#tender and hesitant and protective and snarky!
libraryleopard · 9 months
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Third book in the Scapegracers trilogy (releases 3/26)
Sideways's magic has been restored & their hoping to get through the rest of senior year with their coven (and perhaps avoid confronting what will come after), but the broader witch community convenes to put Madeline on trial for stealing another witch's magic, Sideways knows they have to get involved
Meanwhile, more witch hunters are also gathering in Sycamore Gorge for a memorial and tensions begin to come to a head
Explores justice, punishment, and redemption–how should Madeline be punished for crimes? And who gets to decide?
The coven must also grapple with their end imminent separation at the end of high school as the four of them try to figure out their future paths in life
At the same time, Sideways navigates a growing romance with one of their coven members
Also some great twists that add stakes/recontextualize things we thought we knew
Fierce & queer & snarky & complex
Nonbinary butch lesbian main character, Chinese American bi love interesting, Black sapphic side character, nonbinary side character, femme lesbian side character
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unforeseenflame · 2 years
💗 GROWING HEART for all ROs, please?
💗 GROWING HEART - if they have a crush, is it noticable? what changes when they're in love?
Ezra/Elaria: Somewhat. They open up a lot more whenever they start developing feelings for someone. When they’re in love? They soften completely and don’t hesitate in smiling whenever they see the person that’s captured their heart.
Caleb/Catherine: Definitely. They become even more of a flustered mess than you would think was possible. Just nervous all around. When they’re in love? They’d still be shy, but they’d give you a special smile that would only ever be for you.
Jaden/Jade: 1000%. They’re usually quite suave in the grand scheme of things— a horrible flirt in other words— but the moment they start developing actual feelings? All bets are off. They become an absolute mess. When they’re in love? They get some of their suaveness back, but it’s tinged by a softness that would only ever be targeted at you.
Aidan/Aylin: Sort of. They’d be less snarky at you in general, but it wouldn’t be the most obvious thing in the world. When they’re in love? They’re protective towards you and would never want to be anywhere but by your side. Forever loyal to you until the very end.
Faolan/Faolyn: Absolutely. Mainly because they wouldn’t hide the fact that they have a crush on you. They’re a very in the moment kind of person and don’t won’t to waste any time on what ifs. When they’re in love? They’d act the same way they do towards you now… just with all the loving glances, kisses, and them holding you close added into the mix.
Laurence/Lauren: Not really. They’d still treat you with kindness though it would be tinged with a timidness you might not be used to. As they’d be trying to work out their feelings for you while interacting with you. When they’re in love? They’d complete light up every time you’d enter the room. A smile that could rival the sun gracing their face.
Irithiel: Not even in the slightest bit. You wouldn’t be able to notice anything at all. Irithiel would keep a lid over her feelings until she figured them out for herself— Iddraras would be helpful in that. When she’s in love? She becomes softer in general, giving you gentle smiles that no one else has received (besides Iddraras and her daughter). She’d be tender and warm. Nothing would stop her from showing you how much she loves you.
Kyllian: A little bit, if you’re perceptive. He tends to keep to himself, but when he starts developing feelings he’ll start to seek you out more and more. First he wouldn’t be aware he was doing it and then it would evolve into him knowingly finding you. He doesn’t understand why he wants to do it… other than the fact that he wants to be close to you. When he’s in love? He opens up a lot more and won’t ever hesitate in seeking you out when he needs you.
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usedpidemo · 3 years
Delete this.vol nine.
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edited by @midnightdancingsol
The last hour has been too much to take in. The whole ordeal with a crazed-out Miyawaki Sakura, then suddenly she’s dead. All because of a gunshot from Hyewon, your girlfriend. Complete and utter shock makes you forget that Yena and Eunbi are also there, standing inches behind her. They, too, can’t believe what just transpired. Their gazes shift back and forth between the unconscious body on the floor and your bound-up nakedness in a chair.
“I-I-I’m sorry,” she says regretfully, her grimace gradually fading to distress. “I didn’t realize in the heat of the moment—”
“Hyewonnie! He’s still tied there!” Yena snaps Hyewon out of remorse, which prompts her to drop the firearm and rush towards you. The others follow immediately without hesitation. Seconds later, you’re freed from your restraints.
“Dear Lord, you look like you got fucked up really bad.” Eunbi hands you a pair of pants from another person that you don’t notice.
“No shit,” you sneer at her while putting the trousers on. Your eyes scan Sakura’s lifeless body sprawled out on the floor. “I was seconds away from getting actually fucked too.”
“Yeah, we know. We heard everything,” Hyewon replies as she cups your face gently. A tender kiss on the cheek complemented with delicate rubs of her fingers. Just the soft touch you desperately need after all that madness. “At least you’re fine now, baby.”
“We still have to get out of here guys! Who knows how many guards are protecting this place!” Yena interrupts your moment together, her eyes scouring the massive mansion your ex-girlfriend owns. She leads the way, running out of the living room first, with Eunbi closely following along. You make haste, grabbing the shirt from the fourth person that barely registers in your head and trail the others in their escape.
The mysterious man grabs his gun on the floor as Hyewon makes to leave. “I was supposed to get the kill, geez.”
She blushes and giggles in response to his snarky comment. “Sorry. This means a lot more to me than it does to you.”
Sakura’s mansion wasn’t difficult to figure out. Two flights of stairs later, your team manages to exit the front door and into the driveway. Surprisingly, there was no surveillance. No patrolling guards, no hounds, nothing. Four colorful vehicles just so happen to be parked nearby.
“Someone’s got an affinity for Mercedes,” Eunbi says as four pairs of widened eyes ogle at her little car collection. “Which one do you guys want to take?”
“Normally I’d say all of them, but how about this one?,” you say, pointing to a black sedan—the only one with four-doors—the S 65 AMG. The mysterious person tosses the keys at you, which you fail to catch as it ends up on the gravel.
“You shouldn’t drive. You're not in good shape and we have to hurry.” Yena states the obvious, which you nod in agreement with. You pick up the keys then pass them to Hyewon. She then hands it over to Eunbi, who happily accepts it. Upon receiving them she quickly unlocks the doors and steps inside the driver’s seat. Your eyes focus on the mysterious person, who’s dashed off into the nearby forest. Before you can get an idea of who he is, a loud engine rev calls your attention.
“Who was that?” you ask, eyes still fixated on the vast greenery, wondering who that person was and why he helped you and the women out.
“No time! Hop in!” Hyewon grabs you by the arm as you follow along and climb into the backseat.
Once everyone is settled inside the expensive performance machine, a wide grin of excitement forms on Eunbi’s face. More thunderous revs as the vehicle’s powerful engine screams. She turns a few knobs and presses some switches, something that seems like a complete time waster.
“I’ve been dying to do this since they did it in the movies,” she says confidently, pumping out a few more loud revs from the luxurious sedan. She’s met with a shared scream of disgruntlement from the other women.
“Just drive already!”
Eunbi rolls her eyes at the response and sighs. “You guys are no fun at all.”
Blunt comments out of the way, the car blazes away from Sakura’s full-time mansion and part-time prison. The rocky surface stretches on for five kilometres, making the drive slower than it should be. You eventually reach smooth tarmac and one right turn later, the car does its thing: accelerate and go fast.
Despite being only two lanes, the roads are wide open for speeding, since not much is going the opposite way. The drive isn’t as eventful as it was intense. A vast, awkward silence fills out the car. Not a single word was said since the journey started, which makes sense—it’s been a long day for everyone involved, including you.
You gaze at her while she looks out the window. Sometimes you wish you could read her mind. The weary look in her eyes—a brief pause from the adrenaline of the last hour—tells you how taxed she was. Neither you nor her expected to pull the trigger, yet that’s exactly what happened: blood shed on her hands.
And what about the others? Innocent Choi Yena got dragged into the mess that is your personal life, but she seems determined to follow you to the ends of the earth. She’s had quite an eventful week. At the very least, Eunbi seems to be unfazed by everything that’s going on, so there isn’t much for you to worry about concerning her.
Your hand crawls slowly towards Hyewon, but as it inches closer your hesitation grows. Fear overtakes you; what if she doesn’t reciprocate your feelings?
Some words are better left unsaid, after all.
With a quiet, wistful sigh, you withdraw your arm and look the other way as a downcast frown forms on your face.
Yena is unable to keep herself calm—the restless look in her eyes while she watches the road ahead says so. While everyone else is tranquil, she quivers in her seat, uneasy and panicky. Not a soul urges her to relax, which amplifies her dread. Her fingers claw on the expensive, tailor-made leather seat, but it doesn’t help one bit.
She sees a rapidly approaching object in the distance from the side mirror, which breaks the awkward silence. “Oh my God!”
All eyes are on her as she covers her mouth in shame after screaming her lungs out. Confusion arises and questions are raised, with no conclusive final answer. “What’s going on? Yena? What’s happening?”
The growing crescendo of mixed voices overwhelms Yena, whose view is still glued to the side mirror while she curls up in her seat. She’s terrified, petrified, just about any word relating to fear you can think of. In the midst of all the commotion, you look out the window and discover a flying saucer pursuing you several kilometers behind.
“Shit.” You furiously grab and shake both of Eunbi’s shoulders, urging her to speed up. “Must go faster, must go faster!”
Even though she pushes her foot down hard on the pedal—the speedometer showing 155 kilometres per hour—it can’t go any quicker. Every single one of Sakura’s vehicles has a speed limiter digitally coded on them. The glider zigzags several miles behind you, relentless in its pursuit of the stolen vehicle.
As you continue to watch the flying object chase you on the highway, you see a tiny ball drop from where it hovers. It crashes onto the pavement then explodes several feet behind you, catching everyone’s attention.
“Holy fuck!” You scream as the pursuit develops. You and Hyewon can’t look away at the incoming downpour of destruction.
Somehow the radio finds a way to poke fun at the situation. Lyrics of a familiar song blast through the massive speakers on the door sides:
I’m the biggest hit, I’m the biggest hit on the stage
Eunbi forcefully shuts the stereo off with a punch. There’s an irksome look on her face due to the unfortunate coincidence of it all. Another bomb drops from the sky to cause another blast of similar radius. Fortunately it won’t slow you down as the ceaseless straight highway stretches into the distance.
The glider eventually closes in on you. Sharp titanium spears extend from the front, providing it with ripping power. As if that wasn’t enough to terrify you, it overtakes you from above, slashing parts of the roof off as it flies ahead of your car.
Panicked profanities reverberate throughout the interior. Eunbi remains unfazed through the uproar and powers on without hesitation. Having overtaken you at this point the glider drops another one of its cherry bombs. Recognizing this, she swerves and the car scrapes by the immediate detonation.
Pink rain falls from the sky. A barrage of bombs plummets in all directions, causing smaller but more consistent explosions on the road. Eunbi, the skillful driver she is, manages to weave around each boom and bang while keeping the vehicle as safe as possible. A valiant effort, but it’s all for naught when the glider decides to dive towards it at a blistering speed.
Instinctively she steers harshly, but it ends up nearly impaling you when the blades nearly swipe at your neck and your whole life flashes right before your eyes. The edges slashes off the backseat’s roof while the car ends up on its side on the road. Terror drowns out the background. You remain frozen like a stone while Hyewon tries to shake you out of your daze.
Either way, it’s too late. Like a vulture scavenging for food, the glider circles around you high up in the air. Unbuckle your seatbelt then step out the door whilst ignoring everyone’s pleas. You knew this was on you, and no one else has to get involved.
“This isn’t on them!” You scream towards the glider to call its attention some more. It seems to hear you, descending back to the ground until it hovers a few feet above the soil. The helmet retracts to reveal a clearly disheveled Sakura, sporting military-grade armor. She laughs callously while shaking her head. Everything about her is broken and corrupted.
“You’re right,” she snarls aggressively, her frightening stare shifting between you and the women. “But what I’m gonna do isn’t on you, either.”
Before you could speak another word, Sakura flies directly towards the damaged vehicle and grabs Hyewon by the neck. The others, paralyzed by fear, can do nothing except scream at the top of their lungs. She takes your girlfriend with her back to the skies while you run after them on the ground in vain. You watch helplessly as the glider slowly disappears into the distance.
A loud rev catches your attention. From the blur, a grey two- door Bugatti Chiron blows by yours until the lights come on, the car coming to a full stop.
“No time! Just get on!” A shout echoes from the new sight, which you comply with. You barely settle inside when it begins accelerating again at an exponentially faster speed than your escape car.
Despite the twisty winding roads up the mountain, he’s able to maintain high speeds around the tight corners. There’s so many questions you want to ask him, but given the gravity of the situation, it’d be wise to shut up and let him drive. Eventually you’re able to spot the saucer from afar, which has since slowed down considerably.
“Open the glove box.” The man commands. Inside is what appears to be a cannon the size of a semi-automatic weapon, which you grab. After you do, he opens your side of the window, wind blowing dust into your eyes that you scratch away.
“We only have one chance at this. Are you ready?” he asks, but you’re unsure whether you want to take the shot or not.
“I don’t know!” you shout in return. You’re afraid that you might possibly miss or even worse, shoot Hyewon by accident.
“Do you want to save her or not?” Is what pushes you to embolden yourself. As you decide to take the biggest shot of your life, you nod and cock the gun. The car revs as it passes the glider by a few meters, enough space to aim and shoot.
“On my signal, fire at the glider,” he says. A bead of sweat drips down your face. With gritted teeth and steely eyes, you lock in the weapon. It’s now or never.
In the seconds before you shoot, time seems to freeze. No inner voice to tell you to use the Force. No flashbacks of a training montage. Only your willpower and determination. The world around you goes blank as your fingers pull the trigger. Your eyes shut involuntarily after the shot.
Pitch black smoke spews everywhere from the glider, darkening the sky. It begins to descend under its fumes. The car steers right, away from the main road and into the lush woods to track where its eventual landing spot is.
Finally, you can breathe a sigh of relief. For now.
“That was a great shot,” the man says while patting you on the shoulder. A well deserved compliment. “You’ve been an invaluable help to us.”
“Us?” You raise an eyebrow, curious as to who these others are. He’d been alone on this mission the whole time.
Before you could get more information from him, the vehicle approaches a cliffside where Sakura and Hyewon have landed. Fumes envelop them both, which you can barely see through. You and the man get out of his car, the man pulling out his own pistol.
“Miyawaki Sakura, on behalf of MI7, you’re under arrest.” He directs his firearm towards her head. Unable to retaliate, she raises her arms in surrender. From the smoke Hyewon emerges running with wide open arms. She can’t keep her tears any longer and neither can you. You run to her until you’re together again in a deep embrace, safe and sound.
All you wanted was for everything to return to normal. Life goes on.
But not for you and Hyewon.
Instead of sleeping in a comfy bed, you’ve been kept inside an interrogation room for three days. Occasionally, the agent would step inside to provide food and drink for you two three times a day. He was also kind enough to give you both new clothes as well. Regardless, you were exhausted and wanted to be anywhere else but there and so was she.
Whenever you tried to question him what was happening or why you were being held, he’d brush off your questions.
Hyewon would often hold your hand as your patience was tested. Soft, warm smiles reassured you that all would be well after this.
A sharp siren means the agent’s coming inside. He walks in, foldable chair in hand, and places it opposite your side of the table before he sits down.
“Right. First and foremost, I’d like to say again my personal thanks to you and on behalf of MI7 for helping us take down Miyawaki Sakura,” he says as he looks at you. “We’ve been on her trail for years. Thanks to recorded exchanges between her and her hired hitmen, we’ve finally been able to track her down and finally accuse her with substantial evidence. None of this would be possible without you.”
No shit. She forced herself onto you and nearly killed your girlfriend, you thought.
You roll your eyes and divert your gaze away from him. “You had to wait until the last minute, right as she was ready to fuck me with a dildo.”
Hyewon quietly giggles at your sarcastic reply and delivery.
“My bad. At least it wasn’t after,” he rebutts matter-of-factly before returning to a more professional infelction. You weren’t sure which pissed you off more: the tone or the joke itself. “Now let’s get right to the matter at hand.
“Now you might be asking why we’ve been tracking her for some time,” he continues while he pulls out a folder from his coat. “Her wealth is not her own. She’s being funded by a higher power that we believe is working behind the curtains.”
Look through the documents and personal effects. There’s loads of Japanese scribbled on her bank checks and business contracts, as well as signatures that you can’t recognize. On the right side of each paper, however, is a constant moon stamp.
“They have many faces across the world. To keep a low profile, they run a philanthropic organization. However, there’s sufficient evidence that they possess illegal technology, print fake money, and have people installed across every government level of most sovereign nations.”
Each detail sounds more and more ridiculous with every new addendum. You wish you could turn off your brain while listening to him discuss top secret information straight out of a spy movie. Hyewon’s eyes glimmer with the prospect of adventure, but they dull when she sees how mentally finished you are with everything.
“So, why are you telling us this then?” you break your silence, wondering what’s your part in any of this.
“You’ve definitely caught their attention now.” the agent pushes his tinted shades back. “Sakura was a partner of this shadow organization, and with her arrest, there’s a good chance you’ll be marked until you’ve been exterminated. They’ll send who knows how many men to take you out. They have the resources to torment you your whole lives.
“With that in mind, if you join us, we’ll put you under our security until they’ve been taken down for good.”
You’ve heard worse. Your ex-girlfriend was dropping bombs and flying on gliders, for God’s sake.
“We will release you after this discussion. But please consider your options as you leave the room.”
The agent takes the documents and returns them to his coat. He then rises and grabs his chair before leaving the room, giving you two a time to talk things through.
Sigh. Turn to face Hyewon, who looks at you with deep concern. She intertwines her fingers with yours then lightly kisses your temple. As crazy as it sounds, this agent might be right. Normalcy feels like the lesser decision for you both. Perhaps it’s recent trauma from what you’ve witnessed, but after a big scare like that, it fills you with uncertainty for the future.
“Hey. If we’re doing this, we’ll do it together.” she whispers with her soft voice. You’re amazed she’s still optimistic despite the near-death experience she went through.
“I don’t know, Hyem. Everything feels like it’s too much to take in. I mean—”
A kiss on the lips to shut you up. Her smile tells you to calm down. Gentle hands trail up to your cheeks and pinch them, red as the sun. Hyewon knows what you need to think rationally again.
“Nothing’s gonna change my mind, I’d rather just be normal again,” you say as you look down to the ground. Another sigh.
“I understand. Me too.”
A siren interrupts your moment together, followed by an echoed voice from the speakers. “You may go now.”
The agent quietly follows the two of you while you exit the police station. A silver Mercedes is parked outside awaiting you both. Hyewon wastes no time to enter the vehicle, eager to head home. Your steps are smaller as an internal conflict in your head lingers within your thoughts.
Maybe this espionage schtick is what’s needed to protect her.
“Have you thought about it?” the agent asks, which draws your attention to him.
“Yeah.” Turn around to face him with a poker face. “This spy shit doesn’t sound good to me. I’m happy to have helped you guys out, but that’s all I can do.”
“Fair enough.” he says before walking towards you then patting you on the shoulder. He secretly slips in a tiny card inside your pants pocket. “But if you ever change your mind, feel free to call me.”
You nod with a subtle but friendly grin before the car’s loud horn calls you to leave. As you enter the backseat to join your girlfriend, your eyes turn back to the agent who waves farewell, which you reciprocate.
“I’m so fucking exhausted,” you say while turning to Hyewon. “I’m glad all that shit is finally over.”
“Celebration?” she asks with a fire in her eyes, one that you haven’t seen in a while. You knew what that meant.
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Loud, impassioned kisses are the first course of action you make when you both enter her house. Between torrid smooches on her perfect face and soft neck you wrestle with the zipper on her black top, a difficult but rewarding struggle when it comes undone. A black bra holds her shapely cleavage together. In your arms her breasts feel like the most valuable possession ever held. Hyewon seductively whimpers in your neck, her steamy breath arousing you even more.
Her fingers tug against your shirt, desperate to undress you in return. You take the hint and allow her to lift the top over your head. Immediately after you pounce on her sexy body, forcefully pinning her against the wall, kissing down her chest and toned belly. Not even the harsh yank of your hair holds you back from worshipping your true goddess. She throws her head back, suddenly numb to pain as pleasure courses through her veins, even as she bumps the stiff partition.
High-pitched whines echo around the house when you slip your own digits between her skirt, infiltrating her underwear and slit. Nails dig deep into your nape and ruffled hair, just as she liked you, needy to hold you closer than ever before. One hand slides her restrictive clothes down her thighs, the other active in poking her sensitive nub. Push your index finger inside her a little more, earn louder worthwhile moans of your name from her breath. She’s a shaky, uncontrollable mess; her screams tell the entire neighborhood how well you stroke and pleasure her.
That’s all she could ever say. And you’d happily comply. Not that you needed any motivation; her erotic noises were already enough, and so were the lustful thoughts you had of her when she sported that outfit in the interrogation room. With those nasty notions in mind, you continue to rub against her soaked clit. You don’t allow her to breathe—only take in a continuous overflow of lewd bliss.
Eventually her body fully gives in. A wave of her slick gushes out to drench your tireless fingers. Somewhere in between, her grip switches from your head to the walls; a useless attempt to keep herself from quivering madly. Like the way you pleasured her, the rain seemingly never ends. She’s so wet, deprived, and aching for you to delight and enrapture her body.
Release your grip from her cunt and taste your moist digit. Delicious.
Despite the unbearable climax, Hyewon is able to pull herself together to bring you to her level. She looks at you with half-lidded eyes filled with unquenchable desire. That’s how much she truly missed these intimate moments with you. Bright twinkles shine from her gaze, the sun setting down as well as the mood. You’re enamoured with her seductive stare that her twitchy hands sneakily work to strip your pants and boxers off. Her eyes go shut when she feels your hard shaft spring against her sensitive groin.
She lets another yelp out as you sweep her off her feet. Wrap her meaty thighs around your waist then kiss her again. You let her slit suddenly dive towards your cock, impaling yourself inside her warmth. Her nails claw your shoulders, her passionate gaze never leaving yours. One step up the staircase, you pound. Another stride, another thrust. As wobbly as you pump her, you make sure her tight, velvety walls are filled with as much of your dick as possible.
You barge into her bedroom, Hyewon still in your tight embrace, with a loud crash. Again you pin her against the wall, her wild, frantic screams piercing your ears. She’ll never let up. Neither will you.
You lose any semblance of control and finally lose yourself to primal urges. Disregard both your comfort and hers to fuck her hard. She mewls, whimpers, and twists her figure as you repeatedly impale her, fast and forceful. Wet thwacks of flesh combined with her sultry moans make a melodic song that puts you in a deeper trance. Only your inevitable end awaits.
Try as you might to prolong this heavenly, pleasant sensation, you’ll eventually reach it. To keep yourself away from the edge, you crash your lips with hers, but it only speeds up your climax. A few more powerful thrusts until you finally go blank. Eyes shut, you let your body do the rest. Groaning against her neck, you fire a huge blast of thick seed inside her womb. Your grip on her loosens. For a moment, your body forgets how to act on its own, focused on the sweet release of filling her with your cum.
Her feet delicately touch the ground while your hands can’t seem to let go of her. This gives her an opportunity to retaliate by pushing you onto the bed. It’s far too soon in the night to black out, but with an orgasm that powerful, how can you not? First wave unloaded on her, but she’s still hungry for more.
She lightly pecks you on the temple. Your favorite gentle kiss. From here, it’s Hyewon’s turn.
Cock in her hand, she pumps you back to full hardness as fast as you go soft. Still plenty to fill her with. Seeing your shaft erect for her, she flashes a wicked smirk. At least you thought she did, considering you can barely open your eyes. She won’t give you the chance to see her grin in full quality when she pivots her figure around that her back and ass is facing you instead.
Her hands grip onto your thighs. Even through dodgy vision, you can see her narrow lips, ready for a deep penetration. She steadily lowers herself onto you, each second of waiting an agonizing one. Collective grunts from you both break the temporary silence as your cock fills her ass with its girth. Your dick puppets her shapely, sexy body with involuntary yet powerful thrusts.
More or less it’s the same as when you fucked her pussy. She screams from the top of her lungs, moans, and occasionally swears. Her voice box must be made of iron with the way it never breaks. She throws her head back once more and arches her back on air. You lay idly, leisurely pumping her. A perfect view that required only minimal effort to get.
If there’s anything Hyewon wants, it’s every last drop milked from you. Severe pain in the ass be damned.
Only a few minutes later, you orgasm again. Her moan is a lot more controlled, her hands brace firmer on your legs to keep herself from collapsing. White drips from her sensitive side and onto the sheets. She gingerly rises to release your dick, still clutching on your thighs as sticky slick comes off between you two. Once it’s completely free, she gives in to her exhaustion and crashes on you with a mild thump.
The last conscious thing you feel is her light peck on your neck. Her arms wrap around you as you both finally sleep comfortably.
Running water is the first thing you hear when you regain consciousness.
1:21 a.m. flashes brightly on the digital wall clock. Hyewon is no longer by your side, but you knew where she was based on the sounds you could discern. The small, glossy prints on the floor give clear hints as well.
Quietly you rise from the bed and follow the path straight to the shower. She doesn’t react when you bluntly open the door nor does she answer when you slide the panel. This time you’re the clingy one, wrapping your arms around her from behind. Both of you let the warm water freely flow through you, having a quiet but intimate moment after the steamy session.
These personal moments are better than sex. Sure, the fucking was great and all, but these brief minutes—minutes where you both cherish each other’s presence—showed how much you love her. Not because of a chance encounter, but because you've grown attached to her that you can’t imagine another person in your life that’d have this profound of an impact on you. For better or for worse.
You weren’t sure if Hyewon shared these sentiments too, especially as afterward she leads you back to her bed for another round of mindless, passionate fucking, but for now, as long as you two were together, safe and sound, all is right in the world. And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
A private jet flies across the open skies. Through sliding doors the agent directly involved with Miyawaki Sakura’s arrest moves from one quarter to the next. He pulls his phone out while he walks then takes a seat in one of the many luxurious seats.
“Well, we couldn’t get our witness to help, which is a shame, but I understand not wanting to participate in high stakes espionage.” he talks directly to his phone, the receiver an anonymous number.
“Great job with the arrest. Assisted or not, you will be credited for all the hard work.” A female voice answers him back matter-of-factly.
“So, what’s next on the agenda?”
“Mexico City. Your next target will be there.” A photo of an older man with glasses flashes on his phone. “He’s one of Sakura’s first business partners, maybe we’ll get more key information on this organization.”
“Understood, Captain.”
“What did I say about my title?” Her voice roughens upon hearing her inferior address her incorrectly.
“Sorry, I meant Director. Understood, Director Lee.”
“One of these days you’ll personally receive a punishment from me, and you won’t like it.”
“Looking forward to it.” He answers sarcastically with a light cackle before ending the call. “See you soon, Director Saerom.”
(A/N: With that, the first season is completed! I never thought I'd somehow make a plot out of a box of scraps, but here we are. Honestly, it felt like throwing darts to see which one sticks. I'll definitely revisit it, but for now, I thought it'd be nice to have a satisfying conclusion should the worst end up happening and not end on a cliffhanger. And yes, I'm looking to expand this universe a little more, as with that little credits scene, but you'll have to wait!
It's insane how a random series of quickies ended up as one of my essentials in my masterlist, which is wild in itself. I can't thank you all enough for the continued support.)
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ventismommy · 3 years
baal/Venti/Zhongli smut
warnings: overstim, edging, degradation, inappropriate use of visions, dom!baal
Venti was the first to stir awake, his vision hazy. The bonds of Electro around his wrists tingled against his pale skin, making him let out a small sound of discomfort that echoed in the silent room.
Zhongli awoke not long after, a deep groan escaping him as he realized he was in the same position as Venti- wrists bound, clothes torn and skin bruised, kneeling before…a throne?
Each of them realized their surroundings as they looked up.
Before them was an elaborate amethyst and yumemiru wood throne, backed by intricate screens covering the walls, all displaying the Electro sigil. And on the throne rested the Empress of Eternity, the Raiden Shogun herself.
The expression on her face was nigh unreadable, but her posture was as unbothered as ever, legs crossed nonchalantly and her head resting in her hand as she leaned on one arm of the throne. Her guards were nowhere to be seen, but even without them, her presence was intimidating.
“So…the impotent gods themselves. It’s been a while. Barbatos, Morax.”
Zhongli’s low voice was the first to speak back. “I must say, Baal, this seems quite like a threat. Hardly polite behavior when addressing another archon-“
“Hush. You have no Gnosis, either of you. I see no archons before me. Only two fallen gods who failed to keep their reign intact.”
She stood gracefully, heels clicking against the wooden floor as she approached them. As she walked past, she gripped Venti’s hair and pulled harshly, forcing him to look back at her. The sudden movement forced a yelp from the bard.
“You have been silent, Barbatos…perhaps you suspect already why you have been brought here?”
“I-I-“ Venti’s usual snarky response refused to come, and even his stuttering was cut off by another high-pitched sound as she yanked his hair again. With a few steps she was in front of him, and she crouched to meet his eyes. Her half-gloved hand reached out to grab his chin, turning his face side to side before forcing him to face her again. He met her eyes for just a moment, but already she could see fear being replaced by…excitement? What a pathetic little masochist, she thought as she stood up abruptly, releasing his jaw.
“I will tell you why you have been brought here. So I may offer you a choice.”
“Your precious Traveler has been defeated. And yet again, you have failed to end my reign. It is only a matter of time before Inazuma reigns eternal not just over these islands, but over Mondstadt and Liyue as well. Of course, I will not offer you a place as my equal, but…even gods get lonely over the expanse of eternity. So I offer you this. Fight against me and lose, sentencing your kingdoms to destruction. Or…take your place kneeling by my throne, enjoy a life of comfort, and…your kingdoms shall be safe under my rule.”
Both were silent in response- and Baal was not having that. She glared at them.
“Perhaps I did not make myself clear. You either die fighting for regions who will be decimated the moment I strike you down, or you protect your homes and become, well…”
Zhongli froze instantly, but Venti was still so hazy that it took him a moment to process. When he did, he went silent with shock, staring at Baal in that same mix of fear and excitement. She narrowed her eyes. Obviously Morax would be harder to break…
“You are not convinced? Hmm. Well…perhaps I may have to put in some extra work.”
Baal rose to her feet and approached Venti, gripping his hair again- though, gentler this time than before. Her hand moved down to caress his cheek, and a barely audible whine escaped his throat. She knelt in front of him, meeting his eyes steadily.
“You’ll be a good pet, yes?”
Venti hesitated for only a moment before nodding fervently, leaning into her hand. Her hand was just so soft…he was doing this to save Mondstadt, right?
She half-sneered at him, grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him forward by it, towards her throne. He stumbled, unable to crawl properly with his hands bound, but he certainly tried his best to make it to the throne. When Baal finally settled into her seat, she smiled at him and freed his hands from the electro bonds. “Good boy,” she cooed with a condescending leer. “Up onto my lap now.”
Venti scrambled to obey, crawling up into her plush lap, but she clicked her tongue at him. “Other way, pet. Face Morax, will you?” He nodded again and turned, hesitantly meeting Zhongli’s eyes. The expression in them was a mixture of shock and disgust at how easily Venti had broken, but somehow the disgust just spurred him on.
Baal’s arms wrapped around Venti’s waist to begin undoing the buttons of his shirt. She left it on once she was done, hanging open on the anemo archon’s small frame, and let him shift his hips up so she could tug off his shorts and tights. He scrambled to do so, and when he was finally bare besides his shirt, he had to hold back an impatient whine, trying to sneakily grind his cock against the arm around his waist. Baal just chuckled at him, moving her arm away just to hear his desperate whine as he thrusted his hips into air. “Aren’t you a needy little thing, hmm?”
The words were pouring out before Venti could stop himself. “Yes, y-yes I am, pl-lease-“
Baal hushed him, grabbing his chin with one hand to make sure his face stayed turned towards Zhongli. She spat on her other hand before wrapping it around his cock. The first noise that came from Venti was a sigh of pleasure and relief, but his whole body immediately stiffened up and he keened when he felt a tiny current of electro roll through his skin. “O-oh!” He choked out in surprise, bucking his hips
up towards her hand for more of that sensation. She obliged him, the currents getting stronger as his moans rose in pitch. Venti could barely keep his eyes open to look at Zhongli, but when he did, he was surprised to see a flash of excitement in Zhongli’s eyes, one that the geo archon quickly hid behind disgust.
“Look at him, Morax. Isn’t he a pathetic little darling? Doesn’t he fit into his role of pet so well?”
She paused for a moment to cover Venti’s neck and shoulders in bites and kisses.
“I wonder how long it will take you to break too.”
Venti’s small frame shuddered and jolted with each current she sent through him, and eventually one of his hands reached back to grip Baal’s thigh for support, his nails digging in slightly. “Ha-ah, oh, o-oh that feels g-good-“ he whimpered, the condescending chuckle that Baal responded with only making him squirm even more.
Then a particularly strong current came from her hand, and there he was, stiffening up with a shudder and coming.
Baal stopped for a moment in surprise, but quickly regained her momentum. “Awww, was that too much? Too much for your pathetic little cock?” Venti squirmed and shook his head no quite insistently, giving a few embarrassed whines. “N-n-o, I can t-take mo-ore, ‘m not pa-pathetic-“
“Oh, yes you are, and I love it.”
She gave him no warning before she started up again, the currents even stronger this time. Venti yelped and thrusted up into her hand, hips struggling her loose grip, but she gave a rather tame slap to his thigh, and he settled down quickly enough. “‘m sorry, ‘m s-so-orry-“ he hiccuped, starting to tear up with sensitivity. She shushed him, though her tone was slightly gentler. “That’s alright, pet, would you like me to slow down?” Venti immediately shook his head no, trembling in her lap. More tears started rolling down his cheeks at the thought of her stopping now.
“Nononono pleas-se, don’t stop!” He cried, his nails digging in further into the flesh of Baal’s thigh. “Want m-more, more, ple-please?”
Baal hummed in agreement, but rather than speed up her pace, she shifted the way he sat on her lap, nudging his legs apart until each one rested on an arm of the throne. Venti’s moans carried a hint of confusion now, but then Baal took the hand that wasn’t around his cock and ran her fingers over his tip, collecting the precum there.
And then, those two fingers slid down to circle his hole, and Venti nearly threw his head back in pleasure when the first finger slipped inside of him.
Baal had completely taken his breath away now, starting to curl her fingers in that oh-so-perfect way once she’d added a second finger. Despite making it clear that she was in control, she was gentle with him, so gentle Venti could fool himself that she cared.
She did, of course, but he didn’t need to know that just yet.
She was careful to observe his actions, desperate and lewd as they might be. He wasn’t attempting to rock back against her fingers yet, so she assumed the stretch must still burn a bit. Baal decided slowing her pace a bit may help, but then the tiny god’s hand reached down to wrap tightly around her wrist, as if to say, “no, keep going!” She wouldn’t deny him that when he’d been so good for her so far, so she didn’t slow too much.
It was another moment before Venti started moving against her hand and she decided that meant he was alright. He was full-on crying in pleasure now; poor thing was completely overwhelmed, and Baal tried to keep that in mind when she curled her fingers gently into that perfect spot inside of him. He jerked up in her lap with a high-pitched whimper at that, babbling incoherent nonsense that occasionally included her name. She shushed him soothingly, placing tender kisses against his pale throat, but didn’t slow, wanting to push him to that edge again. Venti started to double over as if trying to hide his coming climax, but she caught him, moving her hand away from his cock momentarily to press him back against her chest. Too fucked-out to struggle against that, he slumped against her as she returned her hand to his cock, her fingers still working inside of him.
“So, pet…how do you feel about my proposal now? Have I managed to convince you?”
“Yesyesyesy-yes, wanna be y-yours, please, j-just- just- just let me cu-cum, please-“
Baal chuckled, directing a wolfish smile towards Zhongli for a moment. “Go on then, darling, you can cum.”
Venti tensed up with a string of “thankyou-“s falling from his lips. His thighs shook as he came again.
Venti’s exhausted body went limp, and Baal kissed his forehead, shifting him to the side of her lap so he could curl up against her chest. “Good boy,” she cooed at him, stroking his hair as she carefully pulled her fingers out of him.
Then, as Venti was starting to drift off in her lap, she turned to Zhongli. “Your turn, Rex Lapis,” she said, somehow managing to make the title sound so utterly disrespectful. She tapped the ground with her foot.
“Here, boy.”
Zhongli scoffed at her at first, not moving an inch. But then she snapped her fingers and a band of electro wrapped around his neck like a collar. She made a come-hither motion and the collar tugged him forward. “I said, here, boy.”
Zhongli reluctantly obeyed, unable to deny that being treated like a lapdog made his core tighten. He crawled over to her foot, looking up at her. Her hand reached down as if she were a gracious goddess, bestowing a gift, and she brushed his hair out of his face before tugging on it.
“You see, Morax, Barbatos was a good boy, and he was rewarded for it. Only good boys get rewards, only good boys get their mistress’s hand. And you have not quite met my standards. So.”
She outstretched her leg towards him, never freeing him from the electro bonds the way she had with Venti. “Go on, brat. Get off on my leg like the dog you are.”
Zhongli gave a whine of protest, wanting more than her leg, but her quick glare silenced him as she turned back to Venti, whose face she covered in kisses.
He scooted forward and settled himself in front of her leg, face burning in humiliation, and started to grind slowly against it. The first moan that came from him was almost shocked, as if he couldn’t believe something like this would feel so, so good. Even his next few moans were choked as he started rutting against her leg a little faster, turning his face to hide it in the inside of her leg. His eyes rolled back in his head when she tugged him out by the hair, forcing him to look at her. Baal tsked disapprovingly at him.
“Oh no no, that will never do. You will look at your mistress so she can watch that stubborn, bratty face melt. Now. Continue. A little faster, if you think you can handle it; perhaps if you’re a good boy I’ll let you sit on my lap and ride my thigh instead.”
That was incentive enough for Zhongli, who picked up his pace with a whimper, holding eye contact with Baal the entire time. He almost wanted to cry in shame when he, still looking her in the eyes, started to pant like a dog, overwhelmed from how good it felt. But she just cooed at him and ruffled his hair. “Awww, there we go, see? Isn’t it nice to give up control, Morax? Doesn’t it feel good?”
He nodded with a whine that was significantly lower in pitch than Venti’s, but no less adorable.
“Words, pet.”
“Y-yes mistress, ‘t feels s-s-so good, f-feels- a-ah, hah!”
She smiled graciously at his answer, and then gestured for him to come sit up on her lap, next to Venti, who was slowly stirring awake again. Immediately, Zhongli obeyed, starting to grind on her soft thigh and letting out a moan.
“Think you can be a good boy for me?” She asked him, her tone almost bored.
“Ye-es, I c-can, I promi-ise-“
Baal shifted Venti in her lap slightly so Zhongli would have room. Venti gave a confused whine, but she soothed him with a kiss to his forehead.
“Now, here are the rules. You go on and strip for me, Morax-“ before she even finished that sentence, Zhongli was up and pulling off his clothes, tossing them to the side and settling back on her lap.
“-good pet- now, you sit here on my lap, and I’ll let you use my hand. But don’t you even think about cumming until I tell you to. Understood?”
Zhongli nodded quickly, a grateful moan catching in his throat as Baal started to stroke his cock. It took less than a few moments to have his head falling forward, his breath short and heavy. He squirmed as if trying to get away from her hand and get more of her at the same time, and she sneered. “What? You think you deserve what I gave Barbatos?”
Zhongli shook his head. “N-no, I d-don’t, but-but- p-please- I want-“
His sentence was cut off by a breathless cry as she sent those same electric currents she’d used on Venti through him as well. Now he understood why Venti had gone half insane over this- oh, it felt so good, slightly painful but good. His hands shot out to grip her shoulders tightly. When he realized what he was doing, he looked up at her with a panicked expression, but she nodded. “That’s alright, you can hold on.” He whimpered out his thanks as his hips started to jerk in her grip, trembling as the currents grew stronger. Oh, he was so close, and-
Fuck. He’d forgotten her rule.
He looked up at her again, this time more pleading. When she didn’t seem to notice, he pawed at her shoulder. “P-Please, mistress, please, c-c-ah- can I c-cum- I need- I n-need to, ah-“
Baal met his eyes with a bored expression. “Do you think you deserve it? Do you think you’ve been good enough for me?”
“Yes, Ye-es, I’ve been g-good, please!”
“Hmm. Why don’t we ask Barbatos.”
Baal turned to Venti with a soft smile, petting his head. “Do you think we should let him cum, darling?”
Venti met his eyes for a moment long enough to leave Zhongli panicking. Then he nodded weakly, and Zhongli sobbed in relief.
“Go on then, Rex Lapis.”
Zhongli completely collapsed as he came. While the electro currents worked him through that climax, he folded into himself, sobbing in pleasure. Baal petted his hair like she had Venti’s, comforting him as he came down.
“Good boy, Morax~”
Baal opened her arms for him and Zhongli shifted to mimic the way Venti was sitting, curling up against Baal as he caught his breath. He had to admit, this was…nice. Being a pet hadn’t sounded good at first, but if this was what he got out of it…
“I must say, I’m quite excited to have two new pets…”
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vmficrecs · 4 years
Every school has an obligatory psychotic jackass. He’s ours.
It has been one year since The Incident. In celebration of this beautiful, snarky, dynamic, passionate, beloved, smug, asshole, essential, etc., etc., character I have complied a lengthy (but by no means exhaustive) collection of some of my personal favorite fics focusing on Logan, or on his relationships, or fics that i just think do something neat in terms of Logan/his journey/his character. ❤️
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Previously on vmficrecs: 
dark_roast, “Fish Out of Water,” Mature, Post Season 1 AU 
Logan opts to leave Neptune, and spend summer vacation with his grandparents.
Notes: This AU is essential reading if you love Logan. His characterization is nearly perfect, and the premise of the fic is endlessly engaging and smart. 
wily_one24, “Sleep, Perchance...,” Mature, Pre-series AU
Logan thaws towards Veronica and sets out to save her.
Notes: I want to eat this fic. If you’ve never read it, read it-- it will linger endlessly inside of your brain in the best way possible. So many of the things Logan does or says in this fic exist in a very tangible and palpable manner for me, it’s that good. I think about it constantly. 
ghostcat, “What We Have in Common,” Teen, Post Season 3 AU 
Weevil Navarro, his incredibly poor choice of a research paper prepping locale and the close talking, finger waving jackass that interrupts and effectively hijacks his night. Set in 2010, three years after The Bitch is Back.
ghostcat, “A Trace of Meaning,” Teen, Pre-series 
13 year-old Logan Echolls and 14 year-old Veronica Mars wait at the Kane Estate for their held-up sleepover hosts to show up. 
theohara, “Rich Dirt,” Mature, Pre-series AU 
And Logan wouldn’t let you have anything. He’d danced over to you and smirked in your face and twirled your plastic cup right out of your hand and cooed that just because your Daddy wasn’t sheriff anymore didn’t give you license to break the law, and he’d acted all shocked with his hand over his mouth and he’d laughed like breaking glass and nanced off with your drink.
anjou, “Into the Blue,” Mature, Post Season 1 
It’s almost summer, and Logan is sinking into the blue.
flyingcarpet, “Mexicali Blues,” Mature, Post Season 3 AU
When he reaches the water he doesn’t hesitate, just keeps walking until he can duck his head under and start to swim away from shore, letting the salt and the waves wash away the residue that Neptune’s left on his skin.
absolutelyiris, “Truth for a Dream,” Teen, Future Fic (Pre-movie)
Fleet Week 2012. A reformed bad boy turned sailor and a former party girl turned career woman meet in a bar…
Notes: A LOGAN AND PARKER FRIENDSHIP FIC!!! pure fucking delight 
absolutelyiris, “Come Around,” Mature, Future AU 
A woman travels the world over in search of what she needs and returns home to find it.
Notes: I will talk about this fic until the day that I day, and then I will still talk about it. One of my absolute favorites. Pure gold Logan/Keith dynamic. I would 10/10 die for Razia. and, of course, the l/v is so damn good 
TheLastGoodGolfish, “The Phenomenal Pixie, #1,” Teen, AU 
Veronica is a masked avenger who stalks the streets of Neptune. Logan is the intrepid reporter who’s on the story.
Notes: PERFECT. PERFECT PERFECT PERFECT. also-- “That’s ridiculous. My favorite person is a sorority girl.” in my head, rent free, and i am forever indebted. 
bryrosea, “Waste of Breath / A Quartz Contentment,” Mature, Post Season 2 to TDTL 
Part one: Logan Echolls, the nine years, and the Navy. Part two: Veronica Mars, the nine years, and a new normal.
Notes: I am recommending specifically “Waste of Breath” for my boy, although Veronica’s piece is excellent as well. 
always_winter, “Written Out,” Teen, Season 2 AU 
Duncan has some residual guilt and Logan wants to be left out of the story.
always_winter, “White Combs and Sweet Honey,” Mature, Season 1
Even when Aaron is trying to be a good father, there’s still a lot he’s doing wrong.
Notes: This fic is so tender to me!!! A beautiful Logan and Aaron piece. 
sadiekate, “Grand Canyon,” PG-13, Season 1 to Future AU 
Three friends reminisce several years in the future, snarkily and pointlessly.
sinaddict, “Necrosis,” Explicit, Season 2 AU 
Death in bits and pieces, denial as a religion… Or ‘normal’ in Neptune.
sowell, “Surviving the Wreck,” Explicit, Season 3 AU 
Nothing’s ever simple with Veronica Mars. Weevil’s day at sea gets a little complicated.
Notes: THIS FUCKING FIC!!!! i love everything about it and especially at this moment in time, the part where logan gives weevil a blow job but weevil notes that somehow, in spite of this, logan retains the upper hand. this fic is world class and i am grateful everyday for it 
theohara, “Broken Toys,” NC-17, Pre series AU 
One glance across a street saves Lilly Kane’s life. It changes everything; it changes nothing.
Notes: This is the most heartbreaking Veronica Mars’ fanfic ever. I have such a deep love for it. It takes Lilly’s character and Logan/Veronica’s relationship to places I don’t ever think they would go and yet it works in this and it works so damn well. a truly devastating and beautiful au 
fluffernutter8, “The Ninety Nine Percent,” Teen, Post Season 3 AU 
Junior year of college, Logan gets some news that proves that no matter how hard he tries, life is just going to keep throwing him curve-balls. Post season 3, non movie canon compliant.
youcallitwinter, “gravity is gonna keep you tied down to this city,” Teen, Post Season 3 to TDTL 
[your life in extended parenthesis] the lone neon nights and the ache of the ocean, and the fire that was starting to spark. From the love to the lightning and the lack of it. 
Notes: please don't fall out of love with me, okay? don’t you dare give up on me. I DIE EVERY FUCKING TIME youcallitwinter is a force with all of her writings, but this one.......my god every single bit about it is fucking flawless 
petpluto, “Of Scars & Consequences,” Teen, Post-series AU 
Almost a decade in the future, Logan's still a little messed up. And Veronica's still a little closed off. They make it work.
julietbravo, “one brutal thing after another,” Teen, Pre-series to Season 1 
These rich boys think they can get away with anything, don’t they.
querulousgawks, “there should be stars for great wars like ours,” Teen, AU 
It’s gotta be some Alliance mind game, a holdover, the Operative’s last trick: Logan’s old secrets manifesting everywhere around them. Where are you, how are you doing this, he wants to scream, but he doesn’t know which ghost he’d be railing at.
SilverLining2k6, “Sometimes (You Can’t Make It On Your Own),” Teen, Season 1 AU 
Silly Duncan stopped taking his meds. Now, one dead Fitzpatrick later, Logan and Veronica need to get him out of town. Too bad they hate each other.
SilverLining2k6, “Control,” Teen, Pre-series AU 
Don’t you mess with a little girl’s dreams. ‘Cause she’s liable to grow up mean. Pre-series. Oneshot. - A twisted little tale of hate and revenge.
Notes: CONTROL!!!!! I love Control so much, it’s one of the first fics I ever read for the fandom and one of the finest. The Logan that exists in this is sooo good and his relationship with Veronica is deeply flawed & wonderful. M is in the process of writing a remix to Control (more in-depth emotion) and I for one am foaming at the fucking mouth every day about it. 
nevertothethird, “Reunions,” Teen, Post Series AU 
Sometimes it just takes a little longer to get things right. Two high school reunions and a birthday party should do the trick.
youcallitwinter, “you give love a bad name,” Teen, Season 2 AU 
“Hey, did you guys know there was a sensitive poet-type hiding behind this hard exoskeleton of expensive alcohol and bitter cynicism?” In which Logan Echolls is, well, Logan Echolls.
scandalpants, “Something to Remember,” Mature, Post Series AU 
Facing a separation, Logan and Veronica spend their last night together exchanging gifts.
Notes: I am always in a goddamn state about this fic. Logan jacking off in front of Veronica at her request? Yes, thank you please. thank you so much 
leurocrystal, “Take Your Time,” Teen, Post Season 2 
Keith doesn’t know how to look at or touch his daughter for the first time in his life.
petpluto, “We Are Nowhere, And It’s Now,” Mature, Series AU 
“You know there is another way of looking at this, Logan. If you’d still been together, you might be dead too." Logan and Lilly both die on October 3rd. But for Veronica, it’s not like they’re gone. And she still works to solve their murders.
absolutelyiris, “Delay,” Teen, Post TTDL
Logan reflects on his first Christmas with Veronica after a ten year separation, as well as how his life has changed with her absence.
New to vmficrecs: 
Christmas in Arkham Author: dark_roast Pairing: Logan Rating: Teen Genre: Hurt/Comfort, A Really Good Hug  Setting: Season 2 Spoilers: 2.09, “My Mother, the Fiend” Chapters: 1 Word Count: 10128 Status: Complete Summary: Sequel to Fish Out of Water. Logan spends christmas with his grandparents.  Notes: This is, full stop, my favorite Veronica Mars fanfiction ever. I am so protective of this fic that part of me doesn’t even want to give it a formal place on the blog, which is ridiculous because I’m sure plenty of people have already read it and obviously it’s so good that I want people to read it but....this belongs to me, somehow, like I feel like it’s mine that’s how much I love it. ANYWAY possessiveness aside-- Every word, every sentence, every punctuation mark in this fic is perfect, devastating insight into Logan’s character. Absolutely beautiful and wonderful and every other good thing. 
The Teeth by the Shoulder Author: ghostcat Pairing: Fab Four, Logan/Lilly, Veronica/Duncan  Rating: Teen Genre: Friendship, Angst  Setting: Pre-series Spoilers: 1.01, “Pilot”  Chapters: 3 Word Count: 17273 Status: Complete Summary: Two couples, two friendships. The Fab Four in three Octobers. Notes: WE’VE NEVER FUCKING RECOMMENDED THE TEETH BY THE SHOULDER BEFORE?????? HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE OH MY GOD jesus this is one of the greatest fanfictions ever written. three pre-series explorations into the fab four friendship and it is impossibly good. i am especially in love with the logan/lilly in this fic (the first chapter!!!!) and as always special care is given to exploring the logan + veronica dynamic. the third chapter will break your fucking heart so bad in the best way 
Seven Times Logan Echolls Went to Jail Author: sowell Pairing: Logan/Veronica, Veronica/Piz  Rating: Teen Genre: Angst, Romance, Logan Echolls is a Little Shit   Setting: (Post) Season 3 AU  Spoilers: 3.12, “There’s Got to Be a Morning After Pill” and 3.16, “Un-American Graffiti”  Chapters: 1 Word Count: 6701 Status: Complete Summary: Who thinks Logan behind bars is sexy? I do, I do! // Logan goes to jail and calls Veronica to bail him out. Again and again and again and again.  Notes: WE HAVEN’T DONE THIS BEFORE EITHER???? oh my god!! I remember finding this one a few months before the movie came out and i would just lay in bed in the dark and re-read it endlessly. and then i left it alone for a few years and when i went back to it holy shit it undid me all over again. perfect logan and veronica relationship. p e r f e c t!!! i firmly believe this is exactly what shape their relationship would’ve taken if veronica hadn’t cut and run 
Love is Just a Four-letter Word Author: bigboobedcanuck Pairing: Logan/Veronica, Keith, Weevil  Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort Setting: Future AU  Spoilers: 1.12, “Clash of the Tritons”  Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1753 Status: Complete Summary: Set a few years down the road from high school. Logan hits rock bottom. Keith and Veronica help him back up. Notes: Lynn’s body turns up and it is fucking DEVASTATING. A short piece that’s told from Keith’s POV (anyone who knows me knows how much of a sucker I am for Keith + Logan interaction) and holy hell Logan is so good in it and I think about it all the fucking time 
Serendipity  Author: TheLastGoodGoldfish  Pairing: Logan/Veronica, Veronica/Piz, Carrie, Gia, Stu Cobbler, Ensemble Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Detective-ing  Setting: Post Season 3  Spoilers: 3.20, “The Bitch is Back” and The Movie  Chapters: 4 (out of a planned 6, fingers crossed!!!) Word Count: 59763 Status: Complete Summary: During her sophomore year at Hearst, Veronica takes on your run-of-the-mill blackmail case: the clients hate her, the evidence is impossible to destroy, and her ex turns out to be a bit of a distraction, but Veronica is a sucker for a damsel-in-distress. Even if the damsel is an intoxicated, pissed off Carrie Bishop. Notes: I AM HIGH PITCHED SCREAMING. Transplanting the movie plot to this timeframe works tremendously and TLGG’s execution is fucking perfect. Carrie is a powerhouse in this fic and god, Logan is such a honey it in which is why it is being recc’d for him. Him practically letting Carrie move in with him and doing his damnedest to protect Carrie and Gia (much to Veronica’s chagrin) is so, so important to me and I love him so much. 
The Phenomenal Pixie - Interlude #1 - “Bugs”  Author: TheLastGoodGoldfish Pairing: Logan/Veronica, OC’s  Genre: Humor, Fluff, Logan and Veronica Are Smarter Than You  Setting: AU (Season 3)  Spoilers: uhhh n/a Chapters: 1 Word Count: 5072 Status: Complete Summary: Dating a superhero poses a unique set of challenges. Notes: Tiny sequel to The Phenomenal Pixie which you absolutely must read first (and is recommended above) because it’s a fucking delight. Logan is incredible in this fic and I would die for him, like always. The part where Steve can sense Logan is thinking about punching him in the face-- a million chefs kisses. 
The Medusa Jewel  Author: TheLastGoodGoldfish Pairing: Logan/Veronica  Genre: Established Relationship Bliss, Fluff  Setting: MKAT Spoilers: MKAT  Chapters: 1 Word Count: 5336 Status: Complete Summary: Logan and Veronica's new neighbor is a writer. Notes: is my TLGG obsession shining through? good because it fucking should be. The Logan/Veronica in this relationship is so sweet and perfect and is 100% my reality and i would like to bathe in this fic and live in it forever as is my right.
Drowning Together Author: bryrosea Pairing: Logan/Veronica Genre: Romance, Hurt/Comfort Setting: Season 3 Spoilers: 3.07, “Of Vice and Men” Chapters: 1 Word Count: 897 Status: Complete Summary: AU of the confrontation scene from 3x07: Of Vice and Men (Logan and Veronica both need a hug) Notes: Absolute wonderful insight and even some reconciliation into a canonical season three fight. Logan calming down while Veronica falls apart as they hug is so important to me. 
Interrupt Us  Author: bryrosea Pairing: Logan/Veronica Genre: Romance,  Hijinks, They Want To Fuck So Bad  Setting: Post TDTL Spoilers: through TDTL  Chapters: 1 Word Count: 17223 Status: Complete Summary: Logan Echolls is home from deployment. Time to cue the sweeping movie montage, right? Notes: Logan and Veronica try to have sex everywhere and it is my life force. The car scene when they get pulled over and Logan instinctively hiding under Veronica’s desk....god i love everyone in this bar
Ready to Go Author: Amberina Pairing: Logan/Duncan; Veronica  Genre: Friendship, Romance, Angst Setting: Post Season 1  Spoilers: not obvious but 1.22, “Leave it to Beaver”  Chapters: 1 Word Count: 6346 Status: Complete Summary: "Let's leave. Let's go. What's left in Neptune for us anyway?" (AKA Duncan, Logan and Veronica have wacky adventures on the road! Also angst.) Notes: Logan getting hissy and storming off from the car while Duncan and Veronica just watch him and then calling a taxi once he’s out of their sight is PEAK logan. I love boyfriends, even if they’re angst-ing in this, and they big time are. 
Nashville On My Mind Author: hjcallipygian Pairing: Logan, Veronica, Duncan Genre: Friendship, Hijinks  Setting: Post Season 1 AU Spoilers: 1.22, “Leave it to Beaver” Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1659 Status: Complete Summary: Every year, they take a road trip together. This year, it's to Nashville, Tennessee. Notes: i just spent forty minutes trying to find this fic to the point where i was genuinely concerned i had hallucinated it. it’s so fucking good. a sequel/prequel of sorts to grand canyon by sadiekate (recc’d in the previously section). logan is a mess and by god do i love him 
Six Times Logan Echolls Got Wet Author: bryrosea, CarolineShea, ghostcat, kmd0107, marshmallowtasha, SilverLining2k6 Pairing: Logan/Veronica Rating: Teen Genre: Romance, Friendship, Hijinks Setting: Everywhere Spoilers: All series to MKAT  Chapters: 6 Word Count: 11568 Status: Complete Summary: aka: The Wet Henley ChroniclesSix stories in which we probably give Logan Echolls pneumonia, inspired by the movie's infamous wet henley. Set variously across the series and post-MKAT. Notes: each chapter is written by a different author, they’re all good but bryrosea’s chapter and silvery’s chapter are my favorites. set during the summer between season 1 & 2 and post season three respectively they do such a great job dealing with the fractious and tumultuous nature of Logan/Veronica’s relationship at the time and i love it so much
A Little Dysfunctionality Goes A Long Way  Author: fluffernutter8 Pairing: Logan/Veronica Rating: Teen Genre: ANGST with a side of fucking ANGST, happy ending but jesus   Setting: Post Season 3 AU  Spoilers: 1.22, “Leave it to Beaver”  Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2878 Status: Complete Summary: Despite their history, Logan and Veronica might be somewhere on the brink of normal. A few years post season 3. Notes: i just read this for the first time 07/13/20 at 9:08pm because when i asked shelby for her favorite logan fics she included this one. i am fucking dead now and-- there’s nothing else to say about it. i’m just fucking dead. for YEARS i have said that nobody with the username fluffernutter8 should be able to write shit this goddamn emotional and yet, time and time again, i find myself here fuckign wrecked and furious about it 
these are just ghosts that broke my heart before i met you Author: theviolonist  Pairing: Logan, Veronica, Carrie, Dick  Rating: Teen Genre: Introspection, Angst, I Love Logan   Setting: Pre Movie & Movie  Spoilers: Movie  Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1326 Status: Complete Summary: In the army they say, don't think of the target as a person, otherwise you won't have the guts to pull the trigger. Notes: fuck, you guys. this one is so beautiful. an exploration into logan’s grief and him trying to move on and it cuts like a damn knife because he can never really do it but fuck he wants to so bad and [lucas scott voice] that’s gotta mean something, right? truly so so wonderful 
Fugue Author: vaeran Pairing: Logan/Veronica, Logan/Lilly, Dick  Rating: Teen Genre: Angst, hopeful ending  Setting: Post Season 1 Spoilers: 1.22, “Leave it to Beaver”  Chapters: 1 Word Count: 4137 Status: Complete Summary: It's something he refuses to let go because it defines who he is and what he has become. Notes: deviates from the PCHer confrontation on the bridge, which means logan takes a little longer to come around to reconciliation with veronica. it’s perfect and i particularly love the logan/lilly in this, he’s hurt but still so impossibly and eternally in love with her 
One Flew Over the Echolls Nest Author: Wynn Pairing: Logan/Veronica, Duncan Rating: Teen Genre: Angst, Friendship Setting: Post Season 1 AU  Spoilers: 1.22, “Leave it to Beaver” Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1507 Status: Complete Summary: Open wide and see what's inside. A bridge and a bed and Veronica. Logan finds himself in a mental institution after the events of "Leave it to Beaver." Veronica, Duncan, and Logan's psychiatrist attempt to help. Notes: so sad and so good!!! the part where Logan’s psychiatrist asks him when the last time he was happy was fucking wrecks me everytime!! 
Free at last  Author: querulousgawks Pairing: Logan, Weevil, Aaron Rating: Teen Genre: Frenemies, They Are Boyfriends Setting: Season 2 Spoilers: 2.09, “My Mother, the Fiend”  Chapters: 1 Word Count: 1242 Status: Complete Summary: Logan and Weevil and fire go a long way back. A flashback scene interrupts their Season 2 meeting in the Neptune Grand. Notes: I LOVE EVERY SINGLE THING ABOUT THIS SO GOD DAMN MUCH 
The Right Shade of Red Author: ghostcat Pairing: Trina, Logan, Aaron  Rating: Teen Genre: ANGST Setting: Pre-series Spoilers: 1.15, “Ruskie Business”  Chapters: 1 Word Count: 883 Status: Complete Summary: Trina finds her jerky little brother hiding in her closet and does the unexpected thing. (Or, A time Logan trusted Trina) Notes: If you want 883 words to be able to make you feel like you’ve been hit by a truck this is the fic for you! I love the Echolls family dynamics so much, and this one is excellent. 
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The only one
Roman self-doubting himself to the point of crying.
Warnings; Crying, self-doubt, cussing, platonic roceit(?), Hurt/comfort.
Let me know if I missed anything.
Janus walked down the halls of the mindscape palace, a gloved hand idly grazing the corridor walls. Looking down as he dragged his feet. Since he wasn't needed for anything right now, and he had nothing to work on, he had decided to just take a walk. But he paused,
What was that noise?
He looked around curiously, listening in to the faint sound. He had no clue what it was, shrugging, and resuming to roam. Before halting dead in his tracks a minute later, and it clicked in his head. That was crying. Who was crying? Did somebody get hurt?
He walked around quickly, looking around for where the sound came from. Soon stopping in front of Romans bright red door with a sigh. It was him.
As one might guess, he and roman didn't have the best relationship. He didn't think he should be the one to try comforting roman, rushing off to look for one of the others. He would just make roman more distressed if he knew he heard roman crying. After a few minutes of looking, he'd come to the conclusion the others were gone. Sighing to himself and heading back to Roman's room. He took a deep breath before his hand slowly reached out to the door handle. Stopping himself though.
Privacy. He raised his other hand, knocking on the wooden door firmly, but gently. "Roman, may I come in?" He asked, resting his head against the door slightly. In an attempt to listen in and make sure the prince was okay. Listening as there was rustling and sniffling on the other side, before roman's raspy voice spat, "What do you want, Janus?" It meant to come off as angry, but Janus could tell past Romans act and tone. He was deceit, and roman wasn't the best actor when he was actually upset. "I heard you.." Janus responded hesitantly.
Roman's breath audibly hitched, and he sighed. "..You may come in.." He said hesitantly. Janus resumed his deep breath, slowly walking in. Closing the door behind him so he made sure it would just be between them. Wanting roman to trust he wouldn't say anything, although he knew roman had a strong dislike towards him.
Janus slowly settled beside roman on the king-sized bed, roman wrapped in his royal red blanket. Curled up in a ball, face red and stained with dry tears. Janus thought about what to say, before gently resting a hand on the prince's back. Making roman flinch, darting to look at Janus. "Sorry, I should have asked first," Janus said, about to remove his hand.
"No," Janus looked at roman confusedly, surprised, "No... You're okay.." Roman finished, looking away again. Leaning into the touch a bit, even. A small smile settling on Janus' face when roman didn't push him away or comment something snarky. "Hey.. What's wrong? Do you wanna talk about it?" Janus offered in a tender tone. Roman slowly nodded a bit, sinking against Janus a bit.
Janus was taken by surprise, but welcoming roman into his arms. Holding the prince to his chest effortlessly. Hushing him softly. "Whenever you're ready, princey." He whispered. Roman merely nodding in response to Janus' reassuring words. Sighing after a couple of minutes of silently sitting in the scaled one's embrace. 
Janus hooked a finger under roman's chin gently, murmuring in a gentle tone, "You ready to talk about it?" he asked, receiving a hesitant and shaky nod. "It's.." Roman looked away, "It's not a big deal.. I just.. was nervous." "For?" Roman glanced back at Janus, surprised to get such a welcoming and encouraging response and look from him. Feeling a bit more comfortable to talk.
".." He felt a knot in his throat, it felt hard to speak, "I thought you all.." Roman trailed off, choking on his own voice. "Deep breaths.." Janus whispered, still paying roman close attention. Roman continuing after a few moments, "I thought you all...Hated me.." Roman finished. Stomach sinking when Janus sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, looking away. 
"Roman, don't be stupid. We don't hate you. We had one fight. Disagreements are normal in a stable relationship." Janus explained, earning a sigh of relief from roman. Janus locking his arms back around the other. "Now don't be ignorant like that again. We all love you very much, roman." he hushed. Roman burying himself in Janus' chest. 
"I-i'm sorry I just.. I made fun of you.. I'm always causing so much shit- and I'm always fighting with everybody.. I just-" He sat up, throwing his hands out to enthuse his point, "I can't see why you guys put up with me!" He exclaimed, frowning. Before realizing what he was saying. He probably looked like he was seeking attention. Why did he have to ruin everything?
He hadn't even noticed the tears in the corners of his eyes sparking back up again until Janus raised both hands and cupped roman's face. Kissing the top of his head, "Hey, hey.. It's okay.. You didn't mean it. I know you just want to protect Thomas... We all make mistakes. That's okay.." Janus reassured, wrapping his arms around roman tightly. Roman snuggling into Janus, burying his face into his shoulder. "B-but i-" Roman got cut off, "No. You've done nothing wrong.. And if I hear you speak like that again, I'm getting the others." Janus huffed. Hushing roman. Roman falling silent, besides quiet sobs that left him. 
They weren't all gloomy, but it was still crying. Janus and roman stayed like that for a while, just in each others' embrace while roman sobbed. Eventually, the prince settled down and sniffled quietly. Feeling better after crying it out, and talking to Janus. 
"Thank you, Jan.."
"Anytime, roman."
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thecrimsondandelion · 4 years
pls can u just rant about 1990s eddie, everything and anything, he needs more love 🥺
Okay. Finally getting to this.
So, I L O V E Miniseries Edward Kaspbrak.
 This might be all over the place, and long, this will mostly be adult Eddie, and at the end I’ll talk a little about young Eddie. (I have only read half of the book ffr) also some of this is from notes I took while drunkenly rewatching the miniseries. So it might not be great, but you only asked for a rant <3 
Firstly, I don’t really like what It Chapter 2 did to Eddie, a risk analyst is a huge discredit to Eddie I think, because despite his traumas and abuse, in the book/miniseries Eddie owned his own limo business - which was VERY successful. Starting a business can be a huge risk, and that alone speaks volumes for his character. But looking into it, it shows he had intelligence, charisma, perseverance and bravery. You could put a lot of money into a business venture and have it completely flop, it’s a gutsy move. And Eddie Kaspbrak took a risk, and became damn successful. 
Which leads me to my next problem with Ch.2 Eddie. The clothes he wears. Eddie’s fashion in the miniseries is immaculate, he dresses fucking amazing. Like described in the books, gucci loafers wearing bitch. He owns a successful business and he LOOKS like it, he shows pride in what he does and his achievements in how he dresses, in designer SHIT. He knows what looks good, he’s stylish and fairly effeminate - which I think is really great representation for other men, especially for when the movie was released/when it was set. miniseries Eddie Kaspbrak said no to toxic masculinity, you can be well put together, stylish, not to conform to typical overly masculine traits, and still be successful, brave and no less of a man. Successful and the only male adult loser with s t y l e. I’m sure there were so many men who felt relieved to see a character like Eddie Kaspbrak in the media. 
Adult Ch.2 Eddie’s clothes were fugly which goes with his fugly stupid job. But something I didn’t really connect was in @letsgetreddie‘s post recently (which finally gave me the boost to finally get this ask done, thank you btw <3) was that adult ch.2 Eddie dressed how his mum dressed him as a child. Which, is just... another huge discredit to him as a character. I understand that’s probably what they were going for, but I still think it’s a huge discredit!!!! He was so much more than his mother’s abuse, and his fashion in the miniseries really amplified that to me. And as they also said in their post, that ain’t cute. 10 points to miniseries Eddie. 
One of my favourite moments is when Eddie goes to the pharmacy and sees Mr. Keene. Eddie thanks him for trying to tell him the truth about his fake medicine, Mr. Keene (who at a point seemed to be Pennywise) grabs him, Eddie’s terrified but he doesn’t react violently, doesn’t shout, he very kindly asks to be let go. He doesn’t want to inflict any harm, and as somebody who’s worked in a care home, I really appreciate the kindness he had at that moment. That he wouldn’t harm Mr. Keene despite evil clown man being in him. 
Eddie Kaspbrak in the miniseries, like I’ve seen in the book so far, at his core is very loving and kind. He’s not the “dude” “bro” snapping constantly at his friends type of guy. He loves the Losers, he thinks they’re hilarious, but he also stands up for himself, and can be a funny snarky shit (I hate it when you stutter my name Bill, you sound like Elmer Fudd - like damn child Eddie. Not an exact quote, but it was along those lines) 
Speaking of kid Eddie. There’s the trauma he goes through living with his mother, the placebo medicine, the Munchausen Syndrome by proxy. He’s very sheltered and afraid of a lot of stuff, he panics a lot. But it’s so beautiful how strong he is when he’s with the Losers. For example at some point, when the Losers give him a concerned look (I think it was as they were going into the sewers) he says “I’m with my friends, right?” He sounded so brave and assured in himself.
When they’re fighting It as kids, after Stan is captured by Pennywise, Beverly is fumbling to get the slingshot and silver, and Eddie steps forward with his inhaler, and gives out the famous line “This is battery acid, you slime.” despite his sheltered lifestyle from his mother, her saying she didn’t want him to be around the Losers anymore, despite the fears he has, he steps forward to save his friends without hesitation. Which is SO FUCKING BRAVE, they’re CHILDREN.
Not only that, but when the pact is made, he also agreed to come back with no hesitation. With the Losers he’s brave and FREE. 
I’ll just be adding on to the drunk notes I took while watching the miniseries last. I’m starting to lose concentration so this part won’t be structured at all, it’s just short ramblings. 
- He still lives with his mother and I hate that. -10/10
- Didn't cut his fortune cookie with a fork 1/10 (Great moment in the book. Loved it. Sad that it didn’t make the miniseries)
R E D D I E. Eddie lying on the floor with Richie, cuddled on the couch with Beverly and Richie. The Reddie vibes are way stronger in the miniseries, and their moments together are so tender and sweet. The scene in the library where they’re giggling and playing with each other and he holds up the thing that says silence????? *CHEFS KISS* 
He’s so damn SWEET in the miniseries, he looks like he’s having fun with the Losers, he looks free and at ease, like how it showed him as a kid. He looks safe with the Losers, and the whole thing with the Losers is that they stick together and feel safe with one another. 
Obviously thinks Ben's hot - I wrote this when I was drunkenly watching so I don’t remember the part in particular, but I believe myself. 
Eddie is giggling always, and I LOVE IT, I’m pretty sure he giggles a few times in the book, so where was it in the movies?? I love that they didn’t try to make him overly masculine, because from what I’ve read, that just isn’t Eddie. It doesn’t make him a weak character or person, he cries and that’s damn realistic, there’s an evil space clown that killed children. It’s just great that they made him so open, I love that. 
Immaculate hair - Wrote this note drunk, but we all know his hair is immaculate, no need to say any more. 
"I don't know what's going to happen when the sun comes up, but I do know that I appreciate what you've done for everyone" GIVES MIKE THE RESPECT AND RECOGNITION HE DESERVES. 
H a n d s o m e Dennis Christopher is so handsome, and Eddie is one of the more attractive members of the adult miniseries Losers Club (along with Mike and Bev)
Eddie: convinces Richie to stay with a look and a touch - another quick note I took, this is as Richie talks about the chance of leaving Derry. Honestly, they’re in love, and I love it. Like I said, the reddie vibes are way better in the miniseries. 
The “i believe in santa/tooth fairy/Easter bunny, but I don’t believe in you.” And then again, “this is battery acid, you slime” scene, this had me in tears when I first watched it. Again he puts himself in front of the Losers, to protect his best friends the others he LOOKS INTO THE DEADLIGHTS WITHOUT BEING CAUGHT IN THEM, and gets the other losers out of it. He’s gone through a lot of trauma, he still lived with his abuser in the miniseries, but he’s just so GOD DAMN BRAVE. 
The only Eddie to get out of the sewers/neibolt street. And that’s how it SHOULD BE. 
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In conclusion. I love Miniseries Edward Kaspbrak, he’s a cutie, but he’s also brave as fuck. And I respect the fuck out of him. Isn’t a stupid risk analyst who  says dude and bro like the movie. But also isn’t fatphobic like in the book. 
I would trust Miniseries Eddie to watch my drink, he’s so sweet, and caring. And he’s the best adult Eddie.
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granddaughterogg · 5 years
Less than whole - War x reader part 2
In which we have some failed communication, some top-notch passive-aggressiveness and Scantily Clad Strife! Part 1 can be found here.
„War. I can’t breathe!..”
His eyes flashed wide. The ironclad hold supporting you suddenly lost its power. You yelped - and wrapped both legs around his waist in order not to slide off this mountain of a man.
That discomposed War even further. His thick silver eyebrows furrowed while he seized you again, this time by your thighs – this time carefully – and put your slightly startled ass on the kitchen table.
„Forgive me”, he breathed, leaning in, his voice low and delectably rough from all the kissing. It made your insides backflip. But then again, he did just almost jellify them. „I got carried away. Are you all right?”
You giggled breathlessly.
It was hard not to melt when asked like this, not under the tender scrutiny of his gaze. War had eyes like two bluish LED lamps. Still somehow managed to convey emotion through them.
„I’m fine”, you reassured him, looking up into this picture of worry. „Really. You just kinda...squished the air outta me for a while there.”
War’s lips pursed. „I am sorry.”
„Don’t mention it, Big Guy.” You absentmindedly rubbed your (still aching) sides. They probably wore a print of ten enormous fingers. This is gonna leave some bruises, especially from his iron hand.
Your head darted up. He was still leaning over you, blush slowly seeping away from his face, that silver hair in glorious disarray. One strand flew across his scrunched forehead and fell over the wide, straight, unhappy line that was his mouth. Right now War looked like a pouty child, stifling the urge to cry.
His hands - those instruments of delight, the bringers of carnage – pressed into the table on both of your sides. 
„I wish I wasn’t like that”, he said softly. „I wish I didn’t hurt you all the time.”
„Hey, as I said, not really a problem!” You chirped. „Besides, there’s not much we can do about it. I mean, you’re a big, strong Nephilim with a badass metal arm. And I’m just...me!”
War stiffened.
„Strong”, he said, his voice hollow. „That was all I used to care about. And this arm, too…” 
You watched him slowly flex the fingers of the enormous gauntlet as if he’d seen it for the first time. Pointy metal scraped on wood.
You never asked what magic bounds it to the owner’s will. It was an instrument of bloodbath, that’s for sure. Designed to maim and crush and kill, not to give affection in any form. 
But all the same - it was his prosthetics. A crutch he needed to move seamlessly through the world. You’d never ask the man you loved to take it off just for your comfort.
War’s stare met yours. He looked so distraught.
„I leave marks on your flesh, don’t I.”
You managed a weak smile. As far as you were concerned, black-and-blue spots on your skin came with the territory.
„Yeah. They remind me of you when you’re away.”
War inhaled with a hiss and dug his hands into the wood of the table. It crunched dangerously.
It was hot, having him overarch you like this, block the light with those linebacker shoulders. Oozing with warmth, with this robust scent which made you think wanton thoughts and with worry. 
It hurt to see him worried.
„Darling.” You grabbed him by the neck, stretching your whole upper body upwards, hauled his face down to yours and kissed him. Hard.
War’s silver eyelashes fluttered in surprise; they were so long, you could feel them brushing up and down your cheeks. And then he let go and opened to you, soft and wet and ardent. Even though there was no embrace this time. His palms stayed down as if glued to the table.
„Ahem. Guys.”
The Red Rider let go before you did. One moment your tongues were entwined and War’s tantalizing smell filled you up to your very hair roots, as you slid your hips closer to the table’s edge in an honest notion of grinding on that dick. The next – it was all over, as your giant jerked back and the sun from the kitchen window poured on you mockingly. It wasn’t the only thing that was mocking.
„Strife.” War’s cheeks were flushed with red again, his voice low and guttural. Such a growl would scare the shit out of any living creature - aside from a few exceptions. 
His cheeky brother was one of them.
„Guys. Guys”, he said with a smile as obnoxious as it was wide. „I love you both, you know that. But the thing is... you’re in the way.”
You panted and snorted, flipping your dishevelled hair in a failed attempt to regain some dignity. 
„Between you and fucking what?”
„The fridge, dahling.” The spiky-haired one posed himself flamboyantly in the doorway; one hip cocked to the right, arm behind the head jutted in opposite direction, his long spine curved sideways as if he was a character in JoJo. As conflicted as you were about this dumbass' attitude, you had to admire his flexibility.
And his height. Even when wearing only boxers, some old wifebeater, which read ELMO on the front and no shoes - he still remained the tallest.
„How long have you been standing there?” you spat. 
„Long enough.” Another megawatt grin. 
War emitted a low, threatening sound of a remarkably beastly disposition.
„Hey, don’t come at me, brother.” Strife raised one hand protectively. „I’ve been wrestling with my thoughts here, ya know? Wondering whether it’s decent to break such a lovely scene, and then you two started arguing or something and it was all the more awkward, but then I really, really need to get that milk.”
You taxed the sharpshooter with a keen gaze. Unkempt hair. Deep shadows under his golden eyes. A pinched look which the uneven snarky grin didn’t quite hide. A general air of dishevelment.
What time was it, again? Ah, yes. Saturday morning. The day of the Reckoning.
„Hangover is a harsh mistress, eh?” You flung the fridge door open and grabbed the milk.
„Work hard, party hard. That’s my motto.” He stepped inside, took it from you, uncorked the plastic jug, threw his head back and drank like a man who’d just traversed Sahara.
It took a while. You remained silent. War, who has crossed his arms - was dead silent, too. Strife slurped and gurgled.
After a minute or two of this, you started to wonder about the crazy-ass direction which your life has taken. You shared a common roof with four Nephilim, out of which two were your lovers, one was a good friend, and another one was...well, Strife.
To the best of his Strife-ability.
„Can’t you just take it and beat it?” you asked wearily. Whatever magic has weaved between you and War, it was as good as gone anyway.
„No need. I’ll go.” The Big Guy sighed, pushed himself away from the table and trodded past his boxer-clad brother, who courteously stepped aside. 
„War?...” Your voice might’ve trembled. Just a little.
„I’ll be upstairs. I need a bath.”
And like that, he was gone.
Well, not exactly. You and the pointy-haired one stood there in silence for quite some time, listening to the thud of War’s heavy footsteps.
You waited until they trailed off, snapped your head at Strife and spit out: 
„There is a word for what you’ve just done to your brother. And that word is...”
„Cockblocking, I know”, he cut you off leisurely while wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. „ Humans are so crafty. So skilled with your words.”
You inhaled sharply.
„We’re also skilled in the art of kicking someone in the shin, so don’t be surprised when it happens.”
„Oi”, Strife bent down and now his gleaming, taunting stare was definitely too close to your face. You felt as if attached to an electric current.
„Don’t go taking the strain in your relationships out on me”, he said. „That’s so not cute.”
„Ugh! One day I’m gonna kill you.”
He straightened back to his impressive length and flashed you a lovable smirk.
„I’d love to see you try.”
„I mean it! I’ll find some way to make you miserable.”
Strife was already on his way out, gracefully placing the emptied milk bottle on the kitchen counter. „Anytime, princess.” He strutted out, giving his boxer-clad ass more wiggle that seemed necessary. You couldn’t unglue your eyes from it.
„But seriously. Lookin’ forward to it.”
To be Continued. If you like my work, please don’t hesitate to reblog it! That’s the only way for me to get seen on tumblr, you know.
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doctorgerth · 5 years
May I ask for relationship hc's (sfw and nsfw) for X Drake ?Please
Absolutely!!!! X Drake is a little harder to work with since we’ve seen so little of him, so this is strictly just my own interpretation of him. I hope you find it sufficient!! Enjoy, my dear. x
PSA: I am gonna start tagging nsfw content as #sinful or #lemon from now on. That way I won’t experience any more flags! 
Now, on to the sinning! 
X Drake SFW+NSFW Relationship HCs
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- being a rather serious man, I feel as if he is more inclined to fall for someone fun; not necessarily obnoxious, but someone who can keep him on his toes and keep his life interesting!
- he finds playful attitudes in a partner very endearing; bonus points if they’re mature and sophisticated in front of others, but isn’t afraid to show off their silly side when it’s just them; he enjoys the feeling of being able to “let loose” around his partner after being so serious all day
- he also finds intelligence in a partner very attractive as he enjoys having meaningful, thought-provoking, and informational conversations
- of course he wouldn’t admit it, but he likes someone who can break the scowl on his face; he’s had a sad life, so he’s not opposed to his partner being his little sunshine (definitely a nickname he uses on occasion in private)
- it takes a mighty long time for Drake to fall for someone, much preferring if he’s either known them for a while or if he can develop some sort of trusting bond beforehand; he’s not one to just dive into dating/courting, he needs to know he can trust them before he even thinks about getting involved romantically
- and once he is finally involved he takes his relationship very seriously; very loyal and always willing to protect/care for his partner, and though he might express it in subtle ways, he always offers them his utmost love and affection
- definitely the marriage type as he never dates just to date, he forms relationships with people because he sees a potential future with them; he wants to settle down one day with someone he loves, maybe even raise a family
- not into PDA in the least bit, he finds it super embarrassing (he gets all flustered when they act touchy!), so his partner has to respect his boundaries and the reputation he has to maintain; if his partner desires physical contact, he always makes up for it during their alone time behind closed doors
- he can be a bit awkward as he’s always wanted to express affection for another, but he’s never really known how to, given his past; therefore, he usually lets his partner take control of the cuddling sessions, he’ll just kinda leave his arms open for them to ravish him with hugs and kisses that he graciously accepts
- his kisses are a bit hesitant, always worrying that he’s doing something wrong, so his lover usually takes control in this case as well until he finds a steady groove; his lips are really soft!
- prefers to place his hands delicately on their hips or at the small of their back (if height allows) and take his time with some intimate kissing; if his lover can wrap their arms around his neck/run their fingers through his hair, he’ll be smiling and melting into the kiss!
- loves to touch his lover’s face (preferably without gloves); whether he’s rubbing their cheeks, grazing his thumb over their lips, or caressing their face lovingly, he just cherishes how soft they are and how they always look up at him so adoringly
- he honestly gets overwhelmed sometimes by just how lucky he is to have someone be so unconditionally in love with him; he was raised in an abusive environment, causing him to feel as if he’s unworthy of love and affection, so he needs a partner who isn’t ever afraid to show their love for him as he can be a bit insecure
- his partner must be prepared when he holds on a little too tight, tears welling in his eyes during even the most simple cuddle times; he’s just basking in the love, hoping they can feel just how much he loves them in return!
- not very argumentative, prefers to talk things out; he feels comfortable to openly express his feelings to his partner, so he expects the same from them; he gets really upset if they give him the silent treatment/walk away from him
- besides “sunshine”, he also likes to call his partner “darling”, “dear”, or “love”; sometimes he slips these endearing nicknames in public and he gets super embarrassed, instantly becoming snarky at anyone who makes fun of him for it
- the only time he’s truly okay with his s/o riding his back in dino form is when they’re escaping dangerous situations; but…he has let his s/o ride on his back just for funsies once or twice before, each time swearing it’ll never happen again, but he knows he can’t deny his lover that satisfaction forever
- is not scared to get a little bloodthirsty if someone threatens or harms his lover; nothing as precious as them should ever be attacked; hops into angry dino mode real fast
- speaking of protection, Drake much prefers his s/o stay on his ship or somewhere safe away from the trouble he faces, especially if they are unable to protect themselves; he’s confident in his protection skills but he just can’t take the risk as his biggest fear is losing them and he doesn’t exactly hide it
- though he is a stoic man with a professional reputation to maintain, he always makes sure his lover never ever doubts his love for them through his own unique ways! a very selfless partner who will go the distance to make his lover truly happy in life
- okay first things first, as we all know our Dino Daddy is absolutely weak for women’s naked bodies, but this can apply to a male partner as well!
- he gets super flustered seeing them naked, no matter how many times they’ve had sex by then; his face gets all heated and he just feels like a little teenage boy all over again!
- he’s so eager to touch them but he’s always chivalrous, tending to ask for permission to touch them (even if it’s nonverbal) though his hands have explored every inch of their body time and time again previously
- if his partner comes at him in some lingerie, whew boy he has to fight the impending nosebleed; but he likes to take a minute to enjoy them in the lingerie first, running his hands along the fabric while he mentally takes a snapshot of the beautiful sight, then he gets to his favorite part: undressing them~
- definitely a titty man, he’s a sucker for burying his face in his lover’s tits, they’re just warm and squishy; small tits, huge tits, he loves and appreciates them all!
- very proud of his toned chest and thighs, so he loves when his partner praises him/gives these areas special attention; including raking their nails against the skin, trailing kisses, riding his thigh, etc.
- Drake is not really into inflicting or receiving excessive pain during sex, the most he is comfortable with is scratching, hair-pulling, light biting, and light spanking every now and then; his sharp fangs have unleashed at times, but he never bites hard enough to draw blood
- sex with Drake can definitely be primal, especially in times after battle or reuniting after lengthy time apart, but his choice of love-making is more passionate and tender; he loves to take his time with his partner, relishing in the love they are professing to one another
- Drake is extra handsy during sex, they’re never off his partner! whether they’re on their chest, their back, their legs, their ass, etc. his hands are constantly holding onto his partner as he craves the physical connection, holding them close is just never close enough!
- some of his go-to positions include thigh master, the double-decker, and face-off; since he’s not much of a kinky guy, he typically makes up for it by trying unique positions as long as they are comfortable
- loves a woman on top as he can hold her (and bury his face in her boobs) while she controls the pace, he finds the feminine power beyond sexy; also never against being a bottom with a male partner, Drake is definitely a switch
- one of his favorite places to have sex? the bath tub; it’s so intimate yet so thrilling! this is his favorite place to have his woman ride him as he just relaxes in the water; watching her soaked, lathered body bouncing up and down on his cock makes for some really relaxing sex; with a male partner he prefers to lean back into their chest while lazily grinding on them, allowing his partner’s hands to roam along his body freely
- he’s decent at dirty talk, more comfortable with saying sensual and romantic words than “filthy”, and he prefers to keep things simple, loving to praise his partner; he blushes heavily at a partner who praises him/has a dirty mouth, he won’t always respond verbally, mostly with a low grunt of approval; he curses the most when he’s cumming
- “Mmm, you feel so good, darling.” // “I want to ravish you.” // “Can I touch you here?” // “Does that feel good, love?” // “Oh, you ride me so beautifully.” // “You look absolutely divine begging for me.”
- foreplay is his specialty as he loves taking his time to warm up his partner for the main event; fingering, eating out, sucking dick, he’s always really really good at it; he’s usually a little hesitant going down on his partner (scared of his teeth unleashing) nevertheless he always goes wild when his partner runs their fingers through his hair while he’s down there, encouraging him on
- he’s not very loud in bed and he doesn’t like a super loud partner as he can’t have his ship hearing their business!; if his partner is loud he is inclined to cover their mouth while they have sex, but it works for him as he honestly gets a little turned on by their muffled moans of pleasure
- to counter that, Drake is loud as fuck when he cums, he’ll grit his teeth and grab onto his partner tightly as a growl escapes his throat, a few blaring curses laced among his partner’s name as he releases; he prefers to cum inside his partner, but if they are uncomfortable he will usually release onto their tits (the second best place), their stomach, or in his hand
-  he is wonderful about the cleanup process, quick to grab a spare towel or wet rag to help clean his partner and himself off, he’s always willing to change the sheets and remake the bed together; sometimes they will escape off into the bath where round two typically happens
- cuddle time with Drake is always extra cuddly after sex, he holds his partner close, reassuring that the session was good and that his partner is happy; he doesn’t last long for pillow talk before he snoozes off as he always falls asleep fast with his partner in his arms!
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xspideyimaginesx · 5 years
Shoot to Thrill, Kiss to Kill | ONE
Summary: Beware of those with soft lips and guns at their hips. 
Pairing: 1920sMafia!Sebastian Stan x Reader, 1920sMafia!Tom Holland x Reader
Words: 2.5K
Warnings: cussing, violence, mentions of smut
A/N: If you have any requests, my ask is always open! Thank you for reading!
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“There's no surrender And there's no escape Are we the hunters? Or are we the prey?”
“Hey darling,” You murmur as you enter Sebastian’s office, adding a little extra sway to your hips. His mouthed turned up in a smirk, nearly hidden behind his steepled hands that were resting against his lips. His eyes tracked your movement before angling his chair towards his desk. 
You learned forward, wrapping your arms around him from behind. One hand slid just beneath the opening of his buttoned shirt. You could hear Sebastian hold his breath as your lips found his neck. Your lips were light, almost teasing as you left each kiss. 
“And what do I owe this pleasure?” He rasped out before quickly clearing his voice. 
“Chris came by and told me you needed to see me.” You mentioned as you moved around to lean against Sebastian’s chair. 
He hesitated. 
He never hesitated. He always went into everything with his whole heart or nothing at all. 
Sebastian’s throat bobbed as he turned his chair to face his desk, causing you to have to stand up to avoid falling over. His fingers scrambled for the brass box that sat in the left corner of his desk. “Seb…” You tried to catch his attention, but he was set on grabbing one of the neatly placed cigarettes from the box. He shut the box with a loud clang, echoing in the silent room. 
He yanked the lighter out from his suit jacket pocket that was draped on the back of his chair. He stumbled to get the lighter to ignite. Flick. Flick. Fli-the flame finally decided to stand tall enough for Sebastian to light his cigarette. 
“What aren’t you telling me, Seb?” You muttered, suddenly thankful that you were able to have control over your voice, because inside your body was bracing for impact. 
He didn’t have a chance to answer and you didn’t know if he took that as a blessing or a curse as the door swung open, slamming against the back wall. Chris filled the doorway, not paying much heed to our privacy as he lumbered in. Sebastian would never take crap like this from anyone except for Chris and possibly you. He had a standard to uphold around here, but Chris never cared for logistics. 
“Someone a tad bit stressed?” Chris chuckled to himself as he sauntered straight to Sebastian’s desk and took one of the infamous cigarettes from the brass box. He knew Sebastian’s notorious habit of smoking when stressed. 
Sebastian rolled his eyes, trying his best to ignore his second in command. “Don’t mind if I do…” Chris mumbled with the cigarette dangling from his lips as he bent over the desk to retrieve Sebastian’s lighter. 
Flick. It lit in one try. 
“So, what’s the verdict?” Chris asked after a stream of smoke left his lips. He sat himself on the arm of the armchair that stood to the left side of the desk, which was part of Sebastian’s ensemble of a large office. He had a sitting area to the left of his desk with two armchairs and a lamp. Bookcases lined the far walls making the room feel more like a library or study. You would never guess what kind of business Sebastian was in by looking at his office. 
You furrowed your brows, not sure what he was referring to. 
“Chr-“ Sebastian started, but was cut off.
“You haven’t told her yet, have you?” Chris asked in an accusatory tone. He pushed himself off of the armchair, proceeding to pace in front of the sitting area. Back and forth…back and forth…
“It’s not just something I can jump into-“
“The plan was supposed to be implemented this weekend.” Chris shot back.
“I know, but-“
“Do you even care about the business? We are sinking deeper and deeper each day, but you want to take your sweet ass time-“ Chris rambled on stridently with his hands poised on his hips.
Sebastian cut him off, standing quickly, causing his chair to roll back, finally ceasing as it hit the wall. He slammed his hands on the desk, surprising all of us. “Do you dare to question my commitment? Do you honestly think for a second that I wouldn’t lay down my life for what we’ve built here?” His words came out quickly, like throwing knives with each of his words hitting some part of Chris that made him halt his tirade. “I am taking my time because I am not going to rush into this. I am trying to come to peace with what I am going to ask Y/N to do, but it makes me sick.”
Chris stood there almost helpless as he didn’t have some snarky comeback. He let out a slow, lingering breath of smoke.
“Get out and leave me to handle this.” Sebastian ordered, and without a word, Chris followed his orders, not hesitating to shut the door with a bang. 
The room was silent. No moving. No fumbling of papers. No teasing. No releases of smoke from smooth lips. 
His whispers resounded like screams in my ears as they broke the silence, “It’s all gone.”
“What?” Your voice cracked as you finally found your will to speak.
“All our money is gone.” He muttered bitterly before taking a drag from the cigarette that had almost reached its end. “We’re broke.”
“How did this happen?” Your tremulous voice echoed in the room, as you broke the pattern of whispers. 
“Holland,”  He replied in a disheartening, taut tone. “He infiltrated the biggest deal that I’ve had in years and now holds power over our suppliers. They won’t deal to me and I don’t have any leverage over them any more. He paid them off and is providing protection for them in case I retaliate. I spent thousands of dollars trying to make sure this deal went through and he took advantage of that.”
He took your hesitation to respond as a cue to continue, “He’s smart…more than I anticipated. I underestimated him and now it’s come back to get me. It’s humiliating. He got the best of me when he’s barely in his twenties.”
“Why don’t you do what you usually do? Get a man on the inside, and destroy from within.” You muttered, trying to not let your fear seep into your tone.
“Got the news last week.” Sebastian talked under his breath as he slid a file across the desk to where you could see. You forgot how to breathe as you saw the pictures clipped to the file. You couldn’t see the faces, but the ferocity of the pictures made your stomach queasy. Two men were pictured face down in various angles showing multiple gun shot wounds and non-self inflicted injuries. “He knew we had people on the inside.”
You wanted to reach out to him. You wanted to tell him that you both will get through this, but you knew Sebastian wasn’t one for wasted pleasantries. He didn’t care for you to tell him, ‘everything is going to be alright.’ He wanted to hear the truth no matter what cost. 
“So where does that leave me?” You exhaled, struggling to keep your breathing even as your anxiety started to mount. 
Sebastian wouldn’t meet your eyes. Fuck. 
“Sebastian.” You tried to get his attention away from the butt of his cigarette that he was fumbling with. “What was Chris talking about?” 
His face paled the moment you said Chris’ name. 
“A plan was drawn up, but I wasn’t the one to come with it. I tried to shut it down every time it was brought up, but I couldn’t think of any other way. I just-“ He cut himself off as he struggled to find the words that could match the war that was occurring in his head. 
You finally found the will to move to him. You carefully moved to kneel in front of Sebastian, being mindful of your dress as you lowered yourself to the ground.He turned his chair to face you, not quite sure what to do. You grabbed his right hand, wrapping both of your hands around it. You hesitated before looking him in the eyes because it killed you how much the man before you was unraveling because of fear. Fear of failure. Fear of losing the kingdom he had built. Fear of losing you. 
“Sebastian, what do you need me to do?” You asked softly, looking into the storm swirling in his eyes. You wanted this to end. You wanted to take away this torture that he was going through. 
“We need you to be my eyes on the inside.” His voice was gravelly as he spoke, like he had to rip every word from every part of him that was telling him not to go through with this. 
“What?” His words reverberated in your mind, not quite sinking in. This seemed like suicide. You weren’t even sure you were capable of doing such a thing. You were Sebastian’s girlfriend, not one of his trained men. 
“We need you to get intel for us. Straight from his lips. He won’t be expecting it.” Sebastian still hadn’t dared to look you in the eyes. 
“Expecting it from a woman?” You asked cursedly.
Sebastian paused before answering, knowing he should choose his words carefully, “We hear that he only sees women as being useful for…certain purposes.” 
“And how am I supposed to do this?” You wondered aloud.
“Gain his trust. Do what you need to do.” Every word falling from his lips were clipped. Short. Not wanting to take the time to say more as this was taxing him more than he would ever wish.
You knew from the look on his face that if you said no, that’d be it. You wouldn’t have to do it, but what other option did you two have? Sebastian made sacrifices constantly to look after you and his men. He did everything to give you a life that you had always dreamed of. You had a home. He gave you access to an education. You had a purpose. Sebastian gave you opportunities during a time that wanted to keep women in the shadows. It was your turn to make a sacrifice for him.
“What about my gin?” You asked softly.
“You’ll still have time to perfect it. We’ll figure it out.” He murmured, running a soft hand through your hair before cupping your cheek. His look was too tender that you did not want to look away in case you missed it. 
You would still be able to have more times when Sebastian would find you in your workroom, taste testing your creations. He would try to distract you by wrapping his arms around your waist and leaving soft, teasing kisses along your neck, hoping that he could catch enough of your attention for a few stolen kisses. 
For almost four months now you have been working on creating a cocktail that you hoped would be made and sold across New York once it is released. Maybe one day it would find its way across the country and over seas. Your main roadblock was that you didn’t quite have the equipment you needed. It was extremely hard to come by during the Prohibition and would be hard to keep a secret. You were limited to experimenting in the bathtub. Literally. 
The bathtub was only supposed to be a temporary tool until Sebastian could get a large still brought in, but the chances of that were becoming slimmer. Bathtub gin was low quality and could never reasonably be sold on the market so you were blindly experimenting when you added the juniper berries and other botanicals. You weren’t able to tell how it would taste with better quality tools so you were almost at a standstill. 
Sebastian loved watching you work. He loved seeing you so passionate about having ownership over it. He couldn’t wait for the finished product so he could have all of New York raving over it, raving over the empire that you both had anticipated creating. Sending you away was merely a…pause in these plans. Sebastian clenched his hands into fists as he questioned what the hell  he was doing and what he was asking you to do. Is he seriously losing his mind?
You separated the torturous waves of thoughts that were crashing through Sebastian’s mind as you broke the silence, “I’ll do it.” Your voice was so timid, you weren’t sure if the words had even left your lips.
Sebastian’s expression wasn’t readable, but you knew that he had heard you. His eyes were still darting every which way, not quite settling on anything. “Angel…are you sure?” His eyes softened as he called you his favorite pet name.He had called you Angel the night that you two had met.
“You must be an angel, I reckon.” He had murmured as he moved a piece of hair out of your eyes.
“Oh, you do?” You had slightly slurred, having enough alcohol in your system to hold your bearings, but enough to have the nerve to be running your fingers lightly over the back of his hand as it rested on the bar.
“Yes, but I am still trying to figure out if  you’ve been sent down to save my soul or entice me to sin. With legs like yours, I’ve come to think it may be the latter. What do you reckon? Are you my guardian angel?”  He pursed his lips, seeming happy with his response. 
“Why? Does someone need to be saved?”  You asked, before taking a sip of your glass of wine.
“You could say that, Angel.” He matched your move as he brought his glass of gin to his lips.
You met Sebastian’s eyes, “Yes.” 
His lips trembled ever so slightly as he brought your hand to his lips, sealing the deal.
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otome-reviews · 6 years
SLBP “Transcendent Pleasure” Event Review
For all the sultriness of this latest SLBP event, it was a little shocking to me how new to the relationship MC and her warlords were supposed to be! :) Anyway, here are my quick thoughts, from least to most favorite story:
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I really wanted to 100% love Hideyoshi’s route considering how much of a babe he is in Inuchiyo’s MS, but alas, it features one of my least favorite tropes in a story: jealousy. MC’s been tasked with secretly finding a gift for H, and while wandering about town she follows Hideyoshi into a shady establishment in the “pleasure district” after seeing him enter with a pretty lady (spoiler: it’s innocent). But according to Kyoichiro the ultimate reverse weaboo, the place is actually a respectable business that specializes in luxury European goods. ...Let’s just ignore the super flirtatious barkers and the private rooms that clients are led to, lol. Anyways, when Hideyoshi catches MC and Kyo in an accidentally compromising position, he 1) gets pissed/hurt, 2) drags MC into a storage room, and 3) aggressively kisses the secret out of MC while she’s up against the wall (!!). Truth is, I thought this scene was pretty hot (and MC thought so too). But... it also doesn’t really seem like a sensible reaction if you suspect your gf is cheating, yanno? That said, Hideyoshi does apologize later for overreacting very eloquently, and the route ends on a high note: “Anything else you’re hiding from me?” “Hm, who can say? Perhaps you’d better investigate.”
Anyway, boys and girls, the moral of the story seems to be: don’t keep secrets. As far as jealousy stories go, this was a pretty entertaining one, and MC and Hideyoshi both had valid reasons to be suspicious. And aggressive H is quite sexy imho. But I definitely think there are better Hideyoshi ES’s out there! ​
Personal enjoyment: 6.5/10
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Kenshin’s story is fun. In this ES, a very pretty, very flirty dancer lady named Okuni is in town, and she wants the chance to perform for the locals. Girl doesn’t hesitate to secretly befriend MC, taking her out for tea, calling her out on her lack of physical contact with Kenshin...even teaching MC how to sexy dance so that MC can perform for Kenshin on the day of the performance! Despite constantly flirting with Kenshin, it definitely seems like Okuni’s just interested in spurring MC on to greater heights: “Did you want me to be the one tempting him again, then?” But after watching MC dance, turns out Okuni’s interest in MC isn’t purely platonic. And then the great reveal: Okuni is biologically a man, who is happy being considered as either a man or a woman! Because, of course. I saw it coming from a mile away, but still! Okuni’s conversation with Kenshin post-reveal does produce some great dialogue (O: “So gender isn’t an issue for you?” K: “Not at all”). Never change, Kenshin. 💕
So, I absolutely adored Okuni. Every aspect of the character was fantastic, from the cross dressing (!!) to the feminine sexiness. But considering the fact that SLBP’s pulled the same cross dressing trick on us at least thrice so far by my count, I can’t help but wish that Okuni was simply a super sexy woman with a genuine interest for MC! That’s never happened before, and it’d be so amazing (especially given how mesmerized MC was with Okuni, haha). ^_^ In any case, wishful thinking aside, I did enjoy this fun story as it is!
Personal enjoyment: 7.5/10
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I don’t know what kind of bizarro universe we’re living in because Ieyasu’s story is incredible, and not because of some tanuki gimmick either. This ES is all about relationship development: MC starts hurt that Ieyasu’s skittish about being touched. But he makes up for it by being uncharacteristically tender, tucking MC’s hair behind her ear, etc. And when Hanzo, who knows what’s up, sends an oblivious MC to help out at the kitchens of a brothel like the snake he is, Ieyasu tracks MC down with impressive focus (fleeing from determined hookers! lol). Our couple finds themselves trapped in a hot room overnight, and Ieyasu bares his vulnerabilities to MC in the absolute best way (“I hate being touched by other people. It makes me feel awful. ...Or so I thought”)! 
My friends, this is the first time I have ever found Ieyasu’s actions attractive! His insults in this story were hilarious instead of offensive. He was prickly and snarky, but also obviously caring and protective. Heck, he was even kind of sexy with all the times he kissed MC! If only we could bottle up this version of Ieyasu forever and get rid of the other one ^_^ Anyways, Ieyasu aside, I thought the plot was exciting and the dialogue was fantastic. Overall, I loved this ES!
Some of my favorite lines/scenes:
Ieyasu’s hilariously over-the-top reaction to the hookers: “Cease that...if you touch me, I’ll kill you.”
“Why are you smiling so goofily? Are you like that other deviant? The one who gets off on pain?” 
Hanzo, gaining the trust of a cat through suspicious means, and petting said cat when greeting Ieyasu and MC after their night out like a villain
Ieyasu’s reaction to Hanzo in general (“I’ll kill him. ...That no-good, pox-ridden snake”) 😂
Personal enjoyment: 10/10
Overall, I really enjoyed this event! It was fun, and a welcome break from all the wedding stuff! What did the rest of you think? :) 
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hopeandharmonizing · 3 years
Briar x Qrow ( @qrowbadluckcharm​ ) [incomplete]
“I had some…important business come up all of a sudden. But it’s all taken care of and I’m back.” Qrow gave a lopsided grin.
Briar is not someone to brush off, and grins and apologies do not simply sweep things under the rug.
But it’s a start.
❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦
"You left without a word.”
❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦
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“Yeah, sorry…I-uh…” Qrow began as he rubbed the back of his neck. “I had some…important business come up all of a sudden. But it’s all taken care of and I’m back.” He gave her a lopsided grin.
❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦
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Briar is not someone to brush off, and grins and apologies do not simply sweep things under the rug.
But it’s a start.
“I never expected you to stay, Qrow. I know how huntsman work goes. But I thought I was at least worth a note,” she-wolf barks, “A belated text! Some sign of life! Not weeks left on read!” left to worry about you.
❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦
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Qrow winced a bit as his smile faded, her words piercing deep. He thinned his lips as he looked down to the side as they stood in silence for a while.
Of course she was a note to him. Possibly more. But he couldn’t let her know what was really happening. At least…not when he left. This whole secrecy about Salem is not something he enjoyed. Though, he could trust her…hopefully.
He glanced back up to her, his eyes meeting her own. “I am sorry. I should have said something…but honestly…I-I couldn’t. I couldn’t put you at risk…” He gripped his hands into fists. “But I was wrong…you honestly should have been first on my list to tell what was going on. I know I don’t deserve forgiveness, and I don’t blame you if you don’t…”
❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦
Briar’s best at making people squirm without trying, so when she does, it really digs in. Any other person, any other situation, and she’d feel pained to see such a darkened expression, such stuttering self-depreciation.
But in this case, it’s what she’s going for, what she deserves. Remorse. Whether it led to learning from mistakes or not, who knows. Owning up at least convinces her to still stick around long enough to find out.
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“Oh please,” exasperated tones puff from her tongue, “of all the dumb excuses. You think I can’t handle myself? And you think I’d be standing here caring about this, if I couldn’t forgive you? Don’t start that victimizing crap with me.”
She’s been ghosted before, given too many chances before, worn her heart on her sleeve only to have it squeezed dry before. From day one she thought he was different.
and he is. unlike everyone else who left her lonely in life, he did come back. and maybe that’s the part she doesn’t quite know how to deal with.
“Just…” anger fades into something like the soft quiet before a whimper, “give me a heads up next time.”
❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦
Qrow’s eyes drifted to the ground beside them, her words sinking in. He knew she could handle herself. He’s seen what she does. But he knew, with his past commitments, he couldn’t just tell her everything.
But there was something about her that told him he could trust her. Let her in. At that point maybe she could go help him. He couldn’t tell her all of the times during his time away that he hurt himself in some stupid manner.
Maybe with her there, his dumb ass wouldn’t get hurt as often.
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He knew he could trust her. Who else would be able to tolerate his snarkiness and shoot it back with her own? It’s something he rather enjoyed, he found. It made him feel wanted.
Something he’s never really felt before.
He looked back up to her, nodding. “Yeah…yeah, I will try. I’m sorry about everything, Briar.” He said as he hesitantly took a step closer to her, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Next time, maybe you could be there alongside me. Help with whatever dumb mission I’m on…”
❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦
Briar - throes of thorns guarding tender flowers, thorns of cutting truths that force people to bleed out and then heal, she-wolf looking after her pack, her home a den of safety for all in need. With an aura of silver, protection is part of her soul. At first her self, and then her friends, and then a crowd, and then her city… and now it seems all of Remnant is in danger, and she’s more than happy to step up.
She may not be able to stop Qrow from being stupid, but by the Brothers she can continue to call him out for it now and the next time, until he grows.
He moves forward no matter how many times he trips up, and to get close to Briar means dealing with roots which require sure footing or the stubborn, reckless, willingness to get back up.  
He apologizes, truly this time, and the hand on her shoulder is so warm and genuine, and his offer… All she asks is to be let back into the fringes of his life, but he counters with an offer to partner up in risking it…! Qrow wants her help, and her company, not just the show of her beauty or comfort of her song or the value of her connections or the rescue of her weapon, but all of it. Even the huntress she’s only recently rediscovered. No amount of threatening tattoos or leather creates enough armor to keep him out.
Always riding the high of emotions to their fullest extent and expression, Briar’s righteous fury nearly turns to tears.
No, not nearly. Droplets prick at the corner of incredulous marigold eyes scrunching as they turn to him, and her tail fluffs unwittingly. Damn him, damn him and his rough voice turning soft and telling the little lost girl who still lives inside a grown woman exactly the things she wants to hear.
And exactly the things even a big bad wolf is afraid of.
She huffs through her nose, and steps into him, claiming the opening left under his extended arm and lets her forehead fall against his collarbone from the weight of decisions too heavy to carry on her own. Forgiveness. Second chances. Making amends. Fighting for something, for each other, with each other.
She sings about it all the time, and yet it feels easier said than done when she’s the one investing her feelings in something more than superficial.
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“I finally found a team that would take me, but I still… I haven’t had a partner in ages,” she admits, muffled by his chest, “and I thought you worked better alone.”
❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦
Qrow watched as he saw a glossiness wash over her golden eyes, his lips thinning at the sight. Had he said something to upset her? He just wanted to be with her more often. But had his words instead asked too much?
This would probably drive her away, he thought. It wouldn’t be the first time his words did. Just his luck, really. And now that he’s close with someone…allowed his barriers to fall away…he was going to drive away what was probably his chance.
“I…I’m sorry…” He murmured as he lifted his hand a bit. “I shouldn’t have asked such a silly thing…” His eyes looked down, closing them and waiting for her to run. Turn tail, no pun intended, and never look back.
But she didn’t run. For whatever reason she didn’t leave. Instead he felt a warmth against his chest that nuzzled into him. His eyes opened and was inwardly shocked to see Briar against him, her forehead on his collarbone. His arm hovered over her shoulders for a moment, his brain trying to figure out what to do.
This was the first time in over a decade someone’s done this to him. Been close to him like this willingly. He had long given up hope of being with someone, but something with her made that hope come back.
Something he’s longed for.
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His shocked expression softened as he wrapped his arm slowly around her, not wanting to drive her away. His thumb rubbed along her shoulders in an attempt to comfort her. He placed a hesitant kiss to the top of her head, resting his chin on it afterwards.
“I…may have worked alone in the past…” He murmured back, his other arm wrapping around her gently. “…but I honestly need to change that. I’ve been too scared to let anyone get close…but I think that needs to change. If you don’t mind, that is…”
0 notes
justjen523 · 7 years
A Child With the Gods
Chapter 8
(Series Rating E 18+)
                                       Love’s Infinite Depth
     “D-Does that mean what I think it means?!” Ichthys asks with eyes still wide in awe. It’s pretty apparent to everyone that the answer is “Yes.” Unable to find the right words to say Zyglavis just stands there in shock unsure of how to proceed. Just looking at him I can see the immense internal struggle. I on the other hand feel such overwhelming joy knowing that the god I seem to have fallen madly in love with is the Father to one of my children. Unable to hide it any longer from my face I burst into tears from sheer happiness. 
     No one else in the room seems to know what to say or do and subsequently does nothing. I continue to stare at that incredibly tiny and precious little hand seeking out it’s Father’s warmth.
     “Z-Zyglavis, look. Your little one wants so desperately to touch you. You  should-” Before I can finish my sentence he is on his knees resting his cheek against my belly and pressing soft kisses to the tiny little palm. As soon as he does this our baby seems to come even more alive almost as if it wants to play with him. My heart is so full it’s painful. Looking up at me with the most beautiful smile I have ever seen Zyglavis himself is in tears making this moment without a doubt the happiest of my life.
     “Wooooooow! How cute is that?! Ziggy is a daddy!” 
     “Pffft....cute? More like terrifying. I actually feel bad for the poor kid.”
     “Leon! That was seriously mean!” Looking completely unfazed Zyglavis simply takes my hand in his, his smile never faltering. 
     “Nothing can ruin this moment for me. Not even the Rabid Lion.” There’s a calmness in him I have never seen before. A sort of serenity.
     “Zig, I ain’t one to tell ya how to do things but, don’t forget she’s still mortal and that makes your kid a demigod. Don’t forget what the King said.” Scorpio’s expression does not match the harshness in his tone. Never having heard anything about this before I can’t help but glance between Zyglavis and Scorpio waiting for one of them to explain to me what he is referring to.
     “I am aware. I must admit I was quite unprepared to face the reality of this situation when all of this began. That is no longer the case. I have found something precious to me worth protecting and I do not refer simply to the life I have helped create.” His confession surprises even me. While I knew he loved me to hear it in his own words and being said aloud in front of the others somehow finally made it feel real. 
     “What about you woman? Do you love Zig the same way?” Suddenly all eyes are on me and I feel a lump in my throat. While the answer is undeniably yes part of me hesitates to say it simply because one of the others is still the Father of my other child. I don’t want to risk making anything unnecessarily painful for whomever that may be. 
     Seeing me fret Zyglavis simply smiles knowing that I absolutely return his feelings but am unsure of how to proceed without hurting anyone.
     “It is unfair to ask something such as that Scorpio. She is faced with many difficult decisions yet to come and I am not selfish enough as to expect her to declare her feelings in this state. Please, allow her time to figure out what to do.” I can’t help staring at him purely amazed that this is the same Zyglavis I met some time ago. It’s like all of this has completely changed him for the better. Though if asked not all of his subordinates would agree. Zyglavis is known and depended on for his strict adherence to the law and also his seemingly merciless fortitude in the face of doling out divine Punishment and Retribution. Looking at this serene and truly happy expression he now wears it’s hard to imagine him that way at all.
     “Tch. You’ve gone pretty soft Zig. Better be careful is all I’m sayn’. You know where the King stands on all this.” That’s the last Scorpio says before exiting the room leaving an awkward sort of tension in the air.
     Another month has passed since the day we discovered one of my children was fathered by Zyglavis. With that knowledge the other’s don’t seem to mind or even complain when Zyglavis starts spending more time with me. I am grateful for his company as I cannot believe I have actually managed to grow so much larger still. Carrying the weight of two extremely healthy and prosperous babies coupled with my gigantic breasts has taken it’s tole on my back. It’s nearly impossible for me to be comfortable anywhere other than my bed in the mansion. Worried for the three of us Zyglavis however sees to it that I at least get out once a day and take a stroll around the garden with him. The air always works it’s magic leaving me feeling refreshed.
     We’re talking and laughing when Scorpio suddenly appears out of nowhere looking a lot more severe than usual.
     “What’s wrong?” Zyglavis instantly transforms into the Minister of Punishments upon seeing his Vice Minister’s expression.
     “There’s been a development overseas. That group we’ve been keepn’ our eye on has finally made a move. The King wants to see us immediately.” Unhappy with the turn events Zyglavis turns to me before placing both hands on my shoulders.
     “I may be unavailable for a few days but do not fear. The moment this situation is under control I will immediately return to your side.” I simply nod in agreement trying to hide the aggravation and disappointment of this situation having the worst timing. With a tender smile he places a gentle kiss to my forehead which as usual causes movement in the womb. Unable to do anything but smile at that simple indescribable joy I watch him go before slowly making my way back to my room. 
          “Do you really love him goldfish?” Leon’s sudden unexpected voice in close proximity startles me causing me to spin around. His cocky grin is nowhere to be found.
     “And if I do?” Leon’s troubled expression starts to turn angry.
     “That uptight nag doesn’t deserve you.” His harsh words leave me speechless as he continues to stare at me intensely. 
     “Have you forgotten his cruelty toward you when we first met you?” The sudden memory of Zyglavis being hellbent on killing me flashes through my mind.
     “I-It’s not like that anymore!”
     “How can you be so sure? He may be playing the part right now but once he has his child you will be of no consequence to him.”
     “H-How can you say that?! Zyglavis would never...” Unable to finish my sentence at the sudden pain Leon’s thoughtless words bring me I feel an anger begin to rise when that ‘I told ya so’ smirk looks down at me coolly.
     “Y-You’re just...jealous!” I shout angrily at him causing a displeased expression to take it’s place.
     “Me jealous? Preposterous. Nothing about that stick in the mud is worth being jealous of. Just don’t come crying to me when he breaks your heart.” When he turns to walk away I feel an overwhelming rage wash through me. ‘How dare he say such cruel things and then simply walk away!’  Before he takes more than a few steps, unable to control my overflowing emotions I reach out and grab his jacket to try and prevent him from walking away from me. His expression when he turns around quickly informs me that it was a very bad decision. He grips my wrist firmly in order to remove my hand from him but doesn’t let go. Instead he stares me down overwhelming me with his intimidating presence. Suddenly very much aware that I overstepped my bounds I shrink against myself until a stern voice shouts from down the hall.
     “Please remove your hand, you are scaring her.” Looking past Leon I am surprised to see my ex looking almost as severe as Leon. I am utterly shocked. Neither of us have said so much as a word since we went our separate ways.
     “Oh-ho! Nice to see you finally take an interest in this mess you made.” The two gods stare daggers at each other before Leon surprisingly relinquishes his grip. His trademark smirk returning before simply turning and walking away before disappearing into his room. Unsure of what exactly just happened I can’t help but stand there shaking. I can’t tell if it’s due to fear, anger, sadness or any combination thereof. 
     Hue silently makes his way toward me before taking my trembling hands in his cool one’s. When our eye’s meet the all too familiar pain of what transpired many months ago still lingers. 
     “Umm...t-thank you.....for protecting me and stuff.” As usual he says nothing but offers a small smile in return.
     “Are you alright?” Now it’s my turn to remain speechless as I simply nod. Several moments pass awkwardly before one of us speaks again.
     “I apologize for the distance I have caused between us. I simply couldn’t bare to see you with hurt that I caused you in your eyes. It was cowardly and selfish of me I know.” He finally offers.
     “N-No. I understand. It was difficult for me at first to even look at you.” I begin to tell him honestly.
     “But now, after everything that’s happened.....I.....I want us to at least be able to talk. I can’t pretend I’ll ever understand your reasons for doing what you did, but....I do however forgive you. I...miss you. I miss your snarky jokes and....the way you always seemed to know exactly what I needed.” Now that I’ve started I’m finding it hard to stop, the tears dripping from my chin. Hue too is teary eyed but says nothing and instead smiles warmly before wrapping his cool hand around the back of my neck bringing my forehead to his. His eyes close a moment and a single tear falls down his cheek. When he opens his eyes again there is a sadness I haven’t seen since we first met. 
     He quickly lets go and transforms back into the god I have come to know as Huedhaut. 
     “You are always welcome to talk to me and I hope in time we can once again become good friends.” 
     “But what if you’re-”
     “I am not the other Father.” 
     “What? H-How do you-”
     “I saw it, just now when our foreheads touched.” There’s a wistful sadness in his smile utterly breaking my heart. I can’t help myself from reaching out to gently caress the side of his face with my palm.
     “Aren’t you curious as to who the Father is?” 
     “It doesn’t matter.”
     “What did you just say?”
     “All I care about at this moment is you. I’m so sorry...”
     “Sorry? You have nothing to be sorry for.”
     “I’m sorry that you got hurt regardless of how we got here. I’m sorry for whatever the reason is that you sometimes look at me with such a sorrow I probably will never understand. I’m sorry that I didn’t handle everything better when you opened up and told me the truth. Most of all I’m sorry that ....in the end....we couldn’t stay together. But I mean it when I tell you this, nothing can ever change the love I will always have in my heart for you Huedhaut. There’s a part of me that still even now feels like it belongs to you and only you and in the same sense I feel like a part of you is always with me.”
     “You. What am I going to do with you? A million lifetimes can come and go yet I promise you my feelings for you will never change. Not ever. All I want....all I have ever wanted is your happiness. If it is not with me than I will simply wait until the next life to find you once more. Then I will earn your love and prove myself worthy to keep it.” My heart hurts so impossibly deeply I can barely breathe as he says those words to me. He presses one last kiss to the back of my hand before smiling.
     “I will always be here for you no matter what. You can always come to me without need for an explanation so please, do not hesitate anymore. Let us begin to rebuild, only this time as friends.”
     “Thank you Hue. Truly. Thank you.” Wrapping my arms around him I hug him tightly hoping he can feel how much I still care.
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goodestboyryuji · 7 years
Phantom thieves and hogwarts houses GO
YOU JUST MADE MY DAY. HERE WE GO FAM (I’m not finished with the game so since I don’t know much about Haru we’re just gonna go through Futaba)
Starting with my best boy Ryuji Sakamoto IS A HUFFLEPUFF AND THERE IS NO ARGUMENT AGAINST IT. I will accept that Ryuji has Gryffindor qualities (bravery, not afraid of confrontation, risk-taker, etc) but that boy is NOTHING if not LOYAL. Ryuji is sunlight incarnate I will accept no other metaphor. He cares about literally everyone before he cares about himself. He literally offers to be beat up if it would make his old team feel better (pls). He is relationship-driven and his risk-taking behaviors, his confrontations, his passion for justice all come from helping out someone else. Definitely the kinda dude that would consider the house elves in a dire situation. He’s so aggressively selfless that it’s almost like “pls care about yourself first just once.” Ryuji time and time again puts other people before his personal needs and safety without a single second of hesitation. He just DOES it. And he’ll do it fifty times if you need him to. If you call him at 3am crying he’s showing up in your room, sneaking you into the Hufflepuff common room for snacks.  If you don’t have a pencil in class, he’s giving you his without mentioning it’s his only one (s’not like he was gonna do nothin’ with it anyway). You about to head into a fight he’s got no stake in? Doesn’t matter, he’s got your back. He once punched a student for making snide comments about another student’s sexuality and he has no ragrets about it. A blushin’ fool whenever someone is tender towards him cause he’s so busy being that/doing that to everyone else he doesn’t think about being on the receiving end. He’s just happy to make someone else smile, ya know? HE IS KIND. HE IS TRUE. HE IS A HUFFLEPUFF.
Akira Kurusu is 3000% a Slytherin. Dark, mysterious, smug ass mofo. A leader of his in-group (teenagers being the in-group, adults being the out-group) and thus inclusive in the sense that anyone who joins the cause can be a Phantom Thief. Where a Hufflepuff (Ryuji) might do anything for anyone they care about impulsively, a Slytherin pauses for a second, calculating–instead of diving headfirst to save Ryuji in the first palace and ending up with nothing, he hesitates and that’s when Aresene is like “so u gonna let the boy die??” and akira is like “no gimme a second there’s a fucking mask on my face.” His persona is all about MAGIC and DARKNESS if that’s not obvious enough for ya. This boy is snakey sneaky, all cunning eyes and cocky smiles and deep, mocking laughs. He knows he’s powerful and he’s not afraid to show you that he knows it. What’s wrong with knowing your own strength? Let’s not forget he is a master of interrogation. The ultimate trickster, he’s not above pulling dumb pranks on you and blaming it on a Gryffindor for its lack of complexity. He a good dude, tho, because obviously Slytherins aren’t bad. He gives his plant nutrients to make it stronger bc he likes building something up to be more than it started (most ppl would just water it but aiight dude). He’ll casually walk up behind you while you’re getting bullied, sling his arm around your shoulders, and be like “something the matter?” Totally threatening without a single verbal threat. Secretly loves bubble baths, will give you a scathing look if you even try to tease him about it tho. 
Ann Takamaki, Gryffindor extraordinaire. She starts out kinda timid but she’s actually daring af. She keeps a relationship with Kamoshida who is the worst man alive just for her friend’s sake, but she also isn’t afraid to ignore Kamoshida’s calls (hesitant =/= afraid, ok). Fiery af, Ann is liable to go off on you at any time for a bunch of really good reasons (and some just ok). Ryuji, stop being a dick. Akira, enough brooding. Morgana, shut up for once. Just as spirited as Ryuji, but his light is like warmth and hers is like scorching. Like…literally, her specialty is fire these things write themselves i swear to god. Extremely passionate, especially for the things she believes in like The Phantom Thieves, Shiho (obviously), and giving people courage to stand up for themselves. She really wants to prove herself, seen esp in her social link, and be strong for herself and others. She’s headstrong, kind to the little guy, scathing to the big guy. She’s incredibly competitive and gets into eating contests all the time in the Gryf common room (she also wins every time, especially if the food of choice is crepes). She knows she is beautiful, and is thus confident, but avoids being vain by reminding herself how each person she comes across is also beautiful (”pretty eyes, biggest heart”). Feeling insecure? Call Ann, she’ll hype you up in under ten seconds. Spend an hour with her in a crowded room and you’ll swear it was just you two the whole time. Ann is giving, courageous, and ready to fly off the handle if need be. 
Yusuke Kitagawa, my darling painter boy, is a Ravenclaw. Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back!!!!! Yusuke is a Ravenclaw through and through. He wants to know more, wants to expand his understanding. He’s not afraid of doing whatever it takes to achieve these things: he’ll spend hours watching the river, waiting for something to come to him, or he’ll awkwardly approach a couple in love and ask them what their love life is like (he needs to know for a painting ok it’s not a sexual thing). He is elegant and fluid and his definition of “the finer things in life” EDIT i’m dying i accidentally wrote “finger things in life” the first time depends on how much he knows about it and how much value he sees in it (for example, a cup of coffee brewed by Akira is one of the most delicious things he’s ever known, much finer than any rich person food, purely for the effort it takes to think of the beans, to make sure the water is the right temperature, etc). Gets lost in his head all the time. Has an understated air of haughty in certain situations, like he’s fully aware he’s better than u but only mentions it to remind you when it seems you’ve forgotten. Uses way too many words to describe a sneeze just because he can.  Yusuke doesn’t give a shit who you are: if you came out to him, he’d nod solemnly and then ask if he could interpret your emotions into an abstract painting (that he would then gift to you, of course). He’d ask you on museum dates, historical bus tour dates (why yusuke why), planetarium dates *cough*, even if things between you two were totally platonic. He just likes discovering, especially with someone he can bounce ideas off of. 
Makoto Nijima is, brace yourself, a Gryffindor. WHAT. yes. trust. Dis girl is POWERFUL. And you can be Ravenclaw and powerful too, no doubts about it, but just because she’s top of her class doesn’t mean she’s Ravenclaw. She studies cause she’s competitive. She’s student council president because she likes the status, the power associated with it (power to protect, to serve, not corrupt power). Makoto is also fiery like Ann, but in a different way. She doesn’t fly off the handle like Ann can; Makoto calculates first, strategizes, and then fuckin’ GOES FOR THE KILL. She’s a headshot kinda girl–take em out simply, easily, quickly (metaphorically speaking obvs she doesn’t go around killing ppl). Queen is a very apt codename because Makoto’s path is a fiery blaze of ambition and strength. She’s gonna get what she wants because she’s been working very hard for it and don’t u take that away from her u piece of shit. She’s not terribly confident though, and this sometimes makes her feel uncomfortable in the Gryf common room when everyone is talking about their achievements. She’d rather just show than tell. Not really a master of stealth (lol), Makoto is your big sister in the hallways always looking out for you. If someone breaks your heart she will literally punch them in the face (and apologize profusely afterwards, but you know she’s secretly p pleased with herself). She likes learning new things about the world, always turns it into a competition with you even if it pushes her boundaries (you two went to a strip club once and even though you put a dollar on the stage, she one-upped you by putting it in a thong, face blushing so hard but determined to overcome). Her drive and determination are her biggest, most redeemable, wonderful qualities. The rest is just the happy byproduct. 
Snarky is as Slytherin does for Futaba Sakura. This girl is a nightmare in all the best ways. Somehow she figures out your weakness just by looking at you and has the ability to absolutely destroy you in just a few words. What she doesn’t show is the literal hours of research she did on you beforehand: she bugged your robe, your wand, set up a camera in your common room…a girl’s gotta have intel, alright? Futaba is an actual mastermind of everything, but the Hat settled on Slytherin because of how Futaba intended to utilize such knowledge. She doesn’t love it for the sake of knowing it, she loves it for what power it gives her. Futuba loves the upper hand and having full view of the whole picture, so Slytherin’s innate ability to lead a situation and turn tables was a huge calling point for her. If Akira is the dark mysterious Slytherin, Futaba is the loud and out of control Slytherin who nobody messes with because she’s got dirt on everyone and the means to release it widely. She prefers to stay in her room than gather with her house or other classmates, often completing assignments from there, but no one minds because it’s not like she’s really gone. She conjures up stand ins for her and speaks through them, engaging without really engaging. Watch out for when Akira and Futaba team up tho–they’re the Slytherin version of Fred and George, conniving and ruthless when it comes to playing tricks on you. Like Akira, she’s still a good girl: she understands anxiety better than anyone and is well known for comforting students who fall into a panic attack. She struggles with social situations sometimes and no one makes mention of it, this time not because they’re afraid of her but because they care about her and they know she’d never cross a line with them, so why cross one with her? She just likes to wield information like a weapon. That’s all. >:)
I forgot Morgana lmao so you can find that here
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iamacolor · 7 years
Hi! If it's not a bother to you, could you write something where Dating!Yousana or Married!Yousana find themselves in a situation where Yousef has to physically protect Sana? Thank you so much in advance! I hope you decide to write it because I've loved every story you've written about them!
Hello Anon!
First of all thank you so much for loving my stories! It means a lot
Trigger warning: mentions of blood and violence
Fist.Pain. Blood. Pain. More pain. Noise.A Scream. Hers. Loud scream. Fear in the scream. And anger. Where isshe?
Darkness.Pain. Hands. Soft hands. Whispers. Frantic whispers. Soft voice fullof fear. 
Needto speak. “No need to be scared ”. Can’t speak. Shit. Tryagain. Still can’t speak. 
Theneed to open his eyes. See her. Make sure. She is fine. But still theneed to make sure. Can’t open his eyes. Pain too strong. Where is he?Still can’t speak. The world is spinning. Need to sleep. 
« Yousef,Yousef ! Yousef ! Can you hear me? Yousef please reply! »
Sanais on the ground next to his motionless body.
« Comeon you’re a doctor, do something about it. » she says toherself
Butshe’s so scared, hands roaming over his face to try to get a reactionfrom him, she can’t do anything. She hears a voice.
« I’mso sorry miss, is there anything I can do to help? »
« Well not starting would have been really helpful! »
« I hadn’t seen, I hadn’t realized you were…, I’m so sorry. »
« Go get someone or something, your apologies aren’t helping anyone! »She is screaming now, she needs to calm down.
« Thinkabout your own state. Right, yes, breathe. Yousef will be fine. Hejust took a blow to the face and is lying on the floor motionless.Not fine at all! » Sana is starting to panic and is trying tohold back the tears. Why oh why did she react to whatever that guywas saying??? 
Theywere coming out of the basketball finale, happy that their team hadwon. The match had been harsh and long with both teams fighting hardand dirty to win. Some tensions started amongst the fans of theopposite teams when they got out. People were getting a bit agitatedbut when Yousef suggested she should come with him to get the car,she reassured him, saying that she’d be fine waiting for him. When hehesitated, she replied that no one would attack a woman like her. Sheinsisted and sat next to the gates.
AsYousef was leaving, she heard someone make a comment about her teambeing cheaters, she couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of theremark considering what the opposite team had been up to during thematch. She didn’t laugh loudly, she didn’t even look at the guy whohad spoken. But 2 seconds later, he was standing in front of her,towering her with his large shoulder and glaring at her.
« -What are you laughing at like that? »
Sanagot over the shock of seeing him quite quickly and replied that anysensible person wouldn’t call her team a bunch of cheatersconsidering what the opposite team, his team, was known for. Sana wasnot afraid. But apparently, the man was more upset than she hadrealized about the loss of his team. He started shouting at her thatshe was the one stupid enough to support a team such as hers. As hekept on shouting, she kept on replying with snarky remarks. After awhile she realized that it was the wrong thing to do as the guywasn’t letting go and seemed to get angrier by the second. He seemeda bit drunk as well. She felt threatened and stood up to leave.
Butas she stood up, he took a step forward which made her bump into him.And made it look like she had done it on purpose. She heard someoneshouting her name right as she stumbled on her feet trying to backdown from the fuming man who went to grasp her arm. She turned to seewho was shouting her name and saw Yousef running to her. As the angryman was now shaking her arm and yelling, Yousef arrived and yankedSana away from him. Angry Guy did not like it and started screamingat Yousef to mind his own business. To which Yousef, while stilltrying to stand as a shield to Sana to keep her away from the largehands of Angry Guy, replied that anyone threatening his wife was hisown business. Angry Guy then shouted that Yousef should watch hiswife closely and teach her proper manners. Sana felt her bloodboiling and forgot everything about safety to stand up next to Yousefwho was desperately trying to get her behind him and to calm herdown, to scream that no one would tell her what to do and that shehad every right to laugh at idiots.
Sheregretted it as soon as she said it. Angry Guy seemed to lose allcontrol of himself and threw his fist in her direction. It didn’tseem like he really aimed to punch her but he certainly punchedYousef who leaped in front of Sana to protect her. The fist hit himright on the side of the jaw. Blood splattered from his mouth andSana felt as though her heart stopped when she saw him falling to theground. Angry Guy seemed as shocked as her, he didn’t expect to hitYousef and he turned to Sana to say something but was left speechlessas he looked at her more closely. She didn’t pay attention to him andkneeled down next to Yousef. 
Andhere she was now asking angry guy to get help. Because her husbandhad to be so damn chevaleresque and fall after one punch.
« I’mreally sorry, I hadn’t seen you were… If I had known I never would’ve… »
« What ?Punch me? »
« Iwasn’t going to punch you! »
« Wellyou punched my husband! »
« I’m really sorry. I don’t know what came over me. »
« Idon’t really care, could you just be useful and fetch someone?!He needs help and he could have hurt himself really seriously infalling and he’s still not waking up and… »Sana was startingto get really scared now.
« Yesof course! There’s an emergency room in the stadium I’ll go rightnow. Do you need anything? »
« I’msorry? »
« Yes,water, snacks, anything? »
« Water?I want someone to look after my husband not water! »
« Ok,sure,yeah, makes sense, I’m going right now, sorry. »
Ouch.Pain is still there. Has his head always been this heavy? It seems tobe resting on a pillow which is greatly appreciated. 
Softhands on his arm. Tender voice. Calling his name. He tries to openhis eyes but the light hurts. 
« OhI think he’s awake! Yousef, can you hear me? »
Allhe can do is grunt in reply. His hand goes looking for hers as hehears her letting out a sigh full of relief. He finally finds herhand and holds on to it. Her thumb draws circles in his palm as hetries again to open his eyes. 
« Whathappened? » He asks. Or he tries to ask because whatever cameout of his mouth did not sound like « what happened ». 
« Youdon’t have to talk right now, take your time. »
« I’mfine! » Oh damn it, that one came out right but he sounds likea kid! 
Hehears a chuckle then another voice says : « Yeah, right buddy,you’re fine. You’re so fine you’ve been out for 30 minutes atleast. »
Atthat he finally manages to open his eyes to look at his best friendsitting on the side of his bed (he seems to be in an emergency room),smirking at him. He turns to Sana on his other side : « Youcalled Elias? »
« WellI was worried and alone and I needed someone with me! »
« Youreally scared us, Yousef. Sana was panicking when she called me and Iarrived as soon as I could. » says Elias with a serious tone.
Yousesturns to look at Sana whose big smile and visible happiness can’terase the worried frown and the tears on the side of her eyes as wellas the paleness of her face. He sits up with a wince to take her twohands in his.
« I’mfine now I promise. I can’t believe a punch made me fall but I’mfine. »
« Iknew you were bad at fighting but that bad… »
« Elias,let him rest »
« Yes,let me rest and shut up »
« Howare you feeling? »
« Fine,Sana. »
« Howare you really feeling? And don’t brush it off, I can see you’re inpain. »
« Isit doctor Sana or my Sana that is speaking right now? »
« Both »,she replies with a smile 
« Isthat how you call her? My Sana? How freaking cute. »
« Elias,shut up. »
« OK,I’ll get a coffee. »
Heleaves the room, letting Yousef and Sana alone. Sana brushes a strandof hair away from his eyes and he suddenly feels better. He motionsfor her to come lay next to him. She does slowly as getting on thebed isn’t easy then rests her head on his shoulder as he puts,slowly, his arms around her.
« Youreally scared me Yousef, you can’t do things like that again. »
« What, protect you ? That guy was mad Sana ! »
« Yeahhe was, he calmed down immediately after you fell, I think hesurprised himself. »
« Yeah,well whatever happened after I was out doesn’t mean I won’tprotect you again. Also, you’re the one who started arguing withhim so I should be the one here being all « please don’t dothis again ». »
« Youdon’t want me to argue with anyone ever again ? »
« DoI want you to change your entire personality, you mean ? »
« How dare you ! »
« You’rehonestly like a spark waiting to become a fire but pretending to beice all the time. »
Shesticks her tongue out at him in reply.
« Ithink we should both try to be more careful. It’s not just aboutyou or me. Your safety or mine. Well, especially in your case »He says these words as brushes her stomach with his thumb.
« True.I should have known better than to argue with a drunk guy when I’mpregnant I suppose. »
There’sa pause then she adds in a little voice : « I could feelit kicking when I got scared and then it just stopped moving when wegot in the room and I thought fo a second it might be hurt because Iwas too stressed or something but it moved soon after. I was sonervous. I don’t want to feel this way ever again. »
Hekisses the top of her head and closes his eyes as he tries to holdback the emotion at the thought that his pain might have cause hiswife and unborn child pain as well and that Sana was so scared a fewminutes ago.
« Andyou won’t. We are fine now. Both of us. I’ll get a bruise but weare fine. »
« Weare. »
Theystay like this for a while. Laying next to each other, holding on toeach other, thinking about the child to come and their life togetehr.Not speaking but still connected.
WhenElias comes back to the room, he finds them asleep in each others arms. He smiles at the vision and leaves the room to give them somepeace. He comes back two seconds later to take a picture and thenleaves them for good and goes in the corridor to wait.
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stabbyarm · 8 years
Sylael’s backstory
Sylael’s family were captured when he was very young. He came from a proud forest clan - his mother was a fierce and deadly mage, and his father was a gentle pacifist, who preferred to talk his way out of problems. He also had an older sister who was very protective of him, and followed their mother closely. She could hunt, fight, and cast magic, as well as being as wry and snarky as their dad. So even from such a young age Syl was encouraged to speak his mind, be stubborn, and fight for what was right.
Naturally this little family unit didn’t take too kindly to being slaves, and probably would have kicked up more of a fuss if their father hadn’t been so desperate to keep a low profile and for gods sakes, not get anyone hurt. Their mother, however, didn’t believe that for one second, and wished she’d died fighting at their home - their real home, not this cramped, stinking, filthy thing that the Tevinters had forced them into. Barely over a year after their capture, when Sylael was nine, she made a daring break for freedom - probably would have made it too, if the guards hadn’t found the bodies. She was killed (though you’ll be pleased to know she took a good 12 Yevinters out with her) and as distressing as this was, it created a rift in the family between Sylael’s now adult sister and his father, who was depressed, heartbroken, and hopeless. Two months later, certain that it’s what her mother would have wanted, his sister made a stealthy escape (And went on to become a very angry mercenary but ANYWAY).
Syl was understandably pretty upset at this point. Two of the strongest influences in his life had vanished and his father was rapidly crumbling - even his mantra of “at least we’re alive” was beginning to fade away. He found that he was getting very, very angry. He couldn’t just turn a blind eye anymore, or tune out the abuse. Every single injustice, insolence of the masters he was painfully hyper aware of. As he got older, it just got worse. By the time he was fifteen he’d taken more beatings than he could remember, with a whip that was almost as sharp as his tongue.
But sure enough after a while he realised that all he was achieving was turning his back into a scarred, reddened wasteland. As the Imperium had a habit of quashing any rebellion with all the tenderness and subtlety of taking a mallet to a fruit fly, he realised that if he was going to change anything, he’d have to try something different. His father was weakening every day, and years of  working and watching his only family being mercilessly beaten had taken its toll. Syl was now just into his twenties, and the masters were beginning to drive him ever harder. When his father passed away and Sylael realised that he had nothing left to lose, he decided that the time had come. It wasn’t like the Imperium could throw anything worse at him than living out his days beneath the hot sun in squalor, at the whim of mages he knew he could have taken toe to toe.
He began to take better care of himself - he still had his youth, and beneath all of the dirt he was decently good looking. Not the sort of good looking that the Magisters would’ve swiped up in a heartbeat, but when he cut his hair, cleaned himself, and began to be polite to the masters it was almost as if they didn’t recognise him. Fooling them was almost humiliatingly easy, and before long he’d been moved within the towers to the kitchens, to the serving staff, and finally, after several long months he was told that he’d be an Altus’ personal slave full time.
Perfect, he thought. He’d play along for a few months and then slaughter the bastard like a pig, cut their throat with his sister’s hunting blade that he kept tied beneath his sleeve every day. At least that would be something - he imagined they could ignore the deaths of a few guards but one of their own? so close? he knew that they liked to treat their favoured slaves like pets, and the thought of one of them biting back was so seductive to him, it ignited something dark within him that filled him with raw determination. He’d always been relatively level-headed and collected so this grating rage scared him. He was glad, in a way that his father wouldn’t be there to see it; if he thought about it for too long, the idea of his father knowing that his son had turned to murder to try to do something, anything at all would have destroyed him.
There was one problem though: he hadn’t counted on Valerius. Of course, working in the tower, he’d heard of him - he was “everyone’s favourite dickhead”, and he was every part as smart, sly, funny, and painfully, horribly likeable as everyone had said he was. Syl tried so hard to hate him, to remind himself of all of the things that Valerius was responsible for, if he knew it or not. But he couldn’t - maybe it was his age (he was a year younger than Sylael and slavery had aged him rapidly) but his ignorance gave him a kind of innocence, and paired with his wit and that wry grin Syl was soon seeing Valerius as a genuine person. They were actually becoming friends, the very thought of which would have disgusted his younger self. When they were together Syl felt as if he could actually breathe, felt wanted and cared for in a way that he hadn’t since he was a child, since he was free. As he expected Valerius worked as a kind of shield for him - though instead of planning a revolt Syl was instead practicing magic and sparring with his new companion. They were just so good together, that Sylael knew in any other situation they would have been the best of friends. Maybe even more. So when he began to suspect that Valerius had feelings for him he barely hesitated to reciprocate. He was certain, totally certain, that Valerius loved him, that they understood each other, and if the situation ever arose he would stand up for what was right.
He’d probably have been right too - Valerius was beginning to learn. But the Lyrium mishap just came too early. Valerius’ failure to act, to own up, felt like the worst kind of betrayal. The fight was awful and tbh they both came out of it wishing they were dead. When Sylael was thrown into jail he was too brokenhearted to think clearly. Again and again he tried to hate Valerius - the memory of his binding spell still burned around his throat, so it should have been easy. He felt like he’d wasted his life, like he’d sold out everything he had. He’d failed his mother, his father and his sister, and he was going to die a worthless and forgotten Tevinter slave.
So when his cell door miraculously opened, and there were no guards in sight, it didn’t take him very long to decide to run the hell away. He disappeared from the tower while Valerius made such a stir over the missing Lyrium it would have been impossible for the Magisters to notice or care about anything else.
He didn’t take his freedom for granted. He put as much distance between himself and tevinter as he possibly could. Stolen clothes and years of watching the Altus, as well as his magic (and a sneaky hood to cover his adorable elf ears) let him connive his way onto a boat headed away from Tevinter. Anywhere would be better. Anywhere that he didn’t have to think about Valerius. Anywhere he could be useful. Anywhere he wasn’t a slave.
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