#teo's shitposts
crumbtrails · 4 months
god this really is the darkest timeline
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rainbow-mayhem · 15 days
Thoughts about Celestial Monsters below. Spoilers.
Okayokayokay I have a lot of thoughts but first and foremost holy shit I feel so bad for Xio?? Like I get that they were frozen in time or whatever (not beating the Nico di Angelo allegations but ANYWAY) and their age is "technically unknown" but their?? Still a child?? Their literally 13 and they had to go through so much shit it is NOT FAIR
Also. Suerte didn't deserve to die at all (I get that it was his choice but still). Bro was screwed over his entire life and literally made the bad guy but still died for his child. Like I can respect it and it honestly makes me love him more but at the same time I am internally yearning for him and Xio to finally be a family again.
Was also very sad when the dioses needed to leave (Not lumbre, she can stay away). But the epilogue is so wholesome it almost makes up for that? Like Teo and Aurelio's date?? Leaving bread for Paloma?? Getting updates on our favorite characters? Xio becoming a researcher? FANTASTIC. LOVE IT.
Do I think the book is good? Absolutely. It was fantastic. Did it also rip apart my heart? Yes.
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i-xiangling · 1 month
yall gotta stop calling juno x illari “sun and moon”
juno is from mars.
you are shipping illari and winston.
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dawnthefox24 · 24 days
*Venture is hugging Brigitte biceps holding her not wanting to let her go whatsoever after they had the most shittiest day ever* Juno: *looks concerned* What happened to Sloan? D.va: They ran into their archenemies. Juno: Oh ! Well can I ask what happened? D.va:*looks at Kiriko* Well...Uh... Kiriko:*sighs* Mauga did the most horrible thing you can ever do to an archaeologist. Juno: Oh dear...Mind if I ask? *Soon Cassidy walks by and see's Sloan hugging Brigitte sadly because of what happened on today's mission* D.va and Kiriko:*looks at Cassidy* Cassidy you tell her Juno on what happened to Sloan? Cassidy:*sighs* Why not tell her yourself? Kiriko: Sloan refuses to let us speak of it D.va: Yeah... Cassidy: For the love of-Okay so what happened with today's mission Juno is that Mauga and Sloan have a rivalry with one another. Juno: *seems a bit worried* Oh my. Cassidy: So what happened was a precious artifact that Mauga stole was cursed or something made out of pure gold. Juno: So what happened? Cassidy:*sighs pinching the bridge of his nose* Mauga hurled it to orbit... Juno: *seems shocked but also impressed* Impressive. Cassidy: Yeah though Sloan had...Well They fainted. Juno:*looks over at Venture* Oh that's sad I hope their okay. Cassidy: *looks over and sighs* Yeah their not okay. *In the distance Venture is just sobbing against Brigitte holding her close to them* Venture: *sobbing against Brigitte* That precious golden beetle gone! Brigitte:*hugging Venture* It's okay Sloan your okay, don't worry. Venture:*just cries a babbling mess* Brigitte:*sighs* Come along my kärlek, let's have some of my momma's apple pie okay?(Also kärlek means love) Venture:*nods* O-Okay
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Cheritz give me the sitcom starring these two that they deserve
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puppetnauts · 9 months
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aliendragondreaming · 8 months
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y'know sometimes you just gotta get silly with it
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the-era-of-shadow · 2 months
where the fuck would we be without garrick honestly
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anonymous-gambito · 1 year
The idea of everyone in the Gaang having a lil crush on Zuko is funny, but the thought of most of the kids on the Western Air Temple getting a crush on Ugly Mustache Haru is even funnier
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vronskies · 7 months
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past lives (2023)
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vellhighbandi · 1 year
The world overrun with beings of deception and resentment Who con and kill, spread pain and suffering, always unrepentant Yet here remain those, with hearts pure, scattered to the wind Yet here remain those, without a cause, for them to align behind Will you take this chance, give your trust, to be tested and tried? Extend a hand to them, whose proffered kinship you once denied A dream you are chasing, for a fantasy can you truly risk your heart? Are you sure, do you not doubt, can you risk it all just for a fresh start? What lengths will you go, will you even be accepted without judgement? To honour this friendship, you are prepared to risk your life, unreluctant Of comradery, of trust, are they willing to end unknown lives to save yours? To protect a bond forged with experience and action, will they turn to force? What will you do, choose death over betrayal? Will you live as a treacheror, or die damnable? Won't their deaths weigh your conscience down? Or will you die only to realise it was in vain? In this world of trickery and deceit, of backstabbers and survivors You are now one of them, a coward, one of the thousand traitors You lived, but with a condemned soul, an existence so miserable Bubbling with rage, writhing in anger, everyday feels inconsiderable -Sharma
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crumbtrails · 4 months
to whatever higher being told me to watch rock of ages (2012) while sleep deprived,,, fuck u
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cyril-leonhearts · 1 year
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The absolute Irony of this man being in a poll
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cumbersomekumquat · 2 years
Please give me things to draw
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dawnthefox24 · 25 days
*Juno is watching Hanzo carve wooden charms and she is awe but also finding it relaxing as well watching how the wood starts to take its shape * Hanzo: *doesn't look up as he wipes off a few dust from the carving*How do you think it's coming out? Juno: *jumps a bit and gets a bit anxious* Oh um..uh...W-Well I... Hanzo: Its okay you don't have to answer sometimes the quiet is just enough. Juno:*nods a bit still watching him carve* Y-Yeah... *with that being said Hanzo continued to carve before setting the charm down as he looked over at Juno* Juno: *gets embarrassed and looked away*Sorry if I'm bothering you. Hanzo: No your not bother me...I used to do the same thing with my-... Juno: With who? Hanzo:...Someone who I miss dearly... Juno:*looks at the carving and looks at him* I-I see...Well um...If you don't mind can you teach me how to carve? Hanzo:*looks at her and smiles softly* Of course. Juno: *smiles happily*Thank you, I want to show my mother the things I'm learning on earth mainly carving ! Hanzo:*looks at Juno and smiles softly* I'm glad. ~~~~~ Rumiko:*is carving a few charms and looked over seeing Hanzo watching her* How do you think it's coming out my hatchling? Young Hanzo: Perfect mom, just perfect. Rumiko:*smiles happily * Thank you my hatchling. ~~~~~ Juno: *looks a bit worried since he spaced out on her* Mr. Shimada are you alright? Hanzo:*looks at Juno and smiles softly before he picks up the charm and starts carving again* Yeah I'm fine just remembering something, also Hanzo is fine Juno:*nods and smiles softly as she watches calmly enjoying it*
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The tutorial/guide no one asked for! Because I spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about this game
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