askingrayla-leone · 7 months
So who was the guy abed went with at the party not like I’m jealous or anything just like wanna know who it is lol
- teou
Oh i used my amazing detective skills and i figured it out. Gimmie a min I'll get the details and show you
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hii :3 🔬🔥📺🪡
Hello!! 🥰❤️ Thank you for the ask!
🔬The fic you had to make the most research for?
Hmm I spent a good while trying to find information on the Helsinki Skywheel for 'The Edge of Us" haha. I was originally gonna have them sucking dick in a normal box then saw photos and realised that wouldn't work, then was trying to find out how long it took, how much the sauna box cost (a lot, hence why I ended up just making Jere get a free pass lol) the capacity, etc.
(editing cuz I forgot to mention the next part is the vampire fic hahaha)
I also started doing research on arteries and blood flow etc when I had Jan biting Bojan's thigh but I kinda didn't wanna hear it in case it wasn't feasible hahaha 😂 Cuz by god I was keeping the thigh biting even if it killed him.
But overall I don't really do a massive amount of research, because for the most part there's not a whole lot going on to research outside of the band and I fear I know too much information on that lol.
🔥 Hottest fic you ever written?
I think either "The edge of us" or "The camera speaks the truth that I couldn't" because they're both like pure spice.
TEOU is literally just constant spicy content, like they're turned on and doing sexual stuff for the entire fic.
TCSTTTIC isn't as spicy overall but personally I think the smut was probably the hottest I've written in some ways, in terms of the setting.
Of course hotness is so subjective so other people might have other ideas, I'd actually be interested to know what ones people thought are hottest! Sometimes it surprises me in the comments what jumps out at people haha!
🪡 The scene you worked the hardest on in any fic?
Ooh this is a hard one cuz different scenes have been hard for different reasons!
In terms of smut the bokrisjan threesome felt like a massive endeavour both cuz it was just so much smut (smut mechanics are so tedious sometimes I'm running out of ways to describe the male orgasm) especially with the added logistics of keeping track of three people. And also it's the most emotionally driven smut I've written and I was trying to get those emotions across.
I also found the last chapter of 'Come play with your food, bejbi' a little tricky because it's so dialogue heavy and that dialogue was basically a lesson in vampire lore haha. So I was trying to make that interesting and dynamic, and decide how much I wanted to talk about. Also navigating Bojan's emotions was kinda hard cuz they were quite overwhelming and mixed and how does one react in that situation and also calm down in a decent amount of time? Also it's such a cheesy trope-y thing and I was aware of that and trying to balance it out 😂
Overall I probably work hardest on Distortion because it's by far the most plot heavy and the most complex emotion-wise.
📺 Any references to other media that you put in your fics?
I can't think of any, but I'm sure there's maybe a throwaway reference to a film or song or something somewhere that I'm forgetting haha!
I think overall I try not to really bring outside media into my fics, I kinda like feeling like their world is it's own little bubble or something? Maybe I'll have Bojan dress up as Will Turner at some point as a nod to my crippling first TV crush and the fact that I so have a type in men hahaha.
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punkbeetleart · 2 years
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dominousworld · 4 days
di Mike Plato Romani 8,19 ἡ γὰρ ἀποκαραδοκία τῆς κτίσεως τὴν ἀποκάλυψιν τῶν υἱῶν τοῦ Θεοῦ ἀπεκδέχεται. Traducono La creazione stessa attende con impazienza la rivelazione dei figli di Dio; Traduco L’attesa costante e trepidante (e apokaradokia) da parte della creazione (tes ktiseos) della rivelazione (apokalypsin) dei figli di Dio (ton iuion tou teou) attende É una costruzione assai strana…
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444names · 1 year
spanish forenames + personality traits BUT excluding "c" and short
Abio Abried Abses Absess Abund Abunda Abundo Adania Adant Aded Adena Adent Adeo Adria Agant Agonal Agonza Agros Agua Aguada Aidad Aine Ained Airo Alban Albane Alber Alen Alent Aleral Alfo Alixto Almude Amayte Amelda Amia Ampara Anda Andino Andios Ando Andra Angeli Ania Aniel Anito Anized Antin Arano Armina Arre Arta Artive Assive Asuave Aura Aure Bara Baran Bastin Belena Bera Bern Bert Berto Blana Boyana Breedy Breet Brited Brut Dalena Damand Damasa Damaya Damia Damira Damiro Dania Daried Darina Daya Dema Deman Depen Derate Dere Derly Detent Devio Devish Dient Diff Dionio Dish Dished Dislow Disoda Disp Disres Dolfo Domina Doming Doro Dria Drian Dulen Dulena Earful Edgara Edual Egid Eles Elia Elina Elvia Emila Emina Emined Emingo Eneo Eneous Ening Enito Enture Envish Estavo Estern Estin Estran Eufemi Eulada Extran Fabra Fadria Fairo Faited Fana Fedey Feli Felia Felina Felio Felise Fernal Fier Filo Filome Fless Floran Forge Fran Frant Fraul Frenza Fridad Fried Friel Gallo Garant Gardo Garian Gena Geneo Genia Genito Gensio Gent Gina Ginary Gined Ging Gloof Goody Greezy Gresa Guile Gull Gullia Hana Hand Hardo Hate Hated Hateo Heady Heali Herous Hilio Hones Horteo Hummy Hurio Ided Ilde Imen Impled Impred Impula Inal Inded Indina Indio Ined Inida Inning Insual Insue Intema Intent Into Inturo Ireia Irrant Irrat Irre Irrita Isible Itable Ivate Jair Javia Javid Jorgar Jorgio Josuel Julias King Leanda Letito Lette Liable Libel Lible Lilant Lilar Loren Lorful Lous Loyana Lunt Magina Maging Mandra Mant Manuto Marian Maring Matial Matin Mating Mative Melda Mered Miro Modera Modes Monia Mooth Morous Mystea Nara Naran Narant Naro Nary Natal Nated Nating Native Nato Nature Neral Nero Noemia Nurio Obsent Obses Obsess Obviol Opinia Optive Ordere Ordid Ordida Ordina Orio Orious Pable Paine Pained Para Pare Pass Pative Patriz Paul Paulia Paulio Pedad Pela Peral Perful Perse Perved Pied Pila Plana Plate Playo Polito Pred Pres Presar Press Prigio Pring Prous Pured Quela Queta Quin Raque Raula Reali Realio Rego Reless Relia Renza Repen Repred Resent Resome Ress Restan Retful Rida Ridad Ridia Ridio Right Ritza Robert Rodria Rogant Romas Rosalo Rosar Ruina Ruine Salo Sando Saneo Sant Saulio Seban Seless Senia Senio Sent Sentle Serio Silia Sillen Simid Sing Solina Solish Solito Solute Sona Sonan Sordes Sorge Spoken Stan Stando Stavo Stea Steful Stema Sting String Striz Studia Sture Supe Supera Susane Taded Tadela Tanito Tast Tastin Teofia Teous Tern Thomas Thoro Tiago Timena Timo Titing Titive Trea Trena Triant Trina Trio Trious Triz Tron Trous Ulia Ulieta Ulio Unda Undo Ungrat Ungry Unilda Uning Uningo Unisto Unrea Unreat Unrely Unsta Uprina Urbano Urbid Valen Valera Vent Vero Verse Vinded Ving Vious Vivane Wardo Wises Yesent
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jewishdainix · 1 year
From Detozi To Erek That sneaking little bastard! He is too low for his own pigeons to shit on! As if the weight of our ink on the tiny corner end of a scroll was an added weight for the pigeons to carry! He is so self-righ teous, and always seeking a way to discredit me, because he knows that if I am discharged, then his brother will probably be hired on in my place! I pray you, be cautious of which birds you use if you have added a note for me. Recall that all the birds that home to my coop are banded with red bands. Kim does not even paint his bands, but uses plain leather, the lazy piece of dung. Detozi
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askingrayla-leone · 7 months
Somebody bit me
What’s up with that
- teou
Either a vampnon (tampon lol) or something sinister happened last night and we don't remember
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yumikoyuki · 6 years
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I have not been idle! I have been participating in @vld-au-zinecollection‘s Sheith edition, and I finished mine a few days ago (prince/servant). Here’s a sneak peek of it.
The pre-orders of the Sheith edition begin on June 16! So soon!
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allihearisradiogaga · 6 years
Fringe Elements: a Paranormal Investigators AU Voltron Fanfic
Agents Kogane and McClain go to the Pacific Northwest to investigate a possible cryptozoological sighting.  They go searching for Bigfoot, but they find each other.
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Oneshot, Keith/Lance, X-Files AU, 6184 words
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This fic is a oneshot based on the AU from the ongoing fic “Fantastic as a Plausibility,” which can be read here.
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/17212106
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starbearstudio · 6 years
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Hey, Shance fans! 
Do you like cool AUs? Sweet art? Awesome fic? Well, have I got a zine for you! 
Pre-orders open for @vld-au-zinecollection Shance Edition on June 23rd! Get your orders in here: https://vld-au-zinecollection.tumblr.com/ 
the meantime, have a preview of my cyberpunk fic!
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the-nuup · 7 years
the newest chapter of the effect of you is incoming  ETA this weekend sometime
i mean i have to edit it so 
ps. might be a double drop
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Chapter 25 seems like a good stopping point for tonight.... 60% done and I’ve had a mini anxiety attack and ugly cried... can’t wait to see what else you’ve got in store for me McGuire. 🥺 @thejamiemcguire #theedgeofus #teou #macpack #mcguirelove https://www.instagram.com/p/BymIeQ4BS16/?igshid=1x10ahg981s4a
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silentknives · 4 years
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@finnegansson​​ asked: (4, 9, 11 & 13 for the portrayal meme! :) )
4. What aspects of your muse do you most want to explore?
Definitely her parents, how they met, and what led Emily towards a family lineage of Assassins -- all of which I’m currently ( and very slowly ) working on! I’m always going to refine and develop Emily through the threads I have made and will make, but I’m also intrigued about any character’s origins -- who they are, how they define themselves, and IF they even define themselves based on their heritage. If there is legacy, or if their life is the start of one. 
What I’ve come up with Emily’s parents -- mostly her mother -- is that her mother’s bloodline descended from S.hao J.un, and therefore, a long line of Assassins in the family’s generations. Her mother wasn’t an Assassin per se, but she was very much involved with the C.hin.ese Brotherhood. She was one of many researchers, an archeologist for the Precursor sites in China. The only reason why she’d reside in London in the first place was because one of the Precursor artifacts she was looking for had been excavated and transported back to England. While over there, she worked as a seamstress as a coverup gig as she and her fellow Brothers look for their stolen artifact. 
AND THAT’S ALL I GOT SO FAR LOL. I don’t have much motivation to work on it, but I know I’ll finish it eventually :’)
9. What thread types (e.g. angst, fluff) do you think portrays your character at their most genuine?
The easy answer would be angst, but honestly ??? It’s the ‘ mundane, one-on-one hangout conversations ’ type of threads that bring out Emily’s true nature. In battle or in Assassin / Templar mode, she’s closed off and cold hearted. Goal orientated, getting the job done, tactically conspiring to expose her enemies’ weaknesses. But in a normal conversation, NOT as neither Assassin or Templar, she’s sarcastic & quick witted, and also very caring and kind-hearted at her core.
11. Do you write drabbles/headcanons for your character? Do you discuss them OOC, away from Tumblr?
I do! On tumblr, OOC with other muns, and away from Tumblr lol. Most of the stuff out of Tumblr are background info/origin plots that I’m still working out & brainstorming. The headcanons here are based off of existing threads and background info I’ve already provided. As for drabbles, I don’t think I’ve posted any on here yet ??? I do have one in my drafts, but I’m slowly working through that one and it’s self indulgent ( hashtag connily lmao ).
13. Do you have any plans for the future of your muse? Would you like to see them grow a certain way?
I don’t really have any solid plans for Emily in the future, only to further develop her through threads and through discussing potential plots with other muns ( which i’ve been doing more than actually writing lmAOOO ). If anything, I just want to make Emily a believable & relatable character. But I’m more proud of the person she’s becoming. She has come a loooooong way from first conception almost 2 years ago, which was a self indulgent doodle pairing for Connor LMAO. She’s definitely more than that now ; she’s beginning to have her own thoughts and beliefs instead of her just being an extension of myself. Anything is possible for an OC, and especially for Emily.
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hawkeborne · 4 years
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@lutenhove​​ sent: 2, 5, 17 for mun meme :)
questions for mun, regarding the muse.
2. What made you decide to write this muse?
i had the BIGGEST urge to replay DA2 a few months ago, so of course, i had to replay it as the first hawke i’ve ever made. before i knew it, i got sucked back into it and remembered why i love this game so much. even more so, how sarcastic and absolutely hilarious hawke is. i wanted to explore her character more this time around, so i started drawing xenia a lot ( as well as a bunch of mini fenhawke comics bc i’m a h03 for that ship lmao ). i came up with a bunch of headcanons for her, and needless to say, i fell in love with her and decided to further explore her character through writing !!
5. If you could give your muse one gift, what would you give them?
a therapist LMAOOO -- she does need a therapist, but... i’m not really sure ? as far as i’ve developed her, i don’t think she’s the type of person who cares if she receives gifts or not. but if i were to give her anything ?? probably a really fancy, painted portrait of her. i mean, i already do that on the regular -- making a bunch of fan art of her hAHAHA. i think she’d enjoy it. she’d DEFINITELY hang it up in the main hall and forces every guest to gaze upon it with a huge grin on her face.
17. Why do you think you connect to your muse?
simply because we are both ~ comedy gold ~. LMAO, but seriously, a lot of my muses have different aspects that reflect a part of me and my personality. i’m sure that’s the same for a lot of people !! for this particular muse though, i think i connect with her because of the way we cope with difficult situations. xenia tends to joke a LOT, even in the most distressing & traumatic situations -- to try to make light of it for the sake of others. i can relate to her in the way that we don’t want to worry & burden anyone else with our inner turmoils. it’s kinda therapeutic to explore that through the lens of xenia, actually lol.
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askingrayla-leone · 6 months
I’m gonna start sending Jeff asks but all of them will just be animal facts
- teou
omg km going yo interview him in mine good luck teoumas
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prctectedlegacy · 4 years
Conversations with my brain
My Brain: So, whatcha doing?
Me, halfway into an idea for my Lone Sage AU: Oh, nothing, really, just trying to figure out how to write this AU.
My Brain: You sure you want to do that?
Me: Uh, yeah? Why?
My Brain: Well, Sarah just posted AU ideas for Shay.
Me: Okay...And?
My Brain: Well, you won't so much as copycatting, but your AU kinda sucks.
Me: Why?
My Brain: Do you know how long it takes us to come up with basic headcanons? Why would you want to make an entire AU right now, knowing that you, we, think our ideas suck donkey ass.
Me, staring at my brain: ....
My Brain: ...
Me: I mean, I'm trying to work on that with you.
My Brain: ...Still sucks.
Me: *groans*
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