#terrible person
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kusogitsune · 7 months ago
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I'm slowly building out a cast of MMO players for a tabletop game
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reactions-daily · 4 months ago
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ravenousgoblin · 8 months ago
It’s really unfortunate how hot Glenn Close is. Like, I HATE him…but GOD I need to fuck that old man.
I bet I could fuck Glenn so good he wouldn’t be able to walk. Mans would need a wheelchair. No one questions his wheelchair, they just think he’s a disabled man. But really, I just fuck him too good.
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teamfreewill56-blog · 1 year ago
Hi! I I love your blog and I’ve scoured it like crazy for Rengoku family content! but there’s one other thing I love about it and it’s how much you hate Kagaya, I’m not sure if this is something you may have talked about before but I recently reread the Rengoku one shot, it’s Kyo’s first mission but he has been sent to fight a demon that had already killed NINE SLAYERS - what is Kagaya doing?
And I have a terrible suspicion why, Giyuu is one year older than Kyojuro, we know everyone survived Giyuu’s final selection except Sabito, I can’t help but feel there may have been an excess of not very strong (even for lower rank standards) kids in the corp at the time and Kagaya just wanted rid of them, and he was testing if Kyojuro was any good due to his family name
Much love
- 🫧🫧
Hello anon! Thank you for asking in and I'm so glad that you love my blog that means the world to me! I do hate him a ton lolol. I haven't talked about his leadership decisions in Kyojuro's one-shot yet, I try to be careful and not overshare my hatred of characters, especially in analysis because it's a dangerous place for me but I'm fine with discussing it in asks as long as it doesn't become too long I hope you will understand.
Kagaya doesn't know what he's doing, and honestly, he's really not doing anything. He can't physically fight? Ok fine, but he also doesn't have any leadership skills and Kyojuro's one-shot is another great example because as you point out: he sends Kyojuro---who's fresh out of Final Selection---after a demon who's killed at least nine slayers.
I can't even go into all the issues because there are so many of them, but one of the most important ones is Kagaya and his family created this problem themselves and there's not really anyone else to blame. You can't train kids for a couple years--isolated--then throw them into a mountainside full of starving demons and only a select few can use full-style breathing styles and then expect them to survive there for a week or really any interaction they have with a demon afterward.
This "organization" is anything but organized. I mean my hell ya'll saw how many people went into Tanjiro's final selection, and only FOUR came out! There were AT LEAST twenty people there when Tanjiro arrived, maybe if you and your stupid family got rid of Final Selection and created teams under the Hashira and didn't just throw them straight into the demons' mouths maybe they'd be alive and you'd have enough people to wipe out demons!
I can almost guarantee you that the slayers killed by that flute demon were probably very low on the ranking list if not a first level like Kyojuro was.
It's shown at the end of the series that when Slayers work together even if they don't have breathing techniques they can make a huge impact, so why are they never trained together besides our main trio? Why are they not organizing them so that they make a stronger force together? It was made so painfully clear, very quickly that Tanjiro and Inosuke survived Spider Father's attack because they worked together. If they hadn't they definitely would have died. And all those Slayers the Spider Family slaughtered probably died because they couldn't figure out how to work together and weren't used to trying to.
In regards to Kyojuro's one-shot, Kagaya most likely sent him BECAUSE Kyojuro is a Rengoku, they do have a legacy and so Kagaya most likely just assumed Kyojuro would be able to be successful, but even then Kyojuro had to injure himself to win and not in a small way. He could have been completely deaf after that and just got very lucky.
I'm not sure if I agree that he sent them all just to get rid of them, I believe it is more that he doesn't know shit about what it takes to kill a demon or work as a team so he may have just thought throwing a ton of numbers at Flute Demon would be enough. And then it wasn't so he decided to try the Rengoku kid who had very little chance of failing.
Part of the reason I don't quite agree is because that kind of behavior is not a one-and-done-thing, if that is how he gets rid of "useless" slayers then there would be other instances of him doing similar methods and the only other time we see something like that happen is the Spider Family Arc. To me it's just he's so tactless that the only thing he could come up with is "oh one or two slayers wasn't enough, maybe if I add more it will fix the problem!" Which obviously it didn't, because things like this require more brain cells than Kagaya possesses, like I'm amazed this guy made it to twenty-three.
Thanks for dropping in!
-Much love
Also guys I'm finally back, for as long as my...issues will permit anyway. Thanks to everyone who is new to my blog, for all the favorites and the reblogs and the asks.
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elysian-writing · 2 months ago
Everyday, you wonder, what have I become?  You find that you do not know. You find that you do not care. You find that there is a fire in you that has been slowly smothered until what is left is nothing but embers. You find that when you look in a mirror, a stranger stares back at you. You find that you are not quite sure how to love. You find that you try anyway. You try, because you are still a mother.  You hold a hand over your chest, feel your heart beating inside, and think of those born of your blood in the rooms beside yours. Your hand shakes, and you squeeze your eyes shut, the image of blood imprinted on your eyelids, a brand you do not dare scrape off. 
oh walburga, no one gets you like i do
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prinx-quail · 2 years ago
Alr ten pm! GIF time motherfucker
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I fr need to stop animating stuff I'm so tired :(
For context though this is my buddy's OC Leon (left) and God (right)... Or... A god, i guess. His name is Ko and he's an agriculture god. When he gets excited and happy he drifts away into the ether. Both enjoy playing Farming Simulator.
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disneydork · 1 year ago
I low key hate how gorgeous Valentino’s design is. I appreciate his character design so much because it’s so pretty and full of details I just enjoy, but I FUCKING HATE VAL. Like you love to hate him which makes his such a good villain. I just feel like the design choices deserve a bit more praise. Or at least I’m going to give the design more praise because I hate on Valentino so much.
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He gives me the ick hardcore, but I love his design. Like a moth to flame I guess (pun so intended)
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bojackhorsemanobviously · 2 years ago
I hate you
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silverview · 5 months ago
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gnawer-of-table-legs · 1 year ago
Gotta be arlequino my man
Love when one of those "do you know this thing" polls looks like this
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heyybeach · 8 months ago
Growing up is actually just enjoying the exact same things you enjoyed at 14 years old, but in a more gay way
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piglemousse · 3 months ago
I really get a glimpse of what a terrible person I am when people say, “I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy”.
Because I want that bitch to suffer
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blimboob · 6 months ago
ive lied so much i cant seem to remember whats true
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vizrecon · 8 months ago
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emotional-moss · 8 months ago
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sorry for resorting to a meme about this but people are making me mad 👍
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c00deine · 11 months ago
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