jobtendr · 2 months
(90) PhD, Postdoctoral and Faculty Positions at Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Norway
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Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Norway invites application for vacant (90) PhD, Postdoctoral and Faculty Positions Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Norway invites application for vacant PhD, Postdoctoral and Faculty Positions, a public research university with campuses in the cities of Trondheim, Norway. Vacancies PhD Candidate in Modelling of physical phenomena for safety analysis and risk assessment PhD Candidate in Modelling of physical phenomena for safety analysis and risk assessment – Institutt for maskinteknikk og produksjon   21. JUL 2024PhD position in artistic researchPhD position in artistic research – Kunstakademiet i TrondheimTRONDHEIMTEMPORARY21. JUL 2024 PhD Candidate in Compiler TechnologiesPhD Candidate in Compiler Technologies – Institutt for datateknologi og informatikkTRONDHEIMTEMPORARY26. JUL 2024 Postdoctoral Fellow in Geomechanics – IV-80/24Postdoctoral Fellow in Geomechanics – IV-80/24 – Institutt for geovitenskap og petroleumTRONDHEIMTEMPORARY30. JUL 2024     PhD Candidate in Hybrid Machine LearningPhD Candidate in Hybrid Machine Learning – Institutt for teknisk kybernetikkTRONDHEIMPROJECT31. JUL 2024 PhD candidate in Dynamic Decision Support for Positive Energy Buildings and NeighbourhoodsPhD candidate in Dynamic Decision Support for Positive Energy Buildings and Neighbourhoods – Institutt for arkitektur og teknologiTRONDHEIMTEMPORARY1. AUG 2024 Scientist with  competence in clinical studies and data analysesScientist with  competence in clinical studies and data analyses – Institutt for klinisk og molekylær medisinTRONDHEIMTEMPORARY2. AUG 2024 Avdelingsingeniør ved student- og modellverkstedAvdelingsingeniør ved student- og modellverksted – Institutt for designTRONDHEIMTEMPORARY4. AUG 2024 HR-konsulentHR-konsulent – Institutt for bygg- og miljøteknikkTRONDHEIMPERMANENT4. AUG 2024 Kommunikasjonrådgiver (seniorrådgiver) for NTNUs strategiske satsing innenfor energiKommunikasjonrådgiver (seniorrådgiver) for NTNUs strategiske satsing innenfor energi – Avdeling for forskning, innovasjon og eksterne relasjonerTRONDHEIMPERMANENT4. AUG 2024 Kommunikasjonsrådgiver (rådgiver/seniorrådgiver)Kommunikasjonsrådgiver (rådgiver/seniorrådgiver) – Seksjon for studier og forskningTRONDHEIMPERMANENT4. AUG 2024 PhD Candidate in Thermodynamics of ammonia-water mixturesPhD Candidate in Thermodynamics of ammonia-water mixtures – Institutt for kjemiTRONDHEIMFIXED TERM4. AUG 2024 PhD Candidate in absorption-based CO2 capture focusing on solvent managementPhD Candidate in absorption-based CO2 capture focusing on solvent management – Institutt for kjemisk prosessteknologiTRONDHEIMTEMPORARY4. AUG 2024     PhD Candidate in environmental analysis of a circular built environmentPhD Candidate in environmental analysis of a circular built environment – Institutt for arkitektur og teknologiTRONDHEIMTEMPORARY4. AUG 2024 Postdoctoral Fellow in Thermodynamics and Porous Media SciencePostdoctoral Fellow in Thermodynamics and Porous Media Science – Institutt for kjemiTRONDHEIMFIXED TERM4. AUG 2024 Prosjektmedarbeider for EVU, kurs og konferanse – midlertidig stilling i 18 mndProsjektmedarbeider for EVU, kurs og konferanse – midlertidig stilling i 18 mnd – Viserektor ÅlesundÅLESUNDTEMPORARY4. AUG 2024 Researcher in Aquaculture and Environment InteractionsResearcher in Aquaculture and Environment Interactions – Institutt for biologiske fag ÅlesundÅLESUNDPROJECT4. AUG 2024 Researcher in Aquaculture and Environment InteractionsResearcher in Aquaculture and Environment Interactions – Institutt for biologiske fag ÅlesundÅLESUNDPROJECT4. AUG 2024 Seniorkonsulent innen Livslang læringSeniorkonsulent innen Livslang læring – Fakultet for arkitektur og design (AD)TRONDHEIMPERMANENT4. AUG 2024 Stipendiat i medisin (psykisk helse)Stipendiat i medisin (psykisk helse) – Institutt for psykisk helseTRONDHEIMENGAGEMENT4. AUG 2024 StudiekonsulentStudiekonsulent – Institutt for samfunnsøkonomiTRONDHEIMPERMANENT4. AUG 2024 Universitetslektor i tradisjonelt bygghandverkUniversitetslektor i tradisjonelt bygghandverk – Institutt for arkitektur og teknologiTRONDHEIMPERMANENT4. AUG 2024     Førstekonsulent ved seksjon for utdanningskvalitet og læringsmiljø, to vikariater (61/24)Førstekonsulent ved seksjon for utdanningskvalitet og læringsmiljø, to vikariater (61/24) – Avdeling for utdanningTRONDHEIMTEMPORARY5. AUG 2024 IT-ansvarlig for laboratorieutstyr IT-ansvarlig for laboratorieutstyr  – Seksjon for IT-utviklingTRONDHEIMPERMANENT5. AUG 2024 Instituttleder ved Institutt for geografi og sosialantropologiInstituttleder ved Institutt for geografi og sosialantropologi – Fakultet for samfunns- og utdanningsvitenskap (SU)TRONDHEIMFIXED TERM5. AUG 2024 Postdoctoral Fellow in Real Estate Economics and FinancePostdoctoral Fellow in Real Estate Economics and Finance – NTNU HandelshøyskolenTRONDHEIMFIXED TERM5. AUG 2024 AnskaffelsesrådgiverAnskaffelsesrådgiver – Seksjon for anskaffelser og innkjøpTRONDHEIMPERMANENT7. AUG 2024 Virksomhetscontroller Virksomhetscontroller  – ØkonomiavdelingenTRONDHEIMPERMANENT7. AUG 2024 Førstekonsulenter/seniorkonsulenter innen Lønn og HR (Reise) – vil du være med på laget?Førstekonsulenter/seniorkonsulenter innen Lønn og HR (Reise) – vil du være med på laget? – Seksjon for lønn og HR-tjenesterTRONDHEIMPERMANENT8. AUG 2024 Førstekonsulenter/seniorkonsulenter innen Lønn og HR – vil du være med på laget?Førstekonsulenter/seniorkonsulenter innen Lønn og HR – vil du være med på laget? – Seksjon for lønn og HR-tjenesterTRONDHEIMPERMANENT8. AUG 2024 HR-konsulentHR-konsulent – Institutt for energi- og prosessteknikkTRONDHEIMPERMANENT11. AUG 2024 PhD Candidate in in sustainable and profitable business models developmentPhD Candidate in in sustainable and profitable business models development – Institutt for internasjonal forretningsdriftÅLESUNDTEMPORARY11. AUG 2024     Assisterende studieprogramleder ved medisinstudietAssisterende studieprogramleder ved medisinstudiet – Fakultet for medisin og helsevitenskap (MH)TRONDHEIMPERMANENT12. AUG 2024 KommunikasjonsrådgiverKommunikasjonsrådgiver – KommunikasjonsavdelingenGJØVIKPERMANENT12. AUG 2024 Kommunikasjonsrådgiver – studentrekrutteringKommunikasjonsrådgiver – studentrekruttering – Fakultet for samfunns- og utdanningsvitenskap (SU)TRONDHEIMPERMANENT12. AUG 2024 PhD Candidate in Physical Education and SportPhD Candidate in Physical Education and Sport – Institutt for lærerutdanningTRONDHEIMTEMPORARY12. AUG 2024 Postdoc Position in Mathematics Education with a Focus on Critical Mathematics Education at NTNUPostdoc Position in Mathematics Education with a Focus on Critical Mathematics Education at NTNU – Institutt for lærerutdanningTRONDHEIMTEMPORARY12. AUG 2024 Instituttleder ved Institutt for biologiInstituttleder ved Institutt for biologi – Fakultet for naturvitenskap (NV)TRONDHEIMFIXED TERM15. AUG 2024 KontorsjefKontorsjef – Institutt for psykologiTRONDHEIMPERMANENT15. AUG 2024 PhD Candidate in Fact Checking/Information VerificationPhD Candidate in Fact Checking/Information Verification – Institutt for datateknologi og informatikkTRONDHEIMTEMPORARY15. AUG 2024 PhD Candidate in Real Implementation of Model Predictive Control for Building Heating PhD Candidate in Real Implementation of Model Predictive Control for Building Heating  – Institutt for energi- og prosessteknikkTRONDHEIMFIXED TERM15. AUG 2024 PhD Candidate in Sports EngineeringPhD Candidate in Sports Engineering – Institutt for bygg- og miljøteknikkTRONDHEIMTEMPORARY15. AUG 2024     PhD candidate in social anthropologyPhD candidate in social anthropology – Institutt for sosialantropologiTRONDHEIMFIXED TERM15. AUG 2024 PhD in Economic Geography, specializing in geographies of labour markets in the energy transitionPhD in Economic Geography, specializing in geographies of labour markets in the energy transition – Institutt for geografiTRONDHEIMFIXED TERM15. AUG 2024 Postdoctoral Fellow in Artificial IntelligencePostdoctoral Fellow in Artificial Intelligence – Institutt for datateknologi og informatikkTRONDHEIMTEMPORARY15. AUG 2024 Postdoktor i sosiologiPostdoktor i sosiologi – Institutt for sosiologi og statsvitenskapTRONDHEIMFIXED TERM15. AUG 2024 Prosjektleder studiemiljøProsjektleder studiemiljø – Viserektor GjøvikGJØVIKPROJECT15. AUG 2024Stipendiat i norskdidaktikk knytta til prosjektet (Andre)språk på yrkesfagStipendiat i norskdidaktikk knytta til prosjektet (Andre)språk på yrkesfag – Institutt for lærerutdanningTRONDHEIMTEMPORARY15. AUG 2024 Stipendiat i offentlig politikk og administrasjonStipendiat i offentlig politikk og administrasjon – Institutt for sosiologi og statsvitenskapTRONDHEIMFIXED TERM15. AUG 2024 Stipendiat i sosiologiStipendiat i sosiologi – Institutt for sosiologi og statsvitenskapTRONDHEIMFIXED TERM15. AUG 2024PhD and Postdoc positions in the SUBPRO-Zero Team PhD and Postdoc positions in the SUBPRO-Zero Team – Institutt for kjemisk prosessteknologiTRONDHEIMTEMPORARY15. AUG 2024 PhD Candidate in Aging Models and Reliability of Extruded HVDC Cables for Offshore PowerPhD Candidate in Aging Models and Reliability of Extruded HVDC Cables for Offshore Power – Institutt for elektrisk energiTRONDHEIMTEMPORARY18. AUG 2024 SeksjonssjefSeksjonssjef – Seksjon for læringsstøtte og digitale tjenesterTRONDHEIMPERMANENT18. AUG 2024     Seniorrådgiver strategisk og operativ HRSeniorrådgiver strategisk og operativ HR – NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet (VM)TRONDHEIMPERMANENT18. AUG 2024 ProsjektøkonomProsjektøkonom – Fakultet for samfunns- og utdanningsvitenskap (SU)TRONDHEIMPERMANENT19. AUG 2024 Researcher in Environmental PsychologyResearcher in Environmental Psychology – Institutt for psykologiTRONDHEIMTEMPORARY19. AUG 2024 Associate Professor in Marine Phytoplankton EcologyAssociate Professor in Marine Phytoplankton Ecology – Institutt for biologiTRONDHEIMPERMANENT20. AUG 2024 Dekan – Det humanistiske fakultetDekan – Det humanistiske fakultet – Rektor – topplederrekrutteringTRONDHEIMFIXED TERM20. AUG 2024 Dekan – Fakultet for informasjonsteknologi og elektroteknikkDekan – Fakultet for informasjonsteknologi og elektroteknikk – Rektor – topplederrekrutteringTRONDHEIMFIXED TERM20. AUG 2024 Dekan – Fakultet for ingeniørvitenskapDekan – Fakultet for ingeniørvitenskap – Rektor – topplederrekrutteringTRONDHEIMFIXED TERM20. AUG 2024 Dekan – Fakultet for medisin og helsevitenskapDekan – Fakultet for medisin og helsevitenskap – Rektor – topplederrekrutteringTRONDHEIMFIXED TERM20. AUG 2024 Dekan – Fakultet for naturvitenskapDekan – Fakultet for naturvitenskap – Rektor – topplederrekrutteringTRONDHEIMFIXED TERM20. AUG 2024 Dekan – Fakultet for samfunns- og utdanningsvitenskapDekan – Fakultet for samfunns- og utdanningsvitenskap – Rektor – topplederrekrutteringTRONDHEIMFIXED TERM20. AUG 2024     Dekan – Fakultet for økonomiDekan – Fakultet for økonomi – Rektor – topplederrekrutteringTRONDHEIMFIXED TERM20. AUG 2024 Direktør – NTNU VitenskapsmuseetDirektør – NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet – Rektor – topplederrekrutteringTRONDHEIMFIXED TERM20. AUG 2024 Prorektor for forskning og innovasjonProrektor for forskning og innovasjon – Rektor – topplederrekrutteringTRONDHEIMFIXED TERM20. AUG 2024 Prorektor for samfunnsansvar og formidlingProrektor for samfunnsansvar og formidling – Rektor – topplederrekrutteringTRONDHEIMFIXED TERM20. AUG 2024 Prorektor for utdanningProrektor for utdanning – Rektor – topplederrekrutteringTRONDHEIMFIXED TERM20. AUG 2024 PhD Candidate in Reference Systems for a Cyber-Physical Range PhD Candidate in Reference Systems for a Cyber-Physical Range – Institutt for informasjonssikkerhet og kommunikasjonsteknologiGJØVIKTEMPORARY24. AUG 2024 PhD in the Gonzalo Cogno GroupPhD in the Gonzalo Cogno Group – Kavliinstitutt for nevrovitenskapTRONDHEIMPERMANENT25. AUG 2024 PhD position in artistic entrepreneurshipPhD position in artistic entrepreneurship – Kunstakademiet i TrondheimTRONDHEIMTEMPORARY25. AUG 2024 Rådgiver – lederstøtte forvaltningsutvalgRådgiver – lederstøtte forvaltningsutvalg – Seksjon for utdanningskvalitet og læringsmiljøTRONDHEIMTEMPORARY25. AUG 2024     Ph.D. Candidate in Work and Organizational PsychologyPh.D. Candidate in Work and Organizational Psychology – Institutt for psykologiTRONDHEIMTEMPORARY26. AUG 2024 Postdoktor innen sosialt arbeidPostdoktor innen sosialt arbeid – Institutt for sosialt arbeidTRONDHEIMTEMPORARY26. AUG 2024 Stipendiat i psykologi Stipendiat i psykologi  – Institutt for psykologiTRONDHEIMTEMPORARY26. AUG 2024 Ph.D. Candidate in Geography with a focus on Extreme weather-related Compound HazardsPh.D. Candidate in Geography with a focus on Extreme weather-related Compound Hazards – Institutt for geografiTRONDHEIMFIXED TERM29. AUG 2024 Stipendiat i universitetspedagogikkStipendiat i universitetspedagogikk – Institutt for pedagogikk og livslang læringTRONDHEIMTEMPORARY31. AUG 2024 Temporary Researcher in Direct conversion of CO2 to Fuels – conceptual process designTemporary Researcher in Direct conversion of CO2 to Fuels – conceptual process design – Institutt for kjemisk prosessteknologiTRONDHEIMTEMPORARY31. AUG 2024 ProsjektøkonomerProsjektøkonomer – FakultetsadministrasjonenTRONDHEIMPERMANENT1. SEP 2024 Rådgiver i prosjektøkonomiRådgiver i prosjektøkonomi – FakultetsadministrasjonenTRONDHEIMPERMANENT1. SEP 2024 Stipendiat i pedagogikkStipendiat i pedagogikk – Institutt for lærerutdanningTRONDHEIMTEMPORARY1. SEP 2024 Stipendiat innen praksisstudiene i grunnskolelærerutdanningeneStipendiat innen praksisstudiene i grunnskolelærerutdanningene – Institutt for lærerutdanningTRONDHEIMTEMPORARY1. SEP 2024     Two PhD Candidates in Modern European Migration HistoryTwo PhD Candidates in Modern European Migration History – Institutt for moderne samfunnshistorieTRONDHEIMFIXED TERM1. SEP 2024 Fast stilling som professor i spesialpedagogikkFast stilling som professor i spesialpedagogikk – Institutt for pedagogikk og livslang læringTRONDHEIMPERMANENT2. SEP 2024 PhD Candidate in Environmental Humanities, Language Education and Artificial IntelligencePhD Candidate in Environmental Humanities, Language Education and Artificial Intelligence – Institutt for lærerutdanningTRONDHEIMTEMPORARY2. SEP 2024 PhD Candidate in Project management for sustainable health care environmentsPhD Candidate in Project management for sustainable health care environments – Institutt for maskinteknikk og produksjonTRONDHEIMTEMPORARY2. SEP 2024 Seksjonssjef – Seksjon for ressurser og digitale tjenesterSeksjonssjef – Seksjon for ressurser og digitale tjenester – Seksjon for ressurser og digitale tjenesterTRONDHEIMPERMANENT2. SEP 2024 Seksjonssjef – Seksjon for spesialsamlingerSeksjonssjef – Seksjon for spesialsamlinger – Seksjon for spesialsamlingerTRONDHEIMPERMANENT2. SEP 2024 Stipendiat idrettsvitenskap tilknyttet «ferdighets- og prestasjonsutvikling i idrett og skole»Stipendiat idrettsvitenskap tilknyttet «ferdighets- og prestasjonsutvikling i idrett og skole» – Institutt for sosiologi og statsvitenskapTRONDHEIMFIXED TERM9. SEP 2024 Postdoktor i sosiologi innen fagfeltet algoritmer og KI i arbeidslivetPostdoktor i sosiologi innen fagfeltet algoritmer og KI i arbeidslivet – Institutt for sosiologi og statsvitenskapTRONDHEIMFIXED TERM16. SEP 2024 INNTIL 6 STIPENDIATSTILLINGERINNTIL 6 STIPENDIATSTILLINGER – Det humanistiske fakultet (HF)TRONDHEIMFIXED TERM15. OKT 2024 Read the full article
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qocsuing · 7 months
The Versatility of Silicone Labels
The Versatility of Silicone Labels Silicone labels are a popular choice for many products due to their durability and versatility. Unlike fabric labels, which can be susceptible to wear over time, silicone labels are designed to withstand harsh conditions and last longer. This makes them ideal for use on outdoor garments and accessories like jackets, bags, and sportswear.Get more news about Silicone Label,you can vist our website!
Personalization and Customization One of the key advantages of silicone labels is the ability to customize them. Many sellers offer personalized bottle bands, label bands, and bottle labels. These can be engraved with names, making them perfect for items like sippy cups and water bottles. This personalization feature is particularly useful for items that are often used in shared spaces, like schools or daycare centers.
Environmental Impact Another important aspect to consider is the environmental impact of the labels. Silicone patches are more heat and cold resistant than PVC and are more durable long term4. Silicone is also more tolerant of ultraviolet light and ozone, making it a better choice if your label will be used in outdoor products4. At Cruz Label, they try to be conscious about the environmental impact of plastics and highly recommend Silicone over PVC patches4.
Conclusion In conclusion, silicone labels offer a durable and versatile solution for labeling needs. With the ability to withstand harsh conditions, the option for personalization, and a lower environmental impact compared to other materials, silicone labels are a great choice for a wide range of products.
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ayandamngadi · 2 years
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Waze waphasa kahle umfana wami😍😍Grade 2C💃🏽🕺🏽💃🏽🕺🏽Term4 (at Umlazi KaB) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl3gjtxqxr4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sumebloem200050 · 4 years
Started working on the first page :) It’s about the bear on Christmas. I finished the first 3 panels. Got caught up and worked quite a bit. It’s a fun project but it takes time and I did expect it to take that long i thought i would work faster but anyway I’m going to plan my next story. kind of wanna bring ruby into one, I'm not sure how I'm going to do that yet. 
I FORGOT TO MENSION my illustrations will be in A3 size with smaller blocks inside each of them, with the actual illustration inside. cutting this weeks post a bit short because of power issues.
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aikidobrisbane · 5 years
Welcome to term 4 2019
Welcome to term 4 2019
We return to our normal class schedule for Kids and Adults starting today Tuesday 15/10/19.
Juniors at 5:30pm Seniors at 6:00pm Adults at 6:45pm
Looking forward to seeing everyone back on the mats!
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Selfie with KV @krp020708 on his year 6 graduation mass and sacrament of confirmation. #GraduationMass #SacramentOfConfirmation #Grade6JO #Term4 #Week9 #HSCS🇦🇺 (at Ringwood North, Victoria, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJgYKecjENa/?igshid=40sfujvvk3ga
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Certificate of my Sacrament of Confirmation #GraduationMass #SacramentOfConfirmation2020 #Grade6JO #Term4 #Week9 #HSCS🇦🇺 (at Holy Spirit Parish) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJgN2AAg5hv/?igshid=1oi5qwrqh0qxs
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evikdpriagung · 6 years
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20180510 #4 22.22 WIB _____________________________________________ After business day with my craziest partner @amykoto 👏👏👏👏 Aku kekiatan langsing kalau kek gini 😂😂😂😂😂 ____________________________________________ #Latepost #BusinessDay ##Event #Teacher #Baloon #Grateful #Term4 #Highscope #TBSimatupang #Cilandak #Jakarta #Indonesia #May #8th #2018 #Samsung #SamsungGalaxyS8Plus #SamsungIndonesia #SamsungPhotography (at HighScope Cilandak)
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kaellumby-blog · 6 years
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Term 4 Remastered
This blog post starts the beginning and the end of this years blog. Its term 4 and I have nearly finished the blog posts.
For the Remastered term the first blog that I am going to start with is this one:
Do something you haven’t done since childhood.
I have not used a bicycle in years, and I mean it. Riding a bike never really interested me when I was younger, mostly because it was difficult riding one.
So for this post I decided to ride a bike, we had one sitting outside from the days when my sister actually rode one. I must say that I never missed the uncomfortable seat. I would rather break a finger than sit on a bicycle seat every single day.
I must say that I didn’t get very far on this bicycle, because I hated every second of it. It is hot outside and I didn’t have the energy to do it.
While it did bring back painful memories of my childhood I doubt that the bicycle would become apart of everyday life for me.
Concept Extracted: Since I was speaking about childhood, I wanted it to be about collecting, Once again the Nostalgia of childhood.
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yogaoneaustralia · 6 years
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Updated timetable for this coming term. All classes for term 3 have now come to an end, with term 4 starting up again on Monday 8th October. Some classes are all full up, but I do still have the following vacancies: Monday 2-3pm at Nyah West (open spots) 3:30-4pm (juniorYOGA with Nyah District PS kids) - open spots 6-7pm - 1 spot 7:15-8pm - 2 spots Tuesday 6-7am - 3 spots 10:15-11am - 2 spots Wednesday 6-7am - 2 spots 3:30-4pm (juniorYOGA with Swan Hill Primary kids) - open spots Thursday 9:15-10am (kid-friendly at Nyah West) - open spots 5:15-6:15pm (SH hospital staff at the hospital) - open spots . . Please let me know if you'd like to book in for term 4. If you miss one of your classes (and give me 24hrs notice) you can make the class up at any other available class during the term. . . I hope to see you on the mat soon. 🧘🏼‍♀️ #nicolecutriyoga #yogawithnicolecutri #yogaoneaustralia #term4 #yoga #yogayogayoga (at YOGAone) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoITzFjB80H/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=bdy0t5uprq05
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emmarwallace · 7 years
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Reports done for another term! #teacherlife #reports #Term4 #Imsurethechocolatehelped
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nellymay68 · 7 years
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Me at the moment #teacherlife #term4 #whatspeechmiss
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yuumii · 7 years
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#itshere #getonit 🚌 #schoolbus to the one and only @tinkertank_au #term4 #afterschool #beforeschool find out if YOUR school is on the list! #callnow 1300 607 104 for details 🔧✂️⚙️💡 . . . . www.tinkertank.ai ✂️💡🔧⚙️ #robot #code #design #futureproof #STEAM #creativekids #manlyaustralia (at TinkerTank)
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insuredmine · 7 years
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What is blanket coverage? #Term4 #insuranceglossary #insuranceterms
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trenaq27 · 8 years
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And that's a wrap, term 4 2016 and my first year teaching in Auckland done and dusted. This school, these people, and our tamariki have enriched my life like no other. Also it was our boss' last day today as he moves on to Kedgley Intermediate next year....we are so sad to see him go as all our tears were a testament to how much he has greatly impacted us all, not just as a leader but as a great friend and family member. You will be so missed, Boss. It has been such a special year. X #term4 #teacherlife #holidays #christmas #tistheseason #whānau #WRS #otara (at Wymondley Road Primary School)
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with Father Arsenio Tuazon and my proxy sponsor (Mrs. Marianne Condon) for Tito Wenz @wency_rangasa @wencyrangasa as my sponsor card on my sacrament of confirmation. #GraduationMass #SacramentOfConfirmation2020 #Grade6JO #Term4 #Week9 #HSCS🇦🇺 (at Holy Spirit Parish) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJgMrT3gs9Z/?igshid=1nwzkohr9dgdd
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