feel as though he had a way to materially provide for his family. It made him feel like he was helping out. Rationally he knew that he intrinsically had value, that he brought plenty to the table and did everything he could, but sometimes it didn’t seem like enough. Being able to visualize his contributions helped. He confessed this to Terzo.
“Mio caro, what do you mean?” Terzo sounded genuinely puzzled, but not judgemental. “You gave me two beautiful children, of course you are a provider.” Omega flushed dark, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Terzo, anyone can do that…” Omega’s eyes were fixed on the floor. “I just mean… You work all day. You make the money, you keep us comfortable. Hell, you influence policies that keep all of us safe.” He took Terzo’s hands, looking deep into his eyes. “You do everything for us. I just want to be able to give something back.” Terzo’s face softened, and he took one of Omega’s hands, kissing the back of it.
“Mia ombra. You are an amazing father, and an amazing husband. You take care of our daughter, now daughters, all day. You take care of me all day. You teach and shape them in ways I cannot, because I cannot always be there. You take care of our home, make it cozy and clean and welcoming. You and these little girls that you have given me are my whole world. You are my everything,” Terzo sniffled. “Please appreciate yourself more… You do not need to do anything extra to deserve our love.”
Omega simply nodded and allowed himself to be kissed, not sure what to say and fighting back tears.
Astrid’s newborn photos were taken with similar hand-made props, again stars and a crescent moon, only this time in golden-yellow, with a dark blue backdrop. These photos and props found their way onto their sitting room walls, just like they had with her sister before her. Between the shoots, family portraits, and Starlight’s artwork, they were running out of room.
“Mm, you know we are going to run out of wall space eventually if we keep framing everything, right?” Terzo teased. Omega kissed him, nipping at his bottom lip playfully.
When they brought Astrid home, they gave her the blanket that Omega had made her. It was the dark blue of the night sky, decorated with yellow five-pointed stars and crescent moons. It was only as they were wrapping her up for a nap that Omega realized to his horror that he had forgotten something big: he made Astrid a baby blanket, but he had never made Starlight one! His guilt was instantaneous and all-consuming. How could he have forgotten something as crucial to a small child as their first blanket? Starlight was very attached to her store-bought fuzzy pink blanket now, it was too late to replace it… He was in quite a pickle.
For Astrid’s first Halloween, Omega made her a tiny bat costume; she was smaller than the average 4 month old, having arrived prematurely. Starlight wanted to be a lion, and of course Omega delivered. They took the girls around the ministry, participating in the trick-or-treating and child-friendly festivities that Frater Copia had instated during his reign for the couple dozen children who resided within the ministry halls. The adorable costumes seemed to soften the hearts of even the most hateful clergy members, the ones who still harbored disdain for ghouls even after they had been given their freedom. Omega took great pride in showing off their beautiful half-human children to those judgmental old fools.
For Christmas that year, Omega themed all of their sweaters around the one he’d made Astrid the previous year, before her arrival. Astrid’s sweater fit a little roomy due to her early arrival, but she cooed happily in it nonetheless.
To make up for Starlight’s lack of a handmade baby blanket, Omega decided to knit a large afghan for her big-girl bed. The base was white, but it was adorned with five-pointed stars much like her sister’s was. They were done in a full rainbow across the blanket, Starlight’s second favorite “color” behind pink. Omega thought it suited her bright personality perfectly. It took months of work, but it was finally done just in time for her fourth birthday.
Seeing as Omega was a stay-at-home dad, he was unable to hide the project from Starlight, but when she received it as a gift, she was overjoyed. For days she wore it around the house like a cape, dragging the ground behind her. Omega was glad that it was washable. They tucked her into bed with it every night.
“I love you, Daddy,” Starlight told him with a wet kiss on the cheek upon receiving her gift. Omega felt lightheaded, like he was in a dream. Like this life couldn't possibly be so perfect and real and his. He returned the sentiment and the kisses tenfold, not caring if it was a dream or not.
Music had always been prevalent in their home, with Omega and Terzo regularly playing and singing together. First they played for themselves, and later, for their girls, even before they were born. Terzo in particular was a fan of musical theater, and he passed that love down to his children. Starlight’s favorite movie was the 1998 version of Cats; she had been humming and singing along as best she could since before she’d turned three.
Over time, those sing-alongs turned into dance-alongs, and eventually full-blown productions. She would recruit Astrid and her Papa to perform with her, something that neither of them minded. It was only when Omega had the bright idea of making them hats with cat ears that Terzo protested.
“Now this is just silly,” Terzo whined. “I look ridiculous!” The giggles of the girls didn’t help the matter.
“Pease, Papa?” Starlight begged. “It makes the show more realistic!” Terzo grumbled, wondering out loud how exactly a cat in a beanie was realistic, but he went along with it anyway, if only to please his girls.
In the winter of the year of Omega and Terzo’s wedding vow renewal, when their children were nine and six years old, Omega could tell that Terzo had something up his sleeve. Terzo had been staying at work late, always coming home more tired than usual. Omega was too secure in his marriage now to suspect something like infidelity; he knew Terzo’s heart too well for that. But when they connected through Omega’s quintessence, Omega could tell that Terzo was hiding something, was walling something off from him. It was a skill that Terzo acquired only somewhat recently, one that he rarely used.
December 1st rolled around, and Omega gifted each family member a matching Christmas sweater; this year’s theme was snowmen. This time, though, Terzo had something for Omega as well. To Omega’s shock, Terzo presented him with a sweater of his own. It was a starry night sky with a big full moon, done in the same style and colors as the first pair of sweaters that Omega ever made for their growing family. However, this one had a few additions: four five-pointed stars, each in colors Omega knew to be the favorites of his children and husband respectively. Pink for Starlight, blue for Astrid, purple for Terzo, and green for Omega. A very specific shade of green: the green of Terzo’s eye, the eye he’d passed down to Astrid as well. Omega reached for it with trembling hands, careful not to snag it with his claws.
“Terzo, h…how did you…?” Omega stammered, struggling to find his voice as his mouth hung open. Terzo smiled at him warmly, his eyes soft.
“I have been working on it in my office. It is why I’ve been gone late so many nights,” Terzo explained. He put a hand on Omega’s shoulder. “You are always doing so much for us… I wanted to try and give back a fraction of what you give away so selflessly. It is not enough, and it is not perfect, but I know how much it affected you when I stopped knitting with you. I was thinking… maybe we could start again. Together.” He took Omega’s hand, twining their fingers together.
Omega pulled him in for a watery kiss, tears streaming freely down his face. Terzo buried his free hand in Omega’s hair, bringing him closer. He heard Astrid start to ask what was wrong, but she was quickly shushed by her sister. Omega couldn’t help but chuckle through the kiss; Starlight had witnessed too many emotional scenes like this in her years to be concerned. She knew her parents were ok. They just needed a moment.
When they finally broke apart, Omega took Terzo’s face in his hands, kissing his forehead. Terzo leaned into his touch.
“I love you so much, tesoro,” was all that he could say. They took two sets of photos that year, one in their matching sweaters, and the other with Omega in the sweater that Terzo made for him. Omega had one lingering question, though.
“How did you find the right shade of green? It really is a perfect match!” Omega was thrilled to have something so close to the color of the eye he would happily spend eternity staring into. Terzo’s grin was sheepish.
“Ah, it was, eh… a lot of staring in the mirror, and a lot of trial and error. A lot of returned yarn.” Terzo shrugged. Omega nuzzled against his face.
For the rest of the month, Omega alternated between wearing the sweater that Terzo made him and the one he’d made himself. Terzo needed to gently talk him into retiring it once the season was over. It was never forgotten, though. In fact, Terzo kept everything that Omega, and now he, ever made, organized by year and sealed away from damage. They would periodically go through them together and reminisce. They hoped that one day, their grandchildren would appreciate the love that was poured into every stitch as much as they did.
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ofthemorningstars · 4 months ago
A Black Heart (Part 1)
TerzOmega ~ Secondo's POV ~ Family Fluff ~ Light Angst ~ Resurrection AU
3.9k words
Part 2
Ao3 Version
When Terzo is rushed to the infirmary, a reluctant Uncle Secondo must watch Terzo and Omega's oldest child. Trouble ensues.
Content warning: mpreg(cis), pregnancy complications, medical trauma
Secondo stormed through the hallways of the ministry in a fury, pissed off and ready to start a fight. He was headed towards the infirmary, and not by his own will; he had gotten a frantic call from Omega, at two fifteen in the morning, no less. Terzo was going to regret disturbing him at this hour. 
Meeting his brother’s newest child was a formality at best, and there was absolutely no reason that it had to happen in the wee hours of a Sunday morning, the busiest day of the week for him. Unlike his brother, he still pulled his weight within the ministry. He had shit to do. As he rounded the corner and laid eyes on where his ghoulish brother-in-law was seated in the waiting area, he was about to open his mouth to rip Omega a new asshole, but he stopped when he saw the look on his face. On both of their faces. 
Secondo's oldest niece, Starlight, was sitting next to him and leaning on him heavily, still in her rainbow-print pajamas. She looked upset, her purple-grey complexion stained with tear tracks. She had a death grip on a fuzzy pink blanket, her other hand in her mouth, sucking her thumb. Secondo grimaced in disgust; what a filthy habit. If he had a child, he’d never… Well, he’d never, would he. He and children simply didn’t mix, so he did his best to avoid them. Even children that were his own blood. 
He evaluated Omega with fresh eyes. He didn’t look much better than his daughter did. His complexion, while identical to hers, looked somehow ashen, as though the blood was drained from his face, which was lined with worry. His white hair was out of its usual neat bun, hanging around his face in messy waves. One of his large hands rested on Starlight’s shoulder, while the other was furiously typing on his phone. 
When Omega spotted him, he rose quickly to his feet, picking his daughter up and situating her on his hip. She clung tightly to him, grabbing onto his hair hard. If it bothered him, he didn’t show it. It took only a few strides of Omega’s long legs to cross the room to him, and when he stopped, he was far too close for comfort, towering over him as he did. Secondo refused to allow the ghoul’s stature to intimidate him, scowling up at him with his arms crossed. 
“What the hell is this all about? Do you have any idea what time it is? I know your husband gets to sit on his ass all day now, but some of us have to–”
“Language!” Omega hissed at Secondo, covering one of his daughter’s pointed ears and pulling her head against him tightly. She looked positively frightened. Secondo felt his face heat up, anger bubbling up within him. He continued on, pushing past the warning.
“I can meet your damn baby any time, did this REALLY need to happen at nearly three in the morning?!” When the little girl looked like she was about to cry, he cut himself off, if only to avoid the noise.
“Frankly, Secondo, no one cares about you meeting our kit,” Omega spat back, venom in his voice, although he appeared to be restraining himself. “I called you here because we need you to watch Starlight. Terzo… isn’t well.”
At this, Starlight well and truly began to cry. Omega turned his attention to her, shushing her softly and running a hand through her white hair, the same shade as his. “It’ll just be for a day or two, ok princess? You’ll be back home with Daddy and Papa in no time.” He punctuated his reassurances with a kiss on her forehead. Secondo wanted to gag at the saccharine sweetness of the scene before him. 
“Why the hell can’t Primo watch her? I have important shit to do!” Secondo was done playing games, hellbent on putting his foot down. Omega pinched the bridge of his nose, looking for all the world like he was talking to a petulant child.
“Primo has to assist with the delivery. He’s the only one who knows how to perform the binding ritual on ghouls who aren’t summoned from the pit,” Omega explained, sounding as though he were repeating the same line for the hundredth time that day. Perhaps he was. It was only then that the severity of the situation hit him. Primo “has” to assist with the delivery, not “had”. The baby hadn’t been born yet. More worrying was the realization that, obviously, they never would have called him prior to the obligatory newborn visit. Not unless it was an emergency. 
“Sir?” A nurse popped her head out from around the corner, her gaze fixed on Omega. Omega bristled, barely concealing the look of panic and fear that crossed his face. He turned his head, nodding in acknowledgment and holding up a finger, asking for one more moment. She nodded back at him before disappearing. Omega returned his attention to the distraught toddler in his arms.
“I’ve got to go watch after Papa and your baby sister. I need you to be a big girl for me and go with Uncle Secondo for right now, ok?” To both of their dismay, she started hyperventilating, tugging hard on the lock of her father’s hair that she still held tightly in her clenched fist. Secondo watched as Omega gently grabbed the back of her head, pulling her forward until they were pressed together forehead to forehead. They were doing their weird quintessence ghoul thing, Secondo thought. He rolled his eyes, tapping his foot impatiently. If Omega heard him, he didn’t pay him any mind.
After a few long moments, Starlight’s crying ceased, her breathing returning to normal and her body visibly relaxing. Omega pulled back, wiping the young girl’s tears away and giving her a final kiss, this time on the cheek, before setting her gingerly down on her feet. With a gentle nudge, she took a few tentative steps towards her uncle. Omega handed him a large bag that he somehow hadn’t seen earlier, as well as a key to their chambers, in case she needed something they'd forgotten in their haste.
“We’ll see you soon, sweetie,” Omega assured her, but the slight quiver in his voice gave him away: he was scared. Shit, shit, shit!
When Starlight reached out and grabbed Secondo’s hand, his eyes grew wide with shock. He froze, unsure of what to do, before settling on giving her clawed little hand a firm squeeze. With that, she nearly collapsed into him, grabbing hold of his arm and clinging tightly. He led her back to his quarters, the journey far more slow and awkward than he would have liked. Finally, though, they reached his door, and he unlocked it and let them both in. His head was spinning, overwhelmed by the prospect of his newfound responsibility. At least, he thought, she would soon be asleep, and he could worry about it when she woke up. She was already beginning to nod off on the way back to his room, after all.
When he closed and locked the door behind him, he slumped against it, letting out a deep, exasperated sigh. Starlight looked around at her new surroundings, eyes wild, overwhelmed. To Secondo’s dismay, her earlier cries resumed, and she sat heavily on the floor with a thud, rubbing her eyes, grabbing at her own horns in what seemed to be a self-soothing gesture. Her tail was wrapped tightly around one of her legs. 
Unsure of what to do, Secondo gave her a half-hearted pat on the back, reluctantly kneeling on the ground to better reach her. He’d regret this later, he knew he would. His knees weren’t what they used to be, but he’d do anything to get that infernal crying to stop. She lunged forward, catching him off guard when she wrapped her little arms around his middle, wiping her nose on his shirt. Ugh. Gross. This was why he didn’t spend time with children.
“U-uncle Secondo, will Papa and my b-baby sister be ok?” she sniffled after she’d seemingly cried herself out. Secondo didn’t immediately answer, unsure of how best to respond. “Papa was hurt, he was s-screaming and holding his tummy. I heard Daddy say it was too early for my sister to come,” she continued. 
Secondo’s earlier worry returned. Sure, he and his brother weren’t exactly close, but he certainly didn’t want him to die , or to suffer the loss of a child. He rubbed the back of his neck, unsure of what to say. She sensed his hesitation, her cries threatening to break into a wail. In a desperate bid to calm her, he put both hands on her shoulders, steadying her.
“Sì, they will be fine. I promise.” He hoped he wasn't lying.
He got her settled down on the sofa, her eyes closing almost as soon as her head hit the pillow. He changed his tear and snot stained shirt with mild disgust. Before going back to bed himself, he called Omega, hoping to get some answers as to just what the hell was happening with his little brother. The call went straight to voicemail.
When he awoke the next morning, Starlight’s face was a foot from his own, standing at the edge of his bed and staring at him with watery eyes. She wiped at her nose with the back of her hand.
“Uncle Secondo, I’m hungry,” she whined. Secondo looked at the clock on his nightstand. It was only 7:45.
“Jeeze, kid. Are you usually up this early?” Starlight stared at him blankly. He got up with a sigh. He was greeted by mostly empty cupboards in the kitchen. He didn’t eat at home much, preferring to go to the great hall over cooking. He found a box of bran cereal, figuring it would have to do. She made a face when he put the bowl in front of her, sniffing it cautiously. Secondo watched with amusement as she ate all of it anyway, even drinking the milk. She really must have been hungry after all.
Not knowing what else to do, and having called out of his ministry duties, Secondo put on cartoons and let her sit and watch for the rest of the day, despite being told that her fathers didn’t let her watch much TV. She remained glued to the screen until just before noon, when she started to get visibly bored and antsy. He sympathized, feeling much the same way. Surely there was something they could do. Suddenly an idea occurred to him.
“Hey kid, do you wanna go pull a prank?” Secondo asked with an evil grin. She looked at him quizzically, her head cocked to the side.
“What’s a prank?” she asked innocently. Secondo’s smile evaporated. Man, he thought, his brother really sheltered this kid. He ignored her question and got her dressed. Once he had applied his face paint and gotten dressed himself, they headed to the great hall together, bringing a secret weapon. 
The walk felt like it took ages, Starlight continuously asking questions about the nature of pranking someone. When they finally arrived and Secondo was sure no one was looking, they snuck into the kitchen, quickly spotting their target. It was easy to identify Copia’s food, as he ate the same thing nearly every day, like the little weirdo he was. He fished the bottle of extra-hot hot sauce out of his pocket, lacing the red sauce on his rigatoni with it with a snicker. Starlight looked up at him, puzzled.
“Won’t that hurt Uncle Copia?” Her concern was endearing, but her voice rang out a little too loud. Secondo shushed her, quickly ushering her out of the kitchen and into the great hall. They ate lunch in silence at a table directly across from Copia, Secondo trying hard to be inconspicuous as he watched Copia like a hawk.
When Copia finally took a bite of his food after what felt like an eternity of waiting, Secondo watched with delight as he quickly spit it out, downing an entire glass of water before fanning his mouth cartoonishly.
“Fucking shit, that’s hot! What the fuck?!” Copia exclaimed, more shocked than angry. Starlight began to giggle, and Secondo elbowed her in the ribs, not wanting to get caught. Copia’s gaze flew to them immediately, his eyes widening in horror and his hand flying to his mouth as he seemed to only now realize that there was a small child present. He stalked towards them, glaring at Secondo before turning his attention to Starlight, expression softening. He crouched down to her level in a deep squat. 
“Do you know who messed with my food, little Star? You look like you do,” he stated plainly, face a mask of seriousness, but his voice was soft. Her eyes darted to Secondo for a moment, but she quickly stared forward, shaking her head. “Now now, I know your fathers taught you not to lie. That’s not very nice.” Copia took her hand in his, rubbing the back of it with his thumb when her lip began to quiver. She turned her whole head to stare at Secondo this time. “Yeah, that’s about what I figured.”
Secondo scoffed, rolling his eyes.
“I did no such thing. She’s three! You’re really going to believe her?” Secondo managed to sound indignant despite being fully aware of his own guilt. 
“A heck of a lot more than I believe you,” Copia snarked. “Why’s she hanging out with a grumpy old man like you anyway?” Secondo rubbed the back of his neck when he felt Starlight stiffen beside him. Please, not another meltdown.
“Terzo is… in the infirmary, and Omega is with him,” Secondo said, choosing his words carefully.
“Ah, mazel tov! A new baby, how wonderful,” Copia exclaimed, clapping his hands together. Secondo shot him a look, shaking his head. Copia looked confused, then concerned. He opened his mouth to ask the question that Secondo could feel coming, when Starlight chimed in, opening her mouth for the first time since Copia had come to their table.
“Papa isn’t feeling good. He got hurt,” she said quietly, her voice threatening to break. A look of panic crossed over Copia’s features, and he rose to his feet, patting his pockets, clearly looking for his cell phone.
“Don’t bother, Omega’s phone is off. I tried last night and again this morning.” He sounded defeated. “Primo is with them. I’m sure everyone will be just fine.” The last part was added more for Starlight’s benefit than for anything else. Copia sighed, deciding to sit down beside Starlight, wrapping an arm around her.
“Why doesn’t anyone ever call me for these things? I love children!” Copia sounded genuinely hurt.
“No one ever calls you for these things because you’re a fucking idiot,” Secondo said bitterly. Copia covered Starlight's little ears, but to his surprise, she let out a giggle.
“Language!” Secondo was cautioned for the second time that day. He rolled his eyes. Whatever. She’d learn it before they knew it anyway. 
“Uncle Copia, could you come play with us? Watching TV is boring,” Starlight pleaded. Copia looked chuffed.
“Of course I can, little Star! I’d love nothing more. Why don’t the two of you come back to my chambers after lunch? I’ve got something I’d like to show you.” Copia patted her on the back and walked back to his table, taking the rigatoni to the trash and going into the kitchen himself. Secondo pinched the bridge of his nose. This was an unexpected consequence, and a huge pain in his ass.
After they ate, Secondo followed them to the papal suite, trailing behind like a shadow while Starlight skipped ahead of him, holding Copia’s hand. Copia was talking a million miles a minute at the little ghoul, although Secondo couldn’t have told you what he was talking about even with a gun to his head. 
When they entered, Secondo felt a sense of bitter familiarity; this suite had once been his home, and then Terzo’s after him. All of the brothers had taken turns residing in these luxurious quarters, but Copia was the one who’d been allowed to stay the longest. It was an unpleasant reminder of everything that had happened over the last decade or so. While, yes, Copia had been the one to overthrow the previous tyrannical regime and bring all of them back from the pit, he had also been the reason they were sent there to begin with. To say it had soured their already strained relationship was an understatement. 
He hated what Copia had done with the place. How could someone manage to make such glorious living quarters look like a pathetic bachelor pad? Empty pizza boxes, video games, an arcade cabinet… And worst of all, a cage filled with filthy vermin: Copia’s beloved pet rats.
Starlight squealed with delight when she saw the fat furry little shits, running over to their cage and putting her fingers through the bars. Three large rats scurried over to her, sniffing her hand curiously.
“Would you like to hold one?” Copia asked, and Starlight began jumping up and down, clapping her hands. Copia opened the cage, pulling out a light brown rat with beady black eyes, the largest of the bunch. “His name is, eh… Rigatoni. I guess you could say I really like pasta.” He patted his belly for emphasis. The ghoul giggled as she was handed the creature, her face lighting up. She held it carefully, with an awareness of her claws that Secondo found impressive for a child her age.
Copia sat her down in his armchair with Rigatoni, watching fondly for a while as they played together. While she was distracted, Copia pulled Secondo aside, walking to the far side of the sitting room, his face uncharacteristically serious.
“Ok, now are you gonna tell me what the hell is going on with my brother?”
“I don’t know any more than you do,” Secondo replied defensively. “Omega called me at two in the morning demanding I go down to the infirmary. He sent Starlight home with me, and she told me that Terzo was hurt. She said he was screaming and grabbing his stomach. Now Omega won’t answer the phone, and Primo is nowhere to be found. I’m assuming he’s still with them.”
Copia grimaced. Secondo could see the cogs turning in his brain, trying to figure out what exactly was going to happen next. Secondo turned around to check on Starlight, doing a double take when he saw her curled up with the rat in her arms. Both of them were fast asleep. 
“Man, she’s really tuckered out. What time does she usually take a nap?” Copia asked, amused. When Secondo stared blankly at him, Copia shook his head judgmentally.  “Toddlers need naps, dipshit.” Secondo just shrugged in reply. They sat for about fifteen minutes in uncomfortable silence, letting the little girl sleep. 
Eventually, though, Secondo got tired of waiting. He decided to pick her up and carry her back to his own quarters. When they got there, Secondo set her down on the sofa. He felt a twinge of guilt, though, at making her sleep there. Surely it wasn’t comfortable or healthy for a growing child, and he knew her fathers wouldn’t be pleased about it if they found out. With a deep sigh, he stripped his bed, putting fresh linens and blankets down. He transferred her to the bed, covering her up and going so far as to tuck her in. He wondered when he’d become such a softie.
After she woke up, the rest of the day was just as stilted and awkward as that early morning had been, with his niece again growing restless. Secondo gave her a bath, wanting to wash away the germs of that filthy rat. That night after she’d gone to bed, Secondo texted Copia, reluctantly asking him to come over tomorrow to help with Starlight. His reply was nearly instantaneous, eagerly accepting the invitation, almost like he expected it. Secondo didn't sleep well that night, tossing and turning on the sofa.
Copia followed them back to Secondo’s chambers after breakfast like a lost puppy the next morning, a small animal carrier in tow. To say that Secondo wasn’t thrilled about the unexpected furry guest would be an understatement, but Starlight was very excited, and he supposed that was what really mattered. 
They spent the afternoon playing together, and when she again fell asleep with Rigatoni, Secondo expected Copia to gather up the animal and leave, but to his dismay, Copia whipped out some sort of handheld video game system. Apparently, he came prepared to wait out naptime. Secondo rubbed his temples as he realized what he had set himself up for. 
They played until evening, and when it was dinner time, Copia followed them there too and ate with them, sitting next to Starlight, trying the whole time, with moderate success, to make her laugh. After dinner, Copia tried following them once again, but Secondo decided that enough was enough. He had overstayed his welcome, and Secondo made that clear to Copia in no uncertain terms. Copia sulked, clearly taking it personally, and went to leave, but not before giving Starlight a big hug. She happily returned it, squeezing tight. They said their goodbyes and went their separate ways, much to Secondo’s relief. 
Secondo had just gotten her situated on the sofa watching TV again when his phone rang. His heart skipped a beat when he saw that it was his brother-in-law. He went into his bedroom, silently shutting the door behind him.
“Hello?” Secondo answered, trying to sound calm and collected, not wanting to let the ghoul know how frazzled he felt. 
“Secondo,” came the deep voice of Omega. He sounded exhausted. 
“Yes? Where the hell have you been?” Secondo was getting a little irritated, wanting him to cut to the chase. There was a pause, followed by a long sigh on the other end of the line.
“We need you to keep Starlight for another couple of days. Two, maybe three. Hopefully no longer than that.” Anger bubbled up within Secondo. Was he really to be expected to put his entire life on pause at a moment’s notice for these people?!
“Why can’t Primo take her? Surely the new ghoul has been bound to our world by now, his job is done!” Secondo hissed through clenched teeth.
“We still need him here. He’s been working around the clock to help keep Terzo alive.” Omega’s voice was dark. There was another long pause, Secondo stunned into silence. He took a moment to appreciate the severity of the situation.
“That bad, huh?” Secondo said, keeping his voice down.
“Yes,” was all he got in reply. Secondo hung up the phone before he could say anything else, feeling numb, his extremities tingling. He peeked through a crack in the door at the little girl currently perched on his sofa, her stark white hair standing out like a beacon in the dim glow of the television. He braced himself to tell her the news of her extended stay, praying to whatever would listen that he wouldn’t soon have to deliver even worse news.
Starlight cried herself to sleep that night.
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