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ozkar-krapo · 2 years ago
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"TapRoot #19-20 : Cleveland Language"
(cassette. Burning Press. 1990) [US]
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oifaaa · 2 months ago
I’m mildly shocked Damian allowed dick or Bruce to die
I mean he didn't really get a say in the matter and I think its safe to say he was more upset at Dick dying then bruce since we are still trying to incorporate some beyond batman stuff meaning by the time bruce dies at the ripe young age of a hundred and something (that is canonically when he dies in batman beyond) he's completely alienated from most of his family even Terry's on the outs with him but Dick would be a hard blow unfortunately I don't think Dick would want to be resurrected and Damian would respect that
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beautifulterriblequeen · 3 months ago
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They couldn't stop her.
But who is they, and who's that on the ground?
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I see Claudia and Aaravos up front.
Allen right behind them.
Soren and Terry.
Maybe that's Aanya kneeling?
Over... Lujanne...?
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gbaaalex · 7 months ago
i..... i think i made something...
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the-bi-fangirl-biatch · 2 years ago
the finale haters are so BORING like cmon man. complain all you guys want about it, but me and the angst enjoyers here are gonna be LIVING because of how much delicious potential the next season has. and this is neil fucking gaiman we're talking about! their sets are still standing, their costumes bagged and tagged, and you don't think this man would work his ass of to give us a happy ending? the man who wants to make sure this is alllllll worthy for his friend's memory?? let the (serious and/or violent) stress go and have some faith!
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cozza-frenzy · 11 days ago
Struggling a bit right now; hoping maybe getting those feelings out there will help. There's this persistent problem that we have where we just can't restart anything after being away from it for a certain length of time, because it's "too late" and therefore there's no point. It doesn't matter how much we know we should restart, it doesn't matter how much we want to, there's just this part of us that's like "it's too late now" and we just, can't. There doesn't seem to be any specific time limit for it to happen either - it just happens and becomes a near-immovable mental block. And we don't even know why. I don't know if this is an as-yet-undiscovered alter we have, or if it's one of our "critters" deciding to act out. "Critters" are like temporary splits that we have occasionally; emotions or intrusive thoughts that become detached from the rest of the system, with no will or motivation of their own. But this seems like something rooted deeper than that - it feels like it's anchored to some kind of big knot that's going to come loose if we pull on it too hard. The implicit message I'm getting seems to be "if you think this hurts, wait until you try digging too deep, and it'll be your fault". Whatever or whoever this is, I'm not sure it wants to be found, but we can't continue like this. I'm not really sure what to do about it, but this is affecting everything. Everything from answering the asks in the inbox to working on writing and art to taking the meds and supplements we're supposed to be taking. We're not able to do anything because this part of us is dragging us down and holding us back like a lead weight. I don't know what it needs exactly - maybe reassurance that nobody's mad at us? - but this is fucking miserable. Any advice is appreciated but we're not tagging this, we don't want a bunch of parasocial morons in the inbox again. - Terry (& Bitter, currently lurking)
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surfqueenoftheisles · 5 months ago
DID in the HDM world: Deamons
alter in a polyfragmented system here with questions:
okay so in his dark materials if a deamon is representative of ones soul, when there's a DID system does the system have one deamon who never settles to one form?
do the system have one deamon that is settled into one form but it's different for each adult alter changing only as they switch?
if the latter is true can the deamon shapeshift freely only when a little is in front?
when they're co-con is the deamon a hybrid chimera of the two or more alters who are there?
in that case if an adult is co-con with a little can only half of the deamon shapeshift?
if so is that the front half, the back half, the left half or the right half or just the middle or just the top half (furthest from the ground) or just the bottom half (touching the ground) or some other way???
what if the alters are blending???
or is it that each alter has their own deamon who's out as they are? (most plausible in my opinion)
is it that everyone's deamon is out at all times regardless of who's in front so polyfragmented systems have a zoo of deamons following them everywhere some of which require different terrain (like fish) and some of those deamons can still shapeshift because they belong to the littles???
also which is funnier?????
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fangirlstorycreator · 2 months ago
hey hey!! im liking you're new border picture with all you're characters on it. I like all of them. but I have a question for you @fangirlstorycreator in you're mind who out of those characters would be a dom. soft dom or sub in the bedroom? and can you explain why?? thanks in advance XxX
Hi anon! I love this ask! I can absolutely do this for you 😃💚 Ok, so I will do all the characters on my border, and I wonder if anyone would agree with me on my opinions?
CK Terry Silver:
Ok! Terry Silver, weather he's younger or older, is a definite Dom! We've all seen how he is around people, that desperate need for control and satisfaction. You can tell he would treat his woman like a queen, but like a slut in the bedroom. He would take pleasure in your pleasure, making you beg for the slightest touch, it's got Terry written all over it. But I definitely see Terry being a pleasure Dom. Although, I can see Terry swapping that position every now and again, with him being controlled by his girl in the bedroom. This is Terry after all, as long as he's with the woman he loves, he's up for anything.
Now Thranduil is an interesting one for me. He is one of my favourites, but I'm not sure I see him as a Dom. He was crushed by the loss of his wife, so if he were to fall in love again, he would crave loving, physical touch from her. I think he would be one of those who prefers tender loving intimacy, rather than raw, passionate sex. So in my mind, I don't see him as a Dom, but I don't see him as a Sub either. He'd like to be in any position, as long as he's showing his love and feeling his lovers embrace.
Geralt Of Rivia:
Mmmmm...Geralt....Now you know just by looking at Geralt, that he'd destroy you in the bedroom. I'm not sure I see Geralt as a Dom, or a Sub, but that's not to say he can't be a little like that from time to time. From his history with Yennefer, and whores in brothels, he sometimes either just wants a quick fuck, or to worship a woman's body. I think if Geralt were to be with a woman he truly cares about, it would be about passionate sex, not controlling pleasure. So I don't see Geralt as either.
Aemond Targaryen:
Now this one is interesting. As many have seen Aemond in the show, he can be very vulnerable around the whore in the brothal. But I don't think that would be exactly the same if he were to really fall in love with someone. I think, if he were to be with his dream girl, he would be gentle at the start of their sex lives. He didn't have a nice introduction into sex, so he wouldn't put the woman he loves through the same thing. But, let's not forget Aemond's personality. He can be dark, cunning and craves control. I think that once him and his girl would be more comfortable, they would do more in the bedroom, and I definitely see Aemond wanting to take control over his girls pleasure. He'd enjoy her beg for him, and giving her exactly what she needs. So yeh, I think Aemond can progress into a Dom, but only with the right person.
Loki Laufyson:
Ahh, our sneaky god of mischief. Now, this all depends on which Loki were thinking about. Because his personality and choices change over the years. Loki in the first Thor film is not the same Loki in his series. So, I think, in his earlier years, I see him being a Dom in the bedroom. But as he's changed, lost people he loved, lost his home, and any chance at a normal life, I think he'd be far more different to the woman he loves. If he was being intimate, he wouldn't care about who's on top, or who's incharge. He'd just enjoy every moment he has being with the one person who loves him more than anything. Maybe? Maybe if it's older Loki, he wouldn't mind you being in top, taking charge, but he wouldn't be afraid to flip the switch and show a darker side to him, if you asked him too. So, in my mind, not quite Dom, but not quite Sub either.
Eric Northman:
Eric Northman. Anyone whose seen true blood knows that Eric can definitely be a pleasure Dom. There's one scene that comes to mind....(you seem suprised...is bill's stamina not up to snuff?) Ehem, anyway! He can definitely be a pleasure Dom! But, again, as anyone would know from his memory loss with Sookie, he can be incredibly gentle and kind. Even when he got his memories back, he was choosing to be kind to her. But, if he were to fall in love with another woman, he'd enjoy showing that dominance in the bedroom, if she liked it of course. But again, he is capable of being romantic and passionate in the bedroom, but I'm not quite sure he'd be a Sub. Maybe in his memory loss days, he'd be a little submissive, but with his memories, probably not.
Spike. William the Bloody. Spike is one of my all time favourite characters, and his development through the buffy series is amazing. From wanting to kill buffy at the start, to dying for her and the world at the end, it's beautiful. Now, when it comes to being a Dom, hm? I'm not to sure. When Buffy started sleeping with him in season 6, they both kind of played at being in charge. With Spike being a powerful vampire, and Buffy being the slayer, it was difficult to think of who out of the two, would be the real Dom. Spike would enjoy it both ways, and has 😏 but I don't think he's a definite Dom or Sub. As long as he's with the woman he loves, he's happy.
Draco Malfoy:
Draco. Now this is a tough one. He's in an unhappy home environment, weighed down by the thought of not being enough for his dad, and not being the best student he can be to his potions teacher, Snape. But despite that, I think if Draco truly cared for someone, he probably wouldn't know how to show it at first. He'd be rude, defensive, dismiss anything she would do or say to make him smile. But after a while, he'd grow to understand that someone does genuinely care about him. In regards with the bedroom, I honestly am completely stumped on that. I have no clue?
Severus Snape:
Oooohhhh...Snape....absolute Dom! Definitely! He's definitely one who would love to take control in the bedroom. He's a teacher, a strong clever one, who scares the students and has respect from the teachers. If he were to have a woman by his side, he would take great pleasure in hers. I can see him being a pleasure Dom, making his woman beg on her knees, loving that the woman he loves wants him, needs him this much. So yes, Snape is a Dom in my eyes. If you were to walk around the school as a Professor, and see him coming in the opposite direction, you'd love to wind him up. Shoot him a look, cast a spell on his robe to fly away, do anything that can annoy him, just to get that look in his eyes. The look that says your going to be punished for that. And he, would enjoy all the naughty things to think of doing to you once you were alone. And I can tell he's one who likes danger. If students were in one hall, and you and him were in the room corrected to it, he wouldn't hesitate to drag you in there and make you get on your knees, all while anyone could walk past.
Daryl Dixon:
Ah Daryl. I love Daryl. Despite him always being a little grumpy, protecting his group or taking care of his weapons, he'd be a total sweetie to his girl. Daryl isn't one for that kind of physical touch, not unless he feels comfortable enough. But if he was, and it was with the woman he loves, I seem him being kind of a Sub. Daryl tries so hard to be strong and capable every day of his life with the zombie outbreak. So it's wonderful for him to relax and let someone else take care of him for once. To be honest, I don't see him and his woman doing the whole Sub Dom thing. Sex for him would probably more of a comfort thing, spending quality time together and showing his love and appreciation. So in my eyes, Daryl's neither a full Sub or a Dom.
Thorin Oakenshield:
Thorin!!! I loooove Thorin! King under the mountain! Or King under me-ehem! Moving on! 😂 We unfortunately don't see Thorin with a lady in the Hobbit films, which is a shame. But I believe Thorin would literally treat his lady like a queen. He'd adore his lady, kiss her every day, tell her he loves her, shower her with gifts and romantic gestures, that's definitely him. But in regards to the bedroom, I can see Thorin going both ways. He is definitely capable of being a pleasure Dom, pinning his lady down and bringing her to tears. But, I can just tell that he'd really enjoy his lady taking control too. He's a King, the King under the mountain, but he doesn't always wanna be that. He'd love his lady making his beg for it, making him her little play thing, I can just tell he'd like that kind of thing. So yes, Dom but also Sub.
Bucky Barnes:
Poor Bucky has been through so much. He's loved and lost people he cares about, and it would be hard for him to open up and love another person, but not impossible. After some time, he'd love his partner more than anything in the world. But with the bedroom, that would probably take him longer to open up too. He's hurt so many people through no fault of his own, and the last thing he'd do is hurt his girl. So they'd take it day by day, not full intercourse at first, just little steps to that stage. And once he felt safe to be that way with you, your first time would be slow and gentle. At first, he'd probably wanna be on the bottom, letting you feel comfortable with him, but maybe after a few months, and sleeping together more often, he'd wanna be a little more assertive. Taking you against the wall, pinning you to the bed, definitely get more dominant with you. But, I don't see him being a full Dom, or a full Sub. With Bucky and his girl, anyone can be on top.
Now with Alucard, I see him talking control, but to make sure he can control himself more than anything. If his partner were a human that is. He craves blood, to bite into humans necks, but he'd never do that to you unless you asked him too. He has incredible self restraint, but when it comes to sex, that's a little harder. Even though he'd be in control, it would be about how you feel, what you want him to do, and weather he can alow himself to touch you or kiss you in that way. I think after a while, he'd be more comfortable in the bedroom, knowing what you like and what he can do without any danger. But maybe, he'd enjoy being a Sub? Letting you pleasure him, so his mind wouldn't be filled with such worry. So for Alucard, not Dom, but Sub sometimes.
Iron Bull:
Oh hell yeh! Iron Bull is a definite Dom! I mean, who can play Dragon Age Inquisition without romancing him?! For those who have played his romantic story, will know that he is 100% a Dom. And he is a respectful guy too. He lays out the rules, the safe work, and I can feel he's really good at after care too. The dudes huge! But also a huge softy. I'm not sure if he'd wanna take a turn at being the Sub? But I do know that he isn't always a Dom in bed. Once he's found his "Kadan" he will show his more gentle and sensitive side. But rest assured, if you still wanted a little rough with him, he'd be more than happy to oblige.
Fenris? He's a tricky one. If anyone has played his romantic story line, will know that he is afraid of being that right man for you. But he does love, and he does care, he just struggles to show it. I think if he's been with his partner for a long time, those thoughts wont be there as much, and he can really enjoy being in a couple. In the bedroom, I can see him go both ways. He just wants intimacy, love, attention and affection. So when it comes to sex, that's all it is, sex. No thoughts about who's going to take control or submit to one another, just passionate love making, allowing the fears and troubles of the world to disappear.
😶🤤 Aaaahhhh.....our Radio Demon.....As most people know about his character, Alastor is Asexual. And in the first series of Hazbin Hotel, we haven't seen him attracted to anyone or show any expression of sexual interaction. But, that's not to say he is isnt capable of it. Asexuality can be very different for many people. Some would feel absolutely no sexual attraction to anyone, and not want to ever have sex. Were as there are some who have tried it and don't like it, or find others attractive and are only comfortable with certain physical things. It's different for everyone who is Asexual. So for Alastor, let's just imagine that he does feel attracted to certain people. If that lucky sinner was his partner, I feel he would be extremely protective, especially if they were a sinner and not an overlord. He would be comfortable walking down the street with you hand in hand, hugging you, kissing you on the cheek, and only when he feels very loving, a kiss on the lips. I honestly don't see Alastor being sexual with his partner, but that doesn't mean I don't see him being dominant. Alastor is a very powerful man, who strikes fear into many sinners hearts, but that's not what he does to you. I can see him wanting you to crave, no, beg for him to kiss you, and he would get off on the control he has for his dear partner. So yes, he has Dom energy, but not a sexual Dom.
Aww the King of Lust, he's such lovely character. His relationship with Fizz is so sweet. And from seeing how he behaves around Fizz, who he adores, you can tell he's one of those guys everyone wants in a relationship. It's obvious that Ozzie is a pleasure Dom, considering his job and how he is with Fizz. But I do think he may be partial to being a Sub from time to time. He owns naughty toys, and it would be a great experience for both him and Fizz to try, and being the Sub and having someone to use those toys on, would be pleasurable for both of them. So yes, he's a Dom, but not always.
Of course he's a Sub! He's in a relationship with Ozzie! THE King of Lust! I bet he loooves having Ozzie "test" the new toys with him, and taking every chance he can get to be physical with Ozzie. But, also like Asmodeus, I think he'd like to swap positions. I think Fizz would take full advantage of those very long limbs of his for a little...bondage...So yes, definite Sub, but just like Asmodeus, not all the time.
I mean....really? It's confirmed verbally many times, and it's obvious from anyone who watches Helluva Boss, Stolas is a Sub. He would practically faint when he could hear Blitz arriving at his home, excited for a night of passionate fornication! I am a lover of Helluva Boss, and Hazbin Hotel, they are my favourite shows! And it will be interesting to see Blitz and Stolas's relationship change. And you never know, they might want to change it up in the bedroom in future seasons, but from what we've seen so far, Stolas is a Sub.
Mmmm.....The King of Hell! In my personal opinion, after watching him in Hazbin Hotel, I honestly see Lucifer being a bit of both, but mostly Sub. Come on! Look at how tall and beautiful Lilith is! I bet he would practically melt at her simply stroking his cheek, let alone being sexual. I think he would take charge if Lilith asked, but when it comes to sex, it just feels like he would lie there, enjoy the view and experience. So I think he's a Sub, but would take control if he was asked.
😈 This is Blitz we're talking about. The blitz! He's the daddy of the Doms! The way he was with Stolas, screams dominance. So this one was very easy, dom dom Dom! He may feel a little startled at first if Stolas were to try and take control, but you never know, he may like it. We'll have to see how their relationship changes in season 3.
🥺 Angel! My sweet little Angel! He is by far my favourite character in Hazbin Hotel! I love every moment he's on screen. And again, if anyone has seen the show, and his character, knows he is 100 and 10% a Sub. I hate that he has to deal with Valentino, but before his got involved, he really did love his sex life. He still likes his sex life now, but not when Val's involved, or Val's chosen some guys to rough him up while recording. I think if HuskerDust is a real thing in the next season, it would be nice for him to finaly enjoy his sex life with the right person.
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macchiatosdumptruck · 2 years ago
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Moments that changed my brain chemistry forever
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transgenderboobs · 1 year ago
need to get a new hyperfixation where the creator is like a hermit or dead or something so i can live in peace. the era of my favorite medias writers being on twitter is my nightmare
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moviemosaics · 1 year ago
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Dust Devil
directed by Richard Stanley, 1992
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dustedmagazine · 1 year ago
Listed: Jordan Martins
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Jordan Martins is a musician, organizer, educator, and visual artist whose works have been shown in Chicago and Brazil. While he has played steel guitar and other instruments for years with the singer / songwriter Angela James, his first solo album, Fogery Nagles, was released by the Astral Spirits label in the fall of 2023. In his review for Dusted, Bill Meyer wrote, “Fogery Nagles arrives, seemingly out of nowhere, but just at the right time.”
Sarah Davachi — Cantus Figures Laurus
I’m a sucker for long-form droney music in general and as of late I’ve been bathing in organ music of this kind as much as possible. I had really enjoyed Davachi’s other works but fell fully under her spell with this box set of works from the last few years with over four hours of heavy tones unfolding in various ways. I like to listen to this as loud as possible to feel these sounds as vibrations. There are several shorter tracks that focus on a particular palette or tonality, with the later tracks being from live recordings of longer performances. Even though the set is a compilation joining these sets of works together after the fact, I love this body of work as a sequence of experiences.
Caetano Veloso — Araça Azul
It’s hard to pick a favorite Veloso record, but if I had to it would be the utterly unique Araça Azul, recorded in 1972 when he returned to Brazil after being exiled by the military dictatorship years prior. The record is markedly outside of the original zeitgeist of the Tropicalia movement — less ecstatic, hopeful, collaborative, and postmodern in the mixing of styles — but at the same it’s maybe the purest expression of the experimental range of sounds and poetry that the movement ushered in. There are other musicians playing on some tracks, but the whole thing feels like a single creative brain tinkering with ideas and sounds until they take enough shape to be a “song.” There’s a fundamental collage approach that I love — where he engages in field recordings, musique concrète, dissonant orchestrations overlapping on simple folk melodies, and transformative and ballsy covers of classics by singers like Monsueto and Milton Nascimento.
Angelika Niescier, Savannah Harris, Tomeka Reid — Beyond Dragons
I had the good fortune of seeing this trio play at Elastic in Chicago this past spring. When they finished their set, my wife leaned over to me and said “THAT WAS HOT SHIT” which is maybe the most accurate thing to say about these players and this music. Niescier’s compositions are somehow tight and specific while simultaneously giving each player ample room to flex and explore with abundant space around the components of each piece. I love their ability to charge into a piece full steam with an almost aggressive sense of urgency and then allow their interactions to gradually fragment and dissolve into textural interplays and quiet call-and-response improvisations.
Paul Franklin— solos on “Together Again”
A friend hipped me to a video of Paul Franklin soloing over the Buck Owens classic “Together Again” and I’ve since gone down YouTube rabbit holes watching as many clips as I can find (and I see other people in the comments on the same journey). Franklin is a Nashville legend who has played pedal steel on hundreds of recordings since the seventies. As a member of the Time Jumpers, he plays as a sideman to Vince Gill at local venues in Nashville covering classic country songs, often playing this tune which originally featured Tom Brumley playing a quick steel solo that used some very innovative voicings at the time. Franklin’s playing is so technically brilliant, but it also illustrates the ways in which the instrument can be psychedelic and disorienting, even in a conventional setting. His solos always follow a basic architecture but there’s subtle variations, improvisations and flourishes in every version where you can see him trying to find new ways of cracking it open. My favorite clips are the ones where he goes out on a limb and the audience is noticeably giggling as they experience the sonic floor drop out from under them like they’re on a carnival ride.
Nicholas Britell— “Unto Stone We are One”, funeral “March Song of Ferrix,” season 1 finale of Andor
I sometimes dabble in the questionable array of new Star Wars projects and absolutely loved Andor’s vision of a bureaucratic fascist space empire, not spending a second on jedis and lightsabers, instead examining the interrelationships of imperial occupations, military contractors, and resistance movements. The last episode is masterful in part because the tension of the entire season simmers to a boil during a funeral procession with working class miners playing junky space orchestral instruments. The score of this funeral march by Nicholas Britell is a haunting, yearning motif that steadily builds but the stroke of genius is how perfectly out of tune the instruments are! Such a simple and surprising choice does such heavy lifting in terms of adding a sense of materiality to the setting and imbuing the dramatic build up with a subtle unease beneath the gorgeous arrangements.
Terry Riley— Music for The Gift
A very early work by Riley experimenting with tape loops, with an approach that is uncannily prescient in the way it does a live remix of a jazz quartet as they improvise around tunes. The fact that this particular quartet was Chet Baker’s (with trombonist Luis Fuentes, drummer George Solano, and bassist Luigi Trussardi) is a surprising interlocutor in all of this: it would maybe seem more fitting to for this to involve an unorthodox voice rather than a more straight ahead, idiomatic jazz player for these out-of-the-box experiments. But I think the music works precisely because of the nimble-swinging of the group as Riley cuts up and repeats their melodies and phrasing back onto them in a slurry of loops that piles up and interacts with their improvising in unexpected ways. The clarity and charm of Baker’s playing is a perfect fit. Peter Margasak wrote a great piece about it for Sound American that you can find here.
Macie Stewart and Lia Kohl— Recipe for a Boiled Egg
Two of my favorite improvisers in Chicago. They are so emblematic of what I love about the creative scene here in the ways that they endlessly collaborate across a range of genres and scenes, whether improvising or composing, playing songs or deconstructing forms. This is a biased pick because they recorded this at Comfort Station, the small and idiosyncratic multidisciplinary art space I run in Chicago. The thing that first drew me to Comfort Station was the building’s unique vibrant acoustics and the porousness of sound that you get with an old building directly facing a busy street. Macie and Lia lean into that context in stunning ways on this recording, narrowing in on their voices and their bowed instruments reverberating and inviting in sounds from the outside world instead of recording in the controlled environment of a studio. You can hear ideas take shape as each listens, responds, builds, grows, dissolves into the other’s playing, with a recording quality that grounds them to a particular time and place.
Olivier Messiaen — “Louange à l’Éternité de Jésus,” from the Quartet for the End of Time
This is probably the single most impactful and cosmic piece of music I’ve ever encountered. Messiaen wrote all the movements for the Quartet for the End of Time while he was in a Nazi POW camp, and the entire work is on another level. But the sixth movement — just piano and cello — brings me to my knees every time I hear it. The first time I heard it was somewhat random and personal: during my freshman year of college, my mom was coincidentally the staff accompanist at the conservatory of the university I attended. And I would often borrow her car to run errands while she was rehearsing with music majors preparing their senior recitals. On one such occasion I was tip-toeing back into her studio to return her keys and heard a bass player (bass majors often adapt cello pieces for their senior recital) bowing the opening notes of the melody which seems to ask for a dissonant response from the piano. Instead, I heard my mom play the slow, pulsing major triad chord that entered in response, settling the piece into a hypnotic journey. I felt like the floor gave way in an instant and I had never experienced anything like it. Susan Alcorn has adapted it for solo pedal steel in a really unique way melding the harmony and melody together, and Atomic included it on their 2018 release of covers, Pet Variations, playing with deep restraint that the piece calls for while also letting the energy bubble up restlessly.
Jeanne Lee — Conspiracy
It’s hard to find a better expression of vocals and poetry integrated into a free jazz setting than this brilliant 1975 record, with Jeanne Lee leading a killer ensemble including Steve McCall and Sam Rivers among others. I had never heard Lee’s work before coming across this album when it was re-released by Moved-by-Sound in 2021 and I was struck by how much sparseness there is (somewhat similar to some of Caetano Veloso’s delicate moments on Araça Azul even), and how simple utterances give way to grooves and freakouts with the rest of the players wrapping around Lee’s command of the sonic space. If I’m being honest, I think these kinds of approaches to free form improvisations can often collapse into a kind of cheesiness or ham-fistedness, and this record NEVER once gets close to that, everything feels so purposeful even when the exploration is at its outer limits.
Olaibi — Mimihawasu
Although I had heard her playing on works by Japanese band OOIOO, this is a musician/project that I hadn’t heard of by name until someone I follow on Instagram posted that they had passed away this October (coincidentally on my birthday). Something in the way they eulogized her touched me deeply and I listened to all of her records in the days after (and often since). Maybe it is because my exposure to her music was immediately tied to her recent death, but there’s something so profound, tragic, beautiful, frail, intimate and loving about her music all at once. I wish I had heard her more before her passing, but I’m grateful that in the wake of her death this world of sounds has entered my life.
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sanktpolypenbourg · 2 years ago
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Ah the age old dilemma of, obviously you base the races of Pratchett's 'The Carpet People' on dust mites, that's a given, but how much do you stylize them as little Asterix men and how much do you go with the real deal?
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cozza-frenzy · 5 months ago
No, no it should not. Try using a cane, and adjust the height so the handle is where your wrist bends. Having something to lean on has meant we can enjoy museums and art galleries a lot more, because we can actually stop and read the signs without pain distracting us! Even the parts of us that don't want to inconvenience others are happier, because we don't have to sit down so often! And to the people reblogging our post and saying they experience this but aren't going to do anything about it? You're not doing yourself any favors by suffering. Mobility aids are for anyone who needs them.
sometimes I forget standing up isn’t painful and difficult for most people so I’ll be watching something like game changer and see the people standing behind their podiums the whole episode and think ‘wow don’t they need to sit down. how can they still think coherent thoughts’ and then I’m like oh. yeah. I have a disease
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cozza-frenzy · 8 months ago
how does unfusing consciously work? I thought that was soemthing that only happens in cases of splitting, and how does doing science in the inner world make you unfuse?
Terry: Okay so, full disclaimer I guess - this sort of thing is pretty much uncharted territory in terms of solid facts. Don't expect me to cite sources, because they literally don't exist. Dissociative Identity Disorder - as a lived experience from the perspective of a system - is not well-researched or well-documented. The only thing remotely similar to what we managed to do that I've seen mentioned in actual literature, is the use of "rituals" to achieve fusion or "revive" an alter the system is convinced has died. But that said... the reason I mention rituals, is because in "meta terms", we basically needed a way to trick our brain into having a reason to separate Roy and Bitter. But for details, I'm actually going to hand this one over to Roy and Bitter - given this directly involves them and was the result of their own will, they're the ones best qualified to talk about this.
Roy: Okay so, both me and Bitter still existed as individuals - he'd been dormant, but when he woke up he was sharing a body with me in the inner world. In more "meta" terms, our brain was making both of us occupy the same space; wherever my part went, it was dragging his part around with me. And whenever one of us became fully conscious (fronted) the other would be there along for the ride (in a semi-conscious state), and this was causing problems for the system. Bitter: Nobody was happy about this. I was dysphoric, being aware of being in my in-sys body inside another in-sys body was giving me a headache while at front, and given we both shared the same "pool" of energy, neither of us could do our jobs properly. Roy: So together, we made the conscious decision to re-separate - but we needed a way to convince our subconscious that something had caused this to happen. And with some help from Hyi, I took things back to my in-system laboratory, and spent a few days without sleep (never going fully unconscious) planning and building. In meta terms, as Terry put it, I suppose you could call it writing a damn good story to tell our uncooperative brain, so it would actually let us follow through on what we decided to do. One artificial body, some bottled lightning I'd been saving for a special occasion, and a modified version of my Mind Transfer Machine later, and we separated successfully. The effort knocked the body out for a period of more than 12 hours, but since then we've been able to behave independently without our consciousnesses being "conjoined". Bitter: As evident from the fact we're both co-conscious right now, but keep tripping over each other to front. It's honestly a huge relief that we could make this work; we've done "rituals" before to achieve fusion (which varied from a Steven Universe-like "fusion dance" to writing up and signing an adoption contract) but we've never heard of anyone consciously separating a failed one. Don't know if that makes us the first, but if anyone else is struggling with an unstable subsystem, I hope it gives them a possible way out.
Roy: Trying to live this way can be hard sometimes, but my source was a world where nobody got to decide anything for themselves - our lives were literally scripted, our episodes already written, our actions pre-determined. Once I showed up here and realized not only could I choose to do things but my choices mattered, I've made it my life's goal to stick two middle fingers up at anyone who says you can't. This is my home. This is my chosen family. And I'll tear our inner reality apart at the seams if if means they get to stay safe and happy.
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fangirlstorycreator · 3 months ago
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