#terry pratchess
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fairytale-poll · 14 days ago
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
She inherited the role on the death of an acquaintance and she's doing her best but she's like twenty-one and so, so shit at it. She can't make the wand turn things into anything but pumpkins. She's being followed around by two interfering old ladies who are better at everything. She's up against a far more competent Wicked Fairy Godmother who believes *she's* the good one. It's Mardi Gras, there are zombies, she punches a snake in the face at one point...
Fairy Queen of Sweet Dreams:
Multilimbed ancient god summoned by Ella’s plight <3 She outright tells Ella to move past the Disney crap and be willing to admit she’s willing to take revenge on her stepfamily for abusing her and literally murdering her companions. And then proceeds to sing one of the prettiest songs I’ve heard in a musical. She also calls herself “mother” which was definitely for the lesbians • She's literally the Goddess of All That Is Green and Good. She's ancient fey goddess who comes to Cinderella after an accidental offering of innocent blood and grants her the power to get revenge on her wicked troll Stepmother and stepsisters. She takes Cinderella to the end of time to crafter her slippers and gown from the lat dying star in the universe. In short, she's metal as fuck
shes summoned through the spilling of innocent blood at the base of her favorite tree. she makes a dress and shoes for ella out of pure starlight and enchants them so that as long as theyre on her feet all her dreams will come true. she has an absolutely Banging musical number. also she definitely had smthn going on with ellas mom theres a line that says she used to dance under the tree naked with her
Unlike most other fairy god mothers she gets right to the point and is like """"you want revenge let me help you"""". She is off putting and I love her so much. She also has many many arms and is extremely beautiful and ethereal.
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loracarol · 7 years ago
Hi! If you still doing this, may I ask for Sam Vimes with that "Four headcanons meme"? Have a nice day! (and thank you!)
:D I’ll do memes forever. :D 
Headcanon A:  realistic
Someone gifts him a pair of really nice socks; soft as a baby’s bottom, waterproof as a duck, and they fit like a glove.
He hates them.
He’s just so used to socks that are rougher, scratchy; socks that are lumpy, and need to be darned and fixed. Granted, the waterproofy-ness is nice, but...
He likes the socks Sybil fixes the best.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
The socks end up “accidentally” stolen by Nobby Nobbs.
Vimes couldn’t be happier.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
Despite everything, Vimes manages to outlive Sybil. 
Not by much - but long enough that it becomes darkly humorous; after everything that’s happened to him, he still managed to live longer. 
(He dies less then a year after her, but that 7 months 5 days 3 hours 26 minutes is enough - he’d forgotten what it was like to live without her.)
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
Vimes and DEATH are on a first name basis. Death doesn’t have first name, technically speaking, but he picks one just for Vimes to use. 
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shatar-aethelwynn · 7 years ago
  There is an aspect of education that we want to draw to your attention. We call it ‘lies-to-children’. We are aware that some readers may object to the word ‘lie’ – it got Ian and Jack into terrible trouble with some literally-minded Swedes at a scientific conference who took it all terribly seriously and spent several days protesting that ‘It’s not a lie!’ It is. It is for the best possible reasons, but it is still a lie. A lie-to-children is a statement that is false, but which nevertheless leads the child’s mind towards a more accurate explanation, one that the child will only be able to appreciate if it has been primed with the lie.   The early stages of education have to include a lot of lies-to-children, because early explanations have to be simple. However, we live in a complex world, and lies-to-children must eventually be replaced with more complex stories it they are not to become delayed-action genuine lies.
  When you live in a complex world, you have to simplify it in order to understand it. Indeed, that’s what ‘understand’ means. At different stages of education, different levels of simplification are appropriate. Liar-to-children is an honorable and vital profession, otherwise known as ‘teacher’. But what teaching does not do – although many politicians think it does, which is one of the problems – is erect a timeless edifice of ‘facts’. Every so often you have to unlearn what you thought you already knew, and replace it by something more subtle.
And, probably, a lot of what you know is lies-to-children.
-The Science of Discworld, by Terry Pratchess and Jack Cohen
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