calolily · 15 hours
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You must be a member of the Bloodweave Sanctuary discord server to participate in this event.
Join here:
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calolily · 21 hours
Happy thirsty Thursday everyone!
How did we do this week?
I hope everyone had fun with last week’s prompt even if you didn’t create anything for it!
As always tag your creations with “BW sanctuary Thirsty Thursday” so we can see what you come up with!!
Here’s the spicy prompt for this week:
“Do you need to use your safeword, darling?”
Happy creating!!🌶️💦
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calolily · 2 days
Bloodweave Sanctuary Big Bang
What is it?
The Bloodweave Sanctuary Big Bang is an event where writers will submit a blurb for artists to read and claim. Once a claim has been made and partners assigned, the writers and artists will collaborate over a period of time to create a work together, with the writers presenting a 10k word minimum fic and the artists supplying 2-3 minimum completed artworks.
When is it?
Sign-ups will go live October 5th. At the time of signing up, writers must have a minimum of 10% (1k words) completed. The full event schedule is as follows:
October 5th: Sign Ups open.
Octobwr 18th: Sign ups close with 2k words (20%) due.
October 19th: Artist claims begin.
October 25th: Final call for artist claims.
October 26th: Partners are assigned.
December 14th: First check in.
February 8th: Second check in. 50% (5k words) count due to artist to ensure time to work.
March 1st: Third check in. 75% (7.5k words) due to artist.
March 15th (5 month mark): Writer cut off. 100% to artists.
March 30th: Finished works are published with artist supplied links for images.
What are the requirements?
The requirements are simple:
Writers and artists will be expected to communicate with one another as well as myself as the event coordinator to ensure things are moving smoothly.
The fics must be a minimum of 10k words.
All artwork must be completed with a minimum of 2-3 pieces for the fic.
Artwork can include rendered drawings, banners, mood boards, and/or manips.
All works must have Bloodweave as the primary pairing/focus.
Participants must be part of the Bloodweave Sanctuary Discord.
Failure to adhere to these requirements, dropping out once claims have been assigned, or failure to complete the work will result in no longer being able to participate in events.
If there are any questions or concerns, then please dot hesitate to drop an ask!
Have fun, happy creating, and hope to see you there!
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calolily · 2 days
Thanks for existing
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calolily · 4 days
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New profile pic for my socials-a pouty kitty
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calolily · 4 days
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calolily · 4 days
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calolily · 5 days
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I did the thing….
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calolily · 6 days
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“It was just as quiet between them when Gale let them into the apartment, locking the door as Astarion moved to the kitchen to begin working on what was likely to be one of those overly sweet drinks he liked to ply him with. He watched him for a moment as he considered the evening they had had so far. Araj had interrupted them before either of them were able to get off. Araj had put her hands on Astarion, treating him with a casual roughness that spoke of familiarity and habit.
She had reacted to Gale’s own revelation with more shock than pain, as though she was unaccustomed to being on the receiving end of it. Astarion had been so quick to focus on Gale. To try and ensure that he was alright and was still doing just that. Astarion who had been grabbed at, hurt, and didn’t bat an eye. Yet he was so surprised by something gentle.
It spoke volumes for what Astarion was used to.”
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calolily · 6 days
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“Gale stroked his hand down along Astarion’s spine, feeling the way that he trembled, his head tucked in against Gale’s neck. It took him a moment to register the strange dampness against his skin. It took him a moment longer to realize that Astarion was crying, silent in whatever hurt was weighing on him. He didn’t draw attention to it, rather continuing to offer his own silent comfort as Astarion took the moment that he needed.
All that Gale could hope for was to try and lift some of the weight from Astarion’s shoulders.”
Whispers in the Night by: @pandorastrove
Artist’s note: this is the last panel of a comic I am currently working on. :3
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calolily · 7 days
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My half of a trade with @pandorastrove
He’s not a bad dog, he just needs a purpose. A job to do.
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calolily · 8 days
Welcome to another Thirsty Thursday!!
How did you all do with last weeks prompt? We look forward to seeing all the fun spicy creations y’all came up with!
Just tag entries “BW Sanctuary Thirsty Thursday” so we know you’re participating and we can see all the wonderful things you come up with .
Without further pomp here is this week’s prompt:
“It’s my thigh or nothing, I’m not helping you get off”
Happy spicy creating everyone!🌶️💦
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calolily · 8 days
Your drawings are phenomenal.😭
Just wondering, are you a professional illustrator? Do you do illustrations for a living? Because you are so fucking good 😱
How did you learn to draw?
I am a professional dilettante lol
I draw as a hobby and I have for 25 years. I’ve survived on commission work for a short time 2009-2011 during that time it was in the furry community
I went to school for media arts and animation in 2006-2007 but it was a garbage cash grab school and I really didn’t learn much other than how to draw fast to meet impossible deadlines.
I’m primarily self taught. I just do it for fun lol
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calolily · 8 days
Happy thirsty Thursday from the Bloodweave sanctuary discord.
Prompt for this week was:
“Open your mouth for me baby”
Uncropped comic on twit
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calolily · 8 days
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They’re ready and up at my Redbubble store!
I will add all the companions with time 🫶🏼 Enjoy!
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calolily · 9 days
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A super fun collab with @calolily for the Bloodweave Santuary’s discord invite banner!
It was super fun putting color on this :3 Thank you so much for trusting me with your gorgeous line work, Calolily 💕
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calolily · 9 days
Here is the playlist I listened to while I was drawing for this fic.
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