#terrible summaries
main-clown · 1 year
Sidon, Tulin, and Riju: Our people are experiencing terrible disasters and we need your help. We are dying and struggling just to have stable towns.
Yunobo: Capitalism
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jagzii · 10 months
"I know I usually write about films and TV shows on Fridays, but I have to be honest. Sometimes I don’t watch things in time to write anything, or, conversely, I watch stuff I feel no desire to write about. That being the case, I decided there was really only one appropriate course of action... make a list recommending the stories I have been consuming this week instead. Which, in this case, are mostly manga and webtoons."
Read the rest here:
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whenever Aleksander and Alina are doing ~things~ in the trilogy(winter fete make out scene in s&b, dream make out scene in s&s, name reveal in r&r) they're BOTH always in a physical position where it would be impossible to lie about/hide how much they want each other even without the presence of their otherworldly paranormal soulmatecore tether. If Aleksander were a thousand year old well practiced seducer who only wanted to manipulate Alina, wouldn't he AT LEAST move himself out of that revealing position instead of manuevering himself to the point where it's impossible to LIE abt wanting her even if he wanted to. In this essay I will-
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fiona-fififi · 6 months
Of Coffee and Crushes
Rating: G
Fandom: 9-1-1
Pairing(s): Evan Buckley/Tommy Kinard, Pre-relationship Evan Buckley/Eddie Diaz
Summary: Buck asks Tommy out for coffee, but he orders Eddie's usual. 7x05 extended scene.
Notes: Inspired by this random thought I had after rewatching the episode a dozen times yesterday.
911 spoilers, canon compliant to 7x05, Pre-relationship buddie, fluff, extended scene
Ao3 Link
They sit quietly for long moments after Tommy’s agreed to join Buck for the wedding, Buck's hand a pleasant weight on Tommy’s own, and their matching grins never wavering. It feels good, Tommy thinks, to just exist in the same space. He feels a little infatuated with the way Buck smiles so sweetly and lets himself be vulnerable—all the walls he'd built up before crumbling down to let in the bright joy Tommy’s realizing the kid radiates so much of the time.
It's a good feeling.
But nothing lasts forever, Tommy thinks, so he's not entirely surprised when Buck’s smile falters a bit and he pulls his hand back to busy himself sipping at his coffee. He has something to say. Tommy can see it in the way he can't seem to sit still, hands in constant movement and leg clearly bouncing beneath the table. Tommy waits him out.
“So, uh, I—” Buck takes a stuttering breath finally, trying to calm himself as his expression shifts into something that looks unsure again “—I told Eddie.”
That takes Tommy by surprise. He's not sure he'd expected the kid to open up that quickly after the debacle in the restaurant. “Did you?” he prompts, curious.
“Yeah, uh. Eddie's a really good guy,” Buck supplies, like Tommy doesn't know.
Tommy huffs a little laugh at that and nods along as he says, “yeah. Yeah, he is.”
He means it to be reassuring, but Buck bristles a bit at that—just a brief tensing of his shoulders that he shakes off as quickly as it comes. But Tommy catches it. Snaps his mouth closed to let Buck continue and makes a mental note that Eddie might still be a sensitive topic where Tommy’s concerned.
Once Buck gathers himself, he continues, again settled back into the soft, open demeanor he'd started with, and Tommy watches him curiously as he smiles and says, “yeah, he's the best. And I got in my head over it, because I can't lose him, you know? Eddie and Christopher are just. they—they're really important to me, you know?”
Tommy hums in agreement and nods. Doesn't dare interrupt again as Buck spills half of his heart into the space between them. 
“I just. Eddie's always been there for me. Even, uh, even when he had every reason to turn his back on me,” Buck confides. And Tommy’s not entirely sure what's opened the floodgates, but he's simultaneously grateful and increasingly suspicious that Buck might be subconsciously laying claim to Eddie and everything they have after Tommy’s misguided interruption. “I should have known that it would be okay, and I should have just been honest with him then and there, and I am so sorry that I made everything weird the other night.”
Ah, Tommy thinks, a little amused, another apology, then. The kid is sweet, even if he could use a little more confidence.
“Listen, Evan,” Tommy tries, all warmth to try to put him at ease, “I get it that you weren't ready to tell him. And, yeah, it was a lot to take in with exactly how you tried to lie around it, but you don't need to justify yourself to me or defend Eddie.”
Buck looks a little sheepish, then, picking at the lid of his coffee, the plastic making little popping noises every time he flicks it with a nervous finger. “Yeah?”
“Frankly,” Tommy starts, a hint of amusement in his tone, “I don't think there are many of us who would have come out to anyone in a crowded restaurant while on a first date. Seems like a lot.” 
Buck laughs genuinely at that, like it's finally hitting him that, yeah, maybe the run-in at the restaurant wouldn't have been the place to do it, and Tommy can't help the way warmth blooms in his chest at just how sweet and loving and a little bit silly the man before him is.
For a few moments, they're quiet, then. Buck ducking his head in embarrassment, even while that sweet smile stays firmly in place, and Tommy sipping at the terrible coffee Buck had bought him. There's no tension in the moment—the nervous energy Buck had brought to their first date out of fear of being found out now replaced with a different kind of nervous energy. One that feels an awful lot like a kid with a crush, and Tommy can't even judge him for it because he thinks he's feeling it, too.
“So,” Tommy finally finds his voice, changes the subject to something that feels a little lighter and safer because he likes the way his stomach is filled with butterflies and the way Buck's smile kind of takes his breath away, and they don't need any more heavy apologies. So he asks, all curiosity, “is this your usual order?” as he eyes the scrawl on the cardboard sleeve of his coffee cup. It looks decidedly different from what's on Buck's.
“Uh—no,” Buck admits a little flustered at the change in topic, “n-no, it's uh, it's Eddie's, actually.”
“hmm,” Tommy hums, pressing his lips together and letting an eyebrow quirk just a little as he examines the coffee sleeve a little closer, “not sure I would have pegged Eddie as a cream and sugar kind of guy.”
Buck stays quiet but nods with a fond smile, picking at the cardboard seam on his own cup. Tommy can't quite see the markings on Buck's own cup clearly enough to read them, but he's curious now.
“Why Eddie's?” Tommy asks, fond smile still in place because if nothing else the kid is adorable—just a bundle of excitement and nerves—and Tommy knows he should probably give him a break, but he kind of likes riling him up.
“Uh,” Buck blinks, tilts his head and scrunches his brow like he’s not sure. Then, after a moment, he shrugs, “I don't know. Felt weird to get you my regular order, you know? And you, uh, you and Eddie have a lot in common, right?”
“So you figured we'd have the same coffee order?” Tommy laughs, genuinely amused, and it makes Buck smile wide. The kid's got an excellent smile.
“O-kay, laugh it up,” Buck retorts, grin widening and brightening up those pretty blue eyes even further. Tommy thinks he might be a little smitten. “It was the first one that came to mind.”
“Mmm, okay,” Tommy presses his lips together around the toothy smile he suddenly realizes he's still wearing. Can't give himself away altogether on a second date. Knows, still, that Buck can see the glimmer of fond amusement in his eyes. “So, you do a lot of the coffee runs for the 118, then?”
“Wh—” Buck looks confused, shakes his head and blinks until suddenly it looks like the implication sinks in and he stutters his way through a nervous response. It's sweet. “Uh, no. No, uh, actually, I have a-a terrible memory for coffee orders. So, uh, I'm usually last pick.”
“But you know Eddie's.” Tommy can feel the way the corner of his mouth tips up in an amused smirk. Tries hard to play it off.
Buck blushes and ducks his head again like he’s been caught. Rubs at the back of his neck and tries to gather himself, even as the pink of cheeks spreads to his ears. Looks like he's trying to find a response that won't give him away.
“Yeah. Yeah, I do know Eddie's,” he finally settles on, lifting his eyes to meet Tommy’s. It feels a bit like a challenge. “But I'd like to know yours, too.”
Tommy nods. There's still a fond smirk tilting his lips, and he knows—he knows —he probably shouldn't be getting attached here. That there's something more to the best friendship Buck keeps claiming for himself and Eddie like he’s trying to convince himself of something. And Tommy’s not sure if Buck knows yet, if he's realized the challenge he's just issued.
And Tommy knows he won't win. Knows that whatever it is Buck and Eddie have is the lasting kind.
But hell, it never hurt to have a little fun.
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recklessfiction · 9 months
There are two wizards, brothers. One lives on the top of a mountain, the other on the top floor of a skyscraper, a tower. They don't speak, there is resentment there. Until one day the wizard in the tower commissions his brother to create a relic, a skull he needs for a ritual he plans to perform. The wizard on the mountain agrees.
The skull is delivered to the cabin on the mountain by men in suits and sunglasses. The wizard takes it and tells them to return in three days. Over those days, the wizard works, carving hymns into the inside of the skull, chiseling runes into the bone and painting it with black ink. It is a beautiful thing, when it is finished, a lovely piece of art and a job well done.
The men return, pleased by the look of the thing, even though they do not know what the sigils mean, or in what languages the songs are written. There is a foul air of unearned arrogance about them. They pass along a briefcase full of money. Significantly less than what was agreed upon.
"You'll take it and like it, old man." One of the men says, foolish.
The wizard on the mountain takes the money and stays silent. Only passing a thumb over the brow of the skull, smudging it with gold paint. He says one word to it, before passing it over to the men who place it in a velvet lined box and bring it out to the car. The Wizard grins as he watches them go, teeth sharp.
The car makes it halfway down the mountain before the box begins to shake. Within it, the skull has already begun to reform its tissue, muscle and fat.
"What the fuck is going on back there?" the driver calls.
The box explodes.
Bone stretches and cracks, growing into spine and arm and shoulder held by bleeding wet muscle and flesh. There is screaming from the men in the back as blood and fat explodes from the growing body onto their clothes.
"What the fuck-!?"
"Stop the car!"
A panicked arm shoots out for the steering wheel from behind and in a craze, the driver swerves, slamming into a tree on the side of the road. The horn drones into the night, joined, at first by two screams and soon three.
The skull had grown its lungs and vocal chords.
The two surviving men in suits (the driver died on impact) clamber out of the car, white shirts soaked with blood and fluids. They scream and cry out for help until they see lights coming down the road. They wave their arms, shouting their horror and "pull over, please! Pull over!"
The car pulls off the road, an old blue pickup truck. The door opens and a figure steps out. The faces of the men fall.
One gunshot
and another
Now only one voice screams in the darkness and the Wizard on the Mountain picks his way through the bodies and debris of the crashed car towards the sound. He crouches low and pulls the once corpse-then skull-now body out from beneath the wreckage.
He drops the body into the bed of the truck before climbing into the cab. The soft start and sudden jolt makes the corpse's breath hitch and as the truck trundles back up the road to the top of the mountain, it's screams turn to quiet gasps and whimpers. The rain starts about then and its painful on the corpse's new skin. It can hear the sound of a radio from inside the truck. It can also feel the heaviness of a heart that had not been there a half hour ago, and something itches inside its head.
The car stops once they reach the cabin. When the Wizard comes around and lays a hand on it's ankle, the corpse tenses, and rightly so as it is pulled off the bed and onto the wet ground. The wizard drags it through the mud towards a small shed beside the house.
"The axe'll be easiest. You won't feel a thing."
The corpse kicks out, immediately understanding the words the Wizard says to it. Alas, it is weak and newly born, there is nothing it can do as it is brought before a large stump. It's leg is dropped as the Wizard goes to collect the axe and the corpse wastes no time in beginning it's escape, not that it gets very far.
"Ah," a sharp sound from behind, "where do you think you're goin'?"
A large arm hauls the corpse up, not gentle but not needlessly violent. Like pulling the leash on a big dog.
"Come on, don't make this difficult."
"No," the corpse croaked, squirming in the Wizard's grasp, "no."
"You got to see the stars, feel the rain, breathe," the shed was getting nearer again and the corpse felt its horrible, horrible heart slam against its chest, "What more could a dead man want?"
More. Everything. Anything more. Adrenaline coursed through new veins and it felt, to the corpse, like its body was on fire. It clawed at the skin that held it, not knowing the strength it had. Its teeth sunk into muscle and the Wizard, for all his great size, shouted out, dropping the corpse like a hot loaf tin.
The corpse moved, pushing itself up onto unsteady legs and running towards the light of the house. The Wizard's grin had turned to a snarl now as blood trickled down his arm and neck. Fingers curled around the axe handle and he pulled the blade from the block of wood before following the skull to the house.
"Fucking bodies. More trouble than they're worth."
This is an introduction to a story I'm currently working on called Freakdom. The aesthetic is based heavily on death metal and heavy metal music and art, movies like Mandy, Hellraiser, The Void, etc, and so far it's pretty cool! The resurrected skull is named Lazarus (appropriately) but I haven't gotten names for the Wizards yet. I'm having fun though!
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idontknowmyownmind · 11 months
This OG!ChoiCale fanfiction is so damn cute!!!
Give Love (200%) by mishamoonberry
The story is about og!CH who got addicted to otome game where og!Cale is one of the love interest
He is basically Cale's die-hard fan, collecting his merchandises and more
And one day, his world merge with the game. He is upset because all the merchandise he collected are gone (because the game is basically reality now), even the rare ones!! But guess, meeting Cale in real life kinda make up for it (he is going crazy for breathing the same air with his bias)
The fan -slash simp- definitely estatic to meet his favorite character
CH fumbling and being painfully honest with his 'attraction' toward Cale is so damn adorable and embarassing at the same time
I got second-hand embarassement following him simping over Cale
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doloresdisparue · 3 months
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avelanlorelay · 6 months
My Jurdan fics in Ao3 (tfota)
Dernière Danse
In progress | post-canon | post The Queen of Nothing | fluff and angst | drama
With the threat of a revolt against the High Queen, Jude and Cardan's peace is at an end. She wants to solve the problem in person, but Cardan can't allow Jude to risk her life. Marriage is about trust and understanding and love helps to overcome difficulties. But everything gets harder when there's always someone conspiring against it.A story of adventure, jealousy, intrigue, fate and curses.Not all fairy tales have a Happily Ever After. But they are all about true love.
Please, Come Back and Tell Me You Still Love Me
Completed | modern au | angst with a happy ending | a shot with 3 chapters
“If you want to go, then go, I won’t stop you.” Cardan managed to say, treacherous voice sounding hoarse, Jude’s hands gripping the door handle. “But if you go, know that you need never come back, forget I exist. Forget everything.”
Please, come back. Please, let go of that damn door and tell me you still love me. Come back to me, Jude.
He pleaded in his mind for a long moment where she remained motionless.
Then Jude turned the knob and walked away without looking back, the door slamming with a bang behind her.
Completed | one shot | romantic fluff | post canon | post The Queen of Nothing | on tumblr
“I am the one who desperately wants you.” He stroked her cheeks in his long-fingered hand. “Say what you want and I’ll give you anything, anything you wish. If you asked me for the stars, I’d go up to the sky and knock them down for you. I’d make the planet stop spinning, Jude. Just ask and I will give you everything I have and steal what I don’t have.”
“I don’t wish for anything. All I want is you. It is more than enough.” She slid her fingers under his chin and pulled him to her, their mouths intertwining effortlessly.
Cardan steals Jude from the feast to show a surprise. Based on the deleted scene from The Queen of Nothing.
The Bodyguard
In progress | modern au | bodyguard romance | romantic thriller
When Jude Duarte was given the task of protecting rising rockstar Cardan Greenbriar from a dangerous stalker, her intuition already told her it would be a tricky mission. But the capricious, irresponsible and annoyingly attractive boy seems to make everything even more difficult.
As if being threatened by a crazy stalker who wants to destroy his life wasn’t enough trouble to deal with, Cardan Greenbriar could never have imagined that having a scary bodyguard and a breathtaking girl would make him even more out of his mind.
None of them were prepared for what was to come.
Love, that force that compels us to be sometimes better and often worse
Completed | The Prisoner's Throne spoilers | a shot with 4 chapters
Some deleted scenes of Jurdan from The Prisoner's Throne.
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atthebell · 11 months
Words: 1126 Fandom: QSMP Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Rafael Lange | Cellbit & Francisco Miguel | ForeverPlayer Characters: Rafael Lange | Cellbit, Francisco Miguel | ForeverPlayer Additional Tags: Fluff, Werewolf Francisco Miguel | ForeverPlayer, Cat Hybrid Rafael Lange | Cellbit, Literal Sleeping Together, Cuddling, Mentioned Roier (Video Blogging RPF), i say mentioned bc once again he slipped in at the end i simply had to include him, not very spooky sorry it just turned into fluff, like very sappy actually, Mentioned Richarlyson (QSMP) Summary:
Cellbit brings Forever home from the woods in wolf form and Forever decides to take care of him in turn by insisting on them both getting some damn sleep for once.
My @mcyt-halloween gift for @faes-elytra! Insaneduo fluff be upon ye!
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deafknell · 6 months
to find a new you chapter 2 is out!
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This chapter's been on the backlog for editing for months, and I'm happy to say it's finally done. Big thanks to everyone involved in the collab :D If you like reinsuba, or subaru embarrassing himself to high heaven, feel free to give it a read.
Check out the fic here
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drinkingdeadpeopletea · 6 months
Title: "flash-frozen in the driver's seat" Fandom: Midst (Podcast) Categories: G, Gen, No Archive Warnings Apply, Complete Word Count: 3613 Characters: Phineas Thatch, Tzila Guthrie
“Why do you have that?” Tzila asks. Phineas opens his eyes. She’s pointing at his abacus with the back of her pen. He looks down at it and frowns. “It’s my abacus.” “I know what an abacus is,” says Tzila, rolling her eyes. “Why do you have Caenum? Didn’t being a soldier and solving mysteries or whatever get you a ton of Valor?” Phineas and Tzila have a conversation in the quiet halls of the Lazaretto.
(hi everyone it's ME again! back with another midst missing scene i couldn't stop thinking about.)
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singsweetmelodies · 1 year
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your lips, my lips (apocalypse)
"Do you know," Pierre says, thoughtfully, "that kissing is supposed to help with stress relief?"
Pierre and Charles begin a new thing in the 2023 season: making out after each new race. And then also... before it. And then at random times, too, just because they feel like it. And then they do a lot more than just making out. (It all goes about as well as you'd think.)
it just occurred to me that i've never actually made the tumblr post for this one, so here we go now! this is my new WIP project for the 2023 season 🫶 in which i make pierre and charles comfort each other after shitty races (and also vent my own feelings about the matter by writing smut. very therapeutic, that!)
updates: at some point after every new race/before the next race weekend. currently, we are at 4/20 chapters, with the monaco chapter being the latest ❤️
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Sacred and Terrible Air ch1+2 summary
Chapters index
Maj (5), Anni-Elin (12), Målin (13) and Charlotte Lund (14) are the daughters of education minister Ann-Margaret Lund and paper industrialist Karl Lund. On the 20th anniversary of the girls’ historic disappearance in a vacation area outside Vaasa, the narration goes through their last known movements, as told by the last people who saw them: the bus ride to the Charlottesjäl beach, the ice creams they always bought, the three meat piroshkis they splurged on.
On that day, three boys are discussing whether to call the girls or to wait some more when a super deep paleness fills the room.
We are introduced to the three boys in the present time (72, Vaasa, end of September).
Inayat Khan is an unemployed Iilmaraan living with his mother and a collector of disappearances-related memorabilia. Badly dressed, fat, bespectacled, unshaven, big sad eyes. Jesper de la Guardie is a high concept interior designer whose shoes alone are worth 3k reál. Blond, blue eyes, rich, empty inside. Tereesz Machejek is a Zsiemski International Collaboration Police agent. Potato-haired skrunkled beanpole in a herringbone coat. We begin to see how their lives are still tragically wrapped around the girls’ disappearance, to the point of fetishizing a scrunchie. The trio meets again on the occasion of a class reunion. Reconnecting past a falling out with Khan a few years back, Jesper has news and invites the others to a certain cafe to share them – he will need to use the projector there. As they leave, distant sleigh bells are heard.
La Puta Madre is name-dropped in passing in 64, still going strong as an interisolary drug lord, if anyone asked.
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curiosity-killed · 6 months
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"Meryl is not entirely clear on how they got here. Her leading theory is that there was some hallucinogenic cactus in the sandwich she had for lunch. It’s the most likely option for why she can see Chronica sitting in the passenger seat as the red sands roll past." --- Two years after Octovern, the girls chase the Stampede one more time.
Chapter One
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kayawolfhorse · 8 days
🤔 What is the hardest part of writing fic?
Actually posting it! I always struggle with coming up with a title and I feel like I’m just not all that great at writing interesting and engaging summaries. Truly my boulder (i enjoy sharing my work) and hill (everything i must do to achieve that)
(Ask game)
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nyxi-pixie · 6 months
bsd showing character growth by giving people more friends and or gay rivals/partners and showing character decline by taking away their friends and or gay rivals/partners is immensely funny to me.
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