#Iida loves black women
real-hot-grl-shi · 3 months
when they do that shi when they look up and glare >>>> 🤭
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romaevelizz · 4 months
Thinking of Iidas pretty lil girlfriend who is so down right jealous of Momo. I wanna write a little Drabble a pout it it’s actually like insane. I love Momo dearly but for the sake of a fic this has to be done
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cvnt4him · 4 months
You've summoned a succubus!!
Human!izuku x succubus!reader
Warnings; reader is black and in most of my fics she probably will be so, yeah. Also like sex. This is my first time writing sex n most of the time I get weirded out by it so... Lemme know if it's ass💀 quirkless AU
This was originally written on May 22 and I'm finishing it now for izuku week, my writing style is outdated or probably the same idk enjoy<33
I mean when have I ever used warning 💀
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It was a late stormy night at UA in kaminaris room. All the boys huddled up playing games like, never have I ever, kiss marry kill and more.
In a game of truth or dare, the topic of sex came up. It was midoriya's and being the person denki is, he asked; "have you ever lost your virginity?"
Earning snickers and sneers from everyone in the room.
Midoriyas eyes were wide, brows furrowed in a terrified look. He hadn't lost his virginity. He hadn't even kissed anyone.
Bakugou looked at izukus panicked face already knowing the answer. Despite not being friends in bakugous eyes, he knew things about izuku that no one else knew, including things involving kissing, sex, ect.
Iida instantly attempted shutting the question down, not just for the comfort of his clearly nervous friend but because such inappropriate and personal things shouldn't be discussed!!!
"kaminari! Don't tease izuku into answering such lewd and private things. How about we play a different game."
Bakugou scoffs and chimes in.
"tch, have YOU even lost YOUR virginity, dunce face? Hell, have ANY of you morons even lost it???"
He ends his sentence with a smirk on his face looking at everyone in the room, as silence fills it completely.
Throat being cleared and looks being exchanged between the other boys.
Izuku sighed feeling a load being let off of him, he turned to bakugou and smiled sincerely.
Bakugou double takes looking at izuku eyes slightly widening at his smile. He wouldn't admit it but a slight blush crept onto his face as he rolled his eyes shuffling his knees up to his face to cover the lower half of it still having a smug look on his lightly tinted cheeks.
Izukus smile simply grew wider as he brought his eyes back forward to the other boys as sero decided to change the subject.
"so, has anyone ever heard of summoning demons?~"
Sero sung in a certain tone, hinting at something.
"what are you referring to?" Kirishima said with a smirk and raising a brow
Everyone else was also intrigued in some way, but oh not izuku. That poor little baby was shaking in his little red boots.
Before any of them knew it, they were in the schools basement, the dark, creaky, stinky, scary, dingy, crusty, probably infectious, and unsafe, AND unsanitary, basement.
Ohohoho yeah. Izuku regretted coming to this 'boys only' sleepover. The girls would never let something like this happen!
Izuku was a girls boy, a mamas boy, n js genuinely respectful towards everyone, but women sure did love him, and he knew it. He preferred gaining praise from women than men.
Maybe that's why bakugou always called him a pussy, he enjoyed being around women more than men. Hell, bakugou had probably gone as far as calling him a ladyboy. But that was when they were younger!! (Bakugous had hella improvement I'll let it be shown!)
Izuku gulped hardly, as he followed the other boys into the basement, each step he took the stairs creaked and dented in, he felt like he was gonna fall through n break his neck.
"what are we even doing here, idiot number 3."
Bakugou murmured a bark at sero, due to the heavy echo in the empty, wet, and dingy basement.
"I agree, it's dark, cold, wet, it reeks of mildew, and it seems highly unsanitary to be in here. We could get in serious trouble if we get caught."
Iida agrees with bakugou, pointing out obvious facts of the horrible smelling place.
"IF we get caught, which we won't. Also ouch bakubro... I'll process that pain on my own time."
Sero replied in a hushed tone.
"why is he number 3?" Denki, stupid enough, asks.
"because you and shitty hair are the other 2."
Bakugou explained pointing to the two earning laughs and chuckles from the others.
"hurtful man!" Kirishima says holding his heart with a fake sniffle.
"now now, lets get back to business boys."
Sero boasted hinting to the numerous of articles he found by searching 'how to summon a demon'.
As he grasped everyone's attention, they're eyes adverting to his phone reading what he searched.
"are you fucking kidding me?"
"what? What's the matter?"
"you've officially been ranked up to 'dumbest cunt in the fucking world'."
Everyone laughs loudly, but is instantly silenced by the loud lighting and thunder outside.
"thank you. Now, huddle close everyone, let's summon a fucking demon!" Sero exclaims.
Some time later they eventually find an article titled 'How To Summon A Succubus'.
"you're not supposed to uppercase small things like "to" and "the" and other things like that in titles."
Everyone slowly turns their heads to bakugous direction at his sudden words.
"fucking dork"
"I'm not a dork idiot, I just know to correctly use uppercase letters in things to where they are needed. Dumb ass loser." Bakugou says in a whisper yelled voice.
"gentlemen, I believe I've found something." Sero interrupts, referring to him finding instructions on how to 'summon' a succubus.
Everyone looks ahead as sero reads the instructions.
"first and foremost, you do not summon a succubus as there is no technical way. To correctly invite a succubus to your home is easy, but first you must know the dos and donts when it comes down to succubi. Don't, blah blah blah, boring boring boring..." Sero scrolls through and finds the REAL instructions to summoning a succubus.
"ah ha there we are! How to officially summon a succubus! For starters, succubi prefer to know who they're meeting if they haven't watched over you before, interesting, with that being said you should have a glass of sperm for them to taste to know you and what they're working with.."
The dark haired boys voice trails off into silence as he begins to look around at everyone.
"so...who wants to come inside of a cup!!"
Sero exclaims with a faux smile waving his hands around in a 'jazz hands' motion.
Everyone murmurs to their neighbor or to themselves not wanting to volunteer.
"how about we all do it? Y'know, let it have options?"
Todoroki chimes into the silence, having everyone look at him as he blinks then turns his head to the side slightly like a puppy.
"well, there's an idea."
"not a bad one actually."
Everyone eventually agreed as sero handed out shot glasses to everyone as they all ushered upstairs.
Iida looked at them all in a fit of disgust as he then turned to izuku who looked down at the cup with a pretty much emotionless face, and took the initiative to speak up.
"there is no way in hell you're all actually doing this, right??" He questions, judging everyone extremely hard.
Izuku looks up to his taller friend and blinks twice before looking forward.
Everyone looks around and in some way agrees.
"what, ya scared four eyes? Scared you won't get picked by the demon thing?"
Bakugou teases which angers iida and makes him look around in a flustered and embarrassed estate.
"succubus, bakugou"
"shut the hell up, shitty hair."
"you've gotta drop that name, man."
As they all scurry off into conversation, iida looks down still slightly embarrassed as izuku notices and pats his shoulder, making iida look down to izuku as he offers iida a soft smile.
Iida sighs and looks forward.
"yeah well you sick cunts can enjoy yourselves, izuku and I aren't taking part in this disgusting situation." He adjusts his posture and his glasses on his face, and sets his shot glass on denkis bedside table folding his arms.
Wait what?
Izuku shoots his head up to iida with wide eyes and a confused face as iida looks down at him ushering for back up to his previous words as izuku simply looks back and forth.
Iida scoffs at this, as it makes bakugou laugh and out his arm around izukus shoulder.
"see look, even little old deku wants to participate, why you gotta be such a loser, man?"
Izuku looks up at bakugou then to iida and furrows his brows in an apologetic manner.
Iida rolls his eyes and scoffs once more.
"fine, you all can enjoy yourselves, really I hope you do. But let's just say this whole, fiasco doesn't work. There'll just be glasses of cum in the basement. What if teachers decide to come down here? Huh? Then what."
He says talking with his hands as he gets even angrier at izukus betrayal.
No one has thought of that.
"welp no going back now."
Denki says as he goes to his bathroom closing the door and locking it as everyone walked off to different places to get themselves off and cum into a shot glass..
Izuku sighed as he ended up walking to his dorm for more privacy.
He looks at the glass in his hand and wondered...
How the hell will he come inside of this tiny thing??
Izuku comes a lot, and by alot I mean... ALOTTTT.
There's just always so much!!
And his post nut clarity is always the worst.
But if there was one thing about izuku, it's that he loved to jack off.
It was just so relaxing to him. It's healthy too! It reduces his anxiety and calms his nerves!
So truly he had no problem with jacking off, he was just worried he'd make a big mess!
Izuku ends up shrugging off the worry and pulls down his shorts, palming himself through his boxers. He sighed, his head dropping back against his door. he starts getting rougher with his motions as his cock begins to get harder and harder against his palm. He ends up whimpering as his palm grazes against his clothed tip.
He opens his eyes, looking down as he hurriedly pulled his boxers down and wrapped his hand around his aching cock, bucking unto his own hand he slowly moves his hand up and down his cock, eyes rolling back as the tip of his length starts dripping with precum.
Izuku always leaks so much pre! His cock just gets so wet with all the pre he leaks, the noises his slippery cock makes is just so loud!!
And it's not like his moans and whispers make it any better, But really don't hold it against him, he just can't help himself!!
He ends up speeding his motions as he moves his hand to the tip of his cock and swirls the tip, overstimulating him and sending him completely over the edge as he rolls his eyes back, muffled moans falling from his lips, as he bites his lower.
He comes undone so quickly as he groans deeply as he cums everywhere, filling up the shot glass that he lowered to the tip of his cock.
His cum shoots long quick spurts from his cock, getting all over his hand, over flowing the shot glass, and even getting on his floor.
His cock slowly softens and twitches, as he sighs deeply trying to gain his composure back as he opens his eyes to see the huge mess he's made.
'shit.' he thinks to himself. Now he has a mess to clean.
Izuku walks back to denkis dorm with a paper towel around his shot glass trying to assure nothing spills on the floor.
He sighs thinking to himself wondering why the hell he even did this.
Izuku was the last one to get back to denkis room, as everyone's eyes shot to his direction he clears his throat motioning that he'd done the task everyone else had.
"alright, izukus the last of us so, let's summon a succubus!!"
The guys whooped and hollered as izuku set his glass down and sighed as bakugou stood next to him exhaling deeply.
"I cannot believe I fucking sat here and came inside of a shot glass for something stupid shit that probably won't even work."
They all rushed back down to the basement as sero has already drawn the pentagram.
"so we set our glasses of cum around the edges like this," he motions to the glasses everyone had set down in a circle.
"and then we light these candles,"
He snaps, and that makes kirishima and denki go around and light the candles they had set up.
"and last but not least, we say the chant!."
"Yeah, I'm not saying a fucking chant, I'm tired I'm going to bed. Come on nerd."
Bakugou says to izuku as he begins walking up the basement stairs as izuku yawns, following like a lost puppy.
"fine fine we'll say the chant then!"
He says to the rest of the boys as they all grab hands and begin to chant the spell they found online.
[however I'm lazy and couldn't find anything online and don't feel like making anything up so time skip to sleepy bye time.]
Everyone had emerged back upstairs and into denkis room to do the last thing of the sleepover.
Izuku and katsuki had long passed out, iida left long ago to his own dorm.
As the rest of the boys got in their designated spots.
Denki in the bed with kirishima, and the others all around the floor somewhere.
[that's my impersonation of lighting n shit stfu😒]
The loud banging and crashes of the continuous storm outside was enough to wake izuku up. Hell he'd dare even say he already was awake.
He tried to soothe and calm himself by imagining he was in his own bedroom, alone, in his nice comfortable bed.
It'd almost worked up until he heard footsteps. Loud thudding of steps outside the hall.
His eyes shot open wide, with a look of terror he turned his head up towards the door. Practically shaking underneath his cover.
He was scared to say the least. Was it the succubus? Had it come to eat them?
Or maybe banish them all to hell for disrupting it's privacy!
His mind was running a mile per minute, so many things coming to mind thinking of what the demon would do to them.
As he heard the footsteps stop, that was enough to get him up and out of that room, leaving the cover and pillow denki has given him he dashed out and running to his dorm which wasn't too far away luckily.
He had ran so fast he didn't even notice the 6ft succubus outside denkis door.
Your POV.
You were in your cutesy little room laying down enjoying your time alone. Long French curl braids in a high ponytail, brown and red wings out together behind your back as your tail moves with a mind of its own.
Being a succubus really is hard work!!
You had just gotten off of 'work' from the human realm, sucking some old mans dick. You love cum. Really you do, but it's not fun when you're fucking the same old cunts who don't bring anything to the table besides little to no cum.
'Where were all the youngsters summoning demons?' It really had you thinking.
You sighed, deciding to drop your horrible day, and watch a movie in your fav pyjamas!
You made popcorn, had a hotdog, and some soda n snacks too.
It was truly perfect.
Until you were oh so rudely interrupted by a pentagram spawning below you. Bright lights of yellow orange and red sucking your pyjamas off, and before you knew it sucking you right back to where you'd never left.
The human realm.
You groan knowing the rules; You can't leave until your job is finished.
You opened your eyes seeing as you were on the ground, in a basement of some sort, it reeked.
You looked around checking your surroundings as something delicious caught your attention.
It was cum. And not just any cum. Cum from teenagers, most likely virgins, boy did you love virgins!!
You smiled widely as you picked up one glass that had a piece of paper next to it.
'sero' it read,
You shrugged assuming who evers cum this was, was named sero.
You sniff the enticing aroma before letting the slimy white liquid fall into your tongue.
It was delicious. You had to taste more!! Luckily for you, there were so many glasses awaiting you. Whoever summoned you, knew exactly what they were doing.
You drank all of them one by one, tasting the different flavors and textures of them all.
You had one more left, a nice thick white load waiting for you, you hadn't really savoured the last ones you devoured, you figured you could take your time with this one.
You picked it up and grabbed the note next to it as well, 'midoriya', it read.
"well, thank you midoriya.~" you whispered in a sultry tone, dipping your long tongue into the small glass. As soon as your tongue touched the liquid, you were in heaven. A nice salty flavor that wasn't too strong but just delicious enough for you to be hooked.
You moaned lowly as you drank all of the come, licking up every little drop inside of the glass. The flavor of his cum truly did have you wanting more.
You got up and walked to the stairs looking up at the door, before taking the steps up to find the source to your delicious heaven.
Eventually you had made it to the dorms, it not being too hard to navigate through the building, you made it to the first floor which was where the boys were camping out in denkis dorm room.
You started walking slowly so as not to wake anyone you only wanted to find the source really, then you'd be on your way.
You eventually stopped at denkis doorz smelling izukus scent through it, although there were other events of the previous cum you had tasted, his was the one you were locked onto.
Before you could do anything, the door flung open as you seen a body running out hurriedly.
You knew that was izuku given when he passed you his scent got stronger. Had you wanting to practically eat him up.
You smirked, and walked toward his same direction.
Izuku had breathed heavily, closing his door and jumping into his bed face first into his pillows as he sighed deeply.
He finally felt calm, comfortable, tired.
Izuku turned over in his bed, pulling his covers up onto him and closing his eyes with a smile and a soft sigh.
You opened his door and closed it loud enough for him to jump.
He looked at your silhouette and the way you walked towards him, he was paralyzed with fear, he couldn't even speak. Just shaking in his bed as you crept towards him.
You crawled into his bed, getting ontop of him.
Your faces are now levelled together, noses touching. Hes so scared, shaking, quietly whimpering, and closing his eyes out of fear.
You smiled at the adorably delicious scene infront of you.
"hello, hunny~" you whisper, breath fanning his face.
He opened his eyes to see you, a beautiful, human looking [for the most part] demon.
He couldn't speak, but boy were you beautiful.
"there we go sweet boy~" you say in a honey sweet voice, trying to calm his nerves.
You were all about consent, really you were, and with him being a virgin all you Wana do is rock his world and make him feel better than life itself.
You giggle as he just stares at you, mouth opening and closing trying to find some kind of words, yet his voice can't seem to make any coherent words or sounds.
You run your claws through his hair in a soothing motion at a slow pace, it really had calmed him. He sighed into your face, head leaning forward and touching your forehead with his.
You smile softly putting another hand of his cheek, removing your other from his hair to fully cut his squishy baby like face.
His attention was brought to you as you brung his head up to face you. he relaxed in your hands face leaning against you warm palms.
"can I have you?" You ask him, still whispering to not alarm him too much, trying to keep the mood set in the soft alley it was in.
He gulped, still not able to get any words out, managing to nod with his head in your hands.
You grin, removing your hands to rub them up and down his clothed body. He sighed heavily, lidded eyes watching your every move closely.
You look him deep in his eyes, not wanting to break eye contact, he felt like you were staring at his soul. Maybe you were, maybe you weren't, he couldn't care about anything in this given moment. All hr wanted was you, the excitement was getting to him as you felt his member get hard against your thigh.
You smirk at the sudden feeling and shift your body so now you were directly on the tent in his pants. Once you heard him whimpered at the feeling you began rocking and grinding your hips into him, at an agonizingly slow pace.
He sighed deeply once more, hands moving to your hips, as you giggle.
"getting bold are we?"
He couldn't even give real words, moaning as an answer due to the feeling of you grinding on him, you were so warm and you were with him. He always thought he'd never get a girlfriend or even lose his virginity but getting to feel this was amazing.
He continually moans as he starts bucking his hips into you making you laugh deeply, and place your hands on his chest to grab some kind of control in this situation.
You start grinding harder into him speeding up your pace, little by little, and boy was this getting to him, his moans started slipping out more fluidly, he couldnt even control them, they just fell out of his mouth.
They sounded so pretty coming from him, his hips matching the pace you had set grinding into him.
"I'm.. gonna cum.. g'na cu...- c-cumming...~"
He finally spoke, eyes rolling back as came hard in his shorts and underwear.
You couldn't help but laugh as you slowed your motions to a complete stop.
His breaths were rigid, as he tried to maintain his composure, he looked up at you, embarrassed and flushed, he had came his pants.
It was so embarrassing and the only thing he could do was hide his face in your fur covered boobs.
You wipe away a tear from your laughter as you look down at him, his face buried in your bossom as you smiled, and got up, he whimpered at the loss of warmth on his face and lap.
"awhh~ poor baby came his pants," you giggle as you look down at the huge wet patch on clothed, his still hard cock.
He looked down at his cock and the huge amount of cum he made. Izuku always cums a lot really, but that was just.... Far too much.. right??
He was so embarrassed he didn't know what to do, back in his previous state of not talking.
You hummed and moved down to untie his shorts and pull them completely off, he whimpered at your strength and how much taller than him your truly were.
Once they were completely off you crawled into of him, you were going to wring this mortal dry. You pull him into a kiss that took him by surprise, he moaned into the kiss having you swallow all of his little mewls and high pitched moans.
You settled above his cock and looked down at him deep in his emerald green eyes, they were washed over with pure lust and were so glossy with his tears forming.
You giggle to yourself before slowly lowering yourself in his unwrapped cock, he choked on his moans instantly and bucked his hips up into you causing you to lose balance and fall completely onto his cock. The stretch was quite a nice one definitely not what you expected.
You had to try hard not to completely lose yourself on his godforsaken cock. He was trying so hard not to cum but it's like his hips wouldn't stop snapping up into your ass, the squelches and plapping sound of your bodies meeting was far too much for his little virgin brain.
Izukus eyes started rolled as his hands instantly went to your hips on instinct, he pulled himself closer to you and began wailing inside of your ear, his sobs were nothing less than adorable, the way he choked moans out and they got strangled inside of his throat was divine. His cock twitching inside of you is what told you that he was soon to cum. Being what you are you didn't mind letting him bury his seed deep inside of you, it sounded like a good time to you.
"I'm ah~ go- going to cum! please please please let- hic! let me cum.."
Oh wow, never once had you said that he couldn't cum. The fact he felt the need to beg to release his dirty cum inside of you is what had you laughing while you bounced in his pathetic little cock. His eyes were squeezed shut trying to maintain the tears that flowed down but there was no stopping them, he was hiccupping and trying his hardest to bury his cock within your velvety walls. The way they convulsed and contracted against his cock had his head spinning, he was delirious.
He was in such a wonderful haze, his mind was being clouded with the pure utter lust he was feeling for you, he was so close to cumming the only thing on his mind was trying to chase his orgasm that soon then crashed onto him like a train. His back arched into you as he squeezed you tight, his arms went around your waist and he sobbed into your breasts.
You laughed the entire time, you continued to purposely squeeze around his cock causing him to be overstimulated. Izuku was shocked by a whole other wave of pleasure and pain mixed, his head started pulsating and spinning with pleasure that eventually he passed out underneath you.
With that you took your leave, you got what you were summoned for and left without a word or a sound creating a portal back to your world. You hope this little perv has adorable little dreams about you<3
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AN: where it says "he didn't notice how much taller than him you truly were." After that is where I took over the story, If you couldn't tell.
This is the earliest I've EVER gotten a fic out for izuku week like oml wow the luck now I don't have to stress up and down and what I'm going to post, I love my zuzu fr I do but I cant believe I out myself through this entire week like I'm so stressed out i want to quit but I don't at the same time.
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libra-kirishima · 1 year
Oh my goodness I just read your Iida family HC and my heart erupted!!! I'd love to see what you come up with for Kirishima or Bakugou!
I literally got this request two years ago I am so sorry.
But bestie I am so glad you asked because I have so many thoughts. I think about them a lot.
Family Headcanons for Kirishima + Bakugou
! implied fem reader !
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Kirishima Eijirou
Kirishima definitely has at least one older sister. Probably a very close relationship with his mom as well. The women in his life played such a huge role in making him the person that he is today.
Having said that, I can only see Kirishima as a girl dad.
He radiates huge "girl dad" energy. And he's so proud about it too. Having girls is his favorite thing ever.
I can see you and him with three girls, each of them are 2 or 3 years apart, and they all have red eyes and black hair.
Not a single one of your daughters looks like you, I'm sorry. He insists that they all have your smile, though.
He's super involved from the minute you tell him you're pregnant. Taking you to every doctor's appointment, helping you with whatever you need, designing the nursery.
Once he found out he was having a girl, he made you sit down with him every night while he learned how to do your hair. It was so important to him for him to know how to comb and style hair so he could help get them ready for school in the future.
One aspect of fatherhood he's surprisingly hands-off about is picking a name. He wants you to do it and he's completely happy with whatever you pick.
A name is just not that important to him. Whatever you want your girl's names to be will be special to him. Not because he carefully chose a name with a special meaning, but because it's his daughter's name and she is special to him.
Although his disinterest in helping you pick a name definitely started a fight between the two of you when you were pregnant with your first, because it felt like he didn't care enough to help you pick.
He's super involved after the kids are born too.
Strongly encourages them to get into something physical. Ballet, soccer, gymnastics, baseball, volleyball. He doesn't care. He'll let them do anything that they want so long as it gets them moving.
And he goes to every performance and every game. He's in the front row of every school play with a bouquet of roses in his hands. He's your girls' biggest cheerleader.
Your girls would tell him everything too. He's surprisingly good at keeping up with stories of teenage girl drama and gives them his full attention any time there's an update.
I can see Kirishima with a TV Sitcom ass family that other kids in the neighborhood would come to for advice or a safe space to hang out.
Kirishima cries at everything. Cried when he learned you were pregnant. Cried when each one of your daughters was born. He cries at birthdays, at graduations, at holidays, at performances, at major milestones.
Definitely calls his daughters "manly" as a compliment.
It's really important to him that his kids get along with each other and always have each other's backs. Your kids aren't allowed to fight in your house. If they do start fighting he takes them aside and makes them work it out.
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Bakugou Katsuki
When he was a teenager he had a complicated relationship with his parents, specifically with his mom. But as he gets older he starts to understand them more and they get along better.
His parents never really told him they were proud of him or praised him because Mitsuki was worried it would go to his head.
He also felt like his parents were embarrassed by him because of the way he acted. (They were)
When you met him, he insisted that he never wanted kids.
It took him a long time but he eventually changed his mind. He had a lot of growing and changing to do before thinking about starting a family.
A huge part of his hesitation came from the difficult task of contending with his past. He was cruel and abusive as a kid and became so worried about his kid turning out like him at that age. And if they did, he wouldn't know what to do to stop it, just like his parents didn't with him.
A lot of his parenting is modeled after his parents. Not only what they did right, but what he thinks they did wrong as well. He wants to learn from his parents' mistakes and do better than they did.
Bakugou may not be the best dad but he'll always stand by his kid and support them them regardless of the circumstance.
He's never been very articulate or very in-touch with his emotions. He struggles to tell his loved ones that he loves them, your kid included. Because of this, he makes sure to show them that he loves them.
When you tell him you're pregnant, he doesn't really react. He doesn't even stop watching the news to look you in the eye. You're worried that he doesn't care but internally he's so happy. He doesn't say so. Doesn't even smile. His way of reassuring you that he wants this is by asking you what you want the nursery to look like, and getting to work moving all the furniture out of the guest room to turn it into the baby's room as soon as he wakes up the next day.
He doesn't care about the sex of the baby. He just wants it to be happy and healthy.
Very involved in the process of picking a name, though.
He suggests a bunch of names that he thinks sound strong and powerful but are actually really stupid.
I also see Bakugou with a little girl. Just one, though.
He feels bad that he can't be more involved in his kid's life because of his job, so he only wants one child. He thinks he'll do his best as a parent when all of his free time can be devoted to her.
He also spoils her rotten and justifies it because she's his only kid.
Any fear that he has about his kid being mean like he was completely disappears when he holds her in his arms for the first time and sees that she has kind eyes just like yours.
Having a kid forces him to become a lot more level-headed. He refuses to argue with his baby girl like he used to argue with his mom, no matter how much she tries to provoke him. As much as he loves his mom, the constant push and pull between them is not an aspect of her parenting he wants to carry over.
I feel like he's great when your kid is still a kid, but really struggles with the teenage years. No matter how many times you tell him it's normal, he doesn't understand why she doesn't tell him everything anymore or why she thinks she's too cool to spend time with him.
The type of parent to yell at your daughter to get out of her room and go outside.
Your daughter wants to be a hero just like her daddy. I think a lot of the strain that was put in the relationship when she was a teenager is repaired when she becomes an adult and they start working together.
Bakugou is her favorite parent and neither of you understand why.
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bi-bi-bi-buckley · 3 months
I am not sure if this is appropriate to talk about, or if it's been talked into the ground. I have been away from the My Hero fandom for years so I'm not fully caught up on anything that has happened in it, but I have something on my heart that I want to have a discussion about, or at least just share my thoughts as a woman on a certain subject matter.
That being the female heros' hero costumes. I'm not fully caught up in the manga, only caught up in the anime last week but from what I've seen every female hero costume is sexualized to some degree. Including the students, the youngest of which being 15 I believe.
Besides the obvious issues with the age thing, I just wanted to talk about what this feels like as a woman. I grew up watching D.C shows and movies. And to be fair D.C (and Marvel) are not much better. Historically female heros always were made for the male gaze and heavily sexualized. Now I know it's anime and that's like a part of anime culture, but that doesn't make it right.
I had to grow up watching characters like Black Canary wear bodysuits to fight in while her counterparts got armor or at least padding. I watched as Artemis (from Young Justice) be in a skin tight crop top and pants.Then when I was 14, my freshman year of high school, I began watching My Hero and the cycle repeated.
As a little girl, I of course wanted to dress up as these women. They were powerful and so cool! But I didn't feel comfortable doing so because of their outfits. When I began watching My Hero, my mom wanted me to dress up as a female character (she didn't like the idea of me dressing up as a boy) but I told her I couldn't because all of them were hyper sexualized.
I bring this up because this is damaging. It broke a small part of me knowing I couldn't dress up as these women without sacrificing my own comfort and showing off my body. I wanted to showcase my love for these characters but I couldn't.
Now, BNHA does broach the subject of "sexy" costumes. Twice. One being when Uraraka gets her hero costume. (Which is a total nightmare- skin tight and heels?!) And the second time with a news broadcast with Midnight and Mt. Lady. At its fundamental level I understand what Midnight was saying. That sometimes they are not trying to be sexy but it's just the nature of the user's quirk. But that doesn't mean that the hero should have to wear costumes like that. Obviously not all women have the same view I do if revealing clothing so some female heroes would still wear sexier costumes. Like Midnight and Mt. Lady.
But I think little girls deserve to see they have a choice. And by extension, the girls of class 1-A. I've seen people have ideas for Momo, as her quirk does require revealed surface area of her skin. They get around with pants and a crop top. That way for larger things she could lift her shirt up but still hide her chest unlike her current costume which is needlessly revealing. She's 15! And all of them are wearing body suits while the male students get armor! Literally in the case of Iida. Uraraka's quirk only requires her finger pads to be uncovered, and it is explicitly mentioned how her costume makes her uncomfortable. She also is forced to fight in heels that look they are about to snap off with just a wrong step. I can't name one female hero in My Hero that doesn't have a sexualized hero costume. Now, it's at varying levels but they still have non functional costumes meant for the male gaze.
I know Horikoshi won't change this, so I'm not asking him to fix it. I just wanted to say this as it's been on my mind for the past couple of weeks.
I'd love to have a discussion about this! I just request that it remains civil! But I would love to hear other people's thoughts on this. I'm sure my view isn't as researched as it could or should be. I am not trying to start any arguments at all! This is just a topic that weighs heavy on my heart and I wanted to share it.
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violetlunette · 2 years
Which Class A girl had the most potential for an arc? I'll say Momo.
She exists for the purposes of fanservice. BUT:
She's a genius.
Has a horrifically powerful quirk.
Is a recommended student.
Comes from a wealthy family who possibly are also heroes. (It's hilarious that we don't know details like this about a supposed main character, lol!)
Experiences the sexist nature of hero society at the forefront.
During Bakugo's match with Uraraka, the audience, Iida, and the heroes all acted like women were inferior to men and you shouldn't beat them up. This attitude is never seen again, but it's good bones for a story.
When we look at what we've got here, there's some great material. Take her internship. She has the power to create anything but living creatures, but she was accepted by a famous heroine because she's very conventionally attractive. Snake Lady basically said "You're smart and your quirk makes you a goddess, but forget about that. You're hot, and I can use you to market products."
Of course MHA can't be bothered to explore how pissed and gutted someone should be in a situation like this. And nothing ever comes of it! That's always the case with Momo, and it's both hilarious and sad. She exists for the purposes of taking losses. She's never allowed to do anything interesting with her quirk. She can create anything and she uses it to make sticks! Snake Lady could have also had good reasons for saying that. From her perspective, this is how you become a successful female hero. You sell sex appeal, and you market products and you make lots of money and get fame and success. So it's not really a black and white situation here. Momo is being exploited here, and the person doing it is teaching her how to game the system. It's a systemic issue.
And as far as being wasted potential? 100% Momo. If she got even 10% of the sauce that Izuku, Todoroki, and Bakugo gets, she'd be incredible.
Like just imagine for a second if she swapped quirks with Bakugo, and Bakugo remained as important in this alternate universe as he is in canon.
We'd see an unholy amount of bullshit from Creation. It would be awe inspiring. I doubt alternate, Explosion wielding Momo would do as much with Explosion as Bakugo does. Knowing this author, maybe she'd have the power to trigger the explosions from any part of her body, and so she's always blowing up her clothes.
As far as the other ones go:
Uraraka was interesting until she got pigeonholed into being the token love interest that Izuku's going to get with in the epilogue. No effort was put into developing their relationship, and she got no further development once it was decided that her character was supposed to mirror Toga's. RIP.
I wouldn't say she was as wasted as Momo because her quirk isn't really the best for the constantly escalating fights that MHA gets into. She'd have been infinitely better off if the author had stuck to his original idea and quirk swapped her with Mount Lady.
"I grow taller and larger and kick and punch people"! Fits the "PLUS ULTRA MORE POWER 100%!" vibe this series goes for. We saw the devastation that Gigantomachia did with his giant quirk. Maybe the author would have let Uraraka do something cool with it.
Tsuyu's the level headed one who wants everyone to follow the rules and be sensible. Which disqualifies her from playing a major role in a show about being reckless and breaking the rules. In theory, there's nothing stopping her frog quirk from being just as powerful as Mirko's rabbit quirk.
She fell off entirely and barely got anything after the USJ. She started off very promising as one of Izuku's friends.
Toru's a one note joke character and the depths of her light manipulation wasn't explored enough to be useful. She's bad at stealth and gets found out easily. She's not good at martial arts. She's not good at anything. And she's another character that we get barely any background for.
There's some bones here that could make for an interesting story, like how someone who is invisible lives, and what effects that would have on her growing up. Especially if she was born invisible. But nothing was done with it. An issue with having a supposed main cast of 20 characters.
Jiro's another of the puddle characters. Looks deep at first, but isn't. I have very little to say about her. She likes music. She finds Kaminari being stupid hilarious. She likes Momo. That's all we get from her.
Mina. She gets the honor of having a designated personality trait of being a bully hunter along with her friend Kirishima and then becomes the author mandated friend of Bakugo, despite him pushing them both away at every opportunity.
I'm thinking that gives her negative points. i can forgive some people not having a personality, but when you're given one and then it doesn't matter in the face of the plot, you're worse off than the puddle characters.
Agree with 96% of this.
This post is pretty long so I'll try to summarize my thoughts below.
Notes: Long post
With Momo it’s obvious; She has an amazing quirk and is very book-smart. She was talented enough to get into UA by recommendation (not that we learned much about that). Where she fails is that she’s naive and doesn’t have a lot of street smarts. (And I believe that, in the beginning, she struggled to think on her feet.) Another arc is that Momo has quite an attractive body. Momo doesn’t take notice, but others do in and out of the universe. As you stated, this could have been used to look at the difference between how male and female superheroes are treated. Momo isn’t ashamed of her body and sees no issue with showing skin. In fact, she sees it as logical. However, this tends to give the wrong idea to others (especially pervs like Mineta). It’s at the point where Momo is judged for her body instead of her quirk and abilities. Hell, her internship was just because she looked cute, not because of her skill. Now, this could have worked if it was explored more. (Though I’m not sure that Hori’s the right one to explore it. Not because he’s a bad writer [or a male] but because his skills seem to lie outside of this stuff.) Momo’s confidence was already low because of how easily she was defeated during the sports festival, but now she discovers that the few heroes that took an interest in her were only after her for her looks. No way that helped with her confidence. At this point, Momo could be struggling with her ego and wondering if she actually has what it takes to be a hero. On top of that, people could be making comments about her costume leading her to feel a bit ashamed of a body she had been so confident in. Adding to this, Momo should have spent more time with Midnight. Not just to give her death more meaning later, but it’s believable that Midnight went through the things Momo did, so she would have been perfect to guide her. (Also, I think they would have had an interesting student/teacher dynamic.) Midnight could have not only helped Momo to regain her confidence and not care what others think but could have taught her to use her looks to her advantage.
Ochako somehow suffered the most and least in development. There is A LOT of emphasis placed on her feeling for Deku, yet we barely see the two together, one on one. It’s only near the end that we see that and by then it’s too late. This is especially important as her feelings for Deku are what make her a rival to Tago, one of the main villains. (That’s bullshit, but we’ll look at it in the far future.) Outside of Deku, we could have seen how being raised poor affected her. As is, her eyes just get wide and she nearly faints at things she thinks are extravagant. That’s it. We could have seen her be jealous, then feel bad as the richest girl in class—Momo--is a sweetheart. We also could have seen her morals tested as she’s desperate to help her parents, but how far is she willing to go to do that? (Of course, she’ll do the right thing, but the temptation is important in stories.)
With Mina, she could have been used to explore the discrimination against Mutants, which was made a big deal very late in the game. It also would have been nice to give her some personality points to separate her from Toru. Plus, she has ACID for powers. You’re telling me more couldn’t have been done with that?
And since I talked about the others, I'll give some quick ones on the remaining two. (Toru I've talked about in the past.) Tsuyu could have brought some interesting points to the table as well. She has a quirk that doesn’t seem like much but could be a lot of fun if used creatively. More than that I would have liked to explore her lawful good nature. I think it is a very interesting debate about heroes. Should you do what’s right and damn the rules, or should you hold yourself accountable to the same laws that you uphold?
Jiro I personality feels satisfied, but we rarely get to see her step up. I think her quirk depends on her support items as she needs to plug into things to amp her heartbeat, and if it’s too loud, the item breaks. It would have been cool to explore that.
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writteninkat · 3 years
Heyy🦔 May I PLEASE have business man Iida x jealous reader (she/her)👀😩?? it can be NSFW or SFW,,,you can make it headcanons or a short fic...which ever is easier😁👍🏿
only if you're comfortable and if requests are open🤗
remember to drink water and eat daily🥰
Not jealous, just possessive | Iida x Reader
summary: "Shhh, shhh... That woman- she's just a business partner baby. No need to worry your little head over her." Iida smiles, wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you towards him.
You smirk, "Yeah, exactly. She's just a business partner. What was I thinking? I am your wife."
warnings: jealous sex, office sex, rough sex, oral (f!receiving), light name calling
word count: 2k
a/n: fuck i love this idea sm!! & yes requests are open <3 also make sure to take care of urself too and this goes to everyone else !! c:
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Tenya Iida is amazing at business. If you ever wanted to do a deal with him and you had some doubts about the conditions, he'll be able to talk those doubts out of your head within five minutes.
He's smart, polite, rich, handsome and works out regularly which in return gives him that amazing body his employees gawks at whenever he's working out in the company gym.
Yes, your husband seems like the perfect guy and almost all the women he meets hit on him even before they find out he's married wnd that his wife is right beside him.
"I'm glad we came to an agreement. Iida corporations is excited to have you on board with us." Iida smiles at the woman in front of him, extending a hand. Your eyes shift to her; long, straight black hair, red lips, bold eyes, long legs and a sultry voice.
She smiles, "Thank you, we're excited to work with you as well." She slowly pushes her luck by placing a hand on your husband's biceps, grip a little too tight around it.
You roll your eyes, pushing yourself off of his desk that you're leaning on. You take her hand, shaking it and taking her by surprise. "Thank you for this wonderful agreement however it's lunch time and my husband has to eat before his next meeting which is in an hour. Good bye." You grit through your teeth and a forced smile, hand a little too tight on the woman's. She purses her lips together, having to pull her hand hard enough from your grip to actually free herself before walking away, her hips swaying from side to side.
When the big, wooden doors close, you walk over to your husband's desk, taking the spray bottle full of alcohol and coating your hand with the ethanol.
You feel hands on your hips and hear your husband's soft chuckle, his lips pressed softly on the side of your neck. "Mmmmm, you're hot when you're jealous."
"You did that on purpose, didn't you?" You huff, turning around then leaning onto the desk, looking into your husband's eyes. He smirks, leaning in and brushing his lips against yours.
"Why should you worry about those other women when I have the perfect one right here in front of me?" He whispers, fingers ghosting over the tight material of your pencil skirt. They slowly drag up, he feels the soft silk of the blouse he got for you last week before his thumb brushes over the hill of your breast.
"You're mine." You cup his jaw, tilting your head to the side as you eyed his lips. Your eyes shift up back to his, "And I'm yours."
He presses his lips on yours, tongue doing kitten licks on yours, riling you up. You feel his hands snake under your thighs, pulling you towards him as you hook your legs around his waist.
Your fingers nimbly undoing the buttons of his shirt, exposing his toned chest and abs. You run your hand over the ripple of muscles, biting your lower lip as you smiled. "What with that look?" He pulls away, raising a brow at your happy expression.
"Just had a funny little thought." You shrug your shoulder.
"Care to tell me what it is?"
You close your mouth, still smiling as your gaze falls to his toned torso. You run your fingers up and down the muscles, ghosting over them. "I'm the only woman who can touch you like this." Your voice is soft, it's calm, it's bewitching.
You slowly run your thumb over his sensitive nipple, earning a soft gasp from him. "Like this..." you run your hand down his exposed stomach, pushing it all the way until your fingers are teasing in the waistband of his pants. "or like this." You push your hand fully inside his pants as well as his boxers, fingers wrapping around his hardening cock, pumping it slowly and softly.
"Y/n..." He whispers, throwing his head back. "Fuck, baby..."
"Tell me what you want, mister CEO." You tease, your other hand undoing his belt and pants, giving you more space to work with. Tenya sucks in a breath, brows knitting together at the feeling of your thumb pressing against the head of his leaking cock.
"Shit, I wanna fuck you right here." He drops his hands onto the table as well as his head, placing it on your shoulder as you continue playing with his cock.
"Here? Where you do all your work? Where you do most of your meetings with important people?" You ask innocently, tilting your head to the side. He looks at you, brows pulled downwards. The expression you're wearing contrasting with the actions of your hand.
"Yeah, exactly." His gaze turns dark, "In the place where I shook that woman's hand, and also where she placed her hand on my biceps, feeling me up-" He sucks in a breath as you tighten your grip around his cock.
You push yourself off the desk, pushing your husband backwards until he's rounding his desk and sitting on his huge leather chair.
You keep your eyes on him as you begin undoing the ribbon on your chest as part of the style of your rose pink silk blouse, undoing the buttons, showing off the black lacy push-up bra you planned to show your hisband when you two got home, but things don't always go your way.
You pull your pencil skirt up, showing off your matching thong whose lace is so thin it's barely covering anything at all. Your husband's hand snakes its way to your cunt, fingers padding over the damp cloth of the thong. His other hand is on your waist, slowly moving up your breast to cup it before creeping to your back, unclipping it skillfully.
He takes his fingers from your cunt, sucking on the slick that covers them before helping you take off your blouse, your bra following right after. He pulls his drawer open, tossing your bra inside it before hooking his thumbs on the thin garters of your thong, pulling it down.
He crumples the small piece of fabric in his hands, taking a deep breath of it as he presses it against his nose, your cunt fluttering at his actions. He tosses your thong along with your bra before he pushes his drawers close.
"God you're beautiful." He whispers, shaking his head as he takes a nipple in his mouth, his hands pulling you towards him by your ass, squeezing them as you loosely hook your arms around his neck.
His hand hook under your thighs, placing you on the desk and pushing you back so you were laying on it. He leans over, pressing on a button of his telephone. "I'll be having my lunch right now. Don't let anyone disturb me." He says, eyes never leaving yours. "Copy that, sir." His secretary replies, a long beep following right after before Iida pulls back, licking the long strip of your cunt.
You muffle your voice with the back of your palm, biting on it as you feel him suck on your clit, his mouth shamelessly working on your cunt as if he were making out with you, his lips and tongue sloppily enjoying your dripping sex.
His hands grip the sides of your hips, pushing you down on the desk to stop you from moving your hips. He takes both of your legs, placing them on his shoulders, pressing his face even deeper in between your legs, his nose brushing and pressing against your clit as he fucks your greedy walls with his tongue, lewd slurping noises and muffled moans filling his office as your back arches, your orgasm causing your walls to flutter around his tongue as he continues to suck on your cunt, helping you ride out your orgasm.
Your chest rises and falls for a few times before Iida is pulling at your wrist, causing you to sit up before falling onto him. "I'll fuck this pussy so good my employees will be hearing your voice."
You clench your jaw, the look on that stupid woman's face as she attempts to seduce your husband popping in your head like some terrible nightmare. Your hand positions Tenya's cock against your entrance and you slowly lower yourself, his cock sliding against your greedy walls.
"Wait- baby-" Tenya tries but you're already rocking your hips, anger and irritation clouding your head as you fuck yourself on your husband's cock. The chair squeaks at every hump you make, your arms snaking around your husband's neck as you continue to use him as you please.
You're unable to hear your husband moaning loudly as you continue trying to forget about the woman's face and instead focus on your own orgasm. "Fuck! Baby hold on! I'm gonna- gonna cum baby! Not so fast! Ah! Ah! Oh god-" Tenya reaches his high, the feeling of his warm load filling you up snapping you out of your angry daze.
You look down at your husband, his glasses have lowered to just right above the tip of his nose, his eyes are watery and his face is completely flushed. "Fuck baby, what's on your mind? You were never that rough before..." He mumbles out, his current state similar to when he's drunk.
"Ah, sorry. It's just- I couldn't stop think about that woman-"
"Shhh, shhh... That woman- she's just a business partner baby. No need to worry your little head over her." Iida smiles, wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you towards him.
You smirk, "Yeah, exactly. She's just a business partner. What was I thinking? I am your wife." You pull his chin up, pressing your lips against his. You let your tongue dance around his, tasting him before you pull away, your sloppy work causing for a string of saliva to make a bridge between your lips.
"Your employees will be hearing your voice, not mine." You smile and Iida's eyes widen, his expression falling. "What do you mean-" You cut him off by raising your hips before dropping them quickly, earning a strangled moan from your husband.
You grin, once more moving your hips. "Fuck baby! Don't move yet! Still so fuckin sensitive- oh!" Tenya whines, throwing his head back as you continue fucking yourself on him, walls tightening around his hardening cock.
"Yes, yes, that's right. Who's my little bitch?" You growl, smiling as you take in Iida's fucked out look. Tears begin to pool around his eyes as moan constantly spill from his lips. "Me! Me! I'm your little bitch." Tenya's eyes roll upwards, his tongue lolling out as the corners of his mouth pull up to a smile.
Your eyes widen as you drink in his expression- his ahegao face.
"You're mine, right? You're all mine." You demand, impaling yourself even harder on him as the chair's squeaking gets louder along with Iida's moans. "Answer me!"
"All yours! All fucking yours! Ahah! Ah! Oh! Oh fuck! About to cum baby! I'm gonna- gonna fucking-" Tenya sobs and you lean in to the side of his face, lips ghosting over the shell of his ear. "Cum."
The feeling of hot liquid being squirted inside you has your walls finally fluttering, they clench around him as you rock your hips slowly, riding out your orgasm. Soft moans and whimpers slip out Tenya's mouth as he cums, and you shush at him, calming him down.
"You did so well baby." You whisper softly into his ear, letting him bury his face oncthe crook of your neck. You stay as you are for a few minutes, chuckling softly when you hear soft snoring from your husband.
You lean back, pressing on the same button Iida pressed on a while ago. "Please cancel all of Mister Iida's meetings this afternoon. He'll be too exhausted for any work. Send in my apologies to his attendees."
"Right away, Mrs. Iida."
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espressokiri · 3 years
Heyy, I’m Muslim and I’m also a huge simp for Todoroki, Bakugo, Iida, and Kaminari. Soooo can I have them with a Muslim (possibly hijabi) s/o?
Todoroki Shoto, Bakugou Katsuki, Iida Tenya, and Kaminari Denki x Hijabi!reader
In which reader is a hijabi Muslim.
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff (literally half these ideas came from late night talks with my bestie @that-weirdo-in-the-corner)
Note: My first headcanon <3 I hope you like it!
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Todoroki Shoto
We’re all aware of this mans lack of physical affection and aloof nature, along with his social awkwardness. That’s a recipe for odd encounters and hilarious misunderstandings.
This man gained interest in you when he noticed you were elegant even while in training/battles, along with your sweet nature and fashionable modest wear.
He researched about your religion and had found out that only women who are married are allowed to go out alone with their partners.
Poor boy didn’t read/research enough.
He decides to get to know you from a distance, respecting your boundaries and it wasn’t that hard to avoid physical contact as he himself was not one to initiate it.
When you did get closer and formed an emotional bond, you’ll be met with the weirdest encounter;
“Shoto, what are you doing?” You blinked, not understanding what the half-and-half male was doing bent on one knee with a ring box outside your family home.
“I read that we can only go out on dates together if you’re married.”
You want to smack your head on the wall but you were flattered at the same time.
Had to tell him that you were allowed on dates if you were chaperoned by a family member or friends.
Had Fuyumi chaperone you two, she was very delighted but had kept watch from a distance.
Shoto has the best time learning about your religion, curiously asking questions and gains a deeper understanding of how things were in your perspective.
He keeps a respectful distance even during dates, making sure he wasn’t crossing boundaries.
Would scour the whole of Japan to find halal food.
Tells you that he called Endeavour shaytaan and you choke on the water you were sipping on, laughing out loud.
Fasts with you one day and is betrayed at how full he felt after one bite.
Hands you Endeavour’s exclusive credit card for Eid.
Todoroki is just very genuine and he tries his best to keep you comfortable around him, also carries hijab pins in his backpack just in case you need some.
Bakugou Katsuki
Oh God.
Listen, he’s very respectful in his own way but it took him time to work through it with his competitive nature.
Man has done his research thoroughly and he is ready to commit.
“I can cook us a vegetarian meal that won’t be boring to the tastebuds like the crap they sell out there.”
That’s his way of asking you out, making sure his parents would be home too because he knows two people of different genders should not be left alone.
Makes the best damn vegetarian dish. Vegetarian because he has yet to figure out what halal is.
Tries to learn some words, does excellent but his way of speaking is even more aggressive than an Emirati accent. He has your Arab friends shaking in their shoes.
It’s Ramadan? Prepare for three am calls that consist of him yelling at you to get up. Yes, he breaks his sleep pattern to wake you up to eat. Yes, he makes you video call him so he makes sure you eat well and hydrate. Yes, he ends up fasting with you so you don’t feel alone. Will he tell you that? No.
Sometimes he makes Iftar for you and brings it in a bento, giving it to you after school so you can have a good meal.
Watches you with wide eyes and mouth open in shock when he sees you eating when you’re supposed to be fasting;
“I- I’m on my period?”
“We’re not allowed to fast while we’re on our period.”
He stays quiet the rest of the day.
Admires different styles of hijab you do.
Eid? He’s the best dressed alongside you. 
Bakugou would be a good partner, respectable, and tries his best to understand and make you feel comfortable in his own way.
Iida Tenya
This boy knows everything already.
Has done research the second he realized there was a Muslim classmate, and as a good fellow class president it was his duty to make sure everyone was comfortable.
Has extra scarves with a small tin full of pins for you kept under his desk in case of emergencies or if they get damaged in training (which wouldn’t happen as Hatsume had created one that would resist damage.) It was a nice thought.
He does slowly wants to get to know you more as your sweet nature made him feel warm and fuzzy inside.
Keeps a respectful distance at all time.
“Asalam Alaikum, Y/n! It has come to my attention that Ramadan is nearing soon so I have made a list of dietary necessities you may need to intake in order to help your quirk during the holy month.”
“Iida, that’s so sweet of you! You didn’t have to! Also, how did you pronounce that so well?”
“As you class president and friend, I am honoured to do such! To answer your question, I had listened to someone say it on repeat before I practiced.”
This man has every word on repeat just to soak it in his brain.
Averts his eyes even if he sees your ankle, angry at himself for accidentally glancing.
Sir, I promise it’s not a sin to look at an ankle accidentally.
Sees your Hijab bunching up and start showing bits of your neck and shoulder? Grabs the end of the scarf and pulls it down to cover again, avoiding touching your skin.
Checks the ingredients list of the snacks you’re buying for gelatine or alcohol, making sure it’s halal/vegetarian/vegan friendly.
Upset you can’t find halal gummies? This man goes online and orders a bag of certified halal sweets for you to enjoy because you deserve simple joys like this.
Makes sure you pray on time, has the MuslimPro app on his phone to keep track.
He also scrolls through the app to learn more.
Iida is a perfect gentleman and he’s also making sure that you stay spiritually on track and don’t get distracted <3
Kaminari Denki
This man is a physically affectionate person. 
He will make the mistake of bounding over to you and slinging an arm around your shoulder or pull you into a hug.
But he will learn and try to control the affectionate urges, limiting himself to hand holding if you allow it.
He thinks you look wonderful with the different coloured hijabs.
Tries making you wear a yellow and black one to match his hair.
Forgets that you can’t eat everything and anything, especially casual things like gummies.
Will apologize profusely when he realizes after you tell him it has gelatine.
Tries to stave off of gelatine infused products.
“Not even water???”
“Denki, I swear to God I’m going to smack you.”
Yes he’s that guy.
Tries fasting with you, just sleeps through the whole day till it was time to eat.
When he see’s you dozing off in class because of staying up all night either because of suhoor or special night prayers during the last ten days, he’ll zap you to keep you paying attention.
He is honestly your hype man when it comes to modest fashion, especially during Eid. This boy will dramatically kneel on the floor and look at you like you’re the light of his life.
Get’s excited when you hand him Eid money because you love him and he has cute child-like tendencies.
Tries greeting your family members, comes out as gibberish.
“Not quite there yet, Denki. A-plus for effort.”
He’s a fun guy who tries to better himself around you, making sure he’s aware of his actions and makes an effort to not mess up around you because he’s never felt so in love with a person as he has with you.
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📓 Blind Date w/ Aizawa Shouta 📓
Aizawa Shouta x gender neutral reader
cw: blind date, cursing, fluff! , parenting content, sfw , read more for brevity not smut for once
On Ao3
Shouta Aizawa was a quiet, reserved man by nature. He wasn't sure what layer of hell he was in, why he had to endure almost every single coworker's loud antics, but he was sure it couldn't get worse. Not worse than listening to Present Mic's morning announcements, nor worse than All Might's hero form barking at his students, and definitely not worse than his students running around the dorms at all hours.
There were few things he disliked more than the noise levels, but everyone's sudden interest in Aizawa's personal life had gotten out of hand. He'd taken his lunch in the teacher's lounge as usual, Midnight a few seats away and already interrogating him.
"I just don't see why you won't date Emi." Midnight huffed as she munched on her bento box.
"Ms Joke and I do not get along." Aizawa argued softly as he picked at his own food slowly, tired from staying up late grading papers.
"Liar, there's got to be some chemistry." She gave her retort as All Might entered the lounge.
"Shouta has chemistry with someone?" All Might blinked, setting his lunch down across from the pair.
"I do not."
"You got that right." Ectoplasm cackled from across the room.
"You know, plenty of women would love-"
"Not interested." The black haired man gave a glare at All Might, making the downsized hero blink.
"...Or men."
"Shut up." He barked, grabbing his plate and rising to leave the lounge. The erasure hero had enough of their stupid small talk an hated being the center of their attention. He'd left without another word, though he was sure they were trying to apologize and get him to stay. Another day of eating in his classroom. Hmpf.
It seemed like Aizawa only got to sit in quiet for no more than five minutes before his door busted open, summoning Present Mic into the room with a bang. Noticing that Mic didn't bring in a lunch, Aizawa breathed a sigh of relief that his stay wouldn't be too long.
"Shouta, man." Mic sang as he slid the door behind him closed carefully. "Any kiddos around?"
"No, Mic."
"Good, good." The blonde helped himself to a chair and sat, leaning forward towards the tired teacher. "Remember that favor you owe me?"
Aizawa glared, light lipped as he leaned back and folded his arms. "What do you need?"
"Here's the address." Mic slipped a piece of paper out of his pocket, sliding it across Aizawa's messy desk. "I need you to show up here, tonight. Target will be there at 8, so anytime before that would be nice.
"What am I doing?" Shouta rubbed the back of his head, annoyed by the request. He had to entertain Present Mic, though, having owed his life to the microphone hero. It was years ago, of course, but it kept Aizawa up at night sometimes.
"You'll be given an envelope when you arrive." Mic said, looking around suspiciously. "I'll be giving you more information later tonight, just sit tight my friend."
"Should I-"
"Listen, man, I gotta go." Mic stood up suddenly and sprinted towards the door. He started  mumbling to the tune of  'thankssomuchfordoingthisyourealifesavershouta' before slamming the door back behind him and running off. Aizawa sighed, repeating his mantra over and over again of I don't get paid enough for this.
Aizawa tried to find Yamada after classes finished for the day, but was completely unsuccessful in locating the loud man. He asked around to other teachers to see if they knew anything about what Mic was asking him to do to no avail. Aizawa sighed and retreated to his room for a quick nap before the mission.
An alarm went off, shaking the dark haired man from his slumber. Aizawa was just finished gearing up when he'd heard a knock at his door. He pulled his glasses back down around his neck and saw Midoriya, Iida and Uraraka standing outside of his door with bags of dry cleaning. He looked at the children quizzically, hoping that one of them would just spill on what they were doing out so late at night. But the students seemed just as confused.
"What are you three doing here?"
"Mr. Yamada told us to bring these clothes to you." Midoriya started nervously. "Are you...going out on a mission, sir?"
"Thought so." Aizawa eyed the bags and held out his hand. "Don't know what this is all about, though."
"Mr. Yamada told us not to worry and that you would completely understand!" Iida reiterated energetically as he gave his bag to the teacher. Uraraka nodded, blinking as she saw Aizawa pull back into his room, muttering a small word of thanks before slamming the door.
Unzipping the first bag, Aizawa found a blazer and matching pants in a dark blue, almost black shade. The other bag held a white button down shirt, two tie options. The last had a pair of dress shoes, brown, and hair spray. Aizawa sighed loud enough that the teens eagerly waiting outside of his door could hear his complaint. Unwilling to adhere to the dress code completely, Aizawa opted out of the blazer and shoes, accepting the pants because the color was dark enough. The shirt, he assumed, was because he was going to a more high-profile stake-out location.
Shouta did his homework; he googled the location and found that it was a high-rise hotel, complete with a restaurant, bar, pool and hundreds of overly expensive rooms. It was well known, in the middle of downtown, a fine place to stake out in under any circumstance. The suit made sense, now that he thought about it. The reason Mic probably wanted him to do the stake-out instead was not to be recognized.
Once emerging again, the students gave a little shriek as Aizawa glared at them.
"Tell no one." Aizawa gave a huff, tucking his lung hair behind one of his ears. "I'll be back, most likely late. Mirio is watching Eri, you're to report to All Might if anything happens."
"Mr. Aizawa-"
"Don't let them burn the dorms down." Aizawa addressed Iida specifically, giving a nod before walking away from his students. The stood and watched him, having never seen their teacher in a suit before, at least not in person.
Aizawa was someone who preferred public transportation; opting to take the train into the city rather than a cab. It gave him a little bit more time to think about things so that he wasn't acting on impulse alone. Especially on missions, the erasure hero valued the white noise hum of the train to help calm down his thoughts and relax. He got off the train, only a block away from the hotel, hands shoved deep into his pockets.
The building was intimidating; as he approached it, surrounded by the neon lights and glow of moving advertisements. He had to walk up to a podium before even being allowed into the lobby, muttering his name in hopes that Hizashi had made a reservation or something under his name. His coworker must have thought of everything, because all it took was a last name to get him a room key, asking if his dinner reservation was still at 8. Aizawa, ever the punctual man, had arrived at 8:15, though gave a nod as though he was aware that he was supposed to eat at this place.
The man ushered him inside, and Aizawa immediately regretted not bringing the blazer. Sure, there were a few heroes in costume (it was a Tuesday evening, after all), but most people were dressed up more than the erasure hero was comfortable with. Full suits, upscale cocktail dresses and evening gowns clouded the hero's judgment as he walked, in a sort of frenzy, so a table that he would have to sit at and figure out what was going on.
When he got to the table, tall and round, perched in front of a never-ending window that gave a gorgeous view of the whole city. He took a moment to take in the sights, settling into the chair uncomfortably as the host left him to his own devices. Not a second later a waiter showed up with a menu and an envelope, asking if he wanted anything to drink. Aizawa shook his head and shoed the waiter away, cracking open the letter that was addressed to Eraserhead.
Hey man,
Sorry I had to trick you like this. If you haven't gathered all the clues, you're on a blind date and will be having dinner here at the hotel. Make use of the room if you can, thank me later.
The letter wasn't signed with a name, but a caricature drawing of Present Mic's face, making Shouta blush as he crumpled up the note. Fucking amateur Aizawa cursed internally, staring at the table. There were two places set; one for him and one for his date, solidifying that he could maybe, maybe make a break for it and-
"Oh, I am so sorry for being late." You shook your head and sat across from the man quickly, embarrassment seeping through your pores. Nothing had prepared you for how handsome the man sitting across from you looked. With his bangs tied back, Aizawa looked much more of a grown adult than usual, which worked in favor with his defined jawline.
"Sorry for interrupting, but I actually really don't want to be on this date." You admitted in a fluster, unable to look the man in the face. You felt like you should elaborate more on the situation, but you couldn't even bring yourself to meet his eyes. "This is so embarrassing."
"No, I-I agree." Aizawa said quickly, trying his best to reassure you.
"Sorry if that came out wrong." Aizawa tried to bite his tongue, but the words rolled off so easily that he couldn't stop it. "I didn't expect this to be a date."
"Oh." You blinked, swallowing your shame and giving a light nod. "Good, then."
"Drinks for the couple?" The waiter showed up, giving you a little fright as your hand flew to your chest, the erratic beating only getting worse.
"We're not a couple."
"We are strangers." You bit at your lower lip and looked up at the waiter. "Could I ask for sake, however?"
"Carafe or glass?" The two of you looked at each other, both silently panicking without saying a word to the other.
"Carafe." It was in unison, and the waiter gave a nod. You had no idea what to think about this man across from you, who was on a date with you, who equally agreed that he did not want to be on a date with you, and also drank sake. It was almost like a match made in heaven, under any other circumstances. As the waiter left, you both exhaled audibly and readjusted your chairs.
"I'm sorry, what's your name?" Aizawa inquired with a little laugh, breaking the tension.
"L/N F/N." You answered in a rolling tone. "You're...Aizawa, correct?"
"Shouta, yes." The messy haired man rubbed his hands together nervously as he spoke. "Seems we're on a first name basis now."
"We don't have to get dinner," You shook your head at him and reached for your water glass, "I can pay for the sake, though, don't worry about it."
"Well, we might as well." Aizawa shifted as he reminded himself to keep his elbows off of the fancy table. He inhaled, the scent of your shampoo trapping his nostrils. Something floral or lightly fruity caught him off guard. Don't think about it too much.
"Already here, might as well make the best of it."
"Right, right." You agreed, drinking a little too much of your water, nearly choking on it as you set the glass back down. Just as you did, the waiter came over with a carafe and two small porcelain cups for the sake. A menu for each of you and the waiter disappeared. Relieved, you cleared your throat and watched as the man across from you poured a tiny cup to offer to you. "Thanks."
"Don't mention it." Fuck they're pretty.
"Here's to everyone but Yamada." You raised your cup to toast, and it made him grin in agreement as he raised his to yours. The tiny clink sound rand clear as you both sipped at the liquid. Sake was your go-to, and you were glad to have him entertain you. "That man is a menace."
Aizawa gave a nod without saying anything, holding his silence while he thought over the different ways he was going to strangle Hizashi when he got back to the dorms. How he was going to get him to shut up about it, since Aizawa was sure that Mic had already told the rest of the staff, gloating how he'd gotten Shouta a date.
"Nice restaurant." You sighed, taking another sip of the alcohol to calm your nerves. Even though you were in agreement about it not being a date, at the very least you could get to know the man a little.
"You work at UA with Present Mic, correct?" You tried to get through some small talk to get things a little less uncomfortable. It didn't work, as he seemed to only want to look towards the menu, half of it covering his face.
"You like teaching?" You tried to break the silence, the roll of his shoulders brushing you off as he took another sip.
"It's fine." Aizawa finished his glass and poured himself another, offering to refill your glass as well. He might not be talkative, but at least he's polite, you thought to yourself.
"I have so much respect for teachers." You shook your head, smiling lightly as you brought the cup back up to your lips, cold porcelain helping to calm your racing heart. "It's gotta be tough to deal with all of those kids."
"You don't know the half of it." Aizawa gave a little scoff, uninterested in the conversation.
"Oh, I do. Kind of." You gave a breathy laugh. "I'm a foster parent."
"Oh no shit." Aizawa cursed again, taking a sip of the alcohol before putting it down and shaking his head. "Sorry. I wouldn't have guessed."
"Most people don't." You shrug casually, unsure of what to say that would keep him interested enough to continue a conversation. "Well, I guess most people wouldn't just look at me and think 'parent material', you know."
"I have a...similar effect." Eraserhead gave a chuckle. "What made you get into it?"
"It's a whole thing." You waved your hand passively. "Sad little story."
"If you're worried about pity, don't." Aizawa suggested.
"Pity from you?" You inquired.
"In general."
It took a moment for you to breathe, figure out what was on a need to know basis. It didn't seem like Aizawa wanted to get too deep. "When I was twenty, my aunt and uncle passed away, and their sixteen year old needed a legal guardian, so I became that." You answered, feeling oddly safe to tell him such personal information. Not that it looked like he would judge you, but that maybe he didn't want to hear it.
"You parents didn't take the kid?" Aizawa asked.
"No, my mother died when I was young, and my dad was very sick at the time." You gave a smile regardless of the words that fell from your mouth. "It honestly wasn't all that difficult, I mean by sixteen they're pretty much an adult. All she needed was a roof and some guidance."
"They're still kids." He debated. "That's only a bit older than my students when they first come to UA. They're still pretty fragile inside, y'know?"
"I have a three year old right now." You challenged, leaning back into your chair. "So much worse than any teenager I've had."
"Oh, absolutely. At least teenagers don't cling to you one minute and throw things the next." The thumping of your chest slowed to an average speed, calming you. "Teething and potty training are so hard. Some kids get their quirks early, and that's a whole process. Like teething, but sometimes they spike fevers and it gets real intense."
"My seven year old went through that a while ago." Aizawa offered, the first bit of information about himself or his little family. "Had to stay in the hospital while we figured out the whole quirk thing."
"That's hard, I'm sorry." You gave a little pout of your lips. "Is she doing well now?"
"She is." Aizawa nodded, stopping as the waiter came by to take the table's order. You both had decided on he chef's special. You made the decision by not wanting to make a decision while Aizawa made the decision based off of trust in the recommendation. It was interesting to see the two of you made so many similar choices, but having such different backgrounds.
"I foster Eri." The black haired man admitted. "Sometimes I think about how if she was with a real family, who could really spend a lot of time with her, maybe she'd be doing a little better."
"How long have you had her?" You inquired.
"Little over a year." Aizawa answered slowly.
"What did you get her for her birthday?" The questions broke from your lips like a dam, finally feeling like you were getting somewhere.
"Got her a toy bunny. She likes soft things." He searched for the memory. "One of my students made her an apple pie; apples are her favorite. Another student got her some books, seems she likes reading a learning too. One of them made her a few new dresses. That was nice."
You watched as Aizawa's face lit up as he talked about his daughter, smiling wide across your cheeks. It was like looking in a mirror how much he cared for the girl, how he payed attention to things that she liked. You would have never guessed what a sweet dad this gruff looking hero was behind closed doors.
"She's in the right place." You confirmed once he was done. "Sounds like you're doing a great job with her."
"Yeah, well." He raised his cup up to his lips and drank a little more, making a face this time. "I gotta make it right, y'know."
"I do."
"So you've got a three year old?" Aizawa picked at the bread at the center of the table, impatient to get to the main course. "Anyone else?"
"Three year old and twelve year old twins." You followed his lead, plucking a piece of bread and buttering it before bringing the succulent morsel to your mouth. "The three year old's only been with me for a month, already has adoptive parents lined up for next month. Twins have been with me for a few months, they're good kids."
"That's a full house." Aizawa commented softly, munching lightly on the bread that was crunchy on the outside and warm, mouth-melting on the inside. "All of 'em have quirks?"
"Right now, yeah. I get a lot of kids who's parents died in action and don't have anyone else, or sometimes I get kids who's folks go to jail." You inhaled deeply, the sharp pain of their abandonment always striking a nerve with your soul. "That's nothing compared to a whole class, though." You wave your hand dismissively.
"It's not a competition." Aizawa clarified, taking a sip of water. "I think raising Eri alone is equally as hard as teaching my class."
"That's a good way to put it." You agreed as the waiter came out with the identical plates. You mouth salivated as you both bowed your heads in thanks to the waiter before beginning to consume the special. It looked phenomenal, much past what your expectations would have been for the restaurant. Sure it was a nice hotel, but that didn't always mean that the food was in the same ballpark.
You shared a pleasant silence with Aizawa as the two of you picked your favorite parts tot try first, the only sounds between the two of you were little noises of approval. You were glad that you came out; Mic basically shoved you out the door as soon as you got home from work earlier, saying that he was going to take care of the kids and chill out until you were back. Yamada was unsurprisingly great with younger kids and really go into their special interests, making him your kid's favorite person.
"I think about the effect heroes have on families all the time." He won't look at you, and says it so quietly, even though it's shattering in the silence. "I guess I'm just really glad there's people like you out there to help clean up after us."
"A lot of good comes out of what you heroes do." You disagreed with his comment, though you understood exactly where he was coming from. "Kids find homes pretty quick around here, I don't usually keep them for more than a year."
"Oh." Aizawa blinked. "I kind of forgot you had to give them back."
"I mean unless you're willing to adopt." You couldn't help the little snort that came out of your nose as you held your hand over your mouth. "Sorry, I'm not laughing at you."
"Didn't think you were." The black haired man cracked a smile that was so warm it felt like the earth split from beneath you. "You won't adopt?"
"If I had a kid that stayed with me for real long, or that I really got attached to I might." You thought it over for a moment. "I think I'm more help fostering instead of adopting. I can help a larger population, also faster than adopting. I like giving them the safe place to land, too."
"Yeah." Aizawa acknowledged. "Can I ask you something personal?"
"Absolutely." Your heart fluttered with anticipation.
"Do you want kids of your own?"
"Maybe, but I wouldn't stop fostering kids." Your answer was almost instant. It was something you thought about a lot, in your late twenties and approaching thirty. It's not like you had any pressure coming from your parents, and you had kids, they just weren't biologically yours and that was fine. "They'll still need me."
"Yeah." He agrees, more than he ever has about anything in his life. "I get that."
"Oh. Uh." The black haired man's face was a soft peachy pink under his skin, an adorable blush that melted your heart. "Dunno. Haven't decided yet. "
"You got a checklist?" You asked as you finished the last of the main dish, moving on to the sides that looked so delectable. "Like, 'I need someone to take care of them' or 'I want to own a house' type of thing."
"It's just gotta be the right person and the right time. I can't just quit being a hero or a teacher, I mean those things make me what I am." Aizawa looked at you, so briefly, before moving his attention to the skyline with it's dimming lights. You could see how flustered he was. "Just need someone that understands that someday I might not come home."
Your mouth dropped a little at the off-hand comment, trying not to react. Trying so hard not to act like that wasn't the saddest thing you'd ever heard, or that it would be an absolute tragedy to never see this man again. Though he was still new to you, still fresh and not completely unwrapped, you couldn't imagine not having met him like this.
"Sorry, that-"
"I get it." You cut him off before he could spiral. "Those are things to consider, honestly. I'd never thought about how hard it must be for parents to also be heroes."
You notice that you're the only two left in the restaurant, but you don't care. You're having a great time talking with Aizawa and getting to know him. You wonder if the pro hero was also aware and didn't care enough to say anything to you. Wondering how much time went by, you looked down at your phone to check the time. It was a lot past ten and you were floored by how quickly dinner had passed.
Almost as if the waiter could hear your thoughts, they come to the table, finally, to say that the restaurant has been closed for over an hour, but if you'd like to move to the bar downstairs you're more than happy to. The two of you looked at each other, wondering what the other might have to say. In a perfect world, Aizawa would stay all night, looking into your eyes as the two of you talked about things he was afraid to talk to anyone else about. In an ideal setting, you would have loved to gone out for coffee afterwards, making plan after plan to see Aizawa again.
"I shouldn't, I have to get back to the kids tonight." Aizawa says, soaked in remorse.
"I've only got the sitter till midnight, anyway." You agreed, reaching for the check as the waiter put it onto the table.
"No." Aizawa snatched it as your fingers barely touched the paper. "I got it."
"Let me do the tip then." You shook your head sweetly, pulling your fingers from the check to your purse to dig out some cash.
"No." His voice was absolute and commanding, making shivers roll down your spine.
"You don't even know what I do for work, I-"
"I don't care." Aizawa threw his credit card down and shoved it towards the edge of the table. "I had the pleasure to talk with someone who wasn't a complete idiot for once, this is my way of thanking you."
"Oh." You blinked, accepting the fact that you wouldn't be contributing financially. You would have to get him next time, if there was another date. Or not date, considering.
"I do want to know what you do for work." He added, rubbing the back of his head. "Sorry. I do care."
"It's okay." You reassured him with a soft smile. "I work in 'damage control' insurance, or disaster insurance. Specifically in quirk-related incidents."
"Huh." Aizawa noted dutifully. "That's gotta be interesting."
"Keeps me on my toes." You muse sweetly as the waiter comes back to take the bill. "I get to work from home unless I'm needed to survey something specific."
"Got a quirk?"
"It's lame." You said, a little bit too quickly. You rolled up your sleeve and a piece of paper emerged from your arm, better to show than to explain too deeply. "I can instantly make spread sheets and charts. The accuracy improved with the knowledge I receive."
"That's so interesting." Aizawa tiled his head and held out his hand. "Can I see?"
You handed him the spreadsheet, just with basic numbers on different policies and how different disasters effect each policy. It was boring stuff, honestly, but Aizawa seemed entranced by you. It made you feel special, knowing that he was noticing you less like a forced date and more like someone he wanted to get to know.
"How'd you know Present Mic?" The black haired hero examined you, looking you up and down, cursing that he didn't invite you up to the room. The waiter left the receipt, Aizawa scribbled a generous tip onto the paper and continued to pay attention to you.
"We went to school together." You admitted, your arm stretching upwards and then around to the back side of your head, rubbing gently. "All of us, I mean. I'm a UA alumni."
"Same year?" He tried to hide his embarrassment to no avail.
"Yep!" You chirped. "I was in the Business Class, though. Yamada and I connected because I thought I was going to be an agent at one point, but I switched to insurance right before graduating. I did an internship, then a work study, now I own my own firm."
"That's..." Aizawa searched for the right word and the right reaction. "...that's really something to be proud of. S-sorry I didn't remember you."
"Don't worry about it." You winked. "You never do."
"What does that mean?" Aizawa was fully blushing now, a red wine color splashed over his cheeks.
"It means that I have a contract with UA and come in yearly for an assessment. Sometimes I sit with Mic and have lunch with your staff, just to make sure I'm not overlooking any details or under valuing something." You admitted with a small laugh, so fucking cute that it put Aizawa to shame.
"I'm sorry." He offered, with nothing else. No excuse would come close to making it right, and he felt the shame well in his chest.
"Don't be." You smiled softly at the man. "It was really nice to get to know you, Aizawa. Just know that sometimes the people that understand you best are right under your nose."
"I can see that." Aizawa displayed a sweet smile that you'd never have imagined. "Can I walk you to your car?"
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real-hot-grl-shi · 4 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
813 notes · View notes
romaevelizz · 8 months
Twin! Dad Tenya Iida had my heart!!
Elijah and Elani having his pretty red eyes and the dark blue hue in there dark curls while they have there mama’s complexion. UGH IN LOVE!!
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MHA Headcanons
A/N: Some of these are X reader or just about the character in general
Shoji: Gives the best hugs but is super insecure to hug you because of his arms
Todoroki: Really good at ice skating, Holds your hands in winter to warm them up, if you have periods, he is like a personal heating pack, is super careful when he does use his power around you because he never wants to hurt you, Likes getting you gifts, especially jewelry Tokoyami: Loves to go to hot topic, watches Tokyo Ghoul, practices asking you out with dark shadow before he does, huge candle collection Tsuyu: Loves to cuddle, especially during cold winters, likes getting you flowers and if you don’t like flowers she will make you little trinkets Izuku: Knows how to draw really well, super sweet and romantic, always wants to take you on dates, your parents/guardian will love him Bakugou: He never initiates hand holding because he is nervous he might blow your hand up but doesn’t reject holding your hand if you take his first, he starts calling things manly ironically to tease Kirishima and then it becomes unironically, he is deaf(Once he grows louder) and learns sign language as well as having hearing aids, a line without a hook by Ricky Montgomery is Bakugou’s love song. Uraraka: Has a huge collection of barbies and barbie movies from her youth that she refuses to throw away, loves to play barbies with Eri though Iida: The king of forehead kisses and is sponsored by Nike Momo:Knows how to play the violin, women’s rights are a big issue for her, bath and body works is her favorite store, pays for all of 1A’s prom dresses Denki: Pansexual, gets a ton of tattoos one night when he is really drunk, loves dogs(Specially golden retrievers), does not know of to cook, when confessing to you he tries to be flirtatious and funny so you won’t see how nervous and insecure he is because his flirting never works and he doesn’t see himself as conventionally attractive, tosses and turns in his bed while he sleeps Jiro: Hangs out with Tokoyami a lot, wide music taste and has an industrial piercing Mina: Loves to play pranks, loves to dye her own and other people’s hair Aoyama: Loves to wear makeup, loves to wear traditionally feminine clothing(Dresses, skirts, etc), extensive and expensive hair and skin routines, speaks French fluently Sero: Stoner, Latino, his favorite color is dark green, knows how to play the trumpet Ojiro: Loves it when you play with his tail, knows martial arts, really friendly but quiet Koda: Has a pet bunny named Snowball and a hamster named Hoshi Kirishima: Loves your thighs, doesn’t care about your looks, tried putting on makeup once with Denki and never again. Testutestu: He and Kirishima are long lost twins Monoma: Very insecure but only shows it to you in private, constantly questioning why you are even with him Shinsou(TW: Abuse for the last one): Sleep insomnia, loves cuddling, sunday lazy morning cuddles with you are his favorite, star gazes with you at night, (TW)He lives in a very abusive and neglectful household Tamaki: Likes small outdoor dates(Picnics, butterfly gardens, botanical gardens, star gazing, etc) Mirio: He will ALWAYS support you, if you play a sport, you bet he is at every single game. If you play an instrument, he’ll try his best to be helpful. If you do theater, he has front row tickets to every performance. Even if you don’t do anything extra, he always supports you academically by helping you study. Physical touch is a must with him. He loves cuddling, touching you, hand holding, even a simple high five of a pat on the back from you will make his day. His favorite color is yellow Hawks: Only lets you know his real name after a year of dating, touch starved, bird like tendencies(Running into windows, repeating certain words or phrases, not recognizing his own reflection, etc), DO NOT LET THIS MAN HAVE COFFEE, Mirko and him are best friends, sponsored by KFC, talks to his feathers when he thinks he is alone Mirko: Her nose twitches in her sleep, loves cuddling by the fireplace All Might: Tries his best to keep his hero life separate from his love/personal life, He is always embarrassed about his small form and never starts physical affection, even after years of dating, unless you ask or do it yourself, just tell him what you want, don’t be subtle, this man is a himbo and doesn’t understand anything about picking up small and subtle clues. Aizawa: Basically copy and paste Shinsou’s headcanons, Shinsou and Eri are his children, his quirk dries out his eyes so he carries eye droppers with him, he has reading glasses, has a tiny black cat named Mittens because her paws are white Hizashi: Has a pet cockatiel named Hade which means flashy in Japanese, has a talk show, has fashion shows with Eri Toga: Shoplifts, loves to go thrift store shopping with you,really clingy and protective of you Kurogiri: Wears/Collects pocket watches, Old fashioned and romantic. Shigaraki: Wears artist gloves to protect you, always has elastic ponytail holders for himself and Toga, Touch starved number 2, loves it when you let him lay his head on your lap while he games, constantly wants you playing with his hair while he games too Dabi: constantly has to change his staples, learns how to braid hair and do all kinds of hairstyles for Toga and you(If you have long hair), Night owl, stalks you whenever you leave the house, even if you think he isn’t there he is Compress: Old fashioned and romantic, loves citrus smells(Lemon, lime, orange, etc) Collects tons of different themed card decks. Like TONS  Twice: Has a giant beanie baby collection Spinner: Vegetarian, is the only one in the LOV who knows how to drive, sheds once a month
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orions-garden · 3 years
random my hero academia headcanons because why not:
* yaoyorozu tinkers and likes to invent things in her spare time because she enjoys it but also because it helps her learn the composition of more complicated machines, so she can better use her quirk
* kirishima is one of those guys who’s like “real men respect women” and is a feminist
* tsu loves the rain (because frogs love rain!) and she likes to jump in puddles
* denki is obsessed with tiktok and he thinks he’s famous but he only has like 1,000 followers
* sero is a Car Guy ™️ and is able to correctly identify what kind of engine iida has in his legs
* jirou will always sing or hum to herself without realizing it, especially when she’s doing chores or focusing really deeply, and class 1-A finds it really endearing
* tsu is the queen of cottage core fashion and she’s always stylin’ on the weekend
* it always smells like baked goods in the dorm!!! especially sato’s room because he’s always baking!!!
* adding on to that, whenever sato finishes baking something, he immediately goes to yaoyorozu for her to try it, and she always loves it
* class 1-A does karaoke once a month on the weekend, and tokoyami always sings welcome to the black parade, so now all of 1-A knows it and they all sing along at the top of their lungs
* bakugo uses cinnamon toothpaste because he hates mint
* mina is the Queen of Memes™️ and she always sends uraraka Kirby With A Knife immediately followed by “this you?”
* the girls of 1-A started a petition on change.org to expel m*neta and so far everyone in class 1-A and 1-B have signed it, in addition to shinsou and the big three
* aoyama is the one who convinced yaoyorozu to add a cape to her winter hero costume
* whenever they run out of ice in the dorm refrigerator, everyone runs to todoroki, and he just sighs and starts making ice
* uraraka is really interested in space and the stars, and so todoroki gets her a telescope for her birthday
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haikyuuwaifu · 3 years
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Genre: Drama, Humor, Fluff, Crack
Warnings: Swearing
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-Poor Keigo is living in his own little bubble of “perfect”. He’s got no idea what’s going to happen to him. He and Fuyumi have been together since 9th grade. He’s set on marrying her and has been working under her father since he graduated high school. Between football, Fuyumi, and Work nothing in his life could possibly go wrong.
-Touya hates his dad. He can’t do much about it, because he’s next in line to take over, but it doesn’t matter. He still hates him for disowning Sho. He can’t stand his sister either. Thinks she’s a huge cunt like their mom. He had a bit of a rebellious phase as a teen, but toed the line when he found out Enji threatened to fire Keigo. He didn’t want to work at Todoroki Enterprises without his best friend.
-Shinsou works for his adopted father. He loves his job, but he wants to find someone that can make his personal life a little more fun. The guys he’s run into are only after him for money, so he’s been single for quite some time, searching for “the one.” 
-Rumi puts up with Fuyumi for Keigo. They grew up together, and she knows how important Fuyumi is to him. Doesn’t mean the two women don’t get into their fair share of arguments. She wants to find someone she can be herself around, and take care of. She’s been taken care of financially all her life, so she’s hoping to find a woman that WANTS a homemaker wifey. 
-Uraraka’s family didn’t come from money. Her parents got a really good job after she made friends with the group back in middle school. She works hard to spoil herself, and she’s just trying to find a guy that can appreciate her. She went on a terrible date, but before she could pay, a very handsome, tattooed gentleman (Iida) covered the bill, and made sure she had extra to take home. She’s tired of the same old boys. She wants a MAN. 
-Denki is treated like the resident idiot, but he’s actually pursuing a degree in electrical engineering. His family runs a BIG company involved in industrial mechanics and things of that nature. He goes to summer school currently, so he can finish early and apply for the Masters program. He’s got a crush on a cute redhead he sees every time he goes to the library, but he’s too nervous to say anything. 
-Jirou is a musician that has made a name for herself. She’s really popular and thanks to her friends and their connections, she’s a big hit. Now that her dreams are coming true, she wants to find a partner to share her dreams with, but they all want to focus on her being a wife and staying home. Something she’s not down with. She’s hoping this year will be different, but only time will tell. 
-Natsuo wants to work in pediatrics. He absolutely adores children. His father wants him to be a neurosurgeon. Since Enji is paying, that’s what Natsuo is doing, but he’s miserable. He misses his baby brother, AND he’s begging the universe for a sugar daddy so he can tell his father to eat a dick. 
Intro 1|Prologue
buy me coffee
@dabilove27 @victory-is-here @prettyinblack231 @that-chick212 @oppositesunchild @sempiternal-amour @koutayoomi @loveinhaikyuu @cuddlesslut @renhold-nightspear @chantalkate16 @black-rose-29 @chefakari​ @kamalymaly @shionin​
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vamppanda · 2 years
Do you want to ride?
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Izuku Midoriya x Black Reader
Request by SharaeBaker on Wattpad.
⚠️ Warning ⚠️: None
Do you wanna ride. By be more chill.
'' No''
'' Yes''
'' Why''
'' Because Mina, I don't want to do that and plus I will be embarrassed myself in front of him."
'' Girl if you want to claim your man, This is the way to do it.''
'' Well, Girl I am still not going to do it.''
'' It's a dare (y/n) that means you have to do it.''
'' Nope there no ways. Can you just change it?''
"No and plus it's too late, I already told your mom.''
You look at Mina like '' Bitch you lying right.'
'' I only want you to show him our black girl magic.''
'' Fine your right.''
'' YAY, Will that it, I will come over tomorrow.''
With that Mina left your dorm room. You sighs and lay on your bed. Do you wanted to know how you got to this. It was because you and Mina was playing was in your dorm room plying truth and dare. Mina want you to get yours mans, aka that was Izuku Midoriya. You hugs your pillow.
' What happen if don't like anymore because of it?' You thought.
You got up and ball you fists.
' Mama did not rise a bitch, I need to learn that dance and get my man.'
With that you turn on Do you wanna ride and start practicing.
The next day MIna was helping you with your outfit. You was going to wear a (f/c) one-piece with a devil wings and with fishnet shocking. To finish it with some (f/c) boots. You add a crop-top and a witch hat to top it off.
''MMMM Girrrrrrl you look.'' You said to yourself in the mirror. Mina laugh and put an arm on your shoulder.
'' You know y/n once you get your man, Are you going to do the 'do'?''
'' The ' do'??'' you question her.
'' You know the in and out .'' She said as made the in and out with her hands.
'' Omg Mina, no he is too innocent .''
she walk to your bed and sat down on your. She shakes her head.
'' Are you sure about that, because I saw the way he look at you."
'' So that doesn't mean he look at me with love or lust.''
She look at you with a eyes bow.
'' You sure about that.''
'' Women stop saying crazy staff like that.''
''Ok Whatever you say.''
''Thanks god and he don't do that.''
Mina shakes her head and rise her shoulder.
'' Whatever you say.''
Mina sat in the car with you, setting up the music for you guys. You was putting lip gloss on. Mina saw Shoto and Izuku walk up to the car.
'' Ok they here.'' Mina said as she was getting out of the car.
You follow her out of the car and move to her side of the car. You put a lollipop in your mouth. Todoroki and Midoriya stop talking to see you and Mina learning on the car.
'' Midoriya, (y/n) is going to offer you a ride. It is imperative you accept.''
You took your lollipop out your mouth.
'' So Do you wanna ride?'' (y/n) sang.
'' Yes'' Todoroki said.
''Yes.....BUT..but I'm supposed to meet my other friend Iida.'' Midoriya said nervously.
'' Oh'' You said sadly.
'' Midoriya, If this is going to work. You need to do as I instruct,''
'' Midoriya, Do you wanna ride?, Do you wanna ride?, Do you wanna ride, wanna to go far?.''
You walk up to him.
'' Do you wanna get , Do you wanna get, Do you wanna get inside my mothers car?''
You rubs your hands down your hips and put them out.
'' Driving on home, Don't you say no Izuku, Can you be coerced? uh uh''
You move your hips to the beat and walk up to Izuku who was in love with this.
'' Home in a snatch, only one catch, we gotta stop for frozen yogurt first.''
You walk out to him and rubs your hand down his chest. Shoto standing there watching with a smile on his face.
'' Do you wanna ride?, Do you wanna ride?, Do you wanna wanna ride, wanna go far? You and Mina sang together as you walk back to her making sure you was swing your hips to side to side.
'' Do you wanna get, Do you wanna get, Do you get inside my mothers car?'' (y/n) and MIna both sing. As you pat your mom car.
'' Driving on home, Don't you no, Izuku, can you be coerced? uh uh.''
You and MIna pose sexy together.
'' Home in a snatch, only one catch, We gotta stop for frozen yogurt first.''
You walk up to him and press your up on him. Izuku was a blushing mess.
''Pinkberrrrrrrrrrrrry'' You sang as you want down on him. You smirk and pick yourself up. You at both of them and smile.
'' So Do you?''
Todoroki and Midoriya look at each other.
'' Sure come on Midoriya.''
All of you got in the car. You guys went to different stops and shops. You guys had fun. You park the car on top of the hill in the mountain. You and Deku was outside on top of the hood. Todoroki and MIna was inside the car talking together.
'' You know that was cute.'' Deku said.
'' Oh you mean my little performance.''
'' Yep''
It's was quiet for a moment.
''I.." You both said at the same time.
You laugh as Izuku blush, rubbing his head.
'' You can go first Deku.''
"Well I ....I like you a lot.''
''Well I do to.''
"Really ??''
''Really ''
You lean in and kiss his cheek. He blush and kiss your lips.
'' You guys not start fucking.''
'' Mina will you shut your pink ass up.''
Master List
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katsukisblackteddy · 4 years
bnha boys x poc!reader : Their favorite body part
A/N: Hey! I’m Em, and this is my first actual post on here. I’m still trying to figure out how this works so please stick with me lol. Also, please request! My request are open for literally anything and any character in BNHA.
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Pairings: Midoriya, Bakugou, Sero, Kirishima, Kaminari, Todoroki, Iida x gn!black!reader Pronouns: gender neutral WARNINGS: references some nsfw stuff, but no actual smut. Cursing.
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Midoriya - thighs
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Sure this boy may seem innocent, but when you're alone he's a little freaky. 
He loves your thicc thighs because they're soft and smooth and before you came along, he just never realized he was missing out on so much.
If you're insecure about your thighs, he will spend HOWEVER long it takes to show you that they are beautiful. 
If you're sitting on the couch, he'll lay his head in your lap. 
He loves to squeeze them and sometimes when you're out in public he'll put one of his hands on your thigh. 
He literally cannot keep his hands to himself when it comes to you.
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Bakugou - ass
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Was this really a surprise though? 
He just strikes me as an ass man, don't get me wrong he likes tiddies too, but this boy LOVES your ass. 
It doesn't matter the size, big or little, he will always find a way to touch it.
If you're wearing jeans, he'll put a hand in your back pocket. 
If you're laying on your stomach, you best believe this boy will lay on that ass. 
When you hug, he'll be a little naughty bitch and give your ass a squeeze and then act like he didn't do anything when you send him a look. 
He'll always want you to sit on his lap too. 
When you throw that ass back at the club, you already know this fucker's gonna catch it ALL. 
He literally cannot get enough.
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Sero - hands
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He loves your hands. 
He loves how soft they are and he always wants to hold your hand. 
He can't get enough of looking at how perfectly your smaller hand fits into his. 
He loves pressing kisses to your hands and he absolutely loves it when your hands run through his hair.
He will always find a way to hold your hand. 
He will definitely always pay for your nails because he wants his baby to look good and feel good. 
He also loves watching your hands wrap around his di- umm but that's something for a different story.
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Kirishima - hips
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He absolutely LOVES your hips. 
He had never seen a girl with curves like yours, he fell in love with your body and after your first conversation he fell in love with your personality. 
He loves the way you look in skirts and shorts, but his favorite is the way your curves look when you were bodycons and tight dresses.
He loves to give you hugs from behind and wrap his hands around your waist. 
He will somehow find a way to always touch your hips. 
When you hug, hands on hips. 
When you kiss, his hands are on your hips. 
When you walk side by side, he'll slowly pull you closer and his hand will somehow end up on your hips. 
He 100% will grip those hips when y'all dance at the club. 
He loves to give you hickeys everywhere but you best believe that you'll find some on your hips the morning after.
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Kaminari - tiddies
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This boy lovessss tiddies, which isn't really surprising because he definitely seems like the type that would. 
He doesn't care if they're small or big, if you're insecure about them he will not stop talking and showing you how much he loves them until he convinces you that they are beautiful.
This motherfucker will have you sit on his lap and hug you and then put his head on your tiddies. 
When he hugs you from behind, he'll give them a squeeze and run away knowing you'll chase him and threaten to hit him. 
He won't learn though, because he will do it again a few minutes later.
When y'all are getting spicy, he'll definitely motorboat you and then ask to tiddiefuck.
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Todoroki - legs
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He loves those legs. 
As Meg said, "put them legs on his head, now he love tall women". You don't have to be tall though, but he can't stop looking at your legs, especially when you wear short skirts or short shorts. 
He loves how smooth they are. 
He will always find a way to make you put your legs on him. 
When you're on the couch, he'll move you so that your legs are on his lap.
When y'all train together, your hero outfit is basically a leotard (for a better range of motion), but he will literally get distracted because you look hot as fuck in that outfit. (as he should)
He loves when you wear heels too, because you look commanding and confident as fuck. 
During those spicy encounters, he definitely will put your legs on his shoulders and spend extra time kissing up your legs when he eats that wap.
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Iida - lips
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He loves everything about you, but his favorite physical thing is your lips.
The way your lips look heart shaped because of your defined cupid's bow really gets him going. 
He loves it when you smile, and when you talk he definitely zones out and watched your lips. 
You thought it was funny, and he blushed and denied it instantly, but you both knew the truth.
He also loves how soft they are. 
He will find any excuse to kiss you. 
Oh you got a question right when you were studying with him? kiss. 
You trained well together? kiss. 
You brought him food? kiss. 
Literally anything. 
He loves watching you put chapstick, lip gloss, and lipstick on. 
Like he will literally sit there and watch you. 
He also loves fucking your mouth, but we'll save that for later ;)
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