You realised your image was a collage and not a portrait a long time ago but the canvas was still a mirror and you were a picture made for a frame
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Should words flow out of my pen as the river does from mountains.
Is this existential dread or poetry?
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I'm mourning a childhood that I never had and grieving for a wasted life I haven't even lived yet
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I've ran through it about a thousand times
Dreamt about it with eyes wide
It all ends up the same
The world I made fades to black
And reality reclaims my soul
One day I'll open my eyes and I'll be blinking
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"Looking through a broken window,
history a stone's throw away.
An old fashioned facade over a modern world disaster. "
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OK, I'm not holding my breath or anything for the mcr reunion, let's be honest it's not happening, but I haven't seen anyone denying it yet. And then I saw this new video on their YouTube but only a few people can see it apparently. It's been up since the 13th but it hasn't even hit 700 views yet. I think it's for a compilation if anything but yeah. If anyone knows, I'd love to find out. I'm more confused than anything tbh.
Tumblr media
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Honestly my favourite part of mobile tumblr is dragging around the 'write post' button thing in the corner and watching it turn into a gay snake.
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Books? Books are incredible. Imagination captured and bound between two covers. Vessels that can take you to all the places you've never dreamt of. In a room with no windows or doors, if you've got a book, then you've got an escape. See, this world, whilst in many ways different, is many ways the same as that very room. So many locked doors. So many possibilities that just aren't possible. And those are books. When you write words on a page you engrave them into the histories of possibilities. It could end up on the shelf of a thrift store or between the fingertips of a coffee sipping stranger. In the minds of a million or the hearts of a few. Each is a fantasy that could just as easily be reality. In the multitude of realities we find ourselves tangled in, in the web of confusion that spans the stars, who's to say it's not real? If time is only a concept, what can't reality be conceptual as well. Who's to tell you that reality is not completely and utterly relative. Books are our doorways into the unknown, looking through the eyes of a character is like peering through a window into anither universe. Maybe our eyes are exactly that for an entirely different civilisation, the windows into this world for beings we will never understand. We will never know, never learn. Maybe there is a limit to human comprehension, like a cat watching TV. Maybe we will never learn anything more than we know, but maybe that is beautiful enough. Maybe creativity is what sets us apart from that cat watching TV. Maybe theories and possibilities is all we have and all we need, and it's books that give us these things.
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OK, basically, first post - how is everyone. I'm gonna be honest, I have no idea what I'm doing and I didn't really know how to make my first post so I settled for this cluster fuck of an introduction. It kinda feels like I'm talking to myself in a room full of people. Anyway, I'm not sure I'll be worth following, I don't know if I'll have a theme for the blog but atm I'm gonna use it as a place to store random thoughts or bits of poetry, plus the occasional vent. Knowing that this will go out the window within two weeks, I'll probably just be reposting memes from superwholock and Harry Potter. So yeah :) Also I haven't told my name yet, it's Jess. Not that anyone is going to need the information but there you go anyway. A little bonus bit of info. And great, now I can't think of an ending to this awkward ramble so I'll probably just say bye then. Bye. Nope, that sounds way too forward. I know I could use the backspace and craft the perfect message but I cannot be arsed :) Plus, at least now you can understand my thought process and realise how shit it is. But yeah, I really did just need to post something as a first post. This is it. I doubt you enjoyed it but if you got this far, something kept you invested. I hope it wasn't a punchline, I don't have one and there wasn't a joke or a set up in the first place. I don't know what possessed me to type that and then keep it in this post. Oh well. Guess im ending this with bye after all.
Bye :)
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