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thebearmaiden · 5 years ago
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This is DeVeor. This is how music—drum music—makes her feel. The love and enthusiasm for music and teaching she carries is contagious. Also sometimes overwhelming. Last heard she had traveled all over the world, teaching and learning drum rhythms. #speakinginrhythm. The second picture is the crew of young travelers, along with Marcos Napa who grew up in the Afroperuano dance and drum life and was our guide and teacher on the trip. Also in the background is Congresswoman Martha Moyano, who represented Lima from 2005-2011. #kidstravel #brownkids #blackandbrown #Peru #Lima #peruismorethanmachupicchu #Afroperuano #AfroLatin #SouthAmerica #peruismorethanCusco #festejoperuano #festejos #afroperuano #blackfolkeverywhere #whereverweare #weareus #afroindigenous #tenyearsofphotos #endofthedecade #lookingback #instaphoto #olympusphotography #retro #2010 #2009to2019 (at Museo Nacional Afroperuano) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6sAcIshJVU/?igshid=mm9j9zjojqhb
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thebearmaiden · 5 years ago
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I got asked to do some headshots for a young lady. I did all the traditional shots I could think of. I tried to make her look like the lovely kid she is. But her soul is very very old and had obviously been around for millennia. Her mom said later the agent thought she was too old looking lol. And even before she told me that, I was compelled to play around with one of the shots, to show what I saw in her eyes. It’s still one of my FAVORITE portraits. One day this kids earthly self will match the wisdom in her eyes.... and y’all will know her name. I’m sure of it. #headshots #butnotreally #portraitphotography #portraits #oldsoul #bruja #beautiful #youngwoman #portraitofalady #tenyearsofphotos #endofthedecade #lookingback #instaphoto #canonphotography #retro #2017 #2009to2019 (at Sugar Hill Harlem) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7PGoUCBJJq/?igshid=64s9jckz8jg6
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thebearmaiden · 5 years ago
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Despite the heat starting out rough, some cool stuff happened. One is, my Sun got out of high school. I had real moments of fear where I didn’t think he’d graduate—this kid FLAT OUT refused to do homework. And if he did it, he wouldn’t turn it in. He was ALWAYS in summer school. But with the help of an awesome guidance counselor and the fact that he always had a good grade from orchestra.... he got out. I was SO relieved. He wore Poppy’s sunglasses at graduation. And then there was the fucsia suit he wore to prom.... my kids a piece of work. #alwaysbabyboy #pita #FHHS #forthamiltonhighschool #graduationpictures #prom #tenyearsofphotos #endofthedecade #lookingback #instaphoto #canonphotography #retro #2017 #2009to2019 https://www.instagram.com/p/B7N3TQ6BbXB/?igshid=1v3ujbkabj01f
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thebearmaiden · 5 years ago
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This flu thing (I decided I must have had the flu) is a b*tch. And while I’m skeptical of flu shots, there are times like now when I will urge you—if you have ANY health problems that compromise your ability to heal—to get a flu shot. Cuz this thing has lingered several weeks for me and I’m pretty healthy. But anyway moving on. 2017. There is nothing particularly special about this image except for how it makes me feel. I took it on my birthday, 17 days after Poppy died on the 1st of Feb. He was cremated that weekend, his memorial was on the 8th.... and on this day I was just in an altered space. I was sad that he was gone and already missed him achingly but I was relieved for him that he was whole again, that there was no more pain, no more enduring, no more keeping on. He was ok, and we were ok... just irrevocably altered. And really, this picture is one of the first I took after he died, and one of the last I took before EVERYTHING changed. #tenyearsofphotos #endofthedecade #lookingback #instaphoto #canonphotography #retro #2017 #2009to2019 (at 141St Street. Harlem) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7MsVZwBXu0/?igshid=1cebwutwif9jv
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thebearmaiden · 5 years ago
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Beautiful Boy #blacklivesmatter #saveoursons #tenyearsofphotos #endofthedecade #lookingback #instaphoto #canonphotography #retro #2016 (at Harlem, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7KEvHFBZiU/?igshid=wt7je5nibaua
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thebearmaiden · 5 years ago
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BeautifulBoy #blacklivesmatter #saveoursons #tenyearsofphotos #endofthedecade #lookingback #instaphoto #canonphotography #retro #2016 (at Brighton Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7KEjL0Bb84/?igshid=uzfelfvurloh
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thebearmaiden · 5 years ago
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It snowed a whole lot the winter if 2015-16. And I hate snow. #snowpacalypse #itsablizzard #outmywindow #outbearmaidenswindow #tenyearsofphotos #endofthedecade #lookingback #instaphoto #canonphotography #retro #2016 (at Sugar Hill Harlem) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7KEBaDhqxa/?igshid=15cdh2tmwmb67
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thebearmaiden · 5 years ago
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Last one for 2015. And yes, that was real. I brought up the rooftops a little bit, but that was the Sky night hate getting up early—I am NOT a morning person, but I miss seeing those spectacular #sunrise views #outmywindow. #godisreal #outbearmaidenswindow #youshouldtravelmore #tenyearsofphotos #endofthedecade #lookingback #instaphoto #canonphotography #retro #2015 #2009to2019 https://www.instagram.com/p/B7Fl5kRhmh7/?igshid=ymdxiorkqxrv
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thebearmaiden · 5 years ago
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Did I mention we #drove to KeyWest in 2015? From #NYC? Me, OtherHalf, FamilyMember, TheSun and his friend in a 4door #NissanMaxima. It was tight, but we had a blast. Halfway down we stopped at my Uncle C’s wife’s childhood summer home, on #stjamesislandsc. What a beautiful, calm place. And Key West was amazing, too. #roadtrip #roadtrip2015 #epicRoadTrip #youshouldtravelmore #tenyearsofphotos #endofthedecade #lookingback #instaphoto #canonphotography #retro #2015 #2009to2019 https://www.instagram.com/p/B7Fk6sqB1Ag/?igshid=to7qywh95gjc
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thebearmaiden · 5 years ago
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2015 rehash still. This is one of #hemingwaycats outside #hemingwayhouse in #KeyWest. Just chilling. #catsareawesome #insta at #feralcatsofinstagram #youshouldtravelmore #tenyearsofphotos #endofthedecade #lookingback #instaphoto #canonphotography #retro #2015 #2009to2019 https://www.instagram.com/p/B7FkQtFBqol/?igshid=1qpjb7y6od6bs
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thebearmaiden · 5 years ago
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I’ve been sick. Like in the bed sick. The worst part about being sick is EVERYTHING is a monumental effort. But I’m getting better. So... 2015. This is when the kid turned 16, though with a full beard he looked much older. We went to Key West that summer and he didn’t get carded in a bar. #tenyearsofphotos #endofthedecade #lookingback #instaphoto #canonphotography #retro #2015 #2009to2019 https://www.instagram.com/p/B6_RlB6hmwQ/?igshid=16bqm58nuibvd
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thebearmaiden · 5 years ago
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Last one for 2014. Just in case you think #seagulls are cute. They are not. And NY seagulls will snatch your bagel right out your hand. #mine #gangsta #dontfeedtheseagulls #tenyearsofphotos #endofthedecade #lookingback #instaphoto #canonphotography #retro #2014 #2009to2019 (at Robert Moses Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/B641-rmB59d/?igshid=zqkgc3c9rmlb
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thebearmaiden · 5 years ago
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One more of my cute kid. He was 16 in 2014. #hescute #painintheasstho #tenyearsofphotos #endofthedecade #lookingback #instaphoto #canonphotography #retro #2014 #2009to2019 (at Robert Moses Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/B641pY2BpdP/?igshid=1p69h9u5r6q
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thebearmaiden · 5 years ago
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In 2014 the Sun’s short-lived football career came to an end—the end of his freshman year. He’d scraped his leg on the AstroTurf which resulted in a SEVERE infection that required a hospital stay. Plus he said he didn’t like the “make or break” attitude—he loved to play. But not enough for the work. So, he stuck to violin but this is the last year he played with #opus118harlemschoolofmusic #music #violin #tenyearsofphotos #endofthedecade #lookingback #instaphoto #canonphotography #retro #2014 #2009to2019 (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B641MqRBl1Z/?igshid=1xm0uc4f1j8ku
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thebearmaiden · 5 years ago
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Pretty colors on a beautiful day. #beachday #beachumbrella #summerseemssofaraway #robertmosesbeach #tenyearsofphotos #endofthedecade #lookingback #instaphoto #canonphotography #retro #2014 #2009to2019 (at Robert Moses Beach) https://www.instagram.com/p/B640oZrBHDO/?igshid=1t3wh5nhtz2cm
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thebearmaiden · 5 years ago
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Thanks to a friend from Highschool, I got to meet Sharon Jones, and be up close enough to the stage to get real pictures. What a genuinely nice, warm person she was and holy moly what a show. The whole band was tight—-each singer and performer can hold their own, but together... just no words. She is missed. Also amazing and cool to meet was @saunwillshine. Thank you @singstarr66 for this day. #sharonjones #sharonjonesandthedapkings #soulmusic #funkmusic #makeitfunky #musicislife #mna4ever #mna4life #tenyearsofphotos #endofthedecade #lookingback #instaphoto #canonphotography #retro #2014 #2009to2019 (at Manhattan, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B64z7vWBmde/?igshid=1a51k8q23thbj
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