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eiri3m-blackw3lls · 1 year ago
Debiste aprovechar cuando me tenías... ahora es imposible que alguien pueda alcanzarme.
— trascendí.
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omarfor-orchestra · 1 year ago
Appena visto un cartello di un bar con scritto "prova la brioche bi-gusto 100% come te" and I was like. I guess.
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mantecol · 2 years ago
mi vida como agente turístico ya esta hecha. sending my mother to ushuaia for her bday
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sowhatt · 2 years ago
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‘   ya estamos por llegar   ’   avisa en un canturreo, manobriando con una sola de sus manos hasta estacionar perfectamente. voltea a mirarlo con una cómplice diversión, comisuras tensas que retenían una sonrisa. lo había sacado de la casa sin decirle el plan en mente.  ‘  hay dos cosas de las que no te puedes arrepentir, amor  ’  advierte, en lo que comienza a desabrocharse el cinturón.   ‘   la vez en la que me pediste ser tu novio y dos...    ’   ahora si, no contiene la sonrisa cuadrada de oreja a oreja cuando vuelve a mirarlo con ojos destilando emoción.   ‘   la vez que aceptaste enseñarme a tirar cuchillos ¡sorpresa!    ’            *     @alienigcna​.
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boba-hijueputa · 4 days ago
Extraño mi celibato porque no me daban ganas de culear todo el tiempo.
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anxiethie · 1 year ago
la etapa d tenerme t recomiendo disfrutarla y no arruinarla
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chico-vacio · 1 year ago
No puedo imaginar a alguien extrañándome por algo que encontró sólo en mi, y que me piense deseando tenerme cerca aunque sea un ratito.
Alex G.
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orangeblossomsintheair · 2 months ago
summary : carlos is going to teach you spanish whether you like it or not.
wc: 0.9k
an : this is a thing my bf does to me so i thought it’d be cute :> non-spanish speaking reader!!
Carlos’ latest obsession is, by far, the most infuriating one yet.
Forget about his short-lived fascination with perfecting latte art or his undying allegiance to the soccer team he won’t shut up about. No, this is worse.
He has declared it his personal mission to teach you Spanish.
The most maddening part? His methods. Subtle? No. Gentle? Not a chance. He’s decided that every sweet moment between you is an opportunity to slip in a little Español.
You’re tangled in the blankets, half-asleep, basking in the comfort of a warm bed when you feel the mattress dip beside you. A soft breath brushes against your cheek, then, nothing. Silence.
Your eyes remain closed, waiting for the familiar morning kiss.
You frown. “…Carlos?”
“You’re just… sitting there?”
A pause. Then, his voice, far too smug for the hour, “I’m waiting.”
“For what?” you mumble, burrowing deeper into the blankets.
“For you to ask me properly.”
You crack one eye open. He’s leaning over you, grinning like a cat who caught the canary. “Carlos,” you groan, “kiss me.”
He clicks his tongue, shaking his head. “No, no, no, bebé. En español, por favor.” in spanish, please
Your glare could set the room on fire. “Carlos, it’s too early for this.”
“¿Demasiado temprano para aprender?” Too early to learn?
He gasps dramatically. “Nunca es demasiado temprano para aprender español.” It's never too early to learn Spanish
You groan louder, rolling onto your stomach. “You’re ridiculous.”
“I’m a dedicated teacher.”
“You’re an obnoxious teacher.”
Carlos leans in closer, lips hovering just out of reach. “Say it. Dámelo.”
Your brain, still fogged with sleep, tries to piece together his demand. “Dámelo… what does that even mean?”
His grin widens. “It means ‘give it to me.’ Very fitting, no?”
You grab a pillow and launch it at his face. He catches it effortlessly, laughing.
“¡Violencia!” he cries, clutching the pillow to his chest. “Is this how you treat your teacher? After all I do for you?”
“Carlos,” you growl.
“Yes, mi amor?”
“Just. Kiss. Me.”
He leans down, lips brushing your ear. “Pídemelo bien.” Ask me better.
You let out a strangled noise. “You’re impossible!”
“I’m waiting~”
You squeeze your eyes shut, gathering the shreds of your dignity. “Carlos, dame un beso.” Carlos, give me a kiss
A satisfied hum leaves his throat. “Mmm, qué bonita suenas cuando hablas español.” Mmm, you sound beautiful when you speak Spanish
And finally—finally—his lips meet yours, soft and warm. You melt instantly, fingers curling into his shirt, pulling him closer.
But it’s over too quickly.
You blink up at him, betrayed. “That’s it?”
He taps his lips. “Your pronunciation was a little off.”
Your mouth drops open. “Excuse me?!”
Carlos laughs, dodging the swipe you aim at him. “Relax, bebé, I’m kidding. Mostly.” He settles back on his elbows, still grinning. “But if you want another one… conjugate el verbo ‘besar’ en presente.” Conjugate the verb 'to kiss' in the present tense
You groan so loudly it rattles the windows. “Carlos!”
“What? It’s very simple. Yo beso, tú besas, él besa…” I kiss, you kiss, he kisses
“Nosotros rompemos,” you snap, throwing the blankets over your head. We're breaking up
Carlos bursts into laughter. “Oh, so now you can conjugate!”
You peek out just enough to glare at him. “You are so lucky you’re cute.”
He smirks, leaning in to kiss your forehead. “Y tú eres muy afortunada de tenerme.” And you are very lucky to have me
You huff but can’t fight the small smile tugging at your lips. “Fine. What’s ‘kiss me again’ in Spanish?”
Carlos lights up like you handed him a trophy. “Bésame otra vez.”
You try to repeat it, but your tongue stumbles. “Bes…a…me otra vez?”
His eyes soften. “Perfecto.”
You hum, feigning thoughtfulness. “And what’s ‘stop being annoying’?”
Carlos gasps. “Deja de ser molesto. But that’s not nearly as romantic.”
“Oh, but it’s accurate.”
“You wound me.” He clutches his chest. “After all this effort to enrich your mind-”
“To torture me.”
“-to nurture your linguistic abilities-”
“Molesto.” Annoying
Carlos leans in, eyes gleaming. “You love it.”
Unfortunately, you kind of do.
Later, Carlos continues his relentless campaign.
You’re in the kitchen, trying to make coffee, when arms wrap around your waist. A chin rests on your shoulder.
“¿Qué haces?” he murmurs into your neck. What're you doing?
You sigh. “Trying to survive.”
“That’s not Spanish.”
“I’m ignoring you.”
“That’s also not Spanish.”
You sigh deeply. “Estoy… intentando… sobrevivir.” I'm trying to survive
Carlos squeezes you, proud. “¡Muy bien!” Very good
“Coffee first. Spanish later.”
“Coffee is Spanish. Café.”
You elbow him lightly. “Stop.”
He laughs but doesn’t let go. “Okay, okay. But when you drink it, say está delicioso.”
“If I spill it on you, that’s intentional.”
“Intencional. Good job, bebé!”
You groan but can’t help laughing.
By afternoon, Carlos has moved on to labeling objects around the house with sticky notes.
You walk into the living room and find the remote with a bright yellow note: control remoto.
The fridge: refrigerador.
Even the dog is not spared, a tiny note precariously taped to its collar: perro.
You stare at Carlos, who is sitting smugly on the couch.
“What? Visual aids are very effective.”
“You labeled the dog.”
Carlos shrugs. “Perro needs to know who he is.”
The dog glares at him and stalks off.
You pluck a sticky note off the lamp. “This is getting out of hand.”
Carlos leans forward. “You’re learning, though.”
“I’m learning to throw these at you.”
“Lánzamelos. Go ahead.” Throw them at me
You throw one at his forehead. It sticks. He doesn’t even blink.
“Wow. Fluent.”
By evening, you’re curled up on the couch, Carlos half-asleep beside you.
“You’re ridiculous, you know that?” you murmur.
“Mmm. Ridículo.”
You nudge him. “I’m serious.”
His eyes crack open, lazy and soft. “But you’re learning.”
You sigh, letting your head fall onto his shoulder. “Yeah, yeah.”
Carlos smiles, eyes closing again. “Te quiero, bebé.” I love you, baby
You smile against his shirt. “Love you too.”
A beat.
“Say it in Spanish.”
You groan into his chest. “Carlos-”
“Come on…”
“…Yo también te quiero.” I love you too
Carlos hums contentedly, pressing a kiss to your hair. “Perfecta.”
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sentidoysensibilidad · 4 months ago
𝘋𝘪𝘤𝘪𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘥𝘰 💫
Se nos fue el año y volvió a llegar diciembre, algunas cosas me salieron bien y otras no tanto, hubo algunas sorpresas bonitas y también despedidas para las que no estaba lista, cumplí alguno que otro sueño y algunos más los tuve que poner en la lista de espera, tal vez para el siguiente año o un poquito después, eso ya se lo dejaré al destino mientras sigo haciendo lo mío. Y lo que más me gustó de este año es que me enseñó quien sí y quien no, me enseñó a ser una mejor versión, a tenerme paciencia, a tratarme con cariño en los malos momentos y reconocerme cuando lo logro, porque a veces pasa que somos demasiado duros con nosotros mismos y lo bueno que hacemos nunca lo notamos. Se nos fue el año y lo único que puedo decir es «gracias» a los que se quedaron, a los que se fueron y que este diciembre sea justo lo que el corazón necesita
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dariann-garcia · 1 month ago
Tal vez tuviste que perderme para comprender lo que significaba tenerme.
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desorden-en-letras · 1 year ago
No es un síndrome de exclusividad, solo creo que es una estupidez tenerme y querer a otra persona.
- Keren Oríah 🦋.
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tempor4nea · 2 months ago
deséame, ten ganas de tenerme y hacerme tuya
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sxtandoll · 5 days ago
“Todos vuelven”, pero yo te voy a enseñar lo que es no tenerme a mí nunca más.
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verso-abstracto · 1 year ago
Me atormento pensando en que no fui lo suficiente para ti como para que decidieras tenerme en tu vida.
— Rose Noire.
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caostalgia · 6 months ago
Esa parte de mí que alejaba a todos para no salir dañada, cedió ante ti; ante tu forma de amar, cuidarme y tenerme.
- Celys
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c-i-e-l-o-azul · 2 months ago
Aprendí que me gusta el amor y no el sexo casual, que para tenerme de esa forma deben tocar las fibras de mi alma.
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