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lvndrptchwrk · 6 months ago
hq boys react to: reader coloring their hair the color of their uniform part one
♯ hq boys x gn! reader
kunimi, iwaizumi, daichi, akaashi, kenma, yamaguchi, shirabu, kuroo
akira kunimi
♪ he's very reserved about his emotions, looking to only react and use up energy when absolutely necessary
♪ this is one of those times.
♪ he saw you walk into the gym with with seijoh blue hair and white highlights, a very stark contrast from your hair the day before
♪ can't even form words, he's completely bluescreened (haha get it)
♪ it takes him a good day or two to get over the change, and a good week to get used to it
♪ absolutely loves it though, is smitten with how you support him and the team enough to dye your hair the uniform colors
hajime iwaizumi
♪ he sees the white hair with blue tint and is floored
♪ i mean literally speechless
♪ as in, there are no words, no thoughts, just you and your new hair color
♪ is totally off his game for the next week
♪ i mean how can he even focus when now EVERYTHING reminds him of you?
daichi sawamura
♪ this man is a stickler for the rules, so he's very surprised to see you come in with dark hair and orange highlights
♪ he was already pretty surprised at nishinoya's blonde streak, but your look was bolder and eye catching
♪ he definitely won't be mad at you! he's too busy stuttering over his words and thoughts to try and be mad
♪ proudly shows you off to the others (and definitely gloats a little)
keiji akaashi
♪ as a man who is convinced bokuto was born to be on fukurodani (it's the hair), seeing you walk in with white hair with black and gold highlights had him shell shocked
♪ he just so happen to be in his volleyball uniform and instantly made the connection
♪ and by connection, it was bokuto yelling "OH MY GOSH YOUR HAIR IS OUR UNIFORM"
♪ he was one of the last people to compliment you because he was just so star struck by your new look
♪ definitely ranted to bokuto a few times when you weren't around about how gorgeous your hair looked and how it made you a million times more perfect
♪ he is caught staring several times a day and is convinced to get white and gold highlights in his hair to match you
♪ is very giddy and happy, but of course keeps his cool around others (expect you and bokuto)
kenma kozume
♪ having seen kenma's trademark pudding hair, you decided to match it and have dark roots and red tips
♪ he was definitely taken aback, especially since you two were now matching, but he very much enjoys it
♪ he's definitely the type to mess with your hair so he does it a lot more after you color your hair
♪ hes the type to be reluctant to admit he's part of the team, but is more fond of the idea after you colored your hair.
♪ still wont admit he likes being part of the team though, but the others know with how much he talks about your hair
tadashi yamaguchi
♪ he has his jaw on the floor once he sees you with black hair and orange lowlights
♪ thinks you are the new embodiment of halloween
♪ was definitely shy about touching your hair before, but now he is terrified to because its just too pretty
♪ he is astounded that he landed you, and your new haircut just reaffirmed that
♪ is super shy and bashful when people ask about you and your hair
kenjiro shirabu
im gonna do my absolute best to get through this without roasting his bangs, pray for me
♪ seeing you walk in with purple hair fading to white, he nearly dropped to the floor
♪ he didn't realize you did it to support him and his team, but when he did, he ACTUALLY fell to the floor
♪ he's not one to gloat or show off, but seeing you made him want to start
♪ if he hears one more "wow, his partner has such pretty hair, maybe they should fix his bangs?" one more time, he will spike someone's face
♪ he may or may not have dyed a streak of his hair purple to match with you (he does not fix his bangs, he never will but we love him for it)
tetsuro kuroo
♪ our resident rooster head felt so happy when you walked in with dark hair and red highlights
♪ at first he was speechless, then loudly said "well look guys! we may not have a manager but we got a cheerleader!"
♪ may or may not use this to one up yaku
♪ "yeah, well did YOUR partner dye their hair our uniform colors? i dont think so"
♪ he will boast about it even after you all graduate
♪ may or may not have cried a little when you changed the color/style (he denies it but he definitely did a little)
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lvndrptchwrk · 9 months ago
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : i didn't fall from heaven but i think you did
firefighter! osamu x paramedic! suna x nurse! komori
((the ossnkm brainrot continues and this wasnt beta read, just pure word vomit))
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osamu's pov:
the fire was bad.
osamu chalked it up to faulty wiring or maybe a gas leak. either way, this building was toast, literally. he was the last firefighter in there, doing a last sweep for civilians and avoiding debris as much as possible.
he called out for signs of life until his throat gave out, and when he was absolutely certain he was the last person in there, he made his way to an exit.
now, being on the top floor of a burning (and collapsing) building, you would think the safest exit would be through a balcony or window. but osamu, bless his soul, became trapped in a windowless room. his radio crackled to life.
"osamu! everyone's accounted for! get yer ass out, the building is gunna blow!" atsumu barked into the radio, and osamu cursed silently. 'would've loved that information BEFORE getting trapped on the top floor.' osamu thought. his breaths became shallow, his mask only doing so much to prevent the smoke entering his lungs. he had to leave, and now.
before he had the chance to think, the floor collapsed on him sending him three stories down and onto the ground floor.
well. that solved his trapped issue. that also caused an immense pain in his arm.
the building creaked in pain and osamu took that as a sign to get out before the building flattened him. the quickest way out was the window, which osamu jumped out of.
maybe he shouldn't have used his injured arm to break the window.
suna's pov:
it was absolute chaos outside.
civilians were being extra annoying as they tried to enter the burning building to try and retrieve who knows what. firefighters and several paramedics were doing their best to keep them away as they treated wounds or put out the fire.
suna was one of the paramedics on site, treating someone who was close to the fire when it started and luckily only had some minor burns. he worked swiftly as the police officer nearby took their statement of how the fire started. the brunette looked to the officer in sympathy as the man he was treating rambled and seemed to not directly answer the questions.
whatever, that wasn't his field and above his paygrade.
he cleared the man and the officer took him to wherever as suna looked up to see if there was anyone else to treat.
that's when he saw a firefighter jump out of the window and land on his arm, which had GOT to hurt. when the firefighter showed no signs of getting up, he dashed over with a stretcher to help him in any way possible. another firefighter dashed over, and the two of them hauled the unconscious firefighter onto the stretcher to let suna check for injuries.
when suna ripped his mask off, he nearly choked on air. 'holy shit, he's hot as hell!' the brunette thought, and it took everything in him to stop staring at his face and start checking for injuries. he wheeled the stretcher over to his truck, assessing his arms and getting an oxygen mask on his perfectly sculpted face. "damnit 'samu, i knew ya shouldn't have gone in there alone!" the firefighter scolded, and suna looked up to see a similar face looking at the unconsious firefighter.
'oh, they're twins.' suna realized.
the first thought that crossed suna's mind was 'they have the same face, but why is the unconsious one so much hotter' followed by guilt because 'damnit rin, you have a boyfriend... one who might also think this guy is hot.'
he pushed his spiralling gay thoughts aside before the blonde twin could start attacking his twin and wheeled "'samu" into the patient mod. this made the blonde firefighter stop and stare worriedly at his brother, knowing he couldn't come along since he still had a job to do.
that fact was emphasized when someone yelled out the blonde's name and he went running, leaving suna and "'samu" alone. said boy groaned, and suna went back into work mode to ensure the man wouldn't try to injure himself further.
"easy there, big guy. you've taken quite the fall. we gotta take you to the hospital." suna explains, doing his best to splinter his arm to keep him from moving it more and checking his lungs so often.
it was the most he could do to keep his gay panic at bay.
osamu's pov:
when he came to, it was noticeably less hot and his arm seemed numb. "-taken quite the fall. we gotta take you to the hospital." he hears, and looks up and-
has he died and gone to heaven? because there was a brunette angel splinting his arm. and of course, he had to voice his thoughts.
"'f course i fell. fell fer you, angel." he says, albiet muffled from the oxygen mask. it seems the brunette heard him clearly, however, as he turned a bright shade of red. osamu let out a wheezy laugh, causing the brunette to smile.
"okay, easy 'samu." the brunette started, and osamu's heart beat faster. 'this beautiful brunette not only knew his name, but called him a nickname??? he might be hearing wedding bells' the firefighter thought. "you breathed in quite a bit of smoke, and your arm might be broken." the brunette explained, but osamu was too occupied with his thoughts.
"i'm sure my boyfriend will be able to help you, you'll be in good hands." the brunette says, and osamu's heart drops.
the beautiful ones are always taken.
motoya's pov:
it was quite honestly a mundane shift.
that was until the news interrupted whatever drama show was on, showing a building engulfed in flames. it wasn't long until the head nurse of his floor gathered him and a few nurses and doctors.
"okay, so according to the paramedics on site, they were able to evacuate a good majority of the building, but there's a number of minor injuries and cases of smoke inhalation. there's only a handful of burns and other major injuries so ensure they are prioritized." the group separated to prepare for the number of patients theyll receive and motoya silently mourns for his previously mundane evening.
he takes a moment to check his phone, seeing a single text from his boyfriend, rintaro.
rin <3: hey, we got a rlly hot firefighter w broken arm and smoke inhalation, treat him and agree with me
motoya SHOULD be more offended, but he knows this job, along with rintaro's, has them seeing their fair share of hot men. it wasn't long until patients from the burning building came pouring in, and motoya and the other nurses and doctors jumped in to treat them.
komori spent time treating burn wounds and ensuring the patient's lungs were clear or would clear with time. rintaro and the mystery firefighter were the last to arrive, and yet he seemed to have the worst injury.
komori excused himself from his patient to help rintaro transfer the firefighter from the stretcher to an open bed, and immediately taking a look at their face.
'holy shit, rin was right. he is hot.' motoya thought as he went to connect the man to an oxygen and clear his arm of soot and dirt to cast his arm.
the whole time, motoya figured he and rintaro were thinking the same thing: they wanted to take this fine firefighter on a date.
osamu's pov:
he woke up to the white ceiling bustling noise of a hospital. it was odd, because there was no reason for him to pass out from slight smoke inhalation and a fractured arm.
well, finding out that your hot paramedic was dating should be reason enough, right?
he looked over to the nurse checking his vitals, and-
'holy shit, did i really die and go to heaven? or is everyone in the medical field just hot?' osamu's heart beat faster, which reflected onto the monitor. the nurse looked over and smiled, and damn, could you become even prettier?
the answer is yes.
"oh! youre awake! that's good. i'm nurse komori, i'll be taking care of you." komori greeted, and osamu repeated the name over and over in his head. komori seemed to talk more, probably about his injuries and how he should take a rest to recover and something about his arm, but osamu was just more interested in how his voice sounded, the little quirks and ticks about his voice and-
"oh, rintaro! he's been waiting for you to wake up, let me go and grab him!" komori says, causing osamu to break from his thoughts as he watched komori walk away.
his thoughts were about to start with questions when komori and the hot paramedic from earlier came back, both of them holding hands and smiling and-
oh. things made sense now.
the paramedic- rintaro and komori were boyfriends.
the beautiful people were always taken.
"hey, you're awake! you were pretty hot jumping out of the window, but try not to break your arm next time, yea?" rintaro spoke, and osamu's heart leapt back in his throat.
just because they were taken by each other doesn't mean osamu can't pine for both of them.
"uh- yeah, you're arm is broken in two spots, and it'll be about six weeks before you can take the cast off." komori explains.
aaand osamu's heart jumps right back down to his stomach.
"s-six weeks!? but what about work? or working out- how am i supposed ta cook with a cast?!" osamu exclaims, starting to panic a bit. the two medical boys just laugh.
"wow, from barely talking to going a mile a minute. you really do work wonders motoya." rintaro teases, making komori blush. osamu shuts his mouth and turns red as well.
"well, i'm sure your work will accomodate you or get you time off, you've already saved plenty of lives today." motoya compliments, placing a hand on osamu's cast. rintaro follows, and osamu has no choice but to let any and all thoughts cease and let the boys talk.
"you got six weeks, i'm sure you got plenty of time to go and relax, maybe leet the two of us take you out for dinner?" rintaro suggests, and osamu swears he might develop heart problems with how his heart is jumping everywhere.
"rin, youre gonna give him a heart attack." komori scolds and rintaro shrugs with a sly smug. "whaat? no reason to stall." he whines, but komori doesn't seem mad in the slightest. instead, they're both looking at him with hopeful looks.
'right, i need to respond.'
"of course! i- i mean yes! i want dinner with you both!" he pretty much blurts out, his face turning redder than roses. the two smiled and after some much needed formal introductions, osamu found himself glad he'll have some time off from work.
he's got a date with two of the most beautiful people in the planet to head to.
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((i kinda suck at endings but its okay i hope you guys enjoy this!! if theres any typos or grammatical errors shh no there wasn't))
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lvndrptchwrk · 9 months ago
osamu and tendo who work in the kitchen making dinner and dessert, then cuddling up on the couch to eat and watch kitchen nightmares
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lvndrptchwrk · 9 months ago
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : osasunakomo headcanons
((im losing the idgaf war, im breathing this ship in like its oxygen, and i need to do my part to spread the ossnkm agenda))
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♪ out of the three of them, motoya falls in love first
♪ well, he met atsumu alongside sakusa and thought the blonde was extremely loud, and thought osamu was the same way (and motoya quite honestly thought atsumu had a clone for a few months but after that he got to know osamu and fall in love)
♪ osamu falls next, much to atsumu's dismay (if he hears one more "theyre both so pretty, how am i supposed to choose?!" he might just attack osamu)
♪ suna falls the hardest, after realizing that he likes both men
♪ suna is also the one to confess, in a "adds them to a group chat and messages them about his feelings" way
♪ they go on a picnic for their first date (they all bring food to share)
♪ motoya's love language is physical affection, suna's is words of affirmation and osamu is gift giving
♪ they have matching bracelets (which soon turn into rings but shdhflsj)
♪ suna sleeps in between motoya and osamu supremacy
♪ motoya proposes first (but osamu thought about proposing first)
♪ osamu comes home with a dog one day (she's a white samoyed they named wrybo) ((suna called her whiteboard and she only responds to whiteboard so they shorted it))
♪ atsumu and sakusa make fun of the three of them every time they show an ounce of affection or love (atsumu and sakusa are 10x worse)
♪ anytime theres an issue, osamu is very confrontational and wants the issue solved right away, suna is the type to take time for himself to cool off, and motoya avoids the issue and pretends its okay
♪ motoya is also least likely to cause any issue, and is the mediator between osamu and suna (and the man who drags them in to talk)
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lvndrptchwrk · 9 months ago
Hello, could you possibly write a osamu miya x reader fic /hc (or idk how you call it) ? For the scenario i don’t really know, but could the reader be rather quiet, reserved but not shy (if that makes sense), has hard time expressing themselves/their emotions, like quite bad at feelings. And could the characters just be asexual please? Anyway, I really like your work, it's always great and fun! Hope you have a nice day
((of course! and thank you so much, i appreciate you anon :3 i hope i did this justice! ))
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : osamu miya x gn! reader who struggles with expressing themself
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♪ he's very patient, thanks to all those years with his brother, but isnt afraid to voice his thoughts
♪ very patient in letting you take the time to express yourself, no matter how you do it
♪ is usually the type to ask permission before initiating any affection
♪ is always encouraging you to be more open, and allowing you to express your emotions to others
♪ has learned little cues and habits you have when you want to express yourself or share your thoughts or feelings
♪ usually the one who gets other people to be quiet so you can voice your opinion
♪ is sometimes blown away by the things you say when people take the time to let you talk (and by the one line roasts towards his friends and atsumu)
♪ he does sometimes get frustrated because it feels like you cant trust him with your emotions, but has grown to understand that youre just naturally bad with feelings and takes the time to help you out
♪ overall loves you very much, no matter how you choose to show you love him too
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lvndrptchwrk · 9 months ago
no thoughts, just sugawara waking up on his birthday thinking everyone forgot but then going to morning practice to see the entire gym decorated and everyone surprising him
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lvndrptchwrk · 10 months ago
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ITS POOKIE’S 30th BIRTHDAY TODAY !!! happy birthday iwaizumi hajime (30) athletic trainer 🫶🏼
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lvndrptchwrk · 10 months ago
Hello, may I please ask headcanons for Karasuno reacting to their new team player being Hinata's female cousin? The reason on why she's on the boys vbc is too much for the girls
((sure thing! i hope i did this justice! i excluded asahi, ennoshita, kinoshita, and narita since i felt like they wouldn't have any specific reaction? and i didn't come up with any noticable ideas that would fit them))
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : (most of) karasuno reacts to a girl joining the team!
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daichi sawamura
♪ definitely was confused that a girl was on the boys volleyball team, but the vice principal gave the okay on it so he's all for it!
♪ is honestly glad you are here because all the boys work harder
♪ he knows that they do it to impress you but whatever makes the other team lose
♪ you being on the team bridges the boys and girls volleyball club closer and begin matches between the two to improve both teams
♪ probably wont fall in love with you, but he just wants to focus on graduating high school without another injury
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koshi sugawara
♪ if someone were to be skeptical about a girl joining the volleyball team, it's him.
♪ he's all for equality, but this man has had poor experiences with girls, from girls hitting on him to girls using him as gateways to the other volleyball members
♪ and being used to tanaka and nishinoya's antics with the female managers, he just wants to ensure that you a. aren't going to be like that towards the other players on the team and b. are safe and not at risk of being in the crossfire of whatever nishinoya and tanaka pull
♪ after a while, he sees you fit right in and lowers his guard, and treats you the same as everyone else
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ryuunosuke tanaka
♪ not one to question a girl on the boys volleyball team
♪ dedicates time to showing up early so he can hang with you more
♪ eventually treats you like one of the dudes afterwards, with very comical reminders that you are a girl every once in a while
♪ very respectful about your boundaries (it took a threat from kiyoko for him to listen but we got there)
♪ definitely has a crush on you, but that fades the closer you two get and he refocuses his love to kiyoko and you two are best friends (similar to tanakas relationship with kanoka)
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yuu nishinoya
♪ the only other person to not question a girl being on the boys volleyball team
♪ you being here gets him to show up on time and dedicate everything into working hard so you'd watch him
♪ after awhile, treats you like one of the bros and stops oogling at you (though he'll do it when youre focused on the game and he's waiting to switch back in)
♪ always loves to show off to you though, and will jokingly dedicate all his receives to you ("this next one is for you pookie!" and then misses)
♪ had a crush on you and might still do? but wont act on it
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tobio kageyama
♪ "oh god, now there's two of them."
♪ he honestly treats you like another hinata
♪ he doesn't have too many opinions, but the third years have had to explain why you being on the boys volleyball team was pretty controversial to people
♪ he honestly was skeptical at first, but as soon as hinata mention you were his cousin, he put two and two together and couldn't care less about you being there, as long as you dont let him down
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shoyo hinata
♪ is so very excited to play volleyball with you !
♪ the endless energy is something you also inherited, as no one else can compete with you and his endless endurance
♪ is more up in people's faces if people give you crap for being on the team, you AND kageyama has had to pull him off of other people because they made comments about you
♪ you are his cousin and a volleyball player first, girl second and he will ensure that EVERYONE knows that
♪ your presence brings everyone together and he is just very happy you are here and also are interested in volleyball
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kei tsukishima
♪ personally does not care about who you are, why youre on the boys volleyball team, and will treat you the same way he treats everyone else
♪ this man really said "my insults are rated E for everyone" and expects you to work as hard as everyone else on his god foresaken team
♪ is not interested in being comfortable with your presence, being your friend, or ensuring you feel any sort of way while you play with them, he just does not care in the slightest
♪ ESPECIALLY in his mr. its-just-a-club phase
♪ even after he finds his passion though, he really could not care less, you are just another body on the court that will help the team win, and if you arent, then why are you there?
♪ but god forbid anyone else say anything about you being on the team
♪ the girl volleyball team giving you dirty looks for whatever reason? yamaguchi has to drag tsukishima away before the blonde tries to fight them
♪ he has threatened several coaches, opposing players, and even people watching the games to keep their mouth shut because "y/n is just another player in the court at the end of the day, all that matters is if they can keep up with the king and the shorty"
♪ overall cares to ensure no one messes with you or gives you crap for being on the boys volleyball team, but wont make any effort to befriend you
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tadashi yamaguchi
♪ like tsukishima, he doesnt really care about you being on the team, but he's nicer and tries to befriend you!
♪ like i said in tsukishima's headcanons, he has had to stop tsukishima from downright showing everyone why tsukishima's motto is "these HANDS are rated E for everyone"
♪ always tries to include you in activities both in and out volleyball, and really helps you blend in with the group
♪ definitely has told the team to shut up once or twice to let you voice your opinion
♪ when he becomes captain, he never stops ensuring that you fit in and have a voice in the group because he knows way too well what its like to be the outcast in groups
♪ might have a crush on you? but you can never tell because he honestly ensures you fit in but also insults you with tsukishima
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lvndrptchwrk · 10 months ago
do you ever just … picture a whole scene, a whole fanfiction in your head, you know how to place every single word of the english dictionary that you need (or your language dictionary), you know how to structure your sentences, you know just what your characters are going to say to each other and then… and then you just open microsoft word.
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lvndrptchwrk · 10 months ago
⇢ ˗ˏˋ my heart beats to the sound of your drum ࿐ྂ
set list
my carrd
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requests: open !
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lvndrptchwrk · 10 months ago
rules and tags
hey its kei! kodzuken's (un)official sound mixer and playlist coordinator for any and all road trips ! (they/them pronouns)
what write:
♫ heacanons, scenarios, drabbles, one-shots, SMAUs
♫ sfw, fluff, angst, humor, suggestive, comfort
♫ character x any gender reader
♫ character x character
will not write:
♫ pure nsfw
♫ graphic descriptions of violence, mcd, and heavy talks of mental health disorders
.⋅ ۵♡۵ ⋅.
♪ send your request through an ask !
♪ your request will be completed as soon as i'm able to, and i have the right to deny a request if i don't feel comfortable with it !
character limits:
♬headcanons: 5-10 characters (depending on the length and specifics of the ask, i may choose the amount of characters)
♬scenarios: 5 characters
♬oneshots/drabbles: 3 characters
♬ SMAUs: 4 characters
♩ lvndr!headcanons - all my headcanons !
♩ lvndr!scenarios - all my scenarios !
♩ lvndr!drabbles - all my drabbles !
♩ lvndr!oneshots - all my one shots!
♩ lvndr!SMAU - all my social media aus !
♩ lvndr!rambles - my random thoughts haha !
♩ lvndr!tweets - to find all the random tweet compilations (everything is also posted to my !nsta: lvndr.ptchwrk)
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lvndrptchwrk · 10 months ago
ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯
hq boys reacting to you sick (kuroo, kenma, bokuto, akaashi)
karasuno boys and part time jobs
inarizaki x ballerina! reader part one
inarizaki x ballerina! reader part two
hq boys react to you coloring your hair their uniform color: one // two // three // four // five
⋘ ᴛʀʏ ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ... ⋙
our life: beginning and always
cove holden
cove with a singer mc
how cove reacts when you’re sick
cove with dancer mc
cove reacting to you asleep
cove and comforting you when losing a loved one 
baxter ward
baxter with model mc
baxter with actor mc
cove holden's halloween special !
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lvndrptchwrk · 10 months ago
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haikyuu cursed tweets i made (i also post these on my !nsta if youd like to see more of these cursed tweets its lvndr.ptchwrk)
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lvndrptchwrk · 10 months ago
my next haikyuu post is so big it needed to be split into FIVE parts. and i randomized all the names for funsies so it's not going to be released until all the characters are completed! also im uploading my masterlist and navigation after this so its all organized :D
wish me luck, the next posts are going to be completely unhinged
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lvndrptchwrk · 10 months ago
I just read your recent fic for Inarizaki and I loved it! The concept is so cute and honestly ballet outfits are so adorable, will you do for the rest of the team like Oomimi, Akagi and Ginjima?
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : oomimi, akagi, ginjima, riseki, kosaku x gn! ballerina! reader
((of course! the other post was getting long so i planned on cutting it in half, so i'll use your ask as the part two! i also apologize for this being much shorter, im still new to writing for these characters so i'm sticking to a bunch of headcanons!))
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Ren Oomimi
♪ this man definitely loves ballet and classical music so he always loves to see your recitals and practices
♪ its how you two met after all ! he noticed the ballet attire in your bag once and you two bonded over ballet
♪ always prepared for muscle aches or sprains, and also carries a couple energy bars!
♪ much prefers to watch you practice instead of you watching him practice. he likes the serenity that comes with ballet, and it keeps you from getting hit with any stray balls or dealing with the twins' antics.
despite this, you still watch him practice when you can. the team enjoys your presence and he works harder (to show off how cool he looks while playing volleyball)
♪ has taken you to secluded and very romantic locations for dates where you both have a cute picnic and end the date with slow dances (he really wants to dance with you)
Hitoshi Ginjima
♪ if you were a ballet dancer, he would best be described with a tango: graceful yet intense and all around mesmerizing. its no wonder you two got along so well!
♪ is the type to bring huge bouquets and film your recitals and watch you dance every second he can
♪ has he gotten in trouble for being distracted by thoughts of you dancing? yes. has he forgotten about practice at times because he'd rather watch you dance? also yes. does he care in the slightest? no
♪ as much as he is coordinated, he cannot dance for his life. he can do funny little trendy dances with practice, but he'd rather watch you dance rather than dance with you (hopefully one day he'll learn how without accidentally stepping on your feet)
♪ panics every time you have a sprain or ache, but is quick to help you with it! overall very caring and sweet
Yuuto Kosaku (who doesn't have too much information on him so i'm largely pulling this out of nowhere)
♪ if you thought the others could be your biggest supporter, yuuto takes the cake.
♪ you know how girls would have name signs of atsumu and osamu and cheer during their serves? he's even more extra. he has a name sign, has custom merch of you (with your permission of course) and takes ballet more seriously than volleyball
♪ films and makes edits of your perfomances to post online. he is the WHOLE reason you oddly have a large following online. i'm talking he is the president of the y/n the ballet dancer fan club, has a stan account and everything
♪ devotes his life outside of volleyball and school to ballet, and is extremely knowledgeable about ballet, from the moves to techniques to the best fabrics for leotards and tutus and how to properly maintain ballet shoes.
♪ he respects your boundaries however and only does things your comfortable with! always asks before coming to your practice or recital or even posting anything (you are well aware about the stan account and enjoy the fact you inspire people to know more about ballet)
♪ gets very flustered when you watch him practice, he would mess up with the timing so you more or less have been banned from watching practices (or you have to be secretive when watching to he can practice the best he can)
Heisuke Riseki
♪ was rather hesitant to know that you did ballet, but was absolutely hooked after seeing one of your rectials
♪ is guilty for skipping practice once or twice to just watch you practice. would skip more if the others wouldnt scope him out and drag him to practice
♪ you coming to watch him practice either turns to him getting distracted and spending an hour to talk with you about ballet or downright leaving and walking you to practice or helping you practice wherever.
♪ his normally pessimistic mindset usually dies down around you, as you help him feel like he belongs somewhere, which inspires him to try harder during volleyball
♪ shows up to your recitals with stuffed animals or food, carries an extra set of ballet clothes for you (because he's usually always with you)
Michinari Akagi
♪ is very supportive of your ballet! however, has forgotten about a couple recitals (i'm sorry, this trope came to me recently and he was the last one i had to write for)
♪ when he does come, he always treats you afterwards, usually to a dinner and a movie with a massage thrown in there to soothe your muscles
♪ absolutely loves it when you come watch him practice! tends to show off too much if you do show up though so you also have more or less been banned
♪ he on the other hand is also banned from watching your practices because he cheers for you too much, and tends to distract you and the other ballet dancers in the room.
♪ takes you on dates where you dont have to move much because he knows your feet tend to ache from practicing and always has pain medication or a pair of comforting shoes for you just in case!
┗━━━ ━━━┛
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lvndrptchwrk · 10 months ago
Inarizaki team reacting to a ballerina s/o please. Like the had practice earlier and came late to their game, and they had to throw a sweater over their ballet attire to watch them play.
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : kita, suna, atsumu, osamu, aran x gn! ballerina! reader
((i really liked the idea of them reacting to you arriving right in the middle of their game while wearing the ballet attire so literally all of them react to that happening, as well as some other headcanons ! i hope i did them all justice ! also excuse how late this was, i literally was fighting for my life trying to write this lmao))
┏━━━ ━━━┓
Kita Shinsuke
♪ always does his best to attend your recitals and watches you practice.
♪ if he cant attend, he'll always try to get a recording or meet you afterwards with a bouquet of flowers for your hard work.
♪ ensures you properly stretch and maintain a healthy diet, often meal preps for the both of you so he knows you'll eat.
♪ takes the time to research ballet techniques and moves so he can try to understand what moves you do when you dance and if you need practice on any dances
♪ secretly enjoys it when you come to watch him practice but worries when you arrive in ballet attire because he knows you're tired
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
The game had just reached a technical time out with Inarizaki reaching 16 points in the first set. The team had gotten off the court for a water break, but Kita had noticed you watching them.
He always seemed to notice the littlest of things. He jogged over to the barricade, drying his face. "You made it." He commented, giving you a big smile. "Of course, you know I'm always going to try and watch all your games." You say, and he finally notices your attire.
"Did you just come from practice?" He asks, and you can sense the lecture about heading home to properly change and taking time for yourself before going to watch his games coming, but luckily you were spared as Atsumu called him back over. "Good luck out there Shinsuke." You waved him off, but he refused to leave you without a quick hug.
The smell of his cologne lingered, and you finally got the chance to relax while you watched Inarizaki play and win the match. When they finished, Kita jogged back over to you with a smile on his face. "I thought you wouldve gone home and changed. That seems uncomfortable to wear." He notes, watching you shuffle in your spot.
" Well, I wont just pass on the opportunity to watch your game! You did amazing today, by the way. Now, we can both go home and unwind from today." You pointed out, and he sighed. The idea of walking you home and possibly unwinding with you, relaxing on the couch with a movie on after a long day seemed very appealing to him.
"Alright, let me grab my things and we can go home together."
Suna Rintaro
♪ has some of the songs you practice to saved so he can listen to it and imagine you dancing
♪ was he roped into being your practice partner because of his flexibility? yes.
♪ has several recordings of your practices and recitals and watches them when he misses you
♪ is guilty of ditching practice a couple times (but never any actual games) to watch you dance
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
It was one of those days where Suna just had to practice. Preliminaries were coming up and fast, and as much as he'd love to watch your graceful figure dance, he'd have to do that another day.
Thankfully though, you had other plans. Finishing your practice early had allowed you to finally watch him practice, and not the other way around. You never minded him watching you, your dance mates loved having him around, it just wasn't often that you got to see him practice and you were taking the chance.
You had reached the gym he was at, where he was in the middle of a practice match against another school. You stood by the doors, simply opting to watch while wearing your ballet attire and his hoodie. Just as the other team had called for a break, he looked over at you, and his whole face lit up.
He dashed over to you and engulfed you with a hug, hiding his face in your shoulder. "Thank god, these idiots were about to start driving me crazy." He whispered, and you let out a laugh as you hugged him back.
"Well practice finished a bit early for me so I figured I'd watch you practice for a change." You told him, and he eyed your outfit. "You should change, isn't that uncomfortable?" He asked, and you shrugged. "Nah, I'll just change after you finish practice for the day."
Before he could say anything else, Atsumu called him back. He gave you a quick hug before returning to the game, and you watched as he played intensely. It's almost like he was showing off. After the game, he practically ran to the lockers to grab his things, and was at your side in minutes.
"Let's go home and eat some jelly sticks, we deserve a treat today."
Miya Atsumu
♪ is your biggest supporter aside from your family, and definitely had missed a couple of practices to watch your recitals or practices.
♪ always comes with a sweet treat for you to enjoy afterwards, even if its not the best option.
♪ does his best to help you practice and stretch, uses that as an excuse to hold you tbh
♪ is always in awe about your balance and mobility, has picked up a few moves that improved his volleyball performance
♪ always coming handy with a comfy change of clothes or ice packs just in case!
♪ has a 6th sense for spotting you in the crowd, no matter what the situation is
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
He silenced the audience once more as he went to serve. His ability to practically mute the entire stadium for his serve still astounded you to this day. You watched as he performed another service ace, the crowd going wild.
It'd be rather rude if you tried to call for his attention while he was concentrated, and you were willing to watch him play.
That thought flew out the window when Atsumu whipped his head to smile and wave at you before his next serve. You jolted and waved back, wondering how he managed to see you. None of his other teammates were looking, and you started to think that he had a radar for your presence. You wouldnt be surprised if he did, considering he was somehow always aware of his brother as well.
After winning the game, he bounced over with a huge smile on his face. "Ya saw me win right?! When my serves practically knocked them over?! And ya saw mah sets to Samu and Aran?! And-" He rambled on about his game, as if you werent there watching. He finally stopped to take a drink, and noticed your attire.
"Wait, did you come straight from practice?! Ya shouldve gone home and changed first, and wait- is that mah hoodie?!" He exclaimed, turning red at the fact you had worn his hoodie. You smiled and just gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Well, of course I came right after practice. I'd never miss the chance to see you win Atsumu." You commented, wiping the sweat off his forehead with your sleeve. He grew bashful at that, trying to stutter out a response.
"C'mon blondie. Go meet back up with your team so we can go home."
Miya Osamu
♪ listens to your dancing playlist while he cooks!
♪ like atsumu, he brings you food after your practices and recitals (he usually cooks it!)
♪ very particular about ensuring you eat and will probably spend time preparing all your meals
♪ really enjoys it when you also watch him practice and come to his games, tries to hear your voice in the crowd
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
The game was practically over by the time you arrived. Inarizaki had the game in the bag, with a 7 point difference. Osamu had his head in the game, but no amount of concentration could make him miss the sound of your voice, cheering him on. Atsumu had taken notice and teasingly said, "Looks like yer special audience is here." The silver haired boy looked over to see you, in a hoodie over your ballet attire and a big smile on your face as you cheered for him.
Well damn, now he has the need to show off to impress you. Good thing he's already pretty good at that.
He spent the rest of the game doing just a bit more than usual and trying to be cool, which of course had you looking and laughing for the couple of goofs he did. After the game, he came over to you and rested his forehead on yours. "Hey, didja see me?" He asked, a bit too eagerly.
"Of course I did, couldn't take my eyes off of you when you show off like that, ya dork." You chuckled, cupping his face and watching him turn red. You could see Atsumu and Suna laughing at his embarassed state, with Kita and Aran trying to hide the fact they were also laughing. Dorks, all of them.
"C'mon 'Samu. You're sweaty and my muscles ache. Let's get some food, yeah?"
Ojiro Aran
♪ i feel like he took a couple of ballet lessons as a kid, so he knows a bit about some moves and helps you practice!
♪ this man would also give great foot rubs (i mean this in a non sexual way, hes just very caring)
♪ would gift you with ballet accessories to ensure you are as comfortable as you can be while dancing
♪ definitely tried to hide you from the rest of the team, along with his ballet past, but failed when you kept showing up to practice in ballet attire
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
To be frank, Ojiro was sweating. And not from practice. You see, Ojiro Aran is a very private person.
Sort of.
He's the straight man of the team, always forced into weird antics that makes him question his sanity. Truly, he wonders if he joined the circus instead of a volleyball team with how they act at times. It's partially the reason why he never tells him about his own personal life outside of volleyball. That, and they never ask.
You were one of those unspoken topics of his life. Don't get him wrong, he adored and loved you! But oh god if the others found out about you, the questions would be never-ending. And he already deals with so much from them.
So seeing you sitting with his coaches on the bench while he was playing had spiked his heart rate. Especially when he hears Atsumu say, "Who's the cutie sitting with the coaches?" The entire team takes a glance over at you, who just waves excitedly at Aran. The ace takes note of his hoodie covering your ballet attire, and suppresses the urge to stop and admire you. He can do that after he wins the practice match. But for now he needs to make sure that no one else tries to talk to you or hit on you.
He practically bowls over the twins as he makes his way to you after the match. "Hey beautiful love of my life partner whomst I love! Let me go and grab my things so we can leave!" He says a bit too loudly, making the others stop and stare at the two of you. His face was red, both from practice and him processing what he'd said, but it made you laugh. And as long as the others knew that you were his, he didn't mind the others knowing a bit more about him. The smile on your face as you got up to hold his hand was worth it.
"Sure, 'Jiro. Here's your water. You did very good today, ace. Now let's leave before the others start questionin' us, yeah?"
┗━━━ ━━━┛
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lvndrptchwrk · 11 months ago
karasuno boys and part time jobs!
((started a new job, immediate funny little idea!))
daichi sawamura - he's definitely a barista! also sees asahi regularly because he just so happens to work at the coffee shop where asahi has to pick up everyone's drinks haha
koshi sugawara - teacher's assistant! besides being the co-captain in the volleyball club, being a teacher's assistant would help him fall in love with teaching kids!
asahi azumane - paid office internship! i see this man totally running around to get coffee and lunch orders for everyone, but also accidentally intimidate everyone because of his looks.
yuu nishinoya - he's kind of all over the place to be honest, he's probably had ALL these jobs and more but he hates staying in one place for too long. the longest job he had was being a receptionist at a hotel, since he got to meet alot of tourists!
ryuunosuke tanaka - door-to-door salesman, partially cause he's extremely talkative and would pursade (see: threaten) the people into buying products and partially cause "one day i might knock on kiyoko's door and have the honor to sell her something!!!!"
chikara ennoshita - as the first second year to get a license, he's definitely delivering orders to people (and notices a trend with nishinoya and tanaka ordering way more so ennoshita delivers to them)
hisashi kinoshita - i see him as a flower shop worker! idk tbh he just LOOKS like he belongs in a flower shop, ya know?
kazuhito narita - he really got the unlucky draw because he's a dishwasher at a restaurant. no hate to narita, i swear! i just see him with a pair of headphones vibing and staying away from the general chaos.
tobio kageyama - a kitchen worker at a fast food place! he'd be able to work in any area, but he's kinda awkward with people so he prefers being in the kitchen where he just cooks food.
shoyo hinata - paper boy! he's pretty fast on his bike and sees it as extra training (half the time he chooses to run and toss the papers like a volleyball to the porches)
tsukishima kei - librarian's assistant. he IS tall enough for all the shelves and idk i think he smells like books all the time so him working in the library is fitting for him.
tadashi yamaguchi - customer service at a store! he got the job to overcome his social anxiety (and it works wonders for him) ((he also gains the patience of a saint from dealing with so many difficult customers))
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