#tendo x osamu
lvndrptchwrk · 6 days
osamu and tendo who work in the kitchen making dinner and dessert, then cuddling up on the couch to eat and watch kitchen nightmares
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kleftiko · 11 months
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cw: mature themes, fem!reader, pregnancy, language cause i got a potty mouth
yes, there are boys in multiple spots lol
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♡ automatic response is: “we’ll stop by the store tomorrow, m’kay?” before he realizes what you said and completely shuts down imagining the two of you raising a child
— akaashi, iwaizumi, kageyama, hinata, kenma
♡ suggests ‘practise’ rounds, cause he’s a horny bastard, then probably develops a breeding kink from said ‘practise’ rounds lol
— kuroo, atsumu, suna, tendo
♡ whips out the scrapbook he’s been working on with baby names, colours for the nursery, recipes for soft foods, and clothing catalogs: major baby fever
— oikawa, bokuto, kita, ushijima (i find this hilarious)
♡ has a mature conversation with you about what you both want that leads into soft and passionate lovemaking (bow chicka bow wow)
— osamu, sakusa, daichi, kita, akaashi, ushijima, tsukishima
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♡ probably accidentally knocked you up anyway
— bokuto, atsumu, tendo
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jiuwi · 8 days
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if you have glasses, he’d try them on out of curiosity. and, in need to feel romantic, he offers to help you wear the glasses again, but instead of putting it on properly, he accidentally pokes your eyes. ( apologizes a hundred times even though you reassured him that you’re fine )
𖦹 BOKUTO, NISHINOYA, HINATA, tanaka, kageyama, LEV
gives you his jacket whenever you feel cold. if it’s still freezing, he’d hold your hand in his and look at you with a worried expression etched in his face.
“still cold?”
“it’s better.. how about you? you’re practically trembling!”
he laughs, then leans his forehead to touch yours, “i’d explore the entire antarctica butt-naked for you. this temperature can’t harm me.”
𖦹 TENDOU, kita, osamu, KUROO, OIKAWA, bokuto
the type who wanted to try cutting his hair by himself and ends up messing it up ( he never tried it again afterwards )
literally the sweetest person on earth, a literal angel sent from heaven.
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educatedsimps · 3 months
— a kiss on the shoulder
≪ back to fics masterlist
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HQ headcanons when you kiss his shoulder for the first time :)
multiple haikyuu x gn!reader, reader is average height and shorter than hq men for the sake of this hc HAHA
a/n: just some fluffy thoughts i had inspired by my bf
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holding hands with him was the usual whenever you hung out or went out together and the feeling of your hand in his always felt really nice
maybe it was a nice evening out and you two decided to take a walk down the street or run some errands together
inevitably you felt the urge to give him a peck on the cheek or the lips every once in a while, but if you’re conservative and shy you might not want to in public (or if he’s shy abt pda)
on top of that he’s taller than you, so there’s physically no way to kiss him without tip toeing and/or pulling him down towards you
so in a moment of ingenious thinking, you decided to kiss his shoulder instead
i mean it's the most convenient place to kiss him while you're walking so why not
anyway, then you watched as his eyes widened a little and his cheeks flushed an adorable pink
asahi, KAGEYAMA, tsukki, yamaguchi, oikawa, IWAIZUMI, kuroo, bokuto, AKAASHI, USHIJIMA, tendo, osamu, suna, kita, aran
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the ones who would reach over, grab your chin and kiss the top of your head in response then give your hand a lil squeeze as you keep walking ↳ IWAIZUMI, OSAMU, kita, aran
the ones who would stop and go "...what are you doing." but are inwardly freaking out because your lips left a tingly feeling on his skin (he secretly loves it) ↳ TSUKKI, kageyama, akaashi (would def give you a bunch of kisses once you get home tho)
the ones who would tease tf outta you cuz "don't you want the real thing? hm?" ↳ KUROO, SUNA, tendo
and the ones who would start stuttering and blushing even more ↳ BOKUTO, yamaguchi, asahi probably he's a softie
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© educatedsimps 2024. do not repost, copy, translate or plagiarize any work from this blog on tumblr or any other platforms. if you do, the simps will hunt you down. but likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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cottonlemonade · 1 month
Before he ever even brought it up to you, your boyfriend prepared little stacks of paperwork (neatly stapled) that detail ✨ the health benefits of period sex ✨.
He has multiple copies of his extensive research (a 3h Google deep dive) stashed all throughout the apartment so that once the moment arises he can just open a drawer and start making his case. It has diagrams and everything.
So when one day you’re standing in the kitchen, hunched over because of the cramps and he comes up behind you and starts rubbing your aching chubby tummy, he puts his chin on your shoulder and casually mentions that he somewhere read about a way to relief the pain. You’re so desperate at this point that you ask what it would be, not remembering who you’re talking to, and thus thinking it would be some kind of home remedy.
And he goes “I’m glad you asked.”, then with a flourish opens the cutlery drawer and pulls out his research from underneath that inlay that keeps your knives and forks separate and begins to read. And you agree. Cause it had diagrams and everything.
Tendou, Kuroo, Makki, Mattsun, Futakuchi, Atsumu, Osamu, Suna, Konoha, Noya, Oikawa, your fave
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daisy-room · 30 days
Haikyuu Fic Recommendations for my Favorites
1. One Summer Day; unexpected love. Truly an amazing trope. This story takes place in high school and I want to eat the writing. Like it’s so good, and so beautifully done. (Not completed) @hiraethwa
1. Custom Action Figure; this whole series is hilarious and I suggest checking it out. It made me smile and they have a lot of characters for it. @darthferbert
1. Supportive Boyfriend Oikawa; the way I simp over this man needs to be studied in a lab. These headcannons are literally adorable. Like I want all of this. I want him to teach me how to serve (totally don’t play volleyball it’ll be like when people pretend to not know how to play like pool) I love this man. @miksy63
2. Binary Stars; SMAU for my favorite boy like ever. It’s a little angsty but that’s to be expected when the characters don’t talk to each other smh. It’s fine in the end and it’s a nice short one, definitely worth the read @causenessus
3. Sweet Things; AHHHH! So cute!!!! Sweet things he does for you in the relationship. @cherrye
4. You Know How to Ball, I Know Aristotle; really cute Smitten Oikawa with a studious/nerdy reader. So fluffy I love it @lovingache
5. Pass, pass -oh smash; I may be a little biased but- I LOVE THIS. LITERALLY SO CUTE I ACTUALLY GIGGLED AND KICKED MY FEET. And I got a pretty amazing mutual out of it 😌 @chocolate-milk-enthusiast
1. Inked- Cute Smau where Y/N owns a tattoo shop and Kiyoko is a flower shop owner. This is really cute and brings a smile to my face with the antics of all the characters. @eggyrocks (they also have some other SMAUs I would say to consider checking out)
1. Secret S/O; various MSBY boys that during an interview accidentally reveal your relationship. This was another cute and funny one that you should definitely check out! @weneeya
1. How deep is your love?; various people and headcannons about your relationship. If you can’t tell I’m a sucker for sweet sappy things. These are so sweet. @sweetheartsaku 
2. Sharing an Umbrella; Pretty self-explanatory, you forget your umbrella and Osamu shares his with you. It’s really cute!!! @suplicyy
1. He’s Trouble; Fratboy! Atsumu with a female reader. I just know this series is going to get more and more funny with each chapter and I’m very excited to see where it goes @lowkeyremi
This is My Solemn Vow; Prince and Princess Sakusa and Reader who get married and learn to love each other again. This is a slow burn and it’s beautifully written (not completed) @jinchuls
1. Work Wife; You’re Kuroo’s work wife but when training a new person he gets jealous. The ending is so funny! I love it!!! @kaiijo
2. Work from Home; Kuroo is working from home and shenanigans ensue. This one is a little suggestive so be warned. @mewnbun
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I will be adding more to this as I find new recommendations :)
As you can see I definitely don’t have a favorite character 🥰 (note the sarcasm as Oikawa’s section is like 3 fics longer than everyone else)
psst- this is getting a lot of attention for some reason let me shamelessly plug myself @tulip-room (some of the fics are 18+ so minors and ageless blogs stay away from those but my fluff and angst fics go right ahead)
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Hey, can i request when when you walk past hq boys and instead of kissing them on the lips, you blow them a kiss, i'm so sorry if my request is not very understandable i'm new here and also english is not my mother tongue
Hi Anon, sorry for the late reply, but thank you for your request :) I love this idea sm, dw it made perfect sense to me <3
He smiles instantly, catching it with enthusiasm, placing it on his heart. Definitely blows you a kiss (or ten) back and will think about it for the rest of the day. It becomes your little thing, if you pass him going somewhere or when you’re out on a date. He loves it, and so do you.
Sugawara, Bokuto, Oikawa, Hinata, Nishinoya, Goshiki, Tanaka, Komori, Tendō, Koganegawa
He rolls his eyes, walking hurriedly over to you, pulling you in by the waist to give you a real kiss on the lips. He has you completely flustered, and he knows it; you can tell from the big smirk on his face. He’ll give you another kiss for good measure, whispering in your ear, “Next time, just give me a real kiss if you want it, sweetheart.”
Kuroo, Iwaizumi, Matsukawa, Osamu and Atsumu, Terushima, Futakuchi, Daichi, Kyōtani, Washio
He sees you blow a kiss, and he pretends to shield away from it and makes a face. You laugh incredulously at the audacity of this man, but he gives you a wink and eventually blows one back. You’re tempted to smack his ass out of sheer pettiness but he gives you another wink and a kiss, so you can’t be mad.
Tsukishima, Suna, Sakusa, Hanamaki, Kenma, Semi, Konoha, Yaku
He pretends to reach out for the kiss, with a small smile and shyly gives you one back. You always bring it up to him because he always gets flustered when you do it, but he can’t help it because you’re so cute. You blow him kisses on purpose afterwards, just to see him get red in the face.
Lev, Yamaguchi, Kita, Kai, Shirabu, Aone, Akaashi, Ushijima, Kageyama
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haikyu-mp4 · 2 months
Something borrowed
word count; 466 – gn!reader, set during timeskip in my mind but works for high school as well
I could not decide who suited the idea best, so this is for Osamu, Tendo, Akaashi, Yamaguchi, Asahi, or anyone you want it to be<3
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Your date was at your doorstep, ready for your first proper date. He got flowers, was dressed in a nice shirt and pants under his proper coat, and put some extra attention into his hair. His mind was all over you from the second you opened the door, admiring everything about you, including your hair which he had never seen look so nice before.
“Come inside, please. I was just getting my shoes on.” you chuckled. Said chuckle died down the second he stepped inside and closed the door. You stopped and scanned him, from nice ankle-cut shoes to his red ears. “You can’t go like that.”
He stiffened, nervously looking from you to his outfit. It took so long to choose what to wear, and he really felt like he nailed it. Everything was supposed to go so well, what’s wrong with his outfit? He clears his throat, about to say something along the lines of I’m sorry, but you keep talking while turning to the old dresser that stood by the wall next to him. You pull open a drawer and get a hat and scarf.
“We're walking in the snow, you’ll catch a cold!” you scolded him, but it felt oddly affectionate and it had his shoulders melting. You wrapped the scarf around his neck while he watched you and you were about to put the hat on when he carefully grabbed your wrist.
“My hair…” is all he managed to say with a nervous chuckle. You still stepped a little closer, humming some silly Christmas song so it seemed like you couldn’t hear him as you carefully nuzzled the hat onto his head. You pat his ears over the hat and then picked up another hat, smushing it down on your head before accepting the flowers and putting them away. Before leaving, you pressed a kiss to his cheek and took his hand, loving the flustered air around him.
The two of you conversed the whole way to the restaurant, happily enjoying the snowy weather and spending about 10 minutes extra on the walk because you were clinging onto each other to avoid slipping on the ice. It had you both laughing with a mix of nervous embarrassment and pure enjoyment.
You sat down at your table in the decently fancy restaurant, and he’s helping you with your chair before sitting down himself. What a gentleman. As the waiter put your menus down, you pulled your hat off your head and stuffed it in the pocket of your jacket. He looked at you and felt enchanted by your smile, doing the same with his borrowed hat and hoping the top of his head looked about as unruly as yours. Even if everyone else thought you looked silly, at least you were matching.
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armins-main-hoe · 1 year
Hi! I really liked ur writing so I was wondering if u can do this?
Inarizaki and shiratorizawa (or one of them) with a fem manager that gets into fights often? But it's because they have roots to delinquent family members so they're pretty recognisable,,, also she kicks ass pretty good so most of the time she comes out alive
aw thank you for liking my writing and for the request. Sorry I couldn't get round to writing it up sooner :/
"Oh no, you've got it all wrong. She does bite."
When you first signed up to be the manager for the boy's volleyball team, you really didn't think much of it. You only signed up because your parents wanted you to go to some sort of after school club.
You didn't like any of the clubs so you decided to be a manager for a sports team. Besides, you didn't think a manager would have to do much since most of the organisation for matches would be done by the teachers and coaches.
So here you are on your first day being introduced to the boys in the team.
You stood before them with a deadpan face on.
"Hey, I'm Y/n L/n and I'll be your manager from today onwards."
They boys bowed and said their greetings but you still felt like some of them were looking at you funny. So you looked at one, he had bleached yellow hair. (Atsumu Miya)
He tilted his head up and looked down at you suspiciously.
"Are you the Y/n L/n who got into a fight with Hiroto Ito a week ago?"
"Yeah, why? You looking for a fight too?"
Another boy came forward, he was slightly shorter but still a few inches taller than you with with black spikes for hair that went upwards. (Michinari Akagi)
"It was about time someone put that guy in his place. He was actually really annoying, would never let us practice in peace."
To your surprise, this boys were actually pretty nice to you and as you watched them practice you saw the passion they had for the sport.
Almost made you feel guilty for signing up for this role when you knew nothing about Volleyball.
You would hand out water bottles and towels during their breaks and tried your best to memories their names. Took you a few days to do that though.
Over the next few weeks, you ended up growing fond of the team and the team members which lead you to put more effort in your role as the manager.
You would take notes about each player, their strengths and weaknesses and you took time out of your day to learn the rules for volleyball. You didn't even realise when but your passion for the sport grew and grew.
Soon even the team members saw the improvement in you and grew fond of you as their manager. They hadn't ever had one before you and you were already setting their standard for a manager pretty high.
Soon you would even tease and joke around with them.
Their coach loved having you around for practice since the boys were actually kinda scared of you whenever they would mess up and made them try their very best each practice.
There was a time where they had a competition to go to where there would be a few other schools' volleyball teams attending too. It was your first match that you would be attending with them as their manager. Since it was your first, you didn't actually know how big the team's cheer squad was, which surprised you a bit when you first saw. There was also a crowd everywhere you went so it made it hard to move and get from one place to another.
However, around 15 minutes before matches you realised that Kita was missing for more than 10 minutes. The team can't play without their captain present. So you went to go quickly find him. After a few minutes you found him about to enter the changing rooms.
"Where were you? The team was waiting for you." You asked him.
"I had my phone on me and I was going to put it in a locker before the matches start." He put his phone up to show you. Before you or him could say anymore, someone from the crowd passing by with a hooded face snachted his phone and ran.
"Go back to the team. Go!" You pushed him in the direction to the entrance of the sports hall and then ran after the hooded face.
The guy ran down the streets and into an ally way which lead to a dead end. He turned around you saw that he was wearing a mask as well.
"Heh, what's a little girl like you gonna do huh?" The guy's voice came out a little muffled from his mask.
"A lot."
Safe to say you managed to beat his ass with the new moves your uncles had taught you. Though you did get a few scratches on your face and knuckles but you got Kita's phone back and the hooded guy seemed pretty beat up.
Running back to the competition, you just hoped Kita hadn't worried too much to mess up his performance. By the time you got back and made it to the coaches side, you saw that your team was already playing their first match.
At some point, Kita met your eyes and you gave him a toothy grin and a thumbs up while holding his phone in your other hand. He smiled back before focusing back on the game.
When they had a break in between the match, you handed out water bottles. When you gave one to Kita, he saw the scratches on your face.
"Did you get into a fight?"
"No, drink your water and don't worry, you're phone is in perfect condition."
"You got hurt though." When he said that, a few of the other team members turned around to check on you.
"Damn miss manager, you really shouldn't be kicking ass while your team is out here playing a match." Atsumu teased. He didn't know you chased a guy down an ally who stole his captain's phone.
"You know you should be careful or she might just kick your ass Atsumu." Osamu told him, sending you a smile before him and his brother began to bicker.
You shooed them all away once the break was over while rolling your eyes at their teasing remarks.
You had a small smile as you watched them play and you felt like this wouldn't be the first time you would get into a fight for them but you really couldn't care. They can repay you by getting first place.
"I'm Y/n L/n and I'll be your manager from today forwards."
You were there at every practice they had, they would see you taking notes and giving out water bottles. You learned all their names and positions within 3 days. You were doing everything one would expect a manager to do and you would do it flawlessly.
Which actually surprised them since you were known throughout the school to get into fights with other students both in your school and from other schools.
However, not long since you began being their manager, you once came to practice late with some bruises on your hands and a rather sour mood.
Tendo asked you about it but you just shooed him away to practice more, even hitting him with your clipboard.
Another time, you came to practice with your hair a bit messy and a busted lip that had been poorly treated. Though luckily that time the coach wasn't there to report it to another teacher and Eita Semi and Kenjiro Shirabu dragged you to the infirmary to get it treated properly.
Once, you came to practice after a fight which you personally found very easy to finish. You didn't get any big, obvious injuries so to the other team members, they thought you hadn't came back from a fight and continued practice like usual.
But the captain knew otherwise. When he came over to the side to get a drink he walked over to you.
"So, who did you fight with today?"
"Huh, how did you know?"
"I'm an excellent observer."
"Uhh sure, well it wasn't anything too bad. So don't worry about me."
He chuckled.
"I'm not worried about you, I'm worried about the kid you beat up. Wonder what condition he is in right now."
"Gee captain, thanks for caring about your manager so much."
You both laughed before you fell silent.
"The bastard wouldn't quit saying nonsense about the team and starting up rumours." You told him.
"Aw, so you do care about us!" Tendo popped up on the other side of you.
"Fuck tendo! You scared me, I nearly punched you."
He laughed and put an arm around you.
"You beating up guys who talk shit about us? How thoughtful of you manager."
"Tendo do you want me to beat you up with my clipboard again?"
"Hehe, it's like we have our own personal bodyguard."
You smacked him with your clipboard.
"ow! Okay, okay, I'll stop. Gonna go practice some more. Talk to ya later miss bodyguard- I mean manager."
The other team members looked over at you and Tendo and were either laughing or sighing. "Looks like he is gonna get his ass beat again."
"He really should stop riling her up, she is actually kinda scary."
"Yeah but tendo is another breed, he isn't afraid."
Thank you for this request anon, this was pretty fun to write. Hope you enjoyed reading it!
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“Yeah, I’m with my friend…”
How various Haikyu boyfriends would respond to you calling them your friend on a phone call
Immediately appalled. Will take the phone from your hand and say “yes hello this is YNs BOYFRIEND! Yes you heard me correctly!” Will do this while simultaneously glaring at you
OIKAWA, ATSUMU, Iwaizumi, Daichi, TANAKA, Hanamaki, SUGA, Nishinoya, Yaku, Kuroo, Kyotani, Terushima, Yamamoto, HOSHIUMI
He’s honestly so hurt, like HOW COULD YOU?!? Immediately thinks your relationship is over and will definitely start crying. Crawls on his knees to you and is like “YN please- YN what did I do now? Hey hey- are we still dating? Please Yn I’m sorry!”
BOKUTO, Hinata, Koganegawa, Asahi, Goshiki, Aran, Shibayama, Lev, Inuoka, Yamagata, Komori
Oh he’s gonna be P to the E to the TTY! Will probably give you the silent treatment for a while until you say something. Then they will respond with something like “oh I had no clue you cared so much about your FRIEND YN”
TSUKISHIMA, Suna, Kunimi, MATSUKAWA, Ennoshita, Tendo, Kenma, Shirabu, Yahaba, OSAMU, Kawanishi, Konoha, Hirgumi, Sakusa
The ones who say nothing, at first… then when you hang up the phone they will calmly address their concerns. “YN, I noticed you referred to me as a friend instead of your boyfriend. Is everything ok?”
KITA, Kindaichi, Semi, Akaashi, Watari, Washio, Reon, Omimi, Akagi, Ginjima, Kai, Fukunaga, Narita, Kinnoshita
Bitch doesn’t even know you referred to him as a friend. Totally zoned tf out
Kageyama, Ushijima
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makkir0ll · 3 hours
within the two months you had been dating a lot of things were revealed. your favorite foods, the things that made you laugh and cry, movies that you love so much you say every line from it, songs that make you turn up the volume in the car and scream out every lyric, the shampoo you liked to use,
and also how much experience you had. which was little to none.
in highschool, you never bothered with relationships, focusing on school and your clubs was your main priority. not how some stupid man felt about you. sure you kissed like one guy in your second year at your friends birthday party, playing a dumb game of seven minutes of heaven. it was a horrible kiss, too much tongue.
but that all changed in college when you met him. tall, broad, and handsome. and it didn't help that he was a smooth talker.
and he thought it was adorable how when he kissed you in the secrecy of your dorm, the way your hands fisted his shirt as a silent plea to not let go. the way your breath hitched when his lips moved from yours and trailed down to your neck.
but you insisted on taking it slow, not wanting to rush into anything and he didn't want to make you uncomfortable. but that all changed two months later at a study session at his dorm. his roommate was going to be gone for a while so you had it to yourself for a while.
you were supposed to be studying for your final, but instead you lay on the thin mattress, lips pressed against each other’s and fingers tangled in his hair while his hands ran up and down your bare sides. the sweater you wore lays still on the floor next to your textbooks. you feel his hand grace the waistband of your sweats. he pulls away and whispers, "is this okay?" not wanting you make you uncomfortable in any way. and you haven't said yes to anything faster before in your life.
you lift your hips up so he can easily slip off the comfy material, only to reveal the black lace panties you wore. it was "laundry day" you claimed but in reality you bought these last night for this specific occasion. you had a gut feeling. he smirks at you and teases you. saying "you were expecting this weren't you?" but you can feel the way his hands shake a bit over the waistband.
"take them off, please" you ask, looking up at him with doe eyes and batting lashes and he might just finish from that look. he takes a deep breath to calm himself down and his fingers hook on the waistband of the flimsy material and pulls them down. what he wasn't expecting to see was a small heart tattooed on the skin of your hip.
"oh what is this we have here?" he teases, thumb coming to rub against the soft skin, in disbelief that an innocent girl like you was tatted up, not to mention in such a secret spot, "y'know i how i love surprises, pretty."
with a gasp you look down at the dumb drunk mistake you made one faithful halloweekend. your friend bought a tattoo gun and convinced you to let her tat you up. and in the fear of your parents finding out that their sweet daughter got something permanent on her skin you decided on your hip, somewhere your panties and bikini bottoms would cover it up. you forgot about it due to the fact that it was always covered, remembering about it every now and then in the shitty communal showers.
"oh shit." you say, sitting up and your hand going down to cover it in embarrassment, but your boyfriend was quicker than you and grabs your wrist.
"care to explain this?" he teases, hand coming to your jaw to direct your attention to him. his grasp it firm and not letting you break eye contact.
"well you see..."
"go on"
"i am!" you exclaim. you can see the teasing glint in his eyes. "ugh, last halloweekend my friend convinced me to let her give me a tattoo with the new tattoo gun she bought. i was drunk and it was a mistake."
"the best mistake you could've made" he whispers, pressing a kiss to your pulse point which elicits a whimper from your lips. his grasp on your jaw is gone and he begins to trail kisses from your neck, to the valley of your breasts, down your stomach, all stopping at your inked skin and pressing one, two, three kisses on the skin.
and when his lips begin to travel down to your inner thighs, sucking a purple hickey into the skin where no one but him has touched before, you thank your previously drunken self for making a dumb decision that seems to drive your boyfriend crazy.
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SUNA FUCKING RINTARO!!!, hanamaki, TSUKISHIMA KEI (he is such a fucking tease about it too), matsukawa!!, sugawara (continues to bring it up), OIKAWA, MIYA TWINS (yes both of them, but atsumu more than osamu), iwaizumi hajime, BRAZIL HINATA (frothing at the mouth), futakuchi, TENDO SATORI! kageyama (teases you to hide the fact that he is so fucking nervous now)
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box-of-roses · 6 months
Sooo…..I have been dragged back into the Haikyu fandom. Send some requests lovelies <3
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avatarchic · 4 months
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haikyuu masterlist !
karasuno ⋆ sawamura daichi ↳
⋆ sugawara koshi ↳
⋆azumane asahi ↳
⋆nishinoya yuu ↳
⋆ tanaka ryuunosuke ↳
⋆ kageyama tobio ↳
⋆ hinata shoyo ↳
⋆ tsukishima kei ↳
⋆ yamaguchi tadashi ↳
⋆ ukai keishin ↳
⋆ multiple ↳ FOREIGNER — karasuno boys x foreign exchange student!reader How the Karasuno boys would react to meeting Shoyo's foreign cousin.
nekoma ⋆ kuroo tetsuro ↳
⋆ yaku morisuke ↳
⋆ kozume kenma ↳
⋆ haiba lev ↳
⋆ multiple ↳
aoba johsai ⋆ oikawa toru ↳
⋆ iwaizume hajime ↳
⋆ multiple ↳
fukurodani ⋆ bokuto kotaro ↳
⋆ akaashi keiji ↳
⋆ multiple ↳
shiratorizawa ⋆ ushijima wakatoshi ↳
⋆ tendo satori ↳
⋆ multiple ↳
itachiyama ⋆ sakusa kiyoomi ↳
inarizaki ⋆ kita shinsuke ↳
⋆ ojiro aran ↳
⋆ miya atsumu ↳
⋆ miya osamu ↳
⋆ suna rintaro ↳
⋆ multiple ↳
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©AVATARCHIC please do not plagiarize, repost, translate, or copy any of my works.
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applepi-1 · 4 months
Parade- Terushima
Pt. 2 to unfriendly friend
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Warning ⚠️: cursing, mentions of female and male body parts, smoking, edibles, drinking
Minors be advised! MDNI
So I don’t know where you guys are from but I’m from Baton Rouge, Louisiana and every year in February we have the Spanish town, and it is a gay parade and it’s loads of fun! So this one is definitely not for minors.
I’ve had request asking for a part two of Unfriendly friend by Terushima so this is part two!! I figured what’s the best way for her to tell him she’s the reason he never had a lasting relationship than being drunk. Drunk words are sober thoughts after all.
Spanish town, you convinced Terushima to go with you, despite his protest of seeing a man’s area. “Love, I’ve been so many times and all I’ve seen is titties.”
“Shouldn’t that be a reason for me not to go?” He smirked making you roll your eyes.
“Not my fault if you stare…” You mumbled packing a pink shirt and some pink shorts.
“Hey.” He grabbed your waist making you look at him. “If they aren’t you, I don’t want ‘em. I’ve told you this before, you’ve changed me so much. I love you, okay?”
“Yeah, I know. So uh, G/n is coming?”
“Yeah, my friend is trying to hook up with her.” He said leaning down to kiss your head. “Will I see any guy parts?”
“No, I mean, they might throw you a dick necklace. I caught a titty once. It’s like a little stressball or um… slim? I can’t really describe it but I gave it to Atsumu, that horny bastard.” Terushima laughed as you turned around packing him some pink clothes too. “Are you drinking with us?”
“Yeah, I’m not designated driver so hell yeah. I like when you drink, you get all giggly and blushy.”
“Shut up.” You threw a shirt at him before zipping up your bag. “You sure you don’t mind hanging out with the twins and some of their friends?”
“Your friends are bound to be my friends at some point. Plus I’m friends with some of them.” You stepped on your tippy toes kissing him softly.
“Thank you for agreeing to come with.”
“Like hell I’d leave you around tons of straight guys drunk.” Even though Spanish Town Parade is for gays, lots and lots of straights go, get drunk, high, walk around showing a lot of skin, but it’s fun.
“I love you, come on we’re suppose to be meeting Atsumu at the hotel, we have to get there at 7 am, or else we won’t have a place to sit.” He saluted you before following you out the house, quickly opening your car door. “Thank you.” He closed it behind you before getting into the driver side.
“Of course, gotta make sure my passenger princess is enjoying her royalty.” You laughed before turning on the radio.
When you pulled up to the hotel Atsumu and G/n were waiting. Of course she was waiting for Terushima, he got out quickly running to your side to open your door, Atsumu smirked before walking over to you picking you up. “God girl, you need to come visit more often.”
“Tsumu, put her down.” You looked behind him and saw Suna, Atsumu pouted and put you down softly on your feet.
“Hi Tsumu, Suna!”
“Move you fake blonde I wanna see Y/n too.” Osamu moved his twin out the way giving you a bone crushing hug.
“Ahh, Samu, hiii.” You hugged back before looking back at his boyfriend. “Rin!” Once Osamu pulled back you pulled him into a hug.
“Hey, Y/n how was the trip?”
“Good, I convinces Teru to come!” You said pointing to your boyfriend who now talked to Atsumu.
“Nice, it didn’t take much for Osamu to convince me. He said he and Atsumu might get into after they drink which means.”
“Photos. Lots and lots of photos. They do it every year, then the cops come break it up and 5 minutes they are back at it again.”
“Damn really? Osamu you should bring me every year.” Osamu looked at his lover confused before going back to his conversation with G/n. “I’m surprised you okayed for her to come after the beach thing, did you tell him yet?”
“No, but I’m sure I’ll slip it up tonight.”
“Right, hey come on we should all head in and get some sleep before tomorrow. You and Terushima are across from me and Osamu, Atsumu brought a date. They’re beside us, and then G/n and one of her friends are across from them.”
“Beside us, got it. Babe!” Terushima walked over to you wrapping an arm around you as you told him the room situation.
“Well, I feel bad for both twins and the girls next to us, because we haven’t had a night alone in a while.” You blushed as he smirked kissing your head. “Plus no telling what those two would get into.” You three look at the twins as they but heads. “Leave them alone for 1 minute and they are already fighting.” He looked at Suna questioning why he has a phone out until he started taking photos. “He’s always been like that?”
“Right, this is your first time meeting Suna, yeah, he is. Their school motto is ‘we don’t need memories’ or something like that, I always found it funny because Suna always takes photos of the twins fighting, he’ll send me some at the end of the day, the angles are amazing, I can’t imagine him taking some of Osamu just the two of them.”
“Maybe I should take photos of you in the best angles, I can think of a few.”
“What has gotten into you today?” He shrugged his shoulders before leaning into your touch as you rest your hand on his face.
“Just missed ya is all. We haven’t had a chance to really be together you know?” You smiled lightly before kissing his nose making him hum, you rubbed your thumb on his cheek before speaking.
“I know, teru, i know. But we have all weekend.” He smirked at that but before he could say anything a female voice spoke.
“hey, guys.” You both turned to G/n as she walked over with a girl.
“This is F/n, we’re gonna be tagging along with you guys.”
“Yea, I heard, so um, I apologize for Teru if he wakes you up in the middle of the night.” You smiled shyly at the two.
“Oh, no, if we not I, because you have a beautiful-“
“Laugh, I have a beautiful laugh, thanks baby.” Your face warmed up as you sent him a playful glare, “we should be heading up, we’ll see you guys at 7.” You dragged your boyfriend with you leaving the two girls to follow you confused.
“So that’s the girl you’re competing with?”
“It’s always someone.”
“Good luck.”
“Teru, there are people around us.” You mumbled as he kissed your neck.
“Baby, it is just you and I in this room. To be damned with those people.” He said as he gently bit your neck.
“Loveee.” You moaned softly as he began to travel his kisses down, you grabbed his face pulling him back up to eye level.
“So beautiful, god, I’m so lucky.” You smiled moving some of his hair off his forehead.
“You’re sweating already?”
“When you’re around someone this hot, you’re bound to sweat.” You laughed pushing him off you. “Where you going?”
“To take a shower.” You took your shirt off looking back at him, “Are you coming?” He jumped up taking his shirt off as well following you into the bathroom.
“God, I hate you two.” You looked up from the sofa in the lobby looking at Atsumu as he rubbed his eyes. He wore a lazy pink shirt with some jeans and pink and black shoes.
“Were we loud?” You asked handing him a cup of coffee.
“Sounded like a hyena getting attacked by a lion.” Suna said rubbing his head, sitting down next to Atsumu, you blushed deeply as Terushima smirked handing Suna coffee as well. Suna looked extra comfy, a somewhat baggy pink hoodie with black joggers and pink and grey shoes.
“I brought noice canceling headphones.” You all looked at Osamu who looked exhausted, “I still heard you guys.” Osamu wore the opposite of suna.
“Seriously, what the hell were you too doing?” G/n’s friend asked grabbing a cup of coffee and handed G/n one. They both were wearing a pink skirt with a topples pink shirt.
“Gimme.” Osamu pouted looking at Suna’s cup.
“There are cups in front of you.”
“I want yours.” Suna sighed handing his lover his coffee before grabbing the other one.
“You guys ready?”
“As we’ll ever be.” You all got up and headed towards the garage, Terushima’s friends were waiting for them.
“Hey man. so me Sakusa and Iwaizumi are gonna be designated drivers.” Akaashi told him.
“Cool, um, me and my girl will be with you, um, Atsumu and his girl can have Sakusa, Osamu and Suna can ride with Iwaizumi, and I think Ushijima is also a driver so G/n and her friend can ride with him. That leaves, Bokuto who is with us and Oikawa with Iwaizumi, Daichi and Sugawara with Sakusa, Tendo with Ushijima, is that everyone?”
“Yep, sounds about it.” You say wrapping an arm around his waist.
“Bokuto is getting dressed and should be here soon, Tendo and Oikawa are already in the cars, so you know which ones to get in, Sakusa said Atsumu is up front because he can tolerate him the most.” Akaashi told the rest. “And he doesn’t want anyone um fooling around in his back seat he’s putting Atsumu’s girl between Daichi and Sugawara.” You laughed before getting into the car, waiting for Terushima, “I also don’t want anyone fooling around in my car.”
“Don’t worry they got it out of them last night.” Osamu sighed getting into Iwaizumi’s car.
“Jeez, kids.” He closed their door before looking at Bokuto. “You look cute.” You peaked out the window seeing Bokuto in a pink skin tight tank top and some loose joggers. With cute pink nerd glasses.
“The colors pink.” Akaashi sighed looking down at his simple pink T-shirt and shorts. “You look cute too.” Bokuto kissed his forehead before getting into the car, Akaashi blushed also getting in and beginning to drive. Once they found a parking space they took the ice chest out the back and Sakusa grabbed the wagon for the chairs, and Iwaizumi had said chairs.
“You guys been here before?” Terushima asked his friends as they help his girlfriend gather everything.
“Yeah.” Iwaizumi sighed looking at Oikawa as he had a fuzzy pink coat with a skin tight tank top and pink jeans with a cute crown sitting on his head. “He goes all out every year, last year he wore a backless shirt with some shorts and some heels.”
“I looked hot, but jumping up and down for beads and stuff hurt with heels, hence the teeny shoes.” You laughed before grabbing a beer handing one to your boyfriend.
“Here, it’s way more fun fucked up.” You grabbed one of yours downing it.
“I also brought gummies.” Osamu stated passing them to the ones who won’t be driving.
“I, uh, never done this.” You looked at your boyfriend who looked at the gummy.
“It’s just weed, it’s edibles. You don’t have to if you don’t want to, you can still have fun drunk.” You stated before eating yours.
“Shit, Y/n, half. Eat half then half later not a full one.” You made a face at the taste almost in wanting to throw up.
“Damn, love you good?”
“Yeah, that was gross, how much did you put in them?”
“A lot. That’s why I said half.” You looked at Terushima as he grabbed your cheek you sheepishly smiled up at him.
“I’m fine, eat half okay?” He nodded taking a bite of half of it, making a face at the taste, he looked at everyone else seeing them split there’s with their partners before looking down at you, he quickly ate the other half. “Teru!”
“I don’t want you to be the only one eating a full one, love. I’ll be fine.” You sighed before leaning into him.
“We should go find our seats.” Sakusa grabbed the wagon of chairs after Iwaizumi put them in it, Akaashi grabbed the ice chest and Ushijima grabbed the other one. You all walked over to the elevator, your grip tightening on Terushima.
“Hey, we’re gonna take the stairs, we’ll meet you out there.” He told them as the elevator looked full, Osamu and Suna along with Daichi and Sugawara also following them down the stairs. “You okay?”
“Yeah, thanks love.” When you guys reached outside you saw the others waiting, you guys began to walk to the corner of 5th and North street getting your chairs out. You sat on Terushima’s lap looking at all the people before grabbing another beer. “Anyone need one?” You looked around hearing a few chants or nos and sures. Terushima turned around handing some out the other ice chest as you looked through the other before handing out beers.
“When does the parade hit us?”
“Around 1:30. So relax and drink up.” You told him leaning back into his touch. For the most part you guys did just that, you drank and smoked a bit, and talked a good bit. “Baby.” You looked back at your boyfriend running your fingers through his hair. “Can we take a walk?”
“Sure.” He helped you up before standing up himself waiting for his head to clear, “We’ll be right back.” You grabbed his hand walking down the less crowded street. “What’s up?” You hummed leading him to a building resting your back on the side of it grabbing his arms to bring him closer.
“Nothing, just wanted some alone time with you.” He smiled down at you before wrapping his arms around you. “I love you, you know that.”
“I love you, too. So pretty.” You laughed leaning back as he looked down at you.
“I think I’m high.”
“Baby, your cross faded.”
“Are you?”
“A little.”
“Can’t believe you never smoked. I’m such a bad influence.”
“I’ve drank before love, I just never trusted myself to smoke around people, didn’t know how’d I act.” You hummed looking over back at your friends who danced around the speakers.
“How do you feel?” You asked looking back at him.
“Like I love you, and I wanna kiss you.”
“So stoned you is the same as drunk you, sweet and clingy. I love it.” You giggled leaning up to kiss him softly only for him to push your back into the wall and tower over you. “You taste like beer and weed.”
“You taste like margaritas and weed.” You both laughed before looking at your friends. “Parade hasn’t even started and we’re already fucked up.”
“That’s the best way to be, G/n seems to be having fun.” You looked at the girl who took glances at you both. “She loves you, you know.” The sober part of you cursed at you for being careless with your words.
“At the beach, she told me…”
“No way.” He looked back at her then at you. “We haven’t spoke in years, how can she love me?”
“She told me that um, she chased all the other girls away, and it wouldn’t be hard to do the same. I’m sorry, we should be having this conversation sober.” You rubbed your hands over your face and sighed.
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
“I don’t know…”
“You didn’t think she could convince me to leave you, did you?”
“No, maybe, I-I don’t know, I’m sorry.” You sighed looking down at the pavement, he also sighed before putting two fingers under your chin making you look at him, resting his hand on the wall next to your head.
“You have nothing to be sorry for, I’m in love with you, sober me, fucking loves you, drunk me can’t get enough of you, and stone me, fuck, all I see is you.” You smiled up at him before pecking his lips. He grinned down at you before kissing you again. You sighed into the kiss bringing him closer to you as you snuck your hands into his hair, you heard some whistling and shouting to get a room from the distance knowing it was your friends.
“We should get back, the parade should start soon.” He nodded his head grabbing your hands leaning you forward off the wall before leading you back to your crazy friends.
“You guys should get a room or an alley.”
“Do you know how many germs are in alleys Atsumu.” Sakusa gave him a disgusted look making you laugh.
“Don’t worry, Saku, I’m too much of a lady to do it in some alley, some of us have class Atsumu.” He rolled his eyes at you before taking a chug of his beer. You sat back down as Terushima walked over to G/n, you sighed looking back at Sakusa who looked kinda worried about Atsumu since he was fucked up and his date wasn’t even paying attention to him. “Saku.” He looked at you as you leaned over. “Why not just tell him?”
“How did you?”
“I may be a wincey bit cross faded, but eyes don’t lie. You know he’s bi right?” Sakusa’s eyes widen before looking across from him to see Atsumu already looking at him, he quickly averted his eyes but both can see the blush on his face.
“What’s that about?” You looked at your boyfriend as Suna dropped to your level, terushima looked angry.
“I told him about the beach thing.”
“About time. I know that was difficult, but it was the right thing to do. Everything will be fine.” He patted your shoulder before getting up and traveling back to Osamu.
“I heard about that, Atsumu mentioned it. Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m good, just hard being around someone when you know they’re in love with your partner, which is more reason to tell Sakusa, his feelings for you are the same as yours for him, the girl… she’s like G/n. Nothing. She’s not even paying attention to him and he’s busy looking at you.” He gave you a playful glare before looking at the fake blonde, both of them held a stare before Sakusa looked at you. “Do it when he’s sober though. Don’t want him doing anything stupid with you or to you drunk.”
“Neither do I.”
Terushima walked over to you kissing the crown of your head before squatting down to your level. “How’d that go?”
“Eh, we aren’t friends anymore, not like we were close to begin with. It’s cool, I got all the friends I need.” You looked back seeing the guys dance around the chairs, Oikawa trying to kiss Iwaizumi who was blushing but wouldn’t kiss him, Osamu was making out with Suna lazy and slow, and Daichi was slow dancing to an up beat song with Sugawara. Sakusa was still staring at Atsumu who kept looking away after being caught. Tendō was poking Ushijimas flushed cheeks trying to get him to smile.
“Same. And I have you. Thank you for coming.” He kissed you softly before standing up grabbing your hand leading you to the front with your friends as the music from the floats got louder. “Here we go.” You guys jumped up and down, danced to the music, caught some beads, caught some other things, g/n stayed by the chairs no longer in the mood to have fun after her talk with Terushima. Her friend however was grinding on Atsumu’s date, and Atsumu was hanging onto Sakusa who held him close afraid he’d fall and crash into people if he let him go.
“I’m glad I came.” Terushima yelled slightly in your ear so you could hear him over the millions of screaming people.
“Me too.”
Terushima’s conversation with G/n:
“Hey.” She looked at him surprised her friend excusing herself.
“So I had an interesting conversation with my girlfriend.” She rolled her eyes sighing into the light pole behind her.
“About me I’m guessing.”
“You told her you ruined my other relationships? How could you?”
“They weren’t good for you, Teru. She’s not good for you.”
“And you are? I was in love with some of those girls you drove away. Maybe not as much as I am with Y/n, but still. How could you? We were friends at the time.”
“What are you talking about? We still are friends.” She stepped off the pole and looked at him confused. “I was there for you through the breakups, I helped you get back on your feet, I was the one who was by your side through it all.”
“It was all because of you!” He screamed at her, but with all the other people around she could barely hear him. “All those heartbreaks, the reason I became the way I was before Y/n, was because of you! You don’t get to try and play victim! We aren’t friends, friends don’t do that to friends, even if they are in love with them.”
“I’m sorry okay? What can I do?”
“Nothing, just stay the hell away from me and the fuck away from my relationship and why you’re at it stay away from my family. Just stay out of my life.”
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vs-redemption · 1 year
Soft Sunday: pancakes
*im craving pancakes and I will makes some, cause it’s cold and rainy here*
Atsumu: So he wasn’t a professional cook but he CAN cook. Even learned how to make those fluffy soufflés pancakes JUST for you. Especially after he got all those kisses and a happy face from you. Besides he looks just as good as twin in apron.
Hajime: He like most of his athletic clients are mindful of the amount of carbs they consume. Except when it comes to your request for buttery fluffy pancakes he is officially taking a cheat meal. He adds fruit to get SOME nutrimental value. Still it doesn’t quite compare to your giddy smile when he wakes you up with a plate full of pancakes. Also nice to see flexing biceps so early in the morning.
Mattsun/Osamu: look they will make your pancakes but they are shirtless with bed head and all. You just sit at the counter attempting to cut the fruit up while you watch. Oh and the pancakes look good too😂.
Kuroo: says there is science to fluffy crispy edge pancakes. You don’t argue with his logic cause his pancakes turn out perfect every time, taste wise. Plus he has the kids involved in the mixing process. He gets to enjoy his family and kisses from you every time he cooks up his famous pancakes. Yes he makes shapes out of the pancakes for his kids. Attempts too.
Tobio: takes him awhile to get it. The man is so serious about the timing to flipping the pancakes. He so determined to impress you after you showed him how to make pancakes. He is awarded for his efforts. You get stack full of delicious pancakes and gets a bunch of kisses from you. Sure y’all will have to replace the pan BUT you got pancakes and handsome chef out of the deal
Tendo: You gonna get crepes filled with sweet and savory things. It’s the French way. He can make your regular pancakes. He does go over the top with it. Powder sugar, whip cream, fruit and drizzle of chocolate. Which is fine with you cause you are a CHOCOLATE gremlin. You love chocolate. You got just the right handsome person to indulge you. Delicious pancakes AND eye candy. Oui!
* I will probably be on a Tendo kick cause I been cooking out my French cookbooks lately😁*
I will not complain about Tendo headcanons. I love hearing people's ideas and opinions about him. He's such an interesting and underrated character (in my opinion).
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Soft Sunday: Pancakes! (With: Atsumu, Iwa, Osamu, Mattsun, Kuroo, Kageyama, Tendo)
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I feel like Atsumu would pretend that he can't cook just because he doesn't actually want to. For you though, he's pulling out all the aces up his sleeve. He has a proud grin on his face as he reveals the perfectly made pancakes to you! He will put in a little extra work and make breakfast if it means impressing you!
Sundays tend to be a cheat day for Iwa. He can't help but cave to the pressure when you ask him so sweetly for pancakes 'just this once' with your sleepy morning voice, and adorable tousled hair. He tells himself that he'll just do an extra work out at some point to make up the difference, and he can hardly even bring himself to feel bad after seeing how happy you look with your yummy plate of pancakes.
Mattun's pancakes aren't anything special but it doesn't matter when he looks so mouthwatering while making them. He's still half asleep as he tosses ingredients into the bowl and mixes them up, but there's still an knowing smirk on his face as he feels the heat of your stare on his bare back and shoulders. He definitely makes teasing comments like "you sure you're hungry for pancakes, love?"
Osamu takes his cooking seriously in the morning, of course, but it's also the perfect time to tease you and rile you up. He knows what he's doing as his muscles flex as he chops, mixes and flips the pancakes. He'll make sure the breakfast comes out perfectly, but what he's actually looking forward to is dragging you back to bed for some warm cuddles once both of your bellies are happy and full.
Why can I picture Kuroo turning a pancake breakfast into a whole science project. He has every bowl in the kitchen out, using food coloring to have different colors of batter. He starts quizzing kids on the atomic number of different elements and tries to create electron cloud models with the different colored pancakes. There are so many dishes to do once everything is said and done, but it's actually a really wholesome bonding moment for Kuroo and his kids.
I can totally picture the scowl and look of concentration on Kageyama's face as he tries to follow the recipe and directions you wrote down perfectly. It's not even that complicated but he is so determined to get it right. When you peek in at him to check is progress, you can't help but playfully point out that if he stared at the page much harder smoke would start coming out of his ears. The look of relief and handsome smile on his face after he's done though makes your heart skip!
Tendo does not mess around when it comes to breakfast. He knows all the right combinations of flavors to to have you humming in delight with each bite of his creation. Not only does he get the perfect blend of sweet and fruity, the presentation is also immaculate. He will have all your friends jealous and wishing they could have such masterfully crafted crepes on their lazy Sunday mornings.
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pinkykats-place · 2 years
Haikyuu x Reader Hurt/Comfort Ⅱ
Tumblr Recommendations
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None of the stories linked below are mine.
Some contain mature content. Fem & GN readers.
Note: If you read any of these stories and like them please like, comment and/or reblog their work!
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His kid asks him to stay away
Ft. Oikawa, Atsumu x fem!Reader
A Misunderstanding
Kuroo Tetsurou x spouse! Reader
He Forgets Your Anniversary
Miya Osamu x fem! Reader
kuroo, osamu, bokuto x reader
Aftermath of a Fight
Tendou, Oikawa, Kageyama, Atsumu
how he apologizes 
ft. suna, makki
lack of love
Suna x fem!Reader
Synopsis: You and Suna have an agreement, but you overstep, and he doesn’t like that.
3 Parts
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