#tensei Iida x reader
dira333 · 3 months
Sleepwalker - Tensei Iida x Reader
Words: 10k (sorry, my hand slipped)
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It’s warm, dark and there’s a faint smell of grapefruit and Mint, a combination that should not work as well as it does.
You groan, close your eyes again, and bury yourself in the blankets once more, not yet ready to start the day. What a weird dream you’ve ha-
There’s an arm. There’s an arm next to your arm!
Your heart stops and picks up with twice the speed as you slowly, carefully, pat around to feel what’s attached to said arm
A shoulder, naked. There’s a neck and a chest, muscular and sturdy. 
When your fingertips find what feels like a mouth you hear a grunt. The light flickers on and you blink, staring in silent shock at what is most likely the most attractive guy you’ve seen in weeks, if not longer.
His dark hair is sleep-mussed and his blue eyes squint back at you with an equal mix of confusion and shock.
“Who are you?” He asks just as you realize that you did not, in fact, go drinking last night. Which means-
“You’re a creep!” You bellow, jumping out of bed. You put a tank top and matching panties on last night and you’re glad you did because this way you’re at least wearing a little bit more than he is. 
“Wait, I’m not-”
“Did you do something to me?” You look down at yourself to check, but you don’t feel weird, just exhausted. He’s stuttering out something but you’re too busy freaking out.
“I should call the- the police, I- who are you anyway and-” your eyes flicker to the alarm clock next to his bed. Shit. You’re going to be late for work.
“If this happens again I’ll kill you in your sleep!” You threaten, focus on the pattern of your own bedding, and teleport away, using your Quirk. It’s not legal, but you’re in no way going to wait for a cab at this creep’s place.
This time you half expect it, which sounds weirder than it is. 
But as you wake up and smell that telltale aroma of grapefruit and Mint, you know exactly where you are.
You turn slowly to check the time. It’s around midnight.
You went to bed fully clothed, phone in your back pocket. The stranger seems to have had the same idea, the fabric of his shirt soft against your fingertips
He wakes up as you slip out of bed, waving your phone to start the flashlight app. So much for snooping around to get intel on him.
“Who are you?” He asks, which is totally the wrong question if you’re a creep who kidnaps people.
“I should ask you the same thing. And you should answer first since this is your place.”
“My name’s Iida. Iida Tensei, to be exact.” He rubs his face. “And I didn’t take you here. I went to bed like normal and woke up with you beside me.”
“Oh. Well, I mean. It hasn’t happened in a while, but it could-”
“Your Quirk?” He asks, making sense of your stuttering before you can. “It’s teleporting, right? Does it malfunction sometimes?”
“Well, it used to, as a kid.” You explain, shame flooding you, “I can only teleport to places I know because I have to see them in my mind. But I don’t know you, right?”
“Maybe I saved you?” He offers. You scrunch up your nose.
“I am- I was a hero. Ingenium? Maybe you heard of him?”
“Oh,” you nod slowly before shaking your head, “well, I’ve heard of heroes, because who hasn’t, but not of Ingenium, sorry. Never had to be saved either.”
You laugh, short and abrupt, but in all honesty. “Why? I don’t think getting saved is such a nice thing, right? It means you were in danger before.”
“Oh, but it’s an experience for sure. I mean… When I was a kid, I was-” He stops and you’re not sure why you do it, maybe it’s the softness of his features or the sound of his voice, but you urge him to speak.
“I got lost, once, as a kid. I still remember how helpless I felt and how a hero saved me, and took me back to my parents. I haven’t seen him around since, but I still remember his name. Gran Torino. I knew before… that I was going to be a hero, but that cemented it as something I really wanted to be.”
“Wow,” you breathe, a little awkward in the face of something like that. “I just became a mechanic because my Dad’s one too.”
He laughs, but he doesn’t invite you to speak and you realize that you’ve overstayed your welcome anyway. Not that there was ever any welcome to begin with. You stumbled in here on your own, bothering this nice, attractive man.
“I’m… I’m going to get going now,” you stutter, “and I promise it won’t happen again.”
He doesn’t move to get up. Maybe he only put on a shirt but not shorts?
You try not to think about it when you teleport away.
Nothing happens for over a week, long enough that you begin to think of it as an outlier, brought upon you by the return of your period.
Now that that’s over you only have to get checked out for future disasters.
But then you open your eyes to darkness and the smell of Grapefruit and Mint and you know, without a doubt, that you’re back.
“Iida-kun?” You ask, voice soft with shame.
You reach out your hand and touch his face, surprised to find a slight stubble. But it gets his attention and only a second later you blink against the light. 
It’s gone just a second later and as a blanket is thrown over your head you remember that you went to sleep wearing nothing tonight. In your defense, the AC was broken.
“I’m so so sorry,” you point out, voice shaking, “I don’t know… I thought it was my period.”
“It’s okay,” he huffs. You wonder if he’s blushing. 
“I’m leaving, okay,” you tell him, embarrassment flooding you. “Sorry.”
Half an hour later you find yourself pressed into his side once again, though this time better dressed. He’s not, however. 
You teleport away once again, this time without waking him.
But as you open your eyes to the morning sun filtering in through the half-open blinds, there’s an arm slung over your shoulders and a warm, naked chest pressed to your back.
You’re back. Again.
It’s Sunday and you don’t have to be gone right away, so that’s your excuse for letting your eyes wander through the room. 
His bedroom is clean and organized, with books and sports equipment in every corner.
And there are pictures, tons of them.
Right next to the alarm clock is a picture of a little boy. He looks just like Iida-kun and with a pang, you realize it must be his son. What lies on the other side of his bedroom door? How many children does he have?
This bed is barely wide enough to house two people, so you don’t think he’s married, but-
A pained groan interrupts your thoughts. 
Before you can react, though, Iida pulls you closer, his arms now crossed over your stomach.
He’s mumbling something, his voice laced with pain.
“No, don’t, please-” he begs, “help, someone- Help!”
That’s when you feel it, the telltale signs of your Quirk activating. But you’re not teleporting anywhere, not that you could after doing it so much this night already. And you’re not the one who activated it.
For a second you’re floating, disappearing slowly into thin air. That’s not unusual, it happens mostly when the space you want to go is already occupied or too far away.
But when you materialize again, you’re back where you started, right in Iida’s arms.
That’s when it hits you.
You didn’t teleport to him. He teleported you.
But how? And how are you going to explain that to him?
If Iida is weirded out by the fact that you’re a) back in his arms again and b) not making any move to get away from him, he’s not showing it.
Instead he wipes a hand over his face and plants himself back into the pillows.
“I think I need a coffee,” he tells you after a minute.
“Yeah, I wouldn’t say no to that either.”
“Would it be terribly rude to ask you to make it?” He lifts his head again to squint at you. “Or help me out of bed?”
“Help you out of bed? What are you, eighty?”
He smiles shyly. “No, I’m paraplegic.”
Blood rushes to your face as you realize what that means.
“Shit, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean-”
“You didn’t know.” A hand rests warmly on your forearm. “But the choice is yours.”
You huff for a second, trying to reel in the shame before getting out of bed and walking around it. There’s the wheelchair you should have noticed earlier. 
“What do you do if you need to pee?” You ask as he leans heavily onto you before swinging himself into the chair.
“Hold it in,” he tells you with an embarrassed smile. “But I’m working on getting into it myself.”
Your nerves bubble in your throat as you approach the door only to release in a soft sigh when no little kid is waiting on the other side.
“Your… uh… son doesn’t live here?” You ask as you follow him into the kitchen, too aware of your messy bedhead and your sleepwear-clad form.
“My son?” Iida turns to squint at you. “I don’t have a son.”
“The picture on your nightstand. I noticed it.”
“Oh,” he laughs softly, “that’s my little brother. We’re fifteen years apart, but I should really get a new picture in there. But he looked so cute back then. Not that he’s not looking cute now, I-”
“I get it,” you nod, “I still have a picture of my cousin in my wallet from when she lost half of her teeth.”
“Quirk coming in?” He asks and you snort. “Yes, actually.”
“How am I calling you here?” Tensei asks. He offered you his first name over that first cup of coffee, called his mother to let her know he wouldn’t need help this morning while you fried eggs for breakfast.
“I don’t know,” you tell him honestly, “that never happened to me before.”
“But you knew it was possible?”
“Actually,” you breathe loudly through your nose, “I only realized that it had to be that because I was in the middle of teleporting this morning when I was already here only to land back where I was. It’s like reloading a page, you know? You just get back to where you were.”
“But we don’t know each other,” Tensei points out, “or do we? What school did you go to?”
You name it, all of them. Nothing seems to ring a bell. 
“When you…” you hesitate but he urges you to go on, “When you reloaded me, so to say, you were… you were calling for help.”
Tensei pales, his lips stretching into a straight line.
“You don’t have to tell me what that was about,” you add on quickly, “I just thought… maybe us teleporter Quirks are like a helpline? And I was just the closest one?”
“You think so?” He asks, voice strained.
You shrug. “What other possibility is there?”
But there is one. One you don’t even want to think about.
What if the Universe with its laughable humor, decided you were right for each other? 
No, that would be too crazy.
Just because you know why it happens doesn’t mean, however, that you know how to stop it. And as you start waking up in his bed more often than not, it seems only logical to go with it.
“Morning,” you mumble, knowing where you are without having to open your eyes. The telltale aroma of Grapefruit and Mint gives it away.
“Morning,” Tensei yawns, unmoving.
You can feel yourself slipping back into sleep, the warmth of him, the softness of the bed pulling you back in. Five more minutes won’t hurt.
“What did we say?” You ask groggily, face planted against Tensei’s chest. “You gotta wear a shirt to bed.”
“Sorry,” he rumbles but doesn’t move. “What time is it?”
“Too early.” You close your eyes again. He doesn’t move either.
“Shit, I’m late for work.” Your jump out of bed is thwarted by the blanket around your legs and you fall unceremoniously onto your face.
“I’ve got a spare toothbrush if you want it,” Tensei offers.
“I have no clothes.”
“Bring them next time,” he smiles, grabbing the hand you’re offering and pulling you up.
He blushes seconds later when he realizes how that sounded.
“I mean, only if you want.”
“Sure,” you agree easily because he really is good-looking, “if you make the coffee in the morning?”
“Brother, I wanted to check in before schoo-” 
You make the mistake of shooting up at the sound of an unfamiliar voice.
The guy in the door looks like Tensei’s Doppelganger, mouth wide open as he takes you in.
You wrap your arms around your torso, realizing a little late that your skimpy tank top might be a bit too revealing for a- how old is Tensei’s little brother again?
“Tenya,” Tensei starts blubbering that second, “You’re… I didn’t expect you this early- I’m…”
“This is my cue to leave,” you mutter, but stop when Tensei’s arm presses you back into the pillows.
“Stay,” he breathes out, eyes flickering over your face before he turns back.
“Sit,” he asks his brother, “we can explain.”
In all honesty, you don’t really know why you stay. 
It’s not like Tensei could do anything about you leaving, really. He has no idea where you live, doesn’t even have your number saved or something like that. And he still has no idea how to activate your Quirk on command…
But you stay, blanket pulled up to your chin to spare the youngest Iida’s innocence.
He’s fun to watch, little Tenya, taller than you without trying, yet turning smaller and smaller in his older brother’s presence.
It’s not hard to guess that Tensei’s his hero.
Tensei’s voice is calm and collected as he explains. You don’t even try to help him sort through this mess, instead letting your eyes wander over his features. He’s not wearing a shirt and his back, turned to you, is covered in scars, like a spider web of history. 
Your hand itches to smooth across it, letting the warmth of his skin seep into your fingertips. 
He’s got a few Moles too, sprinkled across his milky white shoulder blades like freckles over sun kissed cheeks. 
“Are you even listening?” Tensei turns his head and you blink a few times to focus.
“Sure,” you lie effortlessly, not missing how his lips quirk into a smile. 
His eyes are warm as they move over your face and you have to force yourself not to hide away. You’ve never seen a face this attractive turn so soft before, at least not when looking at you.
“I’m… I’m leaving then,” Tenya adds, voice a little strained. “I don’t want to be late.”
“Sure,” you nod, just as Tensei asks him not to rush. 
It’s weird. You want to leave and you want to stay longer, want to keep this bubble around the two of you, yet go out and scream from the rooftops that this man might feel things for you.
Work calls, though, and even though you stay as long as you can - helping him out of bed and into the shower, making coffee while he gets ready, thinking about kissing him while he sits on the other side of the table, talking about his plans for the day - you have to leave eventually. 
You hug him awkwardly, trying not to sink into his hold even though you want nothing more.
“See you next time,” you say with a wink, expecting to be back in the evening.
But Tensei does not call for you.
One week passes without finding yourself in his bed.
You have no means to contact him other than teleporting into his apartment and you don’t dare to do just that. What if he’s having guests over? 
What if- and the thought is making you nauseous - you end up teleporting into his bedroom only to find him making out with someone else?
Wait. The thought of someone else implies that he made out with you too. He didn’t and it’s not like you can blame him for that, right? 
Looking down at your hands, the skin oil-stained and chapped, you can’t help but feel unworthy of him. Former Heroes do not mingle with basic mechanics. 
You go out drinking the second week, trying to drown your sorrows in cheap beer and awful music.
“What about him?” Rumi, your best friend points toward a guy in the corner, red wings folded behind his back. He’s attractive, but there’s also something unsettling about him, the way he seems to be watching everyone without a care in the world.
“No,” you shake your head. You don’t feel like erasing the memory of Tensei’s touch - as platonic as it had been - from your skin by being with someone else. And even if you did, you wouldn’t pick someone who’s definitely way above your league.
“Oh, come on.” She takes a shot and winks. “I’m going to talk to him if you don’t.”
“Suit yourself,” you say when you notice someone else. 
His hair is jet black, reflecting the bright lights overhead that flicker over his heavily scarred skin. His eyes, a bright turquoise, move over the people with cold carelessness. Something drops in your stomach when his gaze crosses yours.
You grab Rumi’s arm. “We need to leave,” you tell her, and there must be something in your voice that cuts through her haze, because she nods, following you toward the door.
Shivers are running up and down your back as you wait for a Cab, chatting up a few girls who are waiting by the door, convincing them to join you and your friend.
“Oh shit,” Rumi says, moving to get out of the car, “I forgot my jacket inside.”
“I’m getting it,” you tell her, pushing her back, “I’ll see you there, okay?” 
She hesitates, but you’re already out of the car, closing the door with a click.
Inside, the mood has shifted, though not many seem to have noticed, too far gone already in their haste to get drunk. 
Sweat’s running down your back as you move through the crowd, looking for the flimsy black jacket. 
You smell it just as you reach it. Fire. Something’s burning. 
It’s hard to tell from back here and even getting up on a barstool barely helps. That is, until you turn, spotting the guy with the turquoise eyes behind the bar. His hands are filled with flames and his eyes burn the same.
He notices you at the same time, lips curling into a cruel smirk. Not far from him is the fire alarm and you lunge forward to pull it. Something collides with your shoulder, pain curling around it.
You scream just as the alarm goes off, cutting the music like one does a ribbon. The sprinklers go off immediately, but you’re already halfway gone, panic setting off your Quirk.
You have half a mind to think “Somewhere safe” before the room disappears before your eyes.
Grapefruit and Mint.
It cuts through your panic like sunlight through a rain cloud.
“Tensei?” You rasp, trying to make sense of it. “Tensei?!”
The light comes on and you find yourself sitting on the bedroom floor, hair damp, jacket clutched in your hands.
“Are you okay?” He asks, before sucking in a breath. “What happened to your shoulder?”
“I think- I think I just got attacked.”
“Let me see. Can you get up? What happened?”
You dissolve into tears under his gentle care.
Tensei thinks you should talk to the police.
You think everything else would be a better idea. 
“I’m not supposed to use my quirk,” you tell him, again and again, as he pours you a cup of chamomile tea in the morning. “What if they fine me? What if- what if they take it away?”
“They’re not going to take away your Quirk just because it activated by itself. You might get a slap on the hand for using it too much if they knew, but you’re not hurting anyone with it, are you?”
“Can you check the news?” You change the topic, unease swirling in your stomach. “See if there’s something about the bar?”
He dutifully picks up his phone, giving you a second to take him in.
His sight eases your mind. He looks just like he did two weeks ago like he always looks in the morning. Soft and warm and reassuring, like all you need to do is climb into his lap and forget the world.
You want to ask if he missed you, but you don’t dare to.
“Nothing,” he says, putting his phone down. “Would you- would you feel better if I accompanied you to the police?”
“How would we explain that we know each other?”
He blushes. “We could… we could say that we’re… friends?”
The unease in your stomach is getting harder to ignore. Or maybe you’re hungover as well.
“Why didn’t you call for me… uh, the last few weeks? Are you getting over your nightmares?”
Tensei huffs out a tired laugh. “I’m taking sleeping pills. I’m not a fan of them, but they seem to be working. I thought… maybe you left before I woke up or something.”
“No, I thought…” You swallow nervously, looking down at the table before shrugging as if you don’t feel as much as you do. “Maybe you found someone else you could teleport into your bedroom.”
You realize how it sounds just as you say it, but it’s too late to take it back.
His hand moves to cover yours, a warm weight that seems to settle your nerves with the smallest touch. “I’m barely managing to figure out how I got you, I’m not switching things up.”
For a while, you two sit in silence, unmoving. 
Eventually though, Tensei speaks again.
“If you let me, I’d like to accompany you to the police, okay?” 
You’ve only been to the police once before when a car you had been working on turned out to be stolen. Everything, from explaining how you noticed to how you got that client in the first place, had been a terrible, terrible experience.
But walking in with Tensei is like stepping into a different world..
One officer, a mutant with a cat face, comes up to you almost immediately, shaking Tensei’s hand with a smile.
“What brings you here, man? Long time no see.”
“I’m- my friend here,” Tensei points to you, “got attacked in a bar yesterday. Nothing in the news suggests that you know about it, so we wanted to inform you right away.”
“An attack?” Green eyes flicker to you. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” you mutter just as Tensei disagrees. “First-degree burn on her shoulder. I did the best I could last night when she came by, but I’m no doctor.”
“I’ll call someone to check in on you. Come in, come in. Do you want coffee? Donuts?”
It clicks by the third person who walks in. They all assume that you’re not just Tensei’s friend, but his girlfriend.
It’s in the way they smile at you, unassuming, chuckling when you name your profession.
“Fits like a glove, doesn’t it?” They say, preening when the words light up a feverish blush on 
Tensei’s cheeks.
He holds your hand when a nurse examines your shoulder and you wish that this was real, that you’ll step out of this building and continue just like this. 
But living in his world for a day, where police officers joke around with you and doors open that you didn’t even know existed, just highlights how far apart your lives truly are.
As it turns out, you seem to have met Dabi, a villain who’s rather new to the scene. You can tell, just by the looks exchanged and awkward silences filling the room, that he’s someone you don’t want to mess with.
“It would probably be better if you didn’t go home for a while,” Detective Tsukauchi announces. “If this is a bar you frequent regularly, it wouldn’t be hard for him to figure out where you live.”
“My friend-” You start just as Tensei says “You can stay with me.”
You tense, just as Detective Tsukauchi smiles and nods.
“An excellent idea. We can escort you home if you need to pack some things first.”
“Oh, no-” You shake your head and wave your hands at the same time. “Getting escorted by the police to my place would just open the door to more trouble. If you could… like… give me a proper written excuse so that I can use my quirk, I can do that in one trip.”
“I’m afraid that I-”
“Tsukauchi, Sir-” Tensei lays it on thick with the charm, “I think in a situation like this you could make an exception, right? Don’t you have Officer Moroi on your team as well? You could still consider it an official escort if she did the teleporting.”
And so, half an hour later, it’s decided.
Officer Moroi’s Quirk is almost the same as yours, although she needs exact coordinates and is able to teleport other people - and stuff - as well.
Saying goodbye to Tensei is an awkward affair. Detective Tsukauchi is going to take him back to his apartment while you pack your things.
You move in for a hug, a handshake too formal for what everyone assumes you are. Tensei moves as well, but you misjudge his intention as wanting to hug you as well. His lips end up on yours for the briefest moment before you pull back, his face as red as-
“Oh,” you cough awkwardly, turning around. “Detective, I… I just remembered. There was another guy at the bar, with wings, he was looking-”
Tsukauchi doesn’t even blink. “No worries. We’re aware of him.”
“You-” Tensei’s hand curls around yours, pulling your attention back to him.
“Stay safe, okay?” He asks, face still flushed. “I’ll see you later.”
“I’ll take the Couch,” you offer in the evening, your things awkwardly merged with his. Your clothes stuffed into his drawers, your toothbrush sitting in the same cup. 
Tensei made dinner, told you stories from his past, and checked your injury, warm hands seemingly everywhere at once.
“Are you sure?” He asks, rolling through the living room. “There’s more than enough space in my bed and we’re kinda used to sharing it, don’t you think?”
“Well, yeah, but that was then-” You trail off, not really sure where you’re going with this.
His features stay relaxed as he nods, moving toward his bedroom.
“Do you want some help-”
“I got it,” he sends you a smile you can’t help but question. “I told you I’m getting better at it.”
So you’ve got nothing to do but slip under the covers and stare at the ceiling, trying to blend out the thrumming of pain in your shoulder.
You can hear him breathing, even from this far away, and it calms and upsets you at the same time.
He’s here. But he’s so far away.
Quietly, he calls your name. 
You consider ignoring it for a second, pushing him a little further away. For your safety or his, you’re not sure.
Still, your voice slips out anyway.
“Are you scared?”
“Of what?” You ask, surprised.
“Being in a relationship.”
You swallow harshly. Has it been this obvious?
“I am, you know,” he admits, “and I was wondering… if you feel the same.”
You blink up at the ceiling, your mind racing ahead. Whatever you do now, it can make or break… whatever this is, between the two of you.
“You know,” you answer, slipping out of bed, “I have called myself a lot of things. I have been called a lot of things, too. But I don’t think I’ve ever believed that I was scared of something.”
You stop in the doorway to his room, your eyes getting used to the darkness. He’s facing you.
“So you’re not scared?” He asks, voice thick.
“Oh no, I’m scared shitless,” you admit, walking the short distance until your knees hit the bed frame, “but that has never stopped me from doing something. What about you? Doesn’t being a hero mean something similar?”
He’s warm as you slip under the covers, your whole body sucking up that familiar aroma of Grapefruit and Mint, your head almost falling into place against his shoulder.
“It’s a different kind of fear, I guess? You can train how to be a hero, from fighting Villains to rescue missions. You can’t train being in love.”
“Mhm, some people definitely try,” you joke, your hands unable to rest, moving across his chest until you can feel his heartbeat pick up beneath your fingertips.
“Tensei?” You ask, basking in his warmth. “Have you been in a relationship before?”
“No,” he admits, one hand a soft pressure on your lower back. “I dated around a little after school, but I was so busy building up the business, spending time with Tenya, I just…”
“Yeah, I know what you mean. You think you’ve got all the time in the world and then you’re thirty, everyone else has already had kids and you wonder where you went wrong.”
“Would you-” He stops, but his heart races, you can feel it.
“Would you go on a date with me?”
“Usually,” you tease, because his voice quivered in a way that doesn’t fit his sturdy frame, “I don’t ‘sleep’ with guys before a first date. You kinda messed with my rules here.”
“Sorry,” he rasps, trying to play along.
“It’s fine,” you move a little, pressing your lips against his cheek. “You did wine and dine me today, after all.”
You could get used to this.
Tensei’s still asleep, mouth half-open, face mushed against the pillow. You can’t stop your curious hands from traveling, rubbing soft circles into his warm skin, following the spiderweb trails of his scars, pressing a teasing kiss to one of his moles.
He groans softly, hands twitching by his side.
“What time is it?”
“Time to relax,” you tease, pulling one of his arms around you. He snorts.
“I would, but I really have to pee.”
“Oh, what a shame,” you move to sit up, untangling him from the blanket. “But we can slip back into bed after if you want. Although I am craving breakfast.”
Tensei blinks up at you but doesn’t speak. You blame it on him not being a morning person and help him into the bathroom, before moving toward the kitchen, prepping a quick breakfast.
He’s already back in bed when you step into the bedroom. 
Sleeping with, or rather, next to Tensei, has taught you a few things about him so far. He runs hot, he likes to spoon, and he makes the softest little kitten snores when he’s sleeping on his back.
But living with him, just for a day or two, shows you so much more.
He pretends to be a morning person, but it takes a while for his brain to kick in. The smell of him, Grapefruit and Mint, comes partly from his Quirk, the engine jets in his arms being powered by Grapefruit juice, and partly from his absolute obsession with everything Mint scented. Bodywash, Shampoo, Deodorant, he even has Mint scented Candles sitting all over his apartment.
Tensei obviously works out a lot and hasn’t stopped after retiring from being a Pro Hero, the dumbbells in the corner showcasing not a single speck of dust, but he has no trouble lounging on the Couch with you, asking about the book you’re currently reading, or bothering you with the most insane questions about the show you offer to watch.
He’s a family man, too, and you suspect that there is only one reason you’re not absolutely plagued by visiting family members right now.
“Did you tell your parents not to show up?” You ask as you pull on your shoes. Tensei had asked to go out for a little stroll and since the weather was playing along, you had no choice but to agree.
“Uh, yeah, how did you know?”
“I’m a woman, I can tell.”
He sends you a look and you falter. “Okay, fine, there’s a Calendar by the door that has everyone’s name on it. Your parents would have come by today.”
“Oh that,” he nods, face clouding, “I’m trying to become more self-reliant. I know everyone’s just trying to help, but-”
“It’s stifling,” you finish his sentence and he nods, smiling a little.
“You get it?”
“Oh yeah, my Dad is the worst when it comes to this. It doesn’t help that we live in a district that has quite a high crime rate. I’m not dumb, but he’d like to see me somewhere safe.”
“As every parent would, probably. Where do you live?”
“Why, do you wanna know if you went on patrol there?”
“I’m pretty sure I didn’t, I would have noticed you.”
There’s a teasing tone to it, letting you know that he’s flirting. He’s not bad at it and since you’ve been doing nothing but cuddling all day, you dare to lean down and kiss him.
If Rapunzel was a man, he would look like the guy following you.
He’s dressed as a civilian, his long, blonde hair tied into the prettiest messy bun you’ve ever seen. And the size of it…
Tensei recognized him yesterday at the park. Apparently the Police are really concerned with your safety, sending him over to keep an eye on you.
“He’s nice,” Tensei had declared. “You don’t have to worry about him. His Hero Name is Present Mic, you might know-”
“No,” you shook your head, “Never heard of him.”
“Any Hero that you do know?”
“Well, All Might, of course,” you smiled. “But my favorite Hero is Laundry Hero: Wash.”
Tensei laughs. “I could never have guessed that. Sounds like a story I would like to hear.”
Your phone alarm pulls you out of the memory and you turn it off, blinking yourself a little more awake in anticipation of your stop.
Tensei doesn’t live that far away, but you still need to take three different trains to get to work, now that you can’t just teleport into your apartment and walk the short distance from there.
Goldilocks, err, Rapunzel, follows you out, whistling a tune. You don’t know how he does it, but he manages to fit in with the crowd of blue-collar workers.
“So you got yourself a boyfriend?” Rumi, best friend and also best car-saleswoman you know, is eating her lunch across from you. “Without telling me?”
“It’s not like that,” you argue, well aware of the tall man dressed in jeans that must be Rapunzel’s replacement for the day. “It’s complicated, okay?”
“I know complicated, but that sounds like a whole ‘nother level,” she takes a sip of her diet soda and pins you down with a glare. “If you’re staying over at his place already it’s a big deal.”
“Yeah,” you fiddle with your utensils, “I know, he’s just… he’s so safe, you know?”
“Safe?” Rumi furrows her brows. “Explain.”
“Like, he’s so… funny. And warm. And caring. Last night we were fighting about who gets to cook Dinner, and- What?” You cut yourself off when you notice her wry smile.
“Oh, you’re so far gone, it’s hilarious.” She chuckles into her drink. “Bring him in some time, will you?”
“We’ll see,” you put your stuff away, “My dad would most definitely love him, for sure.”
Your phone rings at that moment and you pick up, heart hammering in your throat at the sight of Tensei’s name on the display.
“Hey,” you can hear the smile in his voice. “How’s your lunch break? I’m in the store right now and wanted to ask what you want for Dinner tonight.”
“I thought I was going to make Pizza?”
He laughs softly. “Fine, you can make Pizza tonight. Do you want ice cream for dessert?”
“Oh, yes, please. Mint-Chocolate Chip, if possible.”
“Mhm, no, not possible, that box is already reserved for me.”
“Well, you gotta learn how to share one day.”
Rumi’s grinning like a madman when you finally put your phone away.
“What?” You ask, fighting against the warmth bubbling in your chest, the smile that’s threatening to overtake your face.
“Nothing,” she giggles, “nothing at all.”
“What’s the verdict, Doc?” You ask as Tensei finishes changing the bandage on your shoulder. 
He huffs with amusement, the sound cut off by the closing of the door.
“Tenya?” Tensei asks, a tone in his voice that can only be worried. You turn.
Tenya’s face is bruised, dark blue hair full of grime. 
“Nii-chan?” His eyes flicker over to you, face closing off the hurt and exhaustion he’d shown seconds before.
“I should leave-” you start, realizing half way that you have nowhere to go. Tensei’s hands are still warm on your shoulder and even though he’s pulling away, his hold on you stays, his eyes flickering between you and his brother.
If he has to decide between the two of you, you’d rather have him pick Tenya.
“Are you hungry?” You ask, getting up. “I’ll make you something to eat, give you boys some privacy.”
Tensei’s apartment is bigger than yours by a mile but not huge.
You can hear them talking, the tone of their voices heavy.
At one point you think you can hear one of them crying, the sound squeezing your heart like one does a lemon. Should you check on them? What if it’s Tensei crying?
The food getting ready decides for you. No one likes burnt Pizza.
“Coming in,” you announce your arrival softly, feeling relieved and a little guilty when you realize Tenya had been the one crying.
“Hey, big guy,” you place the dish in front of him, “hope you like this. If you want, I can disappear again, the choice is yours.”
“I’m fine,” he wipes his eyes on his sleeve, leaving a smear of dirt across his nose before he puts his glasses back on. “You can- You can stay. I wouldn’t want to impose.”
“It’s fine. Tensei was your brother first. And I’m warning you, if you let me stay, I’m going to ask you all sorts of questions.”
“What kind of questions?”
“Well, for starters, I definitely need to know your favorite flavor. Because your big brother here is obsessed with everything Mint flavored and I need to know if it runs in the family.”
“I do like Mint,” Tenya offers, cutting off a first slice of Pizza. 
You know very well that this is just a means of distraction, that talking about what’s bothering him would be a lot better, but still… you need to start somewhere, right?
Tensei’s hand squeezes yours under the table as Tenya rambles on about different flavors he cannot choose between.
“He asked if he could sleep over,” Tensei explains as soon as Tenya disappears into the bathroom. He sighs. “When I-” He stops, gestures to himself, the wheelchair. “When this happened, it hit him hard. I was in a coma for quite some time and he’s never been without me, really. We were always very close. I know that everything changed, but there’s something to him now… something that wasn’t there before. It’s like something turned dark inside him.”
“That does happen sometimes,” you agree. “When you realize too early on that life’s not fair. That people are more vulnerable than you thought they were.”
Tensei takes a shuddering breath and your hands rush to hold him, console him in any way you can.
“Do you want to share the bed with him?” You ask, pressing a kiss to the crown of his head. You’re not usually this touchy with guys you’re interested in, but you usually don’t feel this safe around guys you’re interested in. You’re starting to act all weird and mushy around him and it’s a little unsettling sometimes.
Tensei laughs. “I don’t think we’d fit. But we could keep the door open.”
“I think it would be good for him if you could admit that you’re still having nightmares.” The words slip out before you’ve really thought about them, but you don’t want to take them back. “Not that you have to do it right away,” you ease the sting of them, “but it can help, sometimes, to know that the strongest people are also afraid of something.”
“Maybe,” he offers, and you leave it at that.
Toshi nudges your feet, walking by. You roll out from under the car to check what’s going on, surprised to see Tensei in all his glory.
He sits tall in his wheelchair and the shirt he’s wearing is one of your favorites, bringing out the blue in his eyes. 
“Hey,” you greet him, a little self-conscious about your dirty overalls. “What brings you here?”
“I had an appointment not far from here and thought I could check in on you. When’s your lunch break?”
You squint up at the clock in the corner. “Half an hour.”
“I can wait, if that’s okay with you. Is that alright? I can leave too, if you don’t want company.”
You don’t want company, but you want his company. 
“Stay, please,” you say, swallowing the weird feelings that are swirling in your chest. “You can share a cup of coffee with Rumi in the office, if you want. You know how to get there?”
He nods, smiling as he turns his wheelchair and rolls out of the garage.
You can feel all eyes on you, but you’ve never felt less like discussing your personal life with anyone, so you roll back under the car. There, at least, you can ponder why him showing up has made you this nervous.
Tensei knows you’re a mechanic. And he’s obviously not bothered by the fact that this isn’t some fancy-schmancy auto repairs shop. So if he doesn’t think bad of you, why do you do it?
Tensei’s laughing with Rumi and your Dad, of all people, when you walk into the office. You tried your best at cleaning up, but you still feel dirty in comparison to Tensei’s perfectly ironed clothes.
“What are you doing here?” You ask, leaning into your father’s hug. His overalls look worse than yours. 
“Rumi called and asked me to come check out one car. She suspects some foul-play.”
“Ah.” You shoot her a glare, but she smirks, playing innocent.
“And how lucky I came in right away,” Dad adds, “so I could get to know this guy. Did you know that your mother got saved by his father once? I remember it clearly, it was this awful purse-snatcher guy and Ingenium saved the day. He really was a fine lad, you got to tell him I said hi,” your father slaps a heavy hand onto Tensei’s shoulder. You flinch at the ink-stains he leaves in the fabric.
“I will. Father remembers all of his saves, so I’m sure he’ll be delighted to hear from you. But I think we should get going, if we want to make use of our time,” Tensei turns to you. “Are you ready to leave?”
“Leave where?” You furrow your brows. 
“There’s a park nearby and I thought we could get a stroll in, what do you think?”
“Eh,” you falter for a second, but Rumi’s less than subtle head movements tell you to go along. “I guess why not?”
“Do you always have to be out in nature?” You ask twenty minutes later when you’ve found a place that’s to Tensei’s liking, a tall tree creating enough shadow for the two of you to sit under.
He blinks. “I guess… I guess I like it a lot, does it bother you?”
“Not that much,” you admit, “It’s just a little surprising, I think. How was your day so far?”
Tensei’s face turns serious, your heart thundering at the sight.
“You know,” he starts, fiddling with a napkin, “I’m supposed to undergo surgery in a week or so.”
“Oh? What kind?” Surely, it’s nothing big, you tell yourself.
Tensei sighs, taking your hand and squeezing it tightly.
“It’s experimentative surgery. I have a twenty percent chance to walk again.”
“And the other eighty?”
He chuckles, but it doesn’t sound amused. “I try not to think about it.”
“And you’re supposed to do it? Or is this just an option you’re thinking about?”
His eyes flicker over your face. “It’s an option. My mother doesn’t want me to take it. Tenya’s all for it, although I haven’t really disclosed the risks to him.”
“Tenya wants you to be the person he knows you as. You’re his hero. No one wants to see their heroes fall.”
Tensei sighs, shoulders slumping. It hurts to see him that way. Before you can stop yourself, you’ve climbed onto his lap, dirt be damned.
“Hey,” you say, cradling his face in your hands. “Talk to me?”
“I just want everything to be how it used to be,” he admits. “I want Tenya to be happy again.”
Behind your ribcage, a flame of hurt starts licking at your heart. You push it aside, focus on what he’s saying.
“He’s becoming a hero, right?” You ask, “Doesn’t that mean… He’ll have to face these things eventually, will he not?”
“Yeah, but- but not like this. Not on his own. I’d be by his side, fighting alongside him.” 
Tensei’s hands dig into your hips now. Your heart stutters with his next words, sensing something beneath them that your mind isn’t ready to process yet.
“If I could turn back time, I would. Even if it meant being a coward that day. I just-” He breaks off, resting his head on your shoulder. You let him cry it out, your food long forgotten.
Tensei’s smiling again by the time he leaves, though you can still see the sadness lingering in his eyes. 
Your mind is fogged up as you work and you need twice your usual time for even the most basic tasks.
Rumi’s sending you looks, but you’re not ready to talk about it yet.
It’s on your way to the train station that someone pulls you aside.
You recognize those red wings instantly.
“Yo!” The guy smiles, but it’s not friendly, “Have you heard anything from Dabi?”
You blink, trying to move away, but his grip on your arm is firm.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Ah, don’t play it like that.” He smirks. His eyes are a mesmerizing golden color, but they hold no warmth for you. “I know you had intel. What I don’t know is why you came back into the bar?”
“Intel?” You finally manage to rip your hand out of his grip. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. But I told Tsukauchi about you and he knows you were there. I’m going to let him know you’re not unimportant as he thinks you are.”
You ready yourself to teleport, cursing the time it still takes - it’s not like you had much chance to practice - when he laughs. It transforms him, the cold, harsh lines bleeding from his face.
“Oh, so you really know nothing,” he says, voice easy as if he’s just talking about the weather. He waves at someone, who turns out be Rapunzel, hiding behind a nearby pillar.
“You were right, Mic, she really knows nothing.”
“Excuse me?” You ask, equally horrified and … You’re not sure how to name that other feeling, just that it leaves you feeling weak, like a terrible cold. 
“Ah, I’m glad.” Rapunzel- Present Mic, you remind yourself, grins at you, blonde mustache dancing above his lips. “Just taking care, you know. Can’t be careful enough these days.”
In less than a minute, both of them are gone and so is your train. 
All you want to do is teleport over to Tensei and let him make sense of this interaction. But using your Quirk out in the open is never advisable when you’re not a registered Hero, even in a place like this. 
So you find yourself a secluded space to wait for the next train - or teleport, depending on what’s shorter, your patience or the wait time - and sit down to think. 
Your mind’s still reeling from today’s revelation.
In about a week, Tensei will undergo experimentative surgery. He might be able to walk just fine after that, be who he used to be before it happened, whatever it is. 
You try to think of him, standing up. He’s going to be tall, for sure. Probably leaning in the doorway with that lazy smile he always wears when you get home.
But- if everything turns the way it was before, where will that leave you?
Because before, he didn’t have time for a relationship, nor did he want one. He was busy prepping his agency for when Tenya was ready to join him and there’s still a few years until that can happen. 
And even if he wanted to scale down his work hours, there’s a difference between dating an Ex-Hero and an active Hero. Not just in the risks he takes, but also in his public image.
Dating you, with your job and your origin, your ties to a part of Tokyo that’s less than stellar. You can’t help but think of yourself as a stain on his public imagine, much like the oil stains your father - and you - left on his outfit today.
Your train arrives, but you don’t get on. There’s still too much to think about.
“Where were you?” Tensei waits for you in the hallway, brows furrowed. “You didn’t pick up your phone.”
“Thinking,” you say, plant yourself in front of him without taking off your shoes. “We need to talk.”
“Do you want to sit down-”
“If you want things to be how they used to be,” you talk over him, needing to get this out, “I will no longer be here.”
Tensei stops, mouth half open.
“I’m not offering you a chance to turn back time. There might be people with a Quirk like that, but I don’t have it. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking today and I… I don’t want to hold you back. I understand why you want to get back on your feet and I’d never be in the way of that, but I don’t think we could be together if you returned to being a hero.”
“Why not?” His voice is too soft for a man this sturdy. 
You turn your eyes toward the floor.
“Because you are you and I am me and we do not fit together.”
“I think we did pretty well,” Tensei argues and you pull your shoulders up to your ears.
“Yeah, because at the moment you’re broken. I do fit well with broken things, not with those who look new and shiny.” You can’t stop your hand from reaching out, touching the oil stain that’s still on his shoulder.
“I leave stains, Tensei. And you’re a Hero in a white suit.”
“So that’s it?” He asks after a moment of silence. “You’re just going to leave?”
“Staying would just prolong the hurt, wouldn’t it?” You wring your hands. “You don’t even need me anymore. You sleep fine.”
“It’s not about sleeping,” his fingertips dig into the armrests of his wheelchair. “It’s about the time in between. I want to be awake with you.”
“I know,” you swallow the pain, “but that doesn’t make everything alright, does it? I’ll… I’ll get my things, okay? Apparently, I can go back to my place.”
Tensei watches you quietly as you grab your stuff.
A few times you can tell that he’s preparing to say something, but he doesn’t.
“Goodbye,” you tell him, heart heavy, longing for nothing more but to crawl into his arms and stay there, the whole world be damned. “I hope everything turns out alright for you.”
Rumi thinks you’re stupid.
You think you’re stupid.
You’re not sure what your Dad thinks, because you haven’t yet told him about the whole affair.
But from the looks he’s sending you over a plate of what you fondly call “Dad’s hodgepodge”, you’ll find out pretty soon.
“So,” he says, taking a sip of his drink. “That guy in the wheelchair.”
“What about him?”
“He’s your mate?”
You fight the flinch, but your face must betray you. Your father chuckles.
“You know, you come right after your mother.”
“I know.”
“Mhm, do you?” He cocks his head to the side to squint at you. “Because I don’t think you do. Did you know that your mother accidentally conjured me up one day?”
You freeze, food halfway to your mouth.
“Yeah,” he nods, a wistful smile on her face. “She was so done with dating, she sat down, thinking long and hard about what she wanted in a man, and then wished for it to appear, in one person, thank you very much. A few seconds later I sat in the middle of her room, plenty confused. Didn’t know my Quirk could be turned on me like that.”
You gape at him, mouth open. 
“That’s not what you told me! At all!”
“Well,” he takes another sip. “Didn’t want you to try and recreate it. You’ve always been a curious kid.”
“Ah,” he shakes his head at you. “Don’t talk back to me. Your mother would be disappointed.”
“Mom would be disappointed if I didn’t talk back,” you snap and he grins, bright like you know him.
You drop your head in your hands. 
“So what if he teleported me to him?” You ask, face hidden. “That doesn’t mean we will automatically work out.”
“No,” your father agrees, “but I don’t think we raised you to be a quitter. Or to be ashamed of where you came from. You used it as a motivation, became something we could be proud of. But I’ve noticed, lately, that you’ve lost your goal out of sight. Didn’t you want to get out of this part of town? Open a garage in one of the nicer districts and take me with you?”
“So you’re saying I should milk him for what he’s worth?”
Your Dad laughs.
“No. But I think you should at least try to see if you can work things out before you decide it will fail. And before you ask, Rumi didn’t tell me a thing. You’re just bad at hiding stuff.”
“Am not.”
“Am too. Eat your food.”
Tensei messages you every day. It’s not much, just a few details of what’s going on, but he’s persistent, even though you don’t respond.
Today’s text has you freezing though.
“Talked to Tenya. He’s as torn about going through with the surgery as I am, now that he knows the risks. Hope you’re doing well.”
The letters are dancing in front of your eyes. 
Tensei’s just as scared of things as you are. But while you were the one to take the first step, slip into bed with him when you could have run away, he’s the one keeping the conversation going.
You pick up your phone and start to type.
But isn’t that cowardly as well, you wonder, staring down at the words. You should tell him in person.
His apartment, however, is empty. 
At first, there’s no hint as to where he could be, until you reach the Calendar in the kitchen, tomorrow marked. Tensei, thorough in everything he does, has written the name of the Clinic next to the appointment.
Not that it’s of any use to you now, when visitation hours are most certainly over.
You pace his living room for a good minute before you realize, a little late, that you don’t have to deal with those anyway. All you have to do is focus on his face, the familiar smell of Grapefruit and Mint and-
Tensei groans, loudly. You’ve landed on top of him.
“Shit, sorry,” you climb off of him as quickly as you can, expecting the telltale smell of Hospital disinfectant and the crinkling of cheap linen.
Instead, your legs land on a mountain of plushies instead of the floor and when he turns on the light, you come face to face with a lifesized poster of a Hero named Gran Torino, the name all but plastered above his head.
“What are you doing here?” Tensei asks, voice groggy, “Am I dreaming?”
“Are you not in the hospital?” You ask back, trying to see more of this strange room. There’s sports equipment in the corner and pictures on the wall. 
Wait, is that Tensei with his front teeth missing? 
“I’m at my parent's place,” he whispers, turning the light off. “What are you doing here? Did I- Did I summon you again?”
“No, I wanted-” The darkness doesn’t make it easier to speak, instead you’re so much more aware of his body and his smell and the warmth he exudes. “I wanted to be there, with you. For the surgery or whatever you decide to do. I didn’t want to send you just a message, though, so I turned to your apartment but there was only a note on the calendar-” Tensei pulls you into his arms without a word.
“Are you going to leave again?” He asks after a while, voice muffled by how his face is pressed into your shoulder.
“Only if you send me away,” you promise, your hands finding the scars on his back, the spiderweb familiar, though not yet burned into your memory. One day they will be, you think, hoping that it’s true.
“Not sending you away,” he says, pulling you down. “And about the surgery-”
“You can do whatever you feel like doing,” you promise, “And I’ll do my best to support you.”
He laughs softly. “Even if means having breakfast with my parents tomorrow? Accompanying me to a different surgeon for a second opinion? Sitting with Tenya and my parents while I’m undergoing surgery that could kill me? Or pushing my wheelchair around until you need your own in case I decide against surgery?”
“Out of all those options, breakfast with your parents sounds the most daunting,” you confess, “but if they don’t bite my head off for sneaking into your room in the middle of the night to turn their innocent son into a Rebel, I can be swayed.”
“What about the rest?”
“You’re not the only one scared of relationships,” you admit. “But I’m not willing to let that fear stop me. You might have to remind me, though, sometimes. I don’t have the best memory.”
“Deal,” he says and you don’t need light to know he’s smiling. You can feel it, the curve of his lips, pressed against your own.
- x -
“Tensei?” Tenya calls from the front door.
“Taking a nap,” you call back, “I’m in the kitchen.”
It surprises you yet again, how Tenya’s still not done growing. He’s blinking in that tired way that tells you that school has been hell, but he still moves to hug you before he descends onto the Couch. 
Your apartment is closer to his school than his parent's house and even if it wasn’t, you’re pretty sure he’d still show up at least once a week.
In a few months, right after graduation, Tenya will start working as Ingenium, the newest member of their family to properly carry the name as a Pro Hero.
Tensei is insanely proud and so are you.
You take one look back at Tenya’s sleeping form when you feel it, the telltale signs of your Quirk activating.
You have just enough time to drop the knife you’d been holding before you dematerialize, only to plop back into existence right next to your Husband.
Tensei’s smiling, eyes open.
“Hey there,” he greets you, pulling you close, smothering you in a cloud of Grapefruit and Mint. “Missed you.”
“I was just in the other room,” you pretend to be mad, but your hands are betraying your words, rubbing circles into his back. 
“Too far away,” he jokes. 
“One day you’ll get in trouble for misusing my Quirk,” you tell him, twirling a strand of hair around your finger.
“But not today,” Tensei quips back. He’s right.
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frickingnerd · 1 year
dating tensei iida
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pairing: tensei iida / ingenium x gn!reader
tags: wholesome fluff, mentions of marriage, established romantic relationship, mentions of the iida family (& tenya)
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everyone can see how much you and tensei love each other you based on the way you two look at each other
you're not the type of couple who's very open about your relationship or the type of couple who does physical displays of affection
but just the way you two look at each other tells everyone just how deeply in love you two are
tensei always talks so highly about you in interviews, yet refuses to discuss things like marriage or your future together with the interviewer
though it is clear to everyone that the two of you will end up married one day and that you'll be the sweetest couple there is
not just the public loves you, but so does the iida family! 
tensei always has to listen to his parents begging him to finally marry you whenever he brings you home
and even his little brother tenya is occasionally asking him when tensei will finally put a ring on you! 
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245 notes · View notes
thehouseofurmotha · 2 months
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Welcome to my master-list! This is where all the fics I write can be found! As well as my request rules which are as follows <3
★¸.•☆•.¸★ 🅁🅄🄻🄴🅂 ★⡀.•☆•.★
Currently I will take requests for My Hero Academia, Yuri on Ice, and Harry Potter Marauders Era! This is very much subject to change depending on what fandoms I'm in at the time!
I will write mostly x reader but I'm also willing to do some character x character ships! I will also do poly relationships!
As of now I will not write smut, any yandere, or anything with extreme gore. This is also subject to change and I will do my best to write all requests but if something makes me uncomfortable or I feel I am not the right person to portray it I will not write it.
`✵•.¸,✵°✵.。.✰ ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤 𝕀'𝕝𝕝 𝕨𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕖✰.。.✵°✵,¸.•✵´
My Hero:
Bakugou Katsuki (platonic/romantic)
Aizawa Shouta (platonic/romantic)
Todoroki Shouto (platonic/romantic)
Hawks (platonic/romantic)
Todoroki Touya, Dabi (platonic/romantic)
Kaminari Denki (platonic/romantic)
Iida Tenya (platonic/romantic)
Iida Tensei (romantic/platonic)
Toshinori Yagi, Allmight (platonic)
Eri (platonic)
Togata Mirio (romantic/platonic)
Sir night eye (platonic)
Shigaraki Tomura (platonic/romantic)
Kurioguri (platonic)
Shinsou Hitoshi (platonic/romantic)
Toga Himiko (platonic/romantic)
Yuri On Ice:
Viktor Nikiforov (romantic/platonic)
Yuuri Katsuki (platonic/romantic)
Yuri Plisetsky (platonic/romantic)
Mauraders Harry Potter:
Sirius Black (platonic/romantic)
Remus Lupin (platonic/romantic)
James Potter (platonic/romantic)
Regulus Black (platonic/romantic)
¸.·✩·.¸¸.·¯⍣✩ Ⓕⓘⓒⓢ ✩⍣¯·.¸¸.·✩·.¸
My hero academia:
Bakugou Katsuki:
`✵•.¸,✵°✵.。.✰ 𝕃𝕠𝕦𝕕 𝕓𝕝𝕠𝕟𝕕𝕖 ✰.。.✵°✵,¸.•✵´, pt. 2, pt.3
Dating bakugo head canons
Always hot Bakugou x reader head canons
Shinsou Hitoshi:
Dating him head canons
Shinsou dating Aizawa's daughter head canons
Shinso x reader soulmate au :)
Shouto Todoroki:
Shouto who likes to spend his money on you head canons
Shouta Aizawa:
Aizawa x chronically ill student reader head cannons
Yuri on Ice:
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ryder-writes · 2 months
A/n: There isn't enough Tensei fluff out there so I had to take stuff into my own hands
CW: No warnings, literally just fluff lol
"You're very endearing when you're half-asleep, love."
"It's not my fault you made me get up at 6am." You grumble as you take a sip of your tea/coffee. Tensei chuckled.
"It's not my fault you scheduled the appointment for 9am." He digressed.
"I didn’t know it was in another city!" You groaned. "Trust me, if I knew that we would have to take a 2-hour train ride I would've scheduled it for later." The hot tea/coffee in your mug splashed against the cup as you waved it around, annoyed.
"If you really want to, I'm sure we can reschedule." Tensei suggested. "We're just meeting the florist."
"Yeah, the florist for our wedding! It needs to go perfect." You rinsed out your cup and put it in the sink. "What impression will we make if we reschedule?"
He moved over to the sink; "That we have our own lives that we need to balance with the wedding planning? Y'know, like normal people?" He teased as he put his cup in the sink as well. "Darling, you worry too much. It's fine." His hands reached out and grabbed yours. "Now let's leave so we're not late." He leaned forward and tilted his head up toward you, indicating that he wanted a kiss. You bent down to his level and booped his nose.
"Nuh uh. Go brush your teeth first, coffee breath."
He sighed dramatically. "Fine. But I better get my kiss when I get back!"
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faulty-writes · 10 months
[ Hello my dear followers and or fans. I present to you, a Tensei series. This was originally going to be a one-shot, but yeah, it ended up being 40+ pages long so I turned it into a series. A Christmas/Holiday series at that. Guess this makes up for the lack of Tensei content on my blog. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the first chapter! I’m tagging @ladycoleigh since I’m sure they’ll appreciate some Tensei content. ]
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[ The two of you had been friends since your early days of Yuuei and since Tensei’s abrupt retirement, you have been learning how to be the new leader of Team Idaten and every good leader knows how to throw a holiday party. Unfortunately, shortly after Tensei’s arrival duty calls and he has to find something else to preoccupy his time until you return. ]
A sense of warmth lingered in the air, in addition to the soft festive glow from the twinkling fairy lights that adorned the ceiling, casting a golden radiance over the room and the people who stood in it. Strings of bright green ivory with touches of vibrant red and gold within their small branches decorated the doorways and windows.
The scent of freshly cut pine and cinnamon was strong, and several tables were lined with traditional holiday fare. The succulent aroma of roasted meats and sugar-coated cookies accompanied by the scent of spiced cider created a comforting blend that was usually associated with the festive season.
The gentle hum of holiday music echoed through the joyful chatter between the guests that were seated around the various tables provided, their faces illuminated with merriment. Overall, the room exceeded exactly what you were going for. Enchanting yuletide charm and holiday season magic.
Of course, you had your reasons for trying to impress. After your closest friend, Tensei, was injured by The Hero Killer: Stain, he insisted that you lead Team Idaten. It came as a shock, and thinking about it still filled you with an indescribable rage.
Tensei out of all people didn’t deserve to have such a fate and for his pro-hero career to be abruptly stolen from him. Yeah, maybe those were the risks of being a hero. However, some might argue that death is better than watching your life’s work shatter into nothingness overnight.
Although a bit rough at first, Tensei remained positive throughout the whole ordeal. In addition to trusting you to lead his agency, he entrusted Tenya, his little brother, to carry on his hero name. In that sense, you were almost certain that Tensei only chose you to be leader until you deemed Tenya ready to take over in your stead.
So, in retrospect, it was more of a temporary promotion if anything. Still, you couldn’t deny Tensei, and it wasn’t just because he was your closest friend. There was another reason, but it was one that you didn’t dare speak for fear of ruining what you had created with him over the years.
Yet it seemed that you were constantly faced with moments like these, where love and devotion were highest and begged you to just confess already. Valentine’s Day and Christmas seemed to be primary holidays where this overwhelming feeling was the strongest, yet every year you did nothing.
Apart from fearing that someone else would take him away from you, that is. What a life. Anyways, the reason you had rushed to put together this elegant little shindig, a day before Christmas Eve no less, was because Tensei had thrown a holiday party every year to celebrate his team and let them know he appreciated them.
Furthermore, it allowed the team members who couldn’t make it home for the holiday to at least feel like they had a family at Team Idaten. As such, you wanted to make sure everything was perfect and that your unofficial guest of honor, Tensei, would be amazed when he stepped, or uh, rolled through the doors of his former agency.
When that moment finally occurred, he glanced around the room, taking in every little detail while grinning ear to ear. “Wow, you guys went all out,” he turned to look over his shoulder at Enigma, one of his former sidekicks.
She had a rather unique appearance, with long black hair styled into two braids and straight-cut bangs that rested against her forehead. Her eyes, be them a tad creepy, were oval-shaped and completely blacked-out. No pupil or iris to be seen.
In contrast to her rather dark appearance, she wore a festive dress colored red with a string of lights encircling her body that flashed various hues of green, yellow, and blue. She looked at Tensei and nodded. “That’s awesome!” He declared, looking around the room again. “I can’t believe Y/n organized this,” he said, chuckling softly.
“Hm…” he turned his wheelchair, facing Enigma. “I was stoked when I got the invitation, and I thought-” Well, he thought you would be the first to greet him when he arrived. Then again, he bore the weight of his former agency on your shoulders when he was forced to retire, so it was understandable that you were too busy to greet him.
Still, that wouldn’t stop him from asking “Where is Y/n?” Enigma tilted her head before pointing across the room. Tensei knitted his eyebrows and turned his wheelchair to see you engaged in conversation with someone else. Maybe another hero or the newest addition to the agency that he hadn’t met yet.
Either way, his stomach churned, and the faintest frown spread across his face. The two of you had been friends since your Yuuei days, you shared countless memories and struggles. You helped him pick his hero alias and were the first person to support his idea of creating an agency solely out of sidekicks.
He was grateful to you but never knew how to show you that. But one thing was always true, nothing separated the two of you, at least so far. It was funny to think that he had been more worried about losing you than his own life or career when Stain rendered him...useless.
At least temporarily. But in the end, everything worked out. Well, almost everything. As he stared at you, a longing sigh escaped him. He knew the holiday season was usually filled with miracles, and boy could he use one to finally capture your heart.
“Mmhm, yes, and I-” you paused when you happened to glance across the room and noticed Tensei. Your body stiffened and your heart immediately skyrocketed, pounding against your ribcage erratically. Shivers ran through your body, leaving goosebumps in their wake and your hands feeling clammy.
You tried to steady your breathing which had become shallow and heavy. “E-excuse me,” you said and quickly walked across the room. It was unbefitting for a leader to appear nervous or uncertain, but as far as you were concerned, your feelings for Tensei were well hidden underneath the facade that you two were nothing more than friends.
Taking a deep breath, you flexed your fingers as if trying to get rid of the nerves and smiled at him. “Hey, I’m glad you could make it!” You exclaimed, leaning over to hug him. His embrace, as always, was loving and gentle despite feeling the curve of his muscles as he curled his arms around you.
His musky earthy scent filled your nostrils and reminded you of the crisp outdoors. You hoped that he couldn’t feel the fastened pace of your heart, but even if he did, you could always make up some excuse for it. Even if you detested lying to the person your heart yearned for.
“Sorry I haven’t kept in contact, it’s been a little crazy lately,” you explained as you leaned back and crouched down, laying your hand on one of his armrests. It was then that you examined his outfit more closely. He was wearing a sharp, tailored blue suit accompanied by a white shirt underneath it.
This created a striking contrast to his overall polished but casual appearance. A silk tie colored midnight blue hugged the collar of his shirt, and polished dress shoes adorned his feet that remained on the footrests of his wheelchair and completed his ensemble while instilling a touch of the famous Iida charm along with it.
He smiled at you, that same gentle smile you had fallen in love with over the years. “That’s alright,” he replied, his eyes beaming with happiness. “Actually…I know this is short notice but…” he paused and rubbed the side of his neck.
“Would you like to join my family for Christmas Eve dinner?” You tilted your head, surprised Tensei hadn’t asked you that sooner. “My mom’s been asking about you, and she’s also a little worried given how busy you’ve been lately.” You couldn’t help but smile. Yeah, that was Mrs.Iida for you.
Although you had gotten to know his family well over the years, it was a surprise that they hadn’t proposed that you marry Tensei. “Sure, it would be an honor,” you replied before the sound of the front doors and a loud “Yeeeeah!” drew your attention away.
The first one that caught your eye was a short boy with a messy crop of green hair, freckles colored his cheeks, and he was wearing the standard gray Yuuei uniform. Next to him was a familiar face, that of Tenya. He looked as he usually did, with his hair combed and neat and polished glasses on his face.
He, too, was wearing his Yuuei uniform. Between them was a face you hadn’t seen before, however. A young girl with long, white hair that was pulled back and separated into pigtails. Her eyes, colored bright red, were wide, and a small amount of fear or maybe social anxiety filled them.
You quickly assumed she wasn’t used to attending parties thus she was a bit shy when it came to crowds. In addition, you noticed that a small horn poked out of the right side of her forehead. She was wearing a fuzzy red Santa hat, which matched the red dress with the white trim she wore.
On her legs were black tights and white trim also lined the boots she was wearing. She glanced around the room once more cautiously stepping behind the boy with green hair. “Hey, it’s o-okay Eri,” he said, looking down at her.
She returned his gaze but said nothing. “I agree!” Chimed in Tenya, his hand chopping through the air at rapid speed. “There is very little to fear, for you are surrounded by the best-known heroes!” He announced, causing a few heads to turn his way and Tensei to chuckle.
“That’s my little brother for you,” he said in a soft tone, and a smile on his face. It was nice to see that he was proud of Tenya regardless. “I-it is?” Eri asked, looking at him but seconds later, she jolted involuntarily when Hizashi laid his hand on her head, affectionately ruffling her hair.
Despite being raised by several of the teachers, plus Mirio and Izuku for a few years she was still getting used to a kind touch. “There’s nothing to worry about!” He announced with a big wide grin, letting his hand fall to his side.
“It’s true, you’re surrounded by the coolest kats. Don’t worry now, Aizawa put me in charge, ya dig?! I wouldn’t let anything happen to ya!” he said, trying his best to encourage Eri. Although he hadn’t spent as much time with her as Mirio, Izuku, Shota, or Toshinori had.
He continued to try and make a connection with her. She needed as much comfort and love as she could get, and well, he couldn’t just sit aside and ignore her. Still, she seemed to have enough sense to believe his words.
“Mm, o-okay,” she replied but only grew more anxious when you walked over with Tensei rolling close behind you. “Hey Tenya,” you greeted happily, and he bowed in respect. “Good evening, Y/n!” He declared, once again chopping his hand through the air.
“Thank you for the invitation, we are very honored to attend such a festive celebration!” He stated. “Oh yeah?” you replied before glancing at the green-haired boy who looked just as nervous as the little one. His posture stiffened and he bowed.
“H-hello!” His voice fluctuated and that stutter didn’t help. “M-my name is Izuku Midoriya! I’m in Y-Yuuei’s hero course, C-class 3-A!” he announced, and your eyes sparkled with recognition. “Oh yeah, I’ve heard of you.” Turning to Tenya you said, “Is this the Midoriya you talked about before?” He nodded.
“Yes! Midoriya has been a wonderful example of a hero student and has inspired me to become a hero I can be proud of!” He announced, causing Izuku to flush furiously. “I-Iida I d-don’t think I mean…I j-just try my b-best and…” you chuckled.
“Well, sounds like you two are good friends,” you commented, and Tenya turned to Izuku and Eri. “This is Y/n, my brother’s closest friend and leader of Team Idaten,” he explained and felt some amusement when Izuku’s eyes lit up.
“W-what? N-no way, y-you’re the leader of…I h-have so many q-questions!” He blurted out, causing you to snicker. “I’d be glad to answer your questions…another time, tonight I’d like you to enjoy yourselves as guests of Team Idaten,” you said before looking at Tenya.
“Also, you forgot to mention one thing,” he looked at you with knitted eyebrows, he was certain he had not forgotten anything when he introduced you. “I’m only the temporary leader of Team Idaten, when Tenya is ready, he’ll become the new leader. Until then I’m going to be pushing him,” you said, punching him in the shoulder.
“He’ll get there, don’t worry,” Tensei chimed in, rolling closer to his brother to lay his hand on his arm. Tenya stiffened, it was still a little hard for him to see his brother in this state, even years after the fact. He took a deep breath and laid his hand over Tensei’s.
“T-thank you, brother,” he replied and while they were having a family moment, you looked at Hizashi. “So, Aizawa couldn’t make it?” you asked, and he shrugged. “Nah,” he said, waving his leather-covered hand through the air.
It seemed that he didn’t want or didn’t take the time to dress up for the party considering he was wearing his usual hero attire, complete with directional speaker encircling his neck. “Said he was busy with something else, so I’m covering for him,” he explained.
“Hm, okay so…” you glanced down at Eri who shivered when she locked eyes with you briefly and shyly looked away. The corner of your lip curled into a smile. She reminded you of yourself, at least until you met Tensei who helped you come out of your shell.
You placed your hands on your knees and leaned toward her even though she remained hiding behind Izuku. “Hi,” you said in a soft and friendly voice, but she continued to look away. “What’s your name?” you asked. Yes, you heard it earlier, but might as well be polite.
“U-um…I…” She latched onto her lip, chewing it nervously. “This is E-Eri!” Izuku said as he placed his hand gently on her back. “It’s okay, Y-Y/n is a hero too!” he reminded her. “Eri is a wonderful name, a pretty name for a pretty girl,” you said, hoping your compliment would butter her up enough to at least speak a few words to you.
“Uh, mmhm,” she replied. Well…that was better than nothing. “Heh,” you continued to smile and slowly stood up before looking at Hizashi again. “Well, I hope you guys enjoy th-” You paused when you heard someone calling your name.
Sighing, you muttered, “What now?” under your breath. Turning around, you saw Onemu Shiny, another member of your team running up to you. She was a short woman with equally short hair that fell to her ears in gentle curls.
She also had two distinct horns on the sides of her head. Her usual cheongsam mini dress and domino mask were replaced with a tight-fitting, maroon-colored dress. The front of it was adorned with sparkles that reflected the light in the room.
The air around her seeped with thick tension and you heard her catch her breath before speaking. “Explosions are occurring in the city district of Naruhata, several are injured, and four separate villains are on the loose.” That thick tension increased, almost suffocating you and silence fell over the room.
Your heart raced and the weight of everyone’s eyes fell on you, the leader. The one that would now call the shots, and how the operation of this mission would go. You glanced at Tensei, who was wearing a stern expression, Tenya who stood next to him mirrored it.
There was no longer any merry chatter echoing, and several guests were looking at you with interest. There was a mixture of curiosity and judgment in their gazes, and it caused a small amount of anger to brew inside of you. Who were they to judge you anyway?
The corner of your lip turned up, and a disgruntled smirk followed. It was amusing to think that before you would have cowered to others like them, those who thought you couldn’t properly fulfill your duties as a leader. But just like back then, you were ready to show everyone you had what it took.
Your hands curled into fists, and a sense of determination washed over you like a violent wave attempting to sink a ship in the middle of a thunderstorm at sea. Then your voice pierced through the air, “Team Idaten!” Like a well-oiled machine, the members of your team formed three lines in front of you.
Each line represented their role on the team. The first line was those that would stay at the control center of the agency, monitoring everyone’s actions and relaying messages and instructions back and forth between Team Two.
Team Two, as you can imagine, were the members that made up the front line. They would be the ones facing, fighting, and apprehending the villains in question. On occasion, they’d help Team Three with support and damage control.
Team Three mainly specialized in evacuation and tending to the injured, however. A sense of pride filled you. In moments like these, you were reminded how much you loved being a leader, working together as a team, and most of all, saving people.
After receiving instructions, the teams hurried to their designated stations, and you were about to run off as well. But a strong hand pulled you back causing you to stumble in response. You turned, ready to yell at the one who dared hold you back.
Instead, you latched onto your lip forcing your momentary anger down when you realized it was Tensei. His eyes locked with yours before speaking. “Take care of yourself,” he said before looking at Hizashi. “Do you want to take your students on this mission?” he asked, and you glanced at the man in question.
“Why yes! I believe this would be a wonderful opportunity to display the heroic skills that our prestigious school has taught us! We are licensed heroes, and it would be an honor to work alongside Team Idaten!” Tenya announced much to your and Hizashi’s dislike.
So much for being guests and enjoying a relaxing festive evening. He placed his hand on his hips, sighing. “Yeah yeah, I guess that’d be alright,” he replied before looking at Tenya and Izuku. “But don’t ya guys mess up, ya dig!?” He shouted, his voice vibrating off the walls and causing the tables and chairs to tremble.
The guests immediately covered their ears, hissing in response to the hero’s quirk. However, Hizashi seemed to ignore this given he was far too used to people, mostly students, reacting to his quirk in such a manner. Instead, he pressed his hands against his chest. “I’ll supervise ya alongside Y/n,” he stated with a large grin.
Tenya nodded while Izuku looked uncertain. “Well,” he said, placing his hand on top of Eri’s head. She looked terrified, more than likely because she didn’t want to be left alone in a strange place. “What…a-about Eri? W-we can’t just leave her an-” Tensei slowly inched over to the two of them and looked at Eri with a smile.
However, that terrified look remained on her face, and he partly understood why. Tenya had shared a few details about her previously and he knew that while it was okay to be afraid of the world, you relied on heroes to make it just a little less scary.
Like many others, Tensei, despite being retired, had the heart of a hero and even now, it continues to shine fiercely. At that moment, he wanted to be Eri’s hero and if he made her feel welcome and safe, then he had done his job. “I’ll watch her,” he insisted, and Eri looked at him in disbelief.
“B-but…M-Mr. Deku…” she said looking up at him, but he smiled and crouched down beside her. “It’s okay, I-Iida-san used to be a h-hero. One of the g-greatest heroes, and y-you can trust him!” Tensei nodded and grinned as he extended his hand out to Eri.
“What do you say? We can have fun together until my little brother and Midoriya come back,” he suggested. Eri once again looked at Izuku before stepping toward the man in the wheelchair. She looked at it curiously. “W-why are you in a chair?” Tensei kept a smile on his face and rubbed the back of his neck, chuckling softly.
“That’s kind of a long story,” he said and one he didn’t feel like sharing, at least not to her. There’s a chance it would frighten her and well, he couldn’t have that. Not when he was trying to make her feel safe and gain her trust for the time being.
So instead, he grinned. “Hey, I have an idea!” He said, rolling his wheelchair back an inch or two. “Why don’t I give you a tour of the agency? You can sit on my lap while I wheel you around, it’s the best seat in the house!” He joked, smiling yet again.
She tensed up a bit, unsure of his request until she felt a gentle hand on her back. “Huh?” She turned, seeing Izuku smiling down at her. “Go a-ahead,” he encouraged her and though she bit her lip in response, she stepped forward and awkwardly sat on Tensei’s lap, her hands fisted into the front of his suit.
“Don’t worry, we’ll have an awesome time,” he assured her, and you couldn’t help but smile. Tensei was very kind, and he extended that kindness to strangers and children alike. “Ready?” He asked, keeping one arm draped over her shoulders while he turned his wheelchair around and began rolling toward the nearest hallway.
Eri looked at Izuku who waved her goodbye as she left the room with Tensei. In a way, it was probably best that she be separated from the party given her shy nature. “Alright, come on,” you said, clapping your hands. “There are people in danger, we cannot waste another moment,” you instructed and Izuku tensed up.
“R-right!” he exclaimed, and Tenya nodded. “Apologies! Let us proceed without delay!” he stated and Hizashi grinned as he walked past them. “Time to get to work, kiddos!” He announced. Crime stopped for no one, and villains didn’t care what day of the year it was, they would do what they pleased.
Fortunately, their rein was about to come to a screeching halt thanks to the efforts of you, your team, and of course, the extra help provided by Hizashi, Izuku, and Tenya. “Heh, sorry this must all be new to you, right?” Eri paused and looked at him, a small pout decorating her lips.
“Have you ever been to an agency before? Heh, they’re pretty cool. I remember when I first opened mine.” A smile came to his face when he thought about you. “I had doubts about it, I spent a lot of time worrying if I’d be a good leader, but Y/n always put those doubts to rest,” he commented, getting a dreamy look in his eye.
“I don’t know what I would have done withou-” he paused when he noticed the look Eri was giving him. “Oh right, sorry,” he chuckled. “This is about you,” he continued rolling down the hallway which, much like the main room where the party was occurring, was lit up with festive lights that flickered.
The sound of the holiday music was faded but still audible. “Hm…” he came to a stop in the hallway. “What can we do…” he needed something to distract Eri and tapped his lips a few times before inspiration struck him. “I got it!” He announced, pointing his finger toward the ceiling.
He grinned at Eri who had gotten startled by his sudden outburst. “Why don’t you write a letter to Santa?” he chuckled. “I’m sure that’ll pass the time until everyone returns,” he suggested. Eri’s reaction wasn’t what he expected, however.
She frowned and looked away from him. “I…I don’t know what I want…” she said, even years after being free from Kai’s clutches she remained with emotional scars and those emotional scars often made her reluctant to receive gifts or to ask for anything.
Tensei furrowed his brow, but after a moment, he smiled. “Yeah, that’s hard to decide sometimes, especially when you feel like you don’t want or need anything,” he commented, placing his hand on top of her head. She trembled and looked at him even as he continued to smile at her.
“But sometimes you have to remind yourself that you deserve a gift too,” he said before lowering his hand. “Santa is the one person who won’t judge you no matter what you ask for,” Eri knitted her eyebrows. “…Santa?” She repeated. “Yup! I’m sure he visited you last year,” or so he assumed.
“He visits everyone and leaves them gifts, and I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if you wrote him a letter telling him what you wanted,” he said as he resumed rolling to the end of the hallway where your office was. After carefully opening the door and rolling inside, the room was illuminated with light and a sense of nostalgia washed over him.
He couldn’t help but look around, and though it may sound selfish, he was happy you hadn’t changed anything. You could have done anything with it, painted the walls an entirely different color, or replaced all the furniture. Instead, you left it alone.
He wondered if that was because this used to be his office and you didn’t have the heart to change anything. All the walls were white, except the furthest left one which was adorned with framed calligraphy of the Team Idaten logo which resembled what Tensei looked like in his hero suit encased in a circle.
Underneath it, the words ‘Representative: Turbo Hero Ingenium’ were displayed. “You can sit at the desk, I’ll go find some paper and pens,” he replied, Eri hesitantly slid off his lap and cautiously approached the large wooden desk that appeared polished and had a stack of arranged documents on the far-right corner.
It rested in front of a large window that overlooked the bustling city below which was illuminated against the dark evening sky, causing various colored hues to peer in through the window. The smell of freshly cut pine and cinnamon was now replaced with a faint aroma of green tea.
The source of this was the small hot water dispenser, with delicate teacups, that sat on a low table in the right corner of the room. Zabuton cushions surrounded said table and its main purpose was for last-second meetings, usually informal.
Most of the time you found yourself using it to get a moment of peace when you felt overwhelmed by your workload and needed some freshly brewed tea to keep going. Eri carefully pushed the chair back and climbed onto it, laying her hands on the cool surface.
The sound of several drawers opening and closing echoed through the room as Tensei searched through them. He managed to find a few blank pieces of paper, and while he had found some pens, upon second thought, crayons would be more appropriate for Eri to use.
“Ah!” He exclaimed when he finally found some buried at the bottom of one of the drawers. Although they were broken in half, they were still usable, and he smiled before placing the items on his lap and rolling over to the desk.
He placed the papers down before sliding one in front of her and placing the crayons on top of it. He offered her a smile in response to her confused expression. “Mm…” she looked down and grabbed a red crayon, tapping it absentmindedly against the paper.
“Heh,” Tensei continued to smile, and waited a few minutes for her to begin writing but alas, she only wrote ‘Mr. Santa,’ and nothing else. He assumed she still didn’t know what she wanted to ask for this year. “How about I write a letter too?” he suggested, maybe if she saw him writing one it would inspire her.
He smiled and took another piece of paper before grabbing a blue crayon. “Hm,” he tapped it against his lips a few times, he knew what he wanted but how could he write that when Eri was watching him so intensely? Then again, honesty was best.
If he didn’t wish from the bottom of his heart, how could he be a good example for her? The only problem was how to convey what he wanted on paper…to Santa. Well, the only way to find out was to do it. So, without delay, he began writing his letter.
[ Chapter II ]
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heroloverangel · 1 year
Good Morning
Ingenium remains #1 on the list of characters who deserve more screentime.
You’ve never been a morning person, but this is ridiculous. For weeks now, you’ve woken up every day feeling nauseous beyond belief. Every meal has become a 50/50 chance of your stomach rebelling and sending you running for the nearest bathroom and you’re rapidly getting tired of it. You knew pregnancy wasn’t going to be easy, but you assumed you’d get to enjoy at least a little bit of those wacky cravings instead of gagging at the sight of most normal foods.
You stagger out of bed this morning, just like every other morning this week, into the kitchen and drop heavily into a chair at the table. Tensei’s been awake for awhile; coffee is just the latest item on the list of smells that make you queasy, and he’s been great about drinking it as far away from you as possible. “Hey,” he smiles over at you from his place at the stove and you groan back weakly. “You having another rough morning?”
You give a dismissive shrug. “I still feel like garbage, but it’s better than yesterday.”
He nods and reaches for a pan. “At least that’s something. Think you can handle some breakfast?” You weren’t hungry a minute ago, but your stomach rumbles at the suggestion and he laughs. “I take it you want your usual?”
Your usual at this point is just plain eggs with no seasoning. There aren’t many foods you’re able to reliably keep down when you wake up, but a boring plate of eggs is certainly the most convenient. You’re not unreasonable enough to demand freshly grilled salmon every morning, and you’d just feel bad sending him out for those chocolate-stuffed croissants from the cafe a few blocks away that always has a line out the door in the mornings. You’re more than happy enough with your bland scramble made with love by your adoring husband.
Or at least you would be, if your stomach didn’t choose today to betray you yet again. One moment you’re sitting peacefully at the table watching Tensei stir a spatula around the pan, and the next moment you catch the scent of the frying eggs and have to actively fight your gag reflex. Without a word you lurch out of your chair and rush for the bathroom, illness rising higher in your throat with every second. “This sucks,” you wail to him across the house between heaves; you know he’s busy with the fire hazard on the stove and only vaguely hear him yell back a sympathetic response.
After twenty minutes you pry yourself away from the anchor that is your toilet, gargle half a bottle of mouthwash, and then collapse back into your bed. Tensei reappears soon enough with a tray for you, only toast and ginger ale, and you sulk as you pick at your new breakfast while he rubs your back soothingly. “I wish I could do something to help.”
You relax into his touch and sigh. “I wish there was anything you could do. The doctor said it should pass in a couple more weeks and we’ve just got to wait it out.”
He runs a hand through your disheveled hair. “For what it’s worth, I think you’re doing a great job handling this. I know it can’t be easy.”
You smile faintly and cuddle closer against him. “Oh no, it’s awful. But I’ve got the best hero in the world giving me plenty of support.”
“Best hero, huh?” His grin matches your own, and you can feel his stubble when he leans over to kiss your cheek. “If you’re already that impressed, I guess I didn’t need to call the cafe and order some of those croissants.”
You force yourself to swallow the bite of toast you just put in your mouth. “Hey now, I didn’t say that.”
You’ve always loved his laugh. “Think you can wait about thirty minutes for them?”
“That’s a big ask,” you tease and take a small sip of your ginger ale. You know it’s supposed to help with nausea, but you drink so much of it you’re starting to hate the taste. “I’m guessing your brother wouldn’t be willing to speedrun them over, huh?”
Tensei’s eyes crinkle with happiness at your joke, “You know that sense of humor is just one of the many reasons I married you.”
“Oh really? You know we’ve got thirty minutes, we’ve got time for you to tell me all the other reasons.”
You’ll be the first to admit that this morning didn’t exactly get off to a great start. Now though, as you curl up in your husband’s arms with his pipes positioned safely out of your way, your mood’s improved significantly. There’s a cool breeze coming in from the window with the morning sunshine, and you get the feeling you’ll doze off before the food arrives. You don’t mind that idea, you know your precious croissants will be waiting for you when you wake up.
You let out a yawn and blink up at him. “Love you, Ten.”
“I love you too. Go ahead and get some rest, you two need it.” His voice is soft, and the last thought you have before you fall back asleep is that no one else in the world could ever make you this happy.
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skymar13 · 2 months
He eats your pussy like it’s his last meal on earth. He will hold you still with his forearms gripping your thighs forcing his head between your thighs. Doesn’t stop even when you’re crying and begging him to stop lapping up deep stripes from your folds. You’re lucky if he even comes up to breathe because to die between your legs is the only way he wants to go.
Kirishima eijirou , Denki kaminari, bakugo katsuki, Dabi, Tenya iida, Shota Aizawa, Izuku midoriya,
Aged up!
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heartofjasmina · 4 months
🍼 tensei iida (im desperate. this man needs more content)
Tensei worked hard to become the man that he is. He learned how to lead people, learning when to push and when to praise, he learned how to notice people's feelings during his hero work.
So did you really think you're going to escape his notice?
The way you melt everytime he pats you on the head, the way you always hold his pinky when you two are walking together, the way you speak a bit childishly at times.
He finally tests his theory, calling you baby and sweetheart and doll until you're a puddle in his lap, grinding on his lap until he's aching to fuck you.
"You gonna take daddy's cock like a good little girl?" He murmurs so gently you blush, nodding and tripping over your words.
"Please daddy, please I wanna- please please please-" you squeal when he flips you over, hovering over you as he pulls your panties to the side.
"Don't worry sweetheart, daddy's gonna give you all the cock you need."
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lizzy06 · 1 month
Tensei Iida x Reader Fic Recs!! (Tumblr/Ao3/Wattpad)
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My Hero Academia Fic Rec Masterlist
Iida Tensei Fic Rec Masterlist
Sleepwalker/tumblr link✨✨ by Fogfire/ @dira333 (oneshot, fluff) When you wake up in a stranger's bed for the first time, you think your Quirk's malfunctioning. But it happens again and again. There must be some rhyme or reason to it. It doesn't help that said stranger is really nice and unfairly attractive….[COMPLETED]
Me Without You✨✨💖 by nek0zawakun (oneshot, angst with happy ending,feels) I aimlessly stroll down the street. My hands push the hand-rims effortlessly, like I've been doing it all my life. I'm lost. A storm is coming. I feel like I am watching my life in a movie and now it's approaching the end.[COMPLETED]
tensei Iida x reader Pt.1 |Pt.2 | Pt.3 | Pt.4 | Pt.5✨✨ by @faulty-writes (oneshot, fluff, slight angst)The two of you had been friends since your early days of Yuuei and since Tensei’s abrupt retirement, you have been learning how to be the new leader of Team Idaten and every good leader knows how to throw a holiday party. Unfortunately, shortly after Tensei’s arrival duty calls and he has to find something else to preoccupy his time until you return. [COMPLETED]
Will you marry me by @hot-wiings (oneshot, fluff) The One Where After His Recovery, Tensei Iida realizes Life Is To Precious And Short.[COMPLETED]
Tensei Iida x Reader by @faulty-writes (oneshot, fluff) Working for your longtime friend and love interest had its perks, and despite facing the challenges of being the only support agent at Idaten. Things get a little strange when Tensei requests you remove the airbags from his hero suit and while you refuse to go through with it. Tensei continues to try and persuade you, in his own strange way. [COMPLETED]
Tensei Iida x Reader by @faulty-writes (oneshot, fluff) Tensei adjusting to his life again after the hero killer incident.[COMPLETED]
tensei x reader Pt.1 | Pt.2✨ by @faulty-writes (angst with happy ending, fluff) Tensei Iida was your fiance and you had always known he was the only man for you. But after Stain had rendered him paralyzed and his life in a wheelchair began. You noticed Tensei creating distance between the two of you and you were going to confront him.[COMPLETED]
Good Morning by @heroloverangel (oneshot, fluff)[COMPLETED]
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real-hot-grl-shi · 3 months
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faededaway · 1 year
Pro hero reader who has a loud and obvious crush on another pro hero (just loud enough for other heros in the circle to know but not loud enough for the fans or civilians to know).
Pro hero reader who does things like taking lookout shifts near their crush's area, always trying to partner up with their crush, and even wearing their crush's fan merch as accessories to parties.
Okay so, got this thought for Tensei. Iida Tensei.
So every hero who knows Tensei or the reader knows what's going on. Tensei always took on a more "senior/mentor" approach towards reader. (reader is closer to Tenya's age so Tensei can't help but feel inclined to take on that kind of role)
And umm after that incident with Stain, reader just... Waits? Reader believes Tensei will be back on his feet someday! He'll do something! Reader visits Tensei when it he's in the hospital and keeps up with with agency for any updates.
Sooo, let's think that Reader volunteers to help 'train' UA students because "omg Tensei studied here!!". Imagine their surprise when they see Tenya in the Ingenium suit! Reader is all shocked. And maybe, maybe their a bit harsh on Tenya. Criticizing him a lot! Always 2 seconds away from saying, "you'll never be him! You'll never be my hero!"
But they don't. They don't, because Tenya thanks them a LOT! Tenya thinks reader is helping him become better! He's thinking about how well reader's criticisms are for this quirk. He thinks they get it! He thinks they want him to further the Ingenium name.
Everyone else is pitying him. Uraraka is telling Aizawa to but in and make you stop being so harsh on Tenya. But Aizawa knows why you are being this way (and decides it's not his place to say anything, he also knows Tenya doesn't mind)
Anyway, by the end of the training Tenya is telling the reader "I will remember the help you gave me today" as a way of telling them he owes them.
But reader stops him and says, “a meal. Invite me to your house for a meal with your family. And I'll do this again whenever you need.”
He says he'll have to confirm with his mom but he's down. You give him your card and tell him to text you for confirmation. (Internally you're thinking about which dress would impress Tensei)
(Aizawa is raising his eyebrow at your plan but AGAIN decides it's not his business).
Anywayyy thats all. There's a lot of other stuff but for now this is it. I can't help but picture Tensei as a veryyy "I'm not dating anyone 2 years younger than me" kind of guy. So that the direction I'm thinking of. I will definitely come back to this later.
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dira333 · 4 months
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frickingnerd · 1 year
Vigilante Masterlist
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Koichi Haimawari/The Crawler
kissing it better - oneshot
Kazuho Haneyama/Pop☆Step
dating koichi haimawari - headcanons
fake dating koichi haimawari - headcanons
popstep realizing her feelings for you - headcanons
Iwao Oguro/Knuckleduster
iwao oguro comforting you after a break up - headcanons
Tensei Iida/Ingenium
dating tensei iida - headcanons
Makoto Tsukauchi
makoto with a touch starved s/o - headcanons
Naomasa Tsukauchi
naomasa tsukauchi dating a pro hero - headcanons
naomasa tsukauchi dating UA's vice principal - headcanons
tsukauchi receiving a hickey from his s/o - headcanons
Soga Kugisaki
(not so) secret identity - drabble
soga crushing on knuckleduster's daughter - headcanons
Oboro Shirakumo / Loud Cloud
visiting oboro's grave - oneshot
Number 6
number 6's darling being a yandere for him - headcanons
Akaguro Chizome/Stain
yandere stain - headcanons
stain meeting a shapeshifter - headcanons
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yoarasheesh · 2 months
Iida Tenya having a crush on his senpai - Iida Tenya x Reader
(headcanons that got out of hand and turned into a bullet-point scenario)
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• You first met when your classes had joint training - 2-A, as the younger ones, were roleplaying as the injured, and 3-A as the rescue party.
• He was sitting, leaning on the wall behind him. Soon after the exercise has started, you ran into the faux-burning building and knelt next to him. After reading his casualty card, you took your mask off, looked him in the eyes, and said in a serious and reassuring tone "I'm gonna get you out of here - don't you worry"
• Oh boy. His heart sure did skip a beat.
• And then you just picked him up, like he doesn't weigh anything to you?! He's definitely not a small guy, and yet, you carried him out of the building on your shoulders with ease. He was really glad he was wearing his helmet, because he was absolutely certain that his face currently flashed a bright red color.
• After those classes, he paid a close attention to you at school. Whenever there was a chance to look at his upperclass men training, he was admiring your strength and dedication. He regretted not telling you how impressed he was by your confidence and professionalism after your common training, so he made sure to publicly praise you whenever there was a chance.
• If there was any occasion to do this without looking suspicious, he would go up to you and ask for advice about hero techniques, and also your plans after graduating ("it's very important to do research among your upperclassmen!!")
• He caught himself thinking about you more often - about your confidence and heroism, about the things others could take an example from (how maybe he would like to spend more time with you...)
• After he stated during lunch that your performance during the sports festival was brilliant, and your mastery of your quirk is exquisite, Uraraka pointed out that, well, Iida-kun must certainly have a crush on you, looking how much he talks about you, and *how* he talks about you.
• He immediately protested, although the red color of his face and increased speed of hand-chops were somewhat of a clue that he wasn't *exacly telling the truth*.
He said that it would be very unprofessional to go after your upperclassmen in a school preparing for serious work, and he shouldn't be distracted you from your studies, as you're nearing graduation! Also, it would be demeaning to your abilities, if he praised you only because he had a crush on you!
• But oh boy, did he have a crush on you. Obviously it wasn't the reason he admired you, actually, it was the other way around. He just for some strange reason felt the need to inform others how great you are. Maybe that was because he felt the need for others to agree how amazing you were, so he would feel more like a kohei trying to catch an occasion to learn from his upperclassmen, and less like a *hopelessly puppylove-striken schoolboy*?
• He obviously went to his older brother for advice.
• In short, Tensei told him that he shouldn't worry about your graduation, because after you graduate and start working it'll only get more busy. Besides, doing hero doesn't come in the way of romantic relationships *that much*, especially if both parties are in the same profession ("look at out parents for example!") And so what if you're older? If you think Tenya's a good guy for you, a year one way or another shouldn't matter.
• Well, he certainly helped with some of Tenya's dilemmas.
• He decided he should ask you out, if not on a proper date (yet!! he didn't want to come off as overbearing - and as a proper date he meant the real deal, a restaurant, fancy clothing, candle-light...), then at least to spend some time together outside of school.
• During lunch break he came up to your table and asked if he can speak with you privately, causing your friends to exchange curious glances. After you came with him to a place where it was unlikely for somebody to listen to your conversation, he bowed and asked if you would be willing to go for a walk with him after school. He understands if you decline, as he's sure you're a person who knows how to make themselves busy, and even if you don't have any other plans, you also don't have to go if you simply don't want to!
• After you agreed, he stood up straight again.
"Well, I'll see you then!" he said, while bowing his head again, and walked away to sit with his friends, his calm demeanour hiding the fact that his heart was absolutely pounding, and that he just felt more stress than in any of his hero training.
• As much as he felt it would be appropriate to dress more elegantly to a meeting with a girl, he kept reminding himself that it's casual, that this isn't a date, just a simple walk - that's why he finally decided to wear his usual polo shirt.
• He felt his heart skip a beat again when you came to the place you agreed upon, wearing civilian clothing. He liked very much how you looked in the U.A. uniform, and he didn't expect your casual wear to be so *cute*.
• As you walked around the campus park and you explained your special hero techniques to him, he thought how good it is that soon the society will have you as their hero. Your honesty and confidence were inspiring to him - he strived to be like you, as a hero.
• As you were sitting on a bench, he didn't notice when he zoned out - when instead focusing on your words, he thought how gorgeously your eyelashes surrounded your eyes, and how your cheeks were slightly flushed, and how your lips perfectly suited your face- *oh how he wanted to touch these lips*
• "Iida-kun?"
• *Oh no.* He panicked when he realised he was caught. He didn't know what to tell you, he just froze. He obviously couldn't tell you that he liked you, that would be *so* out of place-
• You turned your head to him, looking up to his flushed face.
"Why- why did you invite me to this walk, Iida-kun?" you asked after a few moments of silence, looking away, your hair falling down to cover your face.
• "I-..." he just stood there, looking at your face. But wait... Are- are you blushing? Is that what he's seeing? Oh no, did he embarass you?! Or... or maybe you felt the same way as him...?
He clenched his fist, feeling how much he was currently sweating.
• Suddenly, you grabbed his hand (*oh no, you're going to feel all the sweat on his hand!*) and looked him deep in the eyes.
• "Iida-kun, *how* do you feel about me?"
• He felt his heart pounding, and a nervous feeling in his stomach. But oh, how he loved this moment, you being so close, holding his hand... He admired your face, the flushing of your cheeks, the eyes looking at him with this *emotion* inside, the slight partment of the lips, awaiting the answer...
• As your faces got closer, he saw you looking through half lidded eyes at his lips, and he was unknowingly doing the same thing.
The next thing he knew, your soft lips were pressed agains his, the warmth from them coursing through his entire body. Oh, they might be just the softest thing he touched in his life.
His chest might just burst now. He felt his breath quicken, and his blood flowing - he squeezed your hand, delighting in the moment.
• As you two finally parted he looked you for a few moments, with something you could only describe as love-eyes... Until he suddenly stood up in front of you and bowed frantically.
• "Y/N-san, I like you!! Would you please be my girlfriend??"
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faulty-writes · 8 months
[ Hello fans and or followers. I present Chapter Four of my Tensei Holidays series. Yes, this was meant to be a holiday post, but couldn’t get it out in time. But regardless, I hope all of you enjoy it! You can find the other chapters by searching this tag on Tumblr or you can find Chapter One by clicking this link. ]
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[ Despite your wishes, after dinner Mr. Iida manages to pull you into a conversation regarding the wedding. But you can’t go through with it, and end up running out of the Iida Estate in a panic. After a short conversation with Tenya, you finally have a moment alone with Tensei, but things don’t exactly go as planned. ]
There was a short relief when dinner finally ended, and despite your desire to excuse yourself, Mr. Iida insisted on discussing wedding plans in one of the many tatami rooms the Iida Estate had. You grumbled, curling your hands against your thighs as you sat on the zabuton cushion that was situated in front of the table. 
Mr. Iida sat across from you and Tensei was sitting next to you, his wheelchair folded and tucked away in the corner of the room. However, Mr. Iida’s words rang deaf to your ears as your mind became overwhelmed with more questions than answers.
Particularly how you could possibly get a moment alone with Tensei before this situation escalated to the point where neither of you could prevent it. “Y/n?” Tensei asked, but you failed to respond until he nudged you with his elbow or rather the engine attached to his elbow. Regardless, it caught your attention.
“Hm?” You looked at him, eyebrows knitted, and face contorted with curiosity and confusion. “Heh,” he smiled, even though the news his father shared at dinner came as a surprise he was happy. His mother always talked about the two of you being together and he felt so honored that he was going to be your future husband.
He glanced at you, noting that the expression on your face wasn’t what an ideal spouse should look like. Then again, he knew it was a lot to take in at once. He reached over, laying his hand over yours. His sudden touch caused you to jump and snap your head in his direction.
He couldn’t help but chuckle at your reaction. “I know it’s a lot to take in at once, but what do you think?” Frankly, you had no idea what he was referring to and to make matters worse, you could feel Mr. Iida’s stare burning a hole through you. 
Maybe you could just say you thought everything was fine, but you had already lied to Tensei enough. “Uh, I…think…” you tried to reply. “I think that…” you latched onto your lip and stood up frantically. “I…I need some air! Excuse me!” You said, bowing quickly before rushing out the room, leaving Tensei confused, and his father mildly irritated. 
As you barreled down the hallway, you surprised Mrs. Iida who was sitting with Tenya in the parlor drinking some after-dinner tea. She gasped when you ran by her and nearly dropped her cup, but Tenya grabbed it before it could spill. You didn’t bother stopping to apologize and continued toward the foyer and out the front door. 
Once he had ensured his mother was okay, he informed her he was going to inquire what had caused your rather unusual behavior. The cold chill of the December air was a welcomed consequence as you paced back and forth on the veranda.
Eventually, you needed to go back inside and discuss…what were you even discussing, wedding plans? Well, there wouldn’t be a wedding once you had a word with Tensei. But how would you even explain that you found out that he liked someone because you happened to fish his letter out of your trashcan?
Why would he even throw something like that away in your trashcan? It made little sense, and he could have at least made the effort to rip it up before throwing it away. You sighed in frustration and slammed your hands against the railing of the veranda before leaning over to rub your forehead, a headache was coming on for sure.
You took a deep breath, watching it evaporate before looking up at the sky. It was painted white and with the temperature continuing to drop, you could only assume it would snow. You lowered your head, another sigh passing your lips.
“What am I even doing?” It was a question that normally would remain unanswered, but your head snapped back up when you heard someone say, “That’s a valid inquiry.” You twirled on your feet, and out of instinct presumed a defensive posture.
Tenya stood with his arms crossed and a serious expression enveloped his features, and while he wasn’t nearly as intimidating as his father, a sense of authority still seeped from his person. “Oh...” your shoulders slumped. “Tenya,” you said, now pressing your back against the railing.
“You surprised me,” he didn’t find your words amusing and stepped toward you. “As did your rather unusual behavior when you crossed through the parlor, Mother nearly spilled her hot beverage,” he informed you. “Uh,” you rubbed the side of your neck, “sorry about that I just…” your eyes danced back and forth.
“I just needed some air,” might as well use the same excuse twice. He cocked an eyebrow at you. “Is there something troubling you?” he asked, continuing to glance at you suspiciously. “Are you perhaps anxious regarding the wedding?” Before you could stop yourself, another long and dramatic sigh came.
“I…really don’t want to talk about the wedding Tenya,” you sternly said before turning your back to him and looking at the driveway. He knitted his eyebrows and boldly closed the distance between the two of you. Although your back remained facing him, you tensed up knowing he was now towering over you.
“I am afraid I do not understand. Do you not harbor feelings of affection for Tensei?” His words made you tremble and for a moment, your heart fluttered with fear. Did Tenya pick up that you had feelings for Tensei through the years? Maybe you were being more obvious than you thought. 
But if that were true, then Tensei must have noticed as well. Then again, while he was intellectual in tactical strategies and heroics, you weren’t sure just how much of that intelligence extended to things such as being able to read a person’s body language and actions.
You latched onto your lip and pinched the bridge of your nose, debating if you should confess that you knew that Tensei had feelings for someone else. But it wouldn’t be right, this was your problem and you needed to be the one to figure out the solution.
Then again, maybe you could try being vague, and give him a little information but not everything. “Why would I when Tensei-” You paused when you heard a creak and looked to see the devil himself rolling past the front door. “Oh, there you are!” He said with a bright and happy grin.
“I was a little worried when you ran off like that,” his glance shifted to Tenya. “I’m glad you caught up to them,” he said, and Tenya nodded. “Their behavior was quite strange, and I sought to inquire why they were acting as such,” he explained, and he was talking as if you weren’t there. 
“Yes well…” you stepped in between the brothers. “If you don’t mind Tenya…I’d like to have a word with Tensei about the wedding alone,” you said, glaring at him. While a bit perturbed, he nodded. “Very well, I do hope it’s a…pleasant conversation,” you raised your eyebrow at the way he spoke. 
While it was understandable that he didn’t want his brother’s feelings hurt, personal matters were to be settled between the respective parties without third-party assistance. Still, you thought it best to remain quiet and once Tenya had left, you turned to Tensei. Your heart pounding, and your stomach twisting. 
Nerves aside, you managed to speak. “I…I can’t go through with it,” Tensei’s eyes widened, and his chest swelled with a painful ache. “W-what do you mean? Of course, you can!” he said, trying to be as positive as he usually was. You curled your hands into fists, shaking your head. 
“Don’t tell me what I can and can’t do!” you hissed in reply. He did that when he asked you to take over as the leader of Team Idaten. You insisted that you couldn’t, that you didn’t know the first thing about running a team. But there was that positive nature of his, lifting you up and encouraging you. 
Sure, it worked back then, but it wouldn’t work now. “...I…” you slapped your thighs in frustration and Tensei continued to frown. “I was just trying to-” his words were muffled by your growling. “Trying to what? How can you even accept this?!”
Not only did his parents spring it on both of you by surprise, but he just went along with it as if his feelings for the mysterious other person didn’t matter. He knitted his eyebrows, not entirely understanding your question.
He tilted his head and inched closer to you, the wooden floor squeaking underneath the weight of his wheelchair. “What do you mean?” He asked before chuckling. “What the hell is so funny?!” You demanded, almost hating when he treated serious situations with humor.
He remained quiet and turned his head to look at the white-blanketed sky. He could feel goosebumps forming across his arms because of the chill in the air, but it almost seemed insignificant in comparison to the warmth of his smile.
“My dad asked me about marriage the other day,” you knitted your eyebrows. Wait...Mr. Iida brought up marriage to him? You felt a small tinge of guilt course through your heart. Did that mean his father saw you as worthy marriage material?
You swallowed thickly, waiting for him to continue his story but after a few seconds, decided to urge him on. “And?” You asked. “And…” he paused and rolled closer, taking your hand. “He mentioned you,” your eyes widened, and any words eluded you at the moment.
“I didn’t think that he’d…ask you on my behalf, but you don’t seem that excited,” he noted, the smile fading from his face. You glanced away and pulled your hand from his, taking a step back. “I-I’m not,” you confessed, feeling your heart break all over again.
It was like an enormous weight on your chest, ceasing your ability to breathe and tension to build in the air. Judging by the look on Tensei’s face, his heart had also broken when those words left your lips. But why, he loved someone else, didn’t he? 
He shook his head slightly, and you looked away when you saw the faintest bit of tears welling up in the corner of his eyes reflecting the glow from the lanterns that hung along the ceiling of the veranda. “Why?” He asked, his voice slightly cracked, and it only added to the guilt that made your knees ready to buckle. 
Your throat tightened, and you tried to fight back your tears. Wiping your eyes with the back of your hand, you opened your mouth to speak but again your words were lost now. You cleared your throat, and reached inside your blazer, pulling out the folded letter. Tensei looked at it with a furrowed brow. 
“What is…that?” He asked, pointing a lazy finger at it before a few stray tears fell down his cheeks. You sighed and opened it before presenting it to him again. He leaned forward, trying to read it in the dim light and his eyes widened when he realized what it was.
“Oh wow, heh…” he nervously chuckled and rubbed the back of his head. “I…didn’t know you’d find that,” you narrowed your eyes. “You threw it in the trashcan of my office,” you replied before sniffling and wiping your eyes again.
“Why would I marry you when you have feelings for someone else!?” You exclaimed, stomping your foot against the floor while simultaneously shoving the letter into his face. “Huh?” Before he could say anything, you turned to walk down the ramp and toward the driveway.
“Y/n wait!” he replied, the letter falling from his hand, but you were intent on climbing into your car and going home. That is until you heard a powerful and distinctive roar. Subconsciously you knew what it was but turned around only to see Tensei barreling down the ramp at turbo speed.
His arms stretched out to his sides and the engines that protruded out of his elbows aided in his speed. You always thought Tensei’s propulsion jets were useful and that controlling them required skill. You recalled how he would easily fly into the air, scale buildings, and perform with precise precision when it came to his quirk.
After years of retirement, one would think he’d be rusty, and this was confirmed the moment he smacked into you. A loud cry left your lips at the force of him hitting you, and unlike Tensei, you couldn’t fathom how to react to the sudden moment. 
Your hands didn’t make any attempt to grab anything that may have helped cushion your fall, but it was just as well considering his arms wrapped around you. His wheelchair hit the driveway and bounced a few times before scraping across the pavement and finally coming to a stop.
Tensei cushioned your fall to the ground, and the sleeves of his shirt got torn as a result. But that meant very little to him, all he knew at this moment was that the fear of you leaving meant that everything the two of you had created would be gone. 
“Ah! Tensei!” you snapped, pushing against his chest. “Are you insane, what kind of stunt was that?! You could have hurt yourself!” you yelled, not caring about the volume of your voice. “Are you looking to get more paralyzed!? Is that what you want?!” you clenched your jaw. 
“Sometimes you are just so…” What was even the right word to use? “So irresponsible!” Digging your nails into his chest, you continued to yell. “What is the person you love going to think?!” You ignored the way he knit his eyebrows; he couldn’t play dumb now.
“I can’t marry someone who’s already in love with-” he leaned down, his face inches from yours. Once he saw that he had your attention, his features softened although he was still angry. How could you think that he was in love with someone else when it was clear that you were the only person for him? 
He ignored the snowflakes that began to fall from the sky. If he didn’t say this now, then he’d never get another chance. “The only person I’ve ever been in love with is you.” As expected, you froze, processing the information he had just spoken with the information you had assumed to be true. 
You shook your head, that couldn’t be. He had to be lying, pulling some kind of prank on you but that stern expression shining in his eyes said otherwise. Not to mention that still burning sense of leadership that surrounded him like a vice and shone like a beacon calling you home.
“I wrote that letter to help Eri, but the person I was talking about was you, Y/n,” he explained with a smile. “We’ve been through everything together. Do you think I could fall in love with anyone else?” He replied, and your eyes widened, yet at the same time, your irises shrunk as if they had just been exposed to a burst of light.
Uncontrollable chuckles escaped while your eyes glistened with a silent reservoir of tears that threatened to spill over. Tensei frowned when he saw this and although most of his body weight was on top of you, he slowly removed his arms from around you and used one arm to support himself.
Then he reached up to cup the side of your face. “Please don’t cry,” he said, “smiles are the only way to express happiness.” His pearly whites shined as the snow continued to gather against the ground around you. Somehow that was the stick that broke the dam and hot tears flooded down your cheeks like a rapid river.
“T-Tensei I…” you sniffled, and the cold air stung your wet cheeks. Words were useless and you found yourself wrapping your arms around him, longing for his warmth. The hand that was cupping your face now lay pressed against the ground beneath you.
Despite the tears that continued to flow, you smiled as you pressed your forehead against his. “I’m so relieved,” you admitted, your voice soft and slightly broken, but you were happy. Yes, you would probably look back and reflect on your assumptions that he was in love with someone else as a moment of…stupidity. 
Being honest and direct was always best, which is why a silent agreement lingered in the air when you pulled away. You reached up, tracing the outline of his face with your fingers and a sense of purpose. Your eyes meet his gaze with a mutual understanding, and you lean in.
The world went silent around you, and the heat of your drawing breath danced with Tensei’s creating a space of warmth as your lips met. Like a whirlwind, the kiss started with a calm front before a spark ignited, signaling a shared desire and the lustful caress of tongues.
Like the most succulent mouth-watering candy, his flavor-filled you, driving you to dive further into this moment of passion and love. Finally crossing the threshold of friendship and into a new and exciting territory. The sound of rushed footsteps caused the two of you to part and your desperate pants filled the air.
“What happened here?” Mr. Iida’s voice came, obviously alarmed by why the two of you were on the ground. He also happened to spot Tensei’s wheelchair a few feet away, folded and collapsed. Mrs. Iida laid her hand on her husband’s shoulder and stood beside him.
“We heard a commotion and-” her words halted when she looked at the unusual position Tensei and yourself were in. “Oh my…” She replied, trying to hide her pink-hued cheeks, although you weren’t sure if that was from the cold surroundings or the fact that she was flushing.
Tenya was the last one to speak after properly analyzing the situation. “I see!” he suddenly exclaimed, making you cringe as you waited in anticipation for his answer. “Your unusual behavior was driven by the desire to have a scheduled secluded moment of affection!” he concluded.
“That is rather…interesting,” he commented, ceasing his rapid hand-chopping. You could barely believe what you were hearing, but it was as good of an excuse as any to follow. “However, it seemed to have resulted in a rather inconvenient position. Do you require assistance standing, brother?” You looked at Tensei who laughed in response.
“Guess we did get a little carried away, sorry about that,” he said, and you pondered if any of his family members would notice or ask what happened to the sleeves of his shirt. Luckily, they didn’t or they were polite enough not to ask about it as Tenya assisted Tensei back into his wheelchair with the help of his father.
Without Tensei’s body against yours, the chill of the snowy air hit you like a brick. “Why don’t we go inside and brew some tea for you?” Mrs. Iida suggested when she noticed you trembling. You nodded and allowed her to escort you inside while Tenya followed suit with Tensei.
Once you were sitting in the foyer, Mrs. Iida wrapped a blanket around your shoulders. You sighed in contentment as you held a cup of warm matcha tea in your palms. Tensei was sitting next to you, and Mr. Iida was across the table, eager to resume the conversation you were having prior. 
It was still overwhelming, but it’s not like the Iida’s were strangers to you. Plus, you were marrying the man you had known for years and who held mutual feelings for you. Although you had no plans to retire from being a Pro Hero nor step down as the leader of the Idaten Agency.
Your promise to Tensei was to only pass on leadership to Tenya when he was good and ready. Until then, you’d keep doing what you were doing. Although Mr. Iida didn’t favor this, he ultimately abided by your wishes, if anything, to prevent the Idaten Agency and the Iida family legacy from dying along with it.
Your stomach was overwhelmed with butterflies by the time everything was discussed, or almost everything. While guests, food, music, and the like were agreed upon. The location and date for the wedding remained up in the air, but that could be addressed later.
A yawn escaped you, and you lazily rubbed your eyes. What a long and emotionally exhausting day it was. “Hm?” Tensei looked at you and laid his hand on your shoulder. “Getting tired?” He asked, and you responded with a nod.
“I guess planning does take a lot out of you,” he chuckled and looked at his father. “I’d like Y/n to stay the night,” while his request was out of his selfish desires, it was also evident that the roads were covered in a blanket of snow and he didn’t want to risk you driving in such dangerous weather, especially at this hour of the night. 
Mr. Iida narrowed his eyes; he was strongly against allowing an unmarried couple to sleep under the same roof because of his traditional ways. However, his wife spoke up, “Perhaps you can make an exception for tonight,” she suggested.
“Y/n can sleep in the guest room down the hall from our bedroom,” you raised your eyebrow, finding her words unusual. But more than likely she just wanted to ensure that you wouldn’t try and sneak to Tensei’s room in the middle of the night and vice versa.
Silence fell over the room as Mr. Iida contemplated. “Very well,” he said standing. “We will decide the date and location of the wedding later,” you swallowed hard, once again feeling a burst of butterflies erupt in your stomach. You turned to Tensei, who while surprised as well, shrugged.
“Maybe we could get married on the last day of the year?” he suggested, chuckling. You took a deep breath, trying to calm the uneasiness continuing in your stomach. “Right,” you replied before Mrs. Iida smiled and motioned you to stand up. 
“Isn’t this exciting?” She asked, cupping your hands. “Heh,” you offered her a smile and looked at Tensei while his father crossed his arms. “I guess, I’ll see you tomorrow?” He said, and your heart raced in anticipation when he smiled. You nodded. “Goodnight,” you said before Mrs. Iida escorted you out of the room. 
“I’m sure we have a spare set of sleeping attire for you,” she said as she turned down a hallway lined with several rooms. Despite knowing the vast majority of the Iida Estate’s layout, you only previously imagined what it would be like to live there.
After the marriage was official, you assumed Tensei’s parents would insist you move in, which would be the proper thing to do. But still, even if that happened you couldn’t imagine yourself getting used to the large amount of space and endless rooms.
“Here we are,” Mrs. Iida announced as she slid open the door to reveal the guest room. The flooring was hidden by tatami mats and a futon laid directly on them. In the center of the room was a chabudai, which sat low and had zabuton cushions surrounding it. 
Along the outside of the room was a narrow veranda that overlooked the garden. Overall, the room conveyed a sense of tradition and simplicity. You stepped inside it, looking around before turning back to Mrs. Iida. “It’s lovely, thank you,” she nodded and reached for the door.
“I’ll be back shortly with the sleeping attire,” she informed you before sliding said door closed. You smiled and took a deep breath. To think that by the end of the year, you’d be married. It was a strange feeling, and you pondered how many of the guests you suggested for the wedding would show up.
If anything, your team members would likely drop everything on the day of the wedding to help set it up. Of course, the wedding would also require a lot of last-minute planning. Not that you minded considering you were marrying your best friend. After Mrs. Iida returned with the sleeping wear you nestled yourself in for the night.
Like before, you lay staring at the ceiling with thoughts dancing in your mind, particularly of your Yuuei days. To think you’d go from being such a shy individual to the leader of Team Idaten and the soon-to-be spouse of the greatest hero you have ever known.
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emjiroki · 1 year
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Prince Shoto Todoroki x Court Lady Reader
Warnings: extreme fluff, arranged marriage, mentions of scars, Shoto is hopeless romantic and we love him ♡
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The late morning Autumn sun baked the windowsill stones as a soft breeze fluttered through the room, gently moving the silvery white fabric that trailed against the floor as you tighten the corset ribbons. The dress was a beautiful gift, handcrafted with delicate lace flowers and silky material, a true gift befitting a princess. You tightened the ribbons to the corset as Princess Fuyumi took a breath, a soft gasp eeking past her lips at the tight squeeze. You could feel her heartbeat hammering through the tight material as you continued to situate and fix, thrumming like the wings of a hummingbird. You gave her a cup of water that was on a nearby tray, a soft smile gracing you as she took the silver from your hands.
“Are you okay my lady? Feeling ill?” You asked with concern as her cheeks flushed.
“No. No, I’m fine,” She breathed, setting the cup aside, “just a bit nervous”. Her hands smoothed the material at her waist, her body fidgeting back and forth in the long mirror as she looked at her reflection. She was stunning in this dress, the deep blue of house Iida fitting her so well it really did feel like she was made for this.
“Nothing to be nervous about,” You said, finishing the backing with an easy knot bow due to this just being the fitting. But nerves were expected when planning to meet her future husband in a week. The dress box and a necklace with the family crest had arrived that morning at the castle gates by private messenger. Queen Rei immediately instructed you to have it fitted on Fuyumi to be tailored if needed and have it ready for the engagement ball.
“But what if he… doesn't want me?” She asked in a quiet voice, looking down at the floor, “What if we’re nothing alike and have no common interests? What if we aren’t meant to be and I end up like my parents?”. The conflicts between the King and Queen were far from private, their fights and cold behavior toward each other spilling over into the bare minimum family life they participated in. You had been taken in when you were only sixteen years old, an orphan made into an aid for the princess, and had quickly realized the strained dynamic that resided within the castle walls.
“But what if you are? And that night is the first night of the rest of your life?” You say, delicately taking her hand in yours as she looked over at you with her stone gray eyes filled with apprehension, “I’m certain everything will be alright”. She squeezed your hand for a moment so hard you thought your fingers would break but you let her, knowing she needed the grounding now more than ever.
“Tell me his name again,” She said, the hand not holding yours going down to pet along the patterned lace.
“Tensei Iida,” You said, having overheard the Queen discussing with her two private court ladies as they made wedding preparations.
“Tensei,” She said with a deep breath, the name rolling naturally off her tongue, “I like that”. You nodded as you fixed a strand of her hair that had fallen out of place, nearly jumping at the quick knock against the door. You bowed and stepped to the side as the Queen entered, gushing over how beautiful her daughter looked.
“Look at you! The prize of the country,” Rei said with an elated tone, hands flitting around her daughter looking for any marks or imperfections to the gown or her composure, “I can not believe that my lovely Fuyumi is going to be getting engaged to be married. The perfect Winter wedding, as is tradition”. The Todoroki’s were always married in the cold, their traditional wedding robes made of thick furs and deep crimson wool. But this time would be different as Fuyumi would only be in the crimson robes for the first half, changing the cloak over in the middle of the ceremony as a transition into the next family.
“Imagine if you are soulmates. A Royal pairing destined from birth, how romantic” Rei said with a dreamy sigh, giving her daughter a squeeze quickly before turning to you. “Does the gown need tailoring?”.
You shook your head. “No your highness, it fits perfectly. Expertly made,”.
“Excellent! Exactly what I wanted to hear,” She beamed, turning for the door once again, “We have many things to discuss Fuyumi, Meet me in the north wing parlor room as soon as you get your dress put away”. The wooden door shut heavily behind her, Fuyumi breathed a sigh of relief as her mother disappeared.
“Get this off of me, I would rather not look at it anymore,” She said curtly, undoing the bow behind her back as you moved quickly to loosen the corset. Once the garment was neatly folded away in a dressing trunk, the princess reluctantly left the room with a quiet “see you for supper” before the door shut behind her too. Fuyumi had always been reserved around her parents, going along with whatever they wanted for her just so she didn’t have to hear them fighting or be on the receiving end of their backlash. After Touya’s death and the second youngest son, Natsuo, leaving for a monastery almost immediately after the funeral before he could be crowned, the pressure had been put on her shoulders. And Shoto’s. Your cheeks burned thinking about the prince as you exited the dressing room and made your way across the hall, stopping by your small room on the way to grab the book you were reading so you could head to the gardens for a bit.
It really was a beautiful day, bugs and birds chirping as you made your way through the bloomed rose hedges and the soft dry grass beneath your feet. You always liked to escape to the back area where a few cherry trees blossomed, still smelling sweet in the fall coolness even with the flowers gone and the leaves turned a vibrant fire orange after the fruit was picked and made down into jams and wine, the spot was peaceful and a safe haven. You had just turned to the page with the folded corner when you heard the slightest shuffle of a footstep behind you.
“Your Father training you on your stealth skills?” You asked with a smile when you heard the prince sigh in annoyance behind you.
“He’s not doing a very good job apparently,” Shoto said, flopping down onto the grass on his back and laying his head on your lap where your legs were crossed under your long cotton dress.
“Maybe you are just not a good student,” You said, giggling as he reached up to push your face playfully.
“Such kind words for the man that wants your hand in marriage,” Shoto huffed, prying one of your hands off the book, lacing your fingers together, and pressing soft kisses to your knuckles. You could feel your lips turning down, brow furrowing out of his view for a moment. You always disliked when he brought up marriage.
“I know you’re grimacing behind your book,” He said pointedly, freehand coming up and pushing the book down so he could make eye contact with you.
“You know I don’t like when you talk like that,” You chided, bopping him very lightly with the hardbound spine.
“Like what? Like someone who loves you more than I have air to breathe?” Shoto mused, pressing one more lingering kiss to the back of your hand before placing it on his head, closing his eyes against the feeling of your fingers running through his red and white hair, nails lightly scratching at the scalp as you felt him relax further against you. The sunlight filtering through the leaves on the trees cast shadows of swaying branches and spots of light against Shoto’s soft face, like bright heaven kisses against his cheeks, his eyelids, and even the scar surrounding his turquoise eye, making him all the more ethereal. He always seemed to take your breath away, your hand faltering for a split second when he cast his bright heterochromatic eyes to yours, the blue and gray shining with so much warmth and adoration that your eyes began to sting with tears.
“I’ve never felt love like I do for you,” Shoto said quietly, a soft breath of vulnerability and admittance for you alone. Before you could even think about replying, the loud voice of one of the King’s attendants rang out across the garden and scattered the birds.
“YOUR MAJESTY! YOUR PRESENCE IS REQUESTED BACK IN THE TRAINING ROOM”. They always knew where to find him, but at least were none the wiser of your beings here. Shoto groaned, calling back a quick “I’m coming!” before sitting up and grasping your jaw in his hand.
“Meet me here tonight, After dinner. I want to see you again,” He said, bending in quickly to press a hard kiss on your forehead as you nodded, fighting the smile from your face. And in a flash, he was gone, wanting to be quick so as not to bring them searching. If anyone caught you two together it could mean the worst of endings. Exiled to the forest to die by the teeth of some beast or, worst, beheaded in a public display. Used as an example of what happens when inferior blood attempts to mix with the royal family. Being allowed a room in the castle alone was more than anything anyone like you could hope to receive from a family of such high standing, according to several quotes over the years from both the King and Queen. Fuyumi had always said to let their comments roll off your back, like water on a duck's feathers, never take heed to their words, and just smile and nod. Even if it felt like acid was boiling behind your teeth as you bit your tongue to keep your composure. An uneasy feeling squirmed like eels fighting the lingering butterflies in your stomach as you thought back to Shoto’s words.
‘The man that wants your hand in marriage'. He had said it with so much conviction, so assuredly that hope had bloomed in your chest for a moment. But it was always a means to an end, and with your luck, not a good one. The close relationship Shoto and you had was forbidden in the eyes of his parents, and almost everyone else, but the prince wouldn’t relent. Starry-eyed confessions in the dark of your room of running away, far away, across the ocean and leaving this big castle and all of the problems and torments inside of it behind. Slip through the cracks like a ghost in the night and vanish before morning dawn. It wasn’t a plan, barely even the bones of one, but the way he held you and spoke so softly it felt like it could be reality. Even as tears wetted your cheeks. You took a deep breath and pushed the thoughts away, not wanting to go into this dinner in a sour mood knowing the Queen’s cheer would bring about a worse one.
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